Access Control, 295-296, 363, 364 Accessibility
Index A applets, Java, 78, 152-153, 155-156, asymmetric digital subscriber line access control, 295-296, 363, 364 161-162(t) (ADSL), 325 accessibility features, Java, 175 JavaScript vs., 255-256, 256 atomicity in SanFrancisco, 212 accuracy of data, 65-66 security, 299 atomicity in transaction processing, ACID test for transaction Web application server (WAS), 101-102, 113 processing, xxi, 97-114 90 auction sites, 55-56, 323 active classes, Unified Modeling Web-enabled applications and, audio, 176, 315 Language (UML), 282 116, 117, 121-122 authentication, 123, 298 Active Server Pages (ASP), 261 WebSphere, 90 authorities for DNS names/addresses, ActiveX components, security, 300 Application and Integration Server 237-238 activity diagrams, Unified Modeling Software, IBM Application authorization in payment systems, 147 Language (UML), 287 Framework, 86 automating processes, in systems application development in management, 368 actors, Unified Modeling Language SanFrancisco, 200-201 (UML), 286 automation technology, 132 Application Framework (See IBM automotive industry and e-commerce, address book applications, 322 Application Framework) 48, 57, 319-320 adornments in Unified Modeling application integration software, Web Automotive Network Exchange Language (UML), 291 application servers (WAS), 123 (ANX), 48, 57 advertising (See marketing and Application Layer, TCP/IP, 226, automotive PCs, 319-320 advertising) 226, 226 availability of applications/information AFS Enterprise File Systems, 92 application programming interfaces business continuity
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