Iisnsd Weellr, Enured u B.cond-Custn MatUr at tnt Pcst- .VOLUME XUW NO. 52. offlet at Bed Bank, N. J, under tha Act ol Hszeh id, 1879, RED BAlIf, N. JM WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1921.' $1.50 Per Year. PAGES 1 TO 10. NURSES' HOME GETS SHS. GOODBYE TO HIGH SCHOOL .1 BUILDING A BUNGALOW. , {HOTEL AT SHERIFFS SALE. HELPING THE SOLDIERS. A FRANKFURTER PARTY. SCHOOL'S BANNER YEAR. {Jacob Vosselman Mores into Hi» That Sum Wat Made at a Rummage MUi Esther R. Tompblm Entertnineal Sals en White Street Saturday. a Few Friends Saturday Night. FORTY-SEVEN PUPILS FINISH Now Dwelling on Granje Avenue, COLT'S NECK PLACE STRUCK RED CROSS AIDING EX-SERVICE SHREWSBURY PROUD OF SHOW- Jacob VoBselmnn, who has been A rummage sale for tho benefit of Miss Esther K.' Tompkins of Hub- STUDIES IN RED BANK. boarding on Petero place, moved this OFF TO DR. CRATER. the nurses' home at the Long Branch MEN IN MANY WAYS. bard Park entertained a few friends ING MADE BY PUPILS. vfeck into it bungalow' which he is hospital was held in the new White Saturday night at a frankfurter ClMt Night was Held Wednesday He Bought for $4,500 Property Brothers' store on White street last ThU Organization Has an Average of School Made the Finest Record of (Night and Commcncemtnt Exer- building on the west uide of Grange which Lewi> Snydsr Bought for 160 Cases a "Mo~ntb".of'"bis"W.'M roast and dance. The roast was held Attendance in Its History, and in avenue, north of East Front street. Saturday. All the articles at the sale Among Soldiers or Their Familie. "ii-the river bank. At ten o.clock the . ci»e» were Held the Following 915,000 Ten Year* Ago—Mr. Sny- were given by Mrs. Thomua N. Mc- Many Other Ways Had a Remark- Night—SpacUl Priio. Awarded. Mr, Vosselman ie a carpenter em- —No-• w* Almoa-• t Ou- t of Money. party returned to Miss Toiiipkinn a able Year—Gift lor Principal. ployed by George W. Morrow of As- der Ones'Refused $18,000. Ciarter of Rumson and they were in house where dancing was enjoyed. The $ed Bank public schools bury Park and he works on his Lewis Snydcr's hotel at .Colt's Neck unusually fine condition for goods Ever since the war ended the Mon- The roomms werere decoratedcorated with cut Shrewsbury pupils, finished their closed Friday for the summer. For- bungalow during his spare time. AH was Bold at sheriff's sale last week at offered at a rummage sale. The sale mouth county Red Cross has buim oc- flowersf . Those present were Mr. and year's work last week with an ty-seven pupils etfid good-bye to high ;ho court house at Freehold at the began about ten o'clock in the morn- cupied principally in looking "f'^r average attendance of 95 per cent, the outside work has been done. The eoldiere and aiding them and their Mrs. Frank Haviland, Mr. and Mrs. the highest percentage of attendance school last week. The clans night' bungalow is 24x36 feet and it has mit of Dr. E. W. Crater of Ocean- ing and by three o'clock the goods Tompkins, Mr. and Mrs. Choa- exercises were held last Wednesday port, who had a mortgage of $6,000 were about sold out. The sale re- This aid to the soldiers has J™' in the history of the school. Those five rooms and a bathroom. It has a iHck and Mr. and Mrs. Harry who were not absent nor tardy the night in the high school auditorium. hardwood floor, and it is provided on the property. Dr. Crater made alized $145 for the nurses' home. taken many forms. The United -, . of Red Bank; Miss Hazel Blue and red, which are the class col- The sale was under the direction States government haB three separate T :.J entire year were Cyril Lawes, Wil- with modern improvements. Theo- he highest bid at the sale and ob- liss Mildred Lawes, William liam Randall and Madeline Sagurtoh . ors, eomprtsi'd the color Bcheme for dore Scott is doing the mason Work, tained th.e hotel for $4,500. A sec- olMrs. Thomas N. McCarter and she organizations which are supposed to Jr., Thomas Scowcroft and the decoration!. Pennants of the was assisted by Mrs. William M. look after disabled soldiers, but it of the eighth grade, John Parker and Charles Hobrough is the plumber and ond mortgage of $2,000 was held by uBually takes months and sometimes nl - Walter Rankin of Fair Lawrence Scott of the seventh grade, graduating class were arranged in a C. F. Clark is the electrician. The the W. A. French estate. No bid was Robertson, Mrs. Charles P. Irwin, ana d Miss Florence Kent of Mrs. Arthur B. White, Miss Julia Lit- over a year to obtain relief. These M0™"sto ™ Elsie Hounihan and William Parker jTOw on the thr«e sides of the stage, bungalow will cost $5,000. | made by the estate. A representa- l rrIb w of the fifth grade, Josephine Nestler near the top, and from the pennants' tive of the French estate told a Reg- tle, Mrs. J, P. Eichele and Mrs. Harry three government organizations are • "» '» ™- Schanck. the bureau of war risk insurance, and Katharine Callory of the fourth blue and red ribbons ran crosswise ister reporter that the heirs of the grade, Sarah Callery of the third down the walls. The front of the which attends to financial matters estate were reconciled to the loss of concerning soldiers' insurance; the HANDIWORK OF PUPILS. grade and Helen Callery of the sec- stage was banked with flowers. The A BUILDING REMODELED. the $2,000. The hotel SB a large old- bureau of public health, which at- ond grade. class motto of "Finished, Yet Be- fashioned building and is in fairly NECK GUT WITH HATCHET. tends to medical matters, and the bu- ginning" was suspended from the good condition, with about four reau of vocational training, which i SPECIAL INSTRUCTION FOR 27 A Palmer improvement certificate top of the stage, Class night is ob- MANY CHANCES MADE TO acres of land. Mr. Snydor, who is j for good writing was awarded to AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT ENDS helps soldiers to learn new trades i SCHOOL CHILRDEN. served as a "night of fun." It is the JOHN'S BUSY CORNER. occupying the.place, will move next when they have been incapacitated Helen Ahearn, Palmer progress pins time when the graduates have an op- IN AN ASSAULT. for writing were awarded to Mary Alterations Made to Clothing Store month Xa the Forman Taylor house for their old trades. Cases are fre- They Comprise What is Known as a portunity to "jolly" their school as- at Colt's Neck. quently shifted from one to another Special Opportunity Class and Be- Riordan, Janet Kurst, Francin sociates and the exercises have al- and to Other Quarters in the William Evans of Eatontown At- sides Doing School Work They O'Brien, William Randall. Rose Han- Building Where the Clothing Busi- The bid of Dr. Crater for the hotel. of these bureaus, making long delays ways been popular with both the tacked by Rocco Zucc1 o While .He Make Rugs, Carpets and Baskets. non, Margaret Robson, Elsie Houni- ness is Located—New Tenants. property is another illustration of Was Holding Zucco . Child in Hit and vexatious requirements before re- graduates and the audience. • Within the past year 27 Red Bank han, John Bailey, Amelia Reese and Improvements coating $16,500 the depressing effect of prohibition Arms—Zucco Hold (or Grand Jury | lief is accorded. The commencement exercises took on rural hotel property. Ten years The lied Cross fills in the interval school children have been taking spe- Emily Sagurton. Primary gold star place Thursday night in the auditor- have just been completed to the ago Mr. Snyder bought the hotel Rocco Zucco of Bank street was between the time when an ex-service cial instruction in handiwork as we! writing pins were received by Jose- ium. Margaret Dudley gave the building on the northeaBt corner of from the late Fred Luther for $15,- arrested last Wednesday afternoon man or a member of his family needs as regular school work at the Shrews- phine Ahearn, Edith Burst, Marie valedictory address. Arclellu Hardy West Front street and Wharf avenue. 000. At that time the hotel was one by Sergeant Harry T. VanNote and assistance and the1 time when he gets bury avenue school. The group is . Lange. ,. ,Raymon - d McGowan, Austin was the salutatorian. The mantle This property for a number of years Policeman William Mustoe on a Riordan. Mrs. of the beat paying country hotels in charge of assaulting William Evans it from the government. The Red known as the special opportunity Kecse and Kalpn oration was made by Ethel Yanko was owned by the John Bailey estate, tho county and the price paid by Mr. Ooijs helps the ex-service man to get class. It was formed to help those \ ™« Magce, the principal•al of tthe and the mantle reply was made by und it was bought laBt spring by of Eatontown with a hatchet. Evans hospital treatment; many cases of children, who through sickness or i schoo , is attending falmer sumrrsummei r a men's clothing and shoe store Kathryn Cooper. A fine address was Mr. celebrated the opening consumptionn have developedd froii uiim. thn.ce othe-•....»r misfortunes.„„*„..„„,.„,, hav..«.e bee,,^wn. unabl„..„„.„e school at New York in order to give - given by Rev.
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