UNIVERSITY OF MAINE FOUNDATION • 2016 ANNUAL REPORT PRIVATE SUPPORT FOR UMAINE possibilities UNIVERSITY OF MAINE FOUNDATION • 2016 ANNUAL REPORT Possibilities 1 Message from the Foundation Board Chair & Foundation President 3 Message from the University of Maine President 5 Foundation Spending Policy/Facts at a Glance 6 Statement of Financial Position June 30, 2016 8 contents Statement of Activities for the Year Ended June 30, 2016 9 Annual Fund Report 10 Ways of Giving 12 New Funds Established in FY16 14 Endowment Funds 24 Giving Societies 48 FY16 Giving Society Members 50 UMF Officers and Board of Directors 64 possibilities Possibilities are about setting the environment for maximizing potential. When we talk about the private support that benefi ts the University of Maine, we are really talking about the people at the University of Maine. The scholarship that enables the fi nancially burdened student to remain in school; the money necessary to send the band to a tournament game; the laboratory which sparks new ideas and collaborations; the simple $100 needed by a student to cover an unexpected emergency; the fellowship which allows a student to study in another country; the professorship which allows UMaine to reward a world-class faculty member are all the bridges that lead to the world of possibilities for students, faculty and staff at the University of Maine. This year’s annual report illustrates some of the many POSSIBILITIES created through private support. 1 University of Maine Foundation Jeffery N. Mills ’82, Ph.D. President and CEO Buchanan Alumni House Two Alumni Place Orono, ME 04469-5792 207.581.5100 | 800.982.8503
[email protected] OUR FUNDRAISING PARTNERS University of Maine Alumni Association John N.