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❱❱ Riesige Auswahl an 4 Standorten auf 10.000m2 … besser gleich 71 Doppelzimmer (vollklimatisiert) | Tagungsraum | Bar & Lounge zum Experten! SKY Sports | Rooftop-Frühstück & Brunch | Sauna & Fitnessraum ❱❱ Große Leihradflotte: 400 Leihräder davon 100 E-Bikes ❱❱ Top Online-Shop www.fahrradlagerverkauf.com WIR BEWERTEN #markenglücklich Hotel K99 | Kasernenstraße 99 | D-78315 Radolfzell am Bodensee BRILLEN & CONTACTLINSEN VERMIETEN UND T +49-7732-97 888-99 | [email protected] | www.hotel-k99.de SCHÜTZENSTRASSE 15 & ALEMANNENSTRASSE 5 Zweirad Joos GmbH & Co. KG | Schützenstr. 11 + 14 | Radolfzell | Fon. 0 77 32 / 8236 80 VERKAUFEN … Fashion genießen

D3 D1 D3 ERFOLGREICH ... veranstaltet Gruppenreisen weltweit   IMMOBILIEN Alle Reisen unter www.koegel-touristik.de Ein schöner Schuh ist immer ein Wohnwerte Schütz | Seestraße 19 78315 Radolfzell | Tel. 0 77 32 - 940 73 08 WOHNWERTE - SCHUETZ.DE Hingucker! BUSreisen C3 FLUGreisen IHR ANSPRECHPARTNER: SMX_AZ_Faltplan_96x101_39L.indd 1 03.04.19 12:13 Christopher Kasa RADreisen Geschäftsinhaber WANDERreisen Meister für Veranstaltungstechnik KULTURreisen D-78315 Radolfzell Herrenlandstraße 66 TOURISTIK KREUZfahrten Telefon 07732-80050 Ratoldusstraße 8a 78315 Radolfzell Tel. 07732 98794-0 [email protected] www.mundc.de

Siedlerbrunnne B3 D3 D3

Stockacher Straße Worth se(e)ing LESEGLÜCK

A walk through

Buch Greuter Radolfzell Radolfzell Digital-& Werbetechnik Lettershop Spezielles Milchwerk/ Schützenstraße 11 Offsetdruck Hadwigstr. Bestelltelefon: 07732-9408990 Südkurier Höllturm

Karl-Wolf-Straße 11a | 78315 Radolfzell | T. 0 77 32 44 78 | www.steg11.de Onlineshop │ buch-greuter.de www.zabeldruck.de

D3 A2 D3 Radolfzell, Höllstr. 8 Linie 1 – Ringlinie www.herzlich-einkaufen.de Tel. +49(0)7732 / 97 09 97 ZOB Nordweststadt Nordstadt ZOB Linie 2 – Ringlinie

ZOB Nordstadt Nordweststadt ZOB ©

DESIGNUM.DE | shutterstock.com istockphoto.com | Achim Mende Kuhnle+Knödler | Eugen Kille DESIGNUM.DE [email protected]

Radolfzell, Eisenbahnstr. 6 E-Mail:

Linie 4

0 77 32 - 940 709 4

Tel. +49(0)7732 / 52 215 ZOB Waldfriedhof Weinburg Altbohl ZOB Telefon:

Radolfzell am Bodensee am Radolfzell

Public toilets in Radolfzell am Bodensee Linie 5 78315

41 Konstanz, Hussenstr. 2 ZOB Krankenhaus Mettnau Strandbad ZOB Seestraße seemaxx. Outlet Center Radolfzell, Schützenstr. 50 Tel. +49(0)7531 / 22 660 Linie 6 – Hinfahrt e.V. Radolfzell Aktionsgemeinschaft Mo. – Fr. 10.00 – 19.00 Uhr Weinhaus BAUM ZOB Möggingen Güttingen Liggeringen ZOB 1 Sa. 9:30 – 19:00 Uhr Linie 7 Falls abgeschlossen, Schlüssel im Café erhältlich! Tourist-Information ZOB Böhringen ZOB 2 Sankt-Johannis-Straße 5 Linie 8 Jederzeit zugänglich mit Euroschlüssel ZOB Markelfi ngen ZOB

Radolfzell am Bodensee Mühlbach-Center, Markthallenstraße 1

3 HYPO-Fondsbeteiligung f. Sachwerte GmbH Mo. – Sa. 7.00 – 20.00 Uhr (Toiletten) www.weinhaus-baum.de adventure. and relaxation

Mo. – Sa. 7.00 – 22.30 Uhr (barrierefreie Toilette)

Am Bahnhof D3 K8 A1 A3 holidays, for destination popular a and work and

4 Gaststätte Omas Küche im Liesele, Höllstr. 3 Radolfzell is today a city of well-being to live live to well-being of city a today is Radolfzell

Mo. – So. 11.30 – 22.00 Uhr Banking,

rück and the volcano hills of Hegau Hegau of hills volcano the and rück ­ Höllturm-Passage, Höllturm-Passage 4 Bodan Höri,

5 Mo. – Fr. 7.00 – 19.00 Uhr

Sa. 8.00 – 14.00 Uhr

Das Team der Tourist-Info Radolfzell ist für Sie da und wann, wo, wie of hills the by surrounded Constance, of Lake

Stadtbibliothek Radolfzell, Marktplatz 8 In uniquely beautiful setting at the western western the at setting beautiful uniquely In berät Sie persönlich und detailliert. Bei uns finden Sie: Sie wollen. 6 Di. /Do./Fr. 12.00 – 18.30 Uhr

Mi. 10.00 – 18.30 Uhr

» Schifffahrt Sa. 10.00 – 14.00 Uhr Über 80 digitale Services und unsere persönliche Beratung splendour. full its it itself presenting

in Ihrer Filiale vor Ort. see) is see) ­ Infos und Tickets für Kurs- und Ausflugsfahrten der (Unter Lake Lower the on town biggest 7 Hotel Krone, Obertorstraße 3

BSB, Rundfahrten mit der Helio Solarfähre Tägl. 7.00 – 10.00 Uhr und 14.00 – 19.00 Uhr Jeder Mensch hat etwas, das ihn antreibt. the meters hundred few a only After Radolfzell.

Rathaus Radolfzell, Marktplatz 2 and continue direction continue and 33 » Führungen B highway the Exit 8 Mo. – Mi. 8.00 – 16.15 Uhr Wir begeistern - seit 1862. Stadt- und Kostümführungen, geführte Wanderungen Do. 8.00 – 18.00 Uhr Informationen und Beratung unter:

Fr. 8.00 – 12.30 Uhr Volksbank Konstanz

» Schützenstraße 1, 78315 Radolfzell Constance Lake on Radolfzell to

Souvenirs und regionale Produkte Gaststätte Alter Simpel, Seestraße 36 Postkarten, Bildbände, Kalender, Geschenkartikel, 9 Di. – Sa. 11.00 – 01.00 Uhr Tel. +49 7732 980-0 | Fax +49 7732 980-2119 WELCOME Wein, Spirituosen, Kräuter, Tees und weitere Artikel So. 10.00 – 20.00 Uhr [email protected] | www.vobakn.de 10 Stadtmuseum Radolfzell, Seetorstraße 3 » Stadtbus und VHB Di. – So. 11.00 – 17.00 Uhr Einzelfahrscheine und Abo-Karten für Bus und Bahn D3 D3 A3 Public toilet am Bahnhof 11 Mo. – Fr. 6.00 – 19.30 Uhr » Veranstaltungstickets Sa. 8.00 – 18.00 Uhr So. 8.00 – 19.30 Uhr Ticketvorverkauf für Konzerte, Kabarett, Vorträge und Messen in Radolfzell und deutschlandweit Villa Bosch, Scheffelstraße 8

12 Di. – So. 14.00 – 17.30 Uhr

Während den Ausstellungen geöffnet. Stroll around, shop and enjoy. and shop around, Stroll

Öffnungszeiten: Restaurant Strandcafé Mettnau, Strandbadstr. 102 13 Mo. – So. 11.00 – 22.30 Uhr (Nov. – März) ELEKTROMOBILITÄT Mai - Sept. Mo. - Fr. 9 - 18 Uhr, Sa. 10 - 13 Uhr Mo. – So. 9.00 – 22.30 Uhr (April – Okt.) Juli - Ende Sommerferien zusätzlich So. 10 - 13 Uhr Jetzt bei uns testen! Public toilet im Mettnau-Park, neben Undine Okt. - April Mo. - Fr. 9 - 13 und 14 - 17 Uhr, Sa. 10 - 13 Uhr 14 Mo. – So. 8.00 – 19.00 Uhr (Nov. – März) Mo. – So. 8.00 – 22.00 Uhr (April – Okt.) Sa. 10.00 – 14.00 Uhr 15 Tel. 07732 81-500 · [email protected] Public toilets am See: Konzertsegel, Renault ZOE 16 Schiffsfahrkartenschalter, Bistro Bootshaus, www.radolfzell-tourismus.de 1517 Herzenbad (nur April bis Okt.), Karl-Wolf-Straße AUTOHAUS BLENDER GMBH Mo. – So. 8.00 – 20.00 Uhr (Nov. – März) 18 Mo. – So. 8.00 – 22.00 Uhr (April – Okt.) Robert-Gerwig-Straße 6 | 78315 Radolfzell Änderungen vorbehalten. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr. Alle Änderungen vorbehalten. Tel. 07732-982773 | www.autohaus-blender.de Welcome! We invite you to a tour through Radolfzell on

Münster Unserer Lieben Frau A B C D E F G H I Around the year 826 Bishop Radolf of Verona had erected a 1 church and housing for clerics in the immediate neighborhood of an already existing settlement. The current late Gothic 1 building had probably replaced a late Roman Basilica. With 82 m the Radolfzell Münster has the highest church tower at Lake Constance.

Ölberg Radolfzell Ölberg respectively Ölbergruppe at the Münster choir in Radolfzell refers to a masterpiece build of artificial stone Radolfzell on Lake Constance – for relaxed explorers! which is characteristic for the people’s devoutness in the Middle Ages. The work of art is a replica carefully formed of Embedded in one of the most beautiful landscapes of Europe artificial stone, originally made by an unknown artist in the 2 the city Radolfzell welcomes its guests as holiday and health second half of the 15th century. The original is still located resort with everything that your heart may desires – with in the Radolfzell Münster. 2 charming flair, a gorgeous Old Town and a manifold offer on culture, sports and wellness. Österreichisches Schlösschen Next to the small fishing town and the court of the convent The Austrian Little Castle reminds of an almost 500 years lasting Reichenau the Bishop Radolf of Verona created a so-called “cell” affiliation between Radolfzell and the Habsburg Dynasty. with a church for his retirement residence in 826 AC. The city started the erection of the building in 1619 which was supposed to serve the Austrian archduke Leopold V (1586- Where once the “Rudolf’s Cell“ stood, today the Gothic Cathedral 1632) ruler of Tyrol and the Austrian foothills, as a city palace. 3 (built 1436-1550) at the Market Square impresses the viewer. Today the city’s library is located here. Immediately opposite is the Town Hall and on the other side of the Market Square the “Österreichisches Schlösschen”, the Austrian Little Castle is worth a visit, a building from the 3 Renaissance built in 1619 and today hosting the city library. 4 Already in 1100 Radolfzell was granted market rights and in 5 1267 the city rights followed. The oldest part of town „der Griene Winkel“ with remaining parts of the farmer’s and fisher’s Useful venues and landmarks settlement, the old city wall, the Powder Tower and the Höll- 8 6 turm is located in the former town moat and the Seestraße. 9 Attractions 18 Public toilet Impressive witnesses of the city’s history and many more “Nette Toilette” houses from the Middle Ages makes the city stroll a vivid 10 7 Parking journey through the centuries. Tourist information 17 11 The city with the slogan “See vital” meaning “vibrant lake” Historic section of town 12 is welcoming you dearly. Obertor 4 E-bike charging station Obertor More information under: The 46 “shoe” high Head gate (approximately 14 m) secures www.radolfzell-tourismus.de the east entrance to the city. 1870 it fell victim to the growing 16 traffic. Even though the Head gate has been gone for more 15 City Museum: opening hours than 120 years its name is still a known term. The pictures on Closed on Mondays the left and right at the connecting constructions show the gate with a drawbridge and the city complex at around 1750. Tuesday – Sunday 11.00 (11am) to 17.00 (5pm) Uhr

Stadtgarten The former water moat is a public park since 1924. The park was a gift to the city from Karl Wolf, former general director of 5 the pump factory Allweiler. Kapuzinerkloster 5 In the years between 1625 and 1627 a small monastery for the Capuchin monks was erected outside the city. 1632 the demo- Plan is protected by copyright. © DESIGNUM, Radolfzell am Bodensee 2015 lition followed, 1659/60 it was rebuilt again. During the 18th century 12 fathers and 3 to 4 lay brothers lived there. 1826 the monastery’s church was converted into a two-storey residence. Among others the World Monastery is located here today. Stadtmuseum / Alte Stadtapotheke Rathaus Schmidtengasse Hohes Haus Jahr100Bau 1689 the pharmacist of Radolfzell Franz Zangerer The present town hall was built 1848 replacing a Seven smiths were originally located here, giving The former Fürstenberger Torkel must have been The place where the linen company Schiesser has Pulverturm purchased a farmstead grounded on foundations former building from 1421 and served also as the alley its name. The seven in Radolfzell existing built in the 13th/14th century. Its present form with been located for a long time, an elongated “Gründer- The east side of the former city fortification from the Powder of the 14th and 15th century to build a pharmacy. district court and city fruit hall. At the stunning buil- guilds were of social, clerical and sociable character the stepped gable it has been given in the 17th zeit” building from 1900 has now been transformed Tower along the water moat (City Park) to the Höllturm is mostly The pharmacy tradition lasted until 1998. ding with its various arched windows on the eastside and had unlike to other cities not grown into century. The Gothic house raises 5 storages. The into the “Jahr100Bau”. Once it accommodated the still in the same state of about 1870. The wall partly with In 2006 the City Museum of Radolfzell received and towards Kaufhausstraße you can still recognize powerful political organizations. The need for ground floor houses the coat of arms of the Earls of first mechanical production of knitted fabrics. Today keyhole notches has at some points still the original height. a new residence in the prominent building with to this day the former big gates through which grain building space within the city walls lead to erecting Fürstenberg-Heiligenberg-Werdenberg who used it flanks the walker axle between the Old Town and Iron rings at the walls of the Powder Tower indicate that its two-story bay window. Biggest exhibit of and potatoes were carted into the fruit hall. narrow houses in between the gaps between it as official house and fruit chute for 200 years. the outlet-centre Seemaxx. 6 once there have been boats tied up. When in the event of the the museum is the building itself. Changing buildings which were supposed to prevent danger Today the department store Kratt has parts of its railroad construction in the years of 1860 the area outside exhibitions and programs you find listed under of fire. House number 5 is with 2,5 m width the salesrooms in the High House. Established 1919 it is 1514 the city wall up to far past the lake was filled with dirt, parts www.stadtmuseum-radolfzell.de most narrow one in the old town center. the oldest department store in Radolfzell and offers of the round tower disappeared into the ground. today a great variety of fashion, useful things and decorative items for your home, toys and much more. Konzertsegel 27 Since the mid 1980ies the Concert Sail located directly at the Höllturm mit Passage Lake of Constance at the lakeside promenade of Radolfzell has The Höllturm was the north-east cornerstone set a stunning scene for events and concerts. Since the city’s of the former city fortification. A platform with anniversary in 2017 the sea festival takes place at the Concert battlements forms the border. On the grounds of Seemeile Sail. More events which are taking place at the concert sail Marktplatz the so-called “Hölle” (engl.: hell) there have been and expanded the old vineyard tenant house Schmidtengasse two traditional companies from Radolfzell: the Villa Bosch regularly are Radolfzeller Kräutermarkt, a market for herbs and seemaxx Outlet Center Radolfzell to a castle. Today it hosts the local tourist Alte Forstei / Petershauser Amtshaus 1836 founded brewery HÖLLE and from 1922 to 7 spices, the International Day and the promenade concerts. The seemaxx is a shopping outlet center for The pharmacist Franz Karl Josef Bosch built administration (Kurverwaltung). Several works Stadtmuseum The former office building of the since 1597 united Schützentorturm 1981 the Obstbaugenossenschaft Bodensee, an the whole family. Branded goods for reduced the present Villa Bosch in 1865. 1881 his widow from Scheffel are exhibited in the hallway. abbeys Petershausen and St. Georgien is located at The Archer’s Gate Tower is most likely not part of the association of fruit growers. In 1984 the shopping prices. Maria Theresia Bosch passed her entire Due to its official use the building can only be Ritterschaftshaus first phase of the city’s fortification of Radolfzell the end of the Seestraße. The building was erected mall Höllturmpassage opened its gates. inheritance to the city of Radolfzell upon the visited in limitations. The impressive building gives testimony to the in 1619 and hosted also a chapel, basement, stalls, but is rather part of a later expansion stage of the Milchwerk Tagung / Kultur / Messe condition that the estate would be used to 26 flourishing community in the Middle Ages and the a grain chute as well as a big hall. In 1799 it was 14th century (approximately built 1350-1400). It was Alte Sparkasse / Carl Duisberg Centrum The former Milchwerk of Radolfzell provides establish a girls school. The Villa Bosch was Early Modern Times. Many noblemen settled in used as a French military hospital and served as recognized early that the markman gatetower is 27 Urkundenhäuschen The building at the corner of Tegginger-/Fürsten­ the city with a representative and modern temporarily owned by the German National Radolfzell or chose the well-fortified city as a second a chancellery for the Württembergerischen Cameral a shell tower which must have been open towards Once the temple like building was located at the bergstraße at the northern part of the city park cultur and conference center. The restructured Railway. The city of Radolfzell repurchased the residence. Since 1427 Radolfzell has been the Administration from 1806 to 1810. The names the city side and yet served the development of the Luisenplaza where the old Middle School was built was built in 1903. From 1904 to 1959 the Bezirks­ industrial building was designed for every building 1987. On December 19th 1988 the meeting place and the center of administration for “Forstei” and “Forsteiplatz” derive from the city wall. During the last maintenance the tower was from 1906 to 1908 (now “Hausherrenschule”). The 13 sparkasse Radolfzell, a regional bank, was located possible way of different utalization and has house was handed over to its current purpose: the Hegau knight hood, one of the four cantons regional forestry commission under the reign of sealed with a timber-framing face. 1958 the passage big Radolfzell markets took place there. These here. In the years between 1959 and 1980 the a room program which fulfills most diverse for concerts and the urban gallery. The art of the Swabian knight hood “Zum Georgenschild”. Baden which was located here. was laid open as a sidewalk. The tower has until the were fruit markets regressing importance not Radolfzell branch of the “Goethe-Institut” was requirements. asso­ciation Radolfzell e.V. and the cultural end of the 18th century served as a prison. hosted in this house. Successor of the language department offer interesting exhibitions earlier than at the end of the 19th century and Spital institution were the Carl Duisburg Centers. in alternation. especially the cattle markets where they herded The beginnings reach back to the 14th century. Alte Post up to 20.000 livestock. In the Little Document 8 After a fire 1541 the hospital complex was Radolfzell has since the 18th century been Schützentorschule House which was also the whereabouts of the rebuilt with a new chapel, using parts of the connected to the main stems of the Austrian land The art noveau (Jugendstil) house was built in 26 Scheffelschlösschen cities customs officers, sales were concluded Concert Sail old building. 1386 the Constance Bishop post. A carriage and horse-riding post of the 1903 from Johann Swars and was originally used as The so-called Scheffelschlösschen is a former (documents). In World War I it has been moved to Niklaus II from Riesen­burg enacted an appeal Taxisschen Realm post was established 1763. department store. In 2007 the store was expanded castle located on the peninsula of Mettnau. From the Mettnau and served as powder magazine. Griener Winkel for funds for the Holy Spirit Hospital which 1899 a new building was erected for the Imperial through the rooms of the former Schützentorschule. 1896 on the poet Joseph Victor von Scheffel and Old city district in the Seestraße. The houses themselves was in the phase of construction. Since one Post at the corner Tegginger-/Schützenstraße. Until 1961 its basement housed the first fish his family spent the summers on the peninsula are typical remains of a poor fish and farmer settlement of the hundred years the building complex serves as The insignia post horn, carrier pigeon and imperial hatchery in Baden-Württemberg. Today the house of Mettnau. After he had been raised to the ranks J K 18th century. Seestraße retirement home and nursing home. eagle are still visible on the outer walls. offers toys for young and old in fourth generation. Milchwerk of aristocracy he purchased the manor Mettnau