' mm-- - ' 3J J THE SUN, SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1690. 3 I - ll nil 'H FOR SAILORS. AUATtivna BTttvoauifo nun xbb HOW TO DEAL THE HOG. CKLEDHAIIXa TUB OLD FLA (I. SMALL SfORT OAtlH. Wlin Highest of all in Leavening Power. U. 8. Govt Report, Aug. 17, 1889. The Klehtaend Demonetrntton rnratahee beautiful lrnArnnn but hot The Atalantaa lieatea oa the Paesale by some itxricniKxcics of VAHsmaEns the Oraad Army Mediae; n Text. enough msD. ths Ilraalorda oflloatou. IS PUBLIC COXriiYdbCKS. The Metropolitan Oporn House was filled last JV wind, tide, and water In favor, night at tho Grand Army's Memorial exercises. 'With lis the ('Ink Popular Wespes Hug-steet- Kx.JudgoYan mooting to --B Ilnnaraaa of Craft Afloat la TtlTera, the Fassalo Hirer regatta should lia 0 boon a groat A thn Most lloeson called tho Sosne or Valneteaaneaa at pre- wm rjonad.ana tho liar, for a Drath, success yesterday, and It was satisfactory In la View the order nnd Oon. Alger, Grand Commnndor, i HoaeJnit for a IMeaaaat Ball. nn Appeal to a Jlettcr Nature. sided, Tracy nnd Sir. and Mrs. riB u4 many respects. Tho racos began nt 9 A, II., Baking; day a ot dealing Amer- wero bov.es. 1H Yesterday was more of a soldiers' than and should have beon finished at 0 1', M but The method with the droat lhomas Cl'latt in ono of tho W I sailors' day. nnd tho weather set the yachts- - orery race was lato from start to finish, and It ican Hog ndoptod by Mr. II, C. Duval seems to Probably tho oldost soldier thoro wns llnjor-Goner- popular ono suggested. K. 1). Koyes, mil men a cmmblloK from sunrlso till far into the tho junior olght-oare- l crows bo tho most thus far who had cotobratcd his was dark when exasporated eightieth birthday afternoon. Instead of the strong and stoady returned to their houses. Twoorthreo citizens write that PlriVkfl the day bcfoio. Another week thoy armed themsolres with stout black- votornn was Cok I M. Day Gen. Shermnn'fl breete they had looked forward to for a The crowd was bb lurgo as usually attends have ton. f thoy propose to vigorous old adjutant. Col. past there wasn't wind enough to fill a hand national regattas nt Newark, Tho prizes were thorns and that make l'.lllott I'. Shopard sat on of mainsail, ot ndoquato occasion row Willi heavy cano, which i kerchief, not to ereak a when beautiful, tbo weather ported, and tho crows use them whenover tho front a he many revolutionary Inquire with Whacked vigorously on tho nay signals were given to start tho fleots of In hUh spirits. Unfortunately tho roferoo's arises. Othors less floor whonevor whlto-wlngo- d Mr. Duval's ono " flag." Alger onco beauties on their various boatwn9 so fearfully slow that it could not llvolleut Intorost what exrorlenro said den. must at hnvo In rlghtoous orueado to which lis ABSOLUTELY pnlnod delightodlho Colonel ho courses. koep up with a junior gig race. William II. has been the PURE and whon snld: Twonty-seve- n sklppors, picked crews I- has devolod himself. The Hun Is keeping Atthevery we our i with Curtis was referee. J. - Ilallentlno judgo at liourwbin loitimemora'o dtad A great Mr. of In country great mass deal, , In white jsckota, mustered on board as many oloso watch of Duval's blackthorn and another part of tha another of the finish, and tbo tlmo keepers woro Harry A VK i Duval. Ho a sympathetic employer, and ZAITy TRXMS. It AirAT CAB. people ar holding seriices In cela'iratlun uf Hie deeds i yachts of tho Knickerbocker off A. I- - I.nnghan. All ot tho races Mr. has .1 McMillan and of thos who sought to destroy tl,e and yet so of trouble is saved you, and I Tort Morrli and camo for tho line when Judses wero miles straight nwny. Tho trial heats Mr. Depew may bo dopondod upon to grant his i'uutri, IS Ooaalp About the Clnba la tala City ana Two Frlchtened Paaeeagera Jump Out irony is tlie that it is not endangered at all by m Georgo flago. O. H. Ohellborg, and 0. It. Smith, In the morning were rowed dowu tho river, and secretary any renonahlo furloughs for hos- Use Cap. nation it's none for us; to send J i tho finals were rowod ui until the tldo turned, - leewuer. of Then Fracturea lite Knee this fact. iAj'jlauae, tie hear uf luany (lacs nowa- fired the starting signal sun at 11 :1G. The pital recuperation which may bo mado nocos- - JTJS. Jr.. when tno races had to bo rowed down. One of the crack English plnyera. C O. Enmss, has A frlchtonod horse, with a oab containing days being dlsplajct In different parts of the country, clothes home on approval. .- boats got away with all kites alolt on the star- - In the palr-oaro- d gig rnco thoro woro three sarybyhls encountors with tbo various country, Is of Is 7BZ& recently nrrlved In this lis a member two men. ran down Sixth avonue from For-tlot- h but we give notice that In this land of ours there a tack closo-haulo- to a tight breezo from entries: which Infest tho publio convey- Iivchange, and. although coming place ror no (lag sale that ob which we honor here, But money is .'(' jJK board T. F. the lxiiidoti stock streot and ncross Thirty-fourt- h npplauss as saved in our - Tritons II. Sanderson, bow; Iiorr, Mr. street to Tremendous the southeast, with tho Alice first, followed by Mystle-- K. ances ot tho city. But thoso who know over on business, lie will play I" several tournaments ;l VrJ)"'- Btroke; A. H. Ward, coxswain. Third nvonuo at '2 o'clock yostordny afternoon. "Threochoers for the old flag1" erlod eomo prices also so llrad-Ilol- among that's Torino, Itosotta A., Hatch, and the Mar. Durreo, bows II. Huryen. T. Jl. d. Duval hnve no fours ot any suoh contingencies. white here Batuss ranks the first ten players the stroke: Under tho olevnted station tho excited passon-cor- e one In tho audience, and thoy voro giten villi taljI coxswain. Arthur Kull-- l). fl. llnrtloit. Mr. Duval alono. to say nothing ot his black In England. He It now practising on the Bt. (leorge by I, imi On board tho Iron steamboat Taurus at loast loapod Thirty-fourt- a will, and were followed moio applause much the better for you. Ml bow: .1. (lloi'kor, stroke; f. Olbbs. coxswain. capable of handling any single Cricket Cluh'B grounJs at iloboken, and will make his out. At tho h streot Of pensions Uou. Alger bald. I 800 jolly Harlomltes cheorod thorn on. The Tritons wero favorites and took tlio lead thorn. Is qulto lorry Pollcemnn stopped V ho may In first arpearntice In public at the tournament of the Sheridan the horse Ther ar 4lX),u) u A It nun who to dsy ,li maud The light air sent them along at a good gait nt tho start, btitbeloro tho ouartor was readied brant of swinish nnturo which meet htlph-ha-, .New Tork Tennis Club Wednesday He lll alo nnd arretted tho driver. William Smith of 110 that tbose old sotJIers who are and thehflp I through thoy were third, and the Mystics In tho load. his travels about the metropolis. nsit less wlvi and children or tliose v ho arodtsd. shall he tho narrow channol between North championship at Forty-nlnt- h Thlrty-ilft- h At tbe halt tho Arthur Hulls caught tho Mystics play In ths .Middle States Rochester West street. At tho supported by the Uovernmetit Monty p'lid for i, li HACKETT, I Extreme moasures In dealing with the evil and South Brother Islands, and as soon as and led them to the llnlch. which was mado In onJuneO, where lie will probably meet C A Clmse In strootpollco station tho men whoiumpod from Biuiis la not wasted. It is distributed four ttmesaiar thoy split Cs 10.000 persons they reached tho oton taoks. When 10 rolnutsB 1 second, with tho Mystics thioo can bo advised only undor strong provocation. Should he visit that city, hewiuptny tbo oab said they wero Thomas Thompson to In all parts of the country was nblo to the all comers 0 tbo Kathloon neather the east lengths behind, and the Tritons ctowdiug But If you do hit a hog, hit him bard. Do tho II A Tailor for the ohamplonshlp. The lndoier will and Uharlos low of Ulen Covo, L. I. Thomp- Congressman J. Polllver of Iown also CARHART&CO. point Hiker's Skipper Zoroga put enough to part In tha hew-por- t son hod oompound I. of Island. her them closely. lasting not remain here long take a fraoturo ot tho right to tho ltlchmond colobrntton. Ho hnld : about. A short log Into Flushing Hay on tbo slnglos was a brilliant race. 1 he job thoroughly, and make the losson a tournament on Aug 'it. kiteo. nnd was sent to Ilollevue Iloapltal. Flow The senior Is nlajlng a remarkably tine game was We should so tesch this generation tn appreciate what port tack put hor out of the tide. Sho fetched were: one. You may havo to explain the affair to Olarence llobart only slightly bruised, and started Imme- It cost to save our nag tbal will be no one In this 1 to windward of Hunt's Dock on the starboard entries George this year, his drives being vsry severe and aomirate. Ill diately for homo. there & Canal "j a. U Hawkins of the Metropolitans. Judgo Duffy tho noxt morning, but It It Is a club mates In the hew Vork Tennis tiub think be will country unable to distinguish between Hie flag of our B'way St tack, and tanked JusteaBtof It atl2:'Jj. Tho Zwlngen s, The cabman, who locked up, country and the common curiosities or history p Frelth of tho Vorunan, U. of the you thraBbod. Judgo stand a fair chance uf Inning tho ell comers match at was said that big catboat Edna held the starboard tuck till W. CalTrey of the Lawrence Canoe real hog have the llttlo his horso was frightoaed by an elevated train, flause) This nation has less than half cnmiuered the oloteupwlth llarretfs l'olnt. whon sho went of will you It in bohalt of the commu- The Country Club of Westchester county will (rive a lie knew nothing of hla save they army, If the Ideas that formed the basis of Club, nnd E. J. Carney the Institutes uf thank for July. faros, that Confederate poittlos are tn remain a part of our na- Open late this evening. about and began the windward work In or fallod to big Invitation tournament some time la Invita- had taken his cab nt 12'J West Forty-sixt- h Nowark. Walton the Tritons start. nity and let you go. B. V. Bears, Dr. I)wfgM.il. A. tional Ills. Loud and longcontlnued applause and " tamest. Carney ahead nt the lend and was In tions have been sent to streot The horto aud oab belong to August cheers. ' ?: drew sugcostod by cor- Taylor. J. A Shaw, and all prominent rtayere In the Forty-sixt- 17 There was muslo and dancing on board the quarter, with Irulth second aud Homo milder methods are tfIn splendid condition, aud ilolss ot 12C West h street. Ve cannot ask tho people of Virginia to withhold the lead nt the sub-jo- country. Tha courta are nt tteamor, nnd a collation, whllo tho raohts third. Hawkins nnd irelth drow respondents who eontlnuo to dlcues tho ct valuable will be offered. from their leaders the marks hutine. nor leoni !lil. , Hawkins rrlres dead signs of mourning, (inthe on ,,f A i drifted to Throgg's Nook, for tho wind died out ahead at the half, and nt tho mllo they wore vigor. rum Is ths The Hatbuah Held Club opened Its new grounds on the other hand. TEXAS DKSPKItADO'S EXD. with Odd man thinks Waverly ) estarday. Last rati Wise Itote, but Not Wlio Caonab. tho Grand Army can draw netr and glte a soldiers again before Whltostono wni reached. Tho abreast, but Hawkins gained steadily und avenue Klatbush. th; to tho misguided vnliir or your countrymen. was twenty miles to Gang-- U 1HH cause of all the troublo, nnd no doclaros that rluti was obllgid to vacate Its quarters on Plamond .! courso and nround two length ahoad In minutes sec- several gocd courts. The new James NIoholson owns a houso In Woodstde, falntatlon Yon owe ll to the past jou owe It t" tho George Slaksmsos, Who Wonlda't Bob) buoy, only way alrett where It had -- tray at the ontrnnco to tho sound, and onds. Frelth was second and CatTroy third. ' prohibition is tho only panacoa. "Thu old ones plrtur-egu- N". to keepallvo Ihe fallti that your cause ' A soutborly brooro came ovor grounds are larger than the and verj J thnt Is Infestod with rats. He has was (Applause l'reachersi. Killed by a HherlfTe roeae. return. from Tho crews In the junior double race which we shall over got rid ot tho American bog." ho There are five courta two or dirt and three of Just Mlien ttiat sentiment shall and tho Long Island hills soon nltor three o'clock, followed woro:c'eawanbakn. It. II. l'olton urasa. The club also Intends laying three mure The with cats, traps, nnd terrlors with- a place, as It surely most, in Hie law a in tbo lit, rattiro, Austin, MaySO. AShorlfTsposseand agaryr ' by destroying tho factory which - It, ,; Hi the politics, lu tbe ilallyllfeof alt the people, and tho Hoot mado a pietly plcturo as they nnd A. Atalauta. J. C. (irlfllth and A. writes. "Is o nicer of the cluli are- rresldsnt, f Huornck out mntorially nhntlng tho nulsnnoo. Being thin of horso tholvcs had torrlQo twon- - ' was John: vt Conrad Uol Shall come to pass the vision or the patriots, und mar a encounter camo down for tho outer mark, which lulled Mystic, A. .Land F. Uarklle: Insti- This suggestion doesn't flt I. Tompkins Treasurer soldiers-th- en Honcgan: turns him out." U The annual election something of a chemist, he composed n poison tyre, and shall these scant red grates t.f above around by tho leadors as follows: Kntbloen, . . In- becretarv, C Austin. ukis miles Austin in tho mountains t tute. M. I. Carney and Lockmeyer. The enso. Tho drunkon hog In publio convey- Thursday In Jnly. Among ttbnss pres- toe Itentibllo. recalling to alt hearts A pi rfeel patriot . Edna, 3:3H:10: Mngglo. 11:40:18: three-riunr-t- the place on the first of strychnine, arsenic, prusslo yesterday ; 0:3C:n8: lllack stitutes led from tho start to tho vesterdny were the jllsios hohomeck, tho Misses and acid In ism, witness at last u perfect amnesty Applause lato nfternoon. in which ono of tho M Myro.3:43:lu: Glgglo. tho of the ovll, but ent M Hawk. 8:40:47: 3:46:07: mllo. with tho Atalatitns following closoly. ances Is worst feature Slioonmaker Miss Flora uonahno, ss Palsy sloctim, about oqtinl proportions, Havo rod with sugar, Roso Coghlnn rocltod tholvos. Gonrgo Makomson, was killed, A 3:47:45, tho rest Ilsrh-r- "Hherldnn's ltido." and and hla flf Itosottn A.. and within half nn At tho mllo the Atalantos forged up. and It is the nuiBnnco most enslly suppressed Mies ijertrude Pooler, Miss Oref. t Uowdeswell. chtoso, tho yolk ogg. F.worson a story 1 was n hack Throgg's Jiunmgs. and of nn all kneadod Frod Hrooltsof California of brothor Frank captured. Goorge is tho follow !H hour. It beat to hook In the Mystics and Soawnnbakas. which woro In when It Is onco tacklod In onrnoht, Thoro Mr Hiker, Ulareuoe Pettltt, lloscoo and Alva own. wero ' a good broeze and n reach from there to tbo Ketohum. Into a paste. This nroporatlon ho spread upon his Thoro otlior roellations end who. years ago city, up j W summary: the race up to this point, fouled In front of tho Is going to bo a prompt nnd radical reform In singing, nnd evorybody helped slug the Btar six in this held and Onlsh. Hero Is the l'olnt House. The Atnlnntns took the lead from tbls resrcot or people will know tho reason a piece of bnttered toast, which ho placed near Upanglod rohbod Dr. Ik M. Swearinger, the Ilov. It. K. t 1 A COCKISO JUJJ.V. Banner. ,i ABO HEAT I CLASS ILOors CCTTIBS. tho the beginning or the lust halt why. Drunkards must be kott olT tho cow. and a n rat bplo outside his born, to see how plan l I Instltutoat the Bmoot, Dr. Rtoddnrd, and esvoral others of XlapHt Oorrtrtei nnd won nut bv five or six lengths in 8 minutes thoy will be. It Is the sober hog in some of his worked before Intioduelng It into tbe house. gold I suti-pro- ss tVln-aln- c Geo, Sickle Hays la One Flag; Only tholr watches and what nmnoy they had. Fame. lenoift. Ownnt. ume. time. 30 seconds. Tbo Institutes wero socoud and varieties that wo don't know just how to The Home tllrda Swept the Deck br ,n.Tuesday alternoon."sald Jlr. Mcholson. There '( I ft. In. u m. i n. k s Mystics oneetuolly. nothing to do looking of for Americans, As bo took the watches he examined them tit T. o. Zerega it t third. Liquor has Two Out or Every Three Ilnttlen. out nbasemont window, I saw a cnrolully, n,, Kathleen.. .!J7 0u ?o Knr-nn- aggra- big and whon ho camo upwltli Dr.Sinoot Tho slnglos followed, with O. II. n w It It his swinbhnoss. aud this fact Is an rat cautiously smelling tho paste. He did SP.-G- cn. ,J Mil Masrotte...:310 Lcfferta kldred., Did not gonuicourse, nmlor Boitoi, May ) SporUng msn from alt parts of Boston. Mny Ilanlol E. Sickles bo notlcod that his watch wna engraved. H A. IS n rt) of the shnumuts, llarrv llurnna of tho vation of hid oifenslienoss. loavo9 him a notpatnnvof It. but prosently ran baok " ? B'l Bntlnl....MOi nroegmundt.,7 SJ m it congregated a 1 Into nro a prooonor." he Bald. " nore'a I B4.05M .1. V My-tlc- W. D. ot dogonernte oxouse or pal- astern Massachusetts at certain woode tho nolo, and tho mombors of Kdnnrd KIiibIov Tost lou tourist lilaok Did not finish. liourno tho Atalantn. nnd U. wil'ul. beast without soon came out, followed by a rat your I rob ho 'j L. llosseau o 01 3 tl 38 men spot Brighton and wltnessid one of the biggest cock a little 112, A. itppoal watch. don't nreachors," und Kjssb. not u II, Iltrd of the Tritons n starters. Jllrd and liation, nnd unlit to associate wlthdecent lu smaller tban hlmsolf. As fnr obi could O. It. After making an ltnndod tho watch back. ' ;J CLASS 3 SLOOSS AKD CUTTIES, liourno loulod at tbo start, and nil four woro and women, lterormatlon Isihopoloss. Who lug mains seen In these parts In many a day It was a judgo. they held a short oonsultntion over the I for lncroased ponslons, ho concluded with u Throo days alter he was captnred abont ,1 11 N. 7 called back. At tho second attempt got over heard or a hog that turned gentlemnn flsbtlng opeue.l toast, and then began to push It with Alice II 91 A. liolden IS 38 7 IB 28 ther verltaba carnpal of it with three tholr unveiling thirty miles above Austin whllo asleep, and -- i 80 x. K'orrls u 43 45 sway evouly. Illrd drew slightly ahead Ho may succeed in concealing bin swinish tjojos in the dlreotion of tho house. I reference to the of tho statuo ot Gen. viuon 0" j hum nnd scrub battles for tw a side each between Hilton. Hraln hen Leo at Richmond, In which he said nas tried, convicted, nnd sentenced to tho BlaokIlawk390tH a Christie. Jr ....esi is e is in and held a lead to tho Triton's houso whero nnturo for a time, but It Is suretociopout did not suspect wbnt their design was until I " ponltontlnry twenty yours. weeks ', Oleam SS03 PourQuand. et al.O 43 30 it 37 is) got slight ndvautago. and 1)1 again. Onco a hog. always a hog. is the rule. tree and Brighton birds, and Brlfhton took all ot them saw n big rooster pick Comrades, I am unmoved by any rancor or lor Jour Kornor a nl rush at them, up tho ugo. upon petition of tho county offlcors. prison ; Jessie. SI0O4 Pnd.Ueu 7 30 01 7U1IX) right In front of hundreds of don't wnsto auy tlmo oor thoiroblem Then came a main of three battles for 2lasiJe b poisonous morsel, nnd run away with It. anvspltlt ot hatrod. God forbid, but I am a Paula. 23 0J( I) SbotUck Did iiot finish. wlthdrow. bo Hog. Then Union soldlor, and I lovo Hag, 1 say olllolals, and tho gontlemen whom ho baa young mon and young ladies who wero cheer- how to reform tno Oront American Ho tween Brighton end Bralntree birds Brighton won tbe villiilnouHschomo was revonlvodto mo In mi and "i Llnis 3D07U J.W. Watson ....Ulilnot (ocoaran. each, sec- here, will say or v where, Ameri- robbod, tho Governor pardoned him. 33 him tho balconies ot his own club can't bo rotormod: ho must bo suoprosfod. Ihe nrst and third In three mluntes and ttc nil Its hideousnoss. I chnsod tho rooster, and oi that lor Elf WUSH B.A. Petonon....7 30 7 lu 37X ing from In nine minutes but houso. Bournowns seoond at tbls point, but Tender-hearte- d womon neoJ not modltato any ond went to Bralntree ho eluded nip. and fully lite minutes elapsed cans thoro is butonollaglgront cheoringi the '4. CLAIS 8 CAT AD TAVL S1CGI0 TA0I1TS. Another of tbreo battles for $SS) between the ling Hill, Hurntoga, Vork-tow- n Durand took courago and drew ahead ot him. appeal to his hotter nature. Ho has none. Ho main or befnro I could make him drop tho toast. II o of Hunker and nnd VBITVAET. ci Rotatta A.34 0IU T. R. Smith 6 41 no (14180 tomptatlon to vice. same parties then claimed the attention the sports. had managed tn (applause) tho llag of Lundy's Lnno. U 11 Keonan finished an eighth of a mile In the load, is not like tho vlctiniB of Brighton won tw o ot these also in sight and six minutes devour somo of it, and ho dlod Ida 230ri2 Hun Illdlint noltb Tlmo, 9 2G sec- Ho was hog. Tho only argument ho con bird needed lu less thnn an l.nko Champlaln, und hrle, ana Now Orleans I WhUn 31 0.1 w B, Balnibary ..7 14 oi 7 08 sou with Durand second. minutes born a respectively, while the Bralntreo sixteen hour. Hag Kcott, Maollotiotigh. George B. Deane, Jr., Justlco of the IS Is tbo sharp etlugol public con- to kill his advertary. "J. throw the corpso on nn heap, thu of I'erry. nnd Third S Torino.... Slot Jaa Fonrnlir 7 40 7 l.i 13k onds. understand minutes nsh Intend- llan-co"- jfl K. doublo-scul- worso. problem is The main of the dsy was for tJCtl a side, bs ing to bury It Jackson thollng of Lincoln, tho flag of Judicial District Court, died ot peritonitis .$ ( l'atolo. ...CO 04 II.Dirg Did not nulih Tho senior l rnco brought out tempt or somothlng Tho third Hyde tho noxt day, nnd resolved to at San- wayof whip-plu- g tween Brighton. Ashmont. and Park birds poisonous tbe flag of Grant, tho flug of Washing- C7 L1 CLASS 4 CAT BIGGID. Freeth and J.Plutt of tho Varunas and H. simply. What Is tho most eAoctual Brighton won two battlia and ll)del"ark mnkonomore matter: but yester- his homo, Dank stroot, on Thursday night. jl publio scorn V Again looks day morning, when ton. (Applnuse.1 It Is tho only llag which Allca 34 11 It. 7 33 31 7 derson and T. K Keer of the Tritons. It was him with tho lash ot out of match I went Into the yard with Ho Buffering H nendar, 33.13 t) say: backtd the third a shovel to 1 the right, nnd in ourchntlty let us not had beon from an abscess for Ujra J404H . K TlOMDaUtSt..O 34 40 0 28 3J the Varuna's race from the start. Time, Another correspondent has this to Fuur match battles a side ware than decided, dig a gravo. found that 1 had a lor) with a grand tourney boyond my forget tho difference botwoon right and wrong." somo tlmo. and whllo holding court oa Tues-- &VU6 Xatoh 340l J.Coiztns u 48 37 0 4il SUU minutes 42 seconds. Tiik Sis recent uxticUe rimouncln? tbe disgusting and tna afternoon s sport closed most snngulno expecta- applauso.1 3A Edna 240O NowDoaldAOrltTeH 14 20 o 1 2n Tho race in which tbo chiof Interost centered habits and rudeness of 111 bred persons who ride in pub- or scrub battles ror sums varying from to ?M a side tions. Tho llttlo that wits left of the rooster's ILoud day complalnod of Illness and was compelled op- - bauds on the of WT IdaB 23U7X Coo. U liuckman Did not flnlab elght-oaro- d shells, tbo lic conveyances, sre truthfut to the point, nnd most More than ?l,OJO i banged remit the body was badly mangled, nnd olgbtaon was for senior in which mains. dood At Oes, J)lx' to go homo. He was born In this olty tn 1818. 1 CLASS 5 CAT KtGOSU following started: rats Iny nround tho remain-- . Thoy had foastod Oriive. hate L'one demand that some vuorou meaiMiree he on poultry, 1671 he was olocted member ot Assembly. m f May 1S01 Geo A. Corry Dldnotrocoarra. Bradford Boat Glub, Cambridge, Mass J. Bergen adopted either wlib a vliw of aeharring tl em from 00 Gamca nnd taken my poison, not exactly A Blmple wreath of ImmortelleB was placod In . f A. M 11. Inter ecbolnrltc At Princeton. ns I expected, '' jB Uaifla,. ...tsul Wainitr ll l:i e 4u :ij Bow, K. McCuilen, 3. J. Y. Cuinmtlire, 3t Cor cupjlng the sitmu ci mewuue used by decent and but In Bufllclont quantities to upon Gen. A. In 1S75 ho was elooted Aldorman, and after- - I 10 W L. Jacoli, u 40 10 u 40 10 Koceno Buckley. Si D A. .McVee. e kill nearly a the ginve of John Dlx in Trinity m Glifla Jr coran. 4, s. J t. clesnl) people or lorctuir them to better man PniNCKTON, May SO. Tho scoto of them." wnrd ho served two torms as Clerk of i wero Alahnney, 7. J. V. Ryau. Stroke: J. K Nell. Coxswain. ners when other peoole are utifnttunitely obliged to Cemotery yesterday. Tho oxerclsos wero un- ths Mi I The winners the Kathloon. Illnck Hawk, lalrmout How lug Club. Philadelphia. I'a, IV. llrnw. lit company Coulduot surface, ilevated, Athletic Association of the middle States held Court. IIo Giggle- - travel their Tho Thomas A. 1)U (1. Tblrd District was elected Justlo liosettaA.. Edna, and Tho Kathleen nell. Bow, G. Ponlap. 2; C. W. 1'relsendanz, 3. W. mid steam rullro ids provide special cars fortbetrac-commodatlo- Prin- rtntnner Nlgihta' Concerts). dor the direction of John Tost 135. A. i Commo-Vf- r their !lrst meeting this afternoon on tho 1837. will V. St also wins the special prizo olTerod by Hoover. 4: P. Heck, 3, C. J. Tierney, 0, U u. Nell, 7; which could bear the sign "Cattle car Thoro was beor Ik, with tho cooperation of Alexander Hamil- In Tho funornl be on Sunday at 4 the Hnowden, Rtroke tliUB giving to passengers or habits the protec- University grounds. Two as well as muslo to be had at I dors Kousseau for fastest timo oor the J. decent ceton 182, COO. o'clock In tho afternoon from tho North Bnp- - Alcyone Boat Club, Eltrabeih, N. J J. Cameron, to whleh they are entitled t If the other s Theodore ton Fost and l.lojd Asplnwull Post '! f courso without tlmo allowance. tion s Thomas's first summer night's con- Church in West L'loventh ' U a A 11. Clark. 4i Hen- York, following m-'- rocords were broken ono In tist street. The burial raoo was big-r- l. bowi J. Wilson. 2i Floid. J of Hew Thk exa'npl A thousand mon. womon, The Harlem Yacht Club's tho ley, , W. iiUlca, 7, II. D. Yillson, k concerted would by Kt. cert at tho Lenox Lyceum last ovenlng, tho and children will beat Woodlnwn. i over Thirty-eigh- 5, fl Kuril, stroke, were to Attn this evil In actlon.lt throwing the baso tall n Luke's but Best event tho club has had. t W. 11. Hhreve. Coiswaln certainly be remedied 10 a great extent, even If not en was grouped themsclvos on tho hillocks nbout Oon. Cliaso, j yachts, frow 42 feot long down to 15. ew E. V. Wrreht, who boat tho recent rec- beer not on tap In tho concert room, nnd Col. William H. who died rocently fn If started Atalauta Boat Club, York H. P. Cashlon. bow; tlrely eradicated. Such a movement would reiclte the student. tho DIx's gravo. and when tho mombers ot 'Washington, aged (id years, waa a native of j when tho signals wore given from tho Iron G. K Blorm. 2 J. H, Charrabury. H, B. Vnn Clief Jr, strongest public approval. 815 by 1C 5 Inches, In muslo could scaroely be hoard In the base- tho I ord ot feet feet the other Otsego county. N. Y. Ho Drat taught i steamboat Bliius, at College l'olnt. They sailed 4 C A Lunjaok, 5, V. rreeman. 8. J Meldon, 7, l T. ment bolow. people, posts had taken their positions tho school oyer - Qulgley, stroke, loftu, coiswaln. Special hog cars on elevated trains would bo the running broad jump by L. H. llnmsdell. Hundreds of however, Army and afterward practised law In Unadilla. Ho ,1 almost tho sarno course as tho Knloker- tf.K If band from loit Iinvld I jr an excellent thing tnere was some wav ot 20 werp content to remain In tho concert room went to tho front as a voluntoor early in tho d , booker yachts, oxcout that the large classes This was the prettiest nnd most oxclting ns thoy passed Germnntown Academy, who cleared foetT'i plaiod "Tho Hnliito to tho Dead" The ritual ' H ' buoy. corralling tho beasts tho ticket while the muslo was on tup. nnd drink boer tbo G. A. It. servlcos wns Dy war of tho robolllon, and served until the con- - turned Sand's l'olnt The judges were race ever held on ths Passaic. The start was a turning all Into appropri- ot memorial rend j f, George rarkhtll. 11. Campbell. Thomas Jack- - one. perfectly oven. n yuartor boxes and them the Inches. only during the Intermissions. Commander Cornelius Ten Kick and (juitt diet closed. Ho was brovotodColonol for mori- - j, flying and For compartment. anybody would Uko to The 3 son, and J. P. Sullivan. The ltegntta Commlt- - wero ate If The results of the gamoi give licrkeley first concert, the nrst of a series of twonty-elgb- t. L O. Landrus laid tbo simple of torlous services In tbo Held, For somo years - J, of a mllo or more the boats nearly would bo tho condition of ono of circlet place lllvi-slo- u J. A. Foltz.(K W.Jb'ullor, being slightly know what plnco Association, 31 points; was In all respocts n huocofs. Mr. upou the gravo. Tho wim past ho has bold u In tho Customs ' teoweroT. Hendrr.F. abreart, tho Atalantos In tbo those cars after an hour's run let Mm cross In in tbe with Thomas was recelvod with an lmmortellos oration ot tho Treasury Dopartmont at Washing- t1 H.B. McAllister, and It. L. Fersenheim. load on the west shore of tho river, the Hrad-for- City ferryboat during tho second, 20; Ilalsey ovation at his delivered by Past Conimauder Thomas 11. It was Ueet oast, a Jersey or Lawrenceville with third, first appearanoe. and nearly eiery selection Odell. Tho army played n dlrgo. ton. IIo leavos a wife and tho crown children. - almost a drift for tho to the wero on the and the Falrmnunts hours end ride In tbo men'" onhln. Most fourth, was applauded with band then Stepping Htones Lleliu where they got the and Alcrones sagging behind In tbe middle of keep out of tbesn smoking with 14: Cutler with 11: Princeton enthuBlasni. Tho audi- und a brief prayer closed the oxeiclses. Tbo Donjamiu Ilrown. innnagar ot a tanning en- 'V4, ecent men cabins Preparatory School tilth, with P, and Chopin ence was large as woll as enthusiastic and Myndort Pretoria, , Boutherlr breezo. Tho Josslo. Noreld. Oriole. the river. Thin form was kept up to the whenever they can get a foothold elsewhere on many of steamer Marin was chartered by lux terprise ai bouth Africa, died tbero Empire, Idler, and Truant luffed around tho three-Quarf- mllo post, the Atalatitns and sixth, with 5. the boxes as well as the larger part of rost to convey members and their famillosup on May 12 of typhoid fever. agol years. Mr. ', tbe boat, The result of tbo ovenU were follows: tbo lioor were oooupled. years it Band's Tolnt buoy in tho order named. The llradfords drawing ahoad and making a close against drunken hog Is be- as the North lllver to the lA.'ith street ulor. Tbo Brown was for somo superintendent ot I 'J. 27.30. very - Alcynnes Fair-moun- ts The orusado ths B. W Al- Jessie's tlmo was Rome cood con- fight. Moanwhlle tha and ginning havo etTect, ob sovoral Instances of One hundred ysrds dash Klrit hat wou by post had among its guests l'nst Uopnrtmont tbo Lllcnvlllo tanning works nt ElJenvlllo. I tests were seen lnthe windward work bock to were making an even Dent tn tho to len. Berkeley Time, loss seconds Second best won Malone and Commandar (leu. .lardlne, t'onlor N. V.. and was widely known tanning eieutlon from tbe cars within a day or two cer- by K R Bamsdell, Oermantown Academy. Peners Matched. lnthq . Throgg's Nock. The Groclo the flrst boot The Brndrards put on a spurt Time los Ualsied. Past Commander Gen. Mch-ola- a triuio. Ho returned to Bramlor, England, bis tiis rear. tify. Klevutod railroad gatomon are beginning aecord) Klrst bsat won by E. K. Bamsdell. Time, loti J Louis Malons'scballsnge to play any one in the ) around Gangway buoy at 2:17:30. Tlie Sinus when poarlng tbe llnlsh nnd drow ahead Allru second, W. P Belknap Day ot Ulx l'obt. nud l'ast rienlor until o place, about six years ago to claim an 1 to enforce tbe rule forbidding tho admission of sei'iin.!1. third. world for a side has been accepted by Albert Pow was thronged with tho wives nnd daughter of sllggbtly. but the Atalantas reioondod nobly fine Hundred Vards Dash (for buys 15) rjrst C. 1L l'roeimui. lnhorltanoo there. Ho Is eurvlvoj by his wife, yacntsmon. A drunkards to tho station platforms and the under ers, through his backer, J 1! Bomalne, the formerly Mary the dinner and dancing at tho and caught nn with tbem. Tbe Bradlords is extending even to surfaco car linos. heat won b J l.e Houlllller Ilalsey; time. 12 as sso Westsrn Miss Gerard of Jillenville, and ', clubhouse followed In tho evening after tno again forged nbead, and finished the race In 7 ovenlng onds hscond beut won by ri ValL Lawrenceville, tlm sporting man. who has oharge ot George Hawkins s, th Ilecoratloa Jlay lu by six children, who reside atllrnmloy. is T).1 by On Thursday a reporter was on an 12 seconds TMrd heal won by K (' Oberteufer, Law. Newark. t raoe. Hero tho summaries: minutes, seconds, winning about six F.lghth avenue surface car going un In horseman a, business interests In Chicago. Powers re G. Froderlck Paul, foreman of the machinery CLASS A town reucevllle time. lUsecomls. Heat for seconds to run Docorntlon Day PlOOrj AfD LL'TTIKS feet, Tbe Fnlrmounts meanwhile bad worried celled the following telegram from Romalno on Tburs The celebration In Newark Itali-roa- Hudson street. The car stopped nt Domlnlok In rnaiswoubJ 1' Drake time. lSti seconds Klusl day department ot tbe Dolaware and Hudson d ,' corrected the Ellrabeth crew out and took third plnce, very won by Drake, time. so aflernuob: yesterday was tbe biggest and most enthusi- Oumpany'e shops N, ; MawJ street, and a drunk man rolled aboard. best - seconds. Kcntwasa " I ered Malone s 1100 Brass-wic- at Oneonta, died Bf I IfTVlth. Time. Time. three or four lengths behind the winners. Tbe very close second. bare coi forfeit with the ),, Tbe conductor looked nt him with an expres- company Hate telegraphed Malone as follows: astic held thoro for many years. In tho morn- on Wednesday very suddenly, aged 61 rears. JVanw. ft. In. Omvrt. h. u. s m. m. s. Atalantos put in n claim of fool against tho - High lump won by F. (, PelL Cutler, with nve M of dlBgust. and said- " Where do you feet; M'owers has covered your fcrrelt. and accepts your Ho was a native Ot Germany and cams to this iJ;." Coqustta . . M ui J. ctinrda.... 05a i 3 34 llradfords but It was disallowed. sion A L HUllams. Stevens High school, sscond, and W. II. challenge games ing there was u pnradoof tho police nnd lire I yirlnir I'looi dfM Jmna (lorton ti 0 41 UJ wnnt togetolf f" " I don't give a damn." said Camp, Berkeley, on coudltlon that be played early tart country whon n young man. lie was for a ' ai tit 4i Tho Junior four race bad Ave entries, tho third. ot July1 J. ll. loi Clerk " departments, local visiting J A. J. Allaire 3J ltj A. J Stobbini ll .'.'J 23 6 4J 61 tho fellow. " All richt," replied the conductor, Iwu hi. udred and twenty yards dssh Won by R. W atreet and Grand Army tlmo employed in the railroad ebons In Albany Nautilus crew, which came late for the trial ' v Y was CI ASS B t'ASIl SLOOrS. got off hora. Wo don't car for your patron- Allen, time tvecoude, Helknsp. Lowrencevllla, posts, two regiments of Btato militia, and nnd transferred to Oneonta abont twenty I heats In tbe morning, being pormltted to enter. aecond and tl A Newark Academy, ago. 7 OS age, or any of your kind." The man got off. hwaln. ihlrd The Miller Itlfle Club, years Ho was a member of thoHasonlo yiora. 32 O. Pauley . BSD 11 Tbe live crews were made up as follows: One Mile Bicycle Itace Vlvu by J IV. school children, moie than 3,000 persons being t ClaudxV 81 OHL, fl A hog boarded an upbound Broadway oar at Hall. Cbaplns and Odd. Follows fraternities. He leaves a j. Dnuioiara.Jr.U14 nut Onlih. Club, New York N V . M minutes :ti seconds; ( SI The Miller Pica Clnb ot Iloboken. B. II Pewey, Cap- 31 11.T4 1 8.1 Atalante Boat J. 0 Grllllth. bow nilddjo time Brlncker In lino. In the attornoon then) woro sports ot wlfo five Kerald '. J. Coorsr 7 7 23 03 Honegan. 3; .1 Rector street, plantod himself In tbe of boff Lawrenceville second and children. ' Ot )' B O. Wendel, 2; l. Uralth. stroke tain, held Its annual shoot at theischueiren Park, Union Ptarless 30 Jimii Uor 4 12 0 44 w N A. o seat nnd crossed bis logs, so that a muddr lllel:un-W- oii by V R every description In and near Newark, In Hon. Institute Boat Club Nowark. J. Ilartlg, bow; Half J Oddle, Jr. Calllsens, IllU, yesterday The nnd Tbe Htouben Jenkins, historian and an- CIASSC CABIf sloops. T, caln. 2, H hmlth 3: a. Smyth, stroke. shoo effectually blocked the passage and Urne. 'J minutes 102: seconds. II. N Arn(ld, Law- contents on the two targets, ring tho ovenlng tbero were appropriate exercises tiquary, dlod on Thursday night at his noma ' B ) Boat Club, Brooklyn. U I W Charnley, opposite seat, Hospiead renceville second ant point, began at u A M, when a large ' Matid U 27 m w. w. MrManus ns 6 87 17 Nauttlns . nearly touched the nnmber la the First Presbyterian burch. Tho graves In Wyoming, l'n., agod 10 years. Ills ancestors Tberaia... .25 10 A.W.Warner 7 10 Si 7UII1 row; B. H. Pelbult.2, W. II. lloldea, J. A l'rtntii-e- a blanket newspaper out Its full slro, and. Tug of War (475 pounds limit) Hon by default by of members, as well as many shooters from Nsw lork, of 2. 000 soldiers luthe various cemoturlos wote wero among tho earliest settlers of the Wyo- I his behind It. was liaise). Jersey City, and New ark were on the range. during tho by cl ass n CABif sioors. iljltlc Boat Clnb. Newark, N J Nelson AtresL burying bead oblivious to Tw o hundred and twenty yards hurdle race Won decorated day members ot the ming alley, his grandfather having beon a bow, everything elso but himself. It was on y br Toward noon the attindanee fell off somewhat, as Army posts. Oriole 24 OH V 1' Lue 7 3130 7 30 6 y. v Mercer, 3; J M Pnrand.3, It C Cummlng, stroke tho W. Mnlth Berkley time 29 3 3 ssronds K. a many of participant wished also Grand prominent figure in Colonial nnd Htate history J.-- day. nnd people began pour tbo to shoot at the s Onrlsilna. 22110 Mmi:i 7 j( 7 20 63 Arthur Hull Boat CI11U hllzabeth. N W U llllde last rainy to Into Brlnckerhoff seroud, and Cunda, lltrkley, thfri. Newark In Harrison aud Kearny thoro was n gen- in thnt region. He was a lawyer nnd a life- Iki ji .1 Won n, Park where tbe Newark Shooting IilUr .. . 22 UN Uiij. Itbaenbcrit 7 27 41 7 23 34 brant, bow; C M. Hand, 2. Craig, 3, It Lagreii, the car. At Arst they flllod up tho spacn be- Putting the shot br J McDowell, Boctety open eral suspension ot business, and In the formor long Domncrnt. Ho sorved two In Princeton Preparatory Scboil. held an to alt competition forms th ctAfs r jia Atu MAiisAru stroke. tween tho door nnd the muddy foot. Then wlthsofert 'M Inches. placo thero was a parade, und I'hllihherldan Btato Legislature and held tho olucoof County several ladles lifted their skirts and brushod W H lulper, Princeton Preparatory beboul, second post. G. A. Ik, of .Newark, prosunted publio sovon yoars. Nptune 28 0.' JnlmU'Hrlen B 41 57 6 4137 The Institute nnd Arthur Kulls fouled at the with 29 feet HUf Inches. M c LIUy. Jr. Lawrenceville. the Commissioners' Clerk for attempt past tho shoo to tbo soats beyond, gottlng 2H Fritz Cmmett Hack Acuta. school with nn American dug. Mayor llayuea CUSS CAT BIGflKn TACI1TS. start and a second was made. Tho third, with feet in Inches ThomaB Hill, an ot tho Assem- r mud on Ono e bpeocb. flvo boats got off ulcelv. Just aoovo the a streaks of their dresses. lady Walk Won by S. It. nissell. Berkeley; time J K.Erumett the actor, who sailed for Europe on tbe ot Nowark made a bly, prominent in pubilo rathflndar.... 30 01 R l larirnhelraB so 31 fl 50 31 said politely: V It. and otherwise affairs, house tour ot the boats becarun hopoless-l- y stopped and minutes 20W seconds, Turnure, Berke er, was ago, got In Orange thore was a pnradoof tho Third 1b homo the town of Olive, Janlo.... 24 im JohnOiinru .11:114,1 0 23 us " lrd llko to pass, please." econd Teutonto a fortnight back to town yesterday Dodd l'oet, G. A. dead at his in Ulster 01 11 11 .10 11 bunched and hands went up In every boat, Battalion and I'zal Ik. and ngo of 81 years. Traaot 24 I. Liunr. ... n4 43 43 One mile Bon Won by F B Harrison. on tbe Britannic He left th country before he had en- county, ut tbo Ho was an V. 0 44 15 u while tho Atalantas, who woro not In Tho man put down his foot a minute and Cutlsr; time afterward n decoration of soldiers' graves in Gbamrock .it ui llol.toy 30 ttf front edge paper 0 minutes 10i seconds. A Holland. Ilalsey. was fecund. the spre earnest Methodist nnd an active Demoarat, foul, shot looked nt hor from the of the with 1 tirely recoteied from effects uf the which tho Orange cemetery by tho votorans. --.V- CLASS G JIB AND MAISAIU or In the ahead and won. Flnnlly Throwing the Base Hall on bv B B. U right, bt Ho leaves a largo proporty to be shared amontt boats were so mixed up offended dignity. tho conductor tapped Luke's Sihool (Bratletoli), with ,131 feet! caused the disarrangement of his plans, ills wife got 32 T. . . 28 28 32 Tho four inches break- hlBfourchlldren. I Osceola 05 II. tew.s 33 6 tho hog on tho shoulder nnd said: by & E. her decree or .11) ores on Wednesday lash The 1 21011 1liO(. B 13 1112 34 that It was Impossible to oxtricato them for a. ing the record lii feel Indies Moore, Lawrence- actor llublln Men lfecorutr Masre's Hunt. Sophia Mi'Uullllil 88 shoo boen wipod pietty clean; try ville. second, with feet 11 Inches, u bad Intended P) take a rest In London, but changed hie Mrs. Ruth Wing, widow of Barnabas 'Wing, Ojpil.,0 V)O0),' J. U Kbauej-t-- 44 53 0 43 55 minute or two. and when they did get apart "Thnt has sin c Malbrluge fj .0 wan tho other for n while." Lawrenceville. third. mind when the leuicnlogoi Into Qaeenmown harbor, Blxty patriotic Irishmen, members ot tho died at hor homo In (junker Hprlngs, on CLASS II AND MAINSAIL, tbe Institute boat bo torn thnt It tilled with and caught Brltanmo Just as she was leaving V JIB " " Running Broad Jump Won br K. B. nnmsdell, ths for Wednosdny, ngod 07 years. Hlio had to drop out of tho race. 'I bo Ger Is h spent a large Men's Association, paid was the Meteor 18 Ol N Sherwood 33 81 S 80 47 water and mantown with 21 feet 7W Inebea. heating ths record NewYwrs li reports that sum uf Dublin tribute to tbo tho longest ot I ....0 won place, twenty fiumo of the exigencies of holiday travel K money and gave away a oldest woman and rosldent the It) UOL, 31 Nautilus crow second longtbs by one foot 8H Inches u I'ell. Cutler, second, wph un tbe stesuier lot mure memory of Mooro LenaB .l.KJlliiners ..68413 0 39 Tlmo, brought out thn swinish nature of 20 Thomas yesterday. Tho town of tiurmoga. I behind tbe Atalantos. 9 minutes it acortaln feet a liulies. equaling the firmer record. W. K CLASS I CAT RltnBD TACnTS. proportion of tho travellers, lestorday's ex- Hmlth Berkeley. Ihlrd. with I 'festH Inches. podestal of the bust of tho boot In Central Park John Flscrjor, a well known citizen of Florenra K.. 31 05 .1 Orconebaum.,0 48 51 6 42 51 tour followod with four cursion tralnsot tho Harlem Railroad to Wood-law- n pounds) Halsoi. N v.,is Dawrence Tbe Cracker Makers' Trail. by Wawnrslng, . Y aged ovor I'O years, was f The senior entrlos as 1 Inch. was almost hidden a colossal harp. A ,i Mayn... ..Ill 0 l'ercy Pell 5 4J o r St 37 lurnlshed many opporlunitlos for the to- vllle. Won b) Holsey bj S feet May so Is in his bod on Thursday morning. u 18 04 J Vorliui 0 27 follows: sin yards run-- on by h Allen, Berkeley. MinsBsroLis. It reported that tbe final wroath of and Ivy leavos was plnccd found dead Oracle 38 0 33 - bacco bog to oxhlbit tho worst phases of his Time roies ti Bradford Boat Clnb (Camhrldse) I. Bergen, bow- 11, K.i a seconds. II - Poll Cullir second. ' papers bare Just been signed for the formation of the upon pool's brow, tho lio loaves a nlfo and married daughtor. ( CLASS J CAT RIGGED YACHTS K 11 nnd habit, Tho pmtforms wero ns the and letters ot hl4 Corcoran. 2 , J. Malioner 3: John lt)im atroLe. nature Tbe officers of the wer Heferee, Wen. a Kinney, ngod 63, dlod In Attlrn, N, Y.. cm Itowlg H'hlladeliihU). W ns enrs, of ,v. Evert J cracker trust with capital of IIOOOO,un and Includ- name wero framed with exotics. A laurel sash Asher Jessie A ..,.11 I'.o ouendorrer.s 37 10 5 20 30 Fairmont Club IlnmnelL crowded the but several the swlno dell. VAC, track Jmlnes Vtendell Baker, 0. A. C t ono of original j M 1.1 1). O, .1. every was looped from tbo left hbouldor ol tho yostordny morning. He was the Alinla .. 01 Mulralicy 5 II) 20 5 18 42 bow. W.Hooier.2: Nell 3, J. hnuwden. strokn who woro unable to obtain placos in tho Vt alter (' Dobrn Princeton. Mr. (leorg Lawrence ing nearly promlnsnt cracker maker in the bust. nrganUed Congrogutional llarrj C .... 13 ml V. r 1'orler .4 33 37 4 U 23 Varnna nom Club (Brooklinl-- W. Heed, bow VV. o puffed fn tho vllle, field Judges, K A Foe and T W o.iuntry. The negotiations have been conducted very A band played "Tho Minstrel Doy," and then mombers who the yi Siokutn, Moilrnlh coaches tobacco smoke faces ot Church. lias been a pool in operation I), Warsaw, N. Y. Johnson. 3: O. 3. h women unfortunately obliged to stand outsldo, P. A A judge ot wa'kiog.W. A. Berrien, M A. Ci uuietl). There for some President Joseph Woldrlok or tbo associa- Lhurch In ,h The winners In their classes nrs the Coquette, wills, bow, w Snow, M. C . I H pronts being divided on sn agreed percentage - Triton Boatrlub'Nawark)ut. endangorod ho! Id ay Men Timers--ll A Aiery, A White, u A. c and time but tion, llulor li. T. Creamer, and others spoko of Dr. Cathollo Archbishop of rosea. I 1 erless. .Maud M Clulstina, Jessie, bophla, 2, . luson, 3, 0 E. uitloril. strole. and dresses. stand- A M A u narter-lllla- m this line (roved iiosstlsractory and the trust is the re- Binder. J nl-- o f Ware Itobertson Of the poets genius, and tho llublln men TlfTer, managing 1 ana II.. May I)., Harry C. ing at the onds of cars smoked, and flriai 11 11 sult Ttie illlbrldge lireroner Companj'a local man-tge- marched and Ilerr director ot th and The JebBla won. not easily, tho Scorer Jaueway. Princeton. Clerks of away tho " llelleyo mo If V Tho Brndfords but thu (dor which floatod through the Course-M- r. Butler, Mr. and Mr. P. I'. Vtorka. airoltted to night that tbe trust had to strains of all Ihoso Credit Anatult, are deud. wins the Harlem und Westchester prbo, tbo sbnrply to the Apish Ltaih, Vinson of to give auy endearing young May IS. the Bailey enp time, Tritons pushing ihem and cars but increased the discomfort or crowd-- Prlncetoiu formed but refuseJ details. charms." for the second and koonlng within nlengtu 01 mem. rue varunas e,i the Harry C, the Hoard of Directors' cup. 1 iiuartors, ami necessarily impovcrlsbod No Verdict In JXune Hmllh'a Cose. W wero third placo. Tho nlrmnunts did not s:o air. Returning to Now York a hustling bog Come Democratic ond Greenback Convcntlone In sa-T- more than a mile. Tho time of the Brndfords The flreat Pullman IVbeelmea sleet. .Mul oner Illd Not Alone, Jacbiov, May ha I'ntted Plates Jnry In the east) U altomptod to board a Third avonue elevated Alasmmn, Ilubber Ilubo Smith, after beinir but twenty- - a InterrMInc nnd Amanlne Canoe Race. was H minutes 47 seconds. by crowding a who was Chicago. May 30.-- At the crark of n revolver on the It is eiprcted that Psmpssy will cf Tratn elght-orste- trnln aside contb'inan four hours stu.'l soien to Uioorao(jultuJ. TMseren- - The friends of tbe The junior d shqll rnco was then assisting his child. lakerront ark morning tho District Attorney's Montoomeut, Mny 3i The Democratic Con- i and members Knickerbocker mid tho wire and Tho man whom this flftxu ra:erblc)cllsts himself at offlcs or lug tbe Jury was dlscbareed. Club started down the river, as I'nsoaics the hog attempted to hustle was ot leaped IK d 10 turned out In larie numbers yestarday to wlt wero In It overybody waited to soo nthlella Into their saddles, pad with might and main Monday vention met at o'clock tbls morning, and ness the club's tentb annual regatta. The club nnd Tritons build, and grasping tbe creature of swinish south ut er Michigan Boulei aril and May ito, Dempsey left hera Ballroasl honso, It, although It was nfter 7 o'clock when tbo propensities by the lapel or his corn, he easily Pullman road race Movrasii. forNewVork proceeded to ballot for a candidate for Gover- Sire. IlolUad'a Death la a Mtatlea. f foot of West U2d street, was tbe scene of action word "go" was given. Tho four crows wero: held him at nun's length until roady to step In course One mluulu later six more riders mounted their en the H), Cenual Vermout train on WednesOsy even- nor. About a doren ballots wero taken, with- Patbbao. Slay 00 -- Mrs Margaret Holland, es. I race of was a race. I, ing, lll.ly Moloney saw him off. Moloney and be Lacey ( dead snlin 11 The first the day psJfllinc In this Atalante Boat Club (New York)!. Heiioon how; the car himself. Tito grip ot a man at his wheels And startsd after them, nnd then at intervals of family out any change from tho reported ot Jersey Ity fell "t heart dbsass lea O 'I, K tggers 4 l' .1 remain here. John hceuau's are still et the last ballot Susduehanna KalTosd station while nn her way hotoe there warn four entries, a followsi .limits K. Hand, J Hmlth. 2 Kennar. I. Galium, clothing elicited a grunt of surprise from thn flftetn seconds or eo for ncarlr half an hour other night, ivolb wns Allianco v, Itii I 11. 6; Davenport 7,G T Young, riders VUtidsor. last the Farmers' si'sndlnit ue day relatlies In tbls city. Midget, Frank C. Uoore, cano B, 51 J Her. N.J stroke, hog. wlillo thn look of agitated after B ranoe Iiros; F. W coxswain. amazement that left the line In front of the Hotel until A. K, support, but has gnltiod nothing. Ho remains I). Hutcblnson betruvod gratifying . M htniln. canoe WanlU; D. Gessler. canoe Wraith. Tbe rusaic i'oat Club (Newark)-- O S Psllard. bow H, his features tho fact that Lutusdenottbe Chicago Cj cling Club and J. T. Taylor Twenty Mea Met is Ducking. lu tbe lead, but there nro no signs of a break. Keenun ss 4 ,M emotion John Winner. ranoes started from a booj orposlte tbe bouse Boriieinati. Jr., 3: O llult.3, J. Oreenha ,h. Mm lurked In some spot beneath 111., of the IliitMiNditAM. May 0, The hluto Convention U boat and r.: A Aichlbol.1,7. J, of Aurora Hie scratch men race, took to the ot tlie strlogploce of Montreal, paddled tn a buoy one third or a uitle below and back. literati! d W. SUrretl. linter, ils About thirty feet an old wharf of theGreonback party met bero thlsalternoon Jehu Keenan lately ot attended the ocet t course s P.. II. cosswain. road behind Ihii gllttenlng win el. Only seventy Ave of tlie Mnrrls J'ark yesterday, S makiiic a at ot a mile, as tbe strokei Pavlea y on tbe East .Newark side of the Pasaalo River gave way and Is still in sosalon, awaiting the result of Incur raosi lie left tha y B siartad was America Boat Club (rtilladelphlai- -l' Skjll-- Inwj the riders who started came to the Hue at ruUmau in a iTiuner. gt four bonis tbere a llvel) tus 7- Twsnty Convention, in track M place, which was ! McNeil, McCnlbarson C NalnlJirer 2 i'. Onei thn front of the Hotel Fiurence. during one of the boat races. msn wsrs tltUng the Democratic btato session nl tie for tlrt secured by Gessler, II 4.J. of Mullela lilt a Child. Montgomery. 11. lie wlnnlu by sereral lenutha r. . vloore wajsecoud Devera 5: J. Hoyle stroke: P. Mare, a, J. ouiesple, n, The nrst tuan over the scratch and the man who re on tbe portion which gate way, and without a mo- If the Democrats tionilnato Uessler a time was 3 minutes 40 seconds. Tbe Henrietta Ounthor, 8 years old, lives with her reliel the lion's share ot applauie from the great ment's warning they were plunged lulo seven feet of F. Kolb, tho rnrmors Alliance candidate, for SPAIIKS rilOU TUB XBLEOOAPB. no, was a handsome cup JTmon'',l?o.tCOcinb,N,w.,kl-- o F Bird, bow, c W orow d was Charles Knlsely of ire Illinois cling Club eiblbltlon tnej made waa more will him. m nrlse sllrsr father nt 212 Cast Eighty-thir- d street. Tho goal o water. The comical Governor, the Greenbnokors endorso I The seoond race was the upset paddle race. This was Pollard, a, C C Wuodrutl 3. V C Meimoiir, 4, A Although tha flrst to seach tbe and the winner of tban tragical, as they were all able to clamber back to Kolb Is the Green backors Deputies W A II W II race Kulssly old not mate the If not nominated, TbePorturueiaPbambercf CommllUe has "fli 1 short and sweat. The dlstauco was only HOO feet. Orabara. 0; C Shone 0, Ward. 7, ynrd adjoins that of Hormnnn 8took' saloon, the distance lu the tbe bauk. Then they disappeared la quest ot dry al)inet proposal about M time. A li Lumedeii, one of the say they will put out a full State ticket. aiirovea tbe i to IncreaaaaU taxsa tut 'ti, H but each man was compelled between tbe start aud Osborn, stroke, R r'hllllps, cosswain. (Second quickest scratch men clothing. nsr cent 'J W to upset his eanoe, scramble baok ;,!i!il neiiue. Last night four mem- made the run lu no minutes aud Ki seconds, easily ,r; finish in u arain, got off ovenly at the half mile tho 1 - if HI then paddle Coma. Tue skill, of course, lies Tho boats of Onrlleld 1'ost, O. A. It, practic- breaking Knlsely's time of hour minute aiid2i)eeo' Mae l'rlaouere Jtreult Jail. Pbe Moscow.Rlaian Commsrclal Hank vrflt shortly 'fcl- and 1'aBsnlos wore crowding ouch bers were onds The second best time record was made by (leorge George III. Medal. liokbarafor the purpose of, developing ' 1" (Mtini back into the canoe with the Atalantas tand 1 ni'snabrancbln H areatest ing rifle shooting In tho A. Thorno, 07 : seconds. II, A Mo May 30 At o'clock to day In region. ,'' m m speed. men In T. In lead. At this moment they foulod tbo yard behind minutes and olitiens tkX-- Sraisomin, nine trade tbat tosaible Three started this, a. other the 1 Mais.. May Mr. A. M. Knowlton dug; Kros, T A. Messier In was tblrd in the tune record with hour and 17 sec Sauk, sp in escape from county ' Jioorslntlie . the Wraith, aud J. ana tbe visitors parsed the Amorlcas nnd went saloon, little girl shoot- prisoners made Ibelr the Jail, yesterday In tbe lionie rnmlahlnv eltab- - , ulda-et- ,'Jho heard tho ouds, and J, Vt Tborne fourth with 1 hour Cogswall'e garden at Ksiei on lire lane K Hand lutba Tbe meu were no sooner oil into the load, which they kept to thoAiilsh. ing, and climbed up tn look through and 20 Addison Thursday an among them being Offner. and Perry, the Dougiss llihmeut'it Sherman a Manntnir.loirelk catuta a loai W than each one upset his can0a anlj tumbled lulo the sscouds. old medal with Ihe royal arms of Britain upon of about asjiouoi Insoranes. mJ which ensued The other throo boats wero abreast until near a knotlmlo In thn fence a bullet struck her In Altbooah an Illinois club man carried off ths race cut side county burglars The Prisoners caught ib JM'er wnen Rlsia H water, and the scramble tlitn to git back thoy strung ( and I ead of George was in the boat atlorded mnoh merrimeLt to the speotaiors the mile post, when out, tho ttio left lueast, Mcholns holwartz of 2.0.W Sec- the splendid medal, the hleniro c) ciere arerrosiug and on the reverse the III with a wig h oam lu trod them forced mm tutu a dungeon, and t'arl Kaiser's train tarn In buffalo barasa yes HI making a bruve attompt to 1, orer the feet that four of their men went and queue. The Inscrlptii n on the facela "Britannia." ke)s. unlo. ked even cell. Cue of tbe terdey rooming Haventeen boreal perished in kha HI ) Hand not In first, but Uessler bad a bslter start, and Fassalcs catch ond avenue. Itndolph Haul of on Avenue A, uier the reverse "ile.irglus taking tbe ' arier netting lnte his boat paddled across Ilia line a the Tritons and the Atalantas loading Hie llelnbordt Crueer 01 1,011a Third uveuuo, nnd oourse in less lime than iiny of tbe others I.iiuisdeu end on tie III, Del (Jratla Usi Jus P berrj, refused tog' barnes. Ibe loss amounts to several taoaiants dolrare. prize a oomplele camp by wius ihe Urns modal, a tropb) eiuull as costly as that The medal is IU inches lu diameter and a quarter of an William II axed M, a o War- IKH Tlotor, and recelred u the Terjr Araorlcns. The Tritons won a lonuth, and Antone Hchnoldor of 0 rjtnlo street, the four bung up the the race luoli tnee farmer of if thurhad loo yards more to bnvogono tlioy men who were shooting, wero for winner of thick anting; Jllen'a National saw, N Y.. cut his tliroat and than Jampedlntoamll The race was the longest rare of the day, a salt- - arrested and The coutest to day was ihsfniinh annual race under Cisthollo 1'alou. pond on Thursday wbtle msDtaily tblrd would probablo to Jgbty-elght- h eveuiuc anbalaaasd 9'SlPT ringed canoe There were four U. G'ss- hao lost tbo I'nssalcs. locked up In tho Last streot sta- the auipicta of the r) cling clubs it hlcsgo. The best A Hud Memorial Uay Per partial paralysis race eulrlas t. would havo beon made over the road III Pwl, Johnstown. Pelegatrs from did rent soclrtUs of tha (atbollo from E nr canoe Wrellbs U ll. Vauz, canoe lionule, r. ll. They have surely defeated tion. Tho child's wound Is set ions. lime el er wei when tbu William canoe, P. o. aloore canoa Bros nut lor the foul which held the ParsiiIcs back, winner coiered the instant a in .t minutes and 20 see JoiiNSTosv. I'a., Ms) li'). A solemn feeling prevails Young Msn s National I'nlou met at ibe t atbrduri reo Kuperor is maklne satlstactorr prorrssa to- J Hossire nameless Ow. (inly ne was Injured lu ward recovery from tLe sprain of bis fool sustain- In,' 10 breuking of Gessler's ruddsr Just before tbe Tho race was finished nt 7 '40 o'clock. Tho onds mail the race lodar. as tho thoughts of ihe peoplt Involuntarily to tory yesterda) The National President, tl e llei. M J nnl JtJ' tbe Keport of Trouble Aisong Ihe Ills Is 1 II Tutlle lie broke his In a revert ed by lumplnir from till oarrlare last bunder, libj aiurt. be waa unable to compete. aus got on Srst, 7 42 soconds. Indiana. name note header ago was an- vlsll J time was minutes In f the A udltorlum. 1 be thirty nve Decoration Day a )eur whloh was th but day Lavelle, presided it determined lo bold the to fct. l'etersbnr baa besn postponed to JLuf. IX 1 followed closely by Bosslre and Moors The boats were front prizes hung Washington ou 7 s easily distinguished In tho Junior eight race I'.tesnlc claimed thnt Dfavkh, May Bartholomew re- up were worm l,3uo upon tarlh for Ihous inds of Join stown's people The nual coliveutiou at (lit ends. Daniel Frank Llvlnston of hnrlnirneld. Muss, I t"" tar nut to be for half the time, body of M. ex- Poughert) and lli.'iop Keal.e uf tliv Calbu.iu has s?ed tha II passing the house once, the final course at the finish tholr how struck the stern of tho ceived telegram yeHtorduy: finding of the James itosansteel ul the lector Pactno Mull btsainst.lp Company In the Pulled and Hflsr ba boat, nnd race was this "Naarloo piration of the ) or is a vivid retnluder ot the tluod. I'niverslir, il! address the lumentlou States fl rmue a regular procession. Vaux came la winner In Triton tho declared off. It (ono la Willing In I'lRbt Court in that city furtUkuuu. He fell tbrouxb a I :i, minutes ttossire second In 47 minutes. Tbe prize will bo rowed over this morning between tho of tho reports Uto or I'tcs .lake Kllraln Acaln. ttiMut into lbs coat bunker ot tbe tlsama 1 va, a silver cud Fassalcs and Tritons. killed y at l'lne Ulver store by whlto men. IlAtTinoBC, May SO Jake Kllraln Is hers. Ilsiajs Where Yeeterdal'a Flica Were. .lie ritork Market, Oo'.orj. 7 waa a paddling- of J he fourth race tandem race two. you strong, am open torn N May A quarrel over the possession of of Peer, In of a mile The were (1. K. ilssaler Wants advised quick. Rays Buckskin "I feel and match If the purse A M -- 4 "". Broome street, William I'rledmta .ias, lilila). ''i llecelpia of heaves, skis fl thirls entriesy. andT. A,uj lisAd iniludiug i7 loads fur exportation si Iluiitiiisdou, Pa., vesisrduy resulted in tbe probably el A. ilsenler. ciuoe Wraltbi C Moore and J. K. Hand, Injued us u Trotting Track. Charley nnd Colorow have gono up to alts. Mul loon wrote on tlm 2th that he would try apartments, damage f'Mi Leonard street, Mra tar slabbing uf by C'anoh. 11. M, learn bno,lt loads for iiin ,ntrl.et. aud .i Joais louslgucd fatal Ilftiry Julibsti.ii John k eiiioe llloset, s r. Griffin and Taylor, canoe A horse place In Queen's Couniy Is Nnvnrlco Bar- arrange for a inert with hd biulth, wbu Is Sar tar noted ai In ids Cauob The swift and regolar paddling of Ossslar trot took reldmnn's what trouble excited." and about Miller's apartments, damage to sisugl.terers Ihe iiurlei rued steady lit Uesieralo. assault ussd a Xlerksra the Immediately agency. p M M. pruning knife and almost dlseuibo'elled bis victim. Ifrtys carried them home as winners lu 4 minutes, 80 Park, Haapatb. yesterday As the two first horses cams tholomew loft for the tny build, flnillh beat Cleary, and is rerycl, tir I .' ., liH lllvlugtiiu strset, Cohen's apart fnrni' r rices Puwest t" lsi steers smd at seooud. A special, dated iguucls nt midnight, says: menu, damage slight. SIH, it, I IX) us buns a. id it t..ws at ej I'.cr.iHis,0 Th ( ongreirstional church in Katrflcld. Conn., a aeconds The iltdgetoameiu A sst of canoe down the stretch, Willatn Battel! of Ooerck street, .Sew have not beard anything from Muldnon since. Iw.nl. Vs was the prise In this event. largo forco of armod Indians assembled, 1 h Pressed beef stevdr at r lor iiatlresideA. larg" D.ioiieii structure, was deltrrjyed by rre oa raddles York, on tbe to see the "A ed to meet McAullff, but learn that has arraugi d uit7iri, rao was a hurry-scurr- race. this stspped track where third horse I in good I Lalestcahle tromlondon tes American stecrstlrill TliurslAy night, mtaillnr a loss of :'.() The fre Ihe firth In race but tho arrhal oftlio mlsalugones had a quiet- with Hulllian latetid lu vet form have a riuaulaK'M New (1 It 1 sacb was tied to wsa. ilsfore he had time to get back again die bur I Church. ale'all'C .dressed weight an American refrlt orlgluiited lu ibe ill room lu cla)el aod there the boat of contestant fast a stakeboat ing enoct. Tho trouble appears to huve begun notion to try rnwlug this summer had a boat at the it, tie fifty from the boat house float At the word eaob truck him and went rolling lu the dust, throwing two years ago. and if nobody The corner eton of a Baptist Church for Hush erated beef sle id) ai siait,.. y a, still minis to being li'i fire npparatus in tbeloHb, I . llaruss could feet J ookey Joe Lee hsailly 011 the truck Both !. jockrv on a dletuito regarding the ownership of a Ariel CMbliousn has taken iiw da) 1 bt dived Into the water and swain to the first boa away 1 w ill make uss of It As to a light. I w ould gli e lu uiurruw usi tes audu, i'"li .Htet of bt rf not be checki il. inan and Partell were anoonsclous l,es was not vsry Hot brought on it Ingwas laid In hauford avsnus yixtrrday The cere HvnilhiB or tlie tiis, i ut nrm be muld reach, and then the arduous labor e ssrl homo. words shots, nnd the most un thing in chance Mnrku esls JaineeShoiiglineMy, SV who In ouily Injured, w as barn auulhir at Cortett. He H 111 azsd ysars lias lean untying!!. The oouteatant was to get in the canoe and Bartsll'a skull fractured. Indians scnttored forlilu. So ono Is reported has a pretty loug rcaoh." monies were conducted by ths Beta. A Birrows R. old ''It'st.U'it, lisi fi, abusing lile p. V W liossiier, llrcelpts of sheep and limbs. Including Is Jull tn Wllkesburre sincu Jaouar) list f'r home I). U. Gessler. J. u Hard, u Merre, injured, nnd all quiet at piesent. r MiildlsdlKh, - l.dward Balll. John j lo i vi a i go upbears consigned direct were i s'-- i nead cir fe as released alaiv d)s liserday leMeut C Taylor started and bad a very close A rrein.li, and D. C. IMd) Ihe building will be of eheipruled iisl... le to liia homo and ui refused li.tn lie tn date ofNtella P. sas.tr lambsrtrtn ebeeiisoll at K P'ostw Vi us) admittance Gessler aaalp succeeded getting ahead Hilly McCarthy la brlik. i.h. slsppel out ,.li the Hdouuik drev, i retolvsr aud sllut , as LsimotoK, 30. F bay filly, b) I'ereniiN Killed by un J'xpreae Wasn't It, rs Ismbsatf braised mutton firm lutj e (paddle rivals, and reoelvrd first prise the pin of the slay Bulla two years, four Trulu. 'st:o at lilliiself 111 l ebb.luiiien Ho "1.1 !!' L'anoa Assoelatlon. Wilkes Boy. dam Mary Force by Happy Medium. Ins Bah Faisfiscn. May 30 llobert Fltrslmmonsof lllj' a.., drsssed lambs steadr at I Jiti.',c May 30,-- Kw IluvlBE Another Illacillt Ilakery. f I . rm , m place ot the upset race a tournament waa beensoldbyW 11 Force, Jr. Klemlngton, N.J., to T C. MtmoN, Ind O. J. Ktone nnd light Kecelols of Luga llu'liidii.g car lo.ui tur sale a ne. liieiioiiilnutioiis for the irei isotlinsln imtsrl'i Zealand fought his first finish in this country last were 4 steady atf-lr- i Ibiiradny II, n Mount. Pre substituted, and this was another novel event Two Anglln, Glenavorn Farm, Uils count) , for alngb price NsescarrnRr slay 91 Yesterday the plant ot John 71 head Market i 40 V Pst l!o 'liner two children nnd Mrs. Wimmorweio killed at the California Athleilc (lull, for a purse H lwtis (I aliredlll! Ist.,r f t e P sit un were . entered. In each ot which there were two mm, night at of a wholesale bakers of Ihia clly, wss trans- uitr MilW I r.inoes 1 by a Chicago, Pearson bun. ll.. el bj iioolatimt.c.i, Mr I riininr llraj. one to do the paddUcg, while the otter, etanulnr up, P.M. fit. Louis and H.VJii, und knocked out Billy Mi Citrtb) ot Australia In e.cli I w Yuobtlasc Nolle, ferred to to tha Mw .ork Biscuit Company Th cm-pun- ..r l'r,si it', an Mr H o' Cone riutMe. of Kortu v ltlls a long pole to the end of hleb is attaohsd some Pittsburgh express t - balL object train a half mllo east of nine rounda, will lake poseaslou on June I, aud will largely ll ustliirf- - "vre also name b) aii.numtl l.iesleo- l thing like an enormous pnfT The is that The In the snuadrons of the t I I,. give yachts various Corinthian Fllrslmnioiis avoided his opponent s lows an land- the profucilonot the bakery The business t oiis iield ou June ', ith of tbe polewtelders shall try to the other such Navy bigaii their cruUo yesterday '1 Ley w it) the city. Thn train was lute, and was running upon wsi ui.. t a as to throw him out boat. The light a.seinble ed appirentlr nt will the Aii'treHali' luad .uol slalillshed tier in liu.'by th fatbarof John I'eartou. pr"d et ihe we at New Kochelle Tbo slnori Charles Uelde In flfti-llv- e hour, 'I I women wore In Med while In .in een the ilessl'r brotltr an 1 1 1 Moore J K miles an 0 faoe until the) prolustli. ritislmui' lis rs ib e 'i Uive r Una Is to become and couiiuand of Mre commodoro Luy. parsed riaiul s 011 When Bby was lick, we rave her The d" eenice of t'i 1 TIi it. lively - a buggy, which wub caught tho iront ot mulned llltuiurseil. Cattorla, and Hand lounie) tartc oil aieri uiaiuiT F0I111 bound east, t 3 F M yestrrda)- McCarthy as knock down times during A Mine on I'lre. oil Juno It i Heir vileire OI4 flue trod wrre glvn but I' A (,rrler the 1 iigiuo and was carried a quarter of a mile. nl seieriil the oieralieare run In ' "U " t' Puritan aud Pll eudieieral tight, and was uuabli to the . Wkea ahewas a Child, she cried forCaatoria, li our tote il 1 . soon managed to give his O ix'uenl the finishing stroke, Tliellayswater Yacht Clubs rnci on Jamaica Biy Mm. bto' 0 uiik wedg d In between theplht rtsiond alter ninth r unl ItiLAsn, Ta, May SU A Are was discovered this grim n ibis same dale s e ress trams connecting 1 and sloore and Hand till sprawiin,; into the A whtih was to haru takvll place est,rdry, was post morning In the Hone a' tbe Baitiolllery It la "t and depart water 4 und tlw liugh'y and bur nock was broken, Her and fsared When ahe became M sho cluae; to Caateria, it aiuboata ai la arrive 7 brand suit was the polled until Juy new wnl spr ad tl.e workings. uj, I s i ' n e Plvisinn, ur't prte 11 T boy 4 years, Tbs most promt. lug piaea for manufactories (list the lire te main At oris fr. srk are Sla ' I'rovi Did of Hie t r children url uf aud it of and n '" Tbisfinisbed thssnorl la and the guests sloop Csrlta. nun lit ex Fait Lake Sne a woudertnl and a u omitted the old water level lunrutti, lust a Kneeiaiid street station, af The .numodorn Mrs. YiJiuinoiB. Inst, mly killed, 'Jhoua-couut- b I'll poskesses maiket ml drllt. and the TTbta aha bad Children, ate (av Ibwa CsuLMir, loony ' terpartsklogof abouuttfuIcoi,ai..ii .etiMlwlih feel Barnes look lar maiden sail liiilia Knlcksrbockir woio aU imaginable raw products. Her uilnlug resources are f oftlciiils are iidssvoring to cut th names eg from t elilral Ulvlsiull 1 s B sleauiboat Pijmoutll IB Ings of general satistaotlon The club Hi glvo another fleiiytsttrday Ebu atllacltJ muck altiutlou bybii go to bhow thut tuolr horse was run-nl- developing remarkably lu character and Quantity. I ths slops. It originated in ths luois goal lu Ue dim raplul) avroacliingroiiiius.ion. aud U le ljPlaod,l M regatta durtag lbs jnoathot July, babuioioe ibtpi. anuy. UMUlacluwiaboiUa WTelUe'Att fait Lake Cftj.Tsii, bulMwuMyttuntaowa, , iiniiewutwu, tails syiamu, I, i 4 BBBtnBB taauammmammmM'aUmwmVmmmWm BMMI ll