Madagascar Comprehensive II 2019 6th October to 26th October 2019 (21 Days)

Trip Report

Long-tailed Ground Roller by Greg de Klerk

Trip report compiled by Tour Leader: Greg de Klerk

Trip Report – RBL Madagascar – Comprehensive II 2019 2

Tour Summary The tour began with a birding session at Tsimbazaza Zoo followed by a wonderful visit to Lake Alorobia in the sprawling capital of Madagascar, Antananarivo. With a lack of suitable habitat within the city, the zoo and Lake Alorobia provided a haven for an array of species, and we managed to add some wonderful species to our lists including White-faced Whistling Duck, Knob-billed Duck, Hottentot Teal, Meller's Duck, Red- billed Teal, Black-crowned Night Heron, Squacco Heron, Malagasy Pond Heron, Western Cattle Egret, Great Egret, Black Heron, Dimorphic Egret, Yellow-billed Kite, Common Moorhen, Malagasy Coucal, Malagasy Kingfisher, Olive Bee-eater, Madagascan Hoopoe, Malagasy Kestrel, Malagasy Bulbul, Mascarene Martin, Malagasy Brush Warbler, Malagasy White- eye, Madagascan Stonechat, Souimanga Malagasy Kingfisher by Greg de Klerk Sunbird, Red Fody, Madagascan Mannikin, and Madagascan Wagtail before settling for a good welcome dinner at our well-appointed guest house where we had the opportunity to meet and greet our fellow participants before retiring for the night.

An early departure from Tana the following morning saw us make slow progress on the road out of the capital through swathes of rice paddies which played host to a few wetland species such as Hamerkop, Dimorphic Egret and Great Egret. A long drive followed as we navigated the winding National road linking the capital to the nearest seaport, making headway on our journey to Andasibe while also adding Malagasy Palm Swift, Brown-throated Martin and Chabert Vanga. We finally arrived a short while after midday to rainy and cool conditions. While enjoying our lunch, we were entertained by a wonderful birding party that produced Blue Coua, Red-tailed Vanga, Blue Vanga, Common Newtonia, Madagascan , Crested , Malagasy Paradise Flycatcher, Common Jery, Malagasy Green Sunbird, Madagascan Blue Pigeon and Nelicourvi Weaver while we ate.

Having satiated our appetites, we decided to head out for a spot of birding in the local guides park where the rainfall increased Malagasy Paradise Flycatcher by Greg de Klerk rapidly but still allowed us to connect with Rainforest Scops Owl, Madagascan Owl and Rand's Warbler while Brown Lemur and Indri were also seen before returning to our lodge in the late afternoon, soaking wet and a little cold, while shortly afterward, we enjoyed dinner and settled for a relaxing night’s rest.

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An early start to the next morning saw us heading into Mantadia National Park in search of the elusive Ground Rollers. The weather, however, had different ideas, as more rain had set in overnight and continued throughout the day. This made conditions within the rain forest exceptionally challenging; both birding and walking were affected, leaving us frustrated by a lack of activity while getting soaking wet. Yet to our credit, we marched on and managed to locate Madagascan Grebe, Madagascan Harrier- Hawk, Frances's Sparrowhawk, Madagascan Buzzard, Madagascan Flufftail, Madagascan Rail, Madagascan Cuckoo, Western Barn Owl, Cuckoo Roller, Greater Vasa Parrot, White-headed Vanga, Tylas Vanga, Crossley's Vanga, Madagascan Swamp Warbler, White-throated Oxylabes, Spectacled Tetraka, Stripe-throated Jery, Madagascan Starling and many glimpses of Rainforest Scops Owl by Greg de Klerk other less obliging species while also viewing Red-bellied Lemur before we embarked on a night walk producing Geoffroy's Dwarf Lemur, Goodman's Mouse Lemur, Eastern Woolly Lemur, Short-horned Chameleon and Nose-horned Chameleon before returning to camp and the warmth of our accommodations.

Our second full day in Perinet started with cloudy conditions which soon turned to fantastic sunny conditions as we departed camp to visit Mantadia once again in search of the species we had missed. We began exploring various trails, some of which scarcely resembled more than an imaginary line, of the reserve with its scattered Pandanous species and deeply vegetated canopy, managing to add Red-fronted Coua, Red-breasted Coua, Madagascan Pygmy Kingfisher, Dark Newtonia and the star of the show; a Pitta-like Ground Roller, which after some gentle coaxing settled nearby providing excellent views, while also gaining magnificent views of Black- and-white Ruffed Lemur bounding through the trees. Happy with a successful day, we returned to camp for dinner and a fantastic evening rest.

Our final morning provided much-improved conditions as we set about exploring Perinet Special Reserve where we managed to locate Madagascan Wood Rail, Collared Nightjar, Madagascan Spinetail, Nuthatch Vanga and Madagascan Magpie-Robin while also managing much improved views of Indri and Brown Lemur while adding Diademed Sifaka and the king of camouflage; Henkel's Leaf-tailed Gecko before we departed Perinet and returned to Antananarivo. As before, the road was busy, and we made slow progress on our return trip, yet we still managed to locate Grey Heron in the rice paddies while also Brown Lemur by Greg de Klerk locating Malagasy Black Swift and Little Swift nearer the capital. As we arrived in the capital, the traffic volumes swelled but thanks to some swift planning and the use of a few back roads we arrived at our hotel in the late afternoon. The rest of the day was spent preparing for our flight to Fort Dauphin early the next morning but not before another delicious dinner.

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The following morning, we departed our guesthouse to connect with our flight to Fort Dauphin and our base in Berenty where we would spend the next two days. On arrival in Fort Dauphin we tackled a tricky road en route to Berenty Lodge. The road (or nonexistence of one) resembled the craterous surface of the celestial body orbiting the earth and meant that we made very slow progress to the camp while managing to see a Red- capped Coua, Namaqua Dove, Black Kite and Pied Crow before we arrived at camp a short while after midday. A walk through the local Gallery Forest later that afternoon revealed Madagascan Buttonquail, Giant Coua and Crested Coua while also observing distant Madagascan Flying Fox. We returned after dark and managed fantastic views of Torotoroka Scops Owl and mammalian Collared Nightjar by Greg de Klerk highlights included Grey-brown Mouse Lemur, White-footed Sportive Lemur and Western Tuft-tailed Rat while Carpet Chameleon and Oustalet's Chameleon provided our reptilian targets before a delicious dinner lifted the spirits of all before a much-needed sleep ahead of an action-packed day.

Our first morning in Berenty started with a short drive into an area of sisal fields where we began our search for a few new and managed to connect with Madagascan Sandgrouse, Helmeted Guineafowl, Madagascan Lark, Madagascan Cisticola and Sakalava Weaver. A short while later, we were surrounded by a troop of Ring-tailed Lemur before returning to camp where we watched Verreaux’s Sifaka dancing across the parking area. The second part of the morning was dedicated to the exploration of the local gallery forest. As we moved through this fantastic habitat, we were able to enjoy awesome views of White-browed Owl, Malagasy Turtle Dove, Lesser Vasa Parrot, Grey-headed Lovebird, Hook-billed Vanga before returning to camp for lunch, in the company of the comical Ring-tailed Lemurs, followed by a short siesta.

We then decided our luck later that afternoon with a short walk through the local Spiny Forest which produced Running Coua and day roosting Torotoroka Scops Owl while also locating Southern Spider Tortoise before returning to camp for dinner and an early night of sleep.

The next morning, we were able to enjoy a walk through the gallery forest where we finally connected with Grey-headed Lovebird and Purple Heron before enjoying a leisurely breakfast as we prepared for our departure along the infamous road to Fort Dauphin. The journey was much quicker this time as traffic Diademed Sifaka by Greg de Klerk was clear and the roads were drier. We arrived

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The following morning, we departed Tana with a short flight to Tulear. On our arrival we were transferred to the geological feature, locally known as la tabla, where we began our search for a few more species; Subdesert Brush Warbler and Red- shouldered Vanga showed wonderfully well while we also had brief but good views of Verreaux's Coua a short while later. With the success of the morning behind us, we settled for lunch in Tulear, before we made our way to Mangily where a visit to the nearby Saltpans provided excellent views of Lesser Flamingo, Madagascan Plover, Kittlitz's Plover, Three-banded Plover, White-fronted Plover, Whimbrel, Curlew Sandpiper and Common Greenshank, we arrived at our camp, characteristic of a beach paradise, for an afternoon siesta followed by a short night walk in the nearby Spiny Forest which Red-capped Coua by Greg de Klerk allowed us to enjoy wonderful views of Madagascan Cuckoo-Hawk and other highlights including Lesser Hedgehog Tenrec and Kung-Fu Cricket before we returned to camp for dinner and retired for the evening.

Our first morning in Ifaty saw us enter the strange spiny forest habitat, characterized by large Red- skinned Baobabs and the strange Octopus plants of the family Didiereaceae, where we once again began our search for another set of target species. It was not long before our pace increased with the nearby call from the local guides catching our attention. We set off in hot pursuit and were rewarded with close range fantastic news of Subdesert Mesite on a nest while also collecting the magnificent Long-tailed Ground Roller and challenging Lafresnaye's Vanga. The morning also provided many other wonderful species including Sickle-billed Vanga, Archbold's Newtonia and Thamnornis before we returned to camp for a needed midday siesta.

Refreshed and raring to go we made our way to the local wetland, with a steady breeze Crested Coua by Greg de Klerk blowing off the mainland, where we had chances to connect with Little Grebe, Baillon's Crake, Black-winged Stilt, Common Ringed Plover, Greater Sand Plover, Sanderling and Little Stint. Having exhausted all options at the wetland, we returned to camp for another fantastic meal and a good night’s rest.

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We departed our hotel early the next morning to be transferred into waiting Zebu carts which then hauled us across the muddy tidal flats into knee-deep water before we completed the novel experience by jumping aboard a motorboat which would take us to Nosy Ve. With little activity on the water, we stopped along the rocky coastline at a set of very steep cliffs where we had fantastic views of Peregrine Falcon, Grey Heron and Humblot's Heron in a breeding colony breaking the monotony of the boat trip. A short while later, we rounded the coast and got our first views of the small island we would be exploring. After a short stop to pick up some snorkelling equipment, we headed across the water to the small island of Nosy Ve where we immediately connected with the Crab-plover, Greater Crested Tern, Lesser Crested Tern, Saunders's Tern and Red-tailed Tropicbirds in flight while a couple of us enjoyed a short snorkelling experience, before making our way back to the mainland where we enjoyed a wonderful fresh fish Sakalava Weaver by Greg de Klerk meal while also getting good sightings of Sakalava Weaver and our other target; the Littoral Rock Thrush sitting on top of a roof. With the wind increasing and our hunger satiated we departed Anakao and returned to Tulear where the waiting Zebu carts returned us to the shore before we arrived at our hotel for dinner and a good night’s rest.

Early morning breakfast was followed by a long drive to Isalo. We managed a wonderful stop in the dry deciduous forest in Zombitse National Park which produced amazing views of Appert's Tetraka and a mammal in the form of Hubbard's Sportive Lemur before we completed the final stretch of the drive to the beautifully scenic Isalo National Park. A late afternoon walk in the reserve then produced an incredible view of Madagascan Partridge and a in the shape of Duméril's Madagascar Swift. As the sunlight faded, we sat to enjoy a fantastic dinner spread, being called out to look at Dumeril's Boa, before a wonderful night in our spacious accommodation.

We departed Isalo the next morning after trying to locate the Forest Rock Thrush with no luck as we drove out of the Sandstone Littoral Rock Thrush by Greg de Klerk cliffs. Ahead of us lay a long day of travel toward Ranomafana, collecting Barn Swallow while we were stopped for lunch, before continuing our journey. The final leg of our trip to the montane forest of Ranomafana produced few other notable

Rockjumper Birding Tours View more tours to Madagascar Trip Report – RBL Madagascar – Comprehensive II 2019 7 species, although a dark phase Dimorphic Egret proved popular, we finally arrived at our lodge before we settled for dinner and an early night’s rest.

Our first morning in Ranomafana began briskly as we entered the lower limit of the forests where we began an intense day of birding as we navigated the steep inclines and declines in search of our main target, the Brown Mesite, which showed magnificently. The forest was a hive of activity and before long we had racked up an impressive list of species including; Velvet Asity, Common Sunbird-Asity, nesting Pollen's and Rufous Vangas while enjoying some magnificent views of a few , Peacock Day Gecko among them while also locating Golden Bamboo Lemur and Greater Bamboo Lemur.

The afternoon session was a little less strenuous as we explored the Vohiparara ridge. Although the activity was lessened, we managed to add White-throated Rail before Milne-edwards’s Sifaka by Greg de Klerk the excitement climbed several notches. As we walked, a local guide assisting the group caught a glimpse of one of the Ground Rollers we had missed in Perinet and with his urgent instruction we raced off to his location. A short period of tension followed as we attempted to relocate the when suddenly a Scaly Ground Roller exploded out of the nearby leaf litter taking a short flight down the path we were on and settled, allowing everyone amazing views. Stunned and overjoyed, we soaked in the sighting before the bird stealthily vanished. While this proved the highlight of the day, we also managed to view Ward's Flycatcher and Green Jery and a host of new including Milne-edwards's Sifaka, Madagascar Tree Boa and Giraffe-necked Weevil. A short while later we embarked on a night walk locating Western Fat-tailed Dwarf Lemur, Rufous Mouse Lemur, Perinet Chameleon, O'Shaughnessy's Chameleon, and Madagascar Bright-eyed Frog before we finally returned to camp to enjoy dinner and prepare for an intense morning in this same stretch of forest the following day.

The next morning, we returned to Vohiparara and immediately turned up Common Sunbird-Asity and Forest Rock Thrush as we began targeting specific species we desperately wanted to see. Not long after we had started our trail, a call came through to Broad-billed Roller by Greg de Klerk alert us to the presence of another target we had missed earlier, and so the pace increased dramatically as we chased down and managed excellent views of Short-legged Ground Roller. We still managed some other great birds including Grey-crowned Tetraka but our target to end the morning, the Rufous-headed Ground Roller, had other ideas. Despite calling nearby he only provided brief glimpses for a few individuals. Physically tired, we returned to camp for lunch and a short break.

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The afternoon session of birding took us to a local wetland where after a relatively strenuous walk, we managed to locate Madagascan Rail, Forest Fody and Grey Emutail, before finally returning to camp for a wonderful dinner and an early night in preparation of a long-haul travel day ahead.

The next day was a dedicated travel day. With a full day of driving required to reach the capital, we departed before sunrise, navigating misty forest roads and hillside passes, while admiring the dramatic scenery as we drove. Birding was a hit and miss affair, but we managed to add all the usual suspects; Dimorphic Egret, Great Egret, Mallard, and Black Heron were all seen at the roadside. Finally, after 12 hours on the road, we arrived in Antananarivo as the sun crept below the horizon. A jovial dinner followed a fantastic night’s rest ahead of another day of travel to Ankarafantsika the following day.

With a late afternoon flight scheduled for Mahajanga, we enjoyed a leisurely morning off departing our hotel and once again heading Schlegel’s Asity by Greg de Klerk to IVATO Airport for our flight which, after boarding, was delayed by an hour due to a thunderstorm. On arrival in Mahajanga, we boarded our bus and, negotiating the traffic in Mahajanga, made our way south toward Ankarafantsika. After an intense and busy night drive, we arrived at our camp at Gite’d’Ampijoroa where we enjoyed a lively dinner and finally found the comfort of our beds a short while later.

We set off after an early morning breakfast, to explore the dry deciduous forest with a dense canopy in search of a couple of target species, and were immediately in the thick of the action when Madagascan Green Pigeon and Broad-billed Roller provided wonderful views. After that, our main target, the Schlegel's Asity, took some effort to locate before we heard the tell-tale call in the canopy. We set off after the bird and after a White-breasted Mesite by Greg de Klerk short but intense search, we located a fantastic male. We returned to camp a short while later to venture out on another trail on the elevated plateau in the deciduous forests and again had immediate success when we connected with White-breasted Mesite, Coquerel's Coua and Rufous Vanga while also locating Mongoose Lemur, Lorenz Von Liburnau's Woolly Lemur, and Coquerel's Sifaka before returning to camp for lunch in the company of Sickle-billed Vanga.

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After a short siesta, we all boarded a small boat to explore the untouched edges of Lake Ravelobe. As we cruised steadily around the lake edge, we connected with Humblot's Heron, Purple Heron, African Darter, and Common Sandpiper but the star of the afternoon came in the form of a magnificent Madagascan Fish Eagle which, after staying relatively concealed in a tree, flew over us to provide wonderful views for the entire group. A short while later, we returned to camp and then set out on another night walk which produced great views of Grey Mouse-lemur and Golden-brown Mouse Lemur before returning to the base for dinner and a restful night.

We set off after an early breakfast for a final attempt at the Van Dam's Vanga. After the previous day’s attempts, we were all prepared Coquerel’s Sifaka by Greg de Klerk for a long arduous effort in search of this bird. We arrived at our destination, viewing Coquerel's Coua, Sickle-billed Vanga, White-headed Vanga, and Malagasy Paradise Flycatcher as we climbed up the short plateau where a fantastic view of Madagascan Ibis was enjoyed. After a wonderful sighting, we pushed on straining to hear any sound of our target. Again, it took some time, but we suddenly heard a bird calling and after a short rush through the forest trails, we located a pair of Van Dam's Vanga. Once we were satisfied, we immediately returned to camp for breakfast and departed a short while later for our destination at Mahajanga. We arrived in time to check-in and enjoy lunch before departing on our afternoon activities.

The afternoon session allowed us leisure to explore a local wetland where we managed to get views of the much desired White-backed Duck, African Pygmy Goose, Malagasy Pond Heron, Madagascan Jacana before returning to camp for a delicious dinner.

The next morning, we once again boarded a boat on the Mahajanga coastline and hurtled off toward the Betsiboka Delta. As we approached the exposed mudflats, we managed views of Bernier's Teal, Greater Flamingo and Malagasy Sacred Ibis while also collecting further views of Striated Heron, Squacco Heron, Humblot’s Heron. We also turned up Grey Plover, Whimbrel, Curlew Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper and Common Ring-tailed Lemur by Greg de Klerk Greenshank while feeding on the mudflats. Having enjoyed a fantastic morning, we returned to the hotel, collected our luggage and departed for the airport after a light breakfast. Our final afternoon in Madagascar was enjoyable as we visited a local craft market where we were able to test our bargaining skills while also enjoying the local cultures before returning to camp for our farewell dinner. After a challenging, fun, exciting and exhilarating tour across the major biomes during our 20-day tour, we departed Madagascar with 172 bird species, 28 mammal species, 27 reptiles and an experience we will never forget.

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Annotated List of species recorded Note: Number in brackets ( ) indicate number of days on the tour the species was recorded. List powered through the report generator of our partner iGoTerra.

Birds (173 in total: 172 seen, 1 heard) Nomenclature and follows Gill, F and D Donsker (Eds). 2018. IOC World Bird List (v 8.2). Status codes: E = Endemic, NE = Near-endemic, I = Introduced IUCN codes: CR = Critically endangered, EN = Endangered, VU = Vulnerable, EW = Extinct in the Wild, NT = Near Threatened, DD = Data Deficient

Ducks, Geese & Swans Anatidae White-faced Whistling Duck Dendrocygna viduata (2) 150 Antananarivo--Alarobia Lake 6.10 and 4 Ankarafantsika NP--Lake Ravelobe 23.10. White-backed Duck Thalassornis leuconotus (1) 1 ⚤ Ambovy Wetlands Mahajanga 24.10. Knob-billed Duck Sarkidiornis melanotos (1) 2 Antananarivo--Alarobia Lake 6.10. African Pygmy Goose Nettapus auratus (1) 4 Ambovy Wetlands Mahajanga 24.10. Hottentot Teal Spatula hottentota (1) 12 Antananarivo--Alarobia Lake 6.10. Meller's Duck (EN) Anas melleri (1) 6 Antananarivo--Alarobia Lake 6.10. Mallard Anas platyrhynchos (4) 1 en route--Andasibe to Antananarivo 7.10, 1 en route--Manambaro to Ranopisi, road to Berenty 13.10, 1 en route--Isalo NP to Ranomafana 18.10 and 1 en route--Antsirabe to Antananarivo 21.10. Red-billed Teal Anas erythrorhyncha (3) 150 Antananarivo--Alarobia Lake 6.10, 2 Hotel Feon'ny Ala 9.10 and 3 Analamazoatra Reserve-- Perinet Reserve 10.10. Bernier's Teal (EN) Anas bernieri (1) 8 Betsiboka delta 25.10.

Guineafowl Numididae Helmeted Guineafowl Numida Meleagris (3) 20 Berenty Reserve 12.10, 8 Berenty Reserve 13.10 and 4 Mahajanga 24.10.

Pheasants, Grouse, and Allies Phasianidae Madagascan Partridge Margaroperdix madagarensis (2) 4 Isalo NP--Jardin Du Roy 17.10 and 1 Ranomafana NP--Amboditanimena 20.10.

Grebes Podicipedidae Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis (1) 1 Ifaty 15.10. Madagascan Grebe (VU) Tachybaptus pelzelnii (1) 1 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10.

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Flamingos Phoenicopteridae Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus (1) 15 Betsiboka delta 25.10. Lesser Flamingo (NT) Phoeniconaias minor (3) 15 immature Ifaty--coastal flats 14.10, 10 Ifaty 15.10 and 20 Betsiboka delta 25.10.

Tropicbirds Phaethontidae Red-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon rubricauda (1) 15 Nosy Ve Is. 16.10.

Ibises, Spoonbills Threskiornithidae Malagasy Sacred Ibis (EN) Threskiornis bernieri (1) 2 Betsiboka delta 25.10. Madagascan Ibis (NT) Lophotibis cristata (1) 1 ⚤ Ankarafantsika NP 24.10.

Herons, Egrets, and Bitterns Ardeidae Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax (2) 20 Antananarivo--Alarobia Lake 6.10 and 1 Antsirabe 21.10. Striated Heron Butorides striata (4) 1 en route--Manambaro to Ranopisi, road to Berenty 13.10, 2 Ankarafantsika NP--Lake Ravelobe 23.10, 1 Ambovy Wetlands Mahajanga 24.10 and 4 Betsiboka delta 25.10. Squacco Heron Ardeola ralloides (6) 50 Antananarivo--Alarobia Lake 6.10, 2 en route--Andasibe to Antananarivo 10.10, 1 en route--Isalo NP to Ranomafana 18.10, 1 en route--Antsirabe to Antananarivo 21.10, 25 Ankarafantsika NP--Lake Ravelobe 23.10 and 3 Antananarivo 25.10. Malagasy Pond Heron (EN) Ardeola idea (2) 1 Antananarivo--Alarobia Lake 6.10 and 2 Ambovy Wetlands Mahajanga 24.10. Western Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis (13) 100 Antananarivo--Alarobia Lake 6.10, 25 en route--Andasibe to Antananarivo 7.10, 4 en route-- Andasibe to Antananarivo 10.10, 20 en route--Manambaro to Ranopisi, road to Berenty 11.10, 20 Berenty Reserve 12.10, 5 en route--Manambaro to Ranopisi, road to Berenty 13.10, 3 Ifaty--Salt pans 14.10, 3 en route--Isalo NP to Toliara 17.10, 8 en route--Isalo NP to Ranomafana 18.10, 20 en route-- Antsirabe to Antananarivo 21.10, 150 Ankarafantsika NP--Lake Ravelobe 23.10, 4 Ambovy Wetlands Mahajanga 24.10 and 4 Antananarivo 25.10. Grey Heron Ardea cinereal (2) 1 en route--Andasibe to Antananarivo 10.10 and 5 San Augustin 16.10. Humblot's Heron (EN) Ardea humbloti (3) 4 San Augustin 16.10, 1 Ankarafantsika NP--Lake Ravelobe 23.10 and 1 Betsiboka delta 25.10. Purple Heron Ardea purpurea (2) 2 Berenty Reserve 13.10 and 6 Ankarafantsika NP--Lake Ravelobe 23.10. Great Egret Ardea alba (9) 4 Antananarivo--Alarobia Lake 6.10, 5 en route--Andasibe to Antananarivo 7.10, 3 en route-- Andasibe to Antananarivo 10.10, 6 en route--Manambaro to Ranopisi, road to Berenty 11.10, 4 en route- -Manambaro to Ranopisi, road to Berenty 13.10, 1 en route--Antsirabe to Ranomafana 21.10, 2 Ankarafantsika NP--Lake Ravelobe 23.10, 1 Ambovy Wetlands Mahajanga 24.10 and 2 Antananarivo 25.10.

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Black Heron Egretta ardesiaca (6) 15 Antananarivo--Alarobia Lake 6.10, 6 en route--Andasibe to Antananarivo 7.10, 1 en route-- Andasibe to Antananarivo 10.10, 3 en route--Antsirabe to Antananarivo 21.10, 4 Ankarafantsika NP-- Lake Ravelobe 23.10 and 3 Antananarivo 25.10. Dimorphic Egret Egretta dimorpha (12) 25 Antananarivo--Tsimbazaza Zoo 6.10, 15 en route--Andasibe to Antananarivo 7.10, 1 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 9.10, 8 en route--Andasibe to Antananarivo 10.10, 6 en route--Manambaro to Ranopisi, road to Berenty 11.10, 2 en route--Manambaro to Ranopisi, road to Berenty 13.10, 2 Ifaty-- Salt pans 14.10, 3 San Augustin 16.10, 6 en route--Isalo NP to Ranomafana 18.10, 6 en route--Antsirabe to Antananarivo 21.10, 4 en route--Ankarafantsika NP to Mahajanga 24.10 and 5 Betsiboka delta 25.10.

Hamerkop Scopidae Hamerkop Scopus umbrette (3) 3 en route--Andasibe to Antananarivo 7.10, 1 en route--Manambaro to Ranopisi, road to Berenty 11.10 and 5 en route--Manambaro to Ranopisi, road to Berenty 13.10.

Anhingas Anhingidae African Darter Anhinga rufa (1) 1 Ankarafantsika NP--Lake Ravelobe 23.10.

Kites, Hawks & Eagles Accipitridae Madagascan Harrier-Hawk Polyboroides radiatus (2) 1 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10 and 1 Isalo NP--Jardin Du Roy 17.10. Madagascan Cuckoo-Hawk Aviceda madagascariensis (1) 1 Ifaty--Parc Mosa 14.10. Frances's Sparrowhawk Accipiter francesiae (3) 1 ♀ Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10, 2 Berenty Reserve 12.10 and 1 Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 20.10. Black Kite Milvus migrans (6) Up to 2 Berenty Reserve 11-13.10, 3 en route--Isalo NP to Toliara 17.10, 2 en route--Isalo NP to Ranomafana 18.10 and 2 en route--Ankarafantsika NP to Mahajanga 24.10. Yellow-billed Kite Milvus aegyptius (10) 3 Antananarivo--Alarobia Lake 6.10, 1 en route--Andasibe to Antananarivo 7.10, 5 en route-- Manambaro to Ranopisi, road to Berenty 11.10, 3 Berenty Reserve 12.10, 2 Berenty Reserve 13.10, 2 Antananarivo--Int Airport 14.10, 4 en route--Isalo NP to Toliara 17.10, 4 en route--Isalo NP to Ranomafana 18.10, 1 en route--Antsirabe to Ranomafana 21.10 and 1 Betsiboka delta 25.10. Madagascan Fish Eagle (CR) Haliaeetus vociferoides (1) 3 Ankarafantsika NP--Lake Ravelobe 23.10. Madagascan Buzzard Buteo brachypterus (5) 1 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10, 1 heard Analamazoatra Reserve--Perinet Reserve 10.10, 1 en route--Manambaro to Ranopisi, road to Berenty 11.10, 2 Ankarafantsika NP 23.10 and 1 Ankarafantsika NP--Ampijoroa 24.10.

Mesites Mesitornithidae White-breasted Mesite (VU) Mesitornis variegatus (1) 1 ⚤ Ankarafantsika NP 23.10. Brown Mesite (VU) Mesitornis unicolor (1) 1 Ranomafana NP--Belle Vue 19.10.

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Subdesert Mesite (VU) Monias benschi (1) 1 Ifaty--Parc Mosa 15.10.

Flufftails Sarothruridae Madagascan Wood Rail Canirallus kioloides (2) 1 ⚤ Analamazoatra Reserve--Perinet Reserve 10.10 and 1 heard Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 19.10. Madagascan Flufftail Sarothrura insularis (3) 1 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10, 1 heard Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 19.10 and 1 heard Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 20.10.

Rails, Crakes & Coots Rallidae Madagascan Rail (VU) Rallus madagascariensis (2) 1 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10 and 1 Ranomafana NP--Amboditanimena 20.10. White-throated Rail Dryolimnas cuvieri (3) 1 ⚤ Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 19.10, 1 Ankarafantsika NP--Lake Ravelobe 23.10 and 1 heard Betsiboka delta 25.10. Baillon's Crake Porzana pusilla (1) 2 Ifaty 15.10. Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus (5) 3 Antananarivo--Alarobia Lake 6.10, 3 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10, 1 Analamazoatra Reserve- -Perinet Reserve 10.10, 1 heard Ifaty 15.10 and 1 Ambovy Wetlands Mahajanga 24.10.

Buttonquails Turnicidae Madagascan Buttonquail Turnix nigricollis (1) 1 ⚤ en route--Manambaro to Ranopisi, road to Berenty 11.10.

Crab-plover Dromadidae Crab-plover Dromas ardeola (1) 6 Nosy Ve Is. 16.10.

Stilts and Avocets Recurvirostridae Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus (2) 15 Ifaty 15.10 and 6 en route--Ankarafantsika NP to Mahajanga 24.10.

Plovers and Lapwings Charadriidae Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola (1) 1 Betsiboka delta 25.10. Common Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula (1) 1 Ifaty 15.10. Madagascan Plover (VU) Charadrius thoracicus (1) 2 Ifaty--Salt pans 14.10. Kittlitz's Plover Charadrius pecuarius (2) 10 Ifaty--Salt pans 14.10 and 20 Ifaty 15.10. Three-banded Plover Charadrius tricollaris (1) 1 Ifaty--Salt pans 14.10. White-fronted Plover Charadrius marginatus (1) 4 Ifaty--Salt pans 14.10.

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Greater Sand Plover Charadrius leschenaultii (2) 2 Ifaty 15.10 and 1 Betsiboka delta 25.10.

Jacanas Jacanidae Madagascan Jacana (NT) Actophilornis albinucha (1) 6 Ambovy Wetlands Mahajanga 24.10.

Sandpipers and Allies Scolopacidae Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus (3) 35 Ifaty--coastal flats 14.10, 1 Ifaty 15.10 and 4 Betsiboka delta 25.10. Curlew Sandpiper Calidris ferruginea (3) 15 Ifaty--Salt pans 14.10, 5 Ifaty 15.10 and 6 Betsiboka delta 25.10. Sanderling Calidris alba (1) 2 Ifaty 15.10. Little Stint Calidris minuta (1) 4 Ifaty 15.10. Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos (2) 1 Ankarafantsika NP--Lake Ravelobe 23.10 and 4 Betsiboka delta 25.10. Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia (3) 2 Ifaty--Salt pans 14.10, 1 Ifaty 15.10 and 2 Betsiboka delta 25.10.

Gulls, Terns & Skimmers Laridae Greater Crested Tern Thalasseus bergii (1) 30 Nosy Ve Is. 16.10. Lesser Crested Tern Thalasseus bengalensis (2) 15 Nosy Ve Is. 16.10 and 2 Betsiboka delta 25.10. Saunders's Tern Sternula saundersi (2) 4 Nosy Ve Is. 16.10 and 3 Betsiboka delta 25.10.

Sandgrouse Pteroclidae Madagascan Sandgrouse Pterocles personatus (1) 1 ⚤ Berenty Reserve 12.10.

Pigeons and Doves Columbidae Rock Dove Columba livia (16) 8 Antananarivo 6.10, 2 en route--Andasibe to Antananarivo 7.10, 1 Lemur Island 8.10, 3 Analamazoatra Reserve--Perinet Reserve 10.10, 8 en route--Manambaro to Ranopisi, road to Berenty 11.10, 4 en route--Manambaro to Ranopisi, road to Berenty 13.10, 3 Toliara (Tulear) 14.10, 2 Ifaty 15.10, 3 Toliara (Tulear) 16.10, 6 en route--Isalo NP to Toliara 17.10, 5 en route--Isalo NP to Ranomafana 18.10, 3 Ranomafana--Sejour Centrist Lodge 19.10, 4 Ranomafana--Sejour Centrist Lodge 20.10, 8 en route--Antsirabe to Ranomafana 21.10, 6 en route--Ankarafantsika NP to Mahajanga 24.10 and 6 Mahajanga 25.10. Malagasy Turtle Dove Nesoenas picturatus (9) 1 en route--Manambaro to Ranopisi, road to Berenty 11.10, 2 Berenty Reserve 12.10, 2 Berenty Reserve 13.10, 1 Ifaty 14.10, 1 Ifaty--Parc Mosa 15.10, 4 Ranomafana NP--Amboditanimena 20.10, 4 en route--Antsirabe to Ranomafana 21.10, 1 Ankarafantsika NP 23.10 and 1 Ankarafantsika NP 24.10.

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Namaqua Dove Oena capensis (5) 1 ⚤ en route--Manambaro to Ranopisi, road to Berenty 11.10, 2 en route--Manambaro to Ranopisi, road to Berenty 13.10, 4 Ifaty 14.10, 4 Ifaty--Parc Mosa 15.10 and 6 en route--Ankarafantsika NP to Mahajanga 24.10. Madagascan Green Pigeon Treron australis (1) 2 Ankarafantsika NP 23.10. Madagascan Blue Pigeon Alectroenas madagascariensis (4) Up to 4 Hotel Feon'ny Ala 7-10.10.

Cuckoos Cuculidae Malagasy Coucal Centropus toulou (16) 5 Antananarivo--Alarobia Lake 6.10, 1 heard Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10, 1 Andasibe NP-- Mantadia NP 9.10, 1 Analamazoatra Reserve--Perinet Reserve 10.10, 1 Berenty Reserve 11.10, 2 Berenty Reserve 12.10, 4 en route--Manambaro to Ranopisi, road to Berenty 13.10, 1 heard Ifaty--Parc Mosa 14.10, 2 Ifaty--Parc Mosa 15.10, 1 Ifaty 16.10, 1 heard Isalo NP--Jardin Du Roy 17.10, 1 Isalo NP--Jardin Du Roy 18.10, 2 Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 19.10, 2 Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 20.10, 3 Ankarafantsika NP--Lake Ravelobe 23.10 and 1 heard Ankarafantsika NP 24.10. Crested Coua Coua cristata (6) Up to 5 Berenty Reserve 11-13.10, 2 Ifaty--Parc Mosa 15.10, 2 Ankarafantsika NP 23.10 and 1 Ankarafantsika NP 24.10. Verreaux's Coua (NT) Coua verreauxi (1) 1 La Tabla 14.10. Blue Coua Coua caerulea (5) 1 Hotel Feon'ny Ala 7.10, 1 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10, 2 Analamazoatra Reserve--Perinet Reserve 10.10, 1 heard Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 19.10 and 1 heard Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 20.10. Red-capped Coua Coua ruficeps (6) 1 Berenty Reserve 11.10, 1 La Tabla 14.10, 1 Ifaty--Parc Mosa 15.10, 1 heard Ranomafana NP-- Vohiparara 19.10, 3 Ankarafantsika NP 23.10 and 2 Ankarafantsika NP 24.10. Red-fronted Coua Coua reynaudii (1) 2 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 9.10. Coquerel's Coua Coua coquereli (2) 4 Ankarafantsika NP 23.10 and 2 Ankarafantsika NP 24.10. Running Coua Coua cursor (2) 1 ⚤ Berenty Reserve 12.10 and 1 La Tabla 14.10. Giant Coua Coua gigas (2) 1 ⚤ Berenty Reserve 11.10 and 3 Berenty Reserve 12.10. Red-breasted Coua Coua serriana (1) 1 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 9.10. Madagascan Cuckoo Cuculus rochii (11) 1 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10, 1 heard Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 9.10, 1 heard Analamazoatra Reserve--Perinet Reserve 10.10, 1 heard Berenty Reserve 12.10, 1 heard Ifaty--Parc Mosa 14.10, 1 heard Isalo NP--Jardin Du Roy 17.10, 1 heard Anja Community Reserve 18.10, 1 heard Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 19.10, 1 Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 20.10, 1 heard Ankarafantsika NP 23.10 and 1 heard Ankarafantsika NP 24.10.

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Barn-Owls Tytonidae Western Barn Owl Tyto alba (1) 1 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10.

Owls Strigidae Torotoroka Scops Owl Otus madagascariensis (2) 1 Berenty Reserve 11.10 and 3 Berenty Reserve 12.10. Rainforest Scops Owl Otus rutilus (3) 3 Analamazoatra Reserve--Perinet Reserve 7.10, 1 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10 and 1 heard Ankarafantsika NP--Ampijoroa 23.10. White-browed Owl Athene superciliaris (3) Up to 1 Berenty Reserve 11-13.10. Madagascan Owl Asio madagascariensis (1) 3 Analamazoatra Reserve--Perinet Reserve 7.10.

Nightjars and Allies Caprimulgidae Collared Nightjar Gactornis enarratus (1) 1 Analamazoatra Reserve--Perinet Reserve 10.10. Madagascan Nightjar Caprimulgus madagascariensis (11) 1 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10, 3 heard Berenty Reserve 11.10, 2 Berenty Reserve 12.10, 1 heard Antananarivo 13.10, 1 heard Ifaty--Parc Mosa 14.10, 1 heard Ifaty 15.10, 1 heard Toliara (Tulear) 16.10, 1 heard Toliara (Tulear) 17.10, 1 Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 19.10, 1 heard Ranomafana-- Sejour Centrist Lodge 21.10 and 1 heard Antananarivo 25.10.

Swifts Apodidae Madagascan Spinetail Zoonavena grandidieri (3) 1 ⚤ Analamazoatra Reserve--Perinet Reserve 10.10, 1 Berenty Reserve 12.10 and 1 Ifaty--Parc Mosa 14.10. Malagasy Palm Swift Cypsiurus gracilis (8) 2 Mangoro River Crossing 7.10, 4 Isalo NP--Jardin Du Roy 17.10, up to 6 Ranomafana--Sejour Centrist Lodge 18-20.10, 2 Ankarafantsika NP--Lake Ravelobe 23.10, 6 Ambovy Wetlands Mahajanga 24.10 and 20 Betsiboka delta 25.10. Malagasy Black Swift Apus balstoni (2) 1 en route--Andasibe to Antananarivo 10.10 and 6 San Augustin 16.10. Little Swift Apus affinis (2) 2 en route--Andasibe to Antananarivo 10.10 and 4 Antananarivo 21.10.

Cuckoo-Roller Leptosomidae Cuckoo Roller Leptosomus discolour (8) 1 ♂ Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10, 2 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 9.10, 9 Zombitse 17.10, 1 Isalo NP--Jardin Du Roy 18.10, 1 heard Ranomafana NP--Belle Vue 19.10, 4 Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 20.10, 1 heard Ankarafantsika NP 23.10 and 1 Ankarafantsika NP 24.10.

Rollers Coraciidae Broad-billed Roller Eurystomus glaucurus (2) 4 Ankarafantsika NP--Ampijoroa 23.10 and 4 Ankarafantsika NP--Ampijoroa 24.10.

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Ground-Rollers Brachypteraciidae Short-legged Ground Roller (VU) Brachypteracias leptosomus (1) 1 Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 20.10. Scaly Ground Roller (VU) Geobiastes squamiger (1) 1 Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 19.10. Pitta-like Ground Roller Atelornis pittoides (1) 1 ♂ Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 9.10. Rufous-headed Ground Roller (NT) Atelornis crossleyi (1) 1 Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 20.10. Long-tailed Ground Roller (VU) Uratelornis chimaera (1) 1 Ifaty--Parc Mosa 15.10.

Kingfishers Alcedinidae Madagascan Pygmy Kingfisher Corythornis madagascariensis (3) 1 ⚤ Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 9.10, 1 Ranomafana NP--Belle Vue 19.10 and 1 Ranomafana NP-- Vohiparara 20.10. Malagasy Kingfisher Corythornis vintsioides (6) 2 Antananarivo--Alarobia Lake 6.10, 1 Hotel Feon'ny Ala 7.10, 1 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10, 1 Hotel Feon'ny Ala 10.10, 3 Ankarafantsika NP--Lake Ravelobe 23.10 and 1 Betsiboka delta 25.10.

Bee-eaters Meropidae Olive Bee-eater Merops superciliosus (14) 20 Antananarivo--Relais des Plateaux, Antanetibe Ivato 6.10, 5 Hotel Feon'ny Ala 7.10, 6 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10, 3 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 9.10, 5 Analamazoatra Reserve--Perinet Reserve 10.10, 1 Berenty Reserve 12.10, 2 Taolagnaro--Fort Dauphin 13.10, 6 La Tabla 14.10, 6 Ifaty 15.10, 2 en route--Isalo NP to Toliara 17.10, 5 en route--Isalo NP to Ranomafana 18.10, 8 en route--Antsirabe to Ranomafana 21.10, 8 Ankarafantsika NP 23.10 and 5 Ambovy Wetlands Mahajanga 24.10.

Hoopoes Upupidae Madagascan Hoopoe Upupa marginata (8) 1 ⚤ Antananarivo--Alarobia Lake 6.10, 1 Berenty Reserve 12.10, 1 en route--Manambaro to Ranopisi, road to Berenty 13.10, 1 Ifaty--Parc Mosa 15.10, 2 Isalo NP--Jardin Du Roy 17.10, 1 Isalo NP--Jardin Du Roy 18.10, 4 Ankarafantsika NP--Ampijoroa 23.10 and 4 Ankarafantsika NP-- Ampijoroa 24.10.

Falcons and Caracaras Falconidae Malagasy Kestrel Falco newtoni (14) 1 Antananarivo--Alarobia Lake 6.10, 1 Mangoro River Crossing 7.10, 1 ⚤ Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10, 1 en route--Andasibe to Antananarivo 10.10, up to 15 Berenty Reserve 11-13.10, 2 San Augustin 16.10, 4 en route--Isalo NP to Toliara 17.10, 3 en route--Isalo NP to Ranomafana 18.10, 1 Ranomafana--Sejour Centrist Lodge 19.10, 3 Antsirabe 21.10, 1 Ankarafantsika NP--Lake Ravelobe 23.10 and 1 Antananarivo--Int Airport 25.10. Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus (1) 1 San Augustin 16.10.

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Old World Parrots Psittaculidae Greater Vasa Parrot Coracopsis vasa (8) 2 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10, 1 Hotel Feon'ny Ala 10.10, up to 6 Berenty Reserve 11-13.10, 1 Ifaty--Parc Mosa 14.10, 2 Ifaty--Parc Mosa 15.10 and 1 Ranomafana--Sejour Centrist Lodge 19.10. Lesser Vasa Parrot Coracopsis nigra (5) 8 Berenty Reserve 12.10, 1 Zombitse 17.10, 1 Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 20.10, 4 Ankarafantsika NP--Ampijoroa 23.10 and 5 Ankarafantsika NP--Ampijoroa 24.10. Grey-headed Lovebird Agapornis canus (3) 4 Berenty Reserve 12.10, 1 Berenty Reserve 13.10 and 1 Ambovy Wetlands Mahajanga 24.10.

Broadbills Eurylaimidae Velvet Asity Philepitta castanea (1) 2 Ranomafana NP--Belle Vue 19.10. Schlegel's Asity (NT) Philepitta schlegeli (1) 2 Ankarafantsika NP 23.10. Common Sunbird-Asity Neodrepanis coruscans (2) 1 Ranomafana NP--Belle Vue 19.10 and 3 Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 20.10.

Vangas Vangidae Red-tailed Vanga Calicalicus madagascariensis (2) 1 Hotel Feon'ny Ala 7.10 and 1 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10. Red-shouldered Vanga (VU) Calicalicus rufocarpalis (1) 1 La Tabla 14.10. Hook-billed Vanga Vanga curvirostris (2) 3 Berenty Reserve 12.10 and 1 Berenty Reserve 13.10. Lafresnaye's Vanga Xenopirostris xenopirostris (1) 1 ⚤ Ifaty--Parc Mosa 15.10. Van Dam's Vanga (EN) Xenopirostris damii (1) 1 ⚤ Ankarafantsika NP 24.10. Pollen's Vanga (NT) Xenopirostris polleni (2) 3 Ranomafana NP--Belle Vue 19.10 and 1 Ranomafana NP--Amboditanimena 20.10. Sickle-billed Vanga Falculea palliata (3) 1 Ifaty--Parc Mosa 15.10, 1 Ankarafantsika NP--Ampijoroa 23.10 and 1 Ankarafantsika NP 24.10. White-headed Vanga Artamella viridis (5) 1 ⚤ Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10, 1 Isalo NP--Jardin Du Roy 18.10, 1 Ranomafana NP--Belle Vue 19.10, 2 Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 20.10 and 6 Ankarafantsika NP 24.10. Chabert Vanga Leptopterus chabert (6) 3 Mangoro River Crossing 7.10, 2 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10, 5 Hotel Feon'ny Ala 10.10, 3 Ifaty--Parc Mosa 15.10, 1 Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 19.10 and 2 Ankarafantsika NP--Ampijoroa 23.10. Blue Vanga Cyanolanius madagascarinus (5) 2 Hotel Feon'ny Ala 7.10, 1 ⚤ Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10, 2 Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 20.10, 4 Ankarafantsika NP 23.10 and 2 Ankarafantsika NP 24.10. Rufous Vanga Schetba rufa (3) 1 Ranomafana NP--Belle Vue 19.10, 1 Ankarafantsika NP 23.10 and 3 Ankarafantsika NP 24.10.

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Tylas Vanga Tylas eduardi (4) 1 ⚤ Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10, 1 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 9.10, 1 Ranomafana NP--Belle Vue 19.10 and 2 Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 20.10. Nuthatch Vanga Hypositta corallirostris (1) 1 ⚤ Analamazoatra Reserve--Perinet Reserve 10.10. Dark Newtonia Newtonia amphichroa (1) 1 ⚤ Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 9.10. Common Newtonia Newtonia brunneicauda (12) 2 Hotel Feon'ny Ala 7.10, 4 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10, 3 Hotel Feon'ny Ala 9.10, 2 Analamazoatra Reserve--Perinet Reserve 10.10, 1 Berenty Reserve 12.10, 1 La Tabla 14.10, 3 Ifaty-- Parc Mosa 15.10, 3 Anja Community Reserve 18.10, 1 heard Ranomafana NP--Belle Vue 19.10, 1 Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 20.10, 1 heard Ankarafantsika NP 23.10 and 1 Ankarafantsika NP 24.10. Archbold's Newtonia Newtonia archboldi (1) 1 ⚤ Ifaty--Parc Mosa 15.10. Ward's Flycatcher Pseudobias wardi (1) 1 Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 19.10. Crossley's Vanga Mystacornis crossleyi (2) 1 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10 and 1 heard Ranomafana NP--Belle Vue 19.10.

Cuckoo-shrikes Campephagidae Ceblepyris cinereus (7) 2 Hotel Feon'ny Ala 7.10, 2 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10, 1 Hotel Feon'ny Ala 10.10, 1 Zombitse 17.10, 1 Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 20.10, 1 Ankarafantsika NP 23.10 and 1 Ankarafantsika NP 24.10.

Drongos Dicruridae Crested Drongo Dicrurus forficatus (13) 3 Hotel Feon'ny Ala 7.10, 3 Analamazoatra Reserve--Perinet Reserve 8.10, 3 Andasibe NP-- Mantadia NP 9.10, 2 Hotel Feon'ny Ala 10.10, up to 6 Berenty Reserve 11-13.10, 1 Ifaty--Parc Mosa 14.10, 4 Ifaty--Parc Mosa 15.10, 2 Toliara (Tulear) 16.10, 1 en route--Isalo NP to Toliara 17.10, 3 Ankarafantsika NP 23.10 and 4 Ankarafantsika NP 24.10.

Monarchs Monarchidae Malagasy Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphone mutata (13) 1 Hotel Feon'ny Ala 7.10, 2 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10, 2 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 9.10, 2 Analamazoatra Reserve--Perinet Reserve 10.10, 2 Berenty Reserve 11.10, 2 Berenty Reserve 12.10, 2 Ifaty--Parc Mosa 15.10, 1 Zombitse 17.10, 1 Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 19.10, 1 Ranomafana NP-- Vohiparara 20.10, 6 Ankarafantsika NP 23.10, 3 Ankarafantsika NP 24.10 and 1 Betsiboka delta 25.10.

Crows, Jays, and Magpies Corvidae Pied Crow Corvus albus (10) 4 en route--Manambaro to Ranopisi, road to Berenty 11.10, 2 Berenty Reserve 12.10, 6 en route-- Manambaro to Ranopisi, road to Berenty 13.10, up to 3 Ifaty 14-16.10, 50 en route--Isalo NP to Toliara 17.10, 35 en route--Isalo NP to Ranomafana 18.10, 6 en route--Antsirabe to Ranomafana 21.10 and 4 en route--Ankarafantsika NP to Mahajanga 24.10.

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Larks Alaudidae Madagascan Lark Eremopterix hova (5) 8 Berenty Reserve 12.10, 1 Ifaty 15.10, 6 en route--Isalo NP to Toliara 17.10, 6 en route--Isalo NP to Ranomafana 18.10 and 8 en route--Antsirabe to Antananarivo 21.10.

Bulbuls Pycnonotidae Malagasy Bulbul Hypsipetes madagascariensis (18) 5 Antananarivo--Relais des Plateaux, Antanetibe Ivato 6.10, 4 Hotel Feon'ny Ala 7.10, 15 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10, 4 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 9.10, 6 Analamazoatra Reserve--Perinet Reserve 10.10, up to 6 Berenty Reserve 11-13.10, 3 Ifaty--Parc Mosa 14.10, 4 Ifaty--Parc Mosa 15.10, 3 Toliara (Tulear) 16.10, 5 Isalo NP--Jardin Du Roy 17.10, 2 Isalo NP--Jardin Du Roy 18.10, 3 Ranomafana NP-- Vohiparara 19.10, 2 Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 20.10, 6 Ranomafana--Sejour Centrist Lodge 21.10, 2 Ankarafantsika NP 23.10 and 5 Ankarafantsika NP 24.10.

Swallows Hirundinidae Mascarene Martin Phedina borbonica (9) 2 Antananarivo--Alarobia Lake 6.10, 2 en route--Andasibe to Antananarivo 7.10, 2 Andasibe NP-- Mantadia NP 8.10, 6 Antananarivo--Int Airport 11.10, 5 Antananarivo--Int Airport 13.10, 3 Ifaty 15.10, 8 en route--Antsirabe to Ranomafana 21.10, 2 Ankarafantsika NP--Ampijoroa 24.10 and 4 Antananarivo--Int Airport 25.10. Brown-throated Martin Riparia paludicola (3) 10 Mangoro River Crossing 7.10, 5 Mangoro River Crossing 10.10 and 1 Ranomafana NP-- Amboditanimena 20.10. Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica (2) 1 Anja Community Reserve 18.10 and 6 Ranomafana NP--Amboditanimena 20.10.

Reed warblers and allies Acrocephalidae Malagasy Brush Warbler Nesillas typica (6) 1 Antananarivo--Alarobia Lake 6.10, 1 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10, 1 heard Andasibe NP-- Mantadia NP 9.10, 2 Analamazoatra Reserve--Perinet Reserve 10.10, 1 heard Ranomafana NP--Belle Vue 19.10 and 1 Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 20.10. Subdesert Brush Warbler Nesillas lantzii (2) 3 La Tabla 14.10 and 1 heard Anakao 16.10. Madagascan Swamp Warbler Acrocephalus newtoni (3) 1 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10, 1 Ifaty 15.10 and 1 Ranomafana NP--Amboditanimena 20.10.

Grassbirds and allies Locustellidae Grey Emutail Bradypterus seebohmi (1) 3 Ranomafana NP--Amboditanimena 20.10. Brown Emutail Bradypterus brunneus (1) 1 heard Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 20.10.

Madagascan Warblers Bernieridae White-throated Oxylabes Oxylabes madagascariensis (1) 1 ⚤ Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10. Long-billed Bernieria Bernieria madagascariensis (5) 1 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10, 1 heard Analamazoatra Reserve--Perinet Reserve 10.10, 1 Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 20.10, 3 Ankarafantsika NP 23.10 and 2 Ankarafantsika NP 24.10.

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Thamnornis Thamnornis chloropetoides (1) 1 ⚤ Ifaty--Parc Mosa 15.10. Spectacled Tetraka Xanthomixis zosterops (3) 1 heard Analamazoatra Reserve--Perinet Reserve 7.10, 1 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10 and 1 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 9.10. Appert's Tetraka Xanthomixis apperti (1) 1 Zombitse 17.10. Grey-crowned Tetraka Xanthomixis cinereiceps (1) 1 Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 20.10. Rand's Warbler Randia pseudozosterops (3) 1 Hotel Feon'ny Ala 7.10, 1 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10 and 1 Analamazoatra Reserve--Perinet Reserve 10.10.

Cisticolas and allies Common Jery tenella (12) 2 Hotel Feon'ny Ala 7.10, 1 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10, 6 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 9.10, 4 Hotel Feon'ny Ala 10.10, 4 Berenty Reserve 12.10, 4 Berenty Reserve 13.10, 2 Ifaty--Parc Mosa 14.10, 6 Ifaty--Parc Mosa 15.10, 3 Isalo NP--Jardin Du Roy 17.10, 4 Ranomafana NP--Belle Vue 19.10, 6 Ankarafantsika NP 23.10 and 4 Ankarafantsika NP 24.10. Green Jery Neomixis viridis (2) 3 Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 19.10 and 1 Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 20.10. Stripe-throated Jery Neomixis striatigula (4) 1 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10, 1 Analamazoatra Reserve--Perinet Reserve 10.10, 1 Ifaty--Parc Mosa 15.10, 1 ⚤ Ifaty--Parc Mosa 15.10 and 1 heard Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 20.10. Madagascan Cisticola Cisticola cherina (5) 1 heard en route--Manambaro to Ranopisi, road to Berenty 11.10, 1 Berenty Reserve 12.10, 1 Ifaty 15.10, 1 Nosy Ve Is. 16.10 and 2 Isalo NP--Jardin Du Roy 17.10.

White-eyes Zosteropidae Malagasy White-eye Zosterops maderaspatanus (13) 5 Antananarivo--Relais des Plateaux, Antanetibe Ivato 6.10, 20 Hotel Feon'ny Ala 7.10, 6 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10, 4 Hotel Feon'ny Ala 9.10, 8 Analamazoatra Reserve--Perinet Reserve 10.10, 3 Antananarivo 11.10, 1 Berenty Reserve 13.10, 2 Antananarivo 14.10, 3 Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 19.10, 3 Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 20.10, 2 Antananarivo 21.10, 1 Ankarafantsika NP 23.10 and 4 Antananarivo 25.10.

Starlings Sturnidae Common Myna Acridotheres tristis (16) 20 Antananarivo 6.10, 6 en route--Andasibe to Antananarivo 7.10, 15 en route--Andasibe to Antananarivo 10.10, 8 en route--Manambaro to Ranopisi, road to Berenty 11.10, 8 Berenty Reserve 12.10, 8 en route--Manambaro to Ranopisi, road to Berenty 13.10, 6 Ifaty--Salt pans 14.10, 8 Ifaty 15.10, 8 San Augustin 16.10, 4 Isalo NP--Jardin Du Roy 17.10, 5 en route--Isalo NP to Ranomafana 18.10, 1 Ranomafana NP--Amboditanimena 20.10, 8 en route--Antsirabe to Ranomafana 21.10, 1 Ankarafantsika NP--Ampijoroa 23.10, 1 ⚤ Ambovy Wetlands Mahajanga 24.10 and 2 Antananarivo 25.10. Madagascan Starling Hartlaubius auratus (1) 5 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10.

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Chats, Old World Flycatchers Muscicapidae Madagascan Magpie-Robin Copsychus albospecularis (11) 1 ♀ Analamazoatra Reserve--Perinet Reserve 10.10, up to 3 Berenty Reserve 11-13.10, 2 La Tabla 14.10, 2 Ifaty--Parc Mosa 15.10, 2 Isalo NP--Jardin Du Roy 17.10, 1 heard Ranomafana NP--Belle Vue 19.10, 1 Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 20.10, 6 Ankarafantsika NP 23.10 and 2 Ankarafantsika NP 24.10. Littoral Rock Thrush Monticola imerina (1) 1 Anakao 16.10. Forest Rock Thrush Monticola sharpei (2) 1 heard Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 19.10 and 1 ⚤ Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 20.10. Madagascan Stonechat sibilla (8) 4 Antananarivo--Relais des Plateaux, Antanetibe Ivato 6.10, 1 en route--Andasibe to Antananarivo 7.10, 1 ⚤ Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10, 1 en route--Andasibe to Antananarivo 10.10, 1 Antananarivo--Int Airport 13.10, 6 Ranomafana NP--Amboditanimena 20.10, 2 Ranomafana NP-- Amboditanimena 21.10 and 1 Antananarivo 25.10.

Sunbirds and Spiderhunters Nectariniidae Souimanga Sunbird Cinnyris sovimanga (13) 1 Antananarivo--Relais des Plateaux, Antanetibe Ivato 6.10, 2 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10, 2 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 9.10, 1 Berenty Reserve 13.10, 2 La Tabla 14.10, 3 Ifaty--Parc Mosa 15.10, 1 Zombitse 17.10, 1 Isalo NP--Jardin Du Roy 18.10, 2 Ranomafana NP--Belle Vue 19.10, 3 Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 20.10, 3 en route--Antsirabe to Ranomafana 21.10, 6 Ankarafantsika NP 23.10 and 4 Ankarafantsika NP 24.10. Malagasy Green Sunbird Cinnyris notatus (4) 1 Hotel Feon'ny Ala 7.10, 1 ⚤ Analamazoatra Reserve--Perinet Reserve 10.10, 1 Ranomafana NP-- Vohiparara 20.10 and 6 Ankarafantsika NP 23.10.

Old World Sparrows Passeridae House Sparrow Passer domesticus (1) 3 Mahajanga 25.10.

Weavers, Widowbirds Ploceidae Nelicourvi Weaver Ploceus nelicourvi (5) 3 Analamazoatra Reserve--Perinet Reserve 7.10, 1 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10, 1 Analamazoatra Reserve--Perinet Reserve 10.10, 1 Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 19.10 and 1 Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 20.10. Sakalava Weaver Ploceus sakalava (7) Up to 15 Berenty Reserve 11-13.10, 6 Ifaty--Parc Mosa 14.10, 8 Ifaty--Parc Mosa 15.10, 8 Anakao 16.10 and 6 en route--Isalo NP to Toliara 17.10. Red Fody Foudia madagascariensis (8) 5 Antananarivo--Alarobia Lake 6.10, 2 Antananarivo--Relais des Plateaux, Antanetibe Ivato 7.10, 1 en route--Andasibe to Antananarivo 10.10, 4 Berenty Reserve 12.10, 2 Berenty Reserve 13.10, 1 heard Ifaty--Parc Mosa 14.10, 1 en route--Isalo NP to Ranomafana 18.10 and 4 Antananarivo 25.10. Forest Fody Foudia omissa (3) 1 heard Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10, 1 heard Analamazoatra Reserve--Perinet Reserve 10.10 and 1 Ranomafana NP--Amboditanimena 20.10.

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Waxbills, Munias and allies Estrildidae Madagascan Mannikin Lepidopygia nana (5) 8 Antananarivo--Alarobia Lake 6.10, 8 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10, 4 Ifaty 15.10, 2 Ranomafana--Sejour Centrist Lodge 19.10 and 6 Ranomafana--Sejour Centrist Lodge 21.10.

Wagtails, Pipits Motacillidae Madagascan Wagtail Motacilla flaviventris (11) 1 Antananarivo--Relais des Plateaux, Antanetibe Ivato 6.10, 1 Antananarivo--Relais des Plateaux, Antanetibe Ivato 7.10, 1 ⚤ Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10, 1 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 9.10, 1 ⚤ Analamazoatra Reserve--Perinet Reserve 10.10, 1 Isalo NP--Jardin Du Roy 17.10, 1 Ranomafana-- Sejour Centrist Lodge 18.10, 3 Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 19.10, 3 Ranomafana--Sejour Centrist Lodge 20.10, 6 en route--Antsirabe to Ranomafana 21.10 and 1 ⚤ Antananarivo 25.10.

Mammals (28 in total: 28 seen) Status codes: E = Endemic, NE = Near-endemic, I = Introduced IUCN codes: CR = Critically endangered, EN = Endangered, VU = Vulnerable, EW = Extinct in the Wild, NT = Near Threatened, DD = Data Deficient

Tenrecs Tenrecidae Lesser Hedgehog Tenrec Echinops telfairi (1) 1 Ifaty--Parc Mosa 14.10.

Lemurs Lemuridae Brown Lemur Eulemur fulvus (3) 3 Analamazoatra Reserve--Perinet Reserve 7.10, 4 Analamazoatra Reserve--Perinet Reserve 10.10 and 5 Ankarafantsika NP 24.10. Mongoose Lemur Eulemur mongoz (1) 1 Ankarafantsika NP 23.10. Red-bellied Lemur Eulemur rubriventer (1) 3 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10. Red Brown Lemur Eulemur rufus (3) Up to 8 Berenty Reserve 11-13.10. Golden Bamboo Lemur Hapalemur aureus (1) 1 Ranomafana NP--Belle Vue 19.10. Ring-tailed Lemur Lemur catta (3) Up to 40 Berenty Reserve 11-13.10. Greater Bamboo Lemur Prolemur simus (1) 1 Ranomafana NP--Belle Vue 19.10. Black-and-white Ruffed Lemur Varecia variegata (2) 1 heard Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10 and 2 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 9.10.

Sportive Lemurs Lepilemuridae Hubbard's Sportive Lemur Lepilemur hubbardorum (1) 2 Zombitse 17.10. White-footed Sportive Lemur Lepilemur leucopus (4) Up to 3 Berenty Reserve 11-13.10 and 1 Ankarafantsika NP--Ampijoroa 23.10.

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Dwarf and Mouse Lemurs Cheirogaleidae Geoffroy's Dwarf Lemur Cheirogaleus major (1) 2 Hotel Feon'ny Ala 8.10. Western Fat-tailed Dwarf Lemur Cheirogaleus medius (2) 1 Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 19.10 and 1 Ankarafantsika NP 23.10. Grey-brown Mouse Lemur Microcebus griseorufus (2) 4 Berenty Reserve 11.10 and 1 Berenty Reserve 12.10. Goodman's Mouse Lemur Microcebus lehilahytsara (1) 1 Hotel Feon'ny Ala 8.10. Grey Mouse-lemur Microcebus murinus (1) 5 Ankarafantsika NP 23.10. Golden-brown Mouse Lemur Microcebus ravelobensis (1) 2 Ankarafantsika NP 23.10. Rufous Mouse Lemur Microcebus rufus (1) 1 Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 19.10.

Indrid Lemurs, Sifakas Indriidae Eastern Woolly Lemur Avahi laniger (1) 4 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10. Lorenz Von Liburnau's Woolly Lemur Avahi occidentalis (1) 3 Ankarafantsika NP 23.10. Indri Indri indri (4) 2 Hotel Feon'ny Ala 7.10, 1 heard Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10, 2 heard Andasibe NP-- Mantadia NP 9.10 and 1 ⚤ Analamazoatra Reserve--Perinet Reserve 10.10. Coquerel's Sifaka Propithecus coquereli (2) 4 Ankarafantsika NP 23.10 and 6 Ankarafantsika NP--Ampijoroa 24.10. Diademed Sifaka Propithecus diadema (1) 6 Analamazoatra Reserve--Perinet Reserve 10.10. Milne-edward's Sifaka Propithecus edwardsi (1) 5 Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 19.10. Verreaux's Sifaka Propithecus verreauxi (4) Up to 25 Berenty Reserve 11-13.10 and 1 Zombitse 17.10.

Climbing Mice, Rock Mice, White-tailed Rat, Malagasy Rats and Mice Nesomyidae Western Tuft-tailed Rat Eliurus myoxinus (2) 1 Berenty Reserve 11.10 and 1 Ankarafantsika NP 23.10. Eastern Red Forest Rat Nesomys rufus (2) 1 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 9.10 and 1 Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 20.10.

Old World Fruit Bats Pteropodidae Madagascan Flying Fox Pteropus rufus (2) 30 Berenty Reserve 11.10 and 25 Berenty Reserve 12.10.

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Reptiles (27 in total: 27 seen) Status codes: E = Endemic, NE = Near-endemic, I = Introduced IUCN codes: CR = Critically endangered, EN = Endangered, VU = Vulnerable, EW = Extinct in the Wild, NT = Near Threatened, DD = Data Deficient

Tortoises Testudinidae Southern Spider Tortoise Pyxis arachnoides (1) 1 Berenty Reserve 12.10.

Chameleons Chamaeleonidae Short-horned Chameleon Calumma brevicorne (1) 1 Hotel Feon'ny Ala 8.10. Perinet Chameleon Calumma gastrotaenia (1) 1 Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 19.10. Nose-horned Chameleon Calumma nasutum (2) 2 Hotel Feon'ny Ala 8.10 and 1 Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 19.10. O'Shaughnessy's Chameleon Calumma oshaughnessyi (1) 1 Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 19.10. Carpet Chameleon Furcifer lateralis (1) 1 Berenty Reserve 11.10. Oustalet's Chameleon Furcifer oustaleti (4) 3 Berenty Reserve 11.10, 1 Berenty Reserve 12.10, 2 Zombitse 17.10 and 5 Ankarafantsika NP 23.10. Furcufer rhinoceratus Furcifer rhinoceratus (1) 1 Ankarafantsika NP 23.10. Furcufer verrucosus Furcifer verrucosus (1) 1 Berenty Reserve 12.10.

Iguanas Iguanidae Madagascar Chalarodon madagascariensis (3) 3 Berenty Reserve 12.10, 1 Ifaty 15.10 and 1 Zombitse 17.10. Collared Iguana cuvieri (1) 5 Ankarafantsika NP 23.10. Duméril's Madagascar Swift Oplurus quadrimaculatus (1) 1 Isalo NP--Jardin Du Roy 17.10.

Geckos Gekkonidae Blaesodactylus sakalava (1) 2 Ifaty--Parc Mosa 14.10. House Gecko Hemidactylus mabouia (4) 1 Toliara (Tulear) 16.10, 1 Ranomafana--Sejour Centrist Lodge 18.10, 2 Ranomafana--Sejour Centrist Lodge 20.10 and 6 Ankarafantsika NP--Ampijoroa 23.10. Mocquard's Madagascar Ground Gecko Paroedura bastardi (1) 1 Ifaty--Parc Mosa 14.10. Paroedura picta (1) 1 Berenty Reserve 11.10.

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Striped Day Gecko Phelsuma lineata (3) 1 Andasibe NP--Mantadia NP 8.10, 2 Taolagnaro--Fort Dauphin 13.10 and 1 Ranomafana--Sejour Centrist Lodge 20.10. Madagascar Day Gecko Phelsuma madagascariensis (1) 8 Ankarafantsika NP--Ampijoroa 23.10. Modest Day Gecko Phelsuma modesta (1) 1 Taolagnaro--Fort Dauphin 13.10. Peacock Day Gecko Phelsuma quadriocellata (2) 1 Ranomafana NP--Belle Vue 19.10 and 1 Ranomafana--Sejour Centrist Lodge 20.10. Standing's Day Gecko Phelsuma standingi (1) 1 Ifaty 15.10. Henkel's Leaf-tailed Gecko Uroplatus henkeli (1) 1 Analamazoatra Reserve--Perinet Reserve 10.10.

Plated Gerrhosauridae Western Girdled Zonosaurus laticaudatus (1) 1 Ankarafantsika NP--Ampijoroa 23.10.

Boas Boidae Dumeril's Boa Acrantophis dumerili (1) 1 Isalo NP--Jardin Du Roy 17.10. Madagascar Tree Boa Sanzinia madagascariensis (1) 2 Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 19.10.

Lamprophiidae Lamprophiidae Leioheterodon modestus (1) 1 en route--Isalo NP to Toliara 17.10. Mahafaly Sand Snake Mimophis mahfalensis (1) 1 Isalo NP--Jardin Du Roy 17.10.

Amphibians (2 in total: 2 seen) Status codes: E = Endemic, NE = Near-endemic, I = Introduced IUCN codes: CR = Critically endangered, EN = Endangered, VU = Vulnerable, EW = Extinct in the Wild, NT = Near Threatened, DD = Data Deficient

Madagascar frogs Mantellidae Madagascar Bright-eyed Frog Boophis madagascariensis (2) 1 Ranomafana NP--Vohiparara 19.10 and 1 Ankarafantsika NP--Ampijoroa 24.10. Boophis viridis (1) 1 Hotel Feon'ny Ala 8.10. ______

Rockjumper Birding Ltd Suite 1D, 5 Clarens Fields Tel: (USA & Canada) toll-free: 1-888-990-5552 Unicity Office Park Email: [email protected] Black River Road, Bambous Alternative email: [email protected] Mauritius Website:

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