Walt Disney World in the Past; We Almost Immediately De- Cide That We All Would Be Happiest Together and Individually If We Returned Again with Little Sarah
The Champion Inside 5 Tips for School Success EEnvironmentalnvironmental What Teachers want SStewardshiptewardship Teaching Morality LLegeg LifeLife forfor MomMom EExpertxpert FactsFacts Wishing for WWaltalt DDisneyisney WorldWorld Child Motivation Strategies CColdold & FluFlu Get Your Child to CComfortomfort FoodFood Clean Up! Celebrating Life, Love & Triumphs DDisneyi s n ey 22011011 Editor’s Letter | Quality Of Life Omnimedia TRAVEL IS ESSENTIAL FOR BRAIN DEVELOPMENT Celebrating Life, Love & Triumphs Dear Reader, Our family has been working hard, the kids with their studies, spelling tests, math tests, science projects… Mom and dad have been working hard to keep the family working smoothly and co- operatively while at the same time taking care of everyone’s various needs. Birthday parties, sports events, play dates, food preparation, clean-up duties and you know the list goes on… We are teaching our children to learn that we should work hard first and then take the time to enjoy each other’s company as a family in order to celebrate our triumphs and our love for each other. We decide that we (mom and dad) need a family vacation, during which time we will surely celebrate each other. This time, Anthony and Christopher celebrate a new sister, Sarah. We need to make sure that the place where we choose to vacation is clean, safe, has the basic modern needs such as reliable water, high-end food and hospitals nearby. The destination must be able to keep all three children happy and occupied. These needs will quickly elimi- nate a number of travel hotspots. Although we have visited Walt Disney World in the past; we almost immediately de- cide that we all would be happiest together and individually if we returned again with little Sarah.
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