4 I

HE NEWTOWN .Bee. eader


Rates. Black were the eyoa as black as jet The Forsaken Farmhouse. The horn button trade is not as Mrs has had the Mrs R. S. Cheves has visited her par- Advertising I ; lively Margaret Lynch Of the country maid knew Mr Mrs Z. 3-- I as this season and S. Curtis & Son about her below ents, and S. Peck, Column 1 "Col. i SCoI. 4 Col kissed her and her lover came, Against the wopried hills it stands, usual, grounds graded place are too. - OIL AND YAPOE STOVES: TEAK. $100 $80 $61 $48 $40 And mine jet black, Exchange. Ghost Of a dead homo, Blaring through have shut down this department of their the depot and G. W. Stuart builds a '" 0 MU3. 00 48 86 28 24 Its broken on Wanted lands lighte 8 MOS- - 40 83 24 20 16 Where old-tim- harvests grew. Berkshire shop indefinitely. P. Keane of picket fence Edwin Arnold will come to this coun- 16 10 8 August 6 was Tennyson's 82d birthday. Cold ia ,. it is said,will make no more and a limited number of lectures 8 a 5 4 - Un ploughed, unsown, by unshorn, Spring, try give 1, 3 AND DO i&Slo The laureate is now in excellent health The scythe E. Hall's men have ditched , and 2, 4 BURNERS, WITH OVENS. 2 poor forsaken farm fields lie. at present. J. in November. 3 In. 2 In. Inch In. in the of Once rich and Ale with corn home beginning TEAS, S30 $25 $18 $10 $5 and takes daily walks vicinity And golden drained the. meadow near the Tratt 0 MOS. 18 15 10 6 3 his Isle of home. He undertakes pale greeabreadths of rye. NOT 3 MOS. 12 10 7 4 2 Wight A clergyman in the province 6f Kazen, in Zoar and laid tile. HEAT THE HOUSE IN SUMMER LIKE 1 a 1 no son his Of healthful flower bereft. The local paper is emphatically the MONTH, 5 4 2 clerical work, his conducting The h?rtdno housewife has written a WEEK, 3 60 2 1 lc a word. garden plot keeps; Russia,, harrowing descrip- home paper and is read the purest correspondence for him. Through weeds and tangle only left, tion Mrs Ilugbes, who has her by Looal Notices in Brevier Type, 10c a Line. The its tenant, - of the sufferings of the unfortunate most our THE ORDINARY COOKING STOVE. WILL snake, creeps. house, this Summer, will have nine and and innocent of homes. It The peasants of that province, brought on by should be to its homes and Better for milk must be obtained lilac spray, once blossom clad, Brew build picket fence. , loyal people. prices bways bare before the empty rooms; the failure of crops. Large numbers of The best it can have is confidence fartners for their with the Beside the roofless porch a sad, capital BAKE QUICKER AND AT by milk, or, Pathetic red rose blooms. - them, he says, are starving. Many have in the of its and BETTER, all kinds first saluted a integrity character; continued high price of grain of been unable to obtain bread for weeks The American flag by while it should be a in His track In mold and dustof drouth, is Mrs newspaper every the profits of dairy farming will entirely On floor and the leaves and have, been to eat foreign nation owned by H. R. P. ' confi- ABOUT HALF THE OF WOOD And hearth, squirrel compelled grass sense of the word, the measure of EXPENSE county and 'other in the tireless chimney's mouth and leaves. In one of con- Stafford of Cottage City, Mass. The flag CHARLES W. disappear. Orange II is web the spider weaves. the villages, dence it has should be sacred. Press farmers are still endeavoring to organize of 140 the has 13 stripes and 12 stars. The patriot- The about to sisting houses, clergyman and Printer. to control the New York market and in- leaning barn lall 1G ic ladies of it to OR COAL. PRICE 10 PER CENT. LESS Resounds no more on husking eves , found persons in a terribly emaciated Philadelphia presented vite Connecticut to No cattle low in yard or stall, John Paul famous for successful producers join them, No condition, dying of starvation. Only 20 Jones, When Lyman Beecher was at Andover, but do not meet with success. has thresher beatsMs sheaves, victories for America. It floated THAN LAST YEAR AT MC(X)R1). There persons were found eating ordinary food gained he was walking through the woods, when been less in New York of late So uad, so drear! It seems almost in a sufficient from the mast of the Bon Homme Rich- surplus Some haunting presence makes its sign ; quantity to keep them he suddenly encountered a skunk in the than for some weeks and it is possible That down y lane, some ghost alive. Visits made to a number of other ard in its engagement with the English Xow the Beechers as a are Might drive his s vctral kine! was shot and path. family that an increase in price may be made. Whittier. villages revealed a similar state of desti- vessel Serapis and away at obstacles. Beecher had no Not the best time for Body Brussels .'its. water. James Staf- impatient tution and distress. In all of them, num-- fell into the Bayard weapon with him except a Greek lexicon. E Carpetings, but we're selling lots of ' father of Mrs Stafford's a HAL L'S Good hay, especially timothy, is scarce J. H. Costello reookv horses from Der8 01 persons were found either dead ford, husband, The skunk did not see fit to move and them. it's because we have the J Maybe and in demand, and for Fall and or from starvation. lieutenant, jumped into the water and Beecher threw the lexicon at the skunk. - prices l'onieroy of Hartford, last week and does dying goods at the right price. Maybe it's saved from an fate. He was nlrnnL-'- a Sa,r3.d.3T HHEoolr, Winter will probably be $16 to $20. Sta- considerable business in" vehicles of all it untimely THa rm! v u,aa wnraa than JO Conn. because we've been careful ' a British sword and disabled extremely wounded by - tistics show that the crop of the State sorts. '; . E. Hall's men been re- Grefk texfcon8-- ,ULer Lyman in buying. Maybe you want our pat- J. have making for life. After the war was the has not been so light in five years, there & over, flag Rail, that h, nmu,nAvfr throw DOLLARS SCHOLARSHIP. terns. You won't them elsewhere. pairs at Taylor Hubbell's at the depot. was ser- for LIFE get but about four-fift-hs of the normal In a little on presented to him for meritorious a book at a skunk. can Man Womdh a being homely cottage standing The tank furnishing the house with soft NofTrother School do as much for Tonne and No better Brussels than a Lowell, more so vice. Three thousand dollars has been crop, with not than half .in many the beach of Asbury Park, near the water been d, or Hartford. Are " has copper being BUSINESS Bigelow there any sections. water as to be shaken the The- offered for these old "stars and stripes." t, by waves, used instead of zinc. It is not often that the band which as , We're not about old COLLEGE good? talking odore R. the famous war artist of It was exhibited at the Centennial by ocean PALMS but the best new Davis, plays at the promenade of Asbury poor patterns, very Botsford Bros, have made al- Lieut Stafford's daughter. At the inaug- 170i Chestnut Street, complete Harper's Weekly, has his studio. Dur- Thoma3 of Mile Hill has re- Park treats the seaside pilgrims to the Philadelphia. patterns that the skilled artists of the terations at have widened the Maloney uration of President Harrison, it was car- POSITIONS FOR GRADUATES. Jeanville, ing the rebellion, Mr Davis's cartoons a of D. G. Beers & "Star Spangled," but when it does the Time required 3 to 4 month. 1IKMT KOUII'PEn. globe, with all their modern knowl- veranda about the house G. cently bought wagon ried in the IfiCHt i'otirwo of Study. Cirouhuw fruu if yem name tltw pp occupied by and sketches of the battles gave that pa- Co. and harness of A. W. procession. applause is furious. Strangers are sur- edge of designing and coloring, can off Orgelman. W. Clark and have finished rooms in per great prominence. The artist now prised by the outburst until they learn produce. the upper story. Not finding the tank makes a of and a few From Minnesota comes the story of a it was this band which was on the THE W. E. SWORDS LUMBER COMPANY, Not the lowest but the specialty designing William a well at his Wal- - that priced cheap- which distributes water through the years ago he made a notable series of de- Itcpka digs remarkable religious work in a (pagan) United States Trenton when she est in the end. The best Brussels is nut Tree Hill home. Vermil- ship house large enough, Mr Harris has built signs for the dinner service at the White Chippewa village at the head of was driven ashore in the at Sa- Wholesale and Ketail DealersCOnn.lu half-bree- cyclone the d Briageport, always cheapest. a second tank which is connected by pip-- each of showed a ion lake. Frank Porter, a who moa and which struck the national MICHIGAN PINE SPRUCE Pick out the we'll fix House; piece plate It is said the man killed on up LUMBER, SIDING, SHINGLES, patterns; you ing with the other and has also provided sketch some histori- that the had been converted in Canada, began it anthem in the moment with Doors & & out in illustrating striking Hook on of danger, Timber, Lath, Sash, Blinds, Carvings, Mouldings, Mantles Hard good shape. against drought by the cis- cal event. Courant. siding at Sandy had been duty by reading the New Testament to them, was etc. connecting 20 cheers from the British frigate that Wood, Trim, North Carolina Yellow Pine Lumber a Specialty. tern with the water into for hours. with simple and fervent FURNISHED PROMPTLY. tanks, throwing explanations drifting by. The band is composed them the force at the sink. the chief, his wife by pump John Graham is with the Eaton, Cole & Mr and Mrs Holt and of New prayers. Presently chiefly of Italians and its members are DAVENPOET & O'HASA, and Coun- - JAMES F. Heacock have laid 1000 feet daughter and professed Christianity. Attorneys BRENNAN, C. W. Bros, nearly Burnham Co. Haven have been at Tavlor's hotel. daughters an unusually modest as well as melodi- elors at Law, P. 0. Building, Bridgeport, Conn. Mason and Builder, Newtown. M'CORD, of tar walk about the two houses and C. Then Porter sent for a half breed cousin ous set of heroes. All work First-Cla- ss and Warranted to Give W. Canfield of Bridgeport has been of Mrs Ellen who Satisfaction. the brush there. Labor the Juniors of the Glen will his, Dempsey, speedily BOTSFOKD wielding Day, Robert Sammisof Bridgeport has visit- arrived on the scene with a' supply of H.PEET2SAK: the South Britain club on their ed Dea A'. C. Moore's. P. Simmeron And wife of Brooklyn, Horse Shoeing, Wagon Repairing, Saw Filing A. 375 Main Street and play at Testaments and anil Ulucksiiiithing olall kinds. NEWTOWN. W. 0RGELMAN. the Glen 10 a m Chippewa (Methodist) who have been with Black- grounds at at sharp. books. Conversions boarding Sandy Hook, Ct. 1 hymn multiplying, smith B. II. Peet for two weeks, return- Manufacturer and dealer in Harness, Saddles, Post Office Arcade Amelie Rives has arrived from Paris. the nearest Methodist was NEWTOWN SAVINGS BANK Newtown, clergyman ed, this week. 1&V. Bridles, Collars, Blankets, etc. . Michael of Botsford is to take She isn't going to give up art yet, for Mr summoned. On his first he PHI LOCLAItKK, President; C. II. NORTH. BRIDGEPORT. Ilaugh visit, baptized HOURS 3 M. at as Lasar, with whom she studied in France, 21 are under in- ROl', Treasurer. (La. in. to p. in.; CELEST A. BENEDICT, If. D., Tierney's place the Rubber night Indians and many others Li. float- Mondays, 7 to II p. in. is over to this and the 1. Warner found his pet cat Physician and Surgeon, watchman. coming country struction for that sacrament. Even the be Castle ing in the well, tired of life. 348 State St., Bridgeport. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE lessons are to continued at Hill, medicine man of the tribe has renounced couciiiLix one of the Of- were in her home. is one of imos., Electricity therapeutic agents. There 12,037 candies that iar at Virginia Lasar the paganism and given his consent to the liridgeport. fice hours from 10 a. m. to 12 m, 2 to 4 p. m. COMPANY, Sam on which 6827 noted of Gerome. of is DEALERS IN FINE GOLD Harris's, there were pupils ot the sacred drums, staffs and George Camp Waterbnry visiting WALL PAPERS, ESTABLISHED IN 1845. burning F. Chambers. OIL TINTS, FRESCO BORDERS, DECORA- guesses. Anna It. Purely of Danbury has faded like HOUSE, BARN AND 6 TO WILLIAM H. BEERS, PRESIDENT. images. "My power away TIONS, WINDOW SHADES, FIXTURES, ETC. WW 10 ACRES OF LAND WITH- guessed 12,036 and gets $25, Eoon-e- y Would Flora Temple, if here to-d-ay in of he said Aly LrjLJ. . T Kitty the strength the dying moose," IN MTVITTva. .... ntiT Tj n 3-- .J nfVA ALU vnneiTnuin AUAJJ, of still make 2 19 4 as Mrs F. Chambers has visited at nart-- 8 TO 10 MILES OF BRIDGEPORT. PRICE Summary 46th Annual Report, of Danbury 12,035 and gets 15, the good order, only to Mrs Dempsey. "The Great Spirit of FRED. E. FROM $1000 TO $1200. JOHN W. THOMPSON, January 1, 1891. T $10 being divided between Mrs William she did 31 years ago,or would she be the the face has and my children ford and Waterbury. SILLIMAN, Stratford. pale spoken Graduate of New England Conservatory of Music, REVENUE ACCOUNT: Hunter and George E.Sears of Brewster. rival ia record of Maud S? Many think have listened to his words. They have Total Income, $32,153,100 OS The store was packed at the concert in the latter would be the case. Jn these man's and The infant daughter of I. Percy Black-ma- n PIANO TUNER. ERNEST L, STAPLES, DISBURSEMENT ACCOUNT: adopted the white religion, I Pianoi tuned. Orders mail ATTORNEY AT the the of a be- tracks are made so mucli more believe is am the was baptized at St. John's, Sunday, polished. Organs by LAW, Death Claims and Endowments, $7,078,272 28 MP evening, singing quartet days, it good. I mourning given prompt attention. fine. takes Sam to catch the is so much a by Rev O. O. Wright. Evening service (JJ SHELTON, CONN. Dividends, Annuities and Pur- Copyright, 1S90. ing It pub- carefully, running gear death of my child, which I buried but Jj'PQJ lic smoother and easier in horses are will be resumed at St. John's, next Sun- chased Insurances, $6,201,271 54 All on one side eye! action, week ago, and can not now join you, but CHARLES so much better cared for and driven that when the season of has passed day. EDWARDS M.S8HTH, M.D. JONAS, Total to Policy Holders in 1890. $13,279,554 02 the ofTer that's made by the pro- mourning PHYSICIAN AND SUBGEON. . Editor Jones's $5,000,000 Bribe. the same animal would have now an ad- too, will seek the of the pale MERCHANT TAILOR, prietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh I, religion was picnic for the Con- (Successor to DRS WILE & SMITH.) Assets, 1, 1891. 97 How vantage of many seconds in the mere im- Saturday day Church St., Newtown, Conn. January $115,947,809 Remedy. It's $500 reward for an Editor Jones of the New York face." school at Street-Telephon- Lakeside, Office and Residence Newtown e came into provement of mechanical conditions. gregational Sunday Liabilities, Company's Stan'rd, $101, 049,369 11 incurable case of Catarrh, no mat- Times possession of the figures because of the showers and Connection. and the tremendous efforts Courant. Oliver Wendell Holmes was 82, Satur- lowering 1 E. C. ter how or of how stand- of Tweed's Hours 8 to 0 a m; to 2 p m. SMITH, Surplus, State Standard, bad, long is for trouble with skies of Friday and about 100 members of 92 mean what ; friends and fellow thieves to prevent their day, and well, except HAWLEYVILLE, CONN- - (4 per cent), $15,069,046 ing. They they say was a brother more the school, with their friends, enjoyed and offer is a that Mr Jones al- "I greatly surprised," his eyes. He says "Life seems and Manufacturer ot Harnesses. Oldest estab- they're responsible, the publication story Mil- the and a lit- In Hay-doc-k J. E. BOND, told the St Louis one old day, which, though breezy lished stand the State. for T. T. liked A man Cope-l:in- l, prelate Republic's more like a dream a3 reaches Olxsixles UPafble, Agent has been made for years. It's all ways to recall. named in carriages. -- tle cold the was a typ- General : : -- waukee "at the morning hours, FURNITURE & Agent, Bridgeport. on side lose a protege of James. O'Brien, who correspondent, change age." UNDERTAKER your you your catarrh, that has taken in Cardinal Gibbons mi ical day for an outing. A long table had or $500 for it." was then sheriff, was employed as a clerk place Residence on street M. - you're paid keeping in He looks wan in are loaded been built, the grass mowed and King G. KEANE'S Uut it's safe for them, too in the ofllce. The enormous the last year. and pale Peach trees this region swings Office at No. 4 Bank they comptroller's and moves about with none of the vim to the muzzle. Thomas Brew of Haw- hung from the trees near the beach. Block, MONUMENTAL WORKS, know be cured. sums of money in the books un- CONN. you'll charged have been his noted char- has two trees which are a Boats were also provided for those who WESTPORT, Housatonic Avenue, Dr. der his control excited his and and vigor that leyville sight Bridgeport. WARNER, Sage's Remedy produces per- suspicion acteristics. Since I last saw him, about a to behold. wished to row. At about noon, the well fect and permanent cures of Chronic an Investigation on his own account made laden table was the chief him sure that was lie year ago, he has fallen away in flesh in attraction, A. B. FAIRCHILD, Catarrh in the Head, as thousands something wrong. is is that it is to have a where of substantial viands, with PAINTER & made a some a manner that simply astonishing. He Danbury happy plenty DECORATOR, General Insurance And Real Estate Agent, TAYLOR can testify. "Cold in the Head" transcript of of the figures new Dost office on with ice cream and for dessert Has Just received the c has never been a stroDg man, and now Library place, cake, peaches largest anil most 61 FAIRFIELD AVENUE, BRIDGEPORT, CONN. ia cured with a few and showed them to O'Brien, who had no line of Wall Papers ever shown in applications. his friends are distressed because 3000 square feet of floor space in a build- - were disposed of with evident relish, leru- Connecticut. Agent for the John E. Somers' Warner Building, Room 2. Catarrhal Headache is relieved and love for Tweed. O'Brien took the greatly Lead Oil great to be up the library. onade, teas and coffee also served Tinted Mixed Paints and Colors, cured as if It removes with some other of his condition. I noticed that he spoke ing put by Danbury being Lead, Oils, Glass, Varnish and Brushes at & CURTIS by magic. transcript, damaging as each word uttered cost him a After enjoying recreations till late in the wuoieHiue aim retail, ah goods sola at Mew offensive loss or evidence, to a New York news- though York Prices. J. W. breath, impairment daily effort. The cardinal admitted Edith F. Johnson, 16 years old, of the party broke up voting the JOHNSON, of the sense of smell or hear- after de- great afternoon, 500 Main taste, paper, which, examining it, had been a hard one whom there has been much newspaper lake an A 1 picnic ground, sunburned Street, Bridgeport, Conn., SANDY HOOK, or weak eyes, and clined it with thanks. that the Summer ing, watering for him. He has been solicited to cast talk and who has given her parents, Mr cheeks and blistered hands reminding of " All work attended to. REAL impaired memory, when caused by Then O'Brren took the figures and his promptly ESTATE, besides a full line Of - the violence of aa all aside his duties for a little while and and Mrs Frank Johnson, much trouble, the day's pleasure. Have, Long- Catarrh, they proofs to Mr Jones, who at once decided Cavan-aug- h ALBERT INSURANCE, LOANS. are. sold take a much needed rest, but has refused was brought before Justice M. J. II. BEERS, man & Martinez Far-rot-t's frequently Remedy ty to publish them and to make a full ex- Heacock Bros, have laid tar walks for Paints, 50 cents. to do so. He has said, however, that on Friday morning, charged with druggists, posure of the ring's stealings. O'Brien, the of Misses Glover. NOTICE: Varnishes for wagons, when told of this retained after the golden jubilee exercises of incorrigibility. Upon testimony ARCHITECT, HAWLEYVILLE. determination, her and half sister,she was found Can be found 01liKCY'Pure Archbishop Kenrick of St Louis, he will parents Drugs and Medicines at coaches and heavy Also new the documents for two or three weeks, SOUTH BRITAIN. Opposite Depot, Cor. Fairfield Ave. and Lyon St gear. My furniture warerooms at Hawley. take a from work. Cardinal Gib- - and committed to the industrial lowest prices. ville are now practically completed and fur- but at he told Mr Jones to respite guilty BRIDGEPORT. CONN. Varnish for outside doors of Is length go - school for her to R. C. Mitchell of Pootatuck has been PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, DTE STUFFS, Spar niture every description being rapidly ahead. He never made conditions bons has often been spoken of as .a prob- girls during minority, ETC. placed In position in the show rooms, la any she was taken - acres of He LIME, or surface to the making arrangements for I have able successor of Pope Leo XIII, but I which institution by Dep- digging his three potatoes. Lin- any exposed purchasers, or asked for any compensation regarding MARBLE AND GRANITE Painter's Sarsaparilla 65c Bottle, Electric tried to keep in mind the adage "a thing well consider it more than likely that the uty Sheriff Glover. finds ready market at New Haven and, iment 25c, Condition Powders 15 and 25c Pkg. weather. Hard oil finish for bought is halt sold;" have visited all the their publication. is WORKS. prominent manufacturing points of the West; : Pope will outlive the cardinal." although the price not high, the pota- made carelul comparisons and tried to- - exer- Tweed, in some manner, learned that in Granite-Writ- e inside The Farmers' Alliance has toes are. One, at Hook Monuments, Heads Stenes in Marble or work and floors. cise taste and judgment in making selections; the Times had the of his Georgia weighed Sandy for and have bought by the car load, thus proofs guilt more real and healthful defeated the State's acceptance of a the scales at one and designs prices. bottom both in the securing and meant to them. He sent a Is there enjoy- recently, tipped figures, purchase price publish in or in a home for Confederate veterans, the three PLUMB & WINTON'S and in freight rates. My buildings, though man to Mr Jones and offered to the ment in life a $1000 cottage quarter pounds. M. W. large, are comparatively inexpensive, yet if buy re- down STEVENS, P. W. BATES, Ol $100,000 cottage? And are not those House of Representatives voting BONE FERTILIZERS. is conceded by all that I have one the finest paper at any price that might be put up- NORWALK. - and most commodious show rooms In the ally richest who get most out of life? the measure, 94 to 62. R0XBURT. The best results attained. Price OF ... State. The natural advantages of Hawley--vill- e on it. The sum was to be paid' in cash ton. Cash tal- as a railroad center, low car load freight once. Mr Jones's - was Courant. Died, August 25, Sarah B., widow of $30 per paid for hides, TP" A XT "NT rates, reasonable of low taxes and, at reply that the T) V n n price land,very Chile has bounced Balmaceda, SMITH'S RESTAURANT, low and bones. NfJ XV A TVA. i J J 1 1 1 1 and insurance, are important factors In Its he did not wish to sell his paper at any the late Nathan Smith, 74. . lj . favor, as compared with doing business in A. curious discovery was made, the president who tried to usurp the govern- 43 JOHN BRIDGEPORT. , STREET, Has th8 and finest as-- ' larger towns and cities. No city in the price. Then Tweed's emissary tried a : - MEALS-Breakfas- largest other workmen who were putting ment. What prominent lawyer says FULL REGULAR A state i8"more ea8y OI aoceS8 than Hawleyville day,by 135 137 Rooms 68 MO'DTITTTJnT) 6v 18 threats and told Mr Jones that, if he did Solicitor, and Broadway, and 20 cents. 20 cents. Sup-- .n.lNUJLLlXlXlU.17, XxSTCILt Bnr.mPTit. nf finishPifi and yet " nof, burthened wlth cit7 taxe8 in a drain near a wharf in upper Thames New 31, 1890. dear doctor: Dinner, . , L ' Mfsriiirnpnts an(1 By actual count, over 80 made to do 69, York, July My IS cents. Hot Meals at All Hours of the .us o. aim- Mont. Knllabln - - . - expen8e8. trains not accept, he might be London. This was a subterranean conductor of I take pleasure in adding my testimony as to rier, 20 SO. n,..,....vmcD,, ouuuccBb , n pass to and from street, Clark P. Lane, senior cents. Table Board, Gents, $3 Fire Insurance Companies in Con necticnt, viz : 01 though Hawleyville daily much worse. Mjr Jories at him the efficacy of my use of Alva's cactus blood Ladles, Open from 6 A. M. to 8 P. M. ana aeaastones any estaDiisn all points of the compass (every train stops laughed tunnel, about 40 long, beginning the Housatonic road, has been off duty cure, which you kindly recommended to me imruuniiire, oitiartiora. there). Furniture can be forwarded to almost showed him the doorl yards as for ailment of l'hosnix ot Hartford. in a radius of 30 or 40 miles and about 50 feet from the river and and Conductor Clarence a remedy my periodic long MRS T. H. SMITH, . ment in the State. any point going running for a few days rheumatism, or what Proprietor. Connecticut, of Hartford. straight to its destination without change of Within an hour, a who was a standing, inflammatory Orient, of Hartford. cars and with but one In lawyer, in a northerly direction. ;. The ends had took his place. your profession terms "gout." I have been Middlesex Mutual, i of Middletown. DEALER freight charge. In the same sent for Spencer In the habit ot using the stereotyped reme- IN EVERYTHING IN tenant im-na- ir 1). P. RICHARDSON, M. I). of New York. starting business at Hawleyville, I have been building, been bricked up at some period much lat dies, the prescriptions which so seriously Westchester, actuated by the one idea, to secure a plant,- - come office. Successor to J. A. - Jones to to his ' Think is and debilitate the system without seem IB. Stitks THE STONE LINE. Hill, tuuwiuu ,i (i vj . u c uuiiiuoa i'. uing- er than the original construction and it Rev G. M. WUkins of New York made to eradicate the disease or ailment. liitude could be carried on without jr that he was wanted on business per- ing My Physician and Surgeon. to being ing surmised that the passage once provided a rtrOAW vie t in town. Monday, and was experience in the use of the Cactus Is that JOHN H. REID, ADDRESS obliged charge exorbitantcommissions to to Mr Jones went . .... braces the system and acts as a nervine. 1 Office and Residence, Sandy Hook. cover necessary expenses. I believe that I taining the, building, secret access to the river and was used welcomed Old Irienas..nere. cannot too earnestly recommend to Calls for DEALER IN T. have struck the right point and that I shall was confronted Controller Rich- by suffering Hawleyville and S. succeed in this teel for and by for of or humanity tne trial oi mis, wnicn seems to me left at Hawleyville Hat Shop or De- DIAMONDS, WATCHES. CLOCKS. ForMrsthe famous Oreeie,Blossom partieular.I assured, I purposes political, intrigue to be a sovereign remedy for those afflicted Bennett's and Babbit's Orange Comedy tor am determined that this idea shall be carried ard B. Connolly, Tweed's principal is is can 1 been.. Believn pot; Glen, Bridge, JEWELBT. SILVEBWASE. SPECTACLES temale weakness. Send 1 for one month's out in all the details of the business. am smuggling. 'The roof arched and It you don't know what else you as have me, my dear sir, Little York and vicinity at N. K. Depot, ETC. treatment and circulars. I in crime. Yours gratefully, A. S. Bright. Sold by Sam- Handy Hook: Newtown and vicinity at Cen- well aware that, in order to draw patronage partner covered by stalactites. Above it stands do for the Lord, see how much sunshine uel C. Bull, Sandy Hook. 8 9 13 over the several lines centering at Hawley- ; want to Bee this said tral Hotel. Office hoars, to A. St., M. 118 FAIEFIELD AVENUE, "CKB SALE My Farm, situated in the Town I must a stock will "I don't man,'.' a house which is. more than 300 years can into own home. to 8 P.M. JC 1 4 ville, carry that please you carry your to 4,7 of Newtown, miles from Hawleyville Jones as he turned to - Eleetrie Bitters. ; and satisfy and, at the same time,save money Mr angrily, go said to been BRIDGEPORT. depot will keep 30 cows, one of oxen to im- old and is have occupied by Ram's Horn. is so pair those patrons. Difficulty in securing , This remedy becoming well known and and one pair ot horses; has 3 larae Barns and on some out of the place. ? so as to no a all In wa- mediate shipment lines of goods James I. popular need special mention. All MIDDLESEX BANKING CO., good house, good repair; is well will leave my stock a little incomplete for a - 'For God's sake !" exclaimed Canadian who have used Electric bitters sing the same tered and in high cultivation: has 50 tons of Connolly, Dr Selwyn, director of the fit nraiBA. A m4rlifinA ilnaa VUflfl. WESTPORT MARBLE AND 10 one snort time, yet i nope mat, Dy eptemoer iu,a onr mil'pr nnf UUUliAlUWII, Hay, Cows, pair of Oxen, one of i weu "let me one word to ; in the of to Ot- - to Horses,one new Wood Mower.one newpairHorse T. repay any say you." t Hardy hydrangeas yards geographical survey, has returned exist and it is guaranteed do all that is CAPITAL, $800,000 shall endeavor to ' ciaimeu.. jj.ieci.-ri- ihiwjih wui cure an ms-- GRANITE WORKS. Rake, one Cart, onr set of Trucks and other with- - At this appeal, Mr Jones stopped. Stanton Mullee and Somers Crofut of tawa from the mountains and re-- wiU remove PAID IN, Tools too numerous to all lVrtZSL,equalize roilroad fares and freight all Rocky ot th6 liver an1 udneys. $000,000 Farming mention, tuoae wno come irom a distance. Any one de- Connolly then proposed to him that if Hook are the admiration of all. the of in Crow's pimples, boils, salt rheum and other Issues 6 per cent Debenture Bonds of $100, $200 ot which I will sell with the Farm or without-- A sirous of up a hotel, house or Sandy ports finding petroleum , lions caused blood. Will drive MONUMENTS AND HEADSTONES chance for some one. Will fitting boarding - by impure $500, $1,000 and which are good sell at a private dwelling complete should certainly he would forego the publication of the Nest and Other districts fully verified. malaria from the system and prevent as well $250, $5,000, by MAR- - low J. A. TURNER, Ct. - statute State Trust Funds. OP ALL DESCRIPTIONS IN figure. Hawleyville, visit iawiey vuie Deiore Duying. it is a wen figures he had in his possession, the Is the best aa oi neaa- COLLECTOR'S known fact that dealers in the country towns Tne watch club at the Eubber wound The oil, he says, of quality hHonstiplS atodifesUo" Kie BLE AND GRANITE CAN BE NOTICE Notice is to-da- r TAX are selling furniture y f outside of a few Tweed crowd would give him $5,000,000 : Martin flows the rocks. trie Bitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed, given to the Taxpayers of the out at a up, Saturday night, when Kelly and up through 6oc. 17 BISHOP BLOCK, BRIDGEPORT, CONN. BOUGHT AT MY YARD Town ot Newtown, that the Collector will special bargains hnng for bait) less As waited for Jones or money refunded. Price and fl per than the large city dealers. Their ex- Connolly answer,Mr drew a watch. Martin whose . bottle at E. F. Hawley's drug store. WITHOUT ' PAYING meet them to receive the taxes on the List of price are so can Haugh, 18SI0, ot said Town of Newtown, as follows : At penses much lens, they do this; but said : Mr shared the re-- Noble is attention to AN - the store in they have not the facilities for distributing ticket preceded Kelly'sr Secretary giving "Five ago I had a constant Hawleyville, Monday, - F. years cough, 'WILMOT corres- 9 12 September a limited amount. My location "I don't think the devil will ever make so a of the lands in Eastern Okla-- was HAWLEY agent's profit, 7, liSU, from to o'clock. In Sandy Hook only me of ward of a chain for long wait. John settlement night sweats, greatly reduced in flesh, P0NDENCE SOLICITED. at the store ol M. 11. Terrill & Co., from S to S gives the best city facilities, less all a bid for me than Iowa and had been given up by my physicians. I m on same cartage, etc., and, with the very lowest ot higher that." McDermott and J. J. Lyons, who have homa, ceded by the Sac and Fox, to take and & p day. Tuesday, September 8, at - stock '. will and began Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, the store ot Richard Shepard in country expenses, my t Connolly then began to plead to the affairs of the wish and Pottawatomie Indians and they will after using two bottles of this medicine, was REYNOLDS, D p. 10 a m to 12 m. Iodgingtown, gradually be increased until I am attended club, from Also on same day, at of be Presi-tak- e completely cured." fAnga A. Lewis, Kicard, M5KENNA, from 3 to 8 m quite sure it will satisfy. Shall be firew a graphic picture what might to let the members know that, if be to the attention of the box conn. (iregory'a Orchard, p and at to receive calls from one in want they brought U f.o. 228, westport, Marshall Sears's store in Huntingtown, from pleased any done with such a sum as $50O,O00,0O0.He to it will dent for action." This will open to settle-h- p NDERTAKERS, 3 to S p m . I will also meet them at the Town of furniture and, to the hundreds of p jple a trip the Summer resorts, Lost Deposit Book So.16,596 of the are : . Peoples' NO. 88 STATJS STREET, Clerk's office in Newtown, every .be- who daily transferring from one tram to concluded by saying seen how thev are eniovine their hard ment about 300,000 acres. As to Bank, Bridgeport, Conn. All persons GRATEFUL . Saturday another and around the Savings BRIDGEPORT, C0HN., - Hear Main Street. COMFORTING ginning September 12, until October 8, Horn waiting the Hawleyville sum' can to are warned against negotiating tor the same. depot, I would say that easy chairs, a library "Why, with that you go earned Cheyenne and Arapahoe reservation,west F. Duncombe. . GEORGE B. - - 11 9amto4pm.-- gains. George HAWLET, Chapel Street; All Taxes remainingnnpaid atter the 7th table, writing materials and all the late mag- Europe and live like a prince."' of it is that the allot- CHABLES E. WILM0T, - 12 Prospect Street; of October will be to an addition ot 9 azines and daily papers will be found aear Oklahoma, hoped : COCOA. subject You cor-diall- y Its Tenth Tear. J0H B. REYNOLDS. - . 6 Highland Avenue. EPPS'S per cent per annum from the time when the the front of my show rooms. are 'Yes," said Mr Jones, "but I should BETHEL. ments will all be made by Autumn, when said Taxes became fees invited and welcome to use them all. The Bridgeport business college entered, due and . the lawful was a cannot BREAKFAST. and collection-- This little innovation will tend to relieve know I rascal. I consider of this reservation of about 3,000,000 acres September 1, on its loth year. The ; charges tor GEORGE H. Ada, daughter of Charles Perkins closing GEO. F. TAILOR. JI. T.BLAKE. a of the natural 10, 18U1. the monotony of Hawleyville lepot. But offer or offer to the year has been the most successful since its es- "By thorough knowledge BOTSFOR1J, Collector, August don't tor a moment think because your any not publish lost two In a cutter. will also be opened to settlement. tablishment. The season aws which govern the operations of digestion that, you now Wildcat, fingers hay coming bids fair to and nutrition, and by a careful ot rpO CONTRACTORS OF ROADS All Con-- 1 drop in to write a letter or read the papers, facts in my possession." tax the already extensive facilities to the ut TAYLOR & ot application tractors of are to be. or to most. The will not BLAKE, . the fine properties well selected Cocoa, Mr Roads in the Town of Newtown you importuned expected buy On 22, 1871, the be William D. Cochran, special partner of : has management limit the Kpps has provided our breakfast tallies with must have their roads ready for inspection something. While doing this, it any sales- July publication Gounod, the celebrated composer, number of students, but will add further ac- a navooreu uovernge on or before September 10, 1891. Don't man bores you with "shop talk."wheu. it is un- under Se- Baird & Levi, died at Hastings, England, which commodations tor all who wish to attend. OAKTDX delicately wnien may forget him me. gan the heading "Connolly's recovered from the illness from children to busi- to B.ECOOBl,W. save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by to cut the brush. DENNIS QIJJNLIVAN, Road asked, slap in the mouth tor Oppo- 7 , Parents having educate for (Successors Wilson), the judicious use ot such articles of diet that Inspector. Newtown, August 18, 181. site Union Depot, Hawleyville, Conn. A. G. cret Accounts,'! showing rthat $5,063,645 August he for a long time suffered. His eyes, ness will do well to start them in as early as nave a nsnasome una oi hoii a BAKER, 20, 1891. Senior is two two-sto- ry Students may enter either or awirwm constitution may be gradually built np N. B. August had been spent in two tot furnish- Theodore building have been weakened possible. day for Fall trade. Call and examine pri- until strong enough to resist every ITMnoif I have a light, perfectly dry year3 however, greatly evening school at any time, but it is better to Suits the tendency l!itrholl'c Pfscfore basement room 30x130. A e frame houses on Elm street for See ad. ses. All delivered and set free of to disease. Hundreds ot subtle maladies are portion ing and repairing-th- new court house. his sickness and it is now necessary start promptly. poods up around us to attack wherever -- Absorb all disease in of it will be let to some live business man Sen- by . floating ready V the.Kidneysand after week month Howard Evan3 and Edwin Huse.Mr there-I- s a weak We who has the means to carry a stock ot Day day, after week, for him to an amanuensis. - eharge. point. may escape many good n employ Buollea's Arnica Salve- a Rlmtt forti- n restore them to a healthy condition. and who has the and the is alterations on the lata by keeping ourselves well Carpets ability after month, these exposures were kept ior also making The best Salve in the bruis-es- , FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND fied with blood and a nourished f Old chronic kidney sufferers sa to sell them as they can be sold at . . . . 1 . world for cnts. pure properly A .... a, new Knspp's Soot Beer Extract. sores, nlcers,; salt fever PRACTICAL EMBALMERS. frame."' Civil Service Gazette. Made simply they so relief until they triad this point. man of no other makeup need np until the members of the Tweed ring'" lieneaicc nomesieaa. suuniuu js rheum, sores, gt but such a man can make satis- to the ? off on a tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns -and with boiling water or milk. Sold only in halt 1 MITCHTCLL'S apply, just were or to be built and the interior remodeled. A Going country Going all alHn 4mirt:ifina an.) nrvoi.4nAl . . . : ii - KIDNEY me. His driven out of the country into calls answered at pound tins, by Urocers, labelled thus JAMES factory arrangements with expens- - to at home? Take or no is Telephone Taylor's F.PPS ft CO , IloiiMBopathic Chemists, London, PIASTERS. es will be small and he can build up a good felons' cells and the of the new barn is also being built. ReafEs- cruise? Going stay it, pay required. It guaranteed to give Soldby Druggist everywhere, or sen t by mall for SOe, business. I am tor his application politics city effect satisfaction, or money refunded Kugland. ready . 2a cents. ? 25o t:tl. ; &toveltjr flaator Work, Lowell, Mas. fA.U. B. ' was, purified temporarily. Journalist. tate Record. rice per box. For sale by K. F. Hawley. a se- Interest in the bond case has was well filled, a number from here be- and more of Summer boarders at THE NEWTOWN BEE. Capt Nathan Clark suffers from Mr9 Victor Cole's baby has been sick Malouey Charles Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. vere fracture of the knee. again, but is better. not entirely abated and it will be fully ing among the audience. Mr Bunnell Meeker's will leave, Saturday. PUBLISHED BY revived when it is understood that the has put in upholstered plush seats with Mrs Rachel Clark has returned from It is said that the Phipps hotel will THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY". Miss Bertha Clark will teach in the motion to Hie proceedings has not backs of the same. This is a great im- . Rock she has been quash close soon. II. SMITH, EDITOR. Walnut Tree Hill district, commencing House, where taking and is to be at the provement. New exits have been added A care of her little yet prevailed argued $1 50 TEAR, 4c. A COPY. Tuesday, 8th. granddaughter. term of the Superior court. and the ventilation is about as good as EWTOWH, COM., FEIDAT, SEPTEMBER 4. coming 0R0N0QUE. Mrs John Wheeler is sick with Mr Fountain closed his labors with us, can be.: Now is the time to agitate a late again Prices of from Nelson Al vord : The annual reunion of the Shelton fam- Hat-ti- e produce train from Those nervous Her last Friends him with 75 evening Bridgeport. prostration. daughter Sunday. presented White onions, $3 to $3 50; red, $1 to $2; was Blake-man'- s, " the theatres are compelled to ily held, August 27, at F. E. is slowly improving. over $20. Next Sunday at 1 30, Rev $2 to $2 30; pears, $1 50 to $1 75; ap- attending yellow, leave" when are over. whose wife is a of Gervase A. who will be the preach- 75c to $1. the plays about half granddaughter A. C. Lewis Is also sick ; Dr Collard Veits, ples, the late Judson Shelton. ;: sick- er in and Nichols Although of is him. charge at Long Hill J. T. MacAIpine is at Saratoga, this Regular meetings of Fairfield council, ness in some families some Bridgeport attending until next will Rev Mr prevented Spring, preach. week.1" No. 353, O. U. F., will be resumed, Fri- from attending, about 30 sat down at a Eagan resigned on account of ill health. The council is in flourish- NICHOLS. TRUMBULL. The last hop of the season at the St. day evening. table loaded with good things, enough to condition, with half a dozen applica- the most and in to pure Keeler are T. Wade and John Kennedy have add- Marc, this (Friday) evening. . ing satisfy hungry quality absolutely E. S. Falrchild Is an addition and building Henry Lyman laying tions for membership. suit an After letters of Mr and Mrs D. N at Bonni- - Miss Nellie has visited to his mill. - stone wall for H. N. ed street lamps to the number, which epicure. dinner, Morgan Bright htr Ayres. Miss Lizzie Leverty of Bridgeport is were read from to rook." Mrs McKenzie. makes the place look pleasant in the ev- Wednesday morning, while Moses Bulk-le- y many of those unable aunt, n. Melville Hitchcock An- with Mrs - be while and family of Carpenter Waterhouse of East Bridge- ening. When the road is finished, we Murphy. was sailing his yacht Fauna near present, Dr G. A. Shelton of Mr and Mrs D. H. Chatfield and Miss son ia spent a few with Mrs John has the contract for the enter- Shelton and F. S.. Shelton of Hill days port putting up hope that the people will show Phipps point, he struck a hidden rock. Long May II. Morgan are now sojourning at GOOD HILL BRADLEYVTLLE. re-pla-ce FAIRFIELD. a of a to West Wakeley, last week. fences to stone walls taken for and make sidewalks all the gave description visit the . prise through An examination showed that two holes Saratoga. Mrs Rocelia Brown lost one of her Vr- -n 1 e the macadam road. and members of the located there. vi7iii!, UJL urn i and turn the of land south of to D. been made' in her bow. A number family Ml a If UIWUl VUA BUU DUU iUIllUl U place piece According advertisement, J. had Mrs Ann an colored town best cows, Mr Hall's store into a nice little Bell auct- men succeeded in her Cam, aged Sunday. visit Mrs William B. Nichols. It is expected that the plant of the park. It Toomey began to his goods at of getting off, The mill of H. J. Roberts has re--1 ex- paper charge, died, this week, at Joseph Mar- II. has a situation in macadamized road contractors will be would add much to the place,at little ion, Monday morning, B. F. Bulkley Thursday. She will be put on the ways sumed after a month's vacat- J. McConkey Mrs William Beers and have re- operations, tin's. . Wadham's meat family moved in- - about 10 from the pense. , the hammer. The sale began and repaired. is market, Westport. turned to days present wielding ion and now manufacturing parafine or Bridgeport. Mal-lctt'- s, at 10 a and conttnued the location at the town line, near T. A. Frank Wheeler has a young man to in through day, Theodore Turney and wife returned, wax paper used for wrapping butter and ASPETUCK. Edgar Demman of Norwalk visits bis Warren Plumb and men are to a near L. G. Beers Mod- both the week. The cutting place 's, help him. Monday and.during Thursday, from a week's carriage ride confectionery. Wakcinan who aunt, Miss Susan Meeker. down Field bill on the road. avenue. different classes of articles were sold on Bradley, contracted Bridgeport esty Though progressing well, Caan has a mate to his through the Naugatuck valley to Miss Sarah Ueald is Mrs with selectmen of Easton to Mr and Mrs F. W. are with it Is doubtful if the road can Irving bought different days and the coal and feed went at Samuel the repair Gregory extremely sted and Norfolk, across to Canaan and ill and of Daw- the road near the line of Fairfield and her father, E. Fitch ; Mrs Forbes of Misses Josie and Jessie Tomlinson have be on contract time. horse. with a rush at special prices. Friday and Morse's under care Dr completed home by way of the Housatonic valley son. has finished and it has been ac-- South Wilton with her Mrs D. W returned to their home in Shelton. Mr Piatt has a sick horse. Saturday, the heavier articles, the fix- Weston, sister, has been under a and Newtown. cented bv the town : bv plowing nn the Brown. . Seymour Hawley tures of the store, horses, carriages, farm The children of Rev Richard Wood-brid- ge Misses Grace May Nichols - in Hawley, care Work at W. B. Coan & Son's- roadbed, with stone to the Bail-wi- doctor's for several days. keeps will be of. Mr are Miss while filling R. Wilson has leased the tz and Maude Ambler of N. utensils, etc., disposed with Myra Curtis, 18 Henry Schenectady, coming. Another coach from Bridge- to be able to clear out his GREENFIELD HILL. depth of inches and covering with for five move Y"., who Mr and Mrs Vans of New Toomey hopes the father recovers from a severe attack place years and will has visited her grandmother, York visit port to be painted and another to be gravel, he has given us a road that will Mrs have returned to relatives in this stock by the end of the week and to give Services will be resumed in the Congre- of fever. there, this Fall. George Ambler, vicinity. made over. the railroad entire of the next stand for years. the Normal school. possession prop- gational church, Sunday. C. W. McKenzie and wife have moved I. C. Fanton and E. Fitch have been The work of at Tait's mill not decided fu- William B. Osborne es- enlargement Mr has to on crutches He has upon his two-hor- se had a narrow Mahoney go yet. erty. Horace Meeker recently a into of the house Alfred summoned to serve as jurors in the crim- Charles Fairchild is on the sick list. has been delayed by complications aris- ture action. For the present, he says, he bought part occupied by cape from a severe accident. While D. S. French is on the sick list. farm wagon of D. B. Adams. Osborne. inal common pleas court at Bridgeport. Mrs Robert Bruce and of ing from the careful adjustment of heavy intends to indulge ih a vacation, almost driving down hill on the river road, his family a new en- Mrs Miss Eva D. Bedient will are of Mrs Rob- machinery and the placing of the first in the 40 years he has been in John Fanton has visited her sister, J. II. Blakeman shows his friends a horse stepped on a rolling stone and fell, teach the Bridgeport guests Robert BRIDGEPORT. Good ertson. gine. These difficulties have been large- business. After that, he "may or Mrs H. B. Ogden. tnoroughbred Holstein calf weighing 115 throwing Mr Osborne over the dash Hill school. ly overcome and a line quality of paper Mrs Lutz and Bessie may not resume--j it depends upon cir- pounds at birth. board. He .landed on the horse's neck who has Joseph children, Mrs Walter Merwin entertains her George Fountain, occupied was the result of Monday's trial. The and Willie, have returned from a month's cumstances. Whether business is re- Mrs Fillow of Norwalk. and escaped with a broken shaft and har- EASTON. the of the Methodist church so ac- new machine will receive a continuous daughter, WHITE HILLS. pulpit stay at Harwinton, Conn. sumed in Fairfield is also a matter yet to ness. W. M. Gallup began, school, Nor-wal- k, Mrs Selleck return- Tuesday, ceptably for three months, left for sheet of wet paper or board, thoroughly be decided." Mr has owned the and daughter have Graciu Dimon 1. Rev Dr Garner Toomey has returned to York Moses Ogden has enclosed a of September He had the pleasures of Tuesday morning. He will return calendar and deliver for ship- The Standard says that for 17 but has been in ed to Danbury. piece dry, ready estate with property years, State. Her mother accompanied her to land south of the new and will welcoming five new scholars and all his to college about the middle of the month. ment. Is evident that the of will go into the real business there 11 cemetery It capacity business years. The buildings William Hoag js painting the black- Winsted and spent Sunday with her out in old scholars, with one will be his son, W. V., Jr. lay it burial lots. exception. Kev Mr Veits of Illinois lias been ap- such a machine great. Trumbull were remodeled and made commodious boards and the walls at brother. whitewashing S. R. Wells buried his well be that she has a This from the date of its in- - and convenient for his use ; but the store Mr and Mrs Frank Tucker and children infant daughter , pointed pastor of the Methodist church may proud private city never, Banks South district school. Miss Anna Dimon will teach in rest company so prosperous and progressive had a common council which stood nearest the and was Long of Paterson, N. Y., are at Mrs M. G. Tuesday morning. She died of cholera for the of the conference year and it corporation, equal crossing Miss Emma has returned to Hill, Miss Alice French in French dis- infantum. is and with such a bright outlook. These to the in the lack of all the ele- burned some time ago was never rebuilt. Jennings Gould's. expected that he will occupy the pul- present her school in New Britain. trict, Miss Ida Williams in Lower White facts lead us to inquire, why cannot we ments which command the respect of its Should Mr Toomey take np the cares of Sherwood and sister of Green's pit, Sunday morning. Hills, Miss Sadie Shelton in Upper White Miss Nellie Meeker is again with her Henry have other indusirics started in Trum- citizens. It is notorious that it draws its business here again, he will put up new Band of Hope is planning a Harvest Mrs Fred Wakeman. Farms visit Mrs Charles Silliman. 27, a large Hills, commencing September 7. sister, Thursday evening, August bull? We have excellent railroad facili- municipal inspiration from cross street buildings combining all improvements. Home for next month. number of George Fountain's friends as- Mills and VanVorst are stone Sherwood Adams has returned from ties. If a few inducements were only saloons and decides upon its policy in E. C. Wixom attended the Hartford laying sembled at the house of William Less 20 About 50 from this place and vicinity Long Island, where he visited friends. Cooper made, light industries might be carried front of the saloon bar or in side rooms than feet remain to be added races. wall for Miss C. Gray. and gave Mr Fountain a surprise. The to the of the tower of the .went on the excursion to Glen Island. on as successfully here as at Long Hill with beer mug accompaniments. Lead- present height W. Couch his new horse of Miss Ruth Ann Beach, who has been took this of their fin- Mr Snow moved to Ansonia, last week. bought people way expressing and elsewhere. A little town would er. new church and the masons will have Burr's school opened, Tuesday, with Mark O'Maraof Easton. sick, is recovering. kind feelings toward one who is striving ished. The entire outside of the an 16. next 1 grow up, with modern improvements and building attendance of Preaching, Sunday at 30, by Horace S. is hard to obtain an education that will fit Capt M. Rowland and wife of North has been with red mortar and the Mr Wedge painting at Flat advantages. Are we making the best of pointed Little Willie Johnson a fish hook in Rev McKinney. Connecticut's Senate will Rock. him for the ministry. The evening was Main street have recently visited rela- red lines contrast with the warm got our opportunities? "Nothing venture, prettily : Dr next red-bro- his neck, last week. Doctor was called Among the guests and Mrs Tuttle Monday. spent in conversation and social games, have." tives at Five Mile River. brown of the stone walls and the The district schools of Easton will with a short time to of refresh- nothing and the hook removed by cutting it out. of Brooklyn at William Johnson's; Mrs partake T. J. has improved the front of slate roof3. The interior of the open, next Tuesday, Sth. la- Daniel Ward has been exten- Hayes Smith of Providence at J. ; ments that had been provided by the making is filled with g Miss of Select- McCaughin's DEERFIELD. his pleasant home at Forest View with building busy workmen,lay-in- Mary Emma, daughter Miss at S. James Ward and of dies. A $35 50 had sive repairs on his dam. For some time the man Rufus B. has returned to Una Birch Clark Beardsley's. family Bridgeport purse containing neat picket fence. floors, lathing, finishing plumb- Jennings, John May bee has returned to his home are with his father, William Ward. been raised and, in a few well chosen the valls have been weak. and is done Wheel- the Normal school. Miss Alice has been with in N. Y. John has sued John Stammel ing gas fitting(this by Beardsley Spencer, words, Nathan Curtis presented it to Mr There are two houses in Trumbull not Anspach er & Cook of Bridgeport), arching the her grandparents. Miss E. A. Hall is canvassing the town in showed a father and son, for $9500 damages, be- Winnie Jennings attends Staples insti- with an book. Fountain, who, response, occupied. ceiling and hurrying all things to com- GREEN'S FARMS. Miss Susie has visited her interesting have-hav- e cause took out their giving Beardsley tute. heart full of gratitude to all who they spite by In 10 days or less, Superintend- Miss Novella has visited friends The Christian Endeavor society of the him a brutal pletion. Mr Hill, Jr, has visited his relatives sister in Nichols. Thorpe tried to make his stay among us a beating. ent Fox expects to finish the masonry. Miss Maggie Nichols of Boston is with in town. one. Congregational church went on an ex- for the last week. Fred Shelton has to Coates happy The evening was enjoyed Mrs F. L. Fox has returned from He is now fully up with the contract time returned her grandfather, Isaac Nichols. all ; when came to cursion to Glen Island, the 28th. The Mrs ville two weeks with friends. The monthly union ministers' by present the time Wash., where she was for two and will, if no emergencies or accidents Gage and family have been at E. after Mrs A. A. and meeting a heavy shower in the morning prevented Banks, daughter grand- is to meet with Rev D. J. Ogden, Mon- go, all felt that Christian act had been with her son, W. F. Beers and is arise, the structure at the time C. Birge's. They expect to return to Levi Rounds and Miss visited in many from yet the was years complete granddaughter, daughter have relatives this day, 14th. going, society Mrs is next week. Car-me- performed. now with her daughter, J. F. Case, desired. All well and substantially Brooklyn, Fannie Wixom, have returned from l, place. well represented. The excursion proved Miss Winnie Deerfield Isaac E. Nichols has a new two-seat- ed 56 Olive street. done. is Miss H. P. N. Y. ; Mrs Bennett French from Jennings of very pleasant to all. time was It reported that Taylor Quite a shock of was Monroe. Ample New Haven and Miss Ella Tomlinson heavy earthquake boards at Mrs S. N. Osborn's ; Miss Julia wagon, bought of C. B. Nichols, allowed to see the J. F. Griffen's business college started A number of friends from Fairfield at- will soon return, from Germany to the felt 19. many interesting sights. Nichols. here, July Thorp of Nichols with Mrs J. M. Ed- The to a with 20 scholars. Besides tended the Wilson-Col- e at Hart- homestead in Green's Farms. from showery morning gave place out, Monday, wedding Sadie Wakeman has visited Delia Jen- wards and attends the academy. WESTPORT. fair noon and a golden sunset. The lat- the business course, phonography, type ford. The semi-annu- al meeting of the Y. P. Miss Jllattie B. Wheeler and Master will be nings. Mrs G. B. Tucker add niece. Miss 2, Josiah ter, on the return, was much enjoyed by writing and telegraphy taught. Ladies of the of St Paul's ehurch S. C. K. will take place, next week. A Roger are at Branford beach. Died, September Raymond, guild Maud Bowdy, are a week with 7C of He was father of F. M. the Endeavor societies aboard, who gath- have been for a fair and festi- clean bill of officers will then be present- Mrs Miss LYON'S PLAIN. spending years age. Jesse Hoadley and Miss Vera Jones of preparing Martha Curtis and Jennie Mrs W. W. at Savin Rock, New ered in the bow of the boat and, in the val be Manor ed by a nominating committee elected, Hardy Raymond. Marlborough, Conn., have visited the to held at the house on the spent last week with relatives at Strat- Mrs H. B. Ogden and Bea- Haven. light, spent an hour of song. The socie- - at the busi" daughter M. II. of Easton was a of pleasant home of Alonzo Hoadley, North afternoon and evening of Friday, Sep- Monday evening monthly ford. trice of Cross have Thorpe guest ty may well look forward to another as ness Highway, Westport, Mr and Mrs Ira Wildman Sun- G. P. avenue. tember 4. Peaches, cream and cake will meeting. visited her Mrs L. Fanton. spent his brother, Thorpe, Tuesday. an annual David Wheeler is expected home from sister, Mary G. B. pleasant picnic. be served and a booth for the display and Miss Grace II. has been suffer- day with Tucker. Nash has broken for an- The Post Publishing Co. has a capital Relyea his western trip, this week; also Will Mrs Moses D. Treadwell will Lloyd ground A sale of fancy articles will be maintained. from a serious affection of the spend The board of school visitors Sat- other new ice house. junior Bociety of Christian Endeavor stock of $50,000, divided into 500 shares ing eye, Wheeler from Minneapolis. some time in Bethel with her met, will be the The fair will be held from 3 to 10 p m which has confined her to her room. She sister, at the school house in No. 4 for organized at Congregational of $100 each, of which President George of was Mrs Edward Treadwell and brother, A. urday, Misses Estelle and Mary Hurlbut visit this week afternoon and both house and lawn will be deco- was better at last Fred Drew Shelton at Walter the examination of teachers. church, Saturday at W. Hills holds 150, Vice President Hen- reports. is H. Dimon. friends in New York. 2 is child- rated for the occasion, Chinese lanterns Ilubbell's, last week; he suffering with o'clock. It desirable that all M. Treasurer Robert N. Blakes-le- e, Next the lecture Miss Allie T. and Miss Gertie ry Hills, plentifully distributed about the Friday, preparatory rheumatism and unable to work in the J. Martin Johnson and who Bradley Miss Minnie Darrow of has ren be present that the organization may Frank W. Bolande each 70. being will be delivered the at 3 m. daughter, have visited in Brooklyn Secretary A attendance is by pastor p shop at present. have been with relatives have re- Bulkley Westport. visited in town. be perfected. grounds. good hoped here, Co. is F. M. and W. Canfield The Peoples' Steamboat has bought for. It reported that a counter petition Henry Buckingham and his estimable turned to his home in Illinois. A. are painting Moore of New Sun- Grant Houston delivered an interest- 70 of Gray York spent the Trubee wharf property, about feet some has been started to have the new depot wife attended the annual picnic at the house Perkins French. lecture, last On ac- A. Giflin, the barber Mho has for family Miss Jessie Kellogg and brothers have day at Edward A. Nash's. ing Sunday evening. of water front. located on the flat further east of the Mrs William Wheeler count of the weather, the audience was time been at the St Mare, has begun bus- Oronoque. visited Miss Estelle Alphonse in Stam- and Miss Uattie Rev David Elwood officiated at the wife present location. The fate of either pe- Field of small. R. C. Tousey and of Long Hill, J. iness for himself in Horace Jennings's Olive Beard, Jr, passed through this ford. Shelton visit J. E. Field. e service and Rev C. M. Selleck A. Wilson and wife are near the blacksmith Mr tition has not yet been decided. morning Knights Templar building, shop. place with a fine lot of Vermont cattle, Mrs Rachel Banks is with her daugh- Mrs Lewis Edwards left town, Satur- at the service at Christ The need of the visitation now going at this week. Giffin is of deserves Seven have been evening church, guests Saratoga, highly spoken and delegatas appointed but scarcity of hay prevented many ter, Mrs White. day, to visit in and New on under tne auspices of the Connecticut C. Bradley Bridgeport Sunday. Rev Edward Hincks will the success. from the Y. P. S. E. to attend the farmers from buying. York. Bible society becomes more and more occupy Mrs Phebe A. Fanton and Miss Vesta Miss Fannie L. is in North church next The of the of Charles meeting in the North church, Bridge- Gray visiting apparent as the work goes on. Mr Weed, pulpit, Sunday, by story experience next to listen to Emma Wheeler has a fine saddle and T. Fanton were entertained by Mrs C. B. The families of F. M. and Mrs Har- Cleveland, Ohio. Rev Dr Palmer, expected home for the S. Fox in a as told port, Monday evening, it. the visitor, seems admirably adapted to quagmire, exclusively reports of the convention at Minneapolis, thoroughly enjoys Sutton in Norfield. riet Canfield recently enjoyed a picnic at Mr and Mrs Theodore Robinson of do the work with few communion service on the 13th. in the last Bee, is now going the rounds the beach. and, exceptions, last July. School' in Ball Hill district, Wilton, Troy, N. Y., have visited her brother, has been well received. S. A. Burns of Burns & Smith, lumber of the State papers as a special telegraph- HUNTINGTON. ic Mrs Allen of street, who was commenced, August 31, with Miss M. During the shower of Sunday evening, Lloyd Nash. and William A. Smith of the Sav- despatch from Fairfield. Compo Amariah Mallett and family have vis- dealers, sick for a few is more com- Mrs S. T. Buckingham, who has been Eloise Fanton teacher. August 23, lightning struch a ledge of & Smith company are on a quite days, Miss Mabel Morgan of Bridgeport vis- ited the hospitable home of James Wil- age building Lawyer Frank L. Rodgers of Fairfield little are enter- quite sick, is improving and it is hoped rock near the house of M. H. Thorpe, and to Camp Chester, fortable, although hopes Miss M. A. Robinson went to Bridge- its Mrs A. F. Downes. . son, Stratford. hunting fishing trip Woods is one. of the attorneys interested she will recover. tearing up the rocks as if Coos tained as to her recovery. speedily port, Tuesday,to accompany her brother, by dynamite. Second Connecticut lake, Pitisburg, in breaking the $30,000,000 will of Mrs A tree near E. V. Schwartz's was also Miss Novella of Easton is vis- George A. Hall has been with friends On took Mrs W. S. is out after a Charles Daskum (formerly of Bridge- Thorpe county ,New Hampshire. Mrs Burns and Hopkins-Searle- s. He is counsel for Heb-ba-rd Wednesday, a lawn party place Hooper again, struck. iting Miss Jennie Thorpe. in the Park City. Mrs Smith accompanied the party as far at the residence of A. C. Taylor by the week's illness. The weather was not of port), to his home in Albion, Mich., of Bridgeport. Miss Alice Canfield is to teach the Mr and Mrs B. S. Lewis visit friends Who can beat this? Fred Beach as Lancaster, Vt. Y. P. S. C. E. in aid of the fund for fur- the best for the Sunday school picnic, where she intends to make her future dug six inches the drive- home. school near Mills. In Bethel. 13 bushels of last week Sidewalks, above nishing the new lecture room. yet a goodly number went and report a Gould's potatoes, and, William E. Brainard and Miss Helen have been made at the when he "sorted" there were 16 1-- 2 ways, approaches pleasant time. Mrs Elihu Burr and Miss A. C. Burr Miss N. W. visits The circle of the M. E. church met, them, Gawley were married at the Colorado to the viaduct. Mrs Clark, who has been spending Thorpe Westport bushels one a Mrs Fan-to- n. friends. with Charles Sniffen. of large potatoes and and avenue home of the bride, Wednesday some weeks at Mrs T. B. Wakeman's, left Services, next Sunday, at the Congre- of Fairfield have visited J. H. Tuesday evening, half bushels small ones. John the stonecutter who evening, in the presence of a few family McCarthy, for Brooklyn, Monday morning. gational church morning and afternoon, Mrs Sarah Seeley from New York and Lewis Keeler has a hurt his wrist at the is laid accepted position Mr broke for the annex friends only. Rev H. A. Davenport of church, again communion in the afternoon. Mrs William of has sister Lizzie from Tarifl'ville, In the Plumb Hardware Noyes ground ud same Rev Mr Johnson has been a guest at Grey Bridgeport daughters Co., Bridgeport. the by injury to the wrist. " to his stable. John Bailey has the con- the Presbyterian church performed Miss Harris's. Rev Mr Park was called to New York, been guest of Mrs Piatt Keeler and is of Sidney Staples, were his guests, last Miss Alice Goodsell of Bridgeport has tract for the cellar and draw- ceremony at 7 30. Malcolm T. Kerr was The Unquowa, O. B. steam to attend the funeral of an her Miss Inez Curtis week. excavating Jennings's returned from his Wednesday, entertaining niece, been In town. - best man. Mr and Mrs Brainard left on Robert Martin has ing the- stone. The contract for the car- yacht, has gone into Winter quarters. intimate friend. of Bridgeport. Miss Josie Burr of Greenfield has 9 36 New en route to Clifton Springs. He has been nill penter work will be given out, this week. the express for York, trip visited Miss Lottie Parrack. STRATFIELD. to the Catskills and elsewhere, followed Charles S. Abbott, the unsuccessful quite sick since his return. CM. Hubbell of this place has been candidate a his name in several of the local PLATTSVILLE. E. Marriner of Chicago was at Mr showers of rice and congratulations. for teacher's certificate from Miss Lizzie has returned to Mrs getting Mrs Hibbard of Ridgefield has visited Prosecuting Agent L. N. Middlebrooks by the Fairfield Dingee and is out severe criti- Hugh Wade, who has been with George Wentworth's, last week. He says that On their return, they will reside in this examining committee of the Fred Bedford's and to papers calling her sister, Mrs William Ackerman. of the Humane society arrested Charles on school has his intention expects stay here, cism in to treatment of one of his Gregory for the past year, has bought a the work the Columbian fair grounds city. visitors, signified the rest of the season. regard Mrs Kieser of and him brother-in-la- w, milk route of El A. Disbrow of P. Freeborn and daughter visit Bridgeport brought Is being pushed rapidly. of aDDealinsr from the decision of the sons and J. D. Flanders, his Bridge- New Miss Hub-bel- Mrs of Norwalk. before Justice B. B. Brothwell for know- William Barry of Haven and commktee the b6ard. A tennis tournament is being arranged who bonds for Howard l, port and gone into business for himself. George Buttery Mrs E. Wentworth of New York t0 gave ingly keeping a horse In a pasture lot Mary Jane Near of this city were married, Wed between the lovers of the in this his eldest son, last Win- Miss Freeborn and Mrs L. of Elmira A vane, has been on game arrested, Alonzo C. Acker spent Sunday with May has returned from without feed or water until it died. He Henry Armstrong nesday, by Rev Dr Garner. government put and the tennis club. So the United States marshal for her visit in are of Mrs this week. the water tank of O. B. which place Westport ter, by his father,' the first time in a year; long Norwalk. was fined $7 and costs by the Justice. He guests Wentworth, & Jennings, far as is known, Friday, Saturday and washed postage Mr Mr and Mrs G. F. Parrack and Bommos Biltz will run Danbury's has been rendered frost for the using stamps.' Misses Hallock of been daugh- appealed to the October term of the David, father of Rev N. T. Mer win,died proof Monday will be devoted to playing the Flanders has never been released from Catskill have ter Lottie took a delightful sail to Glen barbecue, September 9. Winter. of Mrs last court of common pleas under $100 bond. in New York city, September 1, aged 87 games, which will be decided mostly on his bond and it was expected that his guests Lacey. Island, Friday. Niram B. Hawley, who formerly ped- The Stratfleld Baptist society gave a years. Funeral services in Plymouth Botsford & Nicholson of Bridgeport the Westport grounds. case would come up in the United States dled through Long Hill and adjoining have to move court at New last but tne snow supper at the residence of LB. Wil- church, Milford, Conn., Thursday, Sep- prepared back from the After in silence for weeks, Haven, week, towns, is reported at the point of death railroad the suffering 11th son, last week Thursday evening. The tember 3. Lockwood house, bought of in the of the Italian court was' adjourned till the of this with heart trouble. the railroad O. B. people vicinity month. was the earnest SILVER WARE NEXT! attendance was large and the entertain- While for we by Jennings. determined to a if possi- It by entreaty looking items, stopped at camps put stop, of C. M. Hubbell that Mr Flanders ment fine, netting a nice sum for the Charles Sanford'a over the line Members of the board of selectmen of ble, to the disgraceful Sunday revels and gave Look at the beautiful place just 80UTHP0RT. bonds for the son, but, as soon as the church. in Stratford. The place is small, but Fairfield and Easton met, last week, at drunkenness. Complaint was made to Miss Wells is a few weeks Wake-ma- ran away, Mr Hubbell turned the school Charles has the that were spending the office of City Attorney George W. Brbsecuting Agent Bacon n boy Our began Tuesday, September largest pears with friends In Watertown. Liquor cold shoulder on Mr Flanders on a ever raised on a small and the best Wheeler, to open bids for the of Fairfield and he issued a search and, 1, with a good attendance. We wish the place Bridgeport, recent visit of Mr Flanders to Mr Hub- PRESENTS cows in the State." He him- Rev of Grand of the at last it in the teacher, Frank Seeley, success. Jersey prides Sherwood Roosevelt bridge Plattsville, warrant, week, placing to secure some of his Mr in front of our which we shall to our on cows Sun- as advertised in the Bee. Three had Sheriff Leonard of bell, papers, Displayed store, give self bis and fruit. His good wife Rapids, Mich., officiated at Trinity, hands of Deputy Hubbell ordered him from the The members of Camp Stratfleld gave has fine cake and a of been received : Wilson Brothers, Green- for service, Saturday. The premises. customers an entertainment to their friends on the always good cup day. Bridgeport A younger son of Mr Hubbell has work tea when yon call. w field, $135; Stephen Sanford, Redding, sheriff started with the writ, but found Cashier Oliver T. Sherwood of the , na- ed hard all Summer to to avenue, last Friday evening. The tent $140; i Wheeler Brothers, Easton, $190. his blocked the alterations at get money go Our are are to tional bank has vacation. passage by home to his mother in his fath-- was brilliantly Illuminated and the people (we sorry say) enjoyed Selectmen Matthias of Easton the railroad and waited till Mon- Missouri; fair weather Christians. Bradley bridges er took his out dia FREE! FREE! FREE! lan- Owing grounds prettily lighted with Chinese mostly John Conway's new house on the point and Richard of corn-i-s He then found three cases of beer wages, finally give to the the attendance at Jennings Fairfield, day. him 50 it is told him to Call in and we will how terns and decked with flowers. The storm, Sunday, raised and covered. It is a lo- - were instructed to contract with no The Italian $7 and, said, explain to get them without sightly mittee, and endof empty kegs. V" flowers church was small. work his way for the rest ... . twinkling lights, the swaying and cation. Mr Conway is to build an addit-- J. M. and W. H. Wilson for the bridge, in charge will be tried before Justice cost to you. ' - the music seemed a bit from . fairyland. Mrs Sherman, who has been with her ion to his barn and onion house. : , after certain minor changes in the speci Peck. Several articles have appeared in the After of the nice collation, the Mrs this has fications had been is ex- partaking sister, Hinman, Summer, Mrs Jennie Bennett and children of made. The work to President Clarke of the Consolidated papers about Orrin Talmage that guests were escorted to the avenue and to visit her in be done as as Mr owns a small OUR PRICES gone daughter Chicago. New Haven visit Mrs C. A. Grumman. quickly possible. j was this week, to settle aggerate. Talmage WAY DOWN. bidden a final good bye, as the campers expected here, some half mile or more from storm postponed the One of Theodore driv- the in to the location place any were to break up the next day and de- Sunday evening's Misses Sophia and May Grnmman Turney's horses, controyersy regard on a road that is seldom traveled Y. P. S. C. E. meeting. en by Miss Ilattle fright- of the new stations. Two pe- house, SEMI-ANNUA- part for their several homes. spend a week in New Haven. Turney,became passenger which makes it difficult for L ened by the at the church, titions have been circulated and are nu- neighbors ;0UR hoisting engine as as if he was Mr Jasgmer's horse is on the sick list, LONG HILL. Twelve barrels of onions stolen from as she was to the stat- fathered John call often they might Monday, driving merously signed. One, by main road. He has been so he Is walking into town to business. the Mill mil farm of David U. Sherwood ion. The hoise ran toward the asks that the stations be near nearer the The season of '91 at Parlor Rock will railroad, Elwood, but have looked were traced to East Bridgeport and then but turned at Samuel More- the or, at no near- quite sick, neighbors DISCOUNT SALE James II. Seeley has entertained visit- probably close with the grand picnic of sharply present location, least, him and do not think that he is , lost sight of. house's, and the er The from after ors from Elmira, N. Y. St. Joseph's T. L. and B. association, .overturning wrecking Southport. other, coming for nor do think the Is now on. We are all two-seat- ed and the har- the sta- suffering care, they going offering next and There Roderick P. Curtis, infant son of Mr wagon breaking Increase Parssell, requested that his case. Monday, day evening. ness. Miss was thrown several minutes' walk nearer town should take np STRATFORD. have been between 45 and 50 picnics, and Mrs Roderick P. Curtis, died in Wa- Turney out, but tion be put Funeral fortunately escaped serious injury. The bringing it nearer Mr Pars-sell-'s Mrs James Cochrane and Miss Nellie on crut-ches,d- ue some of them among the largest ever held tertown, Wednesday morning. Southport, Capt Nathan Clark has been horse ran to the office. store. Cochrane of West Cornwall were re- SUMMER GOODS on 2 J. to a there. The season opened about, two Friday at 30 p m from the residence post fall, Saturday. cent of T. II. Wilson. ; weeks earlier than usual and closes about of L. A. Curtis. Dr Donaldson took a of stitches An Irishman on the railroad guests At a reduction of S. Curtis Is In N. W. couple employed QWalter Farley's the same time. The Church of the Na- Mrs who has Miss in the smashed finger of T. met a serious accident, last week. Miss Olive Birdseye is in Mill Plain Insurance office at while Mr E. Currant, visited McCarthy,one bridges Bridgeport, tivity, North Bridgeport, picniced there, C. M. has returned to home of Carroll's drivers, a few He had been on the Sherwood's with her grandmother. is in the railroad of- Bulkley, her days ago. working 10 TO CENT. Farley Naugatuck Wednesday; Thursday, the managers of in island and stood for a moment on 25 PER Richmond, Va. Judge Glover and family returned from bridge Glad to learn that Mrs Harry Burr, fice.' the teams of the polo of the State of the then lost his bal- league Dr H. Wells New the Adirondacks, and the the edge bridge, who has been very feeble, is now able to From Endeavorera had a wel- held their annual there. Man- Brooks of York city Saturday judge fell to the rails and stones 16 regular price3. The Christian meeting is to ance and be about. , come home Rev S. Ives at Harris that the for a at Mrs Pomeroy's. plunged immediately ipto business, up was planned for J. ager says prospects his ears, cases for the criminal to 18 feet below. He badly hurt, season are and that two Don't the cake preparing his back wrench- Miss May L. Wilson visits her grand- Dr Coggswell's, Thursday evening. gocd polo bright forget sale, term of the court of common of his ankles being broken, H. N. E S . or three additional towns enter. 3 pleas, received. He in Cornwall, Conn. Sbel-ts- o may Washington hall, pm. ed and internal injuries parents AYR 12rs Irving Clark and children of which he is prosecuting attorney. There was taken to for treatment. Mrs R. E. DeForest have visited friends In Bridgeport Work has commenced at Hadley's shop, G. B. Bunnell's Bridgeport theatre is an unusually long docket and many Bridgeport Congressman and NO. 7 BISHOP BLOCK, BRIDGEPORT. arl Stratford. but not very brisk. opened, Saturday, August 29. The house important cases. All but half a dozen or so of the score of Bridgeport have recently been guests 17

N". the J. B. Fairchild Is well satisfied with A party of young ladies from Bridge- Mrs Diana Stall of Madelin, Y., Under order of Postmaster General The household effects of John Graham NEWTOWN, CONN., BEE. Wanamaker FKIDAT, SEPTEMBER 1891. his success in the Worcester Buck- with Misses Mamie Harrigan and Mrs Paul Mier of New Haven,aunts of instucting postmasters at were shipped to Stratford, Monday. 4, selling port, seats to - eye mower and the Wiard rate, having Lizzie McGran, were registered at the Mrs Delzell.are at the parsonage. They county inspect the offices in the ClItCUtiATlON. Postmaster Knowlton of JANUARY 601 sold nine mowers and five rakes. Trade American hotel, Brookiield, last week. brought Charlie home, Tuesday. county, Bridge- Ladies of the W. C. T. U. please re- 1,1883, or one of his ,LAS1 WEEK, 2494. in Wiard plows, for which he has the Miss Mamie Harrigan has been home port assistants will person- member the meeting, next week Wednes- all the offices in agency, has already begun, this Fall and from Bridgeport on vacation. Miss L. Mrs A. C. Moore spends a few days ally inspect this county day at 3, in the firemen's room. Social Aaron Sanford has returned from a his sales indicate the value and reliabil- McGran has had a vacation of two weeks. with Bridgeport friends. before October 15. Offices are to be des- purity will be the subject under discus- visit la Wllllanistown, Mass., where his ity of the tools. ignated by the grades of perfect, excel- sion and all, whether members or not, - daughter, with her children, are spend- Miss Clara Northrop is to enter Mar- Miss Ann E, Blackman visits her sis- lent, good, fair and poor and, at the end are cordially invited. Mrs M. C. Rodgers of each fiscal ing part of. the Summer. The Autumn season will open at the tin's shorthand school, Bridgeport, Fri- ter, Mrs F. W. Barnett of Canaan. year, the postmaster gener- will have charge of the meeting. al will to the President those Tvho Town hall, Friday evening, September day. report rate the for such honorable men- D. M. At the dance in Southbury Town hall, 11, when a soiree will be P. L. Ronalds returned from a trip to highest, Mrs Cheves returned to Staten Island, THE READ COMPANY grand given by tion as he see Saturday evening, Gallagher and Blake the Newtown Social Club. The commit- Mrs Arthur Wells and daughter have New York, Wednesday and is busy over- may fit personally to make. Thursday, accompanied by daughters of Offices are considered with to con- furnished music, Frank W. Kilbride tee will spare no pains to make it the suc- visited Andrew Knapp of Naugatuck. seeing building operations at the castle, respect Fred W. Wheeler of Monroe. venience of order TILE prompted. cess ot the season. All are cordially in- where the carpenters have finished the location, cleanliness, IN NEW over- and in the office in the vited to attend ; tickets, 'with There was a barn dance at Thomas east wing, including the balcony improvements On complaint of Newtown citizens, gentleman stair- 12 months fu- Miss II. G. Meeker of Bridgeport has ladies, 50c. Donovan's, last Friday night, in honor of looking the court and the covered past and suggestions for Nathan Seeley, prosecuting liquor agent visited friends in the Glen. Miss Maggie Harrigan of Bridgeport, who way leading to the second story. Work ture improvements. It is made the duty of Bethel, obtained a warrant for the ar- CAEPET STORE W. J. Dick of Newtown has brought has been spending a few days there.Miss on the cupola is nearly done for this sea of the inspector in visiting each office to rest of Stroud and Stevens of the north Misses Sadie, Lena and Ethel Ruby suit in the court of common pleas at New Nora Donovan accompanied her Jo her son and inclosing the main building will thoroughly investigate the manner of end of Taunton pond for selling liquor - DE- from Bridgeport have visited Misses M. Haven to recover $467 05 from J. M Jud- - Walnut Tree Hill home, where both will be the only work of importance underta- doing business and the methods in detail, without license. Howard Stevens, '.it is ARE SHOWING THE Harrigan and L. McGran. son on common counts. Farmer. spend a few days. About 20 couple were ken, this Fall. Masons are building six ascertain whether the postmaster is fa- said, settled with the officers, Tuesday, present at the dance and all reported an chimneys there and one w ill be. put up in miliar with his duties, note the needs of paying the trifling costs, on condition the office and see Miss Jennie F. Bolles, after a delight- V. Lill-i-s enjoyable time. the east wing. An original plan has been what improvements can that the matter be dropped and said that SIGNS FOR FALL. MAIN Edward J. Kirby and Thomas - r ful vacation In the with her un- flues of half inch cast iron made be made.'1 "' he should leave town inside 10 country spent a few days in Hartford, taking adopted, of days. cle, J. M. Blackman, returned home, Miss Delia E. McCarty opened her at the Pacific iron works being anchored By a clerical error, probably,the warrant In the Charter Oak races. The church is Tuesday. school in Zoar, Tuesday, but most of the in the masonry of the chimney and pro- Congregational receiving was issued for the arrest of John Stroud, STREET ENTRANCE its second coat of The schools will open, next Tuesday, 8th. about 10 feet above the roof. paint. rooster, while the complaint accused next week, the Newtown jecting which is of and has the Thompson Miss Julia Murray has spent two weeks Commencing These are in sections that fit copper pointed E. Stroud of being a law breaker. The In office wili close at 7 30 p m cylinders direction of the so Great Barrington and Lakeville. post sharp. A. O. Bierce attends the county fair at into each other after the fashion of sew wind for long, has offender's name is Thompson C. Stroud NO. The office will be closed, Monday after- been taken to C. H. to have 448, his old home in Sharon and visits his par- er and will be surmounted by a cap. Gay's shop and it is said that, when the case comes noon, Labor pipe its There is no record Miss Lucy F. Blackman is visiting day. ents. Two wooden tanks which have been plumage gilded. before the criminal court at Bridgeport, as to when this rooster was friends in Bridgeport. will be in the first placed there may arise a question as to the le- OR FROM DRY GOODS s upper part THE Undertaker M. F. Blake has been on bought placed on the but tradition the George B. Ferris returned from Buffa ot the main to the castle steeple, says that gality of the proceedings because of the the sick list for a lew building supply French when New- The drum corps will parade, Saturday days. lo, Thursday, with a car of cattle. witli well water and the troops, marching from technical error. Deputy Sheriff Charles pipe leading to ioin on evening, to advertise their picnic. from the well to the castle has been un- port Washington the Hudson, Doran arrested the parties and the trial DIRECTLY James L. Lake Himself. fired at it and bullet holes show where it DEPARTMENT Hangs Louisa B. Nichols. covered in order to lay another and to of Stroud was held before Justice Gil- has been hit. Ex-Tow- n Clerk Peck, our Miss Lizzie Gill of Bridgeport spent Returning from Danbury about the After a severe sickness of three weeks, make connections with the tanks. bert of Bethel at the vacant Tweedy hat Misses Mamie local historian, thinks that the rooster Sunday with Maggie and middle of the afternoon, Sunday, Alonzo Miss Louisa B. Nichols, of Is- shop near Stroud's place, where quite a IN FRONT OF THE FAIR- of Gas was daughter was At about the time, 1767 or Crotty street. Lake startled to find his father, aac and Louisa Nichols, died at 6 o'clock, MONROE. imported crowd gathered, Wednesday morning. James L. Lake of thereabouts, when the bell was hung. on : Ilawleyville, hanging Monday She has been afflicted Stroud was arraigned three counts M. Blackman has a rais- in in morning. Eli B. Seeley had two fine heifers kill- J. peach tree, the barn, dead. The barn which with a nervous difficulty since childhood Reputation of selliug liquor ; actual sale FIELD AVENUE ed from seed, that has about two dozen Mr Lake himself is a small ed by the cars, Tuesday. ; BR00KFIELD. on 22 ; hung building each attack being more severe and pro- August keeping exposed for sale, as line as are often seen. at the the house where 23. On of peaches corner, opposite tracted. With her, Religion was not a S. D. Sharp has contracted to collect Miss Lulu Greene is with her grand- August the reputation Stroud's he lived where the road to the Rack- 1890. the Dea Wil- mere sentiment, but a deep, abiding faith, all taxes due on the list of See ad. parents. place, Fairchilds, Henry, ENTRANCE. Mrs Carroll has moved from the Gib- d, ets branches from the Danbury road and which sustained and cheered her during liam, A. W., Arthur D., J. Botsford, son to the Connor Keane place not far from the tower. The son In regard to the list of names repre- Mr and Mrs George Baldwin returned Dea A. C. cottage signal those long and tedious weeks and months Moore, Johh Stevens, All mail orders axe delivered or near the cut down his father's dead senting unpaid taxes, the Bee said sim- to Bridgeport, Friday. L. A. Dan- with express charges postage depot. quickly body, when she cpuld hardly bear the presence Hobart and F. Camp, Purdy, which on "look for a not that it would iel us. rested mainly the floor, the of her nearest relatives. Her patience ply, list," Miss Florence Kellogg will attend Gregory, Charles and Wilbur Brisco, prepaid by Miss Maggie of Newtown is head and shoulders but appear.lt was not intended that it should ; W. A. Seth Jabez Crotty being suspended and resignation were remarkable ; never school at Woodside in Hartford. Maynard, Sturges, a few with a few inches. Medical Dr E. but the result was quite good. Collect- spending days Danbury Examiner but accepting all as coming Mead, Patrick Lynch, Clark Blackman, friends. M. complaining, or. Miss Theo Skidmore will attend Welles-le- y Smith, who was notified, found death from the Lord. She passed away very Daniel and Michael Corbett, Frank Mor- due to strangulation from hanging. Mr as Mr and Mrs Van Namee and left college for another year. gan were summoned, all did not THE. D. M. Abel and Miss Holbrook of Great quietly and peacefully, without pain, family though READ COMPANY, Mary Lake's mind, it is said, had been in a mor- we B. S. for their home in appear, and established that hill with their Mrs though it were but earthly sleep. So Hurd's, Saturday, School will begin the Center district fully point. spent Sunday cousin, bid state for some timp and he had vow- in Mt Vernon. on On the other two counts, he was acquit- I. P. Blackman. think "She is not dead, but sleepeth." Monday, 7th. ed his Intention to take his life several beloved The fun- ted. Justice Gilbert found Stroud guilty "He giveth his sleep." Miss Julie Hoffman has returned to It is estimated that about CO acres of BRIDGEPORT, CONN. times. The funeral, Tuesday, was from of keeping a place where is rcput-e- k MrsE. M. Peck, who has been with eral took place in Trinity church on Wed- Norwich. were in this this liquor the house, Rev S. W. Dclzell tobacco grown town, to be sold and fined him $30 and costs. Mrs Silliman Sherwood at Stevenson, is officiating. nesday at 2 p m, Rev Mr Wright of San- Should it 1200 The burial was at Land's End cemetery ; The picnic at Riverside, of the Christ- year. average pounds per He appealed to the October court of com- again at her South Center home. dy Hook conducting the service. Inter- a and 12c, it Amos L. Haw Icy, Charles Robertson, L. in ian Endeavor and Congregational Sun- acre, probable yield, bring mon pleas in Bridgeport and his bond fix- ment in the family lot the cemetery $10,-80- 0, F. S. A. Barnum were bearers. was a social would amount to $8640 ; at 15c, to ed at for which John L. Michael John F. Camp, near her late home. Bearers, Daniel G. day school, very pleasant $150, Hughes Murphy, McNaiuara, Mr Lake was son of Thomas affair and numbered at least 60. but pole sweat must be subtracted was as Hurlbutt w Lake, Beers, Albert W. Peck, David C. Peck, accepted surety. George E. spent Sunday ith whose home was at the now owned from this. friends. place Hermon II. Peck, Charles B. Johnson, Johnson is at home. Quassapaug Michael Keenan and elsewhere. In Seymour Hor- by Edgar F. Hawley. E. N. H. Mr Whitcome spent Sunday with Mrs Charles DuBois of Brooklyn visits manhood, he removed to Pough-keepsi- e, Miss Florence Hoy t visits Solon Wales. ace to North Haven on L. Wheeler and Dr Betts. Mr DuBois A new stock of Mason's fruit young Beers, returning II. jars just where he married Miss Esther He will return to the is to WHEN YOU COME TO BRIDGEPORT, MAKE IT A POINT TO CALL AT in at K. F. Hawley's. HATTERTOWN. Charles N. Curtiss was taken sudden- Monday. rectory expected spend Sunday. Ann Palmer and carried on the butcher two on Thursday or Friday. He to Relatives of Mrs Eugene Northrop, ly ill, Sunday morning and physic- block' 373 business. returned Newtown and ians were who Witnesses in the claim of Mrs D. W. ABBOTT'S SHOE STORE Mhsetr1iItH0P George C. Peck, Trinity's venerable his wife died of about 30 from Goshen, have visited her. quickly summoned, pro- been sick. consumption nounced it heart trouble. He is some- REDDING. Bronson against the Elon Booth estate II are in need of kind or ot will not be to look sexton, has After a short he wedded you any style footwear, it necessary further, years ago. time, Mrs Charles Milton and two children, what better and Charles McE. were heard by the commissioners at the for you can be perfectly fitted with the best goods at tbe lowest price for shoes that will give Nor-wal- Beardsley G. Read died of satisfaction. a cousin, widow of Fox of k, Misses Frederick George consumption, complete Newtown's death record for was Henry Miss Linda Thorpe and takes the route for him. probate office, Thursday. Mrs Bronson July once Miss Eliza, of John of kindly Wednesday morning, August 26. He AND QUAUTIES: NAEE0W AKD for it was seven. daughter of Bridgeport have been guests Charles asks $5000 for caring for Elon. LADIES' OXFORD TIES 0; August, Lake, who is still Besides his son Z. S. Peck, Newtown and Mrs R. S. had been in feeble health for some years, MMMP living. Thorpe and family. High and low heels, French kid and patent leather at figures which will surprise you. Alonzo, there were born by his first mar- Cheves have visited F. W. Wheeler. but continued about his business in P. L. Ronalds to leave New- Mrs Northrop and two child New York with his wife Ladies' prayer meeting, next Tuesday BOTT0HANDLACESHOESINP0PDLAEFIirEI'EA'rHEES- - expects riage three daughters, Marion (Mrs Reu- Alpheus Misses start- city, residing MEN'S AND BOYS' town for in a or so. ren of are of Mrs Lillian and Jessie Wheeler in at 3, with Miss Helen Beers of Berkshire. Europe fortnight ben Fairchild of Alice Brooklyn guests Sylvia Hoboken. About two months ago, A SCHOOL AND SUMMEE SHOES AND Danbury), Sarah, ed, for Prohibition L.I., MTCQPQ' ATTl flTPT Q' CHILDREN'S SHOES, Work on the castle will probably stop Northrop. Thur3day, park, that his end was near, he came MlOOCiO AINU ALL SHAPES, SIZES AND WIDTHS AT (Mrs A. C. Hull) ; the last two have been with Mrs Cheves. feeling UlIlljQ then. his native to die. dead some years. A daughter, Agnes, Mrs Payne was badly bruised by a fall. back to Redding, town, A barn party at John J. Scher merhor n's Miss Lottie Huntington, Hartford, vis- The funeral was attended at his house, was for of Mrs John B. Wheeler is home who shares the Ilawleyville home, was John Gilbert commenced cider planned Thursday evening ABBOTT'S STOEE. again. born after his second Mr Lake making its Mrs Sophia Beardsley. Saturday afternoon. He was buried in this week. marriage. Monday. HUNTINGTON. was 79 old. is the cemetery in the Centre where many LONG HILL, SAVE YOUR MONEY! Miss Lillian and Master Milton Hall of years Miss Grace Weiss, Brooklyn, at Dr Mrs and from Jer- - Misses and Lena Patchen of his ancesters repose. He was son of Chamberlain family returned to Tallcott-vill- e, have a few Mrs Mary Trippe John Stevens's. Miss Flora Beard Merryall spent days with of have been guests ot their Thaddeus Read, a man well known and uy ity arc uimnuug iv icll . GREAT EXCITEMENT AT William D. Stone. STEVENSON. Waterbury Tuesday. uncle, Charles Patchen. Sheep killing dogs have made sad hav- highly esteemed in his day. Mr Read Miss Bertha last week R. S. Hinman had the misfortune to oc in the flocks of S. W. Smith, Hobart took a pardonable pride in his ancestry, While the refreshings of a week ago Beardsley spent METE0P0LITAN HALL, IT. George R. rarmelee is having the Wilkinson's. The aunual W. C. T. State conven- lose a good cow, last week. Beardsley and John Beach. The dogs who were the first settlers of Redding did a world of good in parched pastures at John tion will be held at foundation laid for the addition to his were in a Danbury, October, A needed several found the act of killing sheep and always insisted that the true name and meadows, there was but little rise in Miss Cora Bennett will teach in South 47, 49 AND 51, 2S and 29. improvement, among barn. J. W. Penney bosses the work. to Mr F. W. recently made, is a new board at belonging Beardsley by of the town was Reading. He never the streams or springs and considerable Manchester, next Tuesday. guide a number of ladies from this who knew the and Select- inconvenience wells and WHITE STEEET,DANBURY, Quite Wheeler, dogs had children and leaves a widow to from dry springs on-Mr- s Mrs James is in the fork of the roads leading to Monroe struck twice OVER THOSE WONDERFUL BARGAINS IN Turner visiting friends place spent last Tuesday at Seaside park, man Ferris caused one of the dogs to be mourn his loss. He was brother of Mrs is felt in this section. The water Lightning recently and Newtown, on the west side of the supply farm-M- r CARPETS, FUEKITUEE, MATTINGS, SPRIHG New York State. killed and the owners of both to is a low Turney's Let the Bridgeport. pay Goodale and uncle of the two famous of the cities at ebb. BEDS, TABLES, CHAIES, Etc. suspension bridge. improve- his mill. & fish have damages. Sentinel. Dora and Elaine Goodale. Rev Chapin has started cider LOOK AT A FEW OF 0UB PEICES: Charles ments go on. Peck Hubbell, mongers, -- s - poets, F. Beardsley's are a re-op-en 13c grounds dissolved E. J. Peck contin- Mr Hamilton conducted the funeral ser- Mrs E. A. Bennett will her who is Carpet (good for the money) per yard, beautiful floral picture. Miss Eva S. Noe is her partnership, Mrs Frank Ritchie, suffering Oil Cloth, per yard, 24c visiting sister, the business. STEPNEY. vices and the pall bearers were the four school on Tuesday, 8th, instead of on is no A splendid Chamber Suit, only $17 89 Mrs C. N. Curtis. uing with a tumor, better. Mattresses, 2 89 Isaac Burritt. who has been in Sanford brothers, James, Turney, Ste- Monday, a legal holiday. Roll up Spring Bed, 2 99 .Posters announce the Labor The schools here and at Iluntingtown failing Coe is Wake- 2 8M grand day Miss Rose Dillon expects to health for a last phen and Charles. Herbert visiting Dwight Hard wood 14redstead(any size), picnic of St Rose drum corps at Jones's begin will open Tuesday. September 8. year, died, Sunday night lee. Cane Seat Chairs, due teaching in the Hull's Hill district, next and was buried on Mr Rob- Betts Bros, will have ice cream on the Hard Wood Chairs, 48c 7th. Indica- Tuesday ,Rev William F. Mandeville has bought the 95 woods, Monday, By present week. Hiram Barlow has a new horse. Hook, Advertised letters at Newtown post A splendid $5 Hug (only a few), $2 one bought ertson officiating. He had been troubled West hotel from E. lawn, Sandy Tuesday, Thursday A good Garden Kake (Iron), 2Tic tions, this will be of the largest pic- Redding Kowing. A Door 39c vis- with numbness in his feet and limbs for and Saturday evenings. office: good Mat, nics ever held In town. The boys are The Monroe society of Christian En- Mrs J. B. Gillette of New Haven is Mrs J. G. Ballentine, Miss Kate Roth, Mr A good Baby Carriage, $6 99 Mrs C. D. over a which seemed to increase One of the most exciting ball games Mr John Church.Mrs C. F. Delafield, A splendid (large) Marble Top Table, 4 89 like up deavor and the iting her niece, Stillson. year, Shepard, A. Martha A. No 8 4 89 working young beavers, cleaning Congregational Sunday one of the season was af- Miss Carrie Moulthrop of New Haven, T. R. Ford, Mr Henry Graves, A splendid Range (Cable), the and up A school held a picnic in Dillon's grove, di- and he thought it form of paralysis, played, Saturday Hastings, Mr Hamilton Hill, Mrs Charles Hill, Good Children's Rockers, 49c grounds putting swings. Sherman Smith of Bethel, an expert at electric for ternoon, by the Alerts of Redding and a Misses Sophie and Mary Ireland, Carl W. W. Knowles, Mrs V. A. Kimball, Mrs Best Steel Garden Hoes, 25e commodious platform has been erected rectly back of the M. E. church and it has been for a of wearing appliances relief, John O'Brien, S. H. Reid, Miss Hattie Siebke Round Point Long Handled Shovels, 4!ic blasting rocks, couple which of no use. He has been an club from Bethel on the Alert grounds. Cornell, Orange, N. J., are among the A. S. White, William Young. A good Lawn Mower, $5 95 for dancing. The corps has seems to us that a more delightful place John Still-so- n. proved engaged weeks sinking a barn well for The Alerts were rattled in the first late arrivals at Mrs Addie Nichols's. Wood-enwar- e, teams from and to for could be found. .active and busy man through life, ac- badly in teas and coffees, go to Hardware,Tinware, Glassware, Danbury Waterbury picnicing hardly About 16 feet, or three fourths of two the Bethel For the best value a of ball for a of cumulated quite a property, but,through innings, boys getting E. F. Hawley's. in fact everything nearly in play game purse $25. A new store has been in the the was through solid rock, re- one left opened way, dug the snares of for much seven runs to their and, to add to The party that Newtown, Tuesday 7, the last ex- Line. This will be a game worth as it 60 others, hoping Monday morning, September Housefurnishing seeing, basement of the depot building. quiring over pounds of dynamite. let it their discomfiture, Shaw, their catcher, morning, bound for the Bay of Fundy, cursion of the season to Saratoga, under the will be for blood. There will be other gain, quietly slip away, leaving him, of the Saratoga Hygeia and Rec- two child- as lit- had his hand the but he found on their arrival in New York, that management will take W. M. S T L E S . amusements, sack wheelbarrow Miss Edith R. Curtis is spending a few Mrs Homer Blackman and the shadows lengthened, with but injured by ball, reation Co. and the Housatonic I racing, who have been at He was one of held on Costello the steamer which were to sail place. The season Is still lively and all who three-legge- d days with her Mrs Noe. ren of New Haven, tle left. many who have pluckily and, putting upon they not been should go. The total expense and races, jumping, greased grandmother, on dock would not sail have admission to the TO MY PLACE A good sized red William Fischer's during August, re- been able to make a clear profit out of in his place, went out into the field and, was the dry and for railroad tickets, board, CAME 7 or 8 old, button on one pig, throwing hammer and shooting, tug C. N. Curtis's little daughter Edith, handsome parks.mineral springs.daily grand years fancy This he did with a flock. during the game, caught some magnifi- until Thursday. The party immediately orchestral the famous historical horn. Owner will please prove property ,pay ot war between the drum corps team and nine of drove alone from her turned, Tuesday. poultry. large conceits, entertain charges and take away. HORACE NORTH-RO- P, years age, 300 were cent flies, the loud of held a council of war and decided to go Pompeia, lakes, drives, etc., with Newtown. a team from the Foresters. Don't miss Mrs Parks of Trumbull has Sometimes nearly fowls kept winning applause ment at excellent private houses, with two father's to her grandmother's home, a Stephen to Boston on the Fall Kiver boat and $7 $9 25, one in and returns received. Mr Burritt the spectators. In the next four innings, persons in a room, is only 50; OF a shot at the artful a real live distance of seven miles. visited her Mrs William Fischer. large 9 50 includes at Continental SEWTOWS.8S Probate Court, dodger, sister, were and thence to their destination. room: stopping Ev- DISTRICT 3, 1S91. coon was the youngest of the well known Bur- the Bethel boys whitewashed hotel, Elmwood hall, etc. ; $10 at Waverly, and many other amusements that ; $15 at Estate of CHARLES MORGAN, late of New- Miss Hattie school in who have been life residents the Alerts won the game by 24 to 14. erett, Kenmore $13 at the American; In will to make it for you. Bradley began SOUTHBURY. ritt brothers, thelgreat Congress Hall and $17 at the Grand town, said District, deceased. help pleasant of this town and was 66 of He The usual of Banks con- Heacock Bros, are laying tar walk for etc. One person in room, small The Executrix represents tbe Estate The drum Is an that Hamden, Monday. years age. heavy batting Union hotel, spec- insolvent and prays the of Com- corps organization - ex-To- H. extra The Housatonic Saratoga appointment Cyrus Osborne and family left, Thurs- leaves a Clark and one mar-- tributed much to the result, though all Clerk C. reck. charge.trains take passengers from and missioners thereon. the town should be proud of, as the boys Mrs Peck and daughters, Miss Monk of widow,Lucy ial express Hart- That Commissioners to re- for their home in Atlantic, lovva. ried wife of Zalmon well after they got warmed up has offices at Bridgeport, Sew Haven, Ordebeij have worked hard to build themselves New Haven have been at William Jor- day, daughter, Purdy. played ford Norwalk, South Norwalk, Danbury, ceive and examine the claims of up There is no comes to our ex- Milford,Birming-ham- , the creditors of said Estate be at Ha- His brother, Burritt, accompanied them to work. paper that Branchville, Newtown.New appointed to one of the prettiest drum corps in the dan's ; Mrs Elisha Dickerman of New Schools will begin on Tuesday, 8th. Winsted, Stain-for- d the Probate Office in Newtown on the 12th as far as New York. table that has taken such a stride Ansonia, Waterbury, 891, 2 In State. All that ask Is ven at C. E. D. S. Sanford, Miss Belle Sanford and change and passengers at Milford, Stratford, day of September,! at o'clock the after- they your patron- Bradley's. Miss of has been forward as the Litchfield It Westport, can purchase noon; of which all persons in interest will and all who attend can be assured of C. B. Curtiss of is in town. Digley Bridgeport her Miss Helen S. started Enquirer. Fairfield, Southport,trains at the nearest con- take noticr, and appear, if they see cause, and age Mrs William A. visited her son Bridgeport Mrs niece, Barnes, was and a tickets at and take sta- be heard thereon. M. BRAE as we Bradley guest of E. Dunning. or" on the always eminently respectable necting stations. Tickets tor sale at the Attest, J. LEV, a good time, always try to please on her 70th and walked the 27, a f Brookline, Mass., Monday, C. B. Judge. birthday big Born, Thursday. August daugh- en- good family paper under Editor Hickox, tion by Taylor. our and are to see 00-fo- Miss Sadie has been of Miss scene of Mr Sanford's labors for the patrons always glad ot as nimble as Maude to Mr Mrs Tim- Lyon guest a 1STR1CTOFREDD1NG, ss. Probate Court trestle any of the ter, Agnes, and but Duffle & Langdon have infused 15c and 25c 1891. them because "We're Standard." Lucy Elwood. year, They have hired a house Look at those carriage sponges, August 27, again, young girls. othy Reynolds. suing spackle and life into it that make it a worth double, at E. F. Hawley's. Estate of HELEN S. BARNES, ot Redding Good music will be furnished by the old Miss Hull has been and D. Sanford expects to join them In said District. ac- Ettie picnicing at charming and vivacious country weekly. Upon the of S. of Mrs Hermon and daughter December - application Harry Barnes, reliable Bliss orchestra. Committee BETHEL. Perry Glen island. about li , Guardian of said Helen S. Barnes, a minor re- arrangements, John F. McGran, Wil- companied Charles to Wilbraham, Mass., ' BAXTER & DANBURY siding in said district, praying lor authori- Miss Mattle Smith has been in Rut- where he is to attend school. Rev D. Osborne and Mrs Osborne are A pleasant sociable .was held by the BERKSHIRE. ty to sell certain real estate belonging to said liam C. Corbett, Martin F. Blake. expecting ladies of the Methodist church at the minor situated in the city of South Norwalk, land ; Miss Amy Fairchild of Bridgeport both sick. Mrs Gould of New has vis- FURNACES. Conn.,as per applicaton on file more fully ap- Miss Ella Bradley expects to commence house of Miss af- Haven,who pears, it is has visited here. Emily Hill, Thursday ited her Mrs at Mr That said be S0UTHVILLE. the Fall term of No. 2 on Tuesday, 7th. Miss Florense Hayes of New Haven is ternoon. sister, Thompson, Ordered application heard has returned home. ' and determined at the Probate Office in Mrs Charles Eoswell is Rev Mr Slack officiated, Monday, at with her parents. Hard's, Redding, in said District, on the 12th day of gaining slowly. Mrs Walter Warner has returned from Theodore Adams of was September, A. D. 1891, at 10 o'clock in the marriage of Miss Lina Taylor to F. Springfield Mrs James is her the forenoon Peter Hall and a week at Shelton, but we are sorry to learn that Miss Emily Seeley, Mrs Burr Hawley in to close the estate of Partridge visiting and that notice be family spent M. Hammond, who Is employed in War- town, Saturday, brother in given ot the pendeacy of said application and her health is not and Mrs Andrew Leavenworth are at the - Bridgeport. time and place ot hearing thereon by publish- the shore. ner's corset improved. his father, Lemuel Adams. tbe same one in some factory, Bridgeport. shore at Branford. Minor a ing time newspaper vis- Mr and Mrs B. S. Brown have not Miss Sadie has returned from having a circulation in said District, Mrs S. F. Clark and Mrs E. Evitts James Mc5JifTs team from yet Arthur Jones of Colebrook is and by posting a copy thereof on the public Danbury been in but are in Milon B. and visiting visit in Huntington. Dis- ited Mrs Charles Beardsley, Mile hill, was beer and. town, expected later Hawley E. J. Hawley of his wife and child at Mrs C. signpost in the town of Redding in said delivering here, Monday the season. made an extended Bradley's. C. trict. EDWARD P. SHAW. Judge. Newtown. as this is a no license Bridgeport have trip H. G. Curtis and family and Mrs J. town, Prosecuting to in AMILY HORSE Brown, 16 hands, 1040 lbs, Mc-- Niagara, Albany, points Canada, Emory Sanford has, obtained a situa- and family have spent a few 5 The school has been discontinued, as Agent Seeley seized the beer and SOUTH BRITAIN. Hawley years old, stylish, good driver, speed Maine and other New England States, tion in Jones' feed store, Bridgeport. at Coney island. about three minutes, disposition perfect, a there were but five scholars. The School NifTs trial will take place at the Town days very superior animal. Price $350; 4 horses Mrs Wakelce is friends visiting the prominent cities. $100 each. W. L. Hook.Ct. Board arranged for the children to at-- hall, Friday at 2 30 p m. Stanley visiting The selectmen) and town treasurer MU'CHELL.Sandy in York State. SHELTON. 7 tend school In Obtuse. Mrs Jennie Campbell is guest of Mrs C. were to a "pOR SALE One good new milch Cow, George Jacox, the Greenfield Hill horse kept busy lte hour, Saturday, jl years oiu ; aiso z nice yeaning coiis. A. M E. -- Miss Alice and Houston in thief who came into the hands of Deputy Miss Georgianna Seeley is home for a Lyon. signing the new town bonds which have Mrs Horace Wheeler, STEVENS, Stevenson.Ct. Grant gave his lecture the South-por- t. Doran at plead-t-o few weeks. Banks has been a been issued to the amount of $23,000 to Mrs E. N. Tolles have visited at R SALE Two farrow Cows. A.H. FEK-- hall, Saturday evening. It was a treat Sheriff Canaan, Sunday, George enjoying RY, Hopewell. all. Ills of the Land ed at the justice trial at Bethel, Miss is rel. week's sojourn with relatives in New Ha- take up the old town orders. They are ; description nolv guilty Augusta Thompson visiting SALE CHEAP A young riding and was so vivid that it could almost be Monday and was bound over under $500 atives in town. ven. in denominations of $1000, $500, $300 The schools will open with the ipll3L F)R Horse, sound, safe and suitable tor seen, public a to handle. Also and $100. are for 4 per cent semi- : lady Buggy.Harness.Whip, as he related his travels. There was a bonds. Ward Miss Mamie Dikeman has left They following teachers S. E. Forman, prin- etc. Apply to BENJAMIN WINSTON, South t m , Mrs Jay and child, who have Turney's annual interest and are in five Ct. good attendance and a collection of over of Mrs return shirt payable cipal ;Miss Jessie Brewster,first assistant; Britain, WOLF PITS. been guests Lucy Camp, shop. or 20 years. $1 was presented to him. Many would ed to their home in North Satur- Miss Cora Wakelee, second assistant; FOUND Between Long Hill and Trumbull Haven, Elmer Joyce has been at Can-fie- ld M. a Watch, which the owner can ob- like to bear him again. Mrs Charles Hughes and daughter of camping Rev Mr Edison of New Jersey will Misses Lucy M. Beard, Annie Doran, ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FDMISHED. tain by calling. Rev C. W. BOYLSTON.Long day. island. Jennie - - WE DO THE REST. Mrs M. Ford visited her In Bridgeport have been with Mrs George preach in Christ church, Sunday after- Henrietta Buggies, Delia Martin, YOU WRITE US - J. daughter Miss who has been , .- EG1STRARS' Dickens. Toner, spending Frankie Wales will complete his second noon at 2 p in. '- Chadeayne,Mary J.Slaterj Carrie Squire, NOTICE The Registrars of New Milford, last week. some weeks with Mrs C. the first voting district will be in session Leroy Mitchell, course at the Nettie Barlow and Annie Gorham. 1. EHULEi at the Town Clerk's olHce on Sep- Edmund B. of has year's Bridgeport High W. S. Bassett has built an addition to 9 Thursday, Miss Hattie Bristol left, last week, to Hoyt Middlebury left for home, early in the week. school. P. tember 17th, from o'clock a m to 5 p m for been with his brother. - the house of Charles Sanford about 12x12, the purpose of correcting the list of electors be absent several weeks visiting relatives W. wife are Hart- SPORT HILL. and placing on the list to be made, those E. Piatt and visiting Charles Banks has been but a new room & CO., to be made electors for the October ex- quite sick, and hall. qualified in West Cornwall and Norfolk and W. F. has been sick, but is now making dining ) Hoyt ford friends. . election JOHN F.HOULIHAN, has resumed work in Bridgeport." is now on D. San-ford- 's Mr and Mrs J. W. Sherwood were at MAIN STREET, DANBURY. Registrars to visit In Massachusetts before able to ride out. Dr Benedict was in at- He putting new roofs 181 Chas. B. JOHNSON, 1st voting dist. pects last week.. Newtown, Conn., 3, 1891. her return. tendance. B. N. Treat's children have both been carriage house, barn' and a por- Glen Island, September sick. TASHUA. tion of the dwelling. Sherwood is with friends TAX COLLECTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is A was Mrs E. W. of a Miss Edith BOYS AND GIRLS, given to the tax payers of the Town surprise given Smith, Horace Hoyt, proprietor large dry - ' Monroe "'Bessie Mitchell her ankle bad- L. N. Malletfs op- Miss Annie and Master Ames Merrill at Bath Beach. of that the collector will meet them last week Wednesday. Mr and Mrs E." goods store in Bridgeport, has been with sprained threshing machine, DO Y0U WANT A to receive the Taxes on the list of 1890 of said erated Thomas in - Town Monroe as Mrs Mlnott and Mrs Susan his Ell ly, Sunday. by Kohler,is Monroe, visit their uncle,- Sanford. Mr and Mrs George Beers spent part of follows: At the store of J. Hall, Augur father, Hoyt. this week. Stephen French, Stepney Depot, Friday, Hall from Sandy Hook, Mrs C. E. Minor Mrs Carrie Holbrook and and Miss Flood the Couch of last week with friends in Danbnry. ; BICYCLE? Itsltl, from 9 to II o'clock a in; also George Abbott of Rldgefield visited his daughter Maggie began SAFETY at the store of B. Hawley, Stepney, from 12 to and two from Mrs Mr and of New Hav- Isaac Wells, the has re-la- id the school on - 2 same 26, daughters Berkshire, niece, Mrs W. H. Piatt. Pierpont daughter mason, Hill Ifcrondiiy. . Union services at the Congregational Write to us (enclosing stamp) o'clock, day. Saturday, September R. Smith and from en with C. Mitch- at the above the roof. at the store of Marshall Beach, Monroe Cen- J. daughter Ilawley- spent Sunday 'LeRoy chimneys church, G. B. Lee and vf of church, next Sunday evening; preaching For Particulars, and we ter, from 9 to 11 o'clock a m ; also on the same ville and Mrs Emma Hall from Brook- Fairchild Morgan has entertained his ell's. amity Bridgeport day at the store of Edwin Stevens, East Vil- Miss Lillie Mallctt has visited in visited his Mrs s! Kev Mr Weeks. , Will tell how you can all get one from 1 to 3 o'clock. Be save sister. . sister, JB. Osborne, by you lage, prompt and lyn. Mrs N. C. ' fees. S.D.SHARP, Collector, Monroe, Sep- Baldwin and daughter Anna Bridgeport. last week. Beers has returned to Absolutely Free. tember 1, l&tt. of New Jesse Sackviile, Grant Houston was entertained by S. Mrs A. G. Ferris and daughters returned to New Haven, Tuesday. to the com- CO. " Mrs George D. Mallett has entertained William H. Burr has disposed of the N. B., where expect3 teach, THE BELKNAP TEA "ITr ANTED A Girl to do general honsework. F. Clark. Milford are with her mother. VV EDGAR T. ANDREWS. Bethel, Ct. Dea Mitchell has a fine field of corn ; Miss Tina Wilcoxson of Stratford. horse he advertised in the Bee; ing year. THE HANDSOMEST TEA STORE Mrs A. Folliett and son spent several Henry Wood has entertained company some of it measures 13 feet and 10 a IB THE STATE. ANTED AT ONCE A good, willing Girl inches, Flocks of turkeys in this section are Mrs Lucy Bartram Lee celebrated her Mr Duinkerke and sons are spending for general housework. Apply to Mrs E. days in York State. from Danbury. eight feet to the ears. 488 Main Street, Bridgeport. S. LOVELL, Newtown. afflicted with cholera. 85th birthday, last Friday, few days in Brooklyn. foundat-- I - FAIRFIELD. BUILDING SALE. MEWTOWB FKIDAT, SEPTEMBEH 4, 1891. whether It will ever be fit for use again, where they should be ; now put BMDOEPOllT cannot say. Godfrey & Willis of ions under them. Thoreau. On the morning of March 4, 1693-- 4, to Bridgeport, at whose stable the horse we are to be comforted, drum beat at 9 a m called the people NICHOLS. - when willing no .j CO. was left Wheeler, told me that it must- i3 not far John the little frame church. There was & Hollister a New man, by divine comfort away. W. B. HALL Sage, England not be used at present ; that, with rest sound of wheeled vehicles. The people now beoomes one of the editors of Farm jroadus and good care, it recover some- - came by families, the master bearing his ?inRR annus. JACKETS. REEFERS, MORNING WRAP Tla la a. with a might Journal. Yankee farmer abus- The Sermon. the women their foot stoves. At . a M 1 1. what. But it had been shamefully gun, 5c(b SHAWLS AND WATERPROOF - MEIGS BEADED WRAPS, ana a level neaa. oouieui tins PERS, reaay pen ed. On its sides and even under its jaw of Common Sense you will the church door, the sexes separated, the TWO THIRDS THEIR VAL- best in thin-numb- were written In the book the CLOAKS ARE GOING AT ABOUT things were huge lumps, evidently the result of fln,i tha wnrria. "Uemeinber the harvest women taking one side of the church, BEFORE AUGUST 7. by him. lie has lots of gumption. , In in been brok UE, ALL MUST BE SOLD - kicks ; the skin had places seem as w " there, he does not- go a mile days." It would hardly inougu TO FORGET getting en and bleeding sores produced." Jacox K nAi ,aa to the farmer into the care of the tithing VOU ARE TOO READY wwr 1 1 x a i rvwi SALE but cuts across. You will like four-year-o- around, wife ld . man son weuu j Huueiv turuuuuii THE UNPRECEDENTED and his took their boy Mi" r.rifii i'hhiht. rv. vmi liio Ka:naQBuuoiucoo waiKu THE COOL NIGHTS AND EARLY him. September number Philadelphia Greenfield it is said his book and prec- I from with them, but thinks of making money while the sun people, bearing psalm GOES BRAVELY ON. Farm Journal. is ad- ious of in his and in th3 hsat ani fret of n)on. that they abaudoned him. Jacox said shines. But, after all, there is sound roll manuscript hand, mornings box-lik- one to have been in Sing Sing and other pris- in words of the text. entered the high, e pulpit at a Overcoat SILK WASH GOODS, vice, beloved, the on a Better carry light weight BLACK DRESS GOODS, 'GRENADINES, WESTPORT. ons. Our are us that there is a end of the church. The deacons sat for cold - ALL REDUCED. papers telling peo-- than catch a doctor's bill, a in East must be, gar-- platform in front of him, facing the Plaid Surah at was 75c Chi- Miss Nellie Elwood will teach wheat It 1 Black Grenadine 50c. 50c; Mrs Lewis C. Bradley and Mrs George very large crop. i A J 1 3 UnttnVl In at 29c, 39, Fancy ; wie iu uu not one. Saugatuck., Miss Lena Morehouse in West Sherwood have been at nered in and wise is he who cuts his grain pie, leauer psaimuuy u.. caused by carrying na Silks, 49c, 75c, $1. Silk, 30 inches wide, 75c; was $1. Summer Saratoga. front of oegan ue Punjum Saugatuck with Miss Alice M. Sherwood at the right time. Our farmers have just them, a Jong prayer Silks at 39c, 48, 69c. Lace Curtains all at about half value. $10 a Simon C. Bradley has sold a hand- after which one of the deacons Ours are and not going as assistant, Miss Mary E. Taylor In secured their hay crop and consider him service, ready expensive, can be saved on Irish Point Curtains; $4 a pair on Swiss Curtains; $3 a some to : Horace of to pair Miss as pointer dog Pigg who lets the woody "lined out" the psalm for the people 12, 13 $15. on a on to $5 Curtains. Compo with Ophalia Taylor Mr foolish grass grow an $7 50, 10, 50, pair fine Nottinghams; $1 pair $3 Miss F. Barton in Green's Warren street, Bridgeport. Bradley and hard before it is stored in the barn. sing. Then followed the sermon, Lucy has a number of fine at his kennels, hour the hour, C. B. to be another Black Farms, Miss E. St J. Chapman in East dogs They have remembered the harvest days long by glass. This is going TtT both of his own and boarders. He will, mow of Todd in the New York Evening Post, de- lAlTZIETS. Lots, Miss Lucy Elwood in West and the well built gives promise from the . on Blankets saved. Long as usual, go South with his dogs about Cheviot season, judging $2 a pair positively Miss Clear in Cross food for the cattle during the days of Eed-Wint- Long Lots, Margaret October 1. party of colored people from we're made them, this season, in Highway, Miss Sadie Tarsells in North But there are other harvests n Bt th(, hpah. Sat mand, BUGS. RUGS. RUGS. RUGS. schools will on Tues- Franklin Pease of of and There are and district. The open Benjamin Perry than those grain hay. double and single breast, square Stock of all new and handsome- - A of the prices: 18x36 at 84e; were store-bou- se urday. Rugs, patterns sample 8th. City, N. Y., has spent several days with the harvest of memory and 25. . 21x46 at $1 were $2. 80x36 at SI 41; were $2. 26x54 at $1 99; were 3. 30x60 day, days who been for round and cutaways. They are $1 41; his son, Simon Pease. Heaven. Are remember- Joseph L. Ii. Thorp, has corner, at $2 89 ; were S3 50. 36x72 at $3 49; were S5. 4 foot by 7 at $5 69; were $8. 6 foot by 6 at church has invited Kev II. N. of you Hav- Christ harvest you six months or more with the New 12, $13 43; were $18- - Sheepskin Mats and Goat Rugs all marked down. N. to become ; Some of the finest raised in ing those days. Yesterday, $10, 18, $20. Wayne of Burlington, J., potatoes met a friend in trouble. He came en store of Mclntyre, Maguire & Co., its rector at a of $1000 and the Greenfield were dug by Simon Pease. great enter- CHENILLE CURTAINS. salary to you for help. You might have left in has spent a few days here before Fall are coming in very rapidly They are Burbanks ; large, smooth and new goods rectory. the harvests of memory a kind deed ing upon the duties of his position - Elegant quality and extra styles, fringed on the side, $5 87; were $7 60. Plain Chenille, with toothsome. Ten bushels were and now. Come in and talk it over. aU Ilezekiah has moved to dug be to look with the great silk house of . Cheney fringe top and bottom, S3 75; worth $5. Elegant Valance Curtains reduced. Curtain Scrims. Mrs Lyon which would always glad 6-- 8-- 1-- six bushels were you c- Covers. 4, were 60. Flush 4 to 1 2 oc- of these about large sel-- N. Y. He is to 4e, 6, 8 and 12 Chenille Table at 75c; $1 Covers, and Charles Muzzey has back But did not. You Brothers, Broadway, l-- 2c Bridgeport to weigh from 12 to 17 ounces upon. you Men's All Wool Cassimere Trousers, yards size. Silkines marked from 15o to 9 Lamps.Bronzes, Onyx Tables all greatly reduced. left. enough to own travel for the firm and will go South. to and Saucers from cupied the place that she each. fishly turned away your pleasure more. 80 dozen Fruit Plates reduced from $1 50 dozen 60c 50 dozen Blue Cups i on 2 3, $3 50 and emb. in $1 worth 3. Easels at reduced and the poor man went his way with loads are on the $2, 50, dozen to $1 20. Japanese Fire Soreens, gold, 98, prices. Miss Minnie Darrow of Brooklyn has Dr B. Kissam and Miss Grace Kissam little Finishing being put Bamboo Easels at worth M 25. Large Window Screens at 33c. J. the burden still there. You let the to the viaduct at the station Monday, Friday and Saturday evenings. 75c; visited Mrs George Jelliff. are home of streets on without one approaches Open again. child the cry and it is that the cross- at the word of comfort. You turned back expected grade Eev O. C. Dickerson preached Miss Maggie Nichols is with Isaac B. your will be closed travel, soon, as it on a sad call from one of God's little ing t$, B. & CO, BTORT. Saugatuck M. E. church, Sunday. Nichols of Deerfleld. is understood that the iron work will W. HALL ones. remember the harvest of l of Eev John K. Williams, Ah, days arrive in a short time. ' The widow, Invitations were issued, last week, for Y'ou can make each day so who has been in Wilton, , makes her a Mrs Charles P. Brad- memory. birthday party at full and rich in loving kindness to man- Miss Eliza Smith has entertained Miss home with Mrs Eliza Jones. Wednesday, 2d. The party, from be full Mabel Beers of Norwalk. WILLIAM LIEBERUM . ley's, kind that the days of the past will 2 till was in honor of Mrs 0, Bradley's of blessed and angelic visions. of has WESTON. who has attained pictures Misses Julia Toomey and Susie G. WOODBURY. J. F. Griffin, forfuerly Newtown, CARRIES A COMPLETE LINE W father, George Burr, It is Itichter who tells us that "Recol- a at Studio his 82d from Green- Levi are home from Asbury Park. opened business college the Frederick W. Weed of Norwalk and birthday. Many lection is the only paradise from which The two Congregational Sunday 122 Fairfield avenue. field and elsewhere attended the been in Quassa-pau- g. building, Miss second daughter of Mrs Car- party we cannot be turned out." Let the har- Miss Julia Hurd has Birming- schools had a union picnic at FURNITURE. Eflic, and and Glen island. next rie and the late Gilbert Budd, were mar- heaped congratulations good vest days of kindness, then, see many ham ; Eugene Hurd at They had an enjoyable time, The schools will not open until, wishes Mr Burr. were showers in the FIRST BLOCK ON WATER STREET, BELOW DEPOT, ried at home, at 7 o'clock Wednesday upon sheaves gathered for future joy. But Elmhurst convent school, Providence, though there slight Tuesday, 8rh. har- . About 200 atte nilet I . BUILDING. evening, August 26, by Rev M. P. Favor B. F. Pease has been looking at the Jesus Christ tells us of the heavenly R. I., is where Miss Katie Hewitt is to forenoon Snpt B. F. Lasher of the horse rail- UNDER LARGE CLOCK, GYMNASIUM church. The bride Mrs P. vest He for your- of the Congregational farm of the late Mary Hull, with day. says, "Lay up attend school, next Winter. Mrs Almira Leavenworth, aged 84, died road has bought the Stratford avenue wore a dress of light tan Bed- a possible view of buying. selves treasures in Heaven." It is not home ot M. Hills of the Post and traveling Mosquitoes, from which Fairfield has at her home in the 'Vilie, on Friday. Henry WILLIAM ford cord. The bridesmaid, Miss Adel- what a man leaves behind him, but what is to make it his own home. LIEBERUM, Principal Parker of the academy is been free, this Summer, ar- aide M. Crossman of Titusville, Perm., he has sent before him that counts in that remarkably The case of Libbie Armstrong Roberts 446 - 450 - 452 WATER STREET, BRIDGEPORT, mm. expected at Oliver Burr's, this week Sat- rived in numbers, last week. B. is over wore surah silk of the same shade ; both harvest. Our faithfulness to our fellow Willis D. Smith was tried before George Bunnell highly elated urday. against wore roses. Oscar Budd acted as men may turn them Godward. Our Benjamin Betts has sold the hay on his the common court, Monday and his success in securing the Bridgeport pink pleas hereafter best man. After congratulations, a A valuable Jersey bull has been sold words of exhortation may lead a soul salt meadows to John L. Thomas of Tuesday. The court took the papers and theater, which will be known ! Hocka-nu- as theater. The sumptuous collation was served in the by Verna farm to E. Brewer of from sin. We may give of our silver to Green's Farms. reserved decision. Huntington & War- Bunnell's Bridgeport READ THIS Conn. in inscrut- of the with the dining room with about 35 relatives and the Lord's cause, so that his will be ner for plaintiff, Cothren for defendant. raising house, together Only a few more concerts given If Mumot thli distinctly by limp or gmsli(ht In Ike miring. t llane of 10 Inchon. shall be liberal and and en ?ra nil print Yoox end friends present. The happy couple left is in able providences our poor gift Also case of Town of Woodbury ; Marsh general improvements Tmr oyeright i. felling, no matter whnt yoor nge, nod ynur ere. need help. et?hcnn be IraproTed Ensilage being fed large quanti- at the the American band of if corrected. It ii wrong idee, that spectacle, .hould he dispensed with a. long aa poeaibla. green by in the of preferred preperW an not in a shower of rice for an exten- transmuted into the gold of Heaven. of New Milford for and Hunt- largements way greater seating If they aaaiat the Tiirton, nee them. There la no danger of seeing ton well, lone a. the print I. magnified; heavy ties at Verna farm the - The plaintiff atxe. fail to call and erea tested. dairy, pasture Bridgeport.- concert, Friday night, modern of lighting,dec-oration- s It ahould took natural but plain and distinct. Don't hare jour sive West, will be absent about two Yea, by faith in God, we ourselves may & Warner for defendant. capacity, system trip having been early exhausted by the was well attended. The orchestra after- ington and so will tend to make weeks and will then make their home in is six weeks' be preparing for the heavenly harvest. has forth, AND drought. There nearly ward gave music for the hop at the St. Nathaniel Cothren of New York it one of the most theaters on the F. LYMAN, OFTICIAN JEWELER, Norwalk. have the congratula- in the silo. Hence, obey the text, "Remember the popular They supply Marc. returned from his visit in Woodbury. New coast line. firstclass tions of many friends. Among the wed- harvest days." England Only 316 MAIN STREET, BRIDGEPORT. Miss Lottie Lyon has visited her sister, The at the was in staid old such as those pla-e- d at his ding presents : hop George, Saturday night, There an elopement attractions, IT SETS PEOPLE TALKING, K- - Mrs Craft. was attended from out of town. The will be booked in this And shouldn't it- - Look at these Ladies' Solid 14 Gold Watch for $25 Gents' Handsome Bible, Miss Susan Uosencrans; Henry SOUTHPORT. by many Woodbury, last week Monday. high Hyperion theater, why prices: Elgin HOla Mrs D. 8. Chat-fiel- d, New Solid Gold $23. Gents' Elgin Boss Filled Case. $15 Spectacles and Eye Glasses of pillow, Mr and Hurlbutt; sugar The of John Nichols have re- of American contracting parties were Nathaniel house and, in connection with the Elgin Watch, Cross-ma- n family Leader David Elythe the tested free of in all its branches. shell and butter knile.Mlss Adelaide M. No hearing has been had on the appli- coal black, and the Haven theater,it will afford special facil- every description. Eyes charge Repairing ; turned. band has been with a cornet by complexion ; butter knifo, Joseph Smith silk scarf, cation of to sell liquor presented A. color white, ities to desirous of bund Minerva six silver Timothy Hanley members of the band. wife of Theron Sanford, traveling companies TO CALL YOUR painted, Romer; Chris, the German who occupies Frank the appli- trans- succes- WE WISH knives, Miss Abble Andrews; oak and plunh at the O'Dwyer place, though character to be; inferred from the playing two good towns inquick tenant broken-dow- n rocker, Mr and Mrs N. Crossman, Mr and Mrs Banks's house, has traded horses. cation was made and a remonstrance Ambrose II. Wilson, whose marriage action. Sanford is a pen- sion. Mirror. ATTENTION TO THE A. C. ; bamboo work basket, weeks to Miss Belle Cole occurred in Bradley standing Mrs Clara Selleck, Misses Emma and prepared ago. Hartford, sioner. Chatfield was arrested, Sunday William of East End went KdnaC. butter knifo, Eliza Romer; is II. Hoy the 8its J"' ' V Bradloy; to the REDUCED PRICES IN f " SaaiUt7 Sadie who have been Tuesday afternoon, occupy -- lace toilet set and lamp, Miss Maggie Weed; Selleck, visiting A wagon house 12x30 feet has been morning. hsiiing, August w ana wnen lie reiurnea O f K I re- house formerly owned by Mrs Granville. and white comtortable, Mrs Greenfield and Southport friends, Dea Fannie visit- he had 70 bluefish ; three counterpane put up by Elijah Gray. A was held at Mr Wilson's for- Lewis McEwen and sister declared caught SUMMER CLOTH- jl Weed; china pitcher velvet finish and fruit turned to their Danbury home, last reception eel sil- have ed F. F. Hitchcock, last week. hard and three soft shell crabs; an dlsli, Mr and Mrs E. G. Weed; dozen solid week. Alice May and Sophie Grumman mer home, Tuesday evening, at which M"1 three ; two flounders, ver tea spoons, George A. Van Steenburgu ; returned from their visit with relatives many presents were displayed. Mrs Thomas Lord of Chicago is at the weighing pounds ING, napkins, Mr and Mrs Frank Ferris; $10 gold Mrs Frank Banks of Cross Highway in New Haven. each weighing seven pounds; about 100 TO REDUCE S-- of Greenfield Mapleton. AS WE WISH ploce, Charles E. Gregory; sealed package, has visited her aged grandmother, Mrs William Turney Bulkley dinners and a peck of escallops. Post. ; be in- TO ; sugar shell, Lizzie Mullen table cloth and William Why cannot the Southport band and Conrad Buckingham of Southport John Betts of Terryvilie is with his THE STOCK MAKE hemHtitched.Mrand Mrs Steph- Bulkley. dozen napkins duced to give a few concerts in the open were summoned as Fairfield jurors for Miss Sarah Betts, in very feeble ROOM FOR FALL GOODS. YOU WANT A WATCII Buy it of a en china trult dish, Mr and Mrs sister, LONG HILL. IF Watch Business Belwood; Eufus Atherton spent Sunday with air before cold weather? The band, the criminal term of the court of common is he not recover. who knows the and is Lewis St. John ; dozen goblets and table cloth, health. It feared may WE WILL ALSO REDUCE THE disposed to see that you get what you pay tor his brother in Bridgeport. which has been is able to Occasionally we have seen items in this and all you pay tor. A good assortment ot Mr and Mrs Ueorgc Belwood; marble top practising, pleas, this week, at Bridgeport. Sons a rush of orders PRICE OF the most reliable manufac- - ' et tal- D. Curtiss' have in reward social enterDrise Chains, made by table, Llllie Budd; china-toil- set, Oscar give music of a high Older. Home nnnpr to the tnrers on hand. W. B. SSIFFES.Saady Fairfield was victorious in a of in their line. im- always Budd; silver sugar bowl, milk cup, spoon THE SECULAR PULPIT. ent should be encouraged. game and ingenuity in the line of village - SUMMER Hook. holder, Mr and Mrs Norrls Crossman; set sil- ball between Fairfield and Southport Mrs H. D. Curtis was favored with a Drovement of adjoining villages. In this 1 JJQHT ver spoons, Mrs Budd; groom's present to God is light. nines, near the Rubber shop, by a score no STRATFORD. pleasant surprise party, last week. respect, this pleasant village is by GOODS, bride, gold bracelet, pearl setting. Be true and will know the of 20 to 12. The game was well played our JOHN J. LYNCH, $m you truth. to Boston means "left." We watch with pride Mrs Frank Curtis has visited her sister, and witnessed by many. The Fairfield Edward Abrams has gone CHAL-LIE- S, p is roads as are being remodelled under INCLUDING LAWNS, GREENFIELD HILL. Blessed he who knows how to use Mass. was and the and Bar Harbor. they MAIN ST., L0XG HILL, CT. Mrs Judson of Orange, battery Fitzgerald Kelly, the hands of competent workmen ; and BATISTES, SATINS his enemies for his own growth, for evil ; Horse anil Ox of W. Judd and wife have visited Southport Dunn and Callahan umpire, Miss Clara Patterson, who has visited look forward with to the time shoeing. Wajfon repairing Stanley thoughts, after they are sprung up, do Mrs Sarah Bristol has been ill. pleasure AND LIGHT GOODS OF all kinds. Healer in second hand Wagons Andrew Sherwood. P. J. McCarthy of New York. Another Miss Curtiss, lias returned to her when we can travel without the usual an- and new Road Carts; one second hand iioad . bear a harvest of evil deeds. made iron for Daisy ALL KINDS. Cart, one Sulky for sale. J. P. Ouire has pickets game for $5 a side is being arranged. New home. of stones and roads. Mrs William and Miss Susan F. Jersey noyances patched Bradley Let every man look on the things of fencing for himself and nenry to Mrs Jesse Smith and son of Hartford we ha ve found that our school is W. Nichols have arrived home from Sar- A valuable black colt belonging Also, 300PAIESOF PINE his neighbor that he may find that which Meachen. visited C. Smith. so in number that it was and the mountains. Theodore Turney has been very sick, but Henry increasing atoga he commend ; him on - . may but let look John Graham has moved to the Hum- wa8 treated by Veterinarian Miss Carrie Cowles has been in New thought best, last year, to grade it. This FANCY LISLE HOSE , . : 1 1 S successfully Oxen of Rev D. N. Prentice, which his own things, that he may know which iscon tenement on i. i am.t. idea has been acted upon and with such otrawueiry Thorpe. Hampshire. 3 FOR $1; FORMER were lost for many days, have Anally to condemn. Mrs George Atwood has moved into success that it is, we a permanent AT 35C, John Williams was fined $3 and costs Miss Josie of Hiram think, been found, safe and in good condition. Braun, daughter her house near the Town hall. about a year ago, PRICE 65C. And I beheld, and lo men thought more for not his dog tax. the swimmer of the arrangement. Again, They were found by a North Bridgeport paying Braun, champion Thomas French has been granted a the Good Templar's hall was transferred OKA DA TNTl? T" of winning the approval of others than New York Athletic is Miss TPS L XJ STT in with Water-tow- n, club, visiting of William ir,f r.hA Vipnrta of the M. "E. societv and XilXXtkJ XX man the pasture hja oxen, having they did the approval of God and of their Miss Ida Osborn will teach in pension through the agency 60J UXJ. wandered there from the hill. in Carrie Flint. aud remodeled so that evidently own souls. Verily, this is vanity ! Miss Lena Dorman Bantam. Cothren. has been enlarged STITCHED SUSPEN- G. C. EIGHME, D. D. S., The of Fairfield youths who have we can boast of a good hall. Last, but Frederic Bronson and Miss Elza William Mitchell is carting water from party him- 422 Main St., Bridgeport, Conn. When the soul is at ease, it may be been a vacation on the Gitana Oliver Wendell Holmes preserves no means are the street of of Dental Bronson have returned to Verna man- Mill to feed the boiler of E. N. Sip-perl- ey enjoying by least, lamps. DERS Graduate Pennsylvania College amused, but a hungry soul wants bread. river home self by the greatest of hygienic care. His have been so Surgery. Dentistry in all its branches, includ- spent Sunday at Newport,returning Our streets, which very d sion. Evans. at the well he la drilling on the room barometers and thermom- AT REGULAR PRICE ing the new system ot crowns this week. is full of dark, are illuminated by nearly two doz- 38C; without plates. Sets ot teeth from $5 up. six weeks a valuable dia- Hand property. Mr Sipperley reached a he bathes and eats rule Filling from 50c up. Extracting without pain About ago, The best to in are eters, sleeps, by en a complete transfor 50C. means 25c. All helps growth grace of 110 feet without finding A number of Fairfield people accom- re- lamps, making by of electric vibrator, work mond brooch, owned by Mrs Frederic depth rocky and he is a fine demonstration of the we understand there are warranted. The administration ot pure Ki. the ill usage, the affronts and tlie losses is still an to Glen Fri- mation, and that trous Odide Gas a Bronson, was lost. The loss was adver- water and pounding away. panied excursion Island, sults of in living, his original specialty. which befall us. Wesley. time. regularity more to follow. The people here, per BR & C. EIGHME, tised in the Bee and elsewhere and a re- cut stone from day, and report an enjoyable constitution no means robust. : Two cars of handsome being by haps, move a little slower than some oth D. A. SALMON, 2d door below Fairfield Ave., Main Street, Bpt. ward of 925 offered for its return. It To character and success, two things, Philadelphia arrived for door and win- Nearly a score of young people enjoy- ers we hear but we are not as must of, by any could not be found, however and search contradictory they may seem, go dow trimmings at Breakwater, last ed a strawride to Bridgeport, last week BRIDGEPORT. means "left," nor do we intend to be. WESTPORT, COM. humble and in Samuel Wakeman's was abandoned. One day last week, a together, dependence manly week. The stone was carted by Alex. Thursday evening, A addition has been built at the brooch was near the independence; humble dependence on large ICE CREAM picked up poultry Washington. large wagon. Warren street wing of the Warner Broth- Lowell's Methods of Work. house son of George Skeen. He God, and manly reliance on self. in a by Sam, Miss Edna Kelsey has visited Miss A. Griffin, the barber at the St. Marc ers' corset factory. It is three stories James Russell Lowell had, large Cash for Cider Apples at at first it was a piece of cheap Woodsworth. habits paid thought Aldrich of Long Island. will probably open for himself, renting high and will be used as a store room. degree, the unmethodical that D. C. Beach's cider mill. At R. H. Smith's, each but a wondrous blaze of A is avoided. He details jewelry, light danger foreseen half of Horace Jennings the small building An addition has also been built on the come with genius. abhorred when the sun struck the diamonds unde- Frank P. Sherwood, Misses Lillie and cor- WM. DAVIS. and I find that the will of God leaves near McGarry's blacksmith shop. Atlantic street front for offices. and rules. He took up composition, I. Tuesday Saturday ceived him and he at once restored it to doing Estelle Sherwood have attended the culture me no time for about His Wood-Hurle- respondence, reading, physical even- Mr Bronson. disputing canoe retreat at Lake Champlain. The new house of C. W. Fox has been The y bribery joke came afternoons and Macdonald. and other pursuits without the slightest 4 5 old Cows plans. George enclosed and roofed. before Judge Walsh, Saturday, in the FOR SALE first class year due Last week's was held, A son has been born to Peter Jveeler.. regard to order. He was a prodigious calve August 28. B. B. MEEKER, Box prayer meeting court. The case was adjourned to 1M5, ings. instead of When you find yourselves overpower- The liorse which William Falls has city reader and worked with all his might. Bridgeport. Wednesday, Friday evening Miss Lacey will open her school, Sep- the judge t ime to consider the case. and was led Oliver Meeker. ed, as it were, by melancholy, the best been driving for a week has been taken give The production of any poem or essay of FASHIONED ROOT BEER Made In the WM. 0. JOHNSON, by II. tember 14. un- 0L.D after the Can is to out and do kind up-to- on manner, original recipe. -- way go something back the owner, a Greenfield man. Charles Logan, the grocer, length was carried at high speed office on Lower Dock, or -- . by be obtained at my X7SJT Many from Greenfield and not a few to somebody. Keble. has married Miss Mary Brown of Port der severe mental tension and at the end at C. Oehmichen's confectionery. M. MITCH-EL- I., INT G 7r XI . from Fairfield went to Glen last GREEN'S FARMS. Dawson, the big bay trotter of T. W. Southport. to Island, Jefferson. ; he was and physically exhaust- on en- The gardener knows that where he Pearsall of Black Rock, was distanced in mentally Friday, the Myndert Starln. An F. Dingee's Lady Alice, the mare ed. It took him a long time to was nor puts the knife, there will follow the fruit. the 2 19 class at Hartford, last week. Horace Pigg of Warren street is one of usually joyable time had, neither nain thai. t& aiirh PYPpllpnt wnrlr parlv In the recover from the shock. When at his lit- extreme And blessed are they whom the heavenly The horse was not in condition,the train the successful amateur gardeners of the GIVING AWAY humidity spoiling the pleasure season, was distanced at the charter Mrs Lowell and her I All the The excursion was husbandman prunes, if, when he cuts, er. who it a record of and is especially happy in raising to- erary labors, daugh- of day. under Oak races, last week Goldsmith, gave city over him there is a 3-- ter watch constantly and, the of the Y. S. C. E. of the bud behind the knife. 2 19 4, last year, being sick. matoes. kept auspices I. is on an ex- devices, broke up the con- D POPULAR church. not I then ?" as the Miss Carrie I. Crossman will his by ingenious Free to my customers, ANBURY'S Congregational "May cry Yes, just N. Y. Liveryman Bulkley was among those Rev II. A. Davenport occupy of his work and often prevented, does and In the it is dew. tended visit in the Hudson valley, next tinuity - PHOTOGRAPHER, Eenovatlons having been completed at night morning who attended the Hartford races, last pulpit in the Presbyterian church, in this way, absolute prostration. Mr when have pur- There is not a flower that does not look week. was in one they the church, it was ready for service, Sun- i Prices and in Germany. Sunday. Lowell's favorite workshop 57 WHITE ST., DANBURY. - sweeter for it. True tears make souls Wages to the day. Good butter is 30 cents a pound ; meat, School is to begin in Mill Plain dis- After having stabbed him in the back, of the largest rooms at Elmwood He chased goods beautiful. True sorrows are, after all, and used SIZE PORTRAITS Mrs B. B. Banks has suffered In average, 20 cents; good coffee, 45 Tuesday,. 1st, with Mr Everett as the Post gives A lderman Thomas W. discarded desks when writing - LIFE terribly but the seeds out of which come fairer trict, on amount of $25, John- cents ; 12 cents dozen ; and Miss Annie R. as Wood the bounce. No one defends a nasteboard Dad. which he held his with gciatlca,but is improving somewhat, joys. eggs, per sugar, principal Jennings grand A SPECIALTY. 71-- 2 10 suicide, but there knees. He long over the plans CVClO-o- though still weaic and sullring. lit Dun- cents a pound; prunes, cents; primarlteacher the alderman's political thought gon'g AllieriCail f r 1- -2 and had the , ham it was the worst case of The Christian's life boat is furnished bar soap, 3 cents ; soft soap, 2 cents ; Miss Alice Vanderbilt of Brooklyn is is a manly way of handling even suicides. his poems and essays says that fixed in his mind with two faith and works. he four-famil- outline sciatica he ever attended. oars, If salt, 3 cents; raisins, 10 cents; lard, 15 visiting her cousin, Miss Etta Seward. a y general finally aild AtlftS 01 tllG ' John B. Clark builds pgdia SWAN & BUSHNELL, attempts to make the voyage without us- oAnf-.- AAiiancrA- - In a vera ore 3ft ppnta ; and James Three more of the Bronson on oil has the erosive effect house for John McKeon,Grand sub-- ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES, sheep ing both together, he will be very apt to flnnr. 5 cents : coal oil. 22 cents a gallon 2 Sperm greatest would first make a skeleton of the WOrlCl. A D00K, been "8 Splendid. in theGould farm have bitten by dogs. meet with shipwreck. 20 cents a The uPon meta,s ?nd mlnert the lestJ . Wholesale and Retail Dealers vinegar, gallon. average to late tests that have extended Five Jcrseyg,three heifers and was wages of a workingman stands in no according yearling There not a ram's horn at the over about a Iron was most acted street. was MANUFACIUKEBS' AND two were from Gould ; with .: his He year. prv nflrfi of his cony tilled witn bulls, brought the siege of Jericho that made any noise, un- comparison expenses. oil. - 536 farm to nearer a makes 75 cents a and with that he upon by tallow and least by seal Bichard Howell is managing editor of erasures and interlineations. Journa.- taininer Dasres of PAINTERS' SUPPLIES. better, pasture home, less some one blew it. So with our op- day Bronze was attacked " by A few days ago, by Dairyman Dalllng. has to make a living, clothe his family very slightly the Sunday Herald.. ist. portunities for doing good; nothing olive oil, but linseed oil. valuable information. One of the bulls was sold ; the other four and pay renl;, which is $5 a month for vigorously by to seven will be accomplished by them unless we Lead was most lard or whale The Union has grown columns, SHIP OHANDLEKS, are dead, use ot one room and a kitchen. is a. injured by poisoned, probably by eating make them. Ram's Horn, Clothing and least olive oil. Zinc suffered also increasing their length. Goods can be purchased paint skins, or the dregs left In the kegs great deal cheaper ..here than in the oil, by 362 Water St., Foot of Bank, One of the Christian Fathers of little from lard oil, more from Contractor Donovan that he would and pots of paint. Veterinarian MoClel-la- n says United States. A good suit of clothes scarcely says different times. Conn. Jesus : "Christ as a man and mineral oils and most from oil. not take the contract again for at Bridgeport, of was called, but could hungered costs $15. Railroad fare is also; sperm garbage Telephone. He-- York Prices- - Haver Undersold. Bridgeport fed the as God. He was cheap was not eroded any of the The amount , hungry hungry o Copper by $23,000. When the not arrive until after, the cattle were lor cents anybody can ride ten miles. ooap AND FARMERS' is mineral little and MECHANICS' dead. A mortem examination show- as a man and yet lie the bread of life, Return tickets cost one half of that. AU oils, very by sperm oil, Louise E., wife of Councilman" Robert post was athirst as a man and He most tallow. the cus- SAVINGS BANK, ed that the cattle were .filled with lead lie yet says the trains, except freights, are provided by Quinn, died at G46 Seaview avenue, last reaches S25, 'Let him that is athirst come to Me and Worker-M- r Bank Building, Wall Street, poison. All four were valuable register- with the Carpenter air brake and a few A Wonder week, whSle her husband was in the City ' drink.'. He was weary and is our rest, Frank Huffman, a young man ol Burling- tomer will receive the Bridgeport. ed with the Westinghouse. are heat- South- - v She was 35. that Jerseys. They Ohio, states that he had been under the 33 ne tribute and is a ; he is a ton, Deposits, $1,073,590 pays king ed by steam and (he fast trains run at care ol two prominent physicians and used and $35,898 10 , "Ilavlng recovered what is left of my devil and casts out - their treatment until he was not able to get on by Mayor Marigold, the book free. Surplus interest, devils; prays and the rate of 40 miles an hour. The cars his con- Spurred satisfied is around. They prononnced case to be 2 met Contractor Donovan, S1,109,4S8 43 horse and being, that Jacox hears prayer ; weeps and dries our tears ; sumption and wearable. He was persuaded board health Assets, are divided into two compartments, each to JDr new for consump- the ques- Cleans Deposits of $1 to S10C0 received and interest now beyond the jurisdiction of the State, is sold for 30 of silver and redeems try King's discovery last week, to consider garbage pieces of which hold 10 persons. Prohibition tion, coughs and colds and at that time was 14 credited from the first of each month, payable in I shall take no further to bunt to walk across street wlthoutrest-ing- . Mr Donovan said that he had steps the world ; is led as a sheep to the slaugh- does not exist in not able the tion. A. H. Jannarv and July of each year Incorporated 1871-- down the said Banks. Germany. Nearly He found, before be had used half ot a carts at work, where the city DAVIS, thief," George ter and is the Good Shepherd." house has a saloon. A drink dollar bottle, that he was much better; he garbage H. MORGAN, President every to-da-y "Nor do I think that Wheeler, the Easton good continued to use it and is enjoying had but seven or eight, last year and he JOHH L. WESSELS, DAVID W00STER, Ties of costs two one-ha- lf - or Most There are sweet whisky and cents. good health. It you have any throat, luiig Presidents.' will Jacox, for his surprises awaiting We satisfac- was in to remedy all 429 MAIN ST.,BPJDGEP0ET blacksmith, pursue chest trouble, try it. guarantee profuse promises L- an humble soul Saleona do not pay any license, but a tree Jfi. as - S. CATLIS, Seeretary and Treaswer. horse, also, I am given to understand, many fighting against tion. Trial bottles at Hawley 's. complaint3,'agreeing to put on . many odds in the battle of a com- tax of $6 a year. if CLOTHING AND has been restored. It is the Bethel man, seemingly The only radical cure tor rheumatism is to carts as the board of health ordered, THE NEWTOWN LIBRARY : monplace life. eliminate from the blood the acid that causes resnon8ible for future Dy Will be open for drawing Books every Tne-rta- y with whose horse Jacox escaped into New Janauscbek will star the country, next This is effected found neglect 1 tot 6 m 7 9 in ; ur- the disease. thoroughly by ofii-- is FURNISHING. p and to the evening Sat vil- use of or the health Lenox. 1 York State, who will hunt down the If have built castles in the air, Reason, ill a new rnmant.it drama. "Tho the persevering Ayer's. Sarsaparilla. the mayor, Dr Young day from p in to in the evening. you Persist until cured. The process may be lain. The horse is in bad condition; your work need not be lost; that is Harvest Moon." slow, but the result is sure. cer. VOLUME XIV. NEWTOWN, CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER, 4, 1891. SIX PAGES. NUMBER 3G.

I must "lean to fact that it No.Time I thou shaltnot boast that I do A son of John of The broadening ot the light Is like a strain. Father, hard," in voices, this being due the change- dance at the Town hall, Peter, Mulligan ; Up the Cumberland. Thy built up with newer Southbury, Of mellow music from a golden horn And lay on Thee the burden of this pain use on occasion of To me pyramids, might, 25 of a Set to the huntsman's who now is fain This murmuring impatience too Thou knowst is sacred to only the are nothing novel, nothing strange ; was enjoyed by about couples, Satur- er, died, Sunday morning, complica- lips, While in Tennessee, I attend ''foot-washin'- are To hunt's and wake the drowsy Is harrier still to bear. My fainting heart traveling the observance of the ordinance.of ," They but dressings for a former sight. danced to music fur- tion of been sick for play up Pills Cumber-land- s, day night. They disorders, having morn. Richard Burton. Ayer's Must find Its shelter 'neath the circling arms ed, on the summit of the Shakspere. Excel all others as a family modlclne. They Of own there! high and the metre is such a nished Glen talent. several months. The re suited to Thine deep love. Firm, clasp it meetin' rough by Sandy Hook funeral, Tuesday every constitution, old and Take all bunion Thou saidst it shall be the annual "sacramental - , my mixture it cannot be men a straw and- at 11, was from St. Rose, where sugar-coated- foot-washi- that Phineas D. young got up ride all high Te who hear the blessed young, and, being are agree- Thine; and n' " of the old school Bap- heterogeneous Crosby, Danbury's oldest eall, able to tnko. Purely vegetable, loavs Leaning on Theo, I know I shall be strong. even an uncultivated tongue 74 voted the ride and dance a success. mass was celebrated. The burial was in Of the Spirit and the Bride; they I sung by liveryman, died, years old. great Hear to no ill effects, but strengthen and Father dear Father! I would be closer yet; tists, the most primitive branch of the Sunday, the Master's word all, regulate Hut Thou must riraw me, else 1 cannot come. without previous practice. - the Glen cemetery. Mr Mulligan had Your commission and your guide the stomach, liver, and bowels, and restore else can 1 Baptist church and more generally "And let him that beareth sav. Thine arm is not where ex- 3-- in and every organ to its normal function. For use enough The morning service having ended, Michael Keating, who was recently A peach 9 4 inches in circumference been in a brass shop Waterbury Come" to all yet tar away. (Havergal. repose known by the names of "Free Will," two-rite- either at home or abroad, on land or sea, But on Thy loving breast? Soft pillowed there ercises for the administration of the in a row at Taunton was was shown James M. returned from there just before his last ! or "Ironside." This ser- pummeled lake, by Blackman, fruit these Pills Forever let me lie Weary and weak, "Hardshell," were to at 2 feet on "Mc-Trogli- announced begin from nolice own illness.' My had stumbled this rugged way, vice was held at a place called expelled the denartment bv from his garden. About 17,000 gallons of crude petrole- Hads'tThou not held my hand; and now I'm the was aismisseu the common Are the. Best. come meetin'-house- ," a re- o'clock; congregation Danbury council, Saturday um are the Rubber very was in shade of the HUNTINGTON. required weekly by "Ayer's Pills have been used In Close to the narrow stream e'en should Its and dinner served the night, for drunkenness and extortion, But one passenger boarded the Sara- to furnish steam the two my family waters spectable structure for the region, built ... company for for over years. We And an ex- trees. At the appointed of Hartford took thirty them Koar and waves swell high, Thine everlasting of undressed plank, with numerous win- surrounding toga excursion train, Monday, at New- Eev George Warner shops, about 10,000 gallons of which cellent medloine in fevers, eruptive diseases, arms the most of them A. W. Mitchell F. F. and all bilious me ; some closed nailed hour, congregation, The Farmers' Alliance of South Caro- town, of South Britain. the service at St. Paul's, "Sunday, would be were there sufficient troubles, and seldom call a Shall boar safely" through its floods can dows, with planks some of required physician. They are almost the ne'er drawn by a spirit of curiosity, lina is to take to limit Johnson the of Eev Mr water in to only pill . or the others, expected steps taking place the Pohtatuck supply the used in our . O'erwhelm Father, Thou lov'st Thy child vertically horizontally, neighborhood." Redmon O. 1 them come some distance, began cotton Is to u Nichols. How do not doubt, but will "lean hard." two or three in number, admitting light having production in the future, with a new Boy at turbine wheels. From two to four tanks Comly, Landing P. O., W. Feliciana in the church. .The ministers view Kentucky's constitution prohibits Parish, La. and without obstruction. gathering to securing better prices. County does F. A. Wheeler drives the handsomest of oil are received each week, the cars "I havo been in oxygen not as- lotteries, away with the inhuman this country eight years, in of 9 had yet arrived... The,frccentor, organizations have already passed reso- from 4000 to CC00 and, during all this time, neither nor Thomas P. Farrell, the employ The congregation gathered early; leased convict system, establishes the horse in town, bought of G. A. Clark, ranging gallons each, I, any sisted by stray voice&tjier-- and there, lutions the of each 80 120 50 member of my fnmily have ufled any other E. J. Hall, has returned from vacation o'clock is the hour appointed limiting planting Australian ballot and makes the decision Barn hill. or to barrels of gallons each. kind of medicine frequently a few to; pntertain the con- to 10 than Ayer's Pills, but these spent in New York and for the of services this sang hymns member acres. of three fourths of a in Meters placed in the boiler rooms indi- we always koep at hand, and I should not Bridgeport. beginning by For an hour and a half, the jury binding all Miss Cora Wheeler has returned from know how to of these gregation. civil cate the number of gallons consumed get along without them." church. By all methods travel, suits. a three-week- s' in New A. W. Mass. audience patiently waited;? during which the famous colt trainer of Palo visit Haven, No. Soderberg. Lowell, Architect A. H. Beers of Bridgeport simple, primitive worshipers came on Marvin, daily, shop 1, with its nine huge "I have used Ayer's Cathartio Pills as a time two members bore in and set under is in the belief the colt Bridgeport and other places. 2000 was in town, last week. foot, on horseback, single and double Alto, strong that Miss Grace Peck of Mt Pleasant is to boilers, consuming about gallons, the table used as a Bible stand two large can be trained for ; or 40 and a few families of the more prosper- speed from infancy enter the Normal school at New Britain, Miss Clara llowley is spending a few barrels. It is hoped to economize Family Medicine buckets of water. Finally the minister it is 35 Chambers & Mitchell will not ous in most of successfully and judiciously driven, a this Fall. weeks in Booth's hill with her sister,Mrs somewhat by spraying the oil beneath for years, and they have always given the bring rude, antiquated wagons, two tin (in the utmost satisfaction. A, Thornton, more to this be- appeared, bearing pails great and lasting benefit. Nichols. the boilers, using compressed air instead "James sheep Newtown, season, them drawn by oxen. vernacular of the George Bloomlngton, Ind. in Michi- culinary department Frank D. and of steam. are now "Two boxes of oured me of cause of the advance of prices The beaux and the belles and the dude Trowbridge family The work of St Paul's church Appliances being Ayer's Pills known as "dishpans") and two long linen Some unknown friend remembered the at Dick's and have at painting at No. 2 to a severe headache, from which I was long a gan, with no corresponding increase in in with his counter- gister three coats; the of the vane, placed shop give practical sufferer." Emma homespun, perhaps towels. One of the pans contained the Bee Man with a fine, rocker ; to Charles Jonas's. gilding test to the device if found Keyes, Hubbardstown, price here. But one car was bought by of were there. The failing the is five and a third and, practica- Mass. part the other sex, articles of the sacrament bread on a leave his address with the which, by way, the boilers of both will be fit- Mr Chambers on his recent Western trip; were and thoughtful feet in and the star above and ble, shops lovers plainly distinguishable earthenware two common at-a- leugth, last in about five cars, plain plate, gift, he ean only say that the present is Twenty-thre-e hundred delegates s ted with compressed air feeders. year,they brought courtship in all degrees, from incipiency tumblers and wine in a - ball below ; as well as the graining of over 1200 glass pint whisky comfortable and grateful as unexpect- tended the international congress of hy-e-d sheep. to its last fatal was to be seen. flask. of ministers the doors has been well done by William Ayer's nrPills, stages, The delay the had and unmerited. Long live the donor ! giene in London, the John Corbett has pukpaiied many leading physicians in- Summer, aflbrd but few speci- been caused their S. Hooper. Hie total cost, which During fe Father of Portland has visited The Cumberlands evidently by inability and scientists of DH. J. C. AYEB CO., Lowell, Mass. Lynch Europe read papers and cludes is which sum been in the employ of Rufus Crane of in mens of intellectual or well proportioned to these articles near the church. w slight repairs, $232, Bold Doulers In Berkshire. procure "She waved her umbrella and the conviction as deepened tfcat as a farm hand. When by all Modlclncs. men are a in a caught applied is wholly satisfactory when the shingled Stony nill manhood. The hardy The sacrament was administered im-e- ye physical his eye," said Hawkins. "Did it put the science will yet find ways of doing John left Crane's employ, Mr Crane was Miss of New Haven visit- of endurance and manner somewhat similar to that observ- sides are remembered. Maggie Daly race, capable great out?" asked Smithers, who had seen mensely more to heal the plague spots of debtor to the amount of 8, which he ten- ed week. but their bodies are to-- ed in other that Newtown friends, last long lived; put churches, except persons women waving umbrellas before. liar-- great cities than has yet been done, Miss Louise Cable assisted the choir dered, but Corbett, claiming 26 to be . .. no for of of other faiths were on gether with regard symmetry rigidly excluded, Bazar. of St Paul's, Sunday. due, refused the money. Corbett sued and their faces are not the faces of the the minister that Christ per's parts, ground, said, A of Hook Fred S. Gorham boards here and for 2C and the case was tried before Jus- the educated or the did not others to Him and His party Sandy fishermen, makes intellectual; they permit join Rev Dr Sylvester Clark of Bridgeport, Curtis Bostwick the to on his ma- tice M. J. Corbett oepmauer.. Btold aud when instituted the ordi- "Pope" Judson, and trip Birmingham daily Bradley, Saturday. rmgepo,T.y, rous featured, showing disciples they professor in the Berkeley divinity school Martin fished in Taunton chine. received for 8 and will NOW Open tor business the need of nance of the sacrament. Wentsch, lake, judgment pay, again exceedingly plainly soap, at Middletown, will supply the pulpit at last and five bass which out of that costs of about $7. "foot-washi- n" week, caught amount, in remodelled and a keen women The ordinance of came Lins-le- y. Mrs Samuel T. is suffer- my hot water and razor,. The 1-- Buckingham enlarged Trinity in the absence of Rev Mr weighed 11 2 s fine are not beautiful nature or art. next. the rite, the following pounds. ing with erysipelas in the head. Joseph store. It enough, but by by Preceding Misses Carrie Mamie E. Doos any other Boy or Girl in Newtown want a Fine eyes and brows that speak of hymn was "lined" and sung, and it will Bassett and wife are both employed at Tiller, Deacon, Nickel Plated Stem Stem Swiss what you and I care the most Upon our great lakes we have a fleet of D. Reid of the Winding Setting faces, beautiful com-- give a still further idea of the crude state C. W. Canfield has a the house. Dr Stevens is attending. George Bridgeport, latter Watch? If so, Girls sell 12 of any of the following about is the increased room; thought, charming painted conspicu- more than 5000 vessels and those vessels now of Exeter New articles and will haveto sell 15 of thought and literature in this church. ous and for the D. M. Read Philips academy, Boys you twice as shoes now can tasty sign carry a commerce which is greater than Miss Gertrude has been C. of New Ono lb of any kind of Choice Tea 5c. Two many go found among them. They mature and In reading it, one is reminded of the Bay Co., near the Hook mill. Buckingham Hampshire, Bradley Rodgers rounds of Hood Coffee at One Box New Sandy grist that of and London. We have in Stratford. York been M. C. On Shelves; the Stock wasn't and at least 40 of State Psalm Book used 250 : Liverpool have with Rodgers. Kiiglund linking Powder 45c. Spices assort- my decay early, years years ago more than miles of ed to the amount of tioc. 4 Bottles of Extract their threescore and ten of life 160,000 railroad and about 25 were in of Lemon or Vanilla. small before; now I can serve (a length When Christ the Lord was here below, Blacksmith Kelly shot a hoot owl in a the railroads of this last Only persons present which often with He tor us country, year, the churches here, S. M. Cate, Sr, and wife of Bridgeport Another Smart Boy of Sandy Hook writes: you still better. they usually reach, did examples show, tree in Mrs P. CaJlahan's yard, which carried to more, Sunday. 9, 1S!Q. are And if would his freight amounting by have been at E. K. Morgan's. .Sandy Hook, Conn., Aug New have been several years additional) spent with you precepts keep. measured two feet inches from 12 than of Artist Hirsh St Paul's : I splen-riii- fall pil- You must to eight tip times, all the imports all the photographed (iontloinen thing my watch Just l goods bereft of its Spring-tim- e bloom attend washin' feet. uml it keep good time. I was not five store-hou- se beauty to tip of wing3. civilized world, outside our own. church from the park and has found in not ing into the for a its barren stem visible. The Lord who made the earth and sky, Charles Botsford's of Walker's lays gutting the orders and did give and only ' sale for at 25c each. family any special time to it either. Yours truly week, are now before lie rose and laid his garments by ; ready copies Farm, Mr and Mrs W. R. Ferris have (.John W. they my The preaching of the occasion was He washed their feet to show that we James A. Norton has been off duty at Partridge. "Keep your eye on the drum corps been at Milford where one of the customers. The same business almost Satan was eu- Must always kind and humble be. the Rubbar suffering with sore eyes. Point, primitive, pagan. too!" is the headline of the LONG HILL. was THE NEW ENGLAND which have been so referred to as "Old And when on that He was conspicuous trophies displayed by George Smith principles phemistically Nick," night betrayed, hand bill about town the skin of a well-know- n He us a posted announcing Rev and Mrs have returned rattlesnake eight feet long successful will continue, and the sulllx "ah !" ended for all pattern laid, Miss of has been Boylston TEA large And as soon as supper He did eat. Creagh Danbury the Labor Day picnic of St. Eose drum from their vacation at New and having 14 rattles. CO., reli- or inflection. This of McDermott. Saratoga, stock of the newest styles, every rising falling He rose and washed His brothers' feet. guest John F. corps at Jones's grove in the Glen, the York and elsewhere and Mr is suffix is used because a sing-son- g tone is Boylston 124 FAIRFIELD AVE. able fair liberal Peter said, "Lord, this should not be, 7th. Besides the athletic between in quality, prices, and the "ah at lib- sports to officiate Grace church, next Sunday. REDDING. THE LARGEST TEA STORE IN no desired, !' interjected Thou shouldst not stoop to wash me;" The Glens played the New Milford teams from the drum corps and the For- dealing, credit to anyone, to a proper meter Christine is from Mrs Bessie Read has spent a week with BRIDGEPORT. erty, helps preserve The minister read those first two Hne3 club at the grounds on Conetia park and esters, consisting of races and tests of Boylston recovering money refunded if desired. and The preachers were as a arm. Miss Emma Olmstead. The Tea Store In the Nauga-tuc- k rhythm. of the last stanza, but the leader could were beaten a score of 31 to 0. James there will be a a live sprained Largest John Howland. rustic in their dress and manner as their by strength, shoot, 46 Main Ct. 0. not lift the tune over that "Peter catcher for the Glens,was struck coon to be the The of ball Mrs Jones from Winsted visits her Valley, St., Ansonia, 405 Main St. wore neither col- Collins, target. game congregation. They said," etc. and preserve it intact and, af- in the face a foul ball and was consid- between the and CHESTNUT HILL. daughter, Mrs Stephen Benedict. lars nor cufts. cowhide shoes by Danburys Waterburys Hough ter several earnest efforts, the two him insensible. will be a attraction and a Miss is HOUSATONIC R. R. and it was' lines, erably injured, knocking leading plat- Lucy Elwood again to teach at Rev and Mrs E. Miller have returned heavy yarn hose, although into pen-te- nt receiv- FA1K, 18U1 The annual Fair the leader and the tune all sank A player in the New Milford nine form for dancing will be provided, with Chestnut Hill. from where have been MAIN LINE. HUNTINGTON - the month of covered their feet. Pawtucket, they Agricultural Society of Mon- June, silence. ed a bad cut on the leg while running, music Bliss. John F. McGran, Wil- Jun 14, 1891. roe, Huntington and Trumbull will be held at Their were of by for a week. After a few weeks at J. S. the Fair on pantaloons plain jeans, The of the rite followed. The several stitches to close. liam C. Martin F. com- 7 10 00 a m Ground, Huntington, Wednesday ceremony which required Corbett, Blake, FAIRFIELD WOODS. Sanford's, they will visit Norwalk, her HK1IKJKW)UT North 05, and Thursday, September 23 and 24. Cattle and faded coats and waistcoats of a sat in One? 4 6 10 m 10 10 Way, 23 at 10 a audience quiet curiosity. of More practice on the part of the Glens mittee of arrangements. native thence to their home in 30, f 08, p freight Wednesday, September in, very cheap grade of goods, which, in a Mrs Charles Burritt visits her town; 11 10 a rn; ! 30 p m. 7 35 the trains of cattle will march around the the ministers arose and, in a supposed seems a necessity in order to score cred- sister, Sunday, track, preceded by the ofileers of the society moment of worldliuess and Mrs Beach of Thomaston. Marion, Iowa. a in. Arriv 6 40, 7 50, m and the Wheeler & Wilson bandol ; great pride, imitation of the manner of are at M0 t Bridgeport a precise Christ, itably. Prospectors again delving away 12 'JO. 8 00. 4 50 7 05, 8 35 p m. Sun- after which will be the exhibition of classes they had purchased at store, completed as related in the 13th of the mine in the Glen and with ham- Mr and Mrs E. M. Sanford have visit- m 13 to 27, including the Special Draught Cattle, chapter John, gold James Finn has bought the homestead milk 7 20 p 7 05. KM) their attire. The minister of this branch ed her old home. day purse 45. At 1 30 p m, trotting in 3 min- drew off his coat, laid it aside, girded Miss Maggie A. Lillis of Sandy Hook mers are cleaving specimens from the of the late Michael Finn. Long Ridge, TRUMBULL North 7 16. 10 30 11 25 ute class. lnrse75. 4 to enter, 3 to start. of the church is self sup- 24, Baptist always himself with a which was a has a week with New Haven sides of the to take a in. 5 16, 6 23, 9 55 p m ; Sonday Horse day Thursday, September will be towel, piece spent shaft, away for assay. J. Hill has taken the agency for fruit the exhibition of horses, classes 27 to 31. Also porting. Cousequentty, during the linen in one 7 47 a m. South, 6 28, 7 38.9 28 at 30 of about six feet length, end friends. For over a quarter of a century, specula- WESTPORT. trees. trotting i p in. Class 32, purse $100 tor week, he follows some humble trade, a m 12 05,240, 6 51, 8 21 p m. Sunday horses never having beaten 2 45; 4 to enter, 8 of which was drawn around his body and tors have been coming and going here, milk 6 50 m. to start. Class 33, purse $150 for horses that of this of were at Miss Wood is stenog- Mrs Lavinia Bradley and friend, Mrs p 4 3 usually carpenter, being tied in a the about three Bans marriage published St, of Georgia studying never having beaten 2 35 ; to enter, to knot, remainder, taking away loads specimens which W. M. visited William Sanford. LONG HILL, North 7 22,10 40, 11 35 a m start. Entries in all trotting classes close Christ's occupation; or a small, half feet in loose. One Rose, Sunday, between Thomas Fanning raphy at J. Martin's shorthand school, Woodin, 11 length, flowing of the undoubtedly have assayed richly, but no 5 22. 6 31, 10 10 p m; Sunday 7 54 Monday, Sept. 14, at o'clock p m. Wheeler cultivated farm surrounds his house. of Miss of Bridgeport. Mrs Woodin returned to Stratford, Sat & Wilson's Band, both women took the other towel . and Bethel and Mary, daughter have settled the a m. Sooth 6 21, 7 32.9 22. 11 59 a in lt Bridgeport, days.- girded operations yet question Mj-- stormy either day, the fair will be post- All power over his flock is lost at once, Michael Keenan of Hawleyville. W. urday. 2 25 6 44, 8 15 p in Sunday milk, one day. herself likewise. The brother minister definitely whether or no there is gold in Royal Raymond is studying for 6 43 in. I. S. HAWLEY", Huntington, President. an irremediable breach is made and an removed his shoes and socks and bis feet of the p S. T. PALM O. paying quantities under the earth Mt. ministry. HOYDEN'S HILL. Kit, Secretary, P. Birmingham. ineradicable is his son of ex-G- STEPNEY North 7 27, 10 20, 10 50 stigma put upon were washed and "wiped off again." The Mr Bigelow, Bigelow, Pisgah or Eagle Eock. The dictum of a 11 m 10 Sun- SAJLK Pursuant to an he even E. N. Sipperley and wife have visited Mr 54 a 5 28, 6 39, 25 p m. PROBATE order from character, if hints at being paid towel was then to him, he and family, who have been at Dick's, celebrated Yale is and Mrs Stephen Barmore of South 6 17. 7 27. 9 18 of Probate tor the District ot given girded geologist against us, his old home at Melrose,N. Y. day, 8am Bridgeport authorizing the Hale of all of the for his work. Gospel is not gospel if it himself and reciprocated the, service. have returned to New Haven. but still the and hunters Bridgeport have visited C. A. Jennings. 11 54 a m 2 15, 6 39,8 10 p m. Sunday Keal Estate of William Urandison Nicholu, has to be Education is of the speculators gold tt 38. late of Trumbull, deceased, all of said Keal bought. The towel was then transferred to the come to us and talk gold, gold, gold and Mrs Carrie Perry of New York is with milk, Kstate is offered tor ot the most character. The Beers one of his cows TRUMBULL. HOTSFORD North. 7 41, 10 35, 11 05 sale, consisting primitive ability jaymen, who removed their coats, Charles E. found seem to Who will her father, MadiBon Wakeman. Home Farm of about (60) sixty acres, with to write a girded depart reluctantly. a m; 12 14. 5 02. 5 37. 6 50. 10 45 p m Dwelling House, Barns and other Outbuild- merely read, ,and "cipher lit themselves and did as the preachers had in the pasture at night with a leg broken. find the lead? Catholic. George Morrison of New York has 8 10 a m. Sonth 6 08.7 14.9 10 ings situated in the center of the village of tie" is all is deemed of been S. Mrs Mrs Martin Jennings gave a tea party Sunday Nichols. Also tracts ot con- that any possible done. The women sat in a circle, with at Austin Nichols's ; Morris 1 4 6 8 01 various Outland, to lo friends and last week. . 11 45 a m; 50, 19, 23, sisting of Meadows, Pasture, Woodland and value. Beyond this, you become "too their backs to the audience and Eev Joseph Biddle is guest of Dea and children of New York are now there. neighbors, p m. Sunday milk 6 26 p m- - Salt Meadow In Trumbull ana Stratford, For modestly The State fair, the 12th annual, will be terms wise" and are liable to incur the wrath to . ; ' Charles Brisco. Miss Edith and Master Henrv Rrmnn NKWTOWN North 7 49, 10 43. 1136 and particulars, enquire ot tried conceal their feet. held at Meriden, September 15, 16, 17 and Friends of Clifford Nichols rejoice to MARY A. NICHOLS, ( Executors, of the are with their Mrs C. A. 12 34, 5 10, 5 45, 6 58. 11 H. L. ) Nichols.Ct. Almighty. Missionary enterprises At the conclusion of the ceremony, the 18. The will be a spec- know he is He aunt, Jennings. a m; pm FAIttCIIILD, are Botsford Hill school will be Grange display that recovering rapidly. Sonday 8 18 a m. South 6, 7, 9 02 or GEO. K. NICHOLS, ridiculed and decried. Philanthropy minister conducting the exercises resum- Sunday as well as races and fire is able to down stairs and can talk Mrs W. H. Lockwood and Mrs Will 1 6 7 53 Courtland Block, Bridgeport Ct. in with D. Brisco. ialty, bicycle go 11 86 a m; 20, 4 10, 11, pm is a spirit never felt the cosmopolitan ed his sat down on one corner of the held, next Sunday, E. contest. Mrs milk 6 13 coat, company considerably. Ferris have visited Fred Burritt of Sunday pm. sense, Your neighbor is the man who table and, as it is said Christ did, deliver- WLEYVILLE North 7 58. 10 52,11 50 THE C0UETLAND SCHOOL. not been so low in Chestnut Hill. HA lives next door and from whom you bor- a to ne- Stage Driver Charles Hawley of Sandy Rockdale lake has 5 5 7 08. 11 15 m ed homily the members upon the Probably the Jumbo of its kind is the a m; 1. 19, 55, p A DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. Opens Septem- row flour and coffee when company Hook bought a pair of bay horses for years. E. B. Sherwood bought a Holstein cow Sunday 8 27 a m. South 5 52.6 52,8 54 ber 30. Full English, Classical and Scientific cessity of observing this ordinance of the Queen of the Valley potato brought to comes. To the church and be : which he went to Hartford. He now has of Stephen Wheeler of Easton. 11 27 am; 1. 4 03, 5 55. 7 45 Courses. Classes in Physical Culture under "jine" church.' . this office, this Everet Piatt the charge of Mine. Alberti ot New York. For is non morning, by DIAMOND HILL, REDDING. Sunday milk 5 67 p m. Leave for address the baptised the sine qua of salvation. One term de- five horses. Hezekiah Elwood has beef of 11 6 45 circulars, secretary, peculiar theological that of South Britain. This immense speci- bought Bethel 8 55, 35 a m; 3 05, 5 20. There is no falling from grace. The serves is Miss Jennie Bonney, teacher in Law- E. B. m. 4 52 m. From Bethel mention the speaking of the Costello men of the tuber measures IS inches in Sherwood. p Sunday p 89 C0UETLAND is relied to tell the Mrs John Finnell,Mrs Timothy R. has visited Miss Emma Olm-stea- d. 7 10 30 a 1 25. 3 50. 6 03, 9 37 HILL,BPT. "Holy Spirit" upon bread of the sacrament as the "corn-bod- y" circumference the and rence, I., 30, mj he shall when he rises and Mrs Martin Kelly of Zoar have re- longest way weighs Emma Lockwood visits in Bridgeport. p m. Sunday 4 29 p m. minister what say of Christ. Now; at first, this is two and one to a sermon turned from a visit in New York. quarter pounds. Danbury James Clarke met with what BROOKFIELD JUNCTION Noi th 8 06 FOR SALE: speak. Preparing privately perfectly unintelligible, but when one re- News. Joal Selleck is with his aunt,Miss Polly might 11 01 a m; 1 15, 5 33, 6 05, 7 17. 11 45 for public delivery is condemned. Eise members in the Bible is call- have been a serious accident, Monday. 43 CO'S COAL that wheat Selleck. p m. Sunday 8 36 a m. South 5 OLD LEHIGH before let the Heavy orders have been received at the While the railroad in -- your congregation, "Holy ed and the bread 1 1 E. Whittemore has been of Mrs crossing Bridgeport 16 a m.B 7 36 corn, that of the rite is 1.1.,... rot-- X guest 6 43,8 43,11 54,5 33, pm instruct what to and 1..uu s ti. Miss Edith Boughton visits Mrs Wil- his team was struck an The Sunday, milk 5 43 p m. For Danbury From Summit Hill Mine; Spirit" you say, made of flour and does symbolize the Hughes of Gas street, by engine. sermon is from God and is ifornia mines. Night work was required, m liam Brown at Long Ridge. was wrecked and milk cans in- 6. 6 45. 8 06. 8 47, 11 17 a m; 4, 5 33 then your body of Christ, he sees the meaning and wagon 6 7 36 m. LACKAWANNA COAL. is last week,to get out some ordersAnew 07. p truth; otherwise, it from yourself and Cf the term "corn-body- ." Miss Katie A. of Botsford has Theodore Adams, son Ed and wife have jured. Clarke fortunately escaped inju- DANBURY Arrive 6 15,7 05,8 20. 9 02 origia manufactured material, Haugh false. is heater,for curing been in New Haven. been old home. - The was ry. 11 32 a m; 4 15. 5 45, 6 19, 7 50 ZFV SeunJEToxcU It said that a religion must be judg at their place pin O. ; has been placed north of the basement of Leave 5 30. 6 28,7 45, 8 30, 10 45--- a m The ordinance of the sacrament and ed the kind of men it makes. This put up at auction, Saturday ; bought by HAWLEYVILLE, CONN. "foot-washi- ly No. .1. have TASHUA. 3 40. , 5 15, 5 50, 7 05 n' " is observed but once a the Hardshell shop Carpenters repaired Gould A. Theodore. Mr and Mrs Adams, rode pm. being true, Baptist religion tool room No. 2 and also ex- Murray. Jr, DANBUBY AND NORWALK DIVISION. the first in June. Not the at shop from on Charles Mallette found three in year Sunday has some points in its favor. In matters car- Gould A. a former resident of Springfield, Mass., bicycles. dogs 6 6 7 07 OPENING OF native is an adherent of the creed tended the frame work on which the Murray, flock BETHEL, from Danbury, 36, 42, every of honesty, truthfulness, hospitality and near the district Mrs cous- his of sheep, last week. They had 11 3 5 6 55 Free-Wi- rier is run to the old rubber from Huntingtown, living Zalmon Read entertains her 7 41,9 13. 62 a m; 22, 14, & of the ll Baptist church. Minis- consci- convey killed one. He succeeded in m. 6 50,7 14 NEW DRY kindred virtues, its adherents are to. Use cemetery, was found dead in his room Misses Humbert of New York. capturing 9 87 p For Danbury 23,10 ters of other, faiths and orders have the scrap pile warehouse. by ins, one the others Se- a 1 08. 3 22. 6 49, 6 25, 7 27, 9 42 v entious and above censure ; and their re- Will Medi- dog, running away. m; FANCY GOODS STORE, made incursions into this and left Wakelee, Saturday morning. Mrs Louis Miller of has 11 19 p m. For Hawleyville 7 15, 10 15 region ligion makes light the way when they cal Examiner Dr E. M. Smith was noti- Georgetown lectman Matthias Bradley was notified. 15 m. From here - and there. In conse- Two potatoes'from the field of David been of her aunt, Mrs Oscar Jones. s a m.l 10,3 35,5 49,9 p POST OFFICE BLOCK, disciples walkthrough the dark "valley of the fied and found death due to heart trouble guest Hawleyville 9 10, 11 50 a m, 3 19, 5 35 quence of this difference of belief and Keane on Ilenee Hook's Botsford hill farm WESTON. :- -: CONN. shadow, of death." :jAside from its effect in Mrs Walter Treat and little son of New 7 02 p m. S0UTHP0RT, - the of the were shown at Hook mar- and placed the remains charge of Prin. for strengthening weak, the on education'and of its devo-- Augur's Sandy York visit her B. S. Bough-to- n. REDDING. North 7 13, 10 06 a m, 1 01 therprogress 3-- 4 dle & Morris until his daughter, Mrs John city uncle, Miss Lillie Adams will spend this week All grood 3 new and of latest de- - encouragement of the faithful and the is no reason one ket which weighed 2 pounds. 3 15, 7 20. 11 14 p m. South 6 48, 9 20 tees, there why should Fairchild of Westport, with whom he has in Stamford and be one of the excursion- 22", final admonition of those who seemed "for 11 69 a m, 3 29, 5 7 03 p m ridicule it, the maintenance of the .lived ror a or two, could be heard mill is Mr ists to Beach. sign. be teach- . year Adams's being repaired. Rockaway HAVEN AND DEBBY DIVISION. inclined to led astray by false virtues and consolation in BETHEL. NEW death are the from. Charles Fable, the Westport un- Jones will continue to run it. Leave 1 11 50 a m Bridgeport prices rule. ers, the sermons of the occasion were aim of Mil- - probably Mr Benedict's family will return to the BOTSFORD 13,9 11, all religions, strictly speaking. Mrs A, B. Judd is visiting in New dertaker, arrived, Sunday, and the re- 4 8 05 m. Arrive 7 10 32 a m doctrinal. The 13th of de- Times-Democr- next week. 23, p 38, chapter John, New Orleans ford. mains removed to for bur- Mrs Edward Olmstead and young peo- city, 4 68. 6 50p m. - MRSGEO.W.ELWOOD. scriptive of Christ washing his disciples' jyere Westport returned after a MONROE West 7 31 a 44 m Simon Knowles off fore- the funeral attended Tuesday. ple home, delightful Miss Reynolds of Norwalk will open ra;6 p was read from a small fifteen-ce- nt cut his light ial, being East 7 56 a m; 4 30 8 11 m feet, Mr Balfour's land purchase bill, which been in feeble health for week's camp at CedarToint. the Forge school, September 7. 1911 p Testament ; a text from the same finger while running a planing machine Mr Murray had STEVENSON West 7 26, 10 21 a m, 6 38 chap- is practically the plan proposed by John some weeks his but Miss Marion Selleck has returned from 21 12 17 ter was and two in at Gilbert Bros. shop. at daughter's home, Mrs William Sanford has visited her p m. East 7 26,9 a m; 02.4 37,8 taken, sermons, Baight in 1870, for the came Newtown ra. cession and without were provides issuing was better and to his a visit atAlbany. son, F. C. Sanford of Hawleyville. Fi intermission, of bonds B. E. Foster is home from Europe. ELTON West 7 13, 10 07 a m. 4 35 11 111 by government 165,000,000 at home for a few days to attend to busi- Without much manual 3-- 24 m. East 7 9 85 12 18 preached. gyra- 2 4 per cent, for the land of a of Mrs Piatt Keeler entertains Mrs Mary 6 p 43, am; much vehemence buying Miss Lilly Starr of Mount Vernon, N. ness matters. He leaves family GREEN'S FARMS. 4 55, 8 32 m. tion, physical and Irish landlords and it to tenants. Gray of Massachusetts. - p a !"-in- selling a son ; his wife has g, Y., has been here. three daughters and NEW HAVEN Leave 6 50, 9 40 am S much "ah the duty of observing the tenants obtain for C. G. Waterhouse of Southington spent REASONS WHY foot-washi- By purchasing, been dead for several C. Grumman and Mrs 4 15. 6. m. Arrive 8 V 69 a m THE ng years. Henry George p 08, the ordinance ot (there is the first five a 20 George Jacox, the Greenfield Hill col- Sunday with Increase Parssell. 12 42. 6 18. 8 56 PAGE WOVEN years reduction of per E. Bennett of New Haven have visited pm. WIRE PENCE no dissension as to the sacrament) was cent.' in their rent reduct- ored thief who finally made off with the Mr and Mrs Ar- TAKES THE LEAD WHEREVEB SHOWN : and after that a LANESVILLE. The little daughter of T. J. Bennett. NEW YORK & NEW ENGLAND R. R. It is Neat, Tidy, Efficient, Cheap. It needs but clearly established, together with the ion to 4 cent, of the horse of Michael Waters, was arrested by W. has been sick. few not equal per purchase son of thur Taylor quite posts. It does burn up. It does not. other fact that this branch of the Mrs Solon Cram and Roy Bridge- W. F. Allee of has visited his May 10, 1891. i.i..... ,i i . , i . . . i ..... i . i . great money. This Is the way it works: A Deputy Sheriff Doran, Monday, and Brooklyn - is at G. L. Hamlin's. Wilbur Parssell is 8 02 a 12 02 not break In Winter It does not sagln Sum- Baptist church the church (emphasis landlord to agreed to plead guilty. port have been studying telegraphy uncle, D. S. Hurlbut. HAWLEYVILLE East m, mer.-ltd- oes agrees V- " not Injure stock,--It Is the.most on not on n,1 Christ. 8eU'.? J?"8 30, the men's in 7 25 m. Went 9 03 a 6 09 , "nhnrch" 't,he"V te' Sunday, August young Bridgeport. p m, durable. it is pig tignt. horse ,,uu land whose yearly rental is 250. The Hatting here is only fair to middling Miss Adelaide Crossman of Titusville, pm. high. It Is the best portable fence made. It him Bible class of the Congregational church, East f8 07 a m. f7 30 m. Is just the fence tor railroads or tor farmers government give stock worth 4000, and all eyes are now turned toward the LYON'S PLAIN. Penn., has returned home. She will visit NEWTOWN p church 3-- S. Green teach- and land owners who like to feel that their only which He did found. 2 4 New Milford, (Seymour West f8 57 a m, f 01 p m. are secure. at per cent, interest and the, tenant coming of the Dunlap block. The season Phillipsport, N. Y., and other places on stock and crops both The hymns of the service were doc- er) conducted the service at the Quaker One of the handsomest mounments in SANDY HOOK East 8 15 a m. 12 12 PRICE PEE SOD: obtains ownership of his farm subject to so far has not been very satisfactory. the road home. 8 50 a 2 5 66 trinal also, and, from, a stand- church. The exercises consisted of brief is 7 87 p m. West m, 50, LAWN 19 bar, 58 Inch, tl IS; 14 bar, 68 Inch, poetic a yearly payment or $aoo a year fot the Mechanics' Journal, Lyon's Plain cemetery being put up by ; 16 4i 1 ; 13 36 1. crude. were vocal music, solos The lawn at Plains clear- p m. (1 bar, inch, bar, Inch, point, exceedingly They first five years and after that 160 a V prayers,' testimonies, C. J. Hughes of the Stratford granite party Lyon's SOUTH BURY East 8 25 a m, 12 20, 7 47 FASM 10 bar, 58 inch, 75c. ; 10 bar, 51 Inch, read from a volume year Eev is home choruses. There was a full house ed over 50.- - talk of it 11 58 7 41 . srnall, cheap and 44 40 John Langlo.s expected and works for the of Wetmore Nich- They repeating m. Went 8 40 a m. 2 40. 6 46 m. 75c.; bar, inch, 80c.; bar. inch, 0c. for years. The extra for the first family - p p the first stanza the one in- : a next : E. D. Smith in I will ereot this fence at the above prices any of sung as an a o... for Sunday's service and an interesting meeting. ols, father of Mrs Charles H. Hawley of September. five miles of Hewtown to the two sermons !.. j officiated at the M. last Sun- Sherman Bronson and two daugh- SHEPAUG R R. where within Street. troductory morning of the 160 $110 E. church, Mrs Bridgeport. The monument is of gray Mr and Mrs Frank Gregory have re- will a correct idea a that, paid annually, goes visited at Charles June 1, 1891. give of the hymn as to the 40 into a fund day. ters of Bridgewater Scotch granite, round shaft, full polish ; turned to Plains and he has AAROfl SANFORD, Agent. and of the landlord, sinking Cranberry HAWLEYVILLE North 7 35, 10 57 a m whole, sacred poetry generall- to and 10 to local and Driver Smith's. the first stone imported direct through his school. y. 1 t.3n Ak.t. . repay capital purpos- Superintendent Klinzing a new tobacco begun 5 25 d m. Sunday, 8 80 am. Arrive es, the Morehouse of railroad Mrs Wright has built the custom house. It con- m CEMALE VEAKNESC ' Principally supply of laborers' George the horse occu- Bridgeport A new is to be one of the addit- . 8 50 a m;4,4 60 pm. Sunday, 4 50 p ..X barn which cost $525, on the farm tains five carpet 7 50. 11 09 3Eositl"Vo Ouro v For an His humble train. dwellings. These terms seem hard tn a pleaded guilty to assaulting George inscriptions. ions church. SHEPAUG North am I have Positive Kemedy for the thonsand George Cummings. Thomas at the Congregational 5 87 8 43 a m. South and one ilia which arise from deranged female or- - And wash ilia disciples' feet land where "Uncle Sam is rich enough to Stopf, Saturday, before Justice II. A. pied by pro. Sunday, I will send two bottles of my remedy Kimlin of New Milford was the tour old at Warner, & & a few hand- 8 38 a ros 3 48, 4 84 m. Suis. pbru And wipe them off again?" us all a but a door and were fined 7 and costs ; ap- - Vinegar years Taylor Taylor Blake havo for sale p Sunday lady, if she will lend her Kxnresa and '. O. give farm," they open Gilbert Curtts's. some palms. 4 86 pm. address. Da. JOHN MAKC'Ill.SI, Vtica, K, This hymn was sung by only a few of hope to the children of Irish tenants, pealed. SEPTEMBEK t SEWTOWN.FEIDAT, 4, 1891. ber game with the Jicdding Alerts on the Northrop Brothers have the contract Easton grounds. for an addition to the house of James i Dunn. Work on the which is BRIDGEPORT. Mrs Johnson Ward has a new two-seate- d addition, two stories has liecent rains have somewhat Increased family surrey. .' high, already begun. DTo. 1. . . Letter ttiA ..inf.... C...... 1.. nl i A : . fi. i j. ill pi Consecration meeting of the Y. P. S. necessary to ruu the pumping machinery STRATFORD. C. E. at the Congregational church par-lors,t- ot the 24 hydraulic company hours a day, For failure to register their week Wednesday. The business seven a week. All dogs,Frank In the this we do so with a confidence born days the boilers at Lally and Louis Wells were arrested by meeting will also be held at the church opening campaign, season, with the knowledge of the pumping plant are in constant use Constable and tried Justice parlors, Friday ; hereafter, the meetings and honest business " and Stagg by strict integrity principles. any accident by which one or all of Peck. Lally's fine and costs amounted will be at the parsonage. them should be While still carrying a large and well selected stock of medium class clothing, we shall introduce crippled might deprive to $8. J.U.Thomas of Uull'sFarms has bought the city of water for days. an extra high of specially Tine Garments, excelling in and at- GREAT HID SEAS0H SALE HOW GOING ON AT Kev Joel S. Ives returned from his va- a Pruyn potato digger of C. O. Jelliff & grade style quality anything yet A addition been cities. STERN AKD COMPANrS.185 MAIN STREET large has built at the cation in time to officiate at the Congre- Co. tempted by clothing dealers outside large works of the Malleable Iron D ANBURY, CONN. company. gational church, Sunday. S. C. of Our will be exhibition of Fall overcoats and wa ,The Y. P. E. the Congregation- first thought the are fully prepared to cater to Sweeping reductions in all departments. A Merely as a passing Instance of what Eddie udson has a al church was Invited to a lawn party at special discount of 10 per cent, on all Jackets. J enjoyed vacation at the tastes and adornment of the most fastidious wearer. The prices range from the Rough and All our patrons presented witli a pair ol S. C. Contractor Arthur W. Burritt Is accus- Block Island and elsewhere. the residence of A. C. Taylor, Green's May Corsets with every $5. purchase and tomed to do la the way of hustling, It Farms. - Ready Coat at $6 50 to the delicate imported work of art at $32. By the way, our $10 Fall over during this sale at First Lieutenant W. B. Co. may be mentioned that he built a two-stor- y Bristol of efforts. STERN & CO'3. K has taken a Members of the different Christian En- Coat, this season; surpasses all previous brick 50x100 at Carl- week's vacation. 185 MAIN DANBURY. factory, feet, deavor socities in town are invited to the of the are about STREET, ton near N. In six Charles Mills Fully realizing that the majority general public skeptical advertising matter, Hill, Passaic, J., just has suffered with a North hear the re- weeks. ankle. church, Bridgeport,to we desire to make the anouncement that we are at all times to show visitors our sprained port of the Minneapolis convention by pleased through Workmen of A. VV. Burritt began, this Charles Wolgum has been In Guilford, President H. D. Simonds. departments and they will receive the same courtesy and attention as the largest buyer. week, to tear down the old brick factory oystering. New cushions were in the Congrega- of the Star shirt on Golden company Miss Allie Curtis, who has been tional church, Sunday. to new fac- quite Hill, prepare for the large slck,has recovered under Dr Lewis's care. tory, four stories high, which he is to The Simon Banks entered the oyster build for Hutchinson, Pierce & Co. of Edgar Osborne has bought a cow in boat race at Larch mont, Saturday and 9 New York. The work Is to be finished Southport. won first money. by November 15. E. B. lioberts broke ground for the F. R. Lalor of Dunnville, Ontario,who Kepairs are made on the Adunis Ex- new cottage of Isaac L. Bclden, Monday. brought in a boat load of 10,000 bushels 187 TO 189 MAIN AND 2 TO 4 LIBERTY STREETS, DANBURY. press rooms at the station. C. W. Blakeslee has the contract for the of leached and unleached Canada ashes, mason work. has sold out and left. Wheeler block has been painted. For the first Sunday since Robert L. Shepherd is moving into the W. G. of the Standard business they began THAT, AT Taylor running, the horse cars were not crowd- house owned by Simon Banks, lately oc- & man a office in painters to whom Mills to grant the young certificate ; but TO INVESTORS : has visited Norwalk. ed, last because of the rain. J. W. Bridgeport Sunday, cupied by Darling. Allen sub-l-et the contract for painting C. in justice.to ourselves and the school, we There is trouble In the Vitrified 10 per cent Debentures issued by the Building pipe Mrs Fred C. Beach has returned home. Mr and Mrs Frank Cook of Springfield house have begun work. could not. Really, our examination is and Loan and of the E. W. Buckingham's Association of Dakota, fully secured company part owners, are at M. V. Woodward's. Plasterers are also at work. too easy. It is third shorter than last and guaranteed; $2000 of STERLING Gould Property on Main and adjoining streets mortgages deposited BROTHERS, Smith and Brothers, have enjoined year, although the time for answering with the trustee to protect each $1000 invested. has taken a boom since the of Mr And Mrs M. V. Woodward, Mr and Henshaw is rapid- Can be had in the others, J. B. Gregory, M. S. Austin, completion Liveryman Edward the questions has not been shortened. I any amounts of $100 and up. Also the horse railroad. Mrs Frank Cook" have a few their installment on THE LEADING HOUSE L. M. Wilcox, claiming illegal sale of spent days ly disposing of his horses and equipments believe that the standard of the schools stock, which there has been FURNISHERS, at Park. 1. declared 24 per cent, dividend per annum since stock. Milford authorities Asbury and will leave the business, October ad- Can be found a most assortment choice raided the houses should be raised and to that end shall its organization- - Illustration estimat- complete of Housefurnishing Goods, ware, Dinner, Tea and : showing An $25,000 house is built of Ida IJoberts and Delia Brown, last Quotations from H. Zabriskie Smith has suf- vocate a more severe examination in the ed cost and profit on 10 shares of installment Toiletware in endless variety and at lowest prices, which, if you will call and examine, will give elegant being 1 50 3 Baggage Master James & week. Iteil onions, to $1 75; white, $3 to 50; future." Mr Abbott is brother of Miss stock: satisfaction to that effect. by the Savage Smith building company $1 50 to $1 75; fered with a sprained ankle, caused by yellow, $2 50; potatoes, pears, Anna C. whose difficulties in the Admission fee, $io for Judge B. A. Hough of Danbury. Peport says that Emmet has 1 1 75 to $2 25; 75c. to $1 50. with a loose stone, Sunday morn- Abbott, Beardsley apples, falling Stratfield were so Monthly payments, $6 por month for 83 The house stands on a sightly eminence the contract for the mason work of a where the road Is repaired. neighboring district of months. TTlTXJZlLXTTD STOCZ: The l'equot drum corps has been ing, being $498 and will be one f the handsomest in the 925,000 house in Dr Osborn treated it and Mr Smith was widely published. of Silver, Tin, Wood, Glass, Ice Cream Danbury. with a membership of 12 and $508 Earthen, China, Refrigerators (Eddy), city. Thurs- able to be at the station on crutches, the William Smith, who applied for the po- Amount of shares at maturity, $1000 Freezers, etc. Quietly, but none the less effectively, a meets for practice, Monday and For further Mlss.Emma I.auib started, Monday, for movement for the town for no at Mrs Alvord's barn. The next day. sition of head teacher in the Middle dis- particulars enquire or write, carrying day evenings trict a creditable exami- Boston and will visit in Washington, N. license has been inaugurated. It is the leader is Charles Perry. Repairs on the road are being made school, passed JAMES C. JOHNSON, 34G MAIN J., and elsewhere. to shut out of saloons near the house of Selectman Hawkins. nation and was given a certificate. STREET, BRIDGEPORT, design possibility A $10 lost, Monday, GENERAL AGENT FOR CONNECT here and as an bill, by Newsboy Miss B. Miss Frances Graham Blush of Fair- prohibit great evil, the Willie F. Smith, was found and returned Robert Thorne of New York, who is Monday, Ada Burr and Charles ICUT, STEPNEY DEPOT. of beer from house to house S. Abbott were examined the school field avenue is home from Sheflleld, where selling by Allie well known in Southport as one of the by 1 made a satisiactory examination and invest- from In view by Perry. Miss Burr but Mr Bhe spent the Summer with her grand- wagons Bridgeport. former conductors of the Summer class committee. passed, ments for myself and family in this company's G. B. Bunnell has a number of before Mrs Graham. of the possible victory of the no license put up Abbott failed to reach the required per securities, I accepted an agency for thetn-- I mother, for boys here, several years ago, spent have a and the nearness of the signs about the town. as- cent, and was refused a certificate. Miss complete list of all their loans up to Al- party election, in town, guest of his former June Mrs Frank C. Fuller and daughter some think that it would be for Sunday Burr is to teach in Banks North district 1, 1891, at that time taken from their books, moth- prudent A canvasser from Price, Lee& Adkins, sociate, Lawyer George E. Beers. Mr for my use, showing exact condition of each ice of Fair Haven have visited her McMahon & Wren to wait until after and Charles Abbott had for the loan, New Haven directory publishers,has been Thorne is now practising law in New applied amount of security, insurance, amount now due er, Mrs Jesse Kew of Black ltock avenue. school. schools on election before pushing their plans for a here, trying to work up a directory of York and is also one of the tutors at the Holland Hill The public each, which I would invite investors to ex- in of- saloon a attend- amine. Am sure I can all Warren Brook, who has been the here. Fairfield and towns. Columbia law school, been chosen opened, Tuesday, with good quite satisfy that, with adjoining having a surplus nearly equal to in their fice of Architect A. II. Beers, is to enter out of the ance. . paid capital, The horse of Rev Mr Ives was kept, Many of the committees failed to send to that position graduating 10 per cent. Debentures are a safe investment. the High school,to fit himself for college. Mr of several hundred. He is F. II. Brewer of the Fairfield during his absence, by Burritt. reports, as directed by law. Only seven class spending Prof JAMES C. JOHNSON. Charles for Ar- his vacation at Glen Cove, L. I. acadeniv has returned home from his Mueller, draughtsman A. Bedell Benjamin and wife are home out of 14 districts have reported so far. chitect Warren If. left for New their make Summer vacation. The Fall term will Briggs, from Bar Harbor. The committees, by neglect, F. M. Kuscoe was apprised, Monday, THE BEST PLACE TO GET York, last week. a great deal of extra work for those who of the death of the child of his sister, open, September 23. is that the Mcach-e- n It currently reported have to to the State Board of Edu- Olmstead of Wilton. The YOUR JOB Two new houses have been raised and has received report Mrs Wilbur PRINTING DONE sta- family large legacies by cation. about a old, was sick enclosed near the East End horse car the death of a millionaire uncle in child, Leslie, year ON TO SARATOGA! SEASON 1891 ! IS BT Eng- a with cholera infantum. bles. but members of the had not Robert Thorne of New York city has but few days land, family Mr Mrs Ruscoe attended the Renewal of the personally BUCKINGHAM & is be received been guest of Mrs Zalmon Wakeman. and funeral, delightful BREWER, So The Post to published after Sep- positive knowledge of the death conducted Grand Four-day- s' Visits by 9 Wall FHmDEiH tember 15 by the Post Publishing Co., the of their aged uncle, nor the cake sale of the S. V. I. Tuesday. St., Bridgeport. lOEEIS, disposition The monthly Special Limited Express Trains, the Both proprietors are practical printers ot UNDERTAKERS AND Hills brothers, George W. and Henry M., of his property. There are three mem- A. will be held in Sat- F. E. Lane has painted the wagon of several years' experience and ive their per- EMBALMERS, Washington hall, 8th leaving Newtown, Monday, Sept. sonal attention to all the work. Orders left taking City Editor F. W. Bolande and II. bers of the family here, James and Wil- 5, at 3 m. Wheeler & Furniss. . at 11 o'clock A. M. and thereafter at the Bkb office will receive attent- Are to do in above line urday, September p 7, ion. prompt prepared anything the at shortest notice. A shara N. Blakeslee of the Farmer's business of- liam and Mrs Baxter. Another brother until close of the season. Total of the solicited. All calls Rev and Mrs Caskey of Dresden. Ger- Lafayette Butler has left Buckingham's weekly BUCKINGHAM & BREWER, public patronage answerd if left at fice into the business. Mr Bolande Is to is in New Haven. James came here from 50 for all L. C. MORRIS' W. B. many, have been in town for a few days. harness shop and gone to North Carolina. cost, $8 expenses 9 Wall HOUSE, PRINDLE'S HOUSE, be the Post's editor and. thus equipped, England neariy 40 years ago and William of the round St., Bridgeport. W. A. LEONARD'S TELEPHONE CONNECTIONS. came trip, HOTEL, the penny evening daily ought to contin- here from New Jersey. Attorney George Beers returned to FAIRFIELD. Which includes board at excellent private houses YOURS RESPECTFULLY, ue to boom in as it will be admission to all the splendid Parks, Grand Con- circulation, A girl visiting at Thomas Tennessee, Monday. sure to increase in excellence. Bridges', There is talk of the bridge certs, Mineral Springs, the magnificent Fompeia, THE progressive Carrie broke her arm a O. a to etc- - LATEST AND BEST. W. H. PRINDLE. L. 0. MORRIS. Quinn, by fall A. Jennings treated large party between Fairfield and Bridgeport at Promenades, Drives, and small addition of was fined 91 and costs from the of the a in The will include to Lake and Thomas Hickey steps Congregational sail the Nereid, Satnrday. day mill. The bridge is in poor con- price trip George bond last week. a fine which Moody's Mount McGregor, two of the most famous places and David Brennan forfeited a. $10 church, was cool, with sailing breeze, - dition, but the expense of of the world. Stopping at the Continental, the in the court. were added much to the of all. Parlor and Chamber Suits, Hall China Book city They express- Morton school pleasure would be such that the selectmen feel great Congress Hall, the famous Grand Union or Stands, Sideboards, Closets, Wardrobes, men who did not the lines set for Beardsley's private Cases, Desks, Tables, Stands, Chairs, Rockers, Couches, Lounges. regard opened,Monday, with a good attendance. Mr and Mrs O. T. Sherwood have gone that it should be brought before the other hotels will cost $1 or more extra for the QHN them Station Master Hunt. These are the Sar- by to Moosehead Maine. town. Bridgeport, which has an equal trip. splendid trips given by William Strong and Miss re- lake, They expect atoga Hygeia & Recreation Co., T. E. Peck, Man- Moquets, Velvets, Body Tapestries, Ingrains, Miittings, Oil Cloths, Art Squares, Huga, P.cv James L. Brodie of Staong be weeks. interest in the asked a meet- Door Mats, Stair Hods, Tacks. Salem, Mass., turned from Pittsfield, this week. to away for several matter, joint ager and the Housatonic R. R. Co., A. W. Perrin Buttons.'Bindings, preached at the North church, Sunday. ing, some time ago, but failed to appear. G P. A. Get circular for full information and IT. Helen P., infant daughter of Mr and The O. A. M. holds meetings in Odd It is not impossible that the matter may Book of Coupon Tickets at Depot of Ticket Agent. Curtains, Shades, China Silks, Fringes, Plushes, Unimps and Furniture Coverings ot For almost the first time since the office Mrs Charles F. kind. first-clas- s Fellows hall. Bulkley, died, Sunday be at the annual town meet- every Upholstering, Curtain Hanging, and Carpet laying by workmen. was the commission- funeral was Tues- brought up established, building morning. The held, sea- William B. Tuttle and board at ing. , Now the hay and harvest JTJD ers granted but one permit at last week's family day afternoon. Mr and Mrs Bulkley DecoratedCHIITADinner, Tea and Toilet Sets, Chandeliers, Lamps,QLASS.Rose Jars, Vases.Statuary, four-fami- ly Mrs Mr is Umbrella etc. session. This was a house Wolfe's. Tuttle able to give have the sympathy of a large circle of Planking for the floor of the viaduct son is over, J. B. Fairchild calls Stands, Bo-lan- new un- on Madison avenue for Mrs Margaret d. closer attention to the drug store friends. at the station has arrived, but it is and is much pleased with Stratford. derstood that the iron will not be put in attention to the fact that Fall A fine assortment ot Rogers Bros.' Knives, Forks,wa.:r,:elSpoons, Castors, fickels, Ladles, are the different Cake Ice Tea Sets, etc. The following organ- until about October 1. Baskets, Pitchers, Col he will In spite of the inroads made the com- position in plated - Stevenson says that run by izations for school districts for the plowing will soon be order horse travel on the Consolidated be- : St excursion trains to Manhattan beach and cars, ing year Mrs Wilson will return to sing at Granite, Tin Fibre, Wood, Iron,ETJJEisriss:iisr3--Yellow, Kockingham and Stone Ware, Crockery, Cnt-ler- tween Stratford and and a trial of the For Sale houseRazors, Scissors, Curling Irons, Brushes, Twines, Baskets, Cages, Oil Stoves, Refrig- sea- has Only by other New York shore resorts, next Bridgeport by SouTiiroRT Committee, W. K. Purdy, M. Paul's, next Sunday. erators, Children's Carriages, etc. no means closed. When new GOOD via Wilson Point and the tickets Felix clerk, George n GOODS. PRICES LOW. CALL AND SEE US. son, Ilawleyvllle, Mitchell, Heaney; Harry Flint and Peter are . went into a of num- amount the new Long Island route that Is to be effect, uniform style treasurer.Edward Hawkins; new business WIARD PLOWS recommended the school board to be ap- Fairfield students at the opened on the 15th. bering was adopted and each 100,000 af- by JOSEPH II. LUTZ, propriated by the term at the annual college of John F. Griffen, 122 Fairfield DWI6HT Si. ter the first was designated by its appro- ROGERS, meeting, $1850; teachers, principal A. M. Will convince all that are letter. Stratford has reach- avenue, Bridgeport. they . EASTON. priate already Oakley, intermediate Miss Margaret Kaelie ; PHARMACIST, 133 Dsm ToTixy. ed B4000, that Miss Kate Henshaw. Rev K. Holden of Olivet church, used in Connecti- agq.in. St., Moses showing 204,000 Bridge- primary, E. the best plow Ogdcn and his Ida al daughter port tickets have been sold here. Middle Committee, II. Herbert Knapp; Bridgeport, preached in the Congregega-tion- Frances recently entertained Mr and Mrs Bacon William with cut. 36 WALL ST., BRIDGEPORT Kev S. Ives clerk, Wakeman; treasurer, church, Sunday, in exchange John Sherwood and their little daughter J. led the daily prayer B. Glover; appropriation, $1400; teachers. HAWLEYVILLE in Rev Mr Child. CONN. F. Minnie. meeting Bridgeport, Tuesday morning. Principal William Smith, primary Miss Eva J.B.FAIRGHILD, HALLO CK & CO., F.Otstot. Rev George S. Burroughs, who preach- Miss Annie E.Wilson, teacher in Bridge- Over 100 tons broken stone have been taken from the at Mill Tlain Committee and treasurer, ed in the Presbyterian church, Bridge- port High school and Mrs Caroliue C. ledges Washington Horace Jennings; appropriation, $1350; has visited friends in Fair- MAIN STREET, : - : BIRMINGHAM. of have visited Mrs Han-for- d bridge, which are being blasted by order William H. Miss port, Sunday, EMPIRE STABLES, Perry Chicago teachers, Everett, primary field. Lyon. of the government. Annie Jennings. 365 East Main Street, Bridgeport. THE LARGEST STOCK OF HARDWARE, CUTLERY, PAINTS AND North Committee and treasurer, Nelson T. Weed of New York State, for- A. of the Dixwell G. W. Falrchlld has been sick with ma- George OILS, LIME, CEMENT AND FERTILIZERS IN THE NAUGATUCK ltev P. Miller,pastor Hall; clerk, Frank 8. Seeley; appropriation, of is at Mrs Farrell's. avenue New lectured larial fever. H. merly Fairfield, HORSES FOR SALE. OR HOUSATONIC church, Haven, at $450; teacher, George Guernsey. CAN YOU SELL BICYCLES? VALLEYS. the Congregational church, even- Banks North Committee and treasurer, Grading for the four tracks has been HORSES BOARDED. Sunday Elliott W. Peck will his studies - Main store 50x90 Four floors. begin John Nichols; clerk, Frank 8. Sherwood; from Mill Plain crossing to LIVERY. We warit agents in unoccupied building, Feet, ing. at Worcester, next week. completed FIRST CLASS territory for Store house 30x54 " Two " appropriation, $3d0; teacher, Miss Ada B. the river and a wire fence put up by the adjoining, Miss Louie B. has visited her Burr. HACKS AND HEARSES Lime 23x32 " Turney Miss Lizzie Best will teach in Bethany. railroad on the south of the railroad prop- UftHOftS. building, Mrs Beard of also Miss Committee and ON APPLICATION. The Oil and Varnish 12x30 " sister, Oronoque; Banks South treasurer, The fence is within 10 feet of the The best wheels on the market. room, Maude Silliman. The Christan Endeavor meeting at the Franklin Banks; appropriation, Sti0; teach- erty. Address, for dealers' discounts Fertilizer 10x15 " Two floors. rear of the house of Patrick Sweeney. and Free building, M. E. church was postponed until next er, Miss Jennie Fayerweather. L. B. Catalogue, Shelton store house, 30x70 " Mrs W. M. Weeks and son left for Bos- Burr's Committee and treasurer, Rufus B. Mr Sweeney has endeavored to obtain re- STEELING, A. O. VERY CYCLE CO. Sunday evening. 1T3 TREMONT ST., BOSTON. " 25x40 " " ton, William T. ap- but without as the railroad PROPRIETOR. Derby Saturday. Jennings; clerk, Bulkley; dress, avail, Sea Sand 18x20 " - m Elliott Peck has issued a building, 1 . . a , iin . J. pamphlet propriation, $400; teacher, Miss Sarah Hop- has held closely to its measurements. Mr xvuuierioru vvjiceier is working ior of the Bible account of creation. kins. . Powder house, 8x10 " Charles treating Sweeney had been occupying a few feet PARKER'S Clark. Jennings Woods Committee and treasurer, EVERYTHING YOU WANT HAIR BALSAM Also Drain Tile and Blue Stone yards. Frank L. John E. of the railroad property. Cle&nsei ftnd besntiftefl the hAlr. School will begin, Monday, September S0TJTHP0RT. Rodgers; clerk, Osborn; IN Promotes a luxuriant growth. $450; teacher, Miss Amelia - soon as railroad had settled the Never Fails to Beatore Gray 7, In No. 1. appropriation, As the CROCKERY, GLASS, Hair to ita Youthful Color. Mrs Henry T. Whiting, who has sung Feibel. Cures scalp diseases & hair falling. bargain for J.'D. Toomey's property, TINWARE .AND Druggists Mrs Moses Wilson of has vis- at for three C ommittee and I. B. NOTIONS; gQc,andl.(IUat Westport soprano Trinity nearly Stratkield treasurer, men were set at work the road ALSO :." Walter widening ited Mrs M. B. Bates. years, was absent, Sunday and is under- Wilson; clerk, Cornell; appropria- bed from Mill Plain crossing east, that BASE THE BKIDGEPOKT tion, $500; teacher, Frank 8. Seeley. TOYS, GAMES, BALLS, BATS, Iin Pftrknr'a fitifrftr Ton in. It CUTCB tile Wonit (.oilirh. stood to have handed her to AO Mrs Harriet Silliman of Norwalk is in resignation the additional tracks might be laid at EtC. Weak ljunftfl, lability, Indigeition, Fain, Take in time. cU. Deerfield Committee and treasurer, James nrre cure tor Kev Dr Guilbert. The reasons are said last week on our S and 10c Coun- -: INDERCORNS. The only Coma town. R. Jennings; $350; teacher. once. A few ties were laid, Big Bargains Every Day ips all pal a. Uc at Druggists, or UiStAML it CO., her-se- ls appropriation, to be lack of total between - was ters at the"Prettiest Little Store in the City!" harmony Miss Hattie Jennings. , and the work is pushed. It - Mrs Zalmon is with her being - That's the BUSINESS COLLEGE, Turney daugh- and the organist, John H. Wood, Greenfield Hill Committee and treasurer, announced that the Mill Plain grade . Mrs M. Edwards. - ter, J. who has filled the position for nearly Simeon Fease; clerk, William Bradley; ap- would be done away and an un- G. E. AND two score Charles crossing 5 & 100. BEEHIVE, TUKNEK, PEINCIPAL PE0PEIET0E. Union service at the years. Mrs Whiting says that propriation, $1050; teachers, Far. der made as soon as pos- Congregational Miss grade crossing sl4 H N NTs " she does not care to the music ker, Maria Wakeman. " M t A live school for the business of men and church, next Sunday evening at 7 30. sing which sible. '." 520 MAIN STREET, training young ladies. Sermon Kev W. M. Weeks of the Mr Wood wishes to play. Both music- Bulkley's Committee and treasurer, John . ' .f,V by Bap- W. Morehouse, $450; teach- & Cook,Bridge-por- t ; BRIDGEPORT. in session the entire year. Stn- - ians are well liked by the church and appropriation, Mr Wheeler of Wheeler throughout T?Sfi,FgXc,rrge Vex tist church. er, Miss Emma I .Osborn. traded horses with S. Than 3?Ws3 dents enter at anytime without examination, perience. Rates lower andaf.S?instruction better Mrs Whiting's salary was increased at plumbers, One half commutation rates on all railroads. than. at 8hort hand schools. Facilities tor Mullen of Trumbull is with Mrs Hoyden's Hill Committee and treasurer. George New Year's that ber residence not C. Jennings, Monday. Graduates helped to positions. eHPeCU,,y Nelson Pattlson. might John Lobdell; clerk, Alva Jennings; ap- FIRE INSURANCE GRANT , prevent her from continuing to sing. It propriation, $350; teacher,' Miss Emma Charles S. Abbott charges that other Send for circular callSXS 5 ; - or, better, at the school, Friends from Westport have visited ' is hoped that the matter may be amica- -. Banks. - motives than those of merit caused his Furnished at Lowest Rates in bly arranged and that Mr Wood will con Holland Hill Committee and treasurer, failure. One of the commit- the ; and Sidney Staples. Luther John L. examining Oldest Strongest tinue to play and Mrs Whiting to sing. Nichols; clerk, Morehouse; tee said; "Doubtless we shall be, so to American ; and English companies. nFsir.tfs .3f:rs 323 MAIN BEIDGEPOET. Mrs Silliman of Norwalk has visited , $475. ST., appropriation, and. Mrs Banks of Rock House. E. B. Monroe, Mrs Monroe and Miss speak, knocked down and jumped upon Farm property Live stock a spec- CO. George the estates on which - MOjiUMEtfTAL BJ0NZ VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME. Louise Monroe last from Among applica- by all the papers in the city for refusing ialty. The base ball game, Saturday, August returned, week, tion for administration was made to AGENCY FOR BRIDGEPORT. C0NM a brief sojourn at the watering places of Law- Hartford County Mutual, Hartford 29, on the Easton grounds, between the Judge Glover, Monday, was that of SALE Building Lots on either side ot New London County Mutual, Norwich the Sound. FOB , TTnrolrna thA TtAflnlntAa House on reasonable terms. Wm.J. . Tolland ami - of -Asnptnnlr , rence McMahon, who has for years been - Tolland County Mutual, i DICK. Insurance Co .of North America, Philadelphia rEVEar COLLAR or assisted by several players of the Wes- Ensign, the printer who has been em- supported by the town and by charity. Continental, . New York WATERPROOF CUFF SALE A few Scotch Collie Pups from Commercial Union, ... London ton Fireflies, resulted In a decided vic- ployed by R. F, Dunham, has left. When search of his premises was made F)B stock. I. B. HARRIS, Newtown. Fhenix Mutual Lite. ' Hartford THAT CAN BB RELIED ON for the former team, 27 to 11. J. James has been cook on the after his it was found that he had Union Mutual Accident, Chicago tory GIbney death, SALE 4 Can Cooley Creamer. CHAS, Lombard Investment Co's Guaranteed Mort- BE UP V were Rock. over 9100 In in be- FR Monroe, Conn. JSxULt! Hill and Kelley battery for the White money his clothing, gages. TO Not to & Trust Co's Debenture Bonds. Aspetucks in the first part of the game, A sad death was that of Warren, only sides other articles in trunks. The mon- K SALE Three thoroughbred Scotch Fidelity Loan ' Collie W. B. Botsiord. JSTot I while, la the latter part, W. Diebrow of son of Mr and Mrs Charles W. Wells. ey was of ancient date and had been Pups. FERRIS, A. F. CLABK, NEWTOWN. THE MARK to Xlsooloir Hill Will The who was a of in for and SALE New milch Cow lour years old. BEARS THIS MARK. the Sport Rewdrops pitched. boy, bright boy four, kept Larry's pockets years re. R. CASTLE, Monroe, Conn. for the Eurekas was ex- months, was attacked by cholera infan- years. The trunks contained undercloth- Ms-HEES-EY Robcrts'pitchlng About 1st ot July, black year--, DE. S. cellent and he was well snpnorted be tum a short time ago and was apparent- ing and other articles given him by Char- STRAYED Inlormation will be suitably Treats Tumors, Abscesses, Necross or De- TRADE on a came rewarded. Wm. BLAKEMAK, East VUlage. Bones, Scrofula Tumors and Diseases hind the bat by Ashman. Powell ly recovering, when relapse and itable people, which he had never used. cayed Old Sores.Scrof-ul- a - of tne Skin and Blood and all Edwards on second and Pallet on he had not to The death The while somewhat in need of Notice is hereby given to all per- and Deafness and all Tumors, . first, strength rally. clothing, TAXES.liable to taxes in the town of Blindness Can- - pay without the use of the knife.; Injured Limbs third also did good playing. Will occurred, Thursday mornlog of last week airing, Is not In bad condition. The town Trumbull on list ot 1890 that Bald takes are and will be eured, instead of 1, 18fll fol- surgical injuries F due, September and I will be at the References of eases treated in , D Acid's at short atop was also and the funeral was attended from the has claims for support Fri- amputated. playing against Larry's lowing places to receive the same: On Bridgeport will be furnished at the oltice. Pa- excellent, without an error. Edwards house on Friday at 2 30 p m,"Iiev B. A. estate and the money and the proceeds day, September 18, 1891, at the store ot C.R. tients will be furnished wfth rooms while un- Evitts in Nichols from 9 o'clock a in till 12 if per- two-bagg- er Oilman officiat- - der treatment, required. Responsible hit a in the first pitched ball of the Methodist church of the sale of the goods will hardly be o'clock in and at the Town House trom 2 till 4 sons who have been under the treatment of a In the Ostrander's bat--" mg in the absence of Kev Dr Guilbert. sufficient to settle in full. Selectman a m ; on Saturday, September 19, at the store' number of physicians, without beueiit, will be UUK BELTING. mark. game. heavy of Stephen O.Nichols from 8 till 10 o'clock a in treated free of unless cured, the pa-- , k Now in Oak ot 11 charge The Best, u the Cheapest. ting was never seen on these grounds The burial was Lawn. Both of Edward Hawkins made the application and at the store Austin A. Hall from a tient paying for the medicine only. NEEDS NO L.AUWDESSNO. CAN BB CLEAN IN A m till 2 in. . All taxes on or before Bend WIPED MOMENT. two-bagger- s, Mr are now , p paid before, making thre his Wells's children dead. for the appointment of an administrator September 19 will receive a reduction ot 5 per S. M. HEKSEY. M. D., for last hi three runs, the bases Mrs Charles W. Wells and Mr3 A. It. on behalf of the town. he cent. J. A. TREAIWEiiL Collector, Trum- E O NLY LINEN-LINE- D hit bringing Probably bull, August 28, 1891. of 1riTObelt&otherS!ecialtles torSlevntnrStOonveyondt TH WATEOPROOF Brown are a week at Mr be at Eclectic Physician & Surgeon, Machinery forlmncllintf nny material In bulk or package. being full. Next Saturday, September spending Wells' will appointed the hearing, Septem- IIVO - ' ' "WRANTED Man to work on larui. tiEOUUE Ct. BELT ENGINEER CO., (Nice, COLLAR IN THE MARKET, 5, the Eurekas expect to play the rub- old homo at Cornwall Bridge. ber 12. 350 State St., Bridgeport, town)UKPhiladelphia, and 49 Der Su, Nsw Touk.