Hadleigil. Before I Attempt.To Execute the Task Which
HADLEIGil. Before I attempt.to execute the task which has been committedto me, I cannotrefrainfromexpressingmy un- feigned regret that it has not been entrustedto some one possessedof more antiquarian knowledge, and therefore morecompetentthan myselfto do it justice. I do not say this as a matter of course, or from any feeling of false modesty,but fromthe sincereconviction,ofthe correctness of whichI fear I shallgive you toomanyproofs,that I am not equalto the Subject. I can say, indeed, with perfect truth, that I shouldhavenever venturedofmy ownaccord to placemyselfin this position. I havebeen led into it by the requestof a memberof the committeeof the Archmo- logicalInstitute, and have consented to accept it in the belief that no other resident was likely to desire or ac- cept it. I therefore hope that, insteadof being thought guilty of presumption,I shall be favoured with the in- dulgence of this Meeting, and that if I shall have in the members 'of the Institute a critical, I shall not have a censoriousaudience that my deficiencieswill be good-naturedlyregarded,and together with any mistakes that I maymake,will elicitmorefullandaccurateinforma- tion. I think that I cannotdobetter than arrangethe remarks , whichI am aboutto make, under three generalheads,and ' treat in successionofthe town, the church,and the cele- brated men whohavebeen-bornin, or connectedwiththe parish. I.-THE TOWN. The town,then, laysclaimto considerableantiquity,and if the supposedetymologyof its name,—"head"—chief, 4 HADLEIGH. and " leage"—place, be correct, Hadleigh would seemto have been a place of importance even in Saxon times. And indeed the inference,which is thus suggestedby its name, is confirmedby historical evidence of good authority.
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