ISSN 1655-5295 ISSN 1655-5295 Education for Development Magazine is published by Education for Development IBON International GLOBALIZATION ISSUES ▼ IBON Center Vol. 7, No. 4 JULY-AUGUST 2008 24 CSO roadmap to Accra 114 Timog Avenue, Quezon City Reileen Joy Dulay 1103 Philippines Secretariat, Reality of Aid E-mail Address:
[email protected] COVER Tel. Nos. +632 927 7060 to 62 Local 202 26 Towards a more broad-based Fax +632 927 6981 view of ownership Felix Zimmermann OECD Development Centre Antonio Tujan, Jr. 28 CLIMATE CHANGE ▼ International Director CSOs condemn G8’s distorted International Department climate ‘vision’ Asia Pacifi c Research Network Maria Theresa Nera-Lauron Head, International Department THIRD WORLD ▼ 30 People’s struggle for justice and existence against Gandak Dam Water and Energy Users’ Federation, Layout Artist 3 Resist privatisation, Nepal Florenio Bambao reclaim public Cover Artist The Philippine labor situation Florenio Bambao 33 Ecumenical Institute for Labor services Education and Research Jane Kelsey Photo Credits ARENA-New Zealand Wendy House COMMENTARY ▼ ogwen/ NEWS ▼ rycordell/ 7 37 Seaworthy verdesam/ Dr. Giovanni Tapang Anthony Morland / IRIN 10 SPECIAL FEATURES ▼ AGHAM Tiggy Ridley / IRIN “Free trade”, neoliberal im- Jaspreet Kindra / IRIN LETTERS ▼ Jerry Wen / migration and the globalization Rev_Bri / of guestworker programs 39 PAN AP to the Philippine Thomas Sennet / World Bank Aziz Choudry government: Protect your Donnaphoto/ GATT Watchdog & people! Institute a TOTAL ban Allison Acosta / Manoocher Deghati / IRIN on Endosulfan! Asia Pacific Research Network 19 On the global economic and Dey Alexander / financial crisis: Roots and Eric Draper / White House prospects Muji Tra / Sonny Africa Ratan Bhandari / WAFED IBON Foundation, Inc.