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[email protected] by October 31, 2012 Dress: Business Attire Page 11 OOP-2012-00793 Farewell of the Lieutenant Governor Ceremony Thursday, November 1, 2012 Guest List Attending Keith Archer Ph.D. Ms. Donna Barnett, M.L.A. Chief Electoral Officer of BC Cariboo - Chilcotin Parliamentary Secretary for Rural Communities to the Minister Community, Sport and Cultural Development The Honourable Patrick Bell The Honourable Stephanie Cadieux Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training and Minister of Children and Family Development Minister Responsible for Labour Mr. Ron Cantelon, M.L.A. Mr. Raj Chouhan, M.L.A. Parksville-Qualicum Burnaby - Edmonds Mr. Murray Coell, M.L.A. The Honourable Rich Coleman Saanich North and the Islands Minister of Energy, Mines and Natural Gas and Minister Responsible for Housing and Deputy Premier The Honourable Michael de Jong Q.C.