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Download Issue SSUSSEUSSExx 1 JJEEwwISIShh nEnEwwSS As readers of SJN already know this is an important year for the Jewish Community but also for the City of Brighton & Hove as, together, we all recognise the first Jewish citizen of Brighton 250 years ago. I am delighted to be able to announce the events that are planned to recognise this momentous year. There is something for everyone, some ticketed some free, so please do get involved. Buy tickets and come along and support the community and the City as we embark on the 250th Anniversary of Judaism in this great City. It has been a pleasure to direct and coordinate the work of so many different people in order to put this programme together and you can see it now on page 7. We are all delighted to be working with the Brighton Fringe (and you must buy tickets through them from today). We also thank the Historical Society for their incredible research work. The opening day on Sunday, May 8th is centred on Middle Street Synagogue whilst the unveiling of the Blue Plaque on July 14th, will be carried out by the Lord Lieutenant. See you during this important year for us all. Ivor Caplin Director 250th Anniversary Events. what’S InSIDE.... haPPY PUrIm | BrIGhtOn JEwrY 250 | cOmInG hOmE | hmD 16 | trIBUtES anD mEmOrIES | WHAT’S On | anD mOrE march 2016 • aDar I - aDar II 5776 • ISSUE 261 2 Pause for thought 3 In the lead up to the spring to bring UK law into conformity to reduce expenditure on police holidays, it is important to take a with the latest European services owing to anti-Israel look at what the UK government Directive on motor vehicle safety. demonstrations, the government might be up to these days. may be intending on following Having recently announced it will the precedent of Edward I by The government is apparently be banning anti-Israel boycotts, considering whether to force drafting new regulations to the Jews to leave Britain by an as One or more of these stories is a Highways Act that will ban all yet undetermined date. bumper stickers and window Purim spiel. Can you tell which signs from cars that advise that one(s) are real? Finally, the Prime Minister will be there is a “Baby On Board”. wishing our community a Happy These are believed to be a Westminster is backing Purim and a happy anniversary. distraction to other drivers who, down from criticism that the when getting close enough to proposed ban is a gross attack Chag Purim sameach. read the words, end up in rear on democratic freedoms. The end accidents. This is supposed rumour circulating is that in order EDITORIAL BOARD Norina Duke, Doris Levinson, Stephanie Megitt SJN brings local news, events, articles, reviews, David Seidel, Michael Rich announcements, people, congregations, TECHNICAL ADVISOR Brian Megitt communities, contacts and more. Delivered at ADMINISTRATOR Bernard Swithern the start of each month, SJN is run entirely by volunteers for reporting, editing and circulating Administrative Assistants Ivor Sorokin, Lydia Swithern each edition. It has become the cornerstone of COMMUNAL DIARY the Jewish community across the region. COVER background picture by Brian Megitt PRODUCTION/LAYOUT Anand Day SUBMISSION DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE: 8 MARCH 2016 Email address for submissions and correspondence: or SUSSEX JEWISH NEWS SUBSCRIPTION Name:_______________________________________________ Date:_________________________ Address:___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Postcode:____________________ Email: _______________________________________________ Telephone:____________________ Subscription (tick one) I would like to receive electronic copies of SJN. £18 p/a I would like to receive printed copies of SJN. £24 p/a. I enclose my cheque payable to Sussex Jewish News at PO Box 2178, Hove BN3 3SZ I have made a bank transfer to the Sussex Jewish News at Lloyds Bank, Sort Code 30-98-74, Account No. 00289447 and I have included my name as a reference to ensure my subscription is noted. ISSUE 261 | MARCH 2016 2 Contents 3 Sussex Jewish News PO Box 2178 • Hove BN3 3SZ Telephone: 07906 955 404 FEATURES 1 BRIGHTON JEWRY 250 Updates on activities 7 Diary OF EVENTS 8 HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL DAY 2016 Reports on Sussex commemorations 10 YOUR VIEWS Thoughts from our members 11 REMEMBERING... Memories and tributes to Ruth Sless z’l and Ivor Collins z’l 12 WE HAVE COME HOME Sylvie Shapira on making aliyah 13 REMEMBERING MAUREEN Godfrey Gould explains a legacy 14 A NEW BHPS The Progressive Synagogue gets a new lease on life 14 THE MONTESSORI WAY Raquel Margo on the Torah Nursery REGULARS 4 COMMUNITY LIFE Your news and stories from across the county 15 CULTURE Film, history and Yiddish 20 WHAT’S ON Regular and special events in your community YOUR COMMUNITY 16 BRIGHTON & HOVE REFORM SYNAGOGUE 17 hoVE HEBREW Congregation 18 BRIGHTON & HOVE PROGRESSIVE SYNAGOGUE 19 BRIGHTON & HOVE HEBREW Congregation Full page (A4 size) £170 Sussex Jewish News (‘SJN’), its Editor and Editorial Board: • are not allied to any synagogue or group and the views expressed by writers Half page (A5 size) £100 are not necessarily those of SJN; Quarter page (A6 size) £65 • accept advertisements in good faith but do not endorse any products or services and do not accept liability for any aspect of any advertisements; 1/9 page (credit card size) £40 and Personal Announcements in a box (up to 6 lines): £25 • welcome readers’ contributions but reserve the right to edit, cut, decline or submit the content to others for comment. To ensure that we receive your Flyers: Price on application submissions by email, please send them ONLY to sjneditor@sussexjewishnews. Local Jewish charities will not be charged, subject to com, otherwise we cannot guarantee their consideration for publication. To assist the Editorial Board, submissions should be in Word format using Times editorial decision. New Roman font, size 12. Receipt of submissions may not be acknowledged, unless specifically requested. As the Editorial Board is made up entirely of BOOK NOW! 07906 955 404 GUIDELINES volunteers, any response may be subject to delay. ADVERTISING ADVERTISING IN SJN ISSUE 261 | MARCH 2016 4 Community Life 5 Your News Births Thank You Mazel tov to: Susan Conway would like to express her appreciation to • Mazel tov to Richard & Tara Dargavel (members of BHRS) Rabbonim, family and friends for their support and kindness on the birth of their son Levi Jack who was born on 6th following her recent operation. February 2016. • Mazel tov to Rabbi Vivian & Mrs Lynette Silverman on the Brighton & Hove Jewish Housing Association birth of a grandson in Israel. Wanted: Do you have experience in building maintenance, property or housing management or a Special Birthdays background in legal/company secretarial work? Mazel tov to Nathan Esterman, Berry Hedley, Alan Israel, Sam Jacobs, Jennifer Priestman, Arthur Thei, Peter Zelnik, Rachel If so, Brighton and Hove Jewish Housing Association Zoob and all who have special birthdays this month. would like to hear from you with a view to possibly joining our Board or acting as an adviser. Please email Get Well the Chairman at We wish a refuah sheleimah to Alan Besbrode, Kathy Bennis, Diana White and all who are unwell or in hospital at the present time.. Accommodation wanted Deaths Sussex Jewish Representative Council has been contacted by We wish Long Life to the families of Douglas (Duggie) Alex- an Israeli theatre group who ander z’l, Geoffrey Alexander z’l (father of Lawrence), Arnold are planning to put on a show Bloom z’l (father of Wendy), Renee Brookes z’l, Ivor Collins at the Brighton Festival and z’l (husband of Jean and brother of Michael), Rose Farrell z’l will be here between May 9th and Joe Rents z’l (husband of Renee and father of Lorraine, and May 17th. Michael and Benice). There are six in the group and they are in need of somewhere to stay during their visit to the City. Important message Could you help by providing accommodation for HOSPITAL CHAPLAINCY VISITS one or more of them? If you are in hospital or know anyone being admitted Please let us know at: into hospital, please get in touch with info@ or telephone 07789 491279 so that a Jewish chaplain can be contacted to visit. JACS On 18 February we held our AGM. Our wonderful secretary, by Shirley Jaffe Janice Greenwood, who has been in office, often covering As many readers will know, JACS has been in difficulty for other roles, from temporary Treasurer to Programmer and some time, with dropping numbers and a severe lack of Chairman for more than ten years, is retiring. Not one person new and especially younger members. When I say younger, has come forward to fill her place on the committee, let I am not talking about youngsters - but people under 75! alone take on the secretarial role. Our two excellent “catering Most of all, we need newly retired people coming in who officers” have also resigned during the year, and no-one is will be able to take on running of the club, perhaps have prepared to deal with the teas each week, let alone make new ideas and bring it up to date and certainly to come onto sandwiches, should we require them for a special occasion. the committee. Our last meetings when we had speakers, Our membership secretary, Estelle, and vice Chairman, included a wonderfully illustrated talk about walking the Elaine, also resigned through ill health. There is absolutely no Coastal Path from Minehead to Poole - we felt as if we had way I can continue without a Secretary and other members been on a wonderful outing without having to move from of the committee.
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