Malacologica Bohemoslovaca (2005), 4: 10–16 ISSN 1336-6939 Gastropods in subterranean shelters of the Czech Republic LIBOR DVOŘÁK Šumava National Park Administration, Dept. of Science and Research, Sušická 399, CZ-34192 Kašperské Hory, Czech Republic, e-mail:
[email protected] DVOŘÁK L., 2005: Gastropods in subterranean shelters of the Czech Republic. – Malacologica Bohemoslovaca, 4: 10–16. Online serial at <> 15-Sep-2005. Gastropods in different types of cellars, nature caves, abandoned galleries, and military bunkers have been studied. The major part of localities is situated in W and SW Bohemia, findings from other parts of the Czech Republic are scarce. Species at different types of subterranean shelters are listed. Some interesting features, e.g., remarkable species, big specimens, depigmented populations, and hibernating snails, are mentioned. Introduction part of collected specimens is deposited in the author’s collection. Although molluscs are well-studied group of animals, no complex studies from subterranean shelters (exclu- List of localities ding troglobionts) were published. Several data are available on occurrence of typical species (e.g., Lima- All localities are listed in the following order: number cus flavus, Limax maximus, Oxychilus cellarius, O. of a grid system of the Czech Republic (PRUNER & draparnaudi, etc.) in cellars, predominantly in papers MÍKA 1996), locality (listed alphabetically), stand, and on mollusc faunas in towns (KLAUSNITZER 1988, date(s) of findings. See information map of localities SEIDL 1955, JUŘIČKOVÁ 1995, STRZELCZYK 1995). on Fig. 1. Preliminary results of the author’s survey were publi- 1 5644, Korunní, gallery, 12 Feb 2000. 2 5739, Pod- shed (DVOŘÁK 1999), as well as summary of records hradí, cellars of former castle Neuschloss, 4 Feb 1997, from limestone caves of SW Bohemia (DVOŘÁK 6 Feb 1998, 11 Feb 2001.