(No Model.) 3 Sheets-Sheet 1. A. MURE. DEVICE FOR PRESENTING TO STEAM , No. 253,088, Patented Jan. 31, 1882.

N. PETERS. Fhcio.tithographer, Washington, D. C. (No Model.) 3. Sheets-Sheet 2. A, MURE, DEWICE FOR PRESENTING FORGINGS TO STEAM HAMMERS, No. 253,088, Patented Jan. 31, 1882, 1. L- al

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N. peers, Photolithographer, Washington, D.C. (No Model.) 3 Sheets-Sheet 3. A, MURE, DEVICE FOR PRESENTING FORGINGS TO STEAM HAMMERS. No. 253,088, Patented Jan. 31, 1882,


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ANDREW MURE, OF GLASGOW, COUNTY OF LANARK, SCOTLAND. DEVICE FOR PRESENTING FORGINGS TO STEAM - HAMMERS. SPECIFICATION part of Letters Patent No. 253,088, dated January 31, 1882. Application filed December 10, 1881. (No model.) Patented in August 4, 1881. To all chon it may concern: engage the one or the other of its ends with Be it known that I, ANDREWMURE, of Glas the teeth of the wheel c, or to place it in a gow, in the county of Lanark, North Britain, neutral position. A spring catch-piece, f', have invented Improvements in Moving or formed with three V-notches, bears upon the 55 Traversing and Holding Forgings or Ingots un back of the pawlf, and upon the said back of der Steam-Hammers, or equivalent hammering the pawl is a corresponding projection to take apparatus, and in the means employed there into one or other of these V-notches in accord for, (for which I have received Letters Patent ance with the position which the pawl fis to of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and take. A shaft, G, is mounted in bearings (1, Ireland, No. 3,381, dated August 4, 1SS1) of carried by brackets on the framing of the ham which the following is a specification. mer, to which shaft G. a motion of partial rota My said invention has for its object to dis tion is given at each ascent of the by pense as much as possible with the malnual the tup of the said hammer bearing upon a labor at present employed in moving and hold wiper, g, keyed upon the said shaft G. : This 65 ing ingots or forgings upon the of ham shaft G also carries an arm, f, keyed thereto, s mering apparatus by providing machinery for the outer end of the said arm being connected these purposes, consisting of a series of carriers to one end of a connecting-rod, h, the other which are so formed that on being rotated, or end of the said rod h being connected by a slot partly rotated, after the hammer has delivered ted connection with the pawl-lever f'. The rod o a blow they lift and feed the ingot or h is shown as being in two parts, jointed to the being hammered for the next blow of the han arm li”, turning upon the pin it, carried in the e bracketh", attached to the framing of the ham Figure 1 represents in side elevation and mer, so as to give steadiness to the said rodh. Fig. 2 in end elevation machinery constructed The herein before-described mechanism is for 75 according to my invention in position beneath the purpose of rotating the carriers B. The 25 a steam-hammer. Fig. 3 is a plan of the said said carriers B are arranged in two sets, one machinery. set on either side of the anvil X; but all the In a strong framing, A, are carried bearings rolls of both sets are connected by the rods c, a, in which are mounted triangular carriers B, so as to simultaneously receive the same move capable of revolving in the said bearings. The nell t. - - flat surfaces of these carriers B are slightly In order to lift the ingot or forging upon its below the level of the face of the anvil-block edge or side for hammering the ingot or forg X, but the angular edges or apices of the said ing in another direction, the following mech carriers, when uppermost, are above the level anism is provided: Underneath each set of car 85 of the said anvil-block. The carriers B are riers B two shafts, i, are mounted in bearings in 35 coupled together by the rods c, centered to the frauning of the machine, the length of the cranks b, fixed at each end of each carrier B, so said shafts being at rightangles to the length of that the motion given to one carrier is trans the carriers B. Each of these shafts has keyed mitted to the other carriers. Upon the axis of to it a number of arms, i, situated between 90 one of the said carriers is a pinion, d, with which the carriers B, and, when in their lowest posi gears another pinion, e, on a counter-shaft, e, tion, resting in recesses in the framing A, be carried in bearings beneath the said carrier; neath the level of the upper parts of the said and at the opposite end of this counter-shaft carriers B. e' is keyed a ratchet-wheel, e, and a pawl, f, is In bearings l are mounted two shafts, k, 95 carried in the lever f', mounted loosely upon the one for operating the pair of shafts i under one 45 said shaft e. This pawl f is a double-acting set of carriers and the other for operating the pawl, and may be of any suitable construction. pair of shafts i under the other set of carriers. As shown in the drawings, it is mounted by its Each shaft k has keyed to it arms k and k, axis f' in the lever f', one end of this axis f the arm having a hook or eye, to which a IOO projecting and being squared for the reception chain pulled upon by the hammer, as herein So of a handle to turn the pawlf into position to after described, can be attached. The arm k' 2 253,0ss

of each shaft k is connected by the link l to carriers B in one direction lhave caused the the arm l, keyed upon one of the shafts i of ingot or forging to pass beneath the ham each pair of such shafts. The two shafts i of mer, so as to be hammered throughout its each pair are connected together by the arms length, the said ingot or forging is resting upon it, keyed thereto and the connecting-link i', so the set of carriers B at the opposite side of the that the motion given to the one shaft i is anvil from that at which the said in got or forg transmitted to the other in the reverse direc ing approached the ham mer. To pass the in tion, so that the arms i° of both shafts i are got or forging again beneath the hammer, the moved upward. The shafts k are each pro motion of the carriers B is reversed by turn 75 O vided with a friction-pulley, m, and binding ing the rod h over to the other side of the axial clutch m”, which, being tightened upon the said line of the counter-shafte', which can be readily pulley by the screw in", fixes the shafts k and done when the hammer is at the top of its stroke consequently the shafts i and arms i in the and the pawl-lever foonsequently in a vertical, position to which they have been brought. or nearly vertical, position, the slotted connec. The requisite movement to cause the lifting of tion of the rod h to the pawl-lever f' being for the arms i is obtained from the movement of the purpose of allowing of this throwing over of the shaft G, an arm, n, and rod p, similar to the said rod. The pawlf is then reversed by to those, g and h, herein before described for turning it by a handle placed upon the squared giving the motion to the carriers, being con end of its axis.f, so that the V-projection at the 85 nected with the said shaft G at its other end back of the said pawl engages in the V-recess to cause the lifting of an arm, p', to which is at the opposite side of the retaining-spring attached a chain, p", which is connected at its catch-piece f", and movement in a direction other end by a hook or other connection to one opposite to that which was previously given or the other of the arms k', according to which to them is consequently transmitted to the 25 set of arms i* is to be raised-that is to say, carriers B to feed the ingot or forging back whether the arms ” between the carriers on beneath the hammer. When the other sides the one side or those on the other side of the of the ingot or forging are to be haminered anvil are to be raised. Rollers q are placed at the ingot is turned at right angles to its for each end of the framing A to facilitate the re mer position and supported in this position by 95 ception and delivery of the ingot or forging by the arms i°, the movement of the said arms to the machine. effect this being obtained by attaching the When the machine is in operation the ingot chain p° to that arm k" of the shaft k which or forging to be fed under the hammer by the is in connection with the arms of the set of said machine is laid upon the carriers B at one carriers B upon which the ingot or forging is OO 35 side of the anvil X, and at each ascent of the resting, and giving a lift to the hammer to ex hammer the wiper g” is tilted by the tup of ert a pull upon the chain and through the in the hammer coming into contact there with, termediate mechanism cause the lifting of the and a motion of partial rotation is given to arms i. The shaft k is then clamped by the the shaft G, which is transmitted through the friction- m” to retain the arms i' in posi arm g and rod h to the pawl-lever f' and pawl tion. The ingot or forging is now fed forward I o5 f, which, engaging with the ratchet-wheele, beneath the hammer by the motion of the car gives a motion of partial rotation to the coun riers B, as hereinbefore described. When the ter-sha?te', which motion is transmitted to the said ingot or forging has passed the first pair carrier B above through the pinions e and d. of arms i” of the set of carriers on the opposite O 45 The carriers B all being connected together side of the anvil the arms of the opposite by the cranks b and rods c, they all receive a set of carriers are also raised by connecting corresponding motion, the stroke of the pawl the chain p' to the arm k" of the shaft k in con fand the diameters of the pinions e and d be nection with these said arms, and the said shaft ing so proportioned in the example shown as is likewise clamped by its friction-clamp m. So to turn the carriers B through a third of a rev In the arrangement of the tappet g shown I I5 olution at each lift of the hammer. By this in the drawings it will be evident that the movement the ingot or forging (which is indi hammer must be raised to a height sufficient cated at Z) is fed beneath the hammer so as to cause its tup to come into contact with the to rest upon the anvil X, a repetition of the said tappet whether the ingot or forging is said movements thereafter at each lift of the being hammered upon its edge or upon its hammer lifting the ingot or forging, after each flat side. blow of the hammer thereupon, clear of the In order to render it unnecessary to raise anvil and feeding it forward for the next blow. the hammer to as great a height when hammer The position of rest of the carriers B is with ing on the flat side of the ingot or forging, or one or other of their flat sides in a horizontal when the ingot or forging is at but a small ele I 25 position, and each movement of the said car. vation upon the anvil, the arrangement shown riers brings the next succeeding flat sides into in dot-and-pick lines in Figs. 1 and 2 may be a horizontal position, so that the angular parts employed. The shaft G' is carried in brack of the carriers, during the movement thereof, ets at such a distance beneath the shaft G as lift the ingot or forging to carry it clear of the that the tup of the hammer passes it when anvil. When the series of movements of the raised to an insufficient distance to come into

253,0SS 3 contact with the tappet g’. This shaft G° car. turning is required it may be effected by other ries a tappet, G, loose upon the said shaft, but suitable orcouvenient means-as, for example, capable of being engaged with the said shaft by manual labor. So by the clutch G'. Thus when a flat ingot or wish it to be understood that I do not limit forging is being hammered the clutch G' is myself to the precise details herein described, engaged with the boss of the tappet G', and and illustrated in the accompanying drawings, consequently the tup of the hammer, coming as the same may be varied without departing into contact with the said tappet, turns the from the nature of my invention. 55 said shaft G', and through the arms lip', which I claim O are in this case keyed upon the said shaft, op 1. In machinery for moving and holding erates the carriers B and shafts k, as before forgings or ingots under stealin-hammers or described. other hammering apparatus, the carriers B, of Although in the drawings I have shown the a form and operated in a manner to form a sets of carriers B as consisting of four each, resting-surface for the ingot or forging during yet I do not limit myself to this number, as hammering, and to lift and feed the said ingot there may be more or less than four, as may or forging under the hammer between the be found convenient; nor do I limit myself to strokes, as described. the triangular form of the said carriers, as they 2. In machinery for moving and holding may be , elliptical, or of other form, pro forgings or ingots under steam-hammers or vided that they have a portion or portions other hammering apparatus, the combination, which are brought to a level above that of the with the carriers B, of the means for operating. anvil for feeding the ingot or forging forward the same, consisting of the wiperg, acted upon and a portion or portions at or below the level by the hammer, the shaft G, arm g, rod h, of the anvil for the ingot or forging to rest upon pawl-lever f', pawlf, and ratchet-wheele, and 25 while being hammered, essentially as herein shaft e and transmitting-wheels de, as here before described; and, if desired, the angular in before described, and illustrated in the ac edges and surfaces of these carriers may be cut companying drawings, and the combination, a Way at parts, leaving projections upon which with these parts, of the extra shaft G' and tap 75 the ingot or forging rests and is carried for pet G' and clutch G', as and for the purpos ward. Neither no I limit myself to the use of described. w the cranks b and rods c for transmitting the 3. In machinery for moving and holding motion to all the carriers B, as other suitable forgings or ingots under steain -hammers or means may be adopted for this purpose. For Other hammering apparatus, the combination, example, the said motion may be transmitted with the carriers B, of the means for turning 35 by toothed gearing. Neither do I limit myself and supporting the ingot or forging, consist to the means described for giving the requisite ing of the arms kills' k", shafts lic and i i i motion to the carriers B, nor to the means de i, and arms 'i, and their connections, as here scribed for raising the holding and guiding in before described, and illustrated in the ac arms i', as any other suitable or convenient companying drawings. means may be employed for these purposes. In testimony whereof I have signed my name Although I have shown and described the to this specification in the presence of two sub machine as being provided with the arms i° scribing witnesses. for turning and guiding the ingot or forging ANDREW MURE, L. S. to present a fresh surface beneath the ham Witnesses: 45 mer, yet where this is not required the ma ROBERT ADAM GUNN, chine may be constructed without these arms JAMES SMITH BEGG, and their operating appliances; or when such Both of 115 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow,