TIBCO Nimbus ™ Administration Guide



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TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Table of Contents

Introduction Targ..e..t. .A..u..d..i.e..n..c.e...... 6 Abo..u..t. .t.h..e.. A...d..m...in..i.s..t.r.a..t.i.o..n.. .G..u..i.d..e...... 6 Abo..u..t. .T.I..B..C..O.. .N..i.m...b..u..s...... 8 Installation Plan..n..i.n..g...... 9 Insta..l.l.a.t.i.o..n.. .P.l.a..n..n.i.n..g...... 9 Upg..r.a..d..i.n..g. .f.r..o..m... .P..r.e..v..io..u..s.. .R..e..le..a..s..e.s...... 9 Mig.r.a.t..in..g.. .d.a..t.a.. .f.r.o..m.. .a.. .p.r..e.v..i.o.u..s.. v..e..r.s.i.o..n...... 9 Mi.g..r.a.t..in..g.. .W...e.b.. .S.e..r.v..e.r...... 14 In.s.t.a..l.l.i.n..g. .t.h..e.. .A..u..t.h..o..r.. .C..li.e..n..t...... 16 In.s.t.a..l.l.i.n..g. .t.h..e.. .W...e..b.. .S..e..r.v..e..r...... 18 Co.n..f..ig..u..r..in..g.. .A..u..t.h..e..n..t.i.c..a..t.i.o..n...... 24 Co.n..f.ig..u..r.i.n..g. .L.D..A..P.. .I.n..t.e.g..r.a..t.i.o..n...... 24 Co.n..f.ig..u..r.i.n..g. .S..S.O.. .v..i.a. .W...i.n..d.o..w...s. .A..u..t.h..e.n..t.i.c.a..t.i.o..n.. (.I.W...A..)...... 33 Co.n..f.ig..u..r.i.n..g. .S..S.O.. .v..i.a. .N..e..t.e..g.r.i.t.y.. .S.i.t.e..M...i.n..d.e..r. .A..u..t.h..e.n..t.i.c..a.t.i.o..n...... 35 In.s.t.a..l.l.i.n..g. .t.h..e.. .A..c..t.i.o..n.. .S.e..r..v.e..r...... 37 In.s.t.a..l.l.i.n..g. .t.h..e.. .B..u..s..in..e..s..s. .I.n..t..e.l.l.i.g..e.n..c..e.. .S.e..r..v.e..r...... 39 In.s.t.a..l.l.i.n..g. .t.h..e.. .P..e..r.f.o..r..m...a..n..c.e.. .M...o..n..i.t.o..r...... 40 In.s.t.a..l.l.i.n..g. .t.h..e.. .B..a..t.c..h.. S..e..r.v..e..r...... 41 Un..i.n..s.t.a..l.l.i.n..g. .T..I.B..C..O... .N..i.m...b..u..s...... 42 Security Se.c..u..r.i.n..g.. a.. .P..r.o..c..e..s.s.. .R..e..p..o..s.i.t.o..r..y...... 43 Configuration W.e..b.. S..e..r.v..e..r. .C..o..n..f.i.g..u..r.a..t.i.o..n...... 44 Co.n..f.ig..u..r.i.n..g. .t.h..e.. W...e..b.. .S.e..r.v..e.r...... 44 Co.n..f.ig..u..r.i.n..g. .M...I.M...E. .m...a..p.p..i.n..g.s...... 58 Co.n..f.ig..u..r.i.n..g. .W...e..b. .S..e.r..v.e..r. .L.o..g..g.i.n..g...... 58 Co.n..f.ig..u..r.i.n..g. .P..a.g..e.. H...it.. L..o..g.g..i.n.g...... 58

TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Co.n..f.ig..u..r.i.n..g. .W...e..b. .H..i.t. .L..o.g..g..in..g...... 59 Ac.t.i.o..n.. .S..e..r.v..e..r. .C..o..n..f.i.g..u..r.a..t.i.o..n...... 63 Co.n..f.ig..u..r.i.n..g. .t.h..e.. A..c..t.i.o..n. .S..e.r..v.e..r...... 63 Co.n..f.ig..u..r.i.n..g. .S..M...T.P.. .E.m...a..i.l ...... 64 Co.n..f.ig..u..r.i.n..g. .S..M...T.P.. .L.o..g..g.i.n..g...... 65 Co.n..f.ig..u..r.i.n..g. .L.D..A..P.. .S..y.n..c.h..r.o..n..i.z.a..t.i.o..n...... 65 Tes..t.i.n..g. .L.D..A..P.. .S..y.n..c.h..r.o..n..i.z.a..t.i.o..n...... 65 Co.n..f.ig..u..r.i.n..g. .L.D..A..P.. .S..y.n..c.h..r.o..n..i.z.a..t.i.o..n. .L..o.g..g..in..g...... 66 Bu.s..i.n..e..s.s.. .I.n..t.e..l.li.g..e..n..c.e.. .S..e..r.v..e..r. .C..o..n..f.i.g..u..r.a..t.i.o..n...... 68 Co.n..f.ig..u..r.i.n..g. .t.h..e.. B..u..s.i.n..e..s.s. .I.n..t.e..ll.i.g..e.n..c.e.. .S.e..r.v..e.r...... 68 Tes..t.i.n..g. .t.h..e.. B..u..s.i.n..e..s.s. .I.n..t.e..ll.i.g..e.n..c.e.. .S.e..r.v..e.r...... 69 Syn..c..h.r..o.n..i.z.i.n..g.. t..h.e.. .B..u.s..i.n.e..s.s.. .In..t.e..l.l.ig..e..n.c..e. .S..e.r..v.e..r...... 69 Co.n..f.ig..u..r.i.n..g. .B..u..s.i.n..e.s..s. .I.n.t..e.l.l.i.g.e..n..c.e.. S..e..r.v.e..r. .L.o..g..g.i.n..g...... 70 Resource and User Role Import Im..p..o..r.t.i.n..g.. .R..e.s..o..u..r.c..e..s...... 71 Im..p..o..r.t.i.n..g.. .U..s..e.r.. .R..o..le..s...... 71 Administration Im..p..o..r.t.i.n..g.. .a.n..d.. .E..x..p..o..r.t.i.n..g.. .D..a..t.a...... 73 Exp..o..r.t.i.n..g. .D..i.a..g.r.a..m...s. .a..s. .X..M...L...... 73 Exp..o..r.t.i.n..g. .D..a..t.a.. t..o. .a.. .D..a.t.a..b..a.s..e...... 74 Im.p..o.r..t.i.n.g.. .D..a.t..a. .T..a.b..l.e.s...... 75 M.e.t..r.i.c. .C..o..n..f.i.g..u..r.a..t.i.o..n...... 76 Up.d..a..t.i.n.g.. .E.x..c.e..l. M...a..c.r..o.s...... 76 Cre..a.t..in..g.. .S...L.. .Q..u..e.r.i.e..s...... 76 Sch..e..d.u..l.i.n..g. .a..n.d.. .U..p..d..a.t..in..g.. .S.Q..L.. .Q..u..e.r.i.e..s...... 78 Int.e..g.r.a..t.i.n..g. .w...it..h. .S..A..P.. B..W... .a..n.d.. .S..A..P. .N..e..t.W...e..a.v..e..r. .B.I...... 79 Int.e..g.r.a..t.i.n..g. .w...it..h. .C..o..g.n..o..s. .M...e..t.r.i.c.s.. .M...a.n..a..g.e..r...... 81 In.t.e..g.r..a..t.i.n..g. .w...i.t.h.. .T..h..ir..d..-.p..a..r.t.y.. .A..p..p..l.i.c.a..t.i.o..n..s...... 83 Int.e..g.r.a..t.i.n..g. .w...it..h. .S..A..P.. N...e.t.W...e..a..v.e..r...... 83 Int.e..g.r.a..t.i.n..g. .w...it..h. .G..e..n..e.r..ic.. .P.o..r.t..a.l.s...... 84 Int.e..g.r.a..t.i.n..g. .w...it..h. .O..p..e..n..T.e..x.t. .D..o..c.u..m...e..n.t.. M...a..n..a.g..e..m..e..n..t...... 88 Int.e..g.r.a..t.i.n..g. .w...it..h. .t.i.b..b..r...... 89 Maintenance

TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Re.c..o..v..e.r..i.n..g. .D...e.l.e..t.e..d.. .M...a..p..s. .a..n..d.. .D..i.a..g..r.a..m...s...... 90 Pu.r..g..in..g.. .D..e..l.e..t.e..d.. .C..o..n..t.e..n..t...... 90 Ch.e..c..k..in..g.. .P..e..r.f.o..r..m...a..n..c.e...... 90 Ch.e..c..k..in..g.. .M...a..p..s...... 91 Ba.c..k..in..g.. .U..p.. .D...a.t..a...... 94 TIB.C..O.. .N..i.m...b..u..s. .B..a.c..k.u..p.. .U..t.i.l.it..y...... 95 Th.ir..d.-.p..a..r.t.y.. .B.a..c.k..u..p.. u..t.i.l.i.t.i.e.s...... 98 A..r.c..h..iv..i.n..g.. .M...a..p..s...... 100 C.r.e..a.t..in..g.. .A..r.c.h..i.v.e..s...... 103 R.e..s.t.o..r.i.n..g. .A..r.c..h..iv..e..s...... 104 M...a.n..a..g..i.n..g.. D...a..t.a..b..a.s..e.. .T.a..b..l.e..s...... 106 S.y..n..c..h..r.o..n..i.z.i.n..g.. .t.h..e.. .W...e..b.. .S.e..r..v.e..r...... 108 M...o..n..it..o..r.i.n..g.. W....e..b.. S..e..r.v..e..r. .P..e..r.f..o..r.m...a..n..c.e...... 111 R.e..s..t.a..r.t.i.n..g..,. .S..t.o..p..p..i.n..g. .a..n..d.. .S..t.a..r.t.i.n..g.. .t.h..e.. W....e..b.. S..e..r.v..e..r...... 111 M...a.n..a..g..i.n..g.. T..I.B..C..O... .N..i.m...b..u..s.. S..e..r.v..i.c..e.s...... 112 R.e..p..l.a..c.i.n..g.. .F..il.e.. .L.i.n..k.. .P..a..t.h..s...... 113 V..ie..w...i.n..g.. M....a.p.. .P..a..t.h..s...... 113 Customization C.u..s..t.o..m...i.z..in..g.. .t.h..e.. .W...e..b.. .S..e.r..v..e.r...... 114 TIBCO Nimbus Support C.o..n..t..a.c..t. .D..e..t.a..i.l.s...... 115 Appendix I.n..t.e..g.r..a..t.i.n..g. .T..I.B..C..O... .N..i.m...b..u..s. .w...i.t.h.. .S..h..a.r..e..P..o..in..t...... 116 C.r.e..a.t..in..g.. .a. .S..h.a..r.e..P..o.i.n..t. .I.n..t.e.g..r.a..t.i.o..n...... 116 U.p..g..r.a..d.i.n..g.. a.. .S.h..a..r.e..P.o..i.n..t. .I.n.t..e.g..r.a..t.i.o.n...... 127 A.d..d..i.n.g.. .W...e.b.. .P..a.r..t.s. .t.o.. .o..t.h..e.r. .S..h..a.r.e..P..o..in..t. .s..it..e.s...... 127 In..t.e..g.r.a..t.i.n..g. .w...it..h. .a.. .S.h..a..r.e.P..o..i.n..t. .d.o..c..u.m...e..n..t. .li.b..r.a..r.y...... 134

TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Introduction Target Audience

The intended audience for this Administration Guide includes: · IT staff responsible for providing the technical infrastructure in which TIBCO Nimbus is deployed · IT staff responsible for the implementation of TIBCO Nimbus · The nominated administrators responsible for the day-to-day management of TIBCO Nimbus

About the Administration Guide

The purpose of this guide is to provide system administrators with information on performing the following tasks: · Installation, including migration of data from previous major versions · Security · Configuration · User Management · Administration · Maintenance

The following components and terminology will be referred to throughout this document:

Desktop Client The Desktop Client is a Windows-based application that provides authors with the tools in which to create and manage process maps, supporting information and documents.

Web Server The Web Server allows users to access and collaborate on data, anywhere across the internet or corporate intranet. It runs as a standalone application that interacts with IIS using a small ISAPI extension that serves to redirect the requests to the application.

Action Server The Action Server runs as separate Windows-based services in the background - Email, Lock, Office Integration and LDAP services. The primary tasks are to act as the TIBCO Nimbus Email Server by utilizing basic SMTP services to provide a gateway into a corporation's Email system, and to integrate with Directory Services.

Business Intelligence Server The Business Intelligence Server provides the ability to send SMS text messages and Email notifications when defined measures are breached.

Windows Server Performance Monitor Plug-in The Windows Server Performance Monitor Plug-in provides system administrators with the ability to monitor the internal behavior of the Web Server and allows all of the normal capabilities of Performance Monitor to be used.

Batch Server The TIBCO Nimbus Batch Server is a task scheduler that handles various operations outside of the Author Client, such as the promotion of draft content and assigning reviewers, requesting reviews, TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 6 Introduction unlocking diagrams and assigning diagram access rights in the web. This allows the processes to be streamlined and managed from a server instead of a user's PC.

How is data managed? TIBCO Nimbus data is managed in the following ways:

· Process Repository The process repository is a folder in the file system that holds the process diagrams and all process-related information (resources, metadata, access rights). It consists of a number of flat files and ElevateDB database tables and index files. For more information see 'How is data stored' below. · The Document Registry The Document Registry is a document management system that holds supporting files related to processes (forms, media files, templates, spreadsheets, application links, policy documents, etc). · Business Intelligence Repository The Business Intelligence Repository tracks trend data for the metrics in order to produce graphs and launch alerts.

How is data stored? TIBCO Nimbus stores all data and process content generated by authors in the Process Repository folder in the Windows file system. All tables and other files are organized in different sub-folders within the Process Repository folder. Note that the Process Repository folder can be secured by preventing unauthorized access outside of the software. Please refer Securing a Process Repository for more information.

TIBCO Nimbus software uses the ElevateDB embedded database engine for the table, index and other database-related files. The system data, process content and other files are optimized for the TIBCO Nimbus software to help maximize performance based on the type of data that is stored and the access profile.

Each process map is stored in a separate folder inside the Maps folder in the Process Repository folder. Each map is uniquely identified via a 32 hexadecimal GUID code, for example C1661023902543058AF18DD1E9476326. A map's GUID is used as the name of the folder for where the map is stored. This allows authors to easily rename the map without requiring changes to the folder structure in the Process Repository. A number of ElevateDB table files and other data files are stored in each process map folder. For example, the Diagrams files are the database files used for storing all diagrams within a process map.

To prevent exceeding character limits within the Windows file system, process map folders are stripped within sub-folders based on the first two characters of a map's GUID code. For example, if the map GUID is C1661023902543058AF18DD1E9476326 then it will be stored inside a sub-folder called 'C1' inside the Maps folder. The GUID for a process map can be viewed in the 'Physical Path' field in the 'Where Am I' dialog (accessible from the Map menu in the TIBCO Nimbus Author Client application.

Advisory It is extremely important that no changes are made to the Process Repository files outside of the TIBCO Nimbus software. Any changes to the files may cause data corruption and potentially result in data loss and instabilities. The Admin Utility, supplied with the software, allows database tables and

Page 7 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Introduction

other files to be examined, repaired and potentially modified in some cases. If you are planning on modifying any database tables and other files in this manner, please contact TIBCO Nimbus Support to provide assistance in all cases when using the TIBCO Nimbus Admin Utility.

Related Documentation

System administrators may find it useful to be aware of the Installation Planning Guide that can be downloaded from TIBCO’s documentation site docs.tibco.com. About TIBCO Nimbus

TIBCO Nimbus is a process management mapping application that allows corporate information to be presented graphically and hierarchically in the form of maps and diagrams. It provides a simple user-interface that enables any employee within an organization to access information that is relevant and essential to fulfil their role.

Maps are a collection of diagrams created by process authors. A map is initially created as a draft version until it is promoted to a master. Maps may also comprise a number of scenarios. Access rights can be assigned to individual users and groups, allowing or preventing access to an entire map or parts of a map. Continuous improvement to processes is achieved through a number of collaboration features. Acknowledgement requests ensure users are aware of process content that affects their roles. Reviews ensure that content is kept up-to-date. Feedback and change requests allow users to suggest improvements. Users can also be notified when content changes through the use of subscriptions.

Statement sets are a hierarchical set of regulatory and auditable statements that ensure compliance to specific business and legal requirements, such as ISO 9000/12001/17799, CMMi, internal company policies, etc. Statements can be linked to activities that are related to compliance and governance.

TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 8 Installation Planning

Installation Planning For information on planning the installation of TIBCO Nimbus , including hardware and software requirements, sizing requirements and deployment options, please refer to the Installation Planning Guide that can be downloaded from TIBCO's Documentation site docs.tibco.com. Upgrading from Previous Releases

If a previous major version of TIBCO Nimbus is installed, the data within the current process repository must be migrated to the latest version before it can be used with TIBCO Nimbus. Migrating data from a previous version Before upgrading from a previous major version to the latest version, you must first migrate the Process Repository (PR). A PR is a specially constructed folder in the file system that houses all of the data and supporting information that make up your installation. It uses a proprietary flat file database that holds key data in tables. During the migration process, the existing table structures in the PR are converted in order to make them compatible with the latest release. Following the migration process the latest version can then be installed. Archived Maps Archived maps will be converted to the new format as part of the migration process and will be accessible to users as they were in the old version. However, any compressed static archived maps (.arc) will not be upgraded to the latest version. Instead you will be prompted to select a backup folder to automatically move these files into during the migration. Since .arc files cannot be upgraded, access to compressed archived maps is only available by maintaining the old version of TIBCO Nimbus with the old process repository.

Prerequisites Before migrating a Process Repository, the following points should be considered and the relevant actions taken: Prevent users from accessing the Process Repository To allow you to back up your process repository and migrate the data to the new format, all users must be logged out of the Author Client and the web server.

Author Client. You can view if any users are still active in the Author Client (from the Tools menu choose Users, then Active Users). Web Server. It is recommended that the site hosting the installation in IIS is stopped. If the server hosting the installation is dedicated to this task, then it is feasible to stop IIS completely. See Restarting, Stopping and Starting the Web Server for information on stopping the TIBCO Nimbus web server.

Stop TIBCO Nimbus services In order to ensure a consistent backup, all TIBCO Nimbus services must be stopped before running a backup. See Managing TIBCO Nimbus Services for information on stopping TIBCO Nimbus services.

Page 9 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Installation

Stop TIBCO Nimbus scheduled tasks No scheduled tasks, such as the System Synchronization utility (ssync.exe) should be running on the Process Repository. You should also stop any scheduled tasks that may attempt to run during the migration process. Back up your data The migration utility does make a backup of the PR, however this does not replace best practice of ensuring that consistent Disaster Recovery backups are held of your data. You are responsible for the ability to reconstruct your data in the event of a failure. It is not possible to rollback a migration so a safe backup must be maintained. Note: The Deleted Maps folder is emptied during the migration process. If you wish to retain this data in the old version format, you must ensure that this folder is backed up too. The default location is \Deleted. Delete the cache folder To ensure you have any improvements to the indexing of the web server's cache table, when upgrading to the latest version it is advisable to delete the current Cache folder. The web server must be stopped first. When the web server is restarted, the Cache table will be rebuilt. The default location is \Cache.

Migrating a Process Repository The following steps detail how to migrate a PR.

1. Download the latest version of TIBCO Nimbus. 2. Create a new folder in which to install the new version of TIBCO Nimbus. For more information please refer to the Installation Planning Guide at docs.tibco.com.

Before copying the PR you must ensure there are no users currently logged in to either the Author Client or the Web Server. Please refer to the prerequisites above for more information. 3. Copy the existing Process Repository, Scorecard Repository, Process RepositoryATTACH, and any other data folders that you've created, into the folder created in Step 2. Copying them ensures that the existing data is still available if a quick rollback is required in the event of issues with data migration. 4. Restrict the permission on the previous installation folder to allow only those users that require access to access it. 5. Run the appropriate migration tool. The migration tools are found in the Utilities folder on the downloaded image:

Existing Version Migration Tool (to use) TIBCO Nimbus 10.0.x CtrlMigration100To101.exe TIBCO Nimbus 9.6.x CtrlMigration96To100.exe TIBCO Nimbus 9.5.x CtrlMigration95To96.exe TIBCO Nimbus 9.4.x CtrlMigration94To95.exe

TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 10 Installation

TIBCO Nimbus 9.3.x CtrlMigration93To94.exe TIBCO Nimbus 9.2.x CtrlMigration92To93.exe

Notes: When migrating the Process Repository, you will be presented with the option to change the save location for archived maps and to set the default time zones for actions.

Having all the migration utilities in a folder structure will allow you to run from the earliest to the latest version without needing to manually click each one.

6. Select Upgrade TIBCO Nimbus Process Repository, then click Next. 7. Click Browse and select the PR that you copied in Step 3, then click Next. 8. Enter the user name and password of a TIBCO Nimbus Administrator, then click Next. The migration utility will obey existing LDAP configuration. 9. Either confirm you have backed up the PR, or confirm you have a safe backup, and continue by clicking Next. 10. Select whether to migrate any compressed and live non-compressed map archives, then click Next. Note: This step only applies when migrating a v9.2 process repository and above. 11. Click Start to begin migrating the PR. If you are running multiple versions behind, the migration will step through the version updates automatically.

Post Migration Once you have migrated the PR you can install TIBCO Nimbus. · Install the Author Client into the new folder structure created in Step 2 · Install the Web Server using the previous virtual directory name, (by default this is TIBCO Nimbus) · Install all other components and integrations, as required · Remove scheduled tasks from Windows Task Scheduler on the server (see Windows Scheduled Tasks below for more information)

Note: If access to the previous Web Server data is required, you will need to create a new application in IIS

· Right click on the website that is hosting the application, (normally the default site), and select New Application · When prompted, point the application at \Web Server\Main · Change the application to the TIBCO Nimbus Pool · Access the handler mappings for the new application and allow ISAPI extensions to execute

If you require further assistance, please contact TIBCO Nimbus Support

Windows Scheduled Tasks From version 9.3, scheduled tasks will be managed by the Nimbus Batch Server. During migration, any scheduled tasks that exist in the process repository will be copied to the Nimbus Batch Server.

Page 11 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Installation

After the migration has finished, you can compare the timings of the scheduled reports in TIBCO Nimbus to the timings in Windows Scheduled Tasks. If the timings match then the original tasks in Windows Task Scheduler can be removed from the server.

Additional Notes: · Users will be able to access the new web server using the same URL as before; however users requiring access to the previous web server will require the updated URL using the legacy application created above. · Usually there is no requirement to re-license as the license details are migrated as part of the migration process. However, prior to the release of version 9, the license code format was different and therefore migration from version 8 or earlier will require a new license code to be requested.

Upgrading Packaged Maps Packaged maps must be migrated to the latest release before you can unpackage them into the migrated process repository.

1. Run the migration utility that matches the version the map was packaged in and choose Upgrade Packaged Maps. For example, if the packaged map was created in version 9.3.x, run CtrlMigration93To94.exe. 2. Next, run the subsequent migration utilities in order and up to the current migration utility. For example, if you ran CtrlMigration93To94.exe in step 1, run CtrlMigration94To95.exe, then CtrlMigration95To96.exe, then CtrlMigration96To100.exe and finally CtrlMigration100To101exe. Note: As you work through the migration utilities, you will be requested to choose the default time zone and specify where to get the time zone from (either from the current computer or from the old process repository).

Upgrading Packaged Statement Sets Packaged statement sets from v9.3 are not required to be migrated to the latest version in order to unpackage them into the migrated Process Repository. However, if you have statement sets that were packaged before v9.3 then you must upgrade them by following the relevant instructions below.

Upgrading v9.4 packaged statement sets 1. Run CtrlMigration94To95.exe. 2. Select Upgrade Packaged Statement Sets, then click Next. 3. Click Browse and select the SPK file to upgrade, then click Next. 4. Click Start.

Upgrading v9.3 packaged statement sets 1. Run CtrlMigration93To94.exe. 2. Select Upgrade Packaged Statement Sets, then click Next. 3. Click Browse and select the SPK file to upgrade, then click Next. 4. Click Start. Upgrading v9.2 packaged statement sets 1. Run CtrlMigration92To93.exe.

TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 12 Installation

2. Select Upgrade Packaged Statement Sets, then click Next. 3. Click Browse and select the SPK file to upgrade, then click Next. 4. Click Start.

Upgrading Packaged Storyboards If you have any packaged storyboards from v9.3.0 or earlier, they must be migrated to the latest release before you can unpackage them into the migrated process repository.

1. Run the migration utility that matches the version the storyboard was packaged in and choose Upgrade Packaged Storyboards. For example, if the storyboard package was created in version 9.3.x, run CtrlMigration93To94.exe. 2. Next, run the subsequent migration utilities in order and up to the current migration utility. For example, if you ran CtrlMigration93To94.exe in step 1, run CtrlMigration94To95.exe, then CtrlMigration95To96.exe, CtrlMigration96To100.exe and finally CtrlMigration100To101.exe.

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Migrating Web Server You can migrate the configuration settings from one Web Server to another. This is useful when installing a new version of the Web Server as you can migrate the settings from an existing Web Server installation. The TIBCO Nimbus Web Server Upgrade Utility can either be run before installing the new Web Server or after the Web Server has been installed.

Note: The old settings are backed up and stored in '...\Documents and Settings\\TEMP \Nimbus Upgrade'. It is advisable to delete the old Cache folder when upgrading to a new version of the Web Server. See Migrating a process repository for more information.

Migrating settings before installing a new Web Server You can run the TIBCO Nimbus Web Server Upgrade Utility before installing the new Web Server. This method will allow you to install the Web Server and migrate the settings from an existing Web Server in one operation. 1. Copy the Utilities and Web Server folders from the download image to a local drive. 2. Run WebUpgradeUtil.exe. Note: WebUpgradeUtil.exe is found in the Utilities folder. 3. Click Browse and select the current Web Server folder. 4. Select any of the following Web Server configuration settings to migrate to the new Web Server: Include Web Server configuration settings will merge any changes in the configuration settings file. Include Localizations will merge any changes in the localization files.

5. Click Next. The Web Server installation setup will appear. 6. Follow the steps to install the Web Server. For more information on installing the Web Server see Installing the Web Server.

Migrating settings after installing a new Web Server If the new Web Server has already been installed you can still migrate the settings from an existing Web Server using the TIBCO Nimbus Web Server Upgrade Utility. 1. Copy WebUpgradeUtil.exe to a local folder. Note: WebUpgradeUtil.exe is found in the Utilities folder on the download image. 2. Run WebUpgradeUtil.exe. 3. Click Browse and select the current Web Server folder. This is the Web Server that you are migrating settings from.

4. Select any of the following Web Server configuration settings to migrate to the new Web Server: Include Web Server configuration settings will merge any changes in the configuration settings file. Include Localizations will merge any changes in the localization files. 5. Click Next.

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Note: You will receive a message stating that the current Web Server installer cannot be found. 6. Click Next. 7. Click Browse and select the new Web Server folder, then click Next.

Page 15 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Installation Installing the Author Client

This topic describes how to install the TIBCO Nimbus Client. For more information on the Author Client, including software and hardware requirements and sizing, please refer to the Installation Planning Guide which can be downloaded from TIBCO's documentation site docs.tibco.com.

Note: iSCSI is not supported over TCP/IP.

Prerequisites · 120MB of disk space · If upgrading from a previous version there must be no users currently using the old version. You must also migrate the process repository before installing TIBCO Nimbus. See Upgrading a Process Repository for more information. · You must be logged in to the local machine as an administrator. · It is advised that you exit any other Windows applications that are currently running. · Please refer to the Installation Planning Guide which can be downloaded from TIBCO's documentation site docs.tibco.com. This includes important information about planning and sizing an installation.

Installing the Client 1. Launch setup.exe from the downloaded installation media. (This can be accessed from edelivery.tibco.com) 2. [Welcome] If no other Windows applications are running, click Next. Otherwise, terminate the installation in order to exit the applications, then re-run the setup. 3. [Read Me File] If you are upgrading from a previous version, read the warning and take any necessary steps. Click Next to proceed. 4. [License Agreement] Ensure that you read the license agreement, then click Yes to accept it or No to terminate the installation. 5. [Setup Type] Select whether you want a standard installation, or a network client installation. Standard - this will install the full program and should be selected for new installations or upgrades. See the Installation Planning Guide for more information on deploying TIBCO Nimbus. 6. [Choose Destination Folder] The location in which the Client is installed will default to ...\TIBCO Nimbus. To change location, in the Destination Folder panel click Browse to select a location in which to install the Client. To change the location of the process repository, deselect Use default sub-folder for Process Repository and click Browse in the Existing Process Repository panel to specify a location to install the process repository in. Click Next to proceed. 7. [Select Program Manager Group] Select the Program Manager group that the Client will be added to. Either select an existing group or accept/rename the default name to create a new group. Click Next to proceed. 8. [Start Installation] Click Next to install the Client.

Folder permission rights Administrators and process authors will require Read and Modify access to the process repository and any associated data folders. Contributors require Read access only. Please refer to the Installation Planning Guide which can be downloaded from TIBCO's documentation site docs.tibco.com.

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What Next... Run the Client for the first time Administrator Account When you run the TIBCO Nimbus author client for the first time you will be prompted to create an administrator account. Note: If you plan to use LDAP then use the same account as the administrator account that will be created in the TIBCO Nimbus Admin LDAP group, otherwise this account will be deleted when synchronizing with LDAP.

Secure the process repository Securing the process repository will prevent users from editing or deleting any of the file structure of the process repository through, for example, Windows Explorer. See Security\Securing a Process Repository for more information.

Install the Web Server The Web Server provides end-user access to the information held within the process repository and defined external locations, including maps, documents, etc. See Installation\Installing the Web Server for information on installing the Web Server.

Enable Single Sign-on Single-sign On allows users to automatically log into the Client and Web Server without having to provide their credentials once they are logged into their organization's network. See Installation\Configuring Authentication for more information.

Create User Accounts and User Groups If you are not synchronizing your users and user groups via LDAP you must manually create them. See User Administration in the Administration section of the Client Help for more information.

Related topics

Importing resources Importing roles

Page 17 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Installation Installing the Web Server

This topic describes how to install the TIBCO Nimbus Web Server. For more information on the Web Server, including software and hardware requirements and sizing, please refer to the Installation Planning Guide which can be downloaded from TIBCO's documentation site docs.tibco.com.

Summary · Set up IIS · Install the Web Server · Modify DCOM permissions · Modify TIBCO Nimbus Host.exe COM+ object · Modify folder and file access rights · Allow the Web Server ISAPI extension · Configure IIS

Migrating Web Server Settings This section describes installing a new Web Server with default configuration settings. If you have an existing version of the Web Server installed and you want to keep the configuration settings, you can install the Web Server and migrate the settings in a single operation. See Migrating Web Server settings for information on how to do this.

Prerequisites · The Installation Planning Guide has been read. · 120MB of disk space. · The TIBCO Nimbus Author Client is installed and has been run against the process repository at least once. · The process repository is in a location that is accessible to the Web Server. · A TIBCO Nimbus domain service account has been created. This account is used to run all TIBCO Nimbus services and requires access to the various TIBCO Nimbus folders. The account does not require administration rights and the password should be set to 'never expire'.

Installing the Web Server as a SharePoint solution If you integrating the Web Server into a SharePoint solution, please follow the instructions in Integrating TIBCO Nimbus with SharePoint.

Setting up IIS The Web Server requires IIS and ISAPI extensions (unless you are setting up a remote connection, for example when integrating the Web Server with a remote SharePoint installation). IIS and ISAPI extensions are not installed on, Windows Server 2008/R2 or Windows Server 2012/R2 by default and therefore must first be installed.

Windows Server 2008/R2 and 2012/R2 Using Server Manager add the Web Server role, including the following base requirements: · Default Document

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· Directory Browsing · HTTP errors · Static Content · HTTP Redirection · HTTP Logging · Static Content · Request Filtering · ISAPI Extensions · Windows Authentication (if using Single Sign On)

Note: The account under which the IIS process runs must have full access to all areas of the process repository.

Installing the Web Server 1. Launch the Setup.exe and then click Enterprise Server Installation.

2. [Welcome] If no other Windows applications are running, click Next. Otherwise, terminate the installation in order to exit the applications, then re-run the setup. 3. [Choose Destination Folder] The location in which the Web Server is installed will default to the location of the Client installation. To change location, in the Destination Folder panel click Browse to select a location in which to install the Web Server. To change the location of the process repository at this stage, deselect Use default sub-folder for Process Repository and click Browse in the Existing Process Repository panel to locate the process repository. Note: The path of the process repository can be changed at any time by editing the Web Server configuration file (see Web Server Configuration for more information). Click Next to proceed. 4. [IIS Configuration Options] The Web Server must be mapped to an IIS virtual directory to allow users to access it through their browsers. Web Server Site - choose the site to install the Web Server to. If selecting a different Web site from the default, you must ensure that the site is correctly configured. Virtual directory name - specify the virtual directory name. This is the name that users will see in the browsers as the path of the application and the name that appears in IIS Manager. 5. [Setup Program Manager Group] Select the Program Manager group that the Web Server will be added to; either select an existing group or accept/rename the default name. Click Next to proceed. 6. [Start Installation] Click Next to install the Web Server.

Note: Integrated modes on applications are not supported and will stop the web service from running.

Configuring DCOM security DCOM permissions must be configured to allow the various components of the Web Server to communicate. The Network Service account requires Local Access permission rights and Local Launch and Local Activation permission rights.

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Note: If the data repository is remote to the Web Server, the application pool identity will need to be a domain service account, and that will need to have default Launch, Activation and access rights specified in place of the Network Service account. Note: If you are implementing Single-sign On (Integrated Windows Authentication) you can use either the Network Service or an IWAM account to provide default Launch, Activation and access rights. If LDAP is being used then you must provide the six default LDAP groups with this access.

Modifying the TIBCO Nimbus Host.exe COM+ identity The identity of the TIBCO Nimbus Host.exe container, which runs the Web Server, needs to be set to the TIBCO Nimbus domain service account. 1. Launch Component Services. Start > Run, then enter dcomcnfg. 2. Expand Computers>My Computer>DCOM Config. 3. Right-click TIBCO Nimbus ES Web Server Host and choose Properties. 4. Click the Identity tab. 5. Select This user, then enter the TIBCO Nimbus domain service account details.

Modifying access to the Web Server folders and files The access rights of all folders and files within C:\TIBCO Nimbus\Web Server\Main needs to be set to allow Read access for all TIBCO Nimbus users. If management of users via LDAP synchronization is used it is recommended that the TIBCO Nimbus LDAP groups are used to provide this access. Read/write access to the following folders must also be enabled for the TIBCO Nimbus domain service account, which the Host.exe process runs under: ...\TIBCO Nimbus\Process Repository\ ...\TIBCO Nimbus\Process Repository\Temp ...\TIBCO Nimbus\Web Server\Reload

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Allowing the Web Server ISAPI extension Unless ISAPI extensions are enabled by default, you must add and allow the TIBCO Nimbus ISAPI extension to the list of allowed executable extensions in IIS. Note: The CtrlWebISAPI.dll is found in {Installation root}\Web Server\Main.

IIS7/7.5/8/8.5 In IIS Manager, click the name of the server. In Features View, double-click ISAPI and CGI Restrictions. In the Actions pane, click Add. In the ISAPI or CGI path text box, enter the path of the CtrlWebISAPI.dll, or click Browse to select it. Check Allow extension path to execute and click OK.

Configuring IIS In Windows Server 2008/R2 and Windows Server 2012/R2, IIS manages virtual directories in application pools. Each pool has its own properties that can be configured and single pools can host multiple virtual directories. When TIBCO Nimbus is installed it looks for an application pool called TIBCO Nimbus Pool. If it does not exist then it is created as part of the installation process. The TIBCO Nimbus virtual directory is created in the same way and is assigned to the TIBCO Nimbus application pool. Note: The application pool identity must be changed to Network Service.

The installation also requires two changes to the IIS configuration. WebDAV is disabled as part of the installation process. If enabled, the Front Page Server extensions must be disabled manually. For more information, refer to the Web Server Installation Planning section of the Installation Planning Guide which can be downloaded from TIBCO's documentation site docs.tibco.com.

How to configure access to the Web Server when the process repository resides on a different server When installing the Web Server, a local system account is set to be used for anonymous access by default. This account does not have access to files on other machines, therefore when the process repository is on a different server, the TIBCO Nimbus domain service account must be used instead. In IIS Manager, ensure that Enable anonymous access is enabled for the web site that is hosting the TIBCO Nimbus virtual directory and specify the TIBCO Nimbus domain service account details.

Note: If you are implementing Single-sign On/Integrated Windows Authentication then you must disable Enable anonymous access and enable Integrated Windows authentication. See Configuring Authentication for more information on enabling Single-sign On.

Page 21 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Installation

TIBCO Nimbus iPhone App If you intend for users to access video files through the TIBCO Nimbus Player iPhone Edition app (downloadable from the Apple App Store and available for the iPad, iPhone and iPod) then you must ensure that the relevant MIME types are configured on the server (for example .mp4, .mov, .m4v, etc). MIME types need to be configured either on a per-site basis, or server-wide.

What Next... Enable Single-sign On To allow users to log in to the Web Server automatically, i.e. without having to provide their credentials once they are logged in to the network, Windows Integrated Authentication must be enabled. See Configuring Authentication for more information. Configure the Web Server There are many configuration options which define how the Web Server works. These parameters are defined in the Web Server configuration file. See Configuring the Web Server for more information. Schedule the synchronization of the Web Server A number of tasks need to be updated regularly to ensure that users are accessing up-to-date information. See Synchronizing the Web Server for more information. Customize the Web Server There are a number of ways in which to customize the look and feel of the Web Server. See Customizing the Web Server for more information.

Related topics Integrating TIBCO Nimbus with SharePoint Configuring the Web Server Configuring Authentication TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 22 Installation

Upgrading a Web Server

Page 23 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Installation Configuring Authentication

TIBCO Nimbus supports Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) and Netegrity SiteMinder to provide Single-sign On (SSO). This allows users to automatically log in to TIBCO Nimbus without having to provide any credentials once they are logged on to the network via their PC.

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) integration is also supported. Whilst not required by IWA, LDAP ensures user names and passwords match in both the directory service and in TIBCO Nimbus. Configuring LDAP Integration TIBCO Nimbus can use Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) to integrate with a central directory service database in order to manage user accounts and user groups, with passwords being authenticated against the directory service.

Prerequisites · The LDAP Synchronization Service is installed. This is part of the Action Server (see Installing the Action Server for more information). · Six user groups are predefined in the directory services environment (see TIBCO Nimbus Default System User Groups below for more information).

TIBCO Nimbus Default User Groups There are five default user groups within TIBCO Nimbus and the corresponding groups must be defined in the directory services environment. These default groups can have any name, provided that the distinguished names of the groups are configured correctly in the LDAP configuration file to match up with the directory services. These groups will define who has access to the TIBCO Nimbus environment and what their licensed role is.

Main Groups All TIBCO Nimbus users must exist in one of the following three main system user groups: · Administrators (provides users with administrative functions and access to all areas of TIBCO Nimbus). · Authors (provides users with the ability to create, edit and manage process content in a process repository). · Contributors (provides users with access to the Web interface only, users cannot create or edit process content). Module Groups Contributors can also be put into one or more module groups to grant them additional capabilities. · Contributor with Change Module (allows users to assist in change management, including authorizations, reviews, promotions, etc). · Contributor with Action Module (allows users to access action management functionality, including viewing actions, undertaking actions, creating and editing actions).

Notes: · Contributors assigned to one of the module groups (above) must also exist in the Contributor User group, otherwise they will not have access to TIBCO Nimbus.

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· Contributors can be assigned to more than one module group. Example If Jo Bloggs is a Contributor who requires change management and action capabilities, she should be assigned to the Contributor, Contributor with Change Module and Contributor with Action Module user groups.

How does LDAP Integration in TIBCO Nimbus work? Users must be allocated to one of the three main TIBCO Nimbus default system user groups, which must also be defined in the directory services environment. At defined intervals, the LDAP Synchronization Utility synchronizes the internal list of users and user groups that are maintained by TIBCO Nimbus with the directory services groups. When synchronizing, only the maximum number of users that are licensed for will be synchronized, so if there are more users than licenses then some users will not be synchronized. A notification email will be sent to a nominated user account (as set in the LDAP configuration file) in this event. User authentication is performed by the directory services server. Users can also be optionally assigned to additional directory services user groups and have this assignment reflected inside TIBCO Nimbus. In this case, the user groups must also be defined in TIBCO Nimbus and set to be managed by LDAP through the Author Client (see the TIBCO Nimbus User Guide for more information). TIBCO Nimbus is capable of synchronizing with multiple LDAP servers, allowing users to be drawn from multiple domains (for more information see Synchronizing with Multiple LDAP Servers below).

Important Notes about Security Access to the LDAP configuration file All TIBCO Nimbus Author Client users, and the TIBCO Nimbus domain service account that the Web Server host.exe process runs under, must have 'read' access to the LDAP configuration file. It is important, however, to set operating system file permissions on the LDAP configuration file in order to prevent non-administrative users from modifying or deleting the file, which could allow access to any user account without the need for a password.

Secure Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (SLDAP) TIBCO Nimbus supports SLDAP. This is achieved by enabling the 'UseSecureChannel' parameter in the LDAP configuration file, and it is also automatically turned on when the port number specified in the LDAP configuration file is set to 636 (the default port used for secure LDAP). Each machine where the Author Client is installed must have the certificate to verify it as a trusted source; the application looks for the certificate in the standard certificate store, which can be managed by the MMC certificate snap-in. It is recommended that SLDAP is used when connecting to a directory server environment other than Active Directory, since domain passwords will not be encrypted if ordinary LDAP is used. Note that Active Directory uses normal Windows authentication protocols.

HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) When using LDAP integration, HTTPS should be used as users' domain passwords are passed over the network to the Web Server in a readable format, therefore posing a significant security threat.

Enabling and configuring LDAP synchronization

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1. Open LDAPconfig.ini (...\TIBCO Nimbus\Process Repository\LDAP) using the TIBCO Nimbus LDAP utility. This can be found in the installation media within the Utilities folder. This utility will allow you to make edits to the configuration, and test them in a sandbox before taking them live. In the [MainSection] section set UseLDAP=1. 2. Modify any of the optional configuration parameters, as required. Note: Some of the parameters will not be in the configuration file until LDAP synchronization has been run for the first time.

MainSection UseLDAP Enable or disable LDAP synchronization. 0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled UseSimpleBind Enable or disable Simple Bind. For Active Directory it must be disabled (default), for other LDAP server setups it must be enabled. 0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled AdminEmail The Email address of the person who receives a notification when generated by the LDAP service. PortNumber The port number used to communicate with the LDAP server (default is 389). Server The name or IP address of the LDAP server. Note: To define multiple LDAP servers, see Synchronizing with Multiple LDAP Servers below for more information. Main User Groups - all users must belong to one of these groups AdminsDN The Distinguished Name of the TIBCO Nimbus Administrators group (default is TIBCO Nimbus Admin). AuthorsDN The Distinguished Name of the TIBCO Nimbus Process Authors group (default is TIBCO Nimbus Author). EndUsersDN The Distinguished Name of the TIBCO Nimbus Contributors group. Important note: End users are now referred to as Contributors. Module Groups - contributors can belong to one or more module groups in order to grant users additional functionality. Note: Users must still exist in the EndUsersDN group ChangeModuleUsersDN The Distinguished Name of the TIBCO Nimbus Contributor Change Module group. ActionModuleUsersDN The Distinguished Name of the TIBCO Nimbus Contributor Action Module group. MobileModuleUsersDN The Distinguished Name of the TIBCO Nimbus Contributor (which now includes Mobile Module group. LoggingLevel The level of information that is written to the LDAP log file. 0 = None 1 = Low (default and recommended) 2 = Medium 3 = High

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4 = Full StartTime The start time that the LDAP service will run for the first time. RepeatMins The time between LDAP synchronization runs (in minutes). Default is 1440, i.e. one day. ReportDuplicates Turn on/off duplicate user logging. If turned on then a log entry is recorded if a user with the same name exists in more than one of the three main LDAP groups (Administrators, Authors or Contributors). 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled (default) DupUserTypeOrder Specify the order of preference for the effective user account type if a user is duplicated across more than one of the main system user groups (Administrators, Authors, Contributors and Connect Users). 1 = Administrator 2 = Author 3 = Contributor The default is: DupUserTypeOrder= 3,2,1 (this means, for example, that a user in both the Administrators and Authors user groups has the permissions of an author by default, since the Author account type precedes the Administrator account type). The order can be changed, as required. CallDelayMSecs Specify an optional delay (in msecs) after each call to the LDAP server during synchronization. See Further Information below for details. 0 = Disabled (default) 1 - 1000 = Delay to use (in msecs) ThreadPriority Prioritize the synchronization thread in order to reduce CPU load during long synchronizations. 0 = Idle 1 = Lowest 2 = Below Normal 3 = Normal (default) 4 = Above Normal 5 = Highest 6 = Critical UseFullDN Enable or disable sending the full DN for authentication. This is required for NDS and OpenLDAP but is not required for Active Directory. 0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled This parameter is written following the first synchronization. DeriveDomainFromDN When enabled, before the authentication request, the Users DN will be dissected to extract the full domain. This is useful for sub domains where authentication cannot occur. If using this option it is recommend to disable the UserFullDN setting (if enabled).

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0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled SystemEmail The 'Sent As' address used by the LDAP service for outgoing Emails (it is useful to use a real address so that bounced Emails are not received by users). ReportEmail The Email addresses of the people who will receive completion reports generated by the LDAP service. Multiple Email addresses must be separated by semi-colons. This parameter is written following the first synchronization. Resume Select for synchronization to wait until the next start time to run or to run at the next scheduled interval. 0 = Wait for start time 1 = Run on start This parameter is written following the first synchronization. RunOnStart Specify whether to run the synchronization immediately each time the service is started or to wait for the Start Time. 0 = Wait for start time (default) 1 = Run on start This parameter is written following the first synchronization. SyncMethod Specify to method of synchronization. See Further Information below for details. 0 = Synchronize by distinguished name (default) 1 = Synchronize by Account Name 2 = Synchronize by Email Address This parameter is written following the first synchronization. IncludeInitials Enable Users' Initial field to be included when synchronizing. For example, First name=John, Last name=von Trap. This parameter is written following the first synchronization. EncryptionType Specify the level of password . 0 = Password to be decrypted by any PC 1 = Password can only be decrypted by the PC that performed the original encryption 2 = Password can only be decrypted by the PC that performed the original encryption and by the same user This parameter is written following the first synchronization. UserName The user name required to authenticate with the LDAP server. For an Active Directory server this can be a user name or domain name and user name in the form Domain\User Name, for example NIMBUS_UK\JoSmith. For non-Active Directory LDAP servers this usually needs to be the full user DN of the user account used for authentication. This parameter is written following the first synchronization.

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Password The password set by the client and is a base 64 encoded encrypted password. The level of encryption used is set by the EncryptionType setting. This parameter is written following the first synchronization. Anonymous Enable or disable anonymous access to the LDAP server. The UserName and Password parameters above are used for authentication. 0 = Authenticated access (the UserName and Password parameters, as described above, as used to authenticate with the LDAP server) 1 = Unauthenticated access (default) This parameter is written following the first synchronization. IncDisabledUsers Include or exclude users marked as Disabled in Active Directory when synchronizing with LDAP. If included, disabled users will appear as unassigned in TIBCO Nimbus. If excluded then disabled users will not appear in TIBCO Nimbus. 0 = Exclude disabled users (default) 1 = Include disabled users This parameter is written following the first synchronization. UseSecureChannel Enable or disable secure LDAP authentication (note that setting the port number to 636 will also enable secure LDAP). 0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled This parameter is written following the first synchronization. IgnoreServerCertificateErroIgnore certificate errors (expired, incorrect domain, etc) during LDAP calls. rs Note that UseSecureChannel must also be set to '1'. (This parameter is written following the first synchronization). 0 = Don't ignore (default) 1 = Ignore AttrMapSection - these parameters are users' details that are integrated by LDAP UserName The unique name field that users are known by in the directory service, i.e. the name that the user logs in with. FirstName The first name field for users. LastName The last name field for users. EmailName The Email address field for users. MemberName The attribute used by a group to define the members within it (by default in most LDAP implementations this is 'member'). MobileName The mobile telephone number field for users. WorkPhone The work telephone number field for users. StreetName The street field for users. CityName The city field for users. StateName The state field for users. ZipCode The zip/postal code field for users.

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Country The country field for users. Description The description field for users. ReportsTo The account name of the user's line manager. Note: This field is required to escalate users' To-do items. GUID The object GUID. DTx Data table field names associated with user accounts. For example: DT1=site-group-id DT2=unit-id DT3=division-id ...etc

Further Information The following provides more information on some of the LDAP configuration parameters, as described above.

SyncMethod When synchronizing with the LDAP server you can choose to synchronize either by users' distinguished name, account name or by email address. If set to '0', which is the default, then the LDAP DN field is used. If set to '1', the Account Name field is used, which prevents users from being deleted and recreated with a new user ID number in the synchronization process if their distinguished names change. If set to '2', the Email Address field is used.

CallDelayMSecs When synchronizing with the LDAP server you can specify a delay after each call, in milliseconds. It works by calling the Windows Sleep API call which enables Windows to process other work. The maximum value is 1000 (1 second) but it is recommended that the value is set between 10 and 20 to reduce CPU load, then increased if necessary. If no value is specified then it is disabled by default.

Authenticated LDAP Access Directory services sites can necessitate that any access to query the LDAP environment requires a known user. The Action Server can be configured to require authenticated access. This is achieved through the Author Client by allowing the user name and password to be stored in the LDAP configuration file. The password is stored encrypted and can be encrypted to three different levels - standard, local to the machine or local to the machine and user. The default, and recommended choice, is standard, which allows decryption on any machine. 1. In the Client, from the Administration menu choose Application Credentials and then Action Server LDAP service. 2. Select Authenticated. 3. From the Encryption Type drop-down list choose the type of encryption required. Standard allows decryption on any PC (recommended) Current PC allows decryption only on the PC that originally performed the encryption Current PC and current user allows decryption only by the PC that originally performed the encryption and when the same user is logged in. 4. Click OK.

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The following parameters are written to the LDAP configuration file (LDAPConfig.ini): Server x UserName This needs to be set to the name required to authenticate with the LDAP server. For an Active Directory server this can be a user name or domain name and user name in the form Domain\User Name, for example NIMBUS_UK\JoSmith. For non-Active Directory LDAP servers this usually needs to be the full user DN of the user account used for authentication. Password This is set by the client and is a base 64 encoded encrypted password. The level of encryption used is set by the EncryptionType setting. Encryption Type This determines the level of password encryption. 0 = The password can be decrypted by any PC 1 = The password can only be decrypted by the PC that performed the original encryption 2 = The password can only be decrypted by the PC that performed the original encryption and when logged in as the same user Anonymous Set this for anonymous access (anonymous access is assumed by default). 0 = Non-anonymous access 1 = Anonymous access

Synchronizing with Multiple LDAP Servers TIBCO Nimbus is capable of synchronizing with multiple LDAP servers, i.e. to allow for multiple domains. To define additional LDAP servers, add a new section for each additional server to the end of the LDAPconfig.ini called [Serverx], where x is the additional server number. For each additional server you can also define another set of [AttrMapSectionx] and [AttrValuesx] if required, where x is the number of the additional server. For example, for [Server1] you would have [AttrMapSection1] and [AttrValues1].

Note: It is only necessary to define the parameters for additional LDAP servers if they are different from the parameters defined for the main LDAP server. The parameter settings for the main server will be referenced for any parameters that are not defined.

[Server1] Server=LDAPServer1 PortNumber=636 [AttrMapSection1] ... [Server2] Server=LDAPServer2 PortNumber=8765 [AttrMapSection2] ...

LDAP Logging See Logging LDAP Synchronization for more information.

Clearing Users' Distinguished Names

Page 31 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Installation

The Admin Utility allows you to clear all users' distinguished names (DNs) from the current process repository (i.e. the TIBCO Nimbus Action Server). This could be useful, for example, if you are restructuring the Active Server Directory.

This option should be used with extreme caution. Please contact support before execution. Contact details can be found here. The Admin Utility is found in the Client folder. Run AdminUtil.exe and from the Tools menu choose Clear All User DN's.

What Next... Test the LDAP Synchronization Following the configuration of LDAP synchronization you can test the synchronization between the Directory Service list of users and the TIBCO Nimbus list. This is achieved through the LDAP Utility - see Testing an LDAP synchronization for more information.

TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 32 Installation

Configuring SSO via Windows Authentication (IWA) The TIBCO Nimbus Web Server supports Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA), allowing users to access TIBCO Nimbus without having to provide additional user credentials once they are logged in to their PCs. The server platforms supported for use with TIBCO Nimbus all provide Windows authentication (Single-sign On), assuming a suitable Microsoft domain architecture is in use.

Notes: · Integration with any directory service other than Microsoft's Active Directory may work but is not supported by TIBCO Nimbus. · If support for viewers that do not exist in the domain is also required, another copy of the Web Server can be installed and assigned to a different virtual directory, but pointing to the same process repository. This installation can be configured to use the anonymous mode of interaction for viewers and non-domain users.

Prerequisites · The user account names in TIBCO Nimbus must be identical to the user names on the domain (LDAP synchronization is recommended - see Enabling and Configuring LDAP Synchronization for more details). · The Web Server has been installed and correctly configured: · DCOM security is configured. · The TIBCO Nimbus host.exe COM+ object identity has been defined. · Access rights to the Web Server folders and files have been defined. For more information on installing and configuring the Web Server, see Installing the Web Server. · If the Web Server is running on Windows Server 2008 or later, the Authentication role must be installed. In Server Manager, use the Add Roles Wizard to add the Windows Authentication role. See IIS7 Component Not Installed for more information. Enabling IWA in Windows Server 2008/2008 R2 1. Run IIS Manager and select the TIBCO Nimbus application. 2. In the IIS section select Authentication. 3. Enable Windows Authentication and disable Anonymous Authentication. 4. Open config.ini (...\TIBCO Nimbus\Web Server\Config) in a text editor, such as Notepad. In the [Authentication] section set the following two parameters: UseIntegrated=1 IntegAuthType=0 5. Modify any of the other configuration parameters as required (see Configuring Authentication Parameters below for more details). 6. Save and exit config.ini.

Configuring Authentication Parameters Authentication UseIntegrated Enable/disable integrated authentication (set this to '1', i.e. enabled) RequiredDomain (Optional) Specify the domain name that must be matched in addition to the user login name. Any domain matches if not specified.

Page 33 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Installation

CaseSensitive Specify case sensitivity when matching the domain name (user name matching is always case sensitive) 0=Case insensitive 1=Case sensitive (default) IntegAuthType Specify the type of authentication used (set this to '0', i.e. Integrated Windows Authentication) ISAPI Authentication AlwaysUseIISAuthInf Specify whether to use IIS' authentication variables even when the IIS version o does not support Unicode authentication details. 0=Disable (default) 1=Enable

TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 34 Installation

Configuring SSO via Netegrity SiteMinder Authentication TIBCO Nimbus supports sites that are managed by Netegrity SiteMinder to manage Single-sign On and access to URLs. The integration is based on the use of HTTP header variables that are set by the Netegrity SiteMinder agent with the authenticated username stored within it.

Prerequisites · The user account names in TIBCO Nimbus must be identical to the user names on the domain (LDAP synchronization is recommended - see User Management\Configuring LDAP synchronization for more details). · The Web Server has been installed and correctly configured with respect to DCOM security, the identity of the TIBCO Nimbus host.exe COM+ object has been defined and access rights to the Web Server folders and files has been specified. See Installation\Installation Procedures \Installing the Web Server for more information. Configuring the Web Server to integrate with Netegrity SiteMinder 1. Run IIS Manager or IIS Virtual Directory Management Utility. 2. Right-click the TIBCO Nimbus virtual directory and choose Properties. 3. Click the Directory Security tab to select it. 4. In the Authentication and access control panel click Edit. 5. Select Anonymous access (if not already selected). 6. Click OK. 7. Open the Web Server configuration file - config.ini (...\TIBCO Nimbus\Web Server\Config) - in a text editor, such as Notepad. 8. In the [Authentication] section set UseIntegrated and IntegAuthType to '1', i.e. UseInegrated=1 IntegAuthType=1 9. In the [Authentication] section modify any of the following optional parameters:

Authentication RequiredDomain Specify the domain name that must be matched in addition to the user login name. Any domain matches if not specified. CaseSensitive Specify case sensitivity when matching the domain name (user name matching is always case insensitive). 0 = Case insensitive 1 = Case sensitive (default) IntegAutoLogonOnl Enable or disable automatic logon only, i.e. users cannot log out and access y the Log On page. 0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled IntegFailureURL Specify a URL to display when an unknown user account attempts to log in. If unspecified a built-in page is displayed.

10. In the [SiteMinderAuthentication] section modify any of the following optional parameters:


Page 35 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Installation

HeaderFieldName Specify the header field to obtain the authenticated user name from. Assumed to be HTTP_SMUSER if not specified. PrimaryEncoding Specify the primary encoding part of the SiteMinder HTTPHeaderEncodingSpec setting. 0 = No encoding (default) 1 = UTF-8 encoding SecondaryEncoding Specify the secondary encoding part of the SiteMinder HTTPHeaderEncodingSpec. 0 = No encoding (default) 1 = RFC-2047 encoding

TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 36 Installation Installing the Action Server

This topic describes how to install the Action Server. For more information on the Action Server, including software and hardware requirements and sizing, please refer to the Installation Planning Guide which can be downloaded from TIBCO's documentation site docs.tibco.com.

Please read the prerequisites and take the necessary actions before proceeding with the installation.

Prerequisites · 5MB of disk space · The TIBCO Nimbus Client is installed and the process repository is in a location that is accessible to the Action Server. · It is important that you have read the Installation Planning Guide which can be downloaded from TIBCO's documentation site docs.tibco.com.

Installing the Action Server 1. Launch setup.exe from the ActionServer folder. 2. [Welcome] If no other Windows applications are running, click Next. Otherwise, terminate the installation in order to exit the applications, then re-run the setup. 3. [Choose Destination Folder] The location in which the Action Server is installed will default to the location of the Client installation. To change location, in the Destination Folder panel click Browse to select a folder in which to install the Action Server in. To change the location of the process repository, deselect Use default sub-folder for Process Repository and click Browse in the Existing Process Repository panel to locate the process repository. Click Next to proceed. 4. [Choose Services for Installation] Select the Action Server services that you want to install. Click Next to proceed. 5. Depending upon which services you are installing, as selected in the previous step, you may be required to enter specific details with respect to certain services. [Email Service Configuration] Outgoing mail SMTP server - this is the name, or IP address, of the SMTP server. Non Delivery Report Recipient - this is the Email address that non-delivered Email reports are sent to. [Lock Service Configuration] Start Lock Time - this is the time that the process repository is locked to allow you to back it up. Stop Lock Time - this is the time that the process repository is unlocked. [LDAP Synchronisation Service Configuration] Administrator's Email Address - this is the Email address that is notified if any problems with the LDAP synchronization occur.

Email Address to user as from address for system Emails - this is the Email address that is used to send system Emails from. LDAP Server Name - this is the name, or IP address, of the LDAP server. First run time - this is the time that the first synchronization is run.

Page 37 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Installation

Repeat Interval - this is the time between synchronizations (by default this is 1440, i.e. 24 hours).

Click Next to install the selected Action Server services, then click Finish when prompted.

Configuring DCOM In order for the Office Integration Service to be able to launch and access Excel, the DCOM access and launch rights must be configured to allow launch and access rights for the MS Excel COM object for the user account nominated to run the service.

1. Run the Component Services (from the Start Menu Run command prompt run dcomcnfg). 2. Expand Console Root>Computers>My Computer>DCOM Config. 3. Right-click Microsoft Excel Application and choose Properties. 4. Click the Security tab to select it. 5. In the Launch and Activation Permissions panel click Customize, then click Edit. 6. Add the user account nominated to run the service and allow Local Launch rights. 7. Repeat steps 5-6 for Access Permissions, allowing Local Access rights. What Next... Configure the Action Server There are a number of configuration settings that can be defined for the respective Action Server services. See Configuring\Action Server Configuration\Configuring the Action Server for more information.

LDAP Service Setup The LDAP service must be run as a known domain account to allow it to access the LDAP server and authenticate.

Related topics

Configuring LDAP Integration Configuring SMTP Email

TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 38 Installation Installing the Business Intelligence Server

This topic describes how to install the Business Intelligence (BI) Server. For more information on the Business Intelligence Server, including software and hardware requirements and sizing, please refer to the Installation Planning Guide which can be downloaded from TIBCO's documentation site docs.tibco.com. Please read the prerequisites and take the necessary actions before proceeding with the installation.

Prerequisites · 3MB of disk space · The TIBCO Nimbus Client is installed and the process repository is in a location that is accessible to the Business Intelligence Server. · It is important that you have read the Installation Planning Guide which can be downloaded from TIBCO's documentation site docs.tibco.com.

Installing the Business Intelligence Server 1. Launch setup.exe from the BI Server folder. 2. [Welcome] If no other Windows applications are running, click Next. Otherwise, terminate the installation in order to exit the applications, then re-run the setup. 3. [Choose Destination Folder] The location in which the BI Server is installed will default to the location of the Client installation. To change location, in the Destination Folder panel click Browse to select a folder in which to install the BI Server in. To change the location of the process repository, deselect Use default sub-folder for Process Repository and click Browse in the Existing Process Repository panel to locate the process repository. Click Next to proceed. 4. [Start Installation] Click Next to install the BI Server. 5. [Installation Complete] Click Finish to exit the installation.

What Next... Configure the Business Intelligence Server There are a number of configuration settings that can be defined for the Business Intelligence Server. See Configuration\Business Intelligence Server Configuration\Configuring the Business Intelligence Server for more information.

Synchronize the Business Intelligence Server The Business Intelligence Server can be scheduled to run as a Windows Scheduled Task in order to update metric data in TIBCO Nimbus. See Configuration\Business Intelligence Server Configuration \Syncronizing the Business Intelligence Server for more information.

Page 39 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Installation

Related topics

Updating Excel Macros Creating SQL Queries Scheduling and Updating SQL Queries Integrating with SAP BW and SAP NetWeaver BI Integrating with Cognos Metrics Manager Installing the Performance Monitor

This topic describes how to install the Performance Monitor.

64-bit Versions of Windows Server To use the Performance Monitor in a 64-bit version of Windows Server, you must run the 32-bit version of the Windows Performance Monitor. To do this, run the following command: mmc.exe /32 perfmon.msc

Enable the support in Windows 2008 R2 and later for 32 bit counters 1. Open the services manager by running “services.msc” 2. Scroll down to two entries for “Performance Counter DLL host” and “Performance Logs & Alerts” 3. By default these two services are manual start, but need to be changed to “Automatic” start as below:

Once both of the steps above have been completed and the services started then Performance Monitor data collector sets should work as expected once restarted.


TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 40 Installation

· 10MB of disk space · The machine is running at least Windows Server 2008.

Installing the Performance Monitor 1. Launch setup.exe from the Performance Monitor folder. 2. [Welcome] If no other Windows applications are running, click Next. Otherwise, terminate the installation in order to exit the applications, then re-run the setup. 3. [Choose Destination Folder] The location in which the Performance Monitor is installed will default to the location of the Client installation. To change location, in the Destination Folder panel click Browse to select a folder in which to install the Performance Monitor in. Click Next to proceed. 4. Click Finish to exit the installation.

Related topics

Monitoring Web Server Performance Configuring Web Server Logging

Installing the Batch Server

This topic describes how to install the Batch Server.

The Batch Server is a separate utility that handles various operations outside of the Author Client, such as the promotion of draft content and assigning reviewers, requesting reviews, unlocking diagrams and assigning diagram access rights in the web. This allows the processes to be streamlined and managed from a server instead of a user's PC. This method also safeguards data integrity as it prevents users from terminating the operation midstream on their PC.

Prerequisites · 100MB of disk space

Installing the Batch Server 1. Launch setup.exe from the Batch Server folder. 2. [Welcome] If no other Windows applications are running, click Next. Otherwise, terminate the installation in order to exit the applications, then re-run the setup. 3. [Choose Destination Folder] The location in which the Batch Server is installed will default to the location of the Author Client installation. To change location, in the Destination Folder panel click Browse to select a location in which to install the Batch Server. To change the location of the process repository at this stage, deselect Use default sub-folder for Process Repository and click Browse in the Existing Process Repository panel to locate the process repository. Click Next to proceed. 4. Click Finish to exit the installation.

Page 41 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Installation Uninstalling TIBCO Nimbus

Each product must be uninstalled separately using the unwise.exe uninstaller. This can be found in each of the relevant folder structures.

TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 42 Security Securing a Process Repository

Since TIBCO Nimbus requires users to have read, write and modify NTFS privileges against the Process Repository folder, this poses a potential security loophole in that it allows users to modify any of the TIBCO Nimbus system files through normal file system capabilities (for example, through Windows Explorer). To prevent users from doing this, TIBCO Nimbus recommends that you secure your process repository using the secure PR facility. This prevents a user from directly accessing the data by executing the application as an encrypted proxy account for all PR interactions.

TIBCO Nimbus switches back to users' identities when performing external file operations, such as packaging, attaching files, registering files in the Document Registry, etc.

Prerequisites · TIBCO Nimbus has been installed and a user account that has NTFS read/write access to the process repository must exist. This account must also be able to run the TIBCO Nimbus author client.

Securing a process repository 1. Run RepoCred.exe (found in the Utilities folder on the CD). 2. Select the process repository that you want to secure and click OK. 3. In the Security Settings for Process Repository dialog select This account and specify the credentials of a single Windows user account for TIBCO Nimbus to run under when accessing the process repository. The account should not be an administrator account. Note: A new folder will be created at the same level as the process repository called Process Repositorycred (for example, C:\TIBCO Nimbus\Process Repositorycred). Within this folder is a file called cred.ini which contains the credentials required to access the process repository (including the password which is strongly encrypted). 4. Set the NTFS access rights on the Process Repositorycred folder to Read only for all users of the TIBCO Nimbus author client. 5. Set the NTFS access rights on the Process Repository folder to Access Denied for all user accounts except the nominated user account specified in step 3. It is also advisable to grant access to the system administrator(s).

Note: To return to an unsecured process repository, run RepoCred.exe and select Logged on user. This option uses the identity of the Windows user who launches TIBCO Nimbus to access the process repository. You must then also ensure that all users who require access to run TIBCO Nimbus have read/write access to the process repository.

Page 43 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Configuration Web Server Configuration

Configuring the Web Server There are a number of options that can be defined for the Web Server and this topic provides a summary of the available options. Some of these options are covered in more detail in other related topics.

Configuring the Web Server 1. Open config.ini (...\TIBCO Nimbus\Web Server\Config) in a text editor, such as Notepad. The following configuration options can be defined:

Installation IGUID Please do not change this value. WebServer DefaultMap Specify the full path of the default map for visitors only, for example Map1Folder \Map1. The map must be a master version and accessible to viewers. DefaultPageURL Specify a starting page for users. This option allows a relative or absolute URL to be defined that will automatically take users to a a specific page after they have logged in to the Web Server. For example, you could automatically navigate users to the Documents page, the Scorecards page or the Storyboards page upon logging in. Note: This option is not applicable if a map is specified for the DefaultMAP option (above), or if Single-sign On is enabled. Relative paths will have the Web Server's base URL and CtrlWebISAPI.dll appended to the start of the text before launching the user into the URL, so for example if you specify WebReports it will have http://// CtrlWebISAPI.dll/ appended to the beginning. Important - URLs need to be correctly encoded, i.e. all parts need correct HTTP escaping and non-ascii characters in the query parameters need UTF-8 encoding (which is then HTTP escaped with the whole query parameter). Examples http:////CtrlWebISAPI.dll/?__id=WebStoryboards http:////CtrlWebISAPI.dll/?__id=WebScorecards http:////CtrlWebISAPI.dll/?__id=WebDocs http:////CtrlWebISAPI.dll/?__id=WebReports

Setting the Documents page There are a number of optional parameters that can be specified when setting the default page URL to the Documents page. Note: Query parameters must be prefixed with &. FiltDocNum={numeric value} allows you to filter by a specific document number FiltTitle={text value} allows you to filter by document title

TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 44 Configuration

FiltMultiDown1={numeric value - unique item ID} allows an item from the first category drop-down to be filtered FiltMultiDown2={numeric value - unique item ID} allows an item from the second category drop-down to be filtered .... FiltMultiDown7={numeric value - unique item ID} allows an item from the seventh category drop-down to be filtered Note: Multiple values can be specified for each drop-down item. The unique ID can be found in the Drop Down List dialog for a given drop-down list - if the ID field is not visible, from the View menu choose Column Customizing and drag the ID field on to the existing group of field headers. See Defining category drop downs under Document Registry Administration in the TIBCO Nimbus Client Help for more information. PageSize={numeric value} allows you to set the number of items to display on the page FiltAuthStatus={numeric value} allows the authorization status to be filtered 0=All Authorized 1=Own UnAuthorized 2=All UnAuthorized 3=Authorized & Own 4=All Files (default if not specified) 5=All Pending & Authorized Note: A blank value may cause an error. FiltWithdrawn={true or false} includes or excludes withdrawn documents in the filtered search Note: False is the default if not specified. A blank value may cause an error. Example: http:////CtrlWebIsapi.dll/? __id=WebDocs.ActUpdateFilter&FiltDocNum=&FiltTitle=&PageSize=15&FiltMult iDDown3=23&FiltMultiDDown3=21&FiltMultiDDown2=19&FiltMultiDDown2=64 &FiltAuthStatus=4 The example URL above will search on documents with ID 23 or 21 in the third drop-down list and items with 19 or 64 in the second drop-down list. CLSID Unique identifier for the web server installation. Important: Do not change this value. SessionTimeout Specify the number of minutes before a user's session times out. Default=20, min=5, max=120 Note: For values greater than 20 you must also set the application pool session timeout through IIS to match the value set here. Note: The additional timeout for users that request it on the Web login screen will be the default value multiplied by 10. For example, if the value is set to 20 then users who select additional time to complete forms will receive 200 minutes before their session times out.

Page 45 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Configuration

MyPageOverride Override the Home page URL, for example http://corporateportal/ URL personal_home.aspx ServerHTMLChec The interval, in seconds, between checks for changes to server-side HTML files. kInterval -1 = Never re-check for changes (default) 0 = Check every time file is needed 1 - 86400 = Number of seconds before a recheck is made BatchLastLoginU Enable or disable the batch updating of last log in times for users. pdates 0 = Disable 1 = Enable (default) MaxProcessingTh Set the maximum number of processing threads to use for handling HTTP requests reads (note that this value should only be set when requested by TIBCO Nimbus Support. Default=40, max=64. HelpRootURL This is the link to the online web help. If internet access is not available to users then you can download a local copy of help and replace this URL. Copies of the help can be downloaded from docs.tibco.com. tibbr WorkspaceHeightSpecify the maximum height of the tibbr Wall gadget in users' My Workspaces. Note: Default is 600 pixels. MySearches Specify the height of the tibbr Subject Messages gadget displayed in the Keyword Discussion page. Height Note: Default is 450 pixels. HTTP ChunklfSupported Enable or disable chunked HTTP responses for supported browsers. 0 = Disable 1 = Enable (default) DataFolder Path This is the path of the process repository that the Web Server accesses. Note: The default location is \TIBCO Nimbus\Process Repository. You will only need to change this parameter if multiple Process Repositories exist. LockMode Specify the lock mode that the Web Server utilizes when the process repository is backed up. If set to 0 the standard lock service installed with the Action Server will be used. If set to 1, the Volume Shadow Copy Service will be used in conjunction with the Backup Utility. Note: The Backup Utility can only be used in Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008. See Backing Up a Process Repository for more information. 0 = Lock Service (default) 1 = Volume Shadow Copy Service Cache Enabled Enable or disable the image cache (recommended to be enabled). Enabling image caching provides quicker access to diagrams in the Web Server. 0 = Disable 1 = Enable (default) Path This is the location of the image cache, as setup during the Web Server installation.

TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 46 Configuration

MapAccessCache Enable or disable cached map access rights. Enabled 0 = Disable 1 = Enable (default) MapAccessCache Set the maximum number of map access rights items to cache. The default is MaxItems 100,000. MapAccessCache Set the maximum time to store cached map access rights items (in seconds). The MaxAgeSecs default 60. DiagAccessCacheEnable or disable cached diagram access rights. Enabled 0 = Disable 1 = Enable (default) DiagAccessCacheSet the maximum number of diagram access rights items to cache. The default is MaxItems 200,000. DiagAccessCacheSet the maximum time to store cached diagram access rights items (in seconds). MaxAgeSecs The default 60. BrowserMaxAge. Enable or disable image caching for diagram thumbnails on the client side. DiagramThumbna 0 = Disable il n = Number of seconds to cache images (default is 86,400, i.e 24 hours, and will be used if not set or disabled).

BrowserMaxAge. Enable or disable image caching for user photo thumbnails on the client side. UserPhoto 0 = Disable n = Number of seconds to cache images (default is 86,400, i.e 24 hours, and will be used if not set or disabled). BrowserMaxAge. Enable or disable image caching for storyboard cover thumbnails on the client side. StoryboardCover 0 = Disable n = Number of seconds to cache images (default is 86,400, i.e 24 hours, and will be used if not set or disabled). BrowserMaxAge. Enable or disable image caching for scorecard cover thumbnails on the client side. ScorecardCover 0 = Disable n = Number of seconds to cache images (default is 86,400, i.e 24 hours, and will be used if not set or disabled). BrowserMaxAge. Enable or disable image caching for keyword cover thumbnails on the client side. KeywordCover 0 = Disable n = Number of seconds to cache images (default is 86,400, i.e 24 hours, and will be used if not set or disabled). Diagram DefaultScale Specify the default display size of diagrams: 0 = Reset Zoom Mode 1 = 680x480 2 = 800x600 3 = 1024x768 (default) 4 = 1152x864 5 = 1280x1024 6 = 1600x1200

Page 47 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Configuration

DefaultZoomToFitEnable or disable the option to allow users to Zoom to Fit. 0 = Disable (default) 1 = Enable ShowDraftBanner Display or hide the draft banner on draft diagrams. Note: The Show draft banner when in draft copy option must be enabled for specific maps in the Author Client. 0 = Disable (default) 1 = Enable DefaultFormat The format for the generation of diagrams and internal image attachments. Note: GIF images are restricted to 256 colors. png (default) gif Margin Enable or disable diagram margins. 0 = Disable (default) 1 = Enable LeftMargin Specify the left margin of diagrams (in px). TopMargin Specify the top margin of diagrams (in px). RightMargin Specify the right margin of diagrams (in px). BottomMargin Specify the bottom margin of diagrams (in px). MaxWidth Specify the maximum width of diagrams in Reset Zoom mode (in px). MaxHeight Specify the maximum height of diagrams in Reset Zoom mode (in px). IntImageMargin Specify the margins of internal images in diagrams. IntImageLeftMargSpecify the left margin of internal images (in px). in IntImageTopMarg Specify the top margin of internal images (in px). in IntImageRightMa Specify the right margin of internal images (in px). rgin IntImageBottom Specify the bottom margin of internal images (in px). Margin IntImageMaxWidtSpecify the maximum width of internal images (px) in Reset Zoom mode. h IntImageMaxHeig Specify the maximum height of internal images (px) in Reset Zoom mode. ht

Note: The maximum size of the uploaded document or image, (this value is in bytes unless suffixed with K - Kilobytes or M - Megabytes). MaxDocumentUploadSize=8M and MaxImageUploadSize=500K.

Features Documents Enable or disable access to documents. 0 = Disable

TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 48 Configuration

1 = Enable (default) Memos Enable or disable access to memos. 0 = Disable 1 = Enable (default) ChangeReq Enable or disable access to change requests. 0 = Disable 1 = Enable (default) Logs Enable or disable access to logs. 0 = Disable 1 = Enable (default) AbbrRef Enable or disable access to abbreviations and references. 0 = Disable (default) 1 = Enable DataTableEdit Enable or disable data table editing. 0 = Disable 1 = Enable (default) MySearches Enable or disable access to My Searches (SharePoint only). 0 = Disable 1 = Enable (default) MyRoles Enable or disable access to My Roles. Note: A user group permission (Web My Roles), specified in the Author Client, is used to display or hide My Roles for specific user groups. If the MyRoles option is disabled, the user group permission will override this option and provide access to user groups who have been defined access to My Roles. 0 = Disable 1 = Enable (default) MySearchesMore Enable or disable access to My Searches More Options searching, allowing users to Options search against additional user group categories (SharePoint only). 0 = Disable 1 = Enable (default) SplitCollabAndLo Show or hide the diagram when users view associated memos, actions, change gsView requests, reviews and logs (SharePoint only) 0 = Hide diagram 1 = Display diagram (default) StoryboardStepsLi Display storyboard steps in the same window or a separate window (with the st diagram IDs visible). 0 = Show in same window (default) 1 = Show in separate window QuickLinks Display or hide the Quick Links (Home, Maps, Docs, To-Dos - under the menu). 0 = Hide 1 = Display (default)

Page 49 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Configuration

ShowGraphLinks Link metric/measure graph icons with the BI Server graph. 0 = Link to diagrams 1 = Link to graphs (default) ForgotPasswordLi Allow users to reset their own passwords on the Login page. nk Note: This feature does not work if user accounts are managed via LDAP. 0 = Disable 1 = Enable (default) ActColOnStmtLinkDisplay the Activity column in the Statement Details page. Page 0 = Disable 1 = Enable (default) ProcessDesigner 0 = Disable 1 = Enable WelcomeSlideShoDisable the Welcome Slide Show. w 0 = Disable 1 = Enable (default) Acknowledgements IncDropDown1 Display a document's drop-down fields in users' acknowledgement To-Do lists. ... 0 = Disable (default) IncDropDown7 1 = Enable Search PageSize Specify the maximum number of items that are displayed on each page in the Search page. Storage TempPath The location of the Web Server temporary folder (created in the installation process). FileUploadPath Specify the location to store file attachments uploaded by users in the web. Storyboard AvailableModes Specify whether to default the display of storyboards as Diagram or Text. Note: Users can switch between modes when viewing a storyboard. Diagram displays the storyboard as a diagram. Text displays the storyboard as text. Excel PollingMinutes Specify how often metric values are checked and refreshed (default is set to check metric values every 10 mins - min. is 1 min, max. is 600 mins) Host Specify the name, or IP address, of the machine running the Office Integration Service. By default this is localhost. Port The port number of the machine running the Office Integration Service. By default this is 51001. Authentication More info... UseIntegrated Enable or disable integrated authentication. 0 = Disable (default) 1 = Enable

TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 50 Configuration

RequiredDomain Specify the domain name that must be matched in addition to the user login name. Any domain matches if not specified. CaseSensitive Specify case sensitivity when matching the domain name (user name matching is always case insensitive). 0 = Case insensitive 1 = Case sensitive (default) IntegAuthType Specify the type of authentication used. 0 = Windows Integrated Authentication (default) 1 = Netegrity SiteMinder 2 = SSO2 Ticket Authentication IntegAutoLogonO Enable or disable automatic logon only, i.e. users cannot log out and access the nly Log On page. 0 = Disable (default) 1 = Enable IntegFailureURL Specify a URL to display when an unknown user account attempts to log in. If unspecified a built-in page is displayed. IsapiAuthentication AlwaysUseIISAuthSpecify whether to use IIS' authentication variables even when the IIS version does Info not support Unicode authentication details. 0 = Disable (default) 1 = Enable SiteMinderAuthentication More info... HeaderFieldNameSpecify the header field to obtain the authenticated user name from. Assumed to be HTTP_SMUSER if not specified. PrimaryEncoding Specify the primary encoding part of the SiteMinder HTTPHeaderEncodingSpec setting. 0 = No encoding 1 = UTF-8 encoding (default) SecondaryEncodi Specify the secondary encoding part of the SiteMinder HTTPHeaderEncodingSpec. ng 0 = No encoding (default) 1 = RFC-2047 encoding SSO2TicketAuthentication CallMethod Specify the call method to verify the SSO2 ticket. Note: If using the Web service, the WebServiceURL parameter must also be specified below. If using SSO2TicketCom, the SSO2TicketCom COM library must be correctly installed. 0 = Use the Web service to verify ticket (default) 1 = Use SSO2TicketCom COM library to verify ticket WebServiceUrl Specify the URL for the CenterForSSO2Ticket Web service. For example, http://{server name}/CenterForSSO2Ticket.asmx. CookieName Specify the name of the cookie to use as the SSO2 ticket for authentication. If unspecified the cookie name will be MYSAPSSO2.

Page 51 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Configuration

WebLogging More info... Enabled Enable or disable Web Server logging. 0 = Disable 1 = Enable (default) IsUnicode Enable or disable Unicode Web logging. 0 = Disable 1 = Enable (default) OutputInterval Specify the time (in milliseconds) that information is cached before being written to disk. QueueSize Specify the maximum size of the queue. WaitForLock Specify the time (in milliseconds) to wait for a file lock to write to disk. PathMapping SourcePathn Specify the mapped drive path to be substituted by the Web Server. DestPathn Specify the UNC path to use instead of the mapped drive path. Localisations Locale Definition Specify the localization files available to the Web Server (for more information on localizing the Web Server, please contact TIBCO Nimbus Support). Localisations-Help Locale Specify any help file localizations available to the Web Server. Documents LocalisedDDownTSpecify whether to use either the document drop-down titles as specified in the itles client, or the localized titles in a specific localization file. 0 = Use author client drop-down titles (default) 1 = Use localized drop-down titles ShowFullPath Display or hide the file path of documents when users view the details of documents in the Document Registry. 0 = Hide the file path of documents 1 = Display the file path of documents (default) GarbageCollector DrillDownGraceP Specify the number of hours to allow deleted drill downs to be reinstated, i.e. to eriodHours undo a deletion, before being permanently deleted. The default is 3 hours. WebServices APIEnabled Enable or disable the Web Services API. 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled (default) PublishWSDL Enable or disable the publishing of the WSDL document. 0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled DocumentList Specify how document searches are displayed. You can add, remove and reorder the columns displayed and define how searches are sorted. The following document fields exist, with specific field IDs:

TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 52 Configuration

Field ID Field 1 Creator 2 Creation Date 3 Author 4 Comment 5 Document Number 6 Language 7 Owner 8 Preparation Date 9 Withdrawn 10 User Reference 11 Master Title 12 Master Version 13 Issue Date 14 Review Date 15 Draft Title 16 Draft Version 17 Draft Status 18 Release Due 19 Document Number Full 20 Dropdown Code 1 21 Dropdown Code 2 22 Dropdown Code 3 23 Dropdown Code 4 24 Dropdown Code 5 25 Dropdown Code 6 26 Dropdown Code 7 27 Dropdown Name 1 28 Dropdown Name 2 29 Dropdown Name 3 30 Dropdown Name 4 31 Dropdown Name 5 32 Dropdown Name 6 33 Dropdown Name 7

Displaying Fields To display a particular field, use the following format: FieldxxxTag=www FieldxxxWidth=yyy FieldxxxAlign=zzz where xxx is the position of the column of the field www is the field ID (from the list above) yyy is the width in HTML style (e.g. 20% or 20) zzz is the alignment (0=Left, 1=Center, 2=Right).

For example, if you want to add a column to display the draft title of documents, you would include the following lines:

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Field9Tag=15 Field9Width=10% Field9Align=0

Sorting Fields To display a particular field, use the following format: SortxxxTag=www SortxxxAscend=yyy where xxx is the sorting order of the field www is the field ID (from the list above) yyy is the sort direction, 0=descending, 1=ascending (default if not specified)

For example, if you want to display the master titles of documents, sorted in an ascending direction when users conduct a search, you would include the following lines: Sort1Tag=11 Sort1Ascend=1

Formatting Drop-down Fields To specify the number of characters to display for the drop-down labels and items, use the following format: FilterxxxLabChrs=www FilterxxxItemChrs=www where xxx is the drop-down filter number www is the maximum number of characters to display

The example below will display up to 15 characters for the label of drop-down filter 1 and 20 characters for the items associated with drop-down 1. Filter1LabChrs=15 Filter1ItemsChrs=20

ActionList Specify how actions are displayed following a search. You can add, remove and reorder the columns displayed and define how searches are sorted. The following action fields exist: Field ID Field 1 Action Group ID 2 Subject Text 3 Category Name 4 Status Name 5 Priority Name 6 Owner Name 7 Start Date 8 Due Date 9 Assignees 10 Created 11 Finish Date 12 Throughput Time

TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 54 Configuration

13 Has Attachments (image) 14 Attachments (yes/no) 15 Host Type Name 16 Host Title 17 DT0 18 DT1 19 DTn

Displaying Fields To display a particular field, use the following format: FieldxxxTag=www FieldxxxWidth=yyy FieldxxxAlign=zzz where xxx is the position of the column of the field www is the field ID (from the list above) yyy is the width in HTML style (e.g. 20% or 20) zzz is the alignment (0=Left, 1=Center, 2=Right).

For example, if you want to add a column to display the due date, you would include the following lines: Field8Tag=15 Field8Width=10% Field8Align=0

Sorting Fields To display a particular field, use the following format: SortxxxTag=www SortxxxAscend=yyy where xxx is the sorting order of the field www is the field ID (from the list above) yyy is the sort direction, 0=descending, 1=ascending (default if not specified)

For example, if you want to display the action group IDs, sorted in an ascending direction when users conduct a search, you would include the following lines: Sort1Tag=1 Sort1Ascend=1

Data Table Fields You can specify whether to display or hide data table fields: HideAdditionalData=0 will display data table fields HideAdditionalData=1 will hide data table fields

X-Frame-Options Allows specification of X-Frame-Options response headers.

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Upload Uploads to the document library are governed by 'AllowDocumentExtensions' and 'ForbidDocumentExtensions'. If an extension is specified in both the 'AllowDocumentExtensions' whitelist and the 'ForbidDocumentExtensions' blacklist, the blacklist entry will take precedence.

'AllowDocumentExtensions' whitelist If the whitelist is commented out (;) any extensions can be used. If uncommented, then only extensions that appear in this list are allowed.

'ForbidDocumentExtensions' blacklist If the blacklist is commented out (;) default extensions of ".bat" and ".exe" are used. This list has a higher priority over the 'AllowDocumentExtensions' whitelist.

'AllowImageExtensions' whitelist Image uploads (images on diagrams, user photos etc.) are governed by the 'AllowImageExtensions' whitelist. If the whitelist is commented out (;) defaults of JPEG (jpg), Portable Network Graphics (png) and Graphics Interchange Format (gif) are used.

Further Information The following provides more information on some of the Web Server configuration parameters, as described above.

Default Starting Page This option allows a relative or absolute URL to be defined that will automatically take users to a specific page after they have logged in to the Web Server. For example, you could automatically navigate users to the Documents page, the Scorecards page or the Storyboards page. Note: This option is not applicable if a map is specified for the DefaultMAP option, or if Single- sign On is enabled. Relative paths will have the Web Server's base URL and CtrlWebISAPI.dll appended to the start of the text before launching the user into the URL, so for example if you specify WebReports it will have http:////CtrlWebISAPI.dll/ appended to the beginning.

Important - URLs need to be correctly encoded, i.e. all parts need correct HTTP escaping and non- ascii characters in the query parameters need UTF-8 encoding (which is then HTTP escaped with the whole query parameter).

Examples http:////CtrlWebISAPI.dll/?__id=WebStoryboards http:////CtrlWebISAPI.dll/?__id=WebScorecards http:////CtrlWebISAPI.dll/?__id=WebDocs

TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 56 Configuration


Documents Page There are a number of optional parameters that can be specified when setting the default page URL to the Documents page. In the [Web Server] section modify the DefaultPageURL parameter. Note: Query parameters must be prefixed with &.

FiltDocNum={numeric value} allows you to filter by a specific document number FiltTitle={text value} allows you to filter by document title

FiltMultiDown1={numeric value - unique item ID} allows an item from the first category drop- down to be filtered FiltMultiDown2={numeric value - unique item ID} allows an item from the second category drop-down to be filtered .... FiltMultiDown7={numeric value - unique item ID} allows an item from the seventh category drop-down to be filtered Note: Multiple values can be specified for each drop-down item. The unique ID can be found in the Drop Down List dialog for a given drop-down list - if the ID field is not visible, from the View menu choose Column Customizing and drag the ID field on to the existing group of field headers. See Defining category drop downs under Document Registry Administration in the TIBCO Nimbus Client Help for more information. PageSize={numeric value} allows you to set the number of items to display on the page FiltAuthStatus={numeric value} allows the authorization status to be filtered 0=All Authorized 1=Own UnAuthorized 2=All UnAuthorized 3=Authorized & Own 4=All Files (default if not specified) 5=All Pending & Authorized Note: A blank value may cause an error. FiltWithdrawn={true or false} includes or excludes withdrawn documents in the filtered search Note: False is the default if not specified. A blank value may cause an error.

Example http:////CtrlWebIsapi.dll/? __id=WebDocs.ActUpdateFilter&FiltDocNum=&FiltTitle=&PageSize=15&FiltMultiDDown3=2 3&FiltMultiDDown3=21&FiltMultiDDown2=19&FiltMultiDDown2=64&FiltAuthStatus=4 The example URL above will search on documents with ID 23 or 21 in the third drop-down list and items with 19 or 64 in the second drop-down list. Home page URL You can override the Home page URL so that when users access their Home page it will take them to a different URL. For example, http://corporateportal/personal_home.aspx. In the [Web Server] section modify the MyPageOverrideURL parameter.

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Configuring MIME mappings MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) can be configured. You can define the MIME handling of file extensions and change the icon associated with a file extension when it is displayed in the Web Server. You can also specify to download a particular file type when users access a file, or open it using the application associated with that file extension.

Configuring MIME mappings 1. Open mimemap.cfg (...TIBCO Nimbus\Web Server\Config) in a text editor, such as Notepad, and make any edits to the file extensions as required. Note: The fields are tab-delimited. The fifth (comma-delimited) column determines whether a particular file type will open when users access it (this is the default value, 0, and is used if not specified), or downloaded (if set to 1'). Icons are stored in ...\TIBCO Nimbus\Web Server\Main \images.

Configuring Web Server Logging Web Server logging can be enabled to debug any issues that may arise with the configuration of the Web Server. There are two log files, one for the ISAPI extension, the other for the Web Server application, and both use the Log4D component. If enabled, any errors and warnings will be logged in the respective log file. Note: ISAPI and Web Server logging is usually only necessary when requested by TIBCO Nimbus Support in order to resolve any issues that you may have with a Web Server. Additionally, if Web Server logging is run by the user option, it is only possible to track 50 users at any one time.

Enabling ISAPI logging 1. Open isapilog.cfg (...\TIBCO Nimbus\Web Server\Config) in a text editor, such as Notepad. To enable ISAPI logging you must comment out the second line, i.e.: #log4D.disable=INFO The log file will be created in the Web Server Logs directory (default location is ...\TIBCO Nimbus \Web Server\Logs).

Enabling Web Server logging 1. Open websvrlog.cfg (...\TIBCO Nimbus\Web Server\Config) in a text editor, such as Notepad. To enable Web Server logging you must comment out the second line, i.e.: #log4D.disable=INFO The log file will be created in the Web Server Logs directory (default location is ...\TIBCO Nimbus \Web Server\Logs).

Configuring Page Hit Logging Page hit logging will record a log of all pages accessed in the Web Server for each day. A new line will be created for each entry and the log can be viewed by a text editor or in Excel, since the format is tab delimited. Web logging is enabled in the Web Server configuration file.

TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 58 Configuration

Configuring page hit logging 1. Open config.ini (...TIBCO Nimbus\Web Server\Config) in a text editor, such as Notepad. In the [WebLogging] section modify the following parameters: Enabled - Set this value to Enabled=1. IsUnicode - Choose between Unicode=1 or Ansi=0. OutputInterval - Specify how often a log is made, in milliseconds (default = 1000). QueueSize - Specify the maximum number of log records to keep (default = 1000). WaitForLock - Specify the duration that the Web Server should wait for exclusive access to the log file, in milliseconds (default = 5000). 2. Save and close config.ini.

Log Files Generated log files - yyyymmdd.log - are stored in ...\TIBCO Nimbus\Process Repository\System\Logs \Web. The structure of a log file includes Date, Time, User name, First name, Last name, Web Server machine name, Client IP address and page name. If the page is context-based the following information is also included: Diagram Folder structure, Map name, Map type, Diagram name and Diagram level. Map Folder structure, Map name and Map type (the map types are empty, i.e. master, "Draft" or "Scenario": ". Document Document number.

Configuring Web Hit Logging The Web Log Utility provides a method for logging web page hits and either storing them in a specified database or saving the data as a metric-related Excel or CVS data file. This task can be run as a Windows scheduled task. Note: Page Hit Logging must be enabled; this is enabled by default. See Page Hit Logging for more information.

Saving Web statistic as an Excel or CSV file 1. Run WebLogsUtility.exe (...TIBCO Nimbus\Client\Utilities). 2. Click the Web Statistics to Excel or CSV tab to select it. 3. Click Browse to locate the process repository that you want to export web statistics from. 4. In the Date Range panel, select a date range of the results that you want to export. For example, you may want to export statistic for the last 3 weeks. Custom Date Range allows you to specify a range of dates. 5. Select the page hit statistics that you want to export in the Common Export Options tab. Total page hits for each day, week or month will display the total number of web server pages accessed. Total page hits by map for each day, week or month will display the total number of web server pages accessed for each map. Total page hits by user group for each day, week or month will display the total number of pages accessed by each user group. Include Metrics Sheet (Excel only) will create a separate metrics data sheet for the selected web statistics.

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There are also a number of options to include total page hits for diagrams, documents and storyboards, and the total number of user logins. These can be accessed by selecting the respective tabs - By Diagram, By Storyboard, By Document and Total Logins.

Saving Settings You can save the settings you have defined by clicking Save settings to WSE file. This file is used when creating a Windows scheduled task and running the operation from the command line. 6. Click Export to file.

TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 60 Configuration

Exporting Web statistics to a database The Web Log Utility allows you to export statistics to an existing database, such as MS SQL Server, Microsoft Access and MySQL. If you do not have a database then this utility also allows a new ODBC database to be created with associated table structures. See To create a ODBC database below for more information.

1. Run WebLogsUtility.exe (...TIBCO Nimbus\Client\Utilities). 2. Click Browse to locate the process repository that you want to export web statistics from. 3. Click Build Connection String. There are four tabs; click Help on the respective tab for further information. Provider Select the relevant OLE DB provider. Connection Select the data source and enter a user name and password (if required). Advanced Select the data source and enter a user name and password (if required). Blank password enables the specified provider to return a blank password in the connection string. Allow saving password allows the password to be saved with the connection string. If saved, the password is returned and saved unmasked and unencrypted. All Edit any initialization values for the data type. 4. Click OK. 5. In the Table Name text box enter the name of the table that stores the web statistics. 6. Click Get Fields to populate the field mapping drop-down lists. 7. Choose the associated field mappings from the respective drop-down lists. Steps 8-11 allow you to include user group information in the export, assuming appropriate tables exist in the database. If you do not want to include user group information then proceed to Step 12. 8. Select Include User Group details. 9. In the User Group Names Table and User Group Members Table text boxes enter names for the user group and user group tables, respectively. 10. In the Group ID (on the left) and Group Name field mapping text boxes enter corresponding field mapping names for the new user group table. 11. In the Group ID (on the right) and User ID field mapping text boxes enter corresponding field mapping names for the new user member table. Saving Settings You can save the settings you have defined by clicking Save settings to WLD file. This file is used when creating a Windows scheduled task and running the operation from the command line. 12. Click OK.

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Creating ODBC databases When exporting web statistics to a database, a ODBC database is required. If you do not have a database then you can create a new ODBC database with associated table structures with the Web Log Utility. 1. Run WebLogsUtility.exe (...TIBCO Nimbus\Client\Utilities). 2. Click Browse to locate the process repository that you want to export web statistics from. 3. Click Build Connection String. Click Help on the relevant tab. See Building Connection Strings above for more information. 4. Click OK. 5. In the Table Name text box enter the name of the table to store the web statistics. 6. Choose the associated field mappings from the respective drop-down lists. Steps 7-11 allow you to create two new tables to store user group information in. If you do not want to include user group information then proceed to Step 12. 7. Select Include User Group details. 8. In the User Group Names Table and User Group Members Table text boxes enter names for the user group and user group tables, respectively. 9. In the Group ID (on the left) and Group Name field mapping text boxes enter corresponding field mapping names for the new user group table. 10. In the Group ID (on the right) and User ID field mapping text boxes enter corresponding field mapping names for the new user member table. 11. Click Create New Table(s). 12. Click OK.

Running the Web Log Utility from the command line The Web Log Utility can be run from the command line, or as a Scheduled Windows Task, in order to export web statistics to either a database or to file (Excel or CSV). A settings file must be referenced, which is created using the Web Log Utility. WLD settings files define exporting to a database and WSE settings files define exporting to an Excel or CSV file. For more information on creating settings files see the relevant section above. When exporting web statistics to a database, a ODBC database is required. If you do not have a database then you can create a new ODBC database with associated table structures using the Web Log Utility. 1. Use the following command lines: Excel or CSV output .exe\ ".wse" Database output .exe\ ".wld"

For example "C:\TIBCO Nimbus\Client\Utilities\WebLogsUtility.exe "C:\TIBCO Nimbus\Client\WebLog WSE.wse"

Logging When the Web Log Utility is run from the command line, a log file is created in a folder in the same directory as the utility called Logs. Separate log files are created for each month. TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 62 Configuration Action Server Configuration

Configuring the Action Server There are a number of configuration parameters that control the behavior of the Action Server.

Configuring the Action Server 1. Open config.ini (...\TIBCO Nimbus\Action Server) in a text editor, such as Notepad. Modify the following parameters: System LoggingLevel The level of logging that is written to the Email log files 0-3, 3 levels is the maximum. TempPath The location of the Temp folder (set during installation)

2. Save and exit Config.ini.

The following topics provide more information on the remaining Action Server configuration options: Lock Service Configure the start and stop times of the process repository lock to allow for the manual backing up of data. See Third-party Backup Utilities for more information. LDAP Configure Single-sign On via LDAP synchronization. See Configuring LDAP synchronization for more information. SMTP Configure notification Email settings. See Configuring SMTP Email for more information. Office Integration Server Configure the integration between TIBCO Nimbus and Excel for metric-based data and Excel-based scorecards. See the TIBCO Nimbus Office Integration Server PDF in the Documents folder on the CD for more information.

Related topics

Managing TIBCO Nimbus Services

Page 63 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Configuration

Configuring SMTP Email The Action Server's Email service can manage system Emails. HTML Emails are generated and sent to a designated SMTP server at times specified in the polling period. By default, access to the SMTP server is unauthenticated; you can allow authenticated access if required.

Setting authenticated SMTP access 1. In the Client, from the Administration menu choose Application Credentials, then Action Server Email Service. 2. Browse to the location of the Action Server and click OK. 3. Select Authenticated. 4. From the Encryption Type drop-down list choose the type of encryption required. Standard allows decryption on any PC (recommended) Current PC allows decryption only on the PC that originally performed the encryption Current PC and current user allows decryption only by the PC that originally performed the encryption and when the same user is logged in. 5. Enter the User name and password of the user account that has access to the Email server. 6. Click OK.

Setting Email options 1. Open config.ini (...\TIBCO Nimbus\Action Server) in a text editor, such as Notepad. Modify any of the following parameters, as required:

Email PollingPeriod The frequency that the Email queue is checked, in seconds SystemType The Email system that is supported (currently only SMTP is supported) Path The path of the process repository. This is the location that the Email queue resides NDRRecipient The Email address that non-delivery reports are sent to SystemSender The Email address that sent Emails will appear from SystemSubject The text that appears in the subject field of system-generated Emails VerifyNames The TIBCO Nimbus Email Service will attempt to verify Email addresses against the mail server before sending messages (note: this option is not supported on most servers, in which case you may need to disable this option). 0 = Disable (default), 1 = Enable MaxRetries The number of delivery attempts before an Email is deleted Note: Once an Email fails to be sent after x number of times it is deleted and an entry is added to the log. A delivery failure attempt requires successful connection to a SMTP service, meaning that the retry counts are incremented when there is a network outage. If the value is set to 0 it will retry indefinitely. CombineEmails Send all emails to recipients in a single Email. If disabled, emails are sent separately, with the notification titles used as the subject of the emails. 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable (default) MaxSMTPTime The maximum time (in msecs) that the email service will remain connected to the SMTP server in a single session. 0 = Disable, 1 - x = Max connection time (in msecs) MessagesPerHour The maximum number of emails that will be sent per hour. Note that the number of emails sent per session is dependent on the polling period value (for example if the PollingPeriod is set to 600, i.e. emails are sent every 10mins, and the

TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 64 Configuration

MessagesPerHour is set to 1000, then a maximum of 167 emails will be sent in each session). 0 = Disable, 1 - x = Number of messages to send (per hour) SMTP Host The name or IP address of the SMTP server Port The listening port of the SMTP server (usually 25) Verify Enable or disable the Verify command 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable (default) UserName The user name required to authenticate with the SMTP server using the AUTH LOGIN functionality Password This is set by the Client and is a base 54 encoded encrypted password EncryptionType Specify the level of password encryption 0 = Password can be decrypted by any PC 1 = Password can be decrypted only by the PC that performed the original encryption 2 = Password can be decrypted only by the PC and original user that performed the original encryption Anonymous Anonymous access to the server can be enabled 0 = Not anonymous, 1 = Anonymous (default) Configuring SMTP Logging The Email Service creates a log every time it is run. It is possible to set the logging level to provide more or less detail.

Enabling SMTP logging 1. Open config.ini (...\TIBCO Nimbus\Action Server) in a text editor, such as Notepad. 2. Set the LevelLogging parameter to one of the following: 0 None Startup, Shutdown 1 Low Startup, Shutdown. An entry for every polling period (no entries if an action did not occur at a polling period) Note: Recommended setting when in production. 2 Medium Startup, Shutdown. An entry for every polling period 3 High Startup, Shutdown. An entry for every polling period. An entry for every email that is sent, including the email address, message contents and the related item.

Note: Generated log files - yyyymmddx.log - are stored in ...\TIBCO Nimbus\Action Server\Logs \Email

Configuring LDAP Synchronization For information on configuring LDAP synchronization, refer to the Configuring LDAP integration topic in the Installation section. Testing LDAP Synchronization Following the configuration of LDAP integration, it is recommended to test the synchronization between the Directory Service list of users and the TIBCO Nimbus list. The LDAP Configuration Tool

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provides the ability to test an LDAP synchronization, as well as allowing you to create a new LDAP configuration file. When LDAP synchronization is tested, the results of the synchronization will be displayed but no data will be written.

Note: Increasing the logging level in the LDAP configuration file will provide more details results

Testing LDAP synchronization 1. Run LDAPUtility.exe found in the Utilities folder. 2. Click Load Config and select the LDAPConfig.ini. Note: The default location of LDAPConfig.ini is ...\TIBCO Nimbus\Process Repository\LDAP 3. Change any parameters in the configuration file, as required. 4. Click Test Sync.

If the test fails you will receive the following message:

Testing LDAP authentication 1. Click in the User Name and Password text boxes and enter a user name and password that has current access to the directory service. 2. Click Authenticate.

Defining a new LDAP configuration file 1. Click New Config. 2. Browse to a location to save the configuration file to, then click OK. to load the configuration parameters. 3. Click at the end of the parameters that you want to define and define the values. 4. Click Save Config.

Scheduling Testing a LDAP synchronization can be run from the command line, or as a Windows Scheduled Task. Run the following command: For example: "C:\TIBCO Nimbus\Client\Utilities\LDAPUtility.exe" "C:\TIBCO Nimbus\Process Repository" Configuring LDAP Synchronization Logging On start-up the LDAP Service creates a log file, which will report on any issues with the synchronization.

Enabling LDAP Synchronization logging 1. Open LDAPConfig.ini (...\TIBCO Nimbus\Process Repository\LDAP) in a text editor, such as Notepad. 2. In the [MainSection] enter the desired logging level for the LoggingLevel parameter. 0 None Startup, Shutdown

TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 66 Configuration

1 Low Startup, Shutdown, Synchronization times 2 Medium Startup, Shutdown, Synchronization times, Added users, Removed users 3 High Startup, Shutdown, Synchronization times, All users added to each group, All users removed from each group, Duplicate users, Updates to user preferences 4 Full Startup, Shutdown, All users added to each group, All users removed from each group, Properties retrieved for each user, Duplicate users, Updates to user preferences Note: It is recommended to set the logging to low when in production. The log file - LDAP.log - is stored in ...\TIBCO Nimbus\Action Server\Logs\LDAP.

Page 67 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Configuration Business Intelligence Server Configuration

Configuring the Business Intelligence Server There are a number of configuration options that can be defined for the Business Intelligence Server.

Configuring the Business Intelligence Server 1. Open BiSvc.ini (...\TIBCO Nimbus\BI Server) in a text editor, such as Notepad. Modify any of the parameters, as required.

DATAFOLDER Path The path of the process repository (this can be a UNC path name) OPTIONS RecordLimit The maximum number of records that will be stored for each measure RetryPeriod The number of minutes between each retry after a failure to send an SMS message RetryAttempts The number of retry attempts before aborting notification TEXT Up The text that is sent via Email and SMS when a value breaches a threshold value and is ascending. The text can include three substitution parameters: · Title (title of the measure) · Value (current value of the measure that breached the threshold) · Notes (any additional notes) To insert these values include the '<' and '>' characters. For example, Up = Measure has increased to <VALUE>. <NOTES>. Down The text that is sent via Email and SMS when a value breaches a threshold and is descending. For example, Down = Measure <TITLE> has decreased to <VALUE>. <NOTES>. Url The diagram URL. For example, Url = Go to the diagram <URL>. EXCEL Host The machine that the Office Integration server is located on (machine name or IP address) Port The listening port number of the Office Integration Server PollingMinutes How often the metric value is checked (default is set to check metric values every 60 mins - min. is 10 mins, max. is 10080 mins) EMAIL Subject The text that appears in the subject setting of an Email From The person that you want sent Emails to appear from. For example, TIBCO Nimbus Administrator. SMS Where Short Message Service (SMS) is required, a SMS service provider is required to send the text messages. More than one service provider can be specified but only one may be active at</p><p>TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 68 Configuration</p><p> any one time. Contact TIBCO Nimbus Support if you need to specify multiple SMS service providers. Comment out the service provider parameters (the name of the service provider and then CLSID). Name The name of the service provider (by default Clickatell is specified) CLSID This value should not be changed IniFileName The location of the service provider specification data (it can be this file) CLICKATELL By default, TIBCO Nimbus provides a service provider module for Clickatell. Note: A Clickatell account is required, which can be obtained from Clickatell. API_ID The Clickatell ID (provided by Clickatell) User The Clickatell username Password The Clickatell password UseGet Set this value to '0' UseSSL Default is on, '1'. Set this to '0' to turn SSL off.</p><p>Note: Running the SSync utility from the webserver\utilities folder will not work as this version is not configured. Testing the Business Intelligence Server The Business Intelligence Server can be tested to ensure it is running correctly.</p><p>Testing the Business Intelligence Server 1. Create a new map with an activity box containing an Excel metric link. 2. Authorize and promote the map. Note: Only authorized (master) maps are checked by the Business Intelligence Server. 3. Set the properties of the map so that it is included in the Web Search and when processing Excel metric link notifications (if necessary). 4. Run the SSync.exe (from the TIBCO Nimbus program group on the Start menu). 5. Log in to the Web Server and view the master version of the map you created in Step 1. 6. Click on the metric link and view the graph. Note: It may take a while for the results to be viewable, depending on what the polling period is set to. This is 60 minutes by default but this value may have changed in the BiSvc.ini file. See Configuring the Business Intelligence Serverfor more information.</p><p>Synchronizing the Business Intelligence Server Metric data is managed by the Business Intelligence Server, which requires a definition file. This definition file is created by running the System Synchronization Utility that is installed with the Web Server. Updating metric data in TIBCO Nimbus can be scheduled as a Windows Scheduled Task. Note: The System Synchronization Utility is also used to synchronize the Web Server, for example to update flow line links, recurring reviews, the Search database, etc. See Synchronizing the Web Server for more information.</p><p>Scheduling Business Intelligence Server synchronization</p><p>Page 69 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Configuration</p><p>Synchronizing the Business Intelligence Server can be run from the command line, or it can be automatically scheduled using Windows Task Scheduler. The System Synchronization Utility can be found in ...\TIBCO Nimbus\Web Server\Utilities. Run the following command:</p><p><path>/ssync.exe <path of ini file> [<path of log file>] -measure For example: C:\TIBCO Nimbus\Web Server\Utilities\ssync.exe C:\TIBCO Nimbus\Web Server\Utilities \SSyncResults.log] -measure Note: If no path is defined then the utility will search for the configuration file in the local folder. If no path to the log file is defined then it will use the local folder. It is advised that a Windows Scheduled Task is created, using the command above. If set to run as a scheduled task, the System Synchronization Utility must not be running when a process repository backup is in progress, as this can lead to inconsistent and corrupt data in the backup. </p><p>Configuring Business Intelligence Server Logging Logging of the Business Intelligence Server, via the Log4D component, is configured through the BiSvcLog.cfg file. Note: Business Intelligence Server logging is usually only necessary when requested by TIBCO Nimbus Support in order to resolve any issues that you may have with the Business Intelligence Server.</p><p>Enabling Business Intelligence Server logging 1. Open BiSvcLog.cfg (...\TIBCO Nimbus\BI Server) in a text editor, such as Notepad. To enable logging you must comment out the second line, i.e.: #log4D.disable=INFO 2. Save and exit BiSvcLog.cfg.</p><p>Note: Generated log files - bisvr.log, bisms.log and biEmail.log - are stored in ...\TIBCO Nimbus\BI Server\Logs</p><p>TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 70 Resource and User Role Import Importing Resources</p><p>Resources dictate who, or what, is responsible for completing a particular activity in a process. There are two types of resource library: a Central and Local. Central Library Resources can be imported, merged and updated from a file. There are two options for updating a Central Resource Library, the first will replace all central resources and delete any resources that are not in the data file. The second method will update existing resources but it will not delete existing resources that are not specified in the data file. Best practice recommends you use the Central Resource Library to serve all process maps and diagrams that have a common resource assignment. Local resources cannot be imported. </p><p>Resource File Format The format of the resource file is CSV and the following format is required: Resource name,[Resource cost],[Field 1],[Field 2],[Display Name],[Group Name] For example Printer,2,HP (Color),First Floor,HP Color Printer (First Floor),Printers</p><p>Notes: 1. The only field that is mandatory is the Resource name field. 2. The first row of the CSV must be empty. 3. A new line must exist for each resource. 4. If the group does not already exist in TIBCO Nimbus then the group name will be ignored. 5. Resources can be imported, merged or updated in multiple groups. A new line must exist for each group.</p><p>Importing resources into the Central Resource library 1. Run ImportUtil.exe (found in the Utilities folder on the Installation CD). 2. Click Browse to select the process repository that you want to import, merge and/or update resources in. 3. From the User Name drop-down list choose the administrator account to run the Import Utility, enter the password and click Next. 4. Select Resources, then click Next. 5. Select one of the following rules: · Update and merge resources from file will update all resources in the Central Resource Library. Any Central Library resources not in the data file will remain in the library. · Replace all existing resources from file will replace all resources in the Central Resource Library. Any Central Library resources not in the data file will be deleted. 6. Click Browse to select the data file. 7. Click Start to import the data. Importing User Roles</p><p>Roles provide the ability to align people with what they do in a process and to make their involvement visible. Users' roles in TIBCO Nimbus can be imported from file.</p><p>Role File Format</p><p>Page 71 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Resource and User Role Import</p><p>The format of the role file is CSV and the following format is required: User name,Role</p><p>Notes: 1. A new line must exist for each role. 2. If the role or user does not exist in the system then the role will be ignored. 3. Multiple roles can be assigned to single users.</p><p>Importing user roles 1. Run ImportUtil.exe (found in the Utilities folder on the Installation CD). 2. Click Browse to select the process repository that you want to import, merge and/or update user roles in. 3. From the User Name drop-down list choose the administrator account to run the Import Utility, enter the password and click Next. 4. Select User Roles, then click Next. 5. Click Browse to select the data file. 6. Click Start to import the data.</p><p>TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 72 Administration Importing and Exporting Data</p><p>Exporting Diagrams as XML A scope of diagrams can be exported as XML and a number of options can be specified. This process can be automatically scripted and set up as a Windows scheduled task. </p><p>Exporting diagrams automatically 1. Run the following command, either from the command line or as a Windows Scheduled Task: <Path to Ctrl.exe> <Path to process repository> <Path to script (.csf) file> For example: C:\TIBCO Nimbus\Client\Ctrl.exe "E:\TIBCO Nimbus\Process Repository" "C:\Exported Maps\XMLExport.csf"</p><p>Script (.csf) Files A TIBCO Nimbus script file defines the parameters to automate the export of diagrams in XML format. To create a script file, create a new text file with a .csf extension. Include, as a minimum, the following line: XML_EXPORT "<map path>" "<destination folder>"</p><p>Note: The map path can be copied from the Where Am I? window in the Author Client when viewing the map (from the Map menu choose Where Am I?).</p><p>The following optional parameters can be included: Parameter Description Standard Standard XML export (see below) Simplified Simplified XML export (see below) LeafOnly Leaf diagrams only (see below) Audit Record export in diagram's history audit log Scope: <scope number> Scope of export (see below) Diag <diagram GUID> GUID of starting diagram (see below) Level: <level of diagram> Level of starting diagram (see below) SeparateFiles Creates a single XML file per diagram (Simplified export only) Standard Standard XML export creates a single file and includes all diagrams (within the specified scope), drill downs, activities, resources, attachments (including data tables), costing information, activity inputs/outputs, commentary text, flow-line links, free text, change logs, authorizers, acknowledgers, history and audit logs, acknowledgement logs, subscribers, memos and change requests. Simplified Simplified XML export creates a single file and includes all diagrams (within the specified scope), diagram URLs, the parent folder structure, user access rights (default and specific), drill downs, activities, notes, activity inputs/outputs, commentary text, attachments (including data tables), statement links and statement data. Note: The Simplified XML export includes the respective TIBCO Nimbus Web Server URLs for the following attachment types - diagram links, internal WP documents, internal images, storyboard links, file/Document Registry links and scorecards. These</p><p>Page 73 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Administration</p><p>URLs are useful, for example, when integrating with external search systems if you want to include process content in search indexes. Data table information is also included in the exported XML, including all field values. Leaf Only Leaf Only XML export creates a single file that includes all diagrams except diagrams that have drill downs. Scope The scope parameter can be: 0 = Current Process Map 1 = Current Diagram and Lower Levels 2 = Current Diagram Note: If 1 or 2 is selected, you must define the starting diagram by specifying either the <Diag> or <Level> parameter.</p><p>For example: /Diag:3CA5EFDFF00840A5A39540394EC77BBF /Level:1.2.4</p><p>Example Command An example command (including optional parameters): XML_EXPORT "Draft\Sales and Marketing" "C:\Exported Maps" /Simplified /Scope:1 / Diag:3CA5EFDFF00840A5A39540394EC77BBF /Text /Draft /Memos /Changes</p><p>An example command for a map in a folder: XML_EXPORT "Process Maps\Support Maps\Master\Customer Support" "C:\Exported Maps" /Simplified /Scope:1 /Diag:3CA5EFDFF00840A5A39540394EC77BBF /Text /Draft / Memos /Changes</p><p>Logging Any problems with the export will be logged in a log file. The log file uses the same name as the script file and is created in the same location. Exporting Data to a Database The data that is held within a process repository can be exported to a nominated database, such as SQL Server, using the Data Export Utility. The utility can be run as a scheduled task or it can be run manually. It is advised that the utility is run overnight, or when few users are logged into the system.</p><p>For further information and instructions on exporting data from a process repository to a nominated database, please refer to the Exporting to a SQL Database PDF in the Documents folder on the Installation CD.</p><p>TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 74 Administration</p><p>Importing Data Tables Data tables can be updated, replaced and merged from file. The format of the data table file is CSV and the following format is required: [Data table],[Data field],[Field type],[Comment] For example: Data table 1,Department,A,, Notes: 1. A new line must exist for each value. 2. Field type is defined by a single letter and can be any of the following:</p><p>A (alphanumeric), I (integer), F (decimal), D (date), T (time), B (true/false), Y (yes/no) and O (on or off)</p><p>Updating data tables 1. Run ImportUtil.exe (found in the Utilities folder on the CD). 2. Click Browse to select the process repository that you want to import, merge and/or update items in. 3. From the User Name drop-down list choose the administrator account to run the Import Utility, enter the password and click Next. 4. Select Data Tables, then click Next. 5. Select one of the following rules: Update data tables from file will update existing data tables with the data tables from file Replace all existing data tables from file will replace existing data tables with the data tables from file Merge data tables from file will merge existing data tables with the data tables from file 6. Click Browse to select the data file. 7. Click Start to import the data.</p><p>Page 75 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Administration Metric Configuration</p><p>Updating Excel Macros The Excel Macro Launcher utility allows you to run Excel macros. This can be run manually or as a scheduled Windows task.</p><p>Manually updating Excel macros 1. Run ExcelMacroLauncher.exe (...\TIBCO Nimbus\Client\Utilities). 2. Click Browse and select the Excel file that you want to launch. 3. In the Macro text box enter the name of the macro that you want to launch. Save will save the spreadsheet after running the macro. 4. Click Run.</p><p>Scheduling the Excel Macro Launcher The Excel Macro Launcher can be scheduled to run, either from the command line or as a Windows scheduled task. Use the following command: <Path to ExcelMacroLauncher.exe> <File> <Save> <CLEARRO> For example: "E:\TIBCO Nimbus\Client\Utilities\ExcelMacroLauncher.exe" "E:\Excel1.xls" Macro1 Save CLEARRO Note: The Save parameter is optional; if included, the spreadsheet will be saved after the macro has been executed. The CLEARRO parameter will remove the read-only flag (if present) on the file before running the macro; the read-only flag is set if a user with read-only access runs the scorecard in the Author Client.</p><p>Logging A log file is created when the utility is run; these logs are written to a Logs folder from the location in which the utility was run from. Any errors will be recorded in the log file. Creating SQL Queries One method for retrieving data from an Excel spreadsheet is to go directly to a specific Excel file, sheet or cell in order to obtain the KPI value. However, an alternative option uses SQL queries to retrieve the data and this offers the following advantages:</p><p>· There are no performance overheads by continually communicating with Excel. · If the KPI is moved to another cell then the link is maintained. · If the Excel file is moved then you only need to update the SQL query as opposed to updating every metric link. To retrieve Excel data using SQL queries you need to define some data ranges within the spreadsheet(s).</p><p>Defining Excel Data Ranges</p><p>TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 76 Administration</p><p>SQL queries can reference data ranges in Excel spreadsheets. The advantage of ranged cells is that even if they are moved, for example a new column is added to the spreadsheet, the range is maintained.</p><p>1. In the Excel spreadsheet select the cell, range of cells or non-adjacent selections that you want to name. Note: There must be a cell that will be used as the field name. In the example below the cell that contains 'KPI' will be used as the field name. 2. Click in the Name box and enter a name for the data range. In the following example the data range has been named KPIRange.</p><p>These ranges can then be referenced when creating SQL links in the AdminUtil.</p><p>Creating SQL queries 1. Run AdminUtil.exe (found in ...\TIBCO Nimbus\Client). 2. Select the process repository that you are configuring. 3. Choose an administrator account, enter the password and click Next. 4. From the Configure menu choose SQL Query Manager. 5. From the Connection menu choose New. 6. Enter a title, and description if required, then click Build. 7. From the list of OLE DB Providers click Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers, then click Next. 8. On the Connection tab, from the Use data source name choose Excel Files, then enter the path to the Excel file in the Enter the initial catalog to use field. 9. On the All tab, modify any of the initialization properties, if required. 10. On the Connection tab click Test Settings, then click OK upon successful test. 11. On the Data Connection window click OK. 12. From the Query menu choose New. 13. Enter a title for the SQL query, and a description if required. 14. From the Connection Configuration drop-down list choose the data connection that you have just created, then click Next. 15. In the SQL Statement tab enter the following SQL: Select * from <Range Name> Note: Substitute <Range Name> with the data range name in the Excel spreadsheet for the data that you want to retrieve. See Defining Excel Data Ranges, above, for more information. 16. Click the Test Results tab to ensure that the SQL query works. 17. Click Finish.</p><p>Page 77 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Administration</p><p>18. From the Query menu choose Get Data Now to populate the SQL staging table with the respective data.</p><p>Using SQL Queries Following the creation of a SQL query, Process Authors will be able to use it as a data source when creating metric links on activities and flow lines, and to retrieve activity costing data (volume and duration). See the TIBCO Nimbus Client Help for more information. Scheduling and Updating SQL Queries TIBCO Nimbus stores values that have been retrieved from SQL queries in a cache/staging table, which can be updated by scheduling the SQL2CtrlUpdate utility to run on a regular basis. The frequency that the utility is scheduled to run will depend on how often the KPIs are updated, but for most scenarios overnight scheduling is sufficient. Specific KPIs that require updating more frequently can be achieved by updating an ID List file and creating a separate scheduled task. ID Lists are created using the Admin Utility.</p><p>Creating an ID List File 1. Run AdminUtil.exe (found in ...\TIBCO Nimbus\Client). 2. Select the process repository that you are configuring. 3. Choose an administrator account, enter the password and click Next. 4. From the Configure menu choose SQL Query Manager. 5. Select the SQL queries that you want to add to the ID List file. Note: Hold Ctrl to select multiple SQL queries. 6. Right-click a selected query and choose Create ID List. 7. Enter a name for the ID List file and save it to an appropriate location.</p><p>Scheduling data retrieval from SQL queries The SQL Query Update utility can be scheduled to run either from the command line or as a Windows scheduled task: <Path to SQL2CtrlUpdate.exe <process repository> [<ID List File>] For example: "E:\TIBCO Nimbus\Client\Utilities\SQL2CtrlUpdate.exe" "E:\TIBCO Nimbus\Process Repository" "E:\SQL Queries\SQLQueryList1.idl" Note: The ID List file parameter is optional. If an ID List file is not specified then all stored SQL queries will be updated.</p><p>Logging A log file - SQL2CtrlUpdate.log - is written to whenever the utility is run. The log file is saved in the same directory as where the utility is run from.</p><p>TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 78 Administration</p><p>Integrating with SAP BW and SAP NetWeaver BI TIBCO Nimbus can be configured to integrate with SAP BW and SAP NetWeaver BI. Process Authors can then link to SAP metric data in the TIBCO Nimbus client and provide access to users from flow lines and activities. SAP reports can also be launched when users access SAP metric links; these reports must be defined in the Admin Utility. Notes: If you are integrating with SAP NetWeaver BI, or if your server is not using the default web service parameters, you must define the advanced connection settings. See Advanced Configuration Settings below for more information.</p><p>If you are using a recent version of SAP BW, the integration will not work due to a change in the location of the web services. In this case, you must override the system by creating a file called SAPBWURLPart.npdta in the root of the Process Repository folder. In this file you should specify the location of the SAP BW web services; the first line of text within this file will be used as the mid-part of the URL that is constructed for accessing the web services in SAP BW.</p><p>Configuring the integration with SAP BW or SAP NetWeaver BI 1. Run AdminUtil.exe (found in ...\TIBCO Nimbus\Client). 2. Select the process repository that you are configuring. 3. Choose an administrator account, enter the password and click Next. 4. From the Configure menu choose SAP BW Integration. 5. Select Enable integration with SAP BW. 6. Click the Servers tab to select it. 7. Click Add. 8. In the Title text box enter a user-friendly title for the server connection. 9. In the Base URL text box enter the URL and username/password credentials to allow connection to the server. Note: The base URL is usually the IP address of the server and the port for accessing SAP BW web services.</p><p>Advanced Configuration Settings You may need to modify the server connection settings if you are integrating with SAP NetWeaver BI, or if your server is not set up to use the default web service parameters. Click the Advanced tab and modify any settings, as appropriate. Note: When the result is returned from SAP BW or SAP NetWeaver BI, the data is returned as XML. However, the data values can be returned with different tag names, which can be specified in the XML Results Tag Name field. 10. Click OK.</p><p>Creating SQL queries to retrieve metric data 1. In the SAP BW Integration dialog click the SAP BW Metrics tab to select it. 2. Click Add. 3. Click in the Title and Description text boxes and enter a title and description (optional). 4. Choose the SAP server from the SAP BW Server drop-down list. 5. Click Next.</p><p>Page 79 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Administration</p><p>6. In the SQL Statement tab enter the SQL query that will return the metric data from the SAP BW or SAP NetWeaver BI server. For example: SELECT [Measures].MEMBERS ON AXIS(0) , NON EMPTY [0CALMONTH]. [LEVEL01].MEMBERS ON AXIS(1)FROM [BSCUKIT/ZDEF_KPI_EITI_TBL] Note: This query will need to be written by a SAP BW or SAP NetWeaver BI analyst who has a good understanding of the cube data within your system. 7. Click the Test Results tab to view the data that is retrieved by the query. Note: TIBCO Nimbus will use the first field from the first record as the value for the metric link, therefore the query may need to be modified to return the data that you want. 8. Click Finish. The SQL query will now be available to Process Authors when creating SAP BW metric links.</p><p>Creating a SAP BW report link 1. In the SAP BW Integration dialog click the SAP BW Reports tab to select it. 2. Click Add. 3. Click in the Title box and enter a title for the report. 4. Choose the SAP server from the SAP BW Server drop-down list. 5. Click in the SAP BW Report Code text box and enter the report code that you want to use. 6. Click in the Description text box and enter a description (optional). 7. Click OK. The SAP report will now be available as a launch target to process authors when creating SAP BW metric links in the Client.</p><p>Scheduling data retrieval from SAP BW/NetWeaver BI TIBCO Nimbus holds metric data and scorecards that are retrieved from a SAP BW or SAP NetWeaver BI database in a cache/staging table. It is recommended that this table is updated regularly. This can be achieved by either running it as a batch file from the command line, or automatically scheduling it using Windows Task Scheduler. Use the following command: <Path to SAPBW2CtrlUpdate.exe> <process repository> For example: "E:\TIBCO Nimbus\Client\Utilities\SAPBW2CtrlUpdate.exe" "E:\TIBCO Nimbus\Process Repository"</p><p>Related topics</p><p>Integrating with SAP NetWeaver (to enable launching of SAP transaction links)</p><p>TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 80 Administration</p><p>Integrating with Cognos Metrics Manager TIBCO Nimbus can integrate with Cognos Metrics Manager (CMM) in order to retrieve metric data. Metric data from a CMM database can then be associated with activities and flow lines as metric links in the Client.</p><p>Configuring the integration with Cognos Metrics Manager 1. Run AdminUtil.exe (found in ...\TIBCO Nimbus\Client). 2. Select the process repository that you are configuring. 3. Choose an administrator account, enter the password and click Next. 4. From the Configure menu choose Cognos Integration. 5. Select Enable integration with Cognos Metrics Manager. 6. Click the Settings tab to select it. 7. In the Cognos Metrics Manager Page URL field enter the base page URL for the Cognos Metrics Manager. For example: http://<server>/cmm/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi?app=cmm&path=/userui/en/page 8. Click Build. 9. In the Provider tab select the database provider of the Cognos Metrics Manager database. Note: This is usually Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server or Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle. 10. Click Next. 11. In the Connection tab specify the data source connection details. Note: It is recommended that you select Allow saving password if this option is enabled. Click Test Connection to ensure that you can successfully connect to the data source. 12. Click the Advanced and All tabs and specify any additional settings, as required. 13. Click OK.</p><p>Scheduling data retrieval from Cognos Metrics Manager TIBCO Nimbus holds metric data and scorecards that are retrieved from a Cognos Metrics Manager database in a cache/staging table. Updating the data from Cognos Metrics Manager can be run from the command line, or it can be automatically scheduled using Windows Task Scheduler. Use the following command: <Path to Cognos2CtrlUpdate.exe> <process repository> For example: "E:\TIBCO Nimbus\Client\Utilities\Cognos2CtrlUpdate.exe" "E:\TIBCO Nimbus\Process Repository"</p><p>Manually updating data from Cognos Metrics Manager The Cognos Metrics Manager cache/staging table can also be manually updated as and when required.</p><p>1. Following the definition of the Cognos Metrics Manager connection, click the Metrics Data tab in the CMM Connection Configuration dialog to select it. Note: Follow steps 1-4 (above) to open the CMM Connection Configuration dialog. 2. Click Get Data Now. Page 81 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Administration</p><p>Note: The data that is retrieved will be displayed in the dialog. This may take a short period of time, depending upon the connection. 3. Click OK.</p><p>TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 82 Administration Integrating with Third-party Applications</p><p>Integrating with SAP NetWeaver TIBCO Nimbus supports the integration with a SAP GUI environment and one or more SAP web-based environments. If both environments are enabled, SAP transaction links can be configured to allow users to choose which environment to launch the SAP transaction in (see the Client help for more information on creating SAP transaction links). User preferences also dictate if a specific user can launch in one or both of the environments. Note: SAP transaction launching is not supported if there is a mismatch of the librfc32 library between a SAP server and SAP client environments, and when the librfc32 is v640.0.172 or older. Configuring the integration with SAP NetWeaver 1. Run AdminUtil.exe (found in ...\TIBCO Nimbus\Client). 2. Select the process repository that you are configuring. 3. Choose an administrator account, enter the password and click Next. 4. From the Configure menu choose SAP NetWeaver Integration. 5. Select one or both of the following options: Integrate with SAP web interface This will open a SAP transaction link in a web browser when users access a transaction link from either the Author Client or Web Server. Integrate with SAP using transaction launcher This will launch SAP transaction links in a SAP GUI system from either the Client and Web Server. When users access a transaction link the Launch SAP Transaction dialog is displayed, allowing users to create a session using credentials permitted to launch a remote function call within the SAP system (IFC permissions). Launching into a SAP GUI system will require an Active X component to be installed when users access a transaction link for the first time from the Web Server. If the user chooses to install the component, a ctrlsaplauncher.cab file will be copied to the user's machine. Future versions of TIBCO Nimbus may require users to accept an updated ActiveX component. The following ActiveX security measures ensure a safe ActiveX component: Session Expiration - each session is set to expire after 10 minutes and logging out of a TIBCO Nimbus Web Server session will force all sessions to expire. Site Lock - only trusted zones and intranet sites are allowed to run the ActiveX component. Buffer Overflow - checks that the buffer overflow technique is not being exploited. Launching Restrictions - requires the user to run the ActiveX component, thereby preventing malicious scripts from running. Domain Based Sessions - sessions are not interchangeable between domains, i.e. a session created on the local domain cannot be used to gain access from a different domain. Note: The Microsoft Java Virtual Machine (MSJVM) may cause problems when installing the Active X component for the first time, for example the user may be directed to a web page displaying an error, or the web page may simply close. To resolve this problem the Microsoft Java Virtual Machine must be uninstalled. For instructions on how to remove the MSJVM, search the internet for 'Removing MSJVM'. 6. If you have selected to integrate with the SAP web interface, click the Base URLs tab and click Add to enter one or more base URLs to connect to. Page 83 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Administration</p><p>For example, http://myserver:8005 7. Click OK.</p><p>Related topics</p><p>Integrating with SAP BW and SAP NetWeaver BI (to retrieve measures/metric data) Integrating with Generic Portals You can add add Nimbus functionality to other web sites by embedding sections, or widgets, into web pages. </p><p>Embedding TIBCO Nimbus Functionality into General Web Sites TIBCO Nimbus functionality can be added to any web site by adding widgets to the HTML. Note: For information on embedding functionality into SharePoint, click here.</p><p>1. Download jQuery 1.x (http://jquery.com/download) and copy it to your web site, for example C: \inetpub\wwwroot\website\nimbus. 2. Copy pagebus.js and tunnel.html from {Nimbus Installation}\Web Server\Main\ui\common \pagebus to the same location where you copied jQuery 1.x to. 3. Create a file called nimbus.widgets.js in the same directory as above. An example of the code that should be contained in this file is shown below, however you can modify this accordingly.</p><p>TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 84 Administration</p><p>Adding the Javascript to HTML Pages 4. Add the following code within the <body> tags of your site's index.html page, replacing the text in red with your site's details:</p><p><script src="http://server/virtual_directory/jquery-1.11.2.min.js"></script> <script> var tunnelConfig = { uri: 'http://server/virtual_directory/tunnel.html' } </script> <script src="http://server/virtual_directory/pagebus.js" type="text/ javascript"></script> <script src="http://server/virtual_directory/nimbus.widgets.js" type="text/ javascript"></script></p><p>Adding Widgets to HTML Pages Once you have added the relevant Javascripts, you can add any of the following widgets to any of your web pages in your web site. Widget URL Extension Search /widgets/search ToDos /widgets/todos</p><p>Page 85 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Administration</p><p>Widget URL Extension Recently Viewed Items /widgets/recentlyviewed Process Favorites /widgets/diagrams Document Favorites /widgets/documents Storyboard Favorites /widgets/storyboards Measure Favorites /widgets/measures Keyword Favorites /widgets/keywords Scorecard Favorites /widgets/scorecards Report Favorites /widgets/reports Transaction Favorites /widgets/transactions Embedded Diagram /widgets/diagram?map=<diag_guid> Embedded Diagram with Activity and /widgets/diagram?with_extras&map=<diag_guid> Diagram Explorer</p><p>5. To add a widget to a web page, add the following code within the <body> tags, replacing the text in red with your own details. <!--WidgetName--> <div class="nimbus-async-webpart" data-src="http://webserver_URL/widgets/ widget"></div></p><p>Examples: <!--Search--> <div class="nimbus-async-webpart" data-src="http://Server1/TIBCONimbus/ CtrlWebISAPI.dll/widgets/search"></div></p><p><!--To Dos--> <div class="nimbus-async-webpart" data-src="http://Server1/TIBCONimbus/ CtrlWebISAPI.dll/widgets/todos"></div></p><p><!--Embedded Diagram with Activity and Diagram Explorer--> <div class="nimbus-async-webpart" data-src="http://Server1/TIBCONimbus/ CtrlWebISAPI.dll/widgets/diagram?with_extras&map=0%3A21B02DF9E039406381 6132C6A97F7093&dgm=DF7DADB680CB47EA9CEF7DBB45C2002C"></div></p><p><!--Embedded Diagram--> <div class="nimbus-async-webpart" data-src="http://Server1/TIBCONimbus/ CtrlWebISAPI.dll/widgets/diagram?map=0%3A366E87E868D04C488C1D00C0D2E8AA 1D&dgm=05DD234A3E3349968B8BEB05EAC33D41"></div></p><p>Note: A diagram's GUID can be found in the Author Client by clicking Map > Where Am I?</p><p>TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 86 Administration</p><p>Example HTML page A simplified HTML page displaying all available widgets is shown below as an example.</p><p>Embedding TIBCO Nimbus Functionality into SharePoint Pages You can also embed widgets into SharePoint sites. Note: To allow the widgets to work in your SharePoint site in the example provided here, you must ensure the Minimal Download Strategy (MDS) feature is disabled. In the administration pages, choose Site settings > Manage site features and then deactivate the Minimal Download Strategy. You can allow the widgets to work with MDS enabled by modifying the code. Please consult Microsoft SharePoint documentation for further information.</p><p>1. In the _layouts\ folder of your SharePoint site, create a Nimbus folder (...\_layouts\Nimbus). 2. Download jQuery 1.x (http://jquery.com/download) and copy it to the _layouts\Nimbus folder of the SharePoint site. 3. Copy pagebus.js and tunnel.html from {Nimbus Installation}\Web Server\Main\ui\common \pagebus to the same _layouts\Nimbus folder. 4. Create a file called nimbus.widgets.js in the _layouts directory. An example of the code that should be contained in this file is shown above, however you can modify this accordingly. 5. In the SharePoint site, click Edit Page. 6. On the ribbon, click INSERT > Embed Code and add the following code:</p><p><script src="http://sharepointserver_layouts/Nimbus/jquery-1.11.2.min.js"></ script> <script> var tunnelConfig = { uri: 'http://sharepointserver_layouts/Nimbus/tunnel.html' } </script> <script src="http://sharepointserver_layouts/Nimbus/pagebus.js" type="text/ javascript"></script></p><p>Page 87 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Administration</p><p><script src="http://sharepointserver_layouts/Nimbus/nimbus.widgets.js" type="text/javascript"></script></p><p>7. Repeat step 5 to add a widget to a SharePoint page using the following code:</p><p><!--Widget1--> <div class="nimbus-async-webpart" data-src="http://webserver_URL/widgets/ widget"></div></p><p>Note: See Adding Widgets to HTML Pages above for information on adding widgets.</p><p>Launching Storyboards based on Keywords Storyboards can be launched via the Web Server, based on specific keywords, using the following URL: http://[server]/[site]/CtrlWebIsapi.dll/?__id=webStoryBoard.openByKeyword&k=Example %20Keyword</p><p>Notes: The first storyboard that meets the keyword criteria will launch when the URL is used. The following HTML character codes are permitted in the URL: %20 = SPACE %22 = " %27 = ' To launch a storyboard with ALL tagged keywords in the URL, ensure that you include quotes (") around the keywords. For example, to launch a storyboard that has both 'Request' AND 'Leave' keywords tagged: http://TIBCO Nimbus/TIBCONimbus/CtrlWebIsapi.dll/? __id=webStoryBoard.openByKeyword&k="Request%20Leave" If quotes are not applied then the first storyboard tagged with either 'Request' OR 'Leave' will be launched.</p><p>Correct URL syntax: http://website/CtrlWebISAPI.dll/?__id=webStoryBoard.openByKeyword&k=Example% 20Keyword - launches the first storyboard that includes any of the specified keywords.</p><p> http://website/CtrlWebISAPI.dll/?__id=webStoryBoard.openByKeyword&k="Example% 20Keyword" - launches the first storyboard that includes all specified keywords.</p><p>Incorrect URL syntax: http://website/CtrlWebISAPI.dll/?__id=webStoryBoard.openByKeyword&k=%22Example% 20Keyword%22</p><p> http://website/CtrlWebISAPI.dll/?__id=webStoryBoard.openByKeyword&k=%27Example% 20Keyword%27</p><p>Integrating with OpenText Document Management A web service is available via the TIBCO Nimbus Web Server that allows documents stored in OpenText Document Management to be formally acknowledged through the TIBCO Nimbus Document TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 88 Administration</p><p>Registry. This feature is supported in OpenText Document Management v9.7.1 onwards. Integrating with tibbr TIBCO Nimbus can be integrated with the social networking tool tibbr (available from TIBCO). Integrating tibbr with TIBCO Nimbus allows authors to create tibbr subjects based on storyboard titles and keywords. Web users will have access to their tibbr Wall through their My Workspace and can search for tibbr discussions through My Searches. Notes: (1) There is a user group permission that allows authors to create tibbr subjects from storyboard titles and keywords (this is found under tibbr in a user group's permissions). (2) The tibbr section on users' My Workspaces is hidden by default for all user groups. To display the tibbr section you must configure users' Home pages. (3) You can modify the size of the tibbr gadgets in the Web Server and assign a custom Home page tab to the tibbr section header. For more information see Configuring the Web Server.</p><p>To integrate TIBCO Nimbus with tibbr 1. In the Author Client, open the system options and click tibbr in the left-hand pane. 2. In the tibbr Domain panel, enter the domain for the tibbr installation (including the transfer protocol, such as 'http' or 'https'). 3. Click Change Credentials and specify the domain service account details. This is the account that is used to create the subjects in tibbr. 4. To enable the integration of storyboards with tibbr subjects, select Enable tibbr integration between storyboard titles and tibbr subjects. (Optional) You can specify a parent subject title for storyboard discussions in the field below. Whenever a storyboard discussion is created it will be created under this parent subject. Note: You must also manually create the parent subject in tibbr. 5. To enable the integration of keywords with tibbr subjects, select Enable tibbr integration between keywords and tibbr subjects. (Optional) You can specify a parent subject title for keyword discussions in the field below. Whenever a keyword discussion is created it will be created under this parent subject. Note: You must also manually create the parent subject in tibbr. 6. Click OK.</p><p>Page 89 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Maintenance Recovering Deleted Maps and Diagrams</p><p>Maps and diagrams that are deleted through the Client are not completely removed from the process repository as the data is moved into a Deleted folder, where it can be retrieved if required. Note: Master and draft maps must be recovered separately. Diagrams that have been deleted by removing a drill-down from an activity will be restored as new maps. To reintegrate them back into a map you must then import them as a drill down.</p><p>Recovering a deleted map or diagram 1. In the TIBCO Nimbus Author Client, from the File menu choose Deletion Recovery Manager. 2. Select the maps and diagrams that you want to recover. Note: Hold Ctrl to select multiple maps and diagrams. 3. Click Recover and select a location to save them to. Purging Deleted Content</p><p>You can purge all deleted content from a process repository, including all maps in the Deletion Recovery Manager, all related map table records, links table records, statement link records and data table attachment link records. Note: All users must be logged out of the system before proceeding with this operation.</p><p>Purging all Deleted Content 1. Run AdminUtil.exe (found in {Installation}\Client\). 2. Click Browse and select the process repository that you want to purge deleted content from, and then click Next. 3. Enter an administrator's username and password, and then click Next. 4. From the Tables menu, choose Other System Tables > Delete Recovery Table > Purge. Checking Performance</p><p>Performance checking of a process repository will measure the speed of creating, reading and copying tables and mark the overall results against a benchmark. Note: If the performance is slow you can copy the results and Email them to TIBCO Nimbus Support.</p><p>Checking the performance of a process repository 1. Run AdminUtil.exe (found in ...\TIBCO Nimbus\Client). 2. Click Browse and select the process repository that you want to check, then click Next. 3. Enter an administrator's username and password, then click Next. 4. From the File menu choose Diagnostics, then Performance Check. 5. Click Start.</p><p>TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 90 Maintenance Checking Maps</p><p>The Admin Utility allows you to check the state of all maps within a process repository and any issues will be logged. Some issues can be automatically fixed in the process, assuming you have exclusive access to the process repository. Issues that cannot be automatically fixed can be reported to TIBCO Nimbus Support in order to be resolved.</p><p>The following diagnostic checks and fixes are made:</p><p>Maps · (Check) Required files exist in a .MAP folder for each map. · (Check) The ElevateDB tables can be opened for each map. · (Check) The ElevateDB tables are not corrupt. · (Check) All maps exist in the Maps table (not included in Standard mode). · (Fix) Missing maps are added to the Maps table. · (Check) A user groups table exists in each Map folder and can be opened. · (Check) A text table exists in each Map folder and can be opened. Diagrams · (Check) Diagrams have entries in the Link table (not included in Standard mode). · (Fix) Missing diagrams are added to the Link table. · (Check) Missing drill downs. · (Fix) Invalid levels are used as the missing drill downs if the title matches the object text, or the drill down arrows are removed (for free text and bitmap objects the drill down references are removed). Manually checking a process map 1. Run AdminUtil.exe (found in ...\TIBCO Nimbus\Client). 2. Select the process repository that you are configuring. 3. Choose an administrator account, enter the password and click Next. 4. From the File menu choose Diagnostics, then Check Maps. 5. Select to run a Standard Check or an Extended Check by selecting the relevant option. Standard Check will run all of the checks and fixes (as described above) except it will not check that each map exists in a Maps table and that all diagrams have entries in the Link table. Extended Check will run all checks and fixes. Ignore Deleted Items will ignore all maps and diagrams in the Deleted folder. Fix will fix any problems, if possible. Logging Generated diagnostic log files are stored in the following directory: <Process Repository>\System\Logs\Diagnostics Results will be appended to the log file if it already exists. If running from the command line, or from a batch file, you can create a new log file for every run by adding the /N parameter. The following log messages may be encountered:</p><p>Page 91 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Maintenance</p><p>Log Message Description Manually Cancelled By User User manually selects Stop when running a diagnostic check File Missing One of the map files is missing, for example files pertaining to the diagram table, binary table, level table, keyword table, texts table, user groups table, etc Can't Open Table Application fails to open a table, for example a diagram table, binary table, level table, keyword table, texts table, user groups table, etc Drill Down Diagram Missing A child diagram for a drill down object, free text object or image object is missing in the diagram table for it's child (using the ChildGUID). Drill Down Points to Invalid Level Drill down, free text or bitmap image points to an invalid diagram level * Diagram not in Links Table A record for a diagram path and GUID is not present in the Central Links Table as part of its existing records. Can't Access Map A diagram table cannot be opened in the Maps folder. Map not in Central Maps Table A record is missing in the Central Maps table for a map and its relative folder as part of its existing records. Diagnostic check started (Fix = The Fix option was selected when running the diagnostic check. True) Diagnostic check started (Fix = The Fix option was not selected when running the diagnostic check. False) Diagnostic check finished Diagnostic check complete. Unable to start - Process Process Repository cannot be accessed as it's locked, for example if repository locked it's currently in use or on a scheduled maintenance. Error: Can't create map tables for The following tables cannot be created for a map (when trying to create a map for an extracted invalid level) - Diagram, Binary, Level, Keyword, Texts, User Groups. Error: Can't create map A folder cannot be created for a map using the map path (when trying to create a map for an extracted invalid level). Error: Can't create new folder Any parts of a folder directory using the map path cannot be created (when trying to create a map for an extracted invalid level). Error loading diagram A special case which occurs when the application tries to load a diagram based on the GUID code string but fails to find the matching record in the Diagram Table, for example due to incorrectly formatted data. An exception is also raised. Error saving diagram Saving a diagram fails after a fix, such as 'replacing the file links' or 'fixing a drill down', has been applied to a diagram. Image not found in Binarys table GUID missing for an image as part of its existing records in the Binaries Table.</p><p>TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 92 Maintenance</p><p>Fix: Drill Down Fixed Using Invalid A drill down is fixed with an invalid level (from the Invalid Level Level List) where the title matches the object text. In this instance the GUID is changed to match the drill down (requires the Fix option to be selected). Fix: Drill Down Fixed By Removing A drill down is removed to resolve a diagram issue (requires the Fix Object option to be selected). Fix: Drill Down Fixed By Removing A reference from a Free Text object to it's child GUID is removed to Reference (free text object) resolve a diagram issue (requires the Fix option to be selected). Fix: Drill Down Fixed By Removing A reference from an Image object to it's child GUID is removed to Reference (image object) resolve a diagram issue. Fix: Link Table Record Added A diagram's GUID and path are added to the Central Links Table as part of a fix. Fix: Map Added to Maps Table A map record is added to the Central Maps Table if it was previously missing. Fix: Invalid Level Extracted A record is removed from the Diagrams Table and moved to a new table in a new map. Each extracted level gets its own new map.</p><p>* Invalid diagram levels are usually the result of users copying and pasting whole maps, or sections of maps, rather than using drill downs (or the send to child functionality). Due to the complexity of the database tables, if the copy and paste operation is interrupted due to network problems or accessing the content over an unreliable wireless network, for example, then invalid levels may occur.</p><p>Scheduling It is also possible to schedule the utility to run at defined intervals using the Windows Task Scheduler, or the utility can be run from the command line as a batch file: <path>\adminutil.exe "<path of process repository>" [/D] [/F] [/I] [/N] [/E]</p><p>/D Check the process repository /F Fix any issues, if possible /N Create a new log file for every run (date and time stamped) /I Ignore deleted items /E Run in extended check mode For example: "C:\TIBCO Nimbus\adminutil.exe" "E:\TIBCO Nimbus\Process Repository" /D /F /N /I /E</p><p>Email Notifications A list of email addresses can be specified to notify selected users after the diagnostic check has been run. Any issues will be included in the body of the Email. In the Admin Utility, from the File menu choose Diagnostics and then Email List. Click Add to add a new email address. Note: By default, the TIBCO Nimbus Action Server is used to send out email notifications after running a diagnostic check. However, you can specify a different SMTP email server to use if required, and this is recommended if you are running diagnostic checks against an offline process repository (for example, a backed up process repository). To specify a different SMTP email server, click the Email Server tab in the Diagnostic Check Email Configuration window</p><p>Page 93 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Maintenance</p><p> and select Configure SMTP server separately. Enter the host and port of the SMTP server, then click Configure SMTP Credentials to specify the authentication details (if required). Backing Up Data</p><p>It is advised to backup the process repository regularly, at a frequency in accordance with your organization's data retention policies. Backing up should include the associated file system and any linked data that resides outside of the process repository file system (such as file and document links). Backing up a process repository and associated data can be achieved either using the TIBCO Nimbus Backup Utility, or a third-party backup utility. One of these approaches must be chosen and implemented or a consistent backup of the data may not be available when required.</p><p>Important When using a third-party backup utility the process repository should not be backed up whilst on- line, i.e. all connections from the Author Client and Web Server must be disconnected for the duration of the backup. Scheduled tasks or other processes which affect the data (for example SSync.exe, LDAP Sync, Reports, etc) should not be set to run during this period as any changes may result in an inconsistent and unusable backup. Linked data (such as file and document links) should also not be modified during this time.</p><p>The TIBCO Nimbus Backup Utility TIBCO Nimbus provides a utility called the Backup Utility which utilizes Microsoft's Volume Shadow Copy Service (or Shadow Copy). Shadow Copy technology is included in Microsoft Windows and it allows snapshots of data to be taken at regular intervals, to any local, removable or network drive. Snapshots are essentially read-only copies of a volume of data, taken at a specific point in time. By creating a snapshot, the TIBCO Nimbus Backup Utility will then create a backup of the snapshot data, avoiding issues with file locks and file editing interfering with the process. The benefit of this method is that system availability downtime of data is minimized for users.</p><p>How does it work? The TIBCO Nimbus Backup Utility locks the process repository upon initiation. After a set time the Web Server is then also locked (the default is 15mins but this can be changed in the Backup Utility configuration file). After 15 seconds, the utility will request a shadow copy snapshot of all folders set to be backed up. Upon completion of the snapshot, both the process repository and Web Server locks will be released. The backup that is created will be in the form of either a folder, with a time and date stamp and a copy of all specified virtual folders, or a single zipped file, saved to a selected location. Upon completion of the backup the snapshot will then be deleted by Shadow Copy.</p><p>What about linked data? If any linked data is held on the same drive as the process repository file system then the TIBCO Nimbus Backup Utility can be configured to include these folders when backing up (see Backing Up Using The TIBCO Nimbus Backup Utility for more information). The File and Document Links report (available in the Diagram report category in the Author Client) provides information on the locations of all linked data. Any linked files that reside on different drives must be backed up separately. </p><p>Third-party Backup Utilities</p><p>TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 94 Maintenance</p><p>You may have your own third-party backup utility. A Lock Service is provided as part of the Action Server installation and this must be used with any third-party backup utility in order to ensure that the process repository copy is internally consistent and valid.</p><p>How does it work? The Lock Service locks down a process repository and prevents users from modifying any of the files. The start and stop times for the lock service are defined in the Action Server's configuration file. During the lockdown of the process repository, a stable backup of the process repository file system can be taken, therefore the period over which the lock service runs should be set to the duration of the backup process.</p><p>What about linked data? Any linked files that reside outside of the process repository file structure should also be backed up at the same time. The File and Document Links report (available in the Diagram report category in the Author Client) provides information on the locations of all linked data. These locations should then be included as part of the third-party backup configuration. TIBCO Nimbus Backup Utility The following method describes how to back up a process repository and associated folders using the TIBCO Nimbus Backup Utility and Volume Shadow Copy Service (Shadow Copy).</p><p>Setting the Lock Mode The first thing you must do, if it has not already been set, is to set the lock mode in the Web Server configuration file. 1. Open the Web server configuration file in a text editor, such as Notepad (default location is C: \TIBCO Nimbus\Web Server\Config\config.ini). 2. In the [DataFolder] section, set the LockMode parameter to '1'. 3. Save and exit config.ini.</p><p>Configuring the Backup Utility There are a number of configuration settings for the Backup Utility which should be reviewed and configured if required before running the Backup Utility for the first time. Note that in a multi-server configuration, the Backup Utility must be set to run on the server which hosts the process repository. 1. Copy CtrlBackupUtil.exe and BackupConfig.ini (from the Utilities folder on the CD) to a local or network drive. 2. Open and edit BackupConfig.ini, as required, then save it.</p><p>Path The path of the process repository, specified by drive letter (not UNC). Store The location to save the backup to. LocationN The path of additional folders to back up (must be on same drive as process repository). UseZip Compresses the backup folder into a single zip file upon completion of the backup process. 0 = Disable (default) 1 = Enable</p><p>Page 95 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Maintenance</p><p>TempFolderForZip The temporary folder for compressing backup folders into a single zip (using the UseZip option) before transferring to the backup location. This option is useful if the backup destination is a network share as it reduces network traffic and speeds up the backup process due to only transferring a single file. Once the file transfer is complete the temporary folder will be deleted. MaxBackups The maximum number of backups to store at any given time. When this threshold is exceeded, the oldest backup will be deleted. 0 = Unlimited (default = 7) LockPeriod The waiting period between applying the client lock and initiating the backup, in minutes. Note: A minimum of 5mins is recommended to allow any long operations to complete. SendWarningsTo The Email addresses that are used for notification if a backup fails. Note: This requires that the Action Server is installed and running. Multiple email addresses must be separated by semi-colons. ErrorEmailSub Override the subject of the email sent to users when an error occurs. SendSuccessTo Define a list of email addresses (separated by semi-colons) to send the email to when a backup has successfully completed. SuccessEmailSub Override the subject of the email sent to users when a backup has successfully completed. FixedTargetFolder Specify whether to use the same folder for backups, i.e. 'TIBCO Nimbus Backup', or create a new folder with the date and time appended. Note: Folders are created automatically. If the same folder is used for backups then any existing folders will be renamed to TIBCO Nimbus Backup n, where n is the next available number. 0 = Date and Time as folder name (default) 1 = 'TIBCO Nimbus Backup' as folder name CustomTargetFoldeSpecify the name of the backup folder (or zip archive). If the value of the r FixedTargetFolder is 0, the folder name will have the date and time added to it, otherwise the CustomTargetFolder value will be used as the backup name. Any existing backups with that name will be renamed using the integer postfix. RetryPeriodSecs Specify the amount of time to wait after a snapshot has been rejected (due to another snapshot being in progress) until the operation is retried. RetryLimit Specify the total amount of times to retry the operation. LoggingLevel Specify the LoggingLevel. 1 = Normal 2 = Additional logging to assist with troubleshooting. ExternalApp Specify an external application or script to run after the data is moved to the backup location but before it is compressed (if UseZip is enabled). Note: If running a script you must first specify the host for the script, e.g. "wscript C: \script.js". You can also specify the target backup folder to be provided to the external application or script by adding the "<TARGET_FOLDER>" parameter, e.g. C:\script.js "<TARGET_FOLDER>". Note: The target folder will be automatically replaced with the correct path when the external application or script is run. See Diagnostic Checking below for more information. 0 = Disable (default) 1 = Enable LogReturnVal Specify whether to log the exit code of the external application. Note: Any non-zero values are treated as errors and an email notification (if configured) will be sent.</p><p>TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 96 Maintenance</p><p>0 = Ignore exit code (default) 1 = Log exit code TimeOutMins Specify the time, in minutes, to wait for the external application to complete. If the application times out then the data will not be compressed, and an email notification (if configured) will be sent (default=0, unlimited).</p><p>Page 97 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Maintenance</p><p>Scheduling the Backup Utility After configuring the Backup Utility you can create a scheduled task to run the Backup Utility at set times using Windows Task Scheduler. Use the following command to create a batch file: <Path of CtrlBackupUtil.exe> <Path of BackupConfig.ini> For example: "C:\TIBCO Nimbus\CtrlBackupUtil.exe" "C:\TIBCO Nimbus \BackupConfig.ini"</p><p>Diagnostic Checking It is possible to launch a diagnostic application, batch file or script on the backed-up data after a snapshot of the data has been taken and before it is compressed for storage. This is configured in the [ExternalApp] section in the configuration file. For example, you could run the map diagnostic check in the Admin Utility - see Checking Maps for more information.</p><p>Third-party Backup utilities The following method describes how to lock the process repository using the Lock Service in order to allow you to back up the process repository and associated files.</p><p>Important If the Lock Service is not used when backing up your data, files could be modified during the backup process which could result in a backup that is not internally consistent and therefore invalid. For the same reason, scheduled tasks (such as SSync, LDAP synchronization, Reports, etc) should not be scheduled to run during the backup period.</p><p>Setting the Lock Mode Ensure that the LockMode parameter is set to '0' in the Web Server's configuration file. 1. Open the Web server configuration file in a text editor, such as Notepad (default location is C: \TIBCO Nimbus\Web Server\Config\config.ini). 2. In the [DataFolder] section, set the LockMode parameter to '0'. 3. Save and exit config.ini.</p><p>Specifying the start and stop times of the Lock Service The start and stop times for when to lock and release the process repository must be defined.</p><p>1. Open Config.ini. (found in C:\TIBCO Nimbus\Action Server) in a text editor, such as Notepad. 2. In the [LockTable] section modify the StartLock and StopLock parameters:</p><p>LockTable StartLock The time at which to lock the process repository. StopLock The time at which to unlock the process repository. Note: If the times are the same then a lock will not be applied. 3. Save and exit Config.ini.</p><p>Scheduling your third-party backup utility</p><p>TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 98 Maintenance</p><p>Once the start and stop times of the Lock Service have been set, you can schedule your backup utility to run between the lock period. It is important to leave 5 minutes after the process repository has been locked before starting the backup process as this allows time for any processes that are already running to be completed.</p><p>Page 99 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Maintenance Archiving Maps</p><p>What is an archive? An archive is a complete copy of an entire process map from the top level (level 1) diagram down to the lowest levels. It essentially provides a snapshot in time of the process map so that it can be viewed, for example for audit or comparison purposes, and also provides a method for restoring data from older versions if required.</p><p>Depending on what system options are set, archived maps are stored as compressed copies of the map, which includes all document attachments and file links at the time of archiving. An uncompressed copy of the archive is also taken to allow the instant access to the content. Uncompressed copies are only maintained for a certain period of time, as set in the system options.</p><p>Archiving applies to snapshots of entire process maps, i.e., it is not possible to archive sub-sections of a map. TIBCO Nimbus therefore advises that several maps are maintained based on different business divisions within an organization rather than a single map that covers the entire enterprise. This allows for more manageable archiving and scheduling of draft promotion operations without impacting other work that may be in progress on other areas of a map.</p><p>It is important to realize that archives should not be substituted for taking regular backups of data. A backup is a complete snapshot copy of all the data within a process repository, including maps, documents, system files, user files, database tables and configuration files. See Backing Up Data for information on backing up an entire process repository.</p><p>Compressed versus Uncompressed Archives Archives are created by the TIBCO Nimbus Author Client software via the TIBCO Nimbus Batch Server during scheduled draft promotion operations. When an archive is created it will be created as an uncompressed copy of the map. This saves time during large draft promotions. Users can easily access uncompressed archives in the Author Client and in the web interface. </p><p>Compressed archives can be stored for longer periods. If only a compressed archive version of a map exists then it will not be available for quick viewing through the Author Client or web interface unless it is first restored.</p><p>Documents Links In most installations the Document Registry is used to store process documents and these are linked to relevant activity boxes throughout process diagrams. When process maps are archived, any linked documents will remain unaffected and the links to those documents in the Document Registry will be maintained. This means that when users click a document link in a 'live' uncompressed archive, it will link through to the latest version in the Document Registry in the same way as if the document is accessed from the current master or draft version of the map.</p><p>For compressed map archives a copy of the current version of the linked document is included in the archive. This provides a snapshot not only of the process but all linked documents at the time the archive was taken. Copies of linked documents are stored inside the \Process RepositoryATTACH folder inside the archive (.arc) file. Note that archive files are zip-compatible. When a compressed archive is restored then all archived documents will also be restored and the document links in the restored map will point to the old documents. To prevent overwriting the current versions of</p><p>TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 100 Maintenance documents in the Document Registry, old linked documents are restored into a new folder within the Process RepositoryATTACH folder, i.e. outside of the Document Registry.</p><p>The folder structure that is created in the \Process RepositoryATTACH folder is based on the folder structure of where the archive is stored and the last folder name from the document's original file path. For example, if the last folder name is 'Test Files' from the original C:\Temp\Test Files\ location, a sub-folder called 'Test Files' is created inside an Archive\<archives folder>\ location. The document links throughout the diagrams in the restored archive map are automatically updated as file links to the old (restored) versions of the documents. Note that relative file paths are used when linking to documents in the Process RepositoryATTACH folder.</p><p>If there is a need to revert to using an old version of a document which has been restored from an archived map, i.e., if the current version of a document in the Document Registry needs to be replaced by the old version, the restored version should be copied from the \Process Repository\ATTACH folder into the location where the current version of the draft version is located. In this case, the version number for the document record in the Document Registry should be updated and a comment should be added to the document record's change log to note that the document has been reverted back to an older version.</p><p>TIBCO Nimbus Archiving Utility The TIBCO Nimbus Archiving Utility (CtrlArchives.exe), which is installed as part of the Author Client installation, performs the following tasks:</p><p>· Compresses archived maps If the Store compressed static version of map archives system option is enabled, any map folders stored in the specified archive location will be automatically compressed into archived packages (.arc). Archived packages are saved in the same location as the archived map folder. Page 101 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Maintenance</p><p>· Removes old archived maps If the Automatically remove old archives system option is enabled, old archives are either permanently deleted or moved to a specified location depending on what system options are set. Note: The options governing the behaviour of the Archiving Utility are found under Document Control/Archives in the system options. It is recommended that the TIBCO Nimbus Archiving Utility is scheduled to run once a week during a period of low activity in the system, for example every Saturday night. System Options There are a number of other system options that govern how your archives are managed by the TIBCO Nimbus Archiving Utility. For more information on all system options relating to archiving, please refer to the Author Client Help - Administration/System Options/Document Control/Archives. Managing Archives As many hundreds of archives can build up over time, which requires increasing disk space, there are a number of system options that can be set in the TIBCO Nimbus Author Client to help to manage your archives. These include options to specify how many uncompressed archives to keep for a map at any one time, or how long to keep them for, and whether to remove old archives or move them to a specific location. These choices will be determined by your data retention requirements. </p><p>By default, archived data is stored in a number of 'Archive' sub-folders within the Process Repository folder. This can significantly increase the amount of disk space required for the process repository data and potentially cause challenges for your daily backup strategy, therefore it is advised to specify a different storage location for archives (in the Archives system options this can be set via the Storage location for map archives option). Please note that if you specify a different location for storing map archives it must be accessible to the TIBCO Nimbus web server and to TIBCO Nimbus users (or a domain account defined for the process repository if the software is configured to run in secure repository access mode), otherwise archives cannot be created or accessed. </p><p>The storage location for map archives can be on a different drive or just a different folder outside of the process repository on the same drive. This facilitates the management of daily backups of the process repository folder and allows system administrators to adopt a different backup strategy for the archived data if required.</p><p>Note: If the location for storing archives (via the Storage location for map archives) is changed then the TIBCO Nimbus software will need to move all archive data to the new location. This operation may take some time to complete if there is a large amount of archives that exist. When changing this option you will be prompted to choose whether to move all existing data to the new location.</p><p>TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 102 Maintenance</p><p>Choosing Yes will move the data to the new location. Choosing No will save the new system option but the data will not be moved to the new location. In this case the system administrator should manually move the data from the \Process Repository\Archive\ folder to the new location. The complete structure should be moved across to maintain data integrity of the archives.</p><p>For more information on the archiving system options, please refer to the Author Client Help - Administration/System Configuration/Document Control/Archives. Creating Archives Depending on the system options, process maps can be set to be automatically archived whenever draft content is updated and promoted. The existing master map is first archived before being overwritten with the updated draft content. Automatic archiving is how the vast majority of archives will be generated in TIBCO Nimbus. However, it is possible to manually create an archive at any time through the Author Client.</p><p>Note: Archives can also be taken of draft and scenario maps using the method below.</p><p>To manually archive a map (from the Author Client) 1. Open the map that you want to create an archive copy of. 2. From the File menu choose Archive Manager. 3. In the Archive Manager window, from the File menu choose Archive Current Map. 4. Select Yes when prompted to confirm the operation.</p><p>To schedule the automatic archiving of a map It is advisable to schedule the archiving utility to run at regular intervals using Windows Task Scheduler. The command line below should be used when creating the task. <CtrlArchives.exe> <process repository> For example: "C:\TIBCO Nimbus\Client\Utilities\CtrlArchives.exe" "C:\TIBCO Nimbus\Process Repository"</p><p>Note: You can also change the output of the log file (by default it is stored in the same directory). For example:</p><p>Page 103 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Maintenance</p><p>C:\TIBCO Nimbus\Client\Utilities\CtrlArchives.exe "C:\TIBCO Nimbus\Process Repository" "C:\Logs\Archive.log"</p><p>All logs, including any issues with the archiving process, are stored in a log file. Unless otherwise specified, the log file is called ctrlarchives.log and is stored in the same directory as where the utility is run from. You can change the output of the log file within the command line. For example: C:\TIBCO Nimbus\Client\Utilities\CtrlArchives.exe "C:\TIBCO Nimbus\Process Repository" "C: \Logs\Archive.log" Restoring Archives Both compressed and non-compressed archives can be restored back into a live process repository.</p><p>Restoring Non-compressed Live Archived Maps To restore a non-compressed archived map 1. Open the map. 2. From the <Draft>/<Master> drop-down, access the archive that you want to restore. 3. Navigate to the parent diagram of the diagram that you want to restore. 4. Right-click on the parent activity and from the Drill Down options choose Export. 5. Enter an appropriate name for the export and then choose a folder in the Process Repository for the export. 6. Click OK. The child diagram and all its lower-level diagrams will be copied as a new map. This new map will assume the name of the specified export and will exist in the folder selected for the export. 7. Close the archive. 8. From the File menu choose Open/Manage. 9. Find the folder used for the export above and double-click the map to open it.</p><p>Once the content has been restored it can be reviewed in isolation from the current live version of the map. Selected content can then be imported or copied back into the current live draft version of the map as required.</p><p>Note: This functionality is not supported in versions 9.0, 9.0.1, 9.1, 9.1.1 and 9.1.2.</p><p>Restoring Compressed Archived Maps Compressed archives can be restored back into a live repository via the Archive Manager within the TIBCO Nimbus Author Client.</p><p>To restore a compressed archived map 1. In the Author Client, from the File menu choose Archive Manager. 2. Right-click the map that you want to restore and choose Restore Archive. Alternatively, select the map and click Restore.</p><p>TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 104 Maintenance</p><p>Once the compressed archived map has been restored it can be opened via the Open/Manage window (accessed from the File menu). The map can be reviewed in isolation from the current live version of the map. Selected content can then be imported or copied back into the current live draft version of the map as required.</p><p>Note: The restore functionality only works if there is a compressed archive of a map. If an expected compressed archive version does not exist then check that the system options are set correctly and that the Archiving Utility is scheduled to run as required.</p><p>What about old archives? If your system is set to move old compressed archives to a specified location after x months then those old archives will not be available to view from within the Author Client or web interface and they will not be listed in the Archive Manager in the Author Client. This is useful for maintaining the performance of the system and managing an ever-growing volume of archive data but it means that an extra step is required if you want to restore old archives. To restore an old archive you must first copy the data back into the location where the live/recent archived maps are located. By default this is the \Process Repository\Archive folder, or it may be another folder as specified in the Storage location for map archives system option. The original archive folder structure for a particular map archive and all contents within that folder must be copied to the archive location.</p><p>Once the structure has been copied back into the live current archive folder location the Archive Manager will automatically list the map archives. To restore the compressed archive to the process repository you must follow the instructions for restoring compressed archives above. It is recommended that you discuss any plans to restore old archives with the TIBCO Nimbus Support team before proceeding.</p><p>Page 105 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Maintenance Managing Database Tables</p><p>There are a number of tables that hold TIBCO Nimbus data. If you are experiencing problems with any of these data tables then there are a number of options available.</p><p>Maintaining tables should be attempted by experienced users only. Please contact TIBCO Nimbus Support before undertaking any actions.</p><p>Managing data tables 1. Run AdminUtil.exe (found in ...\TIBCO Nimbus\Client). 2. Click Browse and select the process repository that you want to check, then click Next. 3. Enter an administrator's username and password, then click Next. 4. From the Tables menu choose a table and then one of the available options.</p><p>Table Open Repair Create Rebuild Maps Maps Folder Links Diagrams Binarys Levels Language Variants Document Registry Action Server Other System Tables: Action Attachments BI Server Data Table Attachments Delete Recovery Keyword Recurring Review Resource Scorecard Search Statement Storyboard User Library</p><p>TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 106 Maintenance</p><p>Open View the information within a table. Some tables can be edited, for example the Links table. Repair Rebuild the indexes and fix corrupted headers, where possible. Repair options should not be run on a table unless the data in a table is corrupted. Create Create an empty table if a table does not already exist. If you are creating a Maps table then you must rebuild it following its creation. Rebuild Rebuild a table. Extract (Diagrams table only) Remove all invalid diagrams from the table. A new folder Invalid called <map>_invalid_levels is created, allowing maps to be recovered if required. Levels Delete (Diagrams table only) Remove all invalid diagrams from the table. Diagrams are Invalid permanently deleted and will not be shown in the Deletion Recovery Manager. Levels Reconstruct (Diagrams table only) Restores invalid diagrams by creating new drilldowns, Invalid allowing previously inaccessible diagrams to be displayed in the Author Client. Levels</p><p>Page 107 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Maintenance Synchronizing the Web Server</p><p>The System Synchronization Utility updates the data that is presented to users through the Web Server. It should be run daily and can be run manually, from the command line or, ideally, as an automated Windows scheduled task. Note: The desktop client must have been run at least once before using this utility. The System Synchronization Utility is also used to synchronize the Business Intelligence Server to update metric data. See Synchronizing the Business Intelligence Server for information. If set to run as a scheduled task, the System Synchronization Utility must not be running when a process repository backup is in progress, as this can lead to inconsistent and corrupt data in the backup.</p><p>Synchronizing the Web Server 1. Run the SSync.exe, this can be from a well crafted RUN command, scheduled task or the Start menu. Configuration File The System Synchronization Utility has an associated configuration file config.ini (found in ...\TIBCO Nimbus\Web Server\Utilities). The following parameters can be modified:</p><p>DATA FOLDER Path The path of the process repository (this can be a UNC path name) TEXT ReminderAck This is the text that is sent to users in SMS notifications, which can be ReminderAuth modified if required. ReminderRev For example, ReminderAck is the text sent to users to remind them of a ReminderAct pending acknowledgement request. OverdueAck is the text sent to users to OverdueAck inform them of an overdue acknowledgement request. OverdueAuth OverdueRev OverdueAct SMS Where Short Message Service (SMS) is required, a SMS service provider is required to send the text messages. More than one service providers can be specified but only one may be active at any one time. Contact TIBCO Nimbus Support if you need to specify multiple SMS service providers. Comment out the service provider parameters (the name of the service provider and then CLSID). Name The name of the service provider (by default Clickatell is specified) CLSID This value should not be changed IniFileName The location of the service provider specification data (it can be this file) LogFileName The path and name of the log file that is created (defaults to smssync.log if not specified). LogAppend Appends to the existing log if set to '1', otherwise it will overwrite the existing log if set to '0'. CLICKATELL By default, TIBCO Nimbus provides a service provider module for Clickatell. Note: A Clickatell account is required, which can be obtained from Clickatell.</p><p>TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 108 Maintenance</p><p>API_ID The Clickatell ID (provided by Clickatell) User The Clickatell username Password The Clickatell password From The name that will appear as the sender of SMS notifications UseGet Set this value to '0' UseSSL Default is on, '1'. Set this to '0' to turn SSL off. NOTIFICATION Notifications can be sent to one or more nominated email addresses, via the Action Server, if any errors occur during any synchronization operations. Enabled Set this value to '1' to enable email notifications. Email Specify the email address(es) to send notifications to. Note: Multiple email addresses must be separated by semi-colons. ServerIdentifier Specify a name to identify the Web Server with; this text will appear in any notification emails that are sent out.</p><p>Scheduling Web Server synchronization Synchronizing the Web Server can be run from the command line, or it can be automatically scheduled using Windows Task Scheduler. It is recommended to schedule this task daily. Run the following command: <path>/ssync.exe <path of ini file> [<path of log file>] -[optional parameters]</p><p>Optional parameters: -search Updates the search database -measure Updates metrics (measures) -resources Updates resources in the My Roles page -links Updates flow line linkage -regusage Updates Document Registry item usage database -reviews Updates recurring reviews -mysearches Updates users' search database -withdrawndocs Withdraws acknowledgement requests for withdrawn documents -reminders Sends out reminder notifications for past due (overdue) To- do items -acktodos Withdraws acknowledgement requests for users that are removed from any user groups that are assigned as acknowledgers -mapsclean Removes old maps from the Deleted folder (see note below) -linksclean Removes redundant diagram links (see note below) -recurringactions Triggers any pending recurring actions -archiveactions Automatically archives completed actions (see note below) -sbintegrity Checks integrity of storyboards and sends out notifications to assigned primary email contacts if issues are found</p><p>Page 109 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Maintenance</p><p>-storysnap Updates access rights for folders, maps, diagrams and attachments in storyboard snapshots -sbrebuild Checks and fixes all storyboards for integrity issues</p><p>For example: "C:\TIBCO Nimbus\Web Server\Utilities\SSync.exe" "C:\TIBCO Nimbus\Web Server\Utilities \config.ini" "C:\TIBCO Nimbus\Web Server\Utilities\SSyncResults.log" -search -resources - regusage -reviews -withdrawndocs</p><p>Note: If no optional parameters are specified then all tasks - except flow line links, Document Registry items, deleted links and deleted maps - will be updated. If a path to the log file is not defined then it will use the local folder.</p><p>Note: The -mapsclean and -linksclean parameters are not run by default. These tasks should be scheduled separately to run on a weekly basis. Note that the maximum number of days to keep deleted maps is specified in the Maps system options within the Author Client. For the - archiveactions parameter, the number of days before archiving completed actions is defined in the Action Settings (within the system configuration options in the Author Client). If this is set to '0' then completed actions will not be archived. Logging A log file is written to whenever the System Synchronization Utility is run: C:\TIBCO Nimbus\Web Server\Utilities\SSyncResults.log</p><p>In the Synchronization Configuration file, the level of logging can be defined (default location of configuration file is C:\TIBCO Nimbus\Web Server\Utilities\config.ini).</p><p>LoggingLevel 0 No logging 1 Low 2 Medium (logs all maps that are checked in the Search and My Searches index operation) 3 High (logs all maps and diagrams that are checked in the Search index operation and all maps checked in the My Searches index operation. It also logs the GUIDs of all diagrams for additional operations). 4 Max (includes all high-level logging, but also includes additional information, such as the logging of all entries that were deleted from the Document Registry item usage table via the - regusage operation and redundant diagram link entries that were removed via the -linksclean operation).</p><p>TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 110 Maintenance Monitoring Web Server Performance</p><p>The TIBCO Nimbus Performance Monitor provides the ability to access some of the internal counters within the Web Server in order to monitor the behaviour of the application. The plug-in provides a new counter set called TIBCO Nimbus and contains six counters (Active Sessions, Image Execution Time, Images/Sec, Page Execution Time, Pages/Sec and Queue Length). See Installation\Installing TIBCO Nimbus Performance Monitor for more information.</p><p>Related topics Configuring Web Server Logging Restarting, Stopping and Starting the Web Server</p><p>Changes to any localisation files and changes to some of the Web Server configuration settings file (e.g. changes to the Home page text and Tabs) will require a restart of the Web Server to update the changes. One method is to reset the Internet Information Services (IIS); however, resetting IIS will also reset any other web services that utilize IIS. A Web Server installation includes some Java scripts to restart, start and stop the Web Server. It is possible to 'Hot Restart' the Nimbus Web Server processes; any server requests submitted by users will be queued and, since it only takes a moment to restart the server, users will not be affected. Restarting the Web Server Double-click restart.js in the Web Server installation that you want to restart. Stopping the Web Server Double-click stop.js in the Web Server installation that you want to restart. Starting the Web Server Double-click start.js in the Web Server installation that you want to restart. Note: The location of the javascript files is ...\TIBCO Nimbus\Web Server\Reload.</p><p>IIS can be restarted from the IIS managment console or by launching a command prompt (as administrator) and entering IISRESET. IISREST /STOP and IISRESET /START. This will stop and start the IIS server appropriately.</p><p>Individual websites can be stopped and started from the IIS management console.</p><p>Page 111 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Maintenance Managing TIBCO Nimbus Services</p><p>The TIBCO Nimbus Service Installer allows the TIBCO Nimbus Action Server services to be managed.</p><p>Managing TIBCO Nimbus services 1. Run ServiceInstaller.exe (found in the Utilities folder on the CD). There are two tabs: Services By Folder This tab displays all TIBCO Nimbus services for a specific installation. Click Browse to select a TIBCO Nimbus folder (e.g. C:\TIBCO Nimbus). Note: If it is not a default installation, i.e. the Action Server is not installed in the TIBCO Nimbus folder, deselect Assume normal Control sub folders. Currently Installed Services This tab displays all services on the system. If you have multiple installations of TIBCO Nimbus on a single machine, this information is useful when performing upgrades.</p><p>Managing Services The following actions can be executed: Start and Stop services independently - Select the service and click either Start or Stop . Uninstall a service - Select the service and click Uninstall. Toggle the service startup between manual and automatic - Select the service and select either Automatic or Manual from the Select Start Options. Click Install/Update to update the selection. Add a suffix to services - Select the service(s) and in the Enter an identifier to be added to the service's names text box enter a suffix. Click Install/Update to update the selection. Select Service Type allows you to run each service as independent processes, or as a single process. Running all services as one process can help reduce the consumption of resources on servers hosting multiple author clients.</p><p>Related topics Configuring the Action Server</p><p>TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 112 Maintenance Replacing File Link Paths</p><p>File link paths, including Excel-based metric links, can be replaced in all maps within a process repository, regardless of diagram access rights and authorization statuses. This is useful, for example, if linked files are moved to a new location.</p><p>Replacing the paths of file links should be attempted by experienced users only. Document links are not updated as part of the process; links to documents in the Document Registry can be updated in the Client.</p><p>Replacing file link paths 1. Run AdminUtil.exe (found in ...\TIBCO Nimbus\Client). 2. Click Browse and select the process repository that you want to replace file link paths in, then click Next. 3. Enter an administrator's username and password, then click Next. 4. From the Edit menu choose File Link Search and Replace. 5. In the Search On box enter the path that you want to replace. 6. In the Replace With box enter the path that you want to replace with. Include Metric Links will search and replace file paths for any Excel-based metric links. 7. Click OK. Viewing Map Paths</p><p>The physical paths of all maps in a process repository can be checked and the information can be exported to Excel. </p><p>Viewing map paths 1. Run AdminUtil.exe (found in ...\TIBCO Nimbus\Client). 2. Click Browse and select the process repository that you want to replace file link paths in, then click Next. 3. Enter an administrator's username and password, then click Next. 4. From the Tools menu choose Map Paths Viewer.</p><p>Note: To export the list of maps in the process repository to a file, from the File menu choose Export Grid As Shown To and then choose a file format.</p><p>Page 113 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Customization Customizing the Web Server</p><p>There are two documents that will assist you in customizing the Web Server; one concerns the Web Server and the other a SharePoint integration.</p><p>Web Server Branding The TIBCO Nimbus browser interface can be customized, including modifying the general look and feel, changing the logo, customizing the look of storyboards, redefining the Home page text and adding and removing tabs. The Classic Web Server Branding PDF, that is available to view at docs.tibco.com, provides information on modifying the interface to give it a corporate look and feel.</p><p>SharePoint Customization Guide The TIBCO Nimbus site in a SharePoint interface integration can be customized. Most of the customization of a TIBCO Nimbus site in SharePoint is configured within the SharePoint Administration environment. The SharePoint Customization Guide PDF, that is available to view at docs.tibco.com, provides information on modifying the TIBCO Nimbus site to ensure a corporate look and feel.</p><p>TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 114 TIBCO Nimbus Support Contact Details</p><p>Our specialized team are on hand to provide assistance with the TIBCO Nimbus product. TIBCO Support is an online resource where you can log cases directly, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can also view updates on current cases and search the TIBCO Nimbus Knowledge Base. </p><p>Use the links below to access the relevant service.</p><p>Requirement Contact Details</p><p>To register for a TIBCO Support account. Request an account for TIBCO Support</p><p>To log in to TIBCO Support. support.tibco.com</p><p>If your support issue is urgent and you have support@tibco.com not yet registered for an account please email. For phone numbers and further information on TIBCO Support Services service level agreements.</p><p>Access the TIBCO Community site. TIBCO Community</p><p>Page 115 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Appendix Integrating TIBCO Nimbus with SharePoint</p><p>TIBCO Nimbus can be integrated into Microsoft SharePoint, allowing users to access process information, such as processes, documents, To dos, storyboards, scorecards, etc, through a SharePoint interface.</p><p>There are two deployment methods for integrating TIBCO Nimbus into SharePoint and both use the WCF method.</p><p>Local Integration Local integrations involve the TIBCO Nimbus Web Server being installed on the same server as SharePoint. Remote Integration Remoting allows the TIBCO Nimbus Web Server to be installed on a different server to SharePoint. One or more SharePoint servers can connect to a single TIBCO Nimbus Web Server instance, and multiple remote TIBCO Nimbus Web Servers can connect to a single process repository. SharePoint Farms The TIBCO Nimbus Web Server can also be run within a SharePoint farm using the TIBCO Nimbus remoting solution. · The remoting configuration changes to the SharePoint web.config file must be applied on every SharePoint Front-end Web Server. · The TIBCO Nimbus Web Server must be configured for remoting. · NimbusControl.wsp only needs to be deployed on the machine in which the SharePoint Central Administration site is installed, i.e. it is not necessary to manually deploy the file on every machine within the farm. Network Load Balancing Network Load Balancing is not currently supported.</p><p>In this chapter: · Creating a SharePoint Integration · Upgrading a SharePoint Integration · Adding TIBCO Nimbus Web Parts to other SharePoint sites · Integrating TIBCO Nimbus with a SharePoint document library</p><p>Note: This guide assumes the user is experienced with SharePoint and the administration of SharePoint sites. Creating a SharePoint Integration This topic describes how to configure the integration of the TIBCO Nimbus Web Server with SharePoint, either locally or as a remote integration using WCF.</p><p>Prerequisites Software requirements:</p><p>TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 116 Appendix</p><p>· Windows Server 2008 or 2012 with Windows SharePoint Server or Microsoft Office SharePoint Server. · The TIBCO Nimbus Author Client is installed and has been run against the process repository at least once. · .NET 3.0 runtime (recommended .NET 3.0 Service Pack 1 or greater) is installed on the server that hosts the Web Server. Additional requirements: · If you are using Windows Integrated Authentication, it is advisable to ensure that authentication is working correctly via the standard Web Server before configuring the SharePoint integration. Note: TIBCO Nimbus does not need any specific authentication mode set in its configuration file as SharePoint requests are authenticated separately.</p><p>What if the TIBCO Nimbus Web Server has already been installed as a standard web site? You can configure the integration of the TIBCO Nimbus Web Server into SharePoint if the standard Web Server has already been installed. If you are configuring a remote installation then there are no precursor steps. For local integrations, you must install Windows SharePoint Services (if it is not already installed). Note: The default TIBCO Nimbus web site service will be stopped following the installation of WSS.</p><p>Page 117 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Appendix</p><p>Installing the Web Server 1. Launch the Setup.exe and then click Enterprise Server Installation.</p><p>Note: If you are installing on a machine that is not a server you will receive a warning message. The Web Server can be installed on a non-server machine, however you will not receive the benefits that a server has to offer, such as being able to support multiple connections simultaneously.</p><p>2. [Welcome] If no other Windows applications are running, click Next. Otherwise, terminate the installation in order to exit the applications, then re-run the setup. 3. [Choose Destination Folder] The location in which the Web Server is installed will default to the location of the Author Client installation. To change location, in the Destination Folder panel click Browse to select a location in which to install the Web Server. To change the location of the process repository at this stage, deselect Use default sub-folder for Process Repository and click Browse in the Existing Process Repository panel to locate the process repository. Note: The path of the process repository can be changed at any time by editing the Web Server configuration file (see Web Server Configuration for more information). Click Next to proceed. 4. [IIS Configuration Options] Deselect Configure TIBCO Nimbus for use via Internet Information Server, and then click Next. 5. [Setup Program Manager Group] Select the Program Manager group that the Web Server will be added to; either select an existing group or accept/rename the default name. Click Next to proceed. 6. [Start Installation] Click Next to install the Web Server.</p><p>Modifying the TIBCO Nimbus Host.exe COM+ identity The identity of the TIBCO Nimbus Host.exe container, which runs the Web Server, needs to be set to the TIBCO Nimbus domain service account. 1. Run Component Services. 2. Expand Computers>>My Computer>>DCOM Config. 3. Right-click TIBCO Nimbus ES Web Server Host and choose Properties. 4. Click the Identity tab. 5. Select This user, then enter the TIBCO Nimbus domain service account details.</p><p>Modifying access to the Web Server folders and files The access rights of all folders and files within \TIBCO Nimbus\Web Server\Main need to be set to allow Read access for all TIBCO Nimbus users. If management of users via LDAP synchronization is used it is recommended that the TIBCO Nimbus LDAP groups are used to provide this access. Read/ write access to the following folders must also be enabled for the TIBCO Nimbus domain service account, which the Host.exe process runs under: ...\TIBCO Nimbus\Process Repository\ ...\TIBCO Nimbus\Process Repository\Temp ...\TIBCO Nimbus\Web Server\Reload</p><p>TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 118 Appendix</p><p>Configuring SharePoint Note: If you are configuring the integration of the TIBCO Nimbus Web Server into a SharePoint farm then the following updates to the SharePoint configuration file must be applied to every SharePoint front-end Web Server. 1. Open SharePoint Web.config changes.txt (SharePoint folder on the CD) and web.config (... \Inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\80). 2. Copy the following Nimbus section group element from the SharePoint Web.config.changes.txt file and paste in the web.config file. This should be nested within the <configSections> tags, as shown in Fig.1. You do not need to copy the <configSections> tags as these already exist in the SharePoint configuration (web.config) file. <sectionGroup name="nimbus"> <section name="general" type="Nimbus.web.Comm...> <section name="Credentials" type="Nimbus.web.Comm...> </sectionGroup> 3. Copy the following Nimbus configuration element from the SharePoint Web.config.changes.txt file and paste in the web.config file. This should be nested within the <configuration> tags. See Fig.2. <nimbus> <general> <main defaultsiteurl="" serverConnectionMethod...> ... etc </nimbus> 4. Copy the following system serviceModel element from the SharePoint Web.config.changes.txt file and paste in the web.config file. This should be nested within the <configuration> tags. See Fig.3. <system.serviceModel> <bindings> <netNamedPipeBinding> ... </client> </system.serviceModel></p><p>5. In the web.config file, set the following parameters: Parameter Definition defaultSiteURL URL of the TIBCO Nimbus SharePoint site. For example: http://server1/sites/TIBCONimbus serverConnectionMethod WCF wcfServer The user account used to make calls to the remote TIBCO Nimbus Web clientIdentityType Server. There are two options: (1) SpecifiedUser (recommended). If selected you must set the wcfClientIdentity userName credentials (see below).</p><p>Page 119 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Appendix</p><p>(2) Process. This will use the account under which the SharePoint ASP.NET runs under (not the logged in user). wcfServer endpointName The end point name used when connecting remotely. To specify a remote connection via a TCP connection, set this to NimbusTcpEndpoint. wcfClientIdentity If SpecifiedUser was selected as the Client Identity Type (above) you userName domain must define the identity credentials (user name, domain and password password). Note: Since these credentials are in a separate section to the general settings you can encrypt them without affecting the general settings. For more information see the following links: How to encrypt configuration sections in ASP.NET using DPAPI How to encrypt configuration sections in ASP.NET using RSA For an example of the 'nimbus.credentials' section see See Fig. 4. endpoint address Set this to the applicable protocol, server and port for each endpoint. There are two endpoints specified. For remoting, the TCP binding will be required and so the NimbusTcpEndpoint item must be updated. It is important to ensure the port matches the value specified in the NimbusServerHost.exe.config file (default location is C:\TIBCO Nimbus \Web Server\Remoting Server). See Fig. 5.</p><p>Note: Please do not edit the 'maxPoolConnections', 'maxConnectionWait' or 'connectionWaitCheckMSecs' default values unless explicitly instructed to by TIBCO Nimbus Support. Incorrect values can cause errors or intermittent failures. These parameters should only be changed if you are experiencing problems and only when advised by TIBCO Nimbus Support.</p><p>TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 120 Appendix</p><p>Installing the SharePoint solution Note: If you are configuring a remote integration with SharePoint then these steps apply only to the Central Administration Site on the SharePoint server. 1. Open a command-prompt window and navigate to one of the following directories (depending on the version of SharePoint you have installed): SharePoint 2010: ...\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\14 \BIN SharePoint 2013: ...\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\15 \BIN</p><p>2. Run the following command: STSADM.exe -o addsolution -filename <path to NimbusControl.wsp> For example: STSADM.exe -o addsolution -filename C:\TIBCO Nimbus\NimbusControl.wsp Note: The NimbusControl.wsp file can be found in the SharePoint folder on the TIBCO Nimbus Installation CD.</p><p>Deploying the TIBCO Nimbus site 3. Depending on what version of SharePoint you are using, access the following SharePoint page: SharePoint 2010: Central Administration > System Settings > Manage Farm Solutions. SharePoint 2013: Central Administration > System Settings > Manage Farm Solutions. Note: You must add the SharePoint Central Administration Web site to the list of local intranet sites in order to be able to deploy the TIBCO Nimbus site. 4. Click NimbusControl.wsp, and then click Deploy Solution. Choose to deploy to the same web application (http://servername). Note: If you are installing into SharePoint 2013, you must select 2010 from the Select experience version options. 5. Recycle the SharePoint Central Administration Pool.</p><p>Creating a TIBCO Nimbus site in SharePoint 6. In the SharePoint Central Administration console select the Application Management tab. 7. Under SharePoint Site Management click Create site collection.</p><p>Page 121 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Appendix</p><p>Configuring the Remoting Host Service This method describes the configuration of the remoting service. Note that this is not required for local integrations. 1. Run NimbusServerHost.exe. NimbusServerHost.exe is found in ...\TIBCO Nimbus\Web Server\Remoting Server. A shortcut is also added to the TIBCO Nimbus Program Group in the Start Menu. The application can be run as either a Windows service or manually, i.e. interactively. The interactive mode is designed for initial configuration testing. To install the application to run as a service you must have administrative rights. Note that only one instance can be run on a single server. For Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 you must elevate your administrative rights. To do this, right-click NimbusServerHost.exe, or right-click the shortcut, and select Run as administrator. 2. Click Install service. 3. Open NimbusServerHost.exe.config (...\TIBCO Nimbus\Web Server\Remoting Server) in a text editor and define the following values: Parameter Description <add key="Caller.UserName" The user account used to connect and make requests to the value="" /> TIBCO Nimbus Web Server from the SharePoint server. Note: If a user is not specified then any user is permitted to connect to the remoting service to make requests. <add key="Caller.Domain=" The domain of the user account specified above. value="" /> <add baseAddress="net.tcp:// The location and port of the remoting host service. localhost:52000/ controlweb" /></p><p>Notes: · A TCP/IP request can be denied access by the server itself before the request is sent to the NimbusServerHost.exe process, therefore ensure that the user account is known and that it has the applicable rights to the server that is hosting the TIBCO Nimbus Web Server. 4. Provide the user account that the remoting host service is run under, as set in the service's Properties, with 'launch' and default COM access rights over the TIBCO Nimbus Web Server COM object. Note: This needs to be set wherever the NimbusServerHost.exe is installed.</p><p>5. Start the remoting service in Windows Services. Remoting Service Timing Out By default, Windows is set to time out if a service fails to start after 30 seconds. When using a domain service account to start a Nimbus service, it often requires longer than 30 seconds. If you are finding that the remoting service times out when you attempt to start it, you can modify the Windows System Registry to increase the timeout value. Note: Modifying the</p><p>TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 122 Appendix</p><p>Windows Registry can cause serious problems if done incorrectly, therefore it is advisable to request support from your IT team before carrying out the following procedure.</p><p>1. Click Start > Run. 2. In the Run field, enter regedit and click OK. 3. Locate the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control 4. In the right-hand pane, right-click ServicesPipeTimeout and choose Modify. Note: If this entry does not exist then you must create it. Right-click in the right-hand pane and choose New > DWORD value. 5. Set Value Data to '60000' and the Base as 'Decimal', and then click OK. Note: The value is in milliseconds. 6. Restart the computer.</p><p>What Next... Grant Access to Users Users must be provided with access to use the site. From the Site Settings page (accessed from Site Actions), authenticated users should be added by default, unless specific user access is required, in which case the appropriate users should be granted permission. The minimum access requirement for the site is 'Team Site Visitor' (read only).</p><p>Related Images</p><p>Fig. 1. Fig. 2.</p><p>Page 123 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Appendix</p><p>Fig. 3.</p><p>TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 124 Appendix</p><p>DPAPI</p><p><nimbus> <credentials configProtectionProvider="DataProtectionConfigurationProvider"> <EncryptedData> <CipherData> <CipherValue>AQAAANCMnd8BFdERjHoAwE/Cl+sBAAAAMqrxJKRmxkGBamO56i/6ngQAAAACAAAAAAADZgAAqAAAABAAAAAgJC1QthpcY3d/ dujEXQu+AAAAAASAAACgAAAAEAAAACTF8TKQl6zW39WVPtCJrxvoAAAAbbwIsiqnfNwy+iYP96M5Sa4R4TivVv7sblP/TJ6cpIPYjZfXJfbN +jDkaSuMvjYF7hFIsLngB4Xn/94WSPiiNhHC5pskguotH23DuzmjBaZo6LoK5EYuRY/B6Cy9PwM9JpAPaKVmxRDXuRgSYVh1fX/ bKgRkj26LfXluKejf4eGxChEj2oBH/TakRxHUQRgz487jUP+Yb+TqyG/6Piy8+UWTJFF10QJJSTgbfBfswnG5KHXPZTnkDLVN +DpIshLjXIQM0eKl95wNuw8e87k854dgohPfJEWJLgCUKxQJkPi/PRMvtTJanhQAAADXhzzASs/FL/BwChKOWDLlTc4fmg==</CipherValue> </CipherData> </EncryptedData> </credentials> </nimbus></p><p>RSA</p><p><nimbus> <credentials configProtectionProvider="RsaProtectedConfigurationProvider"> <EncryptedData Type="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#Element" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#"> <EncryptionMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#tripledes-cbc" /> <KeyInfo xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#"> <EncryptedKey xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#"> <EncryptionMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#rsa-1_5" /> <KeyInfo xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#"> <KeyName>Rsa Key</KeyName> </KeyInfo> <CipherData> <CipherValue>PQBY4HFpkps+FY1C8+EsRZtH//8HnCdbOm5VD/ypBjpg7djg +vnAuzmKqOhIkbN4kx1s6fykmXBXPJ4HC7WGHYqvlg3XK1G4mKylPY3CLHVzGh0AX0GQ0+AsoxZj3k3aCnp+N6sTmhpA3SQQ66NWc16HGm7R+Y/ zTlk740p2mMU=</CipherValue> </CipherData> </EncryptedKey> </KeyInfo> <CipherData> <CipherValue>iyZGy3vUKELvm/8xgAq8nqKdYNLKjL6cyv/SfEUqO9guOho96w1XvDszFZB2V/ gO7MKyfgI5XLTDMihEUAOENwOUVS9rVguc8ALrN9ey8IdJerrSiB0Z67FRGmBDNNqW9vMVZFDj94DZbF6T8VgQQ1BqgTr/xPnsQ0GJ/VqrHKo=</ CipherValue></p><p>Fig. 4. Example Nimbus Credentials</p><p>Page 125 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Appendix</p><p>Fig. 5. Endpoint address</p><p>TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 126 Appendix</p><p>Upgrading a SharePoint Integration This topic describes how to upgrade an existing TIBCO Nimbus SharePoint integration.</p><p>Prerequisites · TIBCO Nimbus with the Web Server integrated into a SharePoint instance. See SharePoint Integration for more information. · (Remoting only) The latest TIBCO Nimbus remoting host service has been installed and configured.</p><p>Upgrading a TIBCO Nimbus SharePoint integration 1. Stop the current remoting service. 2. From a command prompt, navigate to: SharePoint 2010: ...\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\14 \BIN SharePoint 2013: ...\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\15 \BIN</p><p>3. Run the following command: STSADM.exe -o upgradesolution -name Control.wsp -filename NimbusControl.wsp - immediate -allowgacdeployment For example: STSADM.exe -o upgradesolution -name NimbusControl.wsp -filename "C:\TIBCO Nimbus\NimbusControl.wsp" -immediate -allowgacdeployment</p><p>Note: The NimbusControl.wsp file can be found in the SharePoint directory on the TIBCO Nimbus installation CD. Note: If the Windows SharePoint Services Administration service is not running, an error message will prompt you to run the following command: STSADM.exe –o execadmsvcjobs</p><p>4. Recycle the SharePoint Central Administration Pool. 5. Restart the remoting service.</p><p>Important Note Upon completion of the upgrade you must create a new TIBCO Nimbus site collection, otherwise some of the new pages may not work. It is also recommended that you remove the old site collection.</p><p>Adding Web Parts to other SharePoint sites TIBCO Nimbus provides a number of Web Parts which can be imported into any SharePoint site (including sites not linked to TIBCO Nimbus) in order to provide users with access to specific TIBCO Nimbus functionality. The Web Parts available are: Favorites - ListOfFavorites.webpart To Dos - ToDos.webpart Page 127 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Appendix</p><p>My Searches - MyTopics.webpart My Searches Results - MyTopicsResult.webpart Diagram Search Results - SearchDiagramsResult.webpart Document Search - Documents.webpart Recently Viewed Items - ListOfRecentlyViewed.webpart Action List - ListOfActions.webpart</p><p>Importing and activating the TIBCO Nimbus Web Parts If a TIBCO Nimbus SharePoint solution has not been deployed on a particular server, you must first import and activate the TIBCO Nimbus Web Parts in order to use them in other SharePoint sites. After installing the TIBCO Nimbus Web Server, the various Web Parts can be imported from the following location: SharePoint 2010: ...\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\14 \TEMPLATE\FEATURES\NimbusWebParts</p><p>You must also activate the Web Parts in the site that you want to use them in: 1. Click Site Actions and choose Site Settings. 2. Under Site Collection Administration click Site collection features. 3. Click Activate for the Nimbus Web Parts option.</p><p>The Web Parts are now ready to be added to the site.</p><p>TIBCO Nimbus Web Parts TIBCO Nimbus Web Parts retrieves data directly from a remote TIBCO Nimbus installation using WCF. This requires that WCF has been correctly configured on the local SharePoint server (see Configuring a SharePoint Integration for more information).</p><p>TIBCO Nimbus Web Parts must also be linked to the main TIBCO Nimbus site in order for any hyperlinks to work. This can be achieved by either setting the default site URL in the SharePoint server's web.config file (see Specifying a default TIBCO Nimbus site URL below for more information) or by configuring each Web Part independently. To configure Web Parts independently, deselect This is a TIBCO Nimbus site under the Miscellaneous properties and enter the URL for the main TIBCO Nimbus site (for example, http://server1/sites/TIBCONimbus).</p><p>TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 128 Appendix</p><p>Specifying a default TIBCO Nimbus site URL If you don't want to specify the TIBCO Nimbus site URL for each Web Part you can set a default site URL in the SharePoint configuration file. Any TIBCO Nimbus Web Parts that do not have a URL set will assume the default URL. </p><p>1. Open SharePoint Web.config changes.txt and web.config. SharePoint Web.config.changes.txt: The SharePoint folder on the Installation CD. SharePoint Configuration File (web.config): ...\Inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\80 2. Copy the following Nimbus section group element from the SharePoint Web.config.changes.txt file and paste in the web.config file. <sectionGroup name="nimbus"> <section name="general" type="nimbus.web.Comm...> <section name="Credentials" type="nimbus.web.Comm...> </sectionGroup> This should be nested within the <configSections> tags (see Fig.1.). You do not need to copy the <configSections> tags as they already exist in the SharePoint configuration (web.config) file. 3. Copy the following TIBCO configuration element from the SharePoint Web.config.changes.txt file and paste in the web.config file. <nimbus> <general> <main defaultsiteurl="" serverConnectionMethod...> ...... etc </nimbus> This should be nested within the <configuration> tags (Fig.2.). 4. In the web.config file, specify the main defaultSiteURL parameter in the <nimbus> configuration parameters, for example: main defaultSiteUrl="http://www.<server_name>/sites/nimbus"</p><p>Page 129 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Appendix</p><p>Favorites Web Part The Favorites Web Part can be configured to display or hide certain elements. In the Miscellaneous properties, select or deselect any of the checkboxes, as required.</p><p>1. Click Site Actions and then Edit Page. 2. On the Favorites Web Part click edit. 3. Expand Miscellaneous and select or deselect any of the elements. 4. Click OK.</p><p>Including TIBCO Nimbus searches in the SharePoint Enterprise Search page The SharePoint Enterprise Search facility can be configured to search for processes, storyboards and documents, based on users' associated keywords or free text. Note: This applies to Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) only as the Enterprise Search page is not available in Windows SharePoint Services (WSS). 1. Import the TIBCO Nimbus My Searches and the TIBCO Nimbus My Processes Search Web Parts into the SharePoint site (see Importing and activating the TIBCO Nimbus Web Parts above). TIBCO Nimbus Processes Search displays a list of process diagrams based on a free text search. TIBCO Nimbus My Searches displays a list of storyboards, documents and process diagrams based on a user's My Topics keyword search. 2. Navigate to the Enterprise Search page for the SharePoint site and conduct a search. Note: This step is required to access the Search Results page in the Enterprise Search, therefore it is not important what results are returned. 3. Click Site Actions and then Edit Page. 4. Click Add a Web Part in the Bottom Zone. 5. In the Suggested Web Parts to Bottom Zone, select TIBCO Nimbus My Searches and TIBCO Nimbus My Processes Search, then click Add. 6. Click Edit on the respective Web Parts that you have just added. 7. In the properties of the Web Part, expand Miscellaneous and select what content to display when users conduct a search. 8. Deselect This is a TIBCO Nimbus site, then specify the site above (for example (http://[site]/ TIBCO Nimbus). 9. Click OK.</p><p>TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 130 Appendix</p><p>Adding a process search tab to the Enterprise Search page You can add a tab to the Enterprise Search page that provides users with the ability to run free text searches for processes only. Note: This applies to Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) only as the Enterprise Search page is not available in Windows SharePoint Services (WSS). Creating the Process Search Pages First you will create the Search and Search Results pages. 1. Open the Search Center site in a browser, click the Site Actions menu, then click Create Page. Search page: http://[Site]/SearchCenter/Pages/default.aspx Enter a title (for example, Processes).</p><p>Enter a URL name for the page in the URL Name field (for example, Processes).</p><p>Select (Welcome Page) Search Page as the page layout.</p><p>Click Create to create the page.</p><p>2. Repeat Step 1 to create the Processes Search Results page. In the URL Name field enter a different URL name (for example, ProcessResults). For the layout, select (Welcome Page) Search Results Page. Configuring the Process Search Pages Now you will configure the pages that you have created. 3. Navigate to the page that you created in Step 1. For example: http://[Site]/SearchCenter/Pages/Processes.aspx 4. Click the Site Actions menu, then click Edit Page 5. Click edit on the Search Box Web Part, then choose Modify Shared Web Part. 6. In the Search Box Web Part properties, expand Miscellaneous and in the Target search results page URL field enter the page URL that you created in Step 2. For example, ProcessResults.aspx. 7. Under Miscellaneous, deselect Display advanced search link. Click OK to finish. This will remove the Advanced Search facility from the Search options (since TIBCO Nimbus Web Parts are not compatible with advanced searching). 8. Navigate to the page that you created in Step 2, click the Site Actions menu, then click Edit Page. For example: http://[Site]/SearchCenter/Pages/ProcessResults.aspx</p><p>9. Repeat steps 4 - 6 to modify the Search Box Web Part. Use the same target search results page URL as you did for Step 6.</p><p>Page 131 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Appendix</p><p>10. Remove all other Web Parts except the Search Box Web Part. 11. In the Bottom Zone click Add Web Part. Select TIBCO Nimbus Processes Search, then click Add. 12. On the TIBCO Nimbus Processes Search Web Part click edit, then Modify Shared Web Part. 13. In the TIBCO Nimbus Processes Search Web Part properties, expand Miscellaneous and deselect This is a TIBCO Nimbus site. In the field above this option, specify the URL of the TIBCO Nimbus site. For example: http://[Site]/sites/TIBCO Nimbus 14. Expand Appearance and from the Chrome Type drop-down list choose None. This will hide the title of the Web Part to users. 15. (Optional) Under Miscellaneous you can select Show details. This option will display returned results in greater detail. 16. Click OK to apply the changes to the Web Part, then click Publish to update the page.</p><p>Creating the Tabs for the Process Search Pages Finally, you will create a new tab in the Search Center and Search Results pages.</p><p>17. In your browser, navigate to the Windows SharePoint Services list for the SearchCenter tab control: For example: http://[Site]/SearchCenter/SearchCenter/AllItems.aspx 18. In the List toolbar click New item. Enter a tab name.</p><p>In the Page field enter the page you created in Step 1 (for example, Processes.aspx).</p><p>Click OK to create the new tab.</p><p>19. Repeat Step 18 to create a new tab in the Search Results page:</p><p>For example: http://[Site]/SearchCenter/SearchResults/AllItems.aspx</p><p>Note: In the Page field, enter the results page created in Step 2 (for example, ProcessResults.aspx).</p><p>TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 132 Appendix</p><p>Topic Images</p><p>Fig.1. web.config Fig.2. web.config</p><p>Page 133 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Appendix</p><p>Integrating with a SharePoint document library TIBCO Nimbus can be integrated with a SharePoint Document Library in a specified Microsoft SharePoint environment. This allows users to register SharePoint document links in TIBCO Nimbus, and to add documents directly into SharePoint through the TIBCO Nimbus Document Registry.</p><p>SharePoint document links are stored in: ...Process RepositoryATTACH\SharePoint Links\Draft ...Process RepositoryATTACH\SharePoint Links\Master</p><p>Integrating with a SharePoint document library 1. Run AdminUtil.exe (found in the Utilities folder on the installation CD). 2. Select the process repository that you are configuring. 3. Choose an administrator account, enter the password and click Next. 4. From the Configure menu choose Microsoft SharePoint Document Library. 5. Select Enable SharePoint document library integration. Automatically store new documents in the default document library will automatically upload documents into the default SharePoint document library when a document is registered in the TIBCO Nimbus Document Registry. 6. Click Add to add a SharePoint document site library. 7. In the SharePoint Connection Details panel, enter the following details: Site Name is the name of the site that hosts the document libraries that you want to link to. Site URL is the URL of the SharePoint site that holds the site library. User Name is the user name for an account that has administrative access rights to the SharePoint site. Password is the password for the user name specified above. Default site will automatically upload documents to this site when a document is registered in the TIBCO Nimbus Document Registry (when the Automatically store new documents in the default document library option is enabled). 8. Click Refresh to display the list of available SharePoint document libraries. 9. Select one or more available libraries. Note: You must have a default library specified. To set a specific library as the default library, click the library to select it and click Set as Default. This will automatically upload documents into this library when a document is registered in the TIBCO Nimbus Document Registry (when the Automatically store new documents in the default document library option is enabled). 10. Click OK. Note: To change the default site, i.e. the SharePoint site that is used to automatically upload documents to, double-click the site and in the SharePoint Connection Details panel select Default site.</p><p>TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Page 134 Appendix</p><p>Page 135 TIBCO Nimbus™ Administration Guide Netegrity SiteMinder integration 35 Windows Integrated Authentication (WIA) 33 Index CtrlBackupUtil.exe 95 Customizing the Web Server 114 - A - - D - Action Server Configuring LDAP sychronization 65 Data Configuring SMTP Email 64 Automatically backing up data 95 Configuring the Action Server 63 Manually backing up data 98 DCOM configuration 37 Data tables Installation 37 Importing 75 LDAP synchronization logging 66 DCOM configuration Managing services 112 Action Server 37 Manually backing up data 98 Web Server 18 Testing LDAP sychronization 65 Deletion Recovery Manager 90 Admin Utility Directory service integration 33 Email lists 91 Document Registry Archiving maps 100 Integrating with a SharePoint document library 134 Authentication 24 LDAP configuration 24 Netegrity SiteMinder integration 35 Windows Integrated Authentication (WIA) 33 - E - Email SMTP configuration 64 - B - Email lists 91 Excel Backing up Creating SQL queries 76, 78 Automatically backing up data 95 Defining Excel data ranges 76, 78 Manually backing up adata 98 Scheduling Excel macros 76 BackupConfig.ini 95 ExcelMacroLauncher.exe 76 Business Intelligence Server Configuring the Business Intelligence Server 68 Exporting Exporting data to a database 74 Installation 39 Exporting diagrams as XML 73 Logging 70 Synchronizing 69 Testing 69 - F - File link paths - C - Replacing 113 Fixing database tables 106 Checking a Process Repository 90 Checking maps 91 Email lists 91 Scheduling 91 - I - Client IIS configuration Installation 16 Web Server 18 Cognos Metrics Manager integration 81 Importing Cognos2CtrlUpdate.exe 81 Importing data tables 75 Configuration Resources 71 DCOM 18 User roles 71 IIS 18 Installation LDAP 24 Client 16 Installation OpenText LiveLink 88 Installing the Action Server 37 Installing the Business Intelligence Server 39 Installing the Windows Server Performance Monitor - P - Plug-in 40 Uninstalling Control 42 Page hit logging 58, 59 Web Server 18 Performance checking 90 Process Repository Migrating 9 - L - Securing a Process Repository 43 Sharing (Important Note) 16 LDAP Purging Deleted Content 90 Configuring LDAP synchronization 65 LDAP synchronization logging 66 Testing LDAP synchronization 65 - R - LDAP configuration 24 Lock Service 98 Recovering deleted maps and diagrams 90 Logging Replacing file link paths 113 Business Intelligence Server 70 Resources LDAP synchronization 66 Importing 71 SMTP logging 65 Restarting the Web Server 111 Web hit logging 59 Web page hits 58 Web Server logging 58 - S - SAP integration Integrating with SAP BW 79 - M - Integrating with SAP NetWeaver 83 Managing database tables 106 Integrating with SAP NetWeaver BI 79 Updating SAP metric data 79 Managing services 112 Metrics SAPBW2CtrlUpdate.exe 79 Creating SQL queries 76 Securing a Process Repository 43 Defining SAP BW report links 79 Security Integrating with Cognos Metrics Manager 81 Securing a Process Repository 43 Integrating with SAP BW 79 Service Installer 112 Integrating with SAP NetWeaver BI 79 SharePoint Scheduling and updating SQL queries 78 Adding Control Web Parts 127 Scheduling Excel macros 76 Integrating with a document library 134 Updating Cognos Metrics Manager data 81 Upgrading a Control SharPoint user interface integration 127 Updating SAP BW data 79 Single-sign on 24 Updating SAP NetWeaver BI data 79 Configuring LDAP synchronization 65 Migration 9 LDAP 24 MIME mappings 58 LDAP synchronization logging 66 Monitoring Web Server performance 111 Netegrity SiteMinder integration 35 Testing LDAP synchronization 65 Windows Integrated Authentication (WIA) 33 - N - SMTP Email configuration 64 Netegrity SiteMinder 35 SQL Query Manager 78 Notifications 91 SQL2CtrlUpdate.exe 78 SSync.exe 69 Starting the Web Server 111 - O - Stopping the Web Server 111 Storyboards OpenText Document Management 88 Launching storyboards using keywords 84 Synchronization Utility 69 Windows Integrated Authentication (WIA) 33 Synchronizing Web Server installation Synchronizing the Business Intelligence Server 69 DCOM configuration 18 IIS configuration 18 Web Server logging 58 - T - Windows Integrated Authentication (WIA) 33 Windows Server Performance Monitor Plug-in 111 Testing Installation 40 LDAP synchronization logging 66 tibbr integration 89 - X - - U - XML Exporting diagrams as XML 73 Uninstalling Control 42 Upgrading 9 Upgrading a Web Server 14 User roles Importing 71 Users Configuring LDAP sychronization 65 Importing resources 71 Importing user roles 71 LDAP 24 LDAP synchronization logging 66 Netegrity SiteMinder integration 35 Testing LDAP sychronization 65 Windows Integrated Authentication (WIA) 33 - V - Viewing map paths 113 - W - Web hit logging 59 Web Server 18 Configuration 44 Configuring MIME mappings 58 Customizing 114 DCOM configuration 18 IIS configuration 18 Installation 18 Monitoring performance 111 Page hit logging 58 Restarting, stopping and starting 111 Synchronizing 108 Upgrading 14 Web hit logging 59 Web Server logging 58 Web Server configuration LDAP 24 Netegrity SiteMinder integration 35</p> </div> </article> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript" async crossorigin="anonymous" src="https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js?client=ca-pub-8519364510543070"></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.6.1/jquery.min.js" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script> <script> var docId = '4798504e4cc45384d466a370f1f6727e'; var endPage = 1; var totalPage = 138; var pfLoading = false; window.addEventListener('scroll', function () { if (pfLoading) return; var $now = $('.article-imgview .pf').eq(endPage - 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