^-V., h ' vt--'- ’ “. Vi r..->,'/^’■'/;,• ■ . ■ 4'. ■ T I -i .1- .- .'l . 1 r.1 *% ' ■■ MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1989 Avertge Dkily Net Preea Ron HtuL^Wenflier Fer t»e Week KMed- I ef-P, ffiSifaatber.fw fc' tfa n riirstfr JDea », IMP w ; - ' - lir, n IM e eeiAer dob'O f Po- idflft. I.*w » i to M . OewddefUMe f S ith o ll^ ^ u rd i will :k • 13,054 l ^ u t T o w n •iinuti nieeting and elec- Member «f the Aadlt tff^ ffiftoefs. followed by a BwaAfi ef ~ /■ ' A a -Ote defettdanta and the prosecu­ EiMnhower hea^ today for nodal houc. versity' of Connecticut School of, ARMOUR was killed iir a clash with the after the iricident. markups by P'"*' - Mechanical Rngineering. He is a The executive hoard of Nathah tion can appeal to a sup^or tri­ band. The prosecutor charged that The Navy said an investigae avail­ annual Christmas party Thursday expert eepnlrlng. v ’, quarters here, end told, each pris­ able In which' m e m b ^ may ,de- at 3 p.m. it the chapel.-Members prednisone an^'^redni.solone anti-1 Ry JOBN MAU ' Open Mondays All Day oner of their decision. arthritic drugsTmarked an attempt | pM t gifts for the ^rw ich State and friends' who • atten OUTS CUTS mobiles near "Yanceyvllle. N.C>.’ patent has been issued or even ap­ Jiuattee." / will hold a workshop meeting and araarentl.v. fahn^ out in a plied for. M itchell Proposes variety of directions: Backing up thi* thanna. Wednesday from 10 a-m, to 1 p.m. He also testified that Schertag howar and PaldaUa’e Pedant at ths home of Mrs. Douglas Rob­ lb In Washington the FBI an­ .made no effort to restrain Any nounced its agents have joined the Marine Halts, Mohammad Ajrub Khan tar a joint erts, Vernon Rd., Bolton. Mem­ Stteel C o n tract P la n type of distribution of the druga. declaration urged non-Cammunlat bers will decorate wreaths In prep- AUTO BODY : hunt. although he said it wouId4)ave a Cold Wave Hits East; EARLY CALIFORNIA GOOD COOKS PREFER . I It acted under a federal law p.ro- countrie* to maintain their de­ araUon for the Christmas Green WELDING. AUTO lODY and KNDIR REPAIRS DOLE Washington, Dec. 8 (/Pi—Secre­ right to do so if it obtained a pat- sale to be held at Center Congre­ Medium FROZEN ! vldlng FBI assistance in searching ; ‘ Legs Give Out fense alliance* a*/ a bulwark gational Church Dec. 17. size tary .of Labor James B. Mitchell to­ for prison escapees charged with In this Instance, he said, Scher­ ^jfabist commu COMPLETE CAt PAINTING RIPE O LIVES CRISCO 3 day urged ateel labor arid manage­ j major crimes. Winding up htosecond day hare, SUNSHINE ^ ing had licensed, five other firm* to Storms Rip Europe S t KUxabeth’s Mothers' blrde UC9UER AND ENAMEL PINEAPPLE CHUNKS HOWARD JOHNSON'S FROZEN ment to submit their long dispute Ivy Bluff is considered- the market the drugs in packaged In Noble Effort Blaenhpwar v n i acclatamd by Pa- win meet Wednesday at 8:15 p.m. 16-01. 15’Vo*- to some third party, possibly the I state's to u g h e s t prison. State form. He s|iid this was all they klstanl* On pa side*, and hailed by at tha borne of Mrs. Miehasl Krispy Crackers pkg. eon\ FRIED CLAMS ■government, for solution. ' i Prison*'Director William F. Bailey wanted to do. Hartford, Dae. 8

M'AN^TTlC8*rER 8 V S y iN 0 HERALD^ MANOHjMTKRxCONN«»^^Tljt«^DAYt^jECE^ro^fi^jBr^^^l^S^ u m ^ w o m i t c i t n m ' EVK N tN O h e r a l d . Ma n c h e s t e r , c o ^ . , T u e s d a y . D e c e m b e r t . i9S9 P A G iS T B R lS MiitHa TownjCMBmktee 'maeting at the a wtaf of his plan* rtf h* was Democrats Honor Mrs. FDR Cfdumbia eWanliM it and broke u * lag. Thar* will M new jawelty, sueh aa Simifi Windsor Friday at 8 p,m.. Andoter Chriatmaa aar-rtiif*, pin* and aata. Te DIaeaaa FlMalng Mayh* thay’r* making these lit­ Sheinwold bn Bridge tle cars too little. A., taecooiv m The- committee will *l$e aeecpt Local women arc tnyited to a l e n used Jewelry wMeh Uity will dlean meethtg of the ;Leagtie of Women knocked one off the .ro4d Whair Co-opStrives they collided' near -Rhinelander, Carol Orifiib and repair.' - ^ Perastent Salesman Vbun, m- SMt Hartford Wednaa- Wl*., driver ^John Welch riiefully Th* tmliad' goods iwoth will' in­ day at 8:.1S p.m. in the Sunset HELP OPPONENTS clude baked Mans. jam*. J«111*b. Rtdge School cafeteria, 450 Forbea m a k e m is t a k e s , South dealer reported. And a Jackrabbit wreck­ To Stay Open ed ariotber little- sportater in Al­ picklaa, bread, cookies, cake* and' By Alfrafi SliPhiWBid No______Prog^mSet plae. Another booth will feature, UAL MMtani Tsam OuimpkNi )irtH pine, Tex., to the dismay! of owner Fined for ^JrO^ass Town Planning will be the aub- Columbia's Coop*ratlva Klnd- Floyd Richmond. 'Hie latter con­ candy and pfipoom baUa, and atat jact of .the meeting. Bs kind to your opponents. U, 4 KI0S2 A program on th* origin of ■S-, In ^Beauty ConlesV srgartsn- axtcuUve board will da- B 9 6 4 ^4" test wmy not have been quite fair, luaottier will feature Chriatmaa y ' Merrill Uncoln of • Technical you are defending againiit-a-fie-, '• By PAUL^ONIBB fout, slipped, cracked hia shoulder, Cbrlstma* car<^'in various limda decorations for doors, mantals and A H*rtfbril man who Inniated on* •* char;*. ^ operatic without FMnnlng Aasociataa, South Wind- dM tomorrow night'whethar to clarer who is headed in the rirongf ♦ KQ4 eventmuly and painfully answered since itxwss a Texas jsekrabut. cornMnc'. the morning and after­ A 9.3 2 . Otowtor *C PHblie IMteriMaMi will be presented at tha Women’s tables. llghta against a Broad Brook man sor'a planning consultant, will' be (ContinHed, from Page OM) direction, .^opsn'all the dodre po- Natts—I aaiotjr OouneO the fnslBtent bell. It was a cheery And in 'New Tazewell, Tenn., aealtng tha itace of an amealt* noon seaalotia and how to raise WEST EAST Phil Qreer was

' u • XV'''- .1 "'.1 ", '5/ V


IfXKCHEStER }G HERALD. MAHGH18TER, OOHN.. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 188» MAKCRESTEA ffVENINO HERALD. MANCHESTER. OONNh TUE^AY, DECEMBER 8, 1969 PAGE FIYB H ™iMi YW CAtoSeU BOY SCOUT Peimy Sav^' 1 „, '^ 4 Tfou ^ould K n o w . . . 'K % Gif ts. Greens ^ote^^ndNetfii Wants ^8 } " ‘“f""'- ...i " 1 \ Bdhert T» Vehnart ^ thh Chrtatmah iiaie, a ' A reUgldus thsm'a provided the The PSnny Sever ttarttt Stiop jMnt pjfojMt of Manchester, •etti^ tar the .annnid .ttaop 86 eoramMtee is smpeeliag U> towns- ; rdeeni monthi Robert T. Ven- Chriatinaa party, held over the 'elevisUm OlaStdnbury xinfleld units of psople and msmbers of the Mad- 164 Cooper 8L, hae figured MttabiSa BM wrsekand at Camp,Pioneer InWin- dhester Itemorial Hoepitel Wom­ Ihdiitly bi hewa about the /KwTdTwi. the Hfuitford Y, will be held TMi) u. stSd, aa Scoutmaatar Harry MalB- en's AugUMry for dooetlons at iohester Houaing Authority and rilTrtt JtiM tir iiB T»rofre*i!, at the Cdihmunity'■'Y" here Thurs­ mant narratad tha story of “The used and oiH^Dwn pleythUike bd- ( j U . ^ Ita'prolKNMd HABO.lU houaing proj. CTtoonruit^m^ day from 10 a.m. to Fliim. Other Wiseman-" Bible rosktinga oeuM the dCRieqd for to ^ far ect t^ th o elderly off W. Center 8t guiai Dr*w McGrtw *:00 wars pressnti^ by Paul' Saati, nt Piciur« ^ __ _ Miss Magda Nitnik o^^Manehsa- axceedi the euppiy>. A 'Manohaster native, Vennart; •;» w«atmr. Ifw *i«i •»*«* ter wi|i serve m genaraKchair- Daniel RhpBee, Jimmy Higgins, Mrs. Edgar Clarke^ ebelrmaii, X 41, hds beeh-MHA- chairman aince 10. ■». Anthony Salfla, and Ihmean Boek- pben* V*«f * " * » ' ..w »:m Plinift.ltari«- -.-J» man. A oominlttee represent^ thq rtportf theipe have iMen sdany ra- 1963 and a member since 1961. Bimrt.. K»»« BiMl W<(*lh*r Rad McaUnn (C) ■». threa partlctiiatlng townii ua 'iu mors than 78 iwbuta Jointd quadta for akataa, aki boo>ta ai|d Under Ilia and othec$’ guidance, the lit PrMtOB _ ^ ^ r M»ara , 1 ; In the event after a day et.icout- KD-iinit project la taking shape.on Sollk J*co*»' .Club H, Artlclee will tm eatled for by 800 aeuior citizens hc^e to mov* 1% CompBM ■ U:00 Wt Naaaa for which reservationa should ha after \Mnch Richard Harvey Ira oceitactlng M n. Robert AlcAury^ The unpaid authority wffffced MovU 4t Sayan . Barry Baraata.! the grOuiMn a Chriatmu carol . msiny houra to get authorization for Nava and Waatbar fporta. Nawa * Waatbar I. I made at the local ‘JY " office; Mra. -or they may ba laft at the Fanny TRIPLE-S BLUE Feature Forty Brown Ihomion's BfuSlo C. A. Bader and Mra. Harbart ■Ongfeet. Refreshments rounded Sever Aop between .10 em . end the federally subeldized project. TiU Waaf Kaaa. MitfUltMa 33 11:15 starltjrht VnTta out the program.'' Hla .own recompense, Vennart Ooua Edvarda Nobis of Olaatontaury will u t v 4 p.m. Tuaadeye through FTideys ' ^ WorliTa Baat Morlaa co-chairmen for the luncheon. says, na* been “self-aatisfactlon .. HunUay-BrtWday . Nlfht Jpot . Troth Announced abd elao Thuiedey enraii^. working for a good cauHe." T.80 iJiram la *3. SO .Tack Paar Show 13, A baby-sitter service will be Hie shop, looaitod JiA aosth of ‘ Bmncn ! • 11 :F Jack Paar l^w The engagement of Miae Wanda Ilie same motivation kppeatu to Sueal-root ^ ' II. 40. 81 Tadlaa BiV^^aa A llelly 10. 4i ^CM^olftr St., Rockville. The briderslact le ings, piacemsts and napkihs. and find the thrift shop prtose low, Other seaunal noveltiM. Curtis B. Wilson, chief engineer He's a member of the Sphinx BEE sATtmuArs TV WEiK FOB OQMPum u n o fo also the daughte£.«f^he late Mrs. Of Manchester Memorial Hbapitai, end aleo Maaelwsttir MieOnrial Temple, Hartford, and Bphiigt Sophie TerpiloekI. The food booth will be stockeBO->lSM ance Co., Hartford. Goodell Chapter in Hartford; and lund, 37 Delmont St., and the late • :00 Nawi, Saimab w n o -is s s tions; cones, winter berries, candle up a plan of action, should Man­ •■ •00 Newa Mr. Sulli-van ii a 1963 graduate holders, winter boiiqueta, corsages, the Connecticut Conatatory in Thorsten O. Englund haa bean hon­ • :16 Art JetmaOn- of Manchester High School and is chester be devastated by dlMster. ' New York—-The National Asad- ored at several bridal ahowars re­ • :45 Lawell Themaa • :1| Waatbar, Sporta dtah gvdans, table and door trim- The plan calls for each doctor clatkm of mvaatment OOmpanias Norwich. /' T:w.Ainoa ^N‘ Andy •iSO Baranada Inveatmenta employed by. Hamilton Standard minge. There win aleo be a wphlte He’s a member, also, of the cently. r ^ r ?:S0 Nava.' COBtady Tima • '45 ThraeRtar Bntra division of United Aircraft Corp- - .to report to a- certain atation 'to ♦aporta that at tha end of the first -.45 Bob andRay T:Q0 Dick BartaU alephant booth. form teams alongtwHth nurses and half Of 19M there ware 598,000.au Manchester Country Club, the The bridp-eleo^ a' secretary with |:00 World rontrtt T ;K Newa of tka World Ng date h u been aet for tha British American Club, the' Re- the State 'IVaffic Commiaaion, ia to i:1 5 Muato TUI OM • lOQ BonHer wadding. _____ practl^l nurses. Other employes tomatie'" dividend • rsliivaatmant J|:00 Neva 10:00 Traaeury e( Uuaic Promote Rereorch at the hospital have also been in­ plana 'in axiatetioa among ahare pubUcaft Town Committee, and wed John Robinson Trumbull ot S :1 0 Uuaic TUI One |0:SO Intenuaiio for Moderna . the Hartford ^gi'neera Club. He Hartford on .DecA26 at Immanuel- 11:® Vawa structed to report to specific poets. holdara of mutual funds. 1:00 Hawa Man OW orta Final The plan was made in 1967, atteiida St. Mary’s Episcopal Congregational Church in Hart­ WHAT>«M Bruaoela --- Belgium is planning' ford. Her fjrace is the aon of Mr. arUght■ |RlKr|^B< Beranada Bombinii; Threats to apend 190.000,000 in 1«B0 to however, and since that time the Church. •awa. Ml / Native of Manchester and Mrs. A n)e; Cook Trumbull, . WINF—USO Shut Newspaper proniote acientSBc research. A Na­ hospital ha* expanded from a 300- Milton, Maas. t:00 Ed. P. Morsan > ftebbclaf Nawa tional Council for Scientifle FoUcy. bed to a 300-bra 'hospital. Also / Vennart wa* born in Manchester t:18 Bt« Show Nawa IhMindup oompoaed of repreaentaitivee of the since that time, many new em­ , Jan. 3, 1917, one of five sons of A' miscellaneous 'ahower was ,5:00 > Btoareaita and Naan Little.R^h, Ark., Dec. Ifl —■ acientide, biMlneM, and aoclal ployes have been added, and the Fred Vennart and the late Minnie given at the Immanuel Congrega­ I IkaltoB Laarls Bomb thraate that acve4 away ad- Yotfr Home for ChrUitnw tional Chu]cch house in Hartford by :00 Newa. Waatbar I Tha Army Hour flelda, will make recommendations location of many departments has CARPET Vennart. His father resides now 8;15 Bowie B. vertiaars forced a waekiy Negro to a apecial OounctI of Minlaters been changed. Tonight’s meeting on Cornell St. At the age of 13, Mrs. Alan'E. MarBhaII,\Mts8 Pris­ t:00 Lou Terry newapaper to shut down, Mra, L. on Setentifle Pohey.- wrlll update the plan. Veiinart woii the town’s Junior cilla Weld and Miss Betty Goex!- 31;® Newa FOR AS wln, members of the Fireside Club Il:i0 Lou Terry if :S te eleV ey ^ ffu^bara and Na C. Batea, wife of the paper’s pub- tennis championship and his grad­ ^ !® Del Rayeee 13:06 Nawa Itrandup Itaher; aaya. U TTLE AS MONTHLY uation from Manchester' High of that chUrch. Mrs. Bates, president of the School came in the class of 1935B. Manchester friends attended an­ Arkansas Branch of the NaUonai He helped arrange tl^ 20th class other miscellaneous shower given RegionolS Aaeoclatlon for the Advancement reunion in 1955 ahd, after the by Mrs. Fred Stewart, Mihi R. C. of Colored Pe<4;>le, said yesterday holidays, will stemt planning the Alton and Mrs. Howard C. Angell that anonymous telephone callers Jr„ sister of the bride-elect,- 'i^t the haraasod advertisers In the State 25th. / Two Questions Unresolved V Vennart went to work as a Alton home, 249 E. Center St: Pres* constantly. She attributed A dinner for the bridal party the calls to segegationiste. SHOP lOW -^AY UTER stenographer St the Pratt A Whit­ ney Pivtaion of the United Air­ ■will be given by the bridegroom’s “Thay would call up the smaller AmMtgB a ii HFC Holklay C««h Loan up to $600 to cover parents on Christmas night at the After School Board Meets merchants and threaten to bomb craft Corp- 24 years sigo. Now, their stores if they ran more ade heavy Seaaonal expenses-repay in convenient monthly . he’s auiaAnt to the plant en- Hotel Bond. Mr. and Mrs. Trumbull in tha paper." *he said. emounte. Ybu'lf Hke the .conveniences you get at HFC. I gineepCa Job tied up with the op­ will also entertain the wedding Two hnporUnt quasUoiw rthf Foote of Habron and Edward A. Bates announced Nov. 8 that the eration of the entire East Hart- ushers and their wives at a lunch­ Vbu also get speed and courtaay. Phone or^pme in today. Give A 01ft eon at'Scpler’a Restaurant in H u t- main un^uolved aiftwr b .RbStonal Teomana, praaldent of tha RHAM paper had been suspended and at Certtficete fora plant. His phones keep busy, Teachers' Aean- When Foote in­ Alm n of $100 cesit $30.60 whal^promptly fofd on the day of the wedding.' 8 Board f t EduuUon iM«tlti8 last that time blamed financial loakaa F*3 CarpeMng A * aa.y*, with businesX-at work and formed the praea that the meet- and the termination of a building y^\ repaM Hi 13 eonaaoiJtIve manlhly Inatalmanti /KHK matters at home. >. night. would be an executive aeaaion, leaae. of $10.09 Mch. No andoner* are raqulrad. Oredlta Andlsio Wanher_ Cleans Cards ■* They VO: W h*t . will the Ro-‘ Yeomwa stated that the teachera Vennart credits MHA Vice Mohal Board do with tha 8134,408 had hot requested or expected a OUSEHOLD FINANCE Chairman Ray Andisio with get­ ■ Northbrook, 111. — Playing fcarda hvdahip grant, and what la tha cloied meeting. He said the teach­ ting the Idea of elderly housing that you can clean ip 3-our auto­ '•>7 ' H latest developmant in tha nago- era were there merel.v to present a MANCHESTER sotne 18 months ago. Before that, matic washer, that are guaranteed tiatlona of l i taaehara tor a aat- r^Kirt on their decisions v d no't the unit's Job was administering not to wear out, burn, chip, crack, to dlfcuss anything. He said they S U a M M MMIfIM IM fl fM0>MIM PARKAM Eemant of thair contract diaputa? ..since-liquidated veterans' hous­ or fade',' are now on the market. 1 Ponding furthv vtion, the would prefer to do this in an open 3m l2 i Middle Tvrn|9ilw West CARPET^^NTER ing in town. It was created by These carda, made in Northbrook, Board votad unantmoualy laat meeting. WW MANY INCHES statute in World War II. are all-plantic. The manufacturer Bight to Invaat the grant in riiert Board Trsuurer Teomana then 2nd n^e^Rmten 9-VU a n MAIN STREET—MI 8-6108 The- project for which the unit says thait ohe of his deo’xis--it sella tem netoa tmdor th« guidve# of pointed ou| that the Board could SNOW DOES IT II to I Itoa., Tsai, M iv ;-)l to I Bed., FrL-^t-ji to II Ssf. t has compiled a "mountain" of for $6—outlasts .637 decks of or­ the Connecticut Bank wd T r a t not-legaliy go into executive ee^ TAKE TO EQUAL AN FREE PABKINO BIOHT AT OUR DOOR * paperwork and held many meet­ dinary playing cards in mechani­ Co. until a daeiaion la madia u to lion unless they voted to do eg, A ings and field trips will be. in cal wear teste. If the printing ever what wilt ha dene with th« 'money. motion for ^ the executive aeSaion INCH OF RAIN ? Vennart'* opinion, the first of its fades or wehrs off, you get a new, Traaaurdr John H. Teomana of WM mads t>y BMord and steohdild OPEN UNTIL • kind to. be completed with federal deck free. x Andover aatimated that a -llO ia- by Harry. Hawk, also of Mvlbw- MONDAY, TUESDAY, funds in the United States. eome per day wlU roault.from tha ough and passed without oppoirt- THURSDAY, FRIDAY 9 P.M Discussing its details, he says InterMt 'U a result of the InvMt* Don. rent will be based on some 20 per menL Five minuUe-^ter the preos.left, cent of income, probably averog- I Doc^rlas Seeord of Marlborough the teachers emerged to convene , Ing $4.6'4. month. Age will be lim­ ■aid many paopla have ahown an in tha tsaebars' lounge where they ited to 66 for men and 62 for faiteraat In using tha grant to re­ ednfapifM on wrhether to meet with women, althoiigh their wives or Uia^Board in axeeutive eeasion. duce the dlatriet's 81.900,000 muni­ ^1^^ ^1^^ MIM MM MM liiM MM 1 husbands can be youfi^er. Com­ cipal bond. He asked whether- T^cy returned to the Board moot­ bined Incomes must not exceed there will be a penalty if aoTM^t ing 10 minuteo later to give their 7 - -.14,000. ' LIFE the hoqdi are paid in a^yvee. report. The teachers aiUd later they No applications have yet been will make their statement public reviewed. ' ' Yeomans replied that there' w v no late today after they Inform the penalty^ chaige but tte t the bonds RHAM High School Education are not liegotlable and cannot be Aean. It take* a proper balance .-Sf retired prematurely unless the vitamina and minerals to Preciom Gift Flatter^ Board can i i ^ an inveetor willing Manoheatar Evening Henid Aa- keep healthy, and none to to aell hig^bonds. If the grant 4ever earpeepeedent Mta. Paol K. .equal SUPER PLENAMINS. FREE REIIVERY were ^laSd to repurehasa bonds; Take vitamin* dally . . . M mnwBiiiADM M mnm PfaM ticu. teidphena F TI g r 1 m utrsmu rreit Teoffiaiis estimated it would re- S-8868. it's, good “ Health Insur­ tIGREn MUG §lli in at leaat a ona mill redue- ance." Check our vitamin on per town. , prices! (It takes 10 inches of DOUBLE At Til* PARKADE The three towns of the. district, snow) Read Herald Advs. Andover, Hebron and Mariborough FOR HINT SEAMLESS are in the highest mlllrrate gteup IW ORLD GREEMI in the State., 8 and 18 mm. Msvle Frajoetore Exaenttye BeaMaa Debafad. asw 8 at sUeah aka 85 mm. aMdapraJsetera. n E J b a w s m i i €: Reporter* were excluded from aam xaKiMrHBTnHat. at. the meeting of the Board -with the. WELDON DRUG CO. mcBmiftiiiuiaiEiTEi teechers lut night after a brief 801 Mala St. TaL BH S-8831 debate between Chairman ' Aobert PIME M.I-NI4 STJ lMPS GET THIS FREE NYLONS WEDNESDAY $1;3S 10 $2.00 ptiir NEW BOOKLET S P E C t d L i B ? N o Seams ia Straighten NATIVE WAVIEST FOR ANSWERS 1C TO QUESTIONS BANKER NSeVSSES r^Santa read your letter ovet LIKE THESE • Ibflatioo I*. . S|Mlt Of <|UBrfe i%d. S-SVa Nm. - * vtlBulL I.AiniT01 •Intfreat Rates MR END W INF every day at 7 P M . 'D fviw Vi RV m n m il fw VGOitn t ^ Sundays at 9:10 A M . ^ • Why lum IMsf casts ItMirisiiig? ROAST • Is hrtMiaii t*cr!^ ‘ L : ’ • WhyeshtrclRNMyT ^ ^ ^ . Wisdow Shades PORK lA. • Hsii 888 Bt avtM fwthar lafUtioiiT Ye$, it'$ true . . . nothing but nothing > r M«dftl« Oriier •VI^Hhrtir88tnteri88(8rfal)7 ^ IE SURE TO DEPOSIT YOUR • Who reaihf hsRtfIta fra« riiiac hitsntt ntsf 7 _ gives you the fnoompd^rable flattery, ALSO LITTiR* AT THE SANTA CLAUS VENETIAN lUNDS BEEF WMT^ PNeNE, M CALL IN PDISON so-feminine looirof .exquisite grooming Brings yoar . old relkn te Sad MAN. iO X AT THE MANCHESTER FOR YOW OOTY 0^ FRFI BOOKLET eaVo We per^ehade. Pirfeet Leg Size’ that you get when you-re''wMring out- SHOPPING PARKADE (RETWEEff P a t t i e s Lb. i KOFSNY'S SHOE STORE AND of-this-wOrid seamlDss hose by Belle -TI h i E c m m ig M W . T. GRiANTSK A N D im / ' 'Sharmeer. And you never have to worry PUBLIC RELATIONS DEPARTMENT 803 Main Street. Hartford, Corinecticut AilGift al^out^straightening stems, ydu always ,.heva that fabulous "bare-leg"' look! The Christmas Music Station H t M ie r y \ M l . OOUNT< (STARTING DEC. IS) \ V Ovary pair colo^cued :to the season^ 2 b d xe $ 4 9 Plfiss staO MS, BithsRt cost sr ■ Gift ^ shli^atifi^A espy tf tN hcihltt • ' loveliest fashions! Sites .to l l. rUP "A BANKER DISCUSSES: INFUTION. Boned lAJOHNSOli •ANANAS ■ ,«oia, .i lOe CBEDH CONTIOL, INTEIEST lATESM A«k to iM Hw new PASCAL CELERY I9e . ’ - ' I 'SPARKUNG" Bylbw! PAINT CO. DIAL 1230 m m — at—.—,,, u .ii i -.------I 72S MAIN gT. 'AOphs,, ...... ; ■;______PARSLEY Beh.- l O e •Da Not Uao OoTotwnMit MaU Bax PRONi; MI «-4$e| ^ C h a r prUslng tbe publie eerrice of a de­ (Ooattainad: lroBi; Fsge One) The Rockville Sheet Mete f Islon. 'A naitlpnally known brand When the Connecticut Bubllc ceased former leglalator who had of radio, toievtaton-^ and high fl Praitipr V/uH k mdkn * antlrrevohiUon patrol, hoping: ipiln- tieee, R whs g iM fun to gu about Expenditure Council, a public fere something more thaii A the- Works has bought the 6-*tor>’ ly he doea not uao ao mi|ch Ifiral he oratieal •• producea the exploalon hlfhaelf. for a teas that would make a good sround, possesses to its perscmnsl ^ s S k v w a d w " end a * for the and linden PI. for expansion of turn a certain qalte'4^ d M M y ,th s bia which he himself had so w rlt- March 8~Stato convention dele­ This Is, the second move for the' I t la not only ter ])dMillea that Chriatmaa -tree. We would spot one mgSm vt some hnflilasat, m< ffti ss to create a Obnunercial mon- approval, yon pick wnell 12-year-oId firm In its continual 737 M A # ST.— STATE THtATfR M .0 9 . neaa and yeursaeney. AlSmafiilt gates will be endorted by party Its present operations. UUa la a »h xy, mlxed-up world. bent and then somewhere spot one ditoloniro---or, It. not thi^ ihs £ y for a firm vdtich employed The firm will, at first, use only growth. The company was 1«cat- that we would think would be bet­ erally telltova 11 (MMMnv* oiganisationa to the idP, towns. stetistics spa__. Sfftat 6f some not so velkid as Its counsel. - . Oup ahdiflM^tev Um ground floor of the mill for sd on Brooklyn St. until six yssrs "" x" .. .x'....::::: Politics And Peace ter, and so this would go on until tog bstag'deltvared to parson or there ia aa much gentssi cal- Mte* le ray, M t Mato S t, - Also, the towns will andoni^^ele- Ite mehufaoture of. sheet metal ago. the time came when a tree ehonld suddenly toiMViii to somsBiltW Pfeeae MI M llll „ ______ffnra 111 into The members of the Democratle cloM I n 'public moraUting. tt 9 parsons now In pohU>i Ufa to stop to "conflict of totersst” In “Yew Iras gatee to congreaaional and senk*. duotwork for heating, sir condi­ Ths New England Mill' was •Bi alra dw Mrai raw* nuhnihra be cut and taken into the house. serving soma prtvftU msstar. the departmental branches of tbs b ateyl” Open Sat Site to 1 F J l bought from A tty. Osorgs Schwol ^ UkCiy to get ft'wider aild more torlal district conventions. tioning and coRunercisI veittlls- ■_ » - ______reiiubllehttra o of-• W- f » Advisory Council, the high party ‘When this time came there etna gots OB to ssk what the stats earriep as there is to the *traw firai .eUe IM *«.T^»efcw bwlB »r«1 »n rimurM attentive audience than it ea- March ,4—State convention dele­ tion, and for the aslesroom of Its sky of Hartford, with Louis LaviW group wMch endeavors to provide usually snoW all over so that’ one pected-^r did It expect it, after OoiUMctteut PnbBo Ihtpanditure leghdaUve branch, the Public Ex­ Appliance Division. acting as agent. -M i wrTie. en«H o( N. A -4. Sm t voice'vind principle for its p ^ y , became, wet from ufibw falling Ohuncil knows: What “uiajor scan penditure Couiihire public moral- gates from state senatorial dis­ D'Agata praised the ChMpbe'r of toe. , _ down the jseclrr'but tM i vfpa for- hfl? dsT la waiting to be eixpoaedr la PREFERRED FINANCE tricts comprlstog two or morS The firm is presently located on ublMMn f has ita full share' of troubles, par- Tha publio morallzbig has ap­ toing Should be Juki, the hegtohlng Tolland Rd„ Tolland, Juet over the Commerce, for "It* solld'^dontrihu- u» K^thtei gotteq-Jte'toe Joy'of the coming It. merely academic comment to of smaathlng. towns will be chosen. Congrea­ ttcultfly .when it cornea to trying peared as an editorial to the Np-- aional and senatorial diatrict con­ olty line from Rockville. tlbn which hsipsd mgke this move .dect^ations within the house. After vember-December issue of the s iy th a t “here in Connecticut we. PlaM are to rent out the other possible/’ to 4m l w i& the Issue of ^rorid the tree bad dried It was. alwim Council’s Thxpaysr Nows» in which abould face the Issues aquarely and vention delegatee from these dia- cn»cni3 Y before Individuals or ths public are trlcts will also be endorsed. floors of the buHding the firm Is Kenneth tjoiTtand, Cfliamber peace. It did. beftoe^lieued ita fuh to dacorats it.and prepare ter sdltorial Is dlscuiised'the advlsabD- X buying. president, Mfprssssd satisfaction simsciurriuN^TM the Christmas' featlvltlea. Huw* Ity of haring Connecticut look In­ h u rt? ” April 21— Prlmariea fo^.-'xhe Mntbto talMtMaM massive weekend sfl£«nent of par­ We oureelvea don’t know whether state, congreaaional and ..senator­ James D'Agate, partner of the over the/dWe. "1 think th# 'new I TMir ... eaaaaaaaaaeaoaaaeaav ty pofltien^Weke up .-to tha fact aver, It was nevar without the to ths question of a posslbls “con­ Arm with Nicholas D'Agate and qwnMsrwlIl provide bigger and K« iUm .. aaa*«a|(od»«a*aaa«^e greateat sonse Of awe that we flict of Intsrest’’ law. the OBuncU knowa anything, or ial diatrict conventions,' HoMUa *^**iiaaaaaoaa«o*a«a ih a ctlW n Achesoa hto been pldy* means to infer that It does, partic­ May 21 — New state convention Paul Angelont, aaid today the ex- r service to-the community (rath .would go Into the SeM where n ew Ths editorial begins to this un­ tog a rather" wild ai^ teckleee ularly since the Council comment d^egates Will meet to' elect state panslbn will require more em­ hd thus we all benefit, by the theae beautiful evldenees of Ood's quiet way: ployes, both salra and ntani trsnsactlon.” Smart Santas Anirio ODpT •••#•••*•S»w els, they also accuse'him of having ONE geles national convention to July, May also credited- Demgefatlc GOP dinner here Jan. 27. cIuaianB. But teat, the SuUberger let Khrushchev etesl the peace with each delegate having, one- Leo C. Tetreault was reelected, as Gov. Abraham Riblcoff ^ t n help­ ENERGY Cabrillo National Monument, presentation. headUnes. While they chasttse Bi­ SMALL CAPSULE ALL AROUND " half vote. alderman-at-large, giving the ing GOP prospects imxt year. , For mon aiid boyt: leolch ptaid corduroy, alM f rOy ond Democrats their majority of one. Riblcoff was helpHig the Repub­ in California, is the smallest na "Ihere la aa unuaual link be^ senhower for venturing Into ne^ licans, May 8 ^ f '‘‘by his increas­ tional monument In the United Mack strip# porduroy^ slios 6 to 12: Boya, t to 6, tween the amount of time Khruah* and risky ground, they klso pro­ SAFETY This was the .third election In a ing indiflereitoe to the affairs of States. Scotch plaid only. Rofularly $2.99. " (hev hah recently devoted to aatel claim that "new challenges call for Behind that little oapaulo ob eit J. ^rm ers. to Strike row that Demptey had been un­ DklUK llte affaira,” wrltea Sulabercer, opposed, but it Was the first in new responaea” Their quarrel with ttiat oocaaionaliy reata in your hand eouMKcricur “and the reaurganoa of dictatorial LQWKR OPERATIONS Fot Higher Prices which his entire slate went in the President’s activities le ac­ wlthouta'contest. > A P p n o v ib ^ LIMITED forma tat Baatent Burope. Plainly companied by their .compUtot that ia a atory of monumaotal reaearch. R (C ontini^ -foom Page One) Oth4r offices to which Deijiff- there la no g:atlierlni: crlala within he Is "a tired President.” Yaa, that aingle capsule Economy crats were reelected wSre Uie tax TIME SALE the Soviet empire. But Juat aa ’Ihelr bym IdealisUe. Walute' to REAL ESTATEr H m it h •dropped at some iharketa but the collector and city treasurer. FRB5H plainly, Khruah chav Intenda that vepnaenta the success of In Wllllmantic, the Democrats the idea of dtaShhetoeht la ac­ INCH INOORPORATIID ’ NFO called off Its demonstraUon yuan of effort b y tha AND COMPLETE INSURANCE a swept all four wards to put four there ahall be ao such erlala aa a companied by pla^ee UuHt, If toey after few days. Democrats on . the board Of aider- pharmaoeutical industry— Staley told the delegaieSi. MILK reault of next yeaTk aiaiuiilt meet­ had U > ^ way, they would spend a •M MAIN BT.. aitUUND FLUOK - TBU Ml S-9M1 men. They also won two of the ing:. • . "Begtonlng the day after to* lot more fpr arms. and at staggering coat. “QtSVRANSMITBS SIMCB ISU* , convention closes, we Intend, to three aldehman-at-large seats, giv­ World’s most “The 198S aummlt more or lam ’Ihelr criticism of siubmlt diplo­ start th^ toost concerted drive ing them the Same 6-1 edge on the affirmed an armlatlce la the war macy la also accompanied by a Paoidllin, sulfanilamhfa* board that they have enjoyed for agriciUtiiro. has ever' seen. the past two years. ' powerful that lio one dared to lig h t Never- charge that Republican foreign Insulin. . . theee insist Oh I t . . . "We. will use numerous holding Bergeron received 2,972 votes. Womin’a quiltod satin with bright band trim. Black, theleaa. If that test aununlt pro* actions of short duration, involv­ policy has “called for extreme and many, other X His opponent, former State Sen­ light bluo, aixaa 4 to 9. Rogular)y $1.99. duced only a nero with a rim on It t ing other commodities • When 8 transistor rigid ity' to our relations’’ wiUt familiar medidnea noKr everything is ready, we' will enter ator Andre G. Desrosiers, got 1,- this halo waa the Sppearaace of an and “foreclosed the pOssi an all-out holdingjs^tion and con­ 920. , oaoier world atmoapheroi Together blUty of meanto{:fui negotiations." protect your health . tinue until w^xiccomplish our The Democrats also won the pocketradio races for city clerk, treasurer, and LIMITED with the relaxation within the So­ Here we don't know What the Dem­ because the medical and purpose —.^foir prices for farm produce.^x clty^sherlff. It was the eighth SEE ' ^ 7 7 ' viet Union of the Stallnlat type of ocrats really .want, but we do re­ pharmaceutical professions .straight election in which *be 1JGGETT8 TIME SALE dictatorship, thia inspired a wave member who maliy practiced such Ther convention e'rids today. Democrats were triiimphant.X,, LOW constantly seek navr PRICE: of popular. opUmlam among the "rigidity" that they “foreclosed the Mmtrt M any—lhrlfH»f Ifnit mrtO Soviet aatalUtaa. And that optt* posalbUtty pf meaningful negotia­ and better thsrapautie agents. \ OQP IN OOMBBACK miam eventually led to exploelona Visitors Present * Hartford^ Dec. 8 (fl>)--State GOP tions^” It waa the Demoerate^ under Wa are psoud to be ^ paK of thia' / / ■ In Poland iuid in Hungary. iSuman and Achesbn. chairman Edwin H. May declared dedicated effort X, Key^ to Rebekahs today that the Republican party In ■ / 'y ■NM001T JOHNSON ‘tihe PoUah and Hungarian up What do the Dembcrate really Connecticut. has made Its come­ ' V ' heavala almoat daatioyed the want now? The hnswer la that to preaerve your health. A wooden, friendship key was back and stands on the threshold Peffontis where others fail 35G W. MWdto Tehiplk#, 14—clm tir Viet empire* and almoa|^ cost they won’t really tell ua, not while \ ' presented to Sunset Rebekah of a rosy future. Khrushchev hie Job. He..iMnaged thSy are Involved lii the difficult Lodge last night at Odd Fellows May said the GOP’s comeback 0 Free Battery- / 988 M«rifi Sr., IsMf Hartford 4S with ruthleaa etflctenpy to restore task of trying to maintain a politi­ hall when 39 members of Princess could be seen in the election re­ • Free fS Leather CHim 888 Vanguard sults thi.* year, the return of the What,he co n a ld a n o f^. But, in so cal position for I . Of course, as BRIGH Itebekah Lodge of Hartford paid a 960 QUINN’S PHARMACY ilirpriae visit to Sunset Lodge. State House of Representatives to idolng, he exposed the blatimt fact Individuals, they want peace to the The key must be passed on to GOP control, and the "revitaliza­ U t l^ no hdvr much his to world. Of course, as Demoertits, Phone HI 3-4136 another lodge to the state within tion'’ of GOP organizations ^terpretiUido of OOmln^sm might they \ Would prefer not to have six months. < throughout the state. ’seem to differ from tolin*a, it was R ^ I tJ r a U N G LKSI Sunset Rebekah Lbdge obaerved In a speech prepared for the 8 peace come with a Republican label LIGGETT 824-828 MAIN ST. ;buUt on the same foundation of past noble grand night, and tK^ weekly Dutch treat GOP luncheon. on It. Of course, they are aware, of riaiting lodge provided entertain­ May made a aeries of predlctiona: ‘foroA This waa a damaghi^dmla- the perils of summit diplomacy, ment and refreshments. The pro- He said the Republicans would V A t The Parkade MANCH8ST1A ^idon ter Xoocow to make Jtet as when it Is beb^ waged by a Re­ gram iilao Included an electric regain control oA both Houses of WARDS fv*> . f T ' . f M L-. H V W A M [f '•It sought to parauade other land^pf publican. Of course, they would not Give A Gift demonstration. the General Assembly next year. TEL Ml 3-SU1 iRusata’a benign new look. deny the possibility of a fruitful I “Obviously Khnubebev tntenda "summit diplomacy, if some Wise Thai Keefii On Giving ;to take Bo> risks'this tlma that a Democrat was managing It. laecond summit cciiterence might Of \course, aa Individuals, they ONE NEW DIMENSION ;lnapire a second wave o f troublea believe/-In what la good for their ;ln Baatem Hurope . . , . Klmiah- c o irn tty j^ d for humanity. Of eULBRANSEPI •chev’s la a prsgmatle approach. He course, as Democrats, they also be- PRESENTS PROOF- IWants merely ip strengthen exist* Ueve to winning the 1960 election. ling administrations, check up on And their sha^cst nightmare is Ilheir toter^ security arrange* one to which aNipt of Bisen- S T A ^ AN, INSUREI^ PROVEN ECONOMY, PROVEN VALUE ;mcnts, and i.iake certain that all hower travel aiid summitry, which ;the lids are firmly clamped on any doesn’t really add up to reliable SAVINCr^^UND FOR /THEM ‘Simmering pots of trouble." peace, hevertheleas proves mag­ • Thus Sulzberger. netic. enough-to .jBweep the country LOVE WAT. BYSTUDEBAKER NOT ALL SIZES IN ALL ITiMS — LIMITfD QUANYITIES; • 'Reading this, we found ourselves for Blsenhower’s Republican heir. ! asking curious, callous questions. There la no need to misunderstand SALE! Men’s MEN’S •Do we want Khrushchev to be to their conduct. They a n not More thati4S0,000 owners have driven'File Lark ovfer 750 million riiiles. SALEI M tn’s grift ties Icontrol of his situation while he ner peace. Th e y are Just, agatosb Re- STRETCH 'gotlatea? inie answer, we think, is pubdeana. Happy Qwnen feport'^fewer service jobs, low6r sersdtecharges, lower irisurance p k id sliiHs ‘jta. Do we want tbe people of arid o p iatin g costs, more>Hiilcage on regular gas. Used in more thgn DRESS •Bastera B u ro ^ to stage a.dra Ncmiinatitm By Ordodt- ?ma^. revolt while the ^summit We seem.!to wniembei;. that, 1,0!^ 8 e^. Here’s the record: The Lark saves up to ,53.3% on bills (equal tq 99e ^meeting is .to prdg:ieBs? The an' among certain primltivfi trihe^ tint 6L0YES more thap ten-.,ceiits a ^llonl) and cuts maintenance bills, up to 23% SAIilTOTS’ X R sgulorly 1,7 9 . Special buy! sain RimritooF Iswer Is no. Or, to ari(another ques' Golden Brent- process for selec^ag'a i^ey In­ KNIT SIKPERS Waihbbla.eoHpn aqTAii iKiin . Itian which may explain our answer volved Varions teste of strmgth (■uneaggettjngevery fburtKsefvice job free), , Proven high m trade-in value .fljonnsl impoft* with rayon satin .99 ‘to the others, do we want a repC' Regularly 1.89. stripez, allovers, Special buy,^ .and skiUt with the ronteststot who —tradiPj'e'^rtt show Lark j'esale prices above average in its price group. Soft cotton, 2 2-peck*ti,.F*rmo- many more! Blaatic leg. ^titlon pf the Hungmlan revoluUoii could meet all dares and stUI have - - > At,^fil

UAMCHS8TER j^ENlNG HfiRALD, MANCHISTEIW -90^ TpeaDAY, DECEMBER 8, ^ 9 MANCHESTER EVENING HI^RALD. MA^fCHEpTl^R. OOkN* TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1959 PAGE NINE. ■:r I960', at 7;M pra. Saturday at the aaaoolatloh 'meeting to March to tee adll meet at 8 tonight vestry. Harry Bnierson of Ar.dover ffisM win alw Niat wtfh nsmBani Coventry Maaohlc HBl In Mbrrowt Refraah- BooUt-Dlmock Memorial Ubfary. will be ip charge of the program. yiGonn Studento of the eak by the U of C Chajitoi; of Ohioago ‘— One -of .America’s In ra*a—-aquatted in the auii to h.ean Manchester Memorial Hospital. or less v e to ^ -last night by the clafsea for the purpoaa of naaa. * Ashford showed slides taken oii Mrs. Wilcox is thv. f o m ^ Miss safety ..slogans on it. Ona slogan most popular timeplebas ot the tA Jyl.t»f F.M. lilTn. Hla remarkg were tranalated rene will' hold a' Christmas party supervising othsr tsachers, Fierce winter storms lashed Eu­ •rai yean, the Churieh School her trip to Europe this past sum­ MiJ-y Ston"e, sister ofXiohn M. Rotary Speaker the Connecticut IiiCefcolIegtatli tonight at 7:30 at the Davis Me­ Mrs. Barnes has been acting dit- Boatd of. Bklucation. Thomas Tsdford of 16 Litchfield Ha was botn to Wads Planta­ rope aiid tha Atlantic tor the third mer. Stone of Ijdievlew Tar and a for­ Blast artford’s Mayo. John W. Is annoitoced dally. The first, per­ Scholastic Leglalature. Congress­ 1680's waa a ,watch' that liad 66 SUNDAY. into their ITrdu langfuage. ■ pervisor since February-when Mrs. curriefilum revision. tion, Malna, and had Uvad to Hart­ pupils, of the rira t Oongngational son to bingo receives $25 sav­ toeoes, including 4 9-toot agrtam- morial building,. The tipard met with the deikart- day today. MounUinoud ' seas, To .ley will speak on "Localt Gov- J, a man Bowles wit. discusa toreigh "We are now in the nuclear age. Gertrude Rayner,retired after 22 She -pointed out depart- St., a retired bus driVer, ^ d at ford for 30'yaars. He ratirad a Church will bring white' gl|!ts ,..to Puring the business meeting mer local resldent,tne couple have - - The watch cost $4 and had to m MNE PHARMACY he aaid. *’No aclenttflc diacovery It- ment heMe to discuss the evalua­ ment is smaU, and fsw toach- Manchester Memwial Hospital t ^ bliZzardsT floods and freezing tom- Mra. Little was appointed to a 3- another daught< Carolyn Billey^^ emment” at the Rotary Oub din ings bonds. ’Ih f 'first to form a policy, and answer questions from Unit No. S of Emanuel Luther­ years’ service. tion made of the high school in morning aftar a short illnaaa. X tyaar ago as a mechanic at the -petotures took 72 llvee. their annual Christmas party it 4 Meattoga Tonight nertouting at 6:45.pj >. tomorrow cross —- for, thC' Green Croes of the floor. - X wound 166 half turns to’'erder to .664 CEtt m B t. / aelf la e\il. It becomes evil only, She joined the sUff of MPHNA era in it are ezpq , "It’s more Royal McBw Co, member nominating committee to run M hours. " when devoted' by unworthy men an ChurChwomen ivill meet at the April by 87 membsn of the New fun'to teseh'A’- waa 77. The Iztest vlotlmz were the p.m. Sunday at the sanctuary. ■bring in a slate of officers' at the ifMratie Town Commit- at the First Congregational Church safety —- wine a $100 bond. The Second CTst^ffiT ■QiiigTeas- to wlclted purpoaea. Child Ouklance Clinic, 00 Haynes England . Associaton of Secondaty Olenney^amed Bailey why then Mr. TedfoZd was amployad by Horvtvtog, baaidaa hla aon bare, eight seamen of ^a lifeboat craw Utoa presanto will be for distri­ ______X" - •The world—the entire world— St, on Friday at 8 p.m. to dec­ Schools and Colleges. ' "A largo number df new tha CAnnacUcut Oo. for $i. yaara.' ara a brother to Maine, aiz slaters smazhed on Scotland’s esst cout. bution to rekldenta of the Mans­ muat .lnaist that the conference orate for ChrMLmas. Members are Board -member WllUani E. each year who Med su- He ratirad in I960. MoM, Of his to Connecticut, Maaaacnilusetts, and The. lifeboat had set off to reqeue field State Training School and table, rather than force be used to bring decorations. Buckley rejected the idea oh the on. - routes w art'in town. and five grandchildren. the craw of a drifting lightship Hospital at ManaJleld Depot and for the settlement of international grounds it was "exceaaivs.’’ Bailey said, that retirements, Ha waa horn In Ireland April 15, Private fiineral kerviees will tn snd wss driven sshoie. the Norwich State HbaplUl. Gifts disputes. Eveiy national leader There will bq a board meeting ’’I think a department head, resignations and expansion of the 1882,. and ha had lived in Manchea- held toroorrow''at 11:16 am . to the The lightship Ist'cr radioed thst may ba for any age and accom­ worthy of the name niuilt partici­ of the Junior Century Club of it’s at all possible should do daputmento have been the cause tar for more than 70 yaara. Tha chapel of B t Mary's Episcopal it hsd been sble to stop- the drift panied with Chrlstmaa wrappings. pate in this effort.” Manchester tonight at 8 at the teaching." be said. Teachers^wlio of tha turnover. Tadforda calebrated their 55th Ctoireh. ’th e Rev,. Alfred L. Wil­ by dropping extra anchors snd During the party the Pilgrim In their windup communique the home of Mrs. Norman Bartlett, 22K are removed from clasKeom con-'^ V Almost all of tha now teachsrs weddUw anniversary In May. liams, rector, will oCfleiate. The wss rldiu out the storm to St. two executives reviewed world­ S t James St. Mr. ’Tedfoii^ was a member of Andrews My. ' Fellowship will , present a play tact "go through ,a ^strange sea- M ra. been beginners,, said Bailey, funeral will be ikeld to Fairfield, "Vnty thp CWmez Rang.” Cheryl wide political questSons, particu­ change.’’ V bseiiiSe of budget restrictions. South Methodist Church Manches­ Maine, Friday, at the Lowry Fu­ ’ Five Pollah fishermen were larly dMlinp with relations be­ The Rockville Emblem Club will Buckley further’"debunked the ter Lodge of Masons, ‘Tali Cadara drowned in the Baltic when their little and Richard Allen will be Mra/'8tuek asked whether the neral Home. Burial will be to the nsuratorz. A t least 20 fellow­ tween non-Communiat countries meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the recent stress pfaced on currieulmh heads of small departments could ,of , the Tork Rites IxxUea, Maplewood Cemetery there. There trawler, Leb-30, rammed into a and the Chinese-Soviet bloc. Bfiks’ Home, Park St., Rockville. evaluation, since the Russiana put WaehingtoQ Oommandiy,,the Army breakwater at the port of Uztka ship mambers will be taking part. continue as (hey are now doing, will )>e no' calling honn here. Auxiliary Yule Party They reaffirmed satisfaction over Sputnik I into prblt. elhce they era. already doing As and Navy Club, and be formerly Funeral . arrangements ' "Vere in a storm. Increasingly "close cooperation be­ St. Margaret’s Circle, Daughters Curriculum develm>ihent la a served in the National Guard. Warsaw authorities appealed to The Women’s Auxiliary of the much aupervieion aa aeema necea- niade by the Holmes Funeral- N orth'‘Co'ventry Volunteer Fire tween Pakistan and the United of Isabella, la planning a card party current fad,” he said. eary. Survivora include his wife, Mrs Home, 400 Main Bt. the people to consOrve water be­ States.” • ■ to be held Jan, 13 at the K. of C. .Change Overeattmatod Bailey replied they could. •Elizabeth Jane Wilson Tsdford; a cause temperatures only 5 degrees Department will have 1 to Chi They emphasized the importance Home. . "We’re overestimating the Imr Miss'^Helen Estes,- head of the son, Walter E. Tedford of North above zero had frozen part of. the mas party at 7 p.m. FridajX at" of maintaining, the ati-Migth of the porian^ of constant change," ha largest department, EngllMi, said Haven; three daughters, Mrs. Carl water supply. the ftrehouee there, plamteft pot- The American Legion will meet Tyler of Vernon; Mrs.. Slepheii luck has been planned with Mrs. S « world’s defense alliances—the said. "This rates ihe wHh the past she agreed with Buckley that a de Funerals Heavy rains and high winds htral Treaty Organization in the tonight at 8 o'clock at the post to a considerable begree; but that’s partment head who does not teach Kuna' of Manchester, Slid Mrs. battered most of the British Isles. Walter B. Pomeroy^hs general Middle Vast and the Southeast home. where I want to be rated. I belong any clasees "loaea touch rapidly.” Charles Mertens, with whom the Snowstorms and cold again dis­ chairman. Membeta^are reminded Asia Treaty t»avln Rd.; John 2iahner, Elling­ Heart: Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. .Papers recortfing the transaction tery. Friends may call at the an excertp from "The Birds' "I never thought I’d stop be^ there is an international cartel OhUd OnUlaaoe CVnlc werd filed tfidil in the town clerk’s Uriel Lodge of Masons will have -TeinDRrafurR RIhir built up in - the drug business,’ ton; Mrs. Isabel Terhune, Wlndsor- funeral home today from 2 to 5 The Building Committee will Christmas Carol,” written by Kate Ms annual communication, "fol­ 2 cause they’d Just give out. Befon ville; Mrs. Viola Morton, 53 Hud­ By appointment only, Monday office. Stamps on the warrantee and 7 to 9 p.m. meet Monday at 8 p.m. in the pro­ Douglas Wiggins, depicting Mrs. * The Dryer That Ir I started. I thought maybe 'kome- Kefauyer said. He noted that through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., deed indicate the purchase price lowed by Installation of officers for Schering ie the only pharmaceuti­ son St.; William Reopell, Camp bate court offices of the Municipal Ruggles trying to get her chiiwen SfiMtor IMMEDIATE thing could happen—maybe I’d Meeting Rd., i^lton. also Monday, 6 to 10 p.m. was /Approximately $145,000. MIm Fannie Carlson Building to discuss progress on ready to go to a Christmas party: nalize I was putting too much of cal house which has failed to turn Miss Fannie .Carlson, 59, sister “Huin^statieally” •over -its foreign agreements in- ADMITTED TODAY: Cynthia / ’The brick warahouse, composed the North End junior high school. while dispefiking last-minute in>\,* a'Strain on my heart—and I might Prior, 51 Hamlin St.; Mrs. Ahn Ze- jft tw,o of the most, modern build­ of Ivar P. Carlson and Harold E The committee will discuss a structions on etiquette! . Miss ^ DELIVERY have to quit. But not my legs. I vol-ving, Awong other things, rights ings at Bon„Ami. \VU1 give Gregg Carlson, both of Manchester, died ConlrhUM! thought I could to'iigh it Uirough.” to use patented preparations. lonti, .Andover. Chaminade Hold^ building report "on the . 756-pupil Buttrick concluded her program' Brown replied that he has no BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A and Son almost 40,006 square feet suddenly this morning a t . her plant which Wadhams A May of with the final scene froih "A Wash objection to handing . over the daughter'to Mr. and Mrs. Henry of-floor space. It will Also place home, 67 Prospect St., New Brit­ Hartford is buildng behind the Po­ Christmas Carol” by Charles Dick­ Dlmock. 261'Autumn St.; a son to Holiday Pro^r^m the firm’s entire operation-ofi one ain. . lice station off E. Middle Tpke. un­ ens; ending with Tiny Tim's "God * Set It.. sIW r Forget It ^ •25 FOOT LIMIT Courtrooms Must agreements, hut said his firm has Mr. and Mrs. Eldx^ard Narano, 19 Vi floor. Occupancy is planned for .the She waa born in New Britain, der a $1,118,825 contract. bless us every one.” ^Salection not yet obtained . permieelon fromi first of the year. Nov. 18, 1900, and had lived there Members will also review plans Refreshments were served at Jhe foreign firms Involved to die. Eldridge Si. A program of Chr^fmas music BIRTHS TODAYYxA daughter was presented fast nl'ght at a meet­ At the present time, Gregg and all her life. She waq the daughter "and specifications for claiiSTOom tables decorated with candle cen­ Meet Fire Rules close them. to Mr. and Mrs. James wtoser, Ell­ and laboratory cabinets and equip­ terpieces. Co-«halrmen of hos- f WhoR Clothee^Dry... ing and p a r t y ^ the Chaminade Son are operating on five levels of Amanda G. Ah'erson Carlson- ington; a daughter to Mr. apd Mrs and the late >kfiel I. Carlson. She ment on which bids are being re­ tesses were Mrs. Glen Mirtle aiid , ,/y ‘jiartford, Dec. 8 W —The state’s in the Oakland Mill at 260 Tolland Corrado MlgUore, 8 Oxford St^: a Musical Clulx'ih the .Federation Tpke. The company manufactures worked for the Stanley" Works ceived until Dec. 23 ip .the office Mrs. Frank Conway. Mrs. Nor­ Dryer Automatieallf new Circuit Court wants facilities son to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Keen room at ,^Genter Congregational for more than 30 years. Miss of General Manager Rchkrd Nar- man Larson, Mrs. Arthur LeCIaIre M-SRMd Spin made available to the court by a ddors, windows, blinds snd simi­ Public Records 202 Hollister St. Chur^hj^ ' lar articles for "Wholesale distribu­ Cqr^h was a member of Bethany «n. > and Mrs.. Bruno Ladyga pOured. Shutf^OI! town to comply with the State DISCHARGED SUNDAY: San­ A irfforus of 15 voices, under the tion. The company’s main office is ppVenant Church, the Friendship SRieeior Fire Code or l o ^ fire ordinance, . Warantee Deeds dra Wilson, Loveland Hill, Rock­ In Nashua, N. H. ^ Guild Society of that church and whichever is "more etringent.” , Lipman Realty Inc., to Francis ville; Paul Cornelia, 13 • H i g h dlraction of". Mrs. Lawrence Al- sang in the church .choir. A resolution to this' effect was B. and'Helene J. Reid, property a t Ridge Rd„ RockyiUe.: Gregory jntond, opened, and closed the pro- * No Dueesworfc With This gram with a group of Christmas Surviving; besides her mother, approved by a meetihg "of-the cir­ 65 Mountain Rd. — * ■Vergara, East Hartford: Mri are sisters, Mrs. C. Oscar John­ TV viowing cuit court judges in Hartford yes- John J. Kmiec to Anthony M Jennie Schuetz, 38 Cooper S( carols. Mrs. Janette Fraser was Officials Discuss featured soloist, and Mrs. Robert son of New Britain, and Mrs. S. Dryer ^ terday. and Lucille F. Ruggiero, property Norman. Stark, East- Hartford; George Corbett, Newington; and All P o i t a l a l R Top ^cT-resolution w’is adopted by on PrOctor Rd. John Johns, 83 Essex S{^, Mrs. Clark accompanied the chorus. is •dsy today..: The. program also included a Parki^g Progress another brother, Sjdwin A. Carlson the fudges on the recommendation "Bon Ami Manufacturing Co., Lucy Cordera, l28 Hehry"'St.; Al­ of Springfield, Mas*- RRdTub of a subcommittee.headed by J'ay Inc., to Gregg and Son. Inc., prop­ fred Elmgren, . Nev^^ton; Mrs. pBino solo by Mrs. Charles Hewitt; a contralto solo by Mrs. Drum­ Progress being made In plans to Funeral . services will be "held E. Rubinow of Manchester.- erty on HilUard St. Josephine Garcia, ^^Doolidite St; Thursday'at 2 p.m.u"at,the Erlck- It was at yesterday's meeting Francis B. and Helene J.. Reid to George A rm stro^, 48 Lyndale mond Stewart, accompanied by provide additional parking facili­ REG. W \>i \ Mrs. William Kloppenburg; a son-Hansen Funeral Home, <5 Hart - that Chief Judge Eflward C. Fisher, Lipman Realty, Inc., property on St.; Mrs. Margqfet Monaghan, 83 ties In Manchester wss scheduled St.v-New Britain. The Rev. Harty offcially announced that the new Adams St.' Oak .St.; Wayne BabineSu, 173 violin sold by Mrs, Leland Howard,* Tumblebrook Estates, Inc. to School 'St./'.Nancy Kelley. 10 Hoff­ accompanied by Mrs. Clark; a for discussion this afternoon a t> V. Swanson of the'Bethany Cove­ '-court -wljl operate In l7r circuits nant Church will officiate. Bllrlal AT OUR PRICE INSTALLED m.,the state; ITie new court goes Joseph A. an6 Helen .A. Spilka, man Rd,^ Germaine Bou­ vocal duet by Mrs. Charles Lam, meeting in the Municipal Building property on Christine Df.' • chard, Tolland;'Mrs, Dorothy Cdn- bert and Mrs. Stewart, accom­ between the Town Parking Author­ will t be in Rose Hill Memorial Model WA K3 int^'pMration Jan. 1, 1981. Park, Rocky Hill. HOW CAN YOU PASS TlMOState Fire Code presently . . Qnitelaim Deed nolly,;''62 Oliver Rd;; Mrs. Mariop panied by Mrs. Kloppenburg; "a ity; Police Chief Japies Reardon, exempts Courtrooms in, its regula­ Joan C. Behrend to. Harold C. Chapin, 5TGreen Manor Rd.; Mrs. violin duet by Mto- Howard Chase the town traffic authority; and Friends may call at the funeral tion of pla.c^a..of assembly. Belcher, property on • Franklin' St. pbris'Ploan, 65 High St; Mrs.' and Mrs. Howard, accompanied by General Manager Richard Martin..! home itombrrow from 7 to 9 p.m. THIS UP! ^odel DA 823 Fisher recQmMthded that "mar- Incorporation Gertlfirate ■June Walch, 30 Frederick Rd.; Mrs. Qlajjk: and a-soprano sold, by . Martin, has been studying the Friends are'asked to please omit DELIVERED... INSTALLED. . . 1 YEAR SERVICE ginsL* 8uhstandard''-.qr even good Northeast Electric Co.,' Inc*, Gloria.,Fluckiger, 62 Grove-St., Mrs. ^Uamoert; accompanied. ___ by ^Qst practical way acquiring flowers. Memorial contributions facilities’’ undergo inspection by eledtidcal and - -household ^ applW Rockville; Mrsi Margaret Chartl- Mrs. Daisy Canade. various properties to ^ e rear of may. be inade to the Bethany the state.^flre marshal befqre they ances; capital stock, of fSOjSOO'di­ er, 22 St. James S]t.: Arthur Geer-i ' Refreshments were served by Main St. stores for additional off- Qovenahr Church-building fupd, are^aecepted. i vided into -6,000 eharasT all com­ 20 Hyde St; Oeorge Wright,, 12 Mrs. Doris Belding, chairman, as­ street parking. Funds fo’r the pur­ to's homo hooting mon, with. p8r..w^ne' of. $10; com­ Battista Rd.; Mrs. Jennie Fqgaity, sisted by Mrs. H. A. Kimball, Mrs, chase of these prop% it^ would Harry E. Case . mencing b V s Ijtb s 8 Wi,th $5,000. 109 Ridge St.; Mrs.'Gragc''Graves, Walter Joyner, Mrs. Jerry Coro, come from the Parking: I^ te r Fiindl Haj;ry Elmer Casq, 67, of 84 ■Wmiiam H,.-^ith. Iona F. Sieith Bolton Lake; Mrs. Jane Long, 361 Mrs. Hewitt and Mrs. Rupert which has abdut $78,000 in it.- Cedar St., Hartford, father of ^ 'dur woyi Mitchell Pi^poses and--Ka>^ry L. Nan incorporates. ■w. Center St.; Mra. Mary Godin, Uppllng. . * Tra^o Name Notch Rd., Rolton; Mrs. Fern You get premium quality, Steel Contract Plan ..-''Joseph'll. G b rn ^ of 122 Chest­ Boure, Souy»-'St..-Rockville: Wil Mobi^eat with RT-98... the nut St., doing bunnoM as Gor­ liam . Pperitlce/ SO.’i E. Middle THE most eohipletaly affective fuel ^ - ’ (Centimied from Page One), man: Metal F tmu^ , F:0. Boa 414. TpkeXMi-s. Amah 'rttcker.^Bnd son.. Skating Will Be oil addMva to use today. And Marriage 'Upeeses Talcbttville; 'M'ra."JoMi iSadte and you gat pnatluffl saiTlea. Au- either foe the steel companies or' „ William Jamea Mitfphy Jr. of M son, Andover; Mrs. Ddrothy Deli Late Xkis Xpflr /< //// ert'’Boske,Cook Dt., Bolton; Mrs. provliig akatera shouldn’t start tha dscision of ah outsider. • Howard Andrews for R. B. "War­ Elsie Peterson, 51 Litchfield S t; complaining. this, year—not yet. All throe suggesUofta, MltobeU ren, addition to hotise at 27 Quak­ John Cahill, - South Windsor; De- Skating didn’t begin on-the two TAKEASLONGAS Mid, assm to 'him to fall, within er ^Rd., $ ^ . ^ . hisa-Rcnpell, Campmeeting Rd. rlnka tintll Jan. .4 In the winter of MORIMTY tha iMws of President BSsenhow- Antonkr Rcasetto, erect garage BoRon; Mrs. - Grace Newell, 6 1967-58; Dec. 31 In 19&e-87;.Dec, l l OPEN DAILY in 1956-56; :Chrlstmas day -fit 1984- •r. The Presidqnt aaid in a-«a- at 90 tiake St., $700. Brent Dr., Vemoh; Williain Duell, I. ■*. rtloMWIde. nddr sss- bafors laavlng Joseph Roamito tor John Mor- MUe HiU Rd.,'Rockville; Sean 55; and Dec. 26 In 1953-54. Mufiby last Thuraday n ig h t,------—dsflski, areot-.houM at M l Oak Center Springs Pond opened in Manieligster Shi^ tne Parkad^ Middle Turnpike W. and ftlOTHIRS C A T T il I T D hi PLKNTYOrrRKB sdsay, 111 Plymopth Lane; early January in moat of those 24 MONTHS TO PAY 9 ^ 1 * l lkla # r.fVI. ' PARKXNa SPAOB *^$!M fuhHc is mqrs ednesrned 8t, $16,000. rs. Vtola 'Morton, 63 Hudson‘■fgears. ■ ■ . - Broad Stl, 51a-cheater, Open Monday, Tuesday, 10 A.M.. to ------wltli gMUag tM irtsel d ls - r .MkjliM . j.: M eraot St.; Maurice Madden, 84 Bklridga As for coaistlng, that atarted Des. INC ODumkoa Hom . « PJM,-^WedneMlay, Thuraday, Friday, 9 A JITto 1 PJtt. M l 3 -5 13 5 W uiSi^iSi^£S!^i h o w a t KmmtBftoa a , $io,<- 6t; Michael Haberern, ' 73 Cot­ 9 last year in Osnter fiprlngs Park. 445 HARTFORD ROAD, Near McKEE rooot tin* *mCMIIMN.lUUIB..winI , SatariaF. 9 A.M. to 6 PJM. M i - m C m N t m . tage St.; John Dewart Jr., 487 If. TSut’s toinenw’a date, /, THpIt d Mmap BaiiSiyMaa OMtor—U f Maijiet Sgaawb Maurtagtoa r

.1 ■ \ ■* < ,j.‘ »r J-., ■ ',r g f j ; 'M X MANckEST^B EVENlNO HERALD. MANCHESTEIL CX)NH« TUESDAY. DECEMBER 8. 1989 P A e B T E K MANCHESTER EVKONG HERALD.. MANCHESTER, CONN* TUESDAY, DECEMBERS. 1989 rAOB ELEVEN ‘■'-■Si ' ■■ • ■ • •- ' ' ■■ ■■------•„ I.. I i' II. Il.l.l .MII.A..M...... BUGS BUNNY OUR' b o a r d i n g HOUSfi: iHth- MAJOR HOOPLE 0A1£Y CROSSWORD PUZZLE regard to polio (mmunlxatiota was flgura whifih InchiSw the 8900,090 I C N TACT"* ;M4rarAM3«!UKt WMfiN TM'WC^HeR RockvUie-Verndn estimated cost, of Rockville’s Bolton interrnpted'*'y the H b ’clock ad- To o pOfSOR bgfc# OMI vcwydotPuN GMCO'VCK ITi lUT 2 PIOMT . Uf.VACNunTH'feARP jouRuneiit deadline. Sentiment ek- sewage filtration, plant, being WEATHB^ ' P W k m A KNOW VOU «OtP * PUCO^TLMCAUmifi Anawor to PrtvipUB Pu u Ib pressed by several Board members buUt outside the d ty Hmtts. Hm ootilifits df M ooclwsiw tfcofjs M T liM iicIwp scMPf IN Atm r/ IP X ®^^L0OK>IAC,F Last year Huntington issued. 84' WAS •OIONT Y.tRlRO TOUN Presidfnt'f W »H including Mrs. Alton, M n. Meloriis: THIS WAY, « pott4 t T eR ^ers io Present " and - Mrs. ' Kroysig Indlcats ths Cok 2 Fireinen Yolimteer^g permits with an aaUmatsd con- HWOW l CROSS- stiticikm cost of 86i9T,fiW. ' AND WB'LL VDU'Ve YOO ^.M SAti - . Board may 'vota In ths future -to ARHAMGePOR MAbsA ACBOM DOWN ' r ip e s t ponb immunisation but, Masquers Offer «D sR yr OFFER 8 HINDSOiE M O W 0 STTER n SOD-OeNV gjRPlNfi A Time, Materials for Ths R o c k v ^ Rotary Club srill OEtNSRVOFTrtt’ SRAV& X M eiOWlTHKATlPOF 1 P r M ^ t't rcieyey earth. wifi omit jmy provisions making K RV FINC ORGAN /MlgtAKE wtMf,CareUne 3 Tuaeany river INew S alaiy compulsory. sponsor a . performancs of the Mismt.' W toobA og hat.'-. fW Mw 8SW o f a ainal pint wfrswtli Iw n I M S q a YOU HANiE 3UST ^ e .'A S -r—- Hairiwn SFutua A letter was read .from Mr*. Votiintaer firemen of Vernon Co.Ajeek ipetectlon last wsak or. failed “Dairy of Anne Frank’’ Feb. 20 at -sodb )\ ei-jhbR vou sioM • Htr lather Rockville High School by the Mark RORCHASEb.' T H IS SA.HSRE^ORXCL • Slnonoott Margaret-Rich e::pre8SinglMr sen­ 8 are building a double garage ad-‘ to bA reelsotod. mmi«r csispod wlilcirwfli for tlw dteposd WOMAN waa ProfatfOr 5 Wanderinf T b * tAM heri 'A t iM ton achoolf’inr^wlnt the Board wutCa' from ditioa to the PobsonviUa. Fire- Alarm Btosto in Bnror Twain Masquersi AIA3 0 R \ AOCTiONYOU DPP >M th e a *^ m m I m **• aU.a timent that compulsion Ui this re­ o f M^ptie fORik fkidE r. VJILU John W.---- 6 Oily ketone win praaent, n- prapoaed aalary hero on in.” He added he felt the gard would be a v i^ tk m of civil house. Frequent blasts beard frmn the Isrihenm CfMrtmaw Ooneert HOOPLE/^-n 11^ A P!AD- tl B^kan TLerfeat far XBSO-Sl to the Board Board should pay thU biO, but, ex­ Ttfo Junior and Senior Choirs of TESTif Y-*w icNEOgOK; liberUes. She cohenided her re­ Lnbor and matorialS' are beUig Rockville fin alarm system in the 14 Sinatol voice' coAtinont of ESdudktlDn at a apccial meet- cept In an emergency, the chair­ marks with the statement that in past few days waro cauaad.by • Fttot Lutheran Church wUI pre- PlieM Ml 3-S30S 15 Blackbird man should , not obligate the Board. donated for tbs cmmiMlonen intendent o f alaraa, ahoqldrbe ooV- 16 Weatem ftete 12 OrienUl coin! SlMounUin Thh use of artificial or natural acting under provirions of the State rected shortly,' acconjung to Fire of Hsrold Schelbe, organist Pro- A L L E Y OOP BY V. T^HAMLIN 30 Skin tumora II Color (comb.fomi) 45 Aqueduct of laws which Were clearly set forth session to next Monday svanlng have lohg-range plans to build cosda of tho svont w ill bo mod to Sylviua Christmas -trees in the classrooms Chief John F. Ashe. *nie alam ..ABDNte HOW t' (eoeH,oop., 31 Poem. SSTouebea 83 Smudge in a Board handbook.' and went into executive session to throa new flrsbouses, and are Un­ purchaso new robas tor ths Jttnlor 33 FootUkc part lightly 3i Agitated (anat.) or elsewhere at Bolton school was The vote to pay theybill was apUt hear a report on personnel by the willing to put any mdney into the sounded irrognlariy and led many MORSORLSfie nfHATSMWml prohibited by a vote of the . Board peraona to call tbe police station to Choir. > X7 BLAME FDR fOFMDU, 33 CarivanMry 33Tm ii 37'Courier 46 Gaelic 4-2. Mrs. Elisabeth Alton, MrS; superintendent prasattt houses. However, Chair­ Uoyd Nicholas will ottorjm me- THATriENOOF 36 Sorrowful 341rtfhlake 3B Commit 47 Heap (Scot.) last nlilit. , Helen Meloche^ Mrs. Agnea Krey- Newe Notoe man Doiytld B. Lovertn bald the find out what was Causiag tha S3. Symbol lOr The construction of a dog pound conUan solo o f "HalleloJahChoim’’ AMOONMAN 37 Soldier (ab.^. is Balance 40 Noble sig and Jenaen voted lii favor; Mn. John . Garibaldi of Vernon Rd. distiict w ill buy doors for the ga- blasts. . ' ’ from Handai’o ‘‘Msootah.’’ Mrs: j N e ^ m m ie y BEINWI iOOtatario 36 Stupefy 41 Meaiute tungatan on school property w ill not be per­ Perealuba and H snis opposed It. and Clifford Magnuson of French ragaa..' y r f t Christaaaa Party couhty A chtldron’a Christmas pany wW Florence Beer win be eoloist mitted. A t lent night's^ meeting, the Subatttnte Teachers Rd. have been elected members of Deputy Chief David R. Dougan the choirs. Si Sail upward ^ a rd also, heard 'the enumeration Supt. Graff prefaced the presen­ Jr. said the whole company la be held at the VFW home Dee. 30 33 Preaent month 1 ! r r r n r 1 1 r IT the Democratic ’Town Committee. Other Eventa Se8 report Which was just completed, tation of a list of substitute teach- ’The Bolton Fire Department working on tha. project ’The men from 3 to 8 p.m. Parents are to Tankerooesn Tribe, lORM, WlU M o i s f ‘f o r -E B T , 80 Comiah to'wn IT 42 i r IT i r r r Catherine Guzzo. Mrs-. Alvina Ver- Wheeler, 49 Davlf Ave.; Ernest readily handle, and you eim take up to three years , er places to prevent injury result­ 'prauskas. Mrs. Barbara Cox, Mrs. Ths' plaque reads: "This City party tonight at First Congrsga- (prefix) Dntoesne, WindsorvlUe; M n. Dan­ 81 Mother of 41 ing’.from collision with the up­ Audrey Chandler, Mrs. Louise Bos­ Well built in 1980 and turned over tiona] Church of Vernon. A pothick for repayment. -- r ■Pentheua W rights. worth and Mrs. Marian Hurlburt. Two divorces 'were granted in to the pity free of ^ b t by Abner supper w ill be served at 8:80 j^.m’. iel Beebe, 61 Orchard St.; Muriel Your deider win tell you that enr lew hank raUa SSVeraifier SI H A letter fbom the Board of Se­ The enumeration reioort tabu­ Tolland County Superior Count Roaenber" in return for land on demrt and coffee to befUT' Adams, 117 Pro)Q>eet S t; Monaea make thia the most economical and eatiafactory way ChrsanowskL 108 High S t; Mrs. 84 Faux pal lectmen saying they planned to lated 1,068 children In Borlton from Friday by Judge Joseph S. Longo. MA c .toppi.* t o buy your new car. L ift ineuranea ia included, free. ^X- (alang) n U birth through I t yearis of a.ge as ■tonds." ^ Earl Day sad son, 7- Franklin St 1 build a dog pound at the rear of . Lnurine McNeil Gedrattia of M anneid Steta Training- School. SSFeraiati the town garage, brought state­ of Sept. l.'O f tills number, 665 be- The nam e^f Herman G. Olson, itween 5-17 years o f age are in Vernon iras granted a iRvorce U Hemes Ptonaed Vernon and Taioettotllo news Is ments from several Board mem­ from John P. Oedraitii on grounds as mayor, is listed first, followed BdUdfaig permits for 12 houaee bers that they were opposed to. the school or receiving sp ecif instruc­ by Aldermen Ctordon Denson, John handtod through The HersM’s of cruelty. wars issued by Vernon Building Reekvtile Bureau, B W- Mala St« S H O R T R IB S RY FRANK O’NEAL plan. A fter establishing that the tion. ’The repoct showed 52 chil­ Gill, Bernard Grous, Karl Hewitt, dren aro in non-puhlle achoola Ruby M. LaClairo of Maasflted Inspector Arthur F. Huntington telephone TRemont 8-8188. Boalrd of Education has jurisdic­ was granted a divorce from Rich­ Richard Hiller, Clarence McCar­ during November. tion o W fS ja io q l property, the ' A t a later point Iii the Yneeting, thy, ’Thomas McCUsker, ! John Mrs. Alton said .she felt several ard E. IjaCUdro, also on grounds Huntington’s report to the Se­ =-x, Board yoted without opposition to of cruelty. SDm was awarded cus­ Rady, John Schllphack, Rudolph lectmen shows a total estimated foiWd eoastruction of t^e pound m e^ngs would be needed to de­ Schmidt Jr., Luther Trouton and cide where- .‘‘we’re going to put tody o f two chdldren and' |10 per cost of the dwellings, at 8140,000. Personal Notices 'nm ConeMsBlinttl Bu ie at tha.isuggaated location. week support for- each child. John Taskulka. ' He also Issued 29 certificates of l>-8 lejW_H.JItA >», m N>. Wl. Superintendent of Schools these children.’’ The Boai^ decided Concluding the list of city of­ aM onuinreoM sesv, to add the coneideration o f dess- occupancy last month. Miscellane­ George E. Graff reported that the ficials are'the namea of Edward ous permits totaled 14, at 88,140 Card of Thanks L O N G S A M BY AL CAPP nid BOB IJBBERS Motor 'Vehicle Department made room fadltties to the agenda for Buchanan, clerk, and Joseph Mc­ estimated cost. W« wtih to thank our frlendi for the 28 (Mflces Senrihf 90 Oonneetlent (____ an Inspection of school buses on the spedal msethig on Jan.. 11. . Siinbeam G irls Manus, treasurer. Total estimated cost of all build­ Uadneas axtended to ua during our rt- 898 M Affi ST., MANOHEmEB OWCATIN' PONB IT. FOLKS VX »ur5>« Supt. Graft reported on the prac­ cent bereavement NORTH BRANCH—15 N. MAD! ST. HMT SAME OWmOMSMSr CRAVN' PACK HSA once BepL 15 and found everything in Hiller dielkduring the past 3rear., ings _ fo r xvhich permits were is- r ne nw> AiMBRCAN FOOD THAT order on''all vehicles. tice. of paying substitute teechen Set Yu le Party Many of the otben named did not suto in November Is 8948,140, Tbe Ruiiell H. Coffin family. LOWty SHAPE, for long term (xmtlnuons teaching HASftUMrSOMANV PME FOtXS~S^A6 Board member John Harris ydio AiMfieiCAN FWEEASff; in Andover. ...Gbventiy, Ellington, t i x e y w had been contacted by re^i^ers East Hartford, Manchester, Ver­ Sunbeams o f ^ Salvation KINifT A N ' over the weekend regarding the s e e non and ToUand; The Botton Army, an organization of girls be­ /3-8 . content of the agenda for last Board voted that regularly quail' tween the ages of 8 and 16, 'will night's-iHMflhg-UflUcted a- dis­ fled teacheni who have taught on 824-828 MAIN ST. cussion on why the practice of a substitute basis for 20 contin­ have an'annual Christmas party \ supplying the press with a copy of uous school dfys, be paid from the Thursday at 8:30 p.m. in the haw the agenda had been discontinued. 21et day on at the minimum salary Touth Center. MANCHESTER ^ ' The extohange of conflicting ex- paid qualified .teachers in Bolton iMders in charge of the party X plahatlona from Board Chairman school. R aro Mrs. Michael OifttelU, Mrs. X Harold DwySr and the school A second policy, relating to Walter Lamie and Mrs. Clayton ; TEL. Ml 3-5161 X secretary who. qaidl.she had acted those who bold subaUtute permits, Howard. m IM U 1 S(» 0«>-AI MWt X / i ' 3 on the verbal jof Dwyer, was voted. It provides that they ’IT Sunbeams have a project to m* H u»AW *•••«• f2.$ prompted the schoddgS^tsuy to- should be pai\/A ment .of hllle. There Was some dis­ Ustinga of the duties of the secre- THEV have a 6 W.4Y ■ BIS WHEEL p cussions'. s A paymtgjt of a law­ filry to the Board, the school secre­ NAMED PtX; i yer’s hUl o f $10 fo r service ren- tary and the school clerk were dis­ We Stock fmiiMPS CAU derod in connection ' with_ the tributed. They w ill be pitt on the special meeting requested by five agenda for the January meeting Board memben recehtly to coh- for action' by itoe Board. A. list of aider reinstatement o f publication those who have keys to the build­ HALLMARK of the school bulletin. ing and health and Hbrary rooms Bdard member Harris moved was furnished the Board. CARDS that the Board deny approval on 'Requisitions submitted by the MATHEWS.„A EE-YEAR- he felt It was a "queatlon of know- A dlscusrion on compulsion in nO R THE FIRST TIME 5INCE LBAyiNa THE RALTli, i W aNVHOW.. BUT SUDDENLY HIS RADAR MAN •^RUKIAN NUCLEAR SUBMARINE • W ------f OLD FIREBALL... IS BORED YELLS OUT... T WITH DAWN PATROLS DURING BLIZEAROS..-. BAPAR PIP. MR. MATHEWS.' BEAR1H6 THREE ZERO! WASN'T THERE A MMUTf ASO. SIGNATURE IT SLANT NU [JLi \'\ I HXI AITH /ICi/AGClK •la.s.’aWiffB**:. I t e ' 3 0 * ELECTRIC DRYER MORTY M^EKLE BY DICK CAVALLI r 6 UPP0 «ETHAT you ACTUALLY «AW MY (3H,W6LL-ITWA« MICKEY FINN BV LANK LEONARD I DID MOT PLAY WA^VOURTWIN LONG LOBT TWIN BROTHER, WORTH A TRY. E u T T raer POKER LA5TNI0Hr. BROTHER Y 4 AW B0 6 CO7 THN5 IBNYEOME Y -Y d uUaqUSMTA X YES.'Ate) PONT LOOK AND NOW YOU WANT MB IN Bla RUaHTDN'B CRUEL, HORRIBLE vIOKE / 7 '.I ANT 0 MAtIC MW Kgnie£MAroK7 so SURPRISED-m TO DRIVE YOU OVER TD GARAGE, Dealing, WHERE WHEFYtXI ITS CERTAHW I *9Vr.Fl0S9«>C-C0MM8 A-ANP /T'S l ^ SBfTj BECN-AH>INTENDIN< THE HOSPITAL-TO our CAROS MOETTELLME/ W(- l«i • fifv • t (j- . ,11IV • ’ • I ABCAUry/PWL C.l .M. Hr ^ .'r* FOR HdUtALKBAPyJ SEE TNE MALLY THAT MAN-MIH AFRAID • V. >U1 n u i ( 1) II)- $t4NI R E «U L A iU L Y

X' 1 7 fk f5 .

SINGER t5 or Mo down delivers a dryer ♦ e DOWN P7 A MONTH Only of Wards! A giant 1.1-lb. copacity dryer pf iliis ouMtmd* SEWING MACHINES FOR /jr-s NO MONTHLY PAYMENTS ingJi^-priee. Exclusive ‘‘Bow-thru” ine1hod--Warm air blows CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE TURNER EVERYBODY S CHRISTMAS! directly tihrciagh dothe6-r“ drles them fa ster, doesn't w aste h eat. ‘ j .0 0 PEIMV KNEW NOTHING THAT WHO WERE YOU \ DR. SHANDUl 1 ITS A CARBON COeVOPTHB TILL FEBRUARY Set the'qutomatic timer, and forget it. 3 heat selections. MR. ABERNATHY BY RALSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY HAPCiNEOl THATB why 5«B PA»eDX PHONIMS TODAY \ 80T t STILL ONE MISS. BURKE HAOi AND -jappsuM e. THE L* OTTECTOR TEST T * ” ------! < WH6N we CAUdHT .ICAN HARDLY , PROVEJI THEY W *R » ALU SOUNDS T OKfTHATlBASHAAAEt NOWIAONT- ^TBLU*H0W YOU WITH THAir. TOP J 8ELIBVE-. F R E I l l yr. sRrvicB, ports, lobor IHAD PtANNH>TD BEABCETD , HUSH/ H USH ,. SHANPUUfiBD plausislb>. SeCRET PAPER IN. SUrWEPIDMOT YOUNG BOin.) I rAA AFRAID 1 w YOUR HAND 4 Cruii'fi OI ij'flliiuj yOu (On t do OO TOTHS PAYWU hrou HUSMESI -HVPM05»T 0 PORTftBlf WONT BE able » 8ffT i S c U T ni-l»ri tluin o new SINGfR ’ banktodat; TeUR.WEEKLV IMPORUNnON •R5 DRIVE Yt5U ■BORA -ftBaiaii/ TD'THECfTY SAIARYl Oil- S}ji fKi* liolitjcjy PoynM.Mit P)(ir f ( .t H>' -. O M 'll r. V. ’ ! TOftAYMR. '! t|i<‘ . it .'ll'..i'l lhan i v*'r ABERNATHy. THEROADff ' • start 'wiih n/*w SPARTAft .are UNDER . .Milv Sb9 ‘'O’ RVEraCT i - ^ DFSNOWi

. I ' S(*ARTAS [ I LC'hlC •JEFF COBB THE STQRY OF MARTHA WAYNS BY WILSON SCRUGGS BY, FETE HOFFMAN ' T I«M REFRESHMENTS p s a J . N.'- / THE ANSWER TO L IH FACT, THE O THK MViNWHILE...fcOHWiE, '^^HE WANTS METD F. BOTH QUESnOMS DAYA a s DRIVER W T » 0 ^ 60 BACK to THE ARE RESERVED FOR OUR MOW DOES fT FEaTO .B E'l IS 'gOMOKFiiL*/ , SPECIAL $UE5T /. REMEMBERED ME POC E06ERs)aiMICTDM0e«DW WHO SHOULD BE SlG NATlIRi 25^ SIGNATURE ll-LB . .b a c k W CEUTECVILLE < t o FOR60TT6U. AMD T>I15 iOKWIUe .=,-SAV? <4’'F0R’A«3TOfL'.e ^ CLAV? AUO_lOwi ^HOW,)MUV'm»T>$ ARRIVING. HIS Wif e CALLED AT TESTS... IDOwt' ILECTRIC O RYiR E L E C T R IC DRYER THE aiM C COMING I H A « H0tE./ . - THE CLIMIC,/ St WHANI.-V C O M P A d SIGNATURE 11-U. Reg. AU3N6? ^ WASHERbMYN^ ComMuaHoR R eg. IMPBUAL DRiTBl U , 1S9.9S 209.95 $S DOWN R C )G .^ ts DOWN T39 w ra scT iK 2 5 9 ,T S 9-H>. capachy. AutoMutie timer. Ends .gusuwbrfc—dryer Oops g iD O o w ir ' Fahfie guMe gives correct tbn-/- when ^thes are dry. 3 drying , so.’’ EUCTBIC . s s * ^ 3 4 9 ' - Ing end temperahire' for any ftmp'erahircti panel Dght. ^ Oomplete laundry hi 1 unit, Waahqe, fabric. 3 hedt seleeHem. Pushbutton autome^ cparatloa, Pov^ I. •' - SINGER SEWING CENTER then dries. 2 water - temperatores, 8 i'. erful osona aanltisar. tUnits eft whan UeteS le SMM beek under OlNaBR SBWINO MAeMINS eoMSANV deep rinses. clothes an dry. , . ^ • *- .832 m a i n STREBT— m i 8-8883 / L ^ s a u [»2 4 ’^28 MAIN fT, M I 3 . S U 1 - V M A H C H E M w l rum ■. A T ' V V X V'\ ' V . ■* ■/.' ’ « . -V

^ ■ ■ ■ ■ - -i / Ili^CHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHBSitR. CONN, TUESDAY, DBlfbfBER 8, 19M , .RAGE THOrriBN ' ■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MAN('HESTF,I^. CONN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, i m ■NTf...... — i H n ! f w v L v f •A Ovetwhelming First Place

\ MYCBM Htt^ET LBAOLB liUillffton at Cherny Teeh, 3— FEauta* A Bm uu .Btaadlags , 1 AiTHory. W. L. PSL r a c u s e • Pci. sport y^WAM a^LaMUette^ M 12 .SSI Charter Gak . .700 Bristol fiaAl VA Maficheiiterf 91 14 .L Prt> t3.B. rebo\md. -Uiad by doping the gap New 'YprK, Dec. 8 (AV—All-' nipped 28-27 by Texas Christian In .450 . JlockvtUe at Univartity NflfK ' ‘Taeaday, 09a.' i» ^ to a (Wfiferonee of 85 grabs. Cham­ year Syracuse. was ninth In the 8 t|hland Park Rockvllla at BimeBury. \ conquerinsr Syracuse 'Univer­ flnid balloting with ah 8-1 record. 1TO7. Last Jan. 1 the Orangemen w est Bide Oval .400 WedewMay, D e e .^ .Jarr-Charlie '___ p3S5«iphi«15 5 berlain has snagged 89i retrieves sity wore the National foot- were beaten in the OrangO Bowl by l i n c i n n a t i .250 Suffield at Cheney rden, 1:15— High at Conard. ^ Jean-Reiand Irteli tb Russell’s 500 and holdg the Here ara the other major bowl Centar Springs. Mill championship crown to­ p'airingi, With, the final ranking of Oklahoma, 21-6. Syracuse has Top slhglci were registered by; Armory. / game average edge 39.9 to 3Al MDOKirir A t A a l a n c e 9srtS,-:::::fr i S .SjJ day .with an overwhelming the piuiicipants; come a long vmy since it was clob­ X fUckSy Bmith 103, Bob Byrnes 100. Friday, 11 Wf>«t#rn Dlv»«««« Bob Pettit of St. Louis hat moyed. bered 61-fi by Alabama In the. 1963 Frank Kopcha 97, Wally Aeeto 96, GlasUmbury y * t Rockville High Moaday*# Btiralte St. LimiiK . 11 « .5W — into the rebound picture with flrst place vote in the final As­ Orange Bdwl. New York, Dec. 8 (/P)r-Indiana’B hopeful Hookies have , .U. IS i4S9 2H Sugar Bowl—MIseiBsippI (No. 3) and Roger Grimm 95. 8:30, • / No Oamee in Any League. ' Detroit — 347 saves. Elgin Baylor of Min sociated Preaa poll, which also Syracuse plied up 1,798 points, to joined the growing Hat of probable powers taggiMl with quick Mlhn«*polii! . 7 JK' .2»0 7 nespolis and newcomer Willie showed the first 12 teams solidly vs Lootaiaiia State (No. 8).- defeats in mi jor college basketball, but Ohio ^tAte, KansAs, ______"■ Cincinn«fi . .;..6 17 .261 7 Naulla of New York are fourth lined ,up for major boWl engage­ Orange Bowl— (No. 5) va 1,444 nor Mississippi, 1,284 for Lou­ ments. Mlaeonri (No. 18). isiana State, and 1,028 for Texas— Iowa,. Mississippi State, Auburn and the Big O are Stili and fifth with 302 and 397 grabs. Rose Bowl—Wlaconain (No. 9) vs the only tesms to top 1,000' In the Tonlfbi'H SchWIirtB Boston’s Sam Jones was re­ The Orangemen, 'winners of 10 hummin. ' ♦ Pf. IxMit? <’». dhrlnnatl »t New Washington (No, '8). poll. Missouri, rebounding rapidly Hightower. WM the top scorer placed by S t Louis' Cliff Hagan Straight and the only major un­ Blue -Bonnet Bowl—^Texas ChrU- Tork. , ' ■ „ , in the field goal accuracy test beaten and untied team in the The final standings, based on 10 from last ssason’s 6-19 disaster, with 38 ik>lnt8. Tech's hopes were Bo*t(W! «t New York. tian (Vo, 7) va Clemaon (No. points for a first place vote, nine tumbled favdred Indiana 79-76 jolted early, when scoring ace / WMtnewlajr'i* Schedule with the Hawk hitting at a .tSf coimtry, took over the No. 1 spot ll). . , . figure. Jones has dropped out of Nov. 7 and held It the rest of the for second, etc.,, '^ th first place last night on MisaoU's home 'Cburt. (Jene Arrington drew three fouls betroit vd. Cincinnati at Boaton. Oator Bowl—Arkanaaa (No. 9) va votes and won-lost records in The'tlgerp, who trailed by. five In the first five minutes. He fin­ \ Philadelphia at Boatqn. the big five completely but the Georgia Tech (unranked). OlUct' Bill Russell and BUI Shar- parentheses^ points at the half, now are SrO, ished with 14 points, getting them )Ninneapoli» v*. Syracuae at Seat- The climax of the season came Liberty Bowl—Alabama' (No. 10) Indiana la 1-1. man are in the second and third last Saturday In Los Angeles, all in the second half when Tech va Penn State (No. 12). 1. Syracuse (1.34) )10-0) ,.1768 Ohio State made it four in a came within three points of the A ' ' ' -:- ' ■ ” ■ apota with .486 and .471 respec where S y r a c u s e displayed Its 2. Mississippi,(47) (O'l) New Y>ck- -Ifa doubtful I? any­ lively. Bailey Howell' of Detroit might by crushing UCLA '39-8. So, The Orangemen, with a aecon^ row by - whipping BluUer, 99-66. Jsyhawka. and Artain of Philadelphia have 3. Louisiana State (6) (ft-1) 1284 Kansas (2-0) had a scare, but )>eat Iowa hit at a near .600 pace one ia happl^ at hia coachlnjr taalt It was no surprise' when Coach team rated almost aa powerful aa 4. Texas (1) (9-1) ...... ,..1028 from the field and crushed North fheae daya thalv, Philadelphia War- edged into the big five with .440 Schwairtswalder'a team land­ the first unit, will receive the an­ 876 Texas Tech, 86-71, Iowa (5-0) and .444 averages. 6. Georgia (3) (0-1) ..,, rolled against North Dakota as ex­ Dakota in the jumond half after riore' mentor, ' Nell Johnston. ed 134 of the 201 tin t .place ballots nua) Associated Press trophy «m- 6. Wisconsin (5) (7-2)'. 724 leadlfig by 10 at the'''ititermisaion. / ■ Everyone expected'XVilt Chamber- Nat Dolph Schayea made 24 of cast by the nation's sports writers biematie of the National cham- 680 pected, 79-43.' MissiMippi State 7. Texas Christian (8-2) (8-0) defeated Union (Tenn), 88- Soph. Don Nelson led the scoring lain to assume NBA icoring lead­ 26 foul attempla to tgke ^over and broadcasters. plonahip. They had been ranked , 8. Washington (9-1) • ... 428 with 17 points and also cleared 11 ership, last week, which he jdld with league lead with an .890 average, Perhaps never before have the No. 20 in the pre-season AP poll. 301 68, and Auburn (3-0) rapped How­ 9. Arkansas (8*2) ...... ard (Ala), 104-57. rebounds for the Hawkeyes. a total of 715 poinU, but Us un­ Hia closest competition comes major bowls snatched up such It war the first time In 71 years 10. Alabarna (5) (7-1-2) 267 Robertson scored 25 points la likely that even- Johnston thought from Detroit's Gene Shue who is h)g|tly ranked college teaniis. Most that Syraciwe had gone unbeaten And Cincinnati'e Bearcats, with The Second Ten; All-America Oscar Robertson the first half for'Cincinnati (3-0), he would be outacored by a Philly hitting at ;h48. were signed up for the bowls more tod untied. although-Miami put three defend­ ammate while doing so, albeit an Bob Cousy, Boston's veteran than a week ago. Syracuse accept­ The Orangemen led the nation in 'll. Clemaon (8-2) ...... scoring 36 points, snubbed .slow­ They treat yqi 12. Penn State (8-2)---- Nam e T hat W inning T une e r 0.1 him near the basket. Big O SJury to Chamberlain aided Paul playmaker, maintained his asalat ed a Cotton Bowl Invitation Nov, total offense, ruahing offense, total down tactics by Miami of Ohio for also.snared 25 rebounds. Miami margin over Ouy Rodgers 219-196. 14 after walloping (Colgate, 71-0. defense, and defense against rush­ 13. Illlhola (5-3-1) ...... an 89-68 breeze. at the Goodyear Sign AHsin. 14. So. California (8-2) .. Kent, Ohio, State Head Coach Bill Bertka, right, •watches was close only in the opening ipln- Latfst figures show Paul AHslh Cousy fed successfully 34 times in The''Orangemen will meet th^ ing. 'They topped the country in Never Did CU|ck utes. Then the Bearcats ripped off of the Warriors tallied 109 points three gsihes while ’Jrlcky Guy had Texas Longhorna, beaten only by •coring with 390 points, giving up 15. Oklahoma (7-3) as assistant Karl Chesnutt plays a selection from a rec­ 16. Wyoming (9-1);...... ord album, “Music. To Win. Basketball Games By." Jack Indiana, a 103-63-winner over 14 point! in a row for a 33-8 bulge. (nine more than Chamberlain) In '35'In fourlur bu'tingp. WT Texas Christian and No. 4 7n the only 59. Syracuse averaged better little Ball State in its- debut Sat­ Strong at Foul Line four games last week to move than 460 yards a game in total of­ 17. Notre Dame (5-6) ... Moore looks on. Their team practices to music. ■ Scoring Leaders final poll. 18. Mlssou.l (6-4) ...... urday tod considered the big gun Nebraska sank 86 of 48 foul Into fourth place among,the scor­ Pis. Syracuse, In replacing Louisiana fense, and held opponents to leas of the Big Ten, never did click shots to stay unbeaten with a. 76- State as National champion, la the than 100 yards. 19. Florida (6-4) ers. (Jhamberlain was forced to lay Chambcrlsln, Phil...... 715 20. Pittsburgh (6-4) ,. . • against Missouri, despite the 43-38 66 decision over Minesota after nut of Sunday’s game with an In­ Twyman, C i n n . .714 flrst Eastern team to gain the This is the second Cotton Bowl edge at halftime. Miszou trailed. wiping out a three-poi '. second jured leg and consequently tallied Baylor, Minn...... '. 601 In field goals, 30-26, although hit­ half edge by the Gophers. Ron 100 points for the week's play to AriEin, P h il...... 531 ting at a hot ,409' pace (to the Johnsoiv led. the scoring with S3 the 109 Ariain compiled durin Pettit, St. L...... i.,523 Hoosiers’ .345). They wrapped It points for Minnesota. Nebraska Is the past seven day period. Shue, Detroit ...... 520 THE up by Sinking 27 of 34 free throws. 2-0 against college competition. ‘ Chamberlain's 35.7 points per Hagan. St. L...... 480 Joe Scott led the scoring with Wichita (3-0) came from 11 game average continues .as the Schayes, Syr...... 466 31 points, his career high, for points back on the floor play of \. . all-time NBA high while Chnobi' Sharman, Boston ...... 4 3 5 , Newcomers with Manchester High Varsity Missouri tod teampiKte Charlie soph Johnny Allen for an 83-78 vic­ . nati’a Jack Twyman's 31.0 aver­ Naulls, N. Y...... 425 Herald Angle Henke counted 24. Frank 'Rado- tory over Arizona. State. Purdue age and Minneapolis’ Elgin Bay Heinsohn, Bos...... ,,,.421 \ By To Voice Self vich’s 22 was high for the Hoo- (3-0) defeated Pittsburgh, 91-79, ' lot’s 30.0 are considerably above Newcomers with Manchester High’s varsity cagers this season are shown above. Kn^l- Texas AAM (3-0) handed Houston Howell, Det.'.. i . . . .A .. .408 ing, leh to right, Bill Viot, Mike Reardon and Hank Pedemonte. Back row, Mike siers. the league all-time scoring stand­ Cousy, Boston ...... 403 E A R L Y O S T Ohio State handed stubby But­ Its first loss In four game*. 67-49; ards. The first five scoring leaders Yardley, Syr...... ,395 Ehlers, Craig Johnson, Steve McAdam and Jim Mistretta. The Indians open their , Y MIDGETS Miami Beach, Fla., Dec. 8 (JP)— Branch Rickey, was ex­ The (Jitadel tripped Alabama (2-1), The Elks and Fletcher Glaea Sports Ekiltor ler Us second defeat in four starts this year are running six points Guerin, N. Y. .378 season Friday at home against Bristol Eastern. (Herald hPoto by Ofiara) ' ' pected today to voice public regret over what he regards as by hitting at a steaming-.750 clip 68-60, behind Art Musselman'a 37 per game higher than the 'first Poust. Minn...... '..SOI emerged victorious last night to points: and Louisville (2-1)'beat pace the Midget circuit The Elks the major league’s indecisive stand on expansion. from the field in the first half. wlnlesB Furman a second time, flve leaders Scored* last season at Russell, Bos...... 355 Bowling, Expert to Exhibit Skilly The venerable president of the*------' " :— The Bucks wound up with a 5.10 the corresponding period. Costello, Syr...... 326 defeated- a stubborn Manchester 77-61. VConn, Dartmouth, PC Tops Auto Parts, 32-29, and Fletcher embryo .(Continental League re 'We can’t take the petition we' percentage, Jerry . Lucas, the Utah (2-0) amacKcd New Mex­ Cut Into Lead Kerr, Sj^...... 321 M arathon!! Tricks of the trade, from one of the experts, Ailn Karrer, ceived with mixed (eelinge last Buckeye' 6-8 soph star, was high Bill Russell of the Boston Qsl- Sesrs, N. Y...... 305 Glass-' turned back Wyman Oil, will be exhibited tonight, tomorrow, and again tomorrow never are going to expand," m ' ' ico State, a first-time los r, 88-67; 17-12. n l^ t the announcementa of the American League Prealdapt'' Joe w ith, 26 points, but his string of and Ctol'orado (3-0) whipped New Berkeley, Calif,, Dec. 8 (AA—' The Elks, led by Steve Cole, got night at the Parkade Ten^ili Lanes. Miss Karrer, tfhree-time American and- National Leagues Cronin. "We believe axpafition 1s free' throws came to end on hie Mexico, 82-60. O ntenary ended Tu- Remember the crasy 'phone Surprises at Premium off to a flying start holding the match game champion in Philadelphia, will give free in­ not to consider expansion “ at the inevitale. We discussed the poast- second of the ganie,'after he had lane's unbeaten 'string at three. 79- booth crowding season 7 Well, Auto Parta scoreless in the open­ structions to men and women bowlers Wednesday morning present time." Not even their re­ bility of going to nine clubs at this sunk 25 in 8 row. Lucas also 73; Mississippi (4-0) defeated now we have a claim for the ing period while they took a 7-0 affirmation of a previous resolu­ time but that la impossible with­ grabbed 16 rebounds, only three Chattanooga 94-76; Tennessee Springfield’s Aces Still Lead world's longest basketball game at 16:30 and again at 1:30 and 4:30 in the afternoon. Her tion to favorably consider the new less than Butler manaiged as a advantage. The Partsmen came two-day appearance here vi-ill be<^- league's application for major out the Natio'nal League. We also (2-2) handed Clemson a first de­ —45 hours. On New England Scene to life In the second period as Bill do not think it is fsasible to go team. feat. 80-62; Notre Dame kept Wis­ topped off by exhibitions at 7 mond and Pat Mistretta, are back, league atatua if it gets eight cities Despite Non-Productive Week ' Two student dormitories— McKensle, high man for the night and 9:30 p.ra. Manager Roger and meets other specified require­ to 10 teams with the National Wayne Hightower, who stands consin winless through four games, Oloyae Oourt.and Deutsch Hall with 16, got them l>ack into the with an extra year's experience remaining at eight." 6-8, and 6-6 Bill Bridges counted. 78 58-anJ St, Bonaventure opened Macaione . of the Parkade Lanes under their belts. Brother, act ments, failed to appease the for- —played that marathon contest Boston, Dec. 8 (/P)—Surprises were at a premium in the game, "nie Parts kept their drive reports her. appearance is made mar NaUonal League club owner. Oonki made it clear that the 44 points between them and dom­ with a 97-69 victory over Villa Ma­ SUBURBINinS STANDINGS ^out In front in penalty minutes Friday through Sunday, using opening rounds of New England college basketball activity, up and came within one point of through the Lrunswick Balke <^1- with the Indians is the MistrettpS’ consideration of American League inated the boaida for, Kansas. donna. W, L. Pat and Jimmy. Not Surprised with a total of 115 on 15 minors, more than 300 subetltallons, a with such powers at Connecticut, Dartmouth and Providence the wlnnerii in the final period but lender Co; Miss Karrer is the first am disappointed but not. sur­ expansion should not delay the Springfield ...... 16 8 seven majors, four lO-mihute mis­ total of one hour In time outs Mike Orlowekl (12) hit on two of several name 10 pinners slated Continental League in going for­ Providence ...... 17 College picking up right off where they left last season. quick hoops to pull out the win for prised," Rickey said. "The de­ 12 conducts and a match. * and piling up' -is total 6,074 to appear here this season. . cisions announced by the two ward -with the completion of I’ls Rochester ...... 14 8 points. Of the usual leaders among-the» ' ...... the Elks. Living Room Fan Ed .(Jhadvirick of Rochester re­ area’s teams, only St. Midhael’s m m m leagues are the same as before. We organisation and making th'e nec­ Buffalo ...... 11 Il­ tained hia goal tending lead with Oh, yes. Clyne Court won— usual tall,’ talented squad, routed Cole, Oriowskl and Wally Irish .Travel to New York to watch had hoped for a definite stand on essary arrangements to fulfill the Hershey .10 ls an average of 2.50 on 55 goals al­ 8,409 to $8,178. was beaten in opening activity. hapless AlC 81-39 in its opening were the mainstays for the win­ Gold Key Dinner the Giants play?' , Perish the BOMUlNGNlTtiBlItY And even that one can’t be Calib­ ners while McKensie, Bruce Buck- the part of the majors. The Nation'- requirements to qualify as a third Cleveland ...... 9 12 lowed. In 22 games. Bobby Per­ game, but takes on 'more sei^pus Gold Key Dinner of the Con­ thought! Television coverage. Is ai made it clear it has.no thought major. " Quebec C ity ...... 7 20 an l^paet, since the Purple Knights ley and Tom Greer played well for from very good to excellent for reault Was the shutout leader with opposition this week. Providence necticut Sports Writers’ Alliance of expanding. The American . la The Continental League current­ X three. College Basketball —three . time NCAA representa­ tangles with ciesetown Brown (2- the losers. . pro football. By staying hear' playing the same guessing game it hiBillaWelu , tives from the Northeast—fell be­ Alble Norris. Rick Pasternack Jan. 35 at the Statler in Hartford the fireside I can keep warm and ly has five franohiee holders. They New, York — Springfleld’s two Marshall of Hershey scored the 1) "Wedneklay, then tries St. Fran­ will again be a sellout. Tickets haa played in recent months. While East fore highly-touted Dartmouth 69- cis of Brooklyn. and Paul O'Brien paced Fletchers’ don't have to worry about traffic are Houston, .Denver, Toronto, high 'scoring forwards, Floyd 12th "Hat Trick” of his American 54' in. one of the key game* of the were distributed yesterday and It acknowledges it is not feasible to New York and Minneepolis-St. St. John’s 101, Falrleigh Dick­ St. Mlohael’8\wilI attempt to to their second win aa they led all oh the highway, or fighting the expand at the present, it hastens to No. 10—BACKING UP ^ livery, think . of a left-handed Smith and Aft Stratton were, each Hockey League career Sunday inson 80. week. ' the way. Both teems played good most cities requested more than niob to tod, from Yankee Stadium, Paul. Cities which had been under g ain st Quebec, whleli enabled him show that its game against Dart­ their allotment. Manchester was add it has not given up the idea consideration as prospective new The bane of the bowler Is the bowler rolling right handed, caus­ held poiptleaa In three games last Holy Cross, which- put together dtfensive games as shot after shot not to forget being home and not of expanding in the future." ing the ball to start from the left to tie the all time league record Yeshlva 58, C(JNY 51. only a 14-11 record last season, mouth was all Just a bad mistake was blocked. Little Terry Grant allocated 60 tickets, just enough members included , Buf­ backup delivery. $|oo p o w n week, but maintained their poai- Central State 74, Danbury 68. with a trip to Mlddlebury (^2-1) out In the freezing air. And to and back up to the right. TTte for total "Hat ’fricka" with the gave Indications that this may be tossed in two deciding hoops late to cover requests received to date. lop it off, tel^lidon gives better lU.ckey did not indicate what falo. Atlanta and Dallas-Fort Sometimes, of course, the ball tions in first and second places in retired Phil Hergesheimer who Boston (College 65, Northeast­ one of its better years under Coach this weeik, in the game to Insure the Glass- rebuttal, or action, if any, he would Worth. Is purposely rolled so it backs up, backup delivery may be likened to American Hockey League acor- ern- 63. Gold Keys will be" presented to close up coverage than if you were take at today's scheduled press con­ a slice in golf, whereas the pre­ formerly played for Cleveland and Roy L«entg. The Crusaders clipped Maine was impressive in wining men their victory. Tom Mc- Johnny Smith, ex-Notre Dame In person at the House that Ruth or veers on the alley from left to ing. Smith had 42 points and Strat­ Philadelphia. St. Bonaventure 97, Villa Ma­ Its first two games. The Black KMUgh, Art BraJnard tod John ference following a meeting with right, but usually the delivery is ferred delivery correspond^ to a ton 34. Falrfleld handily, 72-63. football star and later a success­ built.’ William Shea, founder of the new golfing hook. ^ Leading Srorers donna 69.’ Holy Cross has all but one start- Bears ripped Brandeis 93-79 and Holmes played beat for the losing ful college football coach; "Ted * * • accidental. This ia evidenced by the Thetc teammate Bill Sweeney St. Lawrence (NY) 71, Mlddle- took Bales 07-61.T his .week they league, and ita five founding mem­ B athgate, H ow e number of times you hear the In the backup, the hand Is al­ G. A. Pts. ea- back from last year, and all but Oilers. . . Blair, ex-Yale athlete, and . ..-Sam bers, Ail joined fortea here yester­ most directly under the ball; the and Willie Marshall of Hershey Smith, Spr...... 16 26 42 bury 91. one reserve. In adldtion, Leenig has Ibave 'Colby and two games writh BVSINE885fEN’8 LEAGUE Bender, successful New Haven South Bound plaintive cry, "The ball bhck'ed iip were tied for third with 31. points Stratton, Spr...... Vlllanova 78, Gettysburg 56. Vermont. day and immediately went Into a Gain on Horvath thumb' pointing at the pins in what r''' . 8 26 34 flve good sophomores up from last Lest night Remnants overpow­ Hillhouse basketball mentor. Blight Chick Kellev, veteran Water- aecret huddle after the majors had on me!" It Is a particularly com­ each, Sweeney had three points Sweeney, Spr...... 14 17 31 Worcester .Teachers 89, West- season's 17-2' freshman equed- Harvard has a full schedule this ered the South Methodist Men's bury American spurta editor, who mon fault with women. ~ would be ohe or two o’clock on a last week and Marshall five to field Teaqhers 76. hundred are expected to attend. concluded their individual meet­ dial. Marahall, Hera...... 15 16 31 Team to Beat week, playing Wesleyan Tuesday, (Hub, 60-32. Using their height will retire at the end of the month; ings. Montreal. Dec. 8 ()P)—Bronco To 'best describe a backup de- eloae the.gap between them and the Davis, Prov. ..-...... 12 18 30 Salem Teachers 96, Plymouth . Dartmouth, with two straight iWilMalns Wednesday tod MTT to good advantage the Remnants Principal speaker wUl be ap- To throw a backup delivery Is noUnced shortly. Several speakers has purchased and will manage a The National and American Horvath, Boston Bruins’ center, dangerous and foolhardy. The de­ leaders. Lome Davis of Providence Mlgay, Roch...... 8 21 29 Teachers 89. Ivy League titles, considered the Satur,day. Holy Crom has matches controlled both backboards. motel in South Daytona',' . Flii- Lisagues decided on a closing joint held on to the scoring lead in the with a seven point week climbed Reihel, Prov. .12 16 28 St. Anselm's 73, Merrimack 71. tearrt to beat this year. with St. Anselm's and Yale. Dick Crysek (19) led the scor­ contacted, including American Chick has been one of the 'state’s livery is difficult to control. It has LOW PRfCEf .Into fifth spot with 30 points. League President Joe Cronin, for­ meeting today, instead of'tomor­ National HqcKey League today IMtle value as a pin getter, Glover, Clev. .12 15 27 Stockton, Calif. — Herman The Indians, whose only game ing parade for the Remnants and top flight baseball and football row, os originally planned. Tliere despite missing one of his club’s ' Smith’s 19 goals gave him a tie Polizltoi Prov...... 13 14 27 Marquez, 122)4, Stockt-on, thiS.'M'eek is against Rhode Island, Clem Pontllld had eight The mer Olympian the Rev. Robert officials for a quarter century .''‘4’ x lt is not a comfortable delivery, Richards and C(>tich Jim Lee Is no intention on the part of the three games last week because ^though women, whose arms have with Ray Ross of Providence and Pldhlmy, Spr...... 14 12 26 stopped Plml Barajas, 121, Mex­ used backcourt firepower, a tricky Men's Club, after a slow sta rt Young Johnny. Kelle.y, second In majors to 'meet with the Contin­ of a toe injury. his 29-assists left him in a dead­ Hannigto, Roch...... 9 16 25 ico. defense and, better conditioning to La^t Night’s Fights were, led by Charlie Miller tod Howell of the New York Gliimts, the Five Mile Road Race here a natural tendency to turn out, Here’s winder driving traction at its best and it’9 at a new were unayailable. ental League. Hbrvath got only one goal, rais­ find it easier than others. lock with Stratton-In playmaking. Fisher, Hers...... 11 14 25 roll over St. Michael'A*." Harold Geer. Thanksgiving Day, haa been nom­ Not everybody intenpreted .the ing his point total to 35, made uP low price! Uj! to 51% more traction in snow. . . up to 17% Baluik, Prov...... 6 19 25 Connecticut, which makes a hab­ Tampa, Fla. — Willie Pastrano EA8T 8IDE MIDGETS inated for the Sullivan Award of Ron Hurat of Hershey was still Mazur, Clev...... GREEN TEEN IJBAGCE 180, Miami, Fla., outpointed majors' actions yesterday as an of 21' goals, tops in the league, NEXT: Straight ud fast. better traction in mud . . . smoother, quieter ride on dry .11 14 25 it of ■winning lii the Yankee Con­ The Midget League got under­ the Amateur Athletic Union of the obstruction in the path of the Oon- arid 14 assists. But his working Hicks, Clev...... 6 19 25 Standings ference, rolled over American In- Charlie Paviis, 176,. Toronto, 10. way last night at the East Side Gpeat Start United States. Ten have been nom­ margin dwindled to five from pavement. . . an extra season of wear for many motorists. Roes, Prov...... 16 9 25 W. L P<*. Nottingham, England — 'iVally Rec as the Blue Coats defeated the tinental ■ League's rocky reed; to an IIIL___. ternalUonal 82-52 In its opener, Dick Dubtooski made an aus­ inated for the award, considered big league recognitioin. Co'arunis- seven;poi,nts a week ago, NHL of­ Get Goodyear*^ncw 3<;T Suburbanite non and replace isss ska 1st Mi I Bailey, Clev.-Buff. . . . . 3 21 24 Connie’s ...... 8 4 .667 then, edged Yale 66-95 last week. Swift, 147, Nottingham, outpoint- Cruisers, 26-25 in overtime while picious dsbut as a varsity basket­ the top prize for an amateur ath» Hoekstra, Clev...... 10 14 24 sioner FViTd Frick hailed , the an- ficial statistics disclosed. •lip with grip! \ '• Jo-Anne's ...... ,7 5 .5«3 This 'week, the Huskies open *(| Willie Toweel, 142, South Af­ the'Pumpers defeated the Lawmen ball player at Wesleyan, hooping lete. Kelley la the only New Eng­ nounoementa as a green light for New York% Andy Bathgate tod MacDonald. Spr.- . : . . . . 7 16 23 Gaye’s v...... 5 7 .417 conference activity against ,Un- rica, 10. -:i in the nightcap, 29-lfil. 18 points in a losing catise against lander being considered. Holder of Ellk, Prov...... ;... . 8 15 23 Bonny's ...... 4 8 .333 the embattled flve;team circuit. Gordie Howe of Detroit each tal­ TK/PL £ \V SUBURBANITES proved*Ncw Hampshire, then take ,' — George The flrst gama w (ls close ail the Clark University. Dick has been 13 National long distance cham- "Now thart. Uie National and lied one goal and two assists to re­ on Boaton College at Storm Sat­ Barnes, 146, Australia, stopped Bill way. The Crulsefs held a slim 16- awarded his varsity soccer letter. pionships.'Kelley has won the local American Leagries have restated main tied for second with SO Also available im $iitt /or im^trted and mewi cmmttaet U. S. can urday. . Todd, 149%, Australia, 9. ^ 14 lead at intermission. For the The sophomore was also a mem­ holiday trot'four times. S T O R E S ^ \vinnlng Blue Coats, Joe Saviho and theif posKions aa announced last points. New Hampshire, the league New Orleans — Henry ifank, ber of the Cards' track team___ . * •'. * - .May," he aaid, "the Cwtinental Bobby Hull of ■ Chiicagd chipped irCOOD/fEAll dapr.mat last season, opened up 165%, Detroit, stopped* W e s s e little Woody Owen teamed up to Wes Feshler,' another Manchester 681 MAIN ST.—MI $.-9771 > V Bowdry, St. Louis, 174)4, 10. score 23 of the - teams 26 points. O ld e s t Alumnufi Laaghe rtmtlnues to have the op­ In with four goals and two as­ with two; quick- victortes, 77-98 man, has won his freshman soccer portunity. of proceeding with its sists to move up fi4>m sixth 'to winter Tire retreads, with i m n n ROOdvear tread desiM over Bowdoin and 79-60 over’ Ver­ New York — Samuel (Chico) For the Cru'lsers, lanky Clayton numerals at TYlnlty. Sam Fos­ Oldest living Yale^lumhus Is a^uibunci^ program. fourth place with 29 points. Jean mont -in conference activity. The Relllng, 134)4, New York, stopped Hence was the leading point-getter ter reertved his freshman football Alonzo Stagg. The 'ST-xpqr-old TU^AY SPEUAL with 14. "The oontiniaaioner looks for­ Bellveau of Montreal and Bbston's n glA 4.70KU;HUSt(KX«iidlliCAPPAIU11lli f"'/ New Hampshire-Oonneoticut bat­ Luke Blaster,' 155)4, Rankin, Pa., 8 numerals at'Trin and,varsity let­ former Yale athlete andXamed ward to such positive action as Vic .Stasiuk each. pickelnte while tsamate Richardjdar-^ * * ‘ • treasurer of the Central Connect! 7 Desire Expansion tens . scored seven In a losing cut . Board of Football Official.^ While the two established hia-. 27 points. MORE PEOPLE R10E dl^ dOODYIAR TIRIS ^ A N OW ANY OTI^ER KIND.I cause, Gary Gentllcore (11) and Alter Dates since 1932 . . Howie Hampton’s Jor leagues toedfi a dim -view of Jacques Plante, Montreal goalie,, Louis Hennequih (8) scored all of Cheney Tech’s scheduled basket­ 231 'score toppid 'the One Ball hntnedlata' epBpasislon. the Ameri- continued to lead in the defense' LIGHTS the Lawmen'points. ball game afternoon at -Bowling Tournament players last 'Can made it plain it desired ex­ department,. yielding only 2.04 Backup^—Carol Christensen, like 6008YEAR SERVICE STORE • - - 'y ’ " home against Suffield will instead weekend at the Double Strike pansion but -M I 9-8117 y ROUtE4.ROiTON -'I' Friday night at home against.Bris­ League. Could it; be that the locals Santa' usual vaiui team. Another new captain whose tol Eastern. Coach Elgin Zktur- have too many players? Thirteen . f election was announced yesterday sky'S squad cduld pull a few sur­ •played,.in the opener. It is hard,to , S p ^ a l ^ 0 0 mOVlAHttS J ^ is Alex Guild; of Hartford. He will prises and rank with the-best in keep this many players satisfied as JACK’S ATLANTIC AMOCO STATION lesd the Trinity soccer squad. th« area. Key men, Chuck^il-' no ope Wants to sit on the bench. 704 M ^N ST,—M l>8232 SS9 M A IN S T > -M l 3-1477. ^ MORRISON’S ATUNTiC UN’S ATUNTIO STATION AD sIsM In stock.. Ray op. and Nylon, white slid black, 14” and WVre Open' 288 W. MIDDLE TPKE,— Ml ^ 3 0 2 4hl W . CENTER ST.— Ml 9-8T54 15”—Tabelyas and tube type. . . /Tonite From 6:.00 to 9:00 .•A t law at $1.25 a w«*kl Just For You! BILL’S MOBIL SERVICE NHRER’S SHELL SERVlOE • FREE MOUNTING 134 E. CENTER ST.— Ml 9sl3l7 4S3 CENTER STr-M I9.t128 MOn K o n i MK ON 600DYEM Au t i n ' m n THAN 0N,ANr OTHIt KINDI CHAMPION AOTO KEirS BARACE ■3... • \ . Stegk 411 HARfTFCRI>'RD..^I9-i ANDOVER^ 2-4227 Ym , CiMvy cHMMnbiy liiMs cNw^ MMimlng 4tHt ll fifkt In Sift Whiskey ... •nd goiy !• . prodMclien WMdi one* again allows IIS to itMTs l^ o tl For Our Annual fi«« DO* WIlLis^RARE BROVMIE^ SHELL SERVICt . tok* 6rd*rs oil Hi * bomrifiil 19M CInw- iiK , 1 "^ mCHOLS-, FLElSGHMAlirS . I S M A IN ' 27S M A IN jST.—M l 3-1172 . i:HMieHESTER . rol*t ohd all-n*w Cdrvdr. Ord*rs takM is the BIG buy ! new will b* qiy*n priority for ooriy dbRV- MEN’S 1188 D IU MARKHAil SUNOCO STATION DION’S ATLANDO STATION TIRE, lac. •ry, so don't wait, coma down noW for o OPEN OAILTm^TO • r.M. 329^RNTERST.^I9rf087 ^ . 20* HARTKCD ID — Ml t42*4 tH BROAD 8TREET ijiiii ^ good d*ol on o 1940. Clwvrotot. ^ SA’i'URDAY TO-S:90 i r<■ f M NITE ll{|nn MS t-5179 ' 9Q PROOF is why! H pTroRD ROAD SERVICENTER RUFINI’S aY im A SERVICE We Ol've JfffC Btompe liliii Gift(H>PriM8—Refreshments.' lit CENTER Sr>s-MI 9-8279 CBe'Oar Basy :P » Plaa> '|iii TR/PLEW/ 270 HARTFORD RD^-4yll3-240t , M y As Fan Bide CARTER Chevrolet Co. : - X Entertainment ' - ! , incorporated STORES^ “’fp iliiiiiiiiillS BteNO'EO WHI8KEV > 9d~ PROOF • 68% QRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS' 12R9 MAIN ST. MAMCHeSTER rrs M EN o n l y - ^ t 6 n i t e .« to 9 ELLSWORTH: M ilA S S O ir ^ SHERIDAN’S OARABE .THE fLtlSCHMANN OISTILLINQ CORPbRAtlON, NEW YORK CITY jB i jiAi^.iT.T^Mi rJm i 242 OAKLAND S r.-^3-S 1S 5 ROUTE 4, IOLTPN m-A|I 3

;----- *. \. ■ A X' Tf. t ■ / WT \ .\ -1 --

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8. 1989 PACE FIFTEBW KANCHEStER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, TUESDAY. DECEMBER S. 1»W Heoec for SoW 72 Houm for 96lt 72 Hon6«i for Salt 72 Also Radar Chfeefe at Night Sanricw orrcnd IS rHERE OUGHTA BE A LAW BY BAG ALT tiMd BHlNrrBJN .MiidcBl tMttOMBto (2 LAROK, TIBIBSb bedrbom ranch Navy Suspects f l - # - Y oM M iiK a •2 arlth attachad gluMge and fbll |9,700 (COVENTRY ‘ 2 0 MKLDDIGRAND M note SplinN . C Six. room Cipa, 14x39 living ELECTROLUX ewnera—Free pick­ mwkmj, ST'RlflT—4 reom' teae- baaamfBL Located In beautiful pigno and bmieh, m a p lr ^ ma­ Tamarack Rnia with outataadlng arbars Woods, Ml' 9-7703. room. lOOxllO lot, troea. Forced to Carrier Bla ze up and delivery. Prompt, frieadly hogany,'1414.88 ^vahto for 1868.00 ment, llrat 'floor, vaealil, |M. M l Drunk Driver Suspect tervice on your Eiectronuc (R) , eonvanlanea to achool, ahopplng aell, owner movtng. Immadiqta oc- dleaher. Also featuring tiij| wash­ Watkins.Jm c T frc., 885 Msln St 8-5238 till 5 P-m- ______: and travaU Salas axacutive n-MANCHBSTER-Bxcaliant lo­ cup«icy,-ibaa3r financing. ‘ er, floor scnibber and wrxer. trankfarrlito to Chicago. IBatata- cation. 1^ batha; Mparats .diiilnc LAWRENCE F. PIANO Set by Firebug TBOMAt-OROANS have percus­ room, attach,ad garage, * am"aallt Call Elactrahu authorised sales sion; No' used to pay extra when to e ROOM » Featar liks graunijraunoa in fine, naighbokhood. Pain P. Fiano MI 84458 Faces On-Spot Tests and serldcc. Ml 84W48, JA 3-0108. CuKom-bii..,Custom-built In... 1956, first quality drive. Immediate occupancy; HROKER8 - Ml S-37M (CowBawd Irett Fsge <)■«) (« *) lONO-LIW^ you get a Thomaa. Janaaen and Stiwet $18,000. R. F. Dimock Co.i^MT Please ask for Augustine Kamien- Leistsr, Betsy'Rons spinet pianos. throughout. Tastefully dscoratad ski. t t CHESTNUT S t 4 romiu. . . with niilbmliM mahogany trim. 9-8245 or . Barbara Woods, MI (OaaWaued from Fag* Oba) Board Studies prisqaeta, aakl In RaMgb . tiw c l a s s i f i e d advertisment d e p t , h o u r s Bind instruments, sheet music, 8-7702. . MANCHESTER conductsd on. Uw sewns pinnad the bath, varanda, haat and ho Sanalhly. pHcad at $17,900 making blams on A damaga control foan break bagan\ at 13:80 a.n. It'irar- ^;16 A.M» to 4:30 P.M. M A M RUBBISH removal features methods, and song folios. Ward not dlacovarad until 4:80 a.m„ Music Stores, 88 l^nimer St. Open watsV, parking. Attradlvaly fur- wteallaat"lant financing available. For TPfO-,EAMILT — Saparata {ur- tonight on orders from Commia- “suiRwetad of being a pyromanlac full-time com m eM al,'M ustriai, a which apply to you call MI n i—VERNDN — O-room ranch, 3 naceV,. an^r garage. centrally lo^ Local Stocks when the overpowared"j ROAfo*' evenings till 8 .p;m. Ideiity of nishad deairabla nemhotliood, dataila fireplacea, 17x18 ft, living rOom sl■— i«.4 Nautilus was undergoing an ex* meeting in the o ^ c e of OenenI called guard Johp Case Mjrtilf be Mm adrarttaeaMat w n aat ba aoiraetad by *iaako good'' taiaarlloa. perience. 80 days guaranlse^ all •BM77DA onq maple bookcaae, one miq|>le occupancy.. J. D, Realty, X0 nicely landscaped lot. -Excellent Thla. new shift will be in addition Hartford Fire ...... 187 197 tensive o-verhaiil at Portsmouth, Manager Richard Martin. LOMMR, MI 8-6106. I S-5^63 to the regular three shifts 4t other w a n t^ toilet Usede. When tbd work. Pbtterton’s. MI'T-4817. atudantla doak. MI 8-9688. 9-3640, MI 3-1037, condition. Central location. A triie National Fire ...... 133 141 N.H., laat,:fAU, evidence of deliber­ Accountant Richard J. Barry re­ guard itfrlved, Stewart bad gotten lONOlQ. THREE ROOM fitmlBhad ipart- ' value at only 816,900. R. F. Dlmock hours, - 'Which Will be maintained Phoenlk Fire ...... 79 82 ate cutting of electrical wires was ported the ttrvn to be generally in SNOW PLOWlJfli-Drlveways, etc. LWtf WE BUY and aall antique and uaed ON 3 ACItES--$13,000. 8 room as usual,' the major Said. cen. He grabbed the ment, conveniently located. Call Co. MI 9-8348. RobOrt D. Mur­ Life and Indemnity Ins. Cos. dlsploaed. good ihape" in Ito accounting and guard and threatened to “beatymtr Dial Ml 3 -^ 7 1 1 Prompt service. Save your hack fumltura, china, glaaa, filver, pie- rooms, dishwasher, fireplace, rec dock, MI 3-64T3. ranch, huUt\l8S$, garage, cellar. State law requtrea that at least MI 11^138, Carlton W. BhiteHiiia. Ml 9-5183. Aetna Casualty .... 188 — bookkeeping procedurea. brains out" With an iron bar. And heart. Manchester Esso Serv­ tura framaa, guna, attic cententa, reation room; garage, trees, bua, ISO state troopers must patrol the The . committee la expected to ice Center. MI 8-8188. whole eatates. Enmlture refin-. FOUR ROOM duplex, hMt, hot- cefined neighborhood, $17,800. VI—^MANCHBISTER. New listing. 8 highways every 24 hours, Major Aetna Life New , ,8714 90 V4 The prisoners held Case until i g t LdilaiidENBi Aatomojbilldd Conn. General ...... 356 871 study the recommendatlms further of the Guard^E.^^htUtpa eame tm Ished aad rep^riad. Furniture Re= water.V screens, mbrm wlndowa, Cariton W. Hutebina, MI 8-5133. - room cape, combination aluminum L o t ^ o r Stole Wllliama Said. In practice, ha aaid, Orange Lodges and report back to the full Board pair' Servica and Sales, Talcbtt- Venetian blinda, garage. After f doors and windows, immaculate the number for that period runs be­ Hftd.. Steam Boiler'. 85 90 from the priwn confoel room with LOST — Goldaa Retriaver. aamod 1M« OUJ^MOBIUe, 3-door hard- MORTENSEN t v . Specialised RCA ...... Hart of Directora with any suggeetlona top, wbitedrall tlrea, radio, heater, vin«. . ' ,p.m. MI 8-1858. so u t h WINDSOR, 78 Aiurel St. condition, attached breezeway and INDUfnrRlAL tAND^Eaat tween 230 and 240 troopers. Travelers ...... 87 ' 90 a gueKKlo relieve C !daa. PhOIlba Laddie. Strayed from Plymouth television, service. MI 8-4841. 8 'room ranch, extra large kltch- ford. 3 a ^ in iiIng „ lots'in induatrtal Install Officers for changiea in operation. ■watMtru'ck and he and^^jo etbiff Lane. MI tASTO. hydrbinattc. M,000 original miles, garage, ameaita drive. Priced to Up until now. Major Williams Public UtUtties One recommendation called for a W A N n ^ U s e d - ping pong VTVE r o o m duplex, hath, he* on. buUtdn oven, acreaned porch, sell, $18,5<)0. R. F. Dimock, MI zone. RetMonable. Tongren, Brok ard were overpowefod. $l,8W?^l PI 2^1. FLOOR SANDINO and refinlshtng. said, the largest number of-4roop- Conn. Light A Power 22 24 study "to arrive at a more equita. LOST—SmaU'gTW French Podfia, taMe, 111 gbod e< dttlbn. CaU MI water, laige yard, 1137 SulUvan half acre lot. Excallmt finanoi 9;S245 or Barbara Woods; .Ml er, MI 8-e831. “ Anything in Real eto on duty has beep during the Hftd. Electric Ught 83 - 68 Officers of Washington Loyal Then the prisoners were o t o ' to Specialising in-. old floors. Ml 8-8946. ■ > Estate.' Me dtatributlon of the revenue re­ viWnlty Avery Hei|hta, toappta*. 1M7 CADILLAC, i^loor aedan, 8.87S0. Ave., Wapping. MI ,4-1948, available. Marlon B, Robartaon, 9-7702. daytime shift, except for apeclal Hartford Gas Co. .. 40H 4314 Orange LodgA. No. 117, and Royal get into the prison control-ram radio, heater, automatic trans' Broker, Ml 8-6858. Black Praceptory, No. 13, were in­ ceived from water and eewer de­ Anawara to *'fciala7’ Waartag y«l- : z ; UNION .STREET, Manchester holiday weekend patrols. Southenr'New England partment operatione." / where they found the a r s e a a i^ niiaaion. whitewalls, best offer ArticiM For Skip 45 ROCKVILLE—Beautiful 8H room DC — MANCHESTER SUBURB—8 stalled at. ceremonies in Orange loar rhinaatSna colUr.' Reward. Phiiitliig— PRiMriili’ 21 HouachoM Gooda 51 Rooms WltlMat Board 59 B zone lots with city water. Will Telephone 4614 *714 Martin haa aaid the sewar-uae weapons, 'lliey dressed in gnarde\ tabes it. MI a-oa^i. :eps, flagi apartment featuring heat, hot •0 DHLMONT ST.—6 room 2-itory, room Cape, 1 year old. lmmacu> Hall Friday night. Plaaaa call MI 44MS7 any Ume. 1-famlto dwelling with 3-car ga­ sell in ttbuporiI I Or Indmdually, $3,800 Maopfacturlng Companies - rate as increased May 1, 1955 has clothing and captured the tower terrace work done. c5all M li--0786. PAlNTINa AND paperhangtng. DRY OAK wood, cut fireplaca add KALAMAZOO' electric stove, 4 water, oven and range, refrigera-. late condition. F ireplace,alum i­ guards. 1800 CHEVROLET 3-door sedan, n^UHSHED RCOM-One 'minute tor, tile hath, veketian blinda. fat- rage.,Steam hpat (oil). Hi batha. num combination doors and win'- each. MI 9-0486. Arrow, Hart. Heg. .. 75 — About 80 persona, including 30 been barely adequate in the last Good clean workmananlp at rev atova lenath, $10 per load de- burner, .Warming oven, broiler, from Main Street, light hoitte- $300 Stolen They locked up the guards aad FOUNI>—Bladi cat, vicinity of heater, new snoweaps, ■onable rataa. 80 yean in- Siam uvered. n 3-7888. timer, 850. Ctdl MI 8-40M. cellent residential area, aecends. Remodeled kitchen. Fireplace, dowa; Oyer 1 acre .land. 5% mort­ Associated Spring ., 3114 3314 from Maasachuaetto lodges, at­ few yeare. keeping, women only. Ml 8-7908. Screened in porch. Good condi- LAKE 8T„ VERNON —Beautiful Bristol Brass ...... 11 1214 tended. left in a prison track and car. The Center aad Trotter Sta; MI S-17M. motor rebuilt, almost new. PI TREES PRUNED, trimmed, re­ cheeter.^ Raymond Flake. SO from bus and stores, $85 monthly. gage may be, assumed. R. F. lota near, achool, 180x188, Manches­ The Water Department, on the SNOW BLOWERS - Toro powar GLBNWOOD combination gas and No pets or chlidren. TR A-6746. i Won. Vacant. Priced right. Mc­ Dimock .Co.; MI 9-5345 or Barbara Dunham Bush ...... 9 - 10 Andrew Herron, state grand oth ^ hand, haa built up a surplus, car was found wraekad naarlw and moved. MI '8-2694. 8-9387. ATTRACTIVELY fumlzhed rooms. ter. 8. Z.zone lota, priced to sell. the men apparently MI piled into handle, posh m- eelfpropeUed. oil stove, very reasonable, Cali Kinney Brothers. Inc., M I'8-6060, Woods. Mi 9-7702. From Doctor^s Em-Hart ...... 52>4 66«4 master of Maaaachuaetto! and hia partly becauae voters rejected a Complete light housekeeping fa- SIX- ROOM apartment, second MI 8-3981. J. D. Realty, MI 9-8640.^. 8-1637. the truck for the first phase o< Reo. Snowbird end Bolena. Capi­ MI 9-6089. oilltiss available. Pricea as low aa Fafnir Bearing .... 65 >69 staff aeated the officers of LOU filter plant for the Portar-Howard 1853 FORD V-8,-4-door aedan. In Hodsehold Services Courses and Classes 27 tol Equipment Co., tt Main St. floor, autofnatic heat, garage. Call 86 LAKE STREET*? room Co­ Landers Frary Clark. 1614 l8'/4 their escape. $10 weekly. Central. Children ac­ PORTER STREET— 3 flata, extra MANCHESTER — B zone, near No. 117. The staff included David reservoirs in 1958. asc'WASR-lOe DRT-Oo tt good condition. PI 2-8560. Ml 8.7908, MI 9-8582, 6-9 p.m. lonial, 1^ batha, screened porch, Waddell School, Parkade shop­ Pants Pocket N. B. M achine------24 36 The prison guards remained Offered 13-A CARRIAGE, high chair, crib and cepted, limited. 14 Arch St. Mrs. large, oil fumacea, fireplace, 2-c?.r attached garage, beautifuUy land­ Dawaon of Boston, a, past sup­ locked up until around 4:80 a-m., self. Opm 34 hours, closed Sun­ PIANO—ModOm popular, including Doraay. - ping. Approximately . .60x150. North and Judd .... 32 35 reme grand ma!$ter. day. uatky Lady Self-Service 1855 BUICK SUPER, 4 door sedan, technique, ear training and im- IfoEAD XN^S. flfta—New Colum- mattress, tt5.. ^11 MI 9-3696. Hi ROOM apartment, heat, hot garage,’ excellent coBdition, MI scaped lot, 102x613. Immediate Rogers Corp. (B) .. 1* 16 when E. N. Fegg, attlstaat super- DICK'S WEATHERSTRIP Com­ water, electric stove, refrigerator, $1,500. Seymour St. MI 8-0822. The theft of about $300 during New officers 6f the lodge are St. John’s Club Latuidry, 11 Maple St. Mack and white, good mechanical provieation. Call SH 8-8751, BU bia blcyclea or gpod rebuilt 3 .WEST CENTER St. 3 separate Wantefi— Real Betote H ter; William Smith, deputy mee- Names Officers and alx Negroes. limanUc HA 8-1196. MI 8-7722. ?;entlemen. Own entrance and apartments, solid structure, ex­ the doctor and his family were Torrlngton ...... 8314 8514 Mail has world's only fully auto­ power. Bteerlng. signal and backup ELEXTTRONICS—^In two -evenings and School. GLASTONBURY, Manchester Rd. ter; William J. Br^nnSn, record­ It waa the first sscapa from Xvy lights. $850. Call MI S-60S9, after rae parking. Near center, MJ ceUent Investment, full electric —Seven room cape, all brick, 3 FARMS, ACREAGE and Ustlnga asleep was reported to police this ■Feeder R oot...... 5214 matic deaner to Show you. Also WEAVING of bums, moth holss weekly we can teach you Elec- 8-487$. ing secretary; W lllt^ Turklng* Bluff since Its constnictloii. fully guaranteed, factory-rebuilt .4,, ■ tronics-Radio-Ty. Evening class GIFTS — REASONABLE. Doilies, BosimM LoesttoM -power. MI 0-6229 till 5 p.m. unfinished, attached garage,' % on homes wanted. Call UliR morning. The above quototiona Are not to Mra. Sophia Burger waa elected and tom clothing, hosiery ' rune, HOTPOINT electric range, 3 yeara Realty Co.. Inc. MI 4-8198, Eve- ba construed aa actual markets. - ton, financial oecretaly: Archie. chairman of the Frlendahlp a u b Last Nov. 33, five convicts from cleaners, MI 8-8308. is now starting. Come in, write, or aprons, nigs, handkerchlefa, shop- PLEASANT large . heated room, for Rent 54 acre lot, recreation room. Priced Police described the thief aa a Haugh, treasurer; Fjank ' Mullen, handbags repaired, zipper re­ ping bags, - coat hangers, mittens, old. Good condition, $76. MI 9-1471. MANCHESTER—Dutch Colonial, 8 hlnga BU 8-6786. \ "cat burglar,” one who generally of St. John’s National Polish a Close security prison camp at placement, umbrellas repaired, phone JAckson 6-8406 for free.cir­ free parking, on bus line. 146 Cen- to aell. J. D. Realty, MI 9-3640, chaplain; David Muldoon, direc­ 1851 CHRYSLER New Yorker, best cular." "Leam-by-dolng" at Con­ bootees, bibs. MI 8-7683. s. /^•CONDITIONED t-roon otflba. rooms, one-car garage, steam MI 3-1687. sneaks into an opAn house at Catholic Church at its annual Jefferson, N. C., escaped from a men's shirt collars reversed m,d te'r St. MI 8-5003. heat, good. location, first time on TWO BUYERS wanting homes in tor of ceremonies;; Herbert Met­ work gang, killing a guard super- offer takes it. MI 8-2652. necticut's oldest electronics WESTINGHOUSE, 11 foot frost-free 100% Main Street location. P u k ­ night, taking nolhlng but cash, meeting last night. A Chritimaa replaced. Mariow’s Little Mend­ XMAS TREES—Wholssale. See refrigerator, $180. L and H 6 burn­ market, biiUt in 1929 Priced to $10,500—Two bedroom ranch, large 110.000 • $18,000 price ^ bracket; Searchers Spot calf, inside tiler; William . Gor­ vlsorin the break. Four have b«m ing Shop. . ^ school. New England Technical In­ ing. Marlow’s, 867 Main St ' and touching few, if any, objects. piarty includii^ buffet lunch and VAOCUM GLEANERS repaired in sale's representative at the Shop­ er, 3 oven range, 8135. Weating- aell, $18,900. Phllbrick Agency, MI kitchen, recreation room, excel­ Either ranch or cape. Get results, don, outoldr''4ilier; and James rceeptursd, three in Ohio nod one stitute, 56 Union Place Hartford. FURNISHED room for rent near lilt with-E. E. Buahey, Real'Es­ The njoney'^waa taken from the dlitribution of gifts followed the my own home shop. Forty years 1960, SIX CYLINDER. 4-door Ford, ping Parkade or call MI 8-3817 house washing machine, $78, Weat- Main St., MI 8-3170, 8 Hazel St. LARGE STORE at 36 Birch Street. 9-8464. lent condition, central, assume doctor’s wallet which was in hi* Bundle o tRags, MoCulhim, Samuel Wilson, Jo­ In Tenneissa. 110. Call MI 9-3868. FLAT FINISH Holland window evenings. tate, MI 8-fo83. business meeting. factory experidiM. Ail makes, shades, made to measure. All Inghouse dryer, 875. Solid ma­ Apply Marlow’s, 867 Main St. Near present mortgage, small cash. pants pocket. The panto were seph Sinnamon, John Herron and Other new officers are Mra Jean hogany, 9-plece, dining room Set, NEAR MAIN 'St., f6r gentleman, Main St. Parking. SECLUDED, immaculate 0 room Carlton W. Hutchins, MI 9-5183. David. Morriabn, committee mem low rates, free estlmetea, free 1842 w r e c k e r 4-wheel drive, metal Venetian blinds at a new Bonda—Stodui Morttajfcs 81 FOR SALE—HO train set plus ranch, buUt-in stove, garage, ARE YOU CONSIDERING . hanging on the bedroom door on Find Lost Girl LuniewakI, vice chairman; Mrs. pickup and delivery. Mr. Miller, double boom. Black and Decker low price. Keys made while you 1100. 84-ton 115 volt York window private entrance, parking, 38 the seoond floor.. hers. Htilan ‘VcKo. secreUry: Mrs. im p r o v e y o u r credit. A multi­ power pack for multiple operation. air-conditioner, 860. Crib, Window Pearl St-, MI 8-7386. SMALL OFFICE for rent. Stete many axtraa, 8 acres, trees. Only MANCHESTER—4 bedroom ranch. SELLING Y W R PROPERTY? 3A 2-8904. ______velve refacer. also valve receder. wait Marlow'a. MI 8-4953. 818,900. Carlton W. Hutchins, MI Entry was made through a side Harwinton. Dec. 6 (F)—Beachers .Sir Knight Frank McGeown of Helen Rubacha. traaaurar, and Laundry Said " tude of monthly paymentsVmay be vklancea. MI 8-1391 before 5 p.m. Theater. Reasonable. Inquire Good financing. Tongren, Broker, W# will appraise your, property MankMeter Inetalled the officers WANTED—Ride from vicinity Mid- Call between 4:80 and 7 ]p.m. Wllll- lumped into one second mortgage ROOM WITH parking close to . Theater maniager. MI 8-7883. 9-8182, MI 3-6321, "Anything in Real Es­ free and without any obligation. We door, police said. The thief had to who were hunting through the Mra. Heltn Opalooh and Mrs. mantic, ACademy 8-9863. CURTAINS laundered in my home. Or OL 8-7844 after 6 p.m. cross the dining room and living of ■ B , No. 13, aoslated by Wil­ (Be Tpke. and Adams to comer Years of experience. Reasonably with payments of only 333.1^ restaurant and buaea, board if de tate." ■ ■ ' also buy propertjr.fOr cash. ■woods for a lost chUd apMted a Stella Klro, ifbrartana. Woodland St. and Asylum Ave., 375 GALLON OIL tank and fittings, aired, weekly, 68 Uniqn St. or 8,100 SQUARE feet floor Space for WAPPING—4 room houae, one-car room and climb the stairs to reach "bundle of rage” and were about liam ^ . Brennan, supreme grand A apeclal gift with graetliureard In ViplaRm priced. MI 9-2411. each $1,000 you need. Dial CH $35. MI 8-47M. “ A HOUSE FULL OP tt garage, large lot with trees, Member Multiple Listing Hartford. Work 8-4:80. MI 8-8488 jrtione MI 9-3469. storage or light' manufacturing. SOUTH WINDSOR—New 5H room the bedroom. The pahta were to press on. Lmteod tfliey looked master. Officers are William was presented to the Rev. 'waiter 6-8897 and aak Frank Burke or,' $8,500. Other listings available. STANLEY BRAY. Realtor alter 8:80. Trallera 6.A TV SERVICE - Potterton'a, aU Mm„ Carter how. Connecticut Will rent part. MI 9-1818 between colonial ranch with attached ga­ found on the living room sofa this d o ^ and the search w«a over. Turklngton, master; Frank Mul A. Hyseko, pastor, in aeknowl NEW FURNITURE” comfortable room, quiet re­ 6-7. Phllbrick Agency, MI 9-8464. rage, built-in oveh and range, de­ • MI 8-6278 morning. len, deputy master; William Of Blue Law 1957 ALUMINUM 44x10 two bed­ makes. Highest quality guaranteed Mortgage Exchange, IS Lewis St, CHILD'S'^ VICTROLA. exceUent State Folice Trooper Nelson edgment of hia work and coopera-, work and parte, over 47 yeara^ ex­ Hartford. fined private home, near Center, luxe bathroom, half acre 'ot. Im­ The burglary adds to the al­ Hurlbert, who was in the group Smith, chaplain; William Bren­ tlm with the Friendship Club. room Elms moMle home on Ver­ condition. Ctll Ml 8-4670. COMPLETE, free parking. MI 9-7410. FIVE ROOM 'ranches — 0 and 7 mediate occupancy. It might-be AotonioMlw tor Ralo 4 perience. Famous tor service since room Colonlala. For further de ready per^exlng load the police that discovered 6-year,oId S ^ erly nan, registrar: Archie Haugh. ^ 0 club also dlacuiaed plans Warranto iantad today non lot. Anxious to sell. Top conr 1981. Phone Ml 0-4887 for bea^ H o o s m for- Rent t5 the home and location you havp are carrying, and is similar in dltion. Reasonable. Make offer. TR IDEAL RUG MAKERS' gifts-Strlp ONLY taUa call Charles LeSperance. MI Sanford as she slopt beneath a treasurer; Thohias ILe e m o n and for . the installation of the new ebanlBg.tfM aanagurfi eg Ota Ooa- OUlEIt CARB, meefaamca epe- service. Help. Wanted— FemRl« 35 cutters, $14; rug frames, 40" sise, 8-7820.y . been looking for. $16,800. MI 8-4836, type to thefts earlier thia year at snowy ledge, last night said they James McCullum, lecturers; JO' pariah committee at an Opiatek or nectieut Laimdereenter Oorp-. wltb clals. fixit yourself care, always 5-3215. TWO FURNISHED rooms with MANCHESTER—New 6 room sin­ MI 4-0881. Builder. Papers Filed 19; rug shears, $3; patterns, $1.50 gle, 8 bedrooms, 1^ batha, large the homes of E. Theodore Bantly almost missed the little girl. aeph Hamlll and Oswald. Weir, wafer nupper, and for a play by keeping a buRneaa eatabbitaMnt a fo ^ ealactlan. Lodr bdilnd cur $388 kitchen privileges. MI 8-8841. Jr., 26 Raymdnd Rd., and Atty. up; hundreds of 100% wool remr lot,’ with option to buy, 8185 per HUGE BRICK 5 room ranch, .2 MANCHESTER—New: 7 room co- “■When we first looked," he said, censora; David Muldoon and John the Sunday School children under open on Sunday contrary to the otflce. Douglas Motors, 888 Mi^n^ Ir o n in g p i l e d u p ? can m i CLERK-TYPIST nants, 80c up. Colonial Remnant baths, double garage, 2 acres John S. G. Rottner, 483 E. Center A a to Ditvtnic Sch ool 7>A 9-6115. Modem .or Maple WELL HEATED rooms and cabina month. MI 8-4886, Wealey Vancour, lionial with breezeway and ga­ By Pantaleo "it seemed to be just a bundle of Herron, standard bearers; Her­ the direction' of the pastor. eo-eaOed Ounday eltmtag law. NEED A CAR and had your credit Personnel Department has an Shoppe, 115 Center St. 13 Piece Bedroom by day or week. Call Scranton's Broker. plus, high elevation. Make offer. rage, built-in oven and range, 4 St. ■ rags. Then- OarroH Tumor cried bert Metcalf, pursuivant; Wil­ The warranto, laaued by Pttaei MORTLOCK'S Manchester's lead­ Carlton W. Hutchins, MI 9-5132. Investigation of , this theft la turned down? Short on down pay­ opening for an experienced clerk- 12 Piece Living Room Tourist Home and Cabins. MI bedrooms, I 'i baths, fireplace, A claim that the Town Planning 'Hey, wait a minute’ I aaw some­ liam Gordon, tiler; and William outer JMin N. LoofoaiOo. eJMUre ment? Had a repoeaeealon? Don't ing driving school. Three skill 1. 6 Piece Kitchen 9-0626. FOUR ROOM houae for rent. 48 added to the investigation of Stratton, David Morrison, Samuel William Fierver and 'Vlciter Kupfer- Bailditig— Contraetlns: 14 t^lat. Position requires a neat apt FOR SALE—20-inch hand loom, 4 BOLTON—Birch Mountain Road formal dining room, half acre Uft. Commiaalon failed to. have the re­ thing move.’ !” November Rains give up! See Honest Douglas, get courteous Instructors. Class room pearing woman with good typing Free .storage—Free Delivery Essex St., $90 per month. Ml breakd at 14 Manchester homes Wilston; Samuel McGeown, Jack borg w*Ui the violatlan. harness. Call MI 9-2801. 3-8545. Extension. 6 room cape, 4 fin­ Immediate occunancy, $21,000. MI quired number of members present . Be-verly was missed by her the lowdosm on the lowest dpwn Instructions for 16, t? year olds. ANY KIND of carpentry and cabi­ ability. Some facility in shortbaiid Low Monthly Payments 3-4836, Wesley Vancour,. Broker. during the Thanksgiring holiday, mother, Mra. IVilfoed Sanford of Stratton, John McDowell, - and In e two men, wlioea tauMsooee ROOM IN PRIVATE home. Woman ished. fireplace, large cabinet during a public hearing Nov. 19 Such bresdes have not been con- Aided Reservoirs and aamUSst payments anywhere. Telephone -Mr. Mortlock, Director net work done. Honest and relia­ helpful. Modem office, excellent Harwinton, about 9:8(1 "a.in. She Robert Bell, committee members. am not known, opera** Ota' Laan- of Driver Education. Ml, 9-7398. only. Call Ml 9-1858 after-5:30. LOVELY 8 ROOM oape, oil hot kitchen, full basement, recreation WEST STREET—4'>4 room, single, has been made in Emil Pantaleo'a flnied to Menchester, Five business Not i|..^sall loan or finance contT ble workmanship. Call- Roecoe' benefit program. Write Clerk-Typt GAS SPACE heater, used one year, NORMAN’S water heat, ideal location near room, lot 150x200. Marion E. Was found at 8:30 p.m. Mra. San­ A roast beef supper was served dercentcr Copp. which mabOain pany' plan. Douglas Motors, 833 pleasant kitchen, with dining, area, appeal to the Hartford County establishmento in East -Hartford A wet November brou^t Man- PREPARE FOR ■ dflver'a test : Thompson. MI 3-1895 for estl- iafi P.O. Box 1512, "Hartford, stat­ like new. Call TR 5-6711. 443 Hartford Rd. ROOM..FOR gentleman on Forbes Center. Call MLg-4416. Robertson, Broker. MI 3-5953. ford and a neighbor hunted'alone by Mr. and Mra. Brennan. Mr. and a aelf-*Mwlca laundry at the Ifisit- Main St. matea. ing education, work hlatory and living room with fireplace, sun- Court of Odmmon Pleas. were entered during the -Weekend, cheiter's water storage Dec. 1 te Ages 18 to 80. Driving and class Manchester St., East Hartford, homelike at­ ' Pantaleo la challenging a TPC Until afilemoon and then called Mrs. Smith. Mr. ahd Mrs. Wit cbeater ParkAde. Tbe firm's baad- salary desired. ELECTRIC STOVE and refrigera­ mosphere, Call JA 8-38S9, after 4 SINGLE HOUSE, fumiahed or un- SCHOOL- STREET — 6 'i room porch, -finished room in basement, aiid^'Waat Hartford and 'Wethers- 456.48 million gallons, about 30.40 quiutors am out Of town and the WANTED — Qean used ca n . We room. Three instructors. No wait­ WENNERGREN BROS. Builders. excellent oondftion throughout, decision which turned down hia re­ fleld police have reported aimilar etate police. aon, and Mra. Turkingt^n. ing. \Manchester Driving Acade­ tor, 8" table saw,^^Call MI 8-1788 MI 3-1534 p .m ,, ' fumiahed. oil heat, parking, ITS, . two-story- house, with com-' More than 300 volunteers picked more than it waa Nov. I- tato men live out o f town aa well. buy, trade down or trade any­ Dorrners, additions, alterations between 7-8 p.m. bination aluminum storms, new nicely landscaped yard, shade quest for rez'oning two areas on outbreaks of thefta in Mcent The Increase followed November • 'H i thing. Douglas Moton, 888 Main. my. P I 2-W49, - Adults.- East Manchester, MI their .way through the woods in PoUoe OUaf Jamea If. flaertcn etc. Call MI 9-2t64. open Daily 9 a.m, to 4 p.m. 3-6389. heating system, oil hot water. trees, garage With patio. S. A. Horace St. Legal papers drawn .by- weeks. rainfall totaling 5.65 InchM agaibst SIX WELL MADE wocxl storm win­ Atty. John 8. G. Rottner, repre­ the darkneae' until Tiimer’a. eyes aaid * tlM warranta snecMeaUy 1887. FORD custom 4-door, radio, LARSON'S Cannectimit's first H- LEGAL SECRETARY ■ Sat. until 7, Apartmento— Flats— Stainless steel sink. In excellent Beechler, Realtor, MI 3-8969, MI State Farm Gets an average of 8.69 for the month, BIDWEliL HUME tinprovSneiT dows,' three size 43x80; three SIX. ROOM duDlex senarate heat, 9-8952. senting ' Pantaleo and hia wife, picked out the slumbering - body cUarg* tha aaen with ka^inR tba heater, automatic transmission, censed driving school trained. .. Co. Aiteratlona, additiona ga­ Tenementa - 63 condition. EMily converted to'two according to a monthly report by laundry opeR laet Sunday. lOey 54x30. MI 9-7288. Before you buy furniture any­ all rooms redecorated. Adult# pre­ apai;tments. Priced to sell, 113,900. Fineaia, were filed yesterday and under a ledge near the Naugatuck whltewaUs, $1,095. Gall MI 9-8909. CerUtied and\itpproved. is now of­ rages. Roofing and siding experts. Write Box A, Herald where Shop at Norman's. Leather Pounders Water and Sewer Superintendent follow tka iaeuance o f a written Ga r d e n a p a r t m e n t s - Four ferred. Near Center. MI - 8-66M Good financing, J. D. Realty, MI MANCHESTER—Excellent 6 room TPC Chairman Martin Alvord has. River. Noteid Physician fering classroom and behind Aluminum clapboards a specialty IDEAL GIFT for Xmas—Ford gum Fried Thrall, wamkig to the men WeMc for 1957 FORD Fairlane, 800' conv(frti- "Wheal Instruction tor teenagers. 'rboma, heat, hot water and park­ after 6 p.m. 9-3640, evenings MI 8-1637. colonial, fireplace laige formal beten notified of the impending She was fully clothed except dor Mat unexcelled workmanship. Eaa:« Stating Experience balls, 100 to'8 box, fit sny gum CHRISTMAS SALE! dining room, beautiful kitchen, Schedule Events ftoing barefoot. Trooper Hurlbert Since Jan. l, 3.63 inches above keeping the bustnasa opin toe pre-- Me, automatic transmission with Ml 9-6075.______.' •______ing. MI 8-1809. court heAHng Jan. 5. East “Lyme, Dec. 8 fFi—l5r. Me an average of 40.31 have fallen, budget terms. Ml 9-6496 or TR bank-o-matic. Exclusive. Call MI 1, 2 or 3 YEARS TO PAY!. THOMPSONVTLLE--9 room cape screened porch, garage. Situated Rottner claims the commiaalon said the girl had started out in a vteua Sunday, Nov. 80. , poWer steering,-white" with Mack 8-9109. ' 8-4721. Lyung Ting was named aa medical the report said. tcm. 81,450. m 9-1791, , s t a r t y o u r , SIX ROOM duplex now available. furnished. Garage. Tongren. Brok­ VERNON STREET - on double lot in Choice location. acted “ HlegAlIy. arbitrarily ahd in T»ie HiUatown Leather Pounders pair of boots too big Tor her and dltoctor of the Connecticut State Tha fouiday oloahig law. wUck er, MI 3-6321. ."Anything in Real Owner, has other commitment, It added that storage in the Por­ Motorcycle»-~BieYHes 11 ALL TYPES of carpentry Work EXPERIENCED girl for counter USED FURNITURE— 9 foof*wood- MONTHLY PAYMENTS Separate heat, garage, $135. Ml abuse of 'the discretion vested in 4-H Club has scheduled a varied had\loat them along the way, Farm and Prison for Women here, name* the types of buOaeaf wMcb 1856 PLYMOUTH station wagon, and grill work, Homer'a Luncheon IN FEBRUARY. 1960 3-3984 after 5:80. Katate." c o l o n ia l 7 rooms and 2 baths. therefore will accept reasonable It" denying his clients application. program for Its membem during ter. Howard, Roaring Brook, "and may and may not. lent. $10,506. Phllbrick Agency, in addition, Rottner contends the maa party, a. New Year'A Night dren” during World War II. Haven automatic laundrleB re- Inc. Aluminum siding, asphalt- BRAND NEW - THREE ROOM apartment, heat. EARLE S. ROHAN, Realtor MI 9-8454. TPC chairman, over the objection party,., skating party, club end hind her home \ yesterday re­ Airways, ia one of the principala in maltt open on Sunday. 1961 FORD. 4-door, FordomaUc, CONNIE'S TV and Radio Service, Available Nov. 15. MI 8-0007. Center. Call after 8 p.m., Ml mained on the critical list at The award was given her by Mt, a group that haa established a asbestos rdqfing, Also aluminum, BABY SITTER for occasional after­ LIONEL ELECTRIC train and WeatlnghouBe ■Refrigerator, Living 8-6144. of the plaintiffs <»uns^I, denied county talent nights, a 4;H adver­ A ooln-4|watad lauiMllttna* 885. MI 8-8052 after 6 p.m.. available all houra. Satisfaction galvanized or'\copper gutters and MI 3-7433 Hartford Hospital today. Carol Holyoke College, her alms mater. foundation to commemorate the guaranteed. Call MI 9-1315. noons or evehings. Vicinity of Mc­ extras. Cali MI 4-1493 gfter 3 p.m. Room, Bedroom, Dinette, Ruga, 95 W; MIDDLE TPKE.—4% room NEW LISTING the plaintiffs and their counsel the tising oompaiRn, bofWling. 4-H auc­ She received her medical degree maintaina a ctaangadaakiRg ina- leaders, MI 3-7707. Kee St. MI 3-2327, opportunity to cross-examine “ cer­ Macaboy, daughter"of Mr. and name of the . late Wendell L. WIU- Lamps, Tabiea and Many More duplex, heat, hot water," electric tion, TWoott Range Riders and at the University of Michigan kle, 1940, Republican presidential chine within toe estahllShiwent!bnd CHAIN SAW work — Trees cut WANTED — Two-(^ar- garage In Extremely Immaculate 614 room tain witnesses whose testimony Triple B Horse Shows, poster con­ Mra. Richard Macabo^ was re­ ROOFING, SIDING; painting. Car­ 'AccessMea . > stove and refrlgeratori^ garage, TWO NEW 6 room Ranches. Bpllt- cape with wooded 160 fool lot. Dr. Ting Tvaa'a director of the 'candidate, and advance his educa­ each o f pw WeMilnR maobtnaa and Jiffy Wfap-Around ReasonaMe ratoa. Call PI 3-7558 Bnildlnr -Materials 47 EVERYTHING 1838 8104 monthly. Cali MI 8-2785 be­ Manchester. Cali MI 9-4118. > '■> in oven and range, forced hot wai- faulty and misleading.” test, candy sale. State 4-H Day, vived on the way to the hospital dryara la opantod b y cob). The between 1:80-4-80 or any time pentry. Alterations and additions. Help Wanted— Male 36 ,4'4%, mortgage. Must definitely be Pantaleo, operator of Pantaleo'a with mouth-to-mouth artifical re­ Tientsin Women's Nospltal and tional Ideala. The Incorporatioh Of ^ U in ^ . Workmanship guaran­ fore 5 p.m. water heat. Fiili ceUar, .large lots, seek Ipside and out. Early'occupan­ Junior leaders ooiiference at the spent -eight yesrs as a Japanese the foundation was announced yes­ Latmdaroenter baa stinmd open 34 Saturday or Sunday WEEKLY SAVINGS LIST 8 ROOMS FURNTTURB ' $14,660. Shown by appointment Used Auto Parts on ,the north aide University of Connecticut, 4-H spiration. \ .boom a day, aeven days a wsak. teed-. A. A. Dion, Inc., 399 Autumn ROCKVILLE— Part-time Jahitor, GENERAL RENTAL agency— We Businem Property tor Sale 70 cy. ■ war prisoner before being releseed. terday in Indianapolia, Ind. St MI 8-4880. must be honest and reliable. Call $14.74 MONTHLY only. Phllbrick .Agency. MI 8-846,4. of Horace St., sought, to change County Fair, a club achievement TR 5-7081, MI 8-7814. 1x12 Sheathing, 5000'...... 1 BRJ^ND NEW specialize in rentals of all kinds. this and another parcel of land on day at the end of the year, an over­ Call J. D. Realty, MI 9-3640, eve- INVESTMENT PROPERTY 3i room It la eatlmated that alm oat^alf RAY'S ROOFING CO., shingle and Minimum $102 per M' Norge'Washing Machine; Westing- w i l l i a m ' e . b e l f i o r e the south side of the street to In­ night ride to Gay City State Parle! D ecorate For Christmas! ninga MI 3-1037. ranch, carport, full basement, will of all Ame'rican drivers got their built-in iToofs, gutter and conduc­ FREE LANCE commercial artist Framing. Traileri^da |i09 .per M’ houae Refrigerator. Bedroom. L|v- Have several pieces of excellent dustrial Zones. The first parcel of Hebron, and invitations to three motor vehicle licenaes before tor work; roof, chimney repsdrs. for sketch rendering. Display- decorate interior to suit buyer. land is in a Residence Zone B and! Celling TTle / 11c 8q. Ft. ing Room, Dinette. Dlahes, Ruga. FOR RENT—6 room duplex, oil income property. For further In­ A G E N C Y 4 s^ieakers. ciai testa of vialon were require Ray Hagenow, MI 9-22W; Ray ersfi, 14 High St. Ml 8-0117. Lamps. Tables. Blanketa and< 7 Priced right. J. D. Realty, Ml the other parcel la now in a Rural # /N % . iMV \ f s .Jackson. MI 3-8325, Mahogany ^"ono Panel 14c Sq. Ft! heat, excellent condition. Central formation pleaae"'call 9-3840, MI 3-1637. 7 V • / '' V \ ' More Delux«> AccaaBorlea location. Write Box V, Herald.’; M I'3-5121 Residence Zone..^'' ■ PRINTING, advertising salesman Knotty P ^ .Econo EVERYTHING $444 Heavy oppoaition to the pro­ Mi^t be self-atarier, neat. Assist^ P anel/ I4c Sq. Ft. ' J. D. REALTY MANCHESTER—7-room Dutch co­ FOR RENT—First floor, 8 large LYNCH DRIVE, posals was expressed by area M O R IAR m IDECEMBER Roofing and Chimneys 16-A ance Ih planning sales. Territory IMaapilearing SUIrways 128.96 Ea. lonial with 3-car garage on 100x150 open. Commission. Write'’ P- O, Price Includaa Delivery'. Set Upr spacioua- sunny rooms, centrally MI 9-3640 foot .lot. Choice neighborhood. residents who. attended the TPC'a 4x8 Plyacore 895 per M’ Service, Guarantee. Immediate De­ located. Hot water'furnished, oil Opposite Buckley School on Ver­ public hearing;' On Nov. -34, the ROOFING —Specializing repairing Box 214, Manchester. ' Belfiore Agericy; MI 8-5121. non St. — New ranch homes -with roofs of all kinds. New roofs, gut­ Natural Bhakea 8I0 per -Sq. livery or Free Storage Until Ne|>ded. burner. . Adulta preferred. , M1 commission turned the requests 8-0777. / ■ Evenintfs MI 3-1637 MANCHESTER — Completely in­ three bedrooms, tile baths, living ter work, chimneys cleaned, re- - “Z. Window Blinda, From 85.95 per Pr. • Phone For Appointment' room with paneled walls, kitchen down saying ''recent, development psUred.. . Aluminum siding. SO Claus from nqW until CYiriStmse. SAMUEL ALBERT. Hartford CH MANCHESTER—Diner' with a 8- sulated 6 room cape", wooded lot, in the area baa been bf a residen­ T'- Pegboar'd ,,12c Sq. Ft. MAIN STREET, second floor recreation room,, central location, with, separate dining area. Com­ ^ GIANT years' experience. Free esti­ Good pay. Apply.in peieon. Man 4 : - V 4 - r-0358 apartment, 3, rooms and bath, year lease and '4 apartments all bination wipddWs, ' Int^-coni. and tial character, and furiher exten­ mates, .^Cail Howley, MI 3-5361, MI ager W. T. Grant, Manchester NOBODY — BUT NOBODY rented. 8585 incqme per month. On' only $11,900. Belfiore Age/rcy, MI sion of an Industrial'Zone east tff 3-0763. Parkade. See It Dav Or Night heat, gas, hot water heater. MI -S-SlBl, big wqpdad-lota. Mortgage assump­ UNDERSELUI NATIONAL No Obligation! 3-4128; 9"5.;S0. Main Street. Fdf further informa­ tion possible". Bidwell St. would-nob. be in har­ tion pail Phllbrick Atoncy, MI mony with it." Commiasioner S e­ 'A BROWN A SHARP automatic screw We will ■ beat o«r competitors If you have no 'means of trana- 9-8464. VERNON ON Route 80—> 6 room CHRISTMAS Heating and Pldmhing 17 machine setup oMrator. Exper­ portation'. I'll gen'd my auto for you. f u r n is h e d 2% room apartment, alngle, 4 'bedrooms on extra-large T. J. CROCKETT, RealtoY ward Dik, who was npt present at 1959 ENGLISH FORD ANaiA advertised prices by at least S%. ienced only! Excellent opportunity heat. Apply T. Morrow, 26 Birch lot, 185x150, plastered walla, oak the public hearing, refrained from PLUMBING AND heating — re­ St. MI 8-2286 after 6 p.m. ' ' MI 3-1577 . Q u ipped with heater, defroster, wMtawaUa, antofmese, ondercoalilig. modeling. installations, repairs. for qualified applicant. No, 'tele NATIONAL LUMBER; INC. .A_;T;_:B—E—R—T—’S Homes tor Sale 72 floors, open stairway, modem voting. .The other four members of the 5-member group all, voted All work guaranteed. ,25 years ex­ phone calls. Dean Machine Prod 881 STATE STREET. 48-45 ALLYN ST.. HARTFORD TWO ROOM unfurnished apart- kitchen, full cellar, toil ''air MANCHESTER-U Essex St. Old­ DECORATIONS ■.'lilijf'CKi perience. 24rhour service. Call ucts, Ine., 165 Adams St. NORTH RAVEN, CONN. OPEN NIGHTiS TILL 6 P. M. ment. stpve, refrigerator, heat. SACRIFICE for quick sale. Good heat, one mile to achool and shop­ er 7 room single with garage in against the’ rezoning. 4 TO C h o o s e f r o m - c h o ic e o f c o l o r s EatJ VanCamp, Ml 9-4749. ." ' CHeatnuf 8-2147 Sat. 0 P.M. { Apply Marlow's.,667 Main St. size 4 room home with gSrage. Ml ping area, on bus line, immacu­ basement. Hot water heat. Avail­ ' f ' Other Charges JvlOLY^nCHT 9-276.'5. , late condition inside and out. Im­ able for occupancy In two weeks. ” In further disputing the commis­ rULl COLOR PASIt ON CUf-OUr PATTERNS' Situations Wanted— FURNISHED three-room apart­ mediate occupancy. Can aaaume $9,500. MI 3-4836. Wealey Vancour, sion's action, ' Rottner aaya the Regular 995 PANEL 14x21 INCHES Mdytng— Trneldilg— CHAMBERS FURNITURE Female 88 Piamond»->Wkt«h6 SALES , ment with bath. Heat, hot water, GI 414% mortgage of $8,838,92, Broker. .. property on whiph the motor ve- Price . B a a ^ \ Storage 20 parking. MI ,8-1203. making monthly payments 0$ $•? hicle'Junll yard is located had been HATURE ■ WOMAN, experienced, Jewelry 48 808 EAST MIDDLE TPKE. 11679 Ftnaneinc covering everything; $12,200. This 514 ROOM RANCH, 3 bedrboiha, 'used for this purpose for' a long AH yitfu de It peite ene'of fktte fwll-die, SALE PRICE MANCHEST^ Package Delivery. would like baby sitting, riclnlty LARGE 6 ROOM apartment, heat­ • SEPTIC TANKS large kitchen With dining area, fuH'ceter pett#rni en • ^ntl ef fir pl^ LEONARD W. YOST. Jeweler, re" - FOR XMAS'GIVING la outstanding value. See for your- time before zoning wept into ef­ Light trucking and paekMe deliv­ Pearl and Holl. MI 8-7078. ed, with stove." garage and big CLEANED and INRTALLBD kelf. Goodchild Realty Co., MI ceramic bath,, to settle estate any wood ... evt ouY with mw ... «jid erea ery. Refrigerators, washers and pairs; Adjusts,, watches ■ expertiv fect and its use for this heavy In- «4i lewe/ p6r& or rOofl Reasonable p^cea. Open-’Tuesday Electric chord Otgkn $l90.95-how yard. Near achools and bus. Chil­ 8-7925 or BU 9-0939. . . reasonable' offer will be consid­ ptove moving specialty. Folding dren welcome. $120 monthly. MI • SEWERS ered. S. A. Beechler, Realtor, Ml ■dustrial purpose "has been cited by leiy, IntipeMiive wey to loy *'AAorry" chairs, for ■ rent." Ml 9-0752. Situations Wanted— Male 39 thru Saturday. Thursday evenings. $189.00 Jk" the commission, in . the past CMttmot'- wHolo odighborHood. 129 Spruce Street. Ml' 8-4887 8-1046. , MACHINE GLEANED 88 GOODWIN ST.— Neat homey ' 3-69<^ or MI 9-8952. , - Oioat d'foot two Afoot . TWfO 4*fo«t Portkble ■ battery powered, 48 amongfat its reasons for changing Mo drowing or polntlog roguir^l $OB*o ood AmoU ood CKoIr loyt wiHi i i 'I AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS Co. Local- RETIRED MAN with background RPM plionos. $49-now $54.00. cape. Fireplace, 4 finished rooms ioo M for pottfirnt ond'fir phi^oodl • INSTALLATION dn first .floor, one partly finished-, MANCHESTER—Seeing' is , believ­ other land in the immediate area Wrooth,Mc iUMk Icrofle l#C I, moving, packing, storage. Low of businesB administration and Radtqa from $14.96. ing and here are two sparkling t o : Industrial Zona." , ■ , ^ rate on long distance mov^aalo selling woulrf like work: either Fael afid Feed 49«A ■ Panther TV lamps,' white oiily, plus storage. Electric stove and SPECIALIST refrigerator. Walking distance to capea. One with 6 finished rooms, Rottner. alto sayf the commla- I960 MERCURYS 4* states. MI 8-5187. ® 'whole Or part-time. Address, A'd- $8.98—now Tto-OO'." m WE OPEl^ AT 7 ;S0 A.M. FOR .SAU&— Seasoned haqdwobd R I Estofto Usting* schools, stores, bus. Shade trees,; the other with 5 finlahed, 'full shed ■ion had. In the paal, granted tlve, PsQ. Box' 304, Manchester, Sunbeam electric fry pah- com- dormer and garage. Madeline MONDAY)A v tTMRD m v SATVIlD^r Immodioto DoKvoiyr-Al Modtte Itt'dlieew From MANCHESTER Moving and Truck­ Conn. foe fumacas, fireplacea, or stove. WANTED loi approximately: 66x170.' Owners changes to Induatrial Zones to Glglio Bros., Route 44A, Bolton, plrtq with cover.' 827.'50. Trwh Md CoaRiry Smith! Realtor MI 9-1642. ing Company. Local and long dis­ 'Cfoaing out ail toy Iteipg at tre­ leaving state. Priced for quick three other applleanta in the-^raa. V ★ STATtON WAGONS ^ HAtDTOrS ^ Pi tance moving, packing and stor- CARPENTER, painter, paper hang- MI 8-6801. JOSEfH A. iAA'm Bale. 'Walton Grant Agency, Real- i "The heavy induatrial nature of A B C U ■^’raULFtOO P.M-' NOKO______mendous savings. ' BROKER y CraiRage Co. MANCHESTER ’VIGINITY -S hort U r t i l E’YERY FRIDAY NlOHT UNTIL 8t86 s ^ . Regular service throughout i ing, asphalt and plastic tUe'setter; Open 10-5 dally, T:Xf-9 evenings. tor,'MI 3-1158.' way out, 2 outstanding holiday the area in quastidn ia such that New England States and Florida. CH 6-4439. SEASONED hardwomi for aale/Cut SATURDAY UNTIL NOON Easy as A-B-C with deep 5518 for fireplace or furnace |10 load. PIm i»9'MI>>P320 Ml 9-4143 specials. 8 bedroom , ranch plua the present sonlng claaaificatlon as .. •verlap and trouB-ovnr- belt, this MI 3-6568. MANCHESTER-^West Side.- Six ; HIGH TRA D tS-LO W PRICES i MI 8-6188. .room colonial,, oil heat, comblna; garage and one a«:re land. $14,900. applied to the plaintiffs land is ... i;*“-i i i i - ijiu 11 imi» i ■* , i„ ’ jJ i1 ir ' ■ _ 1 ,1^ T <_ -ninpla wear-ev;r'skirt .^11 complete, any CHILD'S MAPLE rocker, child’s ^ II J I I I,. ».i “ ‘ r 3 simply ' paint in the colors on Doga— BIrda— Pets '41 tion storm windows and screens, Oversized 3 bedroom house, hear- unreasonable smd conflacatory, and wardrobe. ■ Painting— F sfe n iit 21 deak. Cali ML 3-5467. ly new, garage, over 2 acres land, the failure o f the commission to .vNo. Stol is for waist sizes 24, this beautiful panel; place it in the garage.'With ameaite drive, -all city window: then listen to 'the admir­ BLACK l a b r a d o r Retriever, fa- Garden— Farm—.M iry utilitl^ convenient to .bus, ahop- full price, .$15,690. Good fiancing reaone^;the area conatitutaa the S5, ,?6. 30 and 32.: Size 25. 34 EXTERIOR rANp interior painting available. Many more homes from taking of the plaintiffs property ing com m ents of family and and^ paperhai^ g. Wallpaper male. 4 months- ARC, champion­ Prodneto 50 . ping and' , schools. Fiill- price hips. 2 M yards Ml 54 inch. .S u cc c m ship blood lines. 9-3069; Masicat^Inatrainenta 53 SEPTIC TANKS a ALUBOHUM SIDING $8>000 up. Call the Ellsworth Mit­ -without due prooeaa o f law,” Rott­ friends on this perfect Christmas books. Guarantieed woricmanittilp. INSTALLED $13,500. AIM# Clampet, Realtor, to yours v-ith the atep-byr^ffp MEALY KATAHDIN potatoeb — -AND ■ MI 9-4543. ' f ' ■< , ’ ten Agehcy, Realtors, MI 5-6950, ner clainriaf . Patt-O-Rstna. ^ decoration. Reasonable rates. Fully insured. -the kind ybii want more of. MI a NEW HOME MI 6-5524. Pattern No,'•SJlS has picture—- Fsist and courtedus service. Leo ESTEY GQNSOLE chord organa-- " construction To order, send.35c in coins to: Poultry and Sjdppliea 43 8-7644." ' . . only 8199, full aize cabinet, full size MANCHESTER—Lovely 4 room ijp',', X, 20"; color'chart; full direc­ J. Pelletier. Ml 9-6326. PLU6 6 E0 SEWERS a, RECREATION r o o m s ranch with- parklike atmoaphere. i CAROL DRIVE—RockvlUa., 118,- DRIVER r i l l e d Bus Burnett, Manchester Evening tions. keys, never needs tuning, .electee, New Milford, Dee. 8 (Ah-—Robert Hartld. IlSd AVE. OF AMEBl- BROAD b r e a s t e d broiize- tur­ a o a r a g e s , PORCHES. Priced At $10,600. John Drost, 080. 5 room ranch, large living j,To order, send 25c in coins to:— THpMAS HARRISON - Painting keys, fresh killed and fresh froz­ Honcliidd Goode 61 world fantoUa by Estey. Come in DORMERS F. Douchene^ 18, 'o f Waahlhgton; and try it or call for' demonatra- Matkiia OlMaei Broker, MI 9-5781. JA 8-4044. room, cabinet ; kitchen, $ bed­ CAB. NEW YORK 'i k N-T. . Anne Cabot, The Manchester Ever- and decorating. ' Equipped and en. Alao-plgeons and Beagles\188 a COMPLETE YOUR 3n4 rooms, 1H% mortgage can be wa§'injlifod fi|.tally last night "when 888 N. MAIN 8T, ELLINOT^' BIUNCB’ For Istrdass mslllhg Add" 10c fully Insured for large and amall AUTOMATIC zigaag sewing n Uon. Easy terrha. Melody Muaic Septia Yiaalra, pry Walla, Sawar ManchMter, Conn. West Road. Routs 88 CONflJJENfAL ^ LINCOLN — MERCURY — FORD UNR ning Herald.. 1150 AVE- OF BUlstown Rd., Manchester. Llaaa la»$ula4--Oallar W atc^ FLOOR AREA MANOHB8TBR - Sturdy new • assumed. Marion E. Robettsea, the car he was driving veered off tor each pattern. Prtnt.Name, Ad- jobs Workmanship .guaran?eed: chine. Only 8TO. W ll take Co., Inc., 154 Asylum S t, Hart­ Broker, Ml 8-8851. ^ Route 35, struck a tree And flipped Mltehell 9-5358 TRemont 5-6S19 A 3 n »lC A 8 , NEW YORK SO, N.Y, ford. CH;7-48M. propflng'Doea. “ ' _ i'v _ room Oazrtaon Oolonlal. 1% batha, drass with Zone. Style No, and For Ist-clajs mailing add 10c for with'reasonable pricM: MI. 9-3407. wekkly. i n A-W40. . __ fia i.t: _ . hot water hast, lull InwlatkrlatioD over in a brook, Bute PoUce said. .Articles For Sale 45 SPLIT LEVEL. 8 taiga rooms, 3 Two other oocupanta. Oforge Ca­ *QVALlT\-^he bsat economy of air* HiqH TRADES-tLOW PRICES . )■ each pattern. Print Name. Address EXTERIOR and AIRWAY VACUUM-1 year soar, HEAR THE Klnaman spinet organ; piMiareoplastered walla,wans, fireplacamepieca wliwith “!U Fashion, our complete with Zohe and Pattern Number; MClNHEY BROS. i V paneled waU, knotty pine ’ AM- bathe, firsplaet;...at.onns, over­ ble, 17, New- Milford, end feverly 301-S16 CinterJSl. . BH 8-S1S5 1 Open l>tlu]gz refinlshed. CEDAR CLOTHB35—Line poles in­ antea, 116. Bags, parts and aenr- Flnojrt of heiqe organa. UteUma R..E,JdlLLER H O m .IMI^V|UaW T iHEiUiqUARIIER^ book will delight every Have you the '50 Album contain- Wallpaper booka. Jk , _ , stalled. Fireplace «nd furnace Sn y wigw Dk ffor t Co* Beta. L an a ahada traaa. - Owner sized gangs. Carljon W, Hutchins, C00B8, TY- PlIFlliig, N, Y , OMumd icA. Airway Sam apd Service, so . anjoymapt. thibaldo Mtialq Cen­ T M .M I> 1 4 2 1 3*1.8-Jti83, ■Arioua injury,: drtolBialOT.^nie r o l B w te 'jla f m*hy I^M y ftoirgiis ahd 5 free ^Fully covered by ihaurance, wood delivered. Ueed chain eaw: R^Sta., lU rtf^ . CaU CH ter^ IM W. tfidAa tp k e : Can m ii8 .in 6b—an MBM and hvilifot. MI S48W ,. tar 'M adltloa to juM 80c. pattenia, Only 25c a copy!, JEdward R. Price. Ml 8-1001. MI 9-1858. 8-6iOB. V ' / '■■ 'f'- i-. - i-' • ' y. .■■r-A: ‘ .r ■ *" i !' l-

•> * K