Junketing Couneilmen to Urge New Bridge
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ST AUa JII^E FLA 32034." BOCA RATON NEWS Vol. 12, No. 84 June 4, 1967 Sunday 10$ Junketing Couneilmen To Urge New Bridge City, County Plan Trip To Capital City and county officials, in an all-out effort, will seek to have the State Road Department in- clude funds for engineering a bridge over the Intracoastal Waterway at 40th street. Councilmen, County Com- missioner George Warren .and Repo Donald Reed will meet with State Road Board Chair- man Jay Brown in Tallahassee Thursday to seek to have the project reinstated in the 1967- 68 budget,, "There is a real priority for this to be in this budget," Mayor Bernard E. Turner said. "Property owners early in 1966 signed a contract with the city to give us the right-of-way First student to receive her diploma at Boca superintendent, presented the diplomas at the providing the bridge was built within three years. Already Raton High School graduation ceremonies was Friday night ceremonies. Charles Godwin, prin- Cheri Ann Amos. John J. McDonald, adminis- cipal, is in the background. Former Gov. Leroy Collins spoke at graduation. more than a year has gone by and if we don't get at least the trative assistant to the Palm Beach County school engineering in this year's ap- propriations, it will be impos- sible to comply with that con- Master Plan To Be Drawn Collins Stresses tract." Councilman Harold Maull es- timated the right-of-way would cost the city "dearly", if it has Respect for Law to be purchased. Park Contract on Agenda The project was originally in the current 1966-67 budget, and Contract for development of ferendum. An additional half- if the city expands the area The graduating class of Boca fully someone had printed the million dollars for improve- involved in the beach-park or Raton High School Friday night programs on heavy paper and was put in because of the per- a master plan for the city's new sonal pleas of Warren, who then north-beach expansion will be ments also were approved at contemplates additional con- was urged to "always show re- these were in use by graduates, the same time,, struction projects. spect for the law ... it is the parents and spectators alike as was head of the county com mis- on the agenda at Tuesday's siono meeting of the City Council. When completed, the project Also still pending is a State very life blood and sinews that fans in an effort to keep from would provide for about 1,250 makes this nation a viable so- sweltering. However, according to City Up for Council approval will Road Department plan to locate 3 be a document naming Robert feet of ocean front property. a scenic overlook somewhere ciety. ' John F. Sullivan Jr., presi- (Continued on page 8A) Roll, Duane Johnson and Edward The park would run from the The charge came from LeRoy dent of the, student body, made ocean west to the Intracoastal in the vicinity of the beach- Do Stone Jr. as the group res- park. Collins, the only man who ever the welcoming speech, a hu- ponsible for drafting the beach- Waterway. served consecutive terms as morous yet serious talk that Youth Court park plans. The proposed con- Still pending is a city appli- Broad outlines for the beach- Florida governor (1955-61). got a standing ovation from his tract would provide for the pay- cation for federal matching park development were drafted Collins, who served as Presi- classmates. ment of some $35,000 in archi- funds which could double the by a citizens committee last Jeffrey Clark, the salutator- Law Passed tect's fees for the project. land area involved and increase summer and have been accept- dent Johnson's Community Re- ian, called for devotion and lations Director in Selma, Ala., Boca Raton's municipal court First phase of the project, the amount available for ed by the Council. Heavy em- hard work in the years ahead improvements. phasis was placed by the com- and after the Watts riots in Los while Donald Kapsch, the vale- now has the authority to try ju- development of the master plan, Angeles, warned that in the venile traffic cases, and no is price-tagged at $8,000. The proposed contract for mittee on retention of the na- dictorian, urged a return to the plans specifies a maximum de- tural environment along the bed civil rights struggle "there are "principles that made America longer needs special permis- The city s plan is to develop those reformers who would sion on each case from the an area both north and south of velopment cost of $465,000, but of the Old Spanish River, which great." provides for additional services ran through the area ' trample on law and order and Charles Godwin, principal county's juvenile judge. the existing north beach as a by resorting to anarchy would told the members- of this se- The new state statute per- combination beach-park area. pollute and destroy this nation," cond graduating class of the mitting such action became law Funds for the land purchase, The former governor, who high school of his pride in Friday, after passing both the totaling $1 million, were ap- served two years as president them, and that "they always House of Representatives and proved by the voters in a re- Preparations for Flag of the National Association of had a home to return to here." the Senate. Broadcasters called on the The new law was a project graduates to "always re- The diplomas were present- of the Juvenile Advisory Coun- Day Observance Start member that America is built ed by John J. McDonald, ad- cil, the City Council and the on the free-enterprise system, ministrative assistant to the Boca Raton News. Prior to May 31 - June 3, 1967 Preparations for Flag Day making plans for a city-wide and we must never allow the superintendent of schools. three weeks ago, juvenile traf- HI LO RAIN observances began this week motorcade which will launch process of government erosion After the ceremonies, Col- fic cases had been on the dock- Wednesday 87 68 0 in Boca Raton. Flag Day observances June 14. to destroy the incentive of our lins, school officials and pa- et for several .months before Thursday 87 72 0 Members of the Elks Lodge Larry O'Carroll, ruler of the profit system.3' rents congratulated the stu- action could be taken because Friday 86 68 .17 2166, sponsors of the annual Elks has extended an invitation The 152 graduates, perspir- dents on the central patio. of court jurisdiction. Sat.(Noon) 84 68 0 Flag Day program, are already to all organizations and the gen- ing heavily under caps and eral public to participate in the gowns, sat on the front rows of parade of cars displaying the a packed auditorium. Thought- American Flags. The parade, O'Carroll said, "will begin assembling at 6:30 p.m. on East Royal Palm Road. Sewer Plans The cars will move west on Palmetto Park road from Fifth avenue to Northwest Second Move Ahead avenue, then north to the Elks Lodge, 140 N.W. 11 St., where It will be full speed ahead the cars will disperse and the for plans for sewers for Win- Elks will hold their annual Flag field Park, Chatham Hills and Day services, Boca Woods Tuesday night. "We're asking everyone to Council will take the first participate in the parade to hon- steps in the involved proceed- or and show appreciation of the ings required to do the first American Flag and the free- major sewer work in the city dom, equality, justice and hu- in three years by adopting the manity that the flag repre- necessary ordinances calling sents," O'Carroll said. for the project,, He added a plea that parade In a discussion meeting last viewers also display a hand week with more than 300 of the flag. property owners in the area, "Display the'American Flag couneilmen and city officials from every home! shop or fac- answered a series of questions tory on this day," he said. and presented information on "Show the world1 that free Am- the project. ericans appreciate their flag A 20-item agenda faces coun- and all the goodness it stands eilmen Tuesday night, following for." a week's layoff due to the Mem- orial Day holiday. Council is expected to ap- prove footpaths along the Flo- rida East Coast Railroad right of way, following the FEC's Ann Landers Page 3B agreement not to require a C alendar 3B four-foot fence between the walk Classifieds 10-1IB Editorials 4A and the railroad. Insight Other items consist of pur- IB Public Notices 10B chasing mowers and fogging Real Estate machines, accepting rights of 5-7B Sports 5A way contracts, and naming a St. Andrew's School graduates passed up the traditional cap and Students received diplomas and awards Friday in the new chapel Travel member to the library board. 9B gown in favor of the school's official blazer and white trousers. on campus. See related picture and story on page 2A of today's news. Women's News 2-3-4B 2A Sundoy, June .4, 1967 BOCA RATON NEWS c MITCH WOODBURY REPORTS: Hook and Liner Ardent Hook and Liner. .1 haven't the slightest idea as to the identity of the savant who said: "Once a fisherman, always a fisherman." In fact, I'm not even sure it ever was said. But the word age seems as good as any in summing up the \\, story of Joseph Janssen, certainly one of Boca Raton's best and most ardent exponents of the hook and line.