Occurrence and Crystal Structure of Calciopetersite from Monte Beni (Firenzuola, Florence, Tuscany, Italy)

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Occurrence and Crystal Structure of Calciopetersite from Monte Beni (Firenzuola, Florence, Tuscany, Italy) Atti Soc. tosc. Sci. nat., Mem., Serie A, 116 (2011) pagg. 17-22, figg. 2, tabb. 4; doi: 10.2424/ASTSN.M.2011.03 C. Biagioni (*), E. Bonaccorsi (*), P. Orlandi (*) OCCURRENCE AND CRystal structure OF CALCIOPETERSITE from MONTE BENI (FIRENzUOLA, FLORENCE, TUSCANy, Italy) Abstract - The mixite group includes several hexagonal Introduction phosphates and arsenates, characterized by the general chem- ical formula MCu6(XO4)3(OH)6⋅3H2O. A phosphate belong- The mixite group is formed by a series of hexagonal ing to this group has been identified on samples collected at phosphates and arsenates, having the general chemical the Fantoni quarry (Monte Beni, Firenzuola, Florence), as formula MCu6(XO4)3(OH)6⋅3H2O. M is represented by tufts of acicular crystals with hexagonal section, blue-green 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 2+ 2+ 5+ 5+ in color, associated with chrysocolla. Semi-quantitative REE , y , Al , Bi , Ca , or Pb ; X can be As or P . chemical data point to a dominance of Ca over y, indicat- Up to now, only two natural phosphates have been ing that these samples could be classified as calciopetersite. described: petersite-(y) and calciopetersite. Petersite- The crystal structure of this mineral has been solved and (y), ideally yCu6(PO4)3(OH)6⋅3H2O, was described refined using intensity data collected through synchrotron by Peacor & Dunn (1982) and was found in very radiation, due to the extremely small size of the single crys- few localities world-wide; calciopetersite, ideally tals. Calciopetersite is hexagonal, space group P6 /m, cell 3 CaCu6(PO4)2(PO3OH)(OH)6⋅3H2O, is rarer than the parameters a 13.206(2), c 5.824(3) Å. Its crystal structure previous one and it was found only in three localities is analogous to those described for the arsenates belonging (Sejkora et al., 2005; Kolitsch, 1997; Walenta, 2003). to the mixite group and it is composed by chains of Cu[4+1] O pyramids, infinite along [001], bonded to MO polyhedra These two minerals are the P-analogues of agardite-(y) 5 9 and zálesíite, respectively. Whereas the crystal structure through edge-sharing. The structure is completed by PO4 tet- rahedra. Finally, the structural channels host H2O molecules. of some arsenates of the mixite group were determined The genesis of calciopetersite from Monte Beni is related to and refined, the crystal structures of the P-dominant the superficial alteration of a copper mineralization hosted phases are still not experimentally determined. in the ophiolitic rocks. Tuscan occurrences of the minerals of the mixite group are rather rare: mixite was reported by Bellé & Simo- Key words - Calciopetersite, mixite group, crystal structure, nini (1997) and Orlandi (1999) from the Gioia quarry ophiolites, Monte Beni, Tuscany. (Carrara), whereas Senesi & Sabelli (1999) described the occurrence of agardite-(Ce) in the Santa Caterina Riassunto - Ritrovamento e struttura cristallina della calcio- petersite di Monte Beni (Firenzuola, Firenze, Toscana, Italia). Valley (Campiglia Marittima), associated with arsenio- Il gruppo della mixite comprende una serie di fosfati e arseniati siderite and scorodite. During a routine examination of mineral samples from esagonali, aventi formula generale MCu6(XO4)3(OH)6⋅3H2O. Un fosfato appartenente a questo gruppo è stato identificato in the Fantoni quarry (Monte Beni, Firenzuola, Florence, campioni provenienti dalla cava Fantoni (Monte Beni, Firen- Tuscany), a phosphate member of the mixite group was zuola, Firenze), sotto forma di aggregati raggiati di cristalli identified in two specimens collected by Mr. Tiberio aciculari a sezione esagonale e colore verde-azzurro, in asso- Bardi. Using one of these two specimens, now kept in ciazione a crisocolla. I dati chimici semi-quantitativi indicano the mineralogical collection of the «Museo di Storia una predominanza di Ca su y, e quindi una attribuzione alla Naturale e del Territorio» of the Pisa University, under calciopetersite. La struttura cristallina di questo minerale è stata determinata e raffinata utilizzando dati di intensità rac- the catalogue number # 19444, a structural study was colti con luce di sincrotrone, per ovviare alle minutissime planned, in order to determine the true atomic arrange- dimensioni dei cristalli singoli. La calciopetersite cristallizza ment of this phase. nel sistema esagonale, gruppo spaziale P63/m, con parametri di cella a 13.206(2), c 5.824(3) Å. La struttura di questa fase è analoga a quella descritta per gli arseniati appartenenti al Geological setting gruppo della mixite ed è formata da catene di piramidi Cu[4+1] O5, infinite lungo [001], legate a poliedri MO9 tramite con- The area of Monte Beni is characterized by outcrops of divisione di spigoli. La struttura è completata da tetraedri basalts, gabbros, and serpentinized ultramafites belong- PO . Infine, all’interno dei canali strutturali, trovano posto 4 ing to the Liguride units. These rocks were affected by molecole di H2O. L’origine della calciopetersite di Monte Beni è legata a processi di alterazione superficiale di una oceanic metamorphism and by hydrothermal process- mineralizzazione cuprifera incassata nelle rocce ofiolitiche. es, with the appearance of a series of mineral phases typical of this geologic environment and described Parole chiave - Calciopetersite, gruppo della mixite, struttura also in other localities from the Northern Apennines. cristallina, ofioliti, Monte Beni, Toscana. D’Achiardi (1872/73) reported the occurrence of (*) Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Pisa, via Santa Maria 53, 56126 Pisa, Italy. 18 C. BIAGIONI, E. BONACCORSI, P. ORLANDI quartz, «diallage», talc, «labradorite», and chalcopy- strong, 100; 4.32, medium, 210; 3.48, weak, 211; 3.17, rite from Monte Beni, whereas Pedroni et al. (1996) weak, 310 and 130; 2.86, medium, 400; 2.625, weak, cited the presence of pyrite, chalcopyrite, actinolite, 230 and 320; 2.50, weak, 140; 2.419, medium, 212 epidote, diopside, rhodonite, and titanite. In 2002, an and 122; 1.953, weak, 232 and 322. The indices of the important rock fall occurred in the old Fantoni quarry reflections were attributed on the basis of the intensity and a mineralogical study was carried on these new calculated from the structural model of calciopetersite, materials, in which calciopetersite was found (Bardi using the software Powder Cell (Kraus & Nolze, 1996). et al., in preparation). Qualitative chemical EDS analysis showed the occur- rence of Ca, Cu, y, P, Si, and minor Nd as the only elements with Z > 9. Arsenic, detected in petersite- Mineralogical characterization (y) and calciopetersite from the type locality, was not observed. The occurrence of Si is probably related to Calciopetersite was identified in only two specimens a small coating of chrysocolla. Owing to the exten- found in the Fantoni quarry (Monte Beni, Florence, Tus- sive substitution at the M and X sites, an unambiguous cany). It occurs as divergent radiating sprays of acicular identification of the individual members of the mixite crystals, with a hexagonal cross-section 5 µm wide, up group is possible only through quantitative chemical to 0.1 mm long, blue-green in color. Calciopetersite is analysis. However, due to the tiny dimensions and the associated with chrysocolla, in mammillary aggregates, difficulty in preparing a polished crystal of this min- on altered chalcopyrite. The identification was carried eral from Monte Beni, only semi-quantitative energy- out by X-ray powder diffraction using a 114.6 mm dispersive microprobe could be carried out on unpol- Gandolfi camera with Ni-filtered CuKα radiation and ished crystal at a Stereoscan S360 Cambridge electron qualitative EDS chemical analysis with a Philips XL30 microscope with an Oxford Instruments INCA EDS SEM, equipped with a EDAX DX4 system. analyzer, equipped with a Link Pentafet SATW detec- Notwithstanding the very small size of the crystals, tor, at the Dipartimento di Scienze Mineralogiche e X-ray powder diffraction revealed that the studied sam- Petrologiche of the University of Turin. The operating ple belongs to the mixite group. The observed reflec- conditions were: 15 kV accelerating voltage, 1.5 nA tions are [d in Å, visually estimated I, hkl]: 11.4, very beam current, 2.0 µm beam dimension and 100 s live- Tab. 1 - Details on crystal data, data collection and structural refinement. Crystal data Crystal size (mm3) 0.08 × 0.005 × 0.005 Cell setting, space group Hexagonal, P63/m a, c (Å) 13.206(3), 5.824(2) V (Å3) 879.6(5) Z 2 Data collection and refinement Radiation, wavelength (Å) synchrotron, λ = 1 Å Temperature (K) 293 Detector to sample distance 36 mm Detector diameter (cm) 16.5 Number of frames 72 Rotation width per frame (°) 5 Maximum observed 2θ 37.68 Measured reflections 261 Unique reflections 261 Reflections Fo > 4σ (Fo) 261 Range of h, k, l 0 ≤ h ≤ 12, -9 ≤ k ≤ 0, 0 ≤ l ≤ 5 R [Fo > 4σ (Fo)] 0.0516 R (all data) 0.0516 2 wR (on Fo ) 0.1288 Goof 1.184 Number of least squares parameters 43 OCCURRENCE AND CRystal structure OF CALCIOPETERSITE from MONTE BENI (FIRENzUOLA, FLORENCE, TUSCANy, Italy) 19 time. Five analytical points were collected; in one of in excess of y, with the only exception of an analytical them, collected near the base of the studied crystal, no point near the base of a crystal, which did not show at yittrium was detected. In the other four points, yittrium all the presence of yttrium. is always subordinated to calcium, with a quite constant Atomic coordinates and equivalent or isotropic dis- ratio (Ca:y ~ 60:40). On the basis of these data, it is placement parameters
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    inorganic compounds Acta Crystallographica Section E Experimental Structure Reports Crystal data Online ˚ 3 Cu5.70(Y0.69Ca0.31)[(As0.83P0.17)O4]3- V = 930.50 (6) A ISSN 1600-5368 (OH)6Á3H2O Z =2 Mr = 985.85 Mo K radiation À1 Hexagonal, P63=m = 13.13 mm 2+ ˚ Agardite-(Y), Cu 6Y(AsO4)3(OH)6Á3H2O a = 13.5059 (5) A T = 293 K c = 5.8903 (2) A˚ 0.10 Â 0.02 Â 0.02 mm a b Shaunna M. Morrison, * Kenneth J. Domanik, Marcus J. Data collection a a Origlieri and Robert T. Downs Bruker APEXII CCD 20461 measured reflections diffractometer 786 independent reflections aDepartment of Geosciences, University of Arizona, 1040 E. 4th Street, Tucson, Absorption correction: multi-scan 674 reflections with I >2(I) Arizona 85721-0077, USA, and bLunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of (SADABS; Bruker, 2004) Rint = 0.048 Arizona, 1629 E. University Blvd., Tucson, AZ. 85721-0092, USA Tmin = 0.353, Tmax = 0.779 Correspondence e-mail: [email protected] Refinement Received 24 July 2013; accepted 21 August 2013 R[F 2 >2(F 2)] = 0.032 1 restraint wR(F 2) = 0.086 H-atom parameters not refined ˚ À3 Key indicators: single-crystal X-ray study; T = 293 K; mean () = 0.000 A˚; H-atom S = 1.14 Ámax = 2.34 e A ˚ À3 completeness 0%; disorder in main residue; R factor = 0.032; wR factor = 0.086; 786 reflections Ámin = À0.79 e A data-to-parameter ratio = 13.1. 60 parameters 2+ Agardite-(Y), with a refined formula of Cu 5.70(Y0.69Ca0.31)- Data collection: APEX2 (Bruker, 2004); cell refinement: SAINT 2+ [(As0.83P0.17)O4]3(OH)6Á3H2O [ideally Cu 6Y(AsO4)3(OH)6Á- (Bruker, 2004); data reduction: SAINT; program(s) used to solve structure: SHELXS97 (Sheldrick, 2008); program(s) used to refine 3H2O, hexacopper(II) yttrium tris(arsenate) hexahydroxide trihydrate], belongs to the mixite mineral group which is structure: SHELXL97 (Sheldrick, 2008); molecular graphics: Xtal- characterized by the general formula Cu2+ A(TO ) (OH) Á- Draw (Downs & Hall-Wallace, 2003); software used to prepare 6 4 3 6 material for publication: publCIF (Westrip, 2010).
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