
r MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 21r, 1970 Average Daily Net Press Run The Weather PAGE TWENTY For Tlie Week Ended Partiy cloudy, mild tonight; September U, 1910 low In 60s. Tomorrow through Thursday cloudy, mild with chance of showers/thundershow- 15,792 ers. Wednesday’s high in 80s. Nazaroff Retrial WE MAINTAIN OUR LOWEST P R I^ Manchester— A City of Village Charm

Day In ...Day O u t . VOL. L xipax, NO. 300 (EIGHTEEN PAGES—TABLOID) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER fe, 1970 (Glaoaifled Advertising on Page U ) PRICE TEN CENTS 1 Starts Tomorrow I A reblal in the case of John P. Nazaroff of M anch^ ter. charged with manalau|diter in co n n ^ o n ^ t h the (HI PRESCRIPTIONS shooting death of George Vilbrin, 82, also of M ^ches- ter, o ^an , 6 of this year is scheduled to bei^ tomoiv . . . resulting in meaningful Cambodians Move New Haven row in Hamord County Superior Court A previous trial savings to you every day / Battle Continues in Jordan; in July resulted in a hung jury. Ho also facM a charge Teachers of canning a gun without a permit The July jury reach­ No ups and'downs In your Prescrlptton I costs—no “dlsoounta" today, "^ g n la r T o Envelop V illage ed no decision in that matter either. prices’' tomorrow! Refect Offer VUbrln wa» arreatod Jan. A by Contributed to hla fear of VU­ No “redooed specials’’—no “tem por^ Mancheater police In connection' brln. reductions’’ __on Prescriptions to lure I with an incident that night at Aaat. State’a Atty. Joaeph castomera! I S k elw Jr. aubmltted that Nasa­ PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (A P )^ om m u n ist trocips New ^Haven “teaSf- Spruce and Oak Sta. which re- A t the same tone, there is nevw any | Arab Leaders Study Crisis l s did not uae reaaonaUe force wno have stalled the government’s first major offensive ers’ strike was oveiwheimingiy aulted in the death of VUbrin compromise in service or qnallty! againat VUhrln. Teatlmony in lashed out'at heavily reinforced Cambodian forces in rejected by the teachers Mon- from gunahot wounda. July from poUce and doctora two shelling attacks today, the military command' re- day night. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ■ Nasarott, of 40 Orlawold St, ahowed that VUbrin had been TOU OET OUR LOWEST ported. A boisterous meeting of ap- waawaaen originally charged with---- «aav*shot aeyen times, four Umea in Jordanian and Palestine PRICES EVERT DAT OF THE We Deliver A spokesman said the Cam bo- proxlmat^y 600 teachers gave guerrilla forces battled in flrat, t ) ^ aecond degree mur- the back. TEAR . . . AND TOU SAVE dian troops, estimated at about Its apptuval to 27 proposed con- dar, and flnaUy manslaughter, .Everywhere Amman and in northern The July Jury deUberated the MORE THROUGHOUT THE Peace Rally 6,000 men, were pressing tract, provisions, including a aftercuver a OUp«s*wSuperior wviaanCourt •aeaaaaegrand case CWO for 14 hours WVAover threewaav«> Jordan today in the sixth TEAR . . . ON ALL TOUR Fast against light opposition into po­ tw(>-year salary pact, but re- jury refused to indict Nasaroff >alition have reported toat some las. About 380 town RepubUcans convention-nominated candidate Nazaroff and his attorneys in Most people think toat the Communists were pulling out of remain out. The board had Arab leeuiers assembled in for governor, emphasized that above candidates, plus Mayor for Congress from toe First called today for a statewide officially launched this year’s District (Greater Hartford). that trial, John Barman and Matterhorn is toe highest moun- Taing Hauk. He said Intelli- termed the proposal its "11th- Ckdro to consider methods to this is the yiear to turn the tide Nathan G. Agostlnelli and State rally here Oct. 31 to press de­ genoe reports indicate that the hour compromise.” campaign Saturday evening with Welcker and MeskUl circu­ Oourtney Bourns, argued that he tain in Swltierland but it’s 14,- stop the conflict in Jordan, with away from . Democratic state Itop. Barabara Dunn of East mands for total withdrawal of enemy may have decided to fall The board reaffirmed its po­ Kfartford, candidates for State lated among the gathering dur­ was in a state of terror gt toe 780-foot height is topped by AT THE PARKADE — WEST MIDDLE TPKE. some advocating military inter­ the traditional picnic at the control but cautioned against time of toe shoting. Nazaroff Monte Rosa, which rises to a American troops from South back to more easily defendable sition on the strike Monday comptroller and secretary of ing the two-hour refreshment vention. Dougherty Lot on Centar St. any feeling of RepubUcan com­ Vietnam. jiosltions. night by voting not to pay teach­ While toe summit conference state respectively; and Hartford period to greet party workers. told of several Incidents which height' of 18,208 fbet. Lowell Welcker, second from placency. Leslie Craine, acting as toe The spokesman said five sol­ ers for days they were on strike opening! was ostensibly set for left above, U. S. Congressman — spokesman for toe state coal- diers and two civilians were and by approving a motion to Noon BDT, it more or less be­ from the 4th Congresslanal Dis­ tion, said toe group was hoping wounded in toe two shelling at- hire permanent substitute teach­ gan at 4 a.m., E!DT, with a so- trict and convenUon-nomlnated fOr "a very large, broad based tacks. ers to staff the classrooms. rles of private Infoimal discus­ candidate for toe U. S. Senate, and peaceful rally" to be held P’remier Lon Nol visited the About 440 of the town’s 833 sions among toe leaden at in a bHef address, said that in in New Haven in conjunction Taing Kauk. area Monday, then teachers are on strike. Egypt, Sudan, Libya and Ku­ his campaign he want to rep­ with a nationwide demonstra­ went on to Kompong Thom to Striking members of the West wait, foUowed by a joint meet­ resent toe great majority of tion on toe same date. visit" troops at that provincial Haven Federation of Teachers ing with Syrian President capital 80 miles north of Phnom were scheduled to meet today Neureddin Atassl. people in toe middle of toe poli- " ’niere’s no reason that any Penh. The government’s offen­ to discuss the board’s latest ac­ Nasser met with toe Su­ Ucal qpectnim. . person who agrees with our ba- Shown with him, from left, are sive is eiimed at reopening the tions. danese, Libyan and Kuwaiti otc demand of total withdrawal M. Adler DobUn, Town Republi­ area between Skoun and Kom­ A spokesman for the teach- leaders in Suburban Kubbah Pa­ can’t get up and speak," Mrs. can Committee chairman; pong Thom. ce. Later these leaders went Craine said in an apparent open Jdrs. Vivian F. Ferguson, candi­ The Cambodian command (See Page Four) to Obuda Palace in another part Invitation to politicians to speak date from toe 20th Assembly also reported four attacks in the of Cairo where Atassl is staying. at toe rally. She said toe group District; Donald Oenovasi, 18th past two days in toe Phnom Prime Minister Mohamad District Assemblyman; David is nonpartisan. Penh area. It appeared that Daoud of Jordan attended none Odegard, deputy mayor and The news conference was held none of the attacks dislodged of the semlons, underling Jor­ state senate candidate from toe at the First Methodist Church, government soldiers from their Tito Quitting dan’s isolation from other Arab 4to Senatorial District; and near the Yale University cam- positions. The spokesman said states In the crisis. Roger Bagley, candidate from pus. ’ the government now has enough Egypt warned against any tha 10th Assembly District. Mrs. Craine said the coalition troops tdLmaintaln the pressure Yugoslavian American intervention in Jor­ Congressman Thomas MeskUl, sees its main strength as com- in its drive up Highway 6 to dan as a "hostile action against U. S. Representative from toe Ing from hjgh school and college Kompong Thom and to deal toe whole Arab people.” 6th Congressional District, and students and said the group also with enemy pressure anywhere Presidency Information Jflnlster Mo­ will seek backing from unions, else In the country. hammed Hassaneln Helkal told By BORIS BOSKOVIC a news conference in Cairo that ToUand Politic* The call for the demonstra- A South Vietnamese spokes- tion said it should be “ centered man in Saigon said South Viet- Associated Press Writer UiS. action in the midst of toe Jordanian strife would have re­ around the political demand for namese forces with air and ar- BELGRADE (AP) — Presi­ percussions far beyond the Ml,d- Steele Backs wltodrawal of alK U.B. men, tillery support killed 84 North dent Tito has announced that he money and material from South- Vietnamese and Viet Cong will step down after ruling Yu- die East. Soldiers add final tie-downs to two 106mm recoilless rifle-equipped jeeps at "It would be a hostile act east Asia.’’ troops in a newly launched am- goslavia for 25 yesurs and turn Third W eek Lee Barracks at Mainz, West Germany. Their unit, part of the 8th Infantry, against toe whole Arab people Aid to Israel Whydopeople But. it also said groups par- phibtous operation Into Cambo- the country’s government over was alerted for possible use to aid Americans now in Jordan. (AP Photofax) and against world peace,” he ticlpating should "bring out the dla centered along the Bassac to a collective leadership, sajd without elaboration. ' By BETTE QDATBALE relationship of toe war to sueh and Mekong rivers 38 to 50 Tito, 78, did hot Indicate Mon-~ Of Captivity “ Whatever pretext toe Ameri­ (Herald Reporter) iosues as racism, inflation, «n- miles southeast of Phnom Penh, day what his position would be, cans bring up for Intervention in employment, political repres- One South Vietnamese was but it was believed in Belgrade, In Jordan The providing of economic aid Jordan Is condemned in ad­ who know what ttiey slon, QI rights, women’s libora- killed and two wounded. the natiem’s capital, that he For Hostages to Israel has been advocated by vance." tied, and ecology." Headquarters said the four- vvould remain head of the Com- J^amlng against any Amort- RepubUcan 2nd Congressional "The U.S. had no right to be day-old operation did not munist party and would run the BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) — District candidate Robert Steele in Vietnam in toe first place and change the number of South new presidium, at least In its In- Nixon Hopes for Diplomacy The 64 hostages from hijacked (See Page Ten) of Vernon. it has no right to be there now,’’ Vietnamese troops now in Cam- itial phase. Western airliners were entering I Steele sent a telegram Friday wantsaveat toe call said. “ Any prolongation bodla, about 13,500, because the Further details will be an- today the third week or more of to President Richard Nixon urg­ of toe war means more deaths 1,500 marines and several hun- nounced later, Tito said. captivity at the hands of Pales­ tine guerrillas somewhere In ing toe President to take "posi­ — of the people of Vietnam, dred militiamen Involved had " i am quite long In this post While Alerting the Military Jordan. tive action" in toe “ giving o f Cambodia and of Laos, and of already been In Cambodia on and I would like to have |nore The Defense Department an­ Nixon Urges favorable oonslderati<^ to other operations that were possibilities to work on some By JOHN .M. HIGHTOWER ment and White Housd should The Popular Front for the American GIs.” The war, It con­ he able to Interpret the latest nounced that infantry and para- Prime Jflnlster Melr’s requee* Hartford Natfonal? closed out. other projects,” he said In a AP Special Correspondent Liberation of Palestine, which tinued, "contains within it the troop units In thla country and lor economic aid to Israel." Hussein messages 8uiy way they engineered the hijacking; gave danger of further escalation and South Vietnamese forces speech Monday In Zagreb, toe WASHINGTON (AP) — Al- wish— depending on what they Europe have been placed on Congress Act Citing toe "continued Sovlet- even of nuclear warfare. claimed killing 34 enemy troops country’s second largest city, thou^ President Nixon is stead­ alert for possible usd In remov­ no word of the fate of the host­ Egyptian violations of toe recent consider the wisest course to ages—38 of them Americans— The call said that "all who in a battle seven ..... miles— ------south- Tito, who broke from Moscow--- - ily ifenforclng U.S. military follow. ing Americans from Jordan. cease fire agreement and be­ power In the eastern Mediterra­ Extra Air Force C l30 transport except to reiterate they were oppose toe war are welcome In west of toe South Vietnamese In 19« Md ^as ^ e d pwsl- At the United Nations, diplo­ On Bombings cause of Israel’s importance to nean, officials say he still 'Is planes were deployed to airlift considered prisoners of war. novement Irrespective of provincial 'capital of Ca Man. dent tor Itie mats reported Jordan might ask toe strategic security of toe searching for a diplomatic solu­ the troops. A third aircraft car­ “ West Germany, Switzerland, WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi­ their views on other questions 160 miles southwest of Saigon. tor protdetive action by the Se­ United States,” Steele stressed tion to the Jordanian crisis. rier, the John F. Kennedy, was Britain and the United States dent NUon urged tJongress to­ and regardless of other affllla- South Vietnamese casualties munist govem i^nt " curity Ctouncll, a possibility toe need for positive action by Uons” were described as light. sary to preserve Yugoslavia s At the same time Nixon ap­ reportdd speeding to join two have linked themselves openly day to authorize immediate fed­ complicated by the fact Syria Is toe President. parently has run Into opposition flattops already In the Mediter­ with Israel," the front newspa­ But. it added, "Whatever tac- THe U.S. Command' reported a member of the council and eral Intervention in cases ol Congressional Debate from two key allies, Britain and per A1 Hadaf—The Aim—said bombings or arson on virtually tic is used,, the movement must that five Americans aboard a the f Jordan Is not. Syria stands ac­ ranean. Steele will join his Democratic France, to his contingency plans today. function In a oeaceful organized Marine CH46 helicopter were speculation on who might sue cused by Jordan and the United Some medical units In Europe any college campus and recom­ opponent John Pickett in a joint and dlsclDllned fashion ’’ It crit- killed when the craft crashed ceed him could provoke a crisis, for Intervention In Jordan. Dip­ also were put on alert. “ Israel detained two Algerian mended toe hiring of an addi­ appearance tomonow.^nlght be­ lomats here also reported ddep States of sending some army I S ^ e ^ w l K c i C ° ”confronta- dud to unknown causes about 12 and that to avoid It, govemmen- units Into Hussein’s country. State Department press offi­ officials because she says she is tional 1,000 FBI agents to do toe fore the ToUand County Chap­ ■uncertainty over whether- King cer Robert J. McCloskey said if In a state of war with Algeria," France’s attitude toward In- job. ter of Hadassah. Hussein himself has clearly slg^ U.S. forces have to be sent into A1 Hadaf reported. • Nixon’s new move was tui- Particular emt^iasis will be naled a need to Nixon for assist­ tervdntlon — In wording which Choice ing otherwise sympathetic sec the country to get American cit­ By cooperating with Israel In nounced at a White House brief­ placed on toe candidates’ views lost in the Indochina war. else did, it would look as if they ance In saving his rdlgime. implied slaps at both the United negotiations "the four Western ing by Republican congresslMial tions at toe population, psulicu- States and Russia — was ex­ izens out, the Nixon administra­ regarding the Middle East sit­ The administration and the countries have chosen to consid­ leaders after they had met tor larly labor and black and brown The "last units of toe Army’s wanted to remove me.” pressed Monday by President tion hopes the operation can be uation, during^toe debate to be Jordanian ruler, whose regime er their relations with us the nearly three hours with the peoples." 3rd Brigade, 9th Infantry Dlvl- Ttio said he would be replaced Georges Pompidou who warned conducted peacefully and by presented during toe public por­ is beset by Palestinian guerril­ same as Israel’s—that Is a state President,’ Atty. General John slon Degan preparations today by a presidium that would be ‘ a against any further foreign In- prearrangement with the gov­ tion of toe meeting scheduled for "Tile antiwar movement,” It las opposed to his peace policy, N. MitcheU and Director J. for withdrawal from Vietnam form of collective president of volydment In Middle East war­ ernment of Jordan. of war. So the hostages are pris­ 8:30 at Temple B’Nal Israel, 84 People who know what they want won’t settle for just anything. said, "must counter toe vio­ Army spokesmen announced. Yugoslavia.” Tlie body would have b ^ n exchanging messages oners of war.” Edgar Hoover of the Federal Talcott Ave., RockvlHe. lence-bating directed against it. but Informants said Hussein’s fare. He said Intervention Is al­ ■ So far as the 38 Americans They have indtv1(ju5l needs. They want a choice. And so they bank Thd 6,600-man brigade’s colors consist of'-representatlves from ready creating a dangerous situ­ among 64 hostages are con­ The hostages were, first be­ Bureau of Investigation. ' But mere announcements stat- will be flown’ Vtf Ft. Lewis, the country’s six republics and preferences tor action were not As described to newsmen, toe clearly defined. ation for world peace. cerned, however, the problem Is lieved taken to the Wahdat refu­ at Hartford National. Ing our peaceful Intentions are next month, and the unit Us main social and political or- Diplomats said Britain feels a not with the Jordanian govern­ gee camp outside Amman. legislation proposed to Congress not sufficient. All demonstra- deactivated. ganlzatlons, including the 'Com- A State Department spokes­ would trigger instant federal in­ PANDA Seminar Take our many savings plans, for examplQ. man Monday rdfused to say U.S. thrust Into Jordan for any ment but the Palestinian guer­ When hostilities broke out In tions need careful preparation— _ Most members of the brigade munist party, purpose might well make the rilla forces holding them In se- Jordan last Thursday, reports tervention when bombings, ar- including toe .training and-pres- home through reg;u- TTto was a partisan leader whether Hussein had asked U.S. Tomorrow Night situation 7 worsd and coat more There’s Automatic Savings, for people who don’t have the time or ence of marshals—to insure that Intervention. Other authorities (See Page Eleven) (See Page Iliree) lives. ( (See Page Four) PANDA (PubUc Awareness of will power to save oh their own. There’s Choice Passbook Savings these events occur as planned.” (See Page Four) (See Page Ten) indicated toe State Depart­ Narcotic and i>rug Abuse) wlU bold toe third and final seminar Accounts for long term savers, which pay up to 5%% interest. in its current, seminar Mries There’s Growth Bonds with the interest rate guaranteed for V h years. tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. in Bhnan- In Tolland’ ual Lutoem Church on C3iurch Regular Savings. And a lot of other plans. at. Balloonists Believed Lost This week's seminar wlU con­ Yes, people who know what they want get what they want - at ISoted BalloonisCForesaw sist of the showing at toe film Hartford National Bank & Trust CorryDany. "Marijuana," foUowed by a dis­ In Bid to Cross A tlan tic Failure of Ocean Voyage cussion led by Mark H. Swerdl- With more than 150 different banking services all under one roof, off, coordinator of toe Drug Ad­ the choice is up to you. NEW YORK (AP) — The U.B. ed off from a Long Island cow By BETTY QUATBALE of English balloonist MEdcolm visory Center. Coast Guard and Canadian air pasture Sunday aftenwxm. (Herald Reporter) Brighton, who was conducting V This meeting is open to toe Aboard were Rod Anderson, 32, force joined today in a search the Free Life’s fligfat^^ver the pubUc, as are all PANDA meet­ a New York Commodities brok­ Thd failure of "the free life" for three balloonists believed helium baUoon across the Atlantic. ings, and it is hoped toat aU er; his wife, Pamela Brown, 28, The bEdloon went down at sea down in rough Atlantic seas Atlantic Ocean to Franca waa those interested in toe current a television actress, and Mal­ about 6 miles soutoetMt of New- some BOO miles southeast of St. predicted here lost night, drug problem wlU attend. HARTFOBD^C^ATIONAL - colm Brighton, 32, of Fanlham, foundlEmd, EUid is now being Jtton’s, Nfld. by noted nationEil bEdloonlst FoUowing the seminar, new En^and, ad aeronautical engine­ sought by to4 U. S. Coast Qimrd The three, two men and a Charles MacArtour. members wlU be given toe op­ er. Emd toe Canadian Air Force. woman, were last beard from at Although be ha

V PAGE* THREE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUfispAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1970 PAGE TWO .MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, lOtO license, fined $20 with $8 remit­ * ' Coventry ted. ^ Task Force Seeks to Aid Vernon \ ECHS To Offer MOVIE RATINGS Sheinwolcl on Court Cases Jessie M. Iflsner, 32, of TOR PARENTS AND Amston, found guilty of operat­ Adult. Courses EVEN SILLY OPPONENTS NOKTII ing a motor vehicle with de­ Minority Group Students YOUNG PEOPtE MAKE SOME NORMAL BIDS CIRCUIT COURT 12 fective brakes, fined $6. 4 A K .-< ?! Town Council Goes Forward A Manchester (Community Col- building and Manchester High In R eligion Th« obitclitt of tfw/ilintu <• fo inlotm C? 07422' Mhnehester' Session Gall A. Krawiec Of 22 Lodge School Enrollment Falls Short ptnMi tboui I'fio twtibiiiir of By ALFRED 8HEINWOLD Dr., foimd gfullty of breach of the lege administration-student task 3®h«>l nwvio ctfwoof fof ff«" cfu/dfO" O 84 ® (3) regeneration of intereat In starting Monday, Sept. 28, Three Hartford men werfe a^ Imposition of sentence ITie enrollment figure for the announced the appointment of the Apostolate Diocese of Nor- You may think that your op­ .♦ K7 ralgned yesterday on charge of gug^n^g^ force has begun exploring areas ^ Afro-American society. The. Vemon School system has fall- Henry Abuza as his campaign wlch and Mrs. Philip Sumner of f i V d courses in religion for On Sewer System Proposal 1 adults will be offered at East ALL ACES ADMITTED ponents are nitwits of the first WEST EA.ST rape. The three, Gabriel Mar- ^ , „„ . t(5 increase the admission and group was successful two years en short of the predicted en- treasurer. the Planned Parenthood League; Gtneral Audiences rank, but It would be a mistake 4 |0 - ♦ 6 The Town Council last night Revisions of the old maps, ac­ ques, 24. Antonio C. Almeida, 19. Charles Mlrsky, 28, of Coven- retention of minority group stu- gjgo but interest dropped off laat ) Catholic High School. Each -55- rollment of 7,400. It now stands Abuza, a local businessman, Th® public is Invited to attend class will naeet 10 Monday eve­ to pay no attention at all to (3? 6 n KJ 10 9 - moved a step closer toward a Curriculum Hearing cording to Gantner, will Include Md Jose D. Correia, 18, were try, found guilty of failure to dents, Harry S. Godi, dean of year. at 7,200 or an increase of some ig a member of the Democratic the meeting. A discussion period thdir bids. Even foolish bppo- 0 q 1.0 9 .“i 2 K J 6 2 updating such Items as dedgna- arrested Saturday morning In drive in the proper lane, fined nings from to 10. The school ALL AGES AOHiHEO municipal sewer eystem in TonighUin (^venlry students. Informed the Rpgloii- Ben BVister, a former M<3C so students over the number at Town Committee, chairman of wit* follow. Refreshments will will be one of 10 state centers Parental Guidance Suggested nents bid ftilrly normally, Eind Jf, j 9 8 4 .T 2 A 0 10 5 adopting two resolutions, one of tions of subdivisions, population connectlon with an alleged In­ $6- al Council last night. student and currently a Trinity the close ot school in June. the Permanent Building Com- he served. of the Schools of Contemporary GP r25** you will get better results If soiriT i which Involves 'an appeal to Hie public hearing on the patterns based on ^ e 1970 cen­ cident Friday night on a dirt Jerry A. Palmer, 23, of Cov­ Godi is chairing the task college undergraduate, has been entry, found guilty of breach of Accounting for most of the mittee and has been engaged in Scholarships Christianity, the adult rdligious you use the facts than if you 0 J 9 8 7 4 2 townspeople who might want to report of the Lay Curricultun sus, Improved roads, town-ac­ road along the Wilbur Cross force, set up -by President Fred- retained to point out problems drop was the kindergarten en- real estate management- \ for Applications for the State of disregard them. Consider the quired land and oOier factors the peace, sentenced to 30 days program of the Archdiocese of RESTfllCTEO (7 A 8.’) serve on a sewer assessment Study Ciommlttee will be Highway Involving a 22-year-old erick W. Lowe Jr. following a he faced as a minority group rollment which was 728 a year several years. Connecticut Scholarship pro- sad story of Detif Duncan. O A7 committee. that have changed since . 1066. Hazard\dlle woman. In jail, -execution suspended. A Nixon Urges Hartford. Kcompanying held.'tonight at 7:30 In the June meeting of the Commis- student and to serve aa llaloon Under 17 requires second charge of being found in- ago compared to B96 this fall. Historical Program gram are now available in the ^ Adults may register in the Parent or Adult Guardian East dealer. ♦ fi The councllmen also said last high school auditorium. Ctom- The coupcll also approved the Bond waa set at $6,000 with , . . , „ . sion of Higher Education. between the adminlatraUan and The Middle School, built to The Vernon Historical So- guidance oflicee at RockviUe school foyer on the first eve­ Both sides vulnerable. South West North night that the sewer question ihlttee members, the Board Installation of several new surety In the Almeida case and to^cated noUed. _ The areas studied to date in- minority students, accommodate 1,500 students, clety will sponsor a program on High School. ning. The registrar will be Mrs. Opdnlng lead — Six of Hearts. I 3 4 will not be ready, after all, for of Education and all school street lights last night. $500 without surety In the other „ Congress Act elude (1) recruitment methods; Dr. Lowe reported the Board These will be located as fol­ .this year has an enrollment of blown glass tomorrow at 7:30 Seniors who are U.S. citizens ■ William Mandrola of Windsor NO ONE UNDEfI 17 ADMITTED Duncan took the first trick 4 All Pass a tovm vote at the Nov. 3 gen­ admlnstrators will be on two cases. All three were re- rille found guUW of reckless (2) enforcement of a commit- of Trustees for Regional Com­ i,60» students. The high school p.m. at the Edith Peck Room, are eligible. They must have Locks. (Age limit may v»nf with the ace of hearts, drew a eral elections. Instead, a, spe­ hand to listen to townspeo­ lows: At the junction of Route leased after posting bond. t rv,u ment mad6 last year to find munlty Colleges haa authorised enrollment figure increased by Rockville Public Library. been a legal resident of the state in certain areas) round of trumps and then h o p e -______^------276 and School St.; Inside the On Bombings The following are the courses cial election for referendum will ple’s comments and answer Bruce Williamson. 22. of East breach of space at a late date for minor- each college, in hardship cases, some 60 students over last year. Jesse Brainard, a leading au- since, at least, Dec. 16, 1969 and and instructors: Old Testament Plains Field at the edge of the fully ^ trick, not caring which defender be caUed sometime later in the their questions. pine grove; at-the comer of Hai^ord w ^ the i«ace. fined $16. Charges of (Continued from Page One) ity students; (3) advertisements to waive the appUcatloa fee up This figure increased even thorlty on Connecticut glass- must rank in the top half, of Ferguson Aide by Sister Mary Patricia, As­ Ml SS gs S nuiSMCifvt dummy. West discarded-the ten year. in black newspai>ers. ■ to five per cent of applications though Tolland tuition students ware will be guest speaker, their class at the end of their Route 31 and Birch Bend; at the eva^ng responsibility and fined being found Intoxicated and re- son and terrorist acts affect a sumption Parish director of re- TMlUAi^^ Of tHC t of diamonds, and Duncan saw west wins the diamond, he Plans now call for sewers in Rouie “ >rcn ueiiu av ^ Judge John Membrino. , arrest were nolled Also, (4) financial aid. Dean accepted In any one year, no longer attend Rockville High Anyone having any Connecticut junior year. ^ ______^ ______^ ______uonoN MCTUM coqc o* uif moeaat>on the handwriUng on the waU. ^ diamond or a Mrs. Anita Murphy has been liglous education; Faith in the much of the lake area and In that no coat would be reflected Pucker St. curve on South S other cases disposed of were: ® B»„r^ 12 college or university receiving Godi said it was necessary to MIX! started the present aca^ School, nte 1,609 figure just in- blown glass is invited to bring .Applicants must take the campaign manager for Modern World by Venard Chan- (He was deaf, not blind.) ^jy^g^ g^gg declarer Earl P. Rowe, 17, of East Harf the village, with a treament in• the—- ...... null rate.. unUl—— this------time, on Bunker Hill ,, Rd. on the curve Richard B. Allen, of no cer- found sulltv of Imorooer federal assistance. That in- obtain a direct commitment that demic year with 1,234 tulUoti- cludes grades 10 through 12. it to the meeting. Brainard will scholastic aptitude tests offered Vivian Ferguson, Republl- ski, director of rellg^ious educa- East won with thd ten of ruffg in dummy £md discards a plant on the Wllllmantlc River. The councU last night also just after Nathan H^e Rd., an address found guUty of backimr fined $10 eludes virtually ail institutions assistance would be available; paid studenU, 184 over quotas The ninth grade is housed at extensive display of his by the CoUege Entrance Exam- candidate lor the State tion at St. Paul's parish, Glas- THEATER TTME hearts and returned a low dla- heart from his hand. If East There Is also still a strong pos­ heard a presentation by Robert at Daly Rd. and Wangumbaug fined $20. '’“S i r ^ S c a i l ^ of Andover, „ h , I e r T e a r l / >"'P™vement upon the set earUer. The em «llm *t Is the Sykes School where there is own personal glass collecUon. inaUon Board on Nov. 7 or Dec. Representatives from bury. mond. South stepped up with ^^^ns the diamond, he may re- sibility that Mansfield might Gantner of the Planning and Dr. Another count of breach of the , milltv of failure to obey " ‘Kner learmng. image of individual self-fcon- 263 over September 1969. Of the an enrollment of 466. At the ele- Population Explosion 5 of this year. ' joth Assembly District of Also, Sacramental Theology SCHEDULE the ace of diamonds and led turn a diamond or a club, with enter into the system on a reg- Zoning Commission on progress Other lights will go ‘n peace and a count of being ^ gtop sign fined $10. ^^® cept. Godi said counselors have 1.234, general studies with 288 mentary schools the enrollment A panel discussion oti the pop- Pinochle Winners Manchester. Mrs. Murphy is a by thd Rev. William Riley, pas- another heart, but East won the same result; or East may of the master plan revision, Daly Rd. near the Rod and found intoxicated were nolled. Carolyn T. Wlrtalla, of Will- add 1,000 agents to deal with found non-white students gen- and liberal arts and sciences figures are as follows: East, ulation explosion will be con- The Vernon Senior Citizens" member of the Board of Educa- tor of St. Peter’s Church, Hart- ' lonal basis, or that parts of •**'- "" ______-- - - Bumsidd — Catch 22, 7 :10, and led a dlEimond to West’s return a heart, setting up dum- Mansfield might buy services which the PZC is attempting to Club; on Route 44A ® Gene T. Bascetta, 20, of jjigton, found guilty of breach of campus outbreaks of the sort in- erally reluctant to seek assist- with 214 accoimt for 41 prtr cent, 267; Lake Street, 447; Maple ducted at the Rockville United pinochle group had nine tables tion Emd serves as secretary of ford; Catechetical Renewal I 9 :20. nine. West then returned a club, my’s queen. No return from carry out during the current picnic rest, on ® Windsor Locks, found guilty of yjg pgg^g imposition of sent- volved and to assist in pro- ance. A direct approach will be Dean Godi said the names ot Street, 670; Northeaat, 636; Cen* Methodist Church. Sept. 27 at in play at the tournament ses- the board. (Methods) by Sister Anne East Hartford Drive-In — and South lost two hdarts, a either side can defeat the cen­ from the Coventry system. The first resolution adopted fiscal, year. N. River Rd., ^ failure to drive in the establish- g^ce suspended. grams aimed at thwarting aeri- made to them where help is students on the w altl^ Ust ter Road. 832; Skinner Road, 7:30 p.m. sion held Thursday. Winners ^ resident of Manchester for Gabrielle, business education cherry, Harry & Raquel, 7:30; diamond and a club. Down one. tract. Gantner went over the 16 Dunn Rd. ^ “ ed lane, fined $16. Locksley McGregor, 18, of al hijacking. The FBI now has found to be needed; (6) a spe- wew to rw ^ e d to 649; Vernon ElemenUiry (which The program will be the fimt were; Alma Dittrich 670; ^ing years, Mrs. Murphy has teacher at EX2HS and part-time Faster Fhissycat, 9:00. Good Ears "" Dally Question laat night was a . technicality needed1 tolo give theme engineers maps that constitute the.origl- Branch Rd. and Cedar Swamp George CSiaves, 67, of East Hartford, found guilty of failure about 7,000 agents. cial summer social arid aca- Hartford (Community College Includes the TalcottvUle School i*i a series planned by the Schweitzer 6(W; UlUan G eM- bggjj active in many civic ven- parish dirdetor of St. Xsm c Jog- East Windsor Drive-In Re- D eal Duncan could have Partner opens with one dla- actlon^on poper ^ t h a t nal plan, adopted In 1966, and Rd.; and on Route « A at the Hartford, found gulllty of speed- to drive In the established lane. House GOP Leader Gerald demic orientation to acquaint ®"d Tunxls C3ommunlW for speeltd education) 601 tmd church to discuss the questions man 581 and Emily Brooks 681. j^res. She is currently secretary Church, East Hartford; opens Wednesday. made his contract if he had mond, and ttie next player some they maynay furtherfurthef pursue pursue the indicated ways in which the m « Tr 22 of holies were entered In the Ford of Michigan quoted Hoover minority students with pro- ^ Vernon Center Kindergarten of vital importance today. Following the card P la ^ g a y^^ Manchester Auxiliary of Child Psychology by Sister Manchester Drive-In - 'The good ears. East’s opening bid of passes. You hold: Spades, 10; > mare could be up-dated. He Lights will also go in in ironi James Corclone Jr., 22, of foUowlnir cases* ______xi______•_ /Ynriiifoia ond nntpntiAi nmhlAmH! Britain area, lor poBsiDie 171. ’Those who will be on the panel poUuck supper was held and Services of J®®" Flannely, ass^iated with professionals, 9:60; In Cold promised a Hearts, 6; Diamonds, Q-10-9-B- town’s funding eligibility. The council agreed to proceed with Dooley Aide are: The Rev. James Uhllnger, several birthdays and annlver- Connecticut. She serves as mem- the Institute of Living, Hart- Bood, 7 :30. four-card suit. Hence there 2: Clubs, J-9-8-4-8-2. that the PZC has prepared, glv- In front of the I®. ® * the highway, fined indecent assault, be- society was directly involved in techniques to enable minority ’nromas H. Dooley, - Demo- Southern New England United saries were observed. bership chairman of the Repub- ford, Mansfield Drive-In — <2ursd ggyi^n't be any real chaned of What do you say? the first four phases of a five- phase mundpal sewer program Ing detailed analysis of the lake ^ charge of breach of the intoxicated, and re- 247 arLn cases and 462 personal students to adapt to different cratlc candidate for state rep- Methodist district superinten- The regular Tuesday session uggp Women’s Club and is a of Vampires, 7:30; Beast of ^gygigpij,g dummy's hearts tn Answer: Bid two ,dfamond£ and village area. Capt. Nathan Hale School.____ peace was nolled gistlng arrest. injury Incidents in the past aca- styles. Nixon Snppoft resentative from the 47th As- dent; ’The Rev. Thomas La will not be held this week. ’The member of the Republican Town as presented by the town engi­ injury incidents in the past aca- styles, Blood, 9:16. ■ time to make the contract. with a rash partner,' but jump Leo Fontaine, 23, of Coventry, i^onard D. Carlo, 42, of demic vonr-year. ho He saidaain these wesmwere Recommendations made for WASHtNGTON (AP) ^ Sen. sembly District (Vernon) has Fleur, director of Family Life in Thursday session will be at 1:16 Committee. Staff Listed State Theatre Joe, 6:60, ^fter drawing one round of to four diamonds with a normal neer. p.m. at the Lottie Fisk Build- Last year, Mrs. Murphy was The first phase of the system Stafford, allowing dogs to roam in addition to about 300 other ep- future exploration, Godi said, In- Thomas J. Dodd was amewg 28 trumps. South should lead a or conservative partner. Yov Fernofi Senate and House members who ing, Henry Park. selected to appear in the pub- U. A. Theatre — Patton, 8:00. losing dummy’s king to want to shut the endmy out would nm from the treament S^es ^ o otoer chawsdestruction of other fa- elude (1) inviting prominent. In- For LTM Work went to the White House Mon- . Oommunlon Breakfast llcation "Outstanding Young plant up to the lake and around of mariTuanr rift of mart- Cutler, (tl. ot Hart- dllUes or property. fluential non-white perso^ to LAST NIGHT FOR “ JOE” — 6:60 ft 9:00 ~ the ace. Declarer wins the dla-but you doii’t want to get to t day and presented President Ntx A Women’s <3ommunion Break- women of America.” She is the ’The production staff of the It to the west side. The second luana Jere conUnued to Oct. 6. unsafe backing. Ford, predicting congression- acquaint themselves with the M p i V " " MANCHESTER Alger Was Minister mond return, idads a trump to sUly slam. on with assorted petitions, let­ center fast will be held Sunday at 7 ^ (g q{ Richard F. Murphy. Little Theatre of Manchester phase involves the Springdale Finch To Visit Ginnecticut ^ Ronald K Gleeev 18 of Wan- Dufford, 49, of South al enactment of the legislation, college’s program and to relate Horatio Alger was ordained dummy In order to ruff a club, Copyright 1970 ters, resolutions and other tok­ a.m. at the Rockville United gyg jg y^g mother of three (L’TM) has completed its as- Ave.-Northeast Shores area. nine- found milltv of nasslne In Glastonbury, abandoned motor declared, "I think it will have a with minority students; (2)- a AIR-CONDITIONFD • FREE PARK REAR THEATRl a- minister of the Unitarian and then gives up the diamond General Features Gorp. ens of support for his posltlaa Methodlst (2hurch, Grove St. Phase three nms from the state r n o p Z 4 ^ o n e a n d '^ f7 ^ ^ ^ vehicle, and parking upon a beneficial effect.” study of schedulinpriorities to .ethodlst CJhurch, Grove si. children and a communicant of signments for the upcoming p,h,,rph nrinr tn becomins' the To Help Steele’ s Campaign on the war in Southeast Asia. WED. EVENING “ Z*' shown at 6:60 ft 9:00 Holy Communion will be given jam es’ CSrurch. Her home is presentation of ‘"nie Subject nnnnlnr author In the boat launch to Gerald Park, obey a state traffic control sign, highway. He said instances of campus close any gaps where fined a total of $60. Leon O. Perras, 66, of 20 terrorism "have Increased in Godi said minority students Dodd, running for re-electi(Hi by the Rev. Willard (2onklln, at 131 N. Lakewood Circle. Was Roses," to be presented Tr„uo


MANCHESTER EVENING HERAU). MANCHfiSl^fc^lt, *ttJESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1970 P A G E T E N Vernon V e n u m Tolland §AVE DeMolay Unit VOERSir South Windsor Sadlak Charges New Zoning Limits Adopted Elects Curtis AUTOMATIC QR l l r v Democrats With Its Councilor CALL DELIVERY < PER GAL. Valve Failure Cause 24 h r . b u r n e r Mismanagement Paul Curtis, son' of Mr. and ■ 1 YEAR ROUND r f 1 I On Location of Gas Stations Mrs. Roger Curtis of Crane SERVICE “Common sense tells us that n ‘ ^ existing stations would be Rd., BUtogton, has been elect­ a pattern of 16 years SownhiU The Planning and Zoning Com- ratios. “ You are located on a ' ■ i eliminated if forced to relocate ed master councilor of Fayette Of Gas Plant Blast momentum Isn’t going to mission unanimously adopted Chapter Order of DeMolay. NATIONAL OIL CO @ know how msmy people will be to case highway expansion - ■ . 1 Curtis, 17, has been a member The explosion and fire at the modular homes. The new plant change direction unless wo proposed amendments to the served by this highway flva to should put them within the of DeMolay for three years and pyrofax Gas Company was caus- will be a. manufacturlng-ware- dialnge the party at the helm,” commerical zone regmla’fiooled dlsoatch of Western ®a«® September,. 1938, about bles------and,, bring ^ playing ~ cards On Student-Society Lines .us/b,c„. „ numerou. „d “I®" ST S u“d ,<,ri0 ydi. Rd Vernon; Mrs. John Lee a pubUc hearing on the zone A pooled (Uspaten oi w timber to the for bridge or other cart games, ers said that in his opinion it ties and correlate partl^mar OdO p .m .4 p.m- correspondents trapped in Am- T h e r e i n also be a chatter UD for vote, “ I woiUd have spok- Houley scolded Mrs. Mil er bring responsibility back problems into a cohesive plan-^ A ge L im its: 16 to m aternity, and son. Shady Lane, RFD 4, change of the strip of land l^- In the context of voluntary erell St. and Hllstown Rd., al- Robert Morra called a halt and ®®^^luDUcaLig” en against it, but it wouldn’t tor beii^ upset J’y to the local level, where it be- “ Each town has its owp P^M U In other areas, no lim it in Ooventry- Mrs. John DlFronzo tween Exit 99 and 100 on the JTJagel w ere^ lieved to have down, totaling three hlUlon feet table for those not wishing to student strikes and demonstra- ^uLion^mm^aUv^orer re^^ “ A^r took a gej^e much^go^.” Legls- among Democrats in the legis- J^g^d.^H^would eliminate the lem.s, but we can learn from and daughter, 83 Rachel Rd.; Wilbur Cross Highway on the been transferred to northern on 600,000 acres of forest land, play cards. self-service. ® ------east side from residential to in­ tions focused on anti-war p n . Board of " “wipe at the D epartm en t^ l^ t^ m ln " hTr^ar^ of the sSTe J l™ ® state board of education as un- each other and grow together,” Mrs. Jeton Wood and eon, Rey- JordEin where the guerrillas are holds Dr., Coventry; Mrs. dustrial as requested by ths In­ taata iiuitr Rnrinff Dr Frederick j .. Community Affairs, which/she\ obiectlon to a Bolton- ®fal assembly is all about” nec^sary, merely interpreters he condluded. The administration reminds stronger. Thomas Walsh and son, 64 Wal­ dustrial Development Commis­ W Lowe Jr Manchester Com- ih, AniiPireH Hnd^he Commission ® *®d off, said was established “ to f^t aa ^ygntry airport, she said. “ It’s an "independent branch of the legislation. He claimed t h a t ------visitors that with construction sion. The-mapatoh s(Ud the Jorda- Fk>w you demt have to miss important miinity College president, has Mgher Mucation is going Miurj^ tor h L tock^of* hUl s ^ ' ^ ‘^“"venient m id d le m a ^ get gbmjt the same aa talking about government and not- a rubber boards of education have under way, paridng space is nut St. ‘ U g li’ W e ll N a m e d PZC member Douglas E>rior gian gbveniment was reported ™ ^ s L i “ A Stotement on Col- I®*! "ont ‘!®*^. the state’s hands on/federal mkin^ the toll off the Bulkeley stamp.” he said. very little say in what they limited. 'Visitors are asked to ------1 agreed to survey the Rt. 196 to have ordered the army to just because 3tou re away from your office. lege Pa^clpation to ^ t e t y .” for Phase U (permanent camp- g j„ ,y session, Because of the DCA, Bridge ^ she said, “ residents 'Sen. Houley gave the clearest ^„gt do now, being dictated to MIAMI — “ Ugli” is a sub­ bear with the hospital while the stretch from Anthony Rd. to the carry' xout a house-to-house which be submitted to except tor the gymnasium Bolton’s application / for funds Who don’t 0 * it think it’s a fine explanation of what h ^ Imp- by the state tropical citrus fruit that looks fi4c4w|| problem exiats. Rowleys Attend town line to determine to what search fot\the hostages in Am- Mrs. Miller lat®r replied that update the town/plan under bringHn revenue. pened* to the school building Carruthers called the propdr­ like a badly misshapen grape- Actent consideration should be jgg„ r i ^ l S^cn^?Mt*1ilght.*^* swimming ^ 1 . g^g had missed only one day of the 701 program Was not suc- bonding bill. He and the other , ty tax and the state tax struc- ^ ovin la Annapolis Event Airlines 707 P Dr.__ ___ Lowe said the trustee y,e 81-day_____ regular______session______and cessful, she sald./A proposal to "I look forward jo serving you candidates were later ques- ture in general a “horse and ^to ro“ ^ . . • Patients Today: 276 ------^ given to the changing to com- ^ Trans wtoM M IU ^ concluded, a d m it t e d YESTERDAY; __ , merclal zone from residential gg^ g Swiss Air C8 were hi- toel they have enough funds to h;[k Tlreatiy scheduled a"fartoly ^ “ the’ c - D i ^ % t o ,‘'t o r ^ l o h tlbned more thoroughly on their buggy system in a computer often yellowish or b la c k y Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rowley gg requested to a petition pre­ in a more equitable atmos­ stands on this issue. a g l/’ ^ight be plain green Ito seg_ Geutv Btuskervllle, 61 School St.; ------ot ^ “t o c S n develop student facilities at the trip to California when the ex-K* ..someone*'cirtm A/ina w'oMdwnii have to pay Mrs. Yvonne Casslsta, 392 Oak- of 20 Femdale Dr., recenUy at- ed the fr^dom of d isc^ lon g^gj g„d of the proposed mall tra session was called. ->^ 340 000” was X im ed down by phere.” (The House wk«^^110-67 Carruthers, who is new to Questions and answers follow- ments are orange-colored and sented to the PZC. and investigation and will approach the 1971 Gen- g^^ „ he is elected J^e'rwn 'J T ^ ' Democratic,.and the Senat it has a mellow flavor. land St • Mrs. Darlene Cocker- tended an Open House Weekend Counter petitions have also . Miller explained, state politics. Introduced him- ed Carruthers’ presentation. 1 ^ .1 6 ^ Birch St.; James B. at the United States Naval been presented to the I’ZC ob­ FALSE TEiTH educational toMltutioim a W Assembly for the 320-426 he will introduce 20 bills. He In f l ^ r ’o r 12.) self as chairman of the V e r n o n ______and beyond that of any other mUHon needed to complete the town’s hiring its Coleman, 114F Rachel Rd.; Ed- Academy to AnnapoUs, Md. jecting to the —...... zone change....o - came out for a state Income pis Sen. Houley, a Democrat Committee, ^ That Loosen wart H. Cunntogluim, 23 Union The event mEurked the end of prior will study the area to de- Need Not Embarrass * ^ o w w e ^ h e ^ a r n e d , there is ^ ^ “ i^test^^ word from the “tote-run education, more drawl^^*/to**own plan which “P®'*® tonpst He ^ and a former member of the St.- Frank Deptula, 21 Durant piebe summer for their son, termlne how deep the proposed *^ngdr inherent when an in- ^ ® '“ tost wort from local and state police pro- won’t b / ’shelves full of reports ®"^°^®"‘ Vernon Board of Education, Don't keep worrying whether your St.' Mrs. Florence Duchesne, Mldshipmein Edward Rowley, a ^one should go, and whether false teeth will come loose at the stltirtm aUies ItseU with one ®‘®‘® i t fto' toctlon, a good mandatory drug that wifi be collecting dust.” Mture, h s c l ^ r e la t l^ cijarruthers is In real estate, 3 2 1970 wrong time. For i^ ^ S 'n e n ^ stltuUon .aUies ‘to®“ „.v^.to _ n g ^ j jg that Phase I (In- ej^egtion program, more Mrs/Miller came out in favor constltuenU. a n d ^ a ^ ^ ^ ^tore. 'Division St.; Mtirilyn J. graduate of EMt Catholic certain artfas to the stretch comfort, sprinkle PASTEETH® uen Gessay, 136 Terrace Dr., Rock- lugh School. should be possibly exempted ture Adhesive Powder on self from others. continued, P’®*®d »>y July 197L_ T^e Coventry- the state and local level. vine. ■' During the summer, he was from the zone change. tures. FASTEETH holds false teeth wire - tapping, implementing „ . ,,. . , sonnel department of an Insur- KITCHEN WPRl-P firmer longer. Makes eating easier He wanto a "total in^eptor^^ ^^P Sime nawral. No gummy gooey it ^ toe*°Mlicy M this instltu- ®^rliest poMible date for oc- Bolton airport legislation from se ices (or drug addicts, a blue Also BrlEui W. Giroux, 34 selected tis a first year piebe — nasty taste. Dentures that fit are It IS tne policy in cupancy of the new campus, h e ______i _____ Z______W ^ i x x i St! Harry -L. Hoar basketball aU star and also Manchester Evetong most ®“PS"®y easentlol to health. So tion to encourage the September 1974 said that the personal Incomeincome teaches English » in East Hart- dentist regularly. Get anal O P E N H O U S E Sr Box 173, RFD 1, Manches- served as representative for Tolland FASTEETH at all drug counters. searehliy investigation, ~ _ Lowe said the Board of tax is “ a possibility that must tor'; ^ a n G. Holt, 489 Adams co. L and his brigade. ) Quatrale, Tel. 876-2846. Carruthers took the occasion ysls and f®'’®^®Trustees recently authorized Battle Continues in Jordan; be considered" but that he to Introduce his proposal that St. ; Yvonne M. Krawitz, 466 W. would not vote for it if it were ALL THIS WEEK « < • « the state “ foot thd bill for edu­ Middle Tpke.; Mrs. Josephine proceo^ 1.KS; z space for the i bookstore, which« added to all the other existing 177 Hartfofd Road Arab Leaders Study Crisis cation,” an idea that he said CONNECTICUrS NEWEST S. Larson, 1104 Ellington Rd„ ’ For Home Decor! ® " ^ ‘1 ? ^ e ir ^ m e m b e r s of will now b« lo c ^ d In St. taxes. will come, out In a brochure South Windsor; Mrs. Mary B. MasMhester, Conn. (Continued from Page OiM) He saw the need for: Great- KhTCHEN SHOWPLACE the college community to ex- “ ^uun m ji Lefebvre, French Rd., Bolton; Waverly Bonded can action in Jordan, Ikal In Beirut sal4 the town ot er educational opportunities (or Across from press their views m d to partcl- «tudents. tols could not INVITES YOU Mrs. Myra L. Lewis, 21 Yeo­ a ir t^ to in Mg game room to the students. this c^ Id not rescue the 64 zarqa. 16 miles northeast of non-college-bound youth (“ the mans Rd., Columbia; Domenico BRmChester DRAPERY f i^i to s ^ c M y S ^ ' ^ b e r t Vater, assistant pro- hostage^38 of them U.S. citi- Ammanv was destroyed and idea that you can’t be hahappy un­ TO BROWSE THROUGH Oonummiiy Ckdlege legal limits is specifically pro- . elabortted tons-reld by Palestinian guer- Amman Was half destroyed. - " — Utrico, 60 Hamlin St.; Mrs, fessor of music. less you go to college 1s pure OUR BEAUTIFUL MODEL KITCHENS' Margaret W. * McAdam, 209 ^®But It U specifically not the upon* the'’*su ^V 'cou rse to the " J L ® ' ”*® communique c^ lrm e d bunk’''’™ substlntlai tocrease to Spruce St.; Mrs. Margot Me­ FABRICS We honor p ou S of ATcMldge as an to- htotory and appreciation of ? 'he ^ d ’tii would T P®*-P“ P‘l nard, WllUmanUc; Dudley Mor- stitutton, tof,. endorse,endorse partisan niusic.music. oniv f ^ i i e n I ve« Tt “^*"0111 Conference and de- state assumption of 100 per cent reU, 616 Griffin R d „ South Wind­ O.^P. « views or to engage to activities -______®t^®yu dared the guerrillas would nev- of the cost of busing; block sor. would push thrae holding these accept a cease-fire “ but will grants to local governments for Master Obarge that commit the Institution to Also, Mrs. Katherine C. Neb, • . hostages into d e ^ ra te action continue fighting until victory.” flre and poUce buildings, sew- 2.22 yd. supporting partisan -positions.” tleton, 21 Conway Rd.; Mrs. ffP f l i s t “ "*1 Uun battles between Jorda- grage plants, and the like; drug Principles listed Margueriate Patterson, 36B Mc­ g l o b e d SATURDAY • OPEN MON.-FBl. 0:80 • 9:80 The following behaviour prin­ • " 1 US 6th Fleet continued "ian troops and guerrillas erupt- abuse laws; change to election Guire Lane; Mrs. Florence Rob­ In prints, BoUds and ciples land guidelines are dnu- I » The U.S. 6th Fleet contoued Amman, forcing the” Jor- jaws- no-fault Insurance (he is OPEN SUNDAY. 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. I C i e a to reinforce In the Medlterra- ^^Itary governor, HaMs ^ ?he toterim Insurance com- erts, East Hartford; Marcel St. tweeds. Retails to 38-^0 mera,ted to Dr. Lowe’s state­ Qernuiin, 66 Glenstone D r., yd. 48“ wide. 100% ment : I . « 3i:^tIirfori' ^ m; - ‘-P®®® - "®^®®‘' ‘® miuee); the IS-year-dd vote; RockvU le; JuUus Salonlk, 14 W. HEAVY¥fEIGHT 1. Regulwly scheduled activ­ l u v e C ^ t ^ ^ a ^ ^ ^ le A r w ®“*'^®'*' toroughout annual legislative sessions and Middle Tpke.'; William F. Sher­ cotton with bonded ities of the college will bd con­ ' wer^ d f r t e d T E ^ ^^® ®“y- '^® ®“''‘®'^ funds for school building. man, 642 Ellington R d., South stain-resistant finish. ducted according to the pub­ WIDEWALE (Continued from Page One)' H ^ t h e United States. Bto a.Jl^to 6 p.m. «®“ '®y ^ “ "®^ Windsor; Stonley J. Slemtoskl, lished Academic Calendar, ex- ' You G on get one of these signaling service coii help you cut ------. .1 j ^ j , Washington was looking for; a 180 Avery St., i^uth Windsor; CottofT cept to circumstances deemed the weaving of the wicker pas- ^p,gn,“ug solution of the crisis, Mrs. Katlieen M. Spohn, 24 CORDUROY compact signaling devices that tells costs and operate more efficiently. excdptional by the president or senger basketo has been done France were re­ Hartianii Rd.; Mrs. Mildred VELVETEEN you to call your office, something If you're interested, call The hls designee. ‘ here. ported opposed to _any toterven- _ Tharret, 118 Cooper St. Phone Store for a Bellboy service. Or ThU constitutes the contrac- MacArthur is also involved to Jj;n'£;;;yd*'wMhTniton’^ to WINDOW , bigishdppening. tual obligation of staff mem- a lecture tour and has been fea- whether Jordan had asked GARAGE SALE b i r t h s YESTERDAY: A son You can te somewhere over at least ask for a free brochure that'll bers with the State of - tured on national telecasts die- for^ the United States to Inter­. . to Mr. emd Mrs. John Roden- Simsbury, up in Windsor Locks, way tell you more about it. Icut andi the institution’s im- cussing the sport of ballooning. AT 33 HACKMATACK STREET SHADES hausen, 24 Center St., Rock­ vene. $■ ' down in Glastonbury or in any of 15 pliclt contract with students to The Soviet Union formally ad­ ' MANCHESTER, CONN. Made to Order ville: a son to Mr. and Mrs. Southern New England inviting them to apply and en­ vised Britain It opposes foreign Keith M otor, 1289 HEirtfort towns around Hartford and get the FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 25rti Bring your . rollers : Telephone roll. Intervention to the Jordanian Tpke., RockviUe; a daughter to siejnoL You can even b e right in ave 85o shade. Mr. Emd Mrs. James Jackson, 2. No individual or group of Tito Quitting conflict. Informed dlpldtoats re­ SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 26Hi In the NOW colors o f individuals will interfere with, 24B Vomon Garden Apts., Rock- Hartford — in your car, putting up a ported to London. 10 A.M. — 4 P.M. today. 36’’-46” wide. skyscraper or cruising down the river or prevent any person or per­ .The Russians have g;lven no E. A, vUlo; a daughter to Mr. and M“-46” Name Brand Corturoy to a full sons from performing their dut­ Yugoslavian Some Antiques Mrs. John M. HlOloran, 69A 100% cottoqf^th twlU clue so far that they will press IF YOU ARE PLANNING A NEW HOME OR color assortnvent. Flat-folded for your cmi- and still b e within reach. ies or attending or Jiarticlpatlng the Syrian government to obtain China, Glass, Household Articles PAINT CONTEMPLATING REMDDEUNG YOUR PRESENT Congress St.; a daughter to Mr. back weave. Machine , The signaling device is called to any college-authorized or the withdrawal of tank and oth­ KITCHEN IN TIME FOR THE COMING HOLIDAY “ and Mrs. John Grezel, 108 Ced- venlence. p u r reg. 31-28 yd. Ideal for jump-<^ ’ Presidency 7 2 3 R IA IN .... ar St.: a daut^ter to Mr. tmd i WEishable, E tisy to sow. a Bellboy.® It's about the size of a box sponsored event. er forces, that have Invaded Jor­ SEASON, ACT. NOW! OUR PROFESSIONAL STAFF ers. SEW and 3. No Individual or group of (Continued from Page One) dan from Syrian territory. OF DESIGNERS AT^ID DECORATORS WILL ASiSIST Mrs. Andrew Esposito, 104 I f perfect 32-98 y d . of cough drops. It clips into your individuals will abridge the The Informants said the So- YOU i r i DISCOVERING THE BEAUTIFUL NEW Broad St.; a daughter to Mr. pjocket an d it runs on rechargeable righto of freedom of speech or against the Nazis to World War attitude now Is being close- W ORLD o F FUNCTIONAL KITCHEN DESIGNS. and Mrs. Eugene F. Broderick BondMl “Wool-look* ACRYLICS assembly to pursuit of any a c- n and Vnatotatoed close ties . ggsegged by Britain to consul- FOR YOVR CONSIDERATION WE HAVE ON DISPLAY Jr., 61 Spring St. batteries. It b e e ^ when someone J5 STYLES IN: tivlty sponsored, auothortzed or with the Soviet Union immedl- with the United States '-v wants to reach you. I DISCHARGED YESTER­ In plaids, checks and tartans. Initiated by the coUege. ately following the war. But to France. ’ WALNUT-MAPLE-OAK-CHERRY-MAHOQANY-PINE D A Y : Robert B. Tanner, 167 STUDENTS If you operate g business 4. In the event that any mem- his country became the Cairo radio quoted Helkal aa ■ St. J«*n St.; Mrs. Kathryn 68” -60” wide. Machine wash­ w here you w ant to Icxxrte people her or members of the coUege Soviet satellite to ■ break gaylng at least 10,(X)0 persons I FFATURING THE ULTIMATE IN UNIQUE STORAGE 44 Who U Th. Vo Vo Chomp *• INNOVATIONS . . . ' Sm ola, SO HMlon Rd.; Mrs. able. Tricot backing. For You can now receive a quickly or reach decision makers community disrupts, prevents, away. were dead to Jordan, Including I Caroline R. Oook, 88 Orchard occupies, or Interferes with the ,phe united States was pleased ^ in refugee-crowded Wah- i 10% discoimt and no while they're on the go, our Bellboy ■UY A DOZEH DOMOTS AND ®Bt A H ill D r., South W indsor; B4rs. ahifts and skirts. Our reg. operation of any academic j,y the break and provided camp southeast of Amman, FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE SHOWROOM W lU BE OPEN tax for your school-sew- SUNDAY 1-6 P.M. « WEEKDAYS 10-1 P.M. Pauline Gltwlysz, 646 N. Main 38.00 yd. function or any event sponsored, Tito’s government with more Helkal said gqeirilla leader I S t.; N orris A. H ayes, 889 Sum­ ^ yd- tog projects. AU you authorized, or Initiated by the billion to assistance of yaslr Arafat reported the camp mit St.; Mrs. Mario C. Beauche- coUege, through threat, Intlm^i- yg^ious kinds, in later yeans was 80 per cent destroyed. Its VELVET REMNANTS I need Is a discount sUp mln. Blast H artford. signed by your Home datlpn, force, or occupMcy, he Yugngjavla’s relations with nopulation was beUeved to be t^T& H EN WI3RLD Also, Mrs. Nancy A. Doarteg- or they will be siibject to dls- Moscow and Washington alter- about 31,000. A YO YO FREE! ton, 41 Virginia Rd.; Edward W. E conom ics Teacher. If your business is in Manchester, call 247-9221, Ext 1087, and clpltoary action which may in- warmed and cooled. Helkal also said he did not be- 182 West Middle Tpke. Wilstoskl, 68 Homestead St.; From area’ s leading miU. AU Preipnt It to the cash­ cludedl^lM al from the colle^. Tito’s announcement was not iieve the two principals to the >niomaa Plefka, Bast Hartford; Manchester, Conn. ier at time of purchase. ask Bob Sayles or Fred Vigorito bow Bellboy signaling service 6. It should be noted that the to affect President Jordan Drama. King Hussein David R . M iner, 46 SchaUer new coloBS. Plato and fancy coU^ge campus does not leg ^ ^ ^ attend t h e - ^ (UMMD qpAN^fi^) R d .: M n . Lena M. Rajrinond, valvets with retails to 38.98 can help you. const! ute a smc uary slavla next week. However, any emergency Arab summit con- 6 4 7 -9 9 2 4 Inchester, (>)nn. 76 Lenox St.; Paul P. BellsW ^.8. Intervention to the Jonta- ferenie uf Cairo. 8 r., 601 Sullivan A ve., B ast U perfect. ..C.Iy)1,,P , : , , jjjgjj gtyjj ^gj. gQuij forco caH- In addition to reporting Wah- D ^ f S S t * 255 Mi'*'*^* Turnpike, MiincI Windsor MU; CUve W. M c^& camnus ceUatlon of the trip because of dat camp 80 per cent demol- nay, K Bldwards 8t.; Mrs. Ruth On the permanent J i»u htifi Tito’s close ties with Arab lead* Iflhed, a communique from the status, Dr. Lowe said title has Al Fatah guerrilla group Issued been taken to tdl land on Weth- MANCHESTE21 EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDA"^, SEPTEMBER 22, 1970 p a g e t h i r t e e n

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY,- SEPTEMBER i970 PAGE TWELVE 'THE Herald Angle Officials Moved Ball Better Than Browns Blue Far From Blue After Pitching No-Hitter ■V y. E A R L YO ST 21 Penalties Match Point Output Sports Editor A’s R ookie Rico Nears 100 RBI, Major League Called, Hurt • Oements Compiared to Hill ? Goal for Trinity 11 American League :Leaders=^ “Viimy Clements compares favorably with Calvin Jet Chances HARTFORD, Conn. (A P ) — The 1970 'Trinity C o llie East Division Halts Twins, Feat Will Be First American League I Hill,” Coach Carmen Cozza of Yale said a ^ u t the man football team aims at least to equal its last year’s scoring W. L. Pot. O.B. BOSTON (A P ) — Rico Petrocelli> the Boston Red he Riust map his defense to stop in Saturday’s BIG one CLEVELAND (AP) — average of 26 points per game while hoWing its oppo­ Baltimore 99 54 .647 — W in s Bonus Batting (STB . at bats)—A. at the Bowl in NeW Haven. Cozza’s remarks were made Joe Namath and Leroy Kel­ 67 .666 12^ Sox’ power hitting shortstop, is headed for 100 runs California .828; Tas- nents to less. New York 87 at the kickoff luncheon of the Connecticut Sports W rit­ ly were supposed ’to be the It goes without saying? Not 73 18Mi OAKLAND (AP) — A batted in for the first time in his career, but he isn t Baton .820. Boetrm 81 .626 necessarily. In view of last .497 23 satisfied with his over all performance this season. ers’ Alliance, hosted by Trinity CoUege, at Valle’s. offensive stars for millions O hio State Detroit 76 77 few months ago, 21-year- Runs—-Yaslrzemskl, Boston The HUl that Cozza was com' year’s results, when Trinity’s 74 80 .481 26% " I should have done better," of television viewers in the C9eveland oW Vida Blue of the Oak­ 117; Tovar, Minnesota 116. paring Clements to is the same opponents also chalked up a 26- 70 82 .461 28% Petrocelli said after belting his Toner, was his luncheon tabid inaugural game of pro foot- Wash’n land Athletics was think­ Yastr^emski belted his 40th Runs batted in—P. Howard, fellow who has made It big in H olds Down polnt-per-game average, hand West Division 28th homer for his 99th R SI in homer for his 100th RBI while partner. The two talked football ball’s prime time telecasts. ing seriously about quit­ Washington 123; J. Powell, Bal­ the Natloftal Football Leag;ue ing the BEintams a 3-4-1 record. 92 .601 — lifting the Red Sox to a 2-1 victo­ facing a drastic Cleveland shift but» didn’t exchange any P«t g u t the guys who moved Minnesota 61 ting baseball. timore 112. with toe Dtdlas Cowboys. 'Head coach Don Miller Is 69 .662 7% ry over the Cleveland Indians with two out and the bases emp­ First Place Oakland 85 He wasn’t pitching and fig­ Hits—Oliva, JOnnesota 189; That’s a -off oh just how the ball the best were the shaping a relatively Inexper­ 72 .529 11 before only 10,010 fans, one of ty in the first inning. California 81 ured he was wasting his time Tovar, Minnesota 188. good toe UConn senior Is. “It was a very good perfor- guyg jn the striped shirts, Ohio ' State’s Buckeyes, still ienced team around toe back- 92 .396 31% the smallest crowds of the year Yaz ran the count to 3-2 as the H- Kansas City 60 sitting on the beiich. Doubles^-Ollva, Minnesota 24; “ I saw toe UCoim game last mance for an opening game. xhe guys In toe striped shirts awaiting their 1970 debut, con­ field talents of senior Dave Kl- 94 .386 33 at Fenway Park. Cleveland shortstop played 20 tinue as toe No. 1 major college 69 “ I felt I was ready to pitch In A. Rodriguez, Washlng;tOn 33; Saturday and I ’ve been scared We played 68 men, 32 on dd- —the officiating crew headed by arais In hopes of turning the Chicago 54 97 ■.368 37 “ I ’ve been too streaky and feet to the right of second and fense and 36 on offense. TWo .^orm Schacter—moved toe ball football team In toe nation but the majors, but I was sent back Harper, Milwaukee 88. ever ednee,” he’ said. UConn tide. wish I had been more consist­ the third baseman was stationed others were dressed but didn’t go well that they played a key toe Texas Longhorns have Monday’s Results to the minors," he said. Triples—^Tovar, Minnesota 18; routed Vermont, 47-0, with a “ Dave is more mature now ent,” Petrocelli said. “ Elvery at normal short, ’then the Bos­ served notice of their Intention Boston 2, Cleveland 1 Blue’s ouUook is much bright­ Otis, Kansas City 9; Stanley, great display of power and bal­ play. role In ClevelEuid’s 31-21 victory and he is working harder than hitter dreams of driving in 100 ton slugger hoisted a tremen­ to claim EUid keep toe top spot. Baltimore 4, Detroit 3, 12 in­ er today after he pitched a no- Detroit 9. “ Our offensive team had toe ovdr toe New York Jets and ever for this season,” JOUer runs. Now that I ’m almost there dous shot a dozen rows into the ance. Ohio State drew 14 first-place nings hitter Monday night to defeat Home runs—P. Howard, Yale won’t go Into hiding when ball 17 timds and scored seven may have played a key role In says. New York 5, Washington 2 I think of how many more I center field bleachers. times. We were very happy toe Important ratings battle votes and 645 points in this the Minnesota Twins 6-0—Just 18 Washington 42; Killebrew, Min­ Connectfeut visits Saturday. . A . Kiarsis, toe only returning California 7, Milwaukee 6 might have had.” After the Indians tied the with toe outcome. The blocking against Liz, Dick and Lucy, week’s Associated Press poll days after he was recalled from nesota 41. The Ells are good and toe backfield starter, covered 818 Chicago 8-2, Kansas City 4-8 Petrocelli, who set an Ameri­ score on a walk, a fielder’s was better than I thought, alter Por toe first game of toe her- while Texas, 66-16 winner over the minors. Stolen bases—Campanerls, way the varsity handled Boston yards for a 6.9-yard average Oakland 6, Minnesota 0 can League record for shorts­ choice, a stolen base and Eddie we reviewed toe films. aided Monday night series on California in its opdner last Sat­ He earned a $2,000 bonus from tops by hitting 40 homers- in Oakland 89; P. Kelly, Kansas University in a scrimmage two from halfback and was No. 3 Today’s Games Leon’s bloop single in the sec ’"This Is a big wdek tor Con- ABC-TV launched an attempt by urday, closed to \^thln 13 points club owner Charles O. Finley, 1969, got off to a terrible start City 35. weeks ago left many a reiised receiver last year. His 10 touch­ Minnesota (Katt 12-10 or Zepp who telephoned from LaPorte, ond, Petrocelli lined his homer necticut. We know that we have pro footbaU to increase Its audl- of Ohio State and outdrew toe last spring, when it seemed ev; jjjgjj the screen in left in the Pitching (14 decisions)—Cuel­ eyebrow. Buckeyes In first-place votes downs place him fourto in re­ 9-4) at Oakland (Dobson 16-13), ind., to congratulate him. to Improve to win,” Toner said, dnee In direct competition with ery shot he belted was lined Boston half. lar, BalUmore 23-8, .742, 8.56; “ On our present squad,” Coz­ with 16. cent ’Trinity history. N Blue needed only 114 pitches, Naturally, he lauded Cnem- regularly scheduled program- right at a fielder. McNally, BalUmore 28-9, .719, za said, thanks to information Stanford ripped San Jose Miller’s problem areas,- be­ California (Bradley 2-4) at about 90 per cent of them fast Siebert survived Cleveland ents, who tallied four times in mliig that offered Elizabeth However, he finally found the 3.29. from Pete Easton of the PR of­ State 34-3 and moved from sides toe offensive backfield, Milwaukee (Pattln 12-12), N balls, to subdue the Twins. " I threats until the eighth. With toe romp over Yankee Confdr- Taylor, Richard Burton and Lu- . range and his average began to Strikeouts — McDowell, fice, “ we have 46 high school r fourth to third, Penn State ad­ are toe defensive line and toe Kansas City (Drago 8-14) and just humped back and threw the one our, Ray Poster singled and ence foe Vermont. cille Ball. climb. He also had a single Cleveland 292; Lollch, Detroit captains, men from 22 states, vanced from seventh to fourth general lack of depth. Fitzmorrls 7-B) at . CJhlcago smoke,” Blue said. went to third on a single by *‘01em6nts Iuls developed a estlinated 85 million view- along with his homer against 20. plus Washington, D.C.; 15 are ' (AP Photntex) after trouncing Navy 65-7 and '(Wynne 1-2 and Magnuson (1-3), He pitched a one-hitter Duke Sims. Bolin, recently ac­ style of punting' that we like, ©rs, including many women sup- A big hole is toe one left by the Indians, hoisting his mark to from Ohio (toe cradle for top CLOSE P L A Y — New York Jets’ quarterback Joe Namath releases ball before Mississippi remained fifth after graduating quarterback Jay 2, twi-night against the Kansas City Royals quired from the Milwaukee National League Hd averaged just under 40 posedly tuning in and turning on .257. talent), and nine each from New first Cleveland Defender Jack Gregory (81) and Ron Snidow (88) lower the boom. mauling Memphis State 47-13. Bermardonl, who holds toe Detroit (Reed 1-2) at Balti- Sept. 11. He lost a no-hltter In Brewers, relieved Siebert and yards. He has a great leg and with pro football for the ’The Red Sox collected only Batting (375 at bats)—Carty, York and Connecticut. One Is to be more (Pherebux 4-8), N that game when Pat Kelly sin- got out of the Jam wi a couple of keeps the ball high.*' time, were dxpected Paaslng record for-the NCAA five hits against two Cleveland AUanta .366; Clemente, Pitts­ married — to my knowledge.” drawn by the glamor of toe of Northwestern, held on to small colleges division in New Washington (Bosman 16-10) at gied In the eighth inning. easy pop-ups. What kind of a game does pitchers, but two were homers burgh .353. “ ’This squad reminds me of sport has become Gretel II Disqualified sixth, while Southern California, England. His successor for Sat­ New York (Stottlemyre 13-13),N " i started thinking about the Yastrzemskl walked, lined to [Toner expect as he hopes to “ f. by Carl Yastrzemskl and Petro­ Runs—B. WlUlams, Chicago the ’68 team ," he said. Remem­ but they may not have been Im- No. 3 thd previous week, found urday’s opener here against Cleveland (McDowell 20-10) at no-hitter this time in the fifth in- left and grounded to first in his celli. ’That was enough for Son­ 134; Bonds, San Pranclsco 180. ber that ’68 squad of Brian make it two in a row over spectacle toe itself to seventh after a 21-21 tie Williams probably wlU be Boston (Peters 14-11), N nlng,” Blue said. ‘"The runs we other times at bat. His average ny Siebert, who earned his 14th Runs batted in—^Bench, Cin­ Dowling, Hill and Co., which with Nebraska which moved George Matava, a senior from Wednesday’s Games got in the eighth inning helped remained at .320 in his bid for a victory in 22 decisions with bril­ cinnati 143; Perez, ClnclnnaU was one of the best In Birildog “It may bC toe finest game I *'^\ii®2i'^iialties were called from ninth to eighth. Avon who did a smaU atoount Minnesota at Oakland, N take the pressure off. I looked fourth batting championship. Aussie’s Yacht in Pursuit liant relief help from Bob Bolin. 128. history? have ever been Involved to. We to ta l^ fS 2 yards marked Missouri, which crushed of passing last year when he California at Milwaukee, N up at the scoreboard and saw Boston’s Gauy Peters (14-U) The victory was Boston’s Hits—Rose, ClnclnnaU 198; B. “ We have a squad of 88, 15 Minnesota 34-12, advanced from wasn’t on toe defensive bswik- Keinsas City at CSiicago we were ahead 6-0. I started arid Cleveland’s Sam McDowell sixth straight, equalling their Williams, Chicago 196; Brock, seniors, 36 Juniors and 37 sopho­ * T ^ f gained by toe Browns to wto- tenth to ninth while Michigan 'Detroit at Baltimore, N telling my brain ‘no-hitter, no; (20-10) hook up in a southpaw season high, llie club also went St. Louis 192. mores. “ Our defense Is good, coa^Cd. I exi^ct a ^eat com- ^ j^M onel Football fell from eighth to lOto after Oo-cai>tato Mike James is Washington at New York, N hitter, no-hltter.’ ” .eight g^ames over .500, with an pitching duel tonight in the sec- petitive gam ^’ ’ Toner added. ^ Of Elusive America’s Cup Doubles—W. Parker, Los An­ but It must be better If we are struggling past Arizona 20-9. moving from split end to wing Cleveland at Boston In baseball tra^Uon, none of 81-73 record, for the first time ond meeting of the three-game It was a 100 per cent turnout ^ geles 45; McCovey, San Fran­ to win Saturday.” he warned. . , , ___aging penalties were assessed iqFWPORT R I (AP) __ second race. ’ITie committee committee, said such a body Th^ Second Ten, in order, are back, where he should strength­ Blue’s teammates menUoned of coaches, nine to all. Others ^ this year. series. cisco 37. The ticket sale, incidentally. s- ro iio anmp upheld Intrepid and ruled Gretel was a possibility that would be Houston, Arkansas, Florida, en T r 1 n i t y’s passing attack the ho-hitter during the g^ame. who spoke were BUI Ixiika of to J ^ Ine AUSWaiians, w . . . h had fouled her. considered. “ My own .mind Is Oklahoma, UOLA, West Virgin- National League Triples—W. Davis, Los Ange­ Last year he was second to pass The most excited Oakland play­ is toe best in toe history of toe Central-fcu, uMii Don Russellxvuascii ML of W YYcoicjr- esl^- y ifil yards__a club wmci ^ East Division les 16; Kesslnger, ClUcago 14. wind taken out ofot tncirtheir privately some Australians,....___ not made up." la, Tennessee, Colorado, Geor refceptlons with 34, one less than er was catcher Gene Tenace, series between the two state ’ W. L. Pot. 0 3 . Nov. 18 in Detroit Home runs—Bench, Oncln- an. Tad Schroeder of Coast j.^cord^that*'obvlouriy bothered sails, go back in pursuit of noting that toe' race committee But, he added: “ We try to lie gia Tech and Air Force returning tight end Whitney also a rookie, who caught many schools. ______Pittsburgh 82 70 .539 — natl 45; B. Williams, Chicago Guards — who has already won Weeb Ewbank. But, de- the elusive America’s Cup ^j^gg judge and jury for a race it men of honor and I think mem- ■ Louisiana State, Kansas State, (Jook. James also does the punt­ 2 games for Biue at Des Jmolnes * * *' two games, Harry Shay of Chicago 80 72 .526 42. TY av,„„ ^ prodding, toe roly-poly again today. was running, called toe ruling bers of the committee would Georgia and Arizona State all ing. N ew York 79 74 .516! 3% in the American Association this Stolen bases—Tolan, Cincin­ Satisfied with 'Win Southern and Ed Farrell of coach of toe Jets refused to put But they’ll be dbwn 2-0 to "g hometown decision” . not reach their position to life if fell from toe rankings. Rounding out^ toe backfield at season. Fraiser-Foster Set Cozza’s coaching foe, John Bridgeport. St. Louis 72 81 .471 10% nati 53; Brock, St. Louis 48. any blame on toe officials. America’s Intrepid instead of jjm Hardy, Gretel H’s co- they were not honorable men, ’The Top ’Twenty teams, with fullback...... will be either Jim Phila’phia 70 83 .468 12% “ I didn’t even talk to him," Pitching (14 decisions)—Simp­ “ Don’t put words to my deadlocked 1-1 because toe New helmsman, was more moderate. "It is probably hard to con- first place votes inparentheses Qj-aves or Joe McCabe Montreal 67 86 .441 16 Tenace said. “ I Just called the .■"I* son, ClnclnnaU 14-8, .824, 3.02; mouth,” Ewbank said. “ You’re York Yacht (3ub race commit- He said on being notified; “ I vlnce world opinion that we’re and total points. Points tabulat- The offensive line will be led West Division pitches. We talked about the hit­ To Stert Traming Gibson, St. Louis 22-6, .786, 8.12. trytog to put words to my tee disqualified Gretel H Mon- don’t see how they could have impartial. But I know' to ed on a basis of 20-18- 16-14-12- ,by co-captain John Miller, a Cincinnati 97 58 .626 — ters before the game and decid­ Strikeouts—S e a v e r. New mouth. We had some adversl- day, making her toe loser, to- reached that verdict” and own conscience and to that of 10-9-8-7-etc.10-9-8-7-etc. twb-tlme ECAC weekly selection Los Angeles 83 70 .642 13 ed that Killebrew was the tough­ (AP Photofax) DETROIT (AP) — Joe Frazier, heavyweight boxing York 280; Gibson, St. LouU 269. Coaches’ Corner ties, but we mA. a fine team and stead of toe winner of Sunday’s turned back to wqrk on his boat toe entire committee that we 1. Ohio State (14) 646 and wlimer of Trinity’s Jeesee est because he can hit the ball were entirely Impartial to both 2. Texas (16) 632 : San Fran. 83 70 .642 18 Vida Blue’s Form in Latest Pitching Gem king, and light heavyweight champion Bob Foster w e r e ------got licked. We can’t do what ■we brilliant match. which had been slightly dam- 80 .481 22% so far.” dld and expect to win.” Officially, toe Aussles kept aged to toe collision. sides.” 3. Stanford (1) 472 Atlanta ’74 set today to begin training for a 15-round heavyweight Dy DAVE WIGGIN A total of 12 of iMt year’s 24 Killebrew was the only base- Barker was asked if both 4. Perm State (2) 453 Houston 72 81 .471 Our 48-14 win over Penney last What toe Jets did was amass their upper Ups stiff. Sir Frank Martin Visser, who shares starters return among the 24 59 94 .386 37 runner for the Twins. He walked title fight here Nov. 18. Poster, who won his title in 466 yards offensively, 299 as Na- packer, head of toe Gretel H steering ■with Hardy, said toe sides agree on toe facts of the 6. Mississippi (1) 420 lettermen. Only one of them, San Diego ! Only 18 Days Ago He Was Pitching in Minors FYazler, who is to make the Saturday was very gratifying to Monday’s Results on a 3-1 pitch in the fourth in May, 1968, said that after his math completed 19 of 32 passes, syndicate, said he was “ dlsap- committee “ was in an impossi- dispute? "No. Certainly not!" 6. Notre Dame 369 however, is back on the defen­ first defense of the tiUe hd won many ways. We had many key nlng. . , . . four successful defenses of Ips But among toe penalties w * e pointed with toe decision. But ble situation. They want to be Visser cried before Barker could 7. Southern Cal. (2) 368 ClnclnnaU 2, Houston 0 in June, 1M9 signed for the1 Utle injuries, losing our starting sive line. He is 200-pound tack­ “It was a curve ball,” Tenace three for pass interference, the best thing to do Is to go out fair. But they still don’t want to reply. 8. Nebraska 304 San Francisco 7, Los Ang’es 0 fullback for toe season and a le BUI Saitorelll. said. " I ’m not going to second- match with Foster Monday. move up three for holding and one for pll- gn,j win four straight.” see toe cup leave that shelf to Protests by both yachts were 9. Missouri 274 Only games scheduled ’"The live gate will be over starting tackld for at least ' Buoying up toe secondary will guess myself because of the No-Hitter Followed One-Hitter “ I plan to come In at about PARKADE DUSTY— Joe Lau- tog on plus. And there were ^ 16-26 knot southwest wind Is New York.” disallowed in toe first race over 10. Michigan (l) 256 Today’s Games half a million dollars and with three weeks, along with a num­ walk. ’That was the pitch we had 179 or 180 and alter watching zon 210-201-586, Walt Prietag tore^ Interceptions of Namath predicted, giving Gretel II a ’There has been some talk that a starting Incident. 11. .Houston 168 New York (McAndrew 10-12) closed circuit television rights, ber of first line replacements. to throw to him.” Prazler’s recent lights, I figure 237-563, Bill Avery .209, Clem passes, a fumble by running chance to see If she can take protests of toe cup races should Gretel H ’s loss of a race she 12. Arkansas 113 at Philadelphia (Running 10-14), the total take should be in the $2 Our morale was down, and I strong 1969 freshman team Shortstop Bert Campaneiis By Blue Since Being Recalled I have a good chance of beating Quey 202, Tom Kershaw 201, Lou back Matt Snell and a mistake j^er rival to heavy air as well as be Judged by an International had Initially won to the race 13. Florida 79 probably filling the rest of toe N million area,” said former box- am sure there was some doubt Montreal (Wegener 3-5 and ^as a major conWbutor toth to him with my speed and a good Polinskl 200, Ernie Whipple 218- to Judgment by return sjieclallst iigbt. panel. committee’s Judgment was toe 14. Oklahoma .. 56 deep spots. ApparenUy he didn’t learn his Boog Powell had a two-run ho- Ing Lou Handler, head X h t liM d to the ’ minds of our players Stoneman 5-15) at Pittsburgh the_no-h^^^^ NEW YORK (AP) — 207-610, Ed Bachl 201-562, Con- Mike Battle. Both ytichts had protested fol- B. Devereaux Barker in, first such Incident to America’s IS. U13LA 54 An experienced Williams hit a triple and home run, drove lesson as he struck out nine mer for the Orioles, his 36th. of the newly formed Twdnty- ®Frazler, who won tod heavy- rad Sullivan 288-592, Ray Bol- as to whrther we could win V4 50 (Ellis 12-9 and Veale, 8-15), 2, Only recently Vida Blue Pass interference penalties by jawing a collision at toe start of chairman of toe N YYC race Cup racing since 1896 ■ 16. West Virginia team will be a tought start. in three runs and scored two. Twins, including the first two . . . first Century Promotions, Inc., welght crown against Jerry due 206-558, Bob Averlll 210, Ron without these people. Our vic­ Termessee 33 twl-nlght said, “You don’t try to Jim Hudson and rookie S td v e ------17. Rochester, replacing PMC (Col­ He also took a hit away from batters in the ninth before get- ANGELS - BREW ERS— of Detroit, the group which is Quarry in New York on a sev- Allen 204, Paul Scagllaiinl 202- tory therefore, proved that suc­ 27 Chicago (Hands 17-13) at St. . Tannen to toe first quarter en­ 18. Colorado leges on toe eight-game sched­ George Mltterwald, the Minne­ pitch a no-hitter”, ^ m e - ting (Jesar Tovar for the last out Jay Johnstone and pitcher staging the fight at the Cobo ento-round technical knockout 669. ~ cess is based on and Georgia Tech 23 Louis (Gibson 22-6), N abled the Browns to score their 19. ule, represents added load. Buy sota catcher, with a leaping how it’s hard to believe the on a foul pop to first. He be- Tom Murphy crashed homers Arena. on June 23, 1969, said, “ I never desire, and not on toe indlvldji.- Air Force 21 San Diego (Corkins 5-6) at At­ second touchdown for a 14-0 Tennis Star Ousted, 20. Miller is optlrhistic as he p w catch in the fifth inning. 21-year-old Oakland rookie came the first rookie no-hit but a two-run eighth inning trl- ’The fight contract carried no let anybody push me around, Y —^Andy Lamoureaux 146-140- al efforts of Just one or two. I lead. Then, after toe Jets made pares for his' fourth yearyna lanta (Nash 12-8), N am sur^ toe doubts have been N u h t i n c The only" other chance the left hander, who only 18 pitcher since Don Wilson of pie by Roger Repoz proved the rematch clause. especially in toe ring and I am 409, A1 Bujaucius 148-138-406, it 14-7, holding penalties by John head coach. Houston (BUllngham 12-8) at erased and toe morale of our Twins had for. a hit csime on a days ago was pitching in Houston did it in 1967. difference as the Angels shaded Michigan Boxing Commlssion- to be boss right from tod first Hank Martyn 136-388, Russ De- Schmidt and Randy Rasmussen V 4 ., Slugged by Spectator Objection “ Our attitude and d e ^ e are CBnclnnaU (Nolan 17-7), N hard grounder to the left of A crowd of 4,284 was on hanr the Brewers. Tommy Harper er Chuck Davey did not rule out jjgn Veau 138-361, Art Johnson 138- players will go back to toe peak San Francisco (Bryant 5-5) at the minors. blunted a drive that ultimately better than any years since my third baseman Sal Bando in the Monday night the A ’s fastball- in Oakland as Blue’s master- slammed a pair of homers and the possibility that the winner of The contract called for Pra- 364, Pete Aceto 138-359, Elliott It was at during toe first week LOS ANGELES (AP) — Bob Hewitt, South Africa’s Los Angeles (Foster 9-13), N endfed with Walt Summer’s In­ SALT LAKE CIITY, Utah first at Trinity,” he says. eighth inning. er tried and did it. He stopped piece prolonged the West Divl- Phil Roof had a three-run shot toe bout might defend toe ^ler to get toe top money—his Fish 353, Carl Bolin 142-137-404, of preseason practice. leading tennis pro, has been eliminated from the Pacific Wednesday’s Games terception at toe five. (A P )— The Utah Stars of the Manager John McNam’>r-> of the Minnesota Twins without a slon clinching for the Twins, lor the Brewers, heavyweight crown in Detroit choice of a $160,000 guarantee or Ed Burbank 377, Jim Chlapponl We have many InexperlAiced After Homer Jones made It v^FiSHINGv/ Southwest Open championships in a verbally heated American Basketball Associ­ New York at Philadelphia, N players that .we are going to Oakland didn’t say a word to hit, giving up only one walk—a who need only a victory over . . . against (iassius Clay, former 40 per cent of the live gate and 161-376, Frank Calvo 361, Vic DAVE WIGGIN 21-7 Clevrtand by .taking the sec- match, then knocked into a hospital by a 75-year-old ation have run afoul a mem­ Montreal at Pittsburgh, N heavyweight champion who re- gg^ cent of toe ancillary Marlnelll 350, Dick Krol 187, have to depend on. These kids Blue during the game. fourth Inning pass to Harmon the A ’s to win their second W HITE SOX - ROYALS — IN s u m i i S i ber of toe Daughters of Chicago at St: Louis, N cently got toe grden light from a g-ate, including television rights. have to have actual game ex- » .Y „ u .n . spectator. "What could I say?” Mc­ successive crown. " I don’t want Bill Melton set a White Sox Dave Ladue 143.' Witnesses said Hewitt, 30, toe match as, toe umpire said, American Revolution. San Diego at AUanta, N Killebrew on a 3-1 pitch—in New York federal Judge to re- Foster settled for a straight penencep ^ en ce beforeoeiore theyuicy can be- who^jio likes to throw M d CM ^ touchdown before FISH COOL SPOTS Pl( Namara asked. missing a perfect game. the Twins to open their cham­ club record ih toe opener, rip­ went to toe Los Angeles Tennis Hewitt asked for names ot three Faye Mutart, chairman of Houston at CXncinnaU, N sume his boxing career after 2 2 ^ per cent of everything, HAPPY HOLIDAYS — Kitty come confident enough to know throw well. Our secondary wUl ^ crane’s piling on penalty ’"The best thing I could do ’The A ’s won toe game 6-0 as pagne in Oakland,” Blue said. ping his 30th burner of toe sea- Fishing Is toe only sport to Club locker room shortly after linesmen with whom he had dis­ the American flag code com­ San Fran, at Los Angeles, N several years of litigation. Handler said toe 12,000 tickets Byrnes 126. that they can get toe Job done, get Ite severest test this week. ^^buted to a CTeveland drive was leave the kid alone. He Bert Campanerls scored toe “ Pitching a no-hitter is son while Paul'Schaal had the uitti. B'-'- J------gci - contributed.to a Cleveiana anve when flndine a cool losing his first-round match puted calls. mittee of the DAB’S Lake "W e nevdr refpsed Clay a li- would be scaled from $100 down, Saturday’s game gave us toe Saturday our season starts to resulted in Don Cockroft’s knew what he was doing.” first Oakland run in toe opening lucky,” said the youngster, who jjig hit in the nightcap lor the spot may mean you’ve found a Monday when the spectator Loyo-Mayo won the match, 6- chapter, wrote a letter io cense and if toe time comes BVazler will opdn his camp in GARDEN GROVE — Ethel opportunity to play all of toe earnest — ‘ — y»™, yto tnn A ’s outfielder Pellpe Alou, inning after cracking a triple was 12-3 at Des Moines of the Royals, a two-run, sixth inning 26-yard field goal struck him “ two or three times 2, 3-6, 6-3. Stars’ owner Bill Daniels, Fox Grove C.C. when a fight between him and Vacation Valley in toe Poconos Harris 147-125—386, MUUe Fer­ second string and all of toe Jun­ who played for the San Francis­ American Association. triple. The penalties stopped at that “ hot spot.” from behind’’ on the head. Hewitt, an independent pro objecting to toe use of the and then drilled a toree-nm toe winner of this fight seems to in Pennsylvania Oct. 1 and will ior varsity players -we suited co Giants when Juan Marlchal hom eFizi He was ipore than lucky Mon- , » * reira 137. ' point, and toe Jets took It (toe Most anglers look to tradl- Hewitt, who had lapsed into who moved from his native Aus­ American flag on the, play­ 646-1151 Holds Tpumey e eighth off loser be in orddr, we would have no shift his base of operations to up for to^ contest. Each week pitched a no-hltter in 1963, said day as the Twins managed only . a S’TROS — rest of toe way. Snell fumbled spots” for toeir semi-consciousness on the lock­ tralia to South Africa in 1964, ers’ trunks. Jim Perry, '^-12. objection,” Davey said. Detroit two weeks before toe N I’TE OWLS — Lois Johnson we can do this will make us 13PEN TO PUBLIC Pox Grove Country Club on that Blue had the best stuff he In other Arn'erlcan League ac- “ »ree balls to the outfield and ^on Gullett, Clay Carroll and I Sports Slate 1 ^ e n er room floor, was taken to St. has a history of incidents rang­ The Stars wear the Am erf Foster has had 43 fights, with fight. 180-513, Mary Lou Small 465, stronger and give up more . " . n ™ ™ had ever seen. Vincent’s Hospital where X rays ing up to a 1969 locker room 1 Mile from Gay City Keeney St. in Manchester will tion, Baltimore nipped Detroit Mlimesofo c ^ e to a Granger combined on a 39 wins by kl^ockout ,or decisions He said he weighs 2K now but depth of experienced playferd. 'TODAY can flag on one side of ttieir “ And that includes ..Sandy Mary Lourie 469, Fran 'TozboU toe gap to 24-21 with a 83-yard — to reality - they should be brawl with British pro ' Roger hold an open golf tournament 4-3 in' 12 Innings, Boston edged bMe Wt w m in the flfto ^ lour^hltter in toe Reds’ toiumph ,gases. would come in at about 204. Offensively, w6 seemdd to put Soccer showed no fracture. He was ad- trunks and the Utah Rt. 85. Rebron. Cdnn. .4, Koufax,” Alou said. 471. r touchdown pass to George searching out those cool, sjiaded mitted to toe hospital lor about Taylor at toe Berlin Open. on the weekend of Oct. 3-4. (Jleveland 2^1, New York catcher George Mltterwald Bojjjjy Tolan stroked a run- our attack all together. I don’t Manchester at Platt the otoer side. Pirst place prize is $200. for Blue struck out nine, includ­ lined to shortstop Campanerls, (;oi.ing double in toe second for Sauer. places where fish find life more days of obseiwation tor a Monday’s locker room incl stopped Washington 6-2, Califor­ 3 COUNTRY CLUB — Vic Abrai- know whether we were that South Windsor at Windsor 18 holes. Scores will be in the ing Killebrew twice. He also Then toe Jets got another op- slight concussion. dent occurred after 18-year-oid nia nudged Milwaukee 7-6 and who made a leaping, backhand- jjl West winners. The As- good or whether toe defAise Locks pleasant. low gross, net or other cata- fanned powerful Bob Allison, tis 149-370, Frank Kieman 138, • The spectator was Identified Jim Connors of Santa Monica, (Chicago and Kansas City split a ed catch. reached Gullett for two hits Syracuse Football Coach Pete Staum 150-369, Bimdi Tar- was Uult poor. I do know, how­ Stafford at Ellington gories. AU participants must who pinch hit for losing pitcher Other no-hit gems this year m five innlgs. as a long-time member of toe Callf., upset fourth-seeded Roy doubleheader. ’The White Sox ca 143-359, John ’Turley 866. ever, toe line was really throw­ Ne'wington at Rockville use state, club or league handl- Jim Perry in ^ e ninth inning. were thrown by Clyde Wright of , , . tennis club. He was not held and Emerson, Australia’s two-time winning 8-4 before losing 8-2. Tarca was toe winner of toe ing solid blocks and toe backs ■ Rham at Bacon Academy ’ The victory was Blue’s second the California Angels in toe AL . DODGERS__ To Answer Latest Charges were running with reckless police were not caUed, officials 'Wimbledon champion, 7-6, 6-7, In toe National League, (Jin- set of bowling balls offered by Portland at Coventry him and he was downed at toe shallowest, ^ r here, y Por further Information con- of the year without a defeat, and Bill Singer of Los Angeles w illle Mays slammed his 28th abandon. It was a pretty thing .: said. I 6-4. IE TAKE THE clnnatl blanked Houston 2-0 and SYRACUSE, N.Y. (AP) — eight Syracuse black football Paul Correnti, manager of toe Cross Coimtry tact the Pox Grove Cfountry and it Was only his fourth start and Dock Ellis of Pittsburgh in jjpnjgr and No;' 628 of his career, to se^ and I hope I see more of four, where Namath tried to get summer, water ^ “ Arthur Ashe of Gum Springs, San Francisco trounced Los An­ players, toe meeting was ar- Holiday Lanes, for toe lowest Manchester vs. HPHS something started. algae and moss have develo^d “ Naturally, I was provoked,” Club. ' of the year. Floyd “ Ben" Schwartzwalder, It. I tjeel Dennis Wirtalla and Va., defeated Pauncho Segura, geles 7-0. toe NL. ^ ^ ^ , , added two singles and drove in ranged after toe Orange mentor net score by a bowling league South Windsor at Windsor toe man said later at his home. toe people for whom he works Jim Balesano are two of the One completion brought toe a thick, Beverly Hills,' Calif., 6-4. 7-6; lESSWORK OUT OF four runs for San Ftancisco. received a telegram Friday niember during toe Manchester Ellington at Stafford He said his attorney ad'vlsed ORIOLES - HGERS — finest backs to our league and ball to toe 18, but a second went serves as a water condition Papcho Gonzales, Malibu, Cal- A’S - TWINS — Juan Marlchal, 12-10, tossed, a and toe State Division of Hu­ from Human Rights Oommls- °o lf Open. Tarca had a 68 Avon, St. Thomas Aquinas against further comment. they are going £b cause other Into toe arms of linebacker for fish. U., over Mike Machette, Belve­ Blue, I a 6-foot, 187-pounder Rookie John Oates cracked a six-hit shutout, his first blanking man Rights sit down today to at East Catholic The umpire of toe match be­ Petersen Within sloner Robert J. Mangum. The score, coaches many sleepless nights Mike Andrews, who returned 25 A cominon to eo ^ ^ dere, Cahf., 7-5. 6-4; Charles Pa- from Mansfield, La., tossed a leadoff triple in toe I2to inning of toe y e ^ as toe Giants talk about football—and charges THURSDAY, SEPT. 24 tween Hewitt and Mexico’s Joa­ telegram urgently requested re­ before toe season Is over. yards for the final touchdown as the attention of toe fishing .sarell, Puerto Wco, 6-2, 6-4 oyer one-hitter only 10 days ago. and scored on Mark Belanger’s snapped toe Dodgers’ four-game of discrimination. FRIENDSHIP — Lucille Tou- Soccer quin Loyo-Mayo said he had to lAR TUNE-UPS: instatement for toe eight. Our quarterback John Wlggin a dejected Namath stood at the partment is tout water ‘a oator Sweden’s Torbln Ulrich, .and^ beating Kansas City 3-0. He had single as toe Orioles sent toe Tl- winning streak and gained' a tie Prompted by toe growing con­ taln 469, Skip kelly 204-208-598, Bristol Central at Manchester reprimand Hewitt for using The Syracuse team, then in had an almost perfect day in five-yard line, his head bowed beneath 8“ oh a layer of p a no-hitt^ for 7 2-3 innings be- gers to their fifth straight loss, for second place in toe West troversy over toe suspension of Ernie tip p le 216, Tom Ker­ FRIDAY, SEPT. 25 ‘‘bad language” and for "delay­ Stan Smith, Pasadena,- Two of 20 Wins Houston for its opener in toe passing with five out of six before toe ear-splitting jiolse of fore toe Royals’ Pat Kelly ------7 — ^------^------;------— shaw 664. Football ing tactics.” beat Alan Stone, Australia, N E W YORK (A P ) — Fritz Peterson is in a big hur­ Astrodome, -played toe. Universi­ completions. If he can continue__. a record 86.703 fans. ^ 'stroked the only hit. ; to keep d^ense honest, our East Catholic at St. Bernards Despite toe mistakes by the sun. Another toouj^t is that toe H ie umpire said the spectator 7-6. j ^ ry to crash tlje exclusive 20 victory club, but time is ty of Houston without toe eight VILLAGE^ MIXERS — Marie had to be escorted from toe Also advancing to the ^cond After that game. Blue, now 2- backs wUl have a great year. 8:00 Jeu amd the penalties that tend- plants act as an e v a p o r a ^ running out on the New York Yankees’ slick southpaw. blacks and lost 42-15. Fuller 178-5M, Grace Mason court during toe match after ex- round were^Andres Gl: no of 0, after his fourth start for toe Dave Fleishman, a sophomore, Soccer ed to disrupt action, Cleveland cooler for toe water under­ Peterson rushed to a 6-2 vlcto- In toe telegram, Mangum said 469, Bud Tomlinson 200, Mason changing Insults with Hewitt. Spain, Ronald Holmbei of New Yanks’ attack against rookie A ’s this season, said; played his first varsity football HPHS at South Windsor neato. Whatever toe reason, ry over Washington Monday the issue had been put before his Stone 213-561. owner Art Modell, head, of toe He and Hewitt also argued at York and Ismael El lei o< Bill (Jogolewskl and two Wash-, “ You don’t t ^ for a no-hltter. game as a starting fullback and Ellington at East Windsor these thick beds of water plants night in one hour w d 66 min­ division, that he was sure it N F L’s television committee, ington relievers. Mercer and If you did, you’d be second _ strong side safety. Both ways Coventry at Oomwell are good places to fish during courtside at toe conclusion of Egypt, utes, bringing his season record could be conciliated to toe satis­ TEETOTALERS — U z Wash- viewed the inaugural event as a Cater drove in two runs apiece guessing yourself. You’d bo * he did an admirable Job and Cross Country to 18-11. It was toe eighth time faction of all, and that he would bum 186, Debbie Oppelt 187-472, success. and Lyttle crashed his third ho­ -shaking off pitches you ought to proved beyond a doubt that M Penney at Manchester Tempting a baas or pike out this year he has gone the dis­ fly to Syracuse to meet with all Lois Lowe 182-528, Esther Ma- “ The game had toe ingre­ Carter and Smith Cut mer. throw." belongs on the varsity team. Rockville at Sotith Windsor ot a cool spot beneath the moss tance in less than two hours. parties to resolve toe problem. dore 462. dients for being very dramat­ The Yanks, who have won Before toe season Is over he Is Ellington at East Windsor isn’t easy. One method calls tor Monday, Chancellor John E. Portland at Coventry ic,’ ’ Modell said. “ We had a At MILEX . . . we don’t guess what’s wrong with your four in a row in a drive to nail going to be a big asset to our monitor In my box and It was a using a pork rind tn g , ® Celts Launch Exl^ition Oorbally Jr. announced he CHURCH—Harry Johnson 217- SATURDAY, SEPT. 26 car’s engine . . we know. Our automotive specialists down second plape in toe Ameri­ 571, Sal Evangelista 202-554, Bob club. great telecast. It probably was single weedless hook. (A n o l^ r Average Golfer Worries would appoint a trustee-faculty- Defensively, we were tough Football automatically diagnose any engine problem and come can League East, have eight McBride 218, Ivar Jcdinson 207. one of toe most exciting games popular lure Is a s p ^ e up with the right answers to have your car like new student committee to toorougd>iy when we had to be, but we still Manchester at Maloney Slate with Atlantal Hawks games remaining in toe flnaf 10 I ’ve seen in a long time.” frog or mouse, with double again. MILEX eliminates guesswork with an ex;clusive review toe allegations made by have a long way to go before Rockville at Bloomfield forward Tom Sanders days ot toe season. About Easy Bunker Shot RED LEE CLASSIC — P e ^ hooks Imbedded In toe lure to TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (A P ) — Veter 40-step electronic analysis, a 30-point complete elec­ the black athletes in a list of we are solid. We made many ’Hiat should give Peterson two Callahan 187-478, Harriet Cfoons prevent their being clogged by Boston Celtics, hopeful of and AxxMe center Garfield tronic tune-up, an electronic carburetor adjustmeint, and more chances—or three at toe By CARL WATKINS This causes toe blade of toe “ expectations" they sought from mistakes that weren't critical, algae or moss- TTie wecdless i-egaining prestige damaged by Sn;y^ were left home for medl- our famous 6,000 mile/120 day coast-to coast guar­ the university. 230-198-674, Dolly Dawood 802- outside—to win 20 for the first Pro at Whitefaoe GC club to penetrate into toe sand 519, Ginger Yourkas 172, Mary but jthese mistakes will have to Al Unser Needs Three IFins feature Is Important.) failure to make toe National cay treatment. Sanders Is hob- antee including parts and tabor. rather than bounce off toe sand. be corrected If we are going time in/ his five-year major The bulk of toe discrimination Presti 188-603, Betty Richard­ Cast toe lure Into toe middle Basketball Association playoffs Wed by a left knee Injury, while GUARANTEED TIINP.IJP league career. Ifis previous hig^ WHITEFACB, N.Y. (AP) — ’Take toe same open Mance you charges have been brought to continue to win. \We are using of toe weed bed. Let It sit a ig^t gpring, launch a busy exhl- Sfmlto aggravated a back ail- ELECTRONIC ■ Hie average golfer worries him­ son 189-501, Grace Mason 182- was 17 a year ago. would take for all other tiap aganist toe football c o a c h ^ 456, Leah Whipple 465. a new defense, apd I know It To Set New Auto Club Mark minute, and then begin hopping bltion schedule tonight In y m e n t originally suffered in toe self sick when he fin ^ his ball W)rile Peterson scattered nine shots. staff under Schwartzwalder but will take a little r/iore time be­ it along on top the moes. Stop meeting with toe Atlanta Army. > 40-Step Engine Analysis bits—including Mike Epstein’s in a bunker despite having been When you hit into too sand or fore we iron out all the wrin- TRENTON, N.J. (A P ) — Al Unser, brother of M-year-old / In his first player cuts, Hein- I New Sparkplugs, New Points, 95 some touch toe entire athletic OONSTRUemON — Rocco Dl- told dozens of times that this is mud toe clubface will naturally kies. In toe secondary, we 11m- Unser, winner of toe 1970 Indl- racer Bobby Unseif. already has again. New (fondenser. Carburetor 19th homer—and subdued toe department as welL Censo 163-394 Joe Long 183-187- The Celtics and Hawks / i l l “ hn triin m e d ^ k ie s Tom Car- Calibration and Timing $ 2 4 one of golf’s easiest shots. open because of toe resistence in «iriiitHng Senators on Just 99 390, Charlie Gilbert 137-370, Ited Penney to eight comple- anapolis 500, needs three victo- locked up the USAC champion- When almost almost to to the toe edge edge rt of , ^ g^ es in toe nex/five ter Paid Quinn College > 6,000 Mile/4 Month Guarantee For Moot Cats pitches, Bobby Murcer, Danny He goes into a panic when he of toe sand or mud as the club Lloyd BoutUler 154-365, John tlons in 27 attempts which is ries in the five remaining U.S. ship, even if he would fall to get weed^ ^ bed give the...... lure- sev- days in toe deep south/efore Texas-and Gordon Smith of Cater and Jim Lyttle paced toe finds the ball burled or the sand makes contact. If you have a Cnp on Display Rival 138-363, Pete Peterson 140- very good, but we did allow one \uto Oub races tola year to set a point In toe fln^ five races. wet or muddy. Too often in tola short shot of about 10 yards try score and we have to be more a recordSc^'o. of 12U wins. He thlnka Jim McElreato, wh,who is1. Mcond, rT-S'rrBTVrN.TS^ ^ U,. BOSTON (AP) — The Stanley 130-861, Tony Dzen 146, Dom MILEX KNOWS situatiem he wants to try to cut to hit about three Inches behind lYAngona 141. ____ ks at Hartford, Q6nn., Sun- second year. Svelnys Scores Cup, hockey’s most prised tro- ^gressive when that ^ ^ - - ^ ^ s t ^ ^ r e In toe ^ ^ u . how to take hotter care of your U r’s engine. Call (or an appoint­ toe ball onto too greeri by open­ toe ball. frog Jumping Into hy won by toe Boston Bruins Our next opponent Is Maloney Trenton 3(» race Sunday er, ■whose entry Sunday will be ment 01 stop in to MILEX today. At Fox Grove for toe fiiBt time in nearly three toe water aijd then gliding Boston Coach Toinmy Hein- Seek Anotiier 'Team from toe outside to toe inside. to aim at a spot corre^iondingly IQ 1 One more duckpinl bowling closer to toe bpU. Also remem­ decades last season, is return­ 249 Broad Street Winning toe 36-hole Presi­ 11110 is definitely the wrong Sports Dial team la needed to complete toe ber that on such shots there will ing to town for a nine-day public dent’s Cup at the Fox Grove approach. When toe ball Is bur- have to really have it next w,eek wrong between now much never give up the retrieve seven holdovers/from last sea- 12-team Knights/of (folumbus (Near the ParVade in Manchester) bo no backspin. The ball will display, starting Wednesday. TONIGHT the 31- says it doesn’t make ------, . C. C. last weekend was EUlot led or toe sand wet or muddy. if we are to beat them. Tiiey of toe racing season pickups Bill “Din- ■ League member^lp at the Holl- roll after it lands on toe green. George Rockwell, president of difference what he drives. technique until toe lure U In son, veteran Svelnys of Manchester. Svelnys try hooding,^ toe face of your 7:25 Indians vs. Bed 80s, have a veteran line returning year-old racer said, Wllliams, and day Lanes. Any team Interested 643-2197 Thus to make toe ball stop near the State Street Bank A Trust “ Each one of toe cars I have boat. A big bass will often widdie and imeR fired a a net score of 132. club. By hooding toe club I and this is where toe difference The 300 consists of 200 laps ___ens, Rex Mor- may contact Henry Wlttke. The iinim -iti 148-16 Co., flew to Canada foday to w n c mean that you 'Hipuld set toe toe hole you should aim at a tai> vidll n r ’They are big and they around toe Trenton Speedway’s has won,” said Unse^ w h oa ^ r e ^ u S ^ ^ t o toto g^ *W l^ e^ *^ Ullams and John loop rolls Wednesday nights at Hours: Monday thru Saturday 8-5 Low gross was wt«i by W. (AP Photofu) pick up the trophy, which wiU 7:80 Mets vs. niilUes, WBMI club face so that toe^iends are get ^ t halfway between your- ^/[“rL 'rr rs^ T e; c^ur^ «dney.sbaped apbau c - - btol^d^o^c^^ fel- Healy with 37. Low net were NUMBER ONE — No, Pirates’ Manager Dan Murtaugh isn’t testing wind di be guarded closely while on dis­ 8:00 Senat4» s vs. Yanks, McKlnney.y 6:45. C. Kosak 30, J. Kelly 32 and well ahead of toe ball at'the ad- self and toe hole. Once toe ball WINF dress position. lands on toe green it will roll rection, he is gesturing his team’s present standing after winning three of four play in the main window toe J. Woodcock 32. Kickers were from the New York Mets. Mets are in third spot, three and a half games out. bank’s Franklin Street buUdJng. C. Kosak and J. Shea. You also close toe face slight- the remaining distance.

C MANCHESTER EVENING HEI^ALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.,. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1970 PAGE FOURTEEN .•s MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1970 PAGE FIFTEEN BUGGS BUNNY OUR TOAflUDING HOUSE with MAlfOR HOOPLE Business Services THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW we TALK ABOUT Ytxwaj LOOKiM . Answtr to Frt«iovt Pvnl. BY SHORTEN and WHIPPLE Help Vyanted— Help Wanted— Mob 36 G O T — v iaafossible b a c k , 1 c a n Olio aisiH s jc ic a a Offered 13 Female 35 MBEf* DAMPING IPtzeAMC/ L ' se e THIS IS HOUI? w we'RE T ir e d . N?eport 6-nzAksHT.' AMP If is u p c p THIC ONBOFTHD^ CLASSIFIED STEPS, sidewalks, stone walls, A BABV - sitter's we THOUGHT Weo SECRETARY wanted for busy BURNER service man with PAYS WHEN M CARPS Fooecr yfOB m o b s o p ACROSS 2 Expunger r j fireplaces, flagstone terraces. lAMEMT ... OM A doctor’s office In Manchester, In all phases of No, ~ A LONG s h o t anything 0 * i 3 Pillar MAKE IT AH 2 oil burner service. Excellent TDRAVJ ______THAN LONG HAFTV^J like 1 Procurator of All concrete repairs, Both In. SATURt5AV NIGMT 4 days a week. Must be neat, 4 Fish n EARLWHIGHTf benefits and salary opportun­ FOGABTY^S FlNGgBNAlUS t h e BOSS CON-' Judea (Bib.) 5Dry Gaa side and outside railings, land­ TME PARENTS ARE cooperative and have a pleas­ AGTUALL.V TialfeunNG TO 6 Instruct (comb, form) m 1=1 ADVERTISING scaping. Reasonably priced. HOME NICE AND ant telephone voice. Typing es­ ity . for willing individual. MOVING ■ T he g o f f e b - lllx>ng-drawn glM 6 Play host to C^l 643-0851. EA R L^ - sential. Please reply Box M, Union shop. All inquiries held FUNP.' speech 7 Poetic S a « CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS confidential. Call Mr. Grim­ 12 Reiterate E P> raba Manchester Herald. contraction 1 e> w 8 AJM. to 4:30 P.M. SHARPENING Service—Saws, aldi, 629-2549 for interview ap­ 14 Click-beetle ' 8 Qualified e 15 All a rs knives, axes, shears, skates, HOUSEWIVES — earn a steady pointment. 9 Wainscoted rotary blades. Quick service. 16 Certain rail­ 10 Exhaust cheroot 36 Flight of COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. lifetime income in your spare ------■ ...... — ■— roads (coll.) 11 Golf mounds 26 Coloring steps Capitol Equipment Co., 38 time. Represent our welcome WANTED short order cooks full 17 Eggs 13 Scatters, as substance 37 Adriatic wind 4:30 PJtt. DAY BEFORE PlIBUGATIOM Main St., Manchester. Hours service to local merchants. No and part time.’ Apply in person 19 Stripling hay 27 Basque cap 38 Spanish Deadline lor Saturday and Monday la 4 :S0 p:m. Friday dally 7:30-6, Thursday, 7:30-9. home visits. Exclusive fran- Howard Johnson Restaufant, 20 Prophets priest Q g > o C P o " f-M 18 Anatomical 29 Insane Saturday, 7:30-4. 643-7958. chises now available in Man- 394 Tolland Tpke. Manchester. 23 Preposition duct 32 Printing 40 Circle parts Chester area. No. investment ------ALLEY OOP BY V. T. HAMLIN 24 Not as much 21 Discharged a mistakes 43 Church part PLEASE READ YOUR AD TWO YOUNG married men 25 Fears debt 33 Allotment 46 point required. Call 617-655-2724 col- WANTED — two dependable 27 Embryo OlMsUled or “ Want Ads” are taken over the phone as a will do small repair Jobs and . YEZZIR, AN' HE'S \ A LITTLE ...WITH A SU6HT 22 Healing 34 Charged atom .47 Conger lect. Ask for Mr. McGee. men to work at South Windsor YfVRIATIONJ flowers • ointment 35 Tenant under 49 Heights (ab.) advertiser should read his ad the FIRST painting, also cellar ^ e a n l^ B lTTON A.WEEROAV WE WERE OUT I Auto Parts. Inquire in person, HE TOOK GARVINS ON THE )'MONKEY-SEE 9 28 Layer of MY KNIFE? ) TREE JUST LIKE / MONKEY-DO 24 Strong Indian a lease 50 Japanese coin DAY IT ^ P E A R S and REPORT ERRORS In time for the and light trucking. uttle later PART-TIME or full-time office Schanck Rd., South Windsor. ' YOU PIP, POC.' / YOU THINK? ■wood next Insertion. The Herald Is responsible for only ONE In- 2692, 646-2047. e v e n in g , w h e n sh e THAN WE girl. Must be able to type, and 29 Males 1 2 3 A 5 6 7 8 9 10 coraect or omitted Insertion for any advertlsejnent and then HAS EARLV s c h o o l , Planned- do general office work. No TIRE service man and ware­ SOHaUl only to tte extent of a “ make good” Insertion. Errors which YOU ARE A-1. Truck Is A-1. HEN HEN 31 Clumsy boat 11 i2 13 THE"/ ROLL IN JUST bookkeeping required. Call 289- do not lessen the value of the advertisement will not be Cellars, attics, yards, drive­ house man for growing tire liiiloT EKACTLV A 32 Great Lake b efo r e b o o s t e r 2276. concern. All benefits and over­ 34 Standards of 14 iS oorreoted by ^*make good*’ Insertion. ways se^ed and small truck­ MIRACLE, BUT... REVEIUE - time. Apply in person. Nichols perfection 19 ing done A-1 right. Call Tre- NURSES — RN’s or LPN’s In |4 17 II Manchester Tire, Inc., 296 37 Nail (RockvlOe, Ton Free) mano Trucking Service toll- East Hartford, 11-7 shift, full 38 Italian river 26 21 22 24 Broad St., Manchester. 39 Greek letter free. 742-9487. or part-time. Good benefits, ______41 Table scrap 28 28 27 643-2711 875-3136 pleasant environment, paid ^ w o males needed for part- 42 Collection of POULARD Tree Service — Ex­ meals and meal time, paid in­ BY J. B. WILLIAMS 2$ time work. Apply in person OUT OUR WAY quotes pert tree removal, pruning surance benefits. Phone Bum- 44 Sardinia (ab.) „ , only, Howard Johnson Restau- sr 31 Automobilos For Sob 4 trimming. Reasonable. Free side Convalescent Home, 289- rant, 394 Tolland Tpke., Man- 45 Showered estimates. 628-3021. OH, M A "AN O TH E R / IM5 TEAP OF X WEVER MIWD,yVlA-JHAT'S \ 48 Cathartic 32 33 34 38 36 CORVETTE, 1968, convertible, 9671. Chester. WIPIKJOTHE PISHES/THISCLOWKJ'S ) J U S T S O M E OFTH'JEAL- y a. 51 One who HERALD dark blue, 4-speed, 327-350 h.p. CLEANING — Interior —both TRAlPSlkJO BACK AMD FORTH TO J OUSY \Ki HER OOZWOUT makes amends 3^ 38 U 40 JYPIST-(3LERK — shorthand INSPECTOR, second shift, THE UVIWG ROOM S 0 3 HE OAKJ SHE'S FRETTINJ' 'CAU SE , am-fm radio. 7 good wide residential and commercial. :4 52 Western helpful but not necessary. Ma- plasma flame spray depart­ HOLP THEM /M FROKTTOF THE SHE HASKJ’T O O T W H A T rr cattle (pi.) 41 43 44 BOX LEHERS ovals, excellent condition. 643- Satisfactory work guaranteed. DAVY JONE BY LEFF and McWILLIAMS AIR OOMPIT/OWER/ BETTER TAKES UR5 TAIRS TO FIG­ Buil(fhi9*~~ Roor Finishing 24 Help W onted- ture individual for personnel ment, experienced. Must be COME POWW AKJPSTRAIOHTEKI URE OUTAKJ EASIER 53 Anoint 48 49 60 0009. For friendly free estimates, 54 Domestic 48 46 47 Controctinq 14 Female 35 and safety department to In­ familiar with general inspec­ HIM OUT/ 1 WAY TO WASH 'EM/ Fm* Yoor call Suburban Floor Mainten­ FLOOR SANDING, and refln- vestigate accidents and check ^ I'LL BE V AN> E, Y y OU'LL ALWAYS BE SCOTTY'S D >PP BE GREAT IF T UNFORTUNATELY, ^ slaves' 51 52 I960 FORD Starllner, good ance, 649-9229. ishlng (specializing in older tion procedures Involving air EVERY PIVE ENDED ) THEY A L L D O N ’T .' Infomiution MASONARY , — All types of out references of professional craft parts. Small company, AR O U N D T O L vjelcOMED, SCOTTY. IS AN ACE, PAVY.' y WHOLE PECK ^ J DOWN body, engine needs work. floors). In and outside paint­ WOMEN for snacK bar eve­ SO HAPPILY, MARCO. ------stone and concrete work. No drivers and dock men. Nelson metny benefits. Please apply in VISIT SOON. ------• S THE HERALD will not Make an offer. 646-4204 after 3. CUSTOM MADE slip covers, ing. Ceilings. No' Job too small. nings, hours 6—closing. Must 1 Occupied, as t L Job too small. Free estimates. Frelghtways, Inc., 47 East St., person, Klock Co., 1366 Tolland an office discloRA the Identity of $82 - $129, in the convenience John Verfallle, 649-6760. be able to work Saturday or any advertiser using box 1970 TORINO GT, 16,000 miles, of your living room. Choose Quality workmanship. Work Rockville, 872-9121. Tpke., Manchester. (Newspaper InUrptis* Asm.) guaranteed. Out of- season Sunday or 4:30 — 7 evenings. letters. Readers answer­ excellent condition, still under from over 200 exciting prints. Apply In person Vemon Lanes, CLEANING woman wanted 2 DRIVER — must be over 24, ing blind box ads who warrantee, $2,500. 876-1796. Grant’s of vAnon, 872-9171. rates. Call after 5 p.m., 643- desire to protect their 1870 or 644-2976. Bonds— Stocks Route 83, Vemon. days weekly, reliable. Call 649- full-time, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m., identity can follow ‘his 1966 CHEVY with glass nose, LAWN Mowers — Garden trac­ Mortgages 27 ------7941. salary and all store benefits. Hemi powered, many extras, procedure; tors repaired and sharpened. BOOKKEEPER and secretary, Apply Mr. Katz, Arthur Drug needs drive shaft. Beat Offer, Special Services 15 MORTGAGES — 1st. and 2nd^ Parts and accessories. New ______ATTENTION experienced, to take charge of Store, 942 Main St. Slnclose your reply to 646-2778. mortgages—Interim financing the box in an envetope — and used lawn mowers. Hours r o b BINS ORCHESTRA offers small office. Work load very — expedient and confidential address to the Classified 1964 LINCOLN Continental. 4- 8 to 6, Monday to Saturday. the best in music for your HOUSEWIVES light. Apply in person. Engi­ Manager, Manchester Mini-Motors, 188 (rear) W. wedding reception, house par­ service. J. D. Real Estate neered Metals, 10 Hilliard St., yoU 'U NEVER FORGET THE NEXT ONE, door sedan, white. Has full Assoc. 643-6129. /A Tn *.« U 8. W —All fifhH M A R C O ... /F you suKv/v£ IT CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER Evening Herald, together power with air. Phone 643-9655 Middle Tpke., 649-8706. ty, dlnndr dance, Christmas ______Evenings free? Sell Toys Manchester. »i»yo fcT uiNttd p— js^ with a memo listli^ the and Gifts Party Plan., No FIRST CLASS companies you do NOT or 649-7649, TREE SERVICE- (Soucler) — party. Make your party the MORTGAGES, loans, first, sec- want to see your letter. Trees cut, building lots clear­ talk of the town with a live or- o„d, third. All kinds. Realty cash investment. No Collect­ 1961 2-DOOR gray. Mercury chestra as low as $120. Call Help Wanted— Mole 36 BY KEN MUSE Your letter will be de­ ed, trees topped. Got a tree statewide. Credit rating unnec­ ing, No Delivering. No ex­ MECHANICS WAYOUT Monterey. Very good condi­ 247-7136, 232-6476. stroyed U the 8ulvert)ser problem! Well worth phone essary. Resisonable. Confiden­ perience needed. Also book­ TRUCK Drlvdr and also work tion. One Owner. Reasonable ing parties. Call or write 7 is one you’ve mentioned, call, 742-8252. FREE TOYS and gifts can be tial, quick arrangements. Alvin in yard. Davis & Bradford if not it will be handled offer. 643-7687 after 6 p.m. "Santa’s Parties” , Avon, Needed to build quality ma­ LOGIC ON THE ROAD MAP yours In time for Christmas. Lundy Agency, 627-7971. 988 Lumber Co., 200 Tolland St., WHY MOTHERS QET aRAY ...... « m. h w » in the usual manner. MANCHESTER Tree Service — Conn. 06001. Telephone 1- chinery. Excellent fringe AND SEE IP THERE ARE FORD 1968 Torino Squire, very Let me give a toy party In Main St., Hartford. Evenings, East Hartford. Specializing in tree removal, 673-3465. benefits and pay. good condition, power steer­ your home. You’ll love it! 647- 233-6879. ANY ALTERNATE ROUTES! pruning, shrubs, lots cleared. MEAT cutter wanted, good ing, brakes, air-condition^, 9613. Bea. Fully Insured. Call 649-6422. MORTGAGES — First and sec­ working ,conditions. Apply Ver­ CaU Mrs. Bmnettl, 643-2487 SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL new tires. $2,460. 646-0667. . Lost and Found 1 (JREJATrVE Catering — offer­ ond. All types to suit require­ SALESWOMAN and Cashier non Circle Market, Route 83, between 9 a.m.-6 p.m. ments. (Confidential, efficient at circle, Vemon, Conn. 649- LOST — On September 14, 1966 VOLKSWAGEN Fast back ing formal dining, modem buf­ needed, full and part-time. WHA-T'S sedan. $1,100. 1968 Plymouth Household Services service. P. A. Thome, 649-6281. 6329. I'M Sammy, blue male, parakeet, fets, cookouts, stag parties Working hours to suit your IHE OFF OH Fury III, power steering, auto­ bffered 13-A created especially for you. 24 vicinity of Maple and Grant schedule. Apply In person to r e t ir e d Gentleman, part- PART - TIME oU truck driver. HURRY ANOTHER m atic,'$1,660. 1964 Ford, $176. Leggett St., East Hartford, Mr. Shenkman, Jr. Pilgrim St„ Rockville. CaU 872-9219, af­ LIGHT ‘tmcklng, yard^, cellars, time Job to help social security Apply in person. Cooperative EYPEOlTlON. Savings Bank of Manchester, 528-5348. Business Opportunity 28 Mills, Oeikland St., Manches­ ter 4. Reward. attics cleaned and removed. payments, but not stop ]^em. OU Co. 315 Broad St. Manches­ 923 Main St. Manchester, 646- ter. 7:30-10 a.m., ,6 days wedkly. 1700. Bulk delivery. 644-8962. ter. < « LOST — Passbook No. W10368 Roofing— Siding 16 Floor washing and light cleem- WANTED general machinist Sa-vings Bank of Manchester. f d RD _ 1966 _Falrlane, auto^ REWEAVING of bums, moth- WAITRESS wanted full or part- Ing. CaU 649-6663 for appoint­ Application made for payment. holes, zippers repaired. Win­ ment 2-6 p.m. Friendly Ice with some milling and lathe matic. Gtood condition. $496. P & S ROOFING and repairs time. CaU Tolland — 875-9960. Call 649-0347. dow shades made to measure, done realistically. Free esti­ SUNOCO Cream, Burr Comer, at the experience. Metronics Inc., BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE ail size Venetian blirids. Keys mates. Call anytime. 649-1618 RESPONSIBLE woman to work Caldor Center. Route 6 & 44A, Bolton. Porsonols 3 1968 SATELLITE — 426, Hemi- made while you wait. Tape re­ or 742-8388. Modem three-bay service WHY, I WAS A ER..UH.-IT'S JUST AN station In the Manchester- afternoon 1 to 6 :30 in rest home. PART-TIME days, hours ar­ DAD.' SURPRISE/ REDE WANTED to PWA, pur- 4-speed. Take over payments. corders for rent. Marlow’s 867 JUST STARTING FOR THE FOOTBALL REGUIAI? , INTRAMURAL GAME, BIDWELL Home Improvement Vemon area. High Poten­ CaU 640-6985. ranged, repair man. Apply chaslng department from West Call 646-2990. Main St., 649-5221. TOP WAGES FIELD. WANT TO COME ALONG SAAAEf DAD. I'VE BEEN Co. Expert Installation of tial in gasoline and repairs. Singer . Se'wing Center, 866 Middle Tpk^. Hours 8-4:45. 649- AND WATCH ME aAV.** ON A MEANING TO WRITE 1967 (CHE'VROLET, 2-door, 6 ODD JOBS, light trucking, car- aluminum siding, gutters and Paid training. Financial as­ Main St., Manchester. 6073 after 6. CLERKS PRINTING p l a n t !* TUESMY YOU, BUt.. WELL, HOW ExcrriNO. where t o ? VJIUASE DRUe STORE cylinder, standard, best offer. pentry, roofs, miscellaneous re­ trim. Roofing Installation and sistance, business counsel­ 9 I DECIDED NOT TO Full-time openings for ex­ j r 10 SET A BOITUE OF RIDE wanted dally, 'vicinity 643-7467. pairs, patios, porches, retain­ repairs. 649-6496, 876-9109. ing, and promotional as­ GO OUT FORTHF % perienced figure clerks. PLATEMAKER— yifiPlRlN FDR THE KIN©- West Middle Tpke., Main or ing walls, ceramic tile, con­ sistance.. Experience necessary. J 1968 PONTIAC, Tempest, 6, crete work. Clean up. 646-0253, Company offers excellent FROZEN FOOD CLERKS Broad Streets to State St., standard, dark green, low wages and working condi­ Hartford. Leave 8:30 return anytime. Roofing and For information call Mr. CHIEF’S OPERATOR— FULL-TTME POSITIONS mileage, clean. Secretary get­ tions. Convenient free park­ Experience necessary. 3:30. Call 646-3433 after 6 p.m. ting married. $1,296. 876-3667. LIGHT TRUCCKING, cellar and Chimneys 16-A Cox, 668-8400. Evenings ing and an excellent free attics cleaned, odd Jobs, lawns. and weekends, Bill Fitz­ benefit program. PRESS HELPER— Starting salary $99 per week 1956 HUDSON Rambler, 68,000 ROOFING — Specializing re­ Gerald, collect 413-733-2779. trees cut and removed. 643- Moving stock, wash up, and up depending upon Automobiles For Sole 4 miles, very good condition. pairing roofs of all kinds, new Apply 6000. - maintenance—will train. backg(round plus complete NEIED OAR? (Credit very bad? Call 649-0449, after 6. roofs, gutter work, chimneys program of fringe benefits'. ‘I came over to return the call you and your Junior cleaned and repaired. 30 years FIRST NATIONAL Bankrupt, repossession? Hon­ TWO handymen want a variety WRAPPER— Apply paid ua last w eek!" experience. Free estimates. MANCHESTER — Boutique STORES INC. No experience necessary. est Douglass accepts lowest of Jobs by day or hour. We Auto Accessories-- Call Howley 643-6361, 644- shop. Illness dictates fast sale. Park and Oakland Aves. down, smallest payments, any­ clean yards, attics and cellars. BY LANK LEONARD 8333. All, offers considered. Must be East Hartford BINDERY—Need man ex- MICKEY FINN where. Not small loan finance Tires 6 Reasonable. Call 643-6306. sold. Frechette Realtors, 647- ' perienced In all bindery MOTT’S company plan. Douglas Mo­ ■ PIANO TUNING and band In- Heating and Plumbing 17 9993. FASHION Frocks can help you. equipment — primarily fold­ STEVE CANYON BY MILTON CANIFF tors, 346 Main. 900x20, 1000x20, 1100x20, tlres. strument repairing by Hartt Managers and Ckiunselors ers. SHOP^RITE NONE AT ALL—HE'S GRANT'S Plumbing Service — STILL IN A COMA/ 1966 (CHEVELLE, 396-426 h.p., Call after 6, 649-2330. CTOllege of Music graduate. needed. Work 3 evenings a ------^ ^ Free estimates, plus quality Help Wanted— HE SAYS MISS SAY ^ ANPTOCANCELTHE V HE SAID A BLONDE rebuilt. Crane, Hooker, Hurst, Ward Krause., 643-5336. week, earn $60. Car necessary. Top wages, plus a liberal SOCIAL EVENTS THE WOMAN VISITED work. 643-6341. Female 35 742-7562, 643-6586. benefit program that in­ Superma^rkets IS DRIVING BACK TO Schioffer, Sun, Lakewood. Ex- CUSTOM made draperies, slip HMM-STEVE" HOLLYWOOD a l o n e ! BASE PEOPLE HAP SAVANNAH EARLY I cellent condition. 646-3824. Trollers— SAM WATSON Plumbing ^ cludes a non-contributory LINED UP FOR HER.' THIS MORNING- covers and reupholstering. WE HAVE Just Uie Job for the 687 East Middle Turnpike, -T H A T WAS Mobiie Homes 6>A Heating. Bathroom remodel- NURSES Aides, 3-11. CaU 649- pension plan. SAVANNAH AND THAT STARTED Budget terms. Established in ser.il-retired nurse. Good pay, 1967 MUSTANG, GT, 390, 4------ing and repairs. Free esU- 4619. Manchester 6AY'S MAN THE EARTHQUAKE speed, many extras. Excellent 1967 APACTIE tent trailer, 1946. Days, 624-0154, evenings, ea^- hours, minimum nursing. Apply in person or^call: mates. CaU 649-3808. ------A6ER condition, $1,460 as Is. 647-9266, sleeps 4, walnut cabinet, awn- 649-7690. Why don’t you call us? You’ll be glad you did. 649-2368. 876-0626 after 6. Ing and 25-gallon gas tank in- FALL clean ups, Attics, cellars, NURSE aides, all shifts,, will or best offdr. ALLIED PRINTING PAINTERS —. Helpers only, eluded. $526. garages cleaned. Trash re­ train. Call 646-0120. Phone 643-6033. Millinory, PART-TIME maid ' needed. SERVICES some experience required. i©llM moved. Free estimates. 528- Phone, 644-1604. Manchester McNeaett 1963 OLDSMOBILE 88, 2-door, Dressmaking 19 BABYSITTER wanted in my 579 Middle Tpke. West Government Job, East Hart­ Hradtcale. lae running condlUon, $76. 649-7926. CAMP trailer, sleeps 6, 0670. home, four afternoons weekly. Motel, McNall St., Manches­ ford location. $4.60 per hour. Manchester, Conn. stove, refrigerator, heater. Ex­ TROUBLE finding minis? Cus­ Monday, Tuesday, Thursday ter, Conn. CaU Bob Melendy after 4:30, 1963 CHE'VROLET station wag­ cellent condition. CialL after 6 tom made dressesT ladles suits, and plday. I2:30 to 6:15. $15 STORE WO^Rk”~ —Aftera^ns^, 643-1101 8'76-7179. on, 4-door, standard shift, 8 p.m., 646-2463. Bui1Chng~* ______O:______gowns and alterations. Prompt weekly. 643-1041.______Gelco, 283 West Middle Tpke., se r v ic e : station attenijant, BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY cylinder. Excellent condition. Contracting 14 service. Coll 649-1133. MR. ABERNATHY — WAITRESS — Full or part- Markham. part or full-Ume days. Apply One owner. $350 or best offer. MAN —needed. to do Janitor -TL. g y ']®®r .Auto Driving School 7-A LEON CHes^skl_buUder—new Dick’s Shell Service, 663 Cen­ 1®® 1 A$100 BILL] I d o n T REAAEMBER 643-f708. time, day work. Apply In per- b a KERY saleswoman, after- work in evenings, full-time. In SAVING ANVTHING homes custom built, reniodel- son only. Howard Johnson’s, hours, good wages, ter St. i 'd l ik e t o SORRY, S IR ,I 1963 PORSCHE, super 90. In DAY’S Driving School — 26 ing, additions, rec rooms, ga­ Moving~-;Trucking— . Manchester area. CaU 527-9286 DON'T HAVE ABOUT WANTING 394 Tolland Tpke., Manchester, steady position. Apply Parkade or apply Rudder Building Serv- GROCERY clerk wanted, good M AKE A WINTHROP BY DICK CAVALU good condition, Must sell. No professional driving ex- rages, kitchens remodeled, C H AN G E c h a n g e ! 040. perience. CaU 649-6160. Storage 20 RESPONSIBLE middle - aged Bakery, Parkade Shopping ice Corp., 167^ Charter Oak working conditions. Apply at DONATION reasonable offer refused. bath tile, cement work. Steps, Center. TO CHARITY FOR TH IS' dormers. Residential or com­ MANCHESTER — Delivery- woman who likes children, (3 __ Avenue, Hartford. Vemon CSrcle Market; 849- WHO WOOL!?'lOO UKE ATTILA THE H O N ^ . (0 H,WELL.../^ASIUUV , „ 1993. 6329. MV DEAR. Garage— Service— mercial. CaU 649-4291. light trucking and package de­ school age) to llve-ln tempo- WOMEN to collect and pack MEAT cutter wanted, good TD SEE ELECTHD QueeTiON... y® 1967 CUTLASS Supreme, auto- rarily. Advance noUce, refer­ c livery. Refrigerators, washers eggs. Miller Farms, Coventry, wages, good working condi­ SERVICE STATTON attendant, FFEStDEKT IN 1972, maUc, new tires, good condi­ Storage 10 HALLMARK Building Cto. for and stove moving, specialty. ences, room and board plus 643-8021. NASTV 7 home improvement, additions, salary. Write P.O. Box 126, tions. Apply In person to John full-time, days. Apply In per­ tion. $1,800. Drafted, CaU 646- Folding chairs for rent. 649- Quigley, BTrst Foods, 646 Cen­ GARAGE for rent. School St., rec rooms, house painting, Bolton. ^ DEMONSTRATORS — Earn son. Charest Esso, Route 30, 2202 after 6 p.m. 0752. ter St., Manchester. Memchester, $6 monthly. Glas­ garages, roofing, gutters. Free ’ $2(X) in toys and gifts plus $260 Vemon. tonbury, 633-1874. TYPIST needed part-time, hours JONES 6- 1967 OLDSMOBILE 442, head­ estimatea. All work guaran­ cash for Just 20 nights work. RlflSeUAY ers, gears, many extras. Set teed. 646-0202. arranged. CaU 643-2743, ask for Demonstrate Laurene’s' top Pointing— Poporing 21 Mrs. Dlnova. 9 -ia for racing. 646-4696, 646-2482. Motorcycles line. No collecting. No deliver­ DORMERS, garages, porches, ing. (3all 643-5942 or collect 1- COLONIAL BOARD OQ 1968 VOLKSWAGEN, tan, se- Bicycl)es- 11 rec rooms, room additions, JOSEPH P. LEWIS, — Chistom ' BY AL VERMEER Painting, Interior and exterior, NURSE'S Aide, 11 to 7 shut. 489-4101 before 5 p.m. PRISCILLA’S POP ,dan. $1,300. Good mnnlng con­ kitchens, add-a-levels, roofing, and dition. CaU 649-3690, after 5 .siding, general repairs. Quality paperhanging, fully insured. CaU 649-4519. PROFESSIONAL couple with 7 ^ A.K.1V, t h a n k s t o 1967 HONDA 305 chopped, best H O W ^THEV HAD US PUT R O U N D p.m. workmanship. Financing avail­ For free estimates call 649- one school-age child requires W A S T H E PEGS AND SQUARE- P E G S . vAs H n AW.''' M V OU offer. 647-1181 alter 6 p.m. able. Economy Builders, Inc. 9658. If no answer 643-6362. COlft^TElt girls for 3 p.m. to W H IT T L IN tSIOt: B., 7 p.m. and w^kends. Please responsible woman with own A P T IT U D E IN TH' RIGHT HOLES. ».a x 1062 FORD Falrlane, good run­ 643-6150, 872-0647 evenings. Lydall and Foulds Division T E S T , KNIFE.' B. H. MAGOWAN JR. & Son*, apply In person, Mr. Donut, transportation. Light house­ ning condition, n^ds tires. keeping duties, 3 afternoons a L E S T E R Business Services SAVE MONEY! Fast service. interior and exterior painting, 265 West Middle Tpke., Man­ $226. CaU 649-3924 alter 6 p.m. week. South Windsor area. Skilled and unskilled. Excellent wages. Full-time. ?? CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE TURNER Dormers, room additions, ga­ paper hanging. Thirty years chester. Offered 13 (Jood salary for right person. Six days per week. Shift differential. Blue Cross, 'S 1962 CHEVY II compact, very rages, porches, roofing and experience, four generations. CMS, life insurance, paid holidays and other fringe rtL REAP ELDRITCH'^ PIARV IT MU®T BE f u n n y t h i n s , f f v f e - clean. As Is. Call 643-2961 after Free estimates, fully Insured. LICEINSED practical nurse CaU evenings after 7, 644- 0 IT FTT5 THE BUT SOMEHOW HER F A C E ^ siding. Ctompare prices. Add- LATER».1T MAV TELL \ » 90M c- JUNK CARS removed, $10 graduate. Ck>nn. license. 3 p.m. 2762. benefits, S L -IS L L i THIN®... MBANTIAAE. LET® TRY > MARK ON THE LOOKEfiSM^g/^ 4:30 p.m. A-Level Dormer Corp. 289- 643-7361. Ml I 1 I I 1 WAI I.PAPP-e each. Call 872-9433. to 11 p.m., five week days. THE ATTICl ------ltf67 VOLKSWAGEN. Excellent ______0449. ______NAME your own price. Paint-' Small nursing home. Rock­ CHILDREN back to school? House clean and peaceful? 615 Parker St., Manchester, Conn. condition. Needs good home, LIGHT trucking, odd Jobs, also j " i^ p T ^ ih e _ Carpenter '" 8^. paperhanging, removal. ville, 876-9121. What then — lonely and rest­ $1,100...... 643-6914.. mo'vlng large appliances. .. ■ AddiUoiis. remod- Prompt sendee, fully Insured. contractor. AddiUons, remod­ less? Fill Burning barrels delivered, $4. Satisfaction guaranteed. CaU those spare hours M rs. E . F. L oftu s 1970 CHEVELLE Super Sport. eling and repairs. <3all any­ NURSE’S Aides — 7 to 3 p.m., with new friendsff*tonHa andarwl high ^****"^^'^ 4 . 644-1776. Jerry Kenny, 647-9664. 4-speed, vinyl Interior. 350 h.p. time for free estimate. 876- part-time. CaU 649-4619. profits serving AVON custom­ o -r i $2,800 or best offer. 649-5889. AMESITE WORK—Repidr walks 1**®- . FALL— A good time to have ; ^ r ers. Call n o w — 289-4622. , “ LEGAL Secretary — Manches- WANTED truck driver — stock MALE help — part-time appU- 1969 DATSUN 4-door, sedan, and driveways. Holes repaired. ^^RPENTRY - concrete steps. your house painted. CaU Rich- ter law firm has ' position avail- CLEANING woman wanted, 3-4 Reasonable. For free esUmates floors, hatchways, remodeling ard E. Martin, 649-4411. Pro clerk, one full-time, one part- ance salesman. Name your BY COKER and PENN vriiltewalls, radio, snow tires able. Applicant must have days weekly. Permanent posi- Ume afternoons, 1 to 6:30. Ap­ LANCELOT" call 643-9112. porches, garages, closets, ceil- fesslonal painters, free esU- own hours. Choice of pay Included. Excellent condition. some shorthand, good typing, Uon. Send name, address, ply In person. Alcar Auto Ings, attics finished, rec mate. schedule. Apply Bemie’s TV, / WANT TO 6 0 FISHING > I WANTTC? ' well, e o much FDR A\'/ 742-7697. . ^ ______TIMBERLAND Tree Service, and transcribing proficiency. phone number and references Parts, 226 Spruce St., Man­ Manchester Parkadci. 6HARB ANP TD©e THeRNB&& THBORV/” tree removal, pruning, shrubs, rooms, formica, ceramic, Oth­ Legal experience preferred but to Box R., Manchester Herald. (y WjTHMe, LORI ? 1966 VOLKSWAGEN squared C0NTRA(JT0R — Interior, ex­ chester. PARTIClFWre \ and lots cleared. Fifteen years er related work. No Job too not required.' Salary commen­ All replies confldenUal. Writ­ metallographer —Knowl­ back. Good condition. $1,095. small. Dan Moran, Builder. terior painting, paper hanging. IN ALL iitPUR 0 *0 experience. Bonded and insur­ Discount on wallpaper. CaU surate with quallficaUons. CaU ing ability not r^ulred. edge of meUab operaUona and OFCDURG6 , HDB0IES/ 628-6028, anytime. ed. Free esUmates. (Jail 647- Evenings, 64B-8880. Mr. Karlson, 649-6277 to ar­ spectrographlc analysis requir­ BY ROUSON Oscar Hebert, 646-3(M8. WANTED reliable baby-sitter I PO, LANCe! , LITTLE SPORTS 9479. range Interview. ed. To $11,300. Rita Personnel, 1970 FORD Country Squire. 390 CARPENTRY and remodeling for two school-age children, 12 STORE MANAGER V-8, automatic, power steer­ rec rooms, dormers, kitchens, MR. K‘s decorating service. 646-4040. aoAT Show MASON work expertly done. Painting, Interior and exterior, INTERESTING part-Ume work to 4:30 p.m. Within walking ing, luggage rack, radio, additions and garages. CaU as secretary in doctor’s office, distance to Verplank School. Stone, brick, block, fireplaces, paper and rinyl hanging. Free Excellent opportunity for X-RAY TECHNICIANS (Indus- □ whitewalls, balance of factory Tom Corbitt, 643-0086. amemoons only. Monday CaU 647-1620 after 6 p.m. trial) background in either warranty. Will take trade. brick homes, paUoe, steps, ^tlmates. 668-8089. energetic individual looking sidewalks, cellar floors and re­ through Friday. Write Box DD, Iridium, cobalt or electric. To $3,260. 643-9780. WES ROBBINS Carpentry re­ WOMEN, high school and col­ for top pay. Benefits and a pair work. 1-749-6116. INSIDE—outside painting. Spe­ Manchester Herald. $170. Rita Personnel, 646-4040. modeling specialist. Additions, lege girls. Earn extra (Christ­ chance to grow. Progressive 1908- BLACK Imperial all pow­ rec rooms, dormers, porches, cial rates for people over 65. SHARPENING Service — Saws CaU my competitors, then call FAMOUS'brands Jree if mas money. Need tw'o women company now has opening DESPATCHER for a top truck­ er, heml, used dally. No rea­ cabinets, formica, built-ins, you run a weekly shop by-mall full time, 2 part Ume. Choose in a high volume discount ing company, $210. to ’ start L . sonable offer refused. 649-1294 knives, scissors, garden and me. Estimates given. 649-7883. bathrooms, kitchens, 649-3446. club for few friends. Send for your own .hours. Average $3. drug store in the Hartford' with a subetanUal increase !)I shop .tools. Power mowers re­ Vaa after 6 p.m. paired and serviced. Pick up ROGER’S PAINTING, Interior details and free all new cata­ an hour. No experience neces­ area. Write to Box C, Man; within 6 months. AU benefits Chester Herald. 1964 (JHEVY n , 8 cylinder auto- and delivered. Sharpall, 686 and exterior, celling, wall- . log. No obllgaUon. Popular sary. For appointment, call including $20,000. life Insurance maUc, g ^ Uroe, $369 or best Adams St. (rear) Manchester, A d s anytime, 643- CJlub Plan, Dept. Z602, Lyn- Mrs. Joyce, 289-8333. 9:30-12, paid by company. Rita Person­ oOer. (JaU 647-IB9B. 643-6306. 0923. brook, N. Y. 6-7 p.m . nel, 646-4040. / ^-----


'MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTOMBER 22, 1970 PAGE SEVENTEEN PAGE SIXTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1970 Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sole 72 Houses For Sole 72 Houses For Sole 72 O ut off Town FumisiMd Business Pfoperty Houses For Sale 72 Articles For Sole 45 For Sale 75 Dinig Center i l T A R . ApcvtiiMiits 63-A For Sale 70 MANCHESTER — 3 family, 6-6 SUBURBAN Splendor, 8-room — ------'■------MANCHESTER -iPitce reduc-. CoritemporsuY Split In ex- DUTOT Cokmlal, 9 rooms, Por- NUtNCHEJOTER ■By CLAY R. POLLAN- LIRRA MILLIONS of rugs have been with 3 car garage, nice floor . O. » .V, .t e<* on quality ^ve- VERNON-Immaculate 8-room Tba Drug Advisory Conter ARIIS BEDRY'S WORLD ROCKVILLE —Nlcd four-room RESTAURANT business shoW' ter St. area. Four bedrooms, 3 or 4 bedroom Cape, fire- bedroom, . two-year-old Gar- colonial reduced to $29,900. Ef- J M Y o U r Daily Aefivify Gaid* SERT- 23 cleaned with Blue Lustre. It’s plan including 2 bedrooms, ex­ quislte seUing on 1% acres. 81 RusseU St. is oboerving the "MAR. 2i CLASSIFIED America’s finest. Rent electric, furnished apartment. $126. Se­ Ing excellent net profit in high Only three years young, l% formal dining room, library, place, country atmosphere, risen Colonial. Kitchen with flclent eat-in-Mtchen, dining If According to fha Stan. OCT. 22 cellent condition. A good buy. traffic count location. Es­ following summer schedule: To develop messoge for Wednesdoy, 3-10-12-24(^ shampooer $1. The Sherwln- curity depoirit required. Adults Wolverton Agency, , Realtors, baths, basement garage. In- assumable ^1,000,' 6 per cent bullt-lns, family room with room, paneled fireplace wall. 4-16-19-28 read words correspcxxling to numbers Williafns Co. only, no pets. Call 648-9678. tablished over 20 years. Price numerable extras you must mortgage. Phllbrlck Agency. • $22,900 Frechette Realtors, fireplace, 2% baths, 2 garages heated rec room, professional- Monday, Tuesday and i> '4 5 4 8 -5 6 . : 31-60-75 649-2813. of your Zodiac birth sign, SCORPIO Includes all the real estate, ______see. lOtten Agency, Realtors, Realtors, 646-4200. 647-9993. and aluminum siding. Now jy landscaped. Louis DimoOk Wednesday, 8:80 a.m. to U ' T A U k U S advertising DARK, rich, stone free, loam, FOUR-ROOM furnished apart­ p.m. am. 20 1 Show 31 And 61 Fin g ers OCT. 21^ restaurant fully equipped, plus PRICELESS CHARM — 4-bed- 643-6930 or 647-1673. asking $41,600. Phllbrlck Agen- Realty, 649-9823. 2 Afternoon 02 Portner 6 2 Fo r ment, thlrt floor, two baths, ■niursday and Friday, 8:80 NOY. 21'! CLASSIElfeD ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS five-yards, |20. Sand, gravel, a house. $66,000. Owner will room custom Garrison Colonial, YOUR FUTURE address could TONTEhffORY 7% - iw m cy. Realtors, 646-4200. ______i':r lanra thmn ------'Z------Z------tacted to help the caller U ,14 Emotiorxil 44 Any cus- 15 And 45 Out 75 Fovored D ie . 22 ^ TOUR COOPERATION W'ILLmA| 9711 Business Locotiem 646-0181. sale. Six-year-old U * R Co- large Uving room with fire- ” BOl-TON -N o w 8-room necessary. iJUNtit 76 Advenfurou* 1%” to 6” in width, 8’-20’ .16 Situation* 46 To JAN . i t BE APPRECIATED ■/■Mb I I MANCHESTER — Three-bed­ lonlal. Five bedrooms, 8% bedroom Randi With 1% b a to. tom buUt Raised Ranch. Four iJULY 22 17 Con 47Reque*t 77 In leng^ths in excellent condition, For Rant 64 VERNON—Route 88, near traf­ <^TTPFRRTY bedrooms. 8% p i^ e, one fuU and two-half For drug advisory informa­ 7- 8438-39^ room Ranch, ideal starter or O L J l: C I V D L I baths, 2 fireplaces. Many other baths. Pour bedrooms, lot lOOx bedrooms, double garage, acre l i > l l 1-27-29-53 1 8 B e 48CM 7 8 M id *t large quantity. Rockville fic circle,, modem commercial tion call: 347-9228. 19 Could 49Colm 7 9 R ig h t 164-6841-86^ MANCHESTER Green — ground retirement home. Convenient­ extras. Price reduced to $69,- igo>. $30,900 PhUbrick rtgency, carport. Asking $24,900. Heri­ treed lot. $81,600. Hayes Agen­ l> to -7 1 -7 6 Scrape, Route 30, Rockville, building approximately 2300 Unique Is this combination 20 Your ■ 50 A 8 0 Y o u r AQUARIUS ly located ■with city water and tage House, 646-2482. cy 6464)1111 LEO 21 Cheerfully 51 Sen*lflve 81 New Continued From Preceding Poqe 872-9032. floor 900 square feet, front por­ of professional offices and 900. For details caU Phllbrlck Realtors, 646-4200. JAN. 20 tion carpeted. Second floor, one square feet, central air-con­ sewers. Basement beautifully Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. ------^------j JULY 22 d 22 C o uld 5 2 G re o f 82 O f ditioning, large display area home. Dwelling is a repUca MANCHEISTER — Just listed. * 23 Wonderful S3 Fedrie** 8 3 1 * . FEE. I t ROYAL Electric typewriter, large room, 350 square feet, al­ paneled atid carpeted. Flag-__ ------:------BOWERS School — 7 - room U . AUG, 22 84 Fury plus waiting and conference of Old New Ehigland Dutch Immaculate 6 - room Ranch, 4124 Event* 54 Moving 4-21-3044 Help Wanted— Mole 36 Help Wanted— regularly $196. now $86. Royal so, three adjoining offices. Will stone patio, permanent gas Colonial architecture and a SE'VEN-R(X>M Cape, four bed- Cape, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, plus beautiful family room, Police Log 9-17-25-49 S25Be 55 "Through 85 Yourself rooms, large paved parking .rooms, 2 - car garage, '1% fireplace, paneling, garage, NEW LISTING WITH B./77-7^-64 26 Doubly. 56 Hond 86 H obbies (7-62-74 portable, $76. Remlngron add­ rent together or one or 'two barbeque and' tool shed in real modem home. Home large treed lot. Must 27 Favor* 57 Moke 87 Decision* Male or Female 37 lot, $60,000. Phllbrlck Agency, baths, weU landscaped. Rock- covered patio, treed lot, child- g a r a g e, pisen GUNSMITH Technician — Sal- er, regrularly $139, now $89.96. separately. Call 649-3741 or 649- small cozy backyard. $22,900. consists of peg floors, mar­ be seen. Upper 20’tf. EVechette ARRESTS VIRGO 28 Get 58 Dijploy 88 Toctfully 646-4200. ledge area. Under $30,b00. safe anchor fenced rear yard. ASSUMABLE . 29 The 59 Your 89 M ote fit. It ary wide open contigent upon TEACHERS to operate and 'Royal adder, $80. Call 649-7798 6688. The Paul W. Dougan Agency, ble fireplace (2), modem, Realtors, 647-9993. Roy K. Wlnther, 26, of 843 60 Amusement* 90 Cost!s tiy Keith Real Estate, 649-1922, Asking $26,900. Helen D. Cole, |! 3 0 T o MAR. 20 qualitications. Rita Personnel. direct summer day camps in after 8. LIQUOR store in Manchester, Realtors, 649-4636, 046^1021. (old faehion) kitchen, bullt- MORTGAGE Oakland St., charged with 9/23 STORE — Suitable lor TV, bar­ 646-4126. Realtor, 643-6666. 023-37-46-58 20-32-40-51 646-4040. your area. No experience good location. Good income. ins, laundry, two-full tiled SIX ROOM Ranch, quaUty con­ breach of the peace. He was ^jj^)Good @ Adverse ^Neutral 67-7345-88' necessary. Up to $6,000. for the BUILDING coming down, 300 ber shop, shoe repair, etc. In­ “ MANCHESTER — A spacious structed, large rooms, very ,.-€^-72-80-99 For details call baths, plus lavatory, large MANCHESTER — 6-room MANCHESTER — Immaculate arrested last night after an In- TRAINEES — Bank branch summer. For those who want used modem fluorescent light cludes lavatory, heated. Ap­ lawn surrounds this four-bed­ pleasant residential neig;hbor- Move-ln condition, 6-room proximately 18x22’. (3omer Agency, Resdtors, 646-4200. room Cape in a neighborhood patio and enclosed porch, Ranch, paneled famUy room, 7-room' Ranch, fireplace,, ga- Cape, beautiful treed yard. cldrtit on Rachel Rd. Court manager and banking credit. money now, attend our region­ fixtures. 4’, $4; 8’, $8 ; two 2-car garage, 6-zoned heat. hood, absolutely immaculate Eldridge and Spruce St. See ideal for your children. Asking fireplace, waU-to-waU carpet, ra ge, carpeting In all rooms, Brand new wall-to-wall car­ date Oct. 6. Some college required. Out­ al meeting at the Holiday Inn bulbs Included. Ideal for ware­ Four rooms plus lavatory condition, tuid an assumable standing career opportunities. owner, 264 Spruce St. $24,900. Mortgage balance of trees. centraUy Irjated, $26,- gorgeous yard. Asking $28,900. peting, central vacuum sys­ South Windsor at New London off Route 96 houses, offices, schools, show Investment Property make up the professional of­ m ortage. E^ill and dry base­ Linda A. Chadboume and Rita Personnel. 646-4040. • - ^ ======r $14,600 is assumable with 900. Hutchins Agency Real- E*rechette Realtors, 647-9993. tem. Plaster walls. $7,000. and 32 on Friday, Sept. 26, at rooms, rec rooms and recess­ 113 E. CENTER ST. — New of­ fice. 2% acres of land. ment with single car garage, Sandra Lee Levlek, both at ed ceilings. Sell any amount. ^ r Sale 70>A monthly payments of $129 in­ tors, 6 4 9 - 6 3 2 4 . ______^ MANCHESTER — Sneak pre- city water and sewer, plaster assumes 6%% mortgage. PART-TIME help wanted for 8 p.m. or at the Shoreham Mo­ fices, air-conditioned, off- Charles Lesperance, 649- Rockville, each chairged with We buy or sell all types of sur­ cluding principle, interest and vlew, 6-room Ranch, large w a 11 8, aluminum siding, Transfer reason for sale.- Highway Fund Re-Allocated Janitorial work, 3 hours a day, tor Hotel, 440 Asylum St., © 1*70 HEA, • street parking, ideal for pro- .MANCnESTER close to shop- 7620. GREAT 2-famUy value, 6-6, shoplifting. They were arrested Hartford, Saturday, Sept. 26, 8 plus fixtures, equipment, taxes. The Paul W. Dougan wooded lot. Asking $24,900. storms, screens, doors, full $22,900. 6 days a week. Call 649-5334. feoslonals. Many extras. 1,100 plug, 4-famlly with 4 room Agency, Realtors, 649-4636, 646- walk to shopping, schools and yesterday aftdmoon at King’s p.m. Wives invited. Young stocks, restaurant and store "It's O.K.— he's a security man getting sharks out of the square feet, wiU subdivide, apartments,'4-car garage, new , ATTRACTIVE. four - bedroom church. A lovely home and a Frechette Realtors, 647-9993. blanket Insulation, flagstone Department Store. Court date For Industrial Park Roads fixtures. Gremmo & Son Sales, 1021. Travelers Day Camps, Inc. area before your swim!" Beechler - Tanguay, 646-2212. heating systems and roof. Mid Cape with garage, acerage and fine investment. The smart walks, all shades and curtains, Oct. 6. 819 East Middle Tpke., 649- stove, refrigerator, fireplace M. H. PALMER, Personal appearance only.' 30’s. Hayes Agency, 646-0131. 6% -ROOM Ranch, breezeway, horse stable. Located in town, way to become a property own- — ■ The Town (Council last night Appointments for an Eiltemate Help W onted- 9963. MAIN STREET office space set, many closets, ceramic REALTOR SCHOOL drivers for station garage, 1% baths, fireplace. ExcepUonal quality. CoU er. $26,000. CaU Warren E. COMPLAINTS resolved to transfer $46,000 member of the Planning , and 100 per cent location near MANCHESTER 17 - room Heritage House, 646-2482. Howland, Realtor 643-1108. SIX-ROOM CAPE bath, and attractive landscap­ A car parked in the rear of from the Continued Appropria- Zoning Commission and a mem- Male or Female 37 wagons, Bolton area, 7:20 - COMPLETE bathroom set, sold Household Goods 51 Apartments , Flats' king sized bedroom, recreation banks, air-conditioned, auto- house on high traffic count room, air-conditioning, view. ing. This is a "just move in” 643-6321 1216 W. Middle Tpke. was brok- tlons Account making it avail- ber to the Park and Recrea- 9:16 a.m. eind 2:16 - 3:30 p.m. as a unit dr separately: Hot NEW LISTING — Immaculate MANCHESTER — First time Tenements 43 matlc fire sprinkler. Apply highway situated on 19,800 $29,900. Hutchins Agency, 649- New on market, good loca- home, because it is clean, well • en Into sometime last night.-' able for the construction at 586 tion Commission were tabled. 649-8400. water oil furnace. Kitchen Ranch with finished basement,"' on the market, 4-bedroom old- built and attractive. $27,600. KENMORE, 4-bumer stove, 6 Marlow’s, 867 Main St. square foot parcel, good busi­ 6824. tiem, near everything, car­ A stereo tape player was dam- feet at South Satellite Rd! and The Council expressed its ap- sink, counter and cabinets. garage, Uving room with waU- er home. Large kitchen, living pet in the living room, Odegard Realty, 643-4366. Reasonable. 643-2466, 643-8609. years old, $60. Call 649-1649. SIX-ROOM, second - floor flat, g^oRE, 20’x70’, 846 Main St., ness potential. Phllbrlck Agen­ ______ANDOVER — Price reduced for repair. 428 feet of Nutmeg Rd. to be predation to John Brown, Ool- cy, Realtors, 648-4200. CENTRAL location . . .six - to-waU plus beamed celling, room, dining room, and sim B stairs, kitchen ai^ haU. Low Situations Wanted— central location, redecorated Downtown Manchester. Avail- ANiaOUP owner leaving state, quick sale. Beautiful 6%-room ------located in the new Park-Centre lector of Revenue for the past rich loam for sale, DIVAN and cover, coffee table, ____ bedroom single in good resl- $20,600. Wolverton Agency Real- room down, $18,600. Wolverton price of $21,600. A % CEunt diamond ring was industrial Park. six years for his efforts in a Radiographic Female 38 and modem, $170. monthly. able September 1st. Call 622- Four-bedroom, 1% baths, Colo- Raised Rwch. Hand split reasonable. Call 742-9477 or ladles’ blue tweed winter coat, MANCHESTER ,— business dential area. 2^ baths, fire- tors, 640-2818. Agency Realtors, 649-2813. nlal, 2-car garage, aluminum shakes, two fireplaces, 2-car reported • missing from th^ be- The money is available at "job with few compliments and Morrison Realtor, 643-1016.______3114. WILL' care lor child in my 872-4366. size 18 or 20, 649-7470. block with 6 apartments, ex- place . . .a home loaded with sidlAg, city utilities, central, garage. Large wooddd lot. lon^ngs of a famUy at 48 Rich- this time as it has been set many complaints.” cellent condition. Owner will possibilities. Lot is VO x 160. MANCHESTER — 7-Poom older SEVEN-ROOM Raised Ranch' licensed home. days. Hebron- c l e a n ; 3 - room apartment. GOOD VISIBLE highway loca- Colonial, 3 or 4 bedrooms, with 2-car garage, large kltch- PETERMAN REALTOR Morrison Realtor, 643-1016. Near schools and Lake. Only victim s fa ^ ly aside since 1966 for plaimed re- >nie Council also paid tribute Technologist DON’T merely brighten your DINING room suite, finance 80 per cent at 8% per <4 Owner will consider 'taking Bolton area. 648-0089. maple; consisting of two-arm heat, hot waMr, appllances tlon, store and office building, large treed lot close to shop- en with buUt-lns, 3 bedrooms, ______one year old Financing avail- "lovlng into the home. The ring construction of Governor’s to South Windsor’s first mayor, carpets. . .Blue Lustre them and garage. Call after 6. 646- cent. Terrific income produc- your present home in trade. 649-9404 chairs, four straight chairs, storage sheds,, large yard. ping and bus, $22,900. Phllbrlck dining room, huge family MANCHESTER — Beautiful 6- 233-3687 or 249-0687. “ ®**®®*^ «l>*awer8. Highway from Rt. 6. where it John Madden. T h e Maddens . . .eliminate rapid resoiling. er.' Call now, Haj'es Agency, Soon vacant. T. J. Crockett, Reg^istered. Part-time for 42x62 table, plus 16” extension 3672. Suitable all t y ^ of business. Agency, Retdtors, 646-4200. room, 2 fuU baths, 100x186 lot. room Cape with 3 b ed room s,------would have joined Newberry gjo leaving for Califcurila and Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 Rent electric shampooer $1. Realtor, 643-f677. ______formal dining room, carpeted BAST HARTFORD —Sbe-room It was reported to poUce last a short distance west of the council expressed its good weekend coverage at Health leaf, china closet with glass Write Box AA. Manchester 646-0181. ------r ---- r------. . ■■ ■ $30,900. Wolverton Agency, Paul’s Paint & Wallpaper Sup­ ONE-BEDROOM at Sunny MANCHESTER __ Hure 4-bed- living room with fireplace, pri- Cape in cream puff condition, night that someone has been Beldon Rd. wishes to them with a resolu- Service, University of Conn. doors, comer cabinet. Moving Herald. LARGE executive home for the j^ggjtpfg 649-2813. ply. Brook Village, Oct. 1st. occu­ PRICE reduced on this large _ O c c u p M c y - ^ discriminating buyer. Give us - ______older Colonial 1% baUis vate shaded yard. Wolverton Large flreplaced living room, tampering with a car while It is citing that reconstruction of uon read by Deputy Mayor Call 429^3311, Ext. 631. DOUBLE-PAWED kittens, free, will sacrifice. 649-4374. bedroom oversized Cape, rec­ room pancy. $166 per liionth in- OFFICE space, Mansfield ^Pre­ comer parcel on West Middle a caU to see this beauty. Rea- ANTIQUE (1843) Colonial, ^ ^e exceUent condition’...... Agency, Realtors, 649-2818. coimtry sized kiechen, 3 or 4 parked near the Hale Depart- this highway would not take .Westbrook. In the resoluUon the call 649-3829, after 6 p.m. SAVE BIG! Do your own rug reation room, wall-to-wall car­ garage, exceUent . condition. Agency, cludes, heat, air-conditioning, fessional Park, close to UConn, Tpke. Excellent potential. Call so n a b ly bedrooms. Priced right. Mlt- ment Store at E. Center St. place in the very near future, council acted on behalf of the and upholstery cleaning with peting, garage, central. All of­ prtced. Heritage House, priced , at $21,900. Six rooms, AliTing and appliances. Paul W. Dou­ rapidly growing area. Over 2,- today for inspection. Heritage 646-2482. ------— » -e j COLLIE puppies, AKC, Sable Blue Lustre. Rent electric REYNOLDS slide trombone, fers considered. Morrison, (plus). 1600 sq.ft, of living Frechette'Realtors, M7-9993. ‘ NEW U S T IN G -O n o year ^ d , ten Agency, Realtors, 643-6930, Shopptog Plaza. Tlrie victim Mayor Howard Fitts explained „,any townspeople who, they gan Agency, 649-4636, 646-1021. 000 squard feet available at House, 646-2482. Space. Backyard privacy. V e r y ______aluminum sided 8 room, 4-bed- or 647-1573. said that someone has appar- jg the last year for use of have benefited from his •OFFICE help, male or female, and white, large white collars, shampooer $1. Olcott Variety ask lor Tom, 643-9471. Realtor, 648-1016. ready to leave next week. 643- once. Clean electric heat, lots _ j " ------— — —— — MANCHESTER good construction and utilities. MANCHESTER Is next door to room Colonial, flreplaced fami------— ------entiy been tampering with the this fund and that it would cer- (Madden’s) tireless efforts in full or part-time, days or eve­ Store. of light. Keith Real Estate, INCOME — South Main St., 3- 4090. AMPLIFIER 100-watt, electric VILLAGER Apartment one- EIGHT^OOM Colonial, like ALL BRICK!! Needs paint and paper which this beautiful 4-room Ranch, ly room, bUUt-lns,. 1% baths, NORTH ^ventry - BH-room carburator of the car since Feb- talnly "be a mistake to let this eoveriiment and wish to nings. Excellent wages, learn guitar, mike and cords. Good bedroom, carpeting, two alr- 649-1W2, 646-4126. property, exceUent ta- For durable beauty ■without will make this an outstanding has oversized garage and In acre lot 16 minutes to Pratt Ranch, fireplace, buUt-lns, ga- ruary. On several occasions as- $4g,ooo go — and that construe- recoenize his past services to vriiUe you earn. Call 646-0630 DOG HOUSE for medium size ______vestment, central location, city new, tastefully decorated. cqndltion. Ask for Tom, 643- conditioners, heat, appliances, costly maintenance. A great house. Assumable mortgage. exceUent condition. Call on this, and Whitney, 3 miles to UConn. *’®*'®’ ^®* "®®*' slstance was required to start of tiiese roads in the com- Windsor Mayor Pitts dog, $5; campdr’s chuck box, MANCHESTER — Middle utilities. Owner says sell. Mor­ Wall-to-wall carpeting, buUt- for details. JESSIE’S kittens - free fluffy, 9171. $186. Charles Lesperance, 649- way to save. Come see this $10. 649-6929. Turnpike Near Parkade, mod­ rison Agency, Realtor, 643- iiu in kitchen, 14x24’ living $21,900. Odegard Realty, 643-_ $19,600. Mitten Agency, Real- Upper 20’s. Wolverton Agency, VO-®*"- Hayes Agency, the car. pig^ seems like the appropriate ..1,^.3 a lot of good housebroken, 643-2902. ------— 7620. lovely seven room home with em office or store space for 1016. room with fireplace, large 4868. tors, 6434930. Realtors. 649-2813. 6464131. ------it to be "used right himself which net screened porch and patio. double g;EU*age completely ------Tw®nty dollars was reported g^gy g^a to get dlvidendj^ from ^ DUO-SET PROCESSING BLACK miniature poodle 10% Boafs and Accessories 46 tnOLIN with baW and case. LOOKING for anything in real lease. Wfil sub-dl'vide. (2- surrounded by many ma­ NEW ON the Market — West MANCHESTER — 8 and 8, spa- OWNER^aii^ous - i ^ c l ^ missing last night from a home ...... ^ pattern for this town.' months old, AKC registered ,------mohths free rent for new ten­ First-floor family room, four CO. Good. $66. Call 876-4179. estate rental - apartments, bedrooms. Well plEumed clos­ ture trees. A picturesque Slde, comer lot, B-zoned. clous two-famUy in exceUent 7-room Colonial. 1% baths, p i m ^ S w CouncUman Robert Sills noted Fund-Raiser all shots, paper trained. Must GERIC!H Marine Service 1082 ants.) Call Lou Amida, 644- A campaign fund-raising dln- homes, multiple dwellings, no Land For Sale 71 home for you at only $31,- Six-roomOOA-aVfVFSSa older home, g plus------one- condition. ------^Recently ------modemiz- A4fireplace,, A carpeting, garage, . . — ______U that ltlL I distribution llX L fl Mil Lit 111 UA of U this U i» lUlAXA fund * w — Buckland. ets and storage areas. Phll­ ELLINGTON, CONN. sell, child allergic. $85 or best Tolland Tpke., fees. Call J.D. Real Estate As­ 1639, 643-6464. 400. Mr. Bogdan. car garage. $19,000. Keith Real ed, large treed lot. Many ex- central. Open for offerings, room, new cerainlc tile bath, ^ garden at 138 Oak St., was the Park-Center would "ex- Abraham Glassman, E'vinrude Sales and service VERNON — 6 acres, 600’ front­ brlck Agency, Realtors, 646- offer. Leash and coat Included. Musical Insrrumenhi 53 sociates, Inc. 648-6129. 4200. Estate, 649-1922, 646-4126. tras. Asking $33,600. Hie Mit- Easy financing. Morrison spacious tree shaded lot. Louis heavily vandalized sometime haust” it and felt that other Democratic candidate for thd and Evlnmde snowmobile______age on West Rd, LaPenta “ - ‘ . ^ ton W.AA AO^R«AAR«^ Agency, Realtors, 643-6930 Realtor. 648-1018. Dlmock, Realty, 649-9623. Sunday night. prospective industry might ex- Assembly District, which steady second shift. Start­ 643-6651. • • o • f sales and service. Boating- CLARINET, trumpet and eleC' ONE - BEDROOM Townhouse Agency, Realtor, 646-2440. IMMACULATE 7-room Colonial B & W 64 DUPLEX needs some work. qj. 047.1573, ing rate 42.40 to $2.66 in trie organ. ExceUent condition. Houses For Rent 65 ■ ^ c t toe same use from sim- three months. Shift differ’en- GERMAN Shepherd - ColUe, Snowmobile accessoiles. apartment at beautiful Pine with attached garage, formal BARi^W S and WALLACE Co. Septira^e furmices. Exceltont MANCHESTER — 8-room Colo- -phe air from a tire on a ^ n r ^ a t l o M and there Windsor, wUl be held on 742-6369. Mfinchester PtirkEide . _ . . . Ual. small size, 10 months, friend­ Ridge Village. Available Oct. SEVEN-ROOM IWsed Ranch. asking"" $?0.“(Sl)': dining room, fireplace, first- neighborhood. Central. Asking MANCHESTER — New custom nigj four bedrooms, 1% baths, lonlal. Three bedrooms, two- sometime Louid be none available Thursday from 6 p.m. to mld- ly, $5. 649-3709. Rec room, fireplace, two-car floor family room, one full, 2 MEinchester 649-5306 $27Tb00. Keith Real Estate, 649- 4-bedroom, Garrison Colonial, recreation room rind two ga- Wng sired, sewing room, spa- *®" woiUd be none available^ KIMBALL spinet piano, blond 1st. $190 per month Includes Over 1,000’ frontage. 17 min­ Complete company paid Florists— Nurseries 49 wood, in good condition. 649- heat, carpeting, air-condition­ garage. $280. per month." The half baths, central air, loads 1922, 646-4126. ^umlnum siding. fireplace, rages, on a rural % acre lot. c ^ s inside a car. Both incidents oc- tlorl to ^ a i^ e toe l^guage of utes to Constitution Plaza. Jes- MANCHESTER — Pour - bed- dishwasher, disposal oven and Asking $28,900. PhUbrick Agen- Blue Cross, CMS, Major 6929. ing, dishwasher, range, re­ Paul W. Dougan Agency, 649- of closet space. Many more ex­ wall-to-wall carpeting, 1% ® cwistruction site on the guidelines, but was told by Medical and life insurance FREE — Tiger kittens, 649-1766 CANADIAN Hemlocks — Dig dor Realty, 633-1411. room oversized Cape. Large NEWLY Ustod 2-famlly, large range, city water and sewer, cy. Realtors, 646-4200. after 4 p.m. your own, $3 each. Call 644- frigerator, disppsal, private 4635, 646-1021. tras. A must see home offered baths, large lot with a view. Oakland St. Mayor Pitts that changing toe 's a m ^ 7« Tol ($3,000). Liberal vacation DRUM SET, 4-pleces. A real for $29,900 by the Paul W. wooded lot. Walk to bus, .4-5 room apartments. Large bus, shopping and ------1864 or 1-749-8401* basement and patio. Paul W. ----- approximately 6 ^ res, school, shopping. Renovated tredd yard. 2 new b sa ti^ ^ ra - gchools. $3,300 down to quail- Assumable mortgage. $28,900. ^ "T----- guidelines was not on toe agen- and holiday policy. FREE '— Black male kitten, 8 ______bargain. Call 742-8371 after 4 Dougan, Agency, 649-4635, 646- 641’ frontage. Five-room old- Dougan Agency, Realtors, 649- Lots For Sale 73 Phllbrlck Agency, Realtors, ^ car has been driven over L?{ngn votes'^n whether or not to s p J Irown. L n a id and I^nald. will pay up to $160. Call 643- PROFESSIONAL man’s Ranch, tape, m s ^ i service, nayea crcuiatlon In said probate district sor baton lessons this year. This gathering of “what ex- FIVE-DAY WEEK fill, stone. George H. Griffing, Metal wall hung kitchen cabi- r q OM for gentleman, parking, ment or home. J.D. Real E»- COLOR- 0746. 92 BOLTON STREET — 6- EIGHT-ROOM Raised Ranch, approximately 2,800 square fl^la^uTg Agency, —646-0181. — ______w‘.ti>ln S u ‘S rdr;en .Td" toys remri" f i ^ _lhem“,Se“S date^of V u PTOp,j,Q executive board ^ has ists” is toe first stage in toe Inc., Andover, 742-7886. nets. Aluminum combination private entrance. 709 Main St. tato Associates, Inc. 643-6129. STAMPCNS Apply in Person storm doors, 32x80 and 36x80. g 849.1854. room Cape, 3 bedrooms, for­ dining room, large family feet of living space, 18x24 Uv- rnmnletelv carpeted. OUT-OF-TOWN buyer wishes to court of the notice given. approved toe sponsorship. The formulation of toe new plan. REASONABLE rent needed for room, recreation room, garage, NEED tires? 40 per cent dis­ Reasonable. 643-2465, 643-8609.___J______NORTHWOl^ Apartments thred of us. One mother. mal dining room. Low 20’s. La­ r r . S e d T i ^ l . ^ c e l^ n r c o l: p u r e ^ r l S e d r ^ m Colonial _____WALLETT, Judge. a>gr,i „f Education has tabled BuUetln Board city utilities. Assumable mort-' count. Premium. First Line. THE THOMPSON.House — Cot­ One and two-bedroom apart­ Penta Agency, Realtor, 646- formalrmal dining, modem kltch-mien- TV ■ '. q’ ooo Haves with formal dining room and limitation 0BD9B __ its decision on permission to use The Bolton Citizens for Duf- SINGER touch and sew with teenager and large dog (we gage, $30,900. Hutchins Agen­ 1 TREASURE Wide ovals. And truck tires. tage St., centrally located, ments, central air-condition­ 2440. VIRGO en. library ydth fireplwe, ' first-floor family room in a hei7at^I^«^^r.°Jlthta” ^ ^ ™ “ *® h«-Purpose room Until toe fey csommltted wUl meet to- ■cabinet. Monograms, hems, are sending packages from cy 649-6324. three large bedrooms, spacious '^S^acy, 646- Coles Dlscoimt Station, 461 large pleasantly furnished ing, carpeting, balcony, car­ home so he won’t forget us.) JA.W- ( price range of $30,000. — $38.- the Dtatrict of Maricheater, on Uie membership votes and until night at 7 :30 in toe Community CITY embroiders, etc. Used, excel­ ports, plus other luxury fea­ FOUR families .. .excellent in- ^ Pisces paneled family room with fire­ West Center St., 643-63E1. . rooms, parking. (Ilall 649-2368 Dog and teenager very quirt. • THREE acres beautiful, 7-room 000. CaU Paul W. Dougan l®tii day of Septera^r, 197IX more facts are known about In- Hall Fireplace Room. lent condition. Guaranteed. for overnight and permanent tures. From $225. J. D. Real place, 3V4 baths, waU-to-waU Agency, Realtors 649-4636. ju^e**"*’ ° surance coverage and toe , The Selectmen will meet to- hlanchester Parkade Also nmm for two cars. Also 1966 Colonial, 2-car garage, 4 I -K INVITATION LAMINATED* hardwood work Full price now $56 or 7 month­ guest rates. Estate Associates, 648-6129. them for sale on the east side. . carpeting in many rooms, ’ Esjate ct caarence J. Lewis blllty of damage from batoris. morrow at 7:30 p.m. in toe thank you to all i^ o have call­ bedrooms, aluminum- siding, ____r_____TaaUm r I a4 A rwf M A T l. - __ - - - ^ benches, 8’ x 30” x 2%” . Make ly, payments of $8. 622-0476, Good financing. T. J. Crockett, / patio, swimming pool, two-car WE ARE prepared to buy com- ginrence^Jota^LewU.^late^^ Farina’s ToUandettes town offices. ROOM for working girl near ed and I could not use their fa­ trees, $39,900. Hutchins Agen­ LlBRtV _f^_{ T O B ID offer. 644-8447. < dealer. cilities. Willing to redecorate. Realtor, 648-1677. garege„ ___„ ______and a 3 acre lot with a merclal property, apartment Qn moUon of Elizabeth A. Lewie, marched In toe 960to annlver- , ------post office^ board optional. FOUR rooms, second floor. cy Realtors, 649-6324. view, surrounds this lovely Sealed bids will be received houaea, shopping centers or ira Bln* m., Mancheater. Conn., gary parade. __ Advertisement- 648-1212. I FURNI'TURE for sale—washer References ’ required. 648-6746. adults oiSy. Call 628-07jl8. MANC31ESTBR vicinity —Look- ^ — ______custom built home. $60's, PhU- at the office of toe Director of other investment property for a That three months -During toe meeting toe pro-. Bob Steele, toe biggest draw- and diyer, bedroom set, di­ Ing for a starter home? We double ROOM for rent, gentleman pre- THREE-room apartment, sec- TEACSHH looking for s m ^ brick Agency, Realtors, 646- General Services, 41 Center our account. AB cash. ’iSfrlte or from the T5th day of sepiem^r g,rgnn for toe year ■will be out- i„-, ^ard in Eastern Oonnecti- SUPPLEMENT YOUR INCOME! nette set, youth bed, unfurnished apartment in have several priced from $14,- WOODLAND ♦ "'u W 1 4200i Street, Manchester, Conn., un- call, reverse charges, Stoddafd ar2?'aUowed'^for*th?credltorB within llneij and Uje budget presented bg gf Flano’s Sept. 26. strteo set. ferred. CaU aftrt- 6:80. 649- ond floor, near Center. Heat SCORPVO ____ I bed, refrigerator, Manchester Bolton area. 646- 900 to $19,600. Mitten Agency, —------til September 30, 1970 at 11:00 investment Co., 740 No. Main „hich to bring In their claims foj. approval. The three school fj-ii 649-1048 to reserve tickets 649-4447. 5683. E in d hot water. Adults only, no Realtors, 648-6980, 647-1673. MANOR iEain extra money by working part-time, evenlnga. pets. $116. Write Box “ E” . 2520 after 6 p.m. * u ‘ dl%ctSd^o 2?ve principals wlU speak at next g„^ with attached garage and fire- calcium Chloride. 4867. public notice to the creditor* to month’s meeting. _____ Work In pleasant surroundings with excellent wages, lood CLEAN, USED refrigerators, ROOM for gentleman, quiet, Manchester Herald. COUNTRY Club area . . .new APARTMENTS TAURUS® - _ allowances, flexible hours and ottier fringe benefits. ranges, automatic washers convenient location. 224 Char- nine room colonial. Four bed­ place, private w o^ed tot on Bid forms/ plans and ep ecttl------^ altow?d‘V '& h C a S S tt School calendars WlU be « Manchester Evening Herald FOUR-ROOM apartment, sec- m with guarantees. See them at ter Oak Street, 643-8368. rooms, 2% baths, two car ga­ Homestead Street I * dead end street. Rich Merritt cations are available at the G - Dlmock Realty olTthta order L V in e new.pop^ sale tomorrow night, and correspondent Cleme- Hours available between 5 p.m. -'ll p.m .; ■ p.m. -11 p.m. cond floor, heat, hot water, ap- Manchester, Oonu, SftQTTnRUS_ J ' Agency, 646:1180. eral Services Office. 41 Center LAND L«ms :tomocK ly g clrcul^lon In “ lo ^ also be brought home later by „ vonnr tal 84S.MMU B. D. Pearl’s AppUances, 649 ' " , ' " ' NOTICE rage. Now under construction. or 7 p.m. - 11 p.m., 3 or 4 nights weekly. Main St. CaU 643-2171. pUances, cellar, parking. ------— r Street...... Manchester, ...... Connecticut. .. ______S?e‘®diu1ff‘ Jii^'ord'^r ^ n t s . m T Warren Potter '"®“ Yo«ng. tel. 64S-8981. Adults. $146 monthly. 649-4864. Choice setting, land adjoins WCKJDLAND MANOR offers NINE-ROOM CSolonial, 5 bed- Town of Manchester, make to this court of the notice jg ig charge toe calendars. Apply In person between 4 - 8 p.m. Aportmenn fleH PUBUC HEARING the ultimate in convenient 1 at SEWING MACHINE — New Town watershed property. T. I G E r ilN l rooms, paneled family room, Connecticut Tenements 63 prestige Uving, with achoola, INVITATION JOHN J. WALLETT, Judge. PTO presidents this year are J G r -lir k fk lfi 1969 zig zag, unclaimed laya- TWO - BEDROOM apartment, BOARD OF DIRECTORS J. Crockett, Realtor, 643-1677. buUt-ins, 214 baths, double ga- Robert B. Weiss, FRIENDLY ICE CREAM SHOP second floor, appliances. $13Q. TOWN OF MANCHESTER, shopping and religious facil­ at a court of PROBAm ^ r. and Mrs. WilUam Vogel. O I S C n O O l S way, buttonholes, monograms, FTVE-room apartment. Inquire LAKEWOOD Circle — Unusual ities nearby. rage, large treed lot. Hutchins General Manager The PTO actually started its MAIN STREET MANCHESTER monthly. M. H. Palmer, Real­ CONNECmCUT Agency, Realtors, 649-6324. T O B ID held at Manchester, within and for On Bond Ballot hems, etc. Now only $54. Easy 83 Birch St., after 7 p.m. Ranch with fireplace U'ving Sealed bids wlU be received eeUvIUes for toe year wlto ^ terms. 622-0931 dealer. Adults prefrtred. tor, 648-6321. Notice is hereby given that room, formal dining room, IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY at toe Elks Lodge until 2:30 ^ Resent, Hon. John J. Wallett. ^ u a l luncheon for toe staffs Are Explained - 686 CENTER St. —4%-room the Board of Directors, Town at den, laundry room, three bed- Spacious one-bedroom apart­ 'f 1 CANCtP. ^ T. — OK 1070 judge. . rif all three schools the day be- and garage. Large ments. .refrigerator, stove, NOTICE OF SALE - PROJECT NOTES . p.IR, Sept^mb^r 25$ Eiiale of Anna KaUer ^Jea Aimlo I oohonl onAn^ Mrs Rich- duplex, 1% baths, aU appU- Manchester, Connecticut, will roostm kM. * > 'For addition to Elks Lodge, icSer, late of Manchester. In said openM. Mrs. tu n At last night’s meeting o f 'the ances, fuUy carpeted, 3 alr- 'wooded lot assures privacy dishwasher, disposal, air-con­ ApUftRlUS ! 2192 HOUSING[OUSING AUTHORITY OF THE TOWNIJJY/N OilOF MANCHESTER deceiuiedr------« ard Barry, in charge of this " " ...... P hold a PubUc Hearing at the 'Sealed proposals, will be received by Housing Authority of 30 Blssell St., Manchester, Conn. odmlnlniratrlx'having eshlblL ,.ninmltt*.e was assisted bv Buckley School PTA, MCaxwell condltioners, heat, hot water, park School,” 397 Por and lovely view' of Country ditioning, full carpeting, elec­ ITIQIYlOITIAl inspeefor tric heat. toe iy>wn of Manchester (hertn called toe “ Local Issuing Plans and specifleationa are ed her administration acrount with e,,*, ®’, „ . v m iis„..rt<...n wqhhbii en for for children’s clotlies; or Signed shopping. $196 per month. Bel Air Real Estate, 643-9888. sew from a soft print. ------October, 1970. «d two o’clock Barry has expressed thanks t o . t j g g g u,e $$1.9 million ref- and undersrand blueprints. Capable of using all in­ at 8:00 p.m. to consider and inspection Bat. and Sun. 1-6, your sports-outfits. No. (E.D.S.T.) on October 6, 1970, for toe purchase of $1,200,000 erf Phone Charles PonUeelU, 649- act on the exte^ on of sanitary No. 8.391 with Project Notes (Secemd Series 1970), being Issued to old in fi­ spection instruments, such as Hardness tester, week days by appointment. GUIDE is in Sizes 8-18, 2192 has color transfer Building Committee me* M i^ cl^ *Buufk«*ln sald'^Man- ^ baked and sup- 3 renova- ______sewer9644. service from Nb. 22 Starting at |176 monthly. for the 12 designs. nancing Ita project(B) as follows: Robert Kleman Sheater, be ^ d * e Mme plied toe foM. y^^g gj^j additions to Nathan AUTOMOBILE CLEAN-UP MAN Comparator height gage, etc. bust 31 ‘A to 40. Size 10, Amount Series Maturity MANCHESTEIR — First floor, -through No. 160 Greenwood PRESIDENTIAL SEND 80$ Is etis* fsr tstk fit- 32>/4 bust . . . 2% yards ttni t* IscIsEs flr*t> n«w»- i ^ '^ g , Rybg ggored yv.%on « a 45- *l 7 w Kante prerid^d at The Fall & Winter ’70 nlng toe Notes building fire house located on pg” r having a clrcuUtlon In ^ d ^ v .u NOBLE & WESTBROOK Manchester, Connecticut im apartments. Carpet­ A L B U M o is 65r, includes of such form of proposal and information concer*’ “ «> 1 at toe address Notch Rd., Bolton, Conn. District, at least seven days brfore yard pass from Muro. Roger the meeting, during which other ing, 2 air-conditioners, % postage and handling. U IC %» __ . a • Mt.. Ak.. J .... aalH KaatHnEF Anti 'Ps\ ______— _ .a A... A l _ A MORIARTY BROS. Apartments 63-A Dated at Manchester, Oofuiect- hotbs. U & R 20 Weifbrook Sf, cioi, ItrTt’H *mb«r“ n(l*SW.*' STAR QUILTS...twelve lovely 6e- icut this seventeenth day of Call Franoee K REALTY CO., INC. in • *tv rnmi S u o i ^ f thU sale may be obtained from toe S c o m b e r 22. 1970 commissioners by September S S . on or before Septem- on nins after two touchdowns, committee chairmen were Intro- ATTRACTnVB 8-room, furnish­ Wagner, Rental The Fall & Winter ’70 nieces; directions. Q110—S5^, In­ nallv Bond Buver 30tb- For further specifications ber 15. 1970 to EmUy K. AjuUison, Cbach Gil Boisoneau said that duced. At toe conclusion, an D B A. LYNCH MOTORS East H

I 1.. TUESDAY* SEPTEMBER 22, 1970 PAGfi EIGHTEEN Average Daily NefPrtess Run The Weather • Manrlj^atfr Ewning Umlb For The Week Ended Hot, humid throug;h tonight September 12,1970 with scattered showers-thunder- The Felloworaft Degree will showers; low about 70. ’Torn'or- be conferred at a special meet­ Elks Plan TOW, Friday continued warm, About Town ing of Uriel Lodge of Masons at The Comer Cupboard 15,792 humid with shower possibility. ■me Community Enrichment the M ^ c Temple In M e r ^ Pancake Day 62 SOUTH ADAMS ST. Mancheater-—A City of Village Charm Courses Afro-AmericanAf«,.4 Tn«rioan historyhistorv o" Saturday, at 7:30 p.m. Re­ freshments will be served after 4- study group for teen-agers and All the pancakes and sausage VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 301 (THIRTY-SIX PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1970 (ClsMifled Advertising on Plage. S3) PRICE TEN CENTS adults will meet Wednesday the meeting. a person can eat will be served from 7:80 to 8:30 p.m. at Tem­ by Elks and Emblem Club V2 PRICE SALE ple Beth Sholom Instead of m e Little m eatre of ICan- members when the Manchester m ursday as previously sched­ chester has canceled Its regu­ Lodge of Elks holds “Aunt Je­ WED., THURS., FRI. —3 - 9 P.M. uled.- m e class Is open to the lar monthly meettag scheduled mima Pancake Day” at the SATURDAY— 10-4 public. Further Information for tomorfbw night, m e next Blssell St. lodge hall Saturday may be obtained from UTS. regular meeting will be held on from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Ihe con­ Hospital Board Approves West Haven Donald Spiel, 16 Woodstock Dr. Wednesday, Oct. 7, at 8 p.m. ln_ tribution Includes coffee and Cracked Glass — Pine Items the clubrooms at 22 Oak St. soft drinks. Teachers Invaders From Syria Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arnold of Cooper HUl St. left Logan John Vlchl, general chair­ Religious Airport In Boston Saturday for The VFW Color guard will man, said more than 100 work­ $3.3 Million Expansion End Strike a visit with her family in Cot- meet Thuraday at 9:30 p.m. at ers will man the four shifts on Greeting Cards lor all occasions Ungham, Yorkshire, England. the Post Home to arrange for a Pancake Day, whose theme Is The B<>ard of Trustees of M. Kenny, hospital adminis­ wing, at a guaranteed cost not WEST HAVEN, Ctonn. (AP)— parade and visit to the Oonnect- “Pancakes for Profit.” Vlchl and much more! trator, since the proposed ex­ to exceed $1.6 million. Striking teachers Iri West Haven stated' that all proceeds will be Manchester Memorial Hos­ WUllam F. Geyer of 330 Spring Icut Valley Hospital In Middle- pital last night voted to pansion is part of over-all, ’The reasons for going ahead returned to classes today after fit., and David R. Gilroy of 191 town on Saturday, m e group wlU used for various Elk charities. with the emergency room and voting 611-7 ’Tuesday night to ac­ Routed by Jordanians long-range planning for the ex­ Washington St., Vernon, are en- meet Saturday at 10:30 a.m. at He added that the Quaker Oats proceed immediately with physical therapy expansion cept a proposal that reportedly Chiropractor the fitst phase of an addi- Manchester Memo- rolled as freshmen at Bucknell » e Post Home to leave for »fld- Oo., makers of Aunt Jemima rial which has been underway now, plus awarding the' Job to guarantees them a 180-day work By HARRY A. DUNPHY Unlverslty, Lewlsburg, Pa. dletown. pancake mix and syrup. Is as­ Dr. Robert R. McNelsh grad­ tional $3.3 million, two- for ' several years. the present prime contractor, year if they will make up houre Associated Press Writer sisting the organization to Register af fhe first Class Meeting phase expansion and reno­ are twofold, Miller explained. lost during the 10-day strike. achieve Its goal. uated from Lincoln College ’The expansion to begin now First, construction costs are However, the board of educa- me Manchester Gilbert and A few tickets are still avail­ THE UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT vation program at the hos­ will be of service faciUUes only BEIRUT, Lebanon (A P ), Sullivan Workshop audition able for the Early Autum Dance John Dulka and Jack Carson School of Chiropractic. In- pital, which is designed to constantly rising at the rate of tloni defei^red action on the pro- — .Radio Amman reported are co-chairmen of the kitchen dlanapolls, Ind. on Aug. 22. He and will add no new beds to the IVi per cent or more per month, posal until union Eind school dates for “Camelot" have been and Buffet sponsored by St. Non-CrBcKf- ExflMwIoii dovetail into the new $5.1 hospital, Kenny said. Jordanian troops support­ changed to Oct. 6, 8 and 13 at 8 Margaret’s Circle, and they may committee. Tlckete may be pur­ Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. making an early start de- board negotiating teams have a million east wing now near­ ’This phase will consist of a slrable. chance, to discuss It. ed by artillery and war- p.m. a* Bailey Auditorium, Man­ be obtained by contacting Mrs. chased from any club member, J. McNelsh of Cedar Ridge Ter­ PlB'M IltS ing completion. chester High School. There are or at the door Saturday. race, Glastonbury, and Is mar­ 26,800, square . foot, .... two-level------Secondly it makes economic ThefWoposal, called at this glares drove mvaders from Paul Gruessner, 93 Vernon St. The trustees’ decision to be­ 12 major and 12 minor parts. me event will be held Saturday ried to the former Miss Pene­ addition to the north of the pres- i nresent nrlmp agreement,” Syria OUt of the country tO- People Interested may bring from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the lope Rudd, daughter of Mr. REAL ESTATE gin the first phase of the addi­ ent building, which will be con­ contractor and sub-contractors, was drawn up during a session day and King Hussein an- their own music, m e workshop KofC Home, and Mrs. AUan Rudd of 122 Sum­ tional expansion — which basi­ structed in the space between he said, because they are famU- ot Superior Court in New Haven. nounced a ceaso-*ire in all will present Lemer and Loew’s Church Women mer St. PRINCIPLES & PRACnCES cally will encompass a tripling the existing emergency room iar with the east wing construc­ The chairman ol the board, Jordan, tom by six days of “Camelot” March 4,' 5 and 6, Dr. Rudd is a 1964 graduate of emergency room and physi­ and the new east wing. tion and can dovetail tiie new- James A. Nugent, said he would war. 1971 at Manchester High School. YWCA classes starting tomor­ Holding Parley of Glastonbury High School, at­ cal therapy facilities — was an­ ’The total project cost of the confer early today with negotia­ row at the Community Y are rug This 12 session course is approved by The Connecticut work Into It most efficiently. The 34-year-old monarch also For furthur information call tended Manchester Community nounced today by Jacob F. Mil­ first j9i^e — designated in the The main, or ground level of tors for the teachers to set up braiding from 9:30 to 11 a.m.; The Women’s Fellowship of Real Estate Commission as meeting the requirement ler, president of the board.!’!'. hospital plans as Phase I-B — time and place lor meeting. A said a delegation of the heads of Mrs. David Acker, Vernon. College from 1964 to 1966, and of Public Act 445 which establishes the licensure Section I-B, wUl house the ex­ -Arab states meeting In Cairo en­ Wednesday drop-ln and dupli­ of the Connecticut Conference of received his BS in human bio­ ’Die board’s action Is still sub­ will be an estimated $1.7 mil­ union spokesman said a suit cate bridge, both from 9:30 to the United Church of Christ will standards for Real Estate Brokers. panded emergency room, and dorsed an agreement he Miss Linda N. Cherrone, logy from Lincoln College In ject to approval by both the lion, including the cost of fur­ will be nearly triple the size would be filed If the board does 11:30 a.m.; Yoga for beginners, have Its first state-district an­ State Health Department and nishings, fees and equipment, not approve the proposal. reached earlier with captured daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 1968. and capacity of the lexisting guerrilla leaders on ending the 7:30 to 8:30 p.m., and for Inter­ nual meeting tomorrow from 10 Df. and Mrs. McNelSh are liv­ Lecturer: Gardner Dogherty the Health Care Facilities Plan­ hospital officials estimate. Classes today will bd only for Cherrone of 59 Glenwood St., Is a.m. to 3 p.m. at the First facilities. It will Increase from fight with Palestinian guerril­ a freshman at Bryant and mediates from 8 :S0 to 9:30 p.m.; ing in Beech Grove, Ind., a sub- ning Council of Greater Hart­ The building addition Itself Is half a day, but schools will re­ guitar for beginners from 7 to 8 Where: Manchester High School, Middle Turnpike, ford. six to 11 the number of patients las. Stratton College, Boston, and Is "^SeslSLuves^rem “Snmr to be constructed under a that can be routinely accom- turn to fulltime operation ’Thurs- ’The king appealed to his roy­ p.m. and for Intermediates from Manchester. Approval by those two agen­ negotiated contract with Stan­ enrolled in Its fashion and re­ 8 to 9 p.m. Congregational Church attend­ modated “horizontally” (In Nugent said, alist forebs to observe this new tailing program. ing the event are Miss Lillian When: Wednesday evenings, 7:00-9:30 pjn. starting cies, however, should pose no dard Builders of Hartford, also beds in separate spaces) at any Earlier ’Tuesday, four West cease-fire strictly. Elmer ’Thienes and Mrs. Henry problem, according to Edward the contractor for the new east one time Haven union negotiators were Temple Chapter, OES, will Grant, Miss Helen Carrier, Mrs. Sept. 23.. "I earnestly appeal to the m e Golden Age Club will have Miller. fined $600 apiece and 10 other armed forces and their great observe Friendship Night tomor­ Nona McCann, Mrs. Ralph ’The access route to the new teachers each received fines of a potluck at Its meeting m urs­ Frank, Mrs. Winthrop Nelson, Representatives from Second FEE: $65 emergency room will still be leader, my dear brother. Field day at 12:30 p.m. at the Senior row at 8 p.m. at the Masonic Congregational Church are Mrs. $260. ’The 10 teachers were told Marshal Habls Majali, to strict­ Temple. Officers of visiting Mrs. Clifford O. Simpson, Mrs. from Armory St. over existing by Superior Court Judge Doug­ Citizens Center. After the meet­ Walter Fredrickson, Mrs. Rob- Thomas Dawkins and Mrs. For further information call 429-3311, **t. 1280 driveways and there will be a ly observe the ceasc-flre, to ing, there will be a kitchen soc- chapters will do the initiatory lass B. Wright that their fines degree work. Refreshments will ert Coe, Mrs. James Elliott, Mrs. Joseph Martin. Cambodians Push Forward lEd. Members are reminded to canopy over the entrance for and start the operation of recon­ bring Items for the social and be served after the meeting. turned to school Wedn^day. loading and unloading.. How­ Hie fines were levied for vio­ struction.” the potluck. In Major War Operation ever, the entrance will face He also appealed for healing The St. Joseph College Club of lation of the injunction against of the wounds between the army Hartford will hold a fashion By JOHN T. WHEELER Vietnamese support. Hanoi Ra- north, rather than east as Is striking that was issued Aug. 20 Cub Scout Pack 251 will have now the case, Kenny pointed and “honest g;uerrillas” and Its first medUng of the season show, “Autumn Atop Hartford,” Auociated Press Writer dlo quoted a Pathet Lao broad- by Superior Court Judge John Sweets Wed 50 Years PHNOM PENH, Cambodia cast saying 11 battalions of roy- out. called on both sides os well as tonight at 7 at Verplanck Saturday at 2 p.m. In the Tower Fitzgerald. ’The strike began all people in Jordan to "shake Suite, Hartford Plaza Building (AP) — ’The biggest govern- al Laotian troops had staged at- Paul Somoza, assistant ad­ Sept. 9. School. Boys 8 years of age or Mr. and Mrs. William N. cancer pads. She is a commun- SINCE 1939 NORMAN’S HAS THE EXPERTS ministrator in charge of plan­ off the traces of the black In Grade 3 wishing to Join the of the Hartford Insurance Group Sweet Sr. of 62 Starkweather St. leant of St. Bridget Church, ment operation of' the Cambo- tacks since Aug. 31 north and Schools in both west Haven dian war moved forward again south of Attopeu in southern ning, noted that for the first crisis and tragedy.” pack may attend this meeting on Asylum Ave. Tickets may be were honored yesterday on their Mr. Sweet, an Army veteran and New Haven—where a strike Hussein spoke on Radio Am­ and register. All boys should be obtained from alumhae mem­ 60th wedding anniversary at a of World War I, served as a today after being s ^ le d 10 days Laos, which fell to the Commu- time the hospital emergency by North Vietnamese and Viet nlst command in April. man shortly after the official accompanied by at least one bers, and a limited number of buffet-recepUon at the KofC freight tralnsman with the derway—were open ’Tuesday, but staQon broadcast Majali’s re -. parent. tickets will be available at the Home. ’Transportation Corps In BYance. Cong forces. ’The broadcast said thd royal- only for half a day—and with A spokesman said advance 1st troops were accompanied by (See Page Eleven) port that tanks and troops that door. About 80 friends and relaUves In his youth he sang Illustrated attendance figures down sharply entered northern Jordan on Sun­ Miss Angela lamonaco, including many from Massach- songs in many theaters through- elements were meeting light re- U.S. advisers and supported by from normal. sistance as they moved toward South Vietnamese special day had been routed. daughter of the late Mr. and The commission of education usetts attended the event glveri out the east. He also was well- ’The strike In Now Haven ’ ap­ Just before Hussein went on Mrs. Nunzlo lamonaco, retum- of South United Mdthodist by the couple’s children. known os one of Manchester’s the major enemy strongpolnt in forces. peared no nearer settlement Mr. and Mrs. Sweet were mar- popular entertainers, having par­ thtf -village of ’Taing Kauk, ,47 ’The U.S. Command repeattd the air, the leader of the four- ed to Manchester this w^kend Church will meet tonight at ■Tuesday, after a stormy meet­ man mission from Cairo, MaJ. from Riverside, Calif., w h^e 7;30 in the church reception ried Sept. 20, 1920 at the Sacred formed at many entertainment miles north of Phnom Penh. It a prepared statement saying, Living Costs ing of the New Haven Federa­ she worked for the Strategic hall. Heart Rectory in Southbridge, functions In the area. He also was the first, forward movement ‘"There are no U.S. g;round corn- tion of Teachers turned down Gen. Jaafar el Numalri, presi­ Air Command Headquarters, . ----- Mass., and came to Manchester sang on radio stations WTIC reported by the government bat troops In Laos.” But It is the school board’s latest pro­ dent of Sudan, announced that 15th Air Force, Deputy Chief of Jehovah’s Witnesses will In 1922. They have five children, and WDRC In Hartford and WBZ since its troops were driven known that South Vietnamese Rose Slightly posal Monday night. the members of his mission Staff, at March ABB. Miss have group discussion of a Robert F. Sweet of East Hart- In Springfield, Mass, from ’Taing Kauk and stalled In special forces and American re- A meeting of union and school “blessed the four-point agree­ lamonaco Ilvdd in Dallas, Tex., Bible aid tonight at 7:30 at 18 ford, William N. Sweet Jr. of Before his retirement In 1969, thrir drive northward toward connaissance patrols operate board negotiators ’Tuesday even­ ment and appeal to t)oth sides of ’Tulsa, Okla., and Amarillo, Chambers St., 281 Woodbridge Manchester, BYancls E. Sweet he was employed for many the pro-vlnclal capital of Kom- along the Ho Ghl Minh trail in Last Month ing In New Haven Mayor Bar­ the conflict to cease hostilities.” Tex., before mo-vlng to River- St., 726 N. Main St.,144 Griffin of California, Mrs. Robert K. years as a hardware salesman pong Thom and the nation’s thd lower Laotian panhandle, tholomew F. Guida’s office re- Numalri said he had met to­ side. Rd. in South Windsor, and (Diane) Willis of Manchester, at the F. T. BUsh Hardware 6o. M Am G*Dollar\m iei'IM TS! heartland. Military attaches assigned to WASHING’TON (AP) — Llv- portedly produced no progress. day with Hussein and Yaslr Ar­ — ^ French Rd., Bolton. and Mrs. William (Valerie) He now spends much of his time ‘Itie spokesman said the gov- the U.S. Embassy In Vientiane ing costs rose two-tenths of one Negotiators for lioth sides afat, leader of the Palestine Lib­ Larry Krajewski, son of Mr. ----- Richter of Illinois. They also enjoying his collection of mln- emment force had moved about and Central Intelligence Agency per cent in August for thd small- emerged from Guida’s office at eration Organization, and found and Mrs. Henry Krajewski of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church have 11 grandchildren and 7 lature horses and listening to Want MORE for your MONEY? MAYTAG Appliance dependability half a mile toward the town. Re- agents also advise and operate, est monthly rise in 20 months, 7:46 p.m., stating that no posi­ both “responsive and willing to 206 Hollister ^ ., recently com- will havd a service of Holy great-grandchildren. his collection of records of ports reaching Phnom Penh with Royal Laotian troops, thd>ii:ovemment reported today, tions had'' changed during the cooperate to end the current pleted communication training Communion tomorrow at 10 Mrs. Sweet, the former Leona famous singers Including Enrico said up to 2,000 North VIA- The Cambodian command In ’^e report, by the Labor De­ session. bloody tragedy.” at Keesler ABB, Miss., and is a.m. M. Blais, Is a member of the Caruso, and Is Interested In D O E S J U S T THAT... namese and Viet Cong troops Phnom Penh said that 60,000 partment, was good news for New Haven teachers met A communique from Jordan’s now stationed at the Elmendorf ----- , VBW Auxiliary tuid received her model railroading. A 3rd degree were believed still in Taing North Vietnamese and Viet President Nixon and his econo- again this morning and voted military governor, BHeld Mar- AFB, Anchorage, Alaska. He la ^ub Scout Pack 367 will have 25-year membership from the Mason, he had been a member Get your dollar’s worth Kauk. Cong troops have been killed or mists who have been Insisting overwhelmingly, 650-2, to con- shal Habls MJall, said the Syri- a 1969 graduate of Manchester organizational meeting to- organization a couple of years of Manchester Lodge of Mesons, during “Dollar Watcher" Days ^Hiere were no indications of seriously wounded by Cambo- thelr economic policies were Ixe- tinue their walkout. ’The prime an withdrawal began at noon Hlgh School. morrow at 7 p.m. at the Rlch- wdiy the enemy had appar^tly dian, American and South Viet- ginning to slow the nation's issue there—as It was In West "and by 2:16 p.m. the last Syri- ago. At that tirile, she was pre- He also Is a member of Man- Today, more than ever before, dollar watchers relaxed its pressure. But vllag- nam*e forces during the first ----- ard Martin School. sented with a citation In recog- Chester Barracks, World War I worst Inflation In 20 years. Haven—apparently is the de- an soldier left Jord^lan soil.” ’The Pilgrim Choir of Center ___ nitlon of her many hours of vol- Veterans. (Herald photo by are seeking a “dollar’s worth" of value. era reported a few days ago that five months of the Combodian ‘"This was the smallest mand for 180 days of classes He said Jordanian fore* were some of the enemy troops ap- war. ’The command said about month-to-month ’ change since with pay after the walkout ends. Congregational Church will re­ ’The West Side Old Timers unteer work In the making of Pinto). Budget conscious price? Of course! But it’s hearse tomorrow at 3:15 in Me­ pdlared to be moving out, and 6,000 Cambodian soldiers have December 1968,” said the Bu­ Judge Wright postponed for a (See Page Thirteen) Committee will meet tomorrow what you get for the price that's important. there was speculation that they been killed or woimded. morial Hall of the church and ___. .. Maytag builds extraordinary appliances . . . reau of Labor "Statistics. ' week a hearing on a union move the Youth Rhythmic Choir wUl n r were falling back to more easily Sources In Saigon said the It pushed the governments’ to dissolve the Injunction against rehdarse at 3^30 In the church to give you extraordinary \washing satisfac­ defendable positions. claim of 40,000 enemy casualties Consumer Price Index to 136.0. the New Haven strike. But, he luirthex. tion and drying perfection. ■ B'lghting Intensified on anoth- appeared ^aggerated. A South The figure means that It took warned, the delay “does not ___ St. Mary's Hlplscopal Guild Couple these with proven Maytag dependa­ er Cambodian battle front. Vietnamese communique said $13.60 last month for every $10 mean there will be quiet In this Bulletin Two members of Trinity Cov- meet 'Hiursday at 11 a.m. bility and you get a "Dollar Watcher" delight. South Vietnamese headquarters its forces operating in Cambo- worth of typical family pur­ courtroom this week.” Late evening sun casts long shadow of 82nd Airborne Division paratroopers at enant Church, Mrs. Burton the parish hall of the church. PILGRIM MILLS in Saigon said six South Viet- dia had killed 11,446 North Viet­ chases in the 1957-69 period on ■The school board still has the Johnson and Mrs. Henry Ask, Members will being their own Invitfis you lo on namese marines and 41 North namese and Viet Cong troops which the index is based. right to bring action In the GUERRILLAS Fort Bragg, N.C.,\as they rig a jeep. On alert for« possible movement to the will present a musical program sandwiches. Hoetessds serving Vietnamese were killed In since March. South Vietnamese The August Increase put the meantime against teachers who REJECT TRUCE MAYTAG Big Family load heavy fighting along the Bassac losses for the period were re­ Mideast, members of Jhe 82nd began loading on Monday. (AP Photofax) and share a birthday cake with dessert and beverage are Miss UHTa>HIgh Fraquency index 5.7 per cent above, a year keep away from school, Judge BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) — the men at the Open Hearth In Elsie Trouton, Mrs. ■ Gaylord River, 30 miles southeast of ported as 1,084 killed and 4,850 earlier. Inflation had been run- Wright said, F A S H IO N SI Washpower* AUTOMATICS Phnom Penh. ’Twenty-tijriee wounded. King Hussein with the bless­ Hartford, tonight at 7:46. CanntHi and Mrs. George Coupe. nhjg at about a 6 per cent an- The board of education In New ings of an Arab peace mission • Automatic water level control saves water, South Vietnamese were report­ Official sources said Ameri- jiual rate most of last year and Haven said that 486 teachers re- ed wounded. can forces killed about 3,800 this year. ported to work Tuesday, along proclaimed a cease-fire in Hie VBW auxiliary will hold Cub Scout Pack 91 of Man- fromttiepaResof detergent • Power Fin Agitator • Perma­ Jordan Wednesday but Yaslr a recreation program for cheater Green School will-hold In Laos, the Communist Path­ North Vietnam*e and Viet >phe bureau also reported that with . 152 substitute teachers. U.S. May Send Civilian Craft featuring iHcCuirs Patterns nent Press Cycle • Lint filter • Perforated et Lao accused royalist gov*n- Cong soldiers In Cambodia in the average weekly pay check There are noriilally 1,244 teach- ArafaK powerful leader of veterans at Rocky Hill Hospital registration ’Thursday at 7 p.m. the Palestine guerrillas re­ ’Thursday. Members planning to at the school. All boys, both lovely xwash-basket gets dirt away from clean ment troops of launching at May and-June. U.S. losses were (See Page Twenty-Four) jected It. attend will meet at 6 p.m. at current and prospective mem- H a n o ver clothes • Full Time Safety Lid-action stops tacks with American and South reported as 364 killed and 1,680 (See Pago Twenty-Four) the Post Home. bers, must be accompanied by in seconds when lid is opened. For Americans in Jordan ------at least one parent. Fbr addl- tlpnal information, contact MAYTAG Halo-of-Heat’ DRYERS- WASHINGTON,^(AP) — here because any success In and put them on the Israeli Chester Thomas, 8 Gerard St. The United States is on the curbing the conflict reduces the front. with Permanent Press Cycle... In Albany possibility that President Nixon The initial response of author­ ii S;m cuI -Center Congregational point of deciding whether might find It necessary to inter­ ities here was that the four Church School Grades 7, 8 and • No Hot Spots! Gentle, to send chartered civilian vene with force. Nevertheless points did not seem to be suffi­ B A R R iC iN il 9 will have a creative learning even heat, surround aircraft to Amman in the he has deployed troops, plants cient to bring peace to the coun­ time tonight at 6:46 at the clothes • Permanent Press inimediate future to evacu­ grid ships for quick action If try, and probably would not church. Grades 7 and 8 will Gunmqn Kills Four Women; Takes Own Life ate possibly 200 American command the respect of aU CHOCOLATES cycle • Fine Mesh lint fil­ necessary. meet in Woodruff Hall and ter • Full opening safety ALBANY, N. Y. (AP) — A citizens from war-torn Jor­ The arrival of the Arab peace guerrilla elements. Grade 9 In MemorlEd Hall. door • Electronic Control State Labor Department em­ dan. makers In Amman was followed ■There was some question — automatically shuts off ploye reported for work as usual Informed sources reported by an announcement by Amnito whether It even had the en­ B- today, pulled a rifle from a box that the decision is Imminent— radio earlier today of agree­ dorsement of key sections of the when proper dryness has ment on a fouf point settlement Palestinian leadership. been reached. wrapped in C3iristmas paper Indicating It would be reachd Visit that he carried and killed four by some time ’Thursday. which would have restored Hus­ Within hours reports spread Fire CaDs women employes, each with a U.S. citizens In Jordan, in­ sein’s authority throughout the that the central committee of well-aimed shot. Then he took cluding wives of Jordanians, to­ country and taken the guerrillas the Palestinian movement had I l^iggstt Drug Town firemen responded to his own life. tal around 400. Nme Americans out of Amman and other cities rejected the plan and pledged to one call yesterday, at 3d2T p .te. Police said three of the fe­ flew from Ammtm to Beirut, fight on. Nixon administration I at the Paricade at 6 Bank fit. wiiera tbey ex­ male employes were killed in a Lebanon,' today oilman Interna­ leaders were reported to be­ tinguished a minor car fire. GREAT fifth floor office where the man tional Red Cross clm*:ter plane. lieve, however, that more ex­ MAYTAG worked. The fourth woman was ' In the operation wKlCh the Alert tended negotiations could yet re­ shot minutes later on the third Nixon administration is now sult in a settlement. considering most seriously, Several hours after the agree­ 1970 VOLKSWAGEN floor. The gxmman, police said, then about 16 official employes of the ment was made public reports THINK SMALlNiajBi______SEDAN U.S. government would be Recalls reaching Washington through D^vered in Manchester WARRANTY went to a stairwell on the sec­ AUTOMATIC WASHER A DRTER brought out and private Ameri­ diplomatic channels said there Equipped with ICatherebte in­ ond floor, placed the weapon In 5 year cabinei warramy hia mouth and fired his last bul­ can citizens living in Jordan had been heavy firing In Am­ terior, windriiield washer, 2- against rust. 2 years on would be evacuated on a volun­ Trip<^li speed electric wipers, heater; ^ M AYTAG let. He toppled dead down the man about dawn today and that / complete washer. 5 years iTM tary basis. machinegun and light arms fire drfogger, 4-wny safety fiashers, on transmission assembly Maytag Disposers stairs. WASHINGTON (AP) — The beck-up lights, front and real PORTA-PAIR ■The precise number ■'In the continued Into the morning. bdts, leatherette headrest^ Grinds all types of food The gunman was identified as r*cue operation, therefore, large U.S. naval force standing There "Were also reports from steering whed' lock awl rfei FrM r«phK«Mnt el pertt that M . or cab wastes. Positive pressure Joseph W. White, 26, of Albany, cannot be Imown; in advance, by In the Mediterranean for pos­ diplomatic sources of fighting in inet if rusts, as a result ol home use. water seal guards against You can have a complete portable an administrative analyst for window defroster.. Labor retired for installation of parts is but authorities here estimate sible use in the Mideast crisis is the north of Jordan where Hus­ 2505 free for one year from date of purchase; water leakage into motor the department. The women, all about 200 persons, for whom thereafter \ib o r is extra. areas. laundry almost anywhere you live- 'fulfilling a role dating to 1801 sein's army was said to claim a TCD TRUDON Bt. 83 Tolland Tpk. secretaries, were Identified as they would need two airplanes. ■victory. TalcottvUle, Conn. iviAYTAG PORTA- MAYTAG PORTA ICrs. Sandra L. Peters, 24, a re­ In spite of a sharp setback to when American Marines went WASHER' portable, Nixon administration leaders 648-2838 DRYER' needs no in cent bride from Amsterdam, Initial Arab peace Efforts, U.S. ashore at ’Tripoli. have been hopeful that the Inter­ V0LKSWA6EN quiet. No special in­ stallation or venting stallation. Washes a Patricia Chromick, 22, of Al­ officials meanwhile expressed From that early 19th Century vention of ah Arab summit mis­ Just plug In any ade generous load May­ bany, Unda D. WlUls, 22, of belief that an Arab solution may exercise against the Barbary pi­ sion in Amman would ^ d ways tag clean in minutes. quate IIS volt out Waterford, and Mary Ann be found for the civil war in Jor­ rates, American naval forces at least to curb the civil war w d 3 settings— Regular. let. Does everything Relnsche, 27, of Albany. dan. I have crtilsed the Mediterra­ redu^ the closes of'possible Two Big Shows! INC Permanent Press & a big dryer does ex­ About 20 persons worked In The critical ■point is whether nean, showing flag and look­ U.S. intervention. WED.— 1 P.M. THURS.—7:30 P.M. belicate cept take up space the fifth floor office where the any agreement which may be ing out for U.S., Interests. •*- Nixon administration officials TERMS shootings occurred, according to negotiated with King Hussein The U.S. 6th' Fleet, with its professed cautious encourage­ PLAZA DEPT. STORE TAILORED Albany County District Attorney and the Palestinian guerrilla attack carriers able to ment at word I that Soviet au­ (We Have A Notion To Please) MANCHESTER TO SUIT VBINON Arnold Proakln. leadership would be respected launch its planes on nuclear thorities are In touch with Syri­ E. MH>DLE TPKE. (Next to Fi^iilar Mkt.) ^ 445 HARTFORD ROAD YOUR POST SHOPPING PLAZiU-RT. M Prosldn Indicated the shoot­ and supported by the 'more radl- gtrjkes 600 miles from ship- an leaders. Hie United States OPEN WED., THUBS., FRL tUl 6 BUDGET ings were deliberate. Asked cal guerrilla groups. board, is the most powerful na- had asked Moscow to urge re­ TEL 64«4>113 Efit 96 off Rt. 15 A 1-86, .T IL 8714101 whether White had fired indis­ Dlsclosure that a summit lev- yjj force In the Mediterranean straint on the Syrians who Inter­ criminately, Proekln said: “No, el mission had been sent to Am- today. And with the buildup of vened In Jordan last weekend. he skipped some.” Proekln de­ man Tuesday by a gathering of ^ g forces in the current Mid- Under preparatory orders laid BOOK BAGS’ 1 .3 3 fifi scribed the fifth floor office as Arabian kings and presidents In Cairo was hopefully received (See Page Sixteen) (See Page Fourteen) Drawstring, Heavy quality etoth,: 434 OAKLAND ST. # i MANCHESTER We’ll help you be a'Dollar Watcher!., and SAVE some too! ( le e Page Twenty-Fsor) Police remove a body from State Labor Department Building after the fatal shootings. (AP Photofax)