' mm-- - ' 3J J THE SUN, SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1690. 3 I - ll nil 'H FOR SAILORS. AUATtivna BTttvoauifo nun xbb HOW TO DEAL THE HOG. CKLEDHAIIXa TUB OLD FLA (I. SMALL SfORT OAtlH. Wlin Highest of all in Leavening Power. U. 8. Govt Report, Aug. 17, 1889. The Klehtaend Demonetrntton rnratahee beautiful lrnArnnn but hot The Atalantaa lieatea oa the Paesale by some itxricniKxcics of VAHsmaEns the Oraad Army Mediae; n Text. enough msD. ths Ilraalorda oflloatou. IS PUBLIC COXriiYdbCKS. The Metropolitan Oporn House was filled last JV wind, tide, and water In favor, night at tho Grand Army's Memorial exercises. 'With lis the ('Ink Popular Wespes Hug-steet- Kx.JudgoYan mooting to --B Ilnnaraaa of Craft Afloat la TtlTera, the Fassalo Hirer regatta should lia 0 boon a groat A thn Most lloeson called tho Sosne or Valneteaaneaa at pre- wm rjonad.ana tho liar, for a Drath, success yesterday, and It was satisfactory In la View the order nnd Oon. Alger, Grand Commnndor, i HoaeJnit for a IMeaaaat Ball. nn Appeal to a Jlettcr Nature. sided, Tracy nnd Sir. and Mrs. riB u4 many respects. Tho racos began nt 9 A, II., Baking; day a ot dealing Amer- wero bov.es. 1H Yesterday was more of a soldiers' than and should have beon finished at 0 1', M but The method with the droat lhomas Cl'latt in ono of tho W I sailors' day. nnd tho weather set the yachts- - orery race was lato from start to finish, and It ican Hog ndoptod by Mr. II, C. Duval seems to Probably tho oldost soldier thoro wns llnjor-Goner- popular ono suggested. K. 1). Koyes, mil men a cmmblloK from sunrlso till far into the tho junior olght-oare- l crows bo tho most thus far who had cotobratcd his was dark when exasporated eightieth birthday afternoon. Instead of the strong and stoady returned to their houses. Twoorthreo citizens write that PlriVkfl the day bcfoio. Another week thoy armed themsolres with stout black- votornn was Cok I M. Day Gen. Shermnn'fl breete they had looked forward to for a The crowd was bb lurgo as usually attends have ton. f thoy propose to vigorous old adjutant. Col. past there wasn't wind enough to fill a hand national regattas nt Newark, Tho prizes were thorns and that make l'.lllott I'. Shopard sat on of mainsail, ot ndoquato occasion row Willi heavy cano, which i kerchief, not to ereak a when beautiful, tbo weather ported, and tho crows use them whenover tho front a he many revolutionary Inquire with Whacked vigorously on tho nay signals were given to start tho fleots of In hUh spirits. Unfortunately tho roferoo's arises. Othors less floor whonevor whlto-wlngo- d Mr. Duval's ono " flag." Alger onco beauties on their various boatwn9 so fearfully slow that it could not llvolleut Intorost what exrorlenro said den. must at hnvo In rlghtoous orueado to which lis ABSOLUTELY pnlnod delightodlho Colonel ho courses. koep up with a junior gig race. William II. has been the PURE and whon snld: Twonty-seve- n sklppors, picked crews I- has devolod himself. The Hun Is keeping Atthevery we our i with Curtis was referee. J. - Ilallentlno judgo at liourwbin loitimemora'o dtad A great Mr. of In country great mass deal, , In white jsckota, mustered on board as many oloso watch of Duval's blackthorn and another part of tha another of the finish, and tbo tlmo keepers woro Harry A VK i Duval. Ho a sympathetic employer, and ZAITy TRXMS. It AirAT CAB. people ar holding seriices In cela'iratlun uf Hie deeds i yachts of tho Knickerbocker Yacht Club off A. I- - I.nnghan. All ot tho races Mr. has .1 McMillan and of thos who sought to destroy tl,e and yet so of trouble is saved you, and I Tort Morrli and camo for tho line when Judses wero miles straight nwny. Tho trial heats Mr. Depew may bo dopondod upon to grant his i'uutri, IS Ooaalp About the Clnba la tala City ana Two Frlchtened Paaeeagera Jump Out irony is tlie that it is not endangered at all by m Georgo flago. O. H. Ohellborg, and 0. It. Smith, In the morning were rowed dowu tho river, and secretary any renonahlo furloughs for hos- Use Cap. nation it's none for us; to send J i tho finals were rowod ui until the tldo turned, - leewuer. of Then Fracturea lite Knee this fact. iAj'jlauae, tie hear uf luany (lacs nowa- fired the starting signal sun at 11 :1G. The pital recuperation which may bo mado nocos- - JTJS. Jr.. when tno races had to bo rowed down. One of the crack English plnyera. C O. Enmss, has A frlchtonod horse, with a oab containing days being dlsplajct In different parts of the country, clothes home on approval. .- boats got away with all kites alolt on the star- - In the palr-oaro- d gig rnco thoro woro three sarybyhls encountors with tbo various country, Is of Is 7BZ& recently nrrlved In this lis a member two men. ran down Sixth avonue from For-tlot- h but we give notice that In this land of ours there a tack closo-haulo- to a tight breezo from entries: which Infest tho publio convey- Iivchange, and. although coming place ror no (lag sale that ob which we honor here, But money is .'(' jJK board T. F. the lxiiidoti stock streot and ncross Thirty-fourt- h npplauss as saved in our - Tritons II. Sanderson, bow; Iiorr, Mr. street to Tremendous the southeast, with tho Alice first, followed by Mystle-- K. ances ot tho city. But thoso who know over on business, lie will play I" several tournaments ;l VrJ)"'- Btroke; A. H. Ward, coxswain. Third nvonuo at '2 o'clock yostordny afternoon. "Threochoers for the old flag1" erlod eomo prices also so llrad-Ilol- among that's Torino, Itosotta A., Hatch, and the Mar. Durreo, bows II. Huryen. T. Jl. d. Duval hnve no fours ot any suoh contingencies. white here Batuss ranks the first ten players the stroke: Under tho olevnted station tho excited passon-cor- e one In tho audience, and thoy voro giten villi taljI coxswain. Arthur Kull-- l). fl. llnrtloit. Mr. Duval alono. to say nothing ot his black In England. He It now practising on the Bt. (leorge by I, imi On board tho Iron steamboat Taurus at loast loapod Thirty-fourt- a will, and were followed moio applause much the better for you. Ml bow: .1. (lloi'kor, stroke; f. Olbbs. coxswain. capable of handling any single Cricket Cluh'B grounJs at iloboken, and will make his out. At tho h streot Of pensions Uou. Alger bald. I 800 jolly Harlomltes cheorod thorn on. The Tritons wero favorites and took tlio lead thorn. Is qulto lorry Pollcemnn stopped V ho may In first arpearntice In public at the tournament of the Sheridan the horse Ther ar 4lX),u) u A It nun who to dsy ,li maud The light air sent them along at a good gait nt tho start, btitbeloro tho ouartor was readied brant of swinish nnturo which meet htlph-ha-, .New Tork Tennis Club Wednesday He lll alo nnd arretted tho driver. William Smith of 110 that tbose old sotJIers who are and thehflp I through thoy were third, and the Mystics In tho load. his travels about the metropolis. nsit less wlvi and children or tliose v ho arodtsd. shall he tho narrow channol between North championship at Forty-nlnt- h Thlrty-ilft- h At tbe halt tho Arthur Hulls caught tho Mystics play In ths .Middle States Rochester West street. At tho supported by the Uovernmetit Monty p'lid for i, li HACKETT, I Extreme moasures In dealing with the evil and South Brother Islands, and as soon as and led them to the llnlch. which was mado In onJuneO, where lie will probably meet C A Clmse In strootpollco station tho men whoiumpod from Biuiis la not wasted. It is distributed four ttmesaiar thoy split Cs 10.000 persons they reached tho oton taoks. When 10 rolnutsB 1 second, with tho Mystics thioo can bo advised only undor strong provocation. Should he visit that city, hewiuptny tbo oab said they wero Thomas Thompson to In all parts of the country was nblo to the all comers 0 tbo Kathloon neather the east lengths behind, and the Tritons ctowdiug But If you do hit a hog, hit him bard. Do tho II A Tailor for the ohamplonshlp. The lndoier will and Uharlos low of Ulen Covo, L. I. Thomp- Congressman J. Polllver of Iown also CARHART&CO. point Hiker's Skipper Zoroga put enough to part In tha hew-por- t son hod oompound I. of Island. her them closely. lasting not remain here long take a fraoturo ot tho right to tho ltlchmond colobrntton. Ho hnld : about. A short log Into Flushing Hay on tbo slnglos was a brilliant race. 1 he job thoroughly, and make the losson a tournament on Aug 'it. kiteo. nnd was sent to Ilollevue Iloapltal. Flow The senior Is nlajlng a remarkably tine game was We should so tesch this generation tn appreciate what port tack put hor out of the tide. Sho fetched were: one. You may havo to explain the affair to Olarence llobart only slightly bruised, and started Imme- It cost to save our nag tbal will be no one In this 1 to windward of Hunt's Dock on the starboard entries George this year, his drives being vsry severe and aomirate.
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