The Walking Dead
THE WALKING DEAD "Episode 105" Teleplay by Glen Mazzara PRODUCERS DRAFT - 7/03/2010 SECOND PRODUCERS DRAFT - 7/09/2010 REV. SECOND PRODUCERS DRAFT - 7/13/2010 NETWORK DRAFT - 7/14/2010 REVISED NETWORK DRAFT - 7/20/2010 Copyright © 2010 TWD Productions, LLC. All rights reserved. No portion of this script may be performed, published, sold or distributed by any means, or quoted or published in any medium including on any web site, without prior written consent. Disposal of this script 2. copy does not alter any of the restrictions set forth above. TEASER FADE IN: No clue where we are. A dark, mysterious shot: TIGHT ANGLE: The back of a MAN'S (Jenner's) head rises into shot, rimmed by top-light. He brings a breather helmet to his unseen face, slips it on over his head. As he tightens the enclosures at the back, a VOICE speaks from everywhere and nowhere, soothing and surreal: VOX Good morning, Dr. Jenner. JENNER Good morning, Vox. VOX How are you feeling this morning? JENNER A bit restless, I have to admit, Vox. A my game. Somewhat off-kilter. VOX That's understandable. JENNER Is it? I suppose it is. I fear I'm losing perspective on things. On what constitutes kilter versus off- kilter. VOX I sympathize. EDWIN JENNER turns to camera, his BUBBLE FACE-SHIELD kicking glare from the overhead lighting, the inside of his mask fogging badly and obscuring his face, as: JENNER Vox, you cannot sympathize. Don't patronize me, please. It messes with my head.
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