Gurdial S. (Dale) Badh Group See our ad Special Oered at on the back page Broadmoor, Seafair, and Sands Plaza Ironwood locations See our ad on Page 12. VOL. 2 ISSUE 21 778.297.5005 Mid-November 2018 FRESHSLICE.COM CHRISTMAS FUNDRAISER KICKS OFF Bring your unwrapped toys and donations to Ironwood Mall Nov. 17, from 8 a.m. to noon 03 Photo by Chung Chow From left, RCMP Const. David Purghart, the RCMP’s Safety Bear, and Richmond Christmas Fund’s Wayne Duzita, Michael Chiu and Rob Howard, are urging locals to visit Ironwood Mall this Saturday Nov. 17 from 8 a.m. to noon for a toy drive and pancake breakfast benefitting the Richmond Christmas Fund. Full Name Day Time Phone WIN $500 Must be 19 years of age or older. No employees/ Drop off the entry form below at: GARDEN CITY owners/ families of Garden • Buchan’s Kerrisdale Stationery City Shopping Center may • Dany Vision GREEN DOLLARS! enter. One entry per person. 2 | Mid-November 2018 RICHMOND SENTINEL TORINO Now Pre Selling ONE, TWO & THREE BEDROOM RESIDENCES. PENTHOUSES WITH ROOF DECKS. Torino will feature landscaped courtyards, gardens, re pits, benches and alfresco dining areas. It will also be a stones throw away from a park and the new proposed Capstan Canada Line Station. When complete, getting around town or communting to work will be a breeze. Sales Centre and Display Suites 3220 No. 3 Road, Richmond B.C. (entrance at Sea Island Way and Sexmith Road) TorinoLiving.ca Open 12 - 5pm Daily (Fridays By Appointment) 604.303.0148 DEVELOPED BY richmondsentinel.ca Mid-November 2018 COMMUNITY | 3 Fireside chat Registration opens Nov. 24 for on voting Richmond Christmas Fund referendum By LORRAINE GRAVES By DON FENNELL @LGSentinel @DFSentinel f your budget means you cannot offer he Richmond Sentinel Iyour family a Christmas dinner or gifts Twill be presenting an ex- under the tree, the Richmond Christ- clusive fireside chat on the mas Fund offers help and hope. The upcoming provincial refer- fund mobilizes the community's spirit endum on electoral reform of giving to make holiday wishes come on Tuesday, Nov. 13 starting true for over 2,000 low-income Rich- at 11 a.m. mond residents each festive season. Available on The Rich- And the need is growing. mond Sentinel’s Facebook "In 2017, our service delivery numbers page (/TheRichmondSen- increased by 25 per cent, to over 2,100 tinel), the discussion will people," says Ed Gavsie, president and be hosted by well-known CEO of Richmond Cares, Richmond TV host Jim Gordon (The Gives (RCRG). Travel Guys and Our City Operated by RCRG, the Christmas Tonight). Chung Chow photo Fund is non-religious and fully inclu- BC Liberal leader Andrew The 4th annual Richmond RCMP Toy Drive will be held on Nov. 17 at Ironwood sive. Anyone who needs help, and Wilkinson is scheduled to Mall and will benefit he Richmond Christmas Fund. meets the program's eligibility criteria, attend along with Rich- can use it. All you have to do is bring You can then select your children’s urday, Nov. 17, from 8 a.m. to noon at mond’s four Liberal MLAs: your documentation and register. gifts from the Christmas Fund Toy Ironwood Mall Linda Reid, Teresa Wat, Registration opens Nov. 24 and runs Room while, for your 13 to17-year-olds, • 2018 Windows of Hope at Rich- John Yap and Jas Johal. The the following three Saturdays through you will receive gift cards. mond Auto Mall on Wednesday, Nov. NDP and Green parties will Dec. 15 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Rich- "The Christmas Fund is a grassroots, 21 also be sending representa- mond Caring Place, 7000 Minoru Blvd. community-driven program," says • Giving Tuesday at River Rock Casi- tives. at Granville Avenue. You take home Gavsie. "The vast majority of our do- no Resort on Tuesday, Nov. 27 The fireside chat with your family’s Christmas gifts, the day nations come from regular Richmond • A Not So Silent Night at Audi Rich- Wilkinson and the MLAs you register. residents and businesses, who simply mond showroom at Richmond Auto will take place at 11 a.m., fol- For registration, you will need picture want to brighten the holidays for their Mall on Wednesday, Nov. 28 lowed by Sat Harwood, chair identification for yourself and Care- neighbours in need." • 12th Annual Victor Ghirra Toy Drive of the BC Green Party’s pro- Cards for all your family members being For information on how to access or from Dec. 1 to 15 at Riverside Banquet vincial council, at noon; and registered, proof of Richmond residen- how to donate to the Christmas Fund Hall, 14500 River Rd. referendum spokesperson cy, and an original document showing go to www.rcrg.org or call 604-279- • Christmas Fund Gift Wrap at Lans- Amandeep Singh—an NDP you are enrolled in an approved gov- 7035. downe Centre from Dec. 1 to 24 member who in 2017 was ernment income assistance program. Other Richmond Christmas Fund • 2018 Christmas Classic Car Cruise a Richmond-Queensbor- According to RCRG, the day you reg- events include: on Sunday, Dec. 2 from 12:15 to 2:30 in ough candidate who lost to ister, you will receive up to four grocery • 4th annual Richmond RCMP Toy Steveston Village MLA Jas Johal by just 124 vouchers (while daily supplies last). Drive and Pancake Breakfast on Sat- •[email protected] votes—at 1 p.m. Remax Crest Realty PersonalAJ Real Bains Estate Corporation 5731 No.3 Road, Richmond, BC,V6X 2C9 AJ Bains 604-725-0008 Office Phone: 604 370 2111 Website:www.ajbains.com | Facebook: Aj Bains | Instagram: theajbains 4 | Mid-NovemberCelebrating 2018 25 Years!!!RICHMOND SENTINEL TakeCelebratingCelebrating advantage of our best 2525 prices Years!!!Years!!! of the year!! CelebratingTakeTakeCelebrating advantageadvantage ofof ourour 25 bestbest 25 Years!!! pricesprices Years!!! ofof thethe year!!year!! 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Proudly prescribing all major hearing aid brands. Proudly prescribing all major hearing aid brands. richmondsentinel.ca Mid-November 2018 COMMUNITY | 5 Our journey as international students in Richmond By MICHAEL MA derstand the language” Elsa said. “I International Student struggled with my English 12 essay, it is so hard for me,” she said. hen I was young, I often won- How is school here different from Wdered if one day I would be back home? studying in a foreign country with a “In China, we have eight or nine vastly different culture. classes per day, whereas here we This innocent wonder has become only have 4 blocks. Also, we have a a reality after I moved to Richmond lot of homework back in China,” Ka- in 2015. cie said. During the past three years, I Chris disagreed. found many of my fellow interna- “I feel like I need to do more home- tional peers have also made similar work here in Canada; back in Chile, decisions yet we held diverse views we literally have no homework.” Photo submitted regarding the experiences as an in- Rinaa agreed with Kacie “Schools McRoberts Secondary international student Michael Ma is joined by ternational student. in Japan are kind of strict, I think schoolmates Kacie, Rinaa, Elsa and Chris. Currently in the Richmond school here is better. Schools here are more district, about 1 in 20 students are in- family here in Richmond and I have ing from a dependent daughter of free and relaxed.” ternational students. visited this city before. I simply like my parents to independent adult- Although the views are varied At Hugh McRoberts Secondary, it.” hood.” Kacie said. from nationalities and cultural back- we have 105 international students, Rinaa, who lives with a local “I vividly remembered the first time grounds, one thing they all agreed hitting 10 per cent of the total pop- homestay family, said her main goal to buy a SkyTrain ticket, and how I upon is that schools here in Rich- ulation.
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