Iisnsd Weellr, Enured u B.cond-Custn MatUr at tnt Pcst- .VOLUME XUW NO. 52. offlet at Bed Bank, N. J, under tha Act ol Hszeh id, 1879, RED BAlIf, N. JM WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1921.' $1.50 Per Year. PAGES 1 TO 10.

NURSES' HOME GETS SHS. GOODBYE TO HIGH SCHOOL .1 BUILDING A BUNGALOW. , {HOTEL AT SHERIFFS SALE. HELPING THE SOLDIERS. A FRANKFURTER PARTY. SCHOOL'S BANNER YEAR. {Jacob Vosselman Mores into Hi» That Sum Wat Made at a Rummage MUi Esther R. Tompblm Entertnineal Sals en White Street Saturday. a Few Friends Saturday Night. FORTY-SEVEN PUPILS FINISH Now Dwelling on Granje Avenue, COLT'S NECK PLACE STRUCK RED CROSS AIDING EX-SERVICE SHREWSBURY PROUD OF SHOW- Jacob VoBselmnn, who has been A rummage sale for tho benefit of Miss Esther K.' Tompkins of Hub- STUDIES IN RED BANK. boarding on Petero place, moved this OFF TO DR. CRATER. the nurses' home at the Long Branch MEN IN MANY WAYS. bard Park entertained a few friends ING MADE BY PUPILS. vfeck into it bungalow' which he is hospital was held in the new White Saturday night at a frankfurter ClMt Night was Held Wednesday He Bought for $4,500 Property Brothers' store on White street last ThU Organization Has an Average of School Made the Finest Record of (Night and Commcncemtnt Exer- building on the west uide of Grange which Lewi> Snydsr Bought for 160 Cases a "Mo~ntb".of'"bis"W.'M roast and dance. The roast was held Attendance in Its History, and in avenue, north of East Front street. Saturday. All the articles at the sale Among Soldiers or Their Familie. "ii-the river bank. At ten o.clock the . ci»e» were Held the Following 915,000 Ten Year* Ago—Mr. Sny- were given by Mrs. Thomua N. Mc- Many Other Ways Had a Remark- Night—SpacUl Priio. Awarded. Mr, Vosselman ie a carpenter em- —No-• w* Almoa-• t Ou- t of Money. party returned to Miss Toiiipkinn a able Year—Gift lor Principal. ployed by George W. Morrow of As- der Ones'Refused $18,000. Ciarter of Rumson and they were in house where dancing was enjoyed. The $ed Bank public schools bury Park and he works on his Lewis Snydcr's hotel at .Colt's Neck unusually fine condition for goods Ever since the war ended the Mon- The roomms werere decoratedcorated with cut Shrewsbury pupils, finished their closed Friday for the summer. For- bungalow during his spare time. AH was Bold at sheriff's sale last week at offered at a rummage sale. The sale mouth county Red Cross has buim oc- flowersf . Those present were Mr. and year's work last week with an ty-seven pupils etfid good-bye to high ;ho court house at Freehold at the began about ten o'clock in the morn- cupied principally in looking "f'^r average attendance of 95 per cent, the outside work has been done. The eoldiere and aiding them and their Mrs. Frank Haviland, Mr. and Mrs. the highest percentage of attendance school last week. The clans night' bungalow is 24x36 feet and it has mit of Dr. E. W. Crater of Ocean- ing and by three o'clock the goods Tompkins, Mr. and Mrs. Choa- exercises were held last Wednesday port, who had a mortgage of $6,000 were about sold out. The sale re- This aid to the soldiers has J™' in the history of the school. Those five rooms and a bathroom. It has a iHck and Mr. and Mrs. Harry who were not absent nor tardy the night in the high school auditorium. hardwood floor, and it is provided on the property. Dr. Crater made alized $145 for the nurses' home. taken many forms. The United -, . of Red Bank; Miss Hazel Blue and red, which are the class col- The sale was under the direction States government haB three separate T :.J entire year were Cyril Lawes, Wil- with modern improvements. Theo- he highest bid at the sale and ob- liss Mildred Lawes, William liam Randall and Madeline Sagurtoh . ors, eomprtsi'd the color Bcheme for dore Scott is doing the mason Work, tained th.e hotel for $4,500. A sec- olMrs. Thomas N. McCarter and she organizations which are supposed to Jr., Thomas Scowcroft and the decoration!. Pennants of the was assisted by Mrs. William M. look after disabled soldiers, but it of the eighth grade, John Parker and Charles Hobrough is the plumber and ond mortgage of $2,000 was held by uBually takes months and sometimes nl - Walter Rankin of Fair Lawrence Scott of the seventh grade, graduating class were arranged in a C. F. Clark is the electrician. The the W. A. French estate. No bid was Robertson, Mrs. Charles P. Irwin, ana d Miss Florence Kent of Mrs. Arthur B. White, Miss Julia Lit- over a year to obtain relief. These M0™"sto ™ Elsie Hounihan and William Parker jTOw on the thr«e sides of the stage, bungalow will cost $5,000. | made by the estate. A representa- l rrIb w of the fifth grade, Josephine Nestler near the top, and from the pennants' tive of the French estate told a Reg- tle, Mrs. J, P. Eichele and Mrs. Harry three government organizations are • "» '» ™- Schanck. the bureau of war risk insurance, and Katharine Callory of the fourth blue and red ribbons ran crosswise ister reporter that the heirs of the grade, Sarah Callery of the third down the walls. The front of the which attends to financial matters estate were reconciled to the loss of concerning soldiers' insurance; the HANDIWORK OF PUPILS. grade and Helen Callery of the sec- stage was banked with flowers. The A BUILDING REMODELED. the $2,000. The hotel SB a large old- bureau of public health, which at- ond grade. class motto of "Finished, Yet Be- fashioned building and is in fairly NECK GUT WITH HATCHET. tends to medical matters, and the bu- ginning" was suspended from the good condition, with about four reau of vocational training, which i SPECIAL INSTRUCTION FOR 27 A Palmer improvement certificate top of the stage, Class night is ob- MANY CHANCES MADE TO acres of land. Mr. Snydor, who is j for good writing was awarded to AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT ENDS helps soldiers to learn new trades i SCHOOL CHILRDEN. served as a "night of fun." It is the JOHN'S BUSY CORNER. occupying the.place, will move next when they have been incapacitated Helen Ahearn, Palmer progress pins time when the graduates have an op- IN AN ASSAULT. for writing were awarded to Mary Alterations Made to Clothing Store month Xa the Forman Taylor house for their old trades. Cases are fre- They Comprise What is Known as a portunity to "jolly" their school as- at Colt's Neck. quently shifted from one to another Special Opportunity Class and Be- Riordan, Janet Kurst, Francin sociates and the exercises have al- and to Other Quarters in the William Evans of Eatontown At- sides Doing School Work They O'Brien, William Randall. Rose Han- Building Where the Clothing Busi- The bid of Dr. Crater for the hotel. of these bureaus, making long delays ways been popular with both the tacked by Rocco Zucc1 o While .He Make Rugs, Carpets and Baskets. non, Margaret Robson, Elsie Houni- ness is Located—New Tenants. property is another illustration of Was Holding Zucco . Child in Hit and vexatious requirements before re- graduates and the audience. • Within the past year 27 Red Bank han, John Bailey, Amelia Reese and Improvements coating $16,500 the depressing effect of prohibition Arms—Zucco Hold (or Grand Jury | lief is accorded. The commencement exercises took on rural hotel property. Ten years The lied Cross fills in the interval school children have been taking spe- Emily Sagurton. Primary gold star place Thursday night in the auditor- have just been completed to the ago Mr. Snyder bought the hotel Rocco Zucco of Bank street was between the time when an ex-service cial instruction in handiwork as we! writing pins were received by Jose- ium. Margaret Dudley gave the building on the northeaBt corner of from the late Fred Luther for $15,- arrested last Wednesday afternoon man or a member of his family needs as regular school work at the Shrews- phine Ahearn, Edith Burst, Marie valedictory address. Arclellu Hardy West Front street and Wharf avenue. 000. At that time the hotel was one by Sergeant Harry T. VanNote and assistance and the1 time when he gets bury avenue school. The group is . Lange. ,. ,Raymon - d McGowan, Austin was the salutatorian. The mantle This property for a number of years Policeman William Mustoe on a Riordan. Mrs. of the beat paying country hotels in charge of assaulting William Evans it from the government. The Red known as the special opportunity Kecse and Kalpn oration was made by Ethel Yanko was owned by the John Bailey estate, tho county and the price paid by Mr. Ooijs helps the ex-service man to get class. It was formed to help those \ ™« Magce, the principal•al of tthe and the mantle reply was made by und it was bought laBt spring by of Eatontown with a hatchet. Evans hospital treatment; many cases of children, who through sickness or i schoo , is attending falmer sumrrsummei r a men's clothing and shoe store Kathryn Cooper. A fine address was Mr. celebrated the opening consumptionn have developedd froii uiim. thn.ce othe-•....»r misfortunes.„„*„..„„,.„,, hav..«.e bee,,^wn. unabl„..„„.„e school at New York in order to give - given by Rev. George Dugon, pastor known as John's Busy Corner. This y pg condition for a time was serious, but c lessons in writing of the hotell unded r hihis ownershihip hardships and exposures of war and to keep up with their classmates; more advanced of the Trenton Presbyterian church. Htoro re-opened Saturday after hav- he is now improving* new cases of this sort arise each and to help those who have been un- • next^ year^ Last week the graduates The diplomap s were presentedpre , to the ing been closed several weeks while with a horse race from Colt's Neck The assault occurred on Shrews- their ! °f the school gave silver bon bon dt b Mrt V Ph , idnt the alteration? were under way. A to Long Branch. Cash prizes were bury avenue, near Bank street. month and receive Red Cross help; able to retain interest in j dish to Mrs. Magt The principal'3 graduates by Mort V. Puch, president offered to the winners. The fastest Evans and his brother Edward were men witwithouo t jobj s and men who can studies. off thhe boarbd d off educationd . speciapcill re-opening sale is being ar- hi ld d 1 name and the year 1921 arc engraved Edwin C. Gifland, superintendent ranged. horses in the county took part in the riding along Shrewsbury avenue in no lonner cany on. their old trades. Teachers frcim schools in different ;on the dish. contest and the event broughg t many are hlhelpedd t o lifindd new employments;lt; '• parts of "the" East visitedi of the Ited Bank public schools, store business is owned by a Ford runabout, Edward was driv- The pupils made §10 by getting, visitoriit s to tthhe villageill . HHenr y MullenMll - ing the car. Near Bank street widows are aided in getting their hus- classrooms to the teaching awarded the special prizes. A Mr. Levy and'MraiCelitd M Cli t MilierMill " It brink's Hi Henry won the race. ( band's insurance; guardians are subscriptions to a periodical. To this scholtuHhitt prize of $150, offered by is conducted by Mrs. Miller's son, bik' Hi H th Th suph ZuccoZ , threh e years olld and a son i methods employed liy Miss Ruth Hall • the Sigmund Eisner company, was frank Miller. The windows were Z d h awarded to Geoffrey Mercer. He trimmed for the re-opening of the also received the Renssalner college store by Joseph J. Pepitone of New modal given to the student who was Brunswick. J. J. Heer of New York most proficient in mathematics and is a new employee at the store and science. The Red Bank woman's club hereafter the display work will be offered three prizes for an essay on done by him. Mr. Heer was formerly "Americanism." This contest was employed at similar work • at the open to the pupils in the graduating Strand theater at New York. class and every pupil in that class The entire Front street side of the was hog in nmo y ] wrote an essay. The judges were A YEAR'S SUPPORT RAISED AT A Zucco, who was working in a new rk the children y store has been enclosed with new 18,000 members-of the junior Red ™* io UI:,H AUIILL, for them ...... , <- Mrs. John J. Leonard, Mrs. Edwin plate glass windows, and forty feet CARD PARTY. building near by, rushed toward Mr. e P. Thompson and Mrs. John Leslie Evans. In one hand he carried a S s0 have made remarkable progress j '" pupils^ of the Wharf avenue frontage has The Two Orphans Are Over ?™the expensetJ?L?s o f^T^V'Tl^^'som the Red Cross have withi.' ne ha year. Four pupils in Montgomery. The first prize of $5 been similarly improved. Mahogany hatchet and he struck at Mr. Evans been running ahead of its receipts, iw' FREE OUTDOOR CONCERTS. FranceF ,, bub t "thh e RRed Bank Branch ~g-rf ~- chop his heahdd „„ft• HHe 8truckk c a3s wl b re urn to thtlr vm< r was awarded to Margaret Dudley, panels form the background of the of the .Needlework Guild is Their It is now almost at the end of its , — ••-"- ?, , ' ,-- "„,', .... l? : .I second prize of $3 was awarded to windows. The cellar has been en- Mr. Evans on the neck with the sharp financial rope. In order to decide on classes next fall. The instruction m Italian Band to Give the First of a New Father and Mother. ige of the hatchet and made'a long na ndlw0 rl t: kc s U the rcst ol the Cheater Frake, nnd third prize of $2 larged to the full size of the store edge of t its future course a meeting of officers! u , < ' ' P Series on the Fourth. was awarded to Luella Jeffrey. J. and it has been fitted up with shelves Two French orphans in the city of gash. Evans _let go thj; boy and sanl and delegates of all the branches and sch°o1 <***• The Royal Italian band of Red Hamilton Price of the Red Bank real and show cases. This part of the St. Quentin, France, have been to the street. Zucco raised the hatchet auxiliaries of the Red Cross in Mon- The principal product this year \ .J,k"wini\ve the'firWof a series of estate company gave a prize of $10 "adopted" by the Red Bank branch of | to deal another blow'but the second B building will be used chiefly as a the needlework guild of America. The month county will be held at the Ma- was rag rugs. J hese rugs were, sold i jree concurts on the night of the for'the best essay on "Public Man- atore room. A new floor and a new attempt wag frustrated by Trevonian sonic hall in the Eisner buiklirip in , in Red Bank and vicinity. The l»ig-; Fourtn on ti,e hjgh school grounds. ners." The tenth and .eleventh metal ceiling have been put in the needlework guild of America as a Bennett, who grappled with Zucco Red Bank next Monday night. Per-' gest customer for the rag rugs was Another concert will be given at the grade pupils competed for this prize, store, New electrical fixtures have whole has undertaken the work of re- and succeeded in subduing him. Dr. sons who are interested in the work' 'tthhe GuilGild off ththe GoldeGldnn RalRdle of same place the following Thursday which was vvon by Catherine La- been installed throughout and a spe- building and restoring^the city of St. Edwin Field took six 'stitches to aew are also invited to be present and lis- Trinityy church. Before the class was | night, anandforninewd for nine weeke s thereafter Quentin and the Red Bank branch of the cut. The jugular vein was mnrche. The class of . 1918 medal cial type of electric reflectors have up ten to the discussions. The speakers started the society sent the rags^out | „ h ol. grounds will offered for the best essay on "Ameri- been put in the windows. the organization has adopted these ; aave(i from being severed only by the will tell what the Red Cross has done of town to be madma e intoo rugsg . Now be^ive concornt eacon htn eThursda sc q yy ninightg . The can Statesmen", was won by Luellu two orphans as its part of the job. >mel .est fraction of tin inch. The for ex-service men and what it is every rug fof r ththe societit y is madde byby ' ),a3 ordered new uniforms of Extensive alteration have been The orphans will not be brought to bancI Jeffrey. made to other parts of the building, Zucco boy was not hurt by the auto- now doing, but the chief matter taken I the school children. A numberr of black, gold and red and these will be America but will be supported in mobile. up will be the question of raising rugs have also been made for jjthee |fV. _ . j firstfitU time att tthh e concerconcertt The following is a list of the grad- and some changes have taken place France and the needlework guild will 1 uateB arranged according . to the among thex tenants. Augustus Lay- Rocco Zucco was arraigned Thurs- funds to continue the work of the | Long Branch Reformed church. The ~ - Fourth. Pasquale Acquaviva pay the hill. It costs $35 a year to day morning before Justice Edward Red. Cross: With cases of soldiers or j children have five looms on which courses which the pupils pursued in ton has moved his barber .shop to take care of an orphan in France, and e is the new leader of the band. The W.f,.W.l9 - • He-waived .a hearing.and members of soldiers' families in dis- they make the rugs, all of which are band was organized with twenty high school: . quarters adjoining the store and $70 will he required to'pay Hie'ex^ wag held under $2,000•" bail on a i.ATlH SCIENTIFIC. . Mooney & Woods will move from the pense of maintaining the two. Mrs. tress or need or help to the number of operated by hand. In addition to the members and it now has 32. In ad- Margaret E, Dudley, Katherine G. Tllton^ Front street side of the building to Theodore Roosevelt, Sr., is the hon- charge of atrocious assault and bat- 160 a month coming before the Red rugs the children this year made floor dition to these members twenty Louclla JelTrtfr, the Wharf avenue side of the build- orary president of the needlework tery for the action of the grand jury. Cross, that organization believes it' brushes, aprons, ba'skets, serving young men and boys are taking les- OBNEHAL SCIENTIFIC. ing, formerly occupied by Harley guild in this country. Carmine Conanico of Rector place has a mission and a duty to perform. I trays and a number of other articles, sons under the leader. • About a Charlotte Bottlchor, Jnul J. UrniatcJ, and Frank Saggere of Herbert street But the work cannot-be continued which were sold. Over $200 worth score of persons heard an invitation Edith Brower, Raymond- K- . Conklin- , Cook's produce business. The quar- In order to raise the money to feed went Zucco's bail and he was re rehearsal by the hand at the River Helen Doremus, Loultt 3. Conover, ters which Mooney & Wood will va- without funds, and the meeting Mon- of goods were produced within the Ella Hculy. Henry N. Ely. and clothe the two orphans a card leased. dad y nighihtt is principalliill y to discusdi s the ' year i the net profits amountec to street schoolhousc Tuesday night of Lillian D. Jnhnea, Chester Oliver Frake, cate have been rented by; Samuel party was held last Friday afternoon Bernicu Ludlow, Casper Heller, Anglof & Co. of New York for a at Mrs. William A. Patterson's on best methods of obtaining the needed — last week. Helen Maloney. Franais J. Marcksteiti women's clothing and shoe business SALES ON DRUMMOND TRACT. money. This summer Miss Hall will take a Madeline Palise, CeoRrey Mercer, Pringle avenue, in Middletown town- Harnh Parker, Albert M. Morris, Another new tenant in the build- ship. Fourteen tables were filled course at Vineland in this special ORIOLES TAKE ANOTHER. Catherine PliUterer, lMwnrd Dtaon RUHRIM ing is the Eagle novelty shop, the with the card players and about $100 New Owners for One Houae and Two WANT CHARGES DROPPED. teaching work. It is expecterd that Morion Rice, Raymond M. Tlernoy. proprietor of which is Harry Kislin, was realized. The balance after pay- i-ot» on This Tract. about fifty pupils will be enrolled in Jersey City AH Stars Trounced by Marion Scott,* W. Raymond VanHorn • - • • Score of 4 to 2. l.ouine Hlmpuon, Kenneth L. Walker, This business opened Saturday. It ing for the year's support of the or- John H. Cook, Jr., of Newman Campbell's Junction Men Dont Want the special .opportunity class next T«ri>na J. SloflH, Maynard White. makes a specialty of sporting and phans will go into a Christmas fund Springs road,- who is building four- Houier and Piney Prosecuted. fall. The Red Bank Orioles trimmed tha Helen 15. Trent, Joseph C. Williams. EtWl Yniiko, jewelry novelties. to be sent to St. Quentin next winter. teen houses on the Drijmmond tract Herman Labrecque of Campbell's Jersey City All Stars Sunday by a COMMERCIAL. The plans for the alterations to the The winners of prizes at the card par- of land in the southern part of Red Junction and Montgomery Hoose, SOON TO BE MARRIED. score of 4 to 2 before a large crowd Grace E. 'Burr, Mary L. Ilynn, building were drawn by Leon Kislin, ty were Mrs. Robert A. Mason, Mrs. Bank, between Shrewsbury avenue who until recently was employed as a of fans. The home team started Gernl'lini! S_ Fowler, Hnliell C. Sutphen, clerk in Mr. La|»ecque's butcher Miscellaneous' Shower Given Last right off the reel by scoring in the Ardclln S. Hardy, Eiiwnrd P. Branch, an employee at the store, and the Frank McMahon, Mrs. James P.! and the Southern railroad, has sold Week (or Red Bank Girl. Annabel D. House, Abratn C. Dlxon, work was dom> under his supervision, Cooper, Mrs. Walter Connors, Mrs. the house at the corner of Bridge store, have written a joint letter to first and second innings. The visit- Mary- tilppinoott. Hcrnoi-t C. Hawkins, The material was provided by M. N, Roger-Farnham, Mrs. A. G. Rose, Mrs. and Sunset avenues to Mrs. Martha Prosecutor Charles F. Sexton asking A surprise miscellaneous Bhower ™ were unable to do anything of MellsBa Little, Raymond Tamey. Smith & Son and Earling, Johnson & wTital S. HiU, Mr3.°L*.*G7 Davis,' Mrs. j Gannon of Brooklyn. The house will Mr. Sexton to disregard the charges was given last week for Miss Velcnah |^, valuvIiuetoMorleye to Morley'a7 offerings but Emillc M. Mlnton, made against Theodore Houaer and M. Carver of Spring street, who is to - J _ '_ round in the Fir«l honor—Margaret E. Dudley. Frakeii«c,. Concretv,u.^.~.we sidewalk.,...-. s„ were (J. R. Morris, Mrs. Herbert W. Hill,; be completed about July 1st, when m n 6 t et a Srcunil hoimr^-Ardolla S. Hardy. laid in front of the store by James;Mrs. John A. Ely, Mrs. Biddle H.ithe transfer will be made. The Charles J. Piney of Keyport. While be married soon to Frank G. Valleau |™* pn?h andanotheT^n the ninth by J i!l u drunk a month ago the two Keyport- of South street. The party was ar- '^harn batting"rally Tliir y wa--ms Garrison__=_i..;. »»__Mrs-. JflhT.,_n_ «.-,n...-.iLP. Smythe. __andj house has six rooms, bathroom and a rally. HONORABLE MENTION. made nt the store entrance by E. E. Mrs. Hamilton S. Battin. all improvements available in that ers assaulted Mr. Hoose and broke | ranged by Mrs. Wayman Wilson's j ' T-„ hth e OrOriolei a will < Edllh Urowor. Tereiii J. Slo«», the First' 6 1 the Alexander. The painting was done part of the town. The lot is 43x122 his eyeglasses. Then they hung Sunday-school class of isths e CarveFirsr I" " " "'"' Vailsburg Tigers, J.ouelln Jeffrey, Kntherlnc G. 'niton ™*.U. T..W ,,p..-. r/» dthi:.McthodiBt church and Mi Pornh Pnrker, CheBter Oliver Frake by Alder & Cloth and the electrical ELECTRICIAN BUYS HOUSE. feet. The price'of the property was Mr. Labrecque'B s storeanta n d the l s tealm Mavion Rice, GeoffreGeffrey Mercer, troHetroljey station anandd" shouted profane (receivereceived many gigiftst . TThos e ppresen t ™.h;bit..i g pntupone of the best ex- Slmprton, work was done by Harry B. Hayes. $4,150. hl 1D n W. Raymond' VanHorn George A. Hogan the New Owner of Mr. Cook has bought from Charles anc*f indecen• • t• language• . The™ 'y- were !»,.rwere» Mrsu™. Josep.Wonth, VaileauVail«nu, Jr.Ir , MrsMrs. I^bition'k'° sj Bseeo n here this season a few Most of the graduates will attend Maple Avenue .Property. I Covert a vacant lot on the corner of held in $200 bail for the action of Prank Chadwick, Mrs. James Carver, f , »• college. Charlotte Botticher will go SALE OF TWO LOTS. held in $200 '•- --o and the Orioles were Bridgge and Sunset avenues for $$350. the grand jury. In their letter Mr. MlssMiss Grace Allen, Miss Elsie Tetley, to Surgcnt physical training school, George A. Hogan . of McLaren is Mlss " Eleanor Morris, Miss Helen extend themselves to win. Land Sold at the Corner of Grange street has bought the Mrs. Anna H. I lot directly across Bridge LLabrecqub e and Mr. Hoose state that Eleanor Morris, jvuss ncie BANKERS PLAY BALL. Edith Brower and Ardella Hardy will f h h d lt h h Houser and Piney had apologized and , Compton, Miss Ruth Compton an Avenue and the Fair Havon Road. |Truswell house and lot on Maple , avenue from the house and lot he has Mlss go to Rider college at Trenton; Paul Willium Buchanan, a contractor, avenue, ndjojiiing on the south the just sol(f T,his !?' is 40x100 feet, had made restitution for the damage ! May Warden. Trust Company Team Defeata Sec* J. Bruisted, Geoffrey Mercer and and builder of Bed Bank, has bought: residence of Rev. Robert MacKellar.'Mr- Cook will build a house on this they had done. The writers of the i ' *"** ond National by Score of 17 to 5. Lui'llu Jeffrey will go to Brown uni- mi those he ls imm ulldm from Samuel Allen two lota on the'The lot is 50x200 feet. The house , ™} fi ™_''*? » e letter said they did not want the I Dance by Woodmen's Lodge. The Red Bank trust company de- versity; Ella Hcaly, Bernicc Ludlow, 1 Fair Haven road at the corner of has eight rooms and bathroom, gas, on this tract. two Keyporters to be further pun- The Woodme' n of " th" e Worl•"•••d lodg- gfe ,a«featedd the SeconSecnd jiational bank at Madeline Palise and Helen Mnloney b t will go , to Newark normal school; Grange avenue,, The plot hahass^ a electricityy and steam heat.. A garagegarage , William W. ,,Cook' , who recentlTy' ished. of Red Bank will hold a lunch box: baseball on the Oriole field last frontage oE 100 feet on the Fair with room for two cars is on the rear bought from Charles. R. D. Foxwell a sociable and' dunce on Thursday, Thursday afternoon by a score of Helen Dorcmus will go to Skidmore lot on the Haven roud ami 200 feet on Grange)of the lot. The price was $7,000. south side of Drummond Boy's Neck Broken. ght, July 21st, in the Odd Fellows' , 17 to 5- The teams appeared evenly college of arts at Saratoga, New av n uc on the y matched in the first part of the game York; Margaret Dudley, Teresa Sloss nveiiuc. Mr. Buchanon paid $2,000 I The sale of the property was made ' ?, , ! yrummond tract, is George MMuringi , ngedd ffour years, building on Monmouth street. for the two lots and the sale was , by Hawkins Brothers. j building a bungulow on this lot. He 1 but toward the finish the Trust com- and Kenneth Walker to Pratt insti- h s son of Mrs. James Maring of Keans pany tossers fell on the ball with a tute ; Hc,nry Ely to college nt Gettya mndo by William H. Houston. Mr. ThTh e housh e was builbil t about twenty ! bhbought t ffro m tthh e DrummonDd est- burg, was instantly killed last week Monmouth Mutual Supply Co |ate for $250 a lot adjoining the Fox- " ' * *•-- -ms in tho afternoon with na- Dixon Russell to New York eitv I 'jer °^ BuecesBful real estate opera- was afterward bought by Lawyer nautical school, Loufs Conover to the 'ions «"urinE the Pa^ fcw yeara' He Warren H. Smock, who occupied it bungalow on the lot. •UniversitUniversity od f Pennsylvania•„„..„,.,.,.,,„, ^^.,-Cuth - intend------s to build two •houses on the for a time. He afterward built an- loaded witn earcn. joa^pu num »«;> -. ln C hna U3t other residence on Reckless ptace and ANNOUNCEMENT. erine Phistercr to Combs conserya-1 ">l 1> J bought, the driver. He wns arrested by Dc- storage of meats, apples and pota- tory of music at Philadelphia, Marion he then sold the property to MMrs.- A Few Word, to the Ladiei of Red Annual Picnic of the Eintracht Sing- Rice to Savage physical training How Are Your Eyes? Truswell. . Bank and Vicinity. counttcctivye J.jail- B.. Rue and he is now in the toes. ing Society feel ' The Monmouth Ice Company, the will lie held on the Joseph Morria schooc l nt New "York, Louise Simpsop n they burn, smart or Complying with the many requests Tall Cedar Ceremonial t Wil ll Rd Ti strained when you read or do close Notic ; by ladies who have visited my shop pioneer ice dealer of Red Bank, ia place on Everett road, Sunday, June to Wilson college,' Raymond Tierney work? For clear vision, without ef- at Keansburg Fire company building the sole distributor of our ice in Red 26th, 1021. All kinds of games will to Cornell university, Kathorlne Til- is hereby given that the partnership that I mnke a special feature of giv- on Thursday evening, June 30th. BnnU, Shrewsbury, Little Silver, fort or strain, have your eyes exam- ]nto]ti iy existitini g betweebt n JohJh n McCorMC - ing tonsorial attention to women, I he played, also dnncing. Come out to ton to Montclnir normal sclfool, Ethel ined and proper glasses fitted. J. W. • Harley M. Cook, under the ledara, bring along auplings. Last Rumson, Fair Haven und Oceanic. this beautiful place and have a good Yanko to Syracuse university and Jo- mic k and have fitted up a special department chance at $S initiation fee. If youijacenTheirt oftlcto erailroa is on dOuklum at Redl streetBank, dead- seph Wlllisma to the University of,»WirtVl.™h' & Bio,, Optometristsp, , Registeg r •lh .m name of McCormick and Cook, for thut purpose at the Sanitary Bar- day's outing with the family. Auto seph Wlllisma to the University of b ulWln have "kold feet" we will accept you : pot. William 11. Reed of. FJatontown Pennsylvania. Raymond VanHorn . . ?' *22 BroadBroad streetstreet,, ReRodd BankBank.. | wa8 dig3olvell on june 15 192t Uy ber Shop, Weller building, 7 Broad and take care of you. See I.ou Tet- jalao distributes our ice at^Katontown, busses wiUbo run every half hour and Albert Morris will take post! .Hou™ i?1'10 A- M-*° 4:0°P- M-and mutual consont. street, Red Bunk, upstairs, where from 10:110 to 2:30 to the plcnle b ley, Doc Englert or Supt. liotcler for | Occanport and vicinity. Our ice is graduntdt c courses at thth e tietidd BanBkk "?> appointmenappointmentt Phone 88.—Adver88.—Adver-- Business will be carried on by John ladies now have the opportunity to application blanks. {{. Warren Au- absolutely pure, being manufactured grounds, leaving the fountain. Tho high school. Emily Minton has. ™>ment. McCormick under the firm nnme of receive individual tonsorial attention muck, scribe, Bay View Forest, No. from distilled'artesian well water. Committee in Charge.—Advertise- McCormick and Cook. Harley M, by expert artists in a refined, mpd- 18.—Advertisement. | We carry 1,500 tons of this ice in ment. taken a position at tho llrond street Organ Recital Cook is in no wise liable for nny debts ern, sanitary shop where the environ- storage as a reserve for the protec- national hiir.li und Mabel Sutphen A. LnHos, assisted by Fireworks nl Wholeiate. contracted by the said McCormick ment 19 most pleasing and where Holmdel Potato Meeting tion of those who use our ice, nnd to has taken a position In the real estate .84, Thursday stores. Twenty cent' per dor.on al- Visiting Cliii-opoc!i«t Anniversary Cclobration is in pro- Miss A. L. Morris Dr. Frances It. Cooko Oasler will incUule tlui uuw Hiitin uud felt .tport evening June 23rd, 1021, at 8:0(1 The Piano Shop. lowed for the lurgo empty bottles. B. liatn. MisK A. L. Moirhi, room 11, KrtiaH till Hnhmlny, July 2.) A. Sal/. will cloai; her millinery parlor, room We speciality ip the most difficult Alperin, 20 Broad street, Rod Hank, mnke appointments by telephone to I*. M, There will be Initiation, work & Co., Rod Bunk,—Advertisement. Miuner building.—Advertisement. to be done by Coronal council degree 11, Eisner buildhnir, on July 10th, and piano und pluyer piano work; also In formerly lllom'a.—Advertisement. come to you when needed. Telc- team. P. S. Regent W. Holt A pear reopen on August 10th with an en- new and used pianos of highest qual- phona Eatontown 2100-F-42 between Rubber Goodt for All Purposes. tire new lino of the Beirion'.'t milli- 0:00 p. m. and 8:00 p. m.—-Adver- Your Summer Hat 1 will b« thi) speaker of tho ovening. ity. A. B. Dlrhan, Drummond place, Dr. Dunn, Surgeon Chiropodist, Until rt-.;#treetr-tt«a£ v«rtlaemimt. p."«ir tfntly. Tuli'imrtim Kir-TV.'—-Ad- fountain.—Advertl»um«iit. Ti avuiiuoV iTeiv Ybflil—Aiivertise-* nny desired shade, very quickly and Typewriter Headquartera. vertisement. nt unction Friday, JUIIH '.Mt.li, at We buy, runt, sall.ftxchanKG and .. ,™^.,^^ Jucoh 7/lotkin'M stunluH. uppoMite •Cen- We Are Soiling the Balanca nuMit. reasonable in price. Red Bunk Steam Wo are out of tho high tout dl»- Dyo Works, Max Leon, proprietor, 24 repair typewriters. Trubin a, the Autos painted. tral nttitinn, Freehold. Kxtru line of our Runmer tnilllnory nt hnlf Food Sale. Store of a Thousand Items, 58 Broad United Auto Fainting and Trim- lot, big |)i'odtu!{'ra anil all govern- trict, A. II. Dlrhan, lilgh »rad» iirice, HB we close our millinery par- West Front street, Rod lliinlt. Phono Ijiniiii.-i, Diuiniiioml place, Red llunk, Ludli'rtd ' Auxiliaryy of the Middln- 784.—Adyortitiemont. 'street! Rod Bank.—Advertisement ming Co., 1H Mechanic street, Red ment Ui.ilcd.-—Adtil lor on July 10th and will reopen onl lown lla|)tlnt church will hold u food Bank, phone U01.—^Advertisement. Ithonu 933.—AilvoHlnomoiit. AugiiBt 10th: This does not Include*»8ul« Sivtiinlny, June Sf>th, from 3:00 Awnings. Green Gables, Pleasure Bay, Autot Psintetl. the new tmtiii and felt sport hutn. to 5:30 r, M.—Advertisement. See our advertisement on p«K« 2. now open for the aeuaon, Dancing Blreyer's lea Cream United Auto l'uintiiig nnd Trim Breyer's ic« Crania Misa A. L. Morris, room 11, EUnor Laggren Bros. Co., Inc.—Advertue- mlng Co., 18 MecliunlL' struct, K«c Rt the Bmokc Shop. "It'i » food nod buil(llint.---AJvVetl»ena«nj;. •, nnd a higli-cluBs roHtuimmt—Adver- at the Smoko Shop.. "It's a food not it pnysi to advertise in The Register. mont. tisement. a fnd."-^Advortls«mimt, Bank, phone 001.—Advertlneniont. ft fad."—Advertlwwejit. ,' RED BAfgC ,1921.

THOMAS O'BrtlEN PAYS A FINE AND COSJSOF $18.70. He Wat Found Using Milk Bottle* Owned «nd Registered by Other Milk Dealeri, Which i> a Violation of the New Jeney Bottle Act. ' • Thomas O'Brien of Leonardo was flne

Broadway Corners" Fifth Ava. but the certified copies of the papers ! ' •.-<••-, at Warren at 41st SU from the county clerk's office failed to show a regulation which was NEW YORK CITT necessary. The complaints against these two men were accordingly dis- missed by Justice Edward W. Wise, before whom the cases were heard. Charles R. Snyder of Atlantic Highlands represented the three men Prices, Service, Assortment against whom the complaints were The Largest Retail | made, and Theodore Parsons of the law firm of Reilly, Quinn and Parsons represented Mr. Ellis.

ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS NEWS. $ AWNING Gold Medals and Goldpieces Awarded to Public School Pupilt. Manufacturers in the East The graduation exercises of the I high school were held Thursday night v at. the Majestic theater. Eleanor Inglis gave the salutatory address. § Laggren Bros. Co., Inc. Gertrude Tansey gave the valedic- Your children are entitled to* have their fun while young; it is tory. The principal address was made by Dr. F. W. Maroney. Two your duty to impress upon them the importance of Independence Day, 1178 East Grand Street, ELIZABETH, N. J. gold medals and $oO in gold were I awarded as special prizes. Aliee it is your privilege to give them the joy which should ever feign in the v Telephone Elizabeth 873 Behr won a gold medal given by the f same society for writing the best es- say. The Robert R. Mantell prizes heart of a free people. . I Weekly Service to Red Bank and Vicinities for the best essays on Shakesperean f • 5 topics were won by Helen Bills, who T SSBSB&SSOOSSISSSSSSS&ZSSSSI&SSS^^ received $15 in gold, and Miss f Eleanor Inglis, who received $10 in Join Itheni in celebrating with a grand display of Fireworks. A gold. A five-dollar goldpiece was t awarded to the pupil in each high f carload for your selection at school grade who did the best work in English during the.yenv. The win- T ners were Gertrude Tansey of the t twelfth grade, Augusta Katz of the T eleventh grade, Rosalind Linson of (he tenth grade and Pauline Pinnud f of the ninth grade. A five-dollar t goldpieee given for the greatest im- !>n>vertK'nt shown in penmanship was f won by Mary Nieoletti.. The closing f successful exercises of the eighth grade were T TRUBIN'S held Friday afternoon. , Rev. F. A. DeMnris of Asbury Park gave an ad- f '' dress. Recitations were given by 'Store of a Thousand Items" Helen Todd, Jessamine Aekerson and j and HOP Dorothy Fields. .A five-dollar gold- piece was given to Dorothy Fields for the best work in English, to Jessa- 58 Broad Street Red Bank, N. J. mine Aekerson for proficiency in f spelling, to Helen Todd for profi- ciency in general information and to BavoragG Mary Nicoletti. Rose DeFazio, Olgn Sorrensou.and Alice Nolte, \vho^£e- WSFJirV ecived Palmer method writing ceripjihV entes. The eighth grade class gave gifts to Richard M. Hartman, princi- pal of the school, to Mrs. Ella Clark, the vice principal, and fti Miss Ethel Brewed in the good Guttormsen, who played the piano at old-fashioned way. the exercises. The high school nlumni association held its annual meeting nnd dance Friday night in the school building. No chemicals, extracts About 100 persons were present. or syrups. Absolutely Tile officers elected for the coming j pure. yev.y are Walter Bills president, Mrs. J. S. Flitcroft vice president, Miss Anna McDonough secretary. Miss Alice White treasurer and Miss Francos Pauster fifth member. Thirty persons attended a surprise party given Wednesday night for sales toll/ Edna Dender by her school chums. Dancing, games and other Let your grocV or dealer send you a case, light, dark or pastimes'were enjoyed. assorted. (Will keep indefinitely.) Let hi:n introduce to Harold Uhrig and Philip Dinkle- i'£ have gone into partnership in ypu- also the modern successor to goo'J old-fashioned Ale— the electrical sutipiies and contract- 1 DUBLIN BREW. (Both made by Tne Rising Sun Brew- ing business. The firm is known as i ing Co., Elizabeth, N. J.) the Atlantic electric sunply com- j pany. Miss. Dorothv Gaflfev is em- I Distributor for Red Bank ployed as stenographer in the com- [ puny's office. " t J. S. Flitcroft :':K1 famiK- nre j spending ji week with Mr. and Mrs. | J.I. MONSKY Kmnk Gordon of Marlboro. : Miss Ethel Arstead is visiting in j 10 E. Front St. Phone 73 Pennsylvania. j Miss Ruth Armstrong, a teacher at j the public school. Ins gone to her | $5 to $15 home in Bangor. Pennsylvania, for a short visit. She will attend the Thursday and Friday, June 23, 24 teachers' summer college at New Firunswiclc. According to Model Selected Mrs. James Eac'.ie is spending a few days with relatives at Flushing. Mrs. Fred Oliver, -who is n patient at the Long Branch hospital, is im- ! proving. - I To Please One Woman" A motion picture nnd vaudeville j show for the benefit nf the hook nnd Columbia, Hudson, Flying Kterkle, Lsnwood, ladder company will be given on Fri- dav. Julv 1st, at the Atlantic theater. Miss Kathryn Graham is expected home this wrek from the Long Branch hospital, where she has been U.S., Expert, Queen City oonfint'd the past, two weeks. "Say It With Flowers" Miss Tholmn Rwcney is employed in the office of Benjamin G. Martin Wi' like to think of (he Spirit that promph onrfriends to recom- & Co. mend us to the!r friends. Hnrold Kelly is emnloyed nt Bald- Same Liberal Discounts on Tires and Accessories It in.this word of mouth endorsenioit' that builds GOOD WILL, win's studio for the summer. Leo Whiteheud is home for the and rlii.-i endorsement more and more prompts us to still summer vacation from the Carnegie greater efforts in qnaliUj, uniformity and fair dectlimj. institute of tochnologv at Pittsburg. A card party was held last week liy St. Agncs's club and n, larpe num- What would make a more appropriate * graduation gift her of prizes were awarded. The so- HAYES BROTHERS COMPANY ciety will give n chicken saliul supper to that boy or girl than a Bicycle? Member ol F*loristH* Telegraph Delivery next Wednesiiny Tiipht. Mrs. James Spires and Miss Jane 78 Monmouth Street, Red Bank, N. J. Spires spent Ihe week-end at Brook- Fl RRe d Bank 2 lyn. VANDERBURG NEWS. Four Pupils with Perfect Attendance Records for tlie Year. LOUIS J. TETLEY WILLIAM O'BRIEN | Pupil:; who were not absent nor lardy the past year were Kntlieriue 1. and Margarrl A. Dennett. Cliu1- 1'iici" S. Cunover and Margaret K. MEANS Scnnl'Hi. The attendance for the Bicycles and Motorcycles year was the highest in the history of the school. HIGH GRADE SERVICE Miss Kiln Carney returned home Saturday from a week's visit with Approved and Improved frirmls tit Belnmr. Repairing Miss J. Grace Hoey spent Thurs- day ati.-^'ientuii •HIHI."viMttyl.the. hol^ •Heating'™ "r- Pltiffibiiig*" " • mil M-huol. Mr*. Mary i^V**li;Il spent Saturday Water Systems Copper Work Mini .Sunday-H( Ited Flank. 4 Mechanic Street Phone 295-J Red Bank, N. J. Mrs. Michncl Itiordmi Is on the Earthen and Iron Pipe sick list. Dr. J. T). Kly of Malrlioro "Htat Enough to Broad Street for Convenience, Far Enough Away for Economy" is attending her, ('. II. Bi'iijiimin of Yarmond poul- ! try farm .spent Saturday and Sunday iut New York nnd Brooklyn. RED BA&C REfijSTER, JUNE 22, 1921, JP«u .-5!

*• BUTCHER BLEEDS TO DEATH. I Asbury Park M«n Fatally Stabs Self , Wfaile Trimming Meat. ] Morrj^ MesnikofT, an Asbury Park'j STORCK Of Course butcher, severed" the femoral urtcry ) while trimming hieat last Thursday and died in a teyt minutes from loss DOWN GO DRESS PRICES of blood. MesnlUoff was using a big '• knife which he held point toward him as he worked. He was using consid- j erable force with the knife and when Great Reductions That Bring You Fine Silk Dresses f or i it slipped the blade made a deep cut | in his groin. Mesnikoff told some children in the store to run for a doc- Almost (the Price of Cotton Dresses tor. He walked to the rear of the store and dropped. He was dead when help reached him. Mesnikoff was 24 years old. Brunswick A Clearance Sale of Apparel JEWELS AND GIRL VANISH. Summer Resident of Asbury "Park Loies Jewelry Worth $10,000. Jewelry valued ;it $10,000 and a -Savings Big! I housemaid disappeared from the sum- Records mer home of Milton A. Maas at As» bury Park last •week. The girl was These clearance prices are sure to'have a drastic effect. .We raced as far as Philadelphia an3 JULY suggests joy, relaxation and recreation. To Americans it there the detectives lost her trail. 1 • brings gratitude for national independence. In harmony with marked the merchandise low because we need the space it oc- The vanished jewelry consisted of a cupies. You benefit by the sacrifice in price that entails. . $2,000 ring and ;i string of 111 these thoughts this list of July Brunswick Records is submitted. pearls belonging to Mr. Maas's Prismatic rays of love, light and laughter eminate from these superb But come early—while the choice is unbroken. mother, lire. Sarah R. Muas. The jirl had given her name as Miss Helen reproductions. , Smith, but this is believed to have been a fictitious name. CONCERT. Handsome Beaded Canton Crepe Dresses, 10-in.—$1.00 HIGHLANDS NEWS. 10033 Love ii Mine (Teschemacher-Gartner) Tenor Mario Chamlce Smart Georgettes beaded and embroidered 10-in.—$1.00 $23.50 Children'* Da'y Observed Sunday—• 10031 Waltz in C Sharp Minor (Op. 64,.No. 2) (Chopin) (Pianoforte Solo) in exceptional rich fashion; a wide variety Many Win Prizes at Card Party. Leopold Godowsky Children's l)ay exercises were held 12-in.—$1.75 of the newest Taffeta Frocks and Dresses of the newest Sport Sunday at the Methodist church. 35001 Ah! Moon of My Delight—From "In a Persi.ui Garden" (Lchmann) Silks—straight line and bloused in effects, in the most desired The program consisted of songs, reci- Tenor " Theo Karlc tations and piano selections. Those When My Ship« Come Sailing Home (Stewait-Dorcl) Tenor Theo Karle colors. who took special parts were Hubert INSTRUMENTAL. Ryan, Louise Grim, Esther Farrer, 10-in.—$1.25 Formerly $35 to $65. Anna Johnson, Stella Steclman, 13022 The Swan (LeCygne) (Saint-Sacng) ('Cello Solo) Willem Willeke Helen Fitzpatrick, Eleanor Kaylei Berceuse from Jocelyn (Godard) ('Cello Solo) Willem Willeke Christine Grim, Virginia . Bogle, 10-in.—85c . Naomi Cottrell, Charles Anderson, 2007 American Fanlasie—Part I (Victor Herbert) New York Police Band Mabel and Btasie Phillips, Kenneth American Fantaiic—Part II (Victor Herbert) New York Police Band Bahrs, Helen Yates, Lloyd Cottrell, SACRED. Summer Frocks at Rosina Darby, Ronald Ryan, Vivian 10-in.—$1.00 Gilbert, Renoe Matthews, Nedra Rog- 5053 Still, Still With Thee (Garrish) Criterion Male Quartet ers and Florence Adair. Ralph Mead '"". " Son of God Goes Forth to War (Cutler) (wipl Brass Quartet) Coleman of West New York wa,s bap- Criterion Male Quartet tised Sunday morning. The sermon POPULAR. Special Prices topics for next Sunday will be "A 10-in.—$1.00 Belief in God" and "A Believer's 5055 America—(My Country 'Tis of Thee) (Smith-Carey) Mixed Voices Exquisite New Models in Loveliest Fabrics Transport to the Land of Promise." Collegiate Choir Last week's card party held by the Dixie (Emmett) Criterion Male Quartet social welfare society was in charge 10-in.—$1.00 ' • The particular woman or miss will find choosing from these col- of Mrs. Frank Freund. Those who 5056 Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep (Mitchell-Meyer) Tenor Duet won prizes were Mrs. Fred F. Des- James Sheridan and James Lynch lections a most interesting experience. In the first place, the saur, Mrs. J. Knutson, Mrs. Fred Springtime (Kahn-Friedland) Tenor Jamei SHeridan Darby, Bernard Mount, Mrs. J. Kay, 10-in.—85c styles presented are among the newest and most original. Mrs. M. Kay, Mrs. John.White, Mrs. 2098 Where the Lazy Mississippi Flows (Ffrcnch-dcFreyne) Tenor and James Concannon, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Baritone Charles Hart and Elliott Shaw liam Sandlaes, Mrs. Charles Miller, Somebody's Mother (Sterling-Von Tilzer Crescent Male Quartet Ginghams, Organdies and Voiles in pleasing diversity of new. Mrs. R. A. Schaller, Mrs. Hattl 10-in.—85c styles—trimmed and finished like expensive models—in wide Davis, Mrs. William Fehlhaber, Mrs. 2099 Drowsy Head (Irvine; Berlin-Vaughn de Leath) Strand Male Trio George Liming, Mrs. Mary Tomlin- Sauntering Along With Susan (Waren-Gurtis) Strand Male Quartet variety of beautiful new colors—delightful accessories. son, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Robert- 10-in.—85c son, Mrs^Addison Romaine, Fred E, 2101 Nestle in Your Daddy's Arm (Herscher-Burke) Tenor and Baritone Johnson, Mrs. Ellen Kueblcr, Mr. and Billy Jones and Ernest Hare Mrs. H. Jt' Spearing, Jacob S. Hoff- Down Yonder (Gilbert) Tenor and Baritone Billy Jones and Ernest Hare nan, Mrs. Joseph Germano, Mrs. J, FOR DANCING. L. Opferman, Mrs. Mary Mays, Mrs. 10-in.—85c i saac Mount, Mrs. Freund, Mrs, 2104 Crooning—Fox Trot introducing "Just a Week from Today" Unusual Collection of Blouses Samuel Burns, Miss Alvina Wecker, ' (Caesar-Rule) Carl Fenton', Orchestra Mrs. Frank Hemhauser, Mrs. Harr^ In Your Eyes—One Step introducing "Andrew" (Rinfrle-Dyson) An assortment of entirely new models—greatly reduced to ef- A. Brown, Mrs. Bernard Creighton, Carl Fenton's Orchestra Mrs. Valentine Weisenberger, Mrs 10-in.—85e fect immediate disposal. All the most desired materials. Clarence Burdge, J. Rother, Mr. an 2105 I Wonder Where My Sweat, Sweet Daddy's Gone—Fox Trot (Stark) Mrs. Kay, Mrs. F. W. Franklin Bennie Krueger's Orchestra Mrs. Harry Johnson, Mrs. Georg Satanic Blues—Fox Trot (Shields-Christian) Bennie Krueger's Orchestra Itadleberger, Mrs. Pitman Johnson 10-in.—85c There is always "Something Different" here. and Mrs. Clarence Parker. 2102 Tea Leaves—Fox Trot (Whiting) (Orchestral arrangement by Wal- Rennie Brown,, Howard A. John- ter Haenschen) Rudy Wiedoeft's Californians son, Harry H. Reuby and George Jabberwocky—Fox Trot (Kendis-Brockmnn-Brown-Eastwood-Weslyn) Make it a habit to watch our display windows. Swanson, have been appointed spe- Rudy Wiedoeft's Californians cial police officers without pay. 10-in.—85c A. M. Robertson has rented his 2103 Moonbeams—Fox Trot (Price-Stept) Green Brothers' Novelty Band house on Miller street to a Newark TCall You Sunshine—Fox Trot introducing "Say Yes" (Silvers-Frey) family for tHe summer. Green Brothers' Novelty Band Miss Gladys Poster, who will grad- 10-in.—85c uate tomorrow from Trenton normal 2100 Cherie (Dear)—Fox Trot (Bibo) Carl Fenton's Orchestra school, will teach next fall at Hill- Just Keep a Thought for Me—Fox Trot introducing; "Always"- side, near Newark. (Burtnett-Fischer-Kroll) Carl Fenton's Orchestra By a score of 8 to 7 the Highlands baseball team defeated Monmouth Any Phonograph Can Play Brunswick Records Beach Sunday afternoon on the Highlands diamond. The score was tied when the ninth inning started. Monmouth Beach failed to score in the first half. The winning run was 26 Broad Street Red Bank, N. J. scored by Highlands in the last half when Griswold batted out a liner STORCK Of Course which brought Scott Ahearn home Percy Hauser of the Highland team scored a home run during the game. NNMMMHHmHimH •••••••••••««••••••••« Next Sunday Highlands will play a team from Newark. Evelyn Card, four months old, Mother's May Be Fine daughter of Margaret and George, Card, died of pneumonia on Friday. The funeral was h.eld Sunday and ELKS' But Give Me the burial was at Bay View cemetery. The factory on -• Bay avenue re- opened last week, after having boon closed several months. • Miss Ella Collcran will attend the FAIR SOME!!! teachers' summer college at New Brunswick. ' A number of children at'thia place June 30, July 9 are laid up with sore throats. Scott Ahearn is home for the sum- mer from i Alfred college. Robert Dont Forget Collerau is home from Rutgers col- FOR MINE Ford Ton Truck Cuts Delivery Costs. lege The Children's When in Long Branch, Visit The Ford One-Ton Truck has cut "delivery costs" for thousands of busi- Hazlet iNews. The Hazlet school closed on Friday Picnic ness houses, farmers, factories, corporations, etc. Thousands of owners attest f last week. The teachers, Mrs EVAN'S PASTRY SHOP, 5 Second Avenue to its economy of operation and maintenance. They call the Ford a real Le-netta Green ami Miss Mary M Donovan, treated the children to "necessity" in their business. Ask us for a copy of the "Ford—A Business cake, ice cream and lemonade. Utility." Read what pleased owners, say. It will cost you nothing. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Dean, who were recently married, have returned from their wedding trip. They wil Built of tough Ford Steel with te ever-dependable, F,ord motor transmit- make their home at Hazlet in th< ting power to the aluminum-bronze worm drive, with demountable rims and John Hertle house. pneumatic tires, front and rear, together with the mechanical simplicity, have J. Frank Weigand has finished thi year's course in the New Jersey ltuv helped to give the Ford Ton Truck the lowest possible operating and main- school at Newark. He is employe! tenance cost. It is the lowest priced one-ton motor truck on the market. Add a law office at Newark for the summer. to these practical merits our after-service organization, which insures eveiy Miss Francis Lassor and Miss truck owner of genuine Ford parts and skilled Ford mechanics, so that the 3ussie Sherman hnye bought a Ford Ford Truck need never be out of service. ;ouring cur. Myron Conovor of California is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. To sum upp : Serviceabilityy, ,flexibility, y, powerp, ,durability y, ,lowest first and Judauii Conover. operating costs, service, all together are the Ford qualities which cut down expense and will help you cut your "deliivery costs." Real Estate of ordinary quality sro not good A Dry Cellar—Yet a Cool One Wo Sell— enough for prescription work. REAL ESTATE. A warm cellar is a poor storehouse. That's why vege- W. E. MOUNT Wo Ront— Only drugj and chemical! of the tables and other foodstuffs cannot usually be kept in the FURNISHED COTTAGES. very highest grade of purity are basements of homes heated by the old style pipe furnaces, MATAWAN RED BANK We Write— fit for use in preBcriptioni. We or the more cosily systems. The ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE I' ENGLISHTOWN NEW BRUNSWICK line the beat obtainable no mat- ter whet the coat and a^ow no Home Ventilator Furnace The Orisin.l PATENTED Pipolou MoJ.l A. L WINS AGENCY on* but registered phnrinucista Manufactured only by Ilic HOMER FURNACE CO., Homer, Mich. Telephone Office 392-W to compound the medicine will, radiate enough heat to keep' the cellar free from Room 7, Register Building, All prescription! aro double dampnc»3, but will not detract from its nututal coolness. L RED BANK, N. J. Vegetables can be stored with perfect safety. checked, thin guarding againit Hent is not wasted with the "Home Ventilator." The I Sell Real Etttate CRESCENT BRICK M'f'g., Riant PLUMBER the pouibility of error or inac- scientific principle of design nnd operation sends nil heat and STEAM FITTER i)ler I Rant Cottages Eatontown, N. JL curacy. You may depend upon units through' the combination hot- and cold-nir reu' i , Now U the time to have Furnaces, 4_# the preicrlptiom you hnvo filled and from there it is evenly distributed throughout the house. • ....Si^wjOLAas^. _, _.. \ Stoves, Smoke Stacks, Gult^rt, _,', '- Clean, simple imd BAffeV'SDoeait't waste Tpacb and J Itlidert a'nilgoneral plumbind put •'{ r in order before coldiweathar sots "? doesn't necessitate a big installation coat. We can equip Monmouth County Farms •~"'~""" jpACB OF&CK , '. in. A your residence with a "Home Ventilator" in a few hours, WHITE-GRAY BUFF1 RED Estimates given for new Ha«t«rs. *.* SCltROEDER'S PHARMACY, for a little more than you would puy for a nood base Ask about the now pipeless heater. burner. Ask us for more information! W. A. HOPPING Special HOWARD PREY II. C. HUBBARD, Prop. Sanitary IPIumblng 10 Broad Street, Bed Bank. William O'Brkin, Rod Bank awl Subrlght. TRtltX BUILDING F1I4E F»L.ACE BRICK 74 Monmouth St. R«d Bank T.I.Dbon. 146 T.l.phfn. 3S BRQAD STREET PRICES: «aS to BOO per Thousand RED BANK. N. I. Peee FOOT RED BANK , J^NE 22,' M. FORGOTSON H. FEGUHSON mmm Tdcpkoiw 79rJ *30HN If. COOK, 'Editor and Patrilihftr. OBORGK C. HAKCE, AllocUU Editor.' Busln«AB Manager: The M. & ft. •10: THOMAS 1HVING BROWN. •niered at the pastofftce at Bed BaDk, Upholstering Co. at. J.t n» sccond-doea matter. Auto Trimming, Interior Finishing. Subscription Prices! Jh» jpar * %x monthH 1155 Couches and. Parlor Suites Made to l*.r.« months „ .j .40Order. Goods Called fof and Deliv- ~~Wt'.'»NKSDAY, JUNE 22, 11)21. ered. 35 W. Front St. RED BANK, N. J. .,' TOWN TALK.. What jniblk" .sentiment can do to 1 Local and infliKMH !' immii'i]>al EoviTiimrnt' was EXTRAORDINARY SALE illusti'.iti'il Monday ni|jlit when a J"ooli.-i!i rvlii-iiii'1!" spuml ;?••">,000 of the OF |M.'OpK:'.^ nurry f'oi' ;i pulict* U'U'^i'iiph Long Distance ^y.sli'in was Icnotkt'd out. At the oounc:! iiHH-liiur' Mmnliiy ni(jhl it was slak-J I hut tli.- tvU-pliono company Moving. h:ul oilY-iv.l tn insUll :i..simihii- system General Trucking, A majority of the councilmen v/i'ru oliRinally nl'laver of spending $.r>,0(H> .for :i (j'li'ivr.iph system ami it was Baggage and Footwear for only 1>". ine I he people were so strongly oppusi'd tu the project that H itib ilefiiiled. Tin- saving of Express Service. $[,,C0li, important a.- that is. is pcr- Beginning Tomorrow, Thursday, June 23d, '21, lljip> less valuable than the lesson which the incident teaches. Heal rep- FIREPROOF VANS. resentatives lire always willing lo he and-corainuing for a limited period, we are offering some of our carefully selected merchan- Kliid.'d liy. the will of the people, and evc-n thus? nflieials who are not actu- dise at phenomenal reductions. iil'i'd liy siieh motives cannot entirely iR-nore an intelligent expression of ANDERSON 8R0S.T This sale is put on to dispose of this stock quickly. The lines are broken, but your public opini'on. Aroused public senti- ment cannot sin•ei-ssl'ully be delicti. Opposite Red Bank Depot size is here. Regular values up to $10 included in this sale. Red Bank, N. J. • If the people of lted Hank showed THERE ARE NO RESTRICTIONS TO THIS SALE. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. as much iiitcve.-t. in other matters as Telephone 704. ttiey displayed in this question of the polite telegraph system, Kcd Bank •MmtHtHHMHHMMM would he one of the best governed municipalities in the state. Mutters v of much' 1,truer importance ;uo con- Something Doing stantly bi'iiij? passed on by the mayor Ladles* L~ia.dLies :iud council, but these things scarcely create more than passing, attention. Every Minute White Reighskin Pumps and Oxfords, Mil- 11 is rare that mure than a dozen per- Patent Colt Pumps, Military and Louis heel sons are at a council meeting. itary and Louis heel * * * People become vastly excited when town official:; are being chosen at ELKS' Special, $4.43 "lections, but this interest seldom Special, lusts after the ballots arc counted. Even tins interest is largely of no value to the cause of pood govern- ment, for the people are vastly more FAIR concerned in party success than in the election of capable and honest offi- cials. This partisanship and the apa- Meet Me There thy shown by the people in the man- Patent Colt and Gun Metal Opera Pumps Kid and Patent Colt Oxfords, Louis heel ag'ement of public affairs "is a fine thing for politicians and nfliceliolders. June 30, July 9 They know how to capitalize it for their benefit;' but this partisanship and apathy is detrimental to the pub- Special, $3.65 Special, $3.93 lic in inver.-e ratio to its benefits for politicians and officeholders. Children's and Misses' Gun Metal Strap Pumps, $1.93. Prohibition scored another knock- out over a hotel last week when the hotel property at Colt's Neck was sold at sherilV's sale for $.1,500. Probably never again will this build- ing- serve in any way as a hotel or place of public entertainment. Ten ALBERTS. years a^o its former owner bought it THE OLIVER OIL-CftS BURNER ' iinrcookinROrheatinffsto for $lfj,000 and a year later he re- stove. Unrns cool oil (far _ fused an offer of '$18,000. Thus, j none). No caul or wood. Cooks "Shoes That Satisfy tnd bakes better. Chcapep.-Kceps wince the prohibition law has been in your homo wanner. You regulate _ flame. flTS ANTS1QVE INTHHCRE, No I effect, the properly has decreased to fires to Start, no Silica, no chop- I one-fourth of the value it had in the pine, shoveling, poking and drag. I 18 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. Ringotcoul. SavC3 hounof work I hard drinking days. nnifloadB of dirt. Simple. .Safe. * * * to tilove, l*jL3tift lifetime. Some prohibition advocates get a good deal of satisfaction out of inci- dents of this kind. They regard such F. C. MOYAN & CO. I occurrence', as groat victories for so- 259 Shrewabury Avenue, Red Bank. briety and temperance and to a cer- I Phono 10US-J. tain extent they arc- right. What has 1 happened at ('oil's Neck has. taken : plac in nearly every other country place whore a hotel existed. Almost the last vosth'.e of the rural hotels iif.s been wiped nul. In the few»»»»<>•••»»»•••»«••»•»«»»•••••»»••••••••••••><•»•»•••••••••»•••••»•••»••»••>»•«• place-, where tbpsn village hotels are ->UU in'existence it. is only a question of a short time when they vvill dis-

Prohibition vucate.-- haw every ' reason in be -!ied with prohibition . New Chevrolet Prices so far ;•.-• i's I'iVrri ive ki FIREMEN'S FAIR out enui;l.ry hi,l"ls is ii'.d. In- stead off flontii;!li ' over this ct, liott- 1 ll auspices •*'vor, a wise; :tt;d saner [[nil-- wmild Effective May 7th, 1921 be to (r> to preserve in rural 1 i 1"• • tile . Kood features of these disappearing hotels. In solll'- places tnis has been done and dcmueraiie neiejilierhi'ud. • •upitals have been built up where WEST SIDE HOSE COMPANY "Fpur-Niiiety" Models iulks can feather for, social intercourse. and recreation. l -. ., R.B.F.D. Touring $ 645 Poopb' livinjc in cities and lat'ifc towns, with recreation, amusements and sports offered on all sides, have no idea of the part that, rural hotels Roadster 635 pl.iyed in relieving the tedium and (iru.-.iic lahnr:oiisness of rural life. To Firehouse Grounds build up eoinniunil y centers where the j^ooil features and nniu- of the bad 1195 .feature.- of thr rural hotels are'car- Leighton Avenue Tied on is a project which should vc- •ieive more .it tent inn than i' does. Until this i., dune prohibition cannot • Coupe - - - •-.•-•- 1155 be said lo he a complete .-ucct s.s./or • +o be a complct." succs-. it must re- AUGUST 5th to 15th •place what is destroyed with sonu¥- Tjiin;;,, better. Also, until tliis proli- This is an advance announcement. Set the above date on your • Light Delivery Wagon - 645 "leni i.-, solved, lit lie proirr-'ss can he• social calendar. Prepare to assist those who are ever ready :nade in choekinu' the city\^'ard movc- <- ' All prices i. o. b. Flint, Michigan jtient which is nd)hiiiLr tile country and willing to serve you. districts of their brightest and mo-;t • ambitious mind: iiulon^ younp; folks, •i Dancing Every NigHt (Town Talk continued on page 1-1)1- 1 »•••»•»»•»•»»•»»»»»•»•••»»»•»»••••»»••»•»•»»»»••»••••••»••••»•»»»••»»•••»•»•»•»• J.W. MOUNT CO. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY, 54 Hroml St.. Itrd Dank. N. J. B«rvlcti—Runi!nr 11:00 A. M.. 8:00 P. H Maple Avenue and White Street, Red Bank, N. J. Bunriay-Rrlionl— U !»B A. M. WcJn»H.I»r Evrnini T«tlinonl>l Mfthin -a-.00 p. M. Telephone 515 fr.im 2:30 I." 1.S0 P. M. tho jiulill,' i» conlmllr fnvitoil to Tlitt The Bank's fart in Business Success | thk Hcuintitt R.mm unil to tho n«*rvic««. This institution is constantly expanding its services, and + HHUMHWHWMHIWHOIIIIWMIMIHmBiHIHI facilities, to the end that it shall fill an ever more important part + Telephone Monmouth Beach 2296 We Have in the advancement of its customers' interests. . T C. A. CAMPBELL & SON Several Bargains May we serve YOU ? ' • . T AT nil times you MONMOUTH BEACH, N. J. f* will find posi- Formerly at Shrewsbury, N. J. EMPIRE GARAGE tive evidence of our cupnbility. You can be certain if you AUTOMOBILE GARAGE 21 E. Front St., Rod Bank entrust us with a THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK commission that " Oars Sold on Commission will bu lioncstly ful- Going to Have a Party? RED BANK, N. J. filled. Automobile Repairing, Painting, Trimming: and Lettering Hav« « Caterer 1 , Total Resources Over AUTO ANBUIAHCC SERVICE faAtW •"•"Ifwni'aiVB^yciu'rTot ofwofirnnd brail orcAMi CADILLAC 8 and BUICK worrimont and wont coBt you an much E5T.H.C.FAY •« U you did the work yoiirnolf. Overhauling • Specialty Let mo KIVO you art catimnto, 2 per cent paid on ComiViercinl jVccQtinto carrying a balance of Sl.OOO or more. A.W.VfORDEN JR. NO IOB TOO LAROE NOR NONE TOO SMALL TO RECEIVE OUR ATTENTION ' JAMES WOLCOTT 4 per cent paid on Savings Account* of any amount. FU«ERAL DIRECTOR 18 William Slreat, R«<1 R.nk, N. J. 60E.FR0HTST. RED B&KK If your Cadillac U not right •«> n« i>l once to nn f an ro«»«r Phone 4S2-W. WMMHWIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIHHIMIIWIKHHMI RED BANK REGISTER, JUNE 22, 1521. Page Mm CHOICE SCHOOL SITE. ColtVN.cU F«!ki Donj W*HI School 3 houit OB « Buck Ro»J. ; The Atlantk- lownship Ijoanl ofj education i* considering the udvisa-j , bllity of lindinB another »iu- fur the OIG SALE STILL. ON! Farmers! ! Bchoolhouse which was voted for liy !• I the people at an election two wvckn! Jugo. At thai election an uppropria-j EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD IN THIS SECTION NOW HAS THE OPPORTUNITY TO GET HIGH GRADE, DEPENDABLE | tion for JHOO was voted to buy n lot* ; | from the Formal! Taylor estate on; I the Vnmlcrbui'K road, opposite St. > FOOTWEAR AT PRICES AT OR BELOW MANUFACTURERS' COST My Stock J Mary'fi church. Some rt'Hidentn of Colt's. Neck believe that the (school-1 Contain* Many Henry Graf's Great Retiring Sale has been a gt-eat MONEY SAVER to hundreds of persons in Monmouth County. Folks have * house should lie on the main county ] rend instcntl of on a buck roud and \i come from far and near to get their share of the many shoe bargains and if you are not among those who have been here this i.s an Of the Much Needed it i*i OH thi>i account tliut the board in { considering a change. Wurren Mat-| invitation for you to come as there is something here for you. If you have been here, come again as it is doubtful if ever again will Article* So Important thewa hn« offered to sell a lot for j $1,000 on .the main ynad for a school-, there be such a gigantic shoe sale as the one now going,on at this store. On Every Well Kept house site. .Severn! Colt's Neck resi- There remains quite an assortment of that lot of shoes that was added to the pale last. week. This stock was bought for this sale I dents have offered to contribute i Farm. the J200 dlfTvreuco betwei-n the ivp- from the United States Metals Refining Company of Chrome, New Jersey. All this very unusual purchase was added to my stock to be propriutiun und the price asked by; If There't Anything Mr. Matthews. I sold at less than cost. * . ' You Need On Your Right here in the heart of the summer season we have SUMMER FOOTWEAR for you at less than half what i.-; charged for the COLT'S NECK NEWS. i 1 Place, See Me same elsewhere. Come at once and make your selection for the family for their future needs and FOURTH OF JULY. Ted Smith Struck by Auto—Sunday-' ! About It • chool Picnic—Lawn Sociable. < ' Re'ad over the partial list of great bargains listed below: Ted Smith wus struck und knocked First. down last week by 1111 automobile owned by a Long Branch man. Mr. Smith was bruised anil shaken up, but; he was- not seriously hurt, He; Come at Once. Bring the Family. Your Dollar Will Go Three Times as Far Here as Elsewhere Some of fainted shortly after the accident but, i he soon revived. He ivESll has to limp Men's Scout Shoes,, Endicott Women's Black and White Men's Black and Tan English i The Many Things when h<" walks. The I.»IJB Branch | uutoist has called several timen at, Johnson make. Very special $2.49 Sport Oxfords and Black last. Eifdicott Johnson maku $2.98 To Be Found at Mr. Smith's house to inquire about and Tan Sport Oxfords . . . $2.98 his condition and to brinj^ fruit and Women's Tan Brogue.Oxfords $2.98 George OgSvie'a, flowerh;. .Mr. Smith wns laid up a fewI Misses' Tan High Cut., sizes 11 days. Men's Tan Oxfords $3.49 Men's Dr. Hayne's Improved East Front Street, The Kirl*' club will hold a lawn :>o- to 2. Special :. $1.98 * ciable July 14th, at \yhich ice cream, " Cushion, Sole Shoes. 30 Red Bank, N. J. I Men's Tan Brogue Oxfords, Th:'akee p, icandy and punch will be sold, j A pairs. Regular $8 value. Have about 100 pairs Rubber beerhen ]}lacdecidede fo. r thThe sociable profites hawilsl nobet >*v , Slater's Make. Three dif- Retiring Sale Price $3.98 Boots, short and hip styles.. Deering and McCormick • used U> finance an outing which the 'K'rls will make sit Muiuisijuiiu for sev- \$ ferent styles ;.. .• $4.95 ••I ' r all standard makes. Reg- i nil weeks ilurint; the,summer. . Horse Mowing Machines, A tiurpri.se birthday party was : Women's vici kid pumps, all ular $(i values. To close l^'iven for Mrs. Russell Hculitt Friday \ Horse Tedder, Eight ;nili;ht. Forty quests wore present' •> Men's Patent Leather Ox- sizes, 3 to 8. Military heel. out at ., $3.49 Fork; [and they enjoyed games inul music. • fords. Plain toe. Regular Sold in most stores at $4 per | Mrs. Hvulilt receiver] a number of; Infants' .shoes and pumps. Rifts. At a late hour refreshments j •> $8.50. Now going at .." $5.19 pair. Retiring sale price ... . $1.98 Horse Rakes, Etc. of sandwiches, cake, ccill'ei- and fruit j Black and Tan. Lace and were served. , Little Gent Shoes. Sizes 9 to Button. Stock up irow while Pupilfi of Atlantic township who Patent Leather, who were promoted at the Freehold . 13' u. Black and Tail .* . . . $1.98 ""they last. Per pair, only . .'. $1.69 For the Potato Grower: hiji:h school were Fred Wilkins, lieii- Goodye'ar • Welt Pumps. trici" mid Robert Doyle, Kdini Wueb- Four-Row Spraying Ma- ber, .lamea and Dorothy Desmond, Opera or with straps. Just Men's Tan English Last Shoes. Women's .Comfort Oxfords, Helen Read, Mabel Willett, Leroy chines, with three nozzles Duncan and Mildred Matthews. :](> pai,rs left to be sold at $1.98 Goodyear welt $3.49 'special ".. $1.98 to the row. A specially Miss Alice Doyle of Freehold spent j - Saturday and Sunday with her par- j »J» constructed machine for ents, Rev. and Mrs. Daniel I\ Doyle. ' In addition to the above specials we have a lar^e assortment of Tennis, Outing and other Sport Shoes; Shoes for Little IVIen and Mr. mid Mrs. Windsor Heulitt Women, Boys'Shoes, Comfort Shoes, etc. potatoes known as The spent Friday with friends at Anbury 1'ark.. They also attended thu com- Red Jacket. mencement exercises nt the Asbury i I'urk hi(>h school, at which Mrs. :•!• Four-Row Dusting Ma- Heulitt's brother graduated. At a meetinc of the consistory of chines. the Iteformi'd church hist week it was 'votcilHo have a well put down on the west side of the chapel, adjoining SALEDAILY, RAIN OR SHINE Atlantic cemetery. The tyellwil l lie for the use (if persons who KO to tin* Insecticides, cemetery as well as for the use' of Front Street, Foot of Broad, Red Bank, N. J. church folks. A committee to have Calsium Arsenate, the well made was appointed, con- sisting- of Walter I). Fields, John Araenate of Lead Powder, Sherman and Russell Heulitt. The Sunday-school of the Ke- Paris Green, fonned church will hold its annual ***^^ picnk1 at Clark's himiin^ on July!^ Bordeaux Green- Mill- L1NCROFT NEWS. SUPP'S Binder Twine. A Letter from Edward Clayton of China.—Ladiet' Aid Ha. $202.57. Headquarters for Kdward Clayton, a formeiv resi- dent of this place who in now doing ; 2 missionary work in China, writes to j The June Diploma Parts for All Machines. friends here that every week he reads KHAKI CLOTHING The Register from beginning to end, advertisements and all. Most of nil June is the mon-th of commencements and the young he i.s inttirented in news from Lin- FOR MEN AND BOYS croft, his old home. He thinks th<' man or the young woman who goes out into the world with One-Horse Cultivators, ladies' aid society is doinp; n ureut work. Best of all, he says, he is glnd a check book, showing hard earned credits, not only Riding Plows, to know that weekly meetings are t being held at the chapel. Estate of H. N. SUPP commands respect but holds a commercial diploma which Sulky Plows, The ladies' aid society will meet i" the chapel tomorrow afternoon. The 19 BROAD STREET, RED BANK, N. J. Tandem Disc Harrows. members will start working for the certifies to excellent qualities and attainments. fair \vhich will be held in connection with the annual supper in October. Sir.ce January the society has put And a Hundred and More $202.r>7 in the hnnkr*"! addition to If they draw their checks on this Company, they are- paying all runninp; expenses. Other Necessary Articles, Miss I.inda ltassetl is visiting Mr. further beneh'tted by the prestige of the institution where and Mrs. Stetslin at their summer ALL MODERATELY home at Miina.squnir, , they do their banking. Misses Anna and I.ydia Thompson Why Pick Up . Stl .. . PRICED. spent part of last week at Ilrooklyn 11 with their aunt, Mrs. Charles Taylor | of West I.OUK flrnneh, who bus been it i sick at the home of her son a long After a Laundress ? time. Mis. Taylor died while her RED BANK TRUST COMPANY nieces were with her. The funeral waa bt'hl Saturday at the chapel at It's almost as much of a task as the washing its- 1 Red Bank, N. J. I George I. Ogilvie Fair View cemetery, where tht N self—picking up after your laundress ; seeing n burial was niadi'. Mrs. Taylor I'or-! J t 35 East Front Street, j mi'rly lived here. I i that things are rightly done ; fussing over her Under State Supervision | Mr. and Mrs. Warren Updike ofi^ meals; measuring out soap and starch and RED BANK. • Alleiihurst tvere visilors at the hiwue).: I ! of (leoi'KC Thompson and Miss Knuna [i fn our Commercial Department we pay 2% Interest ! Thompson oil Sunday. ij other supplies. t i Phone 539-W. School L'lost'd i'; is the king ish pm-nuiiH viiilntini: the luuv.itiliiiii tlit-'re- . lishernuin nf these parts .mil Alviti everything dried and ready to put away except t>f." opprnvtMl Mny iv/i-iity-m-i-oiiil, eighteen hundred aii'l iilln'ty-ftuii', in iinu-mlpil by ne;t lU'iiiu-tt runs him a close siruinl. a few starched pieces that you can easily iron. niilirovrd April twelfth, uiiietc'n hundred j Kdward nr.d Krnest liisiholf uf Mill fifteen, nr nny nielluiil of treiUment of {New York spent part uf last week lihfunf, wilbuut » lii-i,ii*e, HIIIIII forthwith mnl tlir Stuti? llouril of .with their brother. A?i!h flcarcilr and enoiiiiiiim to^l til Ilutcil May 1». HIM. i she wns taken sirk whih1 on a visit BURDGE & RUSSELL J ' (MNTOMV, it contain* full itmc ,s(<»i.( lilt. AI.KX MiioAI.lSTKIt. •Ixlr .ronrs' test. Se'4 'Tfryivlit-rc or 'ir Brnrelury, Stilt.' Ilimril nf Mrillcal Ilieri! al the home "f Mrs. Joseph W pleasure. a mail, .-.no boillr. _ _ ' Kxniiiiiieirt o[ New .leiney. J_ ; lv Tliom jison. e r.M. c \. v.iorh,r,, ?r. n.. riiiimiriuiiiik Moamoutli County Surrocate'i Offic*. I Mr.i, tloodan. who lives with Inr We know that you'll like thirf nmdern way of Nolle* to creillton to prvntmt cltiimn ntcalnii eiUte. futiier, JiinicK ('tn'i'rt. is a patient at taking the toil out of wash-day. - • Q Mriniiiiiiitli rotinly .Siiit(i>;ilf> Oflitu, In tht mitter of tlm ••lulu of Wllllnm N, jthi- Long llrnncb hospital. Expert Piano and DunneU, d«co«9cil. ! Cbireni'i' Me(Jneen. .luhn .lelVrey. Puriuant to ihe nnlpr of Joseph It. Dona* Try it, today -phone for our driver ; we'll {.III Mil' ln;il>ri ..I Illii. ..Int.- n| .St.|ilM'l| hay, BurroKKt* of the Oounty of Mnnmoutb, j.fanuiH G'Dunnell, (ti-orjii- Mimser and m»de an th« ninth iliy of Anrll. 1'J'il. on th<;('ail and Alfred Winters caiuneil out have him call for your washing. •. I'll'111 l -l.lrl-'Lull l !,I.l .I Ill- ..l.li., .,f .l...,.|,|, |,. |h,,,:,- application of Willluin Duunull l.tihrn, aur> ; fnmi .Saturday afternoon to Monday • I I,.- I'.. • Ivlns executor of the rntnte nf Willlan Furniture Movers S """I'- >" '!••• - >•• Hi ,1,11 ,.f .Inn, |n • murniiur; in n tenl neurthe Swiinniini!: N. Dunnell, dflct>fta«il, nntlcB in l^rfhy R1V«C X , ,,n II,•• .iniii,. .,1 i. ( \V:ill,.i \ (•,„,,,,, .. to thfl cteilltnrii at until (IrccaH^i) td exhibit river bridge, TJicy caiJM'bl I'iir strinys ii 0 '"'••> •' •'•••• •;< 'I,,- ,.I.,I. ,,r si.., „ AI',,., to thl subscriber, mirvivlnn <..,il.,.l. 411 UnUtrrnity Itontl, i,,l, .t I ,. ,.]i,,l,l. N. .1., ti I v. |'.i' I. llruiikliini, Man iliuw. His nnither, Mia. Annie llooli dtgunani FllBD W. HOPK, Couimol. I of Ut'il Hank, spent last week with h I \V M.l'l;it A. CONItllY. llroail and Krnnt Kticetn, him. KI'IIIKIIIIIU. N. .1. ll.d Bank. N. J. Fireproof Storage (Ill,, Monmouth Comity .1 ignte'B Oflice. « Null.-.. I- I,!.,i- '.. !>,. Nutlcc to rrnHtiir* to pi it I'lnlms nimlrml .'»t»t^. r o In the mutter nf tln< i^l nf .Ini'i.ll I." .1.1.1 ? 8 Rack Trucks for Produce 1 1 . ..I I,, .1, C. MILLER 2 I . ;; I.I 1.1 II,,. ,.,,1 I. . ..fcir.ui»ia.l.(i .Itic.urilef, «t.Jl..!.^:ll!i I.. .lij!l'.l. 1 » 0 I'M 1,1. ,,l M,. i hny, nfTrroirali! of Hi' l.oimly 't Mniiiiinuln t.. ..,i ih, I!" .'I, 'I.! miiit« on tin fnurth 'lnstf>(.f Mny. lli'il. nr (lie anpllratlini of !;ii«iiSill'i lwl.l..|, LWII- Heavy Duty Trucks and Trailers- II|'I trlx nf.ir,. .1,1,1, tIn I, ili'lil 11 nml ill' 62 WHITE STREET; RED BANK, N. J. ,.„.., .1 I , i.ilnlm hi II I,.,', I", ii,lnili.|.,\ niitnHR nunlmit th« nuiil <*ntnt<>, ilmtt>r nath. Office, 40 Mechanic Street, Red Bank, N. J. ,, , „!.,,. .111111, ll" I, .1-1.1 1,11,1 ,1, III,,.Mil \ wltlifn alx iminthi ftntn tin* tlMtn of, th* LONG BRANCH. N. J. ' Hi,. ,|il,l in,', IIII'I,, ,,olli, nllliln nfnre«ald order, nr tht'y will \m fnrever Telephone 32-J. ill,.. In,MI ilii> ,l,,l,' <,l Hi. i,l,.,'> ,,.i,l .,, . hnrren »t tln-lr nctlniiH Iliprffm- nuariirit thl All Kind* of Alteration* Hi.-v ..ni,i.r !,,,.>., I,,,,i,-.i ,,r II,,,,. nalii liili.ti IIIIT. Telephone 894 i ,1 I , • ,I,..M N .1 , .Inn,. I, I TM. Patf.l !-rf Block * • a .horse whip. Webber is thirty years Find out about pasteurization, its methods and i old. • Hi1 and Helen have been living the last moment. Order now, to be delivered .;# • with Webber's mothm, Mrs. Emma Claij advantages. Webber. After the allied! beating later. Helen .showed a number of bruist-s Snow Boost the right article. on her body to her playmaU-s ami dU look said these marks had been made by Full line Repairs on Hand Webber1 with the whip. Helen's com- alike to panions tokl their parents about the SHREWSBURY DAIRY CO., Inc. incident, with the result that news MOHAWK of the alW'KHtl utren.se was brought to j No connection with any other dairy or company. . the attention of the county author- \ C. H. ROBERSON TIRES ities. / 1O West Front Street Red Bank, N. J. Telephone Red Bank 8-R Webber was iiiTe.'yU'd and placed JOHN H^NSEN under $500 bail, lie did not deny Telephone 1132 boating the girl, /He said she ilo- 42 WEST FRONT STREET, scrveil punisijmetn beeauseshe had RED BANK, N. J. ' taken money owned by his mother to *•••••••«••••••••••++••••••••»•••••••«»•••••»••»•»»•»»•»•»•«•••»•••••••••»•»•••; Phone 72-R. buy candy. Webber was unable to get a bondsman Thursday and he was put in jail. On Saturday Mort V. Psic.h of Red Bank, deputy shcrilf (if j the county,- became Webber's bonds- i Thursday and Friday, June 23, 24 man, Webber was then released. ! Helen in now at the home of a nei^h- ! bar. She denies that she stole the j money owned by Mrs. Webber. j To HOLMDEL NEWS. | Motorcycle and Bicycle Lawn Party for Children at the Re- formed Parsonage Friday. Strand Theatre A lawn party lor the children of the Reformed Sunday-school was Notice to Motorcyle Riders and Dealers held on the grounds of the parsonage Friday afternoon. The youngsters • had a glorious time. Mrs. [ji-onson Butler, Mrs. Cooi-ge K. Si'linul; and Mrs. Wilmcr MacNair directed the Rebuilt and Re-Enameled Motorcycles party. Women's $7.S0 to $10.50 Children's day was observed at the. Baptist church .Sunday night. A line 1 at Pre-War Prices program was ji'iven before a l.-iru't Low Shoes—— audience. • Harold Holmes, sun of I'hriney Holmes, undi'f.verit an upe.vat ion" for 4 Harley-Davidson Motorcycles 22 Indian EVIotorcydes tonsil trouble at the Long Ilranch hospiUil Thursday. The um'-.v.tuin at $325 and $4.95 was lUiccessi'ul and Iliit-.dd returned Henderson Motorcycle Two Smith Motorwheels hume Saturday. N* All my last season's fine' low shoes in while, black, Mrs. Lillian Kiclvird.-., who is iliivo- tor of the telcphoiif •exchange, here, Briggs and Siratton Sftoforwhee! 20 Rebuilt Bicycles 28x3 Motorcycle Tires brown, etc., and some of this season's fancy styles go spent jjart of last week at ' Mnna- at above prices. Many of them I paid $7.65 wholesale •~iiiui:i, where she attended the public Also have side cars for SVIachines. Lowest Price Possible for. school commencement exercises and s:i\v her daughter Mina graduiite. In the Sale are Men's and Soys' Shoes School closed for the summer va- cation Friday. Miss Caroline Merri- man, teaclier of the. ])rimary depart- Men's and Children's at prices ment, is attending a summer school at New Briinsv.-ii-k. from 95c. $2.65, $3.75 to $5.95 Leonard .Mount is out lifter ha^inft been laid up a week with injuries 4 which he received when his automo- bile was struck by a locomotive at • Hazlet. 236 Broadway Long Branch, N. J. Miss Caroline llance has been visit- iiijr relatives at Red Bank. A good Men's Kli'/abeth .MeCloes is spending part of the summer vacation with her sis- assortment sizes ter. Alls. ]{. W. Ketts of Kloomliol of sizes Many residents of this place at- 6 to 11 tended the Chautauqua entertain- for women More ments at Freehold last week. 3 to 8 8 to 10 T1NTON FALLS NEWS. A,AA, B, Party in Celebration of Mrs. Willinm than other H. VaiiBrunt's Birthday. C, D. sizes i A party was held last week in cele- ibration of the (illth birthday of Mrs. j William II. VanBrunt. Mrs. Van- The Home of Good- Shoes ; Brunt received a number of gifts, j I Her guests were Mrs. Clara Vnnllise, 9 Broad Street, Red Bank I-Mrs. .Maud I'olhemus, Mrs. Jennie i ' Whalcn, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Stry-1 ker, Mrs. Wesley Watkins, Miss Elsie! Every pair of th?se were made to order for me arid the VanHise, .losie. Huth and Arnold ' best I could buy for last season's prices. They are sell- VanHisc, Miss Anna Whalen, Mr. I and Mrs. Morris WhaUil, Mr. and! ing at far less than today's wholesale cost. Y6u-don't Mrs. Vernon Wbulen, Miss Wilma care" nor do I what the loss is. I want to sell them and Stryker, Dorothy and Arnold Stry- get in the cash. You gain if you buy at these ridicu- jker. Miss Sylvia' I'olhemus. Floyd ti. I Truswoll am! Brennan Vanllise. j lously low prices. .. Howard Johnson, Jr., aged twelve j years, son'of Howard Johnson, is now i All This able to use his left arm. lie had to • carry it in a sling for several weeks j CLARENCE WHITE ins the result of an injury he suffered ; This Is one of the big Early Summer Events at this store which offers Home Furnishers an when an automobile ran into him. Miss Charoltte. McGuire has been ... . excellent chance to save 9 Broad Street Red Bank re-engaged as teacher of the Gar- liuld public school at Long Branch, )>>>«> I»I 0 8 » « e ««»t 8 19IIi >««« 11 **t M * I MM Mrs. James Cummings was taken An Extra 15 per cent, on Beds, Crihs/Cots, Day Beds, Springs f 'to the Long Branch hospital for an j •>- operation last week. s$er sons Ray- mond and Samuel spent Sunday with Pillows and Mattresses. I her. I Mrs. F. J. McGuire is making a| In addition to the revised prices oh all merchandise which went into effect a short time ago we will allow I stay with her daughter, Miss Mar-j (caret McGuire of Newdorp, Staten I j Island. I j Floyd H. Truswell is working on o< John Itelyar's farm. AN EXTRA 7he Chocolates "with ^ An auomobile owned by William VunWiiu'kK' was run into lust week thoWonderful Centers by a Trenton automobile near James •> Curamings's store. Nci one was hurt, but Mr. VanWinckle's car was badly ! damaged. _ DISCOUNT j EVERETT NEWS. 'i j Entertainment Given at the School- home Last Thursday. . For Bed and Oeddiog Week I School closed fur the summer va- I cation last week and a line entertain- ment was given by the pupils Thurs- WHITE ENAMEL AND WOOD FINISH BEDS. COTS—Less 15 p. c. day afternoon. Many parents and 5 Old price S7.5(.l relatives of the children were present, OKI price S <).5o. Revised price s 7..50. .ess 15 c. $ 6.37 Kcvised price S5.0O. I ess 15 p. c. $4.25 Selections on a mandolin and drum Old price SI i.5i>. Revised price S 9..So. ess 15 c. $ 8.07 SLIDING COUCHES, were played by Ilugh Ryder, the OKI price SIS. 00. Revised price S I 2.75. ess 15 c. $10.83 I teacher, ami William LecUly. The Complete with Mattress. I teachur treated the children and the Old price SIX.50. Revised price SI.5.75. ess 15 c. $13.39 Old price si 5.(id. Revised price SI 2.75. Less 1.5 p, c. $10.84 3 visitors to candy, cake and soda.,water. i Old price S2I.O0. Revised price SI0.5(1. ess 15 c. $15.73 Mrs. Walter Palmer of Long OKI price S2.S.00. Revised price S22.5O. ess 15 c. $19.13 PILLOWS—Less 15 p. c. Branch niuUMUs Elizabeth Vaughn of Old price S( Mun- li Old price Revised price SI .'.5d. Less 15 p. c. $11.48 I Old price SI 2.00. Revised r.'-l. mi ttu- iii>i>linitii)ti tit IVlix It. Hiin- OKI .price S2.S. O0. Revised price S2H.IM). Less i 5 p, c. $17.0C liiiii!i.|». ».linliil«triil.ir ,.f III.- wlnlo of price so.'is. Loss IS Siilllu |-r..-J.-.n.li. .l.r.-in.-.l. n.itici' U lior.'- i r=^ - p. c $8.49 f BED SPRINGS—Lew 15 p. c. hy KUVII t« II ri'illliiw '>t mijil ilMcmril Old price S d.5o. Revised price S5.on. l.e:.s 15 p. c.'$4.25 «'» tif.. ',.,,,|,l. tlii-ir il«l>(n ' Itinl ilfmnml" r Old price SIcS./^ RevisedJiriceiS!,S.7.S..J.i;s,,'i..l.i.p..c..$13.2a.. ,Old,.puu:. v5,o.- -l'.t'.v.i.si;d.pr.icu..SUi»()(.)^..4.e..sh..|..S. p,.e. $5,-1-0 V . *xn*pA m.t •^%»'^^^^"^^^^^;f' i 1 1 • In niiiiitlw from tin- 'lati. .of (ho ntiiriMnlil T)rj"pffce'" s'Ti".O()."'l^visaT"|iV]ce's l77.So"' Less 15 p. c. $14.88 Old price S K .5o. Revised price S7.oo. Less 15 p. c. $5.95 i,rili-i-, nr tlii-ir will l>« fiin-vnr liarrwl «' llu-ir in-tiring ll..'11'f.ir iiKaiiii'L tint flftitl suli- Old price S2.5.OO. Revised price S22.5O. Less 15 p. c. $19.13 Old price •S It) .00. Reviseil price sH..5o. Less l.S p. c. $7.32 t "jVi'liM rn-«linM, H, J.. M.iy 10th, 1921. JTAS. COOPER, JR. ; K1.IX 11. UANTANdEU). PRESCRIPTIOIM DRUGGIST F'ive (O) Registered Phartnadats JEFFREY BROS. FOR QUAUTY 6RRVIOB JOSEPH GOLDSTEIN COMPANY THE REXALL STORE I PLUMBING HEATING ' K£D BA;\K, N. J. RED SANK REGISTER, JUNE 22, Page Seven BR1ET ITEMS-and shade Misa Emma Applegate'hus succeed- trees. In splendid repair. ed Miss Marion Bn»eU" an clerk in A home where benuty and Hie Farmingdald jiostofflce. Misa Ap- refinement are valued, but STRAND RESTAURANT f Five minutes by. autd to station. Now rented at $125 per month un- plegate formerly worked in the office where the best modern equip- and has since fyiken a cuuruv in a ment is also appreciated. Broad St., Opposite Second National Bank, Red Bank furnished. ' business college. ... Telephone I88-M Alice, the youngest duuKhter of A home where thought is Red Bank's Most Modern Eating Place Will sell for^OOO cash; balance terms or more cash and mortgage at John Simmons of Fret-hold, was given not only to appear-. taken to the Long Brunuh hospital ances, but UIBO to the more TABLES RESERVED FOR L.ADH5B ft concession. , last week Buffering from pneumonia. intimate things affecting 'House Owner- : Dr. A.-R. White and E. K DuBois I cleanliness itfid health. of Freehold are enjoying a fishing, Special, Sunday Chicken Dinner $1.001 M, Red Bank, N. JT. trip in Canada. They IBHIII: the trip A home whore children are in Dr. White's automobile. at once protected frbm die- All Night Service on and after June 1st. f. Lewis Bortner, superintendent of ease and trained in habits the^ Manalapan township Hi houls, will that will insure through life take a special course in Rulers col- a scrupulous regard for clean lege this summer. , • | bodies and clean minds. Mrs. William MeLaughlin of Free- hold gave birth to a daughter hist THE AMERICAN HOME HOW WOMEN AVOID week. ^ HAS A MODERN Mrs. Benjamin C. Woodruff of An- BATHROOM bury Park gave birth to a daughter last week. ' Our New Stock of Bathing A son was born to Mrs. Krol I.ykes SURGICAL OPERATIONS of Fret-hold Saturday wei-k. Sunday Baieball GIMI On. The court will "hot faiti-rferu with Sunday baseball games at Freehold, Some Are Extremely Necessary, Others May Not Be at least during the present season, Suite Are Now Being Shown according to ,H , decisions mtrhcri in the chancery, court last '•»«.•!< when Every Woman Should Give Lydia E. Pinkliam's application for a permanent injunc- tion against the Sunday games was Vegetable Compound a.Trial First refused. The caBe will lie heard September 7th. ChiragoJU. — "I was in A BATH IN EVERY HOME bedwith a female trouble mid Bradley Team Broken Up. inflammation and had four Bathing Suits for Men and Soys The Bradley Beach baseball team, doctors butnono of them tiicl which was managed by William II. me any good. They all Bniil J Truby, has been broken un and the JEFFREY BROS. would have to have an opov- We are showing the largest and finest assortment of Bathing remainder of their schedule will be , ation. A druggist's wife tuld played by the Owls. -Several mem- 20 Monmouth Street, me to take Lydia E. Piuk- bers of the Bradley team deserted ham'B Vegetable Compound RED BANK, N. J. and I took 22 bottles, never Suits, we have ever attempted, including the famous Bradley make. the organization "when they received missing a dose and at thc •.•nd , better offers. Telephone 923 » of that time I wus'pe'rfetlly Wetaaye them in one and two piece suits, all styles, all colors and A Wedding in the Cloudi. "well. I buva never h;id ces- sion to take it nkr"jn ;ui f The DeLuxe air service company, have been so well'. 1 have a all sizes to fit the smallest kiddies to the largest men. which operates passenger airplanes six room flat and do all my at Asbury Park and Como, has of- Work. My two sinters :ue fered to supply a •machine and fur- FENCES & GATES tailing the Compound upon F>riced from $1.OO to $3.OO nish a minister free of charge to the my recommendation amlycu first couple -who will agree to wed >f ornamental iron or wire for private estates, ho men, may publish my letter, ft is while aloft in one of the company's j ichools, clubs and institu- the gospel truth and I will machines. j liont, write to any one who wants a personal letter."—Mrs- E. Raited Money fpr Collese. | C.S. Throckmorton II. IIAYDOCK, 6824 St. Law- Bathing Suits for Women and Children . Nine Monmouth- county graduates | rence Ave., Chicago, HI. Black Surf Satin Suits—Trimmed with white, green, red and blue. All of Mount Holyoke college raised ! j $2,746 for an endowment fund for FOR, EXCESSIVE A Vermont woman the college. Among the graduates adds her testimony to sizes 34 to 52 Prices, $3.50 to $5.O0. are Mrs. Henry S. Ackerson of Key- the long line of those port, Mrs. S. P. Tompkins, Miss Mor- fortunate women wlio gan and Miss Geraldiiie -Brown of URIC ACID have been restored to Mate wan. :••" ""* health by Lydia E. One-Piece Knitted Suits—In black, purple and blue, trimmed with con- TRY THE WILLIAMS TREATMENT Pinkham's "VegelaWo Gar*go Men Win Oat. Compound, after it had been decided an operation was necessary: trasting colors. Sizes 36 to 44 Prices, $6.00 to $9.O0. The Seaboard storage company, 85 Cent Bottle (32 Doses) which conducts a garage at Asbury Burlington, Vt.—" I suffered with female trouble, and had a numboi' of Par!c, won out in its attempt to install doctors who enid that I would never be any better until I had an operation. a gasoline tank in the restricted zone JnHkeraon you start the day worried I was so bad I could hardly walk across the floor and could not do a tiling Misses' Bathing Suits—Black trimmed with white, blue or red. Sizes 2 a feuawu *. b«twv » v * and ti/eil. BtitT le«B and arnm nnd muacles, My sister-in-law induced me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound lost week. As last as the police ar- ;o n nchinB head, burning and beoririK down and it certainly has helped me wonderfully. 1 keep house and do my work rested their'men a new gang would pains in the buck—worn out before the tlay years and 10 to 15 years Prices, $1.75 to $4.O0. begins—do not think you have to stay in and have a small child. I have recommended Vegetable Compound to a num- start work, until all the police were that condition. ber of my friends and you may publish my testimonial."—Mrs. H. R. SHARON. Be strong, well, with no stiff joints, sore used up. muscles, rheumatic pains, netting back or Apple Tree Point Farm, Burlington, Vt Want More Officer*. kidney trouble caused by body made acids, In hospitals are many women who are there for surgical operations, and there All-Wool Tights ....:... .Prices, $3.00 Edward T. Mitchell, whn conducts K you suffer from bladder weakness, with is nothing a woman dreads more than the thought of an operation, and tho the bathing pavilions at Asbury Park. long weary months of recovery and restoration to strength if it is successfnl. has asked for more policemen to will ntpreciato the rml, comfort and It is very true that female troubles may through neglect reach a stage Aniwtto Kollermans—All sizes Prices, 79c to $1.59 serve on the beach. Mr. Mitchell «tr«nijth this treatment nhould Kive. where an operation is the only resource, but most of the commoner ailments wnnts particularly to break up the of women are not the surgical ones ; they are not caused by serioua displace- practice of persons undressing under tism ami nil other ailments when due to ex- ments, tumors or growths, although the symptoms may appear the same. When disturbing ailments first appear take Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Jng. j Hnrns Treatment, TOPwil l Rive one 85c. bot- Compound to relieve the present distress and prevent more serious troubles. > BATHING CAPS \ Death Follows Operation. . i tie (32 dose.) free If you will cut out this In fact, many letters have been received from women who have been restored , ' notice and send It with your name and ad- to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound after operations Imvo Children's Caps—All colors „'.... v...../...... 25c each EoWBrd S. Garrison Of Asbury , drens. Please Bend 10 cents to help pay been advised by attending physicians. Park died Saturday week at the postage, packing etc., to_Thc DT.^D. A. Wil- 1 U LydiaE. Pmkham'8 Private Text-Book upon "Ailments IVca- Spring Lake hospital following an jn"1^"EosT Hsimp'toii?'conn"~ Semi lit once Bnd operation for appendicitis. He was li»r to Women" will be sent to you free upon request. Write Heavy Diving Caps—Black and Ted. at SOc and 59c each 33 years old and leaves a widow and ddrc»s or fomiry. to The Lydia E. Pinkhaiu Medicine Co., Lynn, Massachusetts* three children. Mr. Garrison was thc Bome a This book contains valuable information. employed by the telephone company. • Tarn o' Shanter Styles—All colors, at , 75c each Road Supervisor Transferred. Greenwood Rankin of Manasquan, who has been supervisor of the state road through that place, has been Bandanna Caps—In black and blue, trimmed with white, at $1.25 each transferred to Ocean county and is now supervisor of the Lnkewood and Point Pleasant road. Adam Brown Fancy Caps—In red, green, blue, yellow, purple, and trimmed with contrasting of Belmar has succeeded him. Loacs a Finger. colors, from. 75c to $1,25 each W. Earle Flock of Allentbwn lost j the first finger of his lift hand.while j leading a bull to pasture two weeks ago:- • The- rope was-wrapped .araund.. $ Mr. Flock's finger and when the bull tried to run away thc finger was LIGHTS pulled almost completely off. Six 1335i Jitney Licenses Denied. The public utility commission has JACOB$TEINBAC/I denied the application for jitney li- censes filed by several Asbury Park men who want to operate between PR.OAPWAY, L.Q3MO that place and Belmar. The commis- sion held that trolley service there has been improved recently. l-otig Branch Man Dead. Robert Hubbard. a well known Long Branch man, died last Wednes- day after a long sickness. . Mr. Hub- bard was fifty years old and he for- merly conducted the Dalton hotel. He had acted as marshal of many parades at Long Branch. Matawon Girl Weda. Miss Sadie M. VanDorn, daughter of William A. VanDorn of Matawan, and Vanvert H. Tyrell of Keyport were married Saturday week. Rev. Charles H. Bruce performed the ceremony at the manse of the Mata- Ttt£ UN 1VERSAL CAft wan, Presbyterian church. ROM the very start of the design, the NEW Pew Endowed at Tennent. Tennent chapter of Daughters of STUDEBAKER LIGHT-SIX was built to live the American revolution of Asbury F That JJniversal Ford After-Service . ' Park observed flag day Tuesday of last week by endowing a pew in Old up to Studebaker's ideal of what a light six- Tennent church. The endowment The most reliable after-service which is ever behind Ford cars, trucks was made possible by the gift of and Ponison tractors is positive assurance to the owners of Ford cars of the $f>00 in Liberty,bonds. cylinder car should be—arid the new low price constant use ;and service of their cars. (Continued on ne.xl page.) is merely a result of Studebaker's manufacturing Our skilled Ford mechanics know how to adjust or repair Ford prod- ucts so that they will serve to the maximum of their efficiency. They un- Producing a rare beauty of facilities and greatly increased volume—a result derstand the Ford mechanism thoroughly,.and can make adjustments or re- tono and distinguished by placements quicker than other .repairmen who lack Ford training. There charming design, the> of being built complete in the most modern and is a standardized way for making every repair and adjustment on a Ford car. It is the quickest, surest way; and in all their work our mechanics fol- completely equipped automobile plant in the world. low the methods recommended by the Ford Service School at the Ford fac- tory. The standardized repair jobs are covered by reasonable Ford charges. PHONOGRAPH This is a Studebaker Year Thus you are assured of having your work done properly, promptly and at is famous aa the crowning a reasonable price. Genuine Ford parts, Ford mechanics, Ford special tools achievement of the illus- and machinery and Ford charges are an unbeatable combination. trious Remington Family. Sold Exclusively by R. A. MASON, Distributor Knickerbocker Phurnnncy, • When you require service we, are at your immediate command. Dwell Sundrifti. Monmouth Street, near Maple Avenue, ^Red Bank, N. J, Rod Btnk, N. J. NEW PRICES OF STUDEBAKER CARS L The Tone and "'"" ' " f, a. b" TactoriiK effective JutietU, 192'i ••"•• - Quality Touring Cat* and RaadMtmn COUPM and Smdant MATAWAN d UCHT-SIX 2-PASS. ROADSTER I"™ UC1HT-S1X 2-PASS. COUPK ROADSTER flflOS RED BANK of the . UC.HT-3IX TOUIUNC. CAK IMS UCHT-SIX IUPA3S. SEDAN iO3,1 •BPECIAL3IX a PASS. ROAHSTEH ltBa .SPKCIAL-SIX 4-PAS9. COUPK J4S0 ENGLISHTOWN /.. NEW BRUNSWICK SPECIAL-SIX TOUHINGCAU !«»« SPECIAL-SIX S-PASS. SEDAN IBM SPECIAL-SIX 4-PASS. ROADSTER p» nic.six 4-PASS. COUPK '. anno UIG 3IX 7I'AaS. IIH 1B supreme IIIC. SIX TOURINC CAR '»SS A 1.1. STUPED A KKR C A I! 8 ARE EQUIPPED WITH CO KB TIHK8 Pate Eight RED BANK REGISTER, JUNE 22, 1921

'ELECTTKIC MOtuR KefM«3. BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. Armature and field winding. Ele- irator and Pump repairs. (Continued from laat page.) Thursday and Friday, June 23.24 Francis A, Thomas of New York DAN. HAUTER, was arrested last week charged with 132 Washington St., Long Branch, robbing a house at Keansburgr- Ruth Dukes was also arrested as an ac- > Phone 269-M. complice, it being claimed that she acted as a lookout for Thomas. Both "To Please One Woman" were held under bail. Freneau Sweeny Woman Politician Quit.. 3TB Fifth A««Ncrw York Mrs. Leon Cubberly of Long 3d 'Floor, Opposite Bests STRAND THEATRE J- " * Branch has resigned as vice chairman Sid you ever atop to coniider of the Republican county committee, that an upstairs store, which elim- although she will retain membership inates enormous around floor rental, charge accounts, expensive delivery in the committee. Mrs. Florence system, buyers. aaiiiflUnt buyers, VanWickle o£ Matawan succeeds her merchandiae nun, efficiency men as vice chairman. and bl» ndwypaper advertifliniT should sell aoois for much leaiT Gett Money for Csr. • WE DO. J. M. FINKELSTEIN'S If you are not on pur mailing list Hcob Berber of Asbury Park was and are interested In our monthly awarded judgment of $750 by a jury offerings, send us your name and Bargain Store at Freehold last week in his sujt address,, > against, B. J. Lebejt of Maplewood. Mr. Berber's car was destroyed by fire after a collision with Lebert's Special Sale of Men's Pants car. To Raise Water Rates. The Freehold council has intro- $1.39 to $5.50 duced an ordinance providing for an increase in water rates, the first since the plant was started in 1890. Un- Young Men's Suits, 2 Pairs of Trousers der the new schedule the minimum charge will be $8 a year instead of $20.50 $6. Hotel Association Officers. Mrs. Frank H. Kunst has been Tve tried elected president of the Ocean Grove Boys' Long Pants Suits .hotel.kepers' association. Miss Ethel K. Shaw is first vice president, $15.00 August F. Krenkel secretary and Mrs. Mary W. Newberry treasurer. but give HLG Higher Water Ratei. Men's and Young Men's Blue Serge Suits The Tintern Manor water company I'm through experimenting. No more switching. has filed with the utility commission 1 A Regular $35.00 Suit its schedule of rates it' claims as No more trying this and that. It's Camels for me— necessary and just. The now rates every time. Now $22.50 asked for are an increase of from 25 to 50 per cent over the old ones. They/re so refreshing! So smooth! So mellow mild! - Prisoner Faints in Court, Why? The answer is Camels exclusive expert $22.50 Suit Reduced to Courtlandt S. Heroy, formerly of Asbury Park, was arraigned in court blend of choice Turkish and Domestic tobaccos* Sis.oo at White Plains, New York, last week There's nothing like it. on a charge of theft. Heroy fainted while standing at the bar and it took No other cigarette you can buy gives you the real Blue Working Shirts I more than an hour to revive him. sure-enough, all-day satisfaction that comes from the Paving Bids Received. •.-•• TBc The William P. McDonald con- Camel blend. Camel is the quality cigarette. struction company was the low bid- in Bettlf The $1.00 Kind der for the paving of Ocean avenue Give Camels a tryout. Buy a pack today. Get your at Long Branch. The bids were re- Information first hand. You'll tie to CSmels, too. I ceived laat week. The McDonald It helps you make Summer Underwear (company's figure was $93,729.65. the world go round. Extra Flagmen. a Suit The New York and Long Branch Alway* the tama railroad will add three flagmen to its ihm world over. The $'i.00 Kind force at Long Branch to serve on the Cedar avenue, Brighton avenue and Whistle Bottling Co, R. J. REYNOLDS ToUcco Gift , 25c Hose, Now 2 Pairs 25c Bath avenue crossings, giving protec- . Phono 377 Wlaatoa-Saltm N • j tion the full 24 hours of each day. Asbury Park, N. J. Khaki Pants, Sizes 40. 42 and 44 $1.OO Damages for Injuries. HEADQUARTERS FOR SWEET ORR Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Samson of Mannsquan were awarded damages Camel WORKING dLOTHES of $210 last week in their suit against David H. Bergman of near Belmar. Sweet Orr Overalls, $1.48, all Kinds The injuries were the result of an Good Make Overalls, all Kinds 79c automobile crash in May, 1920. Pilot Flame Starts Blaze. Sale of Straw Hats, $1.OO $1.5O, $1.9O A basket of clothing placed on a gas range in Joseph Leblang-'s home $2.5O, the Best $2.9O i at Deal caught fire from the pilot ; flame last Friday. A neighbor saw Boys' Knee Pant Suits, $6.90 worth $10.00 '; the blaze and gave the alarm. Clotl Best Bargain Store in Red Bank ,.ing worth $100 was destroyed. Must Resume Service. i The public utility commission has I refused permission for the Keypor • trolley company to tear up its tracks J. M. Flnkelstein : on Carr avenue at Keansburg and has ordered the company to resume 12 West Front Street j service .on that part of its line. ', Aged Man's Death. i Jeremiah Bennett, a former over- RED BANK, N. J. |seer of the poor in Neptune town- "Which one of your ship and one of the first justices of the peace in that section, died Satuv- day week in his 81st year. A widow and six children survive him. Fugitive Caught. neighbors gets the Charles W. Glasgow, who unti' March 28th conducted n fruit stand at Long ^Branch and who.has been wanted on a charge of passing best mi worthless check on a Perth Ambov. ' * - *'outff man, was arrested last week. Exhibition of Typewriting. Albert Tangora of Pnterson, whr his tires ? holds the world's amateur record a speed typewriting, gave nn exhibi tion at Ocean Grove last week. Hi attained a speed of 139 words a min VERY once in a while you hear a motorist say as he ute from unfamiliar copy. THE U. S. USCO TREAD kicks a rear tire with an admiring foot, "there's alucky Wed. a. Soldier. Here Is the U. S. Usco Tread, with a E long - established standard of service tirel" Give him a chance and'he'll tell you all about it The marriage of Miss Daisy Kamp among motorists who havetiin eye to of Long Branch and Henry A. Gra valve, as well as to price. While sell- And then you'll find that what he calls "luck" is simply his, ham, a Camp Vail soldier, took place ing for less than the other tires in the first experience with a quality standard tire. at St. James's church Monday of las U. S. Fabric line, the Usco has earned week. Rev. Morton A. Barnes per- 'a reputation for. quality and depend- formed the ceremony. able economy which is not exceeded by To Drill for Oil. any tire in its class. Leoiij R. Taylor of Avon, forme It all comes to this—buy a U. S. Tire anywhere assemblyman and acting governor o in this country and you get definite, predictable New Jersey, expects soon to drill for oil on his holdings in Montana. Mr, value for your money no matter what weight car Taylor has formed a syndicate t you drive. ' finance the project. Returning Soldier's Body. The man who has been guessing his way through The body of Stephen S. White, so "overstocks," "discontinued lines," "job lots" and the of John H. White of Belmar, is bein like, will find it refreshing to talk with the local U. S. bought home from France and o ila arrival a military funeral will b Tire dealer who is concentrating on a full, com- ASE held. White wns killed in action pletely sized line of U. S. Tires. September, 1U1H. Reid—Stroby. For the first time he will hear some straight quality SIX CYLINDERS ' Miss Lyilia M. Reid, daughter tire facts—and get the difference Charles H. Reid of near Englishtown between chance .and certainty in was married last Wednesday to Wi "Pnmh. Hn U. S. Tint tire buying. :liiim L. Stroby of Elizabeth. Nex come direct to the dealer fall the couple will start housekeep from A/a neifhborini F SPEED AND COMFORT ' ing at Elizabeth. tory Btench." The U. S. Tires he sees in stock are (Continued on next page.) fresh, live tirea. They come direct to the A LL the dash and speed the young people . dealer , from his neighboring Factory *"• of today demand, and all the comfort and Branch. performance; all the mechanical refinements There are 92 of these Branches estab- and approved modern engineering principles are lished and maintained by the U.-S. Tiro combined in this beautiful sport car. Because makers. it contains all the wanted features, it is "The All Giving your dealer a continuous moving stook of new, fresh tires built on the Feature Car." See it in our show-rooms. Com- "Hit flrsi •xoerieno** certainty of quality first every time with V. a. vullt pare its dozens -of outstanding betterments. tltnderd TVma," Ride in it and feel its luxurious gliding smooth-

The Cftee SJK Model V comes in 4 body tyi>rt: Touring; Sport; .Sedan; Coupe "A stitch in time saves nine"—if your car's electrical system is acting United States Tires queerly or if it hasn't been cleaned] oiled and inspected by a specialist within a •yeur/NOW is tho time to JOHN MORROW, JR., have us Rive it tho required atten- United States tion flouthat,.(liir|ng.,t.hfi..ca.minff..«ftiv. Son Hie-"cur will" be free from ALL electrical trouble. Competent aervico at moderate Empire Garage J. W. Mount Co. Globe Court Garage, cost. Henry McDermott Jos. Sesta Tire Co AERO GARAGE Walter E. WaUh & Co. •""•*V* Telephone 1161 RED BANK. AUTO ENGINEERS 20 Mechanic 3t., Rod Bank, N. J TeUphon. 200-J '5 RED BANK 22, Nia 7 I C. *G. A. DELA.TUBH, BRIEF mm DF HEWS. «*• AB0H1TECT3 AJ»D ENOrMEEBS. «•«" 17 EUn.i B1JE.. Bed Buk, M, t, MIDWEST T«l Conn. (Continued from last page.) James P. Graham, son of Mrs. ii DE. HAKOLD Ai TILTON, Mary J. Graham of Freehold, was BUitOSON D8NH8T. Ora4o*t« tjDlvtnltr of Pmm.jlv.nls. ••» married last Wednesday to Miss Mnr- •issor to Dr. 1. Q, Thnxluwrtois, M*. 1 Fruit and Potato Growers, jorie P. Harding: ot New York. The flow* Cultivate! Brosd' Btr«et. OSa* taun illll. billM, We are now selling Potato Spraying Machines and Materials from our stock. See us ceremony was performed at the diy sxctDt B«turiisr. before you order. bride's home. Harrows % Saws Wood A E. dlDWELL We are In a position to meet any competition considering quality, "Auto Hit by Truck,. Practical Demonstration at **• TRUS8 SPECIALIST Afcn, Vionwn, apd CbiMreji We carry a supply of Bean Sprayers and Repair Parts. Friend Sprayers and Repair Parts. An automobile owned and driven LOCUST FARM Booms MHM-2 Kinuiouth BuUdtns. "Black Leaf" 40." "Sulco-V. B." by ..Henry Wikoff of, Freehold was Asbu>» Puk. II. 1. struck by an auto truck near Marl- Now Monmouth, N. J. Phaael—Asbory * WsyaUle 261.F-4. boro Tuesday flight pf last wock and Boars-B-11, 1-4, 7-8. Sattird&irt3un(]srsndllal) Orchard Brand Materials. " Vreeland's" Electro Brand Materials. day and by appointment. : was badly damaged. Mr. Wikoff was All Sfpiianoes guannteed or prices refunlad;1 , Bissell Harrows. not injured. F. G. Adams E. FOSTER, Guns, Relief Valves.Spray Hose, Spray Fittings and many other things too numerous'to Hospital Nurse W*ds. -mention. , .. • • ' - 788-W MiJdlctown. Don't trust to luck. If you want a COUN3ELLOE AT LAW. Miss Olga Swarm, a former nurse ... York. NewJ«rs«j, first-class, up-to-date 50 Broad war. Atlantic Highlands, 1 Bu8helBa3kets. at the Spring Lake huspi.tul, W;)H N. Y. City, H. J married Sunday of last week to Har- If you wish we will Spray Your Orchards or Potatoes. "TAXI " ""• lem Frost of Itheca, New York. OBERT PIERCE, Call or write for anything you need. •The.gfoom was a fbitner soldier lit 1 R LICENSED AUCTIONEER Camp Vail, . ., just call 506 nnd have one of our BesMence 16 Wliito. Hod Bsnk. courteous chauffeurs drive a fine Telephone 108B-U. Enviable School Record. •vaetai attention tc sales of fans M looking* taxi to your door. ' farm implement! and personal property. JL C. Hendrickson S Son Lucy Burdge, a pupil in the Farm- ingdale school, has established an en- Call day and night. Our number is M F. fETLEY, viable school rccoriJ. She has not IVi. NOTAHY PUBI.JC Middletown, N. J. E06 and ra,tes are reasonable. and COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS. missed a day at school in seven years Teller's Neva Stand. and has not been tardy once during 7 Brood Street, Red Bank. N. 1 Telephone 798-R. that time. Married in Maryland. R. HAKOLD J. STOKES, Dealers In D DENTAL BUUGEPN William H. Slocum, Jr., of Long Red Bank Taxicab Service Successor to Dr. Frank Lee. Branch, and Miss Jian M. Lungston W Broad Street. Glsntr Butldlu. FARMERS' SUPPLIES Office: 184 Monmouth Street, RoomB 4,6 and Q. of Philadelphia wefe.murriwl at Elk- 'WARE WASTE AND Office Houra 8:30 to B*0 o'etoe II ton, Maryland, SJay 7th. The groom Opposite R. R. Depot is a member of Chester Arthur's or- WEAR WELL! RED BANK, N. J. EO. McC. TAYLOR, C. E. chestra. • 1 Haman Bodiet Are PaUantd by Their. G CONSULTING ENGIWEER, Own Wast*. • Most lllneuei CIVIL ENGINEER and SURVEYOB, Muiical Programs Started. Are Preventable, CHAELES BOTTAGAHO, Prop. B Elmer BuilJIni, Smad St. Red Sank. H. 1, The music season at'the Arcade at Asbury Park opened Saturday night. The humanbody has to be heated and "5 REILLY, QUINN & PARSONS, An orchestra of ,22 pieces under the •fine foods burned inside the body pro- V DavidsoIV n BuildingCOUNSELLOR, S AT LAWBed Bank. . direction of Simone Ifantia, former- ducemuchwaste. AllthiswasteshouM John J. Qi Theodore D. Parson*. Jy of Pryor's band, isiifurnishin^ the be removed from the body regularly, For Farm and Garden in bulk, musici . thoroughlythhl , daildailyy , by the diminutive OHW S. APPLKGATE & SON, organs,—which are the bowels, kid- packages and Seed Tape. COUNSELLOE3 AI LAW Aibury Parker Honorod. neys, skin, and to some extent the JDavidson Balldins, Broad Strali. Howard. Hulick -ofSAslmry Park, lungs. These should act in harmony Everything in trie Line. BED DAM. N, proprietor of• the LofcK Arbour hotel, if the bowels ere inactive extra ANY QUANTITY «ras chosen' president of the Neweffort is required of the others, DMUND WILSON, Jersey hotel men's association at •which easily become deranged. Many WOODRUFF'S SEEDS E COUNSELLOR AT LAW, iheir convention, at Asbu>y Park last medicines -will force bowel action RED BADE. B. 1 temporarily but the after-effects are. OrEcen ; 10 EAST FBOWT STOKBT. harmful. Many remedies arc adver- WELLER'S A LSTOFBEEKMAN, 'Win,*' Pri'ie at Drawing. tised, some of which have proven Broad Street, Red Bank. iV COUNSELLOR AT LAW. , Miss' Selina Ward of Freneau has year after year to be reliable, effici- Offices, II Broad street, BED BAHK* •. It \von a prize of $10 for tin; best pos- ent, and without harmful action or ter work during the year at Cooper R. W. M. THOMPSON, effect. Take Beecham's Pills for ex- D DENTAL SURGEON, Union-at New York. Miss Ward will ample. For over 70 years Boech- 2d N«t'l Bank Bulldlns. Rrf Bsnk. M. finish her course at the school next ain'i has been a hou-.ehold word all Gaa adniiiilBtere6. ~ Hours 8-5, year. ' over the world. 70 years (if use by all sorts of folks, men, women in EO. D. COOPER, New Nursery Head. and even children, have proven first, VJT CIVIL ENGINEER • The Brightside Nursery at Oak- that Beecham's Pills do what is Baecesaor to Geo. Cooper, U • hurst opened last 'Thursday for the claimed for them; second, that they FoatofllCG Building. RED BANE. B. I. season. Mrs. Ritie B. KttliiiKer of are harmless, do not produce bad KOKGE K. ALLEN, JR., .New York and Lonu Branch is effects. Some medicine forces Nature CIVIL ENGINEEH AND aOKyETOB, Boom 7, Pattemon Balldlnsr, Breed Street. superintendent of the nursery "this to unnatural action. Other medicines, UBD BANK. N. J. year. like those contained in Beecham's To Suppress Auto Menace. Pills assist Nature, act mildly, per- EO. H. KOBERTK, suade and hence produce no harmful G GRADUATE AUCTIONEER For a juicy, brown The newly elected lire police at effects. It is common to find fam-, Ptdliree or Grade Stuck, Farm Sales, Fax Ocean Grove at a meeting 1'iKt week ilies in which Beecham's have been sooal Property. Hew Monmoatb, K.' J. decided to take steps to suppress the used by several generations, their Telephone Mlddl«to»n m-F-il. menace of curious autoists who flock use handed down from father to son roast—evenly done to fires and generally .binder the fire- and from mother to daughter. HAVE YOU men. •••••- That's the best possible recom- ; Ellsworth Alexander A ND when you decide kitchen, which makes for comfort, even Against Prohibition. mendation for any remedy. Every JLJLto bake or stew on warm days. Dr. Elmer C Hazard of Long druggist sells Beecham's, is glad to Headache Branch has been appointed chairman do so because .he knows that their Do your Eye» burn or ItchT XIL.ES you'll be able to do Then, too, the three million and more for Monmqutb. county of-the New reputation has'been won by merit Do they feel tired or • trained? for Floors, Walls, Hearths and Man- either on a New Perfec- housekeepers who use New Perfections.' Jersey division" of.'-the association op- U BO, have yoar eyes examined; your tel Facings, Brass and Wrought Iron SECDRm'OIL posed to the prohibition amendment. . slasaea may need a change. tion Oil Cook Stove— are not bothered in their kitchens with for sick Fireplaces, Andirons, Fenders, Fir*! coal, ashes, dust, wood and litter. And Aibury Park Girl a Bride. [STILJES & CO. Seta and Ga9 Logs. Wood and Til* with the "least possible they know what a saving of time and Miss,Gertrude Si Taylor, daughter F>hUadelpKla Eye Specialists Mantels, Medicine Cabinets and Tilt trouble. All the heat you labor that means. .of Charles Taylor of Aslmry Park, headaches in Bathroom Accessories. and Harry F. Leeds of Philadelphia 2nd Notional Bank Bids., Room 28 want for any kind of cooking is The New Perfection is sturdily built were married U.st Wednesday at As- Every Wednesday Hours 1:00 to 5 p. tn. 14 Monmouth St., Red Bank , ready in an instant. No waiting throughout, is equipped with brass bury Park by Rev. Dayjjl MacMurray. Pills TELEPHONE 526J. • for the coal fire to "come up". burners and will last for many yea,rs Copper Roof for HOUSE. with ordinary care. ' ;_ -.. fitmries JL, Saait-of Perth Amboy, »•••••*.••••<••••••••••••»••••••••»»•••«•••»••»•••••«•• who is connected with the Raritan The white-tipped New Perfection, flame For best results use clean, pure Aladdin copper works; will build a bungalow .ESTABLISHED 18S4 TELEPHONE 111 produces quick, clean heat and the long Security Oil—it's economical—for itfs at Long Branch on which he wiiy Whife Star Taxi Service place a roof of copper shingles. blue chimney drives it all up to the cook' all heat. BRASCH BROTHERS, ing utensil or oven. All the heat is used A Farewell Dinner. to cook with. None of it js wasted in the New Perfection Oil took Stoves are sold at most Monmouth Street, ALEXANDER D. COOPER department, furniture and hardware stores.' More than 250 residents of Long Opposite Depot. • •form of soot on your pans; only a neg- Branch attended a farewell dinner Real Estate and Insurance ligible amount is radiated about the STANDARD OIL COMPANY(NEWJERSfcY) last wpek for (Christopher Gregory, Telephone 747 ; >who recently resigned as superintend- ent of the Lonjf Brunch schools. Open Day and Night '. 58-64 BROAD STREET RED BANK, N. J. Partnership Dissolved. Cars provided for weddings, ' Fire, Life, Accident, Tornado and NEWPERFECnON Howard Cottrell and Samuel \V. funerals and other occasions. < > Hornsby, Jr,, who have been con- Plate Glass Insurance ducting a phonograph business-at Oil GookStoves Matawan, have dissolved, Mr. Cot- taell will continue the business. P Auto Upsets. : An- auto truck driven by Taylor For lire Service iPalmer of Englishtown and loaded Telephone\72-H •with cattle upset on the main road at that place last week. Mr, Palmer NEW SPEEDSTER POSSESSES suffered "aiv Injury tcs one-arm. Our service car is New Teacher at Freehold. Miss Venna Milbnnk of Freehold, always ready who graduated from Columbia uni- EXCLUSIVE FEATURES versity June 1st, has been engaged, as teacher of Spanish at the Freehold Steam Vulcanizing, high school for the next term. Semi-Racing Body Swung on Big Car New Cigar Store. Fabric and Cord Arthur D. Price of New York has opened a cigar store in the Eialto Tires in stock Chassis-YOU SIT IN IT, NOT ON IT theater building at Asbury Park. He 1ms been connected with New York cigar stores for several years. This new Kissel Speedster holds a subtle lure by its Must Observe Ordinance, John Hansen dashing lines and individual appearance. Jitney drivers at Keansburg have been notified that they must comply 42 West Front Street, A semi-racing body, equipped with form-fitting rest- with the borough ordinance which Red Bank, N. J. requires licensed bus drivers to work * ful seat, such as would be expected in a limousine— Night Phone 1-4O-W finished in Chrome Yellow of a distinctive shades— at least three hours each day. Real Estaters Dissolve. ,--."•'. with individual steps—bicycle fenders—wire wheels The real estate partnersip between . • v ,'.' , on each side of the hood—trunk rack at rear—bump- James A. Hurry and Ronald Tritton ers front and rear. at Ocean Grove has been dissolved. Mr. Hurry will conduct the business. In reality it provides large car comfort on rough (Continued on next page.) TIRES roads, because it is mounted on the same custom-built Kissel chassis as the larger Kissel models and powered by SUNDRIES All (he same high the new Kissel custom-built motor. quality—all the same Custom-Built honest value. On display now. Deliveries coming through SPECIAL Six in rotation of orders. MERCHANTS STEAMBOAT CO. OF NEW JERSEY. S. JT. F»ICOT TIME TABLE IN EFFECT JUNE 5th, 1921. Subject to chan&a without notice. DISTRIBUTOR FOR MONMOUTH COUNTY Globe Court and Mechanic Street RED BANK, N. jr. Steamers SEA BIRD and ALBERTINA All Dust, Stnini, Spota Dotween Plor 24. fool or Franklin Rlriwt. Now York (I.imdliiK ut thu llnttcry to Inku on anil l«t off I'aiMonKCTB uiily), nral Illirhlamln. Orcunlc unU Bed Hank, REMOVED— Telephone Rail 71'.» Walkur. New York, i'23 Ikd Bank. N. J. Hiahluntla Tclcpliono. 12Ss wo double life of your FOR RED BANK. •• FOR NEW YORK Daily except Sunday. Daily except Sunday, clothing with our A.M. P.M.; Leave Plffr 24, foot of frank- A'M. P.M. DRY CLEANING, lin Street H 30 2 45 ! Leave ReJ Ilnnk 7 IS 3 30 Urn llnttciy l.onilii>s tl Sf, J 5 Oceanic 7 33 3 115 Anive Ilislilunils aliaut ....1045 BOO, " llljhU.,,1, 80S 4 20 " Oceanic " .,,.UI!i S 30 !, Anivo Il'tl'iy L'ndlnn about lu 00 5 20 OON units are rcc- " Rod Uanlc " IMS 0 OO nklln Streot " .10 1- 0 a 30 M oijnizcdnathelwst thnt can be made. The SUNDAYS. A.M.1 SUNDAYS. MAX LEON, distinctive designof the Lnnve Pier 21, font of Frank- r.M. „ Prup. f>tX'48 combines them lin Street . H 30 Lenvo Rci£, Kaanibiiw. Kwport, MlcWIetown anj HoJ Bank. ,,,.-, AT RICH DANK via M. C. K. Co.. for Bhrawabiiry, Kmiiowwn, l.onii-llnncb, Altwrr l'«tl,r«lr Phone 10.45 Ailan Frost, froprlatar, llavsn. Oceanic •<>» ltumoon. ie 2CI>; R«>l B«»k. AT BBO HANK »la J. C. T. Co.. (or Fall Vlow. UW,ll«l»wn, Nrnr Uunnuulli, lloKiwd, Kwifc s«"flp«u)arBUiiilLW]ii frivuit tu ttio card »f AiltiM. Uurfl»i u;it Carrltl«>n Put Tea RED BANK REGISTER, JUNE 22, J!™— '"•_ '11 " WHERE QUALITY REIGNS SUPREME BRIEF UPS OF NEWS. MATINEE EVENING (Continued from Iut page.) ' All SEATS ALL SEATS/ Richard Robbins of Allentown was badly injured Sunday of last week when he was jolted from George 3Oc Dillon's auto. Mr. Robbins suffered Belle Mead Sweets taste so good it a broken hip bone anil internal in- just seems.as if the cooks must have juries. found some new ingredient that no other candy maker had ever dis- Auditorium Season Opens. The summer services in the Ocean covered. '•They are good. They Grove auditorium opened Sunday and are delicious. They give you real will be continued for the rest of the candy satisfaction and delight. Rummer season. Several noted speakers have been secured. New Fire Engine. THE REXALL STORE The Freehold borough council has BROAB^STftEET James Cooper, Jr. awarded the contract for a new Americnn-I.aFranee pumping engine - Telephone 658 Broad and White Streets, for Monmouth hose company. The e RED BANK. apparatus will cost $12,1)00. Veteran* to Give Ball. RED BANK, N. ti. " ^ The Loi\g Branch post of the American Lpgion will give a midsum- BURNS-SCHAFFER AMUSEMENT CO. mer ball at the TSikanassee hotel on Wednesday, July 2oth. The affair will be an informal one. Building Fund Started. Today, Wednesday, June 22 Saturday, June 25 * The congregation of the Avon Bap- tist church will use the $1,000 be- •> ANNA ALICE CHAPLIN'S queathed to the church by James A. Bradley as the nucleus of n building EDITH DAY fund for a new church. Long Branch Girl to Wed. the Star of "Irene," New York's: Great Success, in MOUNTAIN MADNESS Announcement has been made of the engagement of Miss Surah Col- A Lloyd Carlaton Production. morgen, daughter of William Col- morgen of Long Branch, to Walter Children Not Wanted Sprague of Rochester. A dramatic.story of the Virginia mountains, full of action, Intense drama that appeals to every human emotion. Got and excitingly interesting; holding you spellbound, anxiously Annual Charity Ball. a .child? Stay away! Got a poodle? Come right in—we waiting the outcome of each dashing-, thrilling complication, h$\>i' just the apartment for you. The voice of the renting A large number of persons attend- with a gleam of Bparkling comedy and a hoart throbbing ro- ed the thirtieth annual charity ball problem of today. t givnn at the Hollywood hotel at Long Who killed Marcus Hazzard? Was it four-year-old Betty mance. A picture all will enjoy. ^Branch last Friday night for the Marsh, pretty Dorothy Crane, the Indian servant, Ali Bey, or Long Branch hospital. the adventuress, Mmc. Duval? This was a mystery that baf- Comedy—"Bungalow Troubles" fled the authorities in "Children Not Wanted." A powerful A Keantburg Wedding. drjima that uneartha dormant thoughts decaying for the 2nd Episode of ."MIRACLE OF THE JUNGLES" /- Miss Roma Furniss and George lack of suggestive nourishment. Overture—Popular Medleys Henry of Kennsburg were married 7 Comedy—"Money Talks" , Kinoto Review Sunday of last" week. Mr. Henry is a partner of Stanley Sculthorp in the • Overture, "Kaymond,"- Thomas real estate business. Monday and Tuesday Victim of Paralysis... Thursday and Friday Mrs. Mary Christian, wife of Sam- June 27 and 28 uel Christian of Jerseyville, died Sat- BON BONS G urday week of paralysis, aged C3 June 23 and 24 years. Besides her husband she CATHERINE CURTIS PRESENTS leaves four children. A LOIS WEBER PRODUCTION Memorial Church Opens. The Elberon Memorial Church opened for the summer last Sunday. Rev. Charles F. Wishart, president "To Please of Wishart college, Ohio, will be the "The Sky pastor this summer. Recovers for Burned Car. Jacob Gvossmun of Asbury Park One Woman" has been awarded judgment of $750 A1 tremendous modern story in which Lois Weber has crystal-' for the destruction of his automobile, ized the destructive forces of the ages, presenting' with Pilot" which was burned following a col- mighty dramatic intensity the havoc wrpught by a selfish wo- Cattle stampede, terrilie in its fury. Thrill upon thrill and lision last August. man. What is responsible for half the crimes committed by 1 smile upon sob make Ralph Connor's "The Sky Pilot" one, Death front Heart Disease. men, two-thirds of their unselfish acts, and nine-tenths of Charles Woodward of Perrineville their ambition? Gambling his all, and hovering midway of the year's unforgettable features. Incidents of absorbing dropped dead last Thursday while between anxious expectation and blissful (or otherwise) human interest are artistically welded with big dramatic walking near his home. He was realization. Powerful and daring, filled with the glamour of moments. The story tells of n young minister called by faith eighty years old. Death was caused beautiful, women, and gorgeous gowns, Staged in lavish richness, with notable cast. into the wilds of Ganadn to spread the Gospel, resulting in a How to Mix by heart disease. powerful surging drama, far superior on the screen than From Cop to Hacker. THURSDAY—Overture, "The Mouse and the Clock" the imagination could conceive from the world famous novel Warren Compton of Avon has by the same name. Alfalfa quit his job as cop at that place to L. K. O. Comedy Review ICinograrna engage in the hacking business. and Paint John Robshaw has succeeded him as FRIDAY—Overture, "Wedding of the Winds" Monday—Comedy, "Scandal a la Cart£" • Kinograms policeman. Comedy—"Bungalow Troubles" Topics , • t- Tuesday—Comedy, "Scandal a la Carte" * Bray Cartoon* Alfalfa gives you atpaint that gives you the Freehold Property Sold. least two crops to hay's greatest returns for the The business building on Main money 1 street at Freehold owned by A. J. C. one. In some sections, it's Stokes and Forman Brower has been three. One that gives your sold to Donald C. Butcher and Max buildings the largest crop Finegold. Therefore, no matter if of protection ? it does cost more--to pre- Matawan Man to Build. JUST % UNDER Such a paint is Lowe Edward S. Lisk, a councilman at <§_ pare the seed bed, it'sBrothers High Standard. worth many times its Matawan, hns bought a lot on Main It will both save and street from M. Duncan and will build WHERE TO DINE cost. make money for you any a stucco house on it for his own oc- Good Old Maryland Style When it comes to paint, way you figure it. cupancy. One of OUR Daily Special. Why not mix in some of Come in and talk it Theater Price Cut. $1.25 , Dinners $1,25 that same brand of alfalfa over. Ask for color card Walter Reade, owner of a string of Sundays and Holidays SI.50. sense of yours; and get a and literature. theaters,' has announced that high From 12 to 8 :30 P. M. £miltm cfSalirfKtion IMl/mefSabsJatlw class attractions will be shown at his theaters at Asbury Park at pre-war Blue point on Half Shell Little Neck Clams on Half Shell B UIC K prices. Chicken Portutfaise JOS. T. BURROWES CO. Chowder Rhode Island Gets Job on Ship, Cold SInw Chow-Chow 213 WEST FRONT STREET, RED BANK. Baked Boston Blue Fiah Wright" Soden, son of Harry F. ROASTS Sorien of Freehold, has taken a job Prime 'cut Beef ay jus on a fruit carrying ship which sailed Baked Fresh Ham,.Apple Sauce Philadelphia Capon with Filling last week for South American ports. Roust Leg Spring: Lamb Scout Camp to Open. VEGETABLES Hoilod New Potatoes The Boy Scout camp along Shark Green Beans Early June Peas river near Belmar will be opened on SALADSu July 1st. The camp is located on a TomntocH'Hvith Lettuce Thlt fiidc* Covertd- tract of 500 acres, mostly woodland. DESSERTS 191C-I i.SS ili Lemon Meringue, Apple or 1017—10.70S HiUl 191F-I8.S33 Sliltl No Workers Appeared. Peach Pic 1013-tl.CIO llilll Chocolate Pudding, Crenm Sauce lStl)- H.IM9 Uillt The Freehold rug mill was opened Vanilhi or phocolale Ice Crenm leeo-u.'.'Qi ini last Wednesday under an open shop Wntcrmolon, Icpd Berry Roly-Poly Total t9.V79 ilil Total Hi,013 ilitu plan. No workers appeared to work. Coffee • Ten Cocoa no mill had been closed five months. Club Breakfast, 35c up. Keansburg Boy Wed«. Russell Opden, son of Charles Og- CHESTER Where the Railway Left Off- den of Keansburg, and Miss Nellie LeffinRweU of Newark were married Motel and Grill The Uintah Railway terminates Watson and Vernal ia entirely Saturday week, at the bride's home. fcoofcman and Sewall at Watson, Utah. Between unpaved, across an arid desert, A New Druggist. ASBURY PARK Watson and Vernal stretches 60 with no habitation save threes Oscar Stevens, son of George Opp. St. Jumna Theater, plume 13V5. Stevens of Matnwan, graduated from miles of arid desert. freight huts," writes Vice-Presi- the Columbia school of pharmacy last dent Robinson of the railway. week. He will work at New York. And yet the public suffers no in- Adelphia Boy Weds. convenience intravelingbetween "In summer the temperature Joseph M. Stilwcll, Jr., of Adel- 'Bmked these two towns, because the ran£es ashl Kh as n.° ' '" Wlntc!" phia, and Miss Hazel Hull of Ruther- aslo w as ze ro v thc roiA Uintah Railway maintains an , >. l ™-. , t ford were married at Old Tennent often Sold only by dealers church last Wednesday week. unfailing passenger service with covered with 12 inches of Buys a Bungalow. Guarantee two Buick cars. snow. The two Buicks have L. D. Aikcn, a Long Branch paint- never Ijeen off this route—are er, has bought the Guno bungalow The Columbia (no adjustment "The 60 mile road between operating there today." on Hapmton avenue, which is nowpayment) guarantee covers all the give tire mileage occupied by Captain Potter. materials in the battery. It covers the Bryan to Speak at Matawan. workmanship that put them there. It guar- Prtunt lints of new Butck six-cylindir models will it tariin! antees an electrical capacity adequate to the thru the 1922 ttmtn. Beginning Julie lit the new itriei and William Jennings Bryan will speak requirements of your car j with an efficiency at the lowest cost at the Matawan high school auditor- at least 80% of (he original capacity for the r , Pr>"t will it asftllowt, f. o. I. Faittriit, Flint, Michigan. ium next full. Tho exact date has period of the guarantee. ^. ,. , • '.^ ...... > .f '....•. .. - not been decided as yet. Vnu get a guartinttt 'like this, tnlj in history Clothing Store Robbed. with the Model 22-44 Three Passenger Roadster - * - - - - $1495 Thieves broke into Howard L. Bor- Model 22-45 Five Passenger Touring ------1525 den's clothing store at ASbury Park Monday night of last week arid stole Model 22-46 Three Passenger Coupe 2135 clothing worth $2,000. Model 22-47 Ffvc Passenger Sedan - - - '- - - - 2435 Model 22-48 Four Passenger Coupe 2325 LACH'S Eighteen different Model 22-49 Seven Passenger Touring ------1735 Broadway Hotel and Restaurant. points of construction Model 22-SO Seven Passenger Sedan 2635 Mtnln xervcil ot nil lioura.. Special rate- make the Columbia to traveler*. Dancing every Kridny anil superior in 18 different 30 x 31 Saturday Wi'liliiKH. Good mllfllc. ways. Honeycomb 209 Broadway, opposite Third Avc plate formationhaa (B-94) a trussed sructure NON-SKID RED-TOP CORD Long Branch, ' New Jerfrey. like a eteel girder l'hotw 1C00. to withstand Duck- ling. Universal $15.00 $22.00 $27.50 terminals m&k e MERCER , . jiosdible installing a Reduction on all styles and sizes (IrncluitU' Niiracs con nlwnyB iibtain Columbia in jjcomls' time where hours M. L. ZOBEL ponilionn itt lUtrneilve snlnriu* in pri~ were consumed before viito nunHiitf. school,.. hospltnJn, in. Hiimnri' romiinnicK, inriunt Hcrf, rtc. Scaled councilors are protection against Nil rue* nre needed inoro ut present inexperience. Bayonet-catch Vent plugs thnn cv.-r Ufor*. Monmouth County's Largest Automobile Distributor Mercer IIoKpltal offer* fi tlirCe yeniV and exceptional])! ivi,l0 .filling holes enables teursp. of liAtMietloti. ^with bo»Ml,)aun« you to ciiily-learn 1l>» conditimr' of' » dry nnil imMltciii rare. In CIIHC of IMIH'SB, Columbia. free. Monthly aJJywiince la glvvn mif- flrli-titly lorire *<> e»v*r runt *>f t"xt Let \u BIIOW you all II points of min- Sea Bright, N, J. A New Low Price on a lionkH mul uniforms uml ennble the ntu- ority and explain wliat tliey mean to you. Red Bank, N. J. dont uurfle to Ink*1 Ihn traitiintf without other Iliianrlni mmiiiUiirr. Cln*«cn are Telephone 955 Telephone 90 MOW |j«

predicted that the work would cost BODY BACK FROM FRANCE. WEDDINGS. WATER FOR WESTSIDE about $15,000 to $20,000. PIONEER MERCHANT DEAD. IDRESSES MADE BY GIRLS. MANY JUNIOR GRADUATE Remaina of Christopher Doughty \ VanMater—Unz. The matter of paving West street Buried in Fair View Cemetery. was revived and William S. Child Miss Elizabeth VanMater,, daughg - NINETY-THREE PUPILS FINISH OFFICIALS AWAftD "CONTRACT made strong arguments in favor of CAPT. WILLIAM A. COLE DIED The body of Christopher Doughty A CLASS IN DRESSMAKING COM- f Chl VMt d Stt ter of Charles VanMater, and Stuart JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL. ' FOR THREE STREETS. this improvement. He stressed the THIS MORNING. of Fair Haven, who was killed in the PLETES ITS COURSE. Una, son of Oscar Unz, both of At- fact thSt the street connected two of St. Mihiel drive during the war, ar- • th River Str | 'antic Highlands, were married Sat- Police Telegraph Ordinance Appar- Well Known Red Bank Resident rived in Red Bank Friday. The Eighteen Girl, of urd Exerciaea of This Clan Held Friday the mast important streets- of the Passed Away Shortly After Mid- Scbool Have B «n Taking Le.aon. ,^ afternoon at the bride's home Morning in the High School Audi- ently Killed Beyond Hope of Re.-town and that a majority of the prop- funeral was held Sunday afternoon at •Their Work on • "l tne Presence °f a large number of iirrecllon—Firemen Called Down erty own era owning more than half of night in Hit Eightieth Year—The Fair View "ceirtetery und was largely in Making Dresses torium—Graduate* Will Coutiuui) Funeral Wilj be Held on Friday. Diaplay in The Regiater Window. relatives and friends. The ceremony Studies in Tenth Grade. for Speeding. the property on the street and own- attended. Members of the 310th in- was performed by Rev. Joseph H. A contract for. $4,308.75 Was ing more than half the street frontage William Andrew Cole died early fantry, to which Mr. Doughty was at- On April 7th a dressmaking class Ninety-three pupils graduated from Schaeffer. The bride wore a white the Red Bank junior high school last awarded Monday night to the Mon-had signd a petition for the improve- this morning in his eightieth year at tached,' and a large concourse of with 23 members was formed in thesutin dress covered with a lace mouth contracting company for lay-ment. Mr. Hubbard was instructed his home on Wallace street. He had members of patriotic organizations River street school. Sessions were robe. Friday morning. The graduating ex- , ., _, , , m, , . u»ui. She also wore a veil caught up ercises were held in the high school ing water mains on three different to advertise for bids. been in failing health for several of Red Bank and Fair Haven escort- held every Tuesday and Thursday af- blossom,, and she carried streets. The bids were opened two months, but his condition of late had ed the body from It. It. Mount & with oran auditorium and the program consisted The Red Bank and Keyport trolley ternoon. after the regular schoo_, l day|. - « oitunceri boqueuvuuirti ouif lilieluiusa 'ouif thLilte: Villval- - ., . ., , .. . wepks ago and the" Monmouth con-' seemed to improve and it was notSon's funeral paflora to Cooper's studies were completed. a shoW o£ 50n 3 b he dua t clas line was severely criticised. by some The in- iey. Her sister, Mrs. Harry. Izzaril S ,Ll f ™ f "i?,. f,' trading company was the lowest bid- until a short time before the end that bridge. Rev. Robert MacKellar con- structor was Mrs. Louise ssll Llfe of Ed h n of the councilmen and by sonrn of the PCour- Iof ElmiraElmira,, NeNeww YorkYork,, wawass matromatronn ooff ,, £, £,y .°." ,,7 , ,, ,"r t .^ der, hut Councilman G. Howard Lip- citizens for its failure i§~\w con- his ailment seemed Berious. ducted the service j at the grave. A voisicr, and the work was under the o f DD a OaOa11 !!yy i eSay eS ay r -"•- hhonor . RRodned y UUnz , a bbrotheh r off thhe °"r°" 44 M ii ??"" , u "'f"'!! 3 pincott mode auch a big kick against crete between its tracks on^tli/north- Mr. Cole was born in Massachu-i firing squad fired ft volley over the general direction of Miss Helen Por- groom,-was groomsman. The house 1 proyiding water for. Sunset avenue oscenef Pasteus byr thbey cla^ Isabells basea Colemand on th,e an ind - ern end of Bridge avenue. Mr. Burd setts. He moved to RedBank with grave and a bugler sounded "taps." terfield, superintendent of recreation was decorated with pink roses, palms and Madison avenue that action was stated that Keyport had compelled the his father when he was a young man Mr, Doughty was 25 years old and in Red Bank. Five girls dropped out and ferns. A reception wus held af- ventions of Edison and Pasteur. An deferred for two weeks for a report. company to put concrete between its and found employment here as a was a son of Edward Doughty. of the class because they were unable ter the ceremony. The couple left address was given by Rev. J. Law- On Monday night* Councilman Wil- tracks at that place; and he did not clerk. Later he and Isaac H. Adlem to buy the materials for making on a wedding trip and on their return rence Pitt. Edwin C. Gilland, super- liam H. R. White gave a report in see why Red Bank could not do what started the dry goods business which dresses, the other eighteen members will live for the summer at Atlantic intendent of the Red Bank public favor of water for all the streets and Keyport had done. George Dwight is now owned by Jacob Yunko. of the class remaining during the en- Highlands. They will spend next schools, presented the certificates to a motion to that effect was carried said the council never lacked means From a small beginning this business KILLED BY AUTOMOBILE. tire course. The girls who completed winter at New York. The bride re- the graduates. with Mr. Lippincott casting the only to compel property owners to paygrew and prospered until it became the course were Lena Acquaro, Mary ceived many gifts. She is a gradu- The following is a list of the grad- dissenting; vote. Several houses are their share of public improvements RUMSON BOY MET WITH A Applegate, Francis Becker, Laura ate of the Atlantic Highlands high uates: being built on Madison avenue and and that he, didn't see why the coun- Bizzarro, Anna Boncore, Mary Car- school. lJcckenrit Jennie TIUI-X. Vcra fourteen or fifteen on Sunset avenue, cil couldn't make the trolley company TRAGIC DEATH MONDAY. Butcher. Anna V{.nHrunt, Griicu and Mr. Lippincott stated that he was pinelli, Vincenza D'Onofieo, Esther Courvoisier, Marion VanUorn, llutli do the same. A motion was passed Joseph Porter, Eleven Years Old, RunFazzone, Rose Galante, Angelina Laszloy—Hickman. Di^iaon, MiMred Anderson, -William against water for those two streets demanding that the company have a Dpwn and Killed While Riding Garuto, Bettina Natale, Angelina Di'Gurve, I.cuh lU-iMtenHU-in, William' because under a new law passed to representative at the next council Miss Louise Pansy Lazloy, daugh- Dennis, Evelyn Hrower, Donald relievo the housing situation new Home on a Bicycle—His Brother Palmiera, Pauline Rosenberg, AAnna ter of Mrs. Louise Laszloy of Rum-Hiickt'tt, Mnrion l'Vrry, Stanley meeting/\ Ribustelli, Frances Sciarabba, Lucy Mtuiamky, Libbie Honieo. Joseph houses will be tax free for five years. Was Killed Four Weeks Ago. son, and Edward C. Hickman, Jr., of Murphy, Gladys Kose. Melvin Councilman W. A. VanSehoick was Mrs. Fred Proctor and Mrs. Henry Joseph Porter, eleven years old, Tropino, Grace Tesauro and Carmela Newark, were married on Wednes- Nelson, Alice Scott, Norman son of William Porter of Rumson, Vassalotti. day, June 8th, at the bride's home by O'FInherly, Johanna Walthcr, Carl opposed to water on the western end S. White were at the meeting. They OI*en, Anna Yountr, Oliver ! of Sunset avenue, although for anwere usked by Mayor Patterson if was killed Monday af ternopn at Rum- The girls are from ten to fourteen Rev. Arthur A. McKay. The bride- Price, Louise Gray, Franklyn entirely different reason than Mr. they had anything to say. They re- son by an automobile owned and years old. They were taught to cut, was dressed in white (h'epe and wore Kaniiolph, Mnrnnret Manning, Sherman Lippincott. Mums are to be laid on a veil caught up with orange MOST Kiinflt. Virginia McChllan, Edward plied thatthey had attended the meet- driven by Frank L. Connable, a sum-to sew different kinds of seams such Ki-liiwilcr. On nil I'liillipa, John a portion of that end of the street in ing in the interest of economy to op- mer resident of Monmouth Beach. as felling, frenching and hemming, soms. Miss -Liehoa Rcnz of Brooklyn Sherman, Hnrah i'loctor. Kenneth order to have Water to fight a ftre pose the police telegraph ordinunc-u Four weeks ago James J. Porter, a to make buttonholes and to stitch on was bridesmaid and Floyd Hickman Id-it. I-yiliii Ward. Grace which has been burning continuously was groomsman. Mrs. Dora Buech- llrickmaii. .Mililrcil WarneckeK Mary but that they would make no remarks brother of Joseph, was killed by asewing machines. * All the work was Hrown, Kthelyn Weil, Catherine for eighteen months at the public because the matter hod been acted on fall from a building in Ne\i York. done by the girls themselves, with ner of Union Hill played the wedding Ooleman, Irt.'tliell NVelh-r, Adelai.le garbage dump, Mr, VanSehoick said satisfactorily to them, Joseph met his death while ne wasonly the necessary directions from march. About forty guests attended p.-rjnis, Helen Wilkin,-nn. Barbara • there was a hydrant" amply near to the wedding. A reception took place Ki'knian. -Anna Applet-ate, Joseph Tte. assessment commissioners riding home on a bicycle from the the instructors. Some of the girls Kl-'ui. Mary Chmlwick, William supply all the water needed without Seabright tennis club courts. The came from tailors' families and they after the ceremony. The couple went F.mliie.-. Floren C'n«bie. Malcolm laying additional mains and further- tragedy occurred at the corner of showed special aptitude with the on a wedding trip and on their return FriUi'-is, -Norm lleckir. M.mnw more that it was a needless expense will start housekeeping at Rumson in Gallach.-r. Kli Cnlnnte, Troimns : The total cost of the* job was Hartshorne lane anil Tennis Court needle. ,,l.rth ll»rtm..n, (Veil ' because a new site for a Jump is soon $1,321.12, of which $700 will be paid lane. Mr. Connable drove tiie ear to the Nagle cottage, which the groom Hawkin*. fie-inte to be obtained. He wus unable to " Angelina Garruto, one of the girls, bought a short time ago. (irce Alice- Kemp, iSr.vc : by the town at large and $621.12 will the left of«the road to avoid hitting who is twelve' yenrs old, had never ty. Harriot get the other couneilmon to agreo bu paid by the property owners bene- the boy, but the right front mudguard Hiinnn, Miirii- K.Tine-ly. WellinKton with him. The other street where sewed before, but she made such a HcmminL', Amy IMIIII. Krank fited. _^ struck Joseph on the head and frac- nice dress for herself that she was Taylor—Barry. Hi'lt'., K.itlu.rint; I'ltch.-r. Harold mains are to be luid is Shrewsbury Wfl-imaiui. Murris avenue. tured the skull. The boy lived about inspired to go home and make a dress William A. Barry, son of Mrs. J. [tivino. Murion live minutes but in that lime the last i. Wriuln WaKiiet. Frank for her little sister, who is six years Bellinger of Union street, Red Bank, ' Jnhnsto Dorothy Oakley. Donald AS IN THEIR CHILDHOOD. rites of the Catholic church were ad- old. She drew the design and pat- and Miss Grace Sherwood Taylor of Olirien. William Mr. Mppincott's pet measure, tho ministered ,to the boy by a priest who Pryor. l.uke Gamcwell polico telegraph system, tern for the dress herself, without Bayonno, were married last Wednes- ] iYiuCi Pi.mek. llariey happened to be ridingin an automo- assistance,and she made the dress up day at St. Joseph's church at Jersey ! »•'«< . Edith Pi.a-ich. William was apparently killed beyond hope of THE HANDS OF TIME TURNED bile in the rear of the Connable car. City. • Their attendants were Miss' McGary»'«inrrity.. Ellen P-rktr, Tii,T,dorc :. resurrection. The ordinance provid- BACK. AT A PARTY. from her own pattern and design. McLean, I.'inton. Hurry ing for this system at a cost of $5,000 The county physician gave a burial This dress, as well as all the others Nan Winters and Peter J. Kiehele. Mim-fii-lil. Willie. Kurt/-, Waldo permit ascribing the death as acci- made by the girls, are two-piece slip- After the ceremony a wedding sup- Presby, Mnrion Mazv.a, Harry to the taxpayers was up for its final Mr. and Mrs. John King and Their Robinson, Wahnetn Momky. Harold reading and it wus laid on the table. dental. on dresses, with neck facing, belt and per was served at the Arrowhead inn Tmitum. Ethel Schneider, Carl Friends Dreised Like Children, WILLIAM A. COLE. Besides his parents Joseph leaves at New York. The couple left on anThnw. Anim Councilman Harry B. Clayton helped Played Like Children and Had as pockets. to deal a death blow to tho telegraph two sisters and two brothers, Lillian, automobile trip to the Thousand VnnSchoick. Julio Good a Time aa Children Have. one of the largest of its kind in tht May, Thomas and Raymond Potter. The dresses made by the sirls have Islands and on their return will live system by stating that he hud taken state. been put on display in the window of POTATO MEETING AT HOLMDEL. the-,, matter up with the telephone Turning back the hands of time to The funeral will be held tomorrow at Red Bank, Mr. Hurry is a broker childhood dnys was the feat accom- Mr. Cole retired 'from business in morning at • half-past nine o'clock at Tho Register office as an exhibit of and a member of the-• ConsolidateConsolidated j ,| Held Friday NiNight coriipany and that the telephone com- 1900. He was very fond of river what can be (lone by schoolgirls of A B; Ra to be pany would install for $150 a system plished by Mr. and Mr3. John King Holy Cross church and the burial will the ages of ten to fourteen years. stock exchange at New York. Our-j . Co.0perative Association. just us good as the Gamewell system. of Branch avenue and about thirty sports and at one time he owned tha be at Mount Olivet cemetery. fastest pleasure boat on the Shrews- inR the war he served with the United A £big ; rally of potato growerr.s will He said Asbury Park had a system of their friends at a party a few Mr. Connable was placed under ar- States marine corps. be held at Holmdel Friday night t<» similar to the one the telephone com- nights ago in celebration of the tenth bury river. Because of his ability as rest for the accident and was held WOMEN FIGHT A FIRE. a boatman and because he spent so |_ 'j «i O00 bail for the Rrand jury Pryor—Higgins. wind up the campaign which hss been pany proposed to install here and that anniversary of the wedding of Mr. un er Navesink Firemen's Auxiliary Helped for the past few wsoks to puny proposed LU install iiere uiiu UIUL —: ,. "_-. ~, „ ,.~ . <.L_ much of his time on the river hi on a charge of assault and battery. the annual cost for maintenance did .and Mrs. King. The folks at theearned the name of Captain Cole. to Put Out Blaie in a Field. not exceed $250. The councilmen ' P"^ wore short dresses kne... ~...v - --•• -.-•-. it,„„„-(. was held at the bride's be puid to the mayor and council. Mr. had gone to school together, and for The funeral will be held a,t. th,e•'-Weefc-Prertons to-HHer Deaih^She-, out because most of them tnougnt Applegote replied that the only law j them the occasion TOB a reunion as house Friday afternoon at half-past waa a Native of England and She the bell had been rung to attract at- he-was converaant witli regarding the well as an opportunity" to recall fond matter was one which required that memories. Mr. and Mrs. King re- two o'clock. The burial will be made Had Lived in America 75 Yeara. tention to the cake sale. The women New York on their wedding trip and j^rOI* A1V« AgLct a^-1-ici.uij "•". """* the people must approve salaries for ceived many fine gifts. Saturday morning at eleven o'clock Mrs. Julia E. Borden, widow of left the firehouse and helped the men on their return will live at Red Bank. state department of agriculture; -I. the mayor and council at an election. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Fred at Cedar Lawn cemetery at Paterson. George P. Borden, died Thursday put out the fire with buckets of Mr. Higgins is employed by the Pub-F. Langer of the California co-opera- Mr. Lippincott retorted that he un-Rentiers, Mr. and Mrs. Augustus morning at the home of her daughter, water. The auxiliary made $45 at lic Service electric company. He wastive association; C. R. Applegate, derstood there was a law which pro- Warner, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warner, Coming Weddinga. Mrs. Louis E. Brown of Prospect the cake sale. a member of the Red Bank ambu- secretary and treasurer of the New vided salaries for tly) mayor und Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Penrce, Mr. and Miss Grace Madison of Pinckney lance company during the war. Jersev potato growers' association; avenue, with whom she had made her Douglas S. Dilts of the Trenton councilmen without the people having Mrs. Arthur Walker, Mr. and Mrs. road and Edgar Layton of Oakland home since the death of Mr. Borden St. James's Girls' Club Election. Sternheim—Katsin. any suy-so in the matter. Mr. Ap-' Joseph Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie street will be married Saturday night three years ago. Mrs. Borden's hip The girls' club of St. James's bureau of markets; and David Ranter plejrate said there might be such a law Dennis, Mr. and Mrs. George A. at the New Monmouth Baptist par- was fractured by a fall a week pre- church met Monday night at the club- Bernard L. Katsin of Red Bank and of Perrineville, one of the biggest but he had never heard of it.. He said ' Delatush, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest sonage. The attendants will be Miss vious to her death. house and elected officers for theMiss Henrietta Sternheim of New potato growers in the county. Dorothy Emmons, Miss Anna Egans York were married fast night at Rich- he would investigate. I Compton, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Run- Ninety years ago Mrs. Borden was coming year. Miss Rose Sullivan was HOUSE RAIDED. The- officials adopted a resolution I yon, Mr. and Mrs. J. William Heim, and Martin Dwyer. The couple will born at' Windsor. England, and she chosen president, Miss Margaret C. mond Hill, Long Island. They were requiring property owners on the Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Magee, Mr. and go to Atlantic City on their wedding came to this country 75 years ago. Ryan vice president, Miss Marguerite attended by Mr. and Mrs. A. Gold- Seven Women and Eight Men Lodge.1 western end of West Front street to Mrs, Otto Beutell and Mr. and Mrs. trip. For many years she and her husband McCue secretary and Miss Grace smith, of Red Bank. The couple will spend a week in the Catskill moun- in the Red Bank Jail. lay sidewalks from Rector place to Bert Bogert. Announcement has been made of conducted the Prospect boarding Hackett treasurer. The club will A house near Newbold's woods, be- Hubbnfd's bridge. Engineer George the engagement of Miss Elsie Tetley, house on Prospect avenue. Besides give a euchre and dance at St. tains and on their Red PERFECT FOR A YEAR. Bank will live on tween Little Silver and Long Branch, K. Allen yvas~instructed to fix a grade daughter of Millard Fillmore Tetley the daughter mentioned she leaves a James's clubhouse next Tuesday ^^ _ _ ^ place. was raided shortly after midnight for the sidewalks. t)f Hudson avenue, to William H. son, William H. Borden of Branch night. Mr. katsin is treasurer^oTjthe Tershi Saturday night by County Detectives James N. Bunell, the water superin- Two Colt'i Neck Pupila Who Did Not Carhart, Jr., of Little Silver. Noavenue. ~Mrs. Borden was a member Products Co. of Red Bank. He wjll Miaa a Day. John M. Smith and Jacob B. Rue. rhj tendent,, reported that the reservoir date has been set for the wedding. of .the First Methodist church. Automobile Stolen at Highland.. open a new drug store near the rail- occupants of the house were brought had been cleaned and that the county Iretha Robinson of the fourth The funeral was held Sunday after- road station. 1 Privates Mintz and Donovan, sol- to Red Bank and lodged in the Red was taking water for sprinkling pur- grade and John Beans of the second St. Anthony's Day Obaerved. noon at Mrs. Brown's and the sermon poses without paying for it from the grade of the Colt's Neck public diers at Sandy'Hook, were arrested Walling—Matthews. Bank jail till Sunday morning,, when hydrant at the corner of Pinckney school had perfect records for at- Special masses and other special was preached by Rev W. RoUand Sunday at Highlands by Chief Louis Miss Beatrice Edna Walling and they had a hearing before Justice td- road and Soutli street. Some of the tendance and punctuality for the en- rvices were held at St. Anthony's > Raver. The burial was at Fair View Loder on a charge of stealing an Oliver Matthews, both of Highlands, ward W. Wise. One woman, saidt* water is used to sprinkle Pinekiiey tire school year just ended. Miss church at Red Bank last week in ob-1 cemetery. lutoniobile owned by William Fehl- were married' Sunday night at th'ebe" the'keeps* of the house, gave baa- servance of St. Anthony's day. At Kaber of Highlands. The car waa and was released. The other sue rouil inside of the borough limits. Florence Campbell, the teacher of the Highlands Methodist parsonage by sent to the county jail Councilman White stated that as the grammnr grades of the school, has sunrise and at sunset aerial bombs EXERCISES BY CHILDREN. taken from Mr. Fehlhaber's garage Rev. Harry P. Grimm. The attend- women were were fired off on the church grounds. and was recoveerd at Highlands to await the action of the grand jury. county will put oil on Pinckney road. returned t.o„ —her homo at Little Silver, ants were Miss Cecilia Layton and The men were held in $200 bail eac J in a few days it would do no harm to | and Miss Bertha Dunham, the teacher Children's Day Celebrated at Tinton Beach. Each soldier was held under Stephen V. Foster. allow water to be taken by the county of the primary department, has re Annual Boy Scout Meeting. falU Sunday Afternoon. $1,000 bail to await tho action of and bail was furnished for all ot Children's day exercises at thethe grand jury. They could not get them. The men and women were until the oil is put on the road. How- lurmud t.tuo «*-hei r hom».u»«ne «.n.t vCliffwood— . Th1 ne fourtTOUruhi annuaunuuiili meetininct.-i.iiiKg o"if «-'thlc e ^....~-~-. ~ —j - Houses Rented. ever, the council instructed Mr. l!u- During the years that Miss Campbell Monmouth county council ot boy Methodist church at Tinton rails bail and were sent to the county jail. from Long Branch,. West Lon| nejl not to allow the county to take has taught at Colt's Neck 47 of 49 •scout s will be -.,„..held Frida. y nigh_•..•.t. i-JD-n ; SundaJ y wer„-.e . attende-n-«,,,fpHd bhvy na lnrn-large William A. Hopping has rented Branch, Asbury Park, Atlantic City ! Mrs. Ada Conover's house on Wash- any more water unless it is paid for. pupils who have taken the grammar the Eisner building. An address will number of spectators The program Mrs. Minnie Harvey's Birthday. and New York. ^_ Thirty persons attended a party a ington street, furnished, to Mrs. Em- Sewers are to be put down on school examinations have passed. be given by Dr. George J. Fisher, a comprised songs by the school, re- ma Morford of Shrewsbury. He has Shrewsbury avenue soon, and Morgnn This year threo of Miss Campbell's deputy chief scout executive. iponsive readings recitations by few days ago in celebration of the Roller Skater's Arm Broken. V. Disbrow made application for theformer pupils graduated from high Wulter England,' Lawrence Flanni- irthday of Mrs. Minnie Harvey of rented Mrs. Morford's house at Mrs. Louise Crane of Rumson fell job of sewer inspector. His applica- schools at Leonardo and Freehold. gan, Marjorie Helyar, Harry Sofield kittle Silver. The usual festivities Shrewsbury to Samuel Armstrong Saturday while roller skating on thB Graduated from Bucknell. and David Scott; an address by Rev. were enjoyed and Mrs. Harvey re- Hulsey, a Newark broker, and Mrs. tion was filed. George Wiggins's house on Hudson concrete rink at Victory park anfl Craig Finncgan of - Belford grad- H VanCleaf; songs and exercises ceived a large number of gifts, in- Councilman Clayton reud a build- Health and Ice. avenue to Mrs. Edward P. Rose of suffered a broken arm. This was ths ing coda which he wanted the council There is nothing 30 necessary to uated with high honors from Buck- b ciasses; a solo by Mrs. Wellington cluding cash, checks and silverware. irst accident afthe rink. Old folk* health as ice. Nothing so conducive nelnail universititniiral'airiyr lnolasft weekUTflplr . HPe Tfinltookf afl _.*£..Wilkin. . s an»d a due.1.. _tL 1b y iMnrgarer _„*t. New York. s well as young folks use the rink to adopt. The code wus voted down. course in mechanical engineering. Mr. Clayton and Mr. Lippincott enst to comfort as our pure ice, the only Scott and Ethel Dreyer. Summer is Hero. Tickets for Championship Fight. nd it has grown to be one of th» the only affirmative votes. luxury within reach of almost every Craijr won two scholarships while at Go through your wardrobe and get most popular pastimes at Rumson. purse. Think of a product made college. Sale. out those articles of wearing apparel Two tickets for the Dempaey-Car- The demand for roller skates has Xho ordinance providingfor buying purse. Think of a p pentier fight will be disposed of on a lot and part ef a vacated street from several times filtered and Mrs. Ira Barrows will hold a sale which are to be used by members of been so great that three stores now aerated water (purer than .your Thief in a Garage. at her residence, Buena Vista avenue, your household. Phone us to come the co-operutive plan for the benefit ;arry roller skates as part of their from Charles E. Burd for $1,200 of the Red Bank cavalry troop. Shares paBsed its first reading. Councilman drinking water). Think of u hot By entering u rear window of C. Rumeon, N. J., for the benefit of the for them and put them in condition egular stock. Jesse P. Mnnahan voted ngninst this spell without ice. Think of the food Parker Morris's garage on Monmouth Madison avenue exchange for thelike new. We can do it and save you on the tickets ore now being sold. spoiled. Think of the lives lost. street Thursday night, a thief stole woman's work (749 Madison avenue, a lot of worry and expense. Hun- The lucky number will be drawn a few It Fill, a Long Felt Want. measure. days before the fight. Then realize we are always ready to a box containing $12 in cash and $75 New York city), Tuesday and dreds of satisfied patrons are our DurinK the past week I have had Negotiations nro being carried on deliver pure ice to you for only 8-10 in checks. The robber got away Wednesday, June 28th and 29th, best advertisement. French Clean- at least a dozen women express them- to have refuse and gurbage dumped of A cent a pound, and the price safely with his boots'. from 10:00 A. M. to 6:00 P. M. Teaers nnd Dyers, 6 Broad street, Moe Ladies, Attentionl selves to me aa to how they appreci- on a low piece of land in the renr of wont be raised. Phone 406 for de- -will be served at 1:00 o'clock. A Gordon, proprietor. Phone 1151.— Have you seen the lovely footwear ated my efforts in _opening a Jjpecia Conover's factory. If this deal goes livering of pure ice, and for emer- on display at the Army and Navy through the dump in West Red Bunk Picnic at Tinton Fall*. specialty, children's dresses from two Advertisement. ' ;orial department for women nt gency needs outside of business Members of auxiliary No. 4 of tho to fourteen years at reasonable store, Broad street, opposite Register sanitary barber shop, Weller will be abandoned. A letter was re-hours any day or night a supply can building? This new department is my ceived from the Conover company Long Branch hospital, which includes prices. You are cordially invited.— This Store is Your Store. upstairs. Personal atten- JJO had nt .the pure ice plant, Bridgre Shrewsbury and Eatontown, will hold Advertinement. ' Fiiiesiein's waiting room, West proving a great money saving feature a speciaill ddepartment, modern stating that tho town could hnve a avenue and Ice pluce. of this store for the women of this tion dump in the rear of the factory, pro- a picnic tomorrow ufternoon on Front street, near Broad street, is vicinity. Your dollar goes twice us onvenicn.'es, expert and artistic work. viding tiiuf, the town would see that Independent Ice and Coal Co., George Martin's farm at Tinton Potato Meeting at Holmdel, conducted for the benefit of the pub- fnr here as elsewhere. Have also a is what my patrons will find hew Corner Monmouth and West streets. Friday night, June 27th. Every lic. The stock of merchandise is se- Mav wo have the pleasure of a visit paper mid other objectionable mater- Falls. nice assortment of footwear, fur- ial were properly taken care of. If —Advertisement. farmer should go to Hojmdel Friday lected with this end in view. From nishings and other wearing apparel u? We'll prove our state- the dump In located there Andrew Great Shoe Bargains. evening and hear the brilliant apeak- dnily papers to confectionery, from for men.—Advertisement. ments Immediate attention. Price* Morris, who is employed tit the suw- Mifs A. L. Morris Ladies, you can buy beautiful low | era on co-opcrntive marketing of the noft drinks to tobacco nnd all the way mouerate. G.orgo Kelly, propnetor. ago plant, will be employed to do ad- will close her millinery parlor, room shoes at half present dny price in my potato crop. Thi' s wwill bo the most between we have it here for you.— 7 Broml street. Phone 21>7-M Red ditional duty as dump watcher. lie 11, Eisner building, on July 10th, and sale, simply because they are last sea- important meeting oiff the season. The Advertisement. These Are Sport Days. Bank.—Advertisement. will get extra pay of fifty cents a dny. reopen on August lflth with an en-son's. White, black and brown AA to names of the speakers will be found Get your sporting edition of your tire new line of the season's milli- Notice. Time Changed. favorite newspaper at Fiheotein's Tho street commltteo was empow- D, threo to eight, nt $8.7C and $4.95. elsewhere in this issue of The Reg- The Weaver Welte-Mignon nery.—Advertisement. 4 Many styles on tables in store. Men's The Shrewsbury child's welfare waiting room, West Front street, (licensed) reproducing piuno offom ered tp tmploy a street superintend- ister.—Advertisement. committee wishes to correct the im- near Broad street. All othor edition! ent temporarily while Robert Pierce, shoes $3.75 and $5.95 in sale. Clar- every desirable -feature to the ih- Yovi \vill always find piano values ence White, Red Bank.—Advertise- Sale of Waists. pression that they no longer hold the of tho morning and evening papers as criminatini? buyer who desires tha the»regular superintendent, is laid up clinic. Bus leaves Tuesday mornings well as magazines and periodicals.— with sickness. Mr. Pierce is at theon our floor that are true examples ment. Special reduced price on Indies' bent for his home. Let ua toll you of anvlnga. A. Vt. Dirhan piano Bhop, cotton, silk nnd georgette waists. Eatontown 9:30 o'clock, Red Bank at Advortiaement. more about it. A. B. Diihnn's piano Long Branch hospital, where he un- Danco Rocords. Strand 10:00 - o'clock, Shrewsbury derwent an operation two weeks ajto, Drummond place, Red Dank. Phone Tricolette ovyrblouses in newest shop, Drummond place. Phone Kotl 983.—Advertisement. Tho following ia u lint of the latest shades, $2.98 and $3.98. Schrnmm avenue and Chestnut street at 10:10 w. o. w. Bunk 933.—Advertisement. Resolutions were passed expressing dance hits: "Cherie," "Scundinavin," & Son, '24 Monmouth streot.—Adver- o'clock.—Advertisement. Monmouth Camp, 43, W. O. W. regret over the deaths of nine Perth Malce Your Rmervations "Moonlight," "Toddle," "My Man." tisement. will hold u lunch box nncinhlii mil Record Selecting. Amlioy firemen, These men were for parking your car at the "Big Come in tonight and hear them at Euchre and Dance dance Thursday evening, July 21st If you want to purchnuo n rocoM killed lust week whim a truck on FifthU" July 2d, 1021. Safe place. Tuaating'a, 1(1 Moninouth Htroct, Red Thrift !•> Youth will be held in St. JIUIICHVclubhouse, Ladies admitted with lunch, gentle- and really dont know what to H.ilect, which'they wore riding was struck by E. L. Suter, 134 Walluco street, Red Bank.—Advertisement. means plenty in ol|l age. Buy a lotMonmouth street, Tuesday evening, men 25 cents admission. Benefit of comu in and we will solve the prifc- a locomotive. Mr.( Lippincott said Bank.—Advertisement. on easy payments. We, have finest June 28th, 1921, under auspices of degree team. Committee.—Adver- lem. It 1B part of our job. lunt'iiKI, there was n good deal of reckless driv- Fireworks. lots in best locations, all sizes, a tho Girls' club.—Advertisement. tisement. f 16 Monmouth street, Red Hunk.—Ad- ing done in going to flies at Hod Victor Night. A large variety in Kutis's ntore, first lowest prices. The Lund and Lonn vertiHement. Bank, and at WB suggestion a motion corner, Mount avenue, Atlantic High- Bread and Cake Sale. Elman. . Tonight i» Victor night-nt Tus Co., 10 ..Eflijt,. Front ^.street,—A.(Jycv-, xonieiir tonight ami "hear'"Passe- ws ppai»dd lBBtnwtUBltUOH, G tinjf'sv 1 (S Monmouth • streety Hed- llNi J.""-Airrerti«em«iit. * tiHorrioiit " "LudlWiiin orihtf miftffmeircliiffiill June Sale on Corsets'; Fraku, the flro chief, to mnke the Dunk.—Advertisement. will h»lu it bread and cake' sale at pied" played by this wonderful ex clusive nrtist. Record No. fi4!H).'l The Nationally advertised brand!. nremon UKQ less speed, Mr. Apple- — *•>*-«*. A Dixie Treat. Try Our Sodas and Drlnlts. Kridol's butcher iibop, llroad street, II. & W. and W. 11. cornets reduced * pte siiMveatod that truck drivers iro- Trjr Our Sodss and Drinks, Southern Sen Koam candy at July 2d.—Advertisement. Tusting's, Ui Monmouth struct, Ro Each drink un individual distinc- Bank.—Advertisement. to ill. COIIU to »4.76, Kceular prlcM intf faster than a certain specified Each drink an Individual distinc- Knickerbocker pharmacy, Ilroitd tion. The Smoke Shop.—Advertlio- SI 50 tii |7. Bchramm & bon, it • rate bo arrested, but the councilmei tion. The Smoke Shop,—Advertise- struct. Made daily.—Advertisement. mont. _^ Victrola Special, Monmouth »troot.—Advotllwiment : did not think It wiao to take this ac- ment. ^ ^ We nre offerini g uVi Victiolt n in u Millinery tion with volunteer firemen. Danes , Tonight period model att apodap l pprice of Luilics' and children's hnto at low Brayar'n Ie« Cr««m j- Welt for Your Car to lie held in Is Victor night nt Timting's, lfi Mon-$110. The quantity I s limitedliitd . CCome est price in Red Bank.' Schramm & Clerk John L. Hubbard was In- Naveaink library Fri- Son, 24 Monmouth atroot.—Adver- at the Smoko Shop. "W* • food B<(t structed to advnrtlte for bids for at'Finestein's waiting room. Every- day, July Int. Basle brcheatru. -Ad- mouth struct, Rod Hunk.—Advertise- In tonlRht. .TUHUIIK'BI,JI)-Monmouth • fad."—Advertlwment. , 4* sewern on South gtreot. Mr. Allen body welcome.—Advertisement. mission 50 cents.—Advertisement. ment. etreot, Red Bank.—Advfittisomont. tisement, RED BANK REGISTER, JUKB&2, iHttU Tweh KEANSBURC RE3IDEtfT DEAD. Mm. John Day DWtl of Stomach Bay* Fran toe Farm. Baal Fi»lcrm«n( Troabl* Liu Friday. WELL KNOWN HOLMDEL PRAC- in Eleven-Inning Game. Mrs. Elizabeth Day, wife of John TITIONER DIED SUDDENLY. Everett's baseball team won iw Day of Keonsburg, died of stomach greatest victory thin season last week; He Pa«ed Away in Hi. Sl*»p Early trouble last Friday. 'She was sixty when it defeated Belford by » scored Lait Wedncday Momini and Waa years old and had lived at KoannliurR of 8 to 7 in an eleven-inning game at/ Found Dead in Bed—Two Daugh- all her life. She leaves three daugh- Belford.' Stanley Carhart, pitcher for! ters Survive Him, „< ters and two aonn, they being Misses Everett, wa» the star. He tvyirleti a! Dr. Daniel Edgar Roberta of Julia and Mary Day of Keansbiirg, great game and in the final inning M Halmdel died suddenly early last Mm, Elizabeth Day of Fair JUaven, made a gate bit and drove in 'JChomaa Wednesday morning at his home on James Day of Centerville and Wil-Welsh with, the winning run, His WEEK END SPECIALS the Stilwell farm. He hatl been in liam Dny of Chrome. The funeral companions raised him ou theifl poor health several months. About was held Monday morning at St. shoulders and- with shouts of victory, two o'clock in the mSrninp he usked Maryia church • at New Monmouth. carried him off. the field. Steady] JUNE tor a glass of milk and this was. ob- High mass of requiem wan chanted catching and clean base throwing by) tained for him. A member of hiaby Rev. Hugh Masse;. The burial Charles Stilwagon contributed mater-, family entered his bedroom at'five wag at Mount Olivet cemetery, ,, ially to Everett's triumph. Lant year} o'clock in the morning to inquire Belford defeated Everett by u scorol Thursday Friday Saturday about his health and found that he of 21 to 'i, and on account of this one* was-dead. Heart disease was theFORMER PHALAJXEil DEAD aided score it was only with great dif4 cause of deatb. fitully thiit the Everett players sue* Dr. Huberts waa born in 18(11 on ceeded in inducing Belford to me'eli 23rd 24th 25th part oi what is now Lewis S. Thomp- MOTHER OF GEORGE A. STEELE them this year. The Belfordittn wero son's Brookdale farm at Lincroft. He PASSES AWAY. so certain of winning that they feared wns a son of Daniel and Eleanor Ar- the game would be uninteresting and 50c Jar Violet Dulc Cold Cream, - regular price 50c rowsmith Roberts. He graduated She Died Friday at Her Home at Red would not draw much of an attend* from the medical department of the Bank at tho Ago of 87 Yeara— unce. They attribute their defeat to| university of the city of New York She Waa a Member of tha Oldover-confidence. The Everett nine( 50c Jar Violet Dulc Vanishing Cream, regular price 50c in 1883. At the solicitation of hia North American Phalanx. has Improved wonderfully since last uncle, Dr. Joseph E. Arrowsmith, he yonr.and has"t>een very succemiful sq| Mrs. Matilda Steele, widow of John far this season. , | located at Keyport nnd carried on aN. Steele and mother of George A. 25c Jar Violet Dulc Talcum Powder, regular price 25c growing practice there until May, Steele of Eatontown, died Friday af- 1913, when failing health compelled ternoon at the age of 87 years at her Stan Fail to Twinkle. Regular Value for the three - - $1.25 him to retire to his form, although home on Wallace street. She wns a The Eisner Start of Red Bank! he did not entirely give up his prac- native of King's county, Ireland, and were defeated in a baseball same a' tice. her maiden name was Matilda John- few days ago on the Oriole diamond: In 1890 Dr. Roberts married Mary son. She came to this country at theby a score of 8 to 7 by the Onkwood Week End Special on the Above Days, The Three for One Dollar E, Stilweil, who died in 1893, leaving age of twelve years and married in field club of Long Branch. Floyii two daughters. They are Marian E,, 1862. Her husband was a member Morris pitched a great game for thai wife of E. Douglass Pew of Trenton, of the North American Phalanx. Mr. Bod Bonk aggregation but hia sup- and Miss Edna S. Roberts. The lat-Steele remained a member of that or- port was lagged. Harry Rowland 50c Tube Hlenzo Tooth Paste, - regular price 50c ter is a school teacher at Atlantic ganization until It disbanded, when and Allen Pryor each made a two- City. On March 21st, 1920, Drh.e moved to Pair Haven. Later he buse hit. The Stars would like to; Roberts married Miss Julie Hildeberg took up his residence at Little Silver, book games for the balance of tho 15c Cake Klenzo Soa>, - - - regular price 15c Bisgaard, daughter of the late Lieu- where Mrs. Steele lived 25 years. season. George Hurley is their tenant Richard Bisganrd of the Royal In addition to the eon mentioned, manager. > Regular Value for the two - - - 65c Danish Hussars and owner of theMrs. Steele leaves two other sons, »i> Nooregerard estate. William H. Steele of Danvers, Massa- Automobile Stolen. ! Dr. Roberta was a inember of the chusetts, and Thomas E. Steele of A Cadillac automobile owned by Palmyra. The funeral was held Mon- Monmouth county medical society, of 1 H. C. Porrine of East Front street) Week End Special on the Above Days, the two for Fifty Cents the Practitioners society of Eastern day morning at George A. Steele's was stolen from Mr. Perrine'n garage Monmouth, of the New Jersey stateI and at St. Dorothea's church at Eat- last night. medical society and of the American | ontown. The high regard in which medical association. He was a charter , Mrs. Steele was held was Bhown by regular price 50c member of Bayside lodge of Odd Fel-' the large attendance and the numer- 50c Jar Cocoa Butter Cold Cream, I ous floral tributes at the last rites. WANT lows of Keyport and of Frelinghuysen CLASS CLOS1T FOR SALE: lodge of American Mechanics of Key- The burial was at Mount Olivet cem- 2 Cakes (10c size) Rexall Violet Soap, - • regular price 20c 1 etery. _Aprly M Linden place* MtVBank. port. He had a very wide acquaint- TOMATO PLANTS FOR SALE. - anceship and a very large number of Inquire of Vrvd fleevey, Eatontoawn. N. J. 70c DEATH OF AN ACTOR. Regular Value for the two - - friends. Perhaps by no one will he 100 BELGIAN HARES FOR SALE. be regarded more gratefully that by Henry D. Schanek, Church street; Italfard, the world war veterans whom he be-Ralph A. Stewart of Fair Haven Died N. J. ______Lait Week After s Long Sickncai. friended by sending them gifts when PIANO WANTED. Week End Special on the Above Days, the two for Fifty Cents they were in military service. Al- . Ralph A. Stewart of Fair Haven Upriuht or square. Box 166, Kittontown. though not in good health himself, Dr. died of anemia Wednesday at theN. J. . • Roberts was always available for a Long Branch hospital, where he had.EXPERIENCED SALESLADIES WANTED neighbor or friend in need of medical been a patient six months. He wasat HurwItz'B store, 26 Broad Rtiftt, Hed There's always something special doing each and every day at Dunk. SALESGIRL WANTED. Federal bakery. 17 Brand atrrrt, Red which he made for Ilnnk. _ COOPER'S by his stage name of Ralph Rocka- distress. On sever occasions urDr. H. RITZAU. ~" way. He leaves a widow, Marie E. remover of dead animals. Bed Back. T*W< but we want to feature Thursday, Friday and'Saturday as the days for DhoDe 226. . > HAY FOR SALE. Standing huy for aiilc. Dnnlcl Dratt, Little WEEK END SPECIALS Silver, N. J. last part of his life, but because of member of his self control and courae few the. Pteyew ' boaboatt cluclubb o off HELP WANTED realized his serious condition. Bt the Itumnun Hum] Imimlry, Runmc-n, N. J, ^ J&**^ ^ W& tended and the floral tributes were LIBRARY TABLE FOR SA1E. PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST , Cull ..venint. after 7 :0O o'clock. HO WliHo home. The service was con- utreet, nod Bant. 1 burial was at Fair View cemetery. Five (S Registered Pharmacists I ducted by Rev. Robert MncKollar of PORTER WANTED i Red Bank and Rev. J. H. Browcr of ! Ev,ry half iluy. Federal bakery, 11 I)road ! Fair Haven. The burial was at Fair street, Red Bnnk. THE REXALL. STORE CESSPOOLS AND TOILETS CLEANED JABSES CARROLL DEAD. View cemetery. at a reasonable price, G«org« L. ftirf.Uf!toii, F.lr H.ven, N. JL Prompt Motor Delivery RED BANK, N. J. DEATH OF MATAWAN WOMAN. Telephone 355 SUDDEN SUMMONS FOR PORT HAY FOR SALE. New cut mixed hey in field for miK M1(U i MONMOUTH HOTEL MAN. Ma Jamc. W. VanBrakle Died Early dhttown Stock Farm.

, He wa. Stricken Saturday Afternoon j Mr_ Ema'ltae'siekteT'v'anBraklo, ! Ki.«l tourin,™* "J«fu.«l; »20. X «.. Died wife of James W. VanBrakle of M«t- drawer M, Red Bank. . by Many Fwher- I, died early yesterday morning i BUFFET FOR SALE. J e| men whonTrle Had Befriended. I ___, terVlo^^sic^ess' - • - * T ~She " was'bor• n | ••••'. N-.H• - , »™—---, pric ••••'e MSA«li1rt»» Bullet James Carroll, owner of Shoal in Matawan and had lived in that lo- dn""T Ml Kcl1 """'• , Harbor Inn at Port Monmouth, died cality all her life. She leaves four RANCE WANTED. 4- Quality Courtesy .very suddenly in his hotel Saturday children, they being Mrs. Elmer R. afternoon. One of his tenants had Mitchell of Red Bank, Percy D. and. nanwgp'g ^liiirit iiimrn "" just offered him a five-dollar bill in Floyd J. VanBrakle of Bed Bank, and I Op»n week dw« .nd Sund«»™. "'» W«.t AS WELL AS • payment for rent, and Mr. Carroll Mrsi G. Edwin Parslow of Long.JFront street. Red Bank. j '_ remnrked that the tenant had better- Branch. She also leaves three siaters)S TUTORING. 4 tine river knows tine way to the sea. should a housewife keep the money and pay it later, as. Mrs. George Parker and Mrs. Nathan,)) ir you need a young man tutor, cull Ked it might be needed for Saturday Ervin of Matawan an* Mrs! Wiljiam?™""'' l»«-Wi o«>«rienced. know where to get good meat. I night shopping. An instant later Rose of Jersey City, and a brother, STANDING HAY FOR SALE. Mr. Carroll was stricken with a weak Willis Sickles of South Amboy. The About thirty acres on Rumson rond. Ap- ply Hox 64, Scnbrlght. N. J. For Superior Quality, First Class Service at Lowest Prices spell. He was a dead man within an funeral will be held at the house to- hour. DOG LOST. j morrow afternoon at three o'clock. Bin Airedale terrier, male, lo»t. TRY 1 Mr. Carroll was a native of New i Illuonom farm. Phone 216D-J. • + > Monmouth and was a son of Daniel Rumton Summer Rcaident Dead. BAKER SHOP FOR SALE. .Carroll. He was 57 years old and Price $900 to $1,000. All'Improvements, I . > . - !•* - t . A1_ Williamm ntsnryHenr y raivvnviFalcone r uicdieud Monmuii*- At 125 River street. Red Bank. most of his life was spent in the J.Va t _._. «,.„..;„. home at Rumson hotel business. As a young man he K, 01 tSTd ™Stl CARL CONOVER. PLUMBINC

waM rs , blende. p r in1 1tl » ,hofe l .-•wher_ eW*» O£StatTjl"wS t* WlflDIU \JH U«U*6V liuguillft-i, "^. ' Jt%.FOR ttlSSS®! SALE %$* * ^ The Wagner Sanitary Markets! g VK ame j l\±ti? ,, , , vSZ.ZFS^ZZjfc-™.% -t if, l ™J_ ton' s -staf «Pt?«»f in th.e» Revolutionar George Washing-—y war. iron pum- p, irorn FO .inRk SALE «nd.CT « pint*.' A"P. BEST QUALITY FIRST CLASS SERVICE LOWEST PRICES I CarrollIs first wife. After her death i widow, Mar- ply a>4 l*eu.t avenue. Red Bank. Hi »«• • ~ti , u Ms»ir »Fa]conc Cubbertsonr eave; sa ason, Bruce M. PONY WAGON WANTED. :a * numbev j ru or?f' yearMlnngs agHolmo Mr.<:8.. Carrolwidow l Falconegaret Cubbertsonr of New York; a ;son an,d Bruc a daughe M- . Four ">0NwheeYl runabouWAGONt WANTEDfor Shetlan. d pony.- - of •Jred Holmes. Her maiden name Uv MrB. Pierce oi Texa8. The Address J. S. Bolil, MaUwan, N. J^ B .1r1 t* Mnjl Inrnt 1C1\ \f I l\n n v^ t\ on s\ r«*n*^t 1 ** n ru V* ^Y««_ _ _ — _ M. • . _ ^. • REGULAR SALESLADIES WANTED. FViday and Saturday Specials! • < Tl!«n .^^Vss her funcrafuncra, wass held Friday afternoonn at husbandl "!. ' Mr. Carroll also leaves a the Madison avenue Methodist church Salary $12 per week. Apply V. W. Wool- > brother John Carroll of Red Bk a i thh e MadisoMdi n av Mthdit hh worth Co., Broad ntrect. Red Bank. i brother, John Carroll of Red Bank, ia j jjew York MPNMOUTH COUNTY HUNT CLUB I For a hotel proprietor, Mr. Carroll ' will buy and remove dcail horses, cows nna Fancy Long Island • : had an unusuall characterh . Many CHILDREN'S DAY AT LINCROFT. BIUICB. Phone 2147-R, Eatontown. ___ A I stories are told at Belford and Port —— BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE. Genuine Roasting • Monmouth of the financial assistance Exerciici Given by Sunday-School Wickrr, practically new. Will «<-•!! rcwinn- DUCKS obly. 207 Mechanic gtre«t. Rod BRnk. ^ land other help extended by him to ( Children Sunday. | pperson s in distress. Many a ppros- 1 ChildrenChildren'ss day exerciseexercises SundaSunday ^WOUL D LILIKK E TO BUY 35c |perous fisherman along the Bay afternoon at the chapel at Lincroft second-hand canvas for A t«nt att 11 rc«s»lr«!» ponUliin: i.hret years (teni^ral owo daURbtorof Jumps W. and Deborah the (laughter mentioned she leavcBnnd lot on Wnll struct, »t the/corner RED Q/UMK, PsL JT. of Pearl street, owneil by MttJ. Mary GAUNTLET LOST. threi' other children, Mrs. W. S. Van- Clrey suedde B«unllellf fBlnv l e ffor riuht Imml, Woert of Tairytown, New York, Mullin of Now York, to Josiitph and IMeaae retara to II. !l. Datlln. I>. O. Red SPECIAL PRICES FOR HOTELS, RESTAURANTS and BOARDING. HOUSES Maria Scsrplno. The lot in Mx90 U«nk.___ • „._, ^_._ Jamea CJ. Taylor of New York und feet and the price w»» $2,500. The Mrs. Henry Stark of Miildletown. WONEVTO LOAN. house was,formerly owned by Margn- Munoy to loan on t>en , | TUTORING. Two or thrcfl ' £urnf»hed roomi. with all Chauffeur, willing to do anything; not or would trive out yearly contract to uwner i Experienced t«oeh*r dr*tr«» primary chll- SPECIAL AT OUR MARKET. NITRATE OF SODA. Vtry beat chuck roasts,. *!itcht««n cents , in any quantity from one pound to 109 V/AFf ADVERTISEMENTS. ,imprt>v«mccont«, SmitJtic-, formerly with tUe lierner t-iw- Fb T your town, 60 Broad street, phone Red ence. Salar/' $1" weekly. K. W. Woolworth Broad street, over Schroeder'a drug store, four to ten weeks old, pure 'bred; Barron- must be In good condition; prico reuHonable, YouriK strain cuckertls for m-xt y«nr'n ,ploymctit airency, in now conducting an CARPENTER AND BUILDER. Purlieu, triicma Red Dank 725-11. Bunk 186. , ______»_ Co., JironA street, Red^Hank. ^_^ Red Hank. HKyncy at 67 Greenwich itrpct. New York, brrcncru;, brolltrn dvlivfivd. Phone 55 8-J ("directly opposite Uprta-r'n." and would like Jobbing * specialty. H. Peterson, Lincoln FARM WANTED. BOARD AND ROOM WANTED. YOUNG TEAM OF HORSES FOR SAJUE. j / BARGAIN FOR HOME SEEKER. VimHorn. Shady Knoll fnrm, Fair Haven, Avenue, Efteteide Park, Red Bank,, phone College Btudent desires board and room We have installed autonx»l>ile trucks and : to solicit your huHfnoitH, Flriit cln»» f«rm Small farm for sale or rent, near Red , Six rooniH, modern improvementu, near I help and dairy help furnfhlied. Mail and 1641-B, ______Bank or vicinity. Address Raul Merkhart, with private family in JU-ii Bank, Moderate will BCH our heavy team will) hnmi'39 «nd tiiwi), nice Jot and con be bouybt j»t ri(fht prices. A0dre»s Board and Roam, drawer M, waRon, very reasonable. Cri*?c<'nt Brick prife. Henry F. Hylin, room t», RcKister WINDMILL OUTFIT FOR SALE. ; phone onlera proniptfy uttended to. Phone GIRL WANTED. Red_Dank. ..__„_ _1 Mfg. Plant, Eatontown. N. J. ^ buildinit. Phont- 74=1 Kud Dnnk. Residence Practically JIKW windmill outfit for sale' : 10425 Bowling flrren. Girl wanted to assist in general houee- teel tuwi'r, uutunnttic ulling fngine: also BRICKLAYERS WANTED. phtine ii20. FOR SALE AT RUMSON. wotk. Apply morninss at 120 Broad street. $0.00 per day . of eight hours; union or WOOD WANTED. FOR SALE. i.biK cypress tank. vtiimclty fifty Wrds; Red Bank. • Two cords of dry fire wood, cut in stove One and a half ton Be»»»'nifr truck; also' 1 Bell whole outfit vt-ry eh MI p. J. C. House and lar^e caroKP with two Jots non-union. Inquire Employer*' Association, " BROWNIE CAMERA LOST ,iiOxI2r» feet: cclliir iirnlvr entire h(HJne; mm 15 Rector street, Newark, N. J. lengths, delivered on Newman SprintfB road. M«lid oak, r»l! top desk with pntont link, und Sunilny rnominn on Hay m-t-nin.' or in Jloa ,. I ill lidnlf, Phalmix. phunc 27S-K-1U, Middle- YOUNG LADY WANTED. Addretia stuling price to Wood, drawer M, businesa aofe, Mosler mako. Apply A. L. IJIUITI'H ii'L* cream parlor at HiKnhindH; v tywn. • for. CMukim:; iwll wnler; on tmlley line, one Capable young lady to assist in dental FOR SALE. Red Bank. Dttwe, box 341, Matawnn. N. J. ^^ ued AH 'kecpHakc; HUitnbk reward «nar Shrwilmry river: office. Apply Dr. Stukei, Eisner Lulldian, Pen of pure bred White Lctihorn chickens; (|Uf»4tionK asked. Malioney, phono Hi BOARDERS WANTED. | four rorjnis and outside kid-hen; POSHC-HHIOH Eed Bank. : '..'.- nl«o sideboard, bed H to nil and Hpringa for AUTO TIRES. RIGHT IN THE HEART OF TOWN. Bimrd tar thron ndultit f«r dimmer in a at once, l-'or norticuljirs ;n!(!rc/*!i P. O. Itoit eale; 66 South street, Red Bank, One United Stated cord and one Goodrich Red Bank's most convenient und inviting ud iaao Protcrttnnt family of two; no othtr bounlcra; r.8, Kumson. N. ,!., or J. Jf. Cartun, 123 Wfrt PRACTICAL NURSE Sllvertpwn cord, tlret, 34x4 ft, brand new, barber shop; expert attention; three chairs: ' FARM WANTED. very pU.-iisant locution, \nrttt.> porch, Kurum;tieth «tn'ft. New York. wnnte engagement for July; it flr»t-claaa never unwrapped, nt a bargain. Box 386, one flight up. Second NationftJ bank build- maternity nurse. Address Nurse, drawer M, HOUSEWORKER WANTED. Near villuK*.* and ninin inml,. -IS- acn*s up; Privntt' (llninc; room; rate? VciiHOTiiibk'; rcf- General hounewurk, timnll house, [rood Red Bank. - ing. Alonx Curchin, proprietor. want it in S.mthSouth Jurat-Jersey : ljuiltliriKbuildiriK " ill KooiiU'd frenct'r s required. D. C, W, dmwt-r M, Red POULTRY FOR SALE. Bed Bank. wanes; good home. J. J. McCarthy, C8 ave i 0 Hank. Rahy chicka and hatchiili,' etrpra; HIBO FOR SALE. I AM INTO THIS BUSINESS SO | condition: not over Sr,,0O0. Give details in Hi duckliiiKK, S. C. Rhode Mand Redw and LAYING HENS FOR SALE. nUe JD. Atlantic HiKhlandB, N. J. Small dreeaer and writing desk, in Kood ; first lt?ttt-r. G. 1'iiink, tsCfi lfroatiway, Hay- 1 ~ Iturred .Plymmith Rurkii: S. C. White L*n- A few henv for sale, Heda and Leshprnn, get your house cleaning done now before unni', N. J. LAYING HENS AND ROOSTERS. COTTON FLOUR SACKS FOR SALE. condition. Price $ir> for the both. Mm. our gardens bezin to rush Us, You enn Single Comb Li^horn hena tind roosters i horna and White Plymouth RnekM • elao hatched last year. Need room. Call 630-M Handy, Fair Hnvcti, N. J,, phone IIIII-M, call or write. Phone 636-M. H. L. Baaie. (While Pfkin due Its. Ro.iK(»nable pricpa and Ited Bank. - ______Cotton flour HaekB at ten cents each; will j SEE OUR PEANUT BUTTER MADE. from my breeding pens; muBt soli to make make excellent kitchen towels. Federal ba- Red Bonk. 183 Mechanic Btreet, Red[Bunk. Fretih while you wait. 3K cc-ntn n pound, room for Krowinir »tcck ; ^electctl table? VKK9, ; orders taken for Tnulou^o pnslir»,-rf. E. A. jCrazk'r. proprietor. Willovrl.rnok Poultry BOY WANTED kery, 17 Broad Htrcet, Red Bank. FLAT FOR RENT. n half pound 15 cuntrt. Nothing but tlio twenty-four hours old, delivered. Vanllorn, us helper on milk truck. Apply Rt once Sweet FOR RENT FURNISHED. j bfnt rn-ah peanuts used. Every intirt'ilM-nt Shady Knoll farm, Tail- Hnvvn, N. J., piione farm. Fair Havi-n,- N. .1. Phone 10f2 lied WOMAN WANTED, Five room fUt, bath anil all Improvement^, Stven rooms and all lmpr<>v<-mt-nin, either Bnnk. Clover Milk dairy, Newman Springs avenue, for rent reasonable. Apply Valentine Ziejf- ! absolutely pure. 3\IcNntr*s market, KaHt Red B»n_h^ while or colored, for general housework; two for summer or for a year. Near rivtT iind - Fj_ont_»lre«t. _ in fumily; wages forty dollars. Addrcm ler. Morrfw avenue, near Church street, IJel- trolley. Henry F. Hylln, i m ',), Itfitistcr REAL ESTATE ford, N. J. THE RED BANK HAIR~PARI.OR. BERRY BASKETS. Competent, drawer M, Red Bank. buiMiiiK. Phone 743 'Red Dunk. I BARGAINS Shampooing, scalp and facial musBaji at. Fair IIHVUN, N^J.. idtoiit twt. minuter from l*int and quart berry baskets for sale. I in HPoond-haiid nhoos and tuli*t«; practically river, for n'iit, seven room house with nil SPECIAL AT OUR MARKET. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. MONEY TO LOAN. with an electric vibrator; mflnicurinK, Itncifrulupi Broa.r Whnrf avenue, phone 676, Lloyd Francis, 45 Lin don place, Bed 1 all Kifcoa in stock-; nl«() Hide» iiKc-nt for Car- switch makina and children's hair cutting. irnprovi'ment*, |)nt v.nU>v lw-.it, haih am! Iled Bank. Lean pinto bunt, seven centu a pound. Kri- On first bond and mortuairc, • Amounts lihlc cord tires am) inner tuhett. 'Ihc Auto shower; three hulronmn, four rooms on lirnt del's market, corner of Broad and Front Bunk. All kinds of jobbing promptly at- Sl.fiOO und up. Apply Mfinmouih Home Open Tuesday evenings from 6:00 to 9:30. tended to. Estimates cheerfully furnished. i Tire HIIOP, 2G Mechanic Htreet, Heel Umik, Room 10, Eisner building, Hed Bank. Phom ffoor; (.^u-iijre fur uin- t-jtr. Half noie of RYE FOR SALE. Street, Red Bunk. Phone 806-M. ' Building Affocfntfon, room 17, Eiini-r build- phunv U5-U. itnmtHl; .will rvnt Uy tlio year with privi'l.^e Three acrca standing rye for iale. Reins, Phone 978. ing, r»4' Ftfoud street. Red lijink. to n-iu'w louse: $1,000 per year: imniediati- Occanport avenue, near postoffice, Ocean- "'HOME WANTED FOR BOY. J pntisi-Hsjion. A. I,. I vhw ai:en<*y, ' Reuinter FERNS, FLOWER3 AND PLANTS. FOR SALE. BOARDERS WANTED. LUMBER FOR SALE. ~T D«rt, N. J. Would like to Kt-'t a home for a hoy twelve Fine Boston ferns, nil kinds of potted Itoardera wanted; four nicely furnished NIAV Miwvrj lumber in inixi>i] oak, white buildlntr._Kc!^ Hank. One ton chain drive Font truck jitney, (tan mid clie.mtuit nnd Incunt. We make all FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT ayeur« old; good littleM worker Ild h. kApply or nd- plants and flowers for house decorations for in line every nay; seats slxt.cri; vt'ry «hf(ip ; rooms, fine resjdentinl section, all conven- FOR with or without board; flve minutes from J * sale. Charles W. Schneider, florist. Little to quick buyer. Samuel Kiirrnn, H.ri Son- ; lencett; moderate rates; tahle boarders 'also, beach. 09 Center avenue, Atlantic Hfsh- CARS FOR SALE. Silver. N. J.__ view ovenue, I*ong Branch, N. J, i wanted. U13 South street, Itfd Hank. I Phone 1059-R. __ Inndu, N. J." Ford tourlnR, Ford speedster; also Hup- SPECIAL AT OUR MARKET. mohile rondater; nil in (rood runnlnk order. WASHING WANTED. . - - •• ! p ltry houHfM: land nil planted in potatoes, STANDING RYE FOR SALE. Jelke'H Good Luck oleomnrRarlne, 28 rents Swtdirih Inundrcftik would (In :i family wtish I MAN WANTED. William Appleitate, Naveslnk. N. J. a pound, none better. Kridel's market, cor- . EXPERT UPHOLSTERING. i ce n, rrain ami Hay. Running brook, two Seven acres of standing rye for sale. nt home: work done by the iln/.on or by the ! An ncliv« mini wanted to fill nil oiitHide ri feather pillows, fruit jura and other articles. rt' *'^i"N: 510.5(10. New Jersey HORSE MANURE WANTED.. - - FLORAL PIECES. 117, Rvd Hank. eilks,, trimminKmminKB and wirwire frumefrumes H agencyg , ^3 i Corliss avinuc Asbury Park POSITION WANTED. Inquire 35 SprinK fltreet, Red Bank, One two-horse- lond of well-rotted horwe Charlt's furniturfurit e Btoret , 399 MonmoutMh h strict, ',' N . J. . Middle aged woman would like position as manure wanted. State price delivered on Bouquets, pillows, wreaths. Hat pieces and Red Bank. ' - — liousokcoper or nurse, Addreua tt., drawer JAMES B. CARTON, EVERETT, N. J. larger set piece a furni&helti: Elitu Jtipiin Kr»<.< riiiTM : ,»pen fircnl;i,-e^ iKirmiet fluoi-s. tw» lmllm, COW FOR SALE. and especially HO if the phonugrnph and rec- Toiirinir, runabout, Biitmi him, trucks, blue iMinmvl «a« plates, iV>; \,h l . two-story |riiriik'«> with Imx '^tall.-*. u-iultry nlnyini* ciifara. Address Show Cftse, drawer Brtioltlyn, N.Jf^ ' __ __, tovi'K, UQ to ?38; ronkini- st " M, Red Bank. _ Yuuir cow just frefih, with calf, for sale; ords are. from the stock of J. deFiorc, plenty of theTn. Look them »VIT nnd tiilti* j yard. :irrc of trrmnul, ln-:uitiful luwn ami both vt-ry cheap. Harvey Frazfcr, 48 Cen- Shrewsbury avenue. Step in and hear them your pick. We'll fix the pric*- lixht. Paul VACUETTE—IT'S WIRELESS. to ?70. J. D. Norria, 20 MechaniM c street Uhailhrf e t i i*plcii(]idi ri'pair*. "l~ive min- WANT TO BUY trnl ovenue. Atlantic HighlandH, N. J. demonstrated. B. Morehouee, 14 Mechanic strwt. Tin- only real nuji-elfctric cleaner: half R«d FJank. • >>....< fnrnr of ten to twenty-five acres, vicinity of tlie weight and price of most popular makes - —r™ $125 Dor month iinftmifriiofl! "\VilL°"tTl for FORD TOURING CAR FOR SALE. Vegetable and Flower Plants For Sale. FOR SALE. Hed Dank. Mr. Markhart, 19 Court street, ~ TRY H. B. HAYES of electric ck'Unein; a demonstration will Furnished hotisv, ten roon $2,000 cash, l.nla Newark, N. J. Demountable rlmsr self starter, 1020 for your electrical worki wiring, lamps, mo- Ked and white nweet potatoes, also yimis, not nbliKiite you. Vacuette, DO Hridn*-' ave- _ . two biiiiRa- A.\ Bank. .. for two cars : crapes, fruit and Ownc , drawer .^t, Iti-.l : FOR SALE OR RENT. house, 14 Mechanic atreet. Red Bnnk. or country. 60 Spring street, Bed Sank. Bo ice, tienr Freneati, TJcctmvn rnntl, }', 0. chicken houne: let 106x150; vk-ctric anil Kan Two six-room houses at Ocminic; all im- EXPERT CABINET MAKING. Ifirhta. PnnrfosHinn Jit once to quick buyer. FORD FOR SALE. Phono 228-M. Matawnn, N. J., H. R. No. 2,. h»x 57. Near beach. Caleb h. Luker, box U.H, Bel- FARM IMPLEMENTS provcmentB, Inquire of James Enright, A . 192(KKord runabout, good condition, de- 'Antiques restored; repairinc and refinish- Kiim»on, N. J. TRUCKING AND MOVING. HOUSE FOR SALE. fnj£. Solid Tnahof^an/ r^producliona made ford, N. J. for yak-. C. II. Hurley, Slircw^lmry. N. J. mountable rimH. Can be ween nt Strykcr & Let me give you a price on trucking of In bewt of condition; ftrst-olass location | to -order. First-clans work guaranteed. H. TRUNK FOR SALE. Stry_k«r_'8, Monniouth atreet, Red Bank. all kinde; local and long distance moving. in Red Hunk; m»ven rooms am! h:i(li, furnuce, Chjirk'H furnniture etore, 39 Monmouth CLERKS WANTED. Large tfize new trunk fur sale. For- In- Jack Carroll, 97 Maple avenue. Red Bank. water, ttas, stationary tubs, etc.; large lot. (Men, women), over seventeen, for postal Dance at Red Bank Lyceum FLOVVER BOXES. street. Red Bank. moil service; §120 month: i>xpevit>nci> uhnt>c- formation call at Xll Spring street or call To vch, lawn mul window boxen, with Phone 195-W. , Addrcws Houtte, drawer M. R''l Hunk, ___ June 23ril, 1921, Nadorsliip <.f Harris and Hod Bank jl&fw USE McNAIR'S PEANUT BUTTER. vsHnry. For free particulnr.s of exnmi na- flcvLTH: also ct'k'ry nnd cabbage plants. HOUSE FOR SALE. REAL ESTATE. There'H none better. -We make our own tions, write J. Lvonard (former Civil Service B. HairU. Atlmiffiim 55 Dcnt^. PAIGE BODY AND TOP FOR SALE. NL'IBOII, '11G Locust avenue, Hcd Uank. Ten nioma, all modern improvements ; no Six room house, centrally lucittt'd, nil mod- fresh from the best fresh poanuU ami mnke t'xnmim-r), 21*1 Equitable builtlinj?, Wnah- Seven-piiBsenKer Pniffe body anil top; -A-l OVERLAND 65-4 FOR SALE. rewtoiiuble offer rejected. Get busy nnd buy ern improvements; lot 37x160; S.1,500; V»«- it ripht ^it-fore yttu. Zb cents u pound, 15 inKtun.JD. C. condition; price 130. Lafayette tfwaffe, aenn'wn- in reasonable time. A. L, Ivina FENCE POSTS AND LUMBER" Overlund tourinK car in flrat-cia&H condi- a house rffcht. D. Pnrmly, llumnon, N. J.. cents the half pound. McNtilr'tt murkct, FOR SALE. -Humiion, N. J. tion, for sale. Cun bo Heen at Seata'a ga- or nny indents, _^_ _ BKcncy, ReRi"ter bulldinp, Red Hank. Kan Kront_slr(!t>t. Get our prices on new material, cut to «r» ROOMS ^/A&TED; rage, ni_5ost_F_ront atrect, Red Bonk. ~ REAL ESTATE. SWEATER LOST. BROWN'S HAIRDRESSING SHOP. der and delivered. Cook Brothers, pkon* Two or ttlroe furnished rooms for light PENCIL LOST. Double houHC, ,!iix rooms each side, all Child's blue nweater (hanJ made) left on Walker By stem; shampooing, mnrcelHntr, heifer, nine months ulti; nil tuberculu 463-R, Red Bank. trolley coming from Junction to Red Bank tfhteil. Fine foundation slock. E- Gibson, I housekeeping, until Octobsii Golden, box Engraved StcrlinK silver Everntiarp pencil modern impvovementsi centrally located; mnnicurinn, nmHsaKini?. Open 10:00 A. M. 1 ItGl, Red Bank, ' lost Friday ni^ht at Palnce theater. Reward. $0,000. A. L. Ivins agency, Register build- last Tuesday afternoon, June 7th. Finder until 10:00 P. M.; Sundays from 10:00 phone Kutontown 21 !iO-J. I 0. I.tmir 1 write Box 1G6, Port Monmotith, N. J. Hranch, No. I. Automobilists, Take Notice. PICS FOR SALE. NelBon, Iled Bank Trust Co., Red Bank. InK, Red Bank. A. M. till 11:00 A. M. 2C8 Shrewsbury 1 avenue, Red Bnnk^^ ____^^_____ Automobik ami motor truck repairing. Berkfthiro pke. six and eight weeks old, LOTS FOR SALE. HAVE YOUR CLOTHES SEE KENNEDY ABOUT IT. NOTICE!11 for sale, 910 and $12 per pair. Inquire Box If you have any real estate to sell or Red Bank radiator works. We repair radi- Worthloy & Nelson, 10 iMvehnntc street, Rod Five lota for sale tit. Fafrfleld Gardens; cleaned at The City Dry Cleaning and Dye- EXTRA BED. Bank. Phone Sill. Sl>7'. lied Bank. Jlnc localiun, uae block from trolley, E. inff Works, 9 Mechanic street, near Broad want to buy any real estate Bee P. P. Ken- Gut one or two canvas folding cots for ators, mudKuards, gasoline tanks. We alao Frank,J5B_ Washington Htreet, Red Bank street. Bed Bank. Pbone 108-M, William OB- nedy, Red Bank, about it. It will be to your your extra company this summer. You can sell new guaranteed Ford Gordon radiators. GARAGE FOR RENT. trov, proprietor. advantage. Phone 447-R. Red Bank. __ fold nnd put them away when not in use; We also repair ail kinds of kitchen utenslts. $5.00 REWARD Garni;e for rent, located near center of COTTAGE FOR RENT. $2.50 each. G. Ornliertf, Newman Springs i 113 West Front atreet, Ked Bank. Phone town. Inquire Elmer R. Mitchell, 43 Linden On« flve-room cottsse, furniaheJ, electric MONUMENTS. CANTELOUPES. avenue, Ked liank. R«d Bank 1177. for Krvcniah vest lost Friday and shop, '.) Mariun strt'et, N. SUTTERBACH, rotca reasonable. Hudson House, 145 Hud- all kinds of radiators. Also mud guards Red Bunk. Phone H1G. Itum»ey, Loader, Gould or similar shallow SPECIAL AT OUR MARKET. fit once. L. i>. Glnir, flan market, Highlands, and K»aolenp tanks. Work called for and ]andBcape gardener. All work pertaining t» well pump, with or wilhout motor. Box lU^ Phone 127-1. Bon aveaue. Phcine Red H«n_k. 118-W. Shoulders of Jersey veal, 24 centa & delivered. 77 Broad street. Keyport. H. NOTICE TO PUBLIC. beautifying srounds, lurire or small, lit* 48, LocuBt, N. J. pound. Kridel's market, corner Broad and SADDLE HORSES FOR SALE. FOR SALE. Holler. Phone I52-W. I respectfully inform the public that I've Front, streets, Red Bank. Phone 306-M. 1 planting, pruning and ,spraying. N. Buttct- OLDSMOBILE FOR SALE. Two thoroURhbied Huddle horaeB ,' younpr, Practically new white enamel bed, sprintrs BOARD. returned to Red Hank after my wonderfully Eight cylinder, seven-passenger tourtnff, sound and perfectly (tentlc; nil praits. TrialH tind mattress, larKe oak bureau and 'an old pleasant ? vacation and am ready attain to b.ieli, 151 West Front strtet, Rcil Bank. LOTS FOR SALE. I.OTRe cheerful room, suitable for two 1917, in perfect condition. W. V. Darling, invited at any time. K. B. Powell, Metuch- Ua^hioned desk. Call betw.cn 6:80 and 8:00 gent lemon; atenm heat, telephone, running serve nil my customer;; with the boat quality Phone 846, Five lota on north aide oT Weatside ave- cn, N. J., phone S3. i P. Til., 4ft Wnahinxton atrfift^ReA^BRnk^ of siwn unif pictorinl work at reasonable Fnir Haven, N. J. nue, 25x150. Apply James L. Worden, Ho- hot and cold water; reaeonable'to permanent guesta. Stinson Houses Broad Btreet anrd taxi, Six-room house with lar^e lot, near the Newnmn ottnte, Bel mm' Pines, Belmnr. eml* all houseeleiiiiiiiK worries: mnlte things MOTHER'S HELPER WANTED. three-minute wnlk to depot. Phone 409-W. trolley and river. Can be boupht for $3,000. easier for mother: half the weitdit and price WHITE STAR BARBER SHOI% White. Two small children In family. N. J., now beinjr Hold for bungalow si ten; MONEY TO LOAN. Henry V. Hylin, room 9, Register building. lots S1K0 to $390 on easy terms. See Paul of most KOOU> time; $5,500. A. L. Give me n trial anil you will bft convinced. YiuitiK huly t<. nssi.4t in ».l!iot' in Utt! burbi Pearl street. Red Bank, ,M" work; air service. John Hansen, 42 drawerM, Red Hank. __ Jvina BKcney, Ilejri^ter building, Red Bank. Willinm C. Decker. F>6 Monmouth Btreet, Hank. Must have knowledge uf stflU'Kriilihy Red Rank. Phone 234-Ft. ROOMS FOR RENT. Weat Front Btreet, Red Bank, Phone 72-It, BOAT FOR SALE. anil typL'writinjr: !>*-• nlilf ti> tulu- iiml oi.r- POSITION WANTED Larfte R"d comfortably furnished rooma FOR SALE. ifolly trnnscrite stiaiKlit tliotiitioij anil cet I «s YOUR CHILDREN AS YOU KNOW THEM Einhteen-foot motor boat, Hndireport en- Ninn room hn\)Mi>, all imnrovetnentH; best PLANTS FOR SALE. a ck'iui coniint'iciHl k-tti r. Aildie^M for [ .n oarotalior on Kontlfiiuin'* c;*tut«'; mnl- for rent near stnUon; men preferred. 40 Kine, nprny hooil, cuahions and full equip- Red nnd white awcet potatoes, red nnd n^ed German man, Anu-rioan citizen: run Hector place, Red Bank. are delightfully natural in my phototirnphn. view on Ninth Shrewsbury river;salHo dock; further informal!,,!, Oll\cc Hi-lp, ilnnve,- M, !'' Louis Mendel. 50 Itrond street, the photoft- ment, modern boat, in perfect condition. J. ground nearly half tin acre. Apply Joseph white yams: also pi'ppeva. I'KKlimta and to- K. Burr, Locuat, N. J. mato plants. Mrs. Harry P. Hoice, near IlL'il Hank. furnUh cood rcfiiom-.s viplit yi'ur* In ln«t ~WILLYS-K(VIGHT CAR FOR SALE. rupher in your town. Phone .Reel Hank 186. Si'»ta, J71 Weat Front .street. Red Bank. _ I pusitionl 1 1 . Muriieil, WlllyH-Knight tourlnu cur for anle clicnp. Kronrail, Tieelown rmul. P. O. Malawnn, FORD CARS FOR SALE. I " "" "" - '»"'...•,., OIIL- child. A,l,l,,.»» Excellent condition. George Lcavy, box 195, CHICKENS FOR SALE. SLAG ROOFINa HOUSE FOR SALE. N. J., K. It. No. 2, box 67. Ford ai'ilim. Ml.- model, fully equipped, in : Ciirctnkcr, cure C. Suuiler, 1SI7 West ]''(. nt Bed Bank, phone 12S-K. • Forty Rhode IHIHIKI Uml chicken* for ik uhmirbrrH. Ford I BOY WANTED Point road nnd Wuvosink avonuu, Hum son, nace, water, gnu, stntionnry tubs, etc: large rut.iiliiiol nnd \in,u*R"i Il'aali." HiKinm^ J^J. | insure you ottainst fire mid trnnaportaden, FOR SALE. town; hlprh and dry; suitable for bunHnlow, holding position I\H floor Indy. Salary $15. nothing BO wclcoms BB flowers; a boquet or FOR SALE. j theft, liability, collision, properly (IuiOSI« Hay shcl vines, votatoen bod lea, neck- G. E. Dimni*, 705 Broadway, Lonif Drnnch, In ariBwering irive reference. Adilreen It. S. boic of cut flowers from W. W. Kennedy &. REAL ESTATE. Coal T., drawer M, Red Hank, ]o S f r okca and whiflletrees Si>r »ale At A, S. Erv- N. J. Sonn'. will surely carry happiness with them. Kk-bt roem lunise, nil improvements, hot na.o , Fuller tfamei"'wi.h 7^.'n° pi"^ S i """> " °' ""• " "» " '"«<"«"« of HI f tiH'B. Coif a Neck, N. J, water heal ; lot fiOxlSO; one Mi.cli from river. reiifstorn; arrows, ainrni winiluwa, picture ' kln(l»- J- "• Gtegary & Son, fi Bum* BICYCLES FOR SALE. TRAVELING BAGS, $L9B. CROCHET HEADERS WANTED. Fifteen miniiti'.s final stution : SI 1,0(10: r-n*- mniiUlinjr, sluuli's, Miiili tnlis, lintli tuli.tiii. ! Btreet. Heil Bunk. Plume 2S3 FOR SALE. Bin reiluctton on nil our bicycles: all hlnh oeclnl Halo of bnuB, hlnck nnd tan; nlno Experienced on imwB ; work Bent parcel sessinn In one momh. A. L. Ivins agency, let iinil InviiloiT. inju-lilf niantli. mid soi'ernl ' _^ Beautiful corner plot, 100 feet on South, Kade mnkeH. Malms' Uicycle ExchanKc, '11 miinc cowhide IIKKD for thin week only, pout; Hcml umall :unnpli-; 1'i'Ht prices, nteady IteiiisUT liuililimi, Ited Hank. etrcet. Owner will FBcrlflce for caah. Tele- Knit Front •treet, opponito Globe hotel, Hed $fi.t»K. H. Chark'H furniture utore, 39 MUII- work RUnnintced. Write inimediately, Kap- U phone- Hed. Bank 1050^ Bank. moulh utrect, Red Ilnnk. lan & Schwartz, Ml Klftli avenue, New Ymk. RFiO CAR FOR SALE. sir"ei.''Zi iSnni "">"11 CHAUFFEUR WISHES POSITION. GREAT HOUSE BARGAIN. HOUSE FOR SALE. " lik'llts, irooil tins and enod rumiilm urder: | refriitei-iilor pla thirl)-dm Vork Rou«h dry QV ironed, . HnHed fur and flfl- K-tpci'icnocJ olmulTour (white) Jwait-ca |IoUHe "ivitb ten rooms furniHheil, ^ontl for SnSilllara e ilealili.lealinid; liliilI l a liii,r l,ul,u;» foh. In flrat-rliiHH rendition; in one of the bent will «ell rliun|i tn inilok bayer. Malms' mo in \V.'«t Rp.l .J l.y i;t).|i, Jlvered. Phono 77H-W,, box 128, Middle- position with privnte family; bent Refer- omern; all''hntifuVi'tiiolitH; ittoiie k«]«iie alid locationH In Reii [lank: ^evt-n rooms and Ilicycle Kxclmlu;.'', H I'lust I'r.int street, n|i- SnliifiiHion i:nnr- , I»'ca» town. N. J. J. Nicholson. ______ence i. AddrusB Chnuu"cur, drnwer M, Red ben hotme; lycwtoit in the henrt of town. nnteoi! on till |)ortrait work, developing an'd j Vfij:n.- I'll ciiKin.-. Write' ,n- cull at itae. ' Il lk< hath; water, jens. Htntitmury tuba, honler, poaite filobe hotel. Iled Hank. Bank. printing. Altntetive linen of camera*, film*, .,;..;„., fltu „„,..:.,,i ., M U •, i STC/DEBAKER FOR SALE. J?-J^lLZi' i^Jli!L etc. AdJresi Huiiac, ilniwer M, Red Ilnnk. .8t»llonery. toy., novi-lti.-j and nil kin.la o/ | *•'""• '"" p:""'"1;""- .Mnnmiiilth Hindi FARMS. IliHtl Htudebaker roadster, in excellent condP BE PHOTOGRAPHED THIS YEAR SAVE YOUR OLD CARPETS. Llrtt your farms with u>: : we have ready newapaper.i nolil. John fiir'iore. HIirewHbury t'omi'iuiy. .Miuininutli ilea.-h, M. .1. lion. Walter M. VanDcirn, phono Red Bank on your birthday if you wunt to pleam> your Beautiful reversible rutri made from old FINE LOT. A BARGAIN. 1161, Globe Court Karaite. carpets and aheille portieres. Write for Fine IUIKC lot on Hcrn'ii place for sale buyer* for larire and Hniall fanun; fruit, family. Lou in Mendel, 50 Broad ulreet, the cheap.- MuHt be BO«H t «• ho appreciated. poultry or dairy. Write im nt once. East- photoyrapher in your town. Phone 1UG, Red circulars. Amorkan Ruff Slanufactorr, 806 ern Kami Development Co., -105 Itaritim -TWNINOAND CARPET CLEAN.NC.~ I "RST-CLASS AUTO PAINTING CHICKENS WANTED. Hank. Vermont itrect, Brooklyn. Henry p. Hylin, room 9, ItcffUter bulUlinti. Awninits, hont covers nnd curtnirn, enr- I'm inerly with Henley & Co., Locke 4 Co., ' Will pay the Mglteat market prices for IMmiiu_748 Utsd Hank. Ki»uilencu DIIOIH- 1)^0. lnilldiiiK, l'ertli Amboy. H, J. imtH nnd ruirsi el.'iitieii, HCourcd and wtort-il; I K..w y.,..,. n\v,]lni,,i H T . .. .. ,- M live chickem. 81) North Broadway, Lone FOR SALE. FARM FOR SALE. CHANDLER FOR SALE. FOR SALE. maltreat.™ renovated anil nmilo to order: ,. '»""" >> h.nvi. comer M.- Branch, N. J- phone UOO. • A miniature brougham, In first-dnsa con- Farm of 100 ucren, nenr Red IIntilt, pult- Late 11> 17 Chandler Hovfii-pasKeiiKpr toui'- Hej!iKlere>l Guernsey bull, two and a Illdf inyillK of carpels, ruK» and liniileuin. Rtili- ! '''"'"^ »l"-«"t and i:l..li.< Curt. Ited Hank, CHICKENS WANTED. dition fur Hale very reuHOltably. John Uintf- able locality for (fentlcman's estate. Apply itiK ear in ltcrfct't running order with now years old, SlfiO; hull calf, twn mcmlbs nlil, mates cheerfully Kiven, Satiafaetion Ktinr- : t'jm paint cars clietip.r, ouieker nml inurtf I will pay the highest market price for hnm, Avon, N. J., or phono 652-Jl, Kcd to Dr. V. C. Henry, 254 BUte Btreet, Perth tircn; Hummer nnd winter top. Joseph V. anted. K.inoort.'n. 84 Wliite Btreet, Ited I ,„.. ,| , „,,„„,. n,..., Bank. Ambojr, N. J. Phone 41G. Hank. Phono »2-M. - " " ! "lil" ly >lmp in fiiunty. Any live ehicken*. Joe linker, Mechanic itreet, tihermnn, Little Nilver, N. .1.. near pimt«mi't!. or eirtt tons of food 'hay. II. Imllois •nntinu Ilii-lr B»dJB»nk. J'hon« 10BflJ Snuicli, Matnwau K. II. 2, N. J. v:+ vaillted i-iin Hie mm FOR SALE. GUERNSEY AND JERSEY CATTLE FUKN1TURE. ' ,,,,. liny time. ENGINE WANTED. One euwilaH-* cutter for vale, one nilo and nuction Friday, June 2Uh, wt Jacob Zlot- DOES A FIRE ALARM ALARM YOU? TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. All rolton Hint t re-, »r.-<, nny ,.i/e. .17.MI;! _ip iimnll II h. p. KiiHolInt- ctminc. Apply kln's titiihloM, iip[)onltf Central station, I-'rcc- If HO, your liMiiranru HIHIUM bo IncreatiiMl, lie.I -[irin^.-i, any ni/.p, .^1 Tn ? 11 : uhito fiiuin- i \ i K r» r» I i •• i o»« One or kerosene, (Ivo, nix or seven h. p., Wnlter Pat torn on, Qlonnmry fnrm, Hed h»lil, N. J. Kxlrn rln« lot, bid. producers »nd Hylln'ri in tlto pi act- d< do It. Nemo tou I buy. sell, rent, exchange uml do expert Tnuit be In enod rondltli>|i. Address En- rcnnlrlntr. j\i!ericy (or Wooilatock Hlniulnril, el lii-da, nny »i».e, «10 to .? 1 r.; liru>4 l.edi *^r. Ask A. C. Baker, Little SllvtT. Bunk. and till uoveriinient tented. largo and none too umall, ttoom 0, ItfKlnt«T irlne^rawer M. Red B«nh.'____. huilalng. 1'inttttt Ti:\ Jtnl Hunk, llVHUleitcu Htenoirrapher uml typewriter ,mm>He» of all r r RYE AND GRASS FOR SALE. ACCOUNT BOOK LOST. klndii. William C. 1'lielau. MoiuunvMIe, ll " " WANTED. N. .1. l'hune 7 I -1' - fi. Ilolmdel 'linn i-aliineH $:|O lo S;15. J, I). Nmria. 2li """ "'r of nropertii'H it lum lu-en iny plvu-iure $5,000 wanted on a first mortKaga to re- Very fine standiim rye on a potnto fnrm Illaak c.verod nmulMy mlltt acfiount bimk. Mci'Iilliiii' strict, Red ll nk. | to ilnil with fnmk nnd elhU-al p<'«>p],>. 'lhln near Midilk-town. Alno t<*n ucrtm of KTRKA to Finder kindly return to Mjddletuwn Dairy LAUNCH FOR SALE. place mortgage comlnn duo. Address Mort- HOY WANTKD. inak'',i me your willliu; im-M-'cnccr, lupiiiM tfage, drawer M, Ueil Bank. cut. At» drawer M. Ited Kami, ami rorrivt; r»-wnrd, Phono 77II-I-*-2!t, Launch, 21!x(t-(J f.-i-l, fully cuuippfif. . Nent. while boy wanted, over sixteen EXEXPERI T CARPET WEAVER. lunlt. Tluimni JflcGuire, proprietor. ritniidlnu top, t'urtnlnH, i-uxliitinti, two oylin- years. Must be willini.1 to iln irrnrral store Ti o fatpet wenviiiK liilHintMn. Muiile nve- of cMiitcs, huincrt and Hilda whlih yuu m FOHD TRUCK CHASSIS FOR SALE. ilcr, Hjrht li. l». }irlt\u:('i»»t cnelne; flmt-rljiHii work and deliver iiackiiires. .Steady [iOTil(i htly or ^t'll. DIM- ^.J,(MJ» home j POSITION WAN'IEl). AUTO SHOES AND TUDC3. fondltion. John I,. lVuifMill. Fair Hnven, anil ii niiw ciiliilniled hy .Inlin Hiirlmi, n With a Hmith attachment, very reason- ny yovinu lmly IIIKII Bchool irrnduate; linn Twenty tier cent reduction on nil nhncn anil eliance for nili am-emenl. Apply A.Hem unotlier for JU,,11(11) i,,-,' trmplatioln fur ll.o able, .1910 mode). Paul n. Morthouee, 14 iflken NiurKo In Mtcnonraphy and booklteep- & Cn., :ll! llroml ulrect, Ited Hank. weaver nf lonir oxperienci'. Cnrliebi nnd and a tutilii' (ree with every shop, 'Mnhnn' riiBii innile In order nnd iilno for Bale. When who hn M^chanio "tfeel, Red Httnk. nif. AddrciiM Stvno^rapher, Dux 247, Ited IHcyole Kxchimifr, 27 Kant Front utrcitt, op- OPPORTUNITY FOR GOOD FARM ~ thJs to LAUNCH FOR SALE. in need of nnytlilnk in thin line uive mo ft today. YOUNG LADY WANTED. Ilnnk. poatte tiloho hotel, Iletl Hunk. About H7 iu-n-1* in funioiiB polnto belt, Launch 'Joxn'.l'i fret, nlalldimi Ion. with tiinl and vnil'll be more tluin Hiitlnlled. Experienced young Judy wanted to work Kotnl boqni- uml fMitbulliliior«, ?irj,Of)O. Home 1(1-1:.' h, i>. Ktnuitv Ntumlnnl t>mr-e?ek •n- HIGH PRICES PAID. THE PIANO SHOP. may r<>mnln on mortKiiKr. llimry !•'. Hylin, EXCEPTIONAL PIANO VALUES. In hair parlor. Apply lied Dank hnlr pariur, I par hlsh prlcei for tftdlei* anil g«nt»' We tune, impair, buy, evil nnd «xc' room », U««l»ti'r tiuildiiiK- Phone 'Ha IUMI mnr. uilh clulch uml universal jr' photi* R«4 -Bknlr «f i|A0 t« $75. - A. 'IJ.^'Mrhlitt, -Drtifi nut Large and •mail front room, all Improve rJ!l_l.. •'-'"'""' ~.-."'.V —•-••—- ry;-"? pluee,' Hed 'Bunk, • phone-888,- - ;-- HOTEL ABUOTT FOft SALE;* MAN tb-WORK-ON -SltAnES." " HliVy«T"lilinin'"nntii new) •,"tfeni»li - nnd innili' mtnti i electrfcfty; near Broad street. S4 Hi*tecti nxiiiiH, nil tmtirovrmuiUn; iiu Wonted, eimipelent man to work on slum's roll... *:isr,; Kaley njnlitllt, Slerlinil uprlitht cut from the plnnlPi"." a while "'you wnltj Yi.ll BED AND SPRINGS FORWLE, AUTO FOR SALE. furtory or rooming Imiing: nil beil IluiUon avenue, Red Bank. _ Onldcn tmk Hlnule *KMI nnd sprinff, prac- Cole-EldM, in pwrfoPt cundltion; nil Rood n f«rfnm of nullnbolltt twenty lureiacred, with iipple or- •mil ntlieia. A. II. iM'rlinn'x plnnii "lion, will Mien know they me nleli-tly fr«ah. nnil rented, Inimtnfl nhoul %ZW monthly. Apply chard; mint tiuiflt live in or very nenr Iteil llrumnuinil pliiee, Iti'd llnnli. I'lione '.1:1:1. FIREWORKSI FIRKWORKS1I tically new; will Hell for lfl.00. Mm. J. W. lord fho«; Rcll very rcanonftblv, Mnhni' Inmi'* I Wd ql8!lll Ihiit you will net Hie full benellt of ilirlr Uerriman, Third street, Fair *ilaven, phono IMoyclo Kxrlmnu*. %1 Runt Front utre^t, a»- IhinT ' '"'"'' • "'«w» <>fy av«uu.\ Hllndl | IlIlnnkk ApplyAl , ntntlnttl K •lentl o on.l rol- A l»r»e annortment of fr*>h ftravrorks at !. ('oinpotonL Drawc M. Itnl Ilnnk. KEAL ESTATE. keeplutr uimllty. We irrow only tlio be«* J. d**Flore's studio, Shrewsbury avenue and 6fi 7-R. .__.. \ Twelve mom liouae. nil Inipnuemeiila; klmla uml viiilel!,-a, «|>i-«ll>lly t"t rutllim, H«rbert street Low or kit. » FIRLWORK3. FURNISHED nQQM3~ r~" NOTICE. ARMY DISCHARGE LOST. four tnii^ter lieilrdiniiH, two iiervnntri' ronmH, The unuftl blir utack at low prlcoa. T)ny Two larite ch««rf»I «oim<>cittnjr roomx, fur- llnve »our rlooli, anil w*toh«m repnlreiV by Knmewheri' In the vicinitinity of ReRedd Hank two lintlirnnnln. aovim open HreiilHi'eH, pnr- STENOGRAPHER WANTED. rxpvrt inecltHTilc; any Job il«n« In ten (InyR, 'siliil y of last elil . AvtnA y dbh liuet floor,!, double |/iirilKr with box Hlnllp! Kemp, Itolial uml ulmlloll minlnltit, Hum* YoUnu womtn w»nt*d ai RUnovrapher nnd ind night ft rework a, fr^m the • ma Hut to jtiUhed to Hi]it, running wnter, telephone, ninny John In twoclnyn; f!i«rice« r«««oiiuli]p. I o c orl large eloneti: adult*. BUnaon HOUB«, UroaJ nnd N.« Je twii.wtory piiuHry Inume. On one nt'ie plot. llnnlena, tliIi,1 di,or wrat of pmliimcn, Ml- fur seneral ^ " ^ (> Addrns Btenvg- bfl Uru«»t pi ecu H. WeUer'i. 7 Broad itr*»t, Art Jewelry Co., 1«7 lieich utriet,. Ked leeiide, No, l(l2!M',r,l. V'lndef uli-iw retuin Plenty of allude treen. Price »14.0011. A.I,. d Bk Una Linden plnce, Had Il«nk, B»nk. "1 , J ; •. repUr, drRV«r M, Ueil Danli. ¥ ,; i ' !«nnu. lo 41 lloskwell amnue, LIIIIK llrnnch. Ivhm ncctu-y, HIKIKI.T liulldlnir, Heil Honk. tin Hllver, N. ,1. Plum.- »1».M. Hail Hunk.- Paw Fourteen RED .WE 22, 1M1.

WEDDING PARTY AT HOLMDEL. Auto Through Stora Window. Vegetables and fruit in Fred Slad- THE RED BANK It Wat Given for a Red Bank Couple Caemsey and Jersey Cattle Sale! 10HW It. COOK Editor «aa Publisher. 1 delena's store on Shrewsbury avenue OEOEGB C. HANCE, A».oci«ts Editor. at William J* Hylin .. were sent in all directions yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Hylin of afternoon when an automobile owned South street, who were recently mar- by J. L. Worden backed through the Red Bank THOMAS IRVING^DROWN. ried, were guests of honor last week display window of the building. No 75 Head Dairy and lateral it (he pontofllce at Red Bank, at a wedding supper and family gath- one was hurt. Fred Francis was driv- . JU a* seeond-clBsa matter. ering at the home of Mr. Hylin'a par- ing the car. Mr. Worden will pay for Sul»ci Iptloa Prlccl ents, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hylin the damage. Oat »e«r .'..11.(0 of Holmdel. • Others present besides ELKS'FAIR g:x months 76 those mentioned were Mr. arid Mrs. Family Cattle! Hirte raonUu 40 John Henry Hylin of Holmdel, Mr. ' On of the beit off«ln,i of hljrh (»•> wllch caltU that f km ever, Ja «H and Mrs. Frank Seeley of Red Bank, Waterproof Your ta to. cattle boiliw.t bm pjlvll.itdt , to», o»v vt ,t th, th. wblle bl, «lH UH U WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1921. Mr. and Mrs. George McCue and high dalUr at my tain tmi oackaofa etabltblt, Dancing Every Night their children Albert and Russell of TOWN TALK. J- Nutswamp, Joseph Hylin of Lambert- ville, Miss Georgia Pier of Keyport Cellar Permanently OPPOSITE CE^TRSL STATION, FREEHOLD Trotfl page 4.) and Mr. and Mrs. William VanBrunt I have made my reputation doing tomb Me There - Ti grotesque incident at the grad- of Lincroft. ' uating exercises of the Red Bank just this kind of work under public schools this year was the talk WEDDING ON FRIDAY. guarantee. Friday, June 24th, 1921 June30, July 9 of Mort V. Pach, the president of the board of education, when he handed Lillian F. Hower of N&vesink to Wed Let us have a1 talk and see what AT IS!«O O'CMCK, STANDAKD TIME. out the diplomas. Edwin C. Gilland Morrii Walsh of KedTBank. Thli atock la worth travcltnir miles to Me, let aloiw fa&rinfr an opportunity of buying is the superintendent of the Red Bank The wedding of Miss Lillian F. it would cost. your choice of, them at a price Axed by yourself. Stock comtlats of schools. He tins been a part of theIlower, daughter of Frank Hower of SO HEAD OF GUERNSEYS AND JERSEYS. school syutcm many years. His work Tlieae are all M»h (Trade milch cown, nsen ranarliiK from three to aev«n years; «ome Navpsink, to Morris Walsh of Red fresh with ealvea by side, uome frenh by day of iale, and some ecmltiff In prollt l£>on. has always been of the very highest Bank, son of Mrs. Mary Walsh of A. J. EDWARDS, Builder Thoie cuttle were selected by me In Michigan from fome of the flneat para bred herds character. This year at the gradua- Vanderhurg, will1 take place Friday In the State. They have the nitt. color and welicht. Extra blir produeora, lome havrnx •titipf exercises Mr. 1'ach praised Mr. Sale* Agent for IMPERVITE milked as IIIKII as 02 pounds per day and making as high as 15 % pounds of butter per afternoon at four o'clock at St. week. AH have been.government tested and certificates will be given If desired. Gilland to the skies and declared he James's rectory, Ked Bank. Rev., is scarce. • SpP*e dust or dirt gets in ; ZS HIGH GRADE HOLSTEINS. "WJIS the very best man "who had ever John C Farrcll will perform the Belford, N. J. Phone liiiJ any connection with the schools no matter what precautions are These are New York State cattle, young, with the right sin, color and age, four to ceremony. The eouplciwill go to At- Contract! executed at any point einht years. They are extra bin and Ions milkers. A number of theae «ow« are fresh of the town. lanticCity on their wedding trip. The taken. Disease germs are eliminated and several will freshen by day of aale. Also all of theae Holsteins have be«n govern- ment tested anil certificate goes With them. Included in th« lot. Queen Iscie SehulHng * * * bride graduated from Trenton nor- by No. 202843 H. F. U. B., coming In proilt about July 8th. Extra big producer. Last year, when the appointment mal school in 1018. For the past two CLARIFICATION. LOT OF YOUNG STOCK. of Mr. Gilland was up for approval years she has been teaching school Geo. W. Sewing, Also o' thia sale I will offer a number of young stock, built, heifers and also beef by the school trustees, Mort V. Pach at Point Pleasant. The groom is em- You are safe when you use our ployed by Vt. K. Mount of Red Bank. Contractor and Builder, REMEMBER THE DATE—It will nay you to remember JUNE 24 and attend this and the Republican machine op- Clarified Milk. Hale, as all will be Bold on the high bid, whether profit or loaa to me, positively no re- posed Mr. Cilland by every means in serves. Sale will be held rain or shine as I have plenty of eover. I never postpone a their power. Mr. 1'ach ami the Ite- Specially recommended for infants sale and this Is an opportunity you would regret if you misted it. 1 have the goods to Luke Longhead Will Help. BCD BANK N. J. back up every word and I will be there to do it. I have tried for some time to get the ptiblican machine were determined to and invalids. real hlirh erade Guernsey^ and I have them now. You are invited to cone look them keep Mr. Gilland out of the plate. Luke Longhead will help you get OFFICE IN EISNER BUILDING, over. Come and meet your frientlo, Every scheme known to politicians a job, or rent your house or fill anj DELIVERY—Delivery will be made to any point In the country at reasonable rates; Style and Shape •was'worked to brinu this about. other want you may have.—Adver- plenty of motor trucks and two railroads convenient for loading. tisement. Roon 3. CONDITIONS—Special discount will be allowed for cash. On all sums over 160 * * * credit of three months will be given on approved security. are Telephone 8B0-J. GEORGE H. ROBERTS, Auctioneer. The people of the town, who well CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE. Monmouth Dairy Co., Inc. GEORGE S. P. HUNT, Outside Clerk. PRESERVED— knew oi Mr. Oillaml's abilities be- Take notic,?, tliat liy virtue of u cliattcl GEORGE W. PATTERSON, JR., Inside Clerk. not Spoiled—, cause of the advancement of their nurlKiiKe i'\ivutcil l,y Aimer A. Badger to 139 Branch Ave., I. It. Sherman & Solid. Incorporateil, bear- Jobbing of All Kindi. ' JACOB ZLOTKIN by our children under his management, rose ng date May 22(1, 1920, iind recorded May RED BANK, N. J. almost unanimously to defeat this 22(1, l!>20, in the Clerk's <,l]ice of the county Estimate* Cheerfully FurnUhed. Telephone 108-W, f Monmouth and stale of New Jersey, and CLEANING and PRESSING scheme of the politicians. They held pon which default in payment has been Phone 886 indignation meetings in the churches made. I .shall Bell the property therein men- and in other public places. Themied described as follows, viz: EGAN'S schi-iiK* of the politicians was at- 21 Krarie Guernsey COWH, one Krade uermuy bull, one registered Guernsey bull, Red Bask Steam Dye Works tacked by them in the severest terms. lie l-'ord delivery automobile, natural wood Charles Lewis. Auto Vans and Express •\ Thursday and Friday, Jane 23,24 body; two chestnut horses .culled "CJeorfie" 1 Now tkat mo-rlng time !• sear I «• MAX LEON, * * .* nd "Henry," one fnrm wairon, out set prepared to do your aext moving ef The meetings of the school board double harness, sixteen Jnlnes Wny Htall- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL furniture, pianos or baggage, to all parti Prop. "were attended by scores and hundreds ftliona, on*1 litter c.-u-riori , t«u hulll of city or country. In tho largest paddaf dairy equipment consLstiiiR of about two DEALER IN 'ana In Bed Bank. Before you haT« Office: off citizens to protest agains it ththe pro- thuusaiul milk buttles, our milk cooler, one four aext moving done, write, lead •! posed action of the school trustees, bottler, one »e|)urntor, one bottle wash tank, call tor the only tellable furniture mom 24 WEST FRONT STREET. Some of the members of the school coinparfments, at public auctiu'n on la town, and get my prices on your a*xi July 2(1. 1921. nt eleven o'clnck' in the fore- LUMBER, lob. All kinds of hear; or ltgat true* Phone 784 board were fayorable to the appoint- f that tiny, on the piumises known us "To Please One Von" lag don* at akort notice. Call or aflarte* ment of Mr. Gilland, but the untago-, lu-mu'bec Stock Kami, in the Uurounh of Factory: v Sash, Doors, Blinds, Glass J. T. EGAN, nisiu of the politicians on the school t est LOIIK ltrailch, aforesitiii county and 76 WHITE STREET. and Builders' Hardware. 11. Wall Street, Red BanB board was unquenchable. The politi- DatoJ June ISth. 1521. STRAND THEATRE Phone 1045. cians had si'oured the votes of a ma- CEO. II. VAN WINKLE. Rdddence pkoao 124-J Olfic« phono 639-R jority of the members of the school UaililF for J\Ioi-t^a^t-e, RED BANK. N. J. tO WHAKF AVENUE. board to put Iheir .scheme through, but under the pressure of public opin- ion and public indignation the trus- tee:; one by one abandoned the politi- ji:uis :iml Mr. (Jilland wa.s appointed.

Moit V. I'ncli, bowL-.vcr, .jvas one of tliL' "hitter emliTs." lie kept up the cainpaign against Air. Giilami even after it wa;i positively known that Mr. (iiHand would be appointed. Right do.va to the very last vote, lie voted • to keep Mr. (lillanil out of the place. * • * This spring: the Republican machine undertook another attempt to get DUCTION SALE 'jonlrol of the school board, no doubt -with the object of fii-iiiRMr . Gilland and ftettiiiK the schools under political The Entire stock of Summer Footwear to be sold • control. A plan was avrangiMl to elect members of the .school board -who would vote at the machine's ilie- tiition. This plan of the politicians to make the public schools the tail of tlieir political kite was apain defeat- • by the people. So great an indig-na- At Less Than Market Value at «d by the people. So great an indig- nation wa.s aroused by this second at- J tempt to control the public schools; •for political ends that the school elix- j lion hriiuiflit out the greatest number: - of voLer.^ bver known .at ,a school | mee'.injr in the town. So large was tin- UIPJIIK' thai hundreds of them ; • <'-ii- ciiiidiilates, and the people of Street Eisner Building Red Bank, No J. KMI P..ml; Din.-- wini their second vic- toiy ovt-1 Ibo polilici.'ins who wanted •:.() u»e the public schools, to further their political ends, Our|Values[at the figures shown below prove that it is not necessary to pay • h'or Mort V. l'ach to now par:ii>- white canvas, black kid Ladies' gun metal opera white buck, ball strap or /|U - iL>..-r| to his widow, AllOI'il C. Iiliy- trimmed, military heels, welt, patent or tan trim- pumps, turn sole, with to:i wh i was appointed executrix of med, military heel; value THOUSANDS OF PAIRS OF KEDS. wing tip oxfords; value Hi • will. Goodyear welt; value $5. military heel; value $6. Mi-.. Margaret llrcnnan of Red $9. $6. Ti-ml; .-xei utcil her will eleven "years :tg" 1.1.-.I, August. All of her property 2.95 KEDS KEDS KEDS 2.95 -#aV left, to her daughter, Mrs. John 5.95 3.95 Mullin .--if l!ed Hank.' - . a'pair. i a pair. for a pair. Allyn II. (iriggs of New Monmouth Dont fail to get a pair a pair.;/ "iK'Une il.hed bis entire estate to his SPORTY. CANT BE BEAT. mint. Augusta flrigi'.s, in .:i will., he of these. niiide niiii- years ago. Mr. firings 2.29 Men and Women 2.29 Up-to-the-Minute Style. :i|i|ioinlfil his cousin, Howard 11. Ladies' Russia calf or Ladies' white buck, one Holier K i-xei-utnr uf the will. mahogany ball strap strap sport pumps, ball a pair. a pair. Ladies' kid boudoir Ladies' comfort ox- The will uf Samuel Riigers. who slippers, in black, pink died at New York a short time ago. j pumps or oxfords, Good- strap, with flexible sole; PUMPS, OXFORDS, SHOES. fords, vici kid, cushion in- •JI-.I.- pmli.itcil lust week. Mr. Rogers and blue. sole and rubber heels. •vns a furmi-r resident of Midilletown. year welt; an all season value $6.50. Value $4 and $5. Flat, military or French heel. _VII his estate was be(|iieathed to his shoe; value $10. ' widow, Williainpe V. I). Rogers, and 1.3S :.tn- wa:, iiii|«iin|ed executrix. 3.95 a pair. 2.95 Coiii-iili'i-abli- ieal estiili- wns |,"> ferent styles we have in Men's, Woinen'a and Chil-

to-Mrii. ImytuiiV rliuighler IIIKI son, dren's Shoes at !•• • - —1 f0 Kmniii K. Nordell and Walter ('. f.ay- ton. Annhrr house nt J.nng Mrancb "Cash on delivery buying" secured these •WIIS beijuiiathed In Waller Lay ton OR HAT BARGAINS. Remarkably Low Prices While others talk bargains, we give 'em. -fcii ...... n.i.1,-, ...Mil-.... -"•..»••"".» "iwiihlefl IVi Mrn. Noi'diHl. ' " _^_

: • • • . •. " ' • • ' / ; RED BANK REGISTER, JIJNE 22, 1321. •- Page Fifteen

rtcrlari'J that to lit* mtf»»fiil u P»-ijid'Jii!^ ut, ordinarily go to buyers and agents natural that in such an organization ships were ut the town hull at Red un(,otne r middlemen. He suid co- the prime source of inspiration first, Oakland Street and Bridge Avenue Bank Friday night ut u meeting in upcrative aellinR was done by menlast and all the time should be "dol- AT LOW PRICES the interest of the potato growers wnowor o specialists in this line and lars for the stockholders." He said RED BANK co-operative association of Mon- tj,at the farmcrg COUU1 well afford to that the pledge which the members mouth county. Theodore IS. Lewis pa lu sa|arie8 t0 such men. At of the co-operative association had of .Colt's Neck, president of the as-, this point Mr. Longer ditfresBcd to made to sell their Giant potatoes notation, called the meeting to order te|i «bout the salaries paid to sules- through the association was iron- und said that its purpose -was to ex- ( mcn fol. Western co-operative nssori- clad. He cited several incidents ADAMS and MOXLEY plnin the workings of the organ za- ntjons. Each of the largent of these which had occurred in the West, WELLER'S tion. He Buid the, iiBsouintton had eonccrnB| |,e said, hud several salou- showing how disloyal members who STEEPLEJACKS :I25 memberB, owning over 11,000 mel]j euc.h of whpm draws a salary had broken this pledge hud been pun- ucroa of potatoes, and that this wa»|of $20,000 to $10,000 overy year, ished through the process of law. 7 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. 50 Worthley Street, Red Bank, N. J. more than half the potato acreage of. jjr- Lunge,, stated thut one of the the county. He declared that those highest paid of theae nalesmcn had Theron McCumpbell of Holmdcl farmers who do not join the asso-, formerly been a speculator i" was the linal speaker. He elaborated General Contracting ciotion this year are hurting their oranges and prunes and h'ud i fought 011 Mr, Lunger's remarks about the :•:• [ neighbors and friends who are mem-! the co-operativo associations when exchange and said that the co-opera- TlTelephonh e 1711722 tive association must expect opposi- hers of the association, as well us,they wore flrfit organized. New Jersey Co-Operative Agency, Inc. We paint flagpoles, take down trees, tear down buildings, themHelves. He said the potato buy- j Bnrtlcy & Rooney, former potato tion from the exchange. He told about enormous dividends paid to D. LESTER DANN, President. House Painters, Riggers and Wreckers. ere and commission agents, accord-, |JUyers and ageiita, have been en- ing to current reports, hud banded; { .(t l>y tlu> New J<>rsoy potato stockholders of the exchange who are If you need anything in our line give us a trial. Ktt| L not ijivme.rs. Me said that the co-. together to put the association out of: |,|.0%VL.18' ll3Hociation at a salary of Buildings Decorated for All Occasions. business. He said it was common j $4-2,000 per year to sell the potatoes operative association's plan of giving Headquarters for Rain Insurance gossip that the agents expected to f . he members of the organization, profits to the fanners in proportion 0| t to the amount of crops shipped gave lose money doing this, but that they T),JH BUlnry includes payment for Covering could well afford tof-'-tose money -this thl'ir own services and also the sal-the farmers a squaver deal than pay- • ,*4 ing dividends in the exchange to;{< All kinds of Sports, Excursions, Fairs, year, because if they put the associa- .lvies 4)f llssiHtunl managers and tion out of business they would have other expenses. Mr. Langer said stockholders. Mr. McCampbrfl wnsj^ pessimistic about the potato outlook 1A Carnivals and Vacations Thursday and Friday, June 23, 24 everything their own way next year. ' this might seem like, a bin salary, but J. F. Langer of California made thut it was relatively small compared this year, lie said the farmers would )>»< be fortunate if they got $l..r>0 11 >^ Call or phone for full particulars for this or the principal address. He helped to with the prices paid by Western cor organize many farmers' co-operative operative associations. He said that barrel for their potatoes, lie said j>J< any other line of insurance associations on the Pacific slope and potato buyer had openly confessed that because this season looked !ikei'«£ ( a a bad one was all the inure reason t'ft he described the work of these us- ut u recent public, meeting nt Knglish- Red Bank Branch, $ sociations. He said the dealers and town that he (the buyer) always why the farmers should stick to-|>J< gether anil be loyal to the iissoeia- yi commission agents out there had li^uled on milking a profit of nt lenst Room 8, Eisner Building, RED BANK, N. J. ;<: fought the co-operative^ associations, $50 on a carload of potatoes. Mr. tion. "Co-operation has to cmno, or;,J| just as they are doing in Monmouth i r r suid that from 18,000 acres the farmers will go broke," concluded ^ PAUL REVERE, Resident Manager. £. Jlll)( e Mr. McCumpbi'll. ' j|*j tran.d Theatre just as they g Telephone Red Bank 968 £ county, but that after a long, bitter enough potatoes would ho shipped to struggle the favmeva won out. He (ill 7,000 ears. At $!>() per rnr tins told how the buyers of oranges and would amount to $350,000. The sum VERDICT AGAINST RAILROAD, j prunes and the agents hud once niailc received by Bartley & Hooney on the * up a fund of one million dollars to biinis of their salary instead of being Widows Recover Damages for the knock out the fnrmers' leagues. He $50" on each carload of potatoes, Deaths of Their Husbands. i said these buyers and agents could would be only $'i n carload, or two The suit of Mrs. Kdna Straus and I Piano Tuning and Repairing welll afforffdd t o risik puttintti g up a milmi-l eonta a sack.k ' Mrs. Minnii! B. Witzenbocker, whose lion dollars, for 'if they succeeded, "Figure it another way," said Mr. husbands, Isaac T. Straus anil John Witzenbocker, were killed by a train P they would have got the co-operative i, , 'Monmouth county farmers un( el% at Little Silver last, year, was tried Eight years pf factory experience associations out of the way andH(j \^ t(,eir potatoes to fifty different would have got their money back j buyers last season. Does anyone last week, The two men and Watson h > 'fcssures you of correct tuning and Oeinger, principal of the Seahright ]| many times over. He said the Men- jma(,jne that those fifty buyers made mouth county potato farmers should , .,„ rugate profit of $42,000? school, were returning home from a /repairing. 0 )ly afcK boy scout meeting at Red Bank when Formerly wilh not get discouraged when they heard 1 Thut woujj j,G about $800 for each gossip about the potato buyers and j buyer. We all know that they made their automobile was struck by a lo- J. & C. FISHER JAMES & HOLMSTROM comotive and the three men were agents combining to knock out the 1 raore tnnn $fjOO. We all know that MATHUSHEK & SON killed. association. He declared that if the raaRy of t]1(!m became immensely WEBER PIANO CO., of New York City farmers etuck together and remained j wealthy. They arc not to be blamed Mrs. Straus sued the railroad for Paper Hanging loyal to the association they would ; f01. ()ning this, but. you am foolish to $100,001) and Mrs. Witzenbocker in , j g g sued for $25,000. The ease turned win out, just us the orange growers a|low them to ppil e upp this moneyy WILLIAM F. OHST and prune growers and peach grow- '.vhen you, who produce the crops nnd mainly 011 the question as to whether ers of California had won out. tuke all the risk, could huve it forthe whistle and bell on the locomo- TUNER TECHNICIAN Mr. Langer said.that one romilt of yourselves by co-operating." tive gave the required cautionary sig- 51 Sixth Avenue, Long Branch, N. J. IMMEDIATE 87 Harding Road the victory of the Western fruit Mr. Lancer said thut since the as-nals. The trainmen testified thut the SERVICE growers was that they obtained four sociation had been formed 1,400 signals were given while others tes- Telephone 579-R times na much for their prunes as agents and buyers in different parts tified thut they did nut hear the sig- was paid before the -co-operative as- of the country had asked for the priv- nals, The jury returned a v.erdict of New Jersey % sociations were established. He said ilege of making bids on Monmouth $.r>,!>00 for Mrs. Straus and $8,500 Red Bank the reason for this was that the as-county potatoes. "Think what that for Mrs. Witzenbocker. John R. Ap- sociation sells the products of farms means," said the speaker. "Instead plcgate represented the railroad in If you have anything to sell, or if you want to buy direct to the retailers, whereas under of having fifty men to take your po- the case and Edmund Wilson.repre- r. old methods goods ' passed through tatoes to, you have 1,400 men com- sented the plaintiffs. A suit against h~Telephone 1176- % seven or eight hands before they ing to you and all bidding against the railroad by Mrs. fli-inger will be anything, you will find The Register's Want Column the reached the consumer. Mr. Lunger each other. Agents make sales by tried later. i. quickest and cheapest way of filling your want. Reade's Broadway Theatre #+••••••••••••••*$*•*####*#+++**#*$*#«*••••••••••••«# Telephone 344 LONG BRANCH, N. J. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday MATINEE WEDNESDAY AT 2:45 P. M. JOHN CORT Presents A NEW COMEDY DRAMA ENTITLED ECONOMY GROCERS This Week's Prices will make the Thrifty Housekeepers Rejoice WITH Please Read HYMAN ADLER AND THE FOLLOWING NOTABLE CAST -•-• BUTTER, lb 38c HELEN MEMKEN DONALD GALLAHER The Oest That Money Can Buy LAURA ARNOLD WILLIAM WILLIAMS | Hershy's Cocoa, 1-2 lb 17c AMY ONGLEY EDWARD O'CONNOR Domino Powder or nd MELTON BRYON J Large Cal. Peaches, can 21c Confectionery Sugar ^ 9c Prices Evening $2.00 $1.50, $1.QO, 75c, 5Oc Matinee $1.00, 50c % Parowax, cake 10c Grandma's Powder JjJ.e 18c | SEATS NOW ON SALE Shrimp, can 19c Mazola, pints, can 26c # Special 251 Discount Grape Nuts, pkg. 14c qts. " 48c J Hires, bottle 18c " gals. "$1.79 West Furniture Co., Keyport Sugar Corn, can 10c Fancy Blue Rose Rice, 3k 5c Advance Mid-Summer Sale Specials Eagle Milk, can 19c Sani-Flush, can 20c We are Clearing the Decks for Big Actions 14 Dining Room Suites, 11 Living Room Suites, 8 Bed 5 pounds 29c Room Suites, about 50 Rugs, and a Lot of Summer Fur- 1OO pounds $5..' nishings go into this clearance, and for quick action we take off 25 per cent from the new low prices. Coffee, very best lb 29c Plantation Coffee lb 20c t We are preparing a bulletin covering the greatest values in our July-August Sale and are listing only such numbers as are carried in quantities; therefore offer sub- Tea, Very Best Tea, all flavors, lb 35c ject to prior sale the above high grade* merchandise at guaranteed prices. • NOTICE—Our Fair Haven Stora wsH be opeei for Business Saturday, lime ' £ - 25th. Trade at the Franklin Store nearest yowr home. ,R$ppJOji^^^ Real-One,. w Street "ifTXiiiflfeTPIace"1*''".""Hjf"S'lsrewsbiiry Avenue New Store fviaiii and ['ear! Streets, Fair Haven, Open Saturday, June 2iitli West Furniture Co. Trade at Uic store most conveniently located to your home. >•»»»»•» S'steen RED BANK REGISTER, JUNE 22, 1S21-. OCEANPORT NEWS. •Farmer Soldier at Cam-vVail Ai cidlen- , tally Killed. j ' Word was received at this place i *. Saturday night ""of the accidental \ T death of Ralph I.ockwood at Byron,! Illinois. Mr, I.ockwood n'ns atiitioneti j t T RUGS! at Camp Vail in 1017 and left then; T for overseas where he served Reven- teen months with the signal corps. Globe Furnishing Co. V Have You Heard the Good News? He was discharged in July of 1U19 T and took up his old job with the West- The Smith Carpet Co. had another big sale of Rugs ern union telegraph company in his f last week and sold 63,000 bales of Rugs. home town. No details of his death Y were contained in the telegram. See Our City Display of Furniture at Town Prices T I was on the floor arid bought a lot of new patterns which Miss Constance Hifjham is visiting | her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. j V will arrive this week and be on sale next Garrett Dcmpsey of Hrooklyn. Y Those who attended the charity ball . One Investigation Will Convince You • at the Hollywood hotel at Long! Y J I Branch last Friday night from this ; f Thursday, Friday and Saturday. j place were Miss Nejlie Ferry, James! v : Mnhoney. William Midgley, Leslie , Y In this lot there are six (6) new designs in blue; five JJ Wolcott, John Hnk, Valjean Durnell | T (5) new patterns of medallions; two (2) all-overs in old rose i ' and Leon and Chester Conrow. I Y and brown. They are all made in good quality of velvet £ ; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stryker enter- , JI tabled Misa f'atlierinc Kaney and I.es- : Special for Rest of Week Y an'd axminster, seamless ami full 9x12 size. p.ter Conk of Red Bank on Sunday. ; Y !£ ' Miss Amelia Laurino is confined to j Price from $25 to $39.50. .;. her home with sickness. Y 10 bales of 9x12 Seamless Brussells, all new patterns, at ^ The fire department of this place | Y £ was cnlk'il to Port-au-Peck to put out i $13.50. .;. a grass lire on Monday morning. Y- 10 bales of 8.3x10.6 Seamless Brussells, at .$10.50. • ' The evening service at the Metho- [ Porch Shades, Y Jjj dist church will begin at eight o'clock i Y 3 bales of 8.3x10.6 Seamless Axminsters, at $21.5O. * i instead of seven-thirty during- the : £: summer months. • j Y 7.6x9 and 6x9 in proportion. p Mrs. Florence Angel and daughter j' .Y Five bales of Scatter Rugs will be on sale. These are V Mildred, who having been boarding , Best Quality J with Miss Ethel Langwith, are now, Y also in new patterns. • . A : living with Mrs. Angel's mother at i Y These goods are all guaranteed perfect and up to* : Long Branch. |. Y •! Tlflp Epworth league will hold a j standard. All trolleys pass the door. 9 bread and Oake sale on the church) Y ij: lawn on Saturday afternoon. | Y % Rev. Ira Pimm has returned to this | 4-feet $3.00 8-feet R. WEST, •: place after having spent several ; $7.25 Y £ 1 days with his parents at Camilen. | Y 129 West Front Street, RED BANK. •> j Mr. and Mrs. Edward Berry and •i family have moved on their new house a Y jboat. The boat was built by Mrs. t 6-feet $5.45 10-feet $9.50 Y Berry's father, Captain Douglas I Riddie, instead of her grandfather. Y I Captain Thomas Riddle, as was prc- • Y ; viously stated.. I The New York and Lung Krancn j • railroad is having the drawbridge I Porch Rockers, heavy made and well braced, high back t | at this place painted. j J i • Mr. and Mrs. John Silvers and ' . Y ^ j daughter Milds-eil are '-wmling the. Y Split Top '•* I summer with Mrs. Silver's mother, with cane or slats, $4.75 and $5.75. Y ?. I Mrs. Mary K. Hall. 1 i Mrs. Etta Crawford has returned Y 2' home after spending three days of Y A ; last week with Mr. .and Mr>. John Grass Rugs, all sizes, 27x54 to 9x12, from-85c. to $6.75. J ! Collins of Kvyport.""" ; Y £ Fern Mahoney is o^tnping with the Y * ! Camp Fire girls at Adamson. N. J. • Miss Ruth Stryker is visiting her | t a; grandparents at Holmdel. ' I Willow, Reed or Cane Chairs and Rockers. Y 2 j Luke J- Conrow has returned to ! The Satisfying Kind $ : Camn Meade, Maryland, after having ' . " - ' t 4 spent a ten-day furlough with hii •• j> ; mother. Mrs. Mary Conrow. Mr. Con- * ) row expects to be transferred to a ! Let the Globe Furnishing Co. make your house a home. if i post in California. Ask Your Grocer to Send You V | Miss Gladys Hulse attended . the ' 5 j graduating exercises at Temple ? . college at Philadelphia last week. a Loaf Every Day A > John Layton has repainted the * ! front porch of his house. • j t T . Walter Caul is having .ii gasoline ; g • and oil tank installed in front of his \ Y • ' house. I 5J ' George I.oper has bought a new I t h • Do.df.re touring car. j •••• t A. Globe Furnishing Co. v ; No improvement is ?hown in the j S! condition of Junis Walling, who has! T RED BANK, N. J. been confined to his bed the piist two ! t months with paralysis. j t t)/'• Augustus Woodward has returned | Front Street and Globe Court • home from Florida, where he has j f 1 been living for the past few years. v iS 1 Mr. Woodward is in pour health. —^ William Ilaywood has moved from CALORIC HEAT INSTALLED [ Lewis Price's to the house he recently IN A DAY • bought on Pemherton avenue. No plumbing or alterations when you in- ; Sterling Durnell has taken a job | ©<•© stall a CaloriC Pipeless Furnace. >?o muss 'with the Castle ice cream company I or -bother. Usually installed, ready for i at Long Branch. • building a fire, in one day. The wonder- 1' ]\lrs. II;:rry Brakeley ar.d Mrs. Ja- j ful simplicity of the CaloriC makes it the phia VaiiDyke are still on the sick list. I universal heating system. Over 100.000 The past councilors of the Aineri- j satisfied users. Place your order NOW •can Mechanics of Uonmouth. county ' and be ready for Jack Prnst. were the guests of River View council j of this place Tuesday night of last I : week. A meeting and supper was ! AMERICAN FOOD COMPANY BAILEY & COMSTOCK held in the Methodist Sunday-school AT GEORGE OtilLVIE'S, room. ! SATISFACTION GUARANTEED East Front Street, Red Bank, N. J. The topic of the prayer meeting for \ Friday night will lie- "Under the ; P. 0. Box 342. Phone Connection. Willow Trees." i or your money refunded if all goods are not as represented. We want every customer satisfied with pur- i Stanley* VanKirk has beer, visiting 'at Navesink. - , i chases made at our stores, for we know they will tell their friends and neighbors of the Quality, Service j Crabs are plentiful in the river this ' and Economy that we give to the public. . year. William Conrow and Percy VanSchoick caught over a hundred t Rev. Ira Pimm has finished his BUTTER COFFEE studies for the year at Drew semin- None Better, ary. American Blend, Mr. and Mm. H. Whitney Conrow 37c lb. 27c lb. visited Major and Mrs. Bowman nf i Fort Wood, New York, last week. Major Bowman is commanding officer Best Teas, lb 35c Uneeda Biscuit, pkg 6c Del Monte. Asparagus, can Thursday and Friday, June 23, 24 'of Fort Wood. He- was formerly: stationed at Camp Vail. Mealtime Coffee, lb . . .18c Campbell's Soups, can ... . .10c 35c, 45c Kan ford Langwith is an honor man i Evaporated Milk, can lie Best Tasty Cheese, lb 25c in the graduating class at Rutgers; i Mazola Oil, can 28c, 53c colb.go. He wa^ valedictorian when : Puffed Rice, pkg. . 13c Borden's and Pet Milk, can he graduated from thf Oei-anport | Rob Roy Tomatoes, can . . .15c 12c Grape Juice, bot. .12c, 30c, 59c "To Please One Woman" grammar school and he held the same Condensed Milk, can 13c Sliced Pineapple, can . .25c, 30c honor when lit- graduated from the i Best Shrimp, can 20c I.'ing Branch high school. j Cream Cheese, pkg 13c Campbell's Beans, can 10c Leon C';!iro'.v i< a:: h'ir:or rni'.n i/i Olive Oil, can STRAND THEATRE the graiii'ating class at Stevens in- : Ancre Cheese, pkg 18c Pure Lard, lb 12y2c stitute. ' I- 28c, 40c, 65c, $1.25 MIDDLETOWN VILLAGE NEWS. | Pink Salmon, can 12c Fresh Killed Stewing Chicken Apple Butter, jar 23c I Tuna Fish, can 19c, 35c 25c Curtice Jams, jar 25c Children's Day Celebrated by the Gorton's Fish Cakes 17c Boneless Roast Beef ....'.. 20c Use High Grade Calcium Lime Baptist Sunday School. | Pure Jellies, jar 25c A Zinc entertainment was given by' Kippered Herring, can ... . .25c Choice Cuts Chuck Roast . . 18c the Baptist Sunday-school Sunday j Fresh or Corned Plate 8c Pure Honey, jar . 15c, 25c, 40c night in celebration of children's day. Del Monte Sardines, can . . 20c Those who tuok special parts were Shoulder Milk Veal .24c Best Rice, lb. 10c Barrick's Hydrate Ruth, Dorothy and . Kvv-lyn Stark, , Sardines in Mustard, can . .15c Breast Milk Veal 18c Choice Prunes, lb 12c, 18c Jane Taylor. Marjoric Zimmerman. ^ Margaret I.ippciicott, Alexander, ' Roast Beef, can ... 32c Prime Rib Beef Roast ... 30c up Potato Chips, pkg 13c Robert, John and Klizaheth MePhail, : Corned Beef, can 20c Genuine Dixie Bacon ...... 20c Susie. Henry and Bessie Wunderly, i Macaroni and Noodles, pkg. 12c NCI'SCMI HetulriL-k^ou and Louise Boned Chicken, can 57c Fresh Beef Liver . 15c and Lump Lime Fresh Honeycomb Tripe . . . 18c Easton's Dressing 12c, 25c 1 Potted Meat, can . . .10c, lie Sold and Carried in Stock by School closed for, the summer ya-.l Many other Specials too Numer- Large Can Pineapple ...... 23c cation yesterday. An entertainment- Lunch Tongue, can ,. ,25c and an exhibition of school work ous to Mention. Choice Corn, can . . . ..10c, 15c were given Friday. : i Best Lobster, can 39c John N. Hiilyer & Co.i Mrs. Stephen Johnson is very sick. Calves' Liver, Broilers, Fancy Choice Peas, can A daughter was born to Mrs. Ed- Finest Jams, jar 30c Fowl, Fancy Roasting Chickens, 13c, 19c, 22c, 27c MIDDLETOWN, N. J. ward C. Taylor last Wednesday. j Orange Marmalade, jar . . ,18c Capons and other specialties. • Miss Mary Cornell has closed her Evaporated Peaches, pkg. I2yzc school and has gone to Suffern, New' E. A. MASON, General Agent, Red Bank, N. J. York, for the summer. | been visiting Marjoric Zimmerman. I HOUSECLEANING NEEDS Henry Salmon "pent Sunday at I Ammonia, bot 12c, 39c Dust Killer, can . . 12c Coney Maud. I Babbitt's Lye, can 12c Kirkman's and Octagon Soap, Bon Ami, can 10c Chloride Lime, can 13C LITTLE SILVER NEWS. j cake 6c Ammo, can 12c Sani-Flush, can ;. . ,20c i The Red Bank Window Cfeening Co. Boy Seoul! Will Go Camping at Tin-. Gold Dust Powder, pkg. .4c, 25c Sal Soda, lb 4Vzc Best Brooms, each ... 85c, 95c I ton Fall, Three Day.. I H. ME1STR1CH, PROP. The hoy scouts will spend from : Saturday until Monday cumpinp- at' First Class Work * Moderate Rates 'Tinton Falls. j ! The Standard Hearers will meet! Bed Bank Office: Long Branch Office: ' J'Yidiiy nigh! a! Miss Marie Wilby'--. AMERICAN FOOD CO. 43 WASHINGTON STREET 184 BROADWAY Lester ('. l.ovett has been atu-nil-

We sppcinlizp in HIP clenniiiff nt windfura in stores, offices, : Daniel Dean's nursery farm. institutions, lodge rooms und privule (hvcllin^a. 1 .Mr. and Mrs. Oinionil Sewing have 3 Broad St. 189 Broadway •:• moved finm John T. I.OVI-U'H l»,u«e Our opcratorB urc oxixrifiiccd IHLTI imd they dn the wort: on your premises without uiiy.jntnrffreiirc; with tho regular rou- to Koil Bank. tine of your ptrsoiuil or ilroftssioiiul occupulion. Ciivo Luko « Clmncd F*arlc Ocean Grove He'll help you sell things, help you find things you've lost anil help you 714 Cookman Ave. 39 Pilgrim Pathway I get iinyihir.g you want.- -Advertise- iinesit. RED BAttK HK3STER, JUNE 22,1921. Page Seventeen PERSONAL, Park has been' spending a few days FAIR HAVEN NEWS. with Miss Mildred Rice of Port Mon- Mints Anna and" Alma K«ney of CENTERVILLE GRADUATES. NEWS FROM WPPLFTOWN. mouth. • /-* Rev. S. Hall Vounc on Way B.ck la Aliika—Clambake at Lewis's Point. Mechanic rtreet, Mi« Man CostellO' THREE CHILDREN FINISH THEIR REV. JOHN C. LORD QUITS PAS- John Sumnferrille and family of of Leigfrton avenue and Mus Qladjm Hoboken spent Saturday and Sunday Rev. S. Hall Young, who has been Potato Meeting Budge of Fair Haven spent Sunday SCHOOL DAYS THERE. TORATE AT NAVE31NK. at their summer Home at Navesink. living the past five years with his with friends at Atlantic City. Qraduataa Plant a Trae and Name Jt H. H«, B..n Rector .f All Saint.1 Jacob Weinstoin of Campbell's daughter, Mrs. Alaska Klein&chmidt, A party via given Monday night Woodrow WiUon, and Th*y Freient Cfcurch 27 Yew.—ThioYw Cat No Junction was called to Brooklyn Sat- has gone back to Alaska, where he for Ruth Robinson of Spring itreat a Picture of tfa'a Ex-ProiWont to the Booty at Leonardo Railroad Sta- urday by the eiclmeea of his wife. was a missionary. During his stay Jn celebration of her sixteenth birth- School—Closing Exarclim. tion—Lodjo. Hold Joint Meelinf. HermBn"Ld'»i-J21'\_--:;- Cath-- i Mrs. Annie Snyder has been spend- About Co-Operative Selling of the Potato Crop—Meeting ton, Connecticut, spent last week fred Vail and Fort Hancock, the Vet-same school in previous years and a'l erine Rogers, Katherine VanCuhn, j k with her sister, Mrs! Ar- with Mr. 'and Mrs. Frank HouBe of of trnm made thtir rilirki in trbool nBa wee erans of Foreign Wars, Post'No. 438, Anastatia Noonan, Margaret Emery, I.drew Zerr of Rumson. Will Be Held in a Building if the Weather is Damp or Cold. White street. the American Legion, the Auxiliary athletics. Margaret Sietz, Margaret Manna, I Mre. Emily Cross has been visiting Mrs. Kenneth LeQuier of Hudson of American Legion, Troop E of Red George McVey of Leonardo gradu- Margaret Marthens, Horence Mar-! r son, Albert Cross it N»w York, avenue and her infant son; William ated last week from Rutgers college he Farmers, one and all, come to | the last hi^ meeting of tin- s<<:won! Bank, United Council, Jr. 0. U. A. ttiens, Mildred Traut fcriitha Arne,i Russeu Bennett smJ family have Kenneth LcOuior, returned home last M., Fidelity Council of Daughters of. at New Brunswick. He has taken a Kenneth Crane Robert Bentty,; moved from Clay street and are liv- Holmdel next Friday niuht, .lunt- i U't those who have signed up their week from the Spring Lake hospital. Liberty, Fair Haven Volunteer Fire polositios n at New York. His brother Harry Johnson, Harold Harks, Louis ing with Mr. Bennett's grandfather, I Joseph Piccolo has left his position company, Players' Club, his comrades, T'homash , who is a student at the Uni- VanBrunt, Edwin Merigold, James Charles Bennett of Pearl street. and learn for yourselves why acreage foi- co-operative s.cllinir come as manager of the American grocery and to all the friends who so kindly versity of Pennsylvania, sailed Satur- Clay"V, . Walte" "i r Schuster,• /-.i, 'Josep •"h" Kem - Mrs. Elnora Gordon and hevipotato growers should become mem- and bring any neighbors who hiive store on Broad street and is now em- sent such beautiful floral tributes; day for France and Belgium. ory, Frank Jenkins. Charles Slender, daughter have returned from a visit I ,,„__ bels of co-operative association! not siirned up as yet. ployed at the Franklin thrift store, also to Rev. Robert MacKellar, who William Nobel of Ocean View is Wardell Ivina and Drew Polhemus. |to Norristown, Pennsylvania. Phone them in the Wela building on Broad street. so kindly conducted the last sad serv- building a house at Mardean for Frank O'Brien was appointed a Mrs. Jnmes P. McCarron ervertain- Come and hear the plafn truth from now and gut their promise to b'< Misa Thedla Poling of Monmouth ices, and to the firing squad from William Alexander of Newark. The member of the board of health last | ] thth p o-iril Remitts of rhi

Alva Agce, Secretary .State De- acres of potatoes. For fourteen partment of Agriculture. years he lias been loading and ship- ping his own potatoes, having the Professor'Agee is one of the'most selling dune for him by different rnn- delightful of speakers. He is an en- cern.s. He is undoubtedly the best thusiast concerning farmer 10-opeia- posted farmer in New Jersey on all I The Wells Service Station jtion. Because of his official jiosilion marketing problems. He is one of the J he will avoid talking on either skle big men in the Giant Potato (Irowens* - DISTRIBUTORS FOR THE of the business end of marketing, but Association of llightstuwn ami JS a ! will speak on the broad principles of member of our Co-Operative Assoii-f co-operative selling of farm crops. ation. Charlie Frolmsco will not use .Prof. Agee is coming from Trenton many words or take long to tell you I to speak at the Holmdel meeting Fii- what he has to fay, hut. he will tell Philadelphia Diamond Grid Battery, i day night. you enough to convince you that he j J. F. Langer of the California Co- is a safe man to follow. | Operative Association. David Raeter of PerrineviHe. Mr. Langer is associated with the Mr. Raeter and his five sons grow firm of attorneys who handle the legal three hundred acres of potatoes and, I business for co-operative associations he is a director in the Hightstown co- on the Pacific Coast, doing a business operative potato association. When j of over $500,000,000 yearly. Ho will you hear Raeter you will not wonder tell you why the law of supply* and de- why he is so successful and so strong- With the mand, under the present marketing ly in favor of co-operative selling. system, trims the farmer and profits the middlemen, and how co-operative Douglas S. Dilts of the Bureau of [selling enables growers to get higher Markets of Trenton. Philco Slotted Retainer, prices for their crops. He'will also Mr. Dilts is an authority on potato tell you why the contract with Mr. grading and his plans have been ac- GUARANTEED FOR TWO YEARS. Barclay is a most advantageous one cepted by tlio other states. M. A. U for the grojvers. Mr. Langer helped Clark, the thief of tlio Buieau «C to organize the New Jersey Potato markets at Trenton, is sending Mr. With the Installation of the most modern equipment, we are now prepared to take care of all needs of Growers' Association on the success- Jiills In lejnescut .him. .it Uolmdcl automobile owners in the . - , , ful California plan. next Kl'iday evening.

C. R. Applegate, Secretary and E. T. Rooney, Associate 5*!es- Treasurer of the New Jersey manager. GENERATOR, STARTING, BATTERY AND ELECTRICAL LINE. Potato Growers' Associa- Mr. Koniiey is so well known in tion. tliis section that he needs no intro- ••'•.' <• * You will receive prompt and satisfacfory service here. . ' The farmers, in this .-ei'tion will !><• duction. Hi1 has already spi'Uin at glad to hear Mr, Appleicnte a"n:iuer different points in the district, but the propaganda which the shippers will be' at Holmdel to unswi r any have been putting mil as a rnioki furlliei1 questions which growi is may screen to hide their true motives iii care ID a.sk him. opposing co-operalive marketing. Mr. The Wells Service Station Letter from Mr. Wilson. Applegate has been devoting much Red Bank's Leading Service Station time in obtaining members anil is The association had expcilcd (<> thoroughly posted on all the details hiive Mr. Kdmund Wilson «p< .ik In of the local problems. Come to them on cci-ojieraiive iniirUi'l iiig »( Agents For Holmdel Friday evening picpniefl to farm crops in whieh h'1 IM-III .<^ no

you desire mure inl'onnalioii. out of the stale and Inn wnllrii u Bhort letter to Herrelary, A|ipleg«ll! Charles Probnsco of Higlitstown. which will he mill »l Il'iimdel Kiidny Monmouth Street at Maple Avenue, Red Bank. Telephone 1023 Mr. lYobusco grew:; about JUli nil'lit. THE NEW JEJtSEY POTATO GUMS' ASSOCIATION. Page Eighteen RED BANK REGISTER, JUNE 22, 1921.

get-to-gether meetitii? at Beach Park' NEWS FROM KEYPORT. tomorrow night. Donald VanBrakle is on a two weeks' hiking trip through the Adi- AUL ROADS LEAD/TO HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI RE rondack mountains. _ UNION FRIDAY NIGHT. THt? FIRST NATIONAL BANK Two of the Borough's Fire Com' MARLBORO NEWS. panieg Planning to Hold Fairs-** FREEHOLD, k J. New Jersey Food Co. Mtsa Aitnee Otborn and Gifford Marlboro Folk* Occupying Bung* Poling Wedded Last Thursday. Iowa at M»n««qu«n. MEMBER OF FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Mrs. O. C. Herbert of Red Bank FAIR ' ITS MOTTO • SERVICE. The Home of Good Quality About 400 per^pfHr^ttended the annual reunion of the Iffeyport high and Mrs. C. N. Cox of Brooklyn school alumni j»ssociutioii Friday spent Wednesday with PauJ Stryker. BROAD STREET RED BANK night at the high school auditorium, Mrs. M. N. Smith and Misses Clara Meet Me There A pleasing program consisting of anand Leiia Smith are occupying their address by president Angelo M. Web- bungalow at Manasquan Beach for ster and musical and humorous selec- two weeks. RID BANK tions by talent from the Star lyceum Mra. C. M. Wyckoff and Kathryn Another Drop in Price of Sugar bureau of New York was presented, Griggs have returned home after followed by dancing. The music was spending two weeks at Mra. Wyr Bring the Family furnished by Cherry's orchestra. ckoff's bungalow at Manasquan Lincoln lioae company will • hold Beach. "their animal fair on July 2d, 4th and John Kingman and family moved JUNE 30, JULY 9 5th on the Lee grounds on First from Jersey City Monday of last Domino Granulated Sugar, car j8 lb 6c ] street. A supper will be served by week to Mrs. C. W. Brown's house. 75 j the ladies' auxiliary of the company Dorothy Ely, a student of Adel- Ion the last two nights. phia college at Brooklyn, is spending 100 lb Sacks, 5 ! The Kcyport engine company will hur vacation with her parents, Dr. CHICHEITERS1P8 I' ; Hold its annual fair at Beach Park and Mrs. J. D. Ely. ifrom August 13th to 20th. The Miss Knowlea of New York spent NO "ACCOUNT TOO SMALL company will dispose of a Ford tour- several days last week with her sister, Frano American Soups, can 8c ling car on the co-operative plan. Mrs. E. Bathgate. FOUR PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS j Miss Aimoe Frances Osborn, Mr. Cook of Brooklyn is visiting HFranco American Soups, quart can 29c i daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Os- his daughter, RJra L. H. Goldfarb. ; born, and Gifford Poling, son of Mr. Miss Ruth Palmer is spending two and Mrs. Allen Poling, were married weeks at Manasquan Beach. i Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. B. Rankiti ami Miss Rita the bride's parents by Rev. A. WSehanc. k of Red Bank have been Fresh Roasted Coffee at Reduced Prices Hand of Elizabeth. The couple left visiting Mr., and Mrs. C. H. Buck. : after a buffet luncheon for a wed- Mrs. de la Reussille of Freehold ciing trip to Atlantic City. They will spent Friday with her sister, Mrs. B. Our 30c Coffee Fresh Roasted 3 lbs for 85c ; make their home on Third street on their return. . Quackenbush. Miss Marjorie Ely, who has been Our 25c Coffee Fresh Roasted,3 lbs for 70c Dr. Henry T. Hopkins attended a teaching in Tuckerton high school, Second Annual Fair druggists' convention at Spring Lake is home for her vacation with her : last %veek. parents, Dr. and Mrs, J. D. Ely. Our 19c Coffee Fresh Ro^sted,2 lbs for 35c Mrs. H. Whitney of Bakersfield, Mrs. John Brahney spent a few California, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. H.days last week with her daughter, Hendrickson last week. Mrs. John Meyers of Lakewood. Miss Mae Addison of Chicago, 111., Mr. and Mrs. Amzi Quackenbush Royal Crosse & Blackwell's Pickles, bottle 39c is visiting her cousin, Mrs. . G. M. of Atlantic Highlands are visiting Brewin. Mr. and Mrs. Frafjk Gordon. C & B Chow Chow, bottle 39c Mr. and Mrs. J. Widner have moved from Frank Erven's house on House to he Moved, Atlantic street to a house on Eliza- Lea and Perrin's Sauce, bottle 25c~ x The Luyster house on the property Italian beth street. of the New Monmouth Baptist church, Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Hand of which was bought at auction a few .Colman's Mustard, can 25c Elizabeth were visitors here Thurs- days ago for $50 by July Fisher, will day. be moved to property which Mr. G. Washington's Coffee, - can 35c Mrs. F. P. Demarest of Paterson Fisher owns at New Monmouth and visited her mother, Mrs. Annie Bau- he will occupy it. The church sold Mushrooms, Hotel Style, er, last week. the house in order to have more room large can 35c Miss Gertrude Pearson, a student for parking automobiles. in Syracuse university, is spending Best Sweet Gherkins, the summer here with her parents, of Red. Bank bottle 25c" Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Pearson. New River Plaza House. Mr. and Mrs. William, A. Tilton Matzey Koleda is having a bunga- visited Mr. Tilton's sister, Mrs. low built for his own occupancy a lib George Moshier of Newbyrgh, N. Y., short distance north of River Plaza, last week. on the corner of the Nutswamp and Upton's Tea tins 50c The local lodges of Junior Me- Tramp Hollow roads. The bungalow chanics and Sons and Daughters of will be 24x30 feet and' will have five Aug. 20th|to Sept. 3d, Inc. Liberty will attend a patriotic serv- rooms. It will be completed by July New Crop Teas, lb 35c" ice Sunday night, July 3d, in the15th. Joseph Baker of South Amboy First Baptist church. is the builder. '•' Watch for Future Announcement Giving Full Details The local executive committee for Uneeda or Takhoma Biscuit, - pkg 5c the boy scouts are planning to hold a It pays to advertise in The Register Fancy Mixed Crackers, 10 varieties, lb 25c Sugar Wafers Fancy Assortment, pkg 10c

Libby's Corned Beef, - ' No. 1 can 15c Veribest Corned Beef Hash, No. 1 can 15c

White Rose Tuny Fish, - 35c and 20c Choice Red Salmon, - tall can 25c Choice Pink Salmon, - tall can 10c Imported Sardines in Olive Oil, can 15c American Sardines in Olive Oil, 10c

LUCCA ITALIAN OIL Gallon ]/z Gallon Quart Pint % Pint 4.25 2.2S 1.25 65 35c

Swift's Borax Soap, large cake This is an exceptional bargain 5c Gold Dust Washing Powder, - - large 24c Evaporated Milk, , 1 o Pet, Borden's or Everyday, tall can *• <"C New Potatoes Extra Choice, 16 qts, basket 27'^ lb 75c SAND and SURF TOGS Mazola Salad Oil, - - - pint can 25c In Wide Varieties

Armour's Corn Flakes, 3 E maintain a specialized service in bathing suits and accessories and the new Armour's Macaroni and Spaghetti, pkgs 25c Wseason's showing of suits, shoes, caps, hats, etc., is more complete and more varied than ever before. The tremendous extent,of our business in this line en- Special Low Prices ables us to place prices far below normal levels. in the Meat Department Bathing Suits Bathing Accessories Fresh Killed Fowl, 3 Of* Saucy taffetas, severe sur'f satins, and common sense wool jerseys One's suit chosen—and the problem is but half solved. There remain beach hats and caps, rubberized bandannas, bags and shoes, Golden West Brand,5 lb average «"« line: up in our showing of sand and surf suits for summer 1921. before one is fully equipped for a dash in the surf or a sunning Cross Rib Roast, - lb 32c Something new—and something very picturesque—occurs side on the sands. by side with the practical features that' recur in fashion's favored Choice Cuts, Round Steak, lb 39c bathing suit from year to year. . Beach Hats and Gaps Fresh Chopped Beef, - lb 21c Colors ? They are of the sort that blend demurely into the sand or surf background —or that stand out in vivid splashes of jgreen, Choice Chuck Steak, - lb 17c blue, yellow,, etc., against the horizon. Black with color trimming Satin Bathing Skoesr Choice Chuck Roast, - lb 17c is especially good. High Canvass Shoes 2tht trlZ Oakhurst Farm Frankfurters, lb 25c in black and navy blue, embroidered and trimming. piped with contrasting colors, range in Fresh Caught Bluefish,lb 35c price -from. .811.98 to $3-4.80 Rubberized Bandanna Handkerchiefs, $1.89 to *n many Afferent colors and col- $2.89. Fresh Caught Fish, JCI5vj or combinations range in price ,RubbervBa^s,.98c JOJJ.JSO.^ Several Varieties, lb .^,^ (Emttpattg New Jersey Food Co. RED BANK JUNE 22, 1921. Page Nineteen §•# •# ASBURY PARK'S CELEBRATION JUNE 27th DAYS OF JOY NIGHTS OF FUN WEEKS OF HAPPY HOURS

Monday, June 27th Entire City En Fete With Beautiful Decorations. .

Tuesday, Golden Jubilee Fireworks Display on the Ocean Front at 8:30 P. M. Anniversary Ball at the June 2&th Arcade. Formal Dress.

Wednesdayf Wonderful and Inspiring Golden Jubilee Parade Celebrating the Location and Development of June 29th Asbury Park by the late James A. Bradley and Its Evolution Into World Wide Prominence as a * Beautiful Seaside City. Direction of Tali Esen Morgan. 2:00 P. M.

Wednesday, Unveiling of Bronze Memorial Monument to Founder James A. Bradley in Atlantic Square on JlUie 29th *^e Beach ^ront at tne Head of Sunset Lake; conclusion of parade; addresses by veil known men.

Wednesday, Golden Anniversary Dinner at Monterey Hotel, 7:00 P. M. TICKETS, $3.00. Promi. June 29th nent Speakers. Thursday, Bal Masque at the Casino and Arcade; prizes for best costumes; 8:00 P. M. June 30th

' • • ••! • • .••/.' Friday, Ballet at the Arcade by Vera Lyon, daiAg to follow; 8:30 P. M. $• . f Saturday, Merchants' Jubilee Bazaar Day. Special'Displays and Offerings on Every Class of Merchandise. A RealJubilee Day For Shoppers. July 2nd Sunday, Concerts at the Arcade by Simone Mantia's Symphony Orchestra, New Grand Organ and Soloists,' •• July 3rd Concert at the Casino, 3:00 and 8:00 P. M. Monday, Grand Display of Patriotic Fireworks on the Beach front, 8:30 P. M. . July 4th (Program to be Continued Throughout the Summer, Including a Return to the Ha-ppy Days of Asbury Park's Famous Baby Parade and Carnivals). . • Whatever You Want Asbury Park is the Best Place to Get It BEST BOARDWALK BEST BEACH BEST BATHING BE^T THEATRES • BBEST MUSIC BEST AMUSEMENTS BEST RESTAURANTS^ • BEST'STORES BEST SHOPS BEST STOCKS BEST BARGAINS. Possessing the Best of Everything Makes it the Best Place to Get the Most for Your Money The Following Business Men Are Leaders In Their Line

• ADVERTISING AGENCIES. DEPARTMENT STORES. ICE CREAM MANUFACTURERS. PA1NTER3 AND DECORATORS. Eleitrlc Sorvlce Co., Railroad Avc. - LeMatetre'g, Cookman Ave. and Emory St. Crenelle & Schnnck, First Avo. E. J. Stroud, 608 Main St., Zacharias Block, L, K. Steel Company, Inc., 510 Cookmnn Avc. ICalcotm Severance, Inc., '(rust Co. Building. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. JEWELERS. , DENTISTS. T. Frank Appleby, Main St. and Mattison Ave.. AUTOMOBILES. Dr. C. E. VanWicklc, 048 Cookmnii Ave. A. W. Cornelius, 024 Cookmun Avc. Calvert & Shubert, 222 Main St. Honry S. Marahull, 6'l.r> Mattison Avenue. Thomas C. Brown, Franklin Cars, 1205 Main St. DRUG STORES. TAILORS. L. F. Lipsey, Studobnker Cars, 1207 Main St. ; Colonial Phnrmncy, 570 Cookman Ave. MEN'S FURNISHINGS. P. I. Phillips, Zacharias Block, Main St. Josao A. Powlor, 806 Fifth Avc. AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES. E. R. & M. F. Luke, B02 Cookmun Ave. TEA ROOMS. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. D. S. Cross & Co., 729 Mnttison Avo. Chnrlea Sncidor, 1G3 Main St. George P. Lehrittcr, Boardwalk Arcade, Crowell-Hondrlckaon Co., 'Hi Muln Street. WOMEN'S WEAR. AUTOMOBILE REPAIRS. MILLINERY. • HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. Benjamin Abram.i, OGfl" Cookman Ave. Doris I. Weedcn, 1001 Main St. M. Kllnghoffcr & Bro. (Kays), 030 Cookman Avo. Brunswick Hotel, Morgan & Parsons, Fourth Ave. I. Berger, C>\'.>. Cookman Avo. J. Contc, Black Cut Restaurant, BIO Cookmun Ave. MUSIC SHOPS. M. Khnithoiror & Bro , Woman's Shop, 650 Coolc- BUILDING SUPPLIES. Continental Hutol, Aigoraki» Bros., 22G Cookmun Dr. E. B..K«aat, C81 CooKman A\i. man Ave.

1 ? Fftge Twenty RED BANK REGISTER. JUNE 22, 1921.

•,., SHREWSBURY NEWS. Annual Fun- of the Firemen Being Held Thii Week. The annual fair of the fire depart- ment opened last night and will close THEATRE JEWEL CARMEN Saturday night. A large number of articles will be disposed of on the co- In a ftomarico of Cupid and the Law ojjeratlve plan. Three New York nien were hurt Red Bank Saturday when an automobile in which they were riding skidded and Telephone 902 overturned in front of A. Holmes PALACMATINEE 2:3O ' Ev , EVENING 7:OO and 1O:4S Borden's. The men are at the Long The Silver Lining Branch hospital. 3 FULL SHOWS SATURDAYS AND HOLIDAYS, 2:30, 6:30 and 8:4O Richard H. Sickles has had his A PICTURE OF THROBS AND THRILLS - house repainted oh Sycamore avenue. im" The work was done by George H. Bennett of Eatontown. Vaudeville Thursday, Friday, Saturday, June 23, 24, 25 Vaudeville C.,Walter Burn has a now Stude- ^baker automobile. Francis Parker, daughter of Benja- min John Parker, has returned from 4-VAUDEVILLE--4 the Ijdng Branch hospital, where she underwent a]1, operation for appendi- citis. ; Airs. Patrick Murray gave birth to a Vaudeville Thursday, June 23 Vaudeville daughter last week. John Hamm, John Lang, Nathan Marx and Christopher Rroderson have had their house pipoil with gas. WHY TRUST YOUR HUSBAND? -Christopher Broderson* expects to start building a house soon, for his own use on his property on the Eaton- town road, opposite Miss Evie Valen- Harry Meyers, Eileen Percy and Ray Ripley tine's. Charles Hurley has had a gasoline Ruth Rowland in "The Avenging Arrow" F»athe News pump installed in front of his agri- cultural implement store on Sycamore avenue. Vaudeville Friday, June 24 Vaudeville Henry Billings has built a new .porch on his house on White street. i Jamos Brewer ami Louis Hose have built garages. Fritz York is back at work at L. C. CARMEL MEYERS in "A DANGEROUS MOMENT" DeCopptitt's. after having )HH»II laid up threV days with sk-kni'ss. If you want to know what a girl's life really is in New York's famous artists' colony in Greenwich Village, you have only The Quakers hi'lil thjir annual, to see this rousing drama of a tremendous adventure that started one night at the " Black Beetle" and whirled a young meeting Sunday. Tho mooting house was (ilk;e- June Oceanport and William H. Osbahr of find things you've lost and help you Birthstone Bayonne were married Sunday at Mrs. ] gett anythinthig you want.—Advi.tAd J

STERLING SILVER BELT BUCKLES. Medium weight ' $3.15 "LA TAUSCA" PEARLS. RIBBON WRIST WATCH. Heavy weight .. $6.8*5 24 in. graduated . $\2.60. FINE WHITE DIAMOND 14k. white gold, engraved case .. . .$31.50 14k. gold inlaid $9.45 24 in. diamond snap $29.40 Solitaire Rings,,

If you have been trying to do your hauling or delivering with big, slow, solid-tired trucks —and with costs and other results unsatis- factory to you—the answer to your problem AMERICAN SHEFFIELD SILVERWARE. is a Reo Speed Wagon. Large assortment 10k., 14k. and Rold- Bon Bons $4.75 •fillcd Tie Clasps. s That has been the experience of thousands • Bread Trays ', $8.40 Solid gold 10k. and 14k. Cuff Links in of users. Solid Gold . .$2.10 to $5.00 Special reductions in silver plated Cas- Snndwich Trays ,'•...... $7.35 green, white und yellow gold. Latest seroles, with flower cut Pyrex linings Baskets • $14.70 Gold Filled .50c to $2.00 $7.35 and $3.40 designs . . r $8.40 up More than 52,000 Reo Speed Wagons are Platters' ..$28.00 now in use.

In city, suburban and rural service—in work IVORY of manufacturers, wholesalers, jobbers and These beautiful SPECIAL. hand-carved' Wed- PYRAUN retailers—of cartage companies^ and contrac- While you are in, we Gentleman's tors—results are always gratifying. ding Rings are now LZfyralin J| because of its particularly invite you to on display at our beauty and corr- Watch, 20 year case And in the country—general farm, ranch, view our very complete shop. They typify . stant usefulness, and 17'J. adjusted orchard and truck garden work—the Speai and perpetuate the \t is n universal fa- ."tock of new Watches, movement. Guar- Wagon has proven not only equal to tb* joyous sentiment of vorite-—found on demand, but indispensable. dressed in attractive the wedding day. dressing tnbles anteed $31.50 Made in platinum, Wadsworth cases. the country over. Other branches of transportation—rural white, ' yellow or green gold, as de- omnibus and express lines—find that Rapid Other Watches from $15 to $200. sired. We sell complete sets. Call and see them. Rcos on pneumatics and with electric startef and lights, always make the schedules and do more work in the day.

Verily—this Speed Wagon fits every business —and so it will not only fit'yours , but- will do your work better.

. c.. b. Lanatnt, plum iptitgl FitJarmi tax , wonmovoi

SOLID GOLD BAR PINS. SOLID GOLD BROOCHES DORMAN McFADDIN WHITE SAPPHIRE RINGS, BROADWAY, LONG BRANCH Plain or engraved $3.15 to $6.00 aet with reconstructed and genuine nearest approach to Diiiiuwtida in color and' Headquarters for Gillette Razors mid Telephone 439 stones $4.00 up With stones $6.00 to $25.00 brilliancy. Blades. Com pie to 'with pnou- Dlumond set .$35 to $300.00 Diamond set $15 up 14k settings $8.40 up PriceB $5.00T $6.00, $7.50 and $10.00 tnatia tires, e/o otrie nd f...GIFTS f ':,:.'.,::.k',i.>.,^i 1847 ROGER BROS. AMBASSADOR PATTERN. " A design of delightful beauty and dignity. Correct Hero will be found the largest stock of Waterman Idenl • ill outline mid soft in finish. Half dozen Tea Spoons Fountain Pens. All stylo l'cns nt nil prices $4.00 THAT LAST $2.50 to $20.00 ESTABLISHED 1886 MONMOUTH'S Phone 457-R 38 Broad St, Red Bank LEADING JEWELER