FOREWORD PropIndex is now in its second year! We are delighted to bring to you the fifth edition of PropIndex. Our previous anniversary issue was very well received and we thank you for the generous comments and feedback for this issue. It has been our endeavour to add more information and better depth to every edition and we hope that such improvements help to make PropIndex more relevant and enabled to capture market trends. In this issue, we have added – (a) “Realty News”, which are stories potential for impact on markets in the future (b) trend of “rankings of top localities” based on changing user demand and (c) improved Demand Analytics with City aggregates. You will continue to find our regular indices here – the National/City Property Index (NPI/CPI), Listed Price Monitor, Rent Monitor, Yield Monitor, Buyer Analytics and Capital Values. As always, we hope this issue of PropIndex helps you to understand the market better and take an informed and intelligent real estate decision. We value the time spent by various banks/financial institutions, consultants, developers and policy makers to review the findings in the PropIndex. We welcome valuable suggestions from our readers to enrich the quality of our report. Do write in! Sudhir Pai Business Head,
[email protected] METHODOLOGY MagicBricks such a way that individual cities (these have been PropIndex properties are aggregated chosen based on their into respective cities and activity levels) and has an then to the National Index. individual city report for PropIndex is a tool which Weightages for PropIndex each of these cities.