PM#42583014 Members Choice Awards C anadian Ownersand The Journalof the Pilots Association 2018 Winners Ann Le TruTrak PM t W ’s Flight

Afford ha H e Service Qu t lp E Y ngine T ou a CC A ble A N Vizion A eed T

F Imp a il uto a r ure lity o o R v p K e o e Their il v no iewed ot unced w s

december 2018 Classified Ads 80 More than (P.45)



4 President’s Corner Protecting Our Youth

6 Mailbox Night VFR, Special VFR

8 Newsline Transport Service Survey

16 Columns Insurance, New Tech

26 On the Horizon 38 Mark Your Calendars 30 Regions Feature Member Activities 38 Members choice awards By Lauren Nagel on the cover: Some of the businesses that are vital to our freedom to fly go above and be- Winter flying is under way in most parts yond to serve the general aviation community. We canvassed COPA members of the country and the uncrowded skies to tell of the exceptional experiences they’ve had and we present their picks and calm air make it a great time to fly. for the Members Choice Awards. Photo by Jean-Pierre Bonin

Doug Ronan Flight Southern (705) 327-4730, [email protected] COPA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Clark Morawetz BC & Yukon Southern Ontario editor Dave McElroy, Chairperson (905) 809-4835, [email protected] (778) 215-4114, [email protected] Russ Niles Québec [email protected] Jonathan Beauchesne, Trésorier / Treasurer David Black 250.546.6743 (514) 585-3959, [email protected] (604) 351-6851, [email protected] ASSOCIATE editor Mathieu Delorme Steve Drinkwater Alberta & NWT (514) 248-5379, [email protected] Bram Tilroe (780) 986-2601, [email protected] Atlantic graphic designer Bill Mahoney, Eastern Vice-Chair Shannon Swanson Larry Biever (709) 685-6885, [email protected] (403) 651-3048, [email protected] Maritimes display Advertising sales Brian Pound Katherine Kjaer Saskatchewan (902) 652-2822, [email protected] 250.592.5331 Shane Armstrong, Western Vice-Chair [email protected] (306) 370-1440, [email protected] ~ Vacant Position ~ Ex-Officio Manitoba classified Advertising Bernard Gervais, CEO and President sales & production coordinator Jim Bell, Secretary (204) 293-5402, [email protected] Roberta Drinkwater Canadian Owners and Pilots Association

1.800.656.7598 Ontario 75 Albert Street, Suite 903, [email protected] Ottawa, ON K1P 5E7 Lloyd Richards 613-236-4901 | Northern Ontario Find us on Facebook circulation 613-236-4901 (705) 267-7111, [email protected]

accounting Anthea Williams Kevin Elwood COPA Members $15 per year Non-Members $30 per year Southern Ontario Single Copy Price $4.95 Assistant Admin Rajei Gill (705) 444-9461, [email protected] (includes mailing in Canada)

caop flight | december 2018 3 From the Top President’s Corner with Bernard Gervais

we design and& Build Hangars COPA For Individual • Corporate • FBO’s • T-Hangars Kids In 2019 Vulnerable Sector Checks For Pilots Now Required

Here’s wHat we can do for you: Architectural & Engineered Drawings Municipal Applications & Permits Airport Applications & Approvals & NavCan Applications Many of you may have seen this covered flights outside of an organized Complete Construction in our COPA for Kids guide. The COPA for Kids event day, such as with decision to implement the Vulner- neighbours, friends, work colleagues or Questions? Phone 519.857.7639 able Sector Check (VSC) require- anyone, whether youth or adults. or visit ment was not taken lightly, nor is it We tried to make it as easy as pos-

If you already have a design or something we particularly wanted sible for the pilots by stipulating that if drawings, send it along for a free estimate. to do. In the end it boiled down to anyone has done a check for another BAS Inc. FE 2011 Email (CAD or PDF) to [email protected] BASBAS Inc. Inc. FE FE 2011 2011 or fax 519.679.2200 a combination of our lawyers and organization, such as Cadets, Scouts/ BAS Inc. FE 2011 insurance providers both telling us Guides, school teams etc., we would BASBAS Inc.Inc. FEFE 20112011 that there was not much of a future accept a copy of that check provided

U S C O M B E • • L C E S S F T N for COPA for Kids without some sort it is not older than three years. We are A A R • C H P I C P of industry-standard, recognized counting on pilots’ commitments to E E E N2849A R B vetting of those working directly in the cause of COPA for Kids and the

A I R C S R E preservation of GA, that they would A I positions with the kids. R F INC O T BAS S S S AF CE ETY AC After all these years that we have not see this as a reason not to partici- HARNESSES AND offered COPA for Kids, we are very pate. We also tried to give as much

BEECHCRAFT • LUSCOMBE • CESSNA • PIPER proud of the fact that there has never [email protected] advance warning as possible about the been either an incident or an allega- new requirement so that no one was [email protected] N2849A tion of impropriety coming out of the being caught off guard or unable to N2849A [email protected]@[email protected] program. However, given the current complete the checks due to the vary- state of the legal world around these ing processing times across the coun- BAS INC AIRCRAFT SAFETY HARNESSES AND ACCESSORIES issues, we were advised that with- try. It is worth mentioning that anyone out having this requirement in place, thinking of volunteering as a COPA for as has become the standard for all Kids pilot should get the check done, groups providing programming for which is valid for three years, and then youth, we — COPA and the COPA they are able to volunteer as they see Flights — would not be able to show fit or their schedule allows. we had exercised our reasonable duty The details can be found on our of care to the minors participating in website under Events and COPA for our program. Consequently, it could Kids, where you will find the guide that potentially be financially ruinous for has all the required information. Thank COPA, the individual COPA Flights and you for your understanding and your the pilots themselves were we forced cooperation. to fight an allegation in court. This Until we meet again next year at becomes particularly more relevant as our events and our gatherings, from we expand the program to allow pilots everyone at COPA, Seasons’ Greetings to conduct sanctioned, insurance- to all.

4a cop flight | december 2018 le mot du prÉsident Bernard Gervais

COPA pour les jeunes en 2019 Les vérifications requises pour les pilotes participants

Vous l’avez probablement vu dans soit avec des voisins, des amis, des notre guide COPA pour les jeunes collègues de bureau ou peu importe (« COPA for Kids ») ou par d’autres qu’ils soient jeunes ou adultes. moyens mais la décision de mettre Nous avons essayé de simplifier le en œuvre l’exigence de Vérification processus le plus possible pour les des antécédents en vue d’un travail pilotes en stipulant que, si quelqu’un auprès de personnes vulnérables a eu une vérification pour un autre (VAPV) n’a pas été prise à la légère et organisme comme les cadets, les ce n’est pas quelque chose que nous scouts ou les guides, des activités voulions nécessairement faire. En fait, parascolaires, etc., nous accepteri- nos avocats et nos assureurs ont tous ons une copie de cette attestation à deux déclaré que sans un tel encadre- condition qu’elle ne soit pas plus veille ment et une telle vérification recon- que de trois ans. Nous nous fions à nue dans l’industrie, l’avenir de notre l’engagement des pilotes dans la cause programme de COPA pour les jeunes de COPA pour les jeunes et pour la était compromis. préservation de l’aviation générale Nous sommes fiers de constater afin que les pilotes ne voient pas cette qu’il n’y a jamais eu d’incident ou vérification comme un empêchement à d’allégation compromettante du- participer au programme. Nous avons rant toutes ces années depuis que le également essayé de communiquer le programme de COPA pour les jeunes mieux possible le besoin de la nouvelle existe. Cependant, étant donné la exigence afin que personne ne soit sensibilité sociale actuelle et très pris au dépourvu et que tous soient ca- probablement future en ce qui a trait pables de faire les vérifications néces- à ces enjeux délicats, nous avons saires dans des délais raisonnables été avisés que sans cette exigence, (mais variables) à travers le pays. Il est SEATS! cette vérification est devenue la important de mentionner que toute 3 norme pour tous les groupes of- personne qui envisage devenir pilote frant des programmes aux personnes bénévole auprès de COPA pour les vulnérables dont principalement les jeunes doit passer par le processus moins de 18 ans. COPA et nos Clubs de cette vérification, valable pour devrons démontrer avoir exercé trois ans. CH 750 SD notre responsabilité morale d’avoir Les détails se trouvent sur notre site agi avec une diligence raisonnable Web sous Événements et COPA pour The all new SUPER DUTY envers les mineurs participant à notre les jeunes où vous trouverez le guide STOL series from Zenair! programme. Cela devient particulière- contenant toutes les informations req- ment pertinent puisque nous élargis- uises. Merci de votre compréhension Standard kits, quick builds sons le programme pour permettre et de votre coopération. or factory assembled. aux pilotes d’effectuer des vols non En attendant de se rencontrer lors We make it easy! seulement avec les jeunes mais à tout d’un de nos événements au cours de le monde qui devrait vivre cette ex- la nouvelle année, Joyeuses fêtes à call: 705-526-2871 périence, même au-delà d’une journée tous de la part de tout le monde à Email: [email protected] organisée par COPA pour les jeunes, COPA.

caop flight | december 2018 5 • mailbox 406 ELT Sales & Service Discount• • BEST PRICES Discount• Avionics406 ELT Sales & ServiceFOR ELT CERTIFICATIONS • 406• ELT •Sales & Service BEST PRICESFOR BOTH NEW AND OLDERso I called MODELS them. Due to my lower Discount• www.• AvionicsDiscountAvionicsBEST PRICESFOR CERTIFICATIONS battery power, they could not hear FORoffice BOTH NEW AND OLDERclo MODELSsure www. DiscountAvionicsFOR ELT Artex • Kannad • me,Pointer so I diverted to a nearby uncon- Avionics Artex • Kannad • Pointer FOR BOTH NEW AND OLDER MODELSCOPA’s OttawaAmeri-King •trolled ACK airport (Carp, CYRP). But by www. DiscountAvionics .com877-878-8363877-878-8363 Ameri-King • ACK Artex • Kannad • Pointero ffice will then I had next to no electrical power 877-878-8363 Ameri-King • ACK be closed for left. I quickly found out that flying the BEST PRICE FOR the Christmas aircraft and holding a large flashlight ELT CERTIFICATION to read my instruments, especially FOR BOTH NEW holidays the + OLDER MODELS airspeed on final, was not easy. Fortu- week of nately I had a passenger (a neighbour, December 24 a non-pilot) who did that for me. No to 28. flaps of course, but that was not an issue. And no landing gear to worry about. Night VFR — Planning So what did I learn? First of course, and Preparing For The keep the ammeter in your instrument ‘Extraordinary’ scan. Second, realize the battery Challenges will drain fairly quickly if the alterna- Thanks to JC Audet for the article tor fails, so shut down unnecessary Night VFR — Add-on Rating Presents items quickly. You will likely lose the • 406 sale + service New Challenges in the November 2018 use of any aircraft-powered naviga- • Repair station for all headsets COPA Flight. I have always loved night tion equipment (VOR, ADF, GPS), so • Factory Authorized Dealer for flying; the visuals over large cities and carry a smart phone with an appro- approaches to major airports can be priate navigation app (my alternator Technisonic Industries LTD spectacular. problem occurred back when I did not • 2-4 days turn around time on Audet’s article does a great job have a cellphone yet). How do you ELT certification highlighting some of the ordinary turn on runway lights without radio • Artex, Kannad, Pointer, challenges associated with Night VFR. power? Consider carrying a handheld Ameri-King, ACK, I would like to extend the discussion to transceiver. As for flashlights, I sug- David Clark headsets some of the extraordinary challenges, gest a head-mount, or a small Maglite • French + English service particularly when aircraft problems you can hold in your mouth. Don’t for- occur that would be relatively easy get spare batteries, bulbs and fuses. to manage during Day VFR, but may What about an engine failure at SEnD yOuR ELT 121.5 FOR become real issues during Night VFR. night? The procedure is much the CERTIFICATIOn WITH DISCOunT One of the ordinary challenges of same as what we were trained to do AvIOnICS AnD HAvE THE CHAnCE Night VFR is the increased workload during the day. The only difference is TO WIn An uPgRADE TO 406! on the pilot, especially if there is no when we get close to the ground: On DrAw will be JAnuAry 2019 second pilot on board. This increased final approach, turn on the landing workload can be clearly exacerbated light. If you don’t like what you see, let’s stArt the yeAr when something goes wrong at night; turn it off. But seriously, how do you e.g. weather, being lost, or aircraft prepare for handling an engine failure On A gOOD FrequenCy! electrical or engine failure. at night? If you search online you may Electrical failures can be immediate, find some ideas. or develop slowly. I once experienced In summary, the key message on 364 Hwy 11 West, a gradual electrical power loss at night Night VFR is to be prepared. You when my alternator failed on my C172. need to realize that dealing with any Cochrane, Ontario, I was a bit slow in noticing the loss aircraft issues at night becomes a Canada P0L1C0 because my instrument scan did not greater problem due to increased Office: 877-878-8363 pick up the ammeter discharge. When workload. Keeping your aircraft’s I finally did notice it, I recycled the shiny side up is more of a challenge Cell: 705-272-9179 alternator circuit breaker once — no due to less ground-based visual clues. Facebook @ DiscountAvionics joy. I was approaching the CZ for my home base airport (Ottawa, CYOW) Jim Morris

6a cop flight | december 2018 mailbox

SVFR FROM FSS IS POSSIBLE controlled airport environment and IN CONTROL ZONE I should have explained my position. send us your I think there is an important error and/ One should understand the significant stories, letters or omission in JC Audet’s article on difference between obtaining an SVFR and photos Special VFR (October, 2018). The au- authorization at a controlled airport thor states “You can only take advan- as opposed to an FSS. Aviation Safety COPA Flight is the outlet for COPA tage of this [special VFR] if departing Letter TP 185-3-2012-6281 provides a members to let others know what from a controlled airport and the good description of various circum- they’re doing to advance, promote and tower is active...” stances pertaining preserve the Canadian freedom to fly I don’t have time to look it up, but to SVFR. and we’re here to share your stories. I’m fairly confident that SVFR can Our Regions section publishes news be requested and granted at a FSS about the myriad activities undertaken airport also (North Bay, Kingston, A Feather In The Wind by COPA Flights across the country, etc.). The FSS can’t grant it alone, but In the autumn of 2016 I was backtrack- our News section is the forum for they coordinate with ATC and pass ing on runway 04 at South River- stories of national interest that may the clearance along to you (just like Sundridge airport (CPE6). An object be happening in your back yard and they can’t issue an IFR clearance, but on the runway caught my attention. if you have something to get off your they pass it along as “ATC clears C- Steering towards it, I saw it was a chest, write us a letter to the editor. We ABCD...”). rather large feather from what was ap- always appreciate nice, high resolution parently a large raptor. I taxied up to photos, whether to accompany your Owen Andrusiak it, shut down my engine and got out. submissions or as part of our photo Having no stowage in my open cockpit contest. plane, I shoved the feather under my To help us deliver your message shirt and proudly shared the next hour effectively and efficiently we ask that and a bit with part of a fellow aviator Clarification On contributors follow a few guidelines. Visibility Requirements tucked between my shirt and chest. The new format lends itself to con- The article on Special VFR by JC Audet When I got home, I rested it in a place cise, punchy stories that get the mes- (October, 2018) gave some useful of honour among some of my other sage across clearly and economically. information, and a couple of links. But I treasures. Please keep event reports and local think some clarification and correction During the winter doldrums of 2017 news stories to 300-400 words. Send is needed in a few areas. Yes, 1000 and I started researching bird books to see them in a Word document without any 3 is a good rule to remember for VFR, what raptor my feather came from. I formatting or inserted graphics. but that only applies within control had no luck. Book after book turned News stories should be 500-1,000 zones (CAR 602.114), not everywhere, up no clue of the feather’s donor. By words and make sure facts are checked and the 1000 is not actually stated, the spring of 2017 my curiosity was and the statements made in the article it comes from the need to stay 500 getting the better of me and I started are factual. We will edit out any libel- feet below cloud and 500 feet above to spread out my research into other lous or erroneous material. the surface. If the ceiling is 1000 feet, possible large birds. I finally found Letters should be no more than 500 VFR circuits should be flown at 500 a book that identified my treasured words and be civil and respectful. feet agl. If you’re in controlled airspace feather. The donor was a wild turkey. Photos must be sent in high resolu- but not in a control zone (e.g. flying At first I was disappointed that my tion or we can’t use them. A good rule in Class E airspace en route) then you treasure wasn’t from a noble bird. of thumb is that if the image is 1Mb or don’t need 3 miles visibility in all direc- However, within a very short while I larger it’s good to go. tions, only in the direction of flight, and came to my senses and realized my Remember that this is your maga- a minimum of 1 mile horizontal distance great privilege of being able to share zine and among its roles is to reflect from cloud. any part of flying with other creatures the activities, goals and objectives of no matter their perceived status. COPA and we’re happy to help you David Lye I still display my treasured feather make COPA even stronger through an and, while I proudly soar with the open channel of communications. eagles, I just as proudly taxi with the Send your submissions to russ@ JC Audet responds: turkeys. by the first of the month It is actually possible to obtain SVFR for inclusion in the next magazine. from an FSS. I limited myself to the Gary Blanchett

caop flight | december 2018 7 newsline TCCA’s Service Quality Can We Help Them Improve it? By J-C Audet

COPA’s normal course of activities In this light, COPA is launching and paid the fee. He currently holds a includes fielding phone calls and an initiative to draw attention to the PPL and his request is legitimate, but emails from members experiencing is- situation of perceived poor quality apparently not so in the mind of some- sues with TCCA. We do recognize that of service from TCCA. I can honestly one somewhere in the system; many COPA members and GA folks state that over the course of my avia- Medical certificates: lengthy delays at large are less than enamoured with tion career, private and professional, in renewals (no specific example here, the quality of service they receive I have not yet had a negative experi- but regular complaints). We would like from TCCA and COPA would like to ence with TCCA. I have dealt with to ascertain if there really is an issue; help improve that situation. TCCA on numerous issues and always Airworthiness: regional inspectors In all fairness, a very large number obtained what I needed. In fact, it who take it upon themselves to inter- of individuals working within the TCCA begins here: there is a major differ- pret the regulations their way as op- system are active members of our ence between what I ‘need’ and what posed to the intent and wording of the GA community and do understand I ‘want’. Further, TCCA’s primary re- regulation (some specific examples to our plight. They, and many others, sponsibility is not to safeguard my, or be discussed elsewhere); are dedicated people who endeavor anybody else’s, opportunity to make Flight authority: lengthy delays in to deliver the best service they can money in aviation or to simply enjoy issuing one (some specific examples within the limits of the resources they flying. CT CA’s first responsibility is the to be discussed elsewhere); have at hand. This is the critical ele- safety of the public while not making Special C of A - Owner-Main- ment: the best service they can with it unduly difficult for us to operate, tenance: applications delayed for the resources at hand. privately or commercially. months and months, giving the im- A recent discussion with two TCCA We are asking our members to pression that TCCA does not want to officials has ledC OPA to a better inform us on any issues, difficulties approve them. understanding of how TCCA functions. or problems you have encountered, As we expect all Canada Revenue In simplified terms, the Ottawa office recent or past, in obtaining legitimate Agency auditors to apply the same of TCCA is responsible for policies services from TCCA. This link illus- taxation standards across the country, and regulations while TCCA’s regional trates the various services delivered we are justified to expect the same offices are responsible for service by TCCA and their cost and the of Transport Canada inspectors and delivery and enforcement. TCCA Ot- expected delay in delivery of these employees. tawa has limited say on what goes services. Note this is the latest one Experience shows that when you, on in the regional offices. In Ottawa on the TCCA site; changes may not the members, inform us at COPA parlance this means, for example, yet be posted: of your issues, supported by dates that should an inspector in a regional ments/ca-publications/tp14984e.pdf. and facts, we can work with TCCA office misinterpret the regulations If you received your service within and typically address them quickly. and imposes his or her views, a TCCA the period allotted in this document, Remember, a regional problem affect- official in Ottawa cannot go to that re- TCCA has met its engagement and ing one owner will likely not appear gional office’s personnel to correct the you have no grounds to complain. on the Ottawa screen. We must situation. They have to wait for that Include your non-COPA aviator friends collect these issues and bring them regional employee to ask for advice or in the discussion; this is for all of GA. up in order to help TCCA meet their support. Some of the recurring issues (with projected service level agreements, in While aviators in a specific region sample cases) our members report to turn helping ourselves. One cannot may be dissatisfied with CT CA, they us include: change or improve things until one do not have a basis of comparison Registration: a pilot purchased a is aware of the situation, be it COPA, with other regions. On the other hand, Cub and was ultimately happy to re- TCCA or anybody else. Help yourself when the complaints and reports of ceive his C of R after a ‘short’ 352-day — share your issues and difficulties issues come to COPA, they all come delay. I wonder how much flight time with COPA. to the same person and I am quite ca- this airplane got last year; Please send any of your cases, pable of integrating this into a global Licensing: a colleague has filed an comments, suggestions or information picture. application for his RPP on 1 March 2018 to [email protected].

8a cop flight | december 2018 newsline

Qualité du service de TCAC Pouvons-nous les aider à l’améliorer ? PAR J-C Audet

débute ici : ce dont j’ai « besoin » et non ce que je « voudrais ». Notons que la responsabilité principale de TCAC n’est pas de protéger mon opportu- nité, ni celle de quiconque, de faire de l’argent en aviation ou tout simplement d’en dériver du plaisir. La responsabilité de TCAC est de veiller à la sécurité du public, tout en ne nous causant pas de difficultés indue dans l’opération de nos avions, soit privée ou commerciale. Nous demandons donc à nos membres de nous informer des prob- lèmes/difficultés encourues, dans un passé récent ou moins récent, dans l’obtention de services de la part de Les appels téléphoniques et les cette règlementation. TCAC Ottawa TCAC. Ce lien illustre les différents courriels de membres de COPA n’a qu’un impact limité sur les activi- services offerts par CT AC et les coûts désillusionnés relativement à TCAC tés dans les régions et comment ces qui y sont associés ainsi que les délais composent la routine quotidienne activités se déroulent. Dans le langage anticipés dans la livraison de ces à nos bureaux. Nous reconnais- de TCAC Ottawa, ceci signifie par ex- services. Notez qu’il s’agit là du plus sons que de nombreux membres de emple que si quelqu’un dans un bureau récent document sur le sujet sur le site COPA et même de la GA sont moins régional mésinterprète un règlement de TCAC et est sujet à des change- qu’impressionnés par la qualité du et choisi d’imposer sa perspective ments : service qu’ils obtiennent de TCAC et personnelle, TCAC Ottawa ne peut ca-publications/tp14984e.pdf COPA désire sérieusement contribuer pas s’impliquer et corriger la situation. Si vous avez reçu les services de- à améliorer cette situation. Ottawa doit attendre que la personne mandés dans la période prescrite dans En toute honnêteté, un grand fautive les contacte et demande conseil ce document, TCAC a rencontré ses nombre d’employés de TCAC sont ou assistance. engagements et vous êtes satisfaits. membres actifs de la GA et compren- Lorsque des aviateurs d’une région Partagez ceci avec vos collègues nent très bien la situation. Ceux-ci, quelconque sont insatisfaits du service aviateurs à l’extérieur de COPA, ceci contre tant d’autres, sont dévoués à reçu, ils n’ont aucune base de com- touche toute la GA. Voici quelques leur profession et déploient de grands paraison avec les autres régions. Par secteurs de problèmes à répétition : efforts pour livrer le meilleur niveau contre, lorsque des plaintes et rapports Immatriculations : un pilot a finale- de service qu’ils peuvent faire avec les de problèmes sont envoyés à COPA, ils ment reçu, récemment, son C of R ressources qu’ils ont à leur disposi- viennent tous à la même personne et après une attente de 352 jours. On tion. Et là réside l’élément critique : je suis tout à fait capable d’intégrer le peut se demander combien d’heure de le meilleur niveau de service avec les tout dans une perspective globale. vol cet avion a accumulé l’an dernier; ressources disponibles. C’est dans cette optique que COPA Licences : un collègue a demandé Au cours de deux discussions récen- lance une initiative visant à attirer son Permis de Pilote Récréatif (RPP) tes, j’ai eu le privilège d’avoir une de- l’attention sur la perception d’un piètre le 1 Mars 2018 et a payé les frais. Il scription du mode de fonctionnement niveau de service de la part de TCAC. détient un PPL et sa demande est de TCAC. Tout simplement, le bureau Je peux honnêtement dire qu’au cours légitime, mais apparemment pas dans de TCAC à Ottawa est responsable de ma longue carrière privée et profes- l’esprit de quelqu’un quelque part de définir les politiques et d’établir la sionnelle en aviation, je n’ai jamais eu dans le système de TCAC; règlementation, alors que les Bureaux d’expérience négative avec TCAC. J’ai Certificats Médicaux : longs délais Régionaux sont responsables du ser- toujours obtenu ce dont j’avais besoin, dans le renouvellement (pas d’exemple vice à la clientèle et de l’application de en toute circonstance. En fait, tout continued on page 10

caop flight | december 2018 9 newsline

continued from page 9 spécifique ici, mais plaintes régu- Ninety-Nines Honour lières). Nous aimerions comprendre et confirmer s’il y a vraiment un problème; Kta hy Fox Navigabilité : des inspecteurs ré- TSB Chairwoman Collects Another Accolade gionaux qui prennent sur eux-mêmes la décision d’interpréter la réglemen- tation à leur façon et à l’encontre de to as vice president of l’intention et de la phraséologie de operations. It was in June of 2007 that cette réglementation (des exemples Fox retired from Nav Canada and sub- spécifiques seront discutés dans un sequently was appointed to the TSB. autre forum); Fox became chairperson of the TSB in Autorité de Vol : long délais dans 2014 and this year was reappointed for l’émission de ces documents (des an additional five-year term. exemples spécifiques seront discutés Fox’s background in aviation spans dans un autre forum); nearly 50 years. She has participated Certificat Spécial de Navigabilité– in skydiving as a sport (her promotion Maintenance par le Propriétaire : of which earned her a Queen Elizabeth nombreuses demandes laissées de Jubilee medal), and worked as a côté chez TCAC, donnant l’impression commercial pilot. Fox holds an ATPL que certaines régions de TCAC ne with Multi-IFR and Flight Instructor veulent vraiment pas les approuver. ratings. She has logged over 5000 Tout comme nous nous attendons hours, including time with the Cana- à ce que les auditeurs de l’Agence dian Precision Flying Team, where du Revenu du Canada appliquent les she represented Canada at world mêmes standards de taxation à travers championships. le pays, les aviateurs canadiens sont Fox has also been inducted into certainement en droit de s’attendre à the Air and Space Hall of la même chose de la part des in- Fame and Canada’s Aviation Hall specteurs et des employés de TCAC. of Fame, awarded the Elsie MacGill L’expérience nous montre que Northern Lights Award and the David lorsque vous, nos membres, nous The Transportation Safety Board’s Charles Abramson Flight Instructor informez de vos problèmes, avec faits Kathy Fox has been inducted into the Safety Award. As if that were not à l’appui, COPA peut travailler avec Ninety-Nine’s Forest of Friendship enough recognition, Fox has also TCAC et aider à amener des solu- during a ceremony last September. been inducted into the Women in tions plutôt rapidement. Notons bien Fox began a career in air traffic con- Aviation International (WAI) Pioneer qu’un problème régional affectant un trol in 1974, working at several differ- Hall of Fame. aviateur dans une région n’apparaîtra ent control towers in Quebec before The International Forest of Friend- pas nécessairement sur l’écran radar transferring to the ACC. She ship is located in Atchison, Kansas, the d’Ottawa. Nous nous devons d’être later worked as an ATC trainer. After birthplace of Amelia Earhart. It is a informés de ces problèmes et les serving at Air TrafficS ervices head- living, growing memorial to the world amener à TCAC afin de leur aider quarters in Ottawa, Fox transferred history of aviation and aerospace. à rencontrer les délais auxquels ils s’engagent publiquement, ce qui nous aidera tous grandement en retour. D’aucun ne peut changer ou améliorer stay tuned les choses s’il n’est pas au courant du photo contest winners to be problème, que ce soit COPA, TCAC, ou announced in january issue! quiconque. Aidez-vous vous-même, partagez vos problèmes avec COPA. This year we received 50 entries, all of them awesome depictions of Canadian Envoyez tous vos exemples, aviation themes or Canadians exercising their freedom to fly. Find out which photo commentaires etc. à operations@ will grace the front of COPA’s 2019 membership card in our January issue

10a cop flight | december 2018 newsline

High School Flying Club Soars by Janine Cross

Without an airport or team of vol- unteer pilots, COPA member Teena Della has found a remarkable way to engage children in aviation, all within the four walls of her high- school classroom in Port Coquitlam, B.C. What do the students in Teena’s Riverside Flying Club (RFC) do? Everything from building and launch- ing rockets to watching movies and flying kites. The 30 kids, ranging from grades 9 to 12, come for a variety of reasons; not all of them are initially intent on pursuing a career in aviation. For in- stance, fifteen-year-old April K.’s love of adventure and trying new things— which recently led to her obtaining a firearms licence outside of school hours—first brought her into the RFC where she has enthusiastically remained. And then there’s seventeen- out on small aviation-related themes speakers as varied as air force pilots year-old Michael K: “I first found out and letting kids simply be kids, with all and hot air balloon pilots. Funds are about the flying club when I was in of the curiosity, mayhem and enthusi- a challenge for field trips, but in 2015 grade 8 on a tour of the school. I was asm that it entails, may be one of the when Teena’s club received the pres- interested in flying RC planes and was keys to the success of Teena’s club. tigious Ninety-Niners Canadian Award hoping to learn some skills.” That was The kids are so dedicated that they in Aviation, not only was the recogni- four years ago. Since then, Michael even show up on weekends at the tion a reward, but the $1700-grant has caught the flying bug in a big way. teen-challenging hour of 9 am, no was a huge boon. “I’d love to be an pilot for Air less. A Saturday ROC-A course taught Of course, club members also Canada or United, and fly international at the club by Black saw an impres- climb into the cockpit and take to long-haul flights to Europe or Asia. sive turnout, and fifteen proud kids the air on occasion. Since forming And I’d love to go for a flight on a 747 earned their Radio Operator Aeronau- the club in 2013, Teena has volun- aircraft, before they’re completely tical certificates.E ven the high-school teered her own time, resources and retired.” principal, Jon Bruneau, participated, Piper Comanche 250 so that mem- When COPA B.C. and Yukon direc- wrote the exam and earned his certifi- bers can experience flight in a small tor David Black recently visited the cate, re-sparking a long-held dream plane, many for the first time. When RFC during school hours, a couple of becoming a private pilot. Taking asked what is the most rewarding of students dropped into Teena’s that first small step toward becoming aspect of the club, Teena doesn’t classroom merely to eat lunch. Met a pilot “makes it all real, makes it all hesitate to answer, “The pure joy on by reeling quad copters, laughter and look possible.” the students’ faces during and after camaraderie, they stayed for the flying Field trips to local airports and ATC a flight. You get to know the stu- club’s meeting, which was focused on towers further draw the kids into the dents in a completely different way a demo of a DJI Mavic drone. Starting world of aviation, as well as guest than you can in a classroom.”

caop flight | december 2018 11 newsline

A New Destination For Taildraggers Text by Jean-Pierre Bonin | Photos by Jean-Pierre Bonin and Hélène Lavigne

City councillors in Les Escoumins, Que., located on the north shore of the St. Lawrence River, unanimously voted in June 2017 to support Totem Aviation’s project of opening an aerodrome within the city limits. They considered the project to be interest- ing, with eventual financial benefits for the community. Last September, we visited the aerodrome and were offered a ride in Totem Aviation’s Cessna 170. Situated just east of the village, the 14-32 sand runway is perpendicular to the St. Lawrence River and easy to spot from the air. The surface is newly built and, for the moment, recom- mended only for taildragger airplanes. Aérodrome Les Escoumins Runway is 65 feet wide and 2,300 ft Nouvelle destination pour avions à roue de queue long, with an additional 100 feet on both ends, and with 200 to 300 more L es conseillers municipaux de Les pour l’hébergement et une variété feet cleared of mature trees. Escoumins, situé sur la Côte-Nord, intéressante de restaurants pour Car rental is available from the ont voté en juin 2017 à l’unanimité en un séjour de plusieurs jours con- village. Accommodation and a nice faveur du projet de Totem Aviation sidérant les nombreuses activités variety of restaurants can easily make pour développer un aérodrome dans disponibles à proximité telles que la it worthwhile for a few days’ stay les limites de la ville. Ils ont considéré randonnée pédestre, l’observation des as there are numerous interesting que le projet était intéressant avec des baleines à partir de la rive, la pêche activities available close by, such as retombées économiques éventuelles ou l’observation de l'ours noir, des hiking, whale-watching from the shore, pour la communauté. En septembre excursions en zodiac ou la location fishing, black bear-watching, zodiac dernier, nous avons visité l’aérodrome de kayak. Le camping sous l'aile est excursions or kayak rental. Under-wing et nous sommes vus offrir un vol dans également disponible à l’aérodrome, camping is also available at the aero- le Cessna 170 de Totem Aviation. mais sans services (sauf pour une toi- drome though there are no services Située juste à l'est du village, la piste lette chimique extérieure et l’Internet (except for an outdoor portable toilet de sable orientée 14-32 est perpen- Wi-Fi à l’accueil). and WiFi). diculaire au fleuveS aint-Laurent et Une autorisation préalable est req- Prior permission is required to ac- donc facile à repérer depuis les airs. uise (PPR) pour accéder à la piste. Pour cess the runway and obtain all relevant La surface est nouvellement nivelée et obtenir toutes les informations perti- information. Contact Jean-Manuel Ga- est, pour le moment, recommandée nentes, contactez Jean-Manuel Gagnon gnon of Totem Aviation at 1-581-235- uniquement pour les avions à roue de à Totem Aviation au 1-581-235-5235, 5235, or by email at jmg@totemavia- queue. La piste est large de 65 pieds ou par courrier électronique à jmg@to- ATF is 123.2 MHz. et longue de 2 300 pieds auxquels on L'ATF est 123,2 MHz. Finally, please keep in mind that ajoute 100 pieds à chaque extrémité, Pour terminer, rappelez-vous que les flights below 2,000 feet above water lesquelles sont en plus dégagées de vols effectués en deçà de 2000 pieds are prohibited within the boundaries tout arbre mature sur 200 à 300 pieds. du dessus de l’eau sont interdits dans of the Saguenay–St. Lawrence Marine Au village, on peut louer une auto les limites du Parc marin du Saguenay– Park. pour se déplacer. Il y a un bon choix Saint-Laurent.

12a cop flight | december 2018 newsline


Ontario Region tout avantage qu’il octroie. Loi sur A person operated an aircraft in l’aéronautique Par. 7.3 (1)(a). Suspen- Canada when it was not registered in sion 30 jours. Canada, in a contracting state or in a foreign state that has an agreement in Une personne a utilisé un modèle force with Canada. The person also acted réduit d’aéronef dont la masse totale as a flight crew member or exercised est supérieure à 1 kg et d’au plus 35 kg Atlantic Region the privileges of a flight crew permit, à l’intérieur d’un espace aérien con- A person operated an aircraft when licence or rating without a valid permit, trôlé et à une distance de moins de the emergency exits were partially licence, rating or medical certificate.C AR 250 pieds, mesurés latéralement, d’un blocked by carry-on baggage, equip- 202.13(2), $1,000; CAR 401.03(1), $1,000. véhicule, d’un navire ou du public. Le ment or cargo. CAR 602.86(2): $750. propriétaire a utilisé ou a permis à une A person operated an aircraft in Canada autre personne d’utiliser le modèle Quebec Region when it was not registered in Canada, réduit d’aéronef alors que les noms, ad- A person operated a model aircraft in a contracting state or in a foreign resse et numéro de téléphone du pro- having a total weight of more than state that has an agreement in force priétaire ne soient clairement visibles 250g but not more than 1kg at a with Canada. CAR 202.13(2), $1,000. sur l’aéronef. Arrêté d’urgence no 8 Par. lateral distance of less than 100 feet 5(1), 250 $; 5(4),250 $; Par. 8, 250 $. from vehicles, vessels or the public. Prairie and Northern Interim Order No. 8 s. 5(3): $750. Region Le commandant de bord d’un aéronef a A person operated a VFR aircraft in omis de se conformer à toutes les au- A person operated a model aircraft at Class C airspace without a clearance torisations du contrôle de la circulation night. Interim Order No. 8 s. 5(1): $750. to enter from the appropriate air traffic aérienne qu’il reçoit et qu’il accepte. control unit. CAR 601.08(1), $1,000. RAC 602.31(1), 750 $. A person knowingly made false representation for the purpose of ob- Région de l’Atlantique Région de l’Ontario taining a Canadian aviation document Une personne a utilisé un aéronef Une personne a utilisé un aéronef au or any privilege accorded thereby. lorsque les bagages de cabine, Canada sans qu’il ne soit immatriculé Aeronautics Act 7.3(1) (a): 30 days l’équipement ou le fret obstruent les au Canada, dans un État contractant suspension. issues de secours accessibles aux pas- ou dans un État étranger qui a conclu sagers. RAC 602.86(2), 750 $. avec le Canada un accord permettant A person operated a model aircraft son utilisation. La personne a aussi agi having a total weight of more than 1kg Région du Québec en qualité de membre d’équipage de but not more than 35 kg within con- Une personne a utilisé un modèle réduit conduite ou a exercé les avantages d’un trolled airspace at a lateral distance d’aéronef dont la masse totale est su- permis, d’une licence ou d’une qualifica- of less than 250 feet from vehicles, périeure à 250g et d’au plus 1 kg à une tion de membre d’équipage de conduite vessels or the public. The owner oper- distance de moins de 100 pieds, mesu- sans être titulaire du permis, licence ou ated or permitted a person to operate rés latéralement, d’un véhicule, d’un qualification pertinents.R AC 202.13(2), the model aircraft when the name, navire ou du public. Arrêté d’urgence 1000 $; RAC 401.03(1), 1000 $. address and telephone number of the no 8 Par. 5(3). 750 $. owner were not clearly made visible Région des Prairies on the aircraft. Interim Order No. 8 s. Une personne a utilisé un modèle réduit et du Nord 5(1), 5(4), 8: $250 each. d’aéronef la nuit. Arrêté d’urgence no Une personne a utilisé un aéronef au 8 Pa. 5(1) 750 $. Canada sans qu’il ne soit immatriculé The pilot-in-command of an aircraft au Canada, dans un État contractant ou failed to comply with all of the air Une personne a sciemment fait une dans un État étranger qui a conclu avec traffic control clearances received and fausse déclaration pour obtenir un le Canada un accord permettant son accepted. CAR 602.31(1): $750. document d’aviation canadien ou utilisation. RAC 202.13(2), 1000 $.

caop flight | december 2018 13 newsline

incidents + accidents

Prairie and Northern Region A privately operated Christavia MK I Amateur Built aircraft, was conducting a local flight from theI ndus/Winters Aire Park, AB (CFY4) with only the pilot on board. This was the first flight after the installation of a new propeller and a cylinder in the Teledyne Continental O- 200A engine. Shortly after lift-off from Runway 34, the performance wasn’t as expected and the pilot reduced the power to land; however, directional control could not be maintained. The aircraft nosed over in a wheat field to the west of the runway, and came to incident. Runway 32 was closed from Région des Praries et rest on its back; the pilot was uninjured. 1535Z to 1715Z. The pilot of the Cessna du Nord 150G suffered fatal injuries. Rapport du BST no A18W0123 : Un The pilot of a Pipistrel Aircraft Canada Christavia MK I privé de construction Inc. Pipistrel Virus SW from White- P aCIFIC Region amateur effectuait un vol local depuis court, AB (CYZU) advised of a crash A Bell 206L-3 (C-FOGV) on a flight Indus/Winters Aire Park (CFY4), AB, in a field just south of Rich Valley, AB. from Pitt Meadows, BC (CYPK) and avec un seul pilote à bord. Il s’agissait The aircraft nosed down and rolled landing at Pitt Meadows, BC (CYPK) du premier vol suivant l’installation on landing. The cause was unknown. departed CYPK at 1939Z for a local d’une nouvelle hélice et d’un nouveau There were no injuries and no fatali- flight north. At 2200Z, the Vancouver cylindre dans le moteur Teledyne Con- ties. No assistance was required. An (VR) shift manager advised the CYPK tinental O-200A. Peu de temps après le Aircraft Accident Form was filled out. tower that C-FOGV had crashed near décollage sur la piste 34, le pilote a jugé The Joint Rescue Coordination Centre Pitt Lake at 2025Z. que le rendement du moteur était in- (JRCC) Shift Manager was advised. satisfaisant et a réduit la puissance pour Quebec Region se poser, mais n’a pas réussi à garder la Ontario Region A privately registered maîtrise directionnelle. L’aéronef s’est Ottawa emergency services advised Cavalon from Trois-Rivières, QC renversé dans un champ de blé à l’ouest that a privately registered Quad City (CYRC) to Trois-Rivières, QC (CYRC) de la piste. Le pilote n’a pas été blessé. Challenger II from Ottawa/Carp, ON lost control and crashed into a field in (CYRP) to Peterborough, ON (CYPQ) Saint-Luc-de-Vincennes. Le pilote d’un Pipistrel Virus SW de had an accident (i.e. the aircraft had Whitecourt (CYZU), AB, a dit s’être crashed). There was 1 person on board A privately registered Aero Commander écrasé dans un champ juste au sud (POB), and they were injured. There 112 to Joliette, QC (CSG3) landed at de Rich Valley, AB. L’aéronef a fait un was damage to the aircraft on the CSG3 with its gear up. Runway closed piqué et s’est retourné à l’atterrissage. flight plan. No impact on operations. until approximately 1830Z. Cause inconnue. Personne n’a été blessé. Aucun mort à déplorer. Au- A privately registered Cessna 150G A Cessna 310R (C-GJGW) from Saint- cune assistance demandée. Un formu- from Ottawa/Carp, ON (CYRP) to Georges, QC (CYSG) to Saint-Georges, laire d’accident d’aéronef a été rempli. Ottawa/Carp, ON (CYRP) crashed QC (CYSG) conducted a runway incur- Le gestionnaire de quart du centre south of CYRP at 1512Z after having sion during a landing roll for a touch- conjoint de coordination de sauvetage collided with a Piper PA-42 (C-FCSL) and-go. The 3 gears, both wings, and (JRCC) a été informé. lafson

from Ottawa/Carp, ON (CYRP) to the right elevator were damaged. No O Ottawa/Carp, ON (CYRP). C-FCSL one was injured. Impact on operations: Région de l`Ontario landed at Ottawa/MacDonald-Cartier, a NOTAM was issued to close the run- L es services d’urgences d’Ottawa ont

ON (CYOW) on Runway 32 without way between 1415Z and 1635Z. signalé qu’un Quad City Challenger John photo:

14a cop flight | december 2018 They are just a few of the reasons why we do what we do. II d’immatriculation privée, d’Ottawa/ Carp (CYRP), ON, à Peterborough (CYPQ), ON, avait eu un accident (l’aéronef s’était écrasé). Il y avait 1 per- sonne à bord (POB), qui était blessée. L’aéronef a été endommagé sur le plan de vol. Aucun impact sur l’exploitation.

Un Cessna 150G d’immatriculation privée de Ottawa/Carp (CYRP), ON à Ottawa/Carp (CYRP), ON s’est écrasé au sud de CYRP à 1512Z après être en- tré en collision avec un Piper PA-42 de Ottawa/Carp (CYRP), ON à Ottawa/ Carp (CYRP), ON. C-FCSL a atterri It’s simple really . . . Ottawa/MacDonald-Cartier (CYOW), We do it because others can’t or won’t. ON a la piste 32 sans encombre. La Learn more about Mission We do it because liking something on Aviation Fellowship and piste 32 était fermée de 1535Z à 1715Z. Facebook just won’t get it done. Le pilote du Cessna 150G a subi des our mission of sharing And we do it because we believe that God’s love through blessures mortelles. everyone deserves a chance at a better future. aviation and technology.

Région du Pacifique

Un Bell 206L-3 (C-FOGV) de Pitt Online: By Phone: By Mail or In Person: Meadows (CYPK), BC, à Pitt Mead- 1.877.351.9344 264 Woodlawn Rd. W., Guelph, ON N1H 1B6 ows (CYPK), BC, a décollé de CYPK à

1939Z pour un vol local dans le nord. COPA winter 2016 Space Ad .indd 1 11/8/2016 9:21:58 AM À 2200Z, le gestionnaire de quart de Vancouver (VR) a indiqué à la tour de CYPK que C-FOGV s’était écrasé près de Pitt Lake à 2025Z.

Région du Québec Un Autogyro Cavalon, d’immatriculation privée, de Trois-Rivières (CYRC), QC, à Trois-Rivières (CYRC), QC, a perdu le contrôle et s’est écrasé dans un champ à Saint-Luc-de-Vincennes.

Un Aero Commander 112, d’immatriculation privée, à destination de Joliette (CSG3), QC, a atterri avec son train rentré à CSG3. Piste fermée jusqu’à environ 1830Z.

Un Cessna 310R de Saint-Georges (CYSG), QC, à Saint-Georges (CYSG), QC, a effectué une sortie de piste alors qu’il faisait sa course à l’atterrissage pour un posé-décollé. Les 3 trains, les 2 ailes et la gouverne de profon- deur de droite ont été endommagés. Personne n’a été blessé. Impact sur l’exploitation : NOTAM émis pour fer- mer la piste entre 1415Z et 1635Z.

caop flight | december 2018 15 under cover Aviation Insurance with Belinda Bryce

Insuring Your Warbirds Not As Difficult As It Might Seem

recently had the privilege to One reason for this is the pilots and limits can be problematic for some of attend and present at the first an- aircraft themselves. There are fewer the larger warbirds with hull values in nual Canadian Warbird conference experienced pilots and sources of the several millions of dollars. in Ottawa. It was an impressive pilot training for those interested in Despite these challenges, it’s impor- group of commercial and private transitioning into warbirds. This makes tant to debunk the myth that warbirds Ipilots and operators across Canada insuring pilots new to certain types of are uninsurable or difficult to insure. On who are not only passionate about, aircraft less desirable by the insurance the contrary, many warbirds like the T6, but very knowledgeable on all things market. And of course the aircraft CJ-6 and L-19 are effortlessly under- warbird. themselves are unique and older. They written as part of the standard private Insurance for warbird owners and can be difficult to value and have po- aircraft fleet.U nderwriters who are well pilots has some unique market chal- tentially higher costs to repair because versed in warbirds recognize that their lenges and coverage issues that are of the lower availability of parts and owners and pilots have an extreme important to be aware of, and are best expertise. There is a greater number of level of care and pride of ownership. dealt with prior to buying your insur- claims that result in total losses versus Although they may still be looking for ance policy. other aircraft because the aircraft ends a commitment to training, they are at- To start, the insurance market for up being written off. tracted to the inherent safety manage- warbirds is narrow. There are just In addition to pilots and aircraft type, ment system that comes natural to fewer insurance companies that write some underwriters are challenged by warbird pilots and owners. o warbirds. Of the 10 to 12 underwriters the fact that warbirds aren’t typically Nonetheless, warbird owners should j in Canada, only two or three of them ‘straight and level’ aircraft. Warbirds are try to select insurance partners who are actively targeting warbirds. Fur- involved in fly-bys, low-level operations, have demonstrated a commitment to ther, there are few aviation insurance , air shows and public rides. the sector and understand the unique brokers that are experienced in the Finally, finding availability in the exposures. This is of particular impor-

warbird sector. market for adequate liability and hull tance during the current hard market, coru gustavo photo:

16a cop flight | december 2018 where unique aircraft are among the Another consideration for warbird may attend a few shows every year and first to get rate increase. owners is the type of operation. It is otherwise the aircraft stays in storage. Experienced underwriters will work very important that the insurance pol- Speak to your broker about what op- with warbird owners to ensure that the icy be compatible with the operations, tions are available in order to minimize policies are extending coverage to the whether it is private or commercial. the cost of the annual in-flight coverage unique type, use and training of the Most standard aircraft policies have an that is standard on an aircraft policy. warbird category. Owners and pilots air show exclusion which is a non-start- Losses happen, and insurance can should also make themselves aware of protect you. However, it is important these considerations prior to purchas- It’s important to to take the time to understand your ing an insurance policy for their aircraft. coverages, limits, terms, conditions For example, due to the very nature debunk the myth and exclusions. This is even more im- of a warbird, restorations, rebuilds and portant when you own or operate an new replicate builds are common. This that warbirds are aircraft such as a warbird. can create challenges in the event of a uninsurable or It is a fact that warbird insurance claim during a ‘work in progress’. Under- has some unique challenges and writers who understand warbirds have difficult to insure considerations. However, with the right created custom endorsements which insurance partners, comprehensive help both the insured and insurer when er for many warbird owners. Make sure and competitive coverage is readily adjusting these types of losses. For ex- you are aware of any exclusions that available. ample, they will work with the owner to could limit coverage and have them If you would like a quote for establish a start value and an end value. written back or endorsed on to the your warbird, or are looking for more The loss will be adjusted according to policy before you agree to buy it. information, please contact Magnes the value of the aircraft at the time of Finally, for many warbird owners, at 1-855-VIP-COPA (847-2672) or loss, based on parts and labour. overall usage can be relatively low. They [email protected].

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caop flight | december 2018 17 Aviation Accessories Plane Tech with Pierre Drapeau

TruTrak PMA Vizion An Autopilot Suitable For Light Aircraft

hen it comes to new product. Supported by a small, mo- standard, the PMA Vizion will fly a technological tivated and dynamic team, using state- flight plan, including IFR routes, LPV changes, type- of-the-art equipment and a technology approaches and other published ma- certified aircraft that has been prov-en by their years noeuvres such as missed approaches, have lately been in the amateur-built market, TruTrak holding patterns and SIDs. As Reed Wlag-ging behind the more dynamic and produces one of the more attractive new said, “Think about whatever magenta less regulated amateur-built sector. This autopilots in today’s market. line is on the GPS and the PMA Vizion is mainly due to the presence of old and The PMA Vizion is lighter and has will follow it.” Even better, the auto- rigid certification rules, some dating fewer components than currently pilot will predict turns and steer the back to the 1950s, and the unwilling- certified autopilots.I t is already STC’d aircraft without an external GPSS. ness of lawmakers to support newer for the Cessna 172, 175 and 177 as well Although the use of the system is lim- solutions. In August, 2017, fol-lowing as Piper’s PA-28 series. In the com- ited to altitudes above 700 feet AGL, consultations between the FAA, EAA ing months, TruTrak will be adding it is more for certification purposes and AOPA among others, new and more the Cessna 180, 182 and 185 as well as than precision considerations. It is also flexible certification rules were approved Piper’s PA-32 and Mooney to the list. designed to work with a non-certified and implemented to promote the Specialized software, communicating GPS, via an RS232 connection, but emergence of new equipment aimed at with a portable or panel-mounted GPS, the steering will not be as effective as improving the safety of general aviation. is at the base of its operation. The con- with a GPSS. It will follow a route but Some major manufacturers, such as troller, mount-ed on the panel, houses will not be able to fly an approach. Garmin with the G5, took advantage of the brain of the system and is available The PMA Vizion can also be used in this break-through. Smaller ones, pre- in either a 2-1/4” or 3-1/8” round instru- manual mode so you can enter a target viously confined to the amateur-built ment, or in a 4" x 1.25" flat-pack format. or cleared altitude, add a rate of climb market, saw a possibility to transfer The PMA Vizion controls the move- or descent to control vertical manoeu- their expertise as well as an opportuni- ments of the aircraft via two servos, vres and also use it as an altitude hold. ty for growth. TruTrak, a manufac-turer one located in a wing, controlling the It allows you to fly a selected track, for founded in 1999 to offer an autopilot roll, the other along the longitudinal example to follow an ATC instruction. solution for the amateur-built sector, axis, acting on the pitch. It al-so uses Since the PMA Vizion is not connected has decided to enter the certified mar- pitot and static connections, helping to the DG, flying a heading will re-quire ket with their PMA Vizion. the autopilot monitor the aircraft’s some correction. As an important note, I recently met TruTrak’s sales manager, performance. when given vectors by ATC, you should Corey Reed, at their Springdale, Arkansas Combined with most modern inform the controller when flying a facility to learn a little more about this certifiedG PS’s, as per the ARINC429 track instead of a heading.

18a cop flight | december 2018 Some additional features of the PMA • Backup gyro mode: If the GPS signal world and focus on other tasks. Vizion aimed at improving safety are is lost, the autopilot is still usable Clientele should include owners of listed below. in a wing-leveler mode, selecting a aging autopilots needing repairs and bank angle of up to +/- 30 degrees. others wanting to add an autopilot • C WS (control wheel steering button): Altitude functions will not be af- to their certified aircraft. Both should Located on the yoke, this control fected by loss of GPS signal. be attracted by this recent and user- will disable the autopilot in case of • Minimum/maximum airspeed: If a friendly technology. malfunction or to revert to manual maneuver will take the aircraft into Price of the PMA Vizion is $6,500 mode. This can also be achieved by a stall or ex-ceed Vne, the autopi- CAD and includes the controller, two pressing the knob on the controller, lot will issue a warning and lower servos, harness and install kit. In- using the A/P master or by pulling or raise the nose to stabilize the stallation is estimated at around 25 the A/P breaker. aircraft. Once resolved, the autopilot hours, so the final bill should be under • Emer gency level mode: A control will resume its previous mode. $10,000 CAD. Although it only works located in a central position on the With its numerous features, the with GPS technology, when compared panel, it will activate this mode and PMA Vizion will benefit both VFR to other autopilots on the market stabilize the aircraft to remedy any and IFR pilots. From flying a cross- its ease of use and total cost should unusual situation or a loss of control. country trajectory to maintaining make it an attrac-tive option. Most • AEP (automatic envelope protec- a hard altitude in a busy controlled importantly, because of the embed- tion): With the autopilot disengaged, envi-ronment, VFR pilots will appre- ded features, the PMA Vizion should a passive function will activate the ciate this extra pair of hands. help improve the safety record of our aileron servo to avoid banks greater For IFR pilots, this technology will general aviation fleet, a major step in than 40 degrees. make it easier to integrate the IFR the right direction.

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caop flight | december 2018 19 Le PMA Vizion de TruTrak Un auto-pilote adapté aux avions légers

’évolution technologique d’équipements améliorant la sécurité de l’aviation générale certifiée, a toujours été en retard sur le secteur Lde la construction amateur, beaucoup plus dynamique et moins règlementé. C’est dû principalement à de vieilles règles de certification rigides, cer- taines datant des années 50, visant les appareils certifiés mais aussi le manque de courage des législateurs vis-à-vis de nouvelles technologies. En août 2017, suite aux discussions entre la FAA, l’EAA et l’AOPA, entres autres, de nouvelles règles de certification furent approuvées et mises en place disponible sous STC pour les Cessna (GPSS) sans l’ajout d’équipement favorisant l’apparition de nouveaux 172,175 et 177 ainsi que les Piper PA-28, externe. Officiellement, l’utilisation équipements visant à améliorer la TruTrak est en mode développement du système est limitée à une altitude sécurité de l’aviation générale. et prévoit ajouter bientôt les Cessna de 700 pieds AGL et ce pour des Certains grands manufacturiers, tel 180, 182 et 185, le Piper PA32 et les considérations de certification et non Garmin avec le G5, profitèrent de cette Mooney à cette liste. Des logiciels spé- de précision. Il s’adapte aussi aux GPS percée mais aussi d’autres plus petits, cialisés communicants avec des GPS non-certifiés avec connexionRS -232, confinés au marché de la construction portatifs ou installés, sont à la base de mais la prévision du virage ne sera pas amateur, virent là une opportunité de son exploitation et le module principal, aussi efficace et on ne pourra voler transférer leur expertise et favoriser monté au tableau de bord, abrite le une approche via l’auto-pilote. leur croissance. TruTrak, un manufac- cerveau du système et est disponible On peut aussi l’utiliser en mode turier fondé en 1999, offrant une solu- en formats standards, soit en instru- manuel en indiquant une altitude-cible tion d’auto-pilote pour construction ment circulaire de 2.25 po ou 3.125 po, ou autorisée, et un taux de montée/ amateur, décida de se lancer et d’offrir ou en format plat de 4 po x 1.25 po. descente afin de contrôler l’évolution leur nouveau produit, le PMA Vizion Le PMA Vizion contrôle les mouve- verticale de l’appareil et aussi pour aux avions certifiés. ments de l’aéronef via deux servos, maintenir une altitude. Le PMA Vizion J’ai récemment rencontré Corey soit l’un dans une aile, contrôlant permet de voler une trajectoire sé- Reed, directeur des ventes de TruTrak, l’aileron, soit le roulis et l’autre dans lectionnée pour se conformer à une à leur usine de Springdale en Arkansas, l’axe longitudinal agissant sur la instruction de l’ATC ou autre raison. afin d’en savoir plus sur un auto-pilote gouverne de profondeur régissant le Par contre, comme le PMA Vizion n’est des plus attrayants sur le marché. Avec tangage. À l’aide de connections au pas relié au DG, pour un cap donné l’aide d’une petite équipe motivée et pitot et à la prise statique, l’auto-pilote vous devrez effectuer une correction dynamique et utilisant une technologie peut aussi surveiller les performances sur la trajectoire. Il est aussi important éprouvée par des années au service de de l’aéronef. de noter que lors d’un guidage radar, la construction amateur, TruTrak utilise Jumelé à la plupart des GPS certifiés on doit informer le contrôleur si on un équipement de pointe et de plus, modernes, selon la norme ARINC429, vole une trajectoire. ses principaux fournisseurs sont situés le PMA Vizion permet de voler un plan Voici les principales caractéristiques à moins de 100 milles de rayon, encour- de vol, incluant les routes, les ap- du PMA Vizion visant l’amélioration de ageant l’économie régionale mais aussi, proches LPV et d’autres manoeuvres la sécurité : apportant souplesse et prévisibilité à la publiées, tels approche manquée, cir- CWS (control wheel steering button) : production. cuit d’attente et SID. Comme dit Corey Ce contrôle, situé sur la commande de Mais parlons du produit, lePMA M. Reed : « Pense à n’importe quelle vol (yoke), désactivera l’auto-pilote en Vizion, un auto-pilote plus léger, et ligne magenta sur le GPS, PMA Vizion cas de mauvais fonctionnement ou pour possédant moins de composantes que va la suivre. » Le PMA Vizion peut retourner au mode manuel. On peut les équipements certifiés actuels. Déjà aussi prévoir et effectuer les virages aussi utiliser le bouton rotatif du module

20a cop flight | december 2018 principal, l’interrupteur de l’auto-pilote décrochage ou vers la Vne, l’auto-pilote d’une paire de main additionnelle. Pour ou son fusible. émettra un avertissement et poussera le pilote IFR cette technologie facili- Emergency level mode : Ce con- ou tirera sur la gouverne de profon- tera l’intégration dans le monde IFR et trôle, situé sur le panneau central, deur afin de normaliser la situation.I l il pourra ainsi se pencher sur d’autres permettra de stabiliser l’assiette de retournera au mode précédent lorsque tâches. La clientèle-cible sera vraisem- l’avion à partir de n’importe quelle la vitesse sera revenue à la normale. blablement composée de ceux dont le situation afin d’éviter une perte de vieil auto-pilote nécessite des répara- contrôle. tions et à d’autres voulant ajouter un AEP (automatic envelope pro- Avec ses nombreuses auto-pilote à leur avion certifié, mais tection) : Lorsque l’auto-pilote est tous devraient être satisfaits de la con- désactivé, cette fonction passive, acti- caractéristiques, le vivialité de cette nouvelle technologie. vera le contrôle d’aileron afin d’éviter PMA Vizion s’adresse Côté prix, on parle d’un coût des virages à plus de 40 degrés d’acquisition de 6 500 $ (CAD), ce d’inclinaison. au pilote VFR voulant qui inclut le module principal, les deux Gyro de relève : Lors d’une perte profiter d’une aide servos, le harnais et un ensemble de signal GPS, on peut, à l’aide de d’installation. Pour l’installation, on contrôles sur le module principal, lors de vol voyage estime à environ 25 heures de main- sélectionner une inclinaison allant d’œuvre, ce qui devrait se traduire par jusqu’à +/- 30 degrés afin de stabi- une facture avoisinant les 10 000 $ liser l’appareil. Les fonctions touchant Avec ses nombreuses caractéris- (CAD). Mais en conclusion, avec ses l’altitude ne seront pas affectées par tiques, le PMA Vizion s’adresse au pilote multiples innovations, le PMA Vizion la perte du signal GPS. VFR voulant profiter d’une aide lors de devrait améliorer la sécurité de notre Vitesse minimale/maximale : Si une vol voyage et du maintien de l’altitude flotte d’aviation générale, un avantage manoeuvre dirige l’aéronef vers un lorsque nécessaire, bénéficiant ainsi non-négligeable.

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Your First Real Engine Failure How To Prepare, And What You Need to Know

ould you survive having done that. This student obtained This Cirrus fortunately made it to the one? An instructor his PPL and went on to a successful ground safely after its engine failure. friend of mine told flying career.”N ot exactly as per the me this story at book, but dire measures might some- they both the same? The more time in least 20 years ago, time be required. the air, the more distance you cover? W“I had this student who failed his PPL What is the critical element for a As usual, the answer depends. There flight estt because of the engine failure pilot to achieve a successful dead stick is rarely a clear and definitive answer part of the test. He needed some extra landing? Glide speed. No matter how in aviation; flying is a collection of dual time. He could do everything fine well you do the checks, etc., if you do compromises. Your aircraft POH or except gliding to his chosen landing not fully understand glide speed, well, AFM will give you some guidance. spot. At some point, we were practic- luck might still be with you. The U.S.’s Some manuals will tell you, in case of ing the procedure in the circuit, with General Aviation Joint Steering Com- engine failure, to establish your best the same consistent result. Out of des- mittee (GAJSC) has determined that glide speed, but provides no specific peration, I picked a moment on down- a significant number of GA fatalities number. Some manuals, on the other wind where we could easily glide to could be avoided if pilots were better hand, will give you a specific airspeed the runway and I pulled the mixture. He informed and trained in determining, to glide at. was surprised and did not know how and flying their aircraft at, the best The glide speed stated in your to react. I told him this is an engine glide speed while manoeuvring to manual is typically the best glide speed failure and it will not restart, that he’d complete a forced landing. Our Gen- to achieve the greatest distance. That better find a place to land. After a brief eral Aviation Safety Campaign (GASC) is, the most ground covered per unit hesitation, he asked if he could use that agrees with that finding. of altitude lost. A typical light aircraft runway — and he performed a perfect So what is the ‘Best Glide Speed’? Is such as a C152 or C172 will glide ap- procedure that led to a nice landing. it the one that will give you the longest proximately 1.5 miles forward per 1000 After getting out of the airplane, he gliding distance? Is it the one that will feet of altitude lost. You might want turned to me and thanked me for keep you aloft the longest time? Are to verify that on your airplane. This

22a cop flight | december 2018 is the one usually referred to as Best long as possible to give you more time Repeat several times to ascertain Glide Speed and typically sits halfway to troubleshoot, to communicate, to accuracy. Look for the highest speed between your aircraft’s Best Angle of prepare for that dead stick? Then you forward (or IAS) that will give you the Climb Speed (Vx) and Best Rate of need the Minimum Sink Speed. This lowest rate of descent. Starting from Climb Speed (Vy). We do remember is the gliding speed at which you lose the Best Glide Speed as previously that Vx allows us to clear an obstacle the least amount of altitude per unit of discussed, then gradually reduce your during take-off, for instance, whileV y time: it is your lowest sink rate possi- glide speed while noting the sink rate. enables us to gain altitude as rapidly as ble. The nice thing about it is that very You will get the most useful results possible. Would you remember these few aircraft manuals, if any, tell you when this is performed at or close to numbers if asked a point blank ques- what that speed is for your aircraft; your maximum weight, or you may tion? Keep in mind that this Best Glide you have to find out for yourself again. choose to use your typical mission Speed is established at the aircraft’s Know that it is a bit lower than your weight if you prefer. gross weight (GW). As your in-flight Best Glide Speed discussed above. The FAA has published a good weight will always be less than the How do you determine your Mini- video on the topic of Best Glide Speed GW (well, it should be …), this Best mum Sink Speed for your aircraft? viewable at this link: Glide Speed will reduce slightly as the The procedure is quite simple but watch?v=dzK5xTAe2Z0. This next weight diminishes. And nobody will tell somewhat time consuming and re- video on the topic also addresses the you by how much it will reduce; you quires flying accuracy. Start at Vy, or impact of wind on gliding distance: need to find this out by yourself. This the recommended Best Glide Speed if could be good engine failure practice. the POH gives one, with power off (as As a final note, keeping safety in mind, But what if you don’t need to glide in throttle idle, not mixture cut-off so it would be advisable to have an experi- a long distance to your chosen landing engine stalls), carb heat (as required), enced pilot with you to monitor what is spot? How about staying airborne as etc. Note your speed and sink rate. going on and act as a safety lookout. CCS_AAD_7X4.8125_PRINT_1803.pdf 1 2018-03-26 1:56 PM

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caop flight | december 2018 23 Votre première vraie panne de moteur Comment s’y préparer et ce que vous devez savoir

omment vous en tireriez- vous ? Un ami instructeur expérimenté m’a un jour raconté l’anecdote suivante : « Un de mes Cétudiants échoua son test en vol pour PPL dû à sa performance sur les pannes moteur et il devait suivre de l’instruction supplémentaire. Il exécuta- it la procédure très bien mais n’arrivait pas à planer à son point d’atterrissage choisi. Nous en étions à pratiquer dans le circuit, toujours avec les mêmes résultats. En désespoir de cause, dans le vent arrière, je tirai le contrôle d’admission d’essence. Il en fût très surpris et ne savait comment réagir. Je l’informai qu’il s’agissait d’une panne de moteur réelle et que le moteur ne redémarrerait pas, mieux valait donc sage forcé sécuritaire. Et notre GASC plane approximativement 1.5 mille trouver un endroit pour se poser (Campagne de sécurité pour l’aviation vers l’avant pour chaque 1000 pieds en toute sécurité. Après quelques Générale) supporte cette conclusion. d’altitude perdue. Vous seriez bien secondes d’hésitation, il demanda s’il Donc, qu’entend-t-on par « meilleure avisé de vérifier votre manuel.C ette pouvait utiliser la piste – il compléta vitesse en plané » ? S’agit de celle qui vitesse est communément appelée la « la procédure par un vol plané et un vous donnera la plus grande distance meilleure vitesse en plané » (Best Glid- atterrissage parfait. En descendant en vol plané ? Ou plutôt de celle qui ing Speed) et se situe normalement à de l’avion, il me remercia de lui avoir vous permettra de rester en l’air le plus mi-chemin entre les vitesses du « meil- fait vivre cette expérience. Il obtint longtemps possible ? Est-ce la même leur angle de montée » (Best Angle son PPL et progressa à une brillante chose ? Plus vous êtes longtemps of Climb-Vx) et du « meilleur taux de carrière de pilote. » Pas tout à fait la en vol, plus grande sera la distance montée » (Best Rate of Climb-Vy). On méthode approuvée mais aux grands couverte ? Comme dans beaucoup se souviendra que Vx est utilisée pour maux les grands remèdes. d’autres choses en aviation, la réponse éviter des obstacles au décollage par Quel est l’élément critique qui vous « dépend ». Nous avons rarement des exemple, alors que Vy nous permet de permettra comme pilote de maîtriser réponses claires et définitives en avia- gagner de l’altitude le plus rapidement un atterrissage avec panne de moteur tion : voler est un assemblage de com- possible. Sauriez-vous les reconnaître ? La vitesse de vol plané ! Peu importe promis. Votre Manuel du Pilote (POH) à brûle-pourpoint ? Notez que cette « le professionnalisme avec lequel vous ou AFM vous donnera des conseils. meilleure vitesse en plané » est établie exécuterez les détails de cette procé- Certains manuels vous diront d’utiliser au poids maximum de l’avion (gross dure, si vous ne comprenez pas les la « meilleure vitesse de plané » (Best weight-GW) puisque votre poids en détails et implications de votre vitesse Gliding Speed) mais rarement une vol sera toujours inférieur au GW (du comme planeur, bien, la chance vous vitesse spécifique.C ertains manuels, moins, on l’espère). Cette « meilleure sourira peut-être. La GAJSC améric- et ils sont rares, par contre vous don- vitesse en plané » diminuera légère- aine (General Aviation Joint Steering neront une vitesse précise. ment à mesure que le poids diminue. Committee) a déterminé qu’un nombre La vitesse en plané indiquée dans Et personne ne vous dira quelle sera important de fatalités dans la GA pour- votre manuel est typiquement la cette diminution, vous devrez le raient être évitées si les pilotes étaient meilleure vitesse pour obtenir la plus découvrir par vous-même. Que voici mieux informés et entraînés à déter- grande distance, c’est-à-dire, pour donc une excellente occasion de prati- ransports ransports Canada

miner leur meilleure vitesse de plané et couvrir la plus grande distance au sol quer vos pannes de moteur. T à voler leur avion à cette vitesse le cas par unité d’altitude perdue. Un avion Mais supposons que vous n’ayez pas

échéant, afin d’accomplir un atterris- léger typique tel un C-152 ou C-172 besoin de planer une longue distance photo:

24a cop flight | december 2018 pour atteindre votre lieu d’atterrissage Commencez à Vy, ou à la « meilleure qui vous donne le plus faible taux forcé ? Supposons que vous ayez vitesse en plané » si votre POH en de descente. En commençant à Vy, avantage à demeurer en vol le plus donne une, sans puissance (manette réduisez graduellement votre vitesse longtemps possible, pour avoir plus de des gaz au ralenti, pas la manette du en plané ou IAS tout en notant le taux temps pour tenter de régler le prob- mélange fermée et le moteur éteint, de descente. Vous obtiendrez vos lème, à communiquer, à vous préparer réchauffe carburateur, etc.) Notez résultats les plus appropriés si vous pour cet atterrissage forcé, ou même à performez cette procédure au poids surmonter la peur. La vitesse en plané maximal ou le plus près possible de qui vous aidera le plus ici sera celle qui Quel est l’élément celui-ci. Alternativement, vous pouvez vous permettra de demeurer en vol le critique qui vous choisir un poids plus représentatif de plus longtemps possible, c’est-à-dire vos mission typiques. la vitesse qui vous donne le taux de permettra comme La FAA publie un vidéo touchant du descente le plus faible (Minimum sujet « meilleure vitesse en plané » ou Sink Rate). pilote de maîtriser Best Gliding Speed, disponible à ce lien Malheureusement, il n’y a que très un atterrissage avec : peu de manuels qui fournissent cette Un autre vidéo sur le même sujet information, vous devez la déterminer panne de moteur ? La traite aussi des effets du vent sur la vous-mêmes. Mais sachez qu’elle est vitesse de vol plané distance en vol plané : un peu plus faible que votre « meilleure watch?v=3F6rI-bFem0. vitesse en plané » discutée plus haut. En concluant, n’oublions pas Mais comment déterminer votre vi- votre vitesse indiquée (IAS) et votre l’élément sécurité : vous seriez bien tesse pour taux de descente minimum taux de descente. Répétez à plusieurs avisés d’avoir avec vous un pilote ? En réalité, la procédure est plutôt reprises pour confirmer la précision de d’expérience pour garder un œil sur la simple mais demande du temps, de la vos mesures. Tentez de déterminer la procédure et aussi à l’extérieur pour le patience et de la précision dans le vol. plus grande vitesse (IAS) vers l’avant trafic aérien.

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caop flight | december 2018 25 on the horizon

Brantford, ON (CYFD) Flight 148 — Brantford Flying Club monthly meeting 19:00 — 3rd Wednesday of each month, Clubhouse More info:

Calgary, AB The Aerobatic Club of Alberta monthly meeting 19:30 — 2nd Tuesday of the month More info:

Calgary, AB Flight 114— Monthly Meeting 19:00 — 2nd Wednesday of the month, Beaverlodge, AB (CYQU) Events on the horizon Hangar Flight Museum Flight 184 — Monthly Meeting More info: December 8th, Brampton, ON (CNC3) 19:30 — 3rd Tuesday of the month, RAA-TR Christmas Dinner and Silent Auction September to April, Terminal Building 2nd Carleton Place, ON (CNR6) 6pm, Wings Restaurant, Brampton Airport floor board room Flight 121 — Monthly Meeting More info: Fred Grootarz 905-212-9333, More info: [email protected] 10:00 — Last Saturday of the month, [email protected] Carleton Place airport Bonnyville, AB (CYBF) More info: [email protected] December 8th, Lindsay ON (CNF4) Flight 90 — Monthly Meeting Flight 101 - Kawartha Lakes Flying Club 19:00 — Last Monday of the month, , PEI (CYYG) Christmas Dinner and Dance airport terminal building Flight 57 — PEI Flying Association 6pm, Lindsay Golf and Country Club More info: members’ breakfast More info: Bob Burns, [email protected]; bonnyvilleflyingclub/ 8:00 — Every Saturday, Razzy’s Roadhouse 705-324-8027 Borden, ON (CNV8) More info: Brian 902-626-6963 or Regularly held events Flight 84 — Borden Flying Club [email protected] Airdrie, AB (CEF4) monthly meeting Flight 134 — Monthly Meeting 19:00 — 3rd Tuesday of the month, Chatham-Kent, ON 19:30 — 1st Thursday of the month Edenvale Aerodrome Flight 203 — COPA YCK monthly meeting More info: More info: 19:00 — 2nd Monday of the month More info: [email protected]

Bancroft, ON (CNW3) Boundary Bay, BC (CAK3) N I Clarence-Rockland, ON Flight 119, Bancroft Flying Club — Monthly Flight 5 — Boundary Bay Flying Club ON B

Meeting monthly meeting Flight 132 — Monthly Meeting P : J

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26a cop flight | december 2018 on the horizon

Cold Lake, AB (CEN5) Guelph, ON (CNC4) Flight 205 — Monthly Meeting Flight 1 — Monthly Meeting 16:30 — Bi-weekly Thursday, 19:30 — 1st Tuesday of the month, airport terminal building Guelph Airpark Cafe More info: [email protected] More info: [email protected]

Hanover, ON (CYHS) Cornwall, ON (CYCC) Flight 54 — Monthly Meeting Flight 59 — Monthly Meeting 20:00 — 2nd Saturday of the month, 9:00 — 2nd Saturday of the month, CYHS SMA Boardroom Cornwall Regional Airport More info: [email protected] More info: [email protected] Havelock, NB (CCS5) Dawson Creek, BC (CYDQ) Flight 27 — Havelock Flying Club weekly Flight 183 — Mile Zero Flying Club Fly-in/Drive-in Breakfast monthly meeting 8:00 — Every Sunday, Havelock airport Last Thursday of the month More info: More info: [email protected] Hawkesbury East, ON (CPG5) Edmonton, AB Flight 131 — Monthly Breakfast Meeting Flight 176 — Monthly Meeting 8:30 — 1st Saturday of the month More info: [email protected] 19:30 — 1st Thursday of the month, Club 131 – Déjeuner mensuel Alberta Aviation Museum 08h30 — 1er samedi du mois More info: [email protected] Plus d’info : [email protected] Kelowna, BC (CYLW) Estevan, SK (CYEN) Hinton, AB (CEC4) Flight 36 — Kelowna Flying Club Flight 3 — Monthly Meeting Flight 126 — Monthly Meeting monthly meeting 19:30 — 2nd Tuesday of every 2nd month, 20:00 — 2nd Friday of the month, 19:00 — 1st Tuesday of the month main terminal building Hinton Airport Clubhouse/Terminal Building More info: More info: [email protected] More info: [email protected] Kingston, ON (CCE6) Fredericton, NB Innisfail, AB (CEM4) Flight 109 — Monthly Meeting Flight 2 — Monthly Meeting Flight 130 — Innisfail Flying Club 9:30 — 1st Sunday of the month, 19:00 — 2nd Tuesday of the month, monthly meeting Camden East airfield 19:30 — 3rd Thursday of the month, Bloor St. Church More info: [email protected] airport terminal building More info: [email protected] More info: [email protected] Kitchener, ON (CYKF) Grand Falls-Windsor, NL Kamloops, BC (CYKA) Flight 26 — Breslau Flyers monthly meeting Flight 195 — Monthly Meeting Flight 82 — Kamloops Flying Club 19:00 — 2nd Tuesday of the month, 19:00 — 3rd Tuesday of the month, monthly meeting upstairs classroom Waterloo/Wellington Community room, IBEX Fuels 19:00 — 1st Monday of the month, Clubhouse Flight Centre More info: [email protected] More info: More info:

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caop flight | december 2018 27 on the horizon

Lac La Biche, AB (CYLB) Lindsay, ON (CNF4) Miramichi, MB (CYCH) Flight 165 — Monthly Meeting Flight 101 — Kawartha Lakes Flying Club Flight 39 — Monthly meeting 2nd Tuesday of the month, monthly meeting 19:30 — 3rd Wednesday of the month, airport terminal building 19:00 — 1st Wednesday of the month Clubhouse More info: at LCVI High School More info: [email protected] or 506-625-5788 More info: Lethbridge, AB (CYQL) Nanaimo, BC (CYCD) Medicine Hat, AB (CYXH) Flight 24 — Lethbridge Sport Flyers Flight 91 — Nanaimo Flying Club Flight 171 — Gas City Aviators monthly meeting weekly breakfast monthly meeting 19:00 — Last Thursday of the month 07:30 — Every Saturday 9:30 — 3rd Sunday of the month More info: [email protected] More info: More info:

Nelson, BC (CZNL) Flight 87 — Nelson Pilots Association monthly meeting 18:00 — 3rd Wednesday of the month, airport terminal building SPORT AIRCRAFT CANADA LTD. More info: Canadian Distributor for North Bay, ON (CYYB) SkyReach BushCat Flight 23 — Monthly meetings Aerolite 19:00 — 2nd Monday of the month BlackHawk Paramotors More info:

Kanardia Avionics Okotoks, AB (CFX2) Trig Avionics Flight 81 — Monthly Meetings 19:30 — Last Monday of the month, (866) 733-8432 Okotoks Elks Hall SPORTAIRCRAFTCANADA.COM More info:

Olds-Didsbury, AB (CEA3) MADE FOR HARSH CANADIAN WINTERS! Flight 142 — Olds-Didsbury Flying Club monthly meeting 19:30 — 1st Tuesday of the month Manufacturers of a Complete Line of More info: Ed Shaw 403-701-1600 Premium Quality Aircraft Covers including: • Wing and Tail Covers Oshawa, ON (CYOO) • Insulated Engine Covers Flight 70 — Monthly meetings • Windscreen, Cabin, and Canopy Covers 19:30 — 1st Thursday day of the month • Cowl Plugs More info: We also manufacture • Standard and Custom Made Windsocks Ponoka, AB (CEH3) • Stainless Steel Revolving Windsock Frames Flight 187 — Monthly Meeting • Our Famous Canadian Flag Windsock 19:00 — 1st Monday of the month, Located in Orillia, Ontario MADE IN Airport terminal CANADA More info: [email protected] 1-800-461-4589 • [email protected] • Penticton, BC (CYYF) Flight 50 — Penticton Flying Club monthly meeting 19:00 — 2nd Tuesday of the month More info: [email protected] or 250-493-0441

Peterborough, ON (CYPQ) Flight 34 — Monthly Meeting 19:00 — 2nd Wednesday of the month More info: [email protected]

Picton, ON (CNT7) Flight 53 — Breakfast at the Prince Edward Flying Club 8:00 —2nd Sunday of the month More info: Jeff & JackieD ouglass at 613-471-1868

28a cop flight | december 2018 on the horizon

Val D’Or, QC (CYVO) Flight 192 — Monthly Meeting 18:00 — 2nd Tuesday of the month, Hangar Q-60 More info: [email protected]

Vernon, BC (CYVK) Flight 65 — Vernon Flying Club monthly meeting 19:00 — 3rd Tuesday of the month More info: [email protected]

Vermillion, AB (CYVG) Flight 204 — Monthly Meeting 2nd Wednesday of the month More info: [email protected]

Victoria, BC (CYYJ) Flight 6 — Victoria Flying Club Pitt Meadows, BC (CYPK) Russell, MB (CJW5) monthly meeting Flight 16 — Aero Club of BC monthly meeting Flight 138 — Monthly Meeting 19:00 — 1st Tuesday of the month 19:30 — 1st Wednesday of the month 20:00 — 1st Wednesday of the month, More info: [email protected] More info: Russell Flying Club clubhouse More info: [email protected] Pontiac, QC Welland, ON (CNQ3) Flight 169 — Monthly Breakfast Meeting at Saskatoon, SK (CYXE) Flight 149 — Monthly Meeting Restaurant Aylmer Flight 10 — Monthly Meeting 19:00 — 3rd Tuesday of the month, 1st Saturday of the month 19:00 — 2nd Tuesday of the month, Niagara Central Airport More info: Maurice 819-360-0706 or André SK Aviation Museum classroom More info: [email protected] 819-329-2830 More info: Club 169 — Déjeuner mensuel au restaurant Westlock, AB (CES4) Aylmer Sarnia, ON Flight 139 — Westlock Flying Club 1er samedi du mois Flight 7 — Monthly Meeting monthly meeting Plus d’info : Maurice 819-360-0706 ou 19:00 — 4th Monday of the month, 19:00 — 3rd Thursday of the month, André 812-329-2830 Naval Association, 403 Wing airport terminal building More info: [email protected] More info: Dan [email protected] or 780-961-2213 Prince George, BC (CYXS) Flight 79 — Monthly Meeting Sedgewick, AB (CEK6) Wetaskiwin, AB (CEX3) 19:30 - 2nd Wednesday of the month Flight 157 — Iron Creek Flying Club Flight 51 — Wetaskiwin Flying Club More info: [email protected] monthly meeting monthly meeting 19:30 — 2nd Thursday of the month, 1st Tuesday of the month, airport Qualicum Beach, BC (CAT4) FlagstaffR egional Airport terminal building Flight 76 — Parksville-Qualicum Aero Club More info: Shelley at [email protected] More info: [email protected] monthly meeting 19:00 — 1st Tuesday of odd numbered Shoal Lake, MB (CKL5) Wiarton-Georgian Bluffs, ON (CYVV) months at QBFC clubhouse Flight 162 — Shoal Lake Flying Club Flight 68 – Monthly Meeting More info: monthly meeting 9:30 — 1st Saturday of the month, 19:30 — 2nd Tuesday of every 2nd month, airport terminal building Airport terminal building More info: Don [email protected] or Quebec, QC More info: 519-793-3473 Flight 168 — Monthly Meeting, various locations Sundre, AB (CFN7) Whitecourt, AB (CYZU) 19:30 — 3rd Monday of the month Flight 146 — Sundre Flying Club Flight 185 – Monthly Meeting More info: 418-889-9023 monthly meeting 19:00 — 3rd Tuesday of the month, Club 168 — rencontres mensuel, lieux varies 19:30 — 2nd Thursday of the month various locations 19h30 — 3ieme lundi du mois Plus d’info 418-889-9023 More info: Myron Bignold 403-638-7370 or More info: Curtis 780-778-0854 [email protected] Red Deer, AB (CYQF) Woodstock, NB (CCD3) N I Flight 92 — Red Deer Flying Club Star City – Tisdale, SK Flight 86 — Woodstock Flying Association ON Flight 93 — Monthly Meeting monthly fly-in and meeting B monthly meeting P 19:30 — 3rd Monday of the month, 3rd Monday of the month Sep-Jun, 8:00 — 1st Saturday of the month, Flying Club building Tisdale airport terminal building CCD3 clubhouse More info: photo: J photo: More info: Bert 403-350-5511 More info: 506-356-5025

caop flight | december 2018 29 regions ontario

Fifty-Three Young Ontarians Experience Flight Airport Management And Community Service Clubs Pitch In

Burlington, Ontario’s COPA Flight 28 with a brisk wind almost right down Participating planes queue up with the organized a COPA For Kids event in the runway. The airpark recently came young aviators on board September that saw 53 area young- under new management and has been sters take to the skies at the Grimsby implementing many upgrades includ- certificates while the flights were in airpark (CNZB). ing runway, lighting and hangar im- progress.

The event was successfully com- provements. The airpark also provided The flight path was northward to auley

pleted with the help of the Big Broth- their pilot lounge (with washrooms) Lake Ontario, westward along the VFR Mcc

ers Big Sisters, who provideg the par- for registration, certificate printing and flight corridor just offshore with a turn ohn j ticipants, the Dundas Lions Club, who as a waiting room for the participants. over Burlington. After the turn it was ns, ki l

proviged the food, Grimsby Airpark’s The airpark manager even joined a over the Hamilton harbour and back in i

management, who provided the few flights. the VFR corridor along the escarpment e w ik venue, and local AME Kyle DeSaverio, Five pilots volunteered their time, to the airpark. who remained on standby in the event expertise and their aircraft to fly Many thanks go out to all the volunteers o (2x), m he was needed. the new aviators. The ground crew who made the event a success as well as i It was a great day to go flying and handled the registration, flight line the Grimsby airpark for allowing open ac- experience the thrill of flight. The access, assisted the pilots with loading cess to their facilities, and to the Dundas

weather gave us a break from the heat and/unloading and printed the flight Lions club for funding the food. Kyle desaver

30a cop flight | december 2018 Oshawa Airport Update Growth And Change On The Horizon

October’s municipal elections in Oshawa saw its former mayor John Henry moved up to become the Dur- ham Regional Chairman. This seems to bode well for the Oshawa airport since Henry attended all the airport open houses and town hall meetings. His approach to the airport was balanced and fair. The other encouraging change to Oshawa’s political structure is the election of Dan Carter who replaces Henry as the new mayor. During his previous term of office as a councillor, Carter had also attended airport open houses and town hall meetings. As a former TV broadcaster, Carter has proven he will listen to both sides of an argument and suggest a working compromise. This will be a challenge for Carter since several new council- lors who were elected are known to be hostile to the airport. defied all attempts to bring it on line. Problem-prone fueling system should be The increased security surrounding The main problems seem to be a re- running properly by end of November airside access has been partially ame- quirement for all-weather operability liorated by issuing keys to tenants and and the need for security. It is quite a Another organization that is active at workers, which allow them to enter air- sophisticated system that shuts itself the airport is the Recreational Aircraft side through the main terminal build- Association (RAA). People belonging to ing without calling a duty manager. this group are interested in building or The new Nav Canada tower is fully With the Nav restoring aircraft for personal use. The operational and the old tower has Canada tower in president of this organization is Jim Mor- been gutted and is currently being rison and he is leading by example. After demolished. Buttonville closing several years of part time work, Morrison As for that big hole in the ground, in early January, is almost ready to put a Piper Tri-Pacer in a few months it will be a brand back into service. He expects to be back new hangar (one of the biggest on Oshawa is a great in the air by the time you read this article. the airport), housing a new but as yet With the Nav Canada tower in But- unidentified business. At the same destination tonville closing in early January, 2019, time, Enterprise Air/Durham Flight Oshawa is a great destination. The Centre is expanding and paving their down if there is too much vibration tower staff is friendly, there is a huge parking ramp. or extraneous input. The latest update restaurant right in our parking lot and The cardlock gas delivery system from the airport duty manager is that there are no landing fees for light non- located on the main ramp has, for two it will become operational in late commercial aircraft. years and in spite of persistent efforts, November, 2018. Give it a try, all are welcome.

caop flight | december 2018 31 regions B.c. + Yukon

CYPK An Airport On The Move

accurate navigation and proper and timely communication with ATC are of paramount importance to conducting a safe flight anywhere in the area. With ATC facing staffing challenges, it is sometimes difficult to get clearance to the circuit during busy times. Regular airport user and former CYPK flight- school owner Chris Georgas suggests a work-around. “If 08R or 26L is the active, request clearance to the parallel runway 08L or 26R, as applicable. You’re likely to get it,” said Georgas. “Then, once on the ground, request taxi clear- ance via Taxiway D to the main ramp.” Pitt Meadows airport management thorized control zone entry (29) and With residential development ever- recently held a meeting with stake- Navigation error (32). encroaching on lands to the east of the holders to provide them with an While some of the volume can be airport, the airport management team update on issues of interest. Much of attributable to the numerous train- is introducing a neighbourly flying pro- what was presented was applicable to ing flights that occur at and around gram they are calling ‘Fly YPK’. It re- airport tenants only, but some topics this GA airport, pilots flying to or quests pilots to be mindful of the noise merit sharing with the wider aviation from CYPK, or transiting through the their aircraft generates, and alleviate community. area, should be aware of their posi- it to the extent it is safe to do so. This The first thing transient pilots should is mainly applicable to runways 08L know is that mobile 100LL fueling is no The new Nav and, to some extent, runway 36. Formal longer available; avgas is only avail- noise abatement procedures are to be able at the Aero Club of B.C.’s cardlock Canada control included in an upcoming CFS. pump. Jet A mobile service is still The new Nav Canada control tower available, however. tower opened in opened in mid-November and there Planning is underway for 2019 Air- mid-November and are even bigger plans for the fu- port Day, with the date set for June 1. ture development of Pitt Meadows This year’s event was a success and there are even airport. With the completion of the proved to be very popular. Planners are bigger plans for the extension of runway 08R/26L to hoping to include an airshow at next 5000 feet, and the upgraded lighting year’s event. Anyone interested in vol- future development and VASI lights that went with it, the unteering should contact the Aero Club next big thing to look forward to is of B.C. ( Advertisers of Pitt Meadows an enlarged ramp with an increase of and sponsors are invited to contact airport space of 50 percent or more, ex- Amanda at 604-465-8977, ext. 6. pected by 2020. New ramp lighting A list of CADORS reports that standards for it are currently being involved CYPK over the period from tion as it relates to the control zone installed. Construction of new August, 2017 to August of 2018 at all times. With the mountains to hangars is about to begin. A new was presented. Of the 20 different the immediate north, other control zone at the northwest cor- categories the reports fell under, zones nearby, the Class C floor above ner of the airport and a new terminal three stood out as having by far the and extensively-used designated building are also on the horizon. greatest number of incident reports: training areas all conspiring to chal- For more information, check out the Communication errors (29), Unau- lenge pilots unfamiliar with the area, airport website at

32a cop flight | december 2018 regions prairies

Vermilion’s Airport Is Back Nascent User Group Joins Forces With New Mayor

Although it never officially left, the interest and involvement in Vermilion, Alberta’s local airport (CYVG) has returned. In early 2017, newly elected mayor of Vermilion Caroline McAuley, along with her council, formed an airport advisory committee to bring the aviation community together and, with council, explore all opportunities to improve the economic and recre- ational viability of the town’s airport. “By getting input from the aviation community and working with council, we can develop a stronger plan for our airport,” explained McAuley. The committee comprises two coun- cillors, Greg Barr and Rob Pulyk, along said Jacula. “The diversity of avia- (Top) Local school children visit with three airport users, Darcy Bal- tion experience for a town of 4,000 airport. (Bottom) New flying club — aneski, Rick Bozak and Shawn Jacula. people was astonishing.” COPA Flight 204. With the town having interest in Shortly after the meeting, the Ver- working with local airport users, it was milion River Flying Club was formed, business community. Being located time to build that group. becoming COPA Flight 204, and now within town limits and with com- In April of this year, Shawn Jacula, a has over 20 members. Many members mercial and recreational real estate local farmer, business owner and pilot, are partaking in neighbouring COPA available on the field, the town offers put the call out to gather local aviation Flight events in order to start planning a great place for affordable yet conve- enthusiasts. After using local media their own local annual events. Com- nient aviation-related businesses. outlets and social media, over a dozen munity engagement has already be- For further information, please individuals met at the Vermilion airport gun with the local elementary school contact Shawn Jacula, Vermilion River terminal building. visiting the airport for some first-hand Flying Club president at 780-581-9011, “I truly didn’t know what to expect, learning during their flight module. or Mary Lee Prior, Town of Vermilion but when the group gathered that The Vermilion airport has many Economic Development Officer at evening I was pleasantly surprised,” attractive features for the aviation and 780-853-5358.

caop flight | december 2018 33 regions quebec

Bombardier Donates CS100 To Quebec School Text and photos by Jean-Pierre Bonin

L et’s play ‘pretend’. Let’s pretend engineering degree. You also have A Bombardier CS100 touches you’re ÉNA, the largest aeronautical four specialized technical programs down at its new home at the ÉNA in St. Hubert, Que. technical school in in North America. in continuing education, customized Let’s pretend you have a static fleet training for actual employees in the of 37 aircraft housed in five hangars, aerospace field and a centre of ap- art technology and unique features this 11 of which are ranging plied research (CTA) specializing in aircraft can offer the students. from a Schweizer 269 to a , aerospace technologies. This Bombardier donation adds a Eurocopter EC120 Colibri, and a Now the question is, what to ask Santa to others the company has made Messerschmitt Bo 105. Among the 26 for Christmas? Well, you don’t have recently, such as a Learjet 60 busi- airplanes, you have a few antiques to believe in Santa, nor in Christmas ness jet for ÉNA and a CRJ100 aircraft like a Beechcraft Model 18, the Pratt for that matter. But this year’s Christ- to the British Columbia Institute of & Whitney test bed of early days. mas gift was announced last May and Technology. Bombardier has been and You also have a few Cessnas and flew in toM ontreal/St-Hubert airport remains a prime partner in education, Beechcrafts and more, and modern (CYHU) on October 17 as FTV3, the providing hundreds of internships airplanes like two Bombardier Learjets third flight test vehicle in the CSeries annually to students in different fields (including the very first production program. Although now known as Air- throughout Canada. Learjet 60) and two Bombardier Chal- bus A220, it was donated last May as Hundreds of students flocked to the lenger jets. Add to that modern instal- a Bombardier CSeries. This particular hangar to see FTV3 land and come to lations, including over 30 laboratories CS100 has logged about 1400 flight a halt for the last time now to allow and specialized workshops. hours and was mainly used for avion- students to discover the ground- Programs (in French) on your ics and electrical tests as well as for breaking technologies and Canadian calendar include avionics, aerospace community noise testing. know-how in today’s most innova- engineering and aircraft maintenance It will be a few months before the tive commercial aircraft. Let’s hope (the latter also taught in English). The aircraft can be integrated into the dif- this will inspire a growing number of first two even allow for an integrated ferent curricula as the teaching person- Quebec students to consider exciting curriculum to leading to a university nel will have to study the state-of-the- careers in the aerospace industry.

34a cop flight | december 2018 Bombardier fait don d’un CS100 à l’ÉNA Texte et photos Jean-Pierre Bonin

Jouons à « faire semblant ». Imagi- nons que vous êtes l’ÉNA, la plus grande école d’aérotechnique en Amérique du Nord. Imaginons que vous disposiez d›une flotte statique de 37 aéronefs répartis dans cinq hangars, dont 11 hélicoptères dont le Schweizer 269, des Bell 206, un Eurocopter EC 120 Colibri et un Mess- erschmitt BO 105. Parmi les 26 avions, vous avez quelques antiquités comme un Beechcraft Model 18, le banc d’essai Pratt & Whitney des premiers jours. Ajoutez à cela quelques Cess- nas, Beechcrafts et plus, et des appar- eils modernes comme deux Bombar- dier Learjets (dont le tout premier Learjet 60) et deux biréacteurs Bombardier Challenger. En complé- ment, vos installations modernes comprennent plus de 30 laboratoires et ateliers spécialisés. Les programmes (en français) de votre carte incluent l’avionique, le génie aérospatial et la maintenance programme CSeries. Bien que mainte- Des centaines d’étudiants et de d’aéronefs (ce dernier étant égale- nant connu sous le nom d’ A220, professeurs de l’ÉNA ont accueilli le nouvel avion. ment enseigné en anglais). Les deux il a été offert en mai dernier sous le premiers permettent un cursus nom de « Bombardier CSeries ». intégré jusqu’au diplôme universita- Ce CS100 a totalisé environ 1 400 Institute of Technology. Bombardier ire d’ingénieur. Vous avez également heures de vol et était principalement a été et reste un partenaire de choix en formation continue, quatre pro- utilisé pour les tests d’avionique dans le domaine de l’éducation, grammes techniques spécialisés, de et d’électricité, ainsi que pour les proposant des centaines de stages la formation sur mesure pour les em- tests de bruit dans l’environnement. chaque année à des étudiants de dif- ployés actuels du secteur aérospatial Quelques mois s’écouleront avant que férents domaines. et un centre de recherche appliquée l’avion puisse être intégré aux dif- Des centaines d’étudiants se sont (CTA) spécialisé dans les technologies férents programmes, car le personnel rassemblés dans le hangar pour aérospatiales. enseignant devra étudier les technol- voir FTV3 atterrir et s’arrêter pour Maintenant, la question est : que ogies de pointe et les fonctionnalités la dernière fois. Maintenant, reste à demander au Père Noël ? Eh bien, il uniques que cet avion peut offrir aux découvrir les technologies de pointe et n’est pas nécessaire de croire au Père étudiants. le savoir-faire canadien dans cet avion Noël, ni même à Noël. Mais le cadeau a Ce don de Bombardier s’ajoute à commercial le plus novateur au monde. été annoncé en mai dernier et a atterri d’autres que l’entreprise a récem- Espérons que cela inspirera un nombre à Montréal/St-Hubert (CYHU) le 17 ment faits comme un avion d’affaires croissant d’étudiants québécois à en- octobre sous le nom de FTV3, le Learjet 60 pour l’ÉNA et un avion visager une carrière prometteuse dans troisième véhicule de tests en vol du CRJ100 pour le British Columbia l’industrie aérospatiale.

caop flight | december 2018 35 regions atlantic

Flight Training In P.E.I. Province’s Only FTU Overcomes Challenges

When the only airplane of the only surance company, Tymstra scrambled Confederation Bridge provides an flight school in to find a suitable replacement , and interesting backdrop for flight training meets its demise at the beginning was back in business in August. students and sightseers alike. of the busy summer training season, Sea Eagle Aviation currently has 15 business tends to come to an abrupt active students training toward RPP, year for Tymstra. “Nevertheless, the halt. That is exactly what happened to PPL and CPL tickets. Another 50 or so business is still viable,” says Tymstra. Sea Eagle Aviation in Charlottetown he considers inactive students, picking “We have good VFR weather, even in after owner, CFI and chief pilot Paul away at training when they find the winter, and I’m currently doing a lot of Tymstra had to make a forced landing time or money. training for night ratings.” he added. due to an engine failure last May. As if the loss of the school’s aircraft Tmstra also has plans to attract stu- The landing was successful in that were not enough of a hindrance this dents from outside his province. there were no physical injuries, but year, the repaving of the main runway Aerial sightseeing, while not a big part Tymstra’s Cessna 172 flipped onto its at the (CYYG) of Sea Eagle’s revenue, also suffered back due to the soft surface of the this fall, and the resultant restrictions during the summer shutdown. Says impromptu landing field, resulting in in operations that confined activity to Tymstra, “There is still lots to see in the a total write-off of the school’s only the remaining crosswind runway, add- wintertime, especially the Confederation plane. With the cooperation of his in- ed to what has been a challenging Bridge when surrounded by ice.”

36a cop flight | december 2018 &


In Canada, the freedom to fly provides pilots Au Canada, cette vérité offre aux pilotes and aviation enthusiasts endless ways of et aux passionnés d’aviation plein de moyens expressing our love for flight. pour exprimer leur amour de voler.

Recognizing this, COPA and Red Canoe C’est pourquoi COPA et Red Canoe came together to create a high quality s’associent pour pour créer une collection collection meant to capture d’excellente qualité, destinée à rendre and celebrate just a few of those ways. hommage à quelques-uns de ces moyens.

Browse and pre-order Trouvez et pré-commandez dès yours today: aujourd’hui le modèle qui vous inspire:

his hers Pour lui Pour elle caop flight | december 2018 37

CopaFlight-ApparelPrintAd-Nov.Issue.indd 1 2018-10-05 4:52 PM Members choice

Members Choice

Awar2018 Winners Announcedd s by Lauren Nagel

E very October we have the pleasure of recognizing some of the wonderful people and businesses that make the Canadian general aviation industry what it is. We are profoundly aware that without the work of technicians, managers, examiners, and more, the industry simply couldn’t operate. Thank you to all members who sent in nominations and reached out with kind words about these people and enterprises. We are pleased to introduce in detail some of this year’s winners of our COPA Members’ Choice Awards.

For the category of Best Airport frequent the airport and are unfailing- There are two winners in the category Restaurant, we had nominations for ly impressed by the quality of the field of Best Aircraft Maintenance, General businesses all across Canada. The and its flight school, saying, “Andy Airspray Limited at Ontario’s Lucan restaurants receiving the most votes Woodham’s dedication and pride in airport (CPS4) and Lake Central Air Ser- included L’Aviateur at Gatineau- the airport shows through the service vices at Muskoka airport (CYQA). Gen- Ottawa airport (CYND), winning for he and the staff provide, and the eral Airspray is hailed as “a top-notch the Quebec region. Gardens & Fields year-round condition of the runways family-run maintenance facility servicing at the Peterborough airport (CYPQ) and facilities.” There is a tremendous private and commercial aircraft.” The was the runner-up in the Ontario amount of considerations involved in owners Paul and David Hodgins and region, and Tailwinds Bar & Grill was operating an airfield, so it is especially their staff provide “friendly, profes- the overall winner, amassing more than impressive when managers are able to sional service with high quality work 1000 votes. Make sure to add these go above and beyond. and attention to detail.” Lake Central businesses, as well as your local airport Next, we highlight the Best Medi- Air Services’ maintenance manager restaurants, to your fall and winter cal Examiner, one who is “the whole Phillip Lewkoski is said to be “the best fly-out destinations. We recognize package”, as told by his patients. Dr. AME you’ll ever meet”, having honed two airports in the category of Best Trevor Gillmore has an office at the his skills during his years with the RCAF. Airport Management. Ontario’s Stan- Canadian Flight Academy in Oshawa His safety awareness and “encyclopedic hope Airport (CND4), managed by Pat where he does Transport Canada knowledge on TC regulations” give him Fagnano, is hailed for the consistently medical examinations every Thursday an edge in addition to his experience good condition of its taxiway and in addition to his regular practice. He with many aircraft types. runway in addition to the neatness of is known for his highly personable The Members Choice Awards re- the airport grounds. The atmosphere approach and experience. Clients also mind us to thank and acknowledge all there is friendly, with the manager nod to his assistant who is “efficient the members of the aviation com- always taking the time to talk to pilots and friendly” at every visit. This medi- munity that keep us in the air and and help them when needed. Stratford cal examiner who works to give his satisfied on the ground. There is an Airport (CYSA) is another beloved clients the best possible experience abundance of talent in the field, in and location known for its management. with their examinations certainly is outside of the cockpit, which is some- Members of COPA Flight 177 of Exeter ‘the whole package’. thing we can all be proud of.

38a cop flight | december 2018 ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO




Tailwinds Bar + L'Aviateur at General Airspray and Stanhope and Dr. Trevor Gillmore Grill was voted the Gatineau-Ottawa Lake Country Air Stratford Airports received the most overall Best Airport Airport won for Best Services both received both won for Best votes for Best Restaurant Airport Restaurant top marks for Best Airport Management Medical Examiner in Quebec Aircraft Maintenance


RESTAURANT RESTAURANTRESTAURANTRESTAURANT DE L’AÉROPORT DE L’AÉROPORTDE L’AÉROPORTDE L’AÉROPORT Nous reconnaissons deux aéro- il effectue des examens médicaux de Les2018 Prix Ch 2018oix 2018 2018ports2018 dans2018 la 2018catégorie 2018 de 2018 Meilleure 2018 2018Transport 2018 Canada à chaque jeudi. Il est Des Membres gestion aéroportuaire. L’aéroport connu pour son approche charmante de Stanhope (CND4), dirigé par et son expérience dans la maitrise. Ses Les lauréats 2018 sont Pat Fagnano, est connu pour la clients aussi aiment son assistante qui annoncés bonne condition du taxiway et piste est « efficace et amicale ».U n examina- en plus de la propreté du terrain. teur qui prend du temps pour assurer Chaque octobre, nous avons le plaisir L’atmosphère est amicale et le di- la meilleure expérience pour ses clients de reconnaître quelques-unes des recteur prend toujours le temps de est vraiment spéciale. personnes et établissements qui sont parler aux pilotes et leurs aider si Il y a deux gagnants dans la fondamentales pour l’industrie de nécessaire. L’aéroport de Stratford catégorie de Meilleur entretien l’aviation générale au Canada. Nous (CYSA) est un autre endroit bien d’aéronefs, General Airspray Limited sommes très reconnaissants du fait aimé et reconnu pour la qualité de à Lucan, en Ontario (CPS4), et Lake que sans la travaille des techniciens, Central Air Services à (CYQA) en directeurs, examinateurs et d’autres, Muskoka, en Ontario. General Air- l’industrie ne pourrait pas exister. C’est notre spray est considéré une « entreprise Merci à tous les membres qui ont excellente pour aéronefs privés et nommé une entreprise ou envoyé plaisir d’introduire commerciales, géré par la famille des bons mots à propos des gag- quelques-uns des Hodgins. » Les propriétaires Paul nants. C’est notre plaisir d’introduire et David Hodgins et leurs employés quelques-uns des gagnants de nos gagnants donnent « une service amicale et prix Choix des membres de cette professionnel avec une vraie atten- année. tion à détail. » Le propriétaire de Dans la catégorie Restaurant la direction. Les membres de COPA Lake Central Aviation, Philip Lewkos- d’aéroport préféré, les entreprises Flight 177 d’Exeter fréquentent ki, est considéré comme « la meil- nommées sont situées à travers le l’aéroport et sont impressionnés à leure AME en existence » avec des pays. Un des restaurants qui a reçu le chaque fois par la qualité de la piste années de l’expérience dans l’ARC. plus de votes était l’Aviateur situé à et l’école de pilotage qui est présent Ses connaissances à propos de la sé- l’aéroport exécutif Gatineau-Ottawa là. Il y a une longue liste de consi- curité et les règlements de Transport (CYND), gagnant la catégorie au dérations impliquées dans la gestion Canada lui donne un avantage dans Québec. Gardens & Fields à Peterbor- d’un aéroport, alors il est spéciale- la maitrise qui lui rend spécial. ough (CYPQ) a gagné deuxième prix ment impressionnant quand la direc- Les prix « Choix des membres » nous dans la région d’Ontario et Tailwinds tion dépasse les attentes. rappellent de remercier tous les mem- Bar & Grill a été le grand gagnant, Ensuite, nous présentons le Meilleur bres de la communauté aéronautique recevant plus de mille votes. Assurez- médecin examinateur qui a tous les at- qui nous permettent de rester dans les vous d’ajouter ces entreprises en plus tribues désirables, selon ces clients. Dr. airs et satisfaits sur le terrain. Il y a une de vos restaurants d’aéroport locaux Trevor Gillmore travail dans la région abondance de talents sur le terrain, à à votre liste d’endroits où voler cet de la ville d’Oshawa avec un bureau l›intérieur et à l›extérieur du cockpit, ce automne. à l’aéroport municipale d’Oshawa où dont nous pouvons tous être fiers.

caop flight | december 2018 39 Join the FGU Community aviation careers

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Given the inadequate number of new College’s Aviation Management pro- entrants into the various trades and gram, after which he began working Advanced Study other opportunities available in the as a marketing coordinator at a flight aviation industry, it is understandable academy. It was there that Kasiuk why there are many initiatives under- began formulating his vision for RSF. Flying Beyond: The way to attract more people to an avia- Kasiuk then went on to work as a crew Canadian CPL Textbook tion career. Many of these efforts are scheduler for Porter before undertaken by employers, and other landing his current job as a Operations by educational institutions. Not many Control Manager at partner are undertaken at a personal level. Sky Regional Airlines. His love of the In Ontario, a not-for-profit that aviation industry motivates him to Canadian Commercial goes by the name of Ready Set Fly share his passion with others. Pilot Answer Guide (RSF), was formed by Matthew Kasiuk “So far this year, we’ve made 75 to educate high school students on presentations to over 2,500 young the broad variety of aviation careers people,” Kasiuk told COPA Flight, available. He and two colleagues go “We do this in our free time.” to high schools throughout Ontario Although the organization has aspira- Instrument making presentations that focus on: tions of going national in an effort get Procedures Manual creating awareness of career opportu- their messages out to as many young nities in aviation; highlighting the skills people as possible, Kasiuk and his team and education needed to achieve a have been kept busy in their home prov- specific career; and building an indus- ince. Kasiuk adds, however, that “If there’s Follow us on Twitter try network to connect students and a high school out in Vancouver that Find out more and hear what’s new about our aviation organizations. wants me to make a presentation, I’ll fly publications, follow trending aviation topics, Founder Kasiuk is joined in his out during my four days off and do it.” learn about being a better and safer pilot, efforts by fellow speakersB runo RSF has partnered with a number of and connect with your aviation community. Tucci (an AME) and Josie Stolarz (an aviation companies and organizations, Follow us @Aviation_Pub to keep in touch. inflight training specialist). including , , Royal Kasiuk has experienced a number Canadian Air Cadets (Ontario Commit- of different occupations, any one of tee), Sky Regional Airlines and Ottawa which could have led to a successful Aviation Services, among others. and satisfying career. He started train- Contact ‘Ready Set Fly’ at info@ ing for his pilot’s licence as a young or 705-321-9265 for Find out more at teenager before completing Georgian more information.

40a cop flight | december 2018

Waterloo Wellington Flight Centre The Skills You Need — The School You Want Career and Scholarship Guide Contact Us Now to Get Involved

The COPA/Air Canada Pilots Associa- tion Career and Scholarship Guide has been a big success with all sectors of the industry facing the challenges of recruitment. Although it contains valuable in- Photo by Mike Reyno formation on how those who might Strong education and industry partnerships, give our graduates a already be interested in aviation as a competitive edge and the skills needed to fly in jobs across Canada. career, it’s not as much a “how to” as it is a “why to” guide on what makes Contact us today! 519-648-2213 | 1-877-FLY-WWFC | those careers so great. For any number of reasons, aviation Partnered with: has lost some of the appeal that used to keep pilot ranks full to overflowing Waterloo Wellington Flight Centre professional programs are approved as vocational programs under the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005 (PC# 105919). and job prospects difficult to find for those entering the industry. In just a few years, the so-called pilot shortage has hit full force and companies at all levels and the military WHAT’S YOUR DREAM? are clamouring for fresh blood. PRivATE, commERciAl, iNSTRucToRS, iFR, NighT oR FloAT RATiNg, TimE-builDiNg The guide features articles with people involved in all facets of the industry describing their jobs and the great benefits they enjoy as pilots, in maintenance and operations. If your company has a great story to tell, we need to hear from you to help spread the word. If the guide can help in your recruitment efforts, email [email protected] and we can send you some copies. If your company, educational institu- tion or non-profit groups offers avia- tion related scholarships not listed in the guide, let us know and we’ll make sure they’re included. The next guide will be printed next April but we’re starting to assemble it now to ensure it’s an even more comprehensive tool for both industry * NEW PREFERRED RATES * and potential career seekers to get we provide a line of credit to your flight school together. of choice to assist you in your training! We look forward to hearing from Steven Wills | 403-397-6107 you. [email protected] |

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Bush Hawk HANGAR FLYING (Undaunted Belief) Hangar Flying — Tales From the Flight An important chapter of Canada’s avia- Best Seat in Deck is now available and is a great tion history is told for the first time in the House 162-page full colour gift for an aviator a new book by S.R. (Rick) Found titled Jim Griffith and Trans Canada Airlines friend who might just be yourself. Six Bush Hawk (Undaunted Belief). The were both born at about the same professionals tell stories from their log Found family’s name is famous among time and grew together over the books and some outstanding aviation bush pilots worldwide for having built decades, helping knit the expansive artists illustrate with acrylic paint- a tough little freighter aircraft designed country together and becoming con- ings and pen and ink sketches and for hard service in Canada’s wilderness. summate professionals. Griffith first now, for the first time, a twenty-first The author’s father Sherman, along with joined TCA when North Star piston century painting by a digital Raphael his uncle Nathan (Bud) Found, and with airliners rattled the windows on long and that’s not finger painting. Priced financial backing from department store cross-country flights over the Canadi- at $31.00 CAD we can mail it to you magnate John David Eaton, took on the an landscape. Griffith experienced the for $7.00 anywhere in Canada. Perfect herculean task of gaining FAA certifica- history of Canada’s national airline and under the covers reading during tion for their dream aircraft. Despite this book tells the story of both. winter’s blast. both financial and engineering setbacks, they hung in and produced an airplane By Jim Griffith Author: Jack Schofield that outperformed anything then being $34 including shipping Price: $44.00 (incl. shipping) imported from the United States. So why, with an industry begging for the plane, were only 27 aircraft produced? Financial consultants and timid bank- ers did the trick and crashed the Found FBA-2C before it could gain altitude. For 15 years the rights to manufacture lay in Eaton’s vault but, (undaunted) Bud Found did the Phoenix-from-the- ashes thing and the Bush Hawk flew once more. Don’t wave the maple leaf just yet, as what is known as angel The Coast Dog Series money became the devil’s own and the These are Schofield’s three books that were destroyed in a warehouse fire Founds lost their Bush Hawk to inves- and brought back to life by an enthusiastic aviation community who ordered tors once more—this time across the sufficient numbers of sets to finance the reprinting. Wow! That’s something of seas from where it is about to reappear a mind-boggling story. Flights of a Coast Dog — a BC book award and west in international skies. coast bestseller along with its sequel, Coast Dogs Don’t Lie and some signifi- cant BC aviation histories in a revised edition of No Numbered Runways makes By S.R. (Rick) Found up the trio of great flying yarns with a BC Coastal flavour. Publisher: Canadian Aviator Publishing Ltd. Imprint of Coast Dog Press Author: Jack Schofield | Publisher:C oast Dog Press List price $34.00 (incl. shipping) Price for the set of 3—$93.00 (incl. shipping)

42a cop flight | december 2018 VERTICAL HORIZONS Author Doug Grant was a long- term employee of Okanagan Helicopters and has put together an amazing fluidly written and com- prehensive history of this pioneer company. OK, as they soon became known, achieved world renown from humble beginnings in British Columbia’s interior by developing a mountain flying technique that is still a fundamental of helicopter Fling Wing and flight training. Teaching the US army was just one of the achievements Finding Nimmo of founder, Carl Agar, who became FLING WING and FINDING NIMMO are known as Mr. Helicopter as he took two different stories about the same- the company into world prominence. thing—Fishing the British Columbia Grant has not missed one other Coast—Heli Fishing that is, an invention outstanding feature of Okanagan of Peter Baratt of West Coast Helicopters Helicopters—hundreds of former and Craig Murray of Nimmo Bay Resort. employees still speak of the plea- A fabulous 300 page book on Nimmo sure they experienced in working for Bay Resort and 150 pages of Fling Wing this pioneer Canadian company. or the horizontally challenged.

Author: Doug. Grant Finding Nimmo: $39.00 | Fling Wing: Publisher Harbour Publishing Ltd. $24.95 | Buy both for $65.00 Price: $55.95 (incl. shipping) (incl. shipping)

Miles to Millions The pull of aviation Need can be strong but nothing illustrates healthcare that better than Bill Grenier’s remarkable career. The senior but can’t afford captain for Air Canada showed up Dennis Currie flew in the bush, flew the to fly there? for every flight even as he built a real annual herring spotting in a Cessna 185, estate empire worth a billion dollars. flewH ercules freighters for PWA and Grenier’s ready wit and the many twists tracked the great circle route to the UK and turns of a penniless 19-year-old in a Boeing 777 for Air Canada. He was commercial pilot’s career built on per- happy in the left seat of a great number severance and the willingness to take of aircraft types. All of his adventures risks takes readers on an unusual jour- he retells in poems, which he wrote at ney, even for the the aviation industry. the time of the event. Getting Canadians

By Bill Grenier By Dennis Currie to Getting Better $35.95, including shipping Price $34.00 (incl. shipping)

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Never on floats, Always hangered. $53,000. 647-455-5217 (3108.17070) (2245.17155) C$165K Ph # 519-443-7559 (2903.17217) Apex (Leggat) listing MA 16 CALL US ABOUT THE NEW CESSNA 182 SKYLANE! CALLApex US(Leggat) ABOUT listing MATHE 16 NEW CESSNA 182 SKYLANE! 2012 T206H Amphib w/WheelGear! 600TT,G1000/GFC700,Loaded!$ . .2012 . . . .Turbo . . $625,000USD Skylane 182T, 1977G1000/GFC700 C182Q, 1902TT, 129AP, SM, Active GNS430WAAS, Traffi c/SVT! C2000 ...... $262K/HalfAP, ...... Share . . . CYKZ!$139,900 1977 USD Cessna 172N/Floatplane, 8986 TT, 373 SMOH, CAP 2000 Floats, Garmin 250XL! ...$69,500 US Leggat Aviation2012 Turbo Skylane 182T, G1000/GFC700Ltd.CALL AP, Active US Traffi ABOUT c/SVT! . . . . .2009. THE$262K/Half T206H, NEW Share 599 CYKZ! TTSN, CESSNA 901976 STOH, Baron Float 182B55, 3353TT,295/1649SM,Kit, SKYLANE! TKS, G1000, King Flint KLN94GPS,Spare Tips, VG’s ...... $499,900 Engine! ...... US$100,0001977 CAD Turbo Aztec F, 2507 TT, 439 SM, Full DeIce! LRF! ...... $109,900 US 2005 Cessna2012 182T Turbo Half Skylane Share 182T, at CYKZ! G1000/GFC700 G1000! .AP, . Active. . . .Traffi . . . c/SVT!...... $262K/Half$132,9002007 CirrusUS/Half Share SR22ShareCYKZ! CYKZTurbo1977 Cessna G3,1976 172N/Floatplane, 1240 Grumman TT, TKS 8986Tiger, DeIce,TT, Only 373 SMOH, 1471 Recent TTAE,CAP 2000 Import!King/Narco, Floats, Garmin ...... $260,000 All 250XL! Logs! ...$69,500 . . . . . US ...... US $52,0001976 USD Beech Duke, 7504 TT,1055/550 SMOH, Full DeIce, Garmin GMX200MFD ...$120,000 US 2009 T206H, 599 TTSN, 90 STOH, Float Kit, TKS, G1000, Flint Tips, VG’s ...... $499,900 US 1977 Turbo Aztec F, 2507 TT, 439 SM, Full DeIce! LRF! ...... $109,900 US Leggat Aviation Ltd. 2004 Turbo 182T, 740 TTAE, G1000 Avionics ...... 2006 . . . T206H$259,900 Amphib, USD 1000 TTSN, G1000 Avionics, Aerocet Amphibs, Copilot Door! ...... Call! 1976 Piper Lance, 2774 TT, 1743 SM, King w/HSI/ALTIII AP! ...... $99,900 US 2007 Cirrus SR22 Turbo G3, 1240 TT, TKS DeIce, Recent Import! ...... $260,0002004 Cessna UST182T,1976 500 Beech TT,1976 Duke, G1000 Piper 7504 Lance,TT,1055/550 w/SVT! 2774 All SMOH, TT, Logs,1743 Full SM, DeIce, NDH! King Garmin ...... $249,900w/HSI/ALTIII GMX200MFD AP! ...$120,000 . . . . . US...... US $89,9001975 USD Bonanza A36, 3753 TT, 773 SFRM, Dual KX155/HSI, club seating, hangared .. $130,000 US YOUR EASTERN CANADA2002 Piper CESSNA 2006Super T206H Cub Amphib, Replica, 1000 187 TTSN, DEALERTTAE, G1000 Amphibs/Wh CALLAvionics, Aerocet Gear! US Amphibs, . . . .ABOUT .Copilot . . Reduced Door! ...... Call! to $74,900 THE USD1976 NEW Piper 1975Lance, 182Q, 2774 CESSNA 5605TT/2053SM/Garmin430 TT, 1743 SM, King w/HSI/ALTIII 182 AP! GPSSKYLANE! ...... $99,900 ...... US ...... $66,000 USD YOUR EASTERNYOUR EASTERN CANADA CANADACESSNA DEALER 2004 Cessna2012 TurboT182T, Skylane500 TT, G1000 182T, w/SVT!G1000/GFC700 All Logs, NDH! AP, Active ...... $249,900 Traffi 2002 c/SVT! Piper...... $262K/Half Super US Cub1975 Share BonanzaReplica, CYKZ! A36, 1871977 3753 CessnaTTAE,TT, 773 172N/Floatplane,SFRM, Amphibs/Wh Dual KX155/HSI, 8986 Gear! club TT, seating,373 ...... $129,900 SMOH, hangared CAP 2000.. $130,000 Floats, US Garmin 250XL! US ...$69,500 1975US Grumman Tiger, 2016 TT, 139 SM, 81 STOH (2006), King/Narco Avionics .....$39,900 US 2000 TB20,2002 1189TTSN, Piper2009 Super GTN750GPS,GTS800Traffic!PristineAircraft!T206H, Cub 599Replica, TTSN, 187 90 TTAE, STOH, Amphibs/Wh Float Kit, Gear!TKS, ...... $129,900G1000, . . . Flint. . . Tips,. . . VG’s...... $499,900 US $ CALL!1975 Grumman US1975 Tiger,C172M1977 2016 Skyhawk,Turbo TT, 139Aztec SM, 7551 F, 81 2507 TT, STOH 412TT, (2006), SM,439 FloatSM, King/Narco Full Kit, DeIce! Commercial! Avionics LRF! .....$39,900 ...... $109,900 . . . .US ...... $69,000 US USD LeggatThe NewThe C-172s Aviation New • C-182s C-172s • C-206sLtd. • C-182s1999 C182S, 1815 • TT, C-206s’0’ SFOH, GSN430, HSI, WX1000+, Skywatch Traffi1999 c! ...... $214,900 C182S, US1815 1974TT, ’0’C421B, SFOH, Recent GSN430,Import (2013)! HSI, NDH! WX1000+, All Logs!...... Skywatch Traffi $189,500c! ...... $214,900 US US 1974 C421B, Recent Import (2013)! NDH! All Logs!...... $189,500 US CESSNA DEALER 1999 DA 20C15621TT,1997 Zlin2007 Z242L, 1500 Cirrus 454SMOH, SR22 TTAE, KingTurbo Garmin NAV/COM, G3, 430 1240 GPS, TT,GPS, Low TKS Time!TSPDR! DeIce, ...... $102,500 Recent. . . . .Import! .1997 ...... $260,000 .Zlin . . Z242L,$69,900 US 454 USD1973 T310Q,TTAE, US1975 2805 Garmin Bonanza 1976TT, Garmin Beech 430 A36, GTN Duke,GPS, 3809 650! 7504 ...... TTSN,Low TT,1055/550 25Time! SNewRAMEngine/Prop! ...... $102,500 SMOH, Full DeIce, NDH! Garmin $69,500 All US GMX200MFDLogs! ...... $120,000 . US. $180,000 US1973 USD T310Q, 2805 TT, Garmin GTN 650! ...... $69,500 US 1986 Bonanza1997 B36TC, Zlin2006 Z242L, 1645TT,T206H 1105 Amphib, TT,675 20 Since SMOH 1000 -RAM Lowest TTSN, OH, time G1000G530WAAS, Zlin around! Avionics, Garmin AspenPFD, Aerocet 430! Hangared!1997 Amphibs, Traffic! Zlin ....$99,900 . Copilot . .Z242L,$279,900 US Door! 1105 USD 1973...... Call! TT, 182P, 20 1975Peterson SMOH Mooney1976 Perf - LowestPiper Plus! Exec, Canard,Lance, 5892TT, time 2602774 Zlin HP,Engine TT, FuelInj, around! 1743 ‘On Many SM, Condition’, Garmin KingExtras w/HSI/ALTIII ...... 430!Flow Hangared!Regularly! $175,000 AP! ...... $99,900 US. ....$99,900...... US $47,900 US1973 CAD 182P, Peterson Perf Plus! Canard, 260 HP, FuelInj, Many Extras ...... $175,000 US YOUR EASTERN CANADA CESSNA DEALER 1992 Bonanza2004 Cessna F33A, 1169T182T, TTAE, 500 King TT, Silver G1000 Crown w/SVT! w/KLN90B All Logs, GPS, NDH! KFC 150 ...... $249,900 IFCS! $219,500 US 1972 Citabria US 7KCAB,1975 Beautiful! Bonanza 2286 A36, TTAE, 3753 Metal TT, Spars!773 SFRM, ...... Dual KX155/HSI, club $40,000 seating, US hangared .. $130,000 US The New C-172s • C-182s • C-206s 1982 Mooney1991 Rocket Mooney2002 305, Piper TLS, 3170TTSN, 1510Super TT, Cub 10 CONT SMOH,Replica, TSIO520 10 187 SNEW TTAE, .Prop! . .Amphibs/Wh .Speed . . . Brakes! . . . . Gear!...... $149,000 . 1992...... $129,900 . Bonanza $150,000 US F33A, USD1971 1169 Navajo US1975 TTAE, 310, Traveler, 75111975 King TT, Grumman 1058/824 2338TT/1420SMOH,NewSilver Tiger,SMOH,Crown 2016 Commercial! w/KLN90B TT, 139 Cylinders ...... $159,000 SM, 81GPS, STOH in 2004!KFC (2006), 150 Aera King/Narco IFCS! 660 USGPS $219,500 Avionics ...... $39,900 .US . . .$46,900 US1972 CAD Citabria 7KCAB, Beautiful! 2286 TTAE, Metal Spars! ...... $40,000 US The New C-172s • C-182sAIRCRAFT • C-206s1981 Mooney1986 231, Archer1999 1361 TT,II,C182S, 3567 17 SM, TT,1815 GDL82‘0’ TT,SM, ’0’ DualADS-B SFOH, KX155, Out, GSN430, NDH! King All Dig/KFC200HSI, Logs! WX1000+, ...... $94,900 . Skywatch.1991 . . . .Mooney . Traffi. . . c! ...... $214,900 TLS,CALL!1970 1510 Navajo, USTT,1974 872010 414 1974 SMOH,TT/610/925 6905TT, C421B, 10 1118SM,SM, Recent SNEW G430, Full Import HSI, Prop!De-Ice TCAS! (2013)! Speed ...... NDH! . . Brakes!. All. . Logs!...... $149,000 . . . $140,000 . . . . . US . . . . US $189,500$125,000 US1971 USD Navajo 310, 7511 TT, 1058/824 SMOH, Commercial! ...... $159,000 US SALES LTD. 1983 Mooney1997 Zlin 201, Z242L, 3751 TT, 454 1057 TTAE, SM, G430W,Garmin NDH,430 GPS,All Logs! Low ...... Time! ...... $102,500 $94,500 US 1968 Mooney US M20F,1973 2190 T310Q, TT, 145 2805 SMOH, TT, Speed Garmin Mods, GTN King 650! Digital ...... $72,500 $69,500 US 1981 Cessna1982 414A,AIRCRAFT Archer,1997 4925TT, Zlin419 Z242L,1204SM, King SM, 1105 Digital, RAMVII, TT, 20 STEC SMOH Garmin530/430! 50, -Major Lowest Refurb time on Zlin. .Import! .around! ...... $59,900 1986. Garmin . . . .Archer 430! . . .Hangared! . $439,900 II,US 3567 ....$99,900 USD1960 TT, Beech ‘0’US1974 Debonair, SM, Beech1973 Dual Rebuilt/Ugraded 182P,Sierra, KX155, Peterson 2273TT,815SMOH, NDH!300 Perf HP!! Plus! All ...... $125,000 Logs!Canard, AeraGPS, ...... $94,900 260 Fifth HP, FuelInj, & Six Seats! Many Extras . US...... $175,000$65,000 US1970 CAD Navajo, 8720 TT/610/925 SM, G430, HSI, TCAS! ...... $140,000 US 1981 Mooney1992 Bonanza 231/252 F33A,Conversion, 1169 3875TTAE, TT, King 85 SMOH!Silver ...... Crown w/KLN90B GPS, $109,900 KFC 150 USIFCS! $219,5001954 Apache, US 35831972 TT, 1219/658 Citabria SM,7KCAB, Economical Beautiful! Time 2286 Builder! TTAE, ...... $38,500 Metal Spars! ...... US $40,000 US WWW.APEXAIRCRAFT.COM 1981 Chieftan1979 Panther, Bonanza 7679 F33A, TT, 1700 1124 TT, SM, 130 Corporate!Since New Engine/3-Blade ...... Prop!...... $190,000. . 1983. . . . Mooney$275,000 US 201, USDCessna 3751 172M/N TT,1974 1057 - Chieftan, 3 to choose SM, 12749TT/1956/826SM, G430W,from on our NDH,website ...... PleaseAll Commercial Logs! ...... Aircraft! call. . for. . info! . . . $94,500 ...... US $98,0001968 USD Mooney M20F, 2190 TT, 145 SMOH, Speed Mods, King Digital ...... $72,500 1981 Duke B60,1979SALES 4507TT, C180,1991 2850 Mooney 1092 TT, L&R,LTD.68 TLS, SMOH, G530W, 1510 Great TT, KFC-250 Avionics,10 SMOH, IFCS,LRF! 10 ...... $109,000 SNEWWinglets! Prop! . Speed . . 1982 . .Brakes! . . Archer,...... $149,000 . $229,900. US 419 USDSM,Hangar King for US 1971Sale Digital, inNavajo310, 1971Brampton/Collingwood NavajoSTEC 7511TT, 310,50, 796SM,7511Major w/Door/Motor/Heater/Insulated TT, FullDeIce, Refurb1058/824 onVG's! SMOH, Import! . Commercial!...... $59,900 ...... $75,000...... $159,000...... US$159,000 US1960 USD Beech Debonair, Rebuilt/Ugraded 300 HP!! ...... $125,000 US 0516 905-477-7900 • Fax 905-477-8937AIRCRAFT 1986 Archer II, 3567 TT, ‘0’ SM, Dual KX155, NDH! All Logs! ...... $94,900 1970 Navajo, 8720 TT/610/925 SM, G430, HSI, TCAS! ...... $140,000 US 1980 A185F Amphib,1983 3645/545SNEW/IO550/Aerocet3400, Mooney 201, 3751 TT, 1057 SM, G430W, GTN750! NDH, All . Logs! . 1981...... Mooney. . $329,000 231/252 $94,500USD Conversion, US1965 Twin1968 Comanche, Mooney 3875 TT,M20F, 5582 85 2190 TT,SMOH! 527/665TT, 145 ...... SMOH, SM, Garmin Speed 430WAASMods, King . Digital . . .$109,900 ...... $72,500...... US. . . . 1954$ CALL Apache, 3583 TT, 1219/658 SM, Economical Time Builder! ...... $38,500 US SALES LTD. WWW.APEXAIRCRAFT.COM1980 C172RG Cutlass,1982 2491TT,803 Archer, 419 SM, SM, Garmin King Digital, 696 GPS! STEC Excellent 50, Major Maint! Refurb 1979.on . Import!. . .Bonanza ...... $59,900$73,900 F33A, USD 1700 US1965 TT, 172F,1301960 6647TT/1476Since Beech Debonair,New SM/BeautifulPaint/Interior!796/496GPS’s! Engine/3-Blade Rebuilt/Ugraded 300 Prop! HP!! ...... $125,000...... $190,000 ...... US . . . . USCessna$ CALL 172M/N - 3 to choose from on our website ...... Please call for info! 1981 Mooney 231/252 Conversion, 3875 TT, 85 SMOH! ...... 1979 C180, 2850 $109,900 TT, 68 SMOH,US 1954 Great Apache, Avionics, 3583 TT, LRF! 1219/658 ...... $109,000 SM, Economical Time Builder! ...... $38,500 US USHangar for Sale in Brampton/Collingwood w/Door/Motor/Heater/Insulated ...... $75,000 WWW.APEXAIRCRAFT.COM 1980 Turbo Arrow1979 IV, 4083Bonanza TTSN, F33A, 637 1700SM, King! TT, 130 3 BLSince Prop! New . Engine/3-Blade ...... Prop!...... $190,000 . . . $70,000 USD US1964 CherokeeCessna 172M/N 140, 6970TT, - 3 to choose 2750SMOH, from on VeryNiceCleanAircraft! our website ...... Please ...... call$24,900 for info! CAD WWW.APEXAIRCRAFT.COM0516 905-477-7900 • Fax 905-477-8937 1979 C340A, 5318TT,1979 123 C180, 3. RAM 2850 VII/Hartzell TT, 68 SMOH, Simitar Great Plus! Avionics, Avionics LRF! Upgraded! ...... $109,000 . . . . $349,900 USD US1942 HarvardHangar forMKIIB! Sale 5224 in Brampton/Collingwood TT, 991 SM, RCAF Scheme! w/Door/Motor/Heater/Insulated ...... $75,000$139,000 USD 0516 905-477-7900 • Fax 905-477-8937 905-477-7900 • Fax 905-477-8937 1979 C414A, 6462TT, 250/750SM, VG's, Winglets! ...... $399,900 USD Decathlon8KCAB, CallForPictures/Details! ...... $50,000 USD


1977 MAULE M5-235C, TTSN 3201, DE HAVILLAND 82C 20 hrs 2006 VANS RV-7A $79,500USD AN AVIATION GIFT IDEA FOR TSMO 1302 , Useful load 1070lb on SMOH. 1939 prototype of the "C" Sliding Canopy, IO360 Constant Speed YOUR FAVOURITE AVIATOR. Hi Oleo Wheel, 948lb FlyLight Wheel skis, retained by de Havilland for further Prop, Garmin GPS/Com/Transponder Tech carbonfibre. Classic proven 1020 Aqua 2440 float. Fresh annual experiments, incl Menasco Pirate 406 ELT,SOLD 2-Axis Auto-Pilot, Full Leather quality $685.00. COPA Members February 2018. Well Maintained, engine modification. Wind driven Interior, Elevator/Aileron Trim, Electric receive extended warranty. Committed Great Performer. Hangered at CSU3 generator/battery starter. Radio/ Wing & Cowl Flaps, Canopy Sun Shade, to serving your Aviation Community. St Hyacinthe, Quebec, Canada. transponder/brakes/heater. Based Annual 11/18 Located CYKZ Dealer enquiries welcome. RS Designs $125,000 on float,wheel skis extra. in Driggs, Idaho. $60K US. Harry - (3401.17309) Ph. 204-726-4221 Call Gilles Berthiaume 514-592- [email protected] or 760-217-4325 (3052.16968) 4186, [email protected] (2985.17441) (3135.16486)

DORNIER DO27-B2 STOL Special CofA: AB. Like new. Always hangared. Ground-up restoration completed in 1975 PIPER PA28-140 CHEROKEE 1973 AEROSTAR 600, TTSN 5180, 2016. Lyc. GO480, 60 TSTOH, propeller TT6545, 961 SMOH, New Prop 2015, 1941 DE HAVILLAND DH.82C TIGER LE-564, RE-1092, SPOH 105 (2016), 60 TSN. Dynon Skyview D1000. Radios: 2xNavCom, Transponder, Garmin MOTH $90,000. Served with RCAF Garmin GNS530/430, GMA340, KMA, dual KX155, KT76A, 406 ELT, I/C. 296, 406ELT, Wing, Canopy, Tail, 1941-1945. 2792 TTSN. Gipsy Major Insight strikefinder, Insight graphic Incl. spare GO235 engine and many Engine covers. All logs since new. 1C w/600 hrs SMOH. Slick mags engine monitor, Monroy ATD-300 Do27 spare parts. $100,000US. Also, Last annual Sept 2018. $35,000CAD. & electric starter. ICOM radio w/ traffic watch, HSI, ADF, engine large hangar at CYNJ for the Do27, Email: [email protected] or Call intercom. Always hangared. Comes heaters, passenger DVD player, with an Aerolift (2500# capacity) for 780-718-9285 (3408.17339) w/fresh annual inspection. Open to over 200 knot cruise, NDH, always storing second aircraft on top plus a offers. [email protected] hangared, May 2018 annual, $125,000 tractor and winch for moving the Do27. or call 519-320-1854 (3419.17488) CDN (416) 254-3581 (2798.16553) $120K US. [email protected] or 604-530-8038 (3393.17443)


1967 CESSNA 182K TTSN 2165 TSO 1148 prop time 10 hours. Recent annual done. All AD`s complied with. New paint, fuel bladders, windows 1973 PIPER AZTEC “E” TTSN 4806 (bubble side windows) in 2012. Gns LE 2 since bulk, RE 730. Props due 1978 CESSNA 414A, 2011 CESSNA 430 coupled to Stec 30 A.P. Ph: 182P PETERSON 2026. Deiced, 6 pl O2, LRF 192 gal. TT 7225.2 SMOH 208BTTSN 1160 G1000, KATMAI, SMOH 700 780-945-6514 or [email protected] 978/913,GARMIN, GARMIN GWX 68-4N, IO-550D CLEVELAND IFR GTN750, Alti V AP/FD, HSI, RMI, (3416.17460) S-TEC,AIR,OXY,PODDY, SYNTHETIC VISION, A/C, 279K CAD WX1000+, Leather. $139,000 CDN. L/R FUEL 225K US MAINTAINED AS PER [email protected] 905 517-9165 CESCOM, 1.39M USD (2949.17341) 50 Canadian Singles, Twins and Floatplanes

1977 U206G SOLOY 1986 SOCATA TB-20 TT 2074 RARE FIND 1973 PELICAN CLUB ON FLOATS 800TT SOH 2330, S-TEC, SMOH 480 , RECENT TAN 172M TT 1642 RAM 250hr SMOH. Rotax 912 100HP 300 R/H DOOR, FLT KIT, LEATHER SEATS ,HANGARED, 160HP+PF EXHAUST 1966 C-185E 1911 hrs TTSN, IO470, hrs. (neads piston repair). Metal wing AMPHIBS AVAIL. PRIVATE QUÉBEC RECENT INTERIOR, 765 hrs SMOH, Prop 10 hrs SMOH w/flaps. Wheel and ski, 1500 float. CDN REG. 465K NEW PAINT, NDH 819-274-1705, [email protected] USD BASIC IFR, FRESH April 2017; Glass upgrade June 2015 (3417.17470) ANNUAL GREAT incl Aspen EFD 1000, GNS 430 (non PERFORMER 85K CAD WAAS), Garmin 340 audio w/4 stn intercom and 3” Horizon. VOR, ADF, STILL THE #1 STOP FOR Mode C; LR 84 gal tanks; factory float FRESH WATER FLOATPLANES !! kit; hydr syst for skis; Horton STOL; new 10” ABW tailwheel; strobes; For a list of common Annual to May 2019. 1522lbs useful. No accidents, always hangared. abbreviations used in CANADIAN AIRCRAFT SALES Classified advertising please Phone: 613-632-0123 | Email: [email protected] Ext 8/10, Int 7/10. $134,500 CDN Selling due to health. Contact: see page 53 Wayne at: [email protected] (2530.17489)


Buyers are recommended

to check with original

manufacturer to ensure CANADIAN CHIPMUNK RCAF AUSTRALIAN "A" TIGER MOTH S-5, very original. 4000+ hours. Standard Category. About 50 hours 1968 CARDINAL 2170 TTAE, 340 TTAE 1100 hours, however, stripped since rebuild. Gipsy 10-2 engine w/ STOH, KX170B w/GS. KR87 ADF GTX- structural and airworthiness down and rebuilt 200 hours ago. starter and generator, rebuilt by 327 w/TransCal encoder. Apollo SL-15 Radio/transponder, etc. Based in Bunn Aviation of . Radio/ w/stereo input. Paint and interior 2008. requirements are met. Carrollton, . $90K US. Harry transponder/brakes. Based in Maple Leaf cowl fairing, Monarch fuel - [email protected] or call 760-217- Carrollton, Georgia. $70K US. Harry caps, BAS harnesses. $42,000USD 4325 (2985.17440) [email protected] or 760-217-4325 604-512-3915, [email protected] (2985.17439) (2704.17483) ROTECH MOTOR LTD.

Telephone 236-600-0137 ~ Fax 236-600-0138

1947 PA12 3,234 TT, 206 SMOH, website: email: [email protected] 150 HP, Borer Prop, Flaps, Cub Gear, Cleaveland Brakes, VG's, Seaplane door, Lifetime Struts, EDO 2000 Floats, Skis, Removeable belly pan, SL 40 com. Excellent performer. Well maintained. C$62,500. 902-521-5436 (3415.17445)

1970 CESSNA A185E FOR SALE 5513 A/F hrs, 6 new cylinders, Kehler Skis and Aqua 3300 Floats, Horton STOL, LED Landing/Taxi lights, wing/ cowl/windshield covers, JPI EDM 930, Flies great, just not enough time! $145K Contact: [email protected] or 780-812-8882 (2572.17478) 141HP! 912iS Sport 65HP Rotax© 912 & 914 Post online anytime at 582 Model 99 Series Engines or e-mail your ads to: See ROTECHMOTOR.CA for ENGINE SPECIALS [email protected] Contact our Network of Dealers (see ‘Canadian Repair Centers’ on our website) or Call Us at 236-600-0137


1962 BEECH BARON 55 GORGEOUS 1973 1959 RARE FWP149D 1959 PILATUS P3 SWISS 1982 CJ6A NANCHANG CESSNA 421B GERMAN MILITARY MILITARY TRAINER TRAINER Great weekend getaway Low time engines and Only two in Canada. Easy Only example in Canada. Low time Airframe and airplane. Lots of range prop. Avidyne IFD540 to fly and maintained. Low Awesome to fly. Low engine. New Prop. Garmin at great speed. Low time WAAS Garmin 430 ADS-B time engine and prop. A maintenance, works like a VHF/GPS. Awesome for engines and props. Too compliant. WX Radar Full true sport Four seater. Swiss watch. New engine aerobatic and formation many options to list. De-Ice and much more. Good range and speed. and Mt prop. flying. A lot of Bang for the Bucks. FOR MORE DETAILS PLEASE VISIT: AIRPLANESALE.CA

COPA FLIGHT | DECEMBER 2018 47 FOR SALE OR TRADE CESSNA SEAPLANES AND Canadian Plane CESSNA LANDPLANES For listings, please visit SUBSCRIBE AND SAVE! Trade our web site referred ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION FOR COPA MEMBERS Classified Ad Deadline for ONLY $10* January is December 4th *Taxes may vary by province SERVICING, BUYING, SELLING, E-mail your ads to: TRADING SEAPLANES SINCE 1979 SUBSCRIBE TODAY! [email protected] P TO GET YOUR DISCOUNT CALL 1-800-656-7598 MONTREAL'S ONLY SEAPLANE OR USE PROMO CODE A2016D06 WHEN ORDERING ONLINE BASE CSA4 irparts A BOISVERT & FILS Chosen for value and service AVIATION LTEE

8295 BOUL. GOUIN EST referred MONTRÉAL, PQ, H1E 2P6 Tel.: 514-648-1856 P Fax: 514-648-9309 Airparts Chosen for value and service 35% to 85% off list price! New surplus Piston, Turboprop and Jet parts as well as parts for 40'X10' Single and Twin Cessnas, Citations, Pipers, and more! If there’s a STARTING AT part you need, there’s a good chance that we have it! $5,990.00 + TAX Check with us for Parts like Other sizes available Includes: • Airframe - New parts for most light singles to coporate and commuter aircraft, including ag, warbirds and experimental. Cessna twins are our specialty. Also parts for many Single Lever Lock, others in general aviation. Mounting Hardware, Electric Operator, • Engine - 50% discount on most new Continental and Lycoming parts in stock, and a Fully Wired/Assembled growing inventory of P&W and Allison turbine and jet engine parts. Delivery to any site • Propellers & Blades - McCauley, Hartzell, Hamilton Standard. in North America

• Accessories & Parts - 100’s of new, and OHC accessories. Check with us for all accessory parts! Request a FREE Quote

• Hardware - 12,000+ part numbers, 40% discount! (866) 325.7600 • Consumables - Spark plugs, ignighters, air and fluid, brake lining, and more.

• Wheels, Brakes & Parts - for all makes, including tailwheel. Need healthcare

• Lighting - Strobes, beacons, bulbs, lenses, parts for all makes. 10,000 GE bulbs @ but can’t afford to 85% off! fly there? Free Online Inventory Search! Sales Hours 8:15am to 5:30pm EST Preferred Airparts, LLC We Buy Worldwide Div. of JILCO Industries, Inc. We buy inventories of new surplus parts 800-433-0814 - Toll free U.S./Canada We are for nearly anything that flies. Also tired 330-698-0280 Local/International Cash or damaged Cessna twins, Caravans, Buyers! Citations, engines and propellers. 330-698-3164 Fax Getting Canadians Gene Hembree is our buyer. Please contact him at to Getting Better [email protected] 330-698-0280 ext.224 [email protected]

48 COPA FLIGHT | DECEMBER 2018 HYDRAULIC DOORS By the oldest and most trusted name in the industry

WHY YOU NEED COVERS • UV sunlight protection • Stop leaky seals • Protect avionics & upholstery • Corrosion prevention New installations or retrofits with local • FOD protection manufacturing, installation and support • Maintain clean surfaces from our locations throughout Canda and the US. • Preheating / deep cold ops. • Prevent frost & icing

ZERO HEADROOM LOSS · NO MAINTENANCE · LIFETIME WARRANTY Aircraft Covers, Inc. 18850 Adams Court Contact us today to learn more about what Morgan Hill, CA 95037 we can do to help you begin your next project, or bring new life and functionality 800/777-6405 408/738-3959 to your existing structure. [email protected] Toll Free 855.368.9595 PLD17120401 AIR MUSKOKA Home of the Aztec Nomad CENTRAL ONTARIO LOCATION MUSKOKA AIRPORT CYQA Specializing in Amphibious Aircraft Martin Robert • Piston Single & • Hangar Storage • Parts Aircraft Purchases Twin Service (Heated or Cold) • Propeller Balancing & Sales • Annual Inspections • Aircraft Sales While You Wait • Modifications (Free Listing) 819-538-8623 Cell: 819-536-9803 Fax: 819-538-1062 (705) 687-6696 [email protected] [email protected] • C.P. #9, Lac-à-la-Tortue, (Qc), G0X 1L0

Exclusive Dealer in Quebec COPA CARES ...about the future of General Aviation in Canada Join and Support Canada’s largest association of pilots and aircraft owners

For FREE information please write: CESSNA 177B 3684 TT, 1677 SMOH, O-360, 180HP. 78.5 on Hartzell 2013. Garmin GNS 430 Nav//COM GPS. Narco MK 12D Nav/Com + GS Indic, Narco AT 165 Trasponder Canadian Owners and Pilots Association Mode C. David Clark Intercom 4PAX. S-Tech 30 autopilot couling Garmin GPS. M877 75Albert St., Suite 903 Ottawa, ON, K1P 5E7 Digital Clock. E.1 FP-5 fuel flow digital. Avionic master switch. Power flow exhaust system ($6000), All L.E.D Wheelen Lights ($1800). Rosen sunvisor ($750), Electroair Tel.: 613-236-4901 magneto ($5000). strobe lights, 50 Gal Fuel. Fast, clean and economical. $74,500 Web site: Visit us at:

COPA FLIGHT | DECEMBER 2018 49 INDE 040 – CESSNA 180 – TAYLORCRAFT 300 – HANGAR SPACE 00 Aero 21 Aircraft Wanted Commander 1948 TAYLORCRAFT BC12D CSE4 SPACE in newly 220 Antique A/C CESSNA 182 P Professional paint 010 Aeronca FLOATPLANE 3000TT, C-90 engine, build hangar nice and bright your & Parts 2014. 382 Hrs SMOH. New ECI 01 Aerospatiale cylinders, RG-35 battery & Acorn Edo1400 floats, wheels, owner airplane will love it!!! Julian 514- 020 Amphibian 22 Collectibles maintenance category, totally re-built 995-0537, [email protected] or 22 Aviation Art exhaust 2016/17. Garmin 430 w/ILS 02 Beech head. Narco Mk 12D NAVCOM w/ 2003 including new main spar. Needs (2316.17233) 00 Bellanca 22 Aviation windshield and to remount engine. Se rvices ILS. Fuel Tanks 2009/10. All records. 0 Britten-Norman $12,000. (3421.17496) 20 Avionics for Sale $139,000. Email: [email protected] or SOLD 00 Cessna 2 Avionics Wanted Ph 613-295-1789 (3379.17347) 0 Citabria 215 – AIRCRAFT WANTED 0 Cirrus 20 Balloons Commander 2 Books/ 0 CESSNA 172G based at Stanhope CASH FOR YOUR AIRCRAFT, Commonwealth Manuals 08 CND4, for sale or partnership. 66, damaged derelict parts, projects. 00 de Havilland 20 Blocktime 3300 TT, 900 SMOH, with several cyl AVAILABLE FOR SALE: AVID, 0 Diamond 2 Business replaced, prop 10SOH, annual May Zenith 250, Midget Mustang, Tripacer. 00 Ercoupe Opportunities 18. 2VHF, VOR, Xpdr, 4pl inter, new AI, PARTING OUT: C150/152/172, 0 Fairchild 20 Computers cruise prop (130mph). Either outright Viking. (519)453-2579 flyontario@ 0 Financing 21 Destinations HANGARMINIUM FOR SALE sale or partnership. 30,000 OBO. 00 Fleet 2 Employment (2368.15739) OSHAWA AIRPORT. 3250 sq. ft. 65’ [email protected] (3398.17461) 0 Floatplane Wanted x 50’. Freshly painted walls, epoxy floor, 0 Found 20 Engines for washroom, radiant gas heating, ceiling Sale 100 – HOMEBUILT WANTED: PIPER PA24-180 fans and 55’ x 18’ clear electric bi-fold 08 Helio Courier COMANCHE Good condition, email 0 Generators 2 Engines Wanted door. $349,900 NO HST. Contact Brent at PACER HOMEBUILT PROJECT MD- specs. and pictures to: very@smartt. 080 Grumman 280 Flight 416-456-1412 or [email protected] RA approved Pacer homebuilt project. com or call 604-858-7389 Cell: 778- 08 Gyroplane Simulators (2348.17018) Floats for Sale Wings fuselage empennage. Most 933-1944 (3420.17495) 00 Helicopter 28 20 Floats Wanted parts are with project. Left hand door 0 Highlander CYOO–T-HANGAR & Paved/ 2 Fly-In Resorts opening, new longerons. Cherokee 255 – BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 100 Homebuilt Grass Tie Downs available at the 00 Hangar Space wreck for extra parts included. Engine 10 Lake FLIGHT SCHOOL FOR SALE Oshawa Executive Airport. Contact 0 Help Wanted and prop available. [email protected] 110 Luscombe Including 172M and 150M. Day VFR James 905-576-8146 ext.5, or email: 10 Flight Instruction 613-639-3438. (3414.17444) 11 Maule and OC included. Very high income [email protected] (2785.15929) 1 Leasing/ Rentals 120 Mooney area in South Ontario. Includes office 20 Legal Services 12 Murphy space. Very profitable but retiring. 2 Miscellaneous AVION CUBY SPORT TRAINER 10 Navion E-mail: [email protected] or CONDO T-HANGAR FOR SALE 2 Maps 1991 Construction amateur par LACHUTE AIRPORT CSE4 32 x 1 Piper 519-396-4454 (2635.17477) 0 Noticeboard Claude & Sylvain Hélie. TTSN 1920. 42 x 16 including 16x16 furnished 10 Pitts Parachutes Toujours en hangar. Lyc 0-235-C2C apartment. Main living area & 1 Rallye 285 – FLOATS FOR SALE 0 Parts for Sale certifié, 115HP, TSMOH 871. Starter kitchen with air conditioning upstairs 10 Rockwell Parts Wanted TTSN 871, Mag/alternateur TTSOH NEW 2000 & 2250 FLOATS ANY connected by spiral stair case to 12 Scout Powered 871. Sensenich TTSN 871, $32,500. RIGGING for homebuilt & O M aircraft. bathroom with heated tile flooring 1 Seabee Parachutes [email protected] ou 418-735- & spare bedroom downstairs 10 Starduster Too Also several sets of damaged Edo & 0 Professional 5318 (3418.17487) electric heating throughout 1 Stearman PK floats for parts or rebuild. Ed Peck Services dehumidifier & large 42' bifold door. 10 Stinson 902-467-3333. (2350.15660) Propellers for Reduced for quick sale to $140,000. Swift 1 Sale [email protected] or call Bob 1 Lost or Stolen RV-4, AVID, Midget Mustang, 0 Propellers FLOAT BRACE WIRES Tie Rods 514-794-5544 (2345.16737) Taylorcraft Zenith 250, Tripacer, Swallow, 180 Wanted Most popular lengths in stock new 18 Ultralight 75HP Continental, 80HP Franklin, Real Estate certified new surplus and some 10 Warbird several Lycomings, wings, landing 8 Sailplanes used wires. Ed Peck 902-467-3333 HANGAR FOR RENT CYPQ - 1 Aerial 0 Share or gear, exhaust, etc. (519)453-2579 [email protected] (2350.15636) Peterborough, 1116A Aviator Drive, Photography/ [email protected] (2368.15750) Partner Exclusive use of newer hangar. 41X33 Advertising Skis for Sale ft. Remote controlled electric door, 200 Aerial Touring 80 Skis Wanted CERTIFIED FORWARD BOTTOM storage shelving, $475.00/mo + HST. 20 Aerobatic Tiedowns 8 2012 BUSHCADDY R120 TT208h SKINS for most Edo Float. Ed Peck Call: 905-718-8944 (3422.17499) Training 0 Thefts Rotax 912 ULS(100hp) prop WarpDrive 902-467-3333 fax 902-467-3136 20 Aircraft Ferrying Title Search 70" 3blades radio Flight/Line FL-760 [email protected] (2350.15648) 210 Aircraft Painting 00 Trade or Sale Garmin Aera 500 GPS Elt 406 Kannad CYKF T-HANGAR FOR RENT 40' 212 Aircraft Covers 0 Tr avel Information Floats PG1800 also landing gear with wide 12' high sliding steel doors 21 Aircraft Storage 10 FBO 8.00X6 skis Federal 1500. $75000. 220 HRS ON PK 3500C FLOATS with asphalt floor including electricity. Tie 21 Aircraft for Sale 00 Passsages email: [email protected] (3387.17346) compartments. Like new. Absolutely downs available. Peter (519) 400-2743 tight. No damage. 185 Gear. $33,000 [email protected] (2339.15702) USD Call 705-690-2977 (3103.16960) 325 – MISCELLANEOUS Skywagon City Corp. EDO 2870 FLOATS FOR SALE Straight floats with some patches but no leaks. Needs some repairs. • Fseae as ws a eahes Cessna 180 rigging complete. Cross ee as a s ws bars corroded on end where the plug e as a e as a blocks press in. Intended to change to Your Premiere Source amphibs for homebuilt but sold plane. ses for Pre-Owned Parts $3900. Contact: [email protected] or • N as ae sa 780-232-6573 (3120.17357) AVIATION SCALE Capacity of • We as hae a hees e for Cessna: 400,000 lbs Cox & Stevens Electronic whees a aes ses 150/152/170/172/180/ 1320 EDO FLOATS FOR SALE. Scales. Asking $4,500 obo 506-736- a ea a s e 182/185/206/210 $8500 complete. Call 705-644-1148. 9958, or [email protected] (3039.17479) (3156.17462) • Swa C w hase aae and several Piper models a ee aa ees 300 – HANGAR SPACE 335 – PARACHUTES • Ce a 50 aa STEEL HANGAR AT CYMW PILOT EMERGENCY PARACHUTES MANIWAKI Steel hangar on concrete for gliders powered aerobatics slab at CYMW 30' deep X 40' wide warbirds. Sales and service. Back seat sliding doors to full width. Built in 2007. chair; custom colours. National Softie 2851 Cess R. 7 asswa. Top Shape! $45000. Contact: E-mail Strong new/used. Call Flying High eh ON L0 10 705-484-5667 Fax 705-484-5606 [email protected], or call Manufacturing Inc 403-687-2225 or 613-878-9814. (3410.17348) thru (2334.14745)


AEROFAIRINGS HELPING YOUR BODY TO HEAL ITSELF! 450+ new aircraft exterior *Sickness & Disease can NOT live in an alkaline body Vinylester fairings available on * Your Energy will soar! the WEB at: * Aches & Pains vanish * More Clarity 819-375-1250 Ask for a quote by email at: * Best Natural Hangover Remedy too [email protected] CALL TOLL FREE 1-877-682-1188 CAJ7 HOME, HANGAR, AND AIRPORT FOR SALE This Estate or SEMINOLE, APACHE, CARDINAL, Home has a 4200 square foot heated order online at C150/152/172, Mooney, Viking, hangar, a 4500 foot paved runway, and PROJECTS: Tripacer, Aeronca a 5300 square foot home with an indoor Use the code FLYBOY and receive a Free Gift Sedan, Midget Mustang, Zenith pool and hot tub. This is a private airport 250. ENGINES: Lycoming, Franklin, registered with Nav Canada, it sits on “You will be amazed at how good you can feel!” Continental. AIRFRAMES: Cessna, 160 acres, and it is located south of Piper, Mooney. (519)453-2579 Calgary Alberta. For additional details [email protected] (2368.15761) please call (403) 689-1548 or e-mail [email protected] (3337.17442) • Products FAA Approved • Interior Panels MGK AERO: Thousands of parts in • Glare Shields stock from a large mix of light aircraft. 370 – SHARE OR PARTNER • Nose Bowls Engines, certified and experimental from A-65 Cont up to Lyc 540 and Cont • Extended Baggage Kits 1973 BELLANCA VIKING, 50% 520D. Many OH certified cranks, cams, • Composite Cowlings for All Cessna SHARE. 4300 TT, 1005 SMOH, cylinders, etc. Many OH propellers. 180 and 185 and Years 1956 to 1961 Garmin 430 & 660 GPS, Good Specializing In Fibreglass Avionics and the rest. Featuring very Cessna 182 Aircraft Models interior & exterior. Owner has moved Aircraft Parts rebuildable 1976 C-185 fuselage with Overseas. Asking $56,200 but any • Vinyl & Wool Headliners P-Ponk gearbox, logs. 204-324-6088 reasonable offer will be entertained. [email protected] • Soundproofing Kits Available (2576.17482) Email [email protected] (3302.16989) • Carbon Fiber Cowlings on Field Approval Basis Available for PA18 Cub 350 – PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (208) 664-9589 375 – SKIS FOR SALE PILOT COACH. Experienced pilot to ride R seat with you. IFR practice, cross border and large airport operations. I am available for IFR - IATRA - ATPL Southern Ont. departures. Local or cross-country or travel Canada and Intensive Ground School USA. You will safely gain experience, KOVACHIK AIRCRAFT SERVICES LTD. confidence and knowledge and • Three-day preparation Serving the aviation community for 55 years on your schedule. Fly in the real for Transport Canada Certified AMO 335-92 world with confidence. Dave Fisher- exams Specializing in fabric work, FLUIDYNE HYDRAULIC 4000 WHEEL Commercial, Instrument, over 4000 • Montreal area structural repairs and rebuilds cross country hours in the GA system. SKIIS for Cessna 206 with LDR good 416-578-1303, [email protected] bottoms. Contact ken wilson ph 647-227- • Certified engine overhaul and repair (2830.17226) 6996 or email [email protected] • Parts and accessories (586.15798) • American IA on staff for all Seminair inc. American aircraft 365 – REAL ESTATE • Certified or Homebuilt FEDERAL AWB RETRACTABLE [email protected] FREE 1 ACRE BUILDING LOT at 905-335-6759 SKIS Complete. Certified for 514-923-6275 Cable Head Airpark (CCA3) in beautiful Aeronca or Citabria. Complete with [email protected] Prince Edward Island. Contact Paul at hydraulic pump. Ready to install. [email protected], 203-747-6403 or $7500 Contact: Roger 819-336-4181 203-284-9342 (2947.16537) (3144.17485) For a list of common abbreviations used in Classified advertising please see page 53

Classified Print Ad Deadline for January is December 4th Post online anytime at or e-mail your ads to: [email protected]

Buyers are encouraged to check TALLY-HO Cookstown /tally-ho Field — Cth8, 47 aCres with 2 more shorter runways. Between Barrie & toronto. with original manufacturer inCludes 50'x 80` hanGAr with larGe oFFiCe area, Quonset hut, studio, inGround Pool, larGe Family home suitaBle For eXtended Family or rent For inCome. $1, , 00 395 0 to ensure structural and airworthiness

For additional details call marc ronan, salesperson/owner, Coldwell Banker ronan realty, Brokerage 905-936-4216 | email [email protected] | requirements are met.


2049174 ALBERTA LTD BRAMPTON FLYING CLUB COMBINE WORLD INC. HAMMOND AVIATION LIMITED 7505 40TH STREET SE PO BOX 27 STN PO BOX 357 11-4881 FOUNTAIN STREET CALGARY AB T2C 2H5 CHELTENHAM ON L7C 3L7 ALLAN SK S0K 0C0 N. WATERLOO INTERNATIONAL [email protected] (905)838-1400 1-306-221-3800 AIRPORT BRESLAU ON N0B 1M0 536009 YUKON INC Flight school, flight college, Cessna pilot Combine World is a world class leader in 1-888-256-1106 200 - 204 LAMBERT ST centre, aircraft maintenance, Cessna aircraft agricultural equipment sales, as well as new and parts sales, Humphrey’s pilot shop, fuel WHITEHORSE YT Y1A 3T2 & used parts. Hammond Aviation Ltd. - Is an exclusive sales. 604 MOOSE ROYAL CANADIAN AIR COMMERCIAL FUNDING GROUP INC wholesale and retail distributor for a wide CADET SQUADRON SPONSORING BRIGGS TRUCKING & EQUIPMENT LTD 120 WESTBEAVER CREEK RD 16 variety of quality aviation products servicing COMMITTEE 11350 2 ST NW RICHMOND HILL ON L4B 1L2 Flight Schools, Pilot Shops and pilots directly. (866)762-0484 801 - 11 ST SW EDMONTON AB T6S 1G2 IMPEL TRANSPORT LTD Heavy equipment hauling and rental. Commercial Funding Group Inc. specializing CALGARY AB T2P 2C4 in commercial and business use aircrafts/ PO BOX 895 403-263-0300 BC PROVINCIAL COMMITTEE: engines for Canadian based companies rang- WINKLER MB R6W 4A9 AIR CADET LEAGUE OF CANADA ing from $100,000 - $2,000,000. 204-331-9313 Providing familiarization flying for the cadets 3-7630 MONTREAL ST COOPER AVIATION of 604 Moose RCACS DELTA BC V4K 0A7 1700 STE-ANGELIQUE JETAVIVA 9214-3866 QUEBEC INC (INTER- 604-732-9119 ST-LAZARE QC J7T 2X8 7247 PIE-IX STAR AVIATION INC) Providing leadership, discipline, citizenship (450)455-3566 MONTREAL, QC H2A 2G6 A friendly country airport, CST3 is located 640 RUE CHAMBLY and career choice for today’s youth in Avia- 514-942-5880 tion & Aerospace. BCPC operates a fleet of in downtown St. Lazare and home to COPA SHERBROOKE QC J1J 2Y2 (819)346-5238 6 - C182 and 13 gliders. Flight 43. We sell 100LL AvGas and have telephone and toilet facilities on site. We focus on a core group of aircraft markets, ADVENTIST WORLD AVIATION BURLINGTON FLYING CLUB DEVENIR PILOTS GBSN S.E.C. rather than any and every aircraft we can get 1281 HWY 33 2446 WOBURN CRES 182 TETREAULT our hands on. We are recognized world-wide EAST KELOWNA BC V1P 1M1 OAKVILLE ON L6L 5E9 MONT-SAINT-GREGOIRE QC J0J 1KO as the experts in the turbine & owner-flown 778-753-6564 community. Our job: Dream. Fly. Repeat. CANADIAN BUSHPLANE HERITAGE 514-502-0499 CENTRE KELLY PANTELUK CONSTRUCTION AWA mission flights support isolated com- Airplane shares available at a fraction of the LTD 50 PIM STREET cost. Professional aviation administration of munities, with medical evacuations, medical SAULT STE MARIE ON P6A 3G4 PO BOX 190 outreach (vaccinations/clinics), dental your asset. ESTEVAN SK S4A 2A3 705-945-6242 DORVAL AVIATION INC outreach, health programs and Christian (306)634-2166 Ministries (church planting, bible studies). 202-9025 RYAN AVE The CBHC preserves and presents exhibits, DORVAL QC H9P 1A2 KINDERSLEY PLANE OWNERS INC artifacts and educational programs about PO BOX 1555 AÉROPORT DE SHERBROOKE (514)633-7186 Bush Planes, Bush Flying and Forest KINDERSLEY SK S0L 1S0 900 CHEMIN DE L’AÉROPORT Protection. Dorval Aviation is a flight training centre COOKSHIRE-EATON QC J0B 1M0 offering the full curriculum of training from LEGGAT - APEX CANADIAN PROPELLER LTD 819-212-7728 private to commercial including multi, instru- 2833 16TH AVE BOX 220 462 BROOKLYN ST ment and float ratings. MARKHAM ON L3R 0P8 WINNIPEG MB R3J 1M7 Ravitaillement (100LL Jet A1), Tie-down, Res- DUESS GEOLOGICAL SERVICES LTD 905-477-7900 (204)832-8679 taurant sur place, Pas de frais d’atterrissage. 1314 BYRNE POINT RD HOWE IS- Canadian Propeller Ltd., provides aircraft Cessna aircraft sales, service, parts. Cessna propeller, governor +NDT services. We are LAND GANANOQUE ON K7G 2V6 ATC QUALITY ENGINE OVERHAUL Caravan service, parts. Engine overhaul, NDT, an authorized Hartzell & McCauley service (613)542-8822 6406 BLUEBIRD ST ORILLIA ON structural repair, modification. centre. Providing a wide range of mineral exploration L3V 6H6 MAGNES GROUP INC CANADIAN SPORT PARACHUTING services throughout Canada. (705)325-5515 EAGLE AIRCRAFT INC. 7030 WOODBINE AVE, SUITE 801 Engine overhaul/repair, non-destructive test- ASSOCIATION HANGAR 3, TAXIWAY C SEGUIN MARKHAM ON L3R 6G2 ing, dynamic balancing, engine modifications, 204-1468 LAURIER STREET PARRY SOUND AREA MUNICIPAL (888)772-4672 dynamometer testing. ROCKLAND ON K4K 1C7 AIRPORT ON P2A 2W8 613-419-0908 705-378-4728 Providing value and protection to Canadian AVIATION D. M. INC aircraft owners, pilots, operators and manu- 1535 AVENUE DE L’AEROPORT CSPA, through affiliation with the Aero Club facturers for over 50 years. of Canada, is Canada’s representative to the Bases at Toronto Island CYTZ and Parry SAINT-HYACINTHE QC J2S 9A6 Sound CNK4. Piston, turbine, fixed, rotary MAXCRAFT AVIONICS LTD 514-220-1200 Federation Aeronautique Internationale, and is thereby the National Sport Organization for wing and float aircraft maintenance. Garmin 250 - 18799 AIRPORT WAY parachuting. Distributor and Service Centre. Avionics and PITT MEADOWS BC V3Y 2B4 Aviation D.M. inc. is a flight training unit structures. 604-465-3080 EXT 221 (CSU3-QC) offering private and commercial CBR TECHNOLOGY INC. FAIRMONT HOT SPRINGS AIRPORT Maxcraft Avionics Ltd. provides professional curriculum including night, VFR and instruc- 92 LAKE CRIMSON CLOSE SE 5225 FAIRMONT RESORT RD avionics services to all types of private and tor ratings. CALGARY AB T2J 3K7 (403)285-6432 FAIRMONT HOT SPRING BC commercial aircraft including helicopters and BEL-AIR LAURENTIEN AVIATION V0B 1L1 fixed wing aircraft. INC. Remote airfield services include - Runway 250-345-2121 MCMILLAN LLP. LAWYERS/ 1341 CHEMIN DE LA VIGILANCE firmness testing, Survey of threshold, runway AVOCATS C.P.2009 SHAWINIGAN QC G0X 1L0 profile, & obstacles, Full to partial AWOS in- Full aviation and fueling services for aircraft stallation & servicing, Dual Aircraft Altimeter BROOKFIELD PLACE, 181 BAY 819-538-8623 up to and including 737’s, 24/7. 6000x100 & on-site personnel Certification, Industry STREET SUITE 4400 asphalt runway CYCZ Canada Licensing for personnel & base sta- TORONTO ON M5J 2T3 Maintenance aéronefs pistons, distributeur, tions, Flight Check Instrument Procedures. FLIGHT FUELS INC 416-307-4005 pièces Cessna, réparations structurales, 3515 76 AVE CNC4-GUELPH AIRPARK INC distributeur flotteurs aerocet, wing exten- EDMONTON AB T6B 2S8 50 SKYWAY DR A national, full-service law firm located in sions distributeur, essence 100ll, restauration, (800)607-4355 GUELPH ON N1H 6H8 Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal aérodrome lac-à-la-tortue Distributer of aviation fuels and lubricants. 519-716-0521 and Hong Kong with a dedicated Aviation BIG LAKES COUNTY Fuel 100LL Cardlock System 24/7. Runway GLOBAL AEROSPACE UNDERWRIT- Law department. BOX 239 HIGH PRAIRIE AB T0G 1E0 (14-32) 25 ft long with lights dusk to dawn. ING MANAGERS (CANADA) LTD 780-523-5955 Runway (05-23) 2100ft. 200 - 100 RENFREW DR Canadian Plane COAST CAPITAL SAVINGS MARKHAM ON L3R 9R6 Trade 800-9900 KING GEORGE BLVD (905)479-2244 BOISVERT & FILS AVIATION LTD SURREY, BC V3T 0K7 8295 GOUIN BLVD E GUDD INC Classified Ad Deadline for 1-844-945-1461 MONTREAL QC H1E 2P6 7 RUE DESSAULLES ST PAUL January is December 4th (514) 648-1856 D’ABBOTSFORD QC J0E 1A0 [email protected] The only seaplane base on Montreal Island, We finance certified new or used aircraft, (450)379-5195 E-mail your ads to: providing seaplane maintenance, aviation oil including single or multiple engine, turbine or Aircraft fleet management company. and avgas. piston, fixed or rotary winged aircraft email:[email protected] [email protected]

52 COPA FLIGHT | DECEMBER 2018 AVIATION ABBREVIATIONS CORPORATE The following are common abbreviations used in Canadian Plane Trade classified Members advertising. When counting an ad for MISSION AVIATION FELLOWSHIP OF ROTECH RESEARCH CANADA LTD VICTORIA FLYING CLUB insertion charges, CANADA 6235 OKANAGAN LANDING RD 101-1852 CANSO ROAD each abbreviation 264 WOODLAWN RD. W VERNON BC V1H 1M5 SIDNEY BC V8L 5V5 is one word. When GUELPH ON N1H 1B6 Exclusive Canadian distributor for Rotax (250) 656 2833 more than one 877-351-9344 aircraft engines, parts, accessories. abbreviation is shown, ST. ANDREWS AIRPORT INC The Victoria Flying Club has been training first given is preferred. MAF is an international. Christian, hu- 202 - 705 SOUTH GATE RD pilots and meeting the needs of recreational manitarian organization working to meet the AC ...... air condition ST. ANDREWS MB R1A 3P9 and career flyers for more than 70 years. transportation and communications needs A/C ...... aircraft (204)981-4239 VIP PILOT CENTRE INC of those living and serving in the poorest and AD ...... Airworthiness Directive 1375-12 MARIE-VICTORIN most remote parts of the world. Best known ADF ...... automatic direction finder General Aviation Airport. Flight training and for aviation, Mission Aviation Fellowship SAINT-BRUNO, QC J3V 6B7 A&E ...... airframe & engine aircraft maintenance. (MAF) pilots and mechanics operate and (450)461-1888 alc...... alcohol (as in alc. prop) maintain a fleet of over 145 aircraft - flying in STEINBACH FLYING CLUB AP...... auto(matic) pilot and out of some 2500 airstrips in more than 35107 Road 40 N [email protected] ATS ...... automatic throttle system 30 countries around the world. BLUMENORT MB R0A 0C1 Pilot supplies, for individuals, flying schools, ASI ...... airspeed indicator 204-371-5398 and commercial airlines. We carry Garmin, 360CH .... 360 channel radio OUTAOUAIS FLYING CLUB STUDENT AVIATION FINANCIAL Lightspeed, Icom and other aviation products. 720CH .... 720 channel radio 21 DU TAMARAC CG ...... centre of gravity GATINEAU QC J9H 6T3 ENTERPRISES CORP WABAKIMI WILDERNESS CHT ...... cylinder head temperature 819-332-0552 80 BLAZER ESTATES RIDGE ADVENTURES CALGARY AB T3L 2N7 Comm/com communications PASSPORT HÉLICO 176 HILLDALE RD Cont ...... Continental (engine) 403-397-6107 10-3320 AVENUE DE LA GARE THUNDER BAY ON P7G 1Y8 CS ...... constant speed propeller MASCOUCHE QC J7K 3C1 807-708-4080 DG ...... directional gyro 450-474-4888 Providing financial assistants across Canada DME...... distance measuring equipment to all inspiring students wanting to obtain Fly floats or wheels to Armstrong, Ontario. 6 EGT ...... exhaust gas temperature Fondée en 1989, Passport Hélico est recon- the PPL and CPL license, muti, IFR, float, remote outposts, plus main lodge. Great fish- ELT ...... emergency locator transmitter nue pour la qualité de ses services qui sont: instructor rating. ing for Walleye, Pike, Trout, and Moose Hunts. Formation, nolisement, achats/ventes et Enc Alt .... encoding altimeter entretien d’hélicoptères, services de hangar. - SLEMON WATERLOO WELLINGTON FLIGHT FBO ...... fixed base operation Founded in 1989, Passport Helicopters in PARK CORP CENTRE FD...... flight director recognized for the quality of its services PO BOX 90 3 - 4881 FOUNTAIN ST N FREMAN, which are: Flight training, chartering, sales FREM..... factory remanufacture and servicing, hangaring of helicopters. SLEMON PARK PE C0B 2A0 BRESLAU ON N0B 1M0 GEM...... graphic engine monitoring (902)432-1760 (519)648-2213 GPH ...... gallons per hour PRAIRIE AIRCRAFT SALES LTD. Offers Flight Training - Recreational, Private, 408C OTTER BAY, SPRINGBANK Slemon Park is home to aerospace com- Commercial, Multi-engine, and IFR with 18 GR ...... glide ratio AIRPORT panies like Atlantic Turbines, Honeywell training aircraft. Also, a two-year Profes- GS ...... Glideslope CALGARY, AB T3Z 3S6 Aerospatiale and Testori Americas. sional Pilot Diploma Program with Conestoga HP ...... horsepower 403-286-4277 College. HSI ...... horizontal situation indicator THE ABBOTSFORD FLYING CLUB WILSON AIRCRAFT IFR ...... instrument flight rules 30540 APPROACH DR [email protected] 14845-6 YONGE ST STE 353 ILS ...... instrument landing system Prairie Aircraft Sales Ltd., operated by Kathy ABBOTSFORD BC V2T 6H5 3LMB/MB.. 3 light marker beacon AURORA ON L4G 6H8 Wrobel, has been in business for over 50 604-239-0199 LOC ...... localizer years. We were the Exclusive Cessna Dealer (905)713-1059 LRF ...... long range fuel (capacity) for both New Caravan and New Piston Air- Aviation sales & consulting since 1968. craft for all of Western and Northern Canada. The Abbotsford Flying Club is a non-profit cell:647-227-6996 Lyc ...... Lycoming (engine) Prairie Aircraft specializes in aircraft ranging organization that rents out aircraft for pilots MB ...... See 3LMB in all sizes for pre-owned aircraft for sale. that enjoy leisure and personal flying. YORKTON AIRCRAFT SERVICE LTD MK ...... Mark (model of equipment) PREFFERED AIRPARTS THE NINETY-NINES INC. (MANITOBA BOX 1604 MPH...... miles per hour 11234 HACKETT PO BOX 12 CHAPTER) YORKTON SK S3N 3L2 NAV ...... navigation KIDRON OH 44636 HANGAR 24A LYNECREST AVE (800)776-4656 NAV/COM . navigation/communications 1-800-433-0814 57119 MURDOCK RD AMO # 125-90 “We-re there to keep you in NDB ...... non-directional beacon the Air” NDH ...... no damage history PO BOX 55, GROUP 612 SS6 We’ve parted out over 325 Cessna twins, from OAT ...... outside air temperature WINNIPEG MB R2C 2Z3 303 to 441. We’ve also added Caravans and OBO...... or best offer Citations to the list of aircraft we part out. 204-261-1007 O/Oxy..... oxygen PROVINCIAL AIRWAYS The Manitoba Chapter of the Ninety-Nine, Inc. P&W...... Pratt & Whitney (engine) BOX 2170 is a non-profit organization with charitable RMI...... radio magnetic indicator MOOSE JAW SK S6H 7T2 CRA status. The Manitoba Chapter of the RNAV ..... area navigation 877-717-7335 99s is the first chapter world-wide to gain SCTOH ... since chrome top overhaul approval to own a club plane. SCMOH ... since chrome major overhaul Aerial application, fuel, parts & service. SFREMAN/ PURPLE HILL AIR SUBSCRIBE AND SAVE! SFRM..... since factory remanufacture 22678 PURPLE HILL RD ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION SMOH .... since major overhaul THORNDALE ON N0M 2P0 COPA is SPOH..... since prop overhaul (519)461-1964 general aviation FOR COPA MEMBERS STC ...... supplemental type certificate STOH..... since top overhaul Aircraft painting, structural repairs, annual ONLY $10* STOL ..... short take off & landing inspections. Transport Canada AMO74- T&B ...... turn & bank 98. Builder assist in amateur built aircraft. *TAXES MAY VARY BY PROVINCE TBI ...... turn & bank indicator Aircraft interiors. TBO ...... time between overhauls REPOLOGIX INC. TT...... total time 225 THE EAST MALL, SUITE 1662 TTAE or TORONTO ON M9B 0A9 TTE ...... total time aircraft engine 416-248-1229 in n an spprt TTAF or aiatin in anaa TTA...... total time aircraft frame REPOLOGIX Inc. is Canada’s leading aircraft ta TTSN ..... total time since new repossession company. VFR ...... visual flight rules Membership bene ts include: VHF ...... very high frequency RICHARDSON BROS (OLDS) LTD SUBSCRIBE TODAY! Information • Representation VOR ...... very high frequency RR 3 SITE 11 BOX 19 • Insurance • Assistance CALL 1-800-656-7598 Omni-Range OLDS AB T4H 1P4 • Friendship TO GET YOUR DISCOUNT xpdr ...... transponder 403-556-4466

COPA FLIGHT | DECEMBER 2018 53 Aircraft Hangar Specialists 45 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE 800.628.2158 705.248.2158 SPRINGERAEROSPACE.COM

Ý Heavy Maintenance Ý Structural Repairs Ý Import/Export Ý Modifications Ý Avionics Ý Paint


Photo’s courtesy of Edenvale Aerodrome, and Heli-Lynx Helicopters Industrial and Commercial Buildings also available [email protected] 1-800-561-2200 Proudly Made in Canada Design Build and T-Hangars available DUNDAS, ONTARIO | 905-627-1127 Fax: 905-627-7339

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Factory Authorized Service Centre AVLube R22 & R44 OiL treAtment TC/FAA Approved PHONE 705-325-5515 FAX 705-325-1365 6406 BLUEBIRD ST., RAMARA, ON, CANADA, L3V 0K6 Canadian Plane Trade [email protected] • JANUARY PRINT DEADLINE: DECEMBER 4, 2018 BUDGET WORD CLASSIFIED AD (includes a 30-day online ad) Manuel Mongrain Members: $40.50 + applicable taxes (35-word maximum) President Non-members: $45.00 + applicable taxes (35-word maximum) Guy Blais STANDARD PHOTO CLASSIFIED AD (includes a 30-day online ad) Members: $72 + applicable taxes (35-word maximum) Parts / Sales & Purchasing Non-members: $80 + applicable taxes (35-word maximum)

In case of error or omission, COPA Flight will be responsible for one insertion only. AERO ATELIER C.M. INC. Ads received after deadline will appear in the next issue. 1281, Chemin de la Vigilance, Additional words are permitted in the magazine at an additional cost. C.P. 2018 COPA members - Add $0.85 per additional word (over 35 words) AERO ATELIER C.M. INC. Shawinigan (Québec) Canada Non-members - Add $1.00 per additional word (over 25 words) G0X 1L0 Aircraft & Helicopter FOR FULL ADVERTISING OPTIONS AND RATES PLEASE VISIT: Engines Phone: (819) 538-6768 Fax: (819) 538-6710 C 0 • Overhaul • Repair E-Mail: COA COA 10 • Warranty • Carburetor [email protected] Use the website to enter your ads online or • Magneto • Cylinder Web Site: e-mail ads to: admin @ copa • Flexible Hose Payment is normally made online at canadianplanetrade. ca* We sell Engines & Parts AMO.303.91 / EASA.145.7239 604-999-2411 or 800-656-7598 *Charges will appear on your statement as Canadian Aviator Publishing

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