Ecology and Management of Larix Forests: a Look Ahead Proceedings of an International Symposium

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Ecology and Management of Larix Forests: a Look Ahead Proceedings of an International Symposium Ecology and Management of Larix Forests: A Look Ahead Proceedings of an International Symposium Whitefish, Montana, U.S.A. October 5-9, 1992 Compilers: Wyman C. Schmidt Kathy J. McDonald Duchesne, L. C.; Lelu, M. A; von Aderkas, P.; Charest, Klimaszewska, K 1989. Plantlet development from imma­ P. J. 1992. Microprojectile-mediated DNA delivery in ture zygotic embryos of hybrid larch through somatic haploid and diploid embryogenic cells of Larix spp. embryogenesis. Plant Science. 63: 95-103. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. [In press]. Klimaszewska, K; Ward, C.; Cheliak, W. M. 1992. Cryo­ Ellis, D. D.; McCabe, D.; McInnis, S.; Martinell, B.; preservation and plant regeneration from embryogenic Roberts, D.; McCown, B. 1991. Transformation of white cultures oflarch (Larix x eurolepis) and black spruce spruce by electrical discharge particle acceleration. In: (Picea mariana). Journal of Expermental Botany. 43: Haissing, B. E.; Kirk, T. K; Olsen, W. L.; Raffa, K F.; 73-79. Slavicek, J. M., eds. Applications of biotechnology-to Lelu, M. A; Klimaszewska, K K; Jones, C.; Ward, C.; tree culture, protection and utilization. United States von Aderkas, P.; Charest, P. J. 1992. A laboratory guide Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Columbus, to somatic embryogenesis in spruce and larch. Petawawa OH:I02. National Forestry Institute. Information Report. Huang, Y.; Diner, AM.; Karnosky, D. F. 1991. Agrobacter­ PI-X-Ul (submitted for publication). ium rhizogenes-mediated genetic transformation and von Aderkas, P.; Klimaszewska, K K; Bonga, J . M. 1990. regeneration of a conifer: oorix decidua. In: Vitro Cell. Diploid and haploid embryogenesis in Larix leptolepis, Dev. BioI. 27P: 201-207. L. decidua and their reciprocal hybrids. Canadian Jour­ nal of Forest Research. 20: 9-14. Knowledge-Based Systems for Larix Forests Jjmmie D. Chew and Elizabeth D. Reinhardt We have the information necessary to manage natural function. The interpretation of changes will be used to de­ resources wisely, but it is often difficult to access and use. sign desired landscapes. Differences between current and The information is often fragmented, unwieldy, and time desired landscapes can identify where management ac­ consuming to use. Methods of sharing, distributing, and tivities are needed to achieve and maintain ecosystem applying this knowledge are not well developed. But so­ functioning. cial demands have resulted in increasing complexity in re­ source management, and economic considerations demand that we look for more efficient ways to capture our knowl­ edge and make it usable. STAND DIAGNOSIS SYSTEM A combination of fundamental concepts from systems Whether or not one has used a landscape-level analysis science and principles from artificial intelligence can be to identify large, contiguous areas of stands that need to used to develop a broad category of decision support sys­ be evaluated for treatment needs, the stand diagnosis ex­ tems known as knowledge-based systems. For the Larix pert system (Chew 1989) is available. This knowledge­ forests of the Northern Rockies, several knowledge-based based system is called an expert system because it cap­ systems exist in various stages of development to help tures the expertise of silviculturists in diagnosis in the make information accessible and to interpret it for appli­ silvicultural prescription process. This step compares the cation. These systems cover the range of scales from existing stand to a desired future condition, a target stand, landscape analysis to individual stand prescriptions. and identifying possible treatment needs. Silviculturists' and other resource specialists' knowledge in identifying stand conditions that are necessary to meet specific re­ LANDSCAPE ANALYSIS SYSTEM source objectives on specific types of sites, is captured A knowledge-based system is currently being developed within the target stands. Stocking level concepts in the to provide a framework for the application of the Forest Regional Silvicultural Practices Handbook are a funda­ Service's Northern Region's ecosystem management effort. mental part of the target stand. Limitations on harvest This system will use concepts associated with landscape methods identified by Forest Plans or habitat type guide­ structure, function, and change. Rule-based components lines are used. Insect and disease information is incorpo­ will be used to identify structure and make inferences for rated as hazard ratings. The system captures local vari­ function. Knowledge on ecosystem processes will be used ables such as how suitable leave trees are defined and to identify the probability of change in both structure and how one determines the feasibility of removing oversto­ ries. The system is available for National Forests within the Northern Region. Jimmie D. Chew is Forester, Subalpine Silviculture Research Work The treatment alternatives developed by the system are Unit, and Elizabeth D. Reinhardt is Research Forester, Fire Effects Re­ not prescriptions. Additional interdisciplinary work is search Work Unit, United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Ser­ vice, Intermountsin Research Ststion, Missoula, MT 59807, U.S.A. necessary before a choice can be made from the possible 476 treatments. For the chosen treatment, the silviculturist experience. A knowledge-based system (Reinhardt and has to develop a sequence of detailed activities that com­ others, in press) was developed to retrieve both technical pose the prescription. and qualitative information and interpret it for applica­ tion. Site data and the manager's objectives for treating the site with prescribed fIre are user inputs to the expert STAND CULTURE SYSTEM system. The system develops a fIre prescription: ranges of acceptable fIre effects, a description of the desired fIre To help prepare the detailed prescriptions, another sys­ treatment, and a range of conditions under which to bum tem is being developed to use the existing research knowl­ to achieve the desired treatments and effects. The system's edge that is available for stand culture. The results of re­ performance was validated using data from research bums search at Miller Creek and Coram Experimental Forest in a variety offorest types throughout the Interior West on thinning and regeneration of western larch will pro­ of the United States. It performed well within the limited vide the initial basis for the system. Concepts in stand geographical domain of that area. dynamics will be incorporated into the system. This know­ ledge will be combined with many tools that are currently available at the Forest and District level such as rating REFERENCES guides for thinning stands. The system will provide a ve­ hicle for technology transfer and consistency in making Chew, J. D. 1989. An expert system for the diagnosis of sure knowledge is applied at the prescription level. stand treatment needs. In: ArtifIcial intelligence and growth models for forest management decisions confer­ ence proceedings. International Union of Forest Re­ PRESCRIBED FIRE SYSTEM search Organizations, September 18-22, 1989. Vienna, Austria: 288-297. Prescribed fIre is used to manipulate forest ecosystems Reinhardt, E. D.; Wright, A. H.; Jackson, D. H. [In press]. to accomplish a variety of resource management objec­ Development and validation of a knowledge-based sys­ tives. Managers use information from a variety of sources tem to design fIre prescriptions. AI Applications. 6(4). that include results of scientifIc research and of their own Can Western Larch Plantations Survive and Grow on the East Slope of the Montana Rockies? Dennis M. Cole and JackA. Schmidt With minor local exceptions, the range of western larch the plantations, neither percent survival nor the origin (Larix occidentalis Nutt.) is restricted to mountainous of planting stock could be determined in most cases. maritime-influenced areas west of the Continental Divide However, from visual examinations, we conclude that in the United States and Canada. Frost effects on the some of the larch in each plantation will likely persist­ flowering and seed production phases are often factors perhaps even to maturity. limiting natural regeneration of western larch. However, The major factor limiting fully successful establishment it has long been known that planted western larch can sur­ at all sites was frost damage to terminal leaders. This vive and grow east of the Continental Divide in Montana. For some years, we have heard of western larch being planted on different eastside Ranger Districts in National \"\ 21 Forests, so we made a survey of them, and of personnel of "', other agencies, to fInd out more. We were informed of 15 \ 3 "\, western larch plantings east of the Divide and were able .. ' to locate nine of them (fIg. 1), each representing a differ­ ( ____ Continental Divide ent forest habitat type (table 1). Elevations of the plant­ """': ing sites ranged from 1,340 to 2,164 m, and ages of the plantings ranged from 11 to 25 years. \5 4 Montana General differences in survival, development, and con­ ..- dition of the planted western larch could be seen between ... /6·····.) the different plantations. Because few records exist on 7 Dennis M. Cole is Research Silviculturist, United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station, Bozeman, MT. Jack A Schmidt is Forester, Intermountain Research Station, Missoula, MT. Figure 1-Locations of plantations. 477 Ecology and Management of Larix Forests: A Look Ahead Proceedings of an International Symposium
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