-V r MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 21r, 1970 Average Daily Net Press Run The Weather PAGE TWENTY For Tlie Week Ended Partiy cloudy, mild tonight; September U, 1910 low In 60s. Tomorrow through Thursday cloudy, mild with chance of showers/thundershow- 15,792 ers. Wednesday’s high in 80s. Nazaroff Retrial WE MAINTAIN OUR LOWEST P R I^ Manchester— A City of Village Charm Day In ...Day O u t . VOL. L xipax, NO. 300 (EIGHTEEN PAGES—TABLOID) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER fe, 1970 (Glaoaifled Advertising on Page U ) PRICE TEN CENTS 1 Starts Tomorrow I A reblal in the case of John P. Nazaroff of M anch^ ter. charged with manalau|diter in co n n ^ o n ^ t h the (HI PRESCRIPTIONS shooting death of George Vilbrin, 82, also of M ^ches- ter, o ^an , 6 of this year is scheduled to bei^ tomoiv . resulting in meaningful Cambodians Move New Haven row in Hamord County Superior Court A previous trial savings to you every day / Battle Continues in Jordan; in July resulted in a hung jury. Ho also facM a charge Teachers of canning a gun without a permit The July jury reach­ No ups and'downs In your Prescrlptton I costs—no “dlsoounta" today, "^ g n la r T o Envelop V illage ed no decision in that matter either. prices’' tomorrow! Refect Offer VUbrln wa» arreatod Jan. A by Contributed to hla fear of VU­ No “redooed specials’’—no “tem por^ Mancheater police In connection' brln. reductions’’ __on Prescriptions to lure I with an incident that night at Aaat. State’a Atty. Joaeph castomera! I S k elw Jr. aubmltted that Nasa­ PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (A P )^ om m u n ist trocips New ^Haven “teaSf- Spruce and Oak Sta. which re- A t the same tone, there is nevw any | Arab Leaders Study Crisis l s did not uae reaaonaUe force wno have stalled the government’s first major offensive ers’ strike was oveiwheimingiy aulted in the death of VUbrin compromise in service or qnallty! againat VUhrln. Teatlmony in lashed out'at heavily reinforced Cambodian forces in rejected by the teachers Mon- from gunahot wounda. July from poUce and doctora two shelling attacks today, the military command' re- day night. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ■ Nasarott, of 40 Orlawold St, ahowed that VUbrin had been TOU OET OUR LOWEST ported. A boisterous meeting of ap- waawaaen originally charged with---- «aav*shot aeyen times, four Umea in Jordanian and Palestine PRICES EVERT DAT OF THE We Deliver A spokesman said the Cam bo- proxlmat^y 600 teachers gave guerrilla forces battled in flrat, t ) ^ aecond degree mur- the back. TEAR . AND TOU SAVE dian troops, estimated at about Its apptuval to 27 proposed con- dar, and flnaUy manslaughter, .Everywhere Amman and in northern The July Jury deUberated the MORE THROUGHOUT THE Peace Rally 6,000 men, were pressing tract, provisions, including a aftercuver a OUp«s*wSuperior wviaanCourt •aeaaaaegrand caseCWO for 14 hours WVAover threewaav«> Jordan today in the sixth TEAR . ON ALL TOUR Fast against light opposition into po­ tw(>-year salary pact, but re- jury refused to indict Nasaroff <jaya before reporting to Hart- sitions to try to envelop toe ^»6ted four others. day of a conflict that Cairo PRESCRIPTION NEEDS. on a murder ciiaige on March ford County Superior Court Planned For Communist strongpoint at Taing. Immediately after the meet­ radio declared had cost 10,-. 17 Judge AnUuaiy J. Armentano Kauk, 47 miles north of Phnom ing the school board Issued a 000 lives. two that they ware hopelessly dead- s • July trial lasted TRY US AND SEE Penh. statement expressing "disap­ Syrian and Jordanian tonka w e^ . 'Dmiiii**that**trii toe i^ e d onboto the‘maasl«ighter New Haven An estimated 2,000 North Viet­ pointment" at rejection of toe slugged it out on toe rooky court heard testimony from five and ^ e wwpons_ charge. namese and Viet Cong are in offer, but asserting that the sal- stretches of northern Jordan in N a^roff has been out on a Manchaster poUcemen; two by­ toe -village. 'ITie enemy force arly schedule would become ef­ the area where Jordan has 17,000 cash bend posted by his By MARC CHARNET (Hendd itnto by FfeUo standersSUUWei* whowuo witnessed toe ------ - — — ------ -- Aaoooiatod Press Writer has halted the government oper­ fective today and urging all charged—and Dam ucus denlel shooting; Nazaroff’s estranged employer, toe Gunver Mfg. Oo, ation for nine days. teachers to report to work. —that Syria had intervened. wife, Renate, and a friend of o f Manchester, NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) — The spokesman in Phnom Teachers in West Haven also Syria says toe tanks are Picnic Launches Town GOP Campaign hers; Nazaroff’s girlfriend; Nai- - ~ A group calling itself toe Con Penh said villagers in the battle voted Monday to reject their manned by Palestinan guerril­ aroff, and several others. Suit3$erUma$ board’s latest contract offer and Dobkln introduced all the Mayor Ann UcceUo, candidate nectlcut Peace Action C>>alition have reported toat some las. About 380 town RepubUcans convention-nominated candidate Nazaroff and his attorneys in Most people think toat the Communists were pulling out of remain out. The board had Arab leeuiers assembled in for governor, emphasized that above candidates, plus Mayor for Congress from toe First called today for a statewide officially launched this year’s District (Greater Hartford). that trial, John Barman and Matterhorn is toe highest moun- Taing Hauk. He said Intelli- termed the proposal its "11th- Ckdro to consider methods to this is the yiear to turn the tide Nathan G. Agostlnelli and State rally here Oct. 31 to press de­ genoe reports indicate that the hour compromise.” campaign Saturday evening with Welcker and MeskUl circu­ Oourtney Bourns, argued that he tain in Swltierland but it’s 14,- stop the conflict in Jordan, with away from . Democratic state Itop. Barabara Dunn of East mands for total withdrawal of enemy may have decided to fall The board reaffirmed its po­ Kfartford, candidates for State lated among the gathering dur­ was in a state of terror gt toe 780-foot height is topped by AT THE PARKADE — WEST MIDDLE TPKE. some advocating military inter­ the traditional picnic at the control but cautioned against time of toe shoting. Nazaroff Monte Rosa, which rises to a American troops from South back to more easily defendable sition on the strike Monday comptroller and secretary of ing the two-hour refreshment vention. Dougherty Lot on Centar St. any feeling of RepubUcan com­ Vietnam. jiosltions. night by voting not to pay teach­ While toe summit conference state respectively; and Hartford period to greet party workers. told of several Incidents which height' of 18,208 fbet. Lowell Welcker, second from placency. Leslie Craine, acting as toe The spokesman said five sol­ ers for days they were on strike opening! was ostensibly set for left above, U. S. Congressman — spokesman for toe state coal- diers and two civilians were and by approving a motion to Noon BDT, it more or less be­ from the 4th Congresslanal Dis­ tion, said toe group was hoping wounded in toe two shelling at- hire permanent substitute teach­ gan at 4 a.m., E!DT, with a so- trict and convenUon-nomlnated fOr "a very large, broad based tacks. ers to staff the classrooms. rles of private Infoimal discus­ candidate for toe U. S. Senate, and peaceful rally" to be held P’remier Lon Nol visited the About 440 of the town’s 833 sions among toe leaden at in a bHef address, said that in in New Haven in conjunction Taing Kauk. area Monday, then teachers are on strike. Egypt, Sudan, Libya and Ku­ his campaign he want to rep­ with a nationwide demonstra­ went on to Kompong Thom to Striking members of the West wait, foUowed by a joint meet­ resent toe great majority of tion on toe same date. visit" troops at that provincial Haven Federation of Teachers ing with Syrian President capital 80 miles north of Phnom were scheduled to meet today Neureddin Atassl. people in toe middle of toe poli- " ’niere’s no reason that any Penh. The government’s offen­ to discuss the board’s latest ac­ Nasser met with toe Su­ Ucal qpectnim. person who agrees with our ba- Shown with him, from left, are sive is eiimed at reopening the tions. danese, Libyan and Kuwaiti otc demand of total withdrawal M. Adler DobUn, Town Republi­ area between Skoun and Kom­ A spokesman for the teach- leaders in Suburban Kubbah Pa­ can’t get up and speak," Mrs. can Committee chairman; pong Thom. ce. Later these leaders went Craine said in an apparent open Jdrs. Vivian F. Ferguson, candi­ The Cambodian command (See Page Four) to Obuda Palace in another part Invitation to politicians to speak date from toe 20th Assembly also reported four attacks in the of Cairo where Atassl is staying. at toe rally. She said toe group District; Donald Oenovasi, 18th past two days in toe Phnom Prime Minister Mohamad District Assemblyman; David is nonpartisan. Penh area. It appeared that Daoud of Jordan attended none Odegard, deputy mayor and The news conference was held none of the attacks dislodged of the semlons, underling Jor­ state senate candidate from toe at the First Methodist Church, government soldiers from their Tito Quitting dan’s isolation from other Arab 4to Senatorial District; and near the Yale University cam- positions. The spokesman said states In the crisis. Roger Bagley, candidate from pus. ’ the government now has enough Egypt warned against any tha 10th Assembly District. Mrs.
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