Index of Mentioned Companies

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Index of Mentioned Companies Valuation Methods and Shareholder Value Creation Index of companies mentioned in the book Academic Press Pablo Fernandez. IESE Business School INDEX OF COMPANIES MENTIONED IN THE BOOK (Chapter in which the companies are mentioned) 12 Technologies 1 Bank Bldg Equip 5 China Mobile (HK) 8 3Com 14 Bank of New York 1, 14 Chrysler 14 3M 1, 14 Bank of Scotland 14 Chubb Corporation 1 Abbott Laboratories 1, 14 BankAmerica Corp. 1, 13 Cigna 14 ABN Amro 3 Bankers Trust 5, 15 CIGNA Corporation 1 8, 12 Bankinter 8 Cisco Systems 1, 3, 5, 11, 14, 23 Acciona 8 Barbie 23 Citibank 1, 5, 14, 15, 23 Accor 8 Barnes & Noble 11, 16 Clear Channel Comm 1, 14 Aceralia 8 16 Cleveland-Cliffs 5 Acerinox 8 Barry Wright 5 Clorox 14 Acesa 8 Basf 3 Club Med 8 ACS 8 Bass 8 CMGI 8, 12 Adidas 23 Baxter International 1 Coca-Cola 1, 5, 6, 11, 13, 14, 23 Adv. Info. Service (AIS) 8 Bayer 3 Coca-Cola Enterprises 14 Aegon 3, 14 Bayern Munich 23 Colgate 1, 23 Agency. Com 8 BBVA 3, 8, 14 Colt Industries 5 Aguas Barcelona 8 BCP 8 Comcast 1 Ahold 3, 14 Bea Systems 1 Commonwealth Teleph 8 Air Liquide 3 Bell Atlantic 14 Compaq Computer 1, 14, 23 Alba 8 BellSouth 1, 8, 14 Computer Associates 1 Alcatel 3 Benetton 23 Compuware 14 Alcoa 1, 5 Bertelsmann 16 Comverse Technology 1 Allianz 3 BES 8 ConAgra 1 Allstate Corporation 1 Bestfoods 1 Continente 8 Alltel Corporation 1 BMW 23 Corning 1 Altadis 8 BNP 3 Costco Companies 14 Amadeus 8 Boeing 1, 5, 6, 14, 18 Cox Communications 1 8, 12, 16, 22, 23 Boston Chicken 16 Creative Computers 16 America Online (AOL) 1, 8, 12, 14, Boston Consulting Group 13 CRH 8 16, 23 BP 23 CTC 8 American Airlines 5 BPI 8 CUC International 5 American Express 1, 5, 14, 23 Brasil Telecom 8 CVS Corp 1 American General Corporation Braun Consulting 8 DaimlerChrysler 3 American Home 1, 14 Bristol Myers Saquibb 1, 14 Danone 3 American Inter. Group 1, 14 British Aerospace 14 Davis Polk & Wardwe 15 American Skandia 23 British Energy 8 Dayton-Hudson 14 Ameritech 14 British Telecom 3, 5, 8 DDI 8 Ameritrade 16 Broadwing 8 dELIA* 16 Amgen 1, 14 BSCH 3, 8, 14 Dell Computer 1, 14, 23 Analog Devices 1 Budweiser 23 22 Anglian Water 8 Burger King 23 Deutsche Bank 3 Anheuser-Busch Companies 1 Butler Manufacturin 5 Deutsche Telekom 3, 8 Answerthink 8 C-bridge Internet S 8 Di Giorgio 5 Apple 11, 14, 23 Cable & Wireless 8 Diageo 23 Applied Materials 1, 14 Cambridge Technolog 8 Diamond Tech. Partn 8 Armani 23 Campbell Soup 1 Digitas Inc. 8 Arsenal 23 Cantábrico 8 Dillon Read 15 22 CANTV 8 Dow Chemical 1 Ask Jeeves 12 Cardinal Health 1, 14 Dragados 8, 22 AT&T 1, 5, 8, 11, 14, 23 Carnival 14 Dresdner Bank 3 Aurea 22 Carrefour 3 Drexel Burnham Lamb 15 Automatic Data Processing 1 Carter Hawley Hale 5 22 Aventis 3 Caterpillar 1, 5 Du Pont 1, 5 AXA-UAP 3 CBS 14 Duke Energy 5 16 CDB Research & Cons 23 Duracell 23 Bacardi 23 Cemex 8 E*Trade 16 Banc One Corp. 1 Cendant 1 E.On 3 Banca Intesa 14 CenturyTel 8 E.ON 8 Banco Pastor 8 Chanel 23 Earthlink 12 Banco Popular 8 Charles Schwab 1, 11, 14, 16 Eastman Kodak 5 Banco Valencia 8 Chase Manhattan 1, 14, 15 Edison 5, 8 Banco Zaragozano 8 Chevron 1 EDP 8 1 Valuation Methods and Shareholder Value Creation Index of companies mentioned in the book Academic Press Pablo Fernandez. IESE Business School El Sitio 8, 12 HCA Healthcare 1 Lante Corporation 8 Electrabel 8 Heineken 14, 23 Lazard Freres 15 Electronic Data Sys 1 Heinz 23 Legal & General 14 Eli Lilly 1, 14 Hertz 11, 23 Levitz 16 Embratel 8 Hewlett-Packard 1, 5, 23 Liberate 8 EMC 1 Hilton Group 8, 23 Libertel 8 Emc Corp. 14 Holderbank 8 Liberty Surf 12 eMerge 16 Holiday Corp 5 Linear Technology 1 Emerson Electric 1 Holly Corp 5 Liverpool 23 Endesa 3, 8 Home Depot 1, 5, 14, 22 Lloyds Tsb 14 Enel 3, 8 Home Shopping Netwo 16 Lockheed Martin 1 ENI 3 8 LookSmart 12 Enron 1, 5 Honda 23 Louis Vuitton 23 Ericsson 14, 23 Honeywell 1, 5 LTCM 16 Estee Lauder 11 Houlihan Valuation 23 Lucent Technologies 1 Europolitan 8 Household Int. 1, 14 Luminant Worldwide 8 EVN 8 Hyder 8 LVMH Moet Hennessy 3 Excite@Home 8, 12 Hypoverennsbank 3 Lycos 12 Exodus 12 Iberdrola 8 Manchester United 23 Exxon-Mobil 1, 5, 14 IBM 1, 2, 5, 11, 14, 16, 23 Mannesmann 14 F.C. Barcelona 23 iGate Capital Corpo 8 Manufacturers Hanover 15 FairMarket 16 iGo 8 MarchFIRST 8 Fannie Mae 14 IKEA 23 Market Facts 23 FCC 8 Illinois Tool Works 1 Marlboro 23 Fedex 5 Immunex Corporation 1 Marriot Int'l 8 Ferrari 23 Indosat 8 Martin Marietta 8 Ferrovial 8 Indra 8 Mbna Corp. 14 Fifth Third Bancorp 1, 14 Inforte Corp. 8 MBNA Corporation 1 Financial Times 23 Infoseek 12 McDonald's 1, 2, 5, 14, 23 First Data Corp 1 Infosources 2, 12 MCI Worldcom 14 First Union Corp. 1 Infospace 12 McLaren Mercedes 23 Firstar* 14 8 Media metrix 12 FleetBoston 1 ING 3 Medtronic 1, 14 FMC Corp 5 Intel 1, 5, 11, 14, 23 Mellon Bank 1, 14 Ford Motor 1, 11, 14, 23 Inter Milan 23 Mercedes 23 Fortis 3, 14 Interbrand 23 Merck 1, 5, 14 Fortum 8 Interco 5 Merrill Lynch 1, 15, 16 France Telecom 3 Interlake Corp 5 Micron Technology 1, 14 Freddie Mac 14 International Paper 1 Microsoft 1, 3, 5, 11, 14, 16, 23 FreeMarkets 16 Internet Capital Gr 8 Millennium & Coptho 8 2, 12 Intl.Paper 5 Mindspring 12 Freeserve 2, 12 iPrint 16 Mobistar 8 FutureBrand 23 iTurf 8, 16 Modem Media, Inc 8 Gannett Co 1 Iusacell 8 Moet&Chandon 23 Gap 1, 11, 14, 23 iXL Enterprises, In 8 Monsanto 13, 14 Gas Natural 8, 14 J.P. Morgan 1 Morgan Stanley 1, 8, 15 GE 6 Jack Daniels 23 Motorola 1, 23 Gemstar 8 Japan Telecom 8 MTNL 8 GenCorp 5 JDS Uniphase 1 MTV 23 General Electric 1, 3, 5, 6, 11, 14, Johnnie Walker 23 Muenchener Re 3 23 Johnson & Johnson 1, 5, 14 National City Corpo 1 General Motors 1, 5, 14 JP Morgan 16 National Grid 8 General Signal 5 Juno 12 National Power 8 Generali 3 Juventus 23 NBC Interactive 12 Gillette 1, 23 KBC 14 Neoforma 16 Go Networks 12 Kelda 8 Nescafé 23 12 Kellogg's 11, 23 Nestlé 23 Go2Net 12 Kimberly-Clark 1 Network Appliance 1 Goodyear 5 KKR 15, 20 NetZero 12 12 Kleenex 23 Nextel Communicatio 1 22 Kodak 23 NH Hoteles 8 Gucci 23 Kohl's 1 Nike 11, 23 Guinness 23 Korea Telecom 8 Nokia 3, 14, 23 H&M 14 KPN 3, 8 Northern Telecom 14 H.J. Heinz 1 Kroger 1, 5, 14 Northwest Airlines 5 Halliburton 1 L'Oreal 3 NTT 8 HBJ 5 Lafarge 8 NTT DoCoMo 8 2 Valuation Methods and Shareholder Value Creation Index of companies mentioned in the book Academic Press Pablo Fernandez. IESE Business School OM Scott 16 Sapient 8 Telecom New Zealand 8 Omnicom 1 Sara Lee 1 Telefonica Spain 3, 8, 14 16 SBC Communications 1, 5, 8, 14 Telemar 8 Optical Coating Lab 5 Scandic Hotels 8 Telemig Celular Par 8 Oracle 1, 14 Schering-Plough 1, 14 Telesp Celular Part 8 Organic, Inc 8 Schlumberger 1 Telia 8 OTE 8 Schmidt Bank 16 Tellabs 1, 14 Owens Corning 5 Scient Corporation 8 TelMex 8 P&G 23 16 TELUS Corp. 8 Pampers 23 Scottish & Southern 8 TENET Healthcare 1 Panafon 8 Scottish Power 8 Terra -Lycos 2, 8, 12, 16 Panasonic 23 Sealed Air Corp 5 Texaco 1 16 Service Merchandise 5 Texas Instruments 1, 14 Pennon 8 Severn Trent 8 Thames 8 PepsiCo 1, 5, 14, 23 Shearson Lehman Hut 15 TheKnot Inc. 8 22 Shell 23 Thistle Hotels 8 Pfizer 1, 14 Shoney's 5 TicketMaster CitySe 8 Philip Morris 1, 5, 11, 14 Siam Cement 8 8 Philips 3, 23 Siebel Systems 1 Time Warner 1, 14 Phillips Petroleum 1 Siemens 3 Tiscali 2, 12 Phillips-Van Heusen 5 Simpson Thatcher & 15 Total Access Com. 8 Pinault Printemps 3, 14 Singapore Telecom 8 Totalfina Elf 3 PLDT 8 SK Telecom 8 Toyota 23 PMC-Sierra 1 Skadden, Arps, Slat 15 Toys R Us 11 PNC Bank Corp. 1 SmarTone 8 TPI 8 Polaroid 2 Smirnoff 23 8 Portugal Telecom 8 Smithkline Beecham 14 Triad Systems 5 PowerGen 8 Societe Generale 3 Turkcell 8 Procter & Gamble 1, 14 Sogecable 8 Tyco International 1, 14 Prodigy 12 Sol Meliá 8 U.S. Bancorp 1 Progressive Corp. 14 Solectron 1 UAL 5 Promodes 14 Sonera 8 uBid 16 8 Sony 23 Unicredito Italiano 3, 14 Providian Financial 1 Sportsline 8 Unilever 3, 23 Proxicom 8 Sprint 1, 8, 14 Union Carbide 5 PSInet 12 Stamedia 12 Union Fenosa 8 PT Telkom 8 Standard Brands Pai 5 Union Pacific 5 16 Staples 14 United Technologies 1, 5, 14 Qualcomm 1 Starbucks 23 United Utilities 8 Quantum Chemical 5 StarMedia 8 US Bancorp* 14 8 Starwood 8 USG Corp 5 Qwest 8 State Street Corpor 1 Vallehermoso 8 Qwest Communication 1 Stern Stewart & Co 13, 14 Ventro 16 Ralph Lauren 23 STET Hellas 8 Verbund 8 Rangers 23 Student Adverage 8 Veritas Software 1 Razorfish 8 Suez LdE 8 Verizon Communicati 1 RCA 16 Suez Lyonnaise 3 VerticalNet 16 Real Madrid 23 Sun Microsystems 1, 14, 16 Viacom 1 REE 8 Suntrust Banks 1, 14 Viant Corporation 8 Rentokil Initial 14 Swank Inc 5 Vista Chemical 5 Repsol-YPF 3, 8 Swiss Re 14 Vivendi 3, 8 Reuters 12, 23 Swisscom 8 Vodafone 8, 14 Ritet Aid 14 Switchboard 8 Volkswagen 3, 23 RJR Nabisco 15, 20 Sydkraft A 8 VSNL (GDR) 8 Rolex 23 Sysco 1 Vulcan Materials 8 Rolo Banca 1473 14 T On Line 12 Wal Mart 1, 5, 14 RoweCom 16 Takeda* 14 Walgreen 1, 14 1 Royal Dutch 3 Target 1 Wall Street Journal 23 RWE 3, 8 Tele Celular Sul 8 Walt Disney 1, 5, 11, 14, 23 Safeway 1, 14 Tele Centro Oeste 8 Warner Lambert 14 Saint Gobain 8 Tele Leste Celular 8 Wasserstein Perella 15 Salomon Brothers 15 Tele Nordeste Celular 8 Waste Management 1, 14 8 Tele Norte Celular 8 Wells Fargo 1, 14 Samsung 23 Tele Pizza 8 Whittaker 5 San Paolo-IMI 3 Telecel 8 Williams BMW 23 Sanofi-Synthelabo 3, 14 Telecom Argentina 8 Williams Companies 14 SAP 14, 23 Telecom Italia 3, 14 WNS Inc 5 3 Valuation Methods and Shareholder Value Creation Index of companies mentioned in the book Academic Press Pablo Fernandez.
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