Wittgenstein and Forms of Life* J
Phil. Soc. Sci. 10 (1980) 241-258 EDlTORS i, J. O. Wisdom John O'Neill 1. C. Jarvie, Monuging Editor Wittgenstein and Forms of Life* J. N. Hattiangadi NICHOLAS F. GIER, Philosophy, University of Idaho !EDKTORIAL BOARD I David Bakan (Psychology. York). L. A. Boland (Economics. Simon \ Fraser), Frank Cunningham (Philosophy. Toronto), Kurt Danziger Ludwig Wittgenstein's concept of 'forms of life' (Lebensformen), though (Psychology. York). W. H. Dray (Philosophy. Ottawa). Robert H. ! mentioned only seven times in all of his published writings,t is, accord Haynes (Biology, York). Melvyn Hill (Social Science, York), Harold ing to leading Wittgenstein scholars, the most significant concept in the Kaplan (Political Science, York). J. J. Leach (Philosophy. Western), later philosophy. 1 Wittgenstein maintains that many traditional T. H. Leith (Natural Science. York), Gordon Lowther (Anthropology. I York), J. W. Mohr (Law, Osgoode), Christopher Nichols (Sociology, f * Received 2.1.79 YorkL P. H. Nowell-Smith (Philosophy. York), L. R. Rubinoff t ABBREVIATIONS: I BB = The Blue and Brown Books, ed. by R. Rhees (Harper Torchbooks, 1969). (Philosophy, Trent). H. T. Wilson (Administrative Studies, York), Neil LC = Lectures and Covnersations, ed. C. Barrett (University of California, 1966). Wood (Political Science, York), J. W. Yolton (Philosophy. Rutgers). NB = Notebooks 1914-1916, trans. G. E. M. Anscombe (HarperTorchbooks, 1961). j OC = On Certainty, trans·. Anscombe and von Wright (Harper Torchbooks, 1969). PHILOSOPHY OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCES is an international quar OCo = On Colour, trans. McAlister & Schiittle (Blackwell, 1977). terly which publishes articles, discussions. symposia, literature sur ~ PG = Philosophical Grammar, trans. Anthony Kenny (Blackwell, 1974). PI = Philosophical Investigations, trans.
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