Research in France > What Will Your Project
RESEARCH IN FRANCE >WHAT WILL YOUR PROJECT BE? CONTENTS > RESEARCH IN FRANCE Physics, chemistry, and energy CEA, atomic and alternative energy HOW RESEARCH IS ORGANIZED IN FRANCE 6 commission 30 THE UNIVERSITIES 12 IFPEN, IFP new energy 32 THE MAJOR PUBLIC RESEARCH ORGANIZATIONS 16 IRSN, institute on radiation protection and nuclear safety 33 CNRS, national center for scientific research 18 Technology Earth and space sciences IFSTTAR, French institute for the science and technology of transportation, BRGM, bureau of geological and land use, and urban networks 34 mining research 20 INRIA, national institute for research in CNES, national center for space research 21 computer science and automation 35 ONERA, national aerospace Economics, social sciences, and education research office 22 IFÉ, French institute of education Marine sciences 36 INED, national institute of demographic research 37 IFREMER, French research institute for exploitation of the sea 23 RESEARCH FOUNDATIONS 38 Agricultural, ecological, and environmental CEPH, center for research on human polymorphism 40 sciences Curie Institute 41 CIRAD, center for international Pasteur Institute 42 cooperation on agricultural research for development 24 NATIONAL AGENCIES 44 INRA, national agronomic research ADEME, agency for the environment and institute 25 energy management 45 IRD, development research ANDRA, national agency for the management institute 26 of radioactive waste 46 IRSTEA, national institute of scientific INCA, national cancer institute 47 and technical research in environment
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