Feminism Shown by Carol Peletier in the Walking Dead Season 1 Until Season 3
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PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI FEMINISM SHOWN BY CAROL PELETIER IN THE WALKING DEAD SEASON 1 UNTIL SEASON 3 A SARJANA PENDIDIKAN THESIS Presented as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education By Roswita Putri Briantika Student Number: 131214006 ENGLISH LANGUAGE EDUCATION STUDY PROGRAM DEPARTMENT OF LANGUAGE AND ARTS EDUCATION FACULTY OF TEACHERS TRAINING AND EDUCATION SANATA DHARMA UNIVERSTIY YOGYAKARTA 2018 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI FEMINISM SHOWN BY CAROL PELETIER IN THE WALKING DEAD SEASON 1 UNTIL SEASON 3 A SARJANA PENDIDIKAN THESIS Presented as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education By Roswita Putri Briantika Student Number: 131214006 ENGLISH LANGUAGE EDUCATION STUDY PROGRAM DEPARTMENT OF LANGUAGE AND ARTS EDUCATION FACULTY OF TEACHERS TRAINING AND EDUCATION SANATA DHARMA UNIVERSTIY YOGYAKARTA 2018 i PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI This Sarjana Pendidikan Thesis is dedicated to: MY FAMILY iv PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI IN THE END, WE’LL DIE. SO, MAKE YOUR LIFE MEANINGFUL... Roswita Putri Briantika, 2018 v PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI ABSTRACT Briantika, Roswita Putri. 2017. Feminism Shown by Carol Peletier in The Walking Dead Season 1 until Season 3. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University. This undergraduate thesis is based on The Walking Dead season series. The Walking Dead was nominated for Best New Series by the Writers Guild of America Awards 2011 and Best Television Series Drama by the 68th Golden Globe Awards. The season series was one of the top 10 television programs of 2010 by the American Film Institute Awards 2010. The season series is about the struggle and survival of human in zombie post-apocalypse. The focus of this study is the feminism of a character in the season series named Carol Peletier who appeares as a weak woman in the beginning but later changes into a brave and a strong woman. Carol's characterization transformation shows that she is a feminist agent in the film. Therefore, the researcher was interested in conducting a study on Carol’s characterization transformation. The objective of this study is to find out kind of feminism that occurs in The Walking Dead by Carol Peletier. There are two research questions in this study: “1) What are the differences of Carol’s character and characterization before and after her daughter’s death?” and “2) What actions are the representation of feminism that are shown by Carol’s characterization changes?”. In order to answer the research questions, there are three theories used in this study. They are theories of character, theories of characterization, and theories of feminism. The approach of this research is feminism approach. Feminism approach sees how women struggle and fight for equal dignity, opportunity, and right so they will be equal to men. The approach in this study is feminism while the method is library study. The findings show the changing of Carol’s character and characterization which are the representation of feminism. The results of this study prove that: 1) there are differences of Carol’s character and characterization before and after her daughter death, and 2) Carol is one of feminism icons in the season series because Carol struggles and grows from the abused and defenseless wife into strong and brave woman. Keywords: Film, The Walking Dead, Characterization, Transformation, and Feminism. viii PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI ABSTRAK Briantika, Roswita Putri. 2017. Feminism Shown by Carol Peletier in The Walking Dead Season 1 until Season 3. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sanata Dharma. Karya tulis ilmiah ini dibuat berdasarkan film berseri dengan judul The Walking Dead. The Walking Dead dinominasikan sebagai Film Berseri Pendatang Terbaik oleh Writers Guild of America Awards 2011 dan Drama Seri Televisi Terbaik oleh The 68th Golden Globe Awards. Film berseri ini pun disebut sebagai salah satu 10 program televisi 2010 teratas oleh American Film Institute Awards 2010. Film berseri ini menceritakan perjuangan manusia yang masih hidup di tengah bencana serangan zombie. Fokus dari penelitian ini adalah feminisme dari salah satu tokoh di dalam film berseri ini yang bernama Carol Peletier dimana ia muncul sebagai seorang wanita yang lemah yang kemudian berubah menjadi seorang wanita yang kuat dan berani. Perubahan penokohan Carol menunjukkan bahwa ia adalah salah satu tokoh feminisme dalam film tersebut. Sebab itu, peneliti tertarik dalam mengkaji perubahan penokohan Carol. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan feminisme yang ditunjukkan oleh Carol Peletier di dalam The Walking Dead. Terdapat dua rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini: 1) Bagaimana tokoh dan penokohan Carol sebelum dan sesudah kematian anaknya? 2) Aksi apa sajakah yang merepresentasikan feminisme yang ditunjukkan melalui perubahan penokohan pada Carol? Untuk menjawab rumusan-rumusan masalah tersebut, ada tiga teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Teori-teori tersebut adalah teori mengenai tokoh, teori mengenai penokohan, dan teori mengenai feminisme. Pendekatan dalam penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan pendekatan feminisme. Pendekatan feminisme melihat bagaimana wanita berjuang untuk kesamaan harga diri, kesempatan, dan hak yang sama seperti halnya pria. Pendekatan dalam penelitian in imenggunakan pendekatan feminisme sedang metodenya menggunakan metode studi pustaka. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan perubahan tokoh dan penokohan Carol yang merepresentasikan feminisme. Hasil dari penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa: 1) Terdapat perbedaan tokoh dan penokohan pada Carol setelah kematian anaknya, 2) Carol merupakan salah satu tokoh feminis dalam film berseri ini karena Carol berjuang dan tumbuh dari seorang istri yang lemah dan teraniaya menjadi wanita yang kuat dan berani. Kata kunci: Film, The Walking Dead, Characterization, Transformation, and Feminism. ix PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my greatest happiness and gratitude to all people who always and never stop helping me in the process of writing this thesis and whose help and support are very useful and important for me. First of all, I would like to thank God who is always there for me in every second of my life and because of His mercy, I could finish my thesis and pass my study. Second, I would like to express my gratitude to my family: my father and my mother (who are always there to support me financially, psychologically, and physically from the first time I started my study in Sanata Dharma University until I wrote my thesis), Dek Lintang, Dek Zacky, and my black-capped-lori bird, Fitri. I would also like to thank my big family who gave their support and advice to me. Third, I express my big gratitude to Yuseva Ariyani Iswandari, S.Pd., M.Ed. (Miss Yu), my thesis advisor, who patiently leads and supports me in doing my thesis. I thank Drs.Y.B.Gunawan, M.A. (Mr. Gun), my academic advisor from the first until eighth semester, who always helps and supports me in retaking courses or solving the college administration problem and improving my GPA. I also thank my academic advisor, Drs. Pius Nurwidasa Prihatin, S.Pd., Ed.D. (Mr. Pius) who helps me in doing my thesis. I thank Maria Vincentia Eka Mulatsih, S.S, M.A. (Miss Ika) who also helped me understand more about feminism. I give my thanks to Drs. Bambang Hendarto Yuliwarsono, M.Hum. (Mr. Bambang) and Markus Budiraharjo, M.Ed., Ed.D. (Mr. Markus) as my thesis examiners who help me in revising my undergraduate thesis. I also thank all x PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI lecturers and the staffs of ELESP in Sanata Dharma University and also staffs and employees of Sanata Dharma University. Fourth, I want to give my biggest thanks to my JHS best friends (Shinta, Ndari, Carissa, Putri, Ella, Tiara, Titin, Elwy, and Anton) and SHS best friends (Shanita, April, Raras, Indah, Imas, Oggik, Tipung, Ucup, Fanny, and Bagus (April’s husband)). I thank my friends in Sanata Dharma University for my the best best friends (Vica and her family, and Cimbul and her family) and my best friends (Ryan, Angga, Nina, Silvia, Tibut, Nita, Tania, and Martin). I thank my boarding house friends (Ika, Kak Rani, Tami, Edwina, Della, Chua, Shinta, Kak Dewi, Angie, Kak Mika and Mas Uchiel (Kak Mika’s husband)), my friends (Reti and Mbak Fanny), and my friends in ELESP Batch 2013 class A (Monica, Adel, Mbak Nana, Mbak Yundha, Martha, Tia, Arum, Ocha, Inge, Kiki, Marcell, Acik, Evan, Kefas, Obek, Mario, Lintang, and Rein). I also give my thank to my PPL friends, my KKN friends, my SPD group “Sal Terrae”, my “Thesis Ceria” friends, my Play Performance – “St.Valentine’s Day” friends, my juniors (Erni Martubong, Adhi, Kris, Sekar, Erni, Vita, Finna, Icha, Yovita, Jovita, & Tamara), my seniors (Mas Yudha, Mas Jo, Mbak Fanny, Mbak Dewi, Mbak Elma, and Mbak Vita), my ILCIC LBUSD friends, my friends from some of events (Galuh, Tita, Yefta, Dio, and Kris), and for all ELESP of Sanata Dharma University students Batch 2013. I also thank to my proofreaders (Mercy, Siska, Mas Thomas, Nita, Vita, Restu, Barel, Tibut, and Angga) and Ryan who helped me in editing this thesis. xi PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI The last is for my friends outside Sanata Dharma University (Agnes, Via, Tiyok, Mbak Putri, Tama, Kelik, Anna, Ratna, Dek Dendy, Dek Ferdian, Budhe Sri, Om Abi, Mas Theo, Mbak Vita, Om & Tante Agus, Mas Iza, Mas Khrisna, Mas Tommy, Mas Reza, Mbak Loren, Mbak Ellen, Mas Roni, Mas Bayu, Mas Yoga, Mbak Echy, Mas Jede, Mbak Fanny, Mbak Inong, Koh David, Mas Agasa, Mbak Umi, Mas Aga, and Caecil). Last but not least I thank everyone who helped me in this college and when I did my thesis.