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GIPE-003983-Contents.Pdf (952.6Kb) .. ' ) I.!...._ \ \ \, SERVANTS OF INDiA" SOCIETY'S LIBRARY. POONA 4. FOR INTERN AI... CrRCULA TION To be retarDed 00 or befo!e the last date stamped below FOR' iisE IN HIGH SCHOOLS, BY· ~IARK HUNTEI!, M.A. (OXO:s), Principal of 'he Coimbalore College. JDa~ras: SRINIVAS!, V ARADACHARI & CO. 1898. (All right' merlled:J V~·[y\3 Cg¢/ MADRAS:.. PRINTED BY BRINlV ABA, V.Ii. RADACHARI & CO., MOUNT ROAD. PREFATORY NOTE~ THIS book is prepared specially to suit the requirements of High -School Classes in the Madras Presidency. 'fhe compiler has endeavour~d to strike a mean between the ~mall elementary text-books in general use at present and the larger manuals which, excellent as many of them are, are too lengthy for the purpose in view. It has been the writer's aim not to burden th~ begin­ ner's memory with a multitude'of facts, but to awake~ his interest in the facts admitted by pointing out their significa?ce. In the manner of treatment adopted ~le has been influenced by the consideration t~at the cot1rse of studies for· the Matriculation examination now extends over a period of Ikree,and not; as formerly of two, years, and that the First EXamination in Atts course no longer includes any period of English History. Conseqnently a somewhat; fuller treatment of the subject than wa~ in past years required appears to be desirable. Care haS been taken to render the style as simple as possible, and further to help the young student each chapter isfumished with.a summary.of contents at the beginning, as well as a marginal analysis. This little history is based throughout on the works of those recent historians whose writings are generally iv PREFATORY NOTE. accepted as the most trustworthy modern authorities for special periods of English History" but at the same time mU:ch assistance has been derivetf from, manuals, such as those of Professor S. R. Gardiner and Dr. F. Bright, the excellent" 'Epochs of Modern History,' puolished' by Messrs. ~ngmans & Co., ~nd in a lesser degree, Green's , History of the English People.' Th~ compiler has, also had the advantage of the aSsistance of the Rev. F. W. Kellett, M.A., Professor of ~istory in the Christian College, Madras, who very kil1$lY consented'to read through ,tHe proof sheets and has 9ffered'many valuaBle suggestions. MARK.. HUNTER. 26th Sepkmber I S9~: CONTENTS. PART I. ROMANS, BRITONS AND' ENGLISH. PAGE Chap, I. Early Britain.-The Roman Occupation .. : 1 II. The English Conquest and Settlement 9 lIt. The Conversion of England .. , It! IV. The Union of England 21 V. 'l'he Northmen and Alfred the Great 28 VI. KipgR of Wessex until Edgar 32 VII. England conquered by the Danes .. ' 36 VIIl. Cout and hiR sons 39 IX. 'l'he Reign of Ed ward the Confessor 42 X, The Reign of Harold ,., 45 PART II. THE NORMAN KINGS. Chap, I. William the Conqueror and Feudalism 48 IT. William II 57 Ill. Henry I .. 63 IV. Stephen and Matild" 68 PART III. THE PLANTAGENETS: Chap. 1. Henry II 73 '" .. II. Richard I 88 ,. III. Joho 87 IV. Henry. lIt 93 .. V. Edward I . .. 105 VI. Edward 11 ... 115 " VII. Edward III ... 120 vi CONTENTS. PART IV. LANCASTER AltD YORK. PA.GE Chap. f· Richard,II ... lS4 II. Henry IV . .• 14-'.1 .. lII. Henry V . .. 148 IV. Henry VI-(l) The King's Minority . .. 154 " V. Henry VI-(2) 'l'he Wars of the Roses . .. 158 " VI. Edward IV . .. 166 II VII. Edward V . .. 172 VIII. Richard III ... 17~ PART V. THE TUDORS AND THE REFORMATION. C~ap. 1. Henry VII ... 180 II. Henry VlII-(I) Cardinal Wolsey ... .. 188 Ill. Hem'Y VlII-(2) The Separation from Rome ... 194 I V. I<~dW1lrd VI .... 205 V. Mary I ... •. 211 VI.. Elizabeth (1) ... 216 VII. Elizabeth (2) ... 2~4 PART VI. THE EARLY STUARTS AND THE PURITAN REVOLUTION. C·hnp. I. Ja.mes I ... ... 2:3;i .. n . Charles 1-(1) Tho Rule of Bockingham and the Petition of Right ... 243 II 111. Chades 1-(2) Eleven Years of Al'bitrary Govern- ment ... ... 248 II IV. Charles I-(S) The Breach between King and Par- liament . ...152 II V. The Civil War ... .. 258 II VI. 'rh.e Commonwealth a.nd Protectorate ..• 2ti7 PART VII. THE RESTORATION AND THE POLITICAL REVOLUTION. Chap. I. Charles II-(l) The Clarendon Administration and the First D~tch War ... a7? 'ONTIIIIT8. Chap. IT. Charles II-(2) The Cabalan I-.~h~ilii~ -'I'f J War ... ... ... ... ..-4.. '" 28~ III. CharIeR II-(3) The Exclusion Bill a ~ Pension ... 2B!l IV. James II and the Revolution ... 297 P ART VIII. THE PROTESTANT SUCCESSIOB'. Chap. t. William III and Mary II ... M1 II. Queen Anne and the War of Spanish Succession ... 321 .. III. George I... ... ~32 IV. Qeorge II ... '" 839 PART IX. THE NEW TORnSlIt. Chap. I. George III-(1) Early years of the reien ....355 II. Geor~1! ITI-(2) ThE- War of American Independ. ence ... 366 .. III. George III-(S) William Pit-t ... .. 376 PART X. ENGLAND AND THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. Chap. I. George III-(~) The.French Revohltion and the . W~ of the Revolution ... .. SS! .. II. George III-(5) The t*h Rebellion and the Act . of Uni~i1.... '" ... .. .. 892 .. III. George III-(6) The Napoleonic War. ... 398 PART XI. PARLIAMENTARY REFORM. Chap. I. George IV . .. ~11 " II. William IV ... 418 PART XII. THE EARLY VICTORIAN PERIOD.' Chap. I. Victoria-(l) Melbonrne's Ministry... .... 432 II. Victoria-(21 Second Ministry of Sir Rohert Pl'ol. 437 .. III. Victoria-(3) Ministries of Lord John RusRell and of Lord Derby:. ... 442 ", IV, Victoria-(4) The Crimean War. The Colol1ies ... 4411 viii eOXTiENT8. P.un: AppBNDlx..... Genea.logicaJ Tables ,(,53 (1) Early Enlrli.h KiDIlt'. (2) Danish KiDII" of EDII' ...nc1. (3) F ..mily of Godwin. (4) Norman KiDlI's. (5) KiU1r8 of Engl.. nd from B8lll"Y II to Henry IV. (6) The of Lucasli4!r and Y01"Ir. (7) The Houoes of Beanfort and Tudor. (8) Killllt' of England from J t,o Victoria. (9, OI ..imantB to the Scottish throne. (10) Claim of Edward III 00 the Fren~h QllOIlIl. (1)) The Stalrord8. (lZ) The Wood rilles. (13) The Poles. (U) 'rho Spanish Sncoe.. ioI. IlillllX '" 4-61 CORRIGENDA. Page 16! 11 lines from top: for I a.gainst the Ang70·Sam1l11S' r!'ad I amongst tlWl Anglo-8amIl118.' .. 86,17 I demogogue' read I demagogue.' ~32, 6 .. .. , ooTimy of Vi.rginian' read 'calmly of Virginia.' 258, marginal note: for "1641' read' 1642.' " 260, 5 lines fro~ top: foI'" Bristol was Backed' relld • BnstoZ was stonned.' 271, margina.l note:- for' .olw"', administrations' read • Oli­ ver' 8 admmistrati<ln.' " 273, 9 lines from top: for' injuries inflected' read 'injuries inflicted.' I I' 287,12 Both of those' read • Both of tht.e.' 369,12 .. , to yet possession of the fonner' reall " , to get possession of the lattfW." .. 372,17 .. I May 11,1788,' read f May 11,1718.' .. 377. :3 , transfe~ the authority' read I traM- fer the politioal authority.' 406,13 .. , Napolean', I read' Napoleon's.' 430,20 , Grampton ' read ' Grompton.' " .11 444, l~ It t' , Etni7lutcm ' read' KMtlinv'on,' APPENDIX. GENEALOGICAL TABLES. (1) Early English Kings. Egbert. , Ethelwolf., t I I I Ethelbald. Ethelbert. Ethelred I. Alfred. I , I Edward the Elder. Ethelfieda I (The Lady of Mercia). I I I Athelsto.n. Edmund I. Edred. I I . Edwy. I I Bdward the Martyr. Ethelred the Redeless=FJmma of Normandy. t ~ "'-1-----'---~.,..-" Edmund Ironside. Edward the Confessor. I I I Edmund. Edward the Etheling. I - I . I Edgar the Etheling. Margaret=Malcolm Canmore of Scotio.ncl. I ' Edith (or Matilda)=Henry r. (2) Danish Kings of England. Swern. , IE"! Cnnt=I mmo., widow of Ethelred the Redele... -.,., I I .,' Harold .Barefoot. Harthacnat. APPliNDIX. (3) Family of Godwin. Godwin., I , I. I ~1feyn. Harold., Tostlg. Edith=Edward the Confessor. (4) Norman Kings. Willillom the Conqueror. I I - I I Bobert of Normandy. William II. Henry 1= Matilda. Adela. o I I I Stephen of Blois. Robert 01 Gloucester. Mllotildllo=(1) Emperor Henry III. (illegitimate). (2) Geoffrey of Anjou. I ,: Henry II. (5) English Kings from Henry II to Henry IV. Heury II. I t ' . , Henry. Richard I. Geoffrey. John. Arthur ofI Brittany. I I I I Henry III. Richard. King of Eleanor=(l) Williain Marshall. I the Romans. 0 (2) Simon de Montfor'. I I :Edward 1. Edmund, Ellorl of Llloncaster (Orollchback). I I ' Bdward II. I I o I Thomas, EIloI'1 of Henry, Ellorl of Lancaster. Edward III. Lancaster., I I Henry; Duke of Lancaster. I . I I ' Edward the LIOnel, Duke of John: Duke . I JJlaok Prince. Clarence of Lancaster = Blanche. I (from whom was t Richard II. descended the : Henry IV. Y orkist Line. ': ' 4~PENDII. (8) Lancaster an~ Y~rk. Edward III. I \. Edwa~d the Lionel. Duke of John, Juke of Edmund, Duke Black Prince. Clarence. Lancaster of York. I . I =Blanche of RIchard II. Phihppa=Edmund Lancas~er. Mortimer, Earl of I Ma.rch. Henry IV. _I (I) Hinry V. (~) John, buke of I Bedford•. I Henry VI. (4) Humphrey, Duke I of Gloucester. Roger, Earl of Marcb. I I I I Edmund, Earl of March. Anne=Richard, Earl of Camblidge. I RIchard, Duker of. York. I I I . Edward IV. George, Duke of Richard III. Elizabeth= Clarence. I John de la Pole. I Edward, died 1464.. t Edwa.rd, Earl of Wa.rwick . .-~--~~~~~-.I Elward,_ V. Ricblard, Duke Elizab~th, married I of York. Henry VII. I . I I John dsla Pole Edmund.
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