Scott Jurek,Steve Friedman | 272 pages | 26 Aug 2013 | Bloomsbury Publishing PLC | 9781408833407 | English | London, United Kingdom Eat and Run: My Unlikely Journey to Ultramarathon Greatness PDF Book

Lists with This Book. I thought I had run more difficult courses. Until recently he held the American hour record and he was one of the elite runners profiled in the runaway bestseller Born to Run. I was hungry and I had a race coming up, so I ate them. I mean, you don't see Kenyan running champion Samuel Wanjiru following a diet. Interesting book and an okay read. And it was -- but the writing was not. In terms of knowledge, there wasn't an incredibly amount of things I really gathered from it, despite me having a good time reading about the races Jurek took part in. Definitely a must read for any runner, understanding just how much Scott overcame is super inspirational. I had worn specially designed heat-reflecting pants and shirt. The result is this perceptive, He squatted, folded himself until our faces were inches apart. This was supposed to be my time. Or was I a fraud? Running is what I love. Books by Scott Jurek. It's just weird to mold yourself as this ultimate competitor and then apparently not compete a lot if you aren't going to win. The has a bit of a biography feel to it. Motivating book. You can try and make me feel sorry for you, but you had time to run so you had time for yourself. It isn't condescending, but comes across as naive and underwritten. I skipped listening to them -- hello tedious! But you'll need the willpower of an ultra marathoner to get through this one For nearly two decades, Scott Jurek has been a dominant force—and darling—in the grueling and growing sport of ultrarunning. I heard the disembodied voice. I guess I was wishing Scott was a different person. He carried that over into his running. Death Valley had laid me out flat, and now it was cooking me. Ultrarunners can —much of the time—bring support crews, men and women who provide food, water, updates on competitors, and reassurance that you can, in fact, continue when you are sure you will collapse. And isn't my birthday Fig Newton 7th? It's that kind of a book; a comfortable and yet informative story that was an easy read to get in. Then run even faster. Just a Second. In fact, I had started this race intending to shatter its record never mind worry about winning it. It was an hour before midnight, incinerating, soul-sucking degrees. Learn how to enable JavaScript on your browser. Maybe accepting my limits meant it was time to stop being a runner, to start being something else. Never mind my success. Aug 19, Christina rated it liked it. Hallucinations and vomiting, to me and my fellow ultrarunners, are like grass stains to Little Leaguers. Other Editions But you'll need the willpower of an ultra marathoner to get throug And now a summary of this book. That made me smile. Eat and Run: My Unlikely Journey to Ultramarathon Greatness Writer

I'm a longtime admirer of Scott Jurek, both for his athleticism and veganism, and was really looking forward to this book. You need God. Not moving was actually pleasant. He has delivered talks to numerous organizations, including Microsoft, Starbucks, and Patagonia. After eleven years as an American living in London, the renowned travel writer Paul Theroux set out to travel clockwise around the coast of Great Britain to find out what the British were really like. It seems a bit boastful, and just didn't appeal to me. Altitude headaches are as common as sweat and inspire approximately the same degree of concern the death by brain aneurysm of one runner in a Colorado race notwithstanding. Generally it was just an enjoyable listen. He has delivered talks to numerous organizations, including Microsoft, Starbucks, and the esteemed Entertainment Gathering. I had hopscotched down boulder fields, forded across icy streams. But my reputation wasn''t helping me now. He's made an enormous contribution to distance running, and shown that you can be a world champion on a vegan diet! I just found some of the stories dull and uninspiring. Or was I a fraud? Never mind my success. Only a tiny downgrade for some self aggrandizing, though given the premise of the book being reviewing his stellar Read this book shortly after completing BORN TO RUN, being inspired by the latter and intrigued with ultra-marathoning, the ultra-marathoning life, and Scott Jurcek. So, after writing my entire review, I accidentally managed to refresh my page, losing the entire thing. At the time being, I'm going to keep it short. Running was--to a large extent--who I was. I also liked how he was so determined to be the best and to do the best he could. More Details Then I found something. As a child, I ran in the woods and around my house for fun. He grew up fast and learned to focus and succeed. View all 36 comments. You like vegetables, but will probably never be a vegan. I hate to say it, but I think Jurek thinks a lot more of himself than most people would, and that includes runners. This is much different than in BTR - where the White Horse talks about running easy, light, smooth and fast. I don't think I have read a book so dedicated to each and every word, hanging on and and looking up so much from one story as much as I did Eat and Run. For nearly two decades, Scott Jurek has been a dominant force -- and darling -- in the gruelling and growing sport of ultrarunning. Within two pages, however, I was shocked at its simplistic, childish tone and oddly terse sentences. I'm vegan. He lives in Boulder. I closed my eyes. He lives in Boulder, Colorado. Welcome back. The only semi-answer that arose was the phrase that kept cropping up throughout the book, "Sometimes you just do things. He doesn't shy away from the "v" word, but he doesn't talk much about animal welfare he initially became a vegan for health and environmental reasons. Journalists in the running press called me "the Real Deal. As a runner and a vegan myself, this spoke to me on those basic levels but this again was so much more. I've seen him speak twice in person and he seems like a nice guy, and his memoir hasn't changed my opinion of him. I heard the disembodied voice. The truth is, a lot of the most accomplished and well-known ultrarunners had never run it. I had scrambled up loose rock, over peaks of 14, feet. Was it what I had been eating? Better my half marathon pace by atleast 30s per mile. Eat and Run: My Unlikely Journey to Ultramarathon Greatness Reviews

Altitude headaches are as common as sweat and inspire approximately the same degree of concern the death by brain aneurysm of one runner in a Colorado race notwithstanding. Why would he drive himself so hard, and why stop for a time? I also liked how he was so determined to be the best and to do the best he could. Javascript is not enabled in your browser. I couldn't decide at first whether to give this book a 2 for its self- absorbed, sticky-sweet, are-you-for-real passages or a 5 for the moments of comedy and enjoyment my kids and I had in reading those same passages to each other. Mar 31, Michelle Curie rated it it was ok Shelves: memoirs , nonfiction. Racing ultras requires absolute confidence tempered with intense humility. Loved reading about his exploits in any of a hundred races, the crazy pain these folks put themselves through. It might be individual preference. Was it my race schedule? You keep running while other people rest. Aches are either ignored, embraced, or, for some, treated with ibuprofen, which can be risky. While you're entranced, you're eaten by a tiny lizard with a small hat and a big appetite. We couldn''t. People had warned me that this race--this mile jaunt through Death Valley--was too long and that I hadn''t given my body enough time to recover from my last race--a race I had won just two weeks earlier, the rugged and prestigious Western States Mile. Jurek, and his story, are relatable, because they show that it doesn't take a superhuman to attempt what he has done. Scott Jurek is a total gamechanger. The Badwater? Competitors called it the Badwater , and a lot of people knew it as "the toughest foot race on earth. Whatever the problem in my life, the solution had always been the same: Keep going! Members save with free shipping everyday! But the longer and farther I ran, the more I realized that what I was often chasing was a state of mind - a place where worries that seemed monumental melted away, where the beauty and timelessness of the universe, of the present moment, came into sharp focus. Ultrarunners often blister so badly they have to tear off toenails to relieve pressure. Read an Excerpt Prologue I was a shy kid with high blood pressure. I heard the disembodied voice. It isn't condescending, but comes across as naive and underwritten. Whether you''re a marathoner or weekend jogger, swimmer or cyclist, young or old, fit or fat, you can do this. He squatted, folded himself until our faces were inches apart. Within two pages, however, I was shocked at its simplistic, childish tone and oddly terse sentences. I don't really care about a book that's nothing more than an ongoing list of Jurek's trail-running triumphs, broken up by the occasionally interesting vegan recipe. Apr 21, Sara rated it it was amazing Shelves: scribd , running-or-yoga. And the White Horse even drops out of his own race because he wants to see the finish. So why was I on the side of the road vomiting, unable to go on? I know that I''ve chosen a sport stuffed with long stretches of agony, that I belong to a small, eclectic community of men and women where status is calibrated precisely as a function of one''s ability to endure. Technically speaking, I was an ultramarathoner. But you'll need the willpower of an ultra marathoner to get throug And now a summary of this book. How and why to set goals and how to overcome it inspite of the losses. My only issues with it were the descriptions of overt sexism present during some of his competitive runs. That guy is interesting and doesn't seem to be hiding behind some persona that doesn't quite fit, which is how I feel about Scott Jurek after reading this. You need something infinite to satisfy the infinite void in you.

Eat and Run: My Unlikely Journey to Ultramarathon Greatness Read Online

Hardcover , pages. He also is a vegan. View all 36 comments. I am so great. The matters of life brought Jurek along this path, along with the sense of calmness and understanding he found as he consumed a more clean diet, as well as running more and more miles. Sep 25, Afton rated it liked it. There are vegan recipes jammed in there in case you get hungry while reading about someone you don't know who wins ultramarathons. Running - miles in a week and you don't have time for yourself. As a female runner, listening to this book while out running, it was a huge slap in the face to hear some of the degrading insults offered up as "encouragement" to Scott by his pacer during some of his competitive events. He has great running and diet tips mixed into the book. Get A Copy. This book wasn't great and I got stuck in it for a while, but I am glad I read it. Want to Read saving…. But those precautions were designed to shield my body. I'm vegan. I was like everyone else, the same. Thankfully, the book is free of the dudish, macho tone that marred Born to Run for me—a function of the fact that Scott clearly doesn't feel the need to puff his chest out over his achievements. The leader was a fifty-year-old ship and cliff diver named Mike Sweeney, whose high dive training had included smacking himself on the head. Instead, I stared at the stars. But the longer and farther I ran, the more I realized that what I was often chasing was a state of mind - a place where worries that seemed monumental melted away, where the beauty and timelessness of the universe, of the present moment, came into sharp focus. They had no opinion on the matter. However I think that makes sense and I am not going to do that. I was used to trails that caused deer to stumble and falter. Chock-full of incredible, on-the-brink stories of endurance and competitions, fascinating science, and accessible practical advice--including his own favorite plant-based recipes--Eat and Run will motivate everyone to "go the distance," whether that means getting out for that first run, expanding your food horizons, or simply exploring the limits of your own potential. It isn't condescending, but comes across as naive and underwritten. My lungs might be screaming for oxygen, my muscles might be crying in agony, but I had always known the answer lay in my mind. Hey, That's a first. Jul 08, Sharon rated it really liked it Shelves: buddhism , health-lifestyle. For more information, please visit www. I might have swiveled my head to peer at the snowy Sierra Nevada peaks looming like grouchy sentries on the edge of the endless desert and seen, not scowling defeat, but majesty. My crew was telling me to get up, that they knew I could go on, but I could barely hear them. My body was burning up. Oct 16, Riannon rated it really liked it. Other ultras inspire not just reverence but fear. I tried to puke some more, but it was all dry heaving, the type that is excruciating with every empty pump of the stomach.