Eye on the News
[email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:XI Issue No:183 Price: Afs.20 www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimeswww.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 01. 2017 -Dalw 13, 1395 HS PowerfulAfghangovernor pushesforroleonnationalstage Atta Mohammad Noor, one of terview at his house in the capital, tionally the strongest ethnic Af- Afghanistan’s most powerful re- where hundreds of visitors and ghan group that is often viewed gional leaders, is in talks with Pres- petitioners crowd in daily to seek with suspicion by Tajiks and oth- ident Ashraf Ghani to join the cen- er minority communities. tral government, a move that could Noor’s relations with Ghani shake up the country’s politics have been strained in the past, and ahead of elections scheduled for the president tried to dismiss him 2019. Negotiations have been go- as Balkh governor. (Reuters) ing on for weeks, and while the outcome is uncertain and it is un- 20 Daesh militants clear what role Noor would take if any, his ambitions have implica- killed by own bomb tions for the balance of power be- in Zabul tween Ghani and government co- leader, Abdullah Abdullah. AT Monitoring Desk “I am here in Kabul to contin- ue my negotiations with the pres- KABUL: At least 20 loyalists of ident,” Noor told Reuters in an in- the Islamic State, aka, Daesh ter- rorist group were killed in a pre- AT Monitoring Desk his help. mature bomb explosion in south- Laghman, Parwan, Bamyan, weather. Currently main roads suffering badly in northern and Haqqani-linked “If our negotiations succeed, ern Zabul province of the country, KABUL: Halima Sadat, the pro- Nuristan and Panjshir are the prov- connecting one province to anoth- central provinces as a result of we will leave Balkh to new and officials said on Monday.