the Inside this issue: NorwegiaN A peek at Nordic recipes in From the North american story on page 12

Volume 129, #11 • June 1, 2018 Est. May 17, 1889 • Formerly Norwegian American Weekly, Western Viking & Nordisk Tidende $4 USD What ever became of the Norse gods? Some still revere them (p. 23), while most of us only know them as days of the week (p. 22)

What’s inside? Nyheter / News 2-3 Det er ikke vanskelig å finne « Business trekk ved det norske samfunn 4-5 som minner om vikingtiden. » Opinion 6-7 – Marianne Lie Sports 8-9 Research & Science 10 Arts & Entertainment 11 Taste of 12-13 Norway near you 14-15 Travel 16-17 Norwegian Heritage 18-19 Norsk Språk 20-21 Barneblad 22 Roots & Connections 23 Bulletin Board 24 $1 = NOK 8.1961 updated 05/28/2018 In comparison 05/28/2018 8.1961 11/28/2017 8.2241 05/11/2017 8.3802 Image: Mårten Eskil Winge / Wikimedia Commons The brave and powerful god Tor fights off the evil giants with his hammer. the american 2 • June 1, 2018 Nyheter fra Norge NorwegiaN Nyheter Passproblemer for nordmenn Norge vil ikke ta intiative til å endre asyl- og flyktningavtaler Ekstraarbeid og Frp har krevd at Norge må ta initiativ til å utfordre internasjonale konvensjoner lange ventetider på asyl- og flyktningområdet, men Frps egen justisminister sier nei. Regjeringen opptil syv uker har nå gått gjennom relevante interna- Leder sjonalekonvensjoner for å finne ut hvilket VG handlingsrom Norge har innenfor folke- retten til å håndtere utfordringer med flukt Nordmenn som ennå ikke har søkt om og migrasjon. fornyelse av utgått pass, eller som trenger et — Den interne gjennomgangen har nytt, kan risikere at sommerens utenlandstur vist at Norge generelt har et betydelig går i vasken. Ved enkelte lensmannskontorer folkerettslig handlingsrom innenfor sen- og politistasjoner er neste ledige time for trale konvensjoner, sier justis- og bered- bestilling av pass syv uker frem i tid. Det er skapsminister Tor Mikkel Wara (Frp). uholdbart. Regjeringen har på den bakgrunn konklud- Årets passkø er like lite overraskende ert med at Norge ikke bør ta initiativ til en- som fjorårets. Faktisk er den varslet så god dring av sentrale konvensjoner av relevans tid i forveien at den for alle praktiske for- Foto: Maria Gosse / VG for flukt og migrasjon eller til en interna- mål kunne vært unngått. Forklaringene er Passkø i Norge: For mange kan sommerens utenlandstur gå i vasken. sjonal gjennomgang av disse, slår han fast flere, men én årsak er regjeringens såkalte i et skriftlig svar til Stortinget. nærpolitireform som har overflødiggjort en Utenriksdepartementet og Justis- og rekke lensmannskontorer. Dermed er det vært implementert i år, men som ifølge denne retten. Dermed forsvinner ytterligere beredskapsdepartementet har også sett også færre steder å møte opp for å søke om statssekretær Thor Kleppen Sættem (H) i 60 passutstedere i tillegg til de som nær- på hvordan norske interesser kan ivar- pass. Og færre skal det bli. Dette vil ramme justisdepartementet neppe blir satt ut i live politireformen allerede har avviklet. etas gjennom tiltak, nasjonal lovgiving og folk flest. før i 2020, kommer til å koste NOK 700 mil- ID-kriminalitet står for 12 prosent av norsk støtte eller initiativ i tilknytning til- I tillegg har myndighetens krav om nas- lioner. Minst. den økonomiske kriminaliteten, slik at dette pågående internasjonale prosesser. jonale ID-kort og helt nye pass påført politiet Av sikkerhetshensyn vil regjeringen er et betydelig samfunnsproblem. Følgelig (Aftenposten) tilleggsutgifter og mye ekstraarbeid for å få redusere antallet passkontorer, angivelig til har vi stor forståelse for at sikkerheten må på plass et prosjekt som har eskalert både ca. 70, etter forslag fra Politidirektoratet. Ny studie: Eldre i får mat for sjeldent i tidsbruk og kostnader. Den opprinnelige Utgangspunktet er at et passkontor bør be- Se > PassKØ, side 21 Eldre på sykehjem i Oslo får ikke mat når prislappen på NOK 14 millioner ble i 2014 handle mellom 4000 og 5000 søknader årlig. de skal, hevdes det i en fersk studie. I de anslått til å ha steget med et par hundre mil- I dag utsteder mer enn hundre passkontorer English synopsis: This year the waiting period for verste tilfellene kan det gå opptil 17 timer lioner kroner. Nå viser ferske tall fra revidert under 5000 pass i året. Politidirektoratet renewing or applying a new passport in Norway can fra middag til frokost. Til tross for at rik- nasjonalbudsjett at prosjektet som skulle mener færre enn 40 passkontorer bør ha take up to seven weeks, putting vacation plans at risk. tig mat til riktig tid har vært en prioritert sak i mange år, er nærmere halvparten av sykehjemsbeboere i Norge underernærte eller i fare for å bli det, ifølge Helse- direktoratet. Rekord- Spar sjokoladen til slutt Ifølge helsemyndighetene skal det derfor ikke gå mer enn 11 timer mellom Ekspertenes tips: måltidene for eldre under eldreomsorgen. Det brytes imidlertid hver dag på Oslos varm mai Dette et du for å sykehjem, skal man tro en fersk studie fro OsloMet og Sykehjemsetaten. Sommervarme i flere prestere godt på – Funnene er urovekkende... Eldre blir slappe og trøtte og kommer inn i steder fra Oslo i øst eksamensdagen en ond sirkel uten nok mat. Et problem er også at veldig mange av dagens eldre til i vest Gjermund midtbø oG Kim HoLtan lider av en demenssykdom, som gjør at de NRK kanskje ikke ber om mat, eller kjenner at aud darrud, aL. de er sultne, sier Inger Taasen, førstelek- NRK Ikkje dropp frukosten og pass på å få i tor ved OsloMet til NRK. deg nok karbohydrater gjennom eksamens- (NRK) Blant annet i Oslo, Bergen og Kris- dagen, rår ernæringsfysiologen. tiansand kunne meteorologene melde om en Ein kan eigentleg samanlikne det med å EU-tollunntak for Norge? ny rekord for snitt-temperaturen på gang. førebu seg til ein viktig idrettskonkurranse, Norske eksportører kan bli hardt rammet Siden Meteorologisk institutt på Blind- meiner klinisk ernæringsfysiolog Anne Ma- hvis EU øker sine egne tollsatser som svar ern i Oslo startet med målinger i 1937, har rie Skjølsvik. det ikke vært registrert en så varm mai Eksamen handlar også om å prestere på den nye ekstratollen i USA Foto: Gjermund Midtbø Det har fått regjeringen til å gå høyt måned på Østlandet som i år. best mogleg. Få kroppen og hjernen til å få Eit eksempel på ei god handlekorg i eskamenstide. på banen med krav om unntak. EUs Statsmeteorolog Bente Marie Wahl be- ut det beste ein kan. Da meiner Skjølsvik det handelskommissær Cecilia Malmström krefter at vi har passert rekorden på gjen- er svært viktig å ete riktig både før og under bekrefter nå at dette er en mulighet. EU er nomsnittstemperatur som ble satt for 71 år eksamensdagen. — Grovbrød med egg, eller anna magert fortsatt langt unna en beslutning, under- siden, i 1947. Hjernen utgjer berre 2 prosent av kropps- proteinrikt pålegg som ost eller kjøtpålegg er streker hun. Men den svenske EU-toppen — Men sommeren i Oslo i 1947 blir reg- vekta, men den brukar faktisk 20 prosent av ein god plan. Smør ei matpakke og ta med er åpen for egne løsninger for Norge. net som tidenes varmeste sommer. Da hadde den totale energien kroppar brukar. Å ha frukt, bær og/eller nøtter som mellommåltid. Det EU frykter, er at utenlandske pro- vi også rekord med 21 dager over 20 grader hjernen i arbeid er ganske energikrevjande, dusenter skal begynne å omdirigere varene i mai, og den rekorden har vi god mulighet fortel Skjølsvik. 2. Vel nøtter og frukt framfor sjokolade sine til europeiske markeder fordi den nye til å slå. Kanskje blir det 23 dager, sier hun. Her er hennar fem beste tips for å pre- og godteri ekstratollen på stål og aluminium i USA Da den forrige mai-rekorden for Øst- stere godt på eksamen. — Det er ikkje ein god ide å begynne gjør det mindre lønnsomt å eksportere dit. landet ble satt for 71 år siden, ble våren et- med sjokolade eller godteri klokka 09 om Konsekvensen kan bli prisfall og redusert terfulgt av en varm juni og juli og en eks- 1. Planlegg godt kva du skal ha med deg morgon. Da blir ein litt ferdig, da er det be- lønnsomhet for europeiske produsenter trem tørr og varm august, men om dette will på eksamensdagen tre å ete det den siste timen når ein treng litt fordi EU oversvømmes av billig metall gjenta seg i år er høyst usikkert. — Karbohydrat er det viktigaste påfyl- ekstra energi. fra utlandet. — Høytrykk går gjerne i syklus, og de let for hjernen. Hjernens viktigaste drivstoff Men snacks er ikkje berre fy fy. I USA ble de nye tollsatsene innført i ligger gjerne i to tre uker, men det finnes jo er glukose som karbohydrat er hovudkjelda mars. Ekstratollen ligger på 25 prosent for unntak, sier statsmeteorolog Wahl. til. Ein treng både raske og langsame, og det Se > MattIPs, side 21 stål og 10 prosent for aluminium. Norge er viktig å ha med nok og variert mat, seier har også bedt om unntak i USA. Uten hell. English synopsis: From Oslo to Bergen, the south of ernæringsfysiologen. English synopsis: A leading nutrition expert offers (VG) Norway saw some of the highest recorded tempera- Ho slår eit slag for den gode, gamle advice on what to eat for your best performance when tures in history during the month of May this year. matpakka. taking exams. Rule #1: Make a good plan for the day. theNorwegiaNamerican News June 1, 2018 • 3 Hottest May This week in brief Powerful passport Norway’s Minister of Children and Equality on record will try for presidency of doping agency Norway’s passport Linda Hofstad Helleland revealed in an interview with the BBC that she wishes ranks fourth-highest Oslo’s hottest summer, to succeed Craig Reedie as president of 1947, could lose its the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). for visa-free travel Minister of Children and Equal- place in weather history ity Helleland has been vice president of tHe LocaL WADA since 2016. When Reedie’s presi- tHe LocaL Norway has the fourth most powerful dency expires in 2019, she wishes to take over as leader of the organization. Last month was the warmest May ever passport in the world, according to a new - index that ranks the level of visa-free access Helleland justifies the candidacy be recorded in eastern Norway, beating a record cause she believes WADA needs more in- passports provide to their holders. that has stood for 71 years. Global citizenship and residence advi- The average temperature for the month dependence, transparency, and openness. She said in the BBC interview that she was the warmest for May since the Norwe- sory firm Henley & Partners produces the is concerned about the credibility of the Henley Passport Index each year using data gian Meteorological Institute began records anti-doping movement. from the International Air Transport Asso- in 1937, NRK reports. ciation. An average temperature of 14.5 degrees If Helleland were to win, she would be the first female president of the organi- The 2018 edition ranked Norway’s Celsius (58.1°F) measured at the institute’s zation. Reedie has held the job since 2009. passport as the fourth best in the world as it offices at Blindern in Oslo beats the previous (Aftenposten) provides visa-free or visa-on-arrival access record of 14.4 (57.9°F) degrees from 1947, to 186 countries. meteorologist Bente Marie Wahl told NRK. - “The rest of May also looks like it will Norway registers lowest quarterly birth As such, Norway keeps the same rank Photo: Christian Leonard Quale / Wikimedia rate since 1985 ing as on 2017’s list, even though the num- Norway’s passport grants easy access to 186 be warm, so (the record average tempera- Fewer births and more deaths have re- ber of countries accessed visa-free or by countries. ture) is likely to stay in place, maybe even sulted in the lowest birth rate in 33 years visa-on-arrival with the Norwegian passport increase by a fraction,” Wahl added. increased from 173 last year. Oslo is not the only part of the country for the first three months of 2018. But the Norway shared fourth place with the Singapore and Germany were second seeing record May temperatures—south- population is growing overall as a result of UK, the , Austria, Luxem- (providing access to 188 countries), while western Bergen has had its warmest fifth immigration, news agency NTB reports. Net migration to Norway during the bourg, the Netherlands, and Portugal. Japan was first (189). month since 1981, according to a post by the Scandinavian neighbor Sweden ranked Schengen Area countries have tradi- meteorological institute on Twitter. first quarter of 2018 was 5,500, but the net population change caused by births marginally better in joint third place, while tionally topped the index due to providing “But summer 1947 in Oslo is considered Denmark was a spot lower than Norway, and deaths was just 1,700, according to Statistics Norway (SSB). That compares placed fifth in terms of visa-free access. See > PassPort, page 6 See > WEathEr, page 6 with 2,400 in 2017 and 3,500 in 2016. Norway’s total population at the end of the first quarter was 5,302,778, up by 7,159 since the beginning of the year. Three new F-35s land in Norway With a growth of 1,910, Akershus was the county with the biggest popula- This delivery makes tion increase, primarily due to people moving to the area from other parts of six of the fighter Norway, NTB writes. Oslo grew in popu- lation by 1,267, mainly due to a relatively planes on Norwegian high birth rate. soil; ramping to full Five counties— (-161), Hedmark (-100), Finnmark (-73), capacity by 2025 Oppland (-30), and Telemark—saw a de- crease in population in the first quarter. (The Local) ministry of defense Norway pledges extra NOK 130 million On May 22, three new F-35 aircraft for the fight against marine litter landed at Ørland Air Base in Norway. Six Every year, an estimated 8 million tons of aircraft are now on Norwegian soil. plastic waste enters the world’s oceans. “Our new F-35s are a major invest- This volume is expected to double by ment and the most important acquisition to 2030 and quadruple by 2050. In many de- strengthen the defense capabilities of our Photo: t orbjørn Kjosvold / Forsvaret veloping countries, waste quantities are armed forces,” said Defense Minister Frank Three new F-35 fighter jets arrived at Norway’s Ørland Air Force base on May 22. increasing, but there are no proper waste- Bakke-Jensen. management systems to prevent plastic “Delivered on time, the three new air- waste from ending up in the sea. craft represent a new milestone in our ac- ceive six new F-35s every year until 2024. a major capability “Unless the world changes course, quisition program. We are now another step Today’s arrival follows the delivery of the Based on parliament’s ambitions, Nor- there is a risk that there will be more closer to reaching Full Operation Capability way plans to acquire up to 52 F-35 combat three first aircraft in November 2017. Since plastic than fish in the sea 30 years from - aircraft for national defense purposes. The with the F-35 in 2025. Until then, we have a then, the Norwegian Air Force has been car now,” said Minister of International De- lot of infrastructure to build on the two air rying out operational testing and evaluation of number is verified by analyses carried out by velopment Nikolai Astrup. bases Ørland and Evenes. New equipment the Norwegian Defense Research Establish- the F-35 in Norwegian conditions, aiming for In the 2018 budget, the government and systems need to be fitted, and dedicated Initial Operational Capability (IOC) in 2019. ment and the Ministry of Defense, and con- proposes an increase of NOK 130 million personnel are being educated and trained on “With the F-35, we are introducing a firmed by the latest threat assessments and in funding for the development program the new combat aircraft system to be able completely new concept, requiring our en- the armed forces’ long-term plan. to combat marine litter. This will nearly to ensure Norway’s safety and sovereignty “We will conclude our acquisition and tire armed forces to adapt and innovate. I am double the allocation, to NOK 280 million. - reach Full Operational Capability by 2025. in the future. The F-35 will significantly confident of the efforts our dedicated person In addition to preventing waste strengthen our armed forces’ joint defense nel are putting in to reach IOC in 2019,” said The F-35 can identify, locate, and strike through sustainable waste management, capability,” said Bakke-Jensen. the Defense Minister. the program will be used to facilitate pro- According to the plan, Norway will re- See > jEts, page 6 grams for cleaning up litter. “The increase in government fund- ing for clean and healthy seas is an im- This issue’s news from Norway is brought to you through a partnership with: portant Norwegian contribution to efforts to achieve the sustainable development goals by 2030,” said Astrup. (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) the american 4 • June 1, 2018 Business NorwegiaN Business News “Data is the new oil” & Notes Commemorative coin issue in 2019 Experts share big ideas in In 2019, the City of Oslo and the Vigeland Museum will jointly commemorate the ses- quicentenary of the birth of the sculptor Gus- tav Vigeland. To mark the occasion, Norges Cornell roundtable sessions Bank has decided to issue a special edition 20-krone circulation coin. The sesquicen- tenary will be an opportunity to promote public awareness of and interest in Gustav Vigeland, the artist responsible for one of Norway’s best-known tourist attractions: the Vigeland Sculpture Park in Oslo. The aim is to present the breadth, scope and signifi- cance of Vigeland’s artistic output and show- case the artist’s life and work. A number of events are planned through- out 2019, including a major sesquicentenary exhibition at the Vigeland Museum and a nationwide traveling exhibition in collabo- ration with the National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design. The coin’s date of issue will be set at a later time. (Norges Bank) Photos courtesy of Mona anita K. olsen Yara acquires Vale Cubatão Fertilizantes Above: Linda Priebe discusses General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) at the Technology Hospitality Entrepreneurship Roundtable at Cornell University. complex in Brazil Right: Linda Priebe (left) receives a pineapple and a certificate from the School of On May 15, 2018, Yara International ASA Hotel Administration. closed its acquisition of the Vale Cubatão Fertilizantes complex, strengthening Yara’s integrated position in Brazil. This acquisition mona anita K. oLsen, PHd, & mattHew federici marks the start of a new phase in Brazil for Cornell University Yara as the acquisition brings nitrogen pro- duction assets into the company’s growing More than two dozen industry lead- The second session was portfolio in Brazil, strengthening and grow- ers met in Ithaca, N.Y., in April for The called the Big P (Team, Experi- ing the Yara’s integrated position within both Really Big Idea Sketchpad approach to ence, and Knowledge) and re- industrial and fertilizer. The Cubatão asset is the Technology Hospitality Entrepreneur- viewed technology in the evalu- a nitrogen and phosphate complex with an ship Roundtable, hosted by the Pillsbury ation of people. The discussion annual production capacity of approximately Institute for Hospitality Entrepreneurship debated augmentation vs. auto- 200 kilotons of ammonia, 500 kilotons of at Cornell University’s School of Hotel mation in customer relationship nitrates, and 700 kilotons of phosphate fer- Administration. The roundtable chal- management and emphasized tilizer. The complex employs approximately lenged attendees to be mindful and cre- which touch points can be the most impact- book. However, she noted that Facebook 1,015 permanent and 970 contracted em- ative throughout four thematic discussion ful in hospitality efforts. needs to explain itself better to consumers, ployees. The transaction is valued at USD sessions. Each participant was asked to The third session was called the Big O so they understand how it works from a busi- 255 million, with the operating capital value create a concept over the course of the (Product, Service, and Solution). It named and ness perspective. subject to post-closing adjustment. day, with the goal of making a difference described trust in the technology offering. The A recent Harvard University Study (Yara International) in the hospitality industry using the entre- discussion revolved around guest engagement found that only two pieces of personal infor- preneurial tool called the Really Big Idea with technology in alignment with the ques- mation and a zip code is all that is required Equinor awarded 9 licenses in the 30th Sketchpad ( tion “when is the impact cool vs. creepy?” to find what a person is currently doing. Offshore Licensing Round entrepreneurship-resources-1). Frames Three elements were highlighted, discussed, Concerning Facebook and the Cambridge Equinor is pleased to have been awarded for discussions were created by using and debated, including transparency, integrity, Analytica scandal, Priebe noted that there - and control; the distinction between security was no difference in the software they used nine new licenses, spread across the UK tools from, in shelf. The award includes one commitment cluding one framework called the Ladder and privacy; and the tradeoff between conve- compared to any other data collection firm. well on the prospect Lifjellet in the Jæren of Inference. nience and privacy. Facebook initially denied the allegations against them on Twitter and tried to make High area. The plan is to progress work in The Really Big Idea Sketchpad was The final session was called the Big V the license through a site survey and to drill reviewed at a high level as the concep- (offerings to the buyers and customers) and it into a data breach. However, it was sim- the well in 2019 in line with the strategy to tual frame for the four discussions of the introduced social media policies to support ply a break of trust. Priebe made it clear that the value creation narrative for entrepre- few people understand Facebook’s business efficiently mature and drill prospects. This day. The first session was called the Big - autumn, Equinor will undertake a three-well C (Users, Buyers, and Economic Deci neurs. General Data Protection Regulation model, as shown through Mark Zuckerberg’s exploration campaign. The plan is to seek sion Makers) and reviewed a parallax gap (GDPR) was discussed in the digital mar- testimony to Congress. Nevertheless, the clarity on the volume range of the 2017 Ver- approach to customers. The session in- keting realm. GDPR covers a variety of el- hearings revealed that Zuckerberg could be bier discovery and to test two new prospects. cluded a discussion of the multiple ways ements including surveillance but most im- steps ahead due to his understanding of the The Bigfoot prospect is located near the that a customer could be defined in a sales portantly, the right to be forgotten and the importance of data. process (such as selling technology to de- Mariner field, while Pip is in an underde- right of portability. In the EU, if a person Priebe emphasized the importance for veloped area on the East Shetland platform. cision makers, line-level employees, and/ is identifiable, a person is protected under a company’s senior management and stake- or end-users) and at what point each cus- EU privacy protection law. The idea of in- The 2018 exploration campaign will start in holders to protect their value to the firm. Q3 this year. Equinor is also developing the tomer segmentation exhibits information formation fatigue was discussed again and However, management must not ignore con- - a layered approach to informed consent and cerns from company representatives. Whis- Mariner field on the UK Continental shelf, (data) fatigue. It also explored the versa - due to come on stream in late 2018. tility of guest profiles and the ways tech a “just in time” process was suggested for tleblowers can be a huge problem, as they nology can best capture the guest’s pref- consent. This roundtable session was a direct can endanger the security of customers and (Statoil / Equinor) erences in advance of their lodging stays. follow-up to Linda Priebe’s guest lecture in the Cornell University course Global Con- Continued on the next page > Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance 8.6157 versations with Entrepreneurs. Priebe is a partner at Culhane Meadows Mona Anita K. Olsen is an (May 28, 2018) - Winners Losers PLLC, helping companies avoid EU protec assistant professor at the - Norsk Kr. 8.1961 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change tion regulators through prevention, work School of Hotel Administra- Dansk Kr. 6.4059 Tomra Systems 180.00 11.80% Funcom 20.82 -8.68% ing on social media legal compliance, and tion in the Cornell SC John- NTS 54.00 8.00% Electromagnetic Ge... 3.16 -6.23% translating legal policies into plain language. Svensk Kr. 8.8186 son College of Business in Hexagon Composites 22.40 7.18% Prosafe 18.90 -5.50% Students in the class engaged with Priebe Ithaca, N.Y. She is also the Islandsk Kr. 105.78 Frontline 41.00 6.83% Jinhui Shipping and... 8.00 -5.21% on a variety of different concepts related to founder of Innovation Barn Canadian $ 1.3000 Solon Eiedom 31.00 6.53% Sandnes Sparebank 50.00 -4.76% GDPR. The discussion began with the latest 58N6E and the 501c3 iMAD- Euro 0.8600 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit Facebook data scandal. Priebe loves Face- du (I make a difference, do you?) Inc. theNorwegiaNamerican Business June 1, 2018 • 5 New Norwegian startup investment group OBOS and AF Group collaborate to create Construct Venture, funding promising ideas

rasmus faLcK Oslo, Norway

It can be risky to invest in startup com- panies. In the United States, major compa- nies are taking part in one in five start up financing rounds, supplying 20 percent of the amount invested, according to Medium. However, the growth in such activity shows that it works. Recently, two Norwegian com- panies in traditional industries joined forces and invested NOK 80 million in their new fund, Construct Venture, focusing on the building industry. The partners are OBOS and the AF Group. OBOS is the largest Nordic coopera- tive building association. Today, it is owned by more than 415,000 members, most of them in the Oslo area. After WWII, OBOS Photos: (clockwise from above) courtesy of became the driving force for housing devel- spacemaker aI, courtesy of startupLab, opment in Oslo. To date, it has built more courtesy of aF Group, than 100,000 homes representing a quarter hans Fredrik asbjørnsen / courtesy of oBos of Oslo’s housing stock. Its role has changed Above: Spacemaker is developing Artificial In- since the Norwegian housing market was telligence in real estate development by using a deregulated in the 1980s from carrying out multidisciplinary approach combining expertise public housing policy to being exposed to from architecture, mathematics, physics, machine competition and work under the same basic learning, and optimization. Above right: Per Einar Dybvik, StartupLab part- conditions as the rest of Norwegian enter- ner, delivers a talk at the launch of its Hardware prises. & IoT Lab. OBOS is one of the partners in Startup- Far right: Morten Grongstad, CEO of AF Group. Lab, located in the Research Park at the Uni- Right: Daniel Kjørberg Siraj, CEO of OBOS. versity of Oslo. StartupLab is an incubator and early stage investor for tech startups. One of the founders and workers, Alexander industry on the Oslo Stock Exchange. After customers of Spacemaker and have actively Woxen, said work with StartupLab began in Rasmus Falck is a strong in- 2010 and was launched in 2012. The four contributed in the testing phase of the prod- some mergers and internal growth, the group novation and entrepreneur- founders and employees own two-thirds of uct’s development. Spacemaker was found- today has 3,800 employees. They cooperate ship advocate. The author of - the company and Oslo Science Center owns closely with customers to find efficient so ed in 2015 by Håvard Haukeland, Anders “What do the best do better” the other third. The chairman is Karl-Chris- lutions that satisfy future environmental and Kvåle, and Carl Christensen. It is located at and “The board of directors tian Agerup, CEO of OsloTech. Among the energy requirements. In last year’s annual Aker Brygge in Oslo and has about 20 em- as a resource in SME,” he founders and investors is Olympic champion report in construction CEO Morten Grong- ployees. Before Construct Venture invested, received his masters degree skier Aksel Lund Svindal. stad noted, “It’s like in sports: you have to the startup managed to raise NOK 40 million from the University of Wis- OBOS has also just decided to invest develop faster than your competitors. An in equity from the founders, angel investors, consin-Madison. He currently lives in Oslo, NOK 100 million in venture activity. In re- important tool for continued progress is in- and small investment funds. Norway. porting to OBOS members, CEO Daniel novation and entrepreneurship. You have to Kjørberg Siraj said, “We have to think of- be curious, competent, and have the best em- fensive on investments in startups and other ployees in the industry.” venture investments to succeed.” According to a press release, the first in- The AF Group is a leading contracting vestment for Construct Venture AS is in the group. It was established in 1985 to focus company Spacemaker. This Norwegian start- on major construction projects throughout up has developed a solution based on Artifi- Norway. It is Norway’s third-largest contrac- cial Intelligence to optimize the use of land tor and the best-performing company in the in property development. Both partners are Custom jewelry in silver and gold < Continued from previous page featuring brand image and affect the bottom line. laws on data. Each state has its own laws The United Kingdom Parliament wants about user data. This forces companies to Norwegian filigree, Zuckerberg to testify as well. The European comply with 50 different state laws. Califor- Union Data Protection Regulators have been nia is starting to adopt laws similar to the EU Nordic designs and suing companies like Google and Facebook model. for years. At one point, it was even illegal to The class and the roundtable discussed Scandinavian use Google Analytics in the European Union. how technology is advancing faster than the The European Union has much stricter data law. Industries are taking advantage of the gemstones by laws than the United States. The EU has held lack of development of ethical codes. Trans- multiple hearings in America about Ameri- parency about what is being done with data Debra Carus can companies processing EU data. The EU and the implications are key in analyzing can force companies into bankruptcy if they the effective use of collecting, with the key do not comply with EU laws. Every com- question being “will this put the customer at pany within European Union standards has a risk?” The place to start is considering what [email protected] Data Protection Officer on the management data to collect. When looking at tech startups team. The EU can also force any company that thrive on data, the more data one has, the 971-221-8151 to comply with EU laws. On the other hand, more insights and profits it brings. As Priebe the United States does not even have federal said, “data is the new oil.” the american 6 • June 1, 2018 Opinion NorwegiaN An opinion column about current issues in On the EDGE Norway and the United States Join the conversation!

< WEath Er “Look to Norway” From page 3 Four ways to improve life in the USA the warmest summer ever. That year also has the record of 21 days over 20 degrees [68°F] Despite dating from colonial in May, and we also have a good chance of times, support for the death penalty is de- beating that record—it may be as many as 23 clining, as reported by The Economist in days,” Wahl said. m. micHaeL brady 2015 (see “Further reading”). Although 1947’s warm May was fol- Asker, Norway Restricting access to guns seems lowed by a warm June and July and then an sensible in view of the statistics of gun- extremely warm and dry August, the prob- As seen from Europe, four aspects related deaths in the USA. According to ability of that being repeated is highly un- of life in the USA appall and confuse. a survey published by CNN in March certain. The USA is the only developed country 2018 (see “Further reading”), “There are without universal health care; the USA “High pressure weather comes in cycles more public mass shootings in America and often remains in place for two to three leads the world in the number of people than in any other country in the world. in prison; the USA is the only western weeks, but of course there are exceptions,” The U.S. makes up less than 5 percent of Wahl told NRK. country still applying the death penalty; the world’s population but holds 31 per- and it’s the only country in which school cent of global mass shooters.” Moreover, massacres with automatic weapons have “Gun homicide rates are 25.2 times high- < Pass Port become a regular part of the contempo- er in the U.S. than in other high-income From page 3 rary scene. Covering European opinion countries.” One of the root causes of on these bothersome blotches on Amer- those high rates is that the USA leads the open access to large parts of Europe, Hen- ica’s image is beyond the scope of an world in per-capita gun ownership, with ley & Partners noted, but Asian countries are opinion essay in this newspaper. But as 101 guns per 100 residents, compared catching up thanks to strengthened interna- President Franklin D. Roosevelt famous- to 58.21 guns per hundred residents for tional trade and diplomatic relations. ly remarked in 1942, one might “Look to If worldwide universal healthcare is within reach, second-place Serbia, 30.8 for neighboring One European country that could see its Norway” for clues on remedies. what else might be? Canada, and 31.3 for Norway (see “Fur- position in the ranking weaken in the coming Implementing universal health care ther reading”). years is the UK, with Brexit potentially mak- is within reach, worldwide. It’s an afford- Strengthening gun laws entails in- ing trips abroad more complicated. able necessity in Norway and is part of tion (2,145,100 prisoners, vs. the more than terpretation of the intent of the Second The Henley index surveys 199 different the modern welfare state that employs the four times as populous state of China, which Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, passports and the access they provide to 227 Nordic model (see “Further reading”). holds second place with 1,649,804) as well which reads “A well regulated militia different destinations. From annual comparisons of U.S. and as in incarceration rate (666 per 100,000 being necessary to the security of a free Norwegian taxes, as made by this cor- population, vs. Turkmenistan in second place state, the right of the people to keep and < j Ets respondent, and other American citizens with 583) [figures from tables page 81, The bear arms shall not be infringed.” Those From page 3 who live and work in Norway (the USA Economist Pocket World in Figures, 2018 27 words are the topic of ongoing legal requires its citizens to file tax returns edition]. Moreover, the USA has a high re- debate as to whether the intent is to per- heavily defended targets, and it offers high no matter where they earn and reside in cidivism rate, with 76.6 percent of prisoners mit the states to maintain militias or to survivability faced with modern threats. The the world), for modest incomes, in per- released being re-arrested within five years. permit individuals to bear arms. Attorney aircraft is difficult to detect on radar and can centage of gross income, each year the The comparable figure for Norway is around operate in high-threat areas where today’s Stephen P. Halbrook, a research fellow Norwegian tax rate works out to being 20 percent, which can be seen as evidence F-16 cannot. The F-35 has sensors with great at the Independent Institute, a think tank about the same as the sum of the federal that the focus on rehabilitation works (“Fur- in Oakland, Calif., that focuses on pub- reach and high resolution, which offers good and state rates in the USA. So universal ther reading”). situational awareness for both our own and health care is achievable in the USA with Abolishing the death penalty is a mat- See > Four W ays, page 15 allied forces. An advanced weapons system, little or no increase in taxes. ter for lawmakers. Today, the USA is one of the F-35 offers a major capability that will Reducing the prison population 54 countries worldwide and the only west- M. Michael Brady was strengthen our ability to react quickly to ern one applying the death penalty. Within will require a change of focus. Today, educated as a scientist threats over great distances,” said Maj. Gen. as criminologist Bob Cameron observes, the USA, capital punishment is used by 31 - and, with time, turned to Morten Klever, director of the F-35 acquisi “Americans want their prisoners pun- states, the federal government, and the mili- tion program at the Ministry of Defense. writing and translating. ished first and rehabilitated second.” The tary. Since the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed human cost of putting punishment ahead t raining and education on track the legality of capital punishment in 1976, of rehabilitation is considerable. Today, there have been 1,474 executions in the USA In addition to the six aircraft now at the USA leads the world in incarcera- (figure updated April 30, 2018, Deathpenal- Ørland Air Base, the Norwegian Air Force has seven F-35s stationed at Luke Air Force The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of The Norwegian American, and our publication of those views is not an Base in Arizona. These are being used for endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions, and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. training and education. the NorwegiaN american’s(secret) plan for personalglobal domina enrichment!tion: shhh... don’t tell! Step 1—send us your Your Name: Norwegian-American^ Friend’s Name: friend’s address*** Step 2—???* Friend’s Address: Step 3—you PROFIT!** City/State/Zip: * Step 2 is that we send your non-subscriber friend a sample copy of the newspaper (no other nefarious purpose, we promise!) ** If your friend signs up for a year’s subscription, YOU get a free month added to your subscription *** Call (206) 784-4617, email [email protected], or mail 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline, WA 98155 theNorwegiaNamerican Opinion June 1, 2018 • 7

Letters to the Editor theNorwegiaNamerican Published since May 17, 1889 Do you have something to say? 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline, WA 98155 Tel:฀(206)฀784-4617฀•฀Email:฀[email protected] Write to us at The Norwegian American, Letter to the Editor, 17713 15th Ave NE, Publisher #205, Shoreline, WA 98155, or email us at [email protected], subject line Ragnar Meyer-Knutsen Letter to the Editor. Letters may be edited for style, clarity, or length. Editor-in-chief Emily฀C.฀Skaftun฀ [email protected] Assistant Editor / Nyheter Ager’s 150th birthday Among other things, the association has Lori฀Ann฀Reinhall฀ [email protected] been able to digitize into a searchable for- Opinion Editor Dear Editor, mat the many issues of Ager’s newspaper Linn฀Chloe฀Hagstrøm฀ [email protected] It is serendipitous that you should pub- The Reform. A link to this is found on our Business & Sports Editor lish the very nice thumbnail sketch of Walde- website. This is one of very few Norwegian Michael฀Kleiner฀ [email protected] mar Ager written by David Moe in your April newspapers to have been digitized and made Taste of Norway Editor 20, 2018, issue (www.norwegianamerican. searchable. It should be a valuable resource Daytona฀Strong฀ [email protected] for those doing research on early 20th-centu- com/heritage/notable-norwegians-2). In fact, Travel Editor - ry Norwegian-American events. March 23, 2019, marks the 150th anniversa Cynthia฀Rubin฀ [email protected] ry of Ager’s birth. As indicated in the article, Your article highlights the influential Copy Editor Norwegian heritage of northwestern Wis- Ager was an influential citizen of Eau Claire, Becky฀Kruse฀Gjendem฀ [email protected] consin where even now many descendants of Wis., and the upper Midwest. Advertising The Waldemar Ager Association is plan- the great migration from the late 1800s and Lori฀Ann฀Reinhall฀ [email protected] ning a super birthday party on the weekend early 1900s celebrate their Norwegian roots. Subscriptions [email protected] of March 22-23, 2019 in Eau Claire. We plan Med vennlig hilsen, to have a series of talks about his career and Robert Fossum Contributors works on Friday, ending with a banquet on President: Waldemar Ager Association Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. Friday evening. We anticipate many Ager Julia Andersen New York, N,Y. descendants will attend. Tove Andersson Oslo, Norway “Casual” immigration Patricia Barry Hopewell Junction, N.Y. On Saturday, a ceremony is planned at Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. the gravesite in Lakeview Cemetery as well Terje Birkedal Anchorage, Alaska as tours through the Ager Museum and Li- Dear Editor, lisher received acknowledgements, and it ap- M. Michael Brady Asker, Norway Daughters of Norway Members Various brary which is prominently sited just across I recently read about a book—Amerika- peared in your Letters to the Editor column. It Christie Ericson Anchorage, Alaska Madison Street from the Mayo Clinic facili- brev (May 4, 2018: www.norwegianameri- remains at Ellis Island and was featured at a Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway ties (formerly Luther Hospital and Midelfort celebration of Norwegian immigration a num- Christy Olsen Field Seattle, Wash. Sunny Gandara Beacon, N.Y. Clinic—a cause that Ager promoted) in Eau grants-story), which provides details of im- ber of years ago. Rosalie Grangaard Grosch Arden Hills, Minn. Claire. In the evening, the Eau Claire Cham- migration to America. I would urge your readers, if they visit Kari Heistad Edina, Minn. ber Orchestra will perform a program that About 20 years ago, I read in The New New York, to go to Ellis Island. With mini- Liv Marit Haakenstad Hamar, Norway Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. includes Norwegian selections. York Times that there was interest in know- mal information, the descendents can obtain Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn. We are very excited about this event ing of casual immigration, that is—undocu- so very much. I took someone there, and it Ilan Kelman Agder, Norway and hope many can attend. You may keep mented. was in a ship’s manifest that his uncle was Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. informed by visiting the Ager Museum web- I knew that my cousin, Jakob Johannes- received by a family member and taken to Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. site: You will also find sen, had contributed to a book entitled De som Iowa. He was 14 and never went home again. Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. many other items of interest on this website. dro ut. I contacted Ellis Island and inquired if Sincerely yours, Christine Foster Meloni Washington, D.C. Randi Millman-Brown Ithaca, N.Y. they were interested in accepting said book. Claire Kristensen David Moe Sun City, Calif. They were delighted. My cousin and the pub- Staten Island, N.Y. Maria Stordahl Nelson Seattle, Wash. David Nikel Trondheim, Norway Mona Anita K. Olsen Ithaca, N.Y. Barbara K. Rostad Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho 5. juni timothy L. smith Portland OR John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. ruth olsen haller Park Ridge IL Merlin Nils solvang Ferndale WA Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Wesley andrew herset Kila MT Nancy Winsor Judith Gabriel Vinje Los Angeles, Calif. Jefferson NH Dianna Walla Tromsø, Norway Elias Kjendsli Oslo Norway Linda Warren Washington, D.C. Eli Krusenstjerna Edmonds WA 11. juni Jo Christian Weldingh Oslo, Norway Derek Pickard Newburgh IN ann Dragsten Monticello MN rose Nappen harris The Norwegian American strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you have a ques- 6. juni Huntington Beach CA tion or comment about news coverage call (206) George hoyum Rockford MN sverre arne Isane Badger MN 784-4617. • The Norwegian American reserves 1. juni steve Melton Tacoma WA Loren swingen Bellevue NE the right to edit any and all submissions for style, grammar, accuracy, and/or space, and the right starleen Locken Corrion hanna sundberg Wrangell AK Gayle Wergeland Bothell WA not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor Mount Vernon WA johan thorvaldsen Edmonds WA taste, or not suited for publication in this newspa- helga Lellelid Colman SD 12. juni per. • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and letter writers are not necessarily those of The john N. Melland Modesto CA 7. juni Gerald anderson Bellevue NE Norwegian American, and our publication of those randi Millman-Brown Ithaca NY Martha anderson Cottonwood MN Nils Gjersengen Aremark Norway views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, Carrie Mjelve Camrose AB Canada Maiken Victoria Gehsmann Morristown NJ heidi strand Magnus suggestions, and complaints about the opinions tor M. olufsen Burnaby BC Canada john haugo Hudson WI Cortlandt Manor NY expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor-in-chief. • The Norwegian joseph Plasek Madison WI Esther johnsen Cary IL tordis solheim Seattle WA American (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 2473-1293) is roy Naevestad Spectacular NY Barbara Vigsnes Bennington VT published every other week except the first issue 2. juni arne Neas Paradise CA in August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. Erik andersen Lomita CA 13. juni 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline WA 98155 • Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, Wash. and Kristofer Michael Virding Tigard OR 8. juni Dagrun Isane Brotherston Olympia WA at additional mailing offices. • POSTMASTER: Walter Barthold Ridgewood NJ Clarice Keeney Sun City AZ Please send address changes to The Norwegian 3. juni ralph thams Mohn Seattle WA Diane omdal Langill S. Pasadena CA American, 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline WA 98155 • Annual Subscription Cost: US $70 alf L. Knudsen jr. Simi Valley CA Pastor h. a. strand Everson WA oscar strom Sturgeon Bay WI Domestic, US $94 to Canada, US $212 to Norway Megan Lapham Edmonds WA signe strøm San Jose CA and all other foreign countries. Kaleigh Lestrud 14. juni Princeton MN SINCE MAY 17, 1889. Formerly: Milo Moe Eau Claire WI 9. juni Valentino Vincenzo Donofrio john seastrand Greendale WI halfdan andersen Langevåg Norway Frazier Park CA Norwegian American Weekly audrey Bowers Des Moines WA Mabel Fransen Astoria OR Norway Times / Nordisk Tidende, Western Viking & Washington Posten 4. juni audrey Engebretson Hugo MN Esther halvorsen hartman Charlotte FL oscar Erickson Bellevue WA Edgar steindal Springhill FL Engeline hinderlie Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah-Posten Haugesund Norway og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Minnesota Venka Dyro Fasulo Brooklyn NY Gerd hvam Plymouth MN Posten, Norrona, and Skandinaven Bruce Mork Houghton MI 10. juni olger Langheid Grand Forks ND torunn roinestad Brooklyn NY Marian haugen Buckley WA Lloyd Naess Vancouver BC NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. albert olai spor Milwaukie OR jacqueline Lee Poulsbo WA Walter o. shuros Fairbanks AK

Want to see your birthday in The Norwegian American? Email [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617. Must be submitted one month in advance to guarantee placement. NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed away? Please notify us! the american 8 • June 1, 2018 Sports NorwegiaN

Sports News & Notes Another glass ceiling Men’s Soccer: highlights ria Brochmann. Amalie Eikeland 2) routed Trondheims Ørn 6-2. May 27: Peter Orry Larsen’s 61st minute to fall at World Cup goal gave surprise leader Brann a 2-1 win May 12: Lillestrøm (Emilie Haavi, Sophie over second-place and surging Rosenborg Roman Haug 2) edged Lyn 4-3 (Jenny Ol- NRK’s will be the first female to open a 6-point lead. Bodø Glimt upset sen 2). Lillestrøm had allowed two goals third-place Ranheim 4-0. An own goal this season. Table: Lillestrøm 27 pts; Sand- expert at a men’s World Cup tournament viken 21; Klepp 15; Kolbotn 14; Arna- gave Haugesund a 1-0 victory over Trom- sø to move into a fourth-place tie with Bjørnar 12; RØA 10, Vålerenga 10; Lyn 10; Vålerenga, which beat Lillestrøm 1-0 on a Avaldsnes 9; Trondheims Ørn 9; Stabæk 8; 96th minute goal by Bård Finne Grand Bodø 3. May 26: Molde (Etzaz Hussain, Daniel ( Chima Chukwu, Fredrik Aursnes) stayed one point behind those two with a 3-1 win Women’s Soccer: Champions League over Start May 27. to Lyon May 16: Brann got a 70th minute goal from May 24: Norwegian national player Ada Kristoffer Barmen to draw 1-1 with Hauge- Hegerberg scored as Lyon defeated Norwe- sund (Christian Grindheim). Rosenborg gian teammate Caroline Hansen’s Wolfs- (Nicklas Bendtner, Pål André Helland, Al- burg 3-1 in overtime for its third straight exander Sønderlund) beat Lillestrøm 3-0. European Champions League title. Sarpsborg (Amin Askar 2) blanked Start (VG) 4-0. Ranheim (Erik Tønne 2) downed Kris- tiansund 3-1. Cycling: Tour of Norway (Google) Edvald Boasson Hagen was second, Carl Fredrik Hagen third behind Spain’s Eduard Women’s Soccer: Eliteserien Prades in Tour of Norway, which ended highlights May 20. May 27: Lillestrøm rolled over Avaldsnes (VG) Photos: (above) hallgeir Vågenes / VG, (right) digitalsport 4-0 to expand its first-place lead to 6 points Above: Lise Klaveness, playing for the national over Sandviken (Ajara Nchout), which beat Handball: Norwegians lead Györ team, scores and cheers during the 1-0 win against Stabæk 1-0 May 26. Fourth-place Kolbotn May 13: Hungarian club Györ defeated Ro- Italy in a 2005 World Cup qualifying match. (Karina Sævik 2) beat third-place Klepp mania’s HC Vadar 27-26 in two overtimes Right: Lise Klaveness working as an announcer 3-1, and Arna Bjørnar (Emilie Nautnes 2) to win the European Champions League for NRK in 2016. tied RØA 2-2 May 26. title. Norwegians Stine Bredal Oftedal and May 19: Andrea Wilmann’s hat trick led Kari Aalvik Grimsbø contributed. Nora Stabæk to a 5-0 win over Lyn. Avaldsnes Mørk was injured. (Gaelle Enganamouit 2) blanked Trond- (VG) heims Ørn 2-0. May 13: Arna Bjørnar (Ma-

jo cHristian weLdinGH Now available on Amazon! Oslo (Search: “Modern Viking”) NRK will send Lise Klaveness to this at the European Championship in 2004. Vivi- summer’s soccer men’s World Cup in Rus- Leif Eie truly came to this ana Villa, from Argentina, will be working as sia, as a part of their team of soccer experts. an expert for Telemundo this summer, while country with nothing—but with She will become the first-ever female soccer the BBC will be sending Jacqui Oatley. hard work, determination, and expert in a men’s World Cup tournament. However, Klaveness’s excitement for talent, he became a force to be The games—which will be without Norway the championship supersedes her excitement reckoned with. or the United States participating—run from for breaking glass ceilings. June 18-July 15. “I’m going to the World Cup for the first Follow Leif from his childhood “I think the opportunity is a privilege,” time,” she repeated. “It’s a big deal for me, she said to VG - in Norway during WWII to a . “It’s just very, very fun. Per and that’s also where my mind’s at. I feel sonally, I feel like the female World Cup and very lucky.” successful career in the airline all the other championships have good quali- Following the NRK show Heimebane, business in New York and ties, but the men’s World Cup is on a differ- where Ane Dahl Torp portrays a woman Seattle to retirement in Mexico, ent level. It’s something special. The men’s coaching a men’s soccer team, gender roles with many lessons, stories, World Cup is the biggest and has been the in sports have been a highly debated issue in Norwegian media this spring. Several high- and antics along the way. biggest thing since I was a little kid.” She continues to thank NRK for the op- profile people in both the media and sports portunity. have spoken out about the need for more “It’s important to break all the glass ceil- female representation and leadership. Klave- ings,” she said. “It’s the most popular sport ness’s role in this summer’s World Cup is a Send us your Syttende Mai photos! for women and girls, so it’s important to step in the right direction. break down the barriers: first female coach, Klaveness is, and has been for almost boss, expert, and commentator. But, to be two decades, one of the best-known women honest, I don’t really think about the fact that in Norwegian soccer. She started her soccer Deadline: I’m a woman (doing this) all that much.” career in IL Sandviken, a club from Bergen, Ju ne 4! The former Norwegian national player but has played for several other clubs on the is prepared to face the criticism that might highest level, both in Norway and in Swe- come because she’s a woman. den. She has been credited with 73 national “I have been working as an expert for team games and scored nine goals. quite some time, and I think people have Klaveness has a law degree from the Uni- gotten used to me,” Klaveness said. “I don’t versity of Oslo and has been practicing law know if it will be an issue, but I’m prepared. both as a lawyer and as an associate justice. I brace myself for the gender-based criticism that might come my way. It feels really bad Jo Christian Weldingh grew up in Lilleham- when it happens, but I’m pretty sure it won’t mer, Norway, and lives in Oslo. He has a affect me or the job I’m there to do.” bachelor’s degree in archaeology from the Swede Malin Swedberg became the University of Oslo and a bachelor’s degree in first-ever female expert in a men’s champi- business administration from BI Norwegian email high-res photos to [email protected] for our 17. mai photo spread onship, when she provided the commentary Business School. the american NorwegiaN Sports June 1, 2018 • 9 Nordmenn of baseball: One team for each of the Jorgens brothers

Photos: Public domain micHaeL KLeiner Left: Arndt Jorgens’s 1934 baseball card with Lou The Norwegian American Gehrig’s description of him on the reverse side. Middle: A press photo from the New York Yankees - shows Arndt Jorgens ready for action. At first glance, Arndt Ludwig “Art” Jor went 13-for-74 (.176) with six RBI from July campaign, when he led National League Right: While Arndt Jorgens was the last Nor- gens (Jørgens?) had a great 11-year baseball 4 to Aug. 3, then didn’t play until Aug. 19. pitchers in appearances with 53. He was a wegian-born major league baseball player, his resume. His entire catching career was with He finished that season hitting .219 with two workhorse, starting 24 games, complet- brother, Orville, was the first Norwegian-Ameri- the powerhouse New York Yankees from HRs and 19 RBI. His first career tater came ing six, saving two out of the bullpen, and can player. 1929 to 1939, winning five World Series on June 1 at the Philadelphia Athletics. throwing 188.1 innings. His record was 10- during that time. Jorgens has the distinc- In 1934, he had career highs in games 15 with a 4.83 ERA. He won his first career tion, though, of being the only player to be played (58) at bat (183), hits (38), and RBI game with 1.2 scoreless and hitless innings Jorgens started only nine games, relieved a member of that many championship teams (20), but hit only .208. Defensively, he had a of relief on May 8, 1935, against Cincinnati, in 43, and finished 3-4 with 4.41 ERA. For without ever seeing any action. career .978 fielding percentage and nabbed 5-4. His first win as a starter was a few days his career, he was 21-27 with a 4.70 ERA in The Yankees’ starting catcher from 32% of would-be base stealers. later, going eight innings, allowing six hits 144 games, 54 of them starts, 11 complete 1928-1946 was future Hall of Famer Bill Though he didn’t play much, Jorgens and two runs in a 5-2 win over the St. Louis games, and five saves. Dickey, whose career batting average was was respected by his superstar teammates, Cardinals. Jorgens tossed a complete game On Dec. 22, 1937, the Phillies sold Jor- .313, with 1,969 hits, 343 doubles, 202 home including Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Red Ruff- three-hitter and collected an RBI in a 9-1 win gens to Baltimore of the International League runs, and 1,209 RBI. Jorgens’s career batting ing, Lefty Gomez, and Joe DiMaggio. On the over the Boston Braves Aug. 5. and he was signed by the White Sox average was .238, with four HRs, 89 RBI, back of Jorgens’s 1934 baseball card, Lou The following season he tossed 167.1 on Nov. 6, 1940, but he never appeared in and 176 hits in just 307 games. That is only Gehrig wrote “...When he was two years old, innings, appeared in 39 games, starting 21, another MLB game. Little is known about around 28 games a campaign in a 154-game his parents moved to Rockford, Illinois and completing four, and ending with an 8-8 re- him or Arndt after their careers ended. Or- season. Yet, it is still remarkable that a back- later changed to Chicago. Jorgens starred cord and 4.79 ERA. His last season, 1937, ville died Jan. 11, 1992, at age 83. up catcher was able to remain with one team for his high school nine in Chicago and be- for 11 years. gan his professional career with Rockford Jorgens was born May 18, 1905, in Mo- in 1926. He was secured by the Yankees in dum, Norway. When the family immigrated 1928, was farmed out for a couple of sea- to the United States, they settled in Chicago. sons for more experience but was recalled. ELITESERIEN After hitting .292 in five minor league Jorgens is 27 years old, 5 feet, 10 inches tall, seasons, he made his major league debut on weighing 160 pounds; batting and throwing Norway’s Premier League April 26, 1929, against the Philadelphia Ath- right handed.” letics as a defensive replacement. He didn’t Jorgens, who died on March 1, 1980, RESULTS STANDINGS get an at bat in the 5-2 loss. His first at bat was the last Norwegian-born player in the was the next day. He got his first hit as a major leagues, but his brother, Orville, be- 05/28 sarpsborg 08 4 – 2 stabæk t eams W D L Pts pinch hitter for Dickey on April 29 against came the third Norwegian American to do 1. Brann 9 3 0 30 05/27 Bodø/Glimt 4 – 0 ranheim the Washington Senators. In his first start so when he debuted on April 19, 1935. The 2. Rosenborg 7 3 2 24 siblings never faced each other. on April 30, Jorgens went 2-for-3, with two 05/27 haugesund 1 – 0 t romsø 3. Ranheim 7 2 3 23 runs, also against the Senators. His first RBI Orville Jorgens was born June 4, 1908, came on May 8, when he plated two, while in Rockford. The 6-1, 180-pound righthand- 05/27 Molde 3 – 1 start 4. Sarpsborg 08 6 4 2 22 going 2-for-3 with a double against the St. 5. Haugesund 6 3 3 21 er also played for only one team, pitching for 05/27 odd 1 – 2 Kristiansund Louis Browns. the Philadelphia Phillies from 1935 to 1937, 6. Vålerenga 6 3 3 21 Jorgens’s longest stretch of play came when the team compiled a 179-281 record, 05/27 strømgodset 2 – 0 sandefjord 7. Molde 6 2 4 20 in 1932, when the usually mild-mannered finishing seventh (of eight teams) twice and rosengård 1 – 2 Brann Dickey was suspended for 30 days. Jorgens 05/27 8. Tromsø 5 2 5 17 last once. His best season was his rookie 9. Odd 5 1 6 16 05/26 Vålerenga 1 – 0 Lillestrøm 10. Kristiansund 4 4 4 16 05/21 haugesund 1 – 2 rosenborg 11. Bodø/Glimt 3 3 6 12 Moving? Change 05/21 Kristiansund 4 – 0 strømsgodset 12. Strømsgodset 3 3 6 12 13. Lillestrøm 3 2 7 11 ranheim 3 – 1 Molde of address? 05/21 14. Stabæk 2 4 6 10 05/21 sandefjord 0 – 1 sarpsborg 08 15. Start 2 1 9 7 16. Sandefjord 1 2 9 5 Let us know! 05/21 stabæk 2 – 1 odd 05/21 start 1 – 0 Bodø/Glimt Even a magical nisse can’t find your mailbox without the correct 05/21 t romsø 3 – 0 Vålerenga address, so call (206) 784-4617 or 05/21 Lillestrøm 1 – 1 Brann email [email protected] to update your information! To read more about football in Norway, visit the american 10 • June 1, 2018 Research & Science NorwegiaN Herring could benefit from ocean acidity Acidifying oceans will be bad news for most species, but herring may actually thrive

nancy baziLcHuK Gemini Research News

Excess CO2 in the atmosphere is mak- ing the oceans more acidic. Some studies show that’s bad news for fish, including com- mercially important species. But not all fish respond the same way. One of the many downsides of too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is what happens when some of that CO2 is absorbed by the oceans. As atmospheric CO2 levels increase from burning fossil fuels, this car- bon dioxide is soaked up by seawater and makes the oceans more acidic. Increased acidity is bad news for coral reefs and creatures whose shells are made from calcium carbonate, but how does it af- fect the entire food web? Using an unusual long-term research installation in the waters off the west coast of Sweden, a team of researchers from Ger- many, Sweden, and Norway decided to find out. Their results have just been published in Photos: (above) Maike Nicolai / GEoMar, Nature Ecology & Evolution. (left) uwe Kils / Wikimedia Commons Above: Researchers drain sediment from meso- Mesocosms cosms in Gullmarfjord, Sweden, in 2013. Most studies on the effects of acidified Left: Young herring need to eat as much as pos- seawater on fish species are done in the labo- sible to survive, and increased acidity seems to ratory, says Fredrik Jutfelt, an associate pro- make more of their preferred food available. fessor at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)’s Department of Biology, who was one of the study’s authors. of ocean water. in late April 2013. The herring larvae that tem changes in the mesocosms, and we saw Some of those studies—of which there are The bags are long enough to contain an hatched in both sets of bags lived in and fed that the extra CO2 stimulated growth of al- relatively few—show reduced survival for entire small ocean food web, from the tiny exclusively on the plankton in the bags until gae, which led to more zooplankton, mean- fish in their early life stages, he said. plankton that form the base of the food web, the experiment was ended on June 28. ing more food for fish.” But studying fish in a tank doesn’t nec- up to and including herring larvae. The researchers took regular samples of Catriona Clemmesen from GEOMAR, essarily give researchers the chance to study Five of the bags were filled with “nor- the physical, chemical, and biological condi- another study co-author, says that herring the entire food web. For that you ideally need mal” seawater to serve as a control, while tions in the mesocosms. larvae may be naturally more able to adapt to be able to study fish in their natural habi- the remaining five bags were filled with sea- to ocean acidification. tat, the ocean. That’s where the experimental water that had been acidified with CO2. The More food outweighs negative effects “The tolerance of herring larvae to set up in Gullmarsfjord, Sweden, comes in. researchers used predictions of the amount The earliest days for a young herring pH changes could be due to their life his- Here, researchers were able to use what of CO2 that would be in the atmosphere at are among the most critical in their survival, tory strategy. Herring spawn mostly near they call “mesocosms,” tall vertical floating the end of this century to set the CO2 levels because they have to find enough of the the ground, where naturally high CO2 levels “test tubes” filled with ocean water, just over in these last five bags. food they like to eat. prevail. They are therefore probably better 1 yard in diameter and over 60 feet long, They then added fertilized herring eggs What the researchers found was that adapted to ocean acidification than other fish which were set out in Gullmarsfjord. Each to all of the bags when the phytoplankton in the increased CO2 they introduced to the species such as the cod that spawns near the mesocosm contained almost 2,000 cubic feet the bags began to wake up and reproduce, test bags stimulated the growth of plankton surface,” Clemmesen said. enough to improve the survival of these tini- est of young herring. Not necessarily good news Discover your next home—Norse Home In the end, the researchers found that the Although the researchers found that the young herring in the mesocosms exposed to herring larvae did well in the high CO2 con- elevated CO2 levels had a survival rate that ditions, they caution that their findings are Father’s Day was nearly 20 percent higher than the her- not a cause for celebration. Brunch Buffet ring in the control mesocosms. That’s in di- “Whereas herring larvae were shown to Sun, June 17, rect contrast to laboratory studies that have be tolerant to CO2 levels projected for the 9:30 am-1 pm reported decreased larval fish survival. end of this century, larval development in “It appears that the herring will have an other fish species, including the Atlantic cod advantage over other more sensitive species (Gadus morhua), is negatively affected un- in a future acidified ocean,” said Michael Ss- der projected ocean acidification scenarios,” wat, a researcher from the GEOMAR Helm- the researchers wrote. “Biodiversity of fish holtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, who may be affected, as shown at natural volca- was the lead author of the study. nic vents, where changes in food availability 5311 Phinney Ave. N. Sswat and his colleagues also ran a par- and predation benefitted dominant fish spe- allel laboratory study where they raised sib- cies.” Seattle, WA 98103 lings of the herring larvae in the mesocosms in the laboratory at comparable pH and CO2 Further reading: (206) 781-7400 • levels. “Food web changes under ocean acidi- To book a tour, call or email [email protected] “The surprising finding here was that fication promote herring larvae survival.” while the herring were unaffected by CO2 in Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2018: dx.doi. our simultaneous lab experiment, the herring org/10.1038/s41559-018-0514-6 in the natural ecosystem experiments in the “Growth and survival of larval Atlan- Vesterheim mesocosms benefitted from high CO2,” said tic herring, under the combined effects of the national Norwegian-American museum and heritage center NTNU’s Jutfelt. “This finding was likely due elevated temperatures and CO2,” PLOS • The largest collection of Norwegian-American artifacts in the world to changes in the ecosystem, as that was the ONE, 2018: • A national center for folk-art classes • Open all year in Decorah, Iowa main difference between the lab and the field pone.0191947 experiments. We also measured the ecosys- the american NorwegiaN Arts & Entertainment June 1, 2018 • 11 Book review: REEL NEWS Death of the Demon From the Norwegian Film Institute ( cHristine foster meLoni Washington

While Jo Nesbø is usually consid- ered the undisputed King of the Norwe- gian crime novel, Anne Holt and Karin Fossum are serious contenders for the female crown. Nesbø himself calls Holt “the godmother of the modern Norwe- gian crime novel.” Both women are pro- lific writers and continue to turn out en- gaging books. Death of the Demon is the third novel in Holt’s bestselling Hanne Wilhelmsen series. The book begins with 12-year-old Olav Håkonsen arriving at the Spring Sunshine Foster Home and announcing, “I’m the new boy!”

With resolute stride he stomped to the middle of the floor, where he remained standing while the snow from his enor- Photo courtesy of mous sneakers formed little puddles her partner Detective Billy T find very -lit The Norwegian thriller series Wisting was awarded €1 million from the European Commission’s ME- around his feet. His stance was wide, as tle physical evidence at the scene, and they DIA program. though to cancel the knock-kneed cross don’t feel that any of the suspects have a formed by his legs, he threw out his arms strong motive for murder. The investigation and repeated, “I’m the new boy!” drags on until a crucial clue is finally discov- EU MEDIA support announced for ered. But in the meantime, other officers are His mother has finally reached the involved in a frantic search for Olav, as it is Norwegian TV series and documentary conclusion that she can no longer control feared he might be in danger. him and she agrees to let him be taken In this crime novel, Holt also focuses on The €11.4 million Wisting, a TV thriller Helium away. The boy would rather stay with the shortcomings of Norway’s child welfare series staged by Norwegian production com- Described as a humorous, feel-good his mother and is very upset about his system. Like many Scandinavian crime nov- pany Cinenord Drama, is the first Norwegian drama series, the 13-short-episode Helium new situation. He immediately develops elists, she often sheds light on pressing so- project to be granted the maximum €1 mil - follows 12-year-old Martin, when he falls in a hatred for Agnes Vestavik, the home’s cial problems in her country. (Swedish Stieg lion production support from Creative Eu- love for the first time with Dalia. But there director, who has house rules to enforce. Larsson, author of the hugely successful rope, a special MEDIA subsidy scheme for are problems: when he talks to her, it sounds He does seem to be drawn to Maren Kals- Millennium Trilogy, is the best-known ex- high-quality television from independent as if he has a “helium voice.” , the deputy director, who shows him ample of a Scandinavian writer highlighting companies. Scripted by Trond Morten Venasen and some kindness. government failures.) Creative Europe MEDIA announced on Morten Hovland, Helium will be directed by But then all hell breaks loose. The di- Holt shows the failure of the system to May 8 the first 2018 recipients, also includ- Liv Karin Dahlstrøm for NRK Super. The rector is discovered dead at her desk with help Olav’s mother deal with her difficult ing the Norwegian Fabelaktiv series Helium Fabelaktiv production has received NOK 4 a knife buried in her back. And Olav has and dangerous child. Everything comes to a and Norsk Fjernsyn documentary War of Art; million ($488,000) support from the film in- disappeared. Did he witness the murder head when the boy reaches the age of 12 and only Wisting and Italy’s My Brilliant Friend, stitute. and has, therefore, gone into hiding? Or is finally removed from his home. She writes were awarded the full million euros. could he be guilty of murder? Would he from experience, as she spent many years in War of Art have had the strength to plunge the knife her own law practice and also served a term Wisting Scripted and directed by award-winning into Agnes? as Norway’s Minister of Justice. Based on Norwegian author Jørn Lier Tommy Gulliksen, War of Art is a docu- Other individuals are soon put on the Holt has written 10 novels in her Wil- Horst’s novels about police detective Wil- mentary about a group of artists including list of suspects. Did Maren covet the po- helmsen series, five in her Vik/Stubø series, liam Wisting, Cinenord Drama’s 10-episode Norway’s controversial Morten Traavik, sition of director too strongly? Did Terje and five stand-alone novels. Readers have Wisting is described as a character-driven who have for several years worked on cul- Welby, the assistant director, fear that his many of her books to enjoy! thriller series of Nordic noir with a strong, tural exchange with North Korea. But how dishonest dealings with the Home’s fi- international appeal. is it possible to collaborate with a country, nances would come to light? Why does - “Obviously, we are very excited about where (according to Human Rights Watch) Eirik Vassbunn, the employee who dis Christine Foster Meloni is this support from Creative Europe MEDIA, 200,000 Koreans are kept in concentration covered Agnes’s body, immediately take professor emerita at The which we also see as a recognition both of sick leave? Does he have something to camps, and dissidents and their families are George Washington Univer- the project and of our company,” said pro- imprisoned and forced to do hard labor for hide? What about Agnes’s husband? sity. She has degrees in Ital- ducer Silje Hopland Eik, of Cinenord Dra- their criticism of the system? Their marriage seemed to be on the rocks ian literature, linguistics, and ma, who will produce the series with Terez The film will be produced by Eirin and he was in bad financial straits. And international education. She Hollo-Klausen and Anni Faurbye Fernandez. Høgetveit for Norsk Fjernsyn. Agnes’s lover, the car salesman? Did he was born in Minneapolis and Co-produced by Denmark’s Good Com- have a reason to eliminate her? currently lives in Washington, pany Films on a NOK 110 million (€11.4 A sub-division of the European Commission’s Chief Inspector Wilhelmsen and D.C. She values her Norwegian heritage. million) budget, including the Norwegian MEDIA program, Creative Europe supports Incentive Scheme framework grant of NOK the EU film and audiovisual industries finan- 26.05 million ($13.4 million) from the Nor- cially in the development, distribution, and wegian Film Institute, Wisting is filmed in and promotion of their work. It helps launch proj- around Larvik-Stavern in the Vestfold region. ects with a European dimension and nurtures Newspaper ads never The project stars Norwegian actor Sven new technologies; it enables European films Nordin—most recently in Norwegian pub- and audiovisual works including feature go out of style. caster NRK’s Valkyrien (The Valkyrie / 2017) films, television drama, documentaries, and series —with Canadian Hollywood actress new media to find markets beyond national Place yours today! Carrie-Anne Moss in the role as FBI agent and European borders; it also funds train- Maggie Griffin. ing and film development schemes. Last year Directed by Katarina Launing and Trygve the Norwegian audiovisual industry, which Call 206-784-4617 or email [email protected] Allister Diesen, Wisting started its 150-day participates in Creative Europe through the shooting schedule in January. The series has EEA agreement, received various grants to- to request a personalized advertising proposal been presold to MTG’s Viaplay streaming ser- talling NOK 29 million ($3.5 million). vice and German pubcaster ARD. the american 12 • June 1, 2018 Taste of Norway NorwegiaN A mouthwatering taste of the North New cookbook celebrates Nordic cooking with an approachable yet modern touch

daytona stronG Taste of Norway Editor

In recent years, there has been no short- age of Nordic cookbooks. From broad over- views of traditional cooking to narrow fo- cuses such as open sandwiches or Swedish baking, these books are giving the world a fresh look at Nordic food. One of the latest is particularly inspiring. From the North: A Simple and Modern Approach to Authentic Nordic Cooking by Katrín Björk (Page Street Publishing, April 2018) is gorgeous and in- novative, while retaining authenticity. Björk—founder of the blog Modern Wifestyle (— lives in New York but is originally from Iceland and lived in Copenhagen for 14 years. Her book is full of the flavors she grew up enjoying, and the subtitle says it all: simple, modern, authentic. The title—From the North—car- ries through to the chapter level, which are organized by “From the Sea,” “From the Garden,” and so on, with plenty of recipes for fish, meat and game, vegetables, pickles and pre- serves, breads, and desserts. Some of the highlights—in addi- tion to the recipes reprinted here—in- clude crayfish for a kräftskiva (Swedish crayfish party), fried cod cheeks with root vegetable crisps, crackling pork Rømmegrøt with Lavender and with sugar-glazed potatoes, stuffed pork tenderloin, grilled asparagus with wild Smoked Currants egg and sea truffle, and Danish straw- Daytona Strong is The Nor- berry tart with marzipan and chocolate. Rømmegrøt is a classic Norwegian pudding, but I tend to make things my own way, and this wegian American’s Taste of As a photographer, Björk has the ability recipe is no exception. I infused the pudding with lavender and added both sugar and smoked to make each recipe mouthwateringly beau- Norway Editor. She writes about her family’s Norwegian currants to this traditionally savory pudding. It might not be the real thing, but it is definitely tiful. For recipes that might otherwise be un- heritage through the lens of inspired by and related to the original, so I’m calling it Norwegian either way. familiar, the photos beautifully illustrate the food at her Scandinavian pudding: toppings: nature and flavors of the food. food blog, www.outside-oslo. 1 tbsp. sugar Whether you’re looking for culinary com. Find her on Facebook 1 ½ cups whole milk inspiration or simply want to add a mod- (, Twitter (@ 10 lavender blossoms ½ tsp. cinnamon ern touch to the Nordic food you’re already daytonastrong), Pinterest (@daytonastrong), 3 tbsps. sugar ¼ stick butter, melted cooking, From the North won’t disappoint. and Instagram (@daytonastrong). 1 tsp. pure vanilla extract 1 cup natural sour cream (no stabilizer smoked red currants: added & preferably not ultra- birch and maple wood shavings pasteurized) red currants 1 ⁄3 cup flour sugar pinch of salt

Warm the milk to the boiling point along with the lavender and sugar, then lower the heat to medium-low and let simmer until the sugar has dissolved, a few minutes. Remove from the heat, put a lid on the pan, and let steep until the mixture comes to room temperature, ap- proximately 2 hours. Strain, discard the lavender, and stir in the vanilla. Heat the sour cream over medium heat and while whisking constantly sprinkle the flour over, a little at a time. If the sour cream separates, skim off the solids and set aside. Continue stirring, adding flour and whisking until you have a thick dough-like substance. Add the infused milk, stirring constantly, until completely mixed. Raise the heat to medium-high and bring to a boil. Cook until the mixture is glossy and smooth, 5 to 7 minutes. Salt to taste. Stir the sugar and cinnamon together for sprinkling. Melt the butter, or if you skimmed butter off the sour cream use that. Divide the pudding into four bowls, drizzle with melted butter, place smoked berries on top, and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar. The pudding can be served hot or cold.

smoked red currants: Sprinkle wood shavings over the bottom of a Dutch oven. Place an aluminum foil–cov- ered rack on top of the shavings. Spread the berries in a single layer on the foil. Cover with the lid but leave the lid open a crack so the smoke can circulate. Put the Dutch oven on a stove burner and turn the stove to medium heat. When you can smell the smoke, after 5 minutes or so, turn the heat down to low and let the berries smoke for 7 minutes. Lift the lid and sprinkle a little bit of sugar over the berries. Put the lid back on and let smoke for 3 more minutes. Remove the berries carefully, because the sugar and heat will have softened them a little. Let them rest and cool down on a plate before using them.

Note: You can substitute unsmoked berries of any kind for the smoked red currants. the american NorwegiaN Taste of Norway June 1, 2018 • 13

Grilled Wild Coldwater Shrimp with Hazelnut Mayonnaise

This easy peasy summery crowd pleaser is great as an appetizer or as part of a seafood feast. You can peel the shrimp after grilling, but they are also delicious to eat whole—the shells are crispy and flavorful. If you peel them, keep the shells and use them to make stock. I like to use coldwater shrimp for this recipe. Wild coldwater shrimp, or northern shrimp, are caught in the cold, clean North Atlantic Ocean. They are small and pink with firm flesh and lightly salted flavor and a sweet aftertaste. If your local seafood store doesn’t have this type of shrimp, ask the fishmonger to order them for you!

shrimp: mayonnaise: 1 lb. coldwater shrimp in shell 1 handful hazelnuts olive oil 1 egg salt & pepper ½ cup neutral-tasting oil, such as slices of sourdough loaf sunflower or avocado salt & pepper 1 tsp. lemon juice 4-6 lemon wedges

Preheat the oven to 375°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Toss the shrimp with some olive oil, salt, and pepper. Grill on high heat for a few minutes or until starting to char. Drizzle the bread with some olive oil and throw it on the grill and let toast. Place the hazelnuts on the parchment-lined baking sheet and toast in the oven for 8 to 10 minutes, or until fragrant and darkened. Rub the hot hazelnuts together between your hands or in a kitchen towel to remove their skins. Chop them into a coarse meal, by hand or with a food processor. To make the mayonnaise, it is easiest to use an immersion blender, but you can also whisk by hand if you do not have one. Crack the egg into a tall container and add the oil. Place the immersion blender in all the way to the bottom. Blend on high until you see the mayonnaise forming, then slowly move the blender upward (while blending) and the mayon- naise will come together. Add the chopped hazelnuts, salt, pepper, and lemon juice and blend until homogeneous. Photos: Katrin Björk Serve the shrimp with grilled sourdough slices, hazelnut mayo, lemon wedges, and tons Recipes and photos are reprinted with permission from From the North by Katrin Björk, Page Street of napkins—this is an eat-with-your-hands kind of dish! You can dip the shrimp in the mayo, Publishing Co. 2018 or spread the mayo on the bread—it’s up to you! Liver Paté

Liver paté is a big part of the Nordic food culture, and everyone I know got sent to school with a paté sandwich in their lunch box multiple times a week. You can use any kind of liver, but in Iceland, pork and lamb are the most common, whereas in Denmark, pork and veal are the most popular choices. In Iceland, paté is always eaten cold, but in Denmark, it is a delicacy to serve it hot; I recommend you try both and see which you like best. This is an easy version of a classic; I’ve jumped over a few steps to simplify it and, quite frankly, I can’t taste a difference. This recipe makes a lot (5 cups), so if you are not sure about your love for paté or if you are not expecting guests, cut it in half.

½ cup whole milk 1 lb. pork liver, ground 1 bay leaf ½ lb. pork fat, ground (unrendered) ½ tsp. thyme 1 egg 2 cloves 3 tbsps. flour 1 large yellow onion 2 tbsps. port 2 tsps. salt several slices bacon ½ tsp. black pepper

Start by infusing the milk by bringing it to a boil along with the bay leaf, thyme, and cloves. As soon as it starts to bubble, turn off the heat and let steep with a lid on until it reaches room temperature. (I usually let it steep overnight.) Preheat the oven to 350°F. Pulse the onion along with salt and pepper in a food processor until very finely chopped, then add the liver and fat and pulse a few times. Add the infused milk, egg, flour, and port and let the processor run until well mixed. Divide the paté between ovenproof ramekins, small loaf pans, or foil pans, and place a piece of bacon or a bay leaf on top of each one. Then place the containers in a water bath (the water should cover half the pan) and bake for 35 to 45 minutes or until the central tempera- ture has reached 165°F and a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean. I like to give my paté 2 minutes under the broiler before removing it from the oven; this gives it a nice caramelized and crusty surface. Serve on Danish Rye Bread with Pickled Beets (both recipes in book).

Note: You can easily freeze paté. Place it in a ramekin, cover with plastic wrap, and store it unbaked in the freezer for up to 2 months. Bake it directly from the freezer, just add 15 min- utes to the baking time. the american 14 • June 1, 2018 Norway near you NorwegiaN What’s going on in your neighborhood? Calendar of Events CALIFORNIA views Norwegian culture through the eyes of Rune Ring Workshop Father’s Day Brunch Norwegian Independence Celebration American photographer Nancy Bundt. More info: June 13, 6:30- 9:30 p.m. June 17, 9:30 a.m.- 1 p.m. June 7, 6:30-9 p.m. Portland Seattle San Francisco perceptionsofnorway. Join Debra Carus of Elentari Handverk at Nordia Come to the Norse Home, 5311 Phinney Ave. The Norwegian Club of San Francisco invites House, 8800 S.W. Oleson Road, to channel your N., to celebrate Father’s Day at a special Sun- you to join fellow members in commemora- Midtsommer Gala 2018 inner Viking and learn some basic metal-smith- day brunch, including their famous Swedish tion of the declaration that ended the union June 12, 5-9 p.m. ing while creating a beautiful sterling silver ring, pancakes. If your party consists of six people between Sweden and Norway and established Minneapolis complete with your choice of rune pattern. Us- or more, a reservation is required. More info: Norway as an independent nation at 1900 Fell Join Norway House for this year’s Midtsommer ing hand tools that date back centuries, you will call (206) 781-7400. St. Dinner will be served by Chef Pelle for $35. Gala at the Renaissance Minneapolis Hotel, The shape a finger ring using hammers and files, size Please RSVP online at www.norwegianclub. Depot, at 225 3rd Avenue S. The Midtsommer it to your hand, and personalize it with your own Sangerfest 2018 org/event-2858920/Registration. Gala Celebration is Norway House’s annual- sig “runescript” using the original Futhark runes June 21-23 nature event set near the summer solstice each from the Vikings. The $90 registration fee in- Poulsbo COLORADO year. The gala dinner features our Going Viking cludes all materials. For more info or to register, Enjoy the singers of the Pacific Coast Norwe- awards, where we honor Norwegian Americans call (503) 977-0275. gian Singers Association at a weekend of music Scandinavian Midsummer Festival June 22-24 who have significantly advanced the quality of in historic Poulsbo and celebrate Midsummer - Estes Park life for others through their adventuresome spirit WASHINGTON on the shore of fjord-like Liberty Bay. The con and extraordinary accomplishments. The event cert will be held at the Suquamish Clearwater Join this three-day family event at Bond Park Northern Exposure: Contemporary Nordic Arts also raises key funds that support all Norway Casino Resort, 15347 Suquamish Way N.E. Tick- at E. Elkhorn & MacGregor. Experience Scandi- Revealed House programs throughout the year. Individual ets are $15 for kids and $20 for adults. More navian music, dance, crafts, and food vendors, now-Sept. 16 registration is $135, young adults $85, and with info: including the Fjellborg Viking re-enactors and Seattle tables of 10 at $1,350. A portion of the ticket encampment, a lefse demonstration, beer gar- This visiting exhibit at the new Nordic Museum, price is tax-deductible. Children under 12 are Skandia Midsommarfest den, and silent auction. On Saturday at 10 a.m. 2655 N.W. Market St., has been organized in co- $30. More info: June 24, 11 a.m.-6 p.m. the midsummer pole will be raised, followed operation with The Phillips Collection in- Wash Kenmore by the Parade of Flags, and opening ceremo- ington, D.C., and lenders from institutions and Vestlandslag/Valdres Samband 2018 Stevne Come to Saint Edward State Park at 14445 nies, as live entertainment continues through- private collections throughout the Nordic region. June 20-23 Juanita Drive N.E. to celebrate with the Skan- out the weekend. This event is free for all ages Featured are artworks selected to define con- Alexandria dia Folkdance Society, with traditional music and is wheelchair accessible with adjacent temporary Nordic art. More info: www.nordic- Bring your children to celebrate and participate in performed by some of the Northwest’s best parking. More info and event schedule: www. your heritage at the annual Stevne at the Holiday folk musicians. Dance around the maypole, or Inn, 15637 Highway 29, S. There will be speakers and enjoy Nordic crafts, food, and children’s EstesMidsummerFestival, or email director@ 23rd Annual Raoul Wallenberg Dinner on Norwegians in America; the original Runestone; activities. Admission is free and open to the June 7, 5:30-8 p.m. genealogy; silent auction; vendors of Norse-relat- Seattle public, with donations accepted. If you are - IOWA ed items; Hardanger workshop; and barneborgen, Join the members of the Nordic Museum for the interested in becoming a vendor or volun the children’s program. Friday evening festivities 23rd Annual Raoul Wallenberg Dinner at 2655 teering, call (425) 954-5262. More info: www. Rocks and Hard Places: Emigration Through include a bunad parade, banquet and entertain- N.W. Market St., in honor of the memory of the the Lens of Knud Knudsen ment. June 20 is dedicated to genealogy at the - now-Sept. 23 Swedish diplomat who intervened to save thou Douglas County Historical Society. More info: visit sands of Jews from deportation to Nazi concen- Decorah WISCONSIN, or call (507) 824-2297. tration camps. Special guest speaker is Timothy Why do people leave their homes in search of Norskedalen’s Midsummer Fest Boyce, the editor of Odd Nansen’s recently re- a better life? Join us as we look for answers June 16, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., June 17, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. NEW YORK published diary From Day to Day, which chron- to that question in this exciting new exhibit Coon Valley Thomas Strønen’s Time is a Blind Guide icles the Norwegian humanitarian’s imprison- that explores emigration through first-person Come to Norskedalen Nature & Heritage Cen- June 28, 7-8:30 p.m. ment by the Nazis. There will be a special book accounts, family histories, and the stunning ter, N455 O. Ophus Road, to celebrate the New York signing with the author in the Nordic Museum’s black-and-white photography of Knud Knud- summer solstice, Scandinavian style. Some of As part of the Summer Jazz Series at Scandina- gift shop before the dinner. Tickets are $60 for sen. This exhibit features 30 large-format the many events include musical entertain- via House, 58 Park Ave. Thomas Strønen and his members and $70 for non-members, available on photographs. More info: www.vesterheim. ment, pioneer craft demonstrations and bak- ensemble Time is a Blind Guide will entertain Eventbrite. More info: call Michael King at (206) org/exhibitions/special/knudsen. ing demonstrations in the homestead build- you with their “melodic music with a twist.” A 789-5707 x 7037 or email michaelk@nordicmu- ings, a woodcarving show, pancake breakfast Spoons: Carving. Community. chamber music ensemble that draws lines from on Saturday, tractor-drawn wagon rides, and now-Nov. 4 traditional folk music to contemporary music, the more. Lots of delicious Scandinavian and quintet combines three elements: a string trio, 15th Annual Seven Hills Walk Decorah American food will be served for your family a piano trio, and a percussion ensemble. Tickets June 9, 9 a.m.- 3:15 p.m. Humans have been carving spoons for millen- to enjoy. There will be many activities for kids, are $10-15 and are available on Eventbrite. More Seattle nia, but spoon carving has exploded in popular- including boat racing, bean-bag toss, a petting info: Join the Seattle-Bergen Sister City Association ity in the last 10 years. Vesterheim’s exhibition barn, trolls by the bridge, kubb, and crafts. as-stronen. and Seattle’s Norwegian Commercial Club for the captures the spirit of this recent movement, More info: call (608) 452-3424. annual Seven Hills Walk, modeled on the Bergen showcasing historic and modern examples hike over seven mountains. You will learn about of spoons carved in wood and horn. Visit the NORTH DAKOTA Sons of Norway District 5 Convention the history of Nordic Seattle, with a stop for cof- exhibition for hands-on interactives, recorded Nordlandslag Stevne June 27-30 fee and lunch. Meet up at Kerry Park, 211 W. interviews, short videos, and a carving studio. June 20-22 Westby Highland Drive, with good walking shoes. If you The exhibition focuses on the form, function, Fargo Join the lodges of “Friendly Fifth” states of Wis- can’t handle seven hills, no problem: walk three and design of spoons; on the traditions and Join the Nordlandslag for their annual Stevne at consin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and or four hills instead. Tickets are available on folklore surrounding Norwegian spoons; and the Fargo Ramada Inn, 3333 13th Street S. This Tennessee for their annual convention, featur- Eventbrite; the $5 registration fee includes -cof on contemporary and historic artists. year’s featured speaker is Lynn Klamrast, a crew ing guest speakers, cultural classes, genealogy member of the Hjem Komst, who will share fee and a Scandinavian pastry. More info: email sessions, and sightseeing. More costs and more MICHIGAN stories about his epic journey. Other activities [email protected]. info, visit include genealogy sessions, the annual meet- tions/registration.php, call Shirley Schoenfeld Rosemaling History & Demonstration - Annual Grieg Gala Concert Extravaganza June 10, 4-6 p.m. ing, and a festive banquet, followed by kara at (608) 526-6596, or email [email protected]. oke. For room rates and reservations, call (701) June 16, 7:30-9:30 p.m. Lake Orion 235-3333. More info: call (320) 567-2229, email Seattle Linda Flessland Stinson will be at King of Kings BRITISH COLUMBIA [email protected], or visit www. Celebrate the 175th birthday of Norway’s most Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1715 S. Lapeer Midsummer 2018 beloved composer with the Seattle-Bergen Sister Road, to discuss the history of rosemaling and June 23, 10 a.m.- 11 p.m. City Association at Ballard First Lutheran Church, & June 24, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. give a demonstration of the different styles 2006 N.W. 65th St., with a concert featuring Nor- of this beautiful art form from Norway. Doors OREGON Burnaby Scandinavian Midsummer Festival wegian guest artist Knut Erik Jensen of Trondheim Celebrate the summer solstice in style at will open at 3 p.m. and refreshments will be - June 9, 11 a.m.-6 p.m. on the piano, local soprano Laura Loge, and vio the Scandinavian Community Centre at 6540 provided following the demonstration. More - Portland lin virtuoso Allion Salvidor. The performance in Thomas St. Saturday features include on-stage info: visit or call 586- Haugtussa cycle, a treasury Join Nordic Northwest and the League of Swed- cludes the complete entertainment, the Market Place, children’s 764-1082. - ish Societies for the 90th Annual Portland Scandi- of Norwegian piano repertoire, and Grieg’s So games, a Viking Village, raising the maypole, nata no. 1 for piano and violin. The event is open MINNESOTA navian Midsummer Festival at Oaks Amusement cultural displays, and Scandinavian food. On Park, 7805 S.E. Oaks Park Way. Tickets are $8 for to the public with tickets priced $10-15, available Sunday there will be a pancake breakfast and Perceptions of Norway: A Photographic adults, seniors and students are $7, with family on Eventbrite. Free tickets are offered for those the famous wife-carrying contest. More info: Exhibit on the Identity of Norwegians Today requiring financial assistance. More info: visit now-June 10 tickets available for $17. Children 11 and under -, or Minneapolis are free. Activities include local makers, a mid centre/midsummer-festival-6/11548. summer pole, flower crowns, a beer garden, live email [email protected]. Come to Norway House, 913 E. Franklin Ave., entertainment, and kids’ crafts. More info: www. to experience a photographic exhibit that Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 to be added to The Norwegian American! Check for complete listings Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month before event. theNorwegiaNamerican Norway near you June 1, 2018 • 15 The Vikings and the Irish Sea world Professor of Medieval History details how the Vikings influenced Ireland and Scotland in County Armagh. Of particular interest is the ninth to 11th-century jewelry including cHristine foster meLoni finely crafted silver bracelets and rings. Washington scotland Dr. Jennifer Paxton, Professor of Medi- Soon after the first Viking raid in Scot- eval History at Catholic University, recently land, in 794, much of the Hebrides and presentated “The Vikings and the Irish Sea Caithness came under Norse rule. Orkney World” to the Washington, D.C., Sons of and Shetland remained earldoms under Nor- Norway lodge. way until 1468. Paxton mentioned one Earl in particular. Ireland The powerful Norse chieftain, Thorfinn the Just as the Vikings helped unite England Mighty, was an Earl of Orkney in the 11th by backing one particular English kingdom, century. She recommended “a cracking great Wessex, they also helped unite Ireland by read” about him entitled King Hereafter by helping one Irish kingdom against the others. Dorothy Dunnett. The Vikings took to the sea in the eighth Photos: (above) Matthew hunt / Wikimedia Commons, (right) Public domain Thorfinn was the only son of Earl Sigurd century. They put figureheads on their ships to Above: Lindisfarne is the site of one of the most famous Viking raids. Hlodvirsson and a daughter of Malcolm II of scare their enemies. And scare them they did Right: The Clonmacnoise crozier is a clear example of the Viking influence on Ireland. Scotland. Both the Icelandic historian Snorri with their violent raids. But Paxton says that Sturluson in the Heimskringla and the anon- they were not guilty of gratuitous violence ymous writer of the Orkneyinga Saga wrote and were “not really bloodthirsty.” They were attacks were carried out by Irish raiders than amber for silk. They were also slave traders. that he was the most powerful Earl of Or- in the business for economic reasons. by the Vikings. These raids, however, were They created the first coins used in Ireland kney. He ruled over nine earldoms in Scot- She described the three phases of Viking not recorded in the annals of Irish history. and their words for “penny” and “market” land, Ireland, and the Hebrides for 75 years. activity in Ireland and Scotland, pointing out The Vikings became involved in poli- were introduced into the local language. Norse influence is also seen in many that at this time there was not much distinction tics. Their kings were sometimes allies and The Vikings also brought their ship- Scottish words. Some common examples are between Ireland and Scotland. The Irish kings sometimes enemies of the Irish kings. The building techniques to the Irish and much bairn (barn, child), ken (kende, to know), kilt were kings of both Ireland and Scotland. situation was more or less stable. of their navigation vocabulary found its way (kjalta, to tuck up), and hame (hjem, home). Phase one began in 789 CE and consisted The last great Irish king, Brian Ború, into the Irish language, e.g. the words for of “lightning raids.” Monasteries were raided lived for the most part in peaceful co-exis- boat, anchor, sheet or sail, and rudder. resources frequently, the most famous raid taking place tence with the Vikings. But when he reached The Vikings influenced the language in Two of Paxton’s lectures are available at Lindes in Ireland in 793. The monastery at the height of his power, becoming the King other areas as well, most notably in place for purchase from the Great Courses: “1066: Iona in Scotland was raided three times in 800. of Munster and the High Irish King, his army names such as Limerick, Cork, the Skellig The Year That Changed Everything” and The monastic settlement in Ireland’s County attacked Dublin, a Viking stronghold. The Islands, Wicklow, Howth, and Dalkey and “Story of Medieval England: From King Armagh was raided three times in 832. Vikings then called on their allies in the Ork- in family names such as MacAuliffe (Son Arthur to the Tudor Conquest.” You can find In phase two the Vikings organized neys and on the Isle of Mann to help them of Olaf), MacManus (Son of Magnus), and them at fleets with huge armies and expanded their defend Dublin. The Norsemen were unable Doyle (Son of the dark—or evil—foreigner). Paxton also presented a lecture on “How raids geographically. They continued to at- to save Dublin but, before fleeing, they did Viking influence can be seen in art mo- the Vikings Changed England.” It was writ- tack monasteries and also raided secular set- kill King Ború. tifs. Two remarkable examples are St. Colum- ten up for The Norwegian American and tlements. Many battles took place between The Vikings created urbanization in ba’s Psalter, an illuminated manuscript, and published on July 14, 2017: www.norwe- the Irish and the Vikings. Ireland. There were no cities when they ar- the Clonmacnoise crozier, a bishop’s staff. In the final phase, the Vikings began to rived. They founded Dublin in 841. The Old A profound change took place in metal how-viking-conquest-shaped-england. marry Irish women and gradually became Norse name was Dyflin (Dubh linn) mean- work, with a shift from gold to silver. The For a review of Sturluson’s Orkneyinga integrated into Irish society. Raids on mon- ing “Black Pool.” It had a great location, and most important archeological evidence is a Saga, visit asteries continued, but many more of these trade was its lifeblood. They traded fur and Viking hoard found at the bottom of a river arts/book-review-the-orkneyinga-saga.

< Four W ays The Scandinavian Hour From page 6 Celebrating over 50 years on the air! lic policy issues, has argued that the intent is to-healthcare-costs both those aspects of arms use. He has pub- • “Why Norway’s prison system is so KKNW – 1150 AM lished several books on gun control, among successful,” by Christina Sterbenz, Business them Target Switzerland (see “Further read- Insider, Dec. 11, 2014: www.businessinsider. Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST ing”) that details the case of Switzerland not com/why-norways-prison-system-is-so-suc- Streaming live on the internet at: being invaded in World War II principally cessful-2014-12?r=US&IR=T&IR=T because its population was well armed and • “Who killed the death penalty?” The trained in gun use and hence an unattractive Economist, North America edition, Dec. 19, target for conquest by the far-larger German 2015: Army. That deterrent was built on a rela- states/21684142-many-suspects-are-impli- tively modest gun ownership (26.45 per 100 cated-capital-punishments-ongoing-demise- Culture, entertainment & residents in 2016). In turn, that suggests that one-stands-out-who the militia intent of the Second Amendment • “How US gun culture compares with fun for young and old! might be fulfilled by a per-capita gun owner- the world in five charts,” by Kara Fox, ship, yet one of about a quarter of today’s CNN, updated March 9, 2018: edition.cnn. General meetings: 7:30 p.m. every ownership. com/2017/10/03/americas/us-gun-statistics/ second Wednesday of the month at Leif index.html Erikson Lodge, except July and August. Further reading: • “Estimated number of guns per capita • “Universal health care, worldwide, by country,” Wikipedia entry retrieved May Wednesday, June 13: Membership Meeting—potluck is within reach,” The Economist, April 2, 2018: 28, 2018: number_of_guns_per_capita_by_country dinner, followed by a program on the Norwegian buhund. leaders/21741138-case-it-powerful-onein- • Target Switzerland: Swiss Armed cluding-poor-countries-universal-health- Neutrality in World War II, by Stephen P. July 14-15: Mark your calendars for our Treasures Sale at care-worldwide Halbrook, 2003; excerpt published by the • “Norway-USA in contrast: Differ- American Swiss Foundation: www.ameri- Seafood Fest. ent approaches to healthcare costs,” The Norwegian American, July 1, 2016: www. target-switzerland-swiss-armed-neutrality- For more inFo: (206) 783-1274 • in-world-war-2 way-usa-in-contrast-different-approaches- Leif erikson HaLL, 2245 n.W. 57tH st., seattLe, Wa 98107 the american 16 • June 1, 2018 Travel NorwegiaN Stuttgart goes gourmet: Michelin stars, wine, beer & chocolate await Photos: stuttgart Marketing Below: The “Staffele” or steps and paths on the wine hills in Stuttgart where grapes are grown and harvested. Bottom: Carl-Peter Dinkelacker, great-grandson of the brewery founder, enjoys a beer from the family brewery.

Photo: stuttgart Marketing, (left) Martin solhaugen & Kim sørensen Chef Vincent Klink at his Wielandshöhe Restaurant with its panoramic view of Stuttgart.

cyntHia eLyce rubin The Norwegian American

Stuttgart, the capital of the German state Stuttgart’s Market Square, a historical of Baden-Württemberg in the southwest of site dating back to 1304, is typically a hive Germany, is emerging as a foodie’s destina- of activity during the week. On Tuesday, tion. This cultural city is stocked with Mi- Thursday, and Saturday mornings, many of chelin stars, but more important are the long- Stuttgart’s inhabitants pick up their shopping standing regional culinary traditions, wine lists and head for the Marketplace and Schil- producers, and food companies that set the ler Square for delicious local specialties. In stage for Stuttgart’s tasty presentation today. late August, the square is dressed with bow- Of southwest Germany’s 85 Michelin- ers as it plays host to over 350 wine purvey- starred restaurants, 23 are located in and ors and 500 different wines from the region. around Stuttgart, and eight are in the capital At Christmas time, the square is abuzz with itself. Only two hours from Frankfurt and shoppers going from one beautifully deco- three hours from Paris, Stuttgart is an easy- rated stall to another for charming gifts and to-reach destination. decorations. First stop on a culinary tour is the Wie- Next door, Palace Square is the heart of landshöhe Restaurant on the Alte Weinsteige the city. Plan to visit this September when (Old Wine Road). Not only is this a Stutt- the Stuttgart Beer Festival will be celebrat- this company remains in family hands and lar sparkling-wine bar. gart gourmet institution led by one of the ing its 200-year jubilee. From September has grown and diversified into producing The town of Waldenbruch, only 20 min- city’s most popular chefs but it also provides 26 to October 3, in the middle of the Palace chocolates and sweets and packaged coffee utes from Stuttgart, is where they make the a beautiful panoramic view of the city. The Square, people will commemorate the festi- for all of Germany. With a charming café famous Ritter Sport, the square, fit-in-your- Wielandshöhe is considered a traditional es- val’s founding by King Wilhelm I of Würt- overlooking the small Palace Square, Hoch- pocket chocolate bar created in 1912. Visit tablishment, but Chef Vincent Klink’s cook- temberg and his wife, Queen Katharina. The land is a must-stop for a morning or after- the store to taste and buy a range of flavors. ing is state-of-the-art. “We deliberately do “historical festival” will have nostalgic fair- noon coffee break. Not far from the city cen- For adults, there is the company’s hip art gal- not modernize our dishes, but rather aim for ground rides and activities in the tradition of ter, the company offers tours of its coffee- lery (Museum Ritter). Kids enjoy the choco- authenticity and goodness, not for flashy ef- the 19th and 20th centuries. roasting facility. late exhibition and workshop. If you are fects,” he says. In 1978, Klink, who grew up Palace Square is where you find legend- Wine grapes have grown in the region visiting during Christmas season, drive just near Stuttgart, earned a Michelin Star, which ary beer maker, Dinkelacker. Synonymous since around 300 CE. To this day, the city’s one hour south from Ritter to the charming he holds to this day. with the city’s reputation for hospitality and municipal vineyards cover an area of some university town of Tübingen where Choco- Chef Klink recommends Feinkost Böhm conviviality, Carls Brauhaus is home to Stutt- 60 acres; that is more than in any other Ger- lART, the giant chocolate festival, held this as the place to go for all gourmets. Since gart’s famous Dinkelacker beers. Alongside man metropolis. In the 19th century, the year from Dec. 4 to 9, will present an ex- 1889, the delicatessen has been producing typical regional fare, the pub’s wide-ranging “Staffele”—steps and paths—were built to traordinary assortment of chocolate-related specialty foods, certainly a lengthy tradition menu offers a number of German and inter- cultivate Stuttgart’s steep terraces more ef- events, including cocoa painting, tastings, in the heart of Stuttgart. Located just around national dishes. A visit is rounded off with ficiently. During the wine months, locals fre- cooking courses, a creative praline work- the corner from the modern art museum close special beers from the family brewery. quent the Besen, or broom pubs. These are shop, lectures, and an extensive chocolate to the Market Square, it is a perfect jumping- Another homegrown Stuttgart institu- the temporary wine bars run by local vint- menu. It’s enough to make any cold-blooded off point for visits to the century-old Market tion is the coffee manufacturer Hochland ners where you can enjoy wine and food for chocoholic swoon! Hall, Palace Square, and Schiller Square. Coffee Roaster Hunzelman. Started in 1920, 16 weeks each year. A broom at the door in- dicates that the tavern is open for business. Just 15 minutes from Stuttgart’s city Cynthia Elyce Rubin, Ph.D., Business and individual center on the S train is the half-timbered is a visual culture specialist, town of Esslingen. This is one of the more travel writer, and author of tax returns; audits; forensic - - articles and books on decora charming cities in all of Germany, with hous tive arts, folk art, and post- accounting; financial es crowded around cobblestoned streets and card history. She is currently statement preparation; squares. At the center of it all is the award- working on Enorme Amerika: Certified Public Accountants litigation support. winning sparkling wine producer, Kessler. Norske utvandreres postkort, Once the adviser to France’s Veuve Clicquot, humor og rariteter to be published by SpreDet 221 First Avenue West Suite 400 Lower Queen Anne location, easy parking. Kessler returned to his native roots years ago Forlag in Oslo and is completing a manuscript Seattle, Washington 98119 and started his own sparkling wine cellar. on O.S. Leeland, Norwegian immigrant photog- Today, Kessler offers tours of his exquisite rapher who worked in South Dakota in the early Phone: 206.292.1747 • Online: • Email: [email protected] cellar, tastings in the old house, and a popu- 1900s. See theNorwegiaNamerican Travel June 1, 2018 • 17 Norway’s “Travel Boys” visit Kaunas The Reisegutta bloggers were pleasantly surprised by a weekend in the Lithuanian city

cyntHia eLyce rubin The Norwegian American

Editor’s Note: It is not uncommon for an editor to receive an unsolicited press release extolling the attributes of a certain product or place. Recently I received an email from Ugne Kerdokaite, head of marketing for the city of Kaunas, Lithuania, who quoted Visvaldas Matijosaitis, the city’s mayor. “Kaunas is the most rapidly growing city in Lithuania,” he wrote, “where news of the arrival of new investors becomes a pleasant daily routine. All companies need talented and hardworking specialists.” Then she continued that Kaunas IN (the city’s tourism organization) invites bloggers from different countries to view and experience her city and that they had invited Martin Solhaugen and Kim Sø- rensen, Norway’s two “Travel Boys,” who blog on Instagram @solhaugen, @kimsorens1, and @reisegutta. the bloggers “We are traveling guys, ‘Travel Boys,’ adventurers and bloggers of positive emotions. By traveling, ex- ploring, and enjoying unfamiliar coun- tries, we create content on social media for our followers,” write Solhaugen and Sørensen. Two best friends created a channel on social networks. They travel around the world, telling their readers funny adventure stories and Photos: (top & above) a. aleksandravicius, (left) Martin solhaugen & Kim sørensen sharing their experiences. This time, Top: A Panoramic View of Kaunas, Lithuania. they chose a not very well-known Left: Norway’s Travel Boys visit the Old Town of Kaunas. country, Lithuania, and an even less- Above: The Backyard Gallery is just one example of street art in Kaunas. known city, Kaunas. They say that in just two days they managed to get a vivid impression of Lithuanian culture that any stereotypes about Lithuanians or especial- the mountains in Norway for weekend trips. friends and followers that it is worth looking not only surprised them but also inspired ly about Kaunas. Just as we arrived, the first Polish Krakow is chosen for entertainment, for new experiences here in Kaunas as well,” them to recommend this destination for a hotel employee we met told us: ‘Welcome London for shopping, Iceland for scenic ad- the Travel Boys declared with unbridled en- weekend trip to their friends and followers. to the country of the fastest internet. Let me ventures. “Now we can honestly say to our thusiasm. show you the best room in the world.’ It was Weekend trips a great start, and a wonderful introduction. In- “Our main channel is Instagram, but deed, the room was great, and we could not we also use YouTube, where once a month complain about internet speed.” we publish videos from our trips,” says Sø- The bloggers say that Kaunas surprised Where in Norway? rensen. “What are we broadcasting? The them many times during the first hours there. trips of two best friends, the coolest expe- “I imagined that almost no one would speak Congratulations to David, our one and only respondent, riences, and everything that’s in the word English, that the country and the city would who correctly identified this as Sjøfartsmonumentet, by ‘friendship.’” be less progressive than Norway. On the con- sclupter Arnold Haukeland, in Stavanger’s harbor. The During the past two years, the two Nor- trary, it turned out that almost every person sculpture is a tribute to seafarers, and is colloquially known wegians visited dozens of countries, but until we met spoke English very well and every as “the shrimp.” Well done, David! now, they devoted only weekends for their step was filled with progressiveness, -tech trips, after which they hurried back to work. nologies, and modernity,” Sørensen con- Sørensen is a substitute teacher in elementary fessed. school. Since completion of marketing and “Kaunas reminded me of another cozy communication studies, Solhaugen works in and beautiful Slovak city we once visited, the film industry. He explained, “While I was and not just visually but also in its spirit, the studying public communication in Hawaii, I friendly people, and the vibe that the city was interested in creating social media con- was spreading,” added Solhaugen. tent. The more I dug into this, the more oppor- Street art, prominent examples of mod- tunities I saw. It’s even better that I managed ernist architecture, the special Baroque spirit to involve my best friend, Kim, in this travel in the Pazaislis Monastery, gourmet dining in communication activity. We started to publish restaurants and bistros, nightlife in clubs, a our adventure stories and brought together men’s hairdresser they visited—that is what tens of thousands of fans from all over the an intense Norwegian weekend in Kaunas world. It turned out that people like it. They included. are open to our experiences and are willing to What left the greatest impression? “Ex- comment, share, and engage in the stories we amples of modern architecture, the Central are telling.” Post Office and Bank of Lithuania and col- orful street art.” Remembering the eventful From Kaunas time, the Travel Boys smiled in satisfaction. Photo: John Barry / submitted by Pat Barry “What kind of Lithuania have we imag- According to the Travel Boys, Norwe- Have a photo for “Where in Norway?” Submit it to [email protected]! ined? It is possible to say that we did not have gians usually choose Denmark, Sweden, or the american 18 • June 1, 2018 Norwegian Heritage NorwegiaN The new Nordic Museum opens in Seattle A weekend of speeches and musical performances marks the much-awaited opening

eric stavney Mukilteo, Wash.

The “new” Nordic Museum opened with fanfare in Seattle on the weekend of May 4-5, after an exhausting two weeks of last-minute finishing details, hosting donor and community receptions, offering mem- ber previews, running a “cultural community breakfast,” and putting on a gala and barbe- cue for visiting dignitaries and bigwigs. I enjoyed watching Brandur Patursson help his Faroese father, artist Tróndur Paturs- son, hang his tremendous blue-glass birds high above the central hallway, or “fjord,” at the top of a scissors lift. The two are quiet men from the self-governing archipelago of Denmark that shares history with the Irish, Old Norse, Vikings, Norwegians, and Danes. I marveled at overhearing them speak the modern Faroese derivative of Old West Norse, similar to modern Icelandic. At the breakfast—a panel discussion with fruit and pastries provided—I heard First Lady of Iceland Eliza Reid speak about the importance of maintaining strong con- nections between the Nordic countries and Photos: Eric stavney Above: Brandur Patursson hangs one of several the United States and Canada, as we were - strongly linked in the past and that contin- glass birds created by his father, Tróndur Paturs son. The artist is chatting with Kathi Ploeger, the ues today. I was surprised at Reid’s idiom- Museum’s music library archivist. atic, modern English delivery, until I learned Right: The crowd that gathered for the grand open- she grew up outside Ottawa, Canada, and at- ing waved flags from all the Nordic countries. tended the University of Toronto. I found her ideas to be engaging and compelling. At the Opening Ceremony on Saturday, that those present from the Nordic countries May 5, President of Iceland Guðni Jóhan- were formally dressed in suits and dresses. nesson spoke about the common sense of He confessed, seemingly with amused em- purpose among the Nordic countries and the barrassment, that he wasn’t wearing a tie United States, pronouncing the word “pur- with his suit in order to stay aligned with pose” in the languages of Iceland, Norway, typical “Northwest” dress. Sweden, Denmark, Finland, The Faroe Is- Because the podium was facing away Service or security move, I was told that it in force at the museum’s annual Viking Days lands, and Sápmi. Like his wife, he spoke in- from the public, the crowd was clearly wasn’t planned. Given the fairly extensive Festival coming in July. formally but powerfully about how we build pleased when Jóhannesson and a couple of planning for the opening weekend, this was So now the Nordic embarks on its aspi- museums to remember our heritage but also other speakers turned and directly addressed a strange anomaly. ration of becoming a top-tier museum. embrace the contemporary and the future. the audience, underscoring not only their But the great performances by danc- To recruit new generations of volun- Other speakers included Crown Princess right to be at the opening, but the key role ers, musical groups, and even a bit of theater teers, they’ll need to continue nourishing Mary of Denmark, ambassadors from Swe- they (we) played, and will play, in the birth helped to alleviate that. We delighted in the and supporting those they’ve got and reach den and Finland, the secretary general from and future of the museum. big sound of the 100-person men’s choir Fóst- out to those who aren’t necessarily of Nordic the Nordic Council of Ministers, and Seattle What followed was the ribbon cutting, bræður from Iceland, and the small but no less extraction. To attract performers, authors, Mayor Jenny Durkan. U.S. Rep. Rick Lars- which the public inexplicably wasn’t al- enjoyable local violin ensemble of the Lille and lecturers to the Great Hall, it will need to en, who initially got introduced as a “mere” lowed to watch. A gaggle of “official” pho- Spelmanslag. We enjoyed Reidun Horvei’s provide the level of professional production state representative—producing several gig- tographers instead were rushed in to form rapid-fire “immigrant” Norwegian in her mul- and advertising—to both local and foreign gles from the crowd and smiles on the dais— a line blocking everyone’s view. When I timedia Migrasong (with translations project- groups—that artists enjoy and expect at oth- earned points in my book for acknowledging asked whether this was some kind of Secret ed onto a screen), the haunting Sámi yoik of er venues. To have the support of the public, Vokal Nord, and the delightful mix of story- it will need to stay relevant to the dramati- telling and classical piano pieces from Rober- cally changing Ballard neighborhood and ta Swedien. Choirs large and small, string and the greater Seattle community, and continue woodwind ensembles, accordionists, dancers, the many offerings around the Seattle com- soloists—they opened the museum with joy- munity as well as at the museum proper. To ful sound and movement. maintain a professional museum staff, it will To make this all happen, a staff of just need to have strong leadership from the top under 30 trained and coordinated some 160 down, with the visitor experience foremost volunteers who served as docents, monitors, in mind, and the kind of “servant leadership” gatekeepers, ticket-takers, badge-issuers, that makes staff loyal and long tenured. and performing artist guides, among other The Nordic is on its way to achieving things. Many volunteers have worked for the these things. We can help as a community by museum for years, and must have enjoyed guiding and holding the museum to its values showing off the new buildings, exhibits, mu- and vision of the future: innovative, sustain- seum shop, and visiting performers. able, and valuing the equity of all persons. The top-notch performers were mostly volunteers too, whether from a Nordic coun- try or the greater Seattle area. Representatives Eric Stavney is graduate of the UW Scandinavian Stud- of local Nordic societies, associations, and choirs staffed tables and happily talked about ies Department and cohosts their group to interested visitors. Members of the Scandinavian Hour on KKNW 1150AM, Saturdays a local Viking reenactment group, Hrafngardr, at 9 a.m. Pacific at 1150kknw. volunteered to help direct visitors while wear- Photo: Eric stavney com/listen. Members of Hrafngardr, a Seattle-area Viking reenactment group, volunteered in Viking garb. ing period costumes. No doubt they’ll also be the american NorwegiaN Norwegian Heritage June 1, 2018 • 19 Genealogy Detective A monthly column putting people in touch with their Norwegian roots with Liv Marit Haakenstad

A trunk from

When I was visiting Wisconsin in March married Ingebrigt Pedersen Sønnesøn in 2018, I was introduced to Darlene Banks, Black Earth, Dane County, Wis. Our re- Photo: Darlene Banks who had some pictures of a rosemaled trunk. search shows they had five children, all born A picture of the trunk apparently once owned by Engebrigt Pedersen Sønnesøn, but passed on to Dar- The text on the trunk read “Engebrigt Peder in Crawford County, Wis., between 1855 and lene Banks through her great-grandfather, Jacob Larson Kvamme. S. Sønnesund, 1843.” Banks wanted to find 1863. Øyane goes on: “Ingebrigt and Mary out “Who is Engebrigt and how did the trunk Peterson settled as farmers in Seneca Town- end up in my family?” ship, Crawford County, Wis., where Mary Sunday school teacher at the church in Uti- questions than we have space to publish, the There is only one Sønnesund farm in died July 2, 1866. Ingebrigt sold the farm in ca,” according to Banks, so he knew many research team will be available privately to Norway, located in Hafslo, Sogn og Fjor- 1867 and remarried on February 25, 1868, people in the community. Again, we must respond to genealogical inquiries for a fee. dane. The farm name is spelled Sønnesund in Vernon County, Wis., to the widow Karen speculate, but it is probable that Ingebrigt Be sure to check your email for a response! or Sønnesyn in the sources, but today it is Mathea Christiansdotter. Karen was born in Pedersen Sønnesøn sold the trunk when he written Sønnesyn. While researching, we 1823 in Drøbak, Akershus, Norway, and was sold his farm and, somehow, from perhaps found two people who lived at Sønnesyn using the name Karen Anderson when they one of his many parishioners, Jacob got pos- Liv Marit Haakenstad has been doing genealogy re- with the name Engebrigt (also written Inge- married. Ingebrigt and Karen Peterson set- session of it. search for more than 30 years. brigt) Pedersen. Both of them emigrated to tled in Harmony Township, Vernon County, She is now working on her Want to have your genealogy mystery solved Wisconsin. In the 1801 census, there was a Wisc., but divorced in 1875. Karen Anderson master’s thesis in non-fiction was a midwife and moved in with her father The 4-year-old boy living on the farm, however, in this column? Current subscribers of writing. She has published Norwegian American - Ingebrigt Pedersen spent most of his years in Jefferson Township, Vernon County, Wis., can submit their que several books on Norwegian growing up on the Kvam farm before leaving - after the divorce. Ingebrigt Peterson lived ries at Haak emigration and genealogy, for America. He did not use the name Søn- for some time in Viroqua, Vernon County, enstad’s research team will pick one case and dozens of articles. She is a frequent contribu- nesyn, so we knew he was not the person we Wis., but moved in with his oldest daughter every month to get free help to find their tor to the research staff of the Who Do You Think were searching for. in Henden Township, Miner County, S.D., Norwegian roots. Information from the sub- You Are? television show. Many of her distant About 20 years after the first Ingebrigt, about 1888. Ingebrigt Peterson died there on missions and their findings will be published relatives immigrated to the United States and on Nov. 22, 1822, another Ingebrigt Peder- Feb. 16, 1889.” here, and a detailed report sent to the person Canada, including several who settled in Wiscon- sen was born at Sønnesyn. He was the son Our research found that in another part submitting the case. If more people submit sin and Minnesota. of Peder Iversen Sønnesyn and Anna Chris- of Sogn og Fjordane, Norway, Jacob Larsen tophersdatter. On May 9, 1847, this Inge- Kvamme, Darlene Banks’s great-grandfa- brigt Pedersen and his brother, Peder Ped- ther, was born in 1846 at Tønjum, Borgund. ersen (born 1824), left Hafslo and headed He was christened in the famous Borgund to America with three other young men. It on March 15, 1846, and mar- would be a very large speculation on our part ried Theodora Olufine Selsing from Tjugum to try to understand why the 1843 date was in Sogn og Fjordane in 1869. They came painted on the trunk because we could not to Wisconsin in 1871 and settled in Utica, Sealift Inc. find any documented important life event for Crawford County, Wis., according to the Ingebrigt in that year. Perhaps he was going 1880 census. By 1900, and still in 1910, Ja- to leave for America because he turned 21 in cob (now Quamme) had moved to Fountain, that year, but for any number of reasons was Juneau County, Wis. Jacob died in 1935. • Ship Owners • delayed until his brother and friends could As you can see, we did a lot of research also make the journey. to find out something but could not find a re- According to Lars Øyane, who wrote lationship, by birth or marriage, between Ja- • Ship & Cargo Brokers • the Bygdebok for Luster, a woman named cob Larsen Kvamme and Ingebrigt Pedersen Maria, from Dokken, a part of the Lie farm Sønnesøn. Their only connection is that In- in Reinli, Sør-Aurdal, emigrated with her gebrigt lived in Crawford County until 1867 • Steamship Agents • parents in 1852. Three years later, Mary when he sold the farm, and Jacob moved Trondson, the name she used in America, there in 1871. Jacob was a “song leader and Community Connections Happy birthday, engagement, birth, family reunion, etc! Your name and message here!

For more information, call 68 West Main Street, Oyster Bay, New York 11771 us at (206) 784-4617 or email Phone: (516) 922-1000 Fax: (516) 922-6526 [email protected]. E-mail: [email protected] the american 20 • June 1, 2018 Norsk Språk NorwegiaN Norwegian Language Corner Reinventing the wheel NORWEGIAN FOLK TALES, FAIRY TALES ANd TROLLS What to call a clothesline that’s not linear?

Volume 1

With 18 classic folk tales, fairy tales and trolls from Norway in Norwegian and English, Tuss og Troll is now se- rialized in The Norwegian American’s Norwegian Language Corner. The stories are from the collections of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, and retold by Øyvind Dybvad, Gard Espeland, Velle Espeland, Johannes Farestveit, and Nana Rise-Lynum. Translated by Alexander Knud Huntrods and Odd-Steinar Dybvad Raneng. Illustrated by Solveig Muren Sanden and Jens R. Nilssen. Tuss og Troll was edited, designed, and published by Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri Publishing. Copyright © Norsk Barneblad.

Photo: jemtland as, Gjøvik The Norwegian tørkestativ in its natural habitat.

SORIA MORIA SLOTT SORIA MORIA CASTLE m. micHaeL brady del 2 av 7 part 2 of 7 Asker, Norway — Nei, kjem det kristne folk hit! ropa “My goodness, is it Christian folk who prinsessa. Der er nok best du går din veg, have come?” cried the princess. “It would The ubiquitous Norwegian tørkestativ gan producing and selling its version of the dersom trollet ikkje skal sluka deg, for her be best if you went on your way so the troll might have had another name. In principle, umbrella clothes dryer. Descriptively named bur det eit troll med tre hovud. does not gobble you up; because here lives it functions as does the traditional fiskehjell tørkeestativ (literally: “drying frame”), it is — Eg er like glad om det hadde fire, eg, a troll with three heads!” (fish flake), a rack for drying fish that takes still in production (pictured here). Elsewhere, svara guten — Eg går ikkje. Men mat må du “I would be just as happy if he had four its name from the Old Norse hjallr. But the similar designs emerged, often adapted to lo- gje meg, for eg er fælt svolten. heads, I would,” answered the boy, “be- etymology of the tørkestativ didn’t happen cal conditions. In Japan, a compact version Då Halvor hadde eti seg mett, sa cause I won’t leave. But you must give me that way. It didn’t descend from Old Norse, for fitting on a balcony or veranda railing prinsessa at han fekk prøva om han kunne food, as I am terribly hungry.” but owes its invention as well as its name to was called a “carousel dryer,” by analogy svinga sverdet som hang på veggen. Men After Halvor had eaten his fill, the prin- an annoyed man and a snowstorm of about with a baggage carousel in an airport. han greidde ikkje lyfta det eingong. — Ta cess said he should try to see if he could 1913 in Iowa. The idea of curling up a clothesline deg ein slurk av flaska som heng ved sida, sa swing the sword that hung on the wall. But to save space apparently occurred to oth- - Each time it snowed in winter, the man, prinsessa. Då Halvor hadde gjort det, svinga he did not even manage to lift it just a teen ers around the globe. After returning from han sverdet lett. sy-weensy bit. “Take a swig from the bottle Joseph B. Clay, dutifully shoveled snow from underneath the home’s outdoor clothes- Rett som det var, kom trollet susande, that hangs there beside it,” the princess World War II to the town of Glenunga near og Halvor smatt bakom døra. — Huttetu! said. Now Halvor could swing the sword line, on which newly washed clothes were Adelaide in the state of South Australia, Her er slik kristenmannslukt! sa trollet og with ease. hung to dry. After one particularly heavy, wet Lance Hill was asked by his wife to find a sette fyrste hovudet inn gjennom døra. All of a sudden, the troll came roaring snowstorm, he decided to try to find a way of way to replace the family clothesline, on — Ja, det skal du verta var, sa Halvor, in and Halvor quickly slipped behind the wintertime access to a long clothesline with- which space for drying clothes was limited han svinga sverdet og hogg alle tre hovuda door. “Ow-oo! I can smell the stench of a out the drudgery of shoveling its length. He by a growing lemon tree. Hill set about the av. No var prinsessa frelst. Christian man!” said the troll and put his invented what’s now called the “umbrella- task and devised a “Rotary clothes drying Ho vart så glad at ho både dansa og first head through the door. style rotating clothesline,” in which the line rack” that could be raised and lowered using song. Men så kom ho til å tenkja på systrene “Aye! And this you should be wary of!” is stretched at several levels between wooden a windup mechanism. He called it the “Hills sine. — Kvar er dei? spurde Halvor. Jau, så said Halvor, as he swung the sword and cut or metal arms that radiate out from a central Hoist,” and production of it began in 1947. It fortalde ho at den eine var hjå eit troll som off all three heads. And now the princess supporting pole. He patented the invention was an immediate hit; sales boomed, and the budde i eit slott seks mil borte, og den andre was freed. on Dec. 14, 1915. Soon thereafter the Clay company expanded. By 1994 some 5 million var i eit trollslott ni mil bortanfor der att. She was so happy that she both Clothes Drier was in production and subse- Hills Hoists had been sold. But that’s another Neste morgon la Halvor av stad i grå- danced and burst into song. But then she quently renamed the Sunshine Clothesline. story. lysinga. Han hadde ikkje ro på seg, han began to think of her sisters. “Where are The design concept of a clothesline gjekk og han sprang heile dagen over berg they?” asked Halvor. Aye, and then she told curled up around a single supporting pole Originally published in Norwegian on the og blånar, framom tjørner og skogar. Då han him about how the one was with a troll spread. In the early 1950s in Norway, Jemt- Clue dictionaries blog at fekk sjå slottet, vart han litt redd, for det var who lived in a castle six miles away, and the land, a metal building materials producer, be- mykje gildare enn det fyrste. Her var heller other was in a troll’s castle, some nine miles ikkje folk. away from there. Til sist kom han inn i eit rom der det The next morning, Halvor was under 1888 book now available in English! SAVE sat ei prinsesse og spann. — Nei, torer du way at dawn. He was so impatient that Norwegians in America, Some Records 50% koma hit? ropa ho. Det er nok best du skun- he walked and he ran the whole day, over of the Norwegian Emigration to America dar deg av stad att, for her bur det eit troll mountains and hills, through swamps and Written by Knud Langeland med seks hovud. forests. When he saw the castle, he be- • Bilingual English/Norwegian same book • Hardcover, 5.5″x7.5″, 240 pgs, was $24.95 — Nei, om det så hadde seks til, går eg came a little afraid because it was much • SALE = $11.95 + $4.95 S/H in USA ikkje, svara Halvor. — Men noko å eta må more impressive than the first. Here, there Autobiographical, tells of life in Norway before eg få. was no sign of people either. 1843 and early immigrant life in America. Social Finally he came into a room where and political portrait including the Norwegian immigrant press. Published as a bilingual, the there sat a princess spinning. “Goodness, book includes both an English translation as you dare to come here?” she cried. “It well as a Norwegian transcription of the 1888 is probably best if you hurry and leave at Gothic script. Foreword, biography and back once, because here lives a troll with six cover review written by Odd S. Lovoll. heads!” [Book is not part of the Ulvestad 3-vol-set] “No—even if it had six heads more, I Call, send check or visit website Tuss og Troll 2-vol set would not leave,” answered Halvor. “But Astri My Astri Publishing Phone: 563-568-6229 • $35.95 with FREE shipping in USA. • something to eat, I must have.” Deb Nelson Gourley [email protected] 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 the american NorwegiaN Norsk Språk June 1, 2018 • 21

« It’s not difficult to find traits in Norwegian society that are reminiscent of Viking times. » < Pass KØ – Marianne Lie Fra side 2 stå i høysetet når politiet skal legge om sine Pondus by Frode Øverli prosedyrer for nye ID-kort og pass. Vi har mindre forståelse for at justismyndighetene og Politidirektoratet har satt operativt politi i skvis på denne måten, slik at de ikke er i stand til å imøtekomme publikums umiddel- bare behov for å få utstedt nytt pass. Inntil det nye prosjektet med nasjonale ID-kort er på plass burde eksisterende poli- ti- og lensmannskontorer fått anledning til å opprettholde sine funksjoner som passmyn- dighet.

< Matt IPs Fra side 2

Oh my God! — Det er lurt å ha med litt sukker for Thank god! Sending your own Bjarne’s going Don’t say that! out in a homemade parachute! å få den boosten ein treng når ein har sitte to be ground dog Don’t say that! A dog has feelings, Påsan! What lenge. Men nøtter og frukt er mykje betre meat! Don’t say that! do you think he’s thinking now?!! som snack og bidreg til eit meir stabilt blod- sukker enn sjokolade og godteri.

Lunch by Børge Lund 3. Et ein god frukost på eksamensdagen ...A collection Eit av dei beste tipsa for å stille godt of essays I’m Would you like a copy? working on! førebudd er å ete ein god frukost, meiner ernæringsfysiologen som til dagleg jobbar i Tine. — Kornblanding, knekkebrød, havre- graut eller brødskiver av grovbrød er bra å ete til frukost for å stille godt førebudd. Om ein er så nervøs at ein ikkje klarer å få i seg mat om morgonen, så prøv å få i deg noko iallfall før du går inn i lokalet. — Ta med deg ei frukost-matpakke som du kan ete på veg til eksamen. Et noko du veit du likar og som magen er van med, seier Skjølsvik.

Manuscript title: “The What?! More paper?! ...And then these aren’t It’s right paperless society” 4. Et kvar tredje-fjerde time even my copies!! I’ve fed you with half in front of Mange blir så ivrige at dei gløymer å ete a rain forest already! What happened to the your nose! paperless society?!? undervegs i skrivinga. Det kan straffe seg. — Et jamt og del gjerne måltida opp i mellommåltid og et litt og litt gjennom da- Hjalmar by Nils Axle Kanten, with translations by Emily C. Skaftun gen. For eksempel medan du les oppgåvetek- ster. Et tips er å skjære opp frukt på førehand så blir det lettare å få i seg gjennom dagen. A birth is tough stuff. Glad I’m not in her shoes! 5. Drikk nok vatn Mange sver til energidrikkar, kaffi og brus, men ernæringsfysiologen rår til å halde seg mest mogleg til vatn. — Vatn er den beste tørstedrikken gjen- nom heile dagen. Bruk det som hovudvæske, så kan ein heller fylle på med dei andre ved behov. Det er mykje sukker i energidrikkane. Om du synest vatn er litt kjipt, kan du smak- sette med appelsin, sitron, lime eller agurk.

You men Pissing [Beeeeeeep]! The Seattle-Bergen would croak I’m talking about Freaking [Beeeeeeep]! G-good... from the pain! the midwife… Push! Sister City Association Push! cordially invites you to the

Han Ola og Han Per by Peter J. Rosendahl, with new translations by John Erik Stacy Fifth annual Grieg Gala Where are you going, Concert Extravaganza Per?

Saturday, June 16, 7:30 p.m. Ballard First Lutheran Church 2006 N.W. 65th Street, Seattle

featuring guest artists

Knut Erik jensen, piano Laura Loge, soprano Are you still driving Hasn’t your brother allion salvador, violin I’m going to Oh good-day Lars. This is no Lars come today? the Depot at such speed, Per? speed at all. No, dear me, to meet my Oh good-day Per. not so fast! Yes he did—but have you seen Oh no, I seldom Tickets at Eventbrite brother Lars the like. I must have ridden drive this slow. from Norway. away from that son of a gun. 22 • June 1, 2018 theNorwegiaNamerican A monthly feature to share Brought to you by with kids and grandkids BarnebladBarneblad Lori Ann Reinhall Nor se gods, days of t he week, and Viking fun!

TUESDAY – TIRSDAG WEDNESDAY – ONSDAG Summer is a time (teesh-dahg) (awhns-dahg) for new adventures, Tirsdag is the day of the Norse god and with school out, it’s Tyr, the son of Odin. Tyr was a warrior, a great time to learn a the god of the sword, and for a long little more about your time, it was believed that Tuesday was Norwegian heritage. MONDAy the best day to start a war. All of us know that there are seven days MANDAG What to do on tirsdag: These days, in a week, but did you (mahn-dahg) we don’t want any more wars, know that many of In Norway, the first day of the week is though we don’t want to change the them are named after the day of the moon, named after the god name of this weekday! This is a great the Norse gods? - Mani, or Måne in Norwegian. It was con day to think about one thing you will sidered very bold of his parents to name do to have the best, most peaceful - This day was named for the war him after the moon, so he suffered a ter week possible. TEST YOUR rible fate: he had to pull the moon across god, Odin, most powerful of the Norse the sky with his chariot for all his days. gods. One-eyed Odin was also very KNOWLEDGE: What to do on mandag: Since your week wise, god of knowledge and poetry. is beginning, it’s a great time to think What to do on onsdag: To be as wise 1. Lørdag is tradition- about what you are going to do until the as Odin, take out a book and start ally the day for: weekend—and plan for some fun sum- reading. If you feel particularly clever, a. Reading a book try writing your own story or poem, b. Washing your mer activities for sure! image: H. A. Guerber, Myths of the image: John Bauer / Wikimedia maybe about a Norse god or Viking. hair and clothes Norsemen from the Eddas and Sagas / Tyr was the god of war, so strong that he image: Viktor Villalobos / c. Baking cookies Wikimedia dared to feed the powerful wolf, Fenrir. Wikimedia Commons d. Taking a hike

2. Odin was the god of: Thur SDAY – ToRSDAG FRIDAY – FREDAG (freey-dagh) a. War (tawsh-dagh) This was the day of the beautiful Frigg and Freya. They b. Poetry This is the day of the Norse god Tor, were the goddesses of love, and fredag is a day c. Knowledge also known as Thor. Tor rode across the for love. Since it is the last day of the workweek, d. All of the above sky in his chariot, hammer in hand, making it a day for having fun. 3. Sol was the sister of: the sound of the thunder. Torsdag is believed What to do on fredag: Do what a. Tor to be the day when magic works best. These you love to do on Friday, b. Odin days it’s the best day to hold a and make someone c. Mani meeting or make an- im you love happy d. Tyr portant decision. on this very What do on tors- special day. 4. The god of thunder dag: Try playing a new was called: game, because you a. Tyr are likely to win. If you b. Odin know a magical trick, c. Mani this is the best day to show it off! d. Tor image: Alexander Murray, Manual of Mythology / image: Alexander Murray, Manual of Mythology / Wikimedia 5. Tyr was the god of: Wikimedia Commons Freyja, goddess of love, rode a chariot pulled by her cats. a. Love b. War SATURDAY – LØRDAG SunDAY c. Washing (lurhrr-dahg) SØnDAG d. The Sun In English, this is the Ro- (surhn-dahg) 6. The day of witches man god Saturn’s Day, but Like in Eng- and magic is: in Norwegian, it’s the day to lish, the Norse a. Mandag wash your clothes, “laugard- word is related to b. Onsdag agen” or “washday.” The Vi- the sun. The Nor- c. Lørdag kings were extremely partic- wegian word for d. Torsdag ular about their appearance, sun is “sol,” and and were very clean. there was a Norse goddess with this name. She was the sister 7. Søndag is associated What to do on lørdag: We have washing machines now, but of Mani, and the gods did not like that she was named after the with: why not dress up like a Viking on this day? That means you will sun either, so she had to pull it across the sky for eternity. a. The Sun have to put on a sparkling clean shirt or dress. If you have a What to do on søndag: Thinking about poor Sol and her heavy b. Sons helmet, wear that, or if your hair is long you can put it in braids. burden, this is still the best day to rest. Some people go to c. Magic image: Wilhelm Wägner, Nordisch-germanische Götter church, and others make it their family day. Like a good Nor- d. Knowledge und Helden / Wikimedia Commons wegian, go out in nature and enjoy the sunshine this summer! (answers on back page) Balder and his wife Nanna were considered to be the most image: The Elder or Poetic Edda; known as Sæmund’s Edda / beautiful couple among the Norse gods. Wikimedia Commons theNorwegiaNamerican Roots & Connections June 1, 2018 • 23 Meet the modern-day Norse devotees NYC Heathens is a group for practitioners of—and those curious about—the old ways

victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. Nazis tried to usurp parts of the Viking culture for their own propaganda. They even held up the Norwegians as near-perfect Ary- ans. When I was young, I remember being disturbed by the Nazis measuring the cir- cumference of Norwegian males’ heads, to prove their superiority. And all this was done while Nazis became the violent occupiers of the Norwegians’ beloved country. Some groups in Norway burned to ashes the unique Stave Churches, on the grounds that the Christians destroyed Viking culture. What they did was destroy an irreplaceable part of Norwegian culture with Viking remnants— note the stave structure’s dragon heads and dragon-scale shingles. So, when I came across an organization called the NYC Heathens, I was intrigued. And lest you suspect this group of being in any way connected to the nonsense de- scribed in the first paragraph of this article, see these words from Erika Palmer, admin of their Facebook page: Photos: (above) arthur de Gaeta, (right) Ethan stark “In light of the events that took place in Above: Ethan Stark leads a ritual in pouring rain Charlottesville, VA, this past weekend, the at Viking Fest in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, this spring. NYC Heathens Admin would like to take Right: The NYC Heathens, primarily an online this time to remind everyone here that this is group, had a booth at Viking Fest to teach visitors an inclusive group. about the Heathen religion. “Our motto has been and continues to be ‘All who welcome all are welcome.’ That means we welcome everyone with an inter- est in Heathenry regardless of race, gender identity, or sexuality. “Hate and intolerance of any kind are unwelcome here. We are our deeds and our worth is gauged by that and nothing else. Hail our beautiful diversity!” I had a chance to speak with Ethan Vh: When and why were you drawn to this those who have already dedicated them- our ancestors, the land spirits, and then honor Stark, a member of the NYC Heathens, to religion? selves to the path of the gods. So most of the the god Týr—God of justice and assembly— learn more about the group and its beliefs. Es: I was drawn to Heathenry through lit - individuals involved with NYC Heathens are so that he may bless those in attendance with erature and language. When I was younger I members of the North River Kindred, but the peace and kinship.” Victoria hofmo: Who were the founders of read The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. I be- groups are separate entities. It involved the blowing of an animal NYC Heathens? came fascinated with the rich fantasy and the horn and a liquid offering of stout beer. Ethan stark: NYC Heathens was founded Elvish language that JRR Tolkien invented. For example, I learned that the North There were words hailing the elements and on Nov. 14, 2015, by Paul Mercurio, Erika It was later that I found out that not only River Kindred has an annual celebration, offering gratitude and blessings for the rain. Connolly, and myself. It was founded in or- did Tolkien model much of his works from Shad Blot—a spring ritual to “honor the land Which led to giggles by those in attendance der to gather like-minded Heathens in the the Old Norse myths, but that Elvish was spirits for feeding and nurturing us.” It is in- huddled under umbrellas. It ended with flow- Greater New York area. modeled after the Old Norse language. That teresting to see how one can transport a re- ers being tossed in the air and landing on the The group serves as a collective and prompted me to research the old folklore of ligion built around nature to a contemporary participants’ heads, a lovely showering of central gathering space for Heathen individ- Scandinavia, and subsequently found that urban environment. They gathered under- bright yellows and soft purples. uals and groups, as well as those curious to there were not only surviving practices in neath a Sycamore tree, next to the Seaglass Though I was raised Christian and still discuss, debate, and practice their religion. today’s Scandinavian society, but that a re- Carousel in Battery Park, a place packed with follow the faith, I am drawn to the pre-Chris- construction of the ancient religion had been tourists clamoring to get on the ferry to Ellis tian beliefs found in the Nordic countries, Vh: What does it offer? ongoing since the early- to mid-1970s. & Staten islands. Tourists, concrete, and the due to the fact that women were respected Es: NYC Heathens offers monthly Lore- noise of persistent traffic did not deter. and much more equal than in how Christiani- moots (or lorechats) where Heathens and Vh: What is the relationship between NYC Each worshipper was asked to “Bring a ty was articulated, and because of the respect those curious about Heathen religion and Heathens and the North River Kindred? story or an anecdote about why you love this and connection they had to nature. So this spirituality gather to discuss specific topics Es: As mentioned, NYC Heathens was cre- land. The hills and the heights. The shores ceremony was a very uplifting way to appre- relating to Germanic folklore and practices ated as a collective for both individuals and and the parks. The cliffs or the deep wa- ciate and commune with the green space in as it has (or may have) been passed down groups to band together under the banner of ters...! The landscape of NYC is very evoca- which we were immersed and to break down through the years as well as any current re- “NYC Heathens.” In essence, any Heathen tive, so honor the landvaettir with a story of barriers between those in attendance. Seeing vival practice. group or individual (provided they are inclu- when you felt they had honored you!” a Viking ritual in modern times is a rarity. Additionally, public rituals may be host- sive and welcoming to all) may host events Although I do not plan to convert, I That is too bad. ed by religious Heathen groups, provided and gatherings as part of NYC Heathens. wouldn’t mind changing my perspective— The NYC Heathens were a great asset they are inclusive and welcome all. Presently though, the group that has minimizing the aggravation of the city, so to the Viking Fest, as an important piece of been sponsoring Lorechats and public events that the beauty that surrounds me rises to the Viking history that most of us have never ex- Vh: How many people follow this religion for the most part is the North River Kindred. top of my consciousness. perienced or shared. One wonderful quote on in NYC? You may think of a “Kindred” almost like a The NYC Heathens were part of this the NYC Heathens Facebook page was post- Es: Unfortunately, we do not have an exact religious congregation, only we do not have year’s Viking Fest in Bay Ridge, sponsored ed by Jakob Abbühl: “When a civilization number of people who follow the Heathen a physical building to call our “church” or by the Scandinavian East Coast Museum and forgets its ancestors, they soon stop thinking faith in the NYC area. This is one of the rea- “synagogue.” held in a bucolic park that was once the Bliss of their descendents.” After several attempts sons we founded the group, as a means to The North River Kindred is a more pri- Estate. During a steady rainfall, they shared to uncover the source of this quote, I was at a cohesively gather Heathens so that we may vate group that specifically focuses on the a ritual, described by Ethan as a “ceremony loss. Yet, that does not make these words any get a better sense of the local community. religious practice of the Heathen faith for noting the springtime, where we will honor less worth pondering. the american 24 • June 1, 2018 Bulletin Board NorwegiaN

Bergen’s mayor visits Seattle Norwegian American notes

Syttende Mai photos send photos “actual size” for best Don’t forget your cameras or resolution. camera phones on the big day! We’d love to have photos Email your photos with captions from every state where a celebra- and credits to naw@na-weekly. tion occurs, even if it’s just your com by June 4, and you may see family parading through your your face in our big Syttende Mai own backyard! No party is too big photo issue on June 15. Please or too small!

Answer key to quiz on p. 22 1. Lørdag is traditionally the day for: b. washing 2. Odin was the god of: d. All of the above – war, poetry, & knowledge 3. Sol was the sister of: c. Mani 4. The god of thunder was called: d. Tor Photo: Lori ann reinhall 5. Tyr was the god of: b. War Lord Mayor Marte Mjøs Persen of the City of Bergen visited the Leif Erikson Memorial Plaza at Shilshole Bay on her recent visit to Seattle sponsored by the Seattle-Bergen Sister City 6. The day of witches and magic is: d. Torsdag Association. 7. Søndag is associated with: a. The Sun The rune-inspired plaques commemorate the emigration from Scandinavia to the Pacific Northwest with the names of many of the immigrants who settled in the Greater Seattle region.

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