Panama Canal Record
i nnnnnnnnfinnniinnn THE PANAMA CANE REC VOLUME 32 HMfliMBgBB—BBB— Panama Canal Museum Gift ofthe unjvof?lIib7 JUL I ? 2807 OSSUMISTBI^t. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Lyrasis Members and Sloan Foundation THE PANAMA CANAL RECORD PUBLISHED MONTHLY UNDER THE AUTHORITY AND SUPER- VISION OF THE PANAMA CANAL AUGUST 15, 1938 TO JULY 15, 1939 VOLUME XXXII WITH INDEX THE PANAMA CANAL BALBOA HEIGHTS, CANAL ZONE 1939 THE PANAMA CANAL PRESS MOUNT HOPE, CANAL ZONE 1939 For additional copies of this publication address The Panama Canal, Washington, D.C., or Balboa Heights, Canal Zone. Price of bound volumes, $1.00; for foreign postal delivery, $1.50. Price of current subscription, $0.50 a year, foreign, $1.00. ... THE PANAMA CANAL RECORD OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE PANAMA CANAL PUBLISHED MONTHLY Subscription rates, domestic, $0.50 per year; foreign, $1.00; address The Panama Canal Record, Balboa Heights, Canal Zone, or, for United States and foreign distribution, The Panama Canal, Washington, D. C. Entered as second-class matter February 6, 1918, at the Post Office at Cristobal, C. Z., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Certificate.- By direction of the Governor of The Panama Canal the matter contained herein is published as statistical information and is required for the proper transaction of the public business. Volume XXXII Balboa Heights, C. Z., August No. 1 15, 1938 t Traffic Through the Panama Canal in July 1938 The total vessels of all kinds transiting the Panama Canal during the month of July 1938, and for the same month in the two preceding years, are shown in the following tabulation: July 1938 July July Atlantic Pacific 1936 1937 to to Total Pacific Atlantic 456 457 218 211 429 38 62 47 33 80 Noncommercial vessels: 26 44 12 11 23 2 1 2 2 4 State of New York 1 1 2 1 3 Total 523 565 281 258 539 1 Vessels under 300 net tons, Panama Canal measurement.
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