Congressional Record-Senate. - 263
1881. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. - 263 immediately in the morning to the pending business makes it desira NAYS-20. ble to get out of this dilemma to-night. Allison, Dawes, In.IZ3lls, Mitchell, :Mr. MITCHELL. I was paired with the distinct understanding :Blair, Ferry, MCDill, Morrill, :Burnside, Harrison, McMillan, Platt of N. Y., that I might vote to make a quorum. I am ready to do so. Cameron of Pa., Hill of Colorado, Mahone, Plnmb, Mr. HOAR. Has the- Conger, Hoar, Miller, Sawyer. Mr. HARRIS. I demand the regular order. Mr. HOAR. I rise to a parliamentary inquiry. Has the vote been ABSENT-37. Anthony, Fair, Jones of Nevada, Saunders, .announced t Bayard, Frye, Kellogg, Sewell, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The vote having been announced, :Beck, Garland, Lamar, Sherman, the roll-call will proceed. It is the duty of the Chair to require the Camden, Groome, Logan, Teller, Cameron of Wis., Hale, McPherson, VanWyck, roll of the Senate to be called. Cockrell, Hawley, Maxey, Voorhees, Mr. DAVIS, of West Virginia. To see whether or not a quorum is Conkling, Hill of Georgia, Platt of Conn., Williams. present! Davis of lllinois, Jackson, Ransom, The PRESIDING OFFICER. That is the purpose. Edgerton, Jonas, Rollins, Mr. DAWES. I supposed, if I may interrupt the call, that there Edmunds, Jones of Florida, Saulsbury, were Senators paired who were at liberty under their pairs to vote to So the Senate refused to proceed to the consideration of executive make a quorum, and we could get along without this roll-calL If I business. am mistaken-- Mr. BECK and Mr.
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