Congressional Record- Senate
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1911. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-_SENATE. 1093 SENATE. He also presented a memorial of Sunflower Grange, Patrons ot Husbandry, of Castle Rock, Colo., remonstrating against the TuESDAY, Ju1113 6, 1911. proposed reciprocal trade agreement between the United States and Canada, which was referred to the Committee on Finance. The Senate met at 2 o'clock p. m. He also presented a petition of the Pastors' Federation ot Prayer by tbe Ohaplain, ReY. Ulysses G. B. Pierce, D. D. Washington, D. C'Y praying for the proper observance of Sunday The VIOE PRESIDENT resumed the chair. as a day of rest in the District of Columbia, which was ordered The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of the proceed to lie on the table. ings of Thm-sday last when, on request of Mr. GALLINGER .and He also presented a memorial of the Ancient Order of IDber by unanimous consent, the further reading was dispensed with nians of Delta County, Mich., remonstrating against the ratifi and the Journal was approved. cation of the proposed treaty of arbitration between the United The Secretary proeeeded to read the Journal ()f yest.erday's States and Great Britain, which was referred to the Committee proeeedings when, on request of l\fr. GALLINGER and by unani on Foreign Relations. mous consent, the further reading was dispensed with and the He also presented resolutions adopted by the Joint Alaskan Journal was approved. Committee of Seattle, Wash., relative to the rejection of certain SENATOR FROM ILLINOIS. coal locations in the Territory of Alaska, which were referred The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair lays before the Senate a to the Committee on Territories. communication from the secretary of the :Senate of the State Mr. GALLINGER presented memorials of Honor Bright of Illinois, which will be read: Grange, No. 153; of East Sullivan; of Ossipee Lake Grange, The Secretary read the commnnication, as follows! No. 175; and of Lawrence Grange, No~ 117, all of the Patrons STA.TE OF ILLIN01S, SENAnJ CHAliBER, of Husbandry, in the State of New Hampshire, remonstrating SECRETARY'S OFFICE, against the proposed reciprocal trade agreement between the 8pn111ltteia, m., June 1, 1911. United States and Canada, which were referred to the Com Hon. CHARLES G. BENNETT~ 8ecretarv United Statea Sena,te, mittee on Finance. Wcubinoton, D. ·O. He also presented a petition of the city council of Ports DE.AR Srn: Inclosed I hand yon copy of senate resolution No. 78. mouth, N. H., praying that an appropriation be made for the adopted by the senate of the State of Illinois, forty-seventh general repair of the battleship Portsmoitth, which was ordered to lie assembly. I also inclose a eopy of the report made by the 'Special investigating on the table. eommilte.e in regard to the· election of WILLIAM Loru::MER ~ United He also presented a memorial of the .Ancient Order of IDber t'States Senator. nians of New Hampshire, remonstrating against the ratifica I also hand you a eopy -0f the evidence taken before the investigating committee. · tion of the proposed treaty of arbitration between the United The delay in sending these has been occasioned partly by reaso.n of States and Great Britain, which was referred to the Committee not getting a copy of the evidence. on Foreign Relations. Yours, very truly, J. H. PADDOCK, Secretary of tM Senate. He also presented a petition of the Northeast Washington Citizens' Association of the District of Columbia, praying for Mr. OULLOM. I move that the whole be printed as a docu the enactment of legislation providing for the payment of the ment and referred to the Committee <>n Privileges and Elections. debt of the District of Columbia, which was referred to the The VICE PRESIDENT. Without objection, the dQeuments Committee on the District of Columbia. will be printed as a document and referred to the ()ommlttee He also presented a petition of the State Council of the Dis on Privileges and Ellections. ( S. Doc. No. 45.) trict of Columbia, Daughters of America, and the petition of Mr. DILLINGHAM. I would suggest that, for the con 0. M. Bryant, of Washington, D. C., praying for the proper venience of the committee and the eonvenience of the &mate, observance of Sunday as a day of rest in the District of Colum the evidence be indexed before it is printed. bia, which were ordered to lie on the table. The VICE PRESIDENT. without -Objection., that procedure Mr. CULLOM presented a memorial of the congregation of will be followed. · the Seventh-day Adventist Church of Mattoon, Ill, remonstrat;.. .Mr. CULBERSON. .Mr. President, we can not h~r on this ing against the enforced observance of Sunday as a day of rest side of the Chamber. in the District of Columbia, which was ordered to lie on the The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator from Vermont asked table. that the evidence be indexed before it is printed. He also pl'esented a petition of the Lake 'Mohonk Conference Mr. CULBERSON. I should like to ask if the evidence is on International Arbitration, of New York, and a petition of to tie _printed as a Senate document also. 220 school-teachers cif Binghamton, N. Y., praying for the ratifi The VICE PRESIDENT. That was the request, the Chair cation of the proposed treaty of arbitration between the United understood, of the Senator from Illinois, and. it was so ordered. States and Great, which were referred to the Committee CONTAGIOUS DISEASES ,SERVICE. on Foreign Relations. Mr. MYERS presented a memorial of the Irish societies of The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair lays before the Senate Great .Falls. Mont, .and a memorial of sundry citizens of Butte, a communication from the president of the Board -0f Commis Mont., remonstrating against the ratification of the proposed sioners of the District of Columbia, transmitting a draft of a treaty of arbitration between the United States and Great proposed joint resolution to provide funds for the continuance Britain, which were referred to the Committee on Foreign Rela of the contagious diseases service during the remainder of the tions. current fiscal year. The communication and accompanying He also presented a memorial of sundry citizens of Hamilton, papers will be printed .and referred to the Oommittee .on the Mont., remonstrating against the _passage of the so-called District of Columbia. Johnston Sunday rest bill, which was ordered to lie on the Mr. HEYBURN~ Is that in the nature of legislation coming table. ' in and being referred upon the introduction of a member of the board of commissioners? Mr. OHILTON presented a petition of Washington Oamp, No. The VICE PRESIDENT. That seems to be what it is. 8, Patriotic Order Sons of America, of Shepherdstown, W. Va., :Mr. HEYBURN. I think matters of legislation had better and a petition of Washington Camp, No. 37, Patriotic Order come from some Member of this body. Sons of America, of Rio, W. Va., praying for the enactment of The VIOE PRESIDENT. The Ohair will withdraw the com legislation to further restrict im.migratio~ which were referred munication for the present. to the Committee on Immigration. Mr. MARTINE of New Jersey presented a memorial of Local REESTABLISHMENT OF TERRITORIAL DIVISIONS. Division No. 540, Amalgamated Association of Street and Elec The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communi tric Railway Employees of America, of Trento~ N. J., and a cation from the Secretary of War, transmitting, in response to memorial of the Grand Lodge, International Association of a resolution <>f the 1st instant, certain information 1·elative to Machinists, of Trenton, N~ J., remonstrating against the alleged the proposed reestablishment .of territorial divisions, which, abduction of John J. McNamara from Indianapolis, Ind., which with the accompanying papers and illustrations, was referred were referred to the Committee on F.ducation and Labor. t.o the Committee on Military Affairs .and ordered tp be printed. He also presented a memorial of Pequest Grange, No. 178, (S. Doc. No. 42.) Patrons of Husbandry, of Tranquility, N. J., remonstrating against the proposed. reciprocal trade agreement between the PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. United .States and Canada, which was referred to the Com- The VIOE PRESIDENT presented a memorial of the San mittee on Finance. · Joaquin Valley Macaroni Factory of California, remonstrating He also presented memorials of Local Division No. 3, Ancient against macaroni being placed on the free list., which was re Order -0f Hibernians, of Dover; of the German-American .Alli ferred to the Committee on Finance. ance and United Irish Societies, of Hudson County; of Local 1694 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. JUNE 6, Division No. 12, Ancient Order of Hibernians, of Jersey City; Mr. KENYON presented a petition of J. M. Tuttle Post, No. of the Liederkranz Association, Turn Verein, and Local Division 497, Grand Army of the Republic, Department of ·Iowa, of No. 5, Ancient Order of Hibernians, of New Brunswick; of Ottumwa, Iowa, praying for the enactment of legislation grant Gottlob Fehrle and Oska Sharfenskey, of South River; of C. J. ing increased pensions to veterans of the Civil War, which was Leyden, Edward Reiman, and P. J. Curry, of Jersey City; and referred to the Committee on Pensions. of Michael Flaherty and sundry other citizens of Harrison, East He also presented petitions of sundry citizens of Pella, Sioux Newark, Kearny, and Bergeniield, all in the State of New City, and Davenport, all in the State of Iowa, praying for Je~sey, remonstrating against the ratification of the proposed the ratification of the proposed treaty of arbitration between the treaty of . arbih·ation between the United States and Great United States and Great Britain, which were referred to the Britain, which were referred to the Committee on Foreign Re Committee on Foreign Relations.