by Mitsuo Fuchida 1

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Print to PDF without this message by purchasing novaPDF ( by Mitsuo Fuchida 3 Fuchida is no longer an emissary of hate but an ambassador of love. Here, too, you will read about the Sky Pilots of America International and of the prayers and ne- gotiations which made possible the bringing of Cap- tain Fuchida to this country that he might witness on behalf of his new Commanding Officer, the Lord Jesus Christ, and later return to his native Japan to organize the youth of that country into squadrons of the Sky Pilots of Japan!

CONTENTS By MITSUO FUCHID Chapter 1. 1 Bomb Pearl Harbor ...... 09 A CHIEF SKY PILOT 2. 1Am Three Times Rescued ...... 19 3. 1 Look for a New Way of Life ...... 27 OF JAPAN 4. 1 Learn the Miracle of Love ...... 49 Published by Sky Pilots Press Copyright 1953 5. 1 Receive a Letter ...... 65 All story and movie rights reserved 6. I Let Elmer Sachs Tell His Story ...... 71 SKY PILOTS OF AMERICA INTERNATIONAL, INC. 7. 1 Reach America...... 85 45 East Julian Street Postcript …………………………...... …………..91 San Jose, California, U.S.A. With appreciation to JOHN ANDERSON BARBOUR FORWARD for invaluable editorial assistance Here is the true story of the incidents that led to the conversion of the man who was the Com- mander of the first air fleet of the Japanese Impe- CHAPTER ONE rial Navy. I Bomb Pearl Harbor . . . Here is Captain Mitsuo Fuchida of the Japanese Imperial Navy who led the 360 planes With grateful acknowledgment for the use of that plunged without warning on the American material in I LED THE Pacific Fleet in Pearl Harbor on the fateful morning in the United States Naval Institute proceedings, of December 7, 1941. Annapolis, Md. This book is dedicated to all pastors, Sunday The Akagi pitched and rolled under my feet schoolteachers, public school teachers, and all in the rough sea. White surf whipped across the governmental agencies as well as all organizations flight deck in startling contrast to the predawn black- that are seeking the solution for peace on earth ness. The crews were hard pressed to keep their and good will among men, to the end that all man- planes from sliding into the sea. The time was 5:30 kind may seek-as this man sought-Jesus Christ, the A.M. The day was the seventh of December. The Way of Peace. year, 1941. I climbed to the Commander in Chief’s When the Prince of Peace, the Lord Jesus quarters. Christ, is seated in authority in the assembly of the “I am ready for the mission,” I reported. United Nations” the deceitful darkness of men’s Admiral Nagumo stood to his feet. He grasped heart will disappear, dispelled by the glory of my hand hard in his. Him who said, “Fuchida,” he said, “I have confidence in you.” “I am the light of the world. He that Together we entered the dim light of the brief- followeth Me shall not walk in darkness ing room where the pilots were waiting. The room but shall have the light of life.” was crowded, and some of the men were standing Having met the Prince of Peace, Mitsuo in the passageway craning their necks to see me as

Print to PDF without this message by purchasing novaPDF ( 4 “from Pearl Harbor to Golgotha” I stood before the blackboard on which were writ- “Don’t be alarmed, Fuchida, but we ten the positions of ships in Pearl Harbor. want you to lead our air force in the On that board also was the time-0600 hours, event that we attack Pearl Harbor!” and the day-7 December. My heart was still pounding with the excite- After I had called the men to attention, ment of the proposal when Genda took me on board “Captain Hasegawa gave us our final briefing. Then the Akagi for conference with First Air Fleet Com- he said: “Take off according to plan.” mander, Vice-Admiral Chuichi Nagumo and his staff The crews scrambled to their places. I climbed including Chief of Staff, Rear Admiral Ryunosuke to the command post above the flight deck. The Kusaka. In that conference Commander Genda urged Operations Officer, Genda, put his hand on my the use of torpedoes against the ships in Pearl shoulder. He did not speak. He just smiled at me. I Harbor. knew what was in his mind. “But that’s impossible,” I protested. “ Air Officer Masuda questioned me about the The water depth in Pearl Harbor only pitch and roll of the ship. Would the weather delay averages about thirty-two feet.” at the last minute the plans that had been laid so Genda insisted that if we could find a way to carefully over the past months? I reassured him. torpedo the ships in such shallow water, it would “If we can co-ordinate the take-offs add to the surprise of the attack by its very unex- with the pitching of the flight deck pectedness. Besides, the torpedoes below the sur- we’ll be all right,” I said. face would do more effective damage than bomb- Then I saluted and left. My plane was in ings from the air. position, its tail striped w1th red and yellow to mark So at last I had agreed to find a way. And I it as the commander’s. had only two and a half months. Indeed, less than Just before I got into the plane, the officer that, because that day I learned that December in charge of the maintenance gang came over to was the month planned for the attack. Although me with a white hachimaki (cloth headband). I could officially we spoke of “If we attack.... “ we all thought just make out his smile in the dim light. “When we attack. ... “ “It’s a gift from the maintenance crews,” In the weeks that followed I had stepped up he said. “We want you to take it to the pace of training and this was difficult to do Pearl Harbor.” because we did not want American observers to I shook his hand and tucked the band into my notice any undue activity on our part. flying cap. Early in November I licked the torpedo prob- The engines warming up were a full-throated lem. We added more fins to our torpedoes and roaring chorus in my ears. Suddenly a green lamp planned to drop them from a height of fifty-two was swung in a circle at the end of the flight deck. feet instead of the usual three hundred or more. It was the signal for the take-off. As it was re- And now December 7 was here, and our air leased, the first plane moved forward. It gained armada was air-borne. We flew through heavy clouds speed. I held my breath wondering if the pilot’s for forty-five minutes. Then I turned on the radio- timing would be right. Then I breathed easier as it direction finder and picked up the Honolulu radio was air-borne. station. As I listened to a program of light music, I Another followed . . . and another ... and adjusted the antenna and found we were five de- another ... out into the blackness. grees off course. I corrected this. As I continued Fifteen minutes later 183 fighter bombers and to listen I heard the announcer give the weather torpedo planes had taken off from the flight deck report: of six aircraft carriers. This was the first wave of “Averaging partly cloudy, with clouds the total of 359 planes which I led into Pearl Harbor. mostly over the mountains. Cloud base We were 230 miles due north of Island and at 3500 feet. Visibility good. Wind Pearl Harbor. north at ten knots an hour.” This was the culmination of my every waking We could not have asked for better weather! thought since that day, September 24, 1941, when 0730 Hours- Commander Genda had taken me aside at Time to deploy for attack. We were over Kahuku Kagoshima on the southern tip of Kyushu and said, Point, the northernmost tip of the island and still no

Print to PDF without this message by purchasing novaPDF ( by Mitsuo Fuchida 5 indication that anyone knew we were in the air. My heart was ablaze with joy for my success We had two plans for the attack. in getting the whole main forces of the American If we had the advantage of surprise, the tor- Pacific Fleet in hand. In the years that were to fol- pedo planes were to strike first. Then the level low I would put my whole hate-flamed effort into bombers were to attack the air bases. In case of conducting the war that ensued. resistance the dive bombers were to attack first to confuse and attract the enemy fire. Then the level bombers would bomb and destroy the aircraft guns. CHAPTER TWO Finally, the torpedo planes would attack the ships at anchor in the harbor. I Am Three Times Rescued 0740 Hours- I gave the signal for a surprise attack. The dive· bombers rose to 4000 meters, and the level bomb- I won’t bother you with the details of my ers hung just below the clouds. early life. Enough to say that I was born in 1902 0749 Hours- in a lonely village- I gave the order. My radio man tapped out the of Japan. Naturally, I don’t code – “To, to, to, to… Notify the squadron remember it, but I was just three years old when to plunge into attack!” the Russo-Japanese War broke out, a war that ended 0755 Hours- in victory for Japan. That war with its victory for my The dive bombers, led by Lieutenant Commander country played its part in increasing the military Tahahashi, attacked Hickam Field, Ford Island, and mindedness of my country. Wheeler Field. Influenced by the increasing military atmos- 0757 Hours- phere I came to aspire, like many young men of my Lieutenant Commander Murata and his torpedo nation, to become an officer. When I was eighteen planes attacked the battleships in the harbor. years old, my cherished desire was realized. I en- 0800 Hours- tered the Naval Academy. In single-file formation the fighter planes strafed At that time the Japanese Navy was aimed the air bases. at America. We thought and trained in terms of 0805 Hours- America as our future enemy. We were taught that The level bombers began to drop their bombs on she would be, and every effort was made to in- the battleships. flame the hatred of the nation against her. How- The Honolulu radio broadcast continued its ever, I myself, had neither hatred nor enmity toward normal program. the American people as individuals. Then suddenly the ground below came alive! I was very happy the day I was enrolled in Dark gray blossoms of smoke-bursts made my plane the Academy. I was eager to show myself in naval tremble. Suddenly it was jarred as if a giant hand uniform to the people of my native village. I could had pushed it. We had a hole on the port side! A scarcely wait for my first vacation. And how proudly steering control wire was damaged, but the plane I walked along the streets at home in my new uni- was still under control. form! I looked down in the minutes that followed. Upon graduating I was appointed midship- Black clouds of smoke rose from the airfields. A man and set sail for overseas as a member of a huge column of dark red smoke rose 1000 feet training squadron. On this voyage, I remember it into the air from the battleship Arizona. Its powder well-the year was 1927- we came to San Francisco. magazine had exploded! There I was offended when I learned of the The Tennessee was on fire. immigration law known as the Japanese Exclusion I pulled the bomb release above the Act which that year had just been enacted. Being a Maryland. The planes behind did likewise. Two midshipman of twenty-three, I could not help feel- direct hits! ing ill about this law, and I was afraid that our fu- The target ship Utah on the western side of ture enemy would be America. Ford Island had capsized. When I returned home, I joined the air force and became a Flying Officer. Fifteen years passed.

Print to PDF without this message by purchasing novaPDF ( 6 “from Pearl Harbor to Golgotha” I became an expert pilot with a record 10,000 but with the condition the plane was in, it seemed hours of flight. Then came that never-to-be-forgot- impossible to rise high enough to get over it. ten day when Commander Genda told me I had We threw overboard everything we could move. been assigned as the General Commander of the In the end, we had to crash land in the jun- air squadron against Pearl Harbor. gle. One of the crew was killed. Miraculously the The Board of Supreme War Command in Ja- rest of us could move. We started walking through pan was strongly convinced that the destiny of the the jungle-a slow, tortuous progress! We knew the war was fully dependent upon the successor failure sea was not very far away. Once on the coast our of the Pearl Harbor attack. Hence, in order to in- chances of rescue would be much better. crease the hatred of the aviators toward America We walked for three days. At night we tied and to secure the utmost devotion to this strategy, ourselves to the branches of trees-up above the the military agents accused America with such strong reach of the jungle animals that prowled in the words as “Brutal and proud America, the long-time darkness. enemy...” et cetera. The third day we saw a plane in the jungle After that day when I took the leading part in ahead. We walked a little nearer, and we discov- precipitating the war between Japan and America, I ered that it was our own! Three days! We had been spent myself in the four years that followed. I served walking in a circle! as a most patriotic and faithful soldier to the mother We gave up hope of getting out alive. We country. were weak from the shock of landing and with During those years I faced death a number struggling through the jungle. We lay down to wait of times. I remember one occasion as though it for death. were yesterday. With my pilot I was on reconnoitrer It was then that in the other direction I saw a work between Formosa and China. Our fighter plane valley, a deep valley. Something inside of me was not equipped with homing devices like the larger seemed to say, “Come.” I got up, the others follow- planes. It was easy to lose yourself. And this day ing and we made our way toward the valley. we were lost! After we had circled for some time Then we heard the faint roaring of a distant the pilot said to me: waterfall! A river! We pressed on and found the “We have only ten minutes’ fuel left. river. We followed its course downward and reached What will we do?” the bottom of the valley. There a native found us At this time we were flying about 500 and led us to the coast. Not long afterwards we meters above the water “Take the plane up as high were rescued, and by the same Chinese junk cap- as you can until we run out of fuel,” I replied. tain; he sailed us to our base. At 2700 meters the engine sputtered and Looking back lean see now that God was died. We were out of fuel. With my field glasses I seeking me before I found Him, preserving my life swept the ocean. It was a beautiful day. that I might serve Him. I saw a Chinese junk off toward the horizon, On yet another occasion, during the Battle and I instructed the pilot to make the junk his tar- of Midway, I was with the aircraft carrier, Akaga. I get. A plane will normally glide four times the length was confined to a hammock, having just undergone of its height. an appendectomy. The American planes began to We hit the water almost beside the junk! The rake our ship with fire. Two bombs hit the deck plane nosed over and began to sink; but the cap- which was still filled with planes. They did terrible tain of the junk rescued us. Incidentally, I was later damage. able to come to the rescue of that same captain. Another bomb blew out the side of the ship It seems incredible, I know, but two years where I was lying. I was ,blown out into the ocean! later I was forced down once more, this time in the Both of my legs were broken, but I managed some- region of the Java Islands. Again I was rescued by how to stay afloat. After about twenty minutes one a junk captain. The same captain! of the destroyers picked me up. The ship sank to In the Battle of Java my plane was badly the bottom of the Pacific. Had it not been for the damaged. Fuel leaked out of one wing tank. We grace of God, I would have been down there with headed toward Borneo, wondering if the remaining the rest who sank. gas would hold out. We came to a high mountain

Print to PDF without this message by purchasing novaPDF ( by Mitsuo Fuchida 7 It is altogether possible that the dropping of relation to the earth, through the plants and the the atom bomb on saved my life. Just cattle, and the other aspects of farm life, I was before that bomb fell, which speedily concluded gradually led to think in terms of a Creator of all the war, I had agreed to a proposal of our govern- these things. With the increasing sense of the fact ment that I lead a new suicide project. of a Creator-God I came to feel ashamed of my The plan was to land our planes on the air former godless idea that man’s own power and ability strip at Guam. Each man in the suicide squadron were his only trustworthy guides. was to run with a bomb to the nearest American I had never been an atheist, in the extreme plane, attach the bomb to the wing of the plane, sense of the word, but religion had had little place and try to get away before the bomb (with a short in my thinking. In my early life there was very little fuse) exploded. It was almost certain death for every religious atmosphere. Consequently, I grew up to member of the squadron. manhood without any formal religion. After I en- But the atom bomb fell before we could carry listed in the Navy, the former “War Catechism” be- out what Americans would have called, “Operation came the sum total of my ideology. Suicide.” With the ending of the war the national out- look was altogether changed. Japan stepped out with the slogan of “Peace” to reconstruct a nation. CHAPTER THREE Four years passed and during those years I had watched the constant change of social phe- I Look for a New Way of Life nomena, but with cold eyes. In spite of it all, though, I could not help loving the mother country with her mountains and rivers. With the war over I had to find a new way of I set my mind to the problem of what would life. It was hard. I had had twenty-five years of be the proper way for Japan to exist as a nation. Navy service, and civilian:life was strange to me. Finally, I arrived at a conclusion. I concluded that After I was repatriated, I took up farming, but it the only way for the Japanese to survive and pros- was indeed a path of thorns to me. per and find a place in the sun again would be I must admit that I was bitter and disillusioned. through the doctrines of peace, irrespective of other I had never in my life realized so keenly the nations’ conditions. But my military- specialized mind unreliability of other men as I did during these years. saw in the conditions that prevailed in the world a I was strongly convinced that one’s own ability was possible danger of a second and greater “Pearl all that could be relied upon. Consequently, I worked Harbor.” diligently at farming and gave a cold glance at the Impelled by a desire to warn my people, I world affairs around me. determined to send out into the world a book enti- I started my new career of farming near tled, No More Pearl Harbor-no matter how insig- from practically nothing. It seemed so insignificant, nificant my work might be. As my writing progressed, something like an ant’s progress. Nevertheless, as however, I came to realize that in my appeal for time went on I built myself a house and dug a well. “No More Pearl Harbor,” there must be an assur- So my days passed in loneliness. It was a far ance among men of the transforming of the power cry from the regimentation and glamor of my mili- of hatred to the power of true brotherly love. But tary life. I was like a star that had fallen. At one how was that transformation to become a reality? moment I was Captain Mitsuo Fuchida, and the next, So long as the peoples of the world remained in I was nobody! opposition to one another, the only ultimate con- Whenever I thought of my past, I could not sequence could be the destruction of human civili- help but think of the mystery of my survival. Why zation. was I still alive, when men all around me had died If the peoples of the world profited by the like flies in the four years of conflict? Gradually I experience of the horrible years of war, the second came to believe that I had been supported by some half of the twentieth century should be a genera- great, unseen power. My sullenness began to be tion of nations united! The problem finally resolved diffused and dispelled by a sense of gratitude. around a person. Who, I asked myself, could Moreover, as I continued to live in closer accomplish the task of banishing suspicion and

Print to PDF without this message by purchasing novaPDF ( 8 “from Pearl Harbor to Golgotha” war. My mind turned toward God, the Creator of all things. God works in mysterious ways. In the midst of these thoughts I learned that the Japanese war prisoners were returning from America. In the lists of returning men I found the name of a lieutenant whom I had known very well. I went to Uraga to meet him and to ask about the treatment of prisoners of war in American camps. Little did I know as I started for Uraga that that meeting was to be the first step in a complete transformation of my way of life. PICTURE SECTION

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Print to PDF without this message by purchasing novaPDF ( 14 “from Pearl Harbor to Golgotha” nese landed, her parents escaped to the moun- CHAPTER FOUR tains in North Luzon, and were safe there for three years. I Learn the Miracles of Love “Then the American Army landed in the Phil- ippines, and the Japanese were forced up into the mountains. Some Japanese soldiers found the mis- My lieutenant friend was very glad to see sionaries in their mountain retreat and accused me. We talked about many things. Then I asked the them of being spies. They were ordered to be put question that had brought me to Uraga: to death. “What kind of treatment did “ ‘We are not spies,’ the missionaries in- you receive in America?” sisted. ‘But if you must kill us, let us have thirty My friend, informed me that the treatment in minutes with our Bibles and prayer.’ the American camp where he had been confined “For the next half-hour, so the report came had been fairly good. Of course, he added, there back to the young girl, her parents quietly read were difficulties and sufferings mentally and spir- their Bible and prayed. And then they were put to itually. death. But then he told me the following amazing story: “The girl did not hear about the fate of her “Something happened at the camp where mother and father until the end of the war. At first, I was interned,” he said, “which has made bitter tears of grief and indignation blinded her it possible for us who were in that camp eyes. She was filled with a terrible hatred for the to forego all our resentment and hatred, Japanese. Then gradually another attitude possessed and to return with a forgiving spirit and her. a feeling of light heartedness instead.” “‘Before my parents were slain they asked “After the end of the war,” he went on, for thirty minutes of time to pray to God,’ she “there came to the camp a certain thought. `What was that prayer?’ she wondered. American girl. Her age, I would judge, She became convinced that among other things was about twenty. She began to minister her parents surely asked the forgiveness of God to the Japanese war prisoners with for their executioners. Her hatred was washed away her whole heart and strength. by a Spirit-directed love for all men, even en- “As she went about the camp she emies! And now she is spending her time helping said to us, `if there is any discomfort the men in prisoner-of-war camps.’ or any need that you have, let me know. It was a beautiful story, but I could not un- If it is at all possible to help in any way, derstand such enemy-forgiving love. Where did man I would like to do so.’ find such love? I had never heard of people re- “She looked after our sick with such turning good for evil. I desired all the more to tender and loving and conscientious care,” discover the source of this power that could re- said my friend, “that all our hearts were move hatred from the hearts of people and change touched.” them into friendly, loving individuals. Only when I “About three weeks after the girl first came found that answer could I write a satisfactory con- to the camp, one of the prisoners asked her,” ‘Why clusion to my book, No More Pearl Harbor. ‘“ are you so kind to us?’ Several months went by. Then I was con- “Her unexpected reply was, ‘Because my fronted with another example of this same strange parents were killed by the Japanese Army...’ miracle of love. “We were amazed. The moral code that we I had been summoned by General MacArthur had been taught was that the murderer of one’s to the Headquarters. As I came out of the parents becomes a sworn and irreconcilable en- Shibuya railroad station, I noticed an American mis- emy! We could not understand how anyone could sionary (later I learned that his name was Timothy return kindness for that! Pietsch) handing out leaflets to the passers-by. I “The young girl told us that her parents had accepted one. been Christian missionaries in the Philippine Is- The tract had a startling title- lands’ at the beginning of the war. When the Japa- “I WAS A PRISONER OF JAPAN.”

Print to PDF without this message by purchasing novaPDF ( by Mitsuo Fuchida 15 There was a picture of an American sergeant on In China before they reached a designated the cover. As I read the leaflet, I learned that he airfield in Chiang-Kai-Shek’s territory their bomber was Sergeant Jacob DeShazer - a member of ran out of gasoline! The crew had to parachute Doolittle’s squadron which left the aircraft carrier, into the dark night. The next morning DeShazer Hornet, to bomb Tokyo. was captured and interned as a prisoner of war. DeShazer testified, in the leaflet, that his Because of his unprovoked attack on the hatred of the Japanese was born the morning of fisherman, he was treated as a war criminal. He December 7, 1941 - the morning I led the raid on was taken to Tokyo; then back to Shanghai and Pearl Harbor! tortured. His bitterness and hatred toward the Japa- While I was in the air over Pearl Harbor, he nese increased. It is said that he cursed, saying, must have been engaged in KP. duty, peeling pota- “Let the entire Japanese race be obliterated from toes in preparation for dinner at his American army the earth!” camp. It was about three in the afternoon. Sud- Then several quiet nights came to him. He denly a news flash blared out over the loud-speaker began to ask, “Why should there be hatred among in the kitchen: human beings?” His thoughts went back to what “Early this morning the Japanese Air Force he had learned when he was a child attending launched an outrageous surprise attack on Pearl Sunday school - that Christ can change hatred to Harbor. Due to this barbarous act and sneak attack brotherly love. there is great damage and destruction to the Ameri- He begged earnestly for a Bible in order to can Navy and the Air Force. There now exists a investigate to see if this were true. At first he was state of war between America and Japan.” refused. Corporal DeShazer threw down the potato in his Later a guard brought him a Bible, but said hand and shouted out, “Jap .... Wait and see what he could have it for only three weeks. we will do to you!” He spent many hours reading the Word of Perhaps a month later there was a recruit- God over and over. And there came the moment ment for a dangerous mission from his air base, when he surrendered his heart to Christ. His bel- and a request was made for volunteers to make up ligerent attitude toward his guard changed to ten- a special crew. DeShazer responded immediately, derness and love. and was accepted. He was transferred to another The guards marvelled at the change in him. air base to be trained as a bombardier. For two “That must be a great and wonder-working Book,” months he trained intensively. they thought. Then, on April 1, 1942, sixteen B-25 North Three weeks passed, but his Bible was not American bombers were hoisted to the flight deck taken away. He continued to pray and to search of the aircraft Carrier, Hornet, in San Francisco the Scriptures. Bay. On board that ship was DeShazer, now Ser- The war came to an end. He was liberated geant DeShazer. and repatriated. He entered a Bible college, and as Ten miles out of the Bay an announcement soon as he was graduated, he returned to Japan. came over the loud-speakers: “Our objective is Once he had sailed from San Francisco Bay with the bombing of Tokyo’” Cheers rang out all over bombs. Now he was sailing from the same bay the ship. with a Bible. Once he had hatred, now he had This was the Doolittle bomber squadron compassion, and a prayer on his lips that he might which raided Tokyo on April 18, 1942. be able to bring salvation to the people he had Bombardier Sergeant Jake DeShazer was one hated. of the occupants of the last plane to leave the When I had finished reading Sergeant Hornet. They took off from the aircraft carrier at a DeShazer’s story, I became more ashamed than distance of seven hundred miles from the edge of ever of my own revengeful spirit. If a Bible could a peninsula of Japan. They bombed Nagoya and change his life, it might change mine. I bought a then headed toward China. Bible for myself. DeShazer confessed that his bitter hatred, The next day, before I had even opened my for the Japanese caused him to shoot at a fishing Bible, I was surprised to read an item about the boat in Ise Bay. Bible in the newspaper. In its editorial column there

Print to PDF without this message by purchasing novaPDF ( 16 “from Pearl Harbor to Golgotha” was a commentary which stated that the Bible was These two things I comprehended and ac- the world’s bestseller, that it had been translated knowledged. Then Mr. Wagner went on, into the languages of all civilized countries. The “The third thing to do is to confess Christ writer of the column stated that if Christians were as your personal Saviour before all men.” banished to some island and only allowed one At this I hesitated. Because of my past life book, without exception they would choose the as a military leader, I found it hard to be recon- Bible. The writer ended with a call to the Japanese ciled to the thought of confessing my conversion people: in public. It was a struggle. And then God helped “Oh, people of Japan, if there is anyone of me to my decision. you who has not yet read the Bible, please read The evangelistic party had an automobile the first thirty pages with an open mind. Surely equipped with a loud-speaker setup. I jumped onto there is something there that will touch your heart.” this car which was standing at the busiest street in For me, without a doubt, this was a voice Osaka. There I told the crowd: from Heaven. I started to read the Bible. I became “I am Mitsuo Fuchida, who led the air raid absorbed in it. Presently I came to the Gospel of on Pearl Harbor. I have now surrendered my heart Luke. and my life to Jesus Christ.” The crowd swelled There I faced the scene of the crucifixion almost immediately to huge proportions. In the next of Christ. I read the words of Luke 23: 34, “Father, few days there were headlines in the papers: forgive them for they know not what they do,” Jesus prayed for the very soldiers who were about “FROM A SOLDIER OF FAME to thrust his side with the spear. TO A SOLDIER OF LOVE” Here was the source of this miracle of love “FROM A ‘WAR CATECHISM’ TO THE BIBLE” that can forgive enemies! Suddenly, I could under- stand the story of the American girl whose parents One write-up was headed with the lengthy banner: had been slain. Their prayer must have been the “THE MIRACULOUS CONVERSION OF prayer of Christ. Surely, they must have asked God THE COMMANDER OF THE PEARL to forgive those who were about to decapitate HARBOR BOMBING.” them. The young girl’s love for the Japanese must My testimony was received in a variety of be the answer to the prayer of her parents. ways. Some said that I was an opportunist. They This, too, could explain the transformation said, “We know you very well. You will not believe in Jake DeShazer’s life! in Christianity. This must be some scheme. When I am not ashamed to say that my eyes filled we think of your sincere and wholehearted devo- with tears. Immediately, I accepted Jesus as my tion to the cause, we feel sorry for you.” personal Saviour. I remember one young man who came to On the cover of the tract that told the story me in those first days. He had an artificial leg. of DeShazer’s conversion I noticed an address. I “I am a member of the Special Suicide sought out the place and discovered that the man Squadron,” he said. “Then, and now, and in the who had handed me the tract at the railway station future, the ‘War Catechism’ will be my life’s creed. was Timothy Pietsch. He was working at the time You say that you have been converted from the for the Pocket Testament League. ‘War Catechism’ to the Bible. I have come to hear I wrote to him and he immediately replied, what it was that made you change your mind.” asking me to meet him at Osaka where some meet- Then he revealed a dagger that he had with ings were being held. I went to Osaka and met him. “This was presented to me as a token,” he him. There, too, I met Glenn W. Wagner, also of said, “by the Commander in Chief at the time of the Pocket Testament League. my appointment to the special squadron.” Mr. Wagner showed me from the Bible what On the dagger I saw the signature, Soemu was involved in becoming a Christian. He told me: Toyoda. The air became charged with hostility. His “There are three things you must do. First, attitude showed that he would not hesitate to use study the Bible. It means to listen to the voice of the dagger if he were not favourably impressed by God. Second, you must talk to God through what I had to say. prayer.”

Print to PDF without this message by purchasing novaPDF ( by Mitsuo Fuchida 17 “After leading so many to death, how can Marxism is like the hydrocyanic acid. you become a Christian now?” he asked. Thank you. For three hours I talked with him and when Respectfully. he left, he was nodding his head in approval. As I There was no answer to this letter! see it, conversion means to reverse one’s position I am positive of my conversion. There was a to the opposite direction. If a person is facing time when my back was turned to Christ, but now East, he turns West. My conversion does not mean I look to Him in faith. I firmly believe that Christ is that I, as a militarist, in becoming a Christian, lost the only answer and the only hope of this world. my patriotism. As a militarist I served my country Eleven years after Pearl Harbor! Little did I to the best of my ability; but now as a Christian I dream that eventful morning, that my view of life shall love my country and all other people to the would be so revolutionized. Today I am a Christian! limit of my ability. There was love for my country, I say it over and over again. This is the message I Japan, and for the people of Japan, but humankind send to all mankind with a fervent prayer that there and the world were forgotten. Now all is changed. will be “No More Pearl Harbor.” A very polite letter came to me from a coal miner in Hokkaido. He said that he was an army lieutenant returned from Siberia. Formerly, he had CHAPTER FIVE been a grade school teacher. “Through Christ, you are meaning· to say, I Receive a Letter peace is attainable, to which I express my due respect. Neither Christ nor any religion will bring More than two years passed. Then-one day about peace. This fact has been proved by history. I received unexpected foreign mail! Peace is attained only through Lenin, Marxism. I It was a letter from America. Wondering who surmise that this is your first contact with the Bi- could be writing to me, I opened it. I discovered it ble, which also may be true with Lenin-Marxism. was from the Sky Pilots of America International! Then I would advise you to give the same persist- I read: ence and fervour that you are devoting to the “Dear Captain, Bible also to Lenin-Marxism. If you will allow me, I “I have for the past two and one-half years been shall undertake to guide you by knowledge of the acquainted with your conversion and loving loyalty doctrine of Lenin-Marxism.” to the Lord Jesus Christ, and of your tireless ef- It was true, as he said, that I had no knowl- forts in evangelizing your homeland of Japan, that edge of the Bible. And I had not read any Commu- your people, too, might enjoy the glorious salva- nist literature before either. However, when one is tion through our precious Redeemer. nearing fifty years of age, there develop such things “So for these past months I have been pray- as comprehension and intuition. ing the Lord to make it possible for me to contact I do not know what Marxism teaches about you that I might suggest the things that the Lord the principle of humanity, but, like the rest of my has laid upon my heart. I definitely feel that Sky generation, I have observed the conduct of Com- Pilots of America International, of whom the Lord munism. Its utter disregard of the preciousness of Jesus Christ is the Commander in Chief, will ap- human life and its lack of natural human love surely peal to your interest. We are a seven-year-old mis- is not the way to peace! So I wrote: sionary work building boys and men into a military I acknowledge your most cordial letter. As army for the Lord Jesus Christ, an army which you have surmised, this is my first step in search- fights with the Sword of the Spirit of God the ing the Bible. In my forty-seven years of life I have warfare that He has given us to do. learned that a dose of hydrocyanic acid if taken “Our dear and mutual friend, Bob Hamilton, internally will lead to death, but I have never once who is a Sky Pilots’ officer, flying air life as a seen this poison. Therefore, I have not the faintest navigator from the mainland to Tokyo, will tell you idea of its shape, form, colour, or odour. But if more about our Sky Pilots’ work. This is what I someone should hand me this deadly poison, it have in mind. For the past four years we have would be ridiculous for me to experiment by tak- known that we should aim our efforts toward the ing it to see if it was poison or not! To me Lenin- Orient, to help train the Japanese and Chinese and

Print to PDF without this message by purchasing novaPDF ( 18 “from Pearl Harbor to Golgotha” Korean boys of today who are the men leaders of church in Puente, a suburb of Los Angeles. tomorrow how to fight the good fight of faith. It was in June of 1949 that I resigned as “Inasmuch as the Japanese boy and man pastor of my small community church, which I had loves and enjoys regimentation, we feel that one pastored for seven years, to give my full attention or two men like you, building an army for the Lord to the Sky Pilots of America International which I, Jesus Christ in Japan such as we are building in with another member of my church and the help North and South and Central America, will help to of the Lord, began in 1945. do in one generation a better job for Christ than Both the church and the Sky Pilots’ work has been done in any previous generation. grew so large that I was compelled to give full “I would like you to pray about accepting an ap- time to one or the other. I discovered on my knees pointment from the National Headquarters of Sky that the work of Sky Pilots was the number one Pilots to be Commanding Officer of our Japanese burden on my heart. Sky Pilots Missionary Movement, and help us raise Shortly after finding myself free to give my up Christian leaders and officers who will in turn “all effort” - to borrow a phrase from Captain Fuchida train the boys how to be loyal Japanese citizens of - General MacArthur, then stationed in Japan, came a new Christian Japan. out with a plea for the Christians of America to “I would love to hear from you as the Lord exert themselves now if they ever intended to take lays it upon your heart to prayerfully consider this advantage of Japan’s open door. As never before matter, and should He lead you to further assist us the way was open to preach and teach the Bible to in this work, we would be very happy indeed. We the people of that great nation. feel that the boy is the key to the solving of the This situation burned into my heart to such entire problem. Tomorrow, the men of today will an extent that I became overwhelmingly burdened turn everything over to the boys of today-our for the boys of Japan and the Orient. I pleaded schools, our churches, our properties, our gov- with God to assist us in getting our Sky Pilots’ ernments. work’ going in the Orient. “We beseech you in prayer to help us teach I began to pray that God would give us the the Japanese boys how to be the pillars of the man who led the air attack on Pearl Harbor. I thought church, the school, the home, and the govern- that if this man could only be converted and his ment of our nations of tomorrow. services secured as Chief Sky Pilot for Japan, what “Please write soon.” a powerful magnet he would be in drawing Japa- The letter was signed “Yours for more Men nese boys to himself and thereby unto Christ. For Missionaries, Sky Pilots of America International, Christ is not only the Author and Finisher of our ELMER B. SACHS.” faith, but He is also the Commander in Chief of Questions crowded my mind which needed Sky Pilots International. to be answered. Knowing that boys are hero-worshipers, we Who was Elmer Sachs? prayed for the conversion of those who are con- What was this rather strange-sounding organiza- sidered heroes so that they might lead their fol- tion? How had Elmer Sachs heard of me? lowing to Jesus Christ. Six months later I was Was this the hand of God? privileged to hear Rev. L. W. Ketcham give his first I can do no better than to let Elmer Sachs talk in the United States, following his tour of answer those questions in his own words. Japan. I pricked up my ears when he spoke of the impact of Mitsuo Fuchida’s conversion, which had CHAPTER SIX just taken place before his return. I was elated. I Let Elmer Sachs Tell His Story Then I started to pray in earnest that the Lord might open the door to make negotiations possi- For the sake of the record, my name is Elmer ble with this man in order to obtain his services Sachs, former Illinois ace detective arrested by for Sky Pilots of America International. Hardly dar- Christ (for that is how I like to describe the fact ing to believe that the Lord would ever permit this that I have been born again!) in 1937. I attended organization to have the services of such a man, I the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and took over a continued to pray.

Print to PDF without this message by purchasing novaPDF ( by Mitsuo Fuchida 19 It was my firm conviction that a man like plane at our California air base, I met Bob Hamil- Captain Fuchida, as Chief Sky Pilot of Japan, could ton. He had just flown in, in his small “Inter State” accomplish in ten years what fifty missionaries could plane. not accomplish in a hundred years. “So, you’re Elmer Sachs,” he said. “I did not Of course, I do not mean to imply that I do expect to meet you here. 1 thought you were in not love and respect all the missionary efforts in Colorado. I’ve been hearing about your Sky Pilots, foreign fields that our churches have been and are and I want to tell you 1 think it is one of the finest doing. I pray much for them and their efforts. But missionary organizations I have ever heard of. How they will agree with me that with the world popula- can I help you?” tion increasing at the rate of 28,000,000 per “What do you do?” 1 asked. year over and above the death rate as compared “Well, I fly this little plane on my off-time. Mostly I with a total missionary effort resulting in the evan- am busy navigating a D-C 4 across the Pacific Ocean gelization of only about a million and a half per on the Korean air lift between California and Japan. year, we are retreating twenty-six and one-half steps I make the trip across every nine days.” for every one and a half steps forward. We need to “Japan!” I exclaimed. “Come to my office. I look for a new method to replace the outmoded want to talk to you!” method of Christian missions. I believe that the As we talked 1 found that he was a genuine Lord is raising up Sky Pilots of America Interna- Christian, born and raised in China by his mission- tional as an experimental laboratory to explore and ary parents. Then I poured out the desire of my produce a missionary vehicle that will gain ground heart. I wanted to contact the man who had led rather than lose it. the raid on Pearl Harbor. “Surely the Lord has sent God’s Word says, “When the enemy comes you here. Do you still want to help?” I asked him. in like a flood I will raise up a standard against “I sure do!” answered Bob Hamilton. him.” We believe that Sky Pilots is one of these “All right, then, we will appoint you, on a six standards, raised up to produce more men mis- months’ probationary period, with the rank of a sionaries - the number one cry in all Christendom! Major in the Sky Pilots of America International. In eight years’ growth our organization has Your first assignment will be to take to Japan this 7000 boys who are now receiving 204 hours of Sky Pilot manual and information packet, along highly specialized soul-winning training each year. with a personal letter which I shall dictate. Find Compare that with the twenty-five to thirty hours Captain Fuchida. Give him this letter and this ma- of Sunday school teaching per year, which often terial after you have made certain that he is really is the sole Christian instruction received. born again. I prayed all the more fervently that God, “When you have satisfied yourself that he is would give us this man! But how could we contact a true Christian, offer him the rank of one-star him? It was out of the question financially, and we General in Sky Pilots and the position of Chief did not have the time to go personally to Japan. Sky Pilot of Japan.” There were so many things to talk over that some- “I shall do my very best, sir,” said Bob Ham- one in our organization would almost certainly have ilton. We had prayer and Bob went on his way. to have personal contact with him before he could The next day I took off for the Northwest. unite with us. On his first trip after our meeting, Bob Ham- It was not until early in 1952 that God’s ilton discovered that Captain Fuchida lived on his answer came. farm three hundred miles south of Tokyo. He mailed I remember the day well. It was February 1. I him the letter (referred to in chapter five) and had just completed a month away from our Cali- material from me along with a covering letter from fornia office in company with Eddie Motter in Colo- himself to Captain Fuchida. In the letter he asked rado. I expected to spend the next two months in him to study, the material carefully and if he felt the Northwest organizing new squadrons and vis- qualified, to prayerfully consider accepting the po- iting those already established. sition offered. I planned to spend the only day I had at home-undisturbed by any callers-wading through Captain Fuchida replied to Bob’s Tokyo address. the stacked up work. But as I landed our Sky Pilot

Print to PDF without this message by purchasing novaPDF ( 20 “from Pearl Harbor to Golgotha” Mise, Unebi-Cho Pilots International is a direct answer to prayer. For Takaichi-Gun three years I have been praying for a man like you, Nara-Ken, Japan that God would send unto us, to lead these fine March 15, 1952. Japanese boys how to be great warriors in the Dear Brother Hamilton: Army of God Almighty, through our Lord and Sav- I have received your kind letter of March 3, and iour Jesus Christ, who is Commander in Chief of several pieces of literature about Sky Pilots, en- Sky Pilots International. We here in America are closing Mr. Sachs’ letter. I am thanking you, and I elated, and want you to make the necessary ar- am very glad that I can understand what the Sky rangements to come over to the United States as Pilots work is. soon as you possibly can, that we might be to- I am only ashamed to be so long in answer- gether for at least six months’ of training, com- ing, but for these days I have been praying what bined with itinerary speaking engagements all over our Lord has given me to do. Now our Lord leads the United States, to raise the financial help we will me to make it possible for accepting your offer need for this great missionary work, not only for and to start promptly in bringing the Sky Pilots Japan, but all the Asiatic countries as well as work into Japan just in faith and trusting Him. our own. I would be very happy to assist this work What Hitler did in Germany for Nazism, what with all my efforts. Will you please let me know Joe Stalin has been doing for Communism, we, of how I may contact· with this new work. Sky Pilots, are dedicated to do for Jesus Christ, With love in our wonderful Lord. the Son of God, the living, resurrected Saviour of Yours, because His, all mankind, in every nation where God will raise Mitsuo Fuchida. up men like yourself, willing to fight the fight of It was March and I was in Oregon when I faith, and willing to die for the greatest cause for received Bob’s letter. which man could lay down his life. “Praise the Lord,” he said. “Mission accom- I would like to know by return mail if you plished. Here is a copy of the letter that was wait- can arrange your affairs so as to be with us here at ing for me in Tokyo from Captain Fuchida.” the home base headquarters not later than July 15. I was thrilled. My first thought was that now Forgive me if I seem to be hurrying you, but we I would have to go to Japan to help Fuchida set are wanting to use you in our Sky Pilots’ moving up his Sky Pilots of Japan organization. But that picture film, and wish to have your permission that was out of the question, or so it seemed. I was we may count on doing this, as we have sched- almost afraid to suggest that Captain Fuchida come uled this film to be ready for showing by Septem- to this country for fear bodily harm might come to ber, 1952. him. After all, was he not the man who had pre- Let us know if you speak the American lan- cipitated our bloody war with Japan? Then my life’s guage enough to make yourself understood; if so, verse came to me. “If God be for us who can be perhaps you could come here a little sooner than against us?” (Rom. 8: 31). July 5, if you can make the necessary arrange- That decided me. I would write to Captain ments to put your affairs in order, and if you can Mitsuo Fuchida suggesting that he come to America possibly rent your farm to relatives to operate dur- in order to get firsthand knowledge of how Sky ing your absence. We shall expect to pay for your Pilots was set up. passage to the United States. And so a few weeks later Mitsuo Fuchida received May the Lord Jesus continue to ‘guide and this letter: direct you in the decisions He would have you to May 6 make (I know they are momentous) and bless you Mitsuo Fuchida, with all spiritual blessings. Mise, Unebi-cho, Takaichi-Gun, Yours for more Men Missionaries, Nara-Ken, Japan. SKY PILOTS OF AMERICA, Dear Brother Fuchida: ELMER B. SACHS “If God be for us who can be against us?” Then Mitsuo Fuchida wrote: (Rom. 8: 31). Your most welcome letter accepting At the Tokyo Bible Center, offer to head up the Japanese Division of Sky June 2, 1952

Print to PDF without this message by purchasing novaPDF ( by Mitsuo Fuchida 21 Beloved Teacher Sachs: America in order to study the work of Sky Pilots I have received your letter of the 6th of of America International. Thus I would better be May. Also I received a letter from Brother Hamil- able to build the Sky Pilots of Japan. ton of your organization. I came to Tokyo with the God was good to me in enabling me to get intention of meeting Brother Hamilton and speak- permission to come to America. ing with him about the work of the Sky Pilots, but On the 16th day of October, 1952, supported I was being used in special evangelistic meetings by the prayers of many Christians in Japan, I de- in the Tokyo area and missed the chance to see parted from my native country for America. Four- him. But I told Brother Pietsch what I wanted to teen days later we docked in San Francisco. The tell him. Rev. Elmer Sachs met me and hurried me off to I will be very glad to build the work of the the Sky Pilots’ headquarters. Lord through the Sky Pilots in Japan, trusting that There, with the Christian friends who had the Lord will bring the next generation of Japa- gathered, we bowed our heads together to offer nese to true Christian faith. With this in mind, I prayers of gratitude to God for bringing me to the offer myself completely to the service of United States safely. Christ. Two days later I left with Elmer Sachs in his From June 3rd until the 10th I will go to my Luscombe air sedan for Los Angeles. On that hip I home in Nara Prefecture to make arrangements for piloted a plane for the first time since the close of going to America and winding up my affairs, and the war as all Japanese were forbidden to fly in will return to Tokyo on the 10th. Brother Hamilton Japan. It was a joy to me to pilot a ship through hopes to come again to Japan on the the clouds again. 20th of June, and then I will talk things over with In Los Angeles I met Cliff Barrows, Beverley him again. Shea, and Billy Graham. There we made a film for Please pray for my going to America, that Billy Graham’s Hour of Decision television pro- the blessing of our Lord will be poured out gram, to be released on the eleventh anniversary upon it. of the day I bombed Pearl Harbor! (Signed) Mitsuo Fuchida I was with the Sachs for Thanksgiving. Then The Lord’s Faithful Servant. we “ joined Billy Graham for a meeting in There followed much detail of business. Albuquerque. In the weeks and months that fol- Agreements had to be signed. Papers and forms lowed, I met thousands of people. I have lost count had to be made out. The Lord used Bob Hamilton of the places we have visited. Places like Oakland, in a wonderful way in negotiating terms and condi- California; Omaha, Nebraska; Salem, Oregon; Seattle, tions. The Rev. Timothy Pietsch also proved to be Washington; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Wichita, Kan- a very able assistant in these negotiations. Moreo- sas; Washington, D.C.; Mansfield, Ohio; Greeley, ver, Timothy Pietsch allowed us to use his home Colorado; Florida, Michigan, Missouri, et cetera. and assisted with his camera to take movie film for I remember the thrill that was mine when in the first Sky Pilots of America film, “Combat.” one of my first meetings in Los Angeles-it was an As Timothy Pietsch planned to come to the all - Japanese meeting - I led my first soul to States in the fall, it was arranged that Captain Christ in America. And he was one of my own Fuchida should travel across with him. countrymen! In Washington, D.C., in the latter part of Feb- ruary, 1953, I addressed meetings in the Naval An- CHAPTER SEVEN nex Chapel, the Pentagon Chapel, and spoke be- fore one thousand midshipmen at Annapolis. I Reach America At the time of writing, I have completed six months of my seven-to eight-month tour of the In the presence of Bob Hamilton and Timo- United States and Hawaii visiting and studying many thy Pietsch in Tokyo I signed the necessary agree- Sky Pilots squadrons. I have been amazed at the ment papers accepting the position of Chief Sky testimonies of pastors who say that their Sky Pilot Pilot of Japan as well as accepting the invitation boys and men do more soul-winning witnessing in of the home office to sponsor my coming to their communities than all other departments of

Print to PDF without this message by purchasing novaPDF ( 22 “from Pearl Harbor to Golgotha” the church put together! ness of Christ our Lord. To this cause I dedicate I have been astounded to hear from the lips the balance of my life and strength. of these Sky Pilot boys of the numbers of souls After reaching America I was asked if I would they have led to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as accept the position of Chief of Staff in charge of personal Saviour. all Japanese Air Force. Though I declined this po- I have seen many things in this country for sition, I will assist my government as a consultant which you American people may be thankful, things in any way possible. My God is leading me to that make your nation great. I am most thankful for serve Him with the balance of my life, and I be- the missionaries you have sent to Japan to preach lieve I can help my people more by preaching the the Gospel of love and peace through Christ. The Gospel of Love and Peace through Jesus Christ. testimony of your Christian homes has been a won- I am looking to God to provide a helicopter derful experience to me. for my work in Japan. I can reach my people more While in Washington, D.C., I was impressed speedily in the many inaccessible places where by the many loyal Christian gentlemen who pray they have never heard the name of Christ. Already and read their Bibles every day and are faithful in the Lord’s people in America have provided a sta- their church worship. I was impressed as I saw tion wagon for Sky Pilots of Japan. over television President Eisenhower pray at his As I take up my work in Japan I know that inauguration. my brothers and sisters in Christ in America are At first, I must confess, I was often afraid that I praying for me. Prayer has been answered, I say it might run into some unpleasant situations because humbly, in my conversion; and prayers for Japan I was the one who led the raid on Pearl Harbor. On will be answered in the days that are ahead. For the contrary, however, I have found a warm wel- this, in the name of my newfound Friend, Christ come from the American people. Jesus, I, Mitsuo Fuchida, now no longer an enemy Japan today is standing at the crossroads. but a brother, say, Thank you! Communism is working strongly on the left hand. The old Shinto Imperialism seems to be coming back again on the right. Now since I have found POSTCRJPT Christ, I am convinced that the way for Japan is neither left with Communism nor right with Imperi- By Elmer Sachs alism but forward to the Christian way of life. This is the real purpose of my coming to It was a wonderful experience for me to America, that I might better learn how I may serve, travel well over 30,000 miles from one end of the Lord. I pray for all Americans that you will the United States to the other with Captain Mitsuo keep your nation a loyal Christian nation. Perhaps Fuchida. We travelled in the Sky Pilots’ four-seater in a short time the people of Japan can join with Luscombe air sedan and by car. Often as I looked you as a Christian partner bringing peace to the across at the kindly serious face of my compan- world. I believe that the only answer to peace for ion, I marvelled afresh at the goodness of God - the whole world is Jesus Christ. He only can bring this man was my enemy; now he is my brother! brotherly love to all mankind. Such is the miracle of the grace of God. ... When I was appointed to train five hundred There are so many incidents in the months men for two months prior to bombing Pearl Harbor, of journeying that stand out in my mind. I would I remember that I gave my all effort to preparations like to share two of them with you. for that attack. Now I pledge myself to the Lord The first occurred in Washington, D.C., after and the members of my Sky Pilot missionary board Captain Fuchida gave his personal testimony for to give my all effort to train the men and boys of Christ in the United States Navy Chapel. A good Japan to become a loyal Christian people, living in friend of mine, Chaplain John Craven, introduced love, joy, and peace with one another and the us to the Chief of all Navy Chaplains, Admiral E. B. whole world. Harp, Jr. Admiral Harp was the Chaplain abroad the With God’s help we will raise up an army of aircraft carrier, Hornet, from which General Doolittle Christian soldiers who will melt the Iron Curtain of and his men, including Jacob DeShazer, took off Communism with the love, and mercy, and forgive- in their B25’s to bomb Tokyo. Admiral Harp gra-

Print to PDF without this message by purchasing novaPDF ( by Mitsuo Fuchida 23 ciously consented to permit us to return and to Sky Pilot of Japan, but for the entire missionary take coloured films, of the interview for inclusion program of the Sky Pilots of America International. in the first Sky Pilots’ film, “Combat.” It is a program geared to meet boys where we find The second thrill was when General Doolittle them so that they may learn to wait upon the in answer to my letter requesting an interview re- Lord-Hand renew their strength, rising upon wings plied: like eagles.. “ “Dear Mr. Sachs, At this writing Captain Fuchida and I prepare “Have your letter of February 4 (1953) and to leave for Hawaii where he will lay a wreath on agree that one of the most important objectives the hulk of the battleship Arizona and offer prayer toward which we should strive is improving rela- and then set his face steadfastly toward his land of tionships between all nations. I admire the ambi- the rising sun. He has pledged himself to give his tion and industry of the Japanese all effort to the cause of Christ. Let us follow his people and am interested in seeing our present example. fine relationship with them continued and strength- Give prayerful consideration to the applica- ened. tion blanks appended to this volume. “Will be very pleased to meet Captain Yours for more Men missionaries, Fuchida. It will be fairly simple to arrange still pic- ELMER SACHS tures. Setting up for movies would be more diffi- I wish to join Sky Pilots of America Interna- cult. tional as an active member. Please send applica- “Very sincerely, tion. (Signed) J. H. Doolittle” Name ………………………………. General Doolittle proved to be an amiable Address ……………………………….. host and very co-operative in helping us shoot State or Country ……………………………………. scenes for use in the film “Combat.” He joked and I desire to be a supporting Sky Pilot member. My said that one of his chief worries was that when monthly contribution of $...... enclosed for the people saw him in the movie Clark Gable’s chances period of ……….. to ………. of popularity would be reduced! Name ………………………………. He was pleased to hear our report and wished Address ……………………………….. “Godspeed” upon Captain Fuchida and myself in State or Country ……………………………………. our missionary venture. We chatted about the tre- I desire to contribute $...... monthly to the mendous job Jake DeShazer is now doing as a support of General Mitsuo Fuchida and the work missionary in Japan. General Doolittle recalled viv- of Sky Pilots in Japan and Orient for a period of idly the day that he led his raiders - including Jake five years. Enclosed is check for $ …………………… DeShazer – to “Target Tokyo.” Name ………………………………. We were unable to see President Eisenhower Address ……………………………….. and our good friend, Vice-president Richard Nixon. State or Country ……………………………………. These men were just new in their offices-busy I desire to contribute $..... Monthly to the support doing first things first. of Sky Pilots of America International to reach the I have been impressed with the loving warmth boys of U.S.A. and the world. Enclosed find check of the welcome of the Christians of all denomina- or sum of $ ………………….. tions extended to this man who once hated us and was our enemy. Of course, we did meet a few This enclosed check is to go to General Mitsuo - a very few small-minded individuals who still Fuchida’s Helicopter Fund. $ …………………… held bitterness in their hearts for the man who led Name ………………………………. the raid on Pearl Harbor. But most people were Address ……………………………….. sensible enough to recognize that Captain Fuchida State or Country ……………………………………. was obeying the orders of his superior officers Please send me the Sky Pilot News. just as much as was General Doolittle when he led his raid. Please detach this sheet-Fill out and mail to: In conclusion, I ask your prayers, not only for Captain Fuchida as he takes office as the Chief

Print to PDF without this message by purchasing novaPDF ( 24 “from Pearl Harbor to Golgotha” SKY PILOTS OF AMERICA INTERNATIONAL 45 E. Julian Street. San Jose, California Our church is interested in investigating fur- ther your manual and method of organization, as we are very interested in becoming affiliated with a national and international Christian army such as Sky Pilots of America International. Please send us the manual, standards and requirements.

Name of Church …………………………………………

Address …………………………………………………..

Town and State…………………………………………..

…………………………………………….. Signature of pastor or authorized person

Our church is interested in sending from our mis- sionary fund $_____ monthly for the support of this work. . Detach and send to:

SKY PILOTS OF AMERICA INTERNATIONAL 45 E. Julian Street, San Jose, California

CAPTAIN MITSUO FUCHIDA, now chief Sky Pilot of SKY PILOTS OF JAPAN, is a two-star General in the SKY PILOTS International. As a lifelong military leader he led the Japa- nese Air Force raid on Pearl Harbor that precipi- tated the entry of the United States of America into World War II. Captain Fuchida since the love of Christ has transformed his life has dedicated himself to give “his all effort” to leading the people of his mother country to Christ. Captain Mitsuo Fuchida is now no longer an enemy but a brother in the Lord to all the family of God.

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