Congressional Reoor,D-Senate·
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1928 CONGRESSIONAL REOOR,D-SENATE· 566ll bring to a vote a Civil War pension bill in order that relief provision of the immigration act, 1924; to the Committee on may be accorded to needy anu suffering veterans and widows ; Immigration and Naturalization. to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. 6224. By l\Ir. NELSON of Missouri: Petition signed by va 6204. Also, petition of R. L. Lewis, :M. J. l\Iarcuson. and rious citizens of Boone County, against compulsory SundaY, numerous other residents of Batavia, lll., m·ging that imme obserrance bill; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. diate steps be taken to bring to a vote a Civil War pension 6225. By Mr. 'VOOD: Petition of residents of Rensselaer, bill in order that relief may be accorded to needy and suffer Jasper Connty, Ind.; asking that the Civil War pension bill ing veterans and widows; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. become a law at once.; t<> the Committee on Inv-alid Pensions. 6205. By Mr. ROWBOTTO:M : Petition of Kate Lamb, of Ne,,·burg, Ind., tllat the bill increasing Civil War widows' pension be enacted into law this session of Congress; to the SENATE Committee on Invalid Pensions. 6206. By :.\1r. RUBEY: Petition in opposition to the com FRIDAY r March 30, 1928 pulsory Sumlay observance law; to the Committee on the The Chaplain, Rev. Z~.Barney T. Phillips, D. D., offered the Distl'ict of Columbia. following prayer : 6207. By Mr. SPEAKS: Petition signed by Louis W. 1\Teber and some 63 citizens of Franklin County, Ohio, urging enact 0 God, before whose face the generations rise and pass away, ment for the relief of Civil War veterans and their dependents; we humbly beseech Thee to bless our country, that there may be to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. peace within olll' gates and prosperity in all our borders. In 6208. Also, petition signed by Margaret C. Stanton and some the light of Thy wisdom and under the guidance of Thy spirit 60 residents of Franklin County, Ohio, urging enactment of we dedicate ourselves in love and loyalty to the welfare of this legislation for the relief of Civil War veterans and their de Nation. ·where it is corrupt, purge it; where it is in error, pendents ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. direct it; where anything is amiss, reform it; where it is right, 6209. By ~lr. STALKER: Petition of Mary C. Shannon, of strengthen and confirm it; where it is in want~ furnish it; Beaver Dams, N. Y., and other citizens of that vicinity, urging where it is divided, heal it; that whether in plenty or in want, the enactment of legislation caiTying the rates proposed by the we. may patiently and peaceably seek Thy kingdom and its National Trib-une in order that relief may be accorded to needy righteousness, the only full supply and sure foundation both of and suffel'ing veterans and the widows; to the Committee on men and nations. Grant this, 0 Father, throngh Jesus Christ, Invalid Pensions. Thy Son, OUl' Lord. Amen. · 6210. Also, petition of Myra Hammond, of Hornell, N.Y., and The Chief CleTk proceed~ to read the Journal of the pro- other citizen of that vicinity, urging that immediate steps oo ceedings of the legisiath e day of Tuesday last, when, on request taken to bring to a vote a Civil War pension bill carrying the of Mr. CURTIS and by unanimous consent, the further reading raten propo ed by the National Tribune in order that relief was dispensed with and the Journal was approved. may be accorded to needy and suffering veterans and widows ; The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senate will receive a message to the Committee on Invalid Pension . from the House of Represent~tfves. 6211. Also, petition of Ida B. Keith Ells, of Oswego, N. Y., and M.ESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE other citizens of that vicinity, protesting against the enactment Of House bill 78; to the Committee on the District of Co A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Haltl lumbia. gan, one of its clerks, announc-ed that the House had passed 6212. Also, petition of sundry citizens of the district of without amendment the following bill and joint resolution of Lindley, Steuben County, N. Y., urging the enactment of legis the Senate: lation for additional pension for Civil War veterans an<l S. 716. An act to exempt American Indians born in Canada wjdows; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. from the operation of the immigration act of 1924; and · 6213. Also, petition of sunory citizens of Trumansburg, N. Y., S. J. Res.l13. Joint resolution to amend subdivisions (b) and urging the enactment of legislation fol' additional pension for (e) of section 11 of the immigration act of 1924, as amended. Civil War veterans and widows; to the Committee on Invalid The message also announced that the House had agreed to the Pensions. amendment of the Senate to the joint resolution (H. J. Res. 217) providing for the remission of duties on certain cattle 6214. By Mr. STRONG of Pennsylvania: Petition of citizens which have crossed the boundary line into foreign countries. of Armsb.·ong County, Pa., in favor of a general increase of The message further announced that the House had passed ·pension for Civil Wal' veterans and their widows; to the Com the following bills, in which it requested the concurrence of the mittee on Invalid Pensions. Senate: 6215. By Mr. STJ~IMERS of Washington: Petition signed by H. R. 279. An act to amend section 8 of an act entitled ·~An George E. Meyerhoff and 17 others of Ritzville, Wash., pro act to incorporate the Howard University in the District of te 'ling against the enactment of compulsory Sunday observance Colu~bia," approved March 2, 1867; and legislation; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. H. R. 12407. An act to authorize the refund of visa fees in 6216. By l\lr. VL~CE:NT of l\Iichigan : Petition of residents certain cases. ·of the eighth congressional district of Michigan, urging more O.ALL OF THE ROLL liberal pension legislation for veterans of the Civil ·war and Mr. CURTIS. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a their widows; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. quorum. 6217. Also, petition of residents of the eighth congressional district of Michigan, protesting against pl'oposed compulsory The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. ·Sunday observance; to the Committee on the District of Co · The legislative clerk called the roll, and the following Sen lumbia. ators answered to their names: Ashnrst Edwards McKellar Shortridge 6218. By l\Ir. WARE : Petition of sundry citizens of Camp B'arkley Fes McMaster Simmons bell County, Ky., urging immediate steps be taken to vote on Bayard Fletcher McNary Smith Civil War pension bill; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Bi11gham FraY..:ier Mayfiefd Smo.ot Black George Metcalf Steck 6219. By Mr. WASON: Petition of 235 residents of Lebanon, Blaine Gerry Moses Steiwer N.H., protesting against the enactment of House bill 78, known Blease Gillett Xeely Step.hens as the Sunday closing bill ; to the Committee on the District of Borah Goff Norbeck Swanson Bratton Gooding Norris Thomas Columbia. Brookhart Gourd Nye Tydings 6220. Also, petition of 0. F. Dodge and 30 other residents of Broussard Greene Oddie Tyson Wal'l'en, N. H., urging that immediate steps be taken to briilg Bruce Harrison. Overman Wagner Capper Hawes Phipps Walsh, Mass. to a vote a Civil Wa:r pension bill in order that relief may be Walsh, Mont. accorded to needy and suffering veterans and widows ; to tile g~~~~~ ~;fu~en ~ft~an Warren Couzens Johnson Ransdell Waterman Committee on Invalid Pensions. Curtis Jones Robinson, Ark. Watson 6221. By 1\lr. WHITE of Colorado: Lettel's of numerous . Cutting Kendriek Sackett Wheeler business men and other citizens, protesting the passage of Honse Dill Keyes Sheppard bill 9949, to repeal the bankruptcy act; to the Committee on Edge King Ship tead tbe JudiCiary. 1\.lr. GEORGE. I wish to state that my c<>lleague [Mr. 6222. Also, petition of sundry citizens of Denver, Colo., pray HARRIS] is necessarily absent owing to illness. ing enactment of pending legislation increasing rates of pen The VICE PRESIDENT. Seventy-eight Senators having an sions to veterans of the Civil War and their dependent widows; swered to their names, a quorum is present. to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. LOCAL ASSOCIATIONS NOT LOBBYISTS 1 ; 6223. Also, petition of Logen Balder, No. 185, Vasa Order of Mr. CARAW .AY. I present a letter from the executive sec-re America, Pueblo, Colo., pl'otesting against the national-origins tary of the Washington Council of Soei~I Agencies. It is to 5662 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE MARCH 30 correct wha,t the association think an injustice to several or to Colonel Estes. And incidentally be said it in his office, when ganizations here, and I ask that it be printed in the RECORD he could not have been induced to have said it to Colonel Estes and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. · in the corridor or elsewhere. He took advantage of the situa There being no objection, the letter was referred to the Com tion to insult a man who had offered to lay down his life when mittee on the Judiciary and ordered to be printed in the this country needed men, a man whose body, as I said, is cov RECORD, as follows : ered with wounds, who is partially physically disabled, who EXECUTIVE OFFICES came here as the representative of the Governor of the great THE WASHINGTON COUNCIL OF Socar, AGENCIES, State of Texas on a public matter, to discuss with the Secretary • March 29, 1918.