by Mitsuo Fuchida 1 Print to PDF without this message by purchasing novaPDF (http://www.novapdf.com/) 2 “from Pearl Harbor to Golgotha” Print to PDF without this message by purchasing novaPDF (http://www.novapdf.com/) by Mitsuo Fuchida 3 Fuchida is no longer an emissary of hate but an ambassador of love. Here, too, you will read about the Sky Pilots of America International and of the prayers and ne- gotiations which made possible the bringing of Cap- tain Fuchida to this country that he might witness on behalf of his new Commanding Officer, the Lord Jesus Christ, and later return to his native Japan to organize the youth of that country into squadrons of the Sky Pilots of Japan! CONTENTS By MITSUO FUCHID Chapter 1. 1 Bomb Pearl Harbor ....................................09 A CHIEF SKY PILOT 2. 1Am Three Times Rescued ............................. 19 3. 1 Look for a New Way of Life ........................ 27 OF JAPAN 4. 1 Learn the Miracle of Love ............................. 49 Published by Sky Pilots Press Copyright 1953 5. 1 Receive a Letter ............................................ 65 All story and movie rights reserved 6. I Let Elmer Sachs Tell His Story .......................71 SKY PILOTS OF AMERICA INTERNATIONAL, INC. 7. 1 Reach America................................................85 45 East Julian Street Postcript ………………………….........................…………..91 San Jose, California, U.S.A. With appreciation to JOHN ANDERSON BARBOUR FORWARD for invaluable editorial assistance Here is the true story of the incidents that led to the conversion of the man who was the Com- mander of the first air fleet of the Japanese Impe- CHAPTER ONE rial Navy. I Bomb Pearl Harbor . Here is Captain Mitsuo Fuchida of the Japanese Imperial Navy who led the 360 planes With grateful acknowledgment for the use of that plunged without warning on the American material in I LED THE ATTACK ON PEARL HARBOR Pacific Fleet in Pearl Harbor on the fateful morning in the United States Naval Institute proceedings, of December 7, 1941. Annapolis, Md. This book is dedicated to all pastors, Sunday The Akagi pitched and rolled under my feet schoolteachers, public school teachers, and all in the rough sea. White surf whipped across the governmental agencies as well as all organizations flight deck in startling contrast to the predawn black- that are seeking the solution for peace on earth ness. The crews were hard pressed to keep their and good will among men, to the end that all man- planes from sliding into the sea. The time was 5:30 kind may seek-as this man sought-Jesus Christ, the A.M. The day was the seventh of December. The Way of Peace. year, 1941. I climbed to the Commander in Chief’s When the Prince of Peace, the Lord Jesus quarters. Christ, is seated in authority in the assembly of the “I am ready for the mission,” I reported. United Nations” the deceitful darkness of men’s Admiral Nagumo stood to his feet. He grasped heart will disappear, dispelled by the glory of my hand hard in his. Him who said, “Fuchida,” he said, “I have confidence in you.” “I am the light of the world. He that Together we entered the dim light of the brief- followeth Me shall not walk in darkness ing room where the pilots were waiting. The room but shall have the light of life.” was crowded, and some of the men were standing Having met the Prince of Peace, Mitsuo in the passageway craning their necks to see me as Print to PDF without this message by purchasing novaPDF (http://www.novapdf.com/) 4 “from Pearl Harbor to Golgotha” I stood before the blackboard on which were writ- “Don’t be alarmed, Fuchida, but we ten the positions of ships in Pearl Harbor. want you to lead our air force in the On that board also was the time-0600 hours, event that we attack Pearl Harbor!” and the day-7 December. My heart was still pounding with the excite- After I had called the men to attention, ment of the proposal when Genda took me on board “Captain Hasegawa gave us our final briefing. Then the Akagi for conference with First Air Fleet Com- he said: “Take off according to plan.” mander, Vice-Admiral Chuichi Nagumo and his staff The crews scrambled to their places. I climbed including Chief of Staff, Rear Admiral Ryunosuke to the command post above the flight deck. The Kusaka. In that conference Commander Genda urged Operations Officer, Genda, put his hand on my the use of torpedoes against the ships in Pearl shoulder. He did not speak. He just smiled at me. I Harbor. knew what was in his mind. “But that’s impossible,” I protested. “ Air Officer Masuda questioned me about the The water depth in Pearl Harbor only pitch and roll of the ship. Would the weather delay averages about thirty-two feet.” at the last minute the plans that had been laid so Genda insisted that if we could find a way to carefully over the past months? I reassured him. torpedo the ships in such shallow water, it would “If we can co-ordinate the take-offs add to the surprise of the attack by its very unex- with the pitching of the flight deck pectedness. Besides, the torpedoes below the sur- we’ll be all right,” I said. face would do more effective damage than bomb- Then I saluted and left. My plane was in ings from the air. position, its tail striped w1th red and yellow to mark So at last I had agreed to find a way. And I it as the commander’s. had only two and a half months. Indeed, less than Just before I got into the plane, the officer that, because that day I learned that December in charge of the maintenance gang came over to was the month planned for the attack. Although me with a white hachimaki (cloth headband). I could officially we spoke of “If we attack.... “ we all thought just make out his smile in the dim light. “When we attack. ... “ “It’s a gift from the maintenance crews,” In the weeks that followed I had stepped up he said. “We want you to take it to the pace of training and this was difficult to do Pearl Harbor.” because we did not want American observers to I shook his hand and tucked the band into my notice any undue activity on our part. flying cap. Early in November I licked the torpedo prob- The engines warming up were a full-throated lem. We added more fins to our torpedoes and roaring chorus in my ears. Suddenly a green lamp planned to drop them from a height of fifty-two was swung in a circle at the end of the flight deck. feet instead of the usual three hundred or more. It was the signal for the take-off. As it was re- And now December 7 was here, and our air leased, the first plane moved forward. It gained armada was air-borne. We flew through heavy clouds speed. I held my breath wondering if the pilot’s for forty-five minutes. Then I turned on the radio- timing would be right. Then I breathed easier as it direction finder and picked up the Honolulu radio was air-borne. station. As I listened to a program of light music, I Another followed . and another ... and adjusted the antenna and found we were five de- another ... out into the blackness. grees off course. I corrected this. As I continued Fifteen minutes later 183 fighter bombers and to listen I heard the announcer give the weather torpedo planes had taken off from the flight deck report: of six aircraft carriers. This was the first wave of “Averaging partly cloudy, with clouds the total of 359 planes which I led into Pearl Harbor. mostly over the mountains. Cloud base We were 230 miles due north of Oahu Island and at 3500 feet. Visibility good. Wind Pearl Harbor. north at ten knots an hour.” This was the culmination of my every waking We could not have asked for better weather! thought since that day, September 24, 1941, when 0730 Hours- Commander Genda had taken me aside at Time to deploy for attack. We were over Kahuku Kagoshima on the southern tip of Kyushu and said, Point, the northernmost tip of the island and still no Print to PDF without this message by purchasing novaPDF (http://www.novapdf.com/) by Mitsuo Fuchida 5 indication that anyone knew we were in the air. My heart was ablaze with joy for my success We had two plans for the attack. in getting the whole main forces of the American If we had the advantage of surprise, the tor- Pacific Fleet in hand. In the years that were to fol- pedo planes were to strike first. Then the level low I would put my whole hate-flamed effort into bombers were to attack the air bases. In case of conducting the war that ensued. resistance the dive bombers were to attack first to confuse and attract the enemy fire. Then the level bombers would bomb and destroy the aircraft guns. CHAPTER TWO Finally, the torpedo planes would attack the ships at anchor in the harbor. I Am Three Times Rescued 0740 Hours- I gave the signal for a surprise attack. The dive· bombers rose to 4000 meters, and the level bomb- I won’t bother you with the details of my ers hung just below the clouds. early life. Enough to say that I was born in 1902 0749 Hours- in a lonely village- I gave the order.
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