TIBCO Nimbus ™ Administration Guide

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TIBCO Nimbus ™ Administration Guide TIBCO Nimbus ™ Administration Guide Software Release 10.2.0 November 2017 Important Information SOME TIBCO SOFTWARE EMBEDS OR BUNDLES OTHER TIBCO SOFTWARE. USE OF SUCH EMBEDDED OR BUNDLED TIBCO SOFTWARE IS SOLELY TO ENABLE THE FUNCTIONALITY (OR PROVIDE LIMITED ADD-ON FUNCTIONALITY) OF THE LICENSED TIBCO SOFTWARE. THE EMBEDDED OR BUNDLED SOFTWARE IS NOT LICENSED TO BE USED OR ACCESSED BY ANY OTHER TIBCO SOFTWARE OR FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE. USE OF TIBCO SOFTWARE AND THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF A LICENSE AGREEMENT FOUND IN EITHER A SEPARATELY EXECUTED SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT, OR, IF THERE IS NO SUCH SEPARATE AGREEMENT, THE CLICKWRAP END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT WHICH IS DISPLAYED DURING DOWNLOAD OR INSTALLATION OF THE SOFTWARE (AND WHICH IS DUPLICATED IN THE LICENSE FILE) OR IF THERE IS NO SUCH SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT OR CLICKWRAP END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT, THE LICENSE(S) LOCATED IN THE LICENSE FILE(S) OF THE SOFTWARE. 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THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. THIS DOCUMENT COULD INCLUDE TECHNICAL INACCURACIES OR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS. CHANGES ARE PERIODICALLY ADDED TO THE INFORMATION HEREIN; THESE CHANGES WILL BE INCORPORATED IN NEW EDITIONS OF THIS DOCUMENT. TIBCO SOFTWARE INC. MAY MAKE IMPROVEMENTS AND/OR CHANGES IN THE PRODUCT(S) AND/OR THE PROGRAM(S) DESCRIBED IN THIS DOCUMENT AT ANY TIME. THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT MAY BE MODIFIED AND/OR QUALIFIED, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, BY OTHER DOCUMENTATION WHICH ACCOMPANIES THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY RELEASE NOTES AND "READ ME" FILES. Copyright © 1997-2017 TIBCO Software Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. TIBCO Software Inc. Confidential Information TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Table of Contents Introduction Targ..e..t. .A..u..d..i.e..n..c.e.................................................................................................. 6 Abo..u..t. .t.h..e.. A...d..m...in..i.s..t.r.a..t.i.o..n.. .G..u..i.d..e.......................................................................... 6 Abo..u..t. .T.I..B..C..O.. .N..i.m...b..u..s.......................................................................................... 8 Installation Plan..n..i.n..g............................................................................................................. 9 Insta..l.l.a.t.i.o..n.. .P.l.a..n..n.i.n..g.. ...................................................................................... 9 Upg..r.a..d..i.n..g. .f.r..o..m... .P..r.e..v..io..u..s.. .R..e..le..a..s..e.s...................................................................... 9 Mig.r.a.t..in..g.. .d.a..t.a.. .f.r.o..m.. .a.. .p.r..e.v..i.o.u..s.. v..e..r.s.i.o..n.. ............................................................ 9 Mi.g..r.a.t..in..g.. .W...e.b.. .S.e..r.v..e.r.. .................................................................................. 14 In.s.t.a..l.l.i.n..g. .t.h..e.. .A..u..t.h..o..r.. .C..li.e..n..t............................................................................... 16 In.s.t.a..l.l.i.n..g. .t.h..e.. .W...e..b.. .S..e..r.v..e..r................................................................................. 18 Co.n..f..ig..u..r..in..g.. .A..u..t.h..e..n..t.i.c..a..t.i.o..n............................................................................... 24 Co.n..f.ig..u..r.i.n..g. .L.D..A..P.. .I.n..t.e.g..r.a..t.i.o..n. ......................................................................... 24 Co.n..f.ig..u..r.i.n..g. .S..S.O.. .v..i.a. .W...i.n..d.o..w...s. .A..u..t.h..e.n..t.i.c.a..t.i.o..n.. (.I.W...A..). .......................................... 33 Co.n..f.ig..u..r.i.n..g. .S..S.O.. .v..i.a. .N..e..t.e..g.r.i.t.y.. .S.i.t.e..M...i.n..d.e..r. .A..u..t.h..e.n..t.i.c..a.t.i.o..n.. .................................. 35 In.s.t.a..l.l.i.n..g. .t.h..e.. .A..c..t.i.o..n.. .S.e..r..v.e..r............................................................................... 37 In.s.t.a..l.l.i.n..g. .t.h..e.. .B..u..s..in..e..s..s. .I.n..t..e.l.l.i.g..e.n..c..e.. .S.e..r..v.e..r......................................................... 39 In.s.t.a..l.l.i.n..g. .t.h..e.. .P..e..r.f.o..r..m...a..n..c.e.. .M...o..n..i.t.o..r.................................................................. 40 In.s.t.a..l.l.i.n..g. .t.h..e.. .B..a..t.c..h.. S..e..r.v..e..r................................................................................ 41 Un..i.n..s.t.a..l.l.i.n..g. .T..I.B..C..O... .N..i.m...b..u..s............................................................................... 42 Security Se.c..u..r.i.n..g.. a.. .P..r.o..c..e..s.s.. .R..e..p..o..s.i.t.o..r..y.......................................................................... 43 Configuration W.e..b.. S..e..r.v..e..r. .C..o..n..f.i.g..u..r.a..t.i.o..n................................................................................. 44 Co.n..f.ig..u..r.i.n..g. .t.h..e.. W...e..b.. .S.e..r.v..e.r. ........................................................................... 44 Co.n..f.ig..u..r.i.n..g. .M...I.M...E. .m...a..p.p..i.n..g.s.. ......................................................................... 58 Co.n..f.ig..u..r.i.n..g. .W...e..b. .S..e.r..v.e..r. .L.o..g..g.i.n..g. ..................................................................... 58 Co.n..f.ig..u..r.i.n..g. .P..a.g..e.. H...it.. L..o..g.g..i.n.g.. ......................................................................... 58 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Co.n..f.ig..u..r.i.n..g. .W...e..b. .H..i.t. .L..o.g..g..in..g.. ......................................................................... 59 Ac.t.i.o..n.. .S..e..r.v..e..r. .C..o..n..f.i.g..u..r.a..t.i.o..n.............................................................................. 63 Co.n..f.ig..u..r.i.n..g. .t.h..e.. A..c..t.i.o..n. .S..e.r..v.e..r. ........................................................................ 63 Co.n..f.ig..u..r.i.n..g. .S..M...T.P.. .E.m...a..i.l ................................................................................ 64 Co.n..f.ig..u..r.i.n..g. .S..M...T.P.. .L.o..g..g.i.n..g. ............................................................................. 65 Co.n..f.ig..u..r.i.n..g. .L.D..A..P.. .S..y.n..c.h..r.o..n..i.z.a..t.i.o..n. .................................................................. 65 Tes..t.i.n..g. .L.D..A..P.. .S..y.n..c.h..r.o..n..i.z.a..t.i.o..n. ........................................................................ 65 Co.n..f.ig..u..r.i.n..g. .L.D..A..P.. .S..y.n..c.h..r.o..n..i.z.a..t.i.o..n. .L..o.g..g..in..g.. ...................................................... 66 Bu.s..i.n..e..s.s.. .I.n..t.e..l.li.g..e..n..c.e.. .S..e..r.v..e..r. .C..o..n..f.i.g..u..r.a..t.i.o..n........................................................ 68 Co.n..f.ig..u..r.i.n..g. .t.h..e.. B..u..s.i.n..e..s.s. .I.n..t.e..ll.i.g..e.n..c.e.. .S.e..r.v..e.r.. .................................................... 68 Tes..t.i.n..g. .t.h..e.. B..u..s.i.n..e..s.s. .I.n..t.e..ll.i.g..e.n..c.e.. .S.e..r.v..e.r.. .......................................................... 69 Syn..c..h.r..o.n..i.z.i.n..g.. t..h.e.. .B..u.s..i.n.e..s.s.. .In..t.e..l.l.ig..e..n.c..e. .S..e.r..v.e..r. ................................................. 69 Co.n..f.ig..u..r.i.n..g. .B..u..s.i.n..e.s..s. .I.n.t..e.l.l.i.g.e..n..c.e.. S..e..r.v.e..r. .L.o..g..g.i.n..g.. .............................................. 70 Resource and User Role Import Im..p..o..r.t.i.n..g.. .R..e.s..o..u..r.c..e..s........................................................................................ 71 Im..p..o..r.t.i.n..g.. .U..s..e.r.. .R..o..le..s........................................................................................ 71 Administration Im..p..o..r.t.i.n..g.. .a.n..d.. .E..x..p..o..r.t.i.n..g.. .D..a..t.a........................................................................... 73 Exp..o..r.t.i.n..g. .D..i.a..g.r.a..m...s. .a..s. .X..M...L. ........................................................................... 73 Exp..o..r.t.i.n..g. .D..a..t.a.. t..o. .a.. .D..a.t.a..b..a.s..e. ......................................................................... 74 Im.p..o.r..t.i.n.g.. .D..a.t..a. .T..a.b..l.e.s.. .................................................................................. 75 M.e.t..r.i.c.
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    University of Pennsylvania ScholarlyCommons Publicly Accessible Penn Dissertations 2019 Measuring And Securing Cryptographic Deployments Luke Taylor Valenta University of Pennsylvania, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://repository.upenn.edu/edissertations Part of the Computer Sciences Commons Recommended Citation Valenta, Luke Taylor, "Measuring And Securing Cryptographic Deployments" (2019). Publicly Accessible Penn Dissertations. 3507. https://repository.upenn.edu/edissertations/3507 This paper is posted at ScholarlyCommons. https://repository.upenn.edu/edissertations/3507 For more information, please contact [email protected]. Measuring And Securing Cryptographic Deployments Abstract This dissertation examines security vulnerabilities that arise due to communication failures and incentive mismatches along the path from cryptographic algorithm design to eventual deployment. I present six case studies demonstrating vulnerabilities in real-world cryptographic deployments. I also provide a framework with which to analyze the root cause of cryptographic vulnerabilities by characterizing them as failures in four key stages of the deployment process: algorithm design and cryptanalysis, standardization, implementation, and endpoint deployment. Each stage of this process is error-prone and influenced by various external factors, the incentives of which are not always aligned with security. I validate the framework by applying it to the six presented case studies, tracing each vulnerability back to communication
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