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Rapid Response Payment Request No. 06/2010

Funds Sent To: The Lutheran World Federation (LWF)

Amount Sent: US$ 39,000

Date: 11 June 2010

Details of Response

Emergency: Floods and mudslides caused by Tropical Storm Agatha,

Date of Emergency: 29 May 2010

Implementing Members: The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and the Salvadorian Lutheran Synod (SLS).

DETAILS OF THE EMERGENCY : Between 27th and May 30th, El Salvador together with the rest of the Central American region was hit by Tropical Storm Agatha. In the case of El Salvador, the heavy rains caused overflowing of rivers and landslides in 12 of the 14 departments of the country. The National System of Civil Protection reported on June 1st that 12 people died and three others were missing. 11,649 affected people needed to be evacuated and sheltered. In terms of infrastructure the storm affected 120 schools and 15 health centers, eight bridges and 13 houses were destroyed and 106 houses damaged. On 29 th May, the President of the Republic decreed red alert and state of national emergency that lasted until June 1st. In the particular case of the municipality of Jiquilisco (Department of Usulután), the discharges from the hydroelectric dam “September 15” prompted the evacuation of families living in the lower Lempa River and the opening of 21 shelters in the same number of communities, most of them could not be visited due to the lack of access. On 3 June, there were still four communities that have not been sheltered. More damage to homes is reported in communities as follows: “Los Lotes” 17 families, “El Marillo 1” 21 families, “El Marillo 2” 69 families and “La plancha” 30 families. In the municipality of San Francisco Menendez (Department of Ahuachapán), specifically in “Cara Sucia”, the rivers overflowed their banks flooding the communities of El Chino, Garita Palmera, Rancho San Marcos, Paz y progreso, Veranera and Hato Nuevo, forcing the evacuation of 129 families. In San Alejo (Department of La Union), the situation is similar, where a total of 41 families had to be evacuated. In the Department of 1,121 people were housed in 32 shelters that were set up. Another 40 families are housed in six active shelters in the municipalities of San Martín, , Santo Tomas, , and San Salvador. In the Department of La Libertad, the municipalities of Jayaque, San Jose Villanueva, Puerto de la Libertad y Comasagua had to accommodate 47 families in five shelters.

The average rainfall nationwide was 165 mm, reaching in some coastal areas a maximum of 400 mm and up to 250 mm in the central and northern mountain range. The rainfall resulted in the rise of water levels of major rivers to up to 3.5 meters, and saturation of the soil with an increased risk of landslides.

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El Salvador is a highly vulnerable country. The report issued by the United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC) team highlights the fact that 88.7% of its territory and 95.4% of its population are at risk.

ACTIONS TO DATE , AND EMERGENCY NEEDS : The monitoring teams of the ACT Alliance Forum in El Salvador were activated in the field according to the activation protocol. A conference via telephone was held and an exchange of information on the areas to visit in San Salvador and San Francisco Menendez. The radio station “Estéreo Sur” was part of the monitoring and warning system for the people of the community Cara Sucia. A meeting was held with the National System of Civil Protection in order to have a general knowledge of the situation and the shelter of San Ramon in , San Salvador was visited to check the situation of the people affected.

A telephone conference was conducted among the country coordinators of ACT Alliance in Central America (Nicaragua, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador) and the Regional Coordinator to exchange information and to define a course of action and coordinated management. It was determined that members would be responsible for the areas where they are well represented and where the need is established. LWF will be in charge of monitoring and support to the active shelters in the departments of San Salvador and La Libertad. SLS will focus its intervention on the Departments of La Union, Usulután and Ahuachapán.

PROPOSED EMERGENCY RESPONSE : This RRF is to respond to the effects of floods and mudslides caused by Tropical Storm Agatha in 12 of the 14 departments of El Salvador. The response is oriented to assist affected families and/ or evacuated from their homes and housed in collective centers in five of the 12 departments affected by the rains, namely the departments of San Salvador, La Libertad, Usulután, La Union and Ahuachapán.


Goal The goal is to secure the lives of the families that have been forced to evacuate and/or leave their homes over the past days from May 27 to May 30.


1. To ensure adequate sanitary conditions for affected families through the delivery of personal hygiene kits that last one month. 2. To ensure supply of basic food to affected families for one month. 3. To ensure proper health care to affected population during three months.


It is expected that a total of 391 families will benefit in the departments of San Salvador, La Libertad, La Union, Usulután and Ahuachapán.



• Assist in providing adequate shelter conditions in the departments of San Salvador and La Libertad. • Distribute family hygiene kits that last one month to all the families that were affected and/or identified in the shelters and in the communities where members have focused our scope of action.

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• Prepare and distribute of basic complementary food kits for at least one month to affected families. • Hold orientation meetings together with deliveries to address personal and collective hygiene issues. • Run a medical campaign and distribute medicines to the affected population for a period of three months.

Expected results: - R1. All the sheltered families have kits for the maintenance of personal hygiene that last at least one month and receive health information on health habits. - R.2. All families have the basic food that feeds them for a month. - R.3. Affected families receive medical care and medicine in their communities.

Indicators: - At least one member of beneficiary families receives orientation on personal hygiene. - Families have received adequate food for a month - Affected families in the areas with no shelters receive on-site medical examination through the medical campaign.


Implementation tasks per partner:

The Lutheran World Federation (LWF)

Care in shelters LWF will focus on the care in shelters in the Departments of La Libertad and San Salvador as indicated in the table below. There will be delivery of hygiene kits and food supplement and awareness activities and regular visits. The action will last for a month. The implementing member is committed to develop and to submit a work methodology for the development of these actions. Since health care is being provided by the Ministry of Health and municipal health promoters, LWF does not develop the medical care component in these shelters.

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Department San Salvador Type Shelters Shelters Municipalities Boys Girls Men Women Families Affectation Components

S. El Chaparral The Paisnal 8 8 1 11 8 Evacuees in shelters Food. Hygiene. S. Manuel Belgrano Santo Tomas 12 13 15 16 13 Evacuees in shelters Food. Hygiene. S. Changallo Ilopango 4 5 5 6 4 Evacuees in shelters Food. Hygiene. Changallo Ilopango 7 8 9 9 8 Evacuees in shelters Food. Community House Hygiene.

Champa Parada del San Martín 7 8 7 8 5 Evacuees in shelters Food. muro Hygiene. Panchimalco Panchimalco 2 3 1 2 1 Evacuees in shelters Food. Community House Hygiene.

Mil cumbres Panchimalco 3 4 2 3 1 Evacuees in shelters Food. Community Hygiene. Total 43 49 49 55 40

Department La Libertad Type Shelters Shelters Municipalities Boys Girls Men Women Families Affectation Components

S. Community El Jayaque 5 6 24 31 29 Evacuees in shelters Food. Pinal Hygiene. San Jose Villanueva San Jose 5 4 6 5 4 Evacuees in shelters Food. Community House Villanueva Hygiene. Rosa Sarón Church Puerto de La 6 6 8 8 7 Evacuees in shelters Food. Libertad Hygiene. Community San Comasagua 3 3 3 3 3 Evacuees in shelters Food. Emilio estate Hygiene. New Jerusalem Comasagua 4 4 4 4 4 Evacuees in shelters Food. Apostolic Church Hygiene. TOTAL 23 23 45 51 47

Salvadoran Lutheran Synod (SLS)

Assistance to communities SLS will provide support in hygiene, medical care and food security. The activities will be implemented in the Departments of La Union, Ahuachapán and Usulután. The period for the implementation is two months. The implementing member will submit a work methodology for the component of medical care and personal hygiene that will consist of the organization of a medical campaign in the field by SLS’s multidisciplinary team for medical care. They will develop primary health care activities and orientation for the affected population. Due to the centralization of the health resources in the country, this coverage will ensure the initial treatment and/or the most appropriate referral of more complex cases to other health facilities.

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Department Ahuachapán Municipality San Francisco Menendez Community Boys Girls Men Women Families Affectation Proposed Response

Rancho San Marcos 30 35 16 17 20 Floods and population evacuation. Food. Material losses and crops. Hygiene. Medical care. Paz y Progreso 20 35 20 40 23 Floods and population evacuation. Food. Material losses and crops. Hygiene. Medical care. El Chino 60 52 1 50 34 Floods and population evacuation. Food. Material losses and crops. Hygiene. Medical care. Veranera 26. 18 22 26. 18 Floods and population evacuation. Food. Material losses and crops. Hygiene. Medical care. Garita Palmera 20 25 1 12 14 Floods and population evacuation. Food. Material losses and crops. Hygiene. Medical care. Hato Nuevo 24 26. 20 30 20 Flooding and landslides. Damage on Hygiene. housing. Medical care. TOTAL 180 191 98 175 129

Department The Union Municipality San Alejo Community Boys Girls Men Women Families Affectation Proposed Response

Los Naranjos 19 16 15 25 15 Flood and population evacuation. Loss of Food. property, crops and small farms. Hygiene. Medical care.

Talpujero 19 24 20 22 17 Flood and population evacuation. Loss of Food. property and crops. Damaged homes. Hygiene. Medical care.

2 de Mayo 9 6 1 20 9 Loss of material goods Food. Hygiene. Medical care.

TOTAL 47 46 45 67 41

Department Usulután Municipality Jiquilisco Community Boys Girls Men Women Families Affectation Proposed Response

Los Lotes 20 24 15 25 17 Floods and population evacuation. Loss of Food. material goods, crops and small farms. Hygiene. Medical care. El Marillo 1 15 18 33 37 21 Floods and population evacuation. Loss of Food. material goods, crops and small farms. Hygiene. Medical care. El Marillo 2 33 40 119 132 69 Floods and population evacuation. Loss of Food. material goods, crops and small farms. Hygiene. Medical care. La Plancha 1 12 60 66 30 Floods and population evacuation. Loss of Food. material goods and crops. Damaged homes. Hygiene. Medical care. TOTAL 78 94 227 260 137

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The proposed methodology is as follows:

1. The funds will be distributed to each implementing member according to its objectives. The administration and monitoring costs for the distribution that correspond to each implementer will be covered from this budget. The selected suppliers will be in charge of packing and transport. The hygienic kits and food items will be delivered by the responsible staff delegated by each implementer in line with the timetable agreed in the contract. 2. The goods will be verified at the point of delivery. The members will have the right to conduct monitoring of the operations, warehousing and packaging of the providers. 3. The costs of implementers will be covered with a small fund in the budget lines for communication, transportation and food for the technicians who will travel to deliver the goods.


This is a joint application of the two members of the ACT Alliance Forum in El Salvador. Each member will receive funding and will be in charge of coordinating the information and follow up of the implementation with the other member. In order to coordinate these activities, the members will prepare a memorandum of understanding on the implementation of the RRF where the mutual responsibilities to which both are committed will be expressed.


The implementation period will be one month for support to shelters and three months for support to communities from June 10 until September 10, 2010. The report will be submitted one month after the end of the implementation to ACT Secretariat.


Type No. Unit Cost Budget Unit Units USD USD EXPENDITURE

A Lutheran World Federation Hygiene Promotion Family kits Family 87 36 3,132 Packing per kit Kit 87 1 87 Subtotal hygiene promotion 3,219 Food Family kits Family 87 62 5,394 Packing per kit Kit 87 1 87 Subtotal 5,481 Distribution costs Transportation Global 1 400 400 Per diem Global 1 150 150 Communications Global 1 100 100 Subtotal 650 Total 9,350

B Salvadoran Lutheran Synod Food Family kits Family 200 62 12,00 Packing per kit Kit 200 1 200 Subtotal 12,600 Medical care

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Family kits medicines Family 200 35 7,000 Hygiene Promotion Family kits Family 200 36 7,200 Packing per kit Kit 200 1 200 Subtotal 7,400 Distribution costs Transportation Global 1 800 800 Per diem Global 1 900 900 Total 28,700

Translation of documents Estimated 1 500 500 Administrative follow-up* Global 1 450 450


* Administrative follow-up and consolidation of Project report by the LWF, with input from each implementer.


The ACT Secretariat has approved the use of US$ 39,000 towards the budget from its Rapid Response Fund and would be grateful to receive contributions to wholly or partially replenish this payment.

For further information please contact: Jill Hawkey, ACT Deputy General Secretary or Michael Zschiegner, ACT Regional Programme Officer Phone: ++41 22 791 6069 Phone: ++ 41 22 791 6420 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]