DOI: 10.26346/1120-2726-151 Phonetic evidence for phonotactic change in Nafsan (South Efate) Rosey Billingtona, Nick Thiebergerb, Janet Fletcherc ARC Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language, The University of Melbourne, Australia a <
[email protected]>; b <
[email protected]>; c <
[email protected]> Nafsan, an Oceanic language of central Vanuatu, is notable for the complex phonotactic structures it exhibits compared to languages spoken further to the north, and compared to the general preference for CV syllables among Oceanic languages. Various types of heterorganic consonant clusters are found in syllable onsets, and are thought to have arisen from the loss of selected medial vowels. Medial vowel deletion is suggested to be a process of change which has been underway for some time in the language, but the details of how this process operates have not been fully clear. Unresolved questions relating to the status of length in the vowel system and the location of lexical prominence have posed a challenge to arriving at a detailed description of vowel deletion and its con- sequences. Drawing together recent phonetic analyses and previous work, this paper provides an overview of phonotactic structures in contemporary Nafsan and outlines the main factors which lead to the deletion of medial vowels and result in the complex syllable onsets observed today. Keywords: Nafsan, Oceanic, phonotactics, vowel deletion. 1. Introduction Nafsan, also known as South Efate (ISO 639-3: erk, Glottocode: sout2856), is a Southern Oceanic language spoken by an estimated 6,000 people on the island of Efate in central Vanuatu, in the vil- lages Erakor, Eratap, and Pango (Clark 1985; Lynch 2000a; Thieberger 2006).