Systematics of Smaller Asian Night Birds Based on Voice
SYSTEMATICS OF SMALLER ASIAN NIGHT BIRDS BASED ON VOICE BY JOE T. MARSHALL ORNITHOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS NO. 25 PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION 1978 SYSTEMATICS OF SMALLER ASIAN NIGHT BIRDS BASED ON VOICE BY JOE T. MARSHALL ORNITHOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS NO. 25 PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION 1978 Frontispiece: Otus icterorhynchus?stresemanni of Sumatra, with apologiesto G. M. Sutton and The Birdsof Arizona. The absenceof wings,far from implyingflightlessness, emphasizes the important parts of the plumagefor speciescomparisons--the interscapulars and flanks. These "control" the more variablepatterns of head and wings,which will always be in harmonywith the basicpattern of back and flanks. ORNITHOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS This series, publishedby the American Ornithologists'Union, has been estab- lished for major papers too long for inclusionin the Union's journal, The Auk. Publication has been subsidizedby funds from the National Fish and Wildlife Laboratory, Washington, D.C. Correspondenceconcerning manuscripts for publicationin this seriesshould be addressedto the Editor-elect, Dr. Mercedes S. Foster, Department of Biology, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida 33620. Copiesof OrnithologicalMonographs may be orderedfrom the Assistantto the Treasurer of the AOU, Glen E. Woolfenden,Department of Biology, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida 33620. (See price list on back and inside back cover.) OrnithologicalMonographs No. 25, viii + 58 pp., separatephonodisc supple- ment. Editor, John William Hardy Special Associate Editors of this issue, Kenneth C. Parkes, Section of Birds, Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania15213, and Oliver L. Austin, Jr., Departmentof Natural Sciences,Florida State Museum, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611. Assistant Editor, June B. Gabaldon Author, Joe T. Marshall, Bird Section, National Fish and Wildlife Laboratory, National Museumof Natural History, Washington,D.C.
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