Xanthomonas Maltophilia Endophthalmitis After Cataract
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CASE REPORTS AND SMALL CASE SERIES Report of Cases. Case 1. An 80- later, X maltophilia was isolated from year-old woman was evaluated for in- the culture that was resistant to cefta- Xanthomonas maltophilia creasing pain and decreased vision in zidime but sensitive to amikacin sul- Endophthalmitis After the left eye, 2 weeks after unevent- fate (Table 2). However, her clini- Cataract Surgery ful clear-corneal phacoemulsifica- cal condition continued to improve, tion and posterior chamber intraocu- with resolution of the hypopyon; vi- lar lens (IOL) insertion. Her medical sual acuity returned to 20/50 OS. A Xanthomonas maltophilia, previ- history was unremarkable. Visual small amount of retained lens cor- ously known as Pseudomonas malto- acuity in the affected eye was hand tex was noted at the 6-o’clock posi- philia and Stenotrophomonas malto- movements. Clinical findings in- tion. Gradual tapering of topical philia, is a gram-negative motile cluded a 5% hypopyon and marked medications was begun. bacillus that can be isolated from hu- vitritis. Vitreous tap was performed Three weeks after the initial man, animal, and environmental through the pars plana, and the pa- treatment, she returned with visual sources.1 It may cause potentially life- tient was given intravitreal injec- acuity in the left eye of light percep- threatening opportunistic systemic tions of ceftazidime, 2.25 mg; van- tion and recurrent hypopyon. Vitre- infections.1,2 Most isolates demon- comycin hydrochloride, 1.0 mg; and ous tap was performed and intravit- strate multidrug resistance, making dexamethasone sodium phosphate, real injections of amikacin sulfate, 0.4 it a highly virulent organism. Post- 0.4 mg. On the first day after the ini- mg, and dexamethasone sodium operative endophthalmitis caused by tial treatment, a combined regimen phosphate, 0.4 mg, were given. Cul- X maltophilia is rare. To date, only 2 was started with topical fortified cefta- tures of the vitreous aspirate were case reports have been published.3,4 zidime, vancomycin, and 1% pred- again positive for X maltophilia. Dur- We describe 4 additional patients nisolone acetate, every hour, and 1% ing the next 48 hours, she devel- with postoperative X maltophilia en- atropine sulfate, 3 times daily. No sys- oped worsening intraocular inflam- dophthalmitis treated between Janu- temic antibiotic therapy was used. mation; the visual acuity remained ary 1, 1996, and March 31, 1999, at Gram stain of the vitreous aspirate re- light perception. Pars plana vitrec- the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, Mi- vealed many neutrophils, but no or- tomy was performed and intravit- ami, Fla (Table 1). ganisms were identified. Three days real injections of amikacin sulfate, 0.4 Table 1. Treatment Outcomes of Xanthomonas maltophilia Endophthalmitis* Visual Acuity Time to Initial Intravitreal Initial Time to Subsequent Treatment Patient No. Surgery Infection, d Treatment (Dosage) PPV Recurrence, d (Dosage) Initial Final 1 PE and PCIOL 14 Vancomycin hydrochloride − 21 Intravitreal injection of amikacin HM 20/50 (1.0 mg), ceftazidime sulfate (0.4 mg), followed by (2.25 mg), and PPV, and repeat intravitreal dexamethasone sodium injection of amikacin sulfate phosphate (0.4 mg) (0.4 mg) 2 PE and PCIOL 26 Vancomycin hydrochloride − None None HM 20/30 (1.0 mg), ceftazidime (2.25 mg), and dexamethasone sodium phosphate (0.4 mg) 3 ECCE and PCIOL 6 Amikacin sulfate and − 45 PPV and intravitreal injection of 20/200 20/30 cefazolin sodium† vancomycin hydrochloride (1.0 mg) and ceftazidime (2.25 mg) 4 ECCE and PCIOL 5 Vancomycin hydrochloride + 7 Intravitreal injection of LP 20/400 (1.0 mg), ceftazidime ceftazidime (2.25 mg) 32 and (2.25 mg), and subsequent PPV for dexamethasone sodium nonclearing vitreous opacities phosphate (0.4 mg) *PPV indicates pars plana vitrectomy; PE, phacoemulsification; PCIOL, posterior chamber intraocular lens implant; minus sign, no initial PPV was performed; HM, hand movements; ECCE, extracapsular cataract extraction; plus sign, an initial PPV was performed; and LP, light perception. †Dosages not known. ARCH OPHTHALMOL / VOL 118, APR 2000 WWW.ARCHOPHTHALMOL.COM 572 ©2000 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: https://jamanetwork.com/ on 09/30/2021 mg,anddexamethasonesodiumphos- sistent anterior chamber reaction Palmer Eye Institute for further phate,0.4mg,wereadministered.Dur- (2+) with retained lens cortex at the management of his condition. ing the vitrectomy, the silicone plate 5-o’clock position and was given a Best-corrected visual acuity was posterior chamber IOL dislocated into sub-Tenon injection of dexametha- 20/200 OS. The cornea was slightly the vitreous cavity but was positioned sone sodium phosphate, 40 mg, by edematous, with anterior chamber into the anterior chamber with a plan her ophthalmologist. Two days later, cells (2+ to 3+) but no hypopyon. The to exchange the IOL at a later date. At the visual acuity in the left eye de- posterior chamber IOL was in the bag the 9-month follow-up visit, visual creased to hand movements. Clini- with fluffy white cortical material for acuity was 20/50 OS and the vitritis cal findings included a 5% hypo- about 3 clock-hours. Dilated fun- resolved (Figure). pyon, vitritis, and no view of the dus examination revealed vitritis (2+) Case 2. A 70-year-old woman retina. A vitreous aspirate was per- with optic disc hyperemia and cys- was referred with increasing pain and formed, and she was given intravit- toid macular edema. The patient un- redness in her left eye. One month real injections of ceftazidime, 2.25 derwent an uncomplicated pars plana earlier, she underwent phacoemul- mg; vancomycin hydrochloride, 1.0 vitrectomy, partial capsulectomy, and sification and insertion of a poste- mg; and dexamethasone sodium received intravitreal injections of rior chamber IOL. Her early postop- phosphate, 0.4 mg. Cultures of the ceftazidime, 2.25 mg, and vancomy- erative course was uneventful, and vitreous aspirates were positive for X cin hydrochloride, 1.0 mg. Several she recovered 20/25 OS visual acu- maltophilia that was resistant to cefta- days later, X maltophilia was iso- ity by week 2. However, she had per- zidime but sensitive to amikacin lated from the culture of vitreous as- (Table 2). However, the patient had pirates that was sensitive to ceftazi- an excellent response to intravitreal dime but resistant to amikacin (Table Table 2. In Vitro Antibiotic ceftazidime treatment and 3 months 2). The vitritis resolved; visual acu- Sensitivities of Xanthomonas later, best-corrected visual acuity was ity improved to 20/30 OS at the maltophilia in Our Study* 20/30 OS and the vitritis resolved. 8-month follow-up visit. Case 3. A 46-year-old man Case 4. A 48-year-old man un- Patient No. developed pain and irritation 5 derwent an uneventful extracapsu- days after undergoing extracapsular lar cataract extraction with insertion Antibiotic 1 234 cataract extraction and posterior of posterior chamber IOL in his right Ceftazidime R R S S chamber IOL implantation in his eye in Nicaragua. Because of the Amikacin S S R R Gentamicin R R R R left eye. In Venezuela, he was diag- marked intraocular inflammation on Tobramycin S S R R nosed as having postoperative the fifth postoperative day, a clinical Ciprofloxacin S S R S endophthalmitis and was treated diagnosis of postoperative endoph- Imipenem R R R R with vitreous tap and intravitreal thalmitis was made and he was treated Polymyxin B S S S S injections of amikacin and cefazo- with subconjunctival gentamicin and Sulfamethoxazole- S SSR lin sodium. Vitreous cultures were topical tobramycin-prednisone drops trimethoprim reported to yield gram-negative every hour. Seventy-two hours after *All isolates were resistant to vancomycin. rods and were read as possible the first treatment, the patient was Sensitivities tested using the automated Vitek Escherichia coli. Initially, the seen by us. Visual acuity in the oper- test system (bioMerieux Vitek Inc, St Louis, Mo) patient showed improvement in ated eye was light perception with a and confirmed using the conventional disc clinical signs but developed recur- 20% hypopyon and no view of the diffusion method and the “E” test (AB Biodisk, Newark, NJ). R indicates resistant; rent inflammation after 6 weeks posterior pole. The patient under- S, sensitive. and was referred to the Bascom went pars plana vitrectomy with Case 1. Left, Three weeks after the initial treatment with iniravitreal injections of antibiotics, the clinical examination showed recurrent hypopyon and pupillary fibrin. Visual acuity in the left eye was light perception. Right, Nine months following pars plana vitrectomy and treatment with intravitreal antibiotics, the anterior segment inflammation has resolved. Note the silicone plate posterior chamber intraocular lens positioned in the anterior chamber. ARCH OPHTHALMOL / VOL 118, APR 2000 WWW.ARCHOPHTHALMOL.COM 573 ©2000 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: https://jamanetwork.com/ on 09/30/2021 intravitreal injection of ceftazidime, rate cultures yielded X maltophilia favorable clinical response to initial 2.25 mg; vancomycin hydrochlo- that was sensitive to ceftazidime but intravitreal therapy despite organ- ride, 1.0 mg; and dexamethasone resistant to all aminoglycosides, qui- ism resistance. Intravitreal injection sodium phosphate, 0.4 mg. In addi- nolones, and other b-lactam antibi- of antibiotics provides high initial tion, he was started on a regimen of otics. Treatment included removal of concentrations of antibiotics that are topical fortified ceftazidime, vanco- the ganciclovir implant, pars plana vi- well in excess of the minimum in- mycin, and 1% prednisolone trectomy, and administration of in- hibitory concentrations against sus- acetate, every hour, and 1% atro- travitreal and systemic ceftazidime. ceptible organisms. However, in pa- pine sulfate, 3 times daily. Vitreous Kaiser et al4 recently reported a tient 4, the organism was sensitive to cultures were positive for X malto- case of X maltophilia endophthalmi- the ceftazidime but endophthalmi- philia that was sensitive to ceftazi- tis 6 days after cataract extraction in tis still recurred.