Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 109 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 109 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 151 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2005 No. 154 Senate The Senate met at 9 a.m. and was RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY MAKING FURTHER CONTINUING called to order by the President pro LEADER APPROPRIATIONS FOR FISCAL tempore (Mr. STEVENS). YEAR 2006 The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Mr. FRIST. I now ask unanimous PRAYER majority leader is recognized. consent the Senate begin consideration The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- f of H.J. Res. 72, which is at the desk. fered the following prayer: The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. ISAK- Let us pray. SON). Is there objection? O God, our Father, fountain of every SCHEDULE The Senator from Louisiana. blessing, during this season of grati- Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, today we Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, I am tude we pause to thank You for the will get off to a quick start in the Sen- reserving the right to object, to speak gifts You have given us and all human- ate. We actually left not that many with the leader for a moment about a ity. Thank You for all the beauty You hours ago, and we are making real situation that is developing at home have placed in our world, for the progress in terms of moving the Na- and one of which he is certainly aware. loveliness of the Earth, sea, and sky. tion’s business forward. This will be a I understand that the motion that Thank You for great art to see, great very busy day. has been put forward would allow the music to hear, great books of prose and Congress to go home for approximately In a moment I will call up the con- poetry to read. Thank You for the 30 days and to come back in the middle tinuing resolution which will keep nimbleness of minds and hands that en- of December to finish our business. I Government operations funded beyond able people to find ways of defeating wanted to ask the leader if it is his in- midnight tonight. We are starting that diseases and easing pain. Thank You tention when we come back to press early. We are voting early this morn- for generous hearts that give to help forward for the supplemental bill that ing, in large part to get it completed the less fortunate. Thank You for our the senior Senator from Mississippi, here and sent to the President so it can power to love and for the opportunities Senator COCHRAN, and others have been be signed by midnight tonight. to lose ourselves in a great cause. working on for relief for the gulf coast. Thank You for the ability to harness Senator HARKIN will have an amend- It is a very important piece of legisla- nature’s forces and to make fertile the ment which we expect to vote on at or tion, and many people, individuals and desert. Thank You for our Senators and around 9:30. After that, I will have businesses, large and small, have been for all who labor many hours with more to say on the schedule itself. But waiting for some direct, significant them for a world at peace. Thank You we do have the continuing resolution, funding. I wanted to ask the leader for our military and the courageous we will have the Harkin amendment, from Tennessee what his intentions are sacrifices of our men and women in we are waiting for several pieces of leg- when we get back, at least as he can harm’s way. islation from the House of Representa- press the Senate and press our col- Above all else, we thank You for sav- tives and several conference reports: leagues in the House to move that ing us by giving us Yourself. Accept MilCon or Military Quality of Life, piece of legislation. this, our sacrifice of thanksgiving and Transportation TTHUD bills, the PA- Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, the issues of praise. TRIOT Act. We also have an adjourn- the distinguished Senator from Lou- Amen. ment resolution we must pass later isiana comments on and mentions are f today and several other conference-re- something we take very seriously here. lated matters. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE As she well knows, my personal com- It is going to be a very busy day. I do mitment, the commitment of leader- The PRESIDENT pro tempore led the ask for the cooperation and patience of ship on both sides of the aisle, is to ad- Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: all Senators as we cover a lot and have dress the issues. We have worked very I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the a number of rollcall votes over the hard, both in a personal sense and in an United States of America, and to the Repub- course of the day. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, institutional sense. With regard to the indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. In terms of the schedule for tomor- latter, we passed 21 separate pieces of f row, or Sunday, or Monday—as the day legislation that have responded to proceeds, as soon as I have information many of the immediate needs. I well RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME brought to me and we determine the recognize these needs are ongoing. We The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under best way to handle that on the floor, I are going to need to stay on top of the previous order, the leadership time will be making those announcements them, which I pledge and leadership is reserved. over the course of the day. pledges to continue to do. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S13283 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 20:52 Jan 30, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2005SENATE\S18NO5.REC S18NO5 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S13284 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 18, 2005 We will be coming back in December, for $.16 billion. We passed a bill for re- schools are having difficulty. The dean depending on the outcome of today, in distribution of campus student aid, an- of LSU Medical School took a job out all likelihood, and we will continue to other bill for Pell grant relief, another of our State. It was announced this address these very important issues. bill for the Community Disaster Loan week. I don’t blame him for leaving be- Several issues we will be addressing Act, for a total of $70.9 billion. cause he doesn’t see any help on the over the course of the day as well. Those are the things that have way. It is one of the great medical Ms. LANDRIEU. I ask the leader, if I passed the Senate and the House. If schools in the country. could, please, I understand, I want the you look at the things passed by the Finally, FEMA—to pour salt on the leader to know, we have passed 21 Senate, there are another nine bills for wound, to make sure we were all hav- pieces of legislation. I take him at his $9 billion: the Deficit Reduction Act, ing just the very best Thanksgiving we word. It has been very hard to follow as Sarbanes housing amendment, the could possibly have—announced that these things have moved so quickly, in Snowe small business amendment, the they are going to make us homeless for some cases, and not so quickly in oth- Katrina education reimbursement bill, the holiday and has announced that on ers. But I want to make a point and the Baucus economic development December 1, everyone who is in a shel- ask the leader that. Because we pass amendment, the Byrd unemployment ter or a hotel in the country—they do legislation does not necessarily mean HHS IG amendment, the Harkin legal not have an accurate number, so they it has been effective. Sometimes Con- services amendment—all of which have do not know how many, and if they do gress has a way of passing legislation, been passed by the Senate, this body. not know how many, how are they but that is not any guarantee it is ac- I want my colleagues and the Amer- planning to help them? But believe me, tually working. ican people to understand we are act- there are thousands who are now going As the Senator from Tennessee ing and we are moving. We have a lot to be put on the streets and will be knows, the members of the Louisiana more to do, which I think is the impor- homeless for the holidays. delegation, joined at times by members tance of the supplemental. The distin- I just tell my colleagues as respect- of the Mississippi delegation, have con- guished chairman, who is here on the fully as I can that when we are sitting sistently said that money given to floor, knows we are focused on it and around our tables—and I will be at a FEMA is not making its way to the there is going to need to be more as- different table, and many people from hands of people in businesses. As the sistance there in order to renew and re- Louisiana will not be at the table which they usually are to have leader knows, the housing money has build and respond. This body under- Thanksgiving dinner. I will be at a dif- been very difficult for people to get.