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17_57664x bindex.qxd 1/20/05 7:47 PM Page 301 Index See also Accommodations and Restaurant indexes, below. GENERAL INDEX Amsterdam East, 52 Basketball, 174 accommodations, 91–92 Beatrix Park, 164 restaurants, 129 The Beehive (De Bijenkorf), alsmeer, 254 A Amsterdam North, 52 184, 211 Absolute Danny, 216 restaurants, 131 Beer, 230 Accommodations, 1–2, 9, Amsterdam Pass, 46 Begijnhof, 153, 186 67–94. See also Accommo- Amsterdam Roots Festival, 21 Begijnhofkapel, 153 dations Index Amsterdams Brouwhuis Bellevue Theater, 221 family-friendly, 73 Maximiliaan, 187 Bell Tree, 215 gay and lesbian, 68 Amsterdamse Bos (Amster- Berlage Brug (Berlage reservations, 68, 78 dam Wood), 164 Bridge), 196 saving on, 42 Amsterdams Historisch Beurs van Berlage (Berlage surfing for, 32 Museum (Amsterdam Exchange), 151, 220 Addresses, finding, 48 Historical Museum), Bevrijdingsdag (Liberation Adrie Moerings Potten- 140–141, 184, 186 Day), 20 bakkerij & Pijpenmakerij Amsterdam South, 52 Bijbels Museum (Biblical (Gouda), 274 accommodations, 92–93 Museum), 141, 144, Afsluitdijk (Enclosing Dike), restaurants, 130–131 181–182 250–251 Amsterdam Walking Tours, Biking, 7, 21, 57–59, 174 Agnietenkapel, 186 173 to Hoorn, 251 Airfares, 31–32, 35–37 Amsterdam West, 52 tours, 172 Airlines, 34–35 restaurant, 131 along the Amstel River, bankruptcy and, 36 Animation Art, 207 196–198 long-haul flights, 37 Anne Frankhuis, 134, 180 Bimhuis, 222 Airport security, 35 Antiques, 7, 200, 206–207, Binnenhof (The Hague), 259 Air Tickets Direct, 36 217 Blauwbrug (Blue Bridge), Ajax, 8 Architecture,
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