Introducing the Benefits of Yoga and Mindfulness for Children
Introducing the Benefits of Yoga and Mindfulness for Children Materials: Music for relaxation or Guided Imagery (older groups), Chimes, Sphere Age group: 4 – 12 year olds Yoga and meditation can help us feel good in our bodies, minds and hearts. We can learn how to use our breathing to help us feel calm, release anxiety and anger or also to energize ourselves. Yoga in all its aspects teaches us to have a healthy attitude to our body’s, which leads to a healthy attitude in our minds and visa versa. Do yoga and feel great!! Theme: Let’s look at ways we can enjoy a healthy living with yoga and mindfulness Chimes, 3 deep breaths, Namaste Pledge - “I believe in myself, I love and honour my body …, Mindful exercise – listen to the Sound of the chime - Listen to the chime and put up your hand when you can’t hear it … how active were your minds when you did this … mindfulness is about quietening the mind, becoming aware of all the thoughts, being aware of this very moment. Kung Fu Panda quote Remember yoga is like a conversation with our bodies! We must listen to our bodies and only go as far into a pose that feels comfortable. There is no competition in yoga – we each just do the best we can do. When we move through the poses we always try to be aware of our breath. Warm up your body – very important before any kind of exercise or sports Yoga and Ballet toes Stretch your arms out wide and give yourself a big hug! “I love my body!” Rotate shoulders, roly poly arms – Nursery – yr 2 Butterfly/ Rock the baby, Cat and Cow, Downward Dog Mountain pose Untying the knots Untie the brain, the head, my clavicle, my sternum, my shoulders, my biceps and triceps, my hips, my gluteus maximus, my hamstrings, my calves, my toes etc Shake like a jelly and freeze – Nursery and Yr 1 Sun salutation Year 1 – 6 or Kira’s Dance for the sun - nursery – Yr 2 Don’t forget to breathe: Good for body, mind and spirit! Increases lung capacity and strengthens and tones the entire respiratory and nervous system.
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