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JOBNAME: Beggan PAGE: 1 SESS: 2 OUTPUT: Fri Jan 12 11:20:21 2018 Index Aboitiz, F. 222 Bayesian analysis 163 abortion 45–7, 143 Bayes’ theorem 170–73 abortion laws, liberalization of 31 Beaumont, Charles 25 “The Abortion Revolution” 32 Beggan, J. K. 11, 13, 15, 24 Abortion Rights Association 33 Bennis, W. 77, 81 abortion rights movement 30, 31 Berg, D. N. 84 acquiescence 101 “Big Brother” 127 actor–observer difference 14 biological theories 4 adaptive challenges 76, 77 Birchler, G. R. 168 adolescence 144 birth control 37 affairs, base rate for 167–8 access 41–5 Ailes, Roger 2 methods 144 Alison, L. 187 pills 43 Alive and Kicking (2016) 200–203 birth-death-rebirth cycle 219 Allen, E. S. 167, 169 Bisel, R. S. 81 Allison, S. T. 15, 24, 50, 227 bisexuality 108, 154–5 American Association of Sexuality bisexual people 108 Educators, Counselors, and Blake, William 224 Therapists (AASECT) 146 Blankfein, Lloyd 118 American Birth Control League 38 Blau, K. 50 American Civil Liberties Union 29, Bogaert, Anthony F. 24 33 bondage and discipline 183 American sexual imagination 21 bondage, discipline, sadism, and American sexual inhibition 25 masochism (BDSM) 13 American sexual repression 25 Bradbury, Ray 25 antiabortion movement 41 Branagan, J. 170 anticipatory socialization 134 Araji, S. 95 Broadwell, Paula 11 Atkins, D. C. 167, 169 Brooks, Mel 7 Austen, Jane 203 Buckley, William F. Jr. 22 autocratic leadership styles 128 Burke, Edmund 216 autoethnographic case study 54–69 Buszek, Maria Elena 23 badass bottoming 193 Calderone, Mary S. 32 Badgett, M. V.
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