^-V., h ' vt--'- ’ “. Vi r..->,'/^’■'/;,• ■ . ■ 4'. ■ T I -i .1- .- .'l . 1 r.1 *% ' ■■ MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1989 Avertge Dkily Net Preea Ron HtuL^Wenflier Fer t»e Week KMed- I ef-P, ffiSifaatber.fw fc' tfa n riirstfr JDea », IMP w ; - ' - lir, n IM e eeiAer dob'O f Po- idflft. I.*w » i to M . OewddefUMe f S ith o ll^ ^ u rd i will :k • 13,054 l ^ u t T o w n •iinuti nieeting and elec- Member «f the Aadlt tff^ ffiftoefs. followed by a BwaAfi ef ~ /■ ' A <ls*B - conunemorallnf the .,itM party, tonight at, 7 ^imehs*t$r^A City of Viliaffe Charm yiMukt of tin ImiNMuhite Concep­ ^ at tbs church hall. / tion wlU he helebnited tomor.refr ,» t 8:38 a,im. et St. John’e Polish' j|:taiapqieii Joy Circle of' VOL. LXXIX, NO. 58/ (SIXTBRN PAGES) MANCRB^TEN, CONNh TUESiDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1959 IclaasiftoA AdvsrMstok «• ■’bg* PmCB FIVE CENTS Itathmel CaUMdic Church, % ' MeUumst Church will hold ■ X ' a luAdwoB Wednesday at 1 p.m. at lira. Della SuUIyan. 9 Broert $ t , . the ehuiTsh. Membtra art to bring Obtained a oteel engfaTing of th e ; Christmas gifts for patients a t the tlhklta Mouae. a j^lft Mamie Risen- piblln Convalescent Home. " . Navy Suspects bower iwnt to St. Bridget's Basear Prithe^Sees BaWfdiiy. , ’ ' Anderson Shea Auxiliary will ricans sponsor a card party Wednesday Carrier B1 a are The Past Miatreaa Club of a t 8 p.m. a t the 'Post Homis. Pro­ Daugbtars of Ubeftjr. No. 185, arill ceeds will beneOt the VFW N a­ boM a Christmas party tonight at tional- Homy, at Baton Rapids. Set by Firebug r e'dock at Cavers restaurant Mich., which is suppoftsd solely in 'N by contributions from VFW posts Washington, Dec. 8 <JP)— In Drugs and’ auxtlisries throughout the A Christmas party and dinner / The Navy reported today that f t Retina d'Ttalla. s^hMuled for country. The home provides for Pinar del Rio, Dec. 8 (JP)— fArmy, Navy, Air Force, and Na children and widows of veterans. a suspected flrebug damaged Washington, Dec. 8 (/P)— tomsibt has been postpoiM until A Cuban military tribunal to­ tional - Pidice has fwlce postponed mnct Mqnd^i Dec. 14 at'tt:M^.m.' Mrs. Florence Streeter will he verdicts against Del Pino of the aircraft carrier Midway The Senate investigatioh of a t the Italian American Cmb. Buriaa-MoH Photo chairaian of the card party. day Bentenced two Americans, Miami and a former Batista police­ in the western Pacific last drug prices produced xn argu­ Frank. Austin Young, 38,- man, .Luclo U n^es Gastell. /X llambera are to bring grab bag month. • ment today over whether anti-, X gifts. Engaged ' Mra. James Sullivan, 38 Elro St.^, Mlami, and Peter John Lamb^ Military prosecutors have asked The 49,00O4on ship w«s s t the trtiat laws wer8^ violated in; J' hia been notified of her appoint­ the dehth penalty .for both. hublc Bay Naval Base in the Phil­ The engagement of Miss Rita ment as a delegate to represent the ton, 24, Nassau, to long prison Toung, an IndiankpoHs-bom for­ licensing agreemenis made by ! n » m a s D. Murphy, son of Mr. Milllx bf Rockville to Neno David terms for conspiring against ippines when the Are -w«s jAia- u d Mrs. J6hn W. Murphy. 68 Kd- nsttohal ladies' auxiliary, Veterans mer flier in the British Royal Air the Schering Corp. with other pseila, Manchester, is announced of World War I of tha USA. on the the regime of Fidel Castroi ForCe In World War H, once was covered In the after heat pump, ' anaid S t. and Raymond R. Stew- by her mother, Mrs. Rose MUIlx, room on Nov. 9. the NaVy said. « pharmaceutical houses. ; India N ext hospital ^visory committee of the 1 1 1 6 prosecution had de­ held in Cuba for five month* on TJrt first was extinguish^ after Investigators sug- b lt Jr„ son. of Mr. and Mrs. Ray* 27 Pleasant St,'. Rockville. chaige* of smuggling Prime Minis­ I aieed R. Stewart IBS Birch St, Veterans' Hospital In Iffewington, MIITIIIHOIISE several hour* by the Shined ef- **!';*? vlolaOqns. Miss Millix Is dsq the daughter for a tern, ending Oct. I, IMl. manded death for Y6ung. ter Castro’s enemies out of the were graduated Saturday from of the late O. A. Millix. Her 8- Toung and Cuban Fernando forta of the Ship's crew and the Ui 1 Psarnlt training at tha Naval Mrs. SulIiYsn has served as tfess- countries. naval .base fire Apartment. Sev-Scherpig. and Irving H. Major, Stop ance is the son of M t and MrS/ urer of the local auxiliary since Its ^ ru n a Bertot: 24, a former Co­ Lambton claims he came to Cuba Chaining Center, Croat Lakea, III. Neno.G. Osella. 4 VlUage St. u s . C H O I C E lumbia -LTnl-veralty student, were m l coippartmenti surriMMidthg inception two years ago. to photograph counter-revolution­ iiito.^m Were floodeT^ 4- '‘Hb. vigorously disputed The bride-elect was graduated ' ' Ik- each eentenoed to 30 yea’’'* li"- aries.' Toung said he came; a* the pump room Were flooded Dangbters of Ubeiiy. Sio. 129, stop the blaze. / ' this. They contended the agree­ from Rockville High School, and is Ths DeMolay degree will be con­ prtoohment and Lambt^ to 25 Lambton’s guide. ments helped to mak'e tha drugs Of Mission win ntset tomorrow a t 8 p.m. tn S W I F T S yeara. The prosecution had adked Both Toung and Lambton were Orange Hall. Members are to employeiPln the office of Dr. Mor­ ferred upon the quallOeH candidates The Navy said the jertwr-all op­ more widely available. ris C. Fancher here. Her flsnce it tonight at 7:30 in the Masonic death for Bertot and a 30-year arrested in' the Pinar del’ Rio erating capability of the, big ship- I t was the sj-cond day of an in- Karachi, Pakistan, Wednes­ M ng grab bdg gifts. Mrs. Betty ?REMIUM' sentence tot- Lamibton. BmiUt worthy mistress, will be a/ graduato of Manchester High Temple by the John Mather Chap­ hills in a roundup of an armed impaifed and the carrier i qulry by the Senate antitrust and , day,-Dec. 9 ;/P) ■—President School. He is a senior at the Uni­ ter, Order of DeMolay. Under re-vohutlonery law, both anti-Castro band. A Castro soldier departed on schedule tu'o days monopoly subcommittee into price In charge of reftegbments and >a -Ote defettdanta and the prosecu­ EiMnhower hea^ today for nodal houc. versity' of Connecticut School of, ARMOUR was killed iir a clash with the after the iricident. markups by P'"*' - Mechanical Rngineering. He is a The executive hoard of Nathah tion can appeal to a sup^or tri­ band. The prosecutor charged that The Navy said an investiga<tion acription medicines- Vesterday. the India, keystone af ^ia 11- member of PI Tau Sigma and Tsu Hale PTA will meet tomorrow at S t A R bunal. The tribunal can ihereaae subcommittee d e V.e loped- that nation tour. On.the.pray he itdnoriiT Temple, Pythian Sis­ the sentencee if It desires. (peistlnned on Page Fifteen) ters, win meet at Odd Fellows hall Beta Pi. both engineering hpnor 7:30 p.m. in the'school cafeteria. (Contlnaed on P 'g e ICIght) Schering hSs received, price mark-J pfauifl to spend flVe hours in sdcieties. and of the American . The defendants were hoUded. of ups ranging from -p ^ ^ e n t to-' tomorrow, beginning with. a sup­ 4he sentence* only minutes after 1,116 Afghanistan; a eoontry with per a t A;80. Mrs. Sarah H urw itv Society of Mechnical Engineers. lb more than 7,000 pec cent .on pmne ' A June 18 wedding is planned. court sttenduits had told newa- piedical products. | a colder dinate, both Utifrally C olditim , grand chief, will make inen the verdiat would he post- and fignratively, than he en- an o^da] visit with her staff of 'On the antitrust questions'; S e n .: DON'T SERVE WITH- pmied until- Friday. Bates Kefauver (D-Te^nli, the eoiontered here in the warm offieerB. A business meeting will Study Circle of the South Mettii Still plenty Of wear left In M em tois of the oouTt vM ted the 20 Start at'S: pmcers a re ^ wear odist Church WSCS will hold its committee chairman,, aaid licens.ingj embrace of Pahiataii*ii capitaL shoee whan bronght here ter SNOW WHITE rCHEN GARDENfROZEN celts, -ndthin the miUtary head­ agreements made by Schering for] white gowns. A box win4>e avail­ annual Christmas party Thursday expert eepnlrlng. v ’, quarters here, end told, each pris­ able In which' m e m b ^ may ,de- at 3 p.m. it the chapel.-Members prednisone an^'^redni.solone anti-1 Ry JOBN MAU ' Open Mondays All Day oner of their decision. arthritic drugsTmarked an attempt | pM t gifts for the ^rw ich State and friends' who • atten<f are to The three were among 38 de­ Karachi, I^akistan, Dec. 8 Hospital. I / bring an inexpensive gift for ths y ' Closed Wednesday MUSHROOME iERICH FRIES bv the comjJany to collect ro.valties ■ X Aftemoone fendants accused of partlcipating- on prodjLi^ts .for which no patenta' (A*) — President Elsenhower, grab bag. Mrs. Irene Foster wUl In an arm ^ movement against the nM ;A rm y-M vy Auxiliary will show pictures of her recent' trip .V 9 oz have b6en issued.
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